This Is a Public Facing Policy

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This Is a Public Facing Policy

This is a public facing policy Diversity Policy

Policy Index: Customer

1. Relevant Legislation, Standards and Agreements The following Legislation applies to this policy and supporting documentation: Disability Act 2006 – (Vic) Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 – (Vic) Disability Discrimination Act 1992 – (Cth) Multicultural Victoria Act 200 4 – (Vic) Sex Discrimination Act 1984 – (Cth) Racial Discrimination Act 1975 – (Cth) Age Discrimination Act 2004 – (Cth) Equal Opportunity Act 2010 – (Vic) Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 – (Vic) The following Standards and Conventions apply to this policy and supporting documentation: Human Services Standards Standard 1 – Empowerment Standard 2 – Access and Engagement Standard 3 – Wellbeing Standard 4 – Participation National Standards for Disability Services Standard 1 – Rights Standard 2 – Participation and Inclusion Standard 3 – Individual Outcomes Standard 4 – Feedback and Complaints Child Safe Standards Standard 1 – Organisational culture of child safety Standard 2 – Commitment to child safety Standard 3 – Code of conduct Standard 4 – Screening, supervision and training Standard 5 – Responding to and reporting suspected child abuse Standard 6 – Identify and reduce risks of child abuse Standard 7 – Participation and empowerment of children National Employment Standards

This document is uncontrolled when printed, please refer to the Policies and Procedures Library for current controlled version Accountable: Chief Practitioner Effective Date: 22/11/2017 Review Date: 23/05/2020 Responsible: Director of Quality Version Number: 6

Page 1 of 5 This is a public facing policy United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2008) Victorian Government Aboriginal Inclusion Framework (2010)

2. Purpose Yooralla supports diversity and by extension staff and customers from diverse languages, religions, ethnicity, cultures, abilities, sexual orientations, personal characteristics, backgrounds and situations. The purpose of this policy is to: a) recognise, value and respect the diversity of Yooralla’s staff, customers and the communities in which they live b) ensure customers with diverse needs can access Yooralla services and are free from stigma, discrimination and stereotyping; and c) ensure Yooralla’s services are culturally appropriate and sensitive to the confidentiality of personal diversity as determined by the customer.

3. Scope of Policy This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, agency staff and contractors in relation to all customers.

4. Definitions Any defined terms below are specific to this document. Customer – A person who uses or is a potential user of a service, including their family and carers. Customers may be engaged as individuals, groups, organisations of customers, customer representatives or communities. Families/Carers – refers to individuals in either voluntary or paid involvement in formal and informal activities in all processes that affect the lives of customers, through sharing of information, opinions and decision making power. Diversity – refers to personal aspects of people such as beliefs, attitudes, languages, social circumstances, ability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender history, health status and age. Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) – is a broad and inclusive descriptor for communities with diverse language, ethnic background, nationality, dress, traditions, food, societal structures, art and religion characteristics. CALD people are generally defined as those people born overseas, in countries other than those classified by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) as “mainly English speaking countries”. The set of mainly English speaking countries other than Australia used by the ABS comprises: Canada, the Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) and the United States of America.

This document is uncontrolled when printed, please refer to the Policies and Procedures Library for current controlled version Accountable: Chief Practitioner Effective Date: 22/11/2017 Review Date: 23/05/2020 Responsible: Director of Quality Version Number: 6

Page 2 of 5 This is a public facing policy Diverse sexualities – refers to people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse and intersex (LGBTI). Inclusive communication and behaviour – is free of bias, discrimination and avoids stereotyping and mistaken assumptions about people on the basis of their sex, marital status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, breast feeding, sexual orientation, gender history, health status, race, nationality, ethnic origin, age, religious or political conviction, disability, family responsibility or family status. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander – a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin and who is accepted as such by the community with which the person associates.

5. Policy Statement This policy values the human rights of customers to: a) maintain and strengthen their cultural and spiritual identity and practices b) self-determination where they take control of their future and decide how they address issues facing them in a way that is culturally relevant c) receive culturally responsive quality services regardless of their age, gender, diverse background, beliefs and experiences; and d) make complaints and provide feedback using mechanisms suited to their disability and cultural and linguistic requirements. This policy outlines Yooralla’s commitment to diversity and should be read in conjunction with Customer Charter of Rights and Responsibilities, policies on Human Rights, Customer Engagement and Participation, Choice and Advocacy, Family Relationships, Quality and Customer Empowerment and Clinical Governance. Cultual safety of children Yooralla supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to maintain and strengthen connection to their culture and community, which includes providing a culturally safe environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Yooralla supports the rights of individuals who identify as having a specific cultural or linguistic affiliation by virtue of their place of birth, ancestry, ethnic origin, religion, preferred language, language(s) spoken at home, or because of their parents’ identification on a similar basis. Yooralla provides a culturally safe environment for CALD children.

Defining Diversity in the Workplace Yooralla understands the importance of diversity in the workplace to reflect the customers and communities it serves: a) to support a deeper awareness, comprehension and appreciation of customer needs, choices and decision making b) to improve practices sensitive and relevant to the diversity of customers; and c) to support sustainability of Yooralla into the future by nurturing an inclusive environment that is creative, flexible, productive and competitive. This document is uncontrolled when printed, please refer to the Policies and Procedures Library for current controlled version Accountable: Chief Practitioner Effective Date: 22/11/2017 Review Date: 23/05/2020 Responsible: Director of Quality Version Number: 6

Page 3 of 5 This is a public facing policy Strategies that promote diversity within Yooralla include but are not limited to: a) equal employment opportunity (EEO) policies dealing with discrimination and harassment b) recruitment and selection procedures to attract appropriate candidates c) internal grievance procedures to manage conflicts in the workplace as well as issues of misconduct d) a workplace safety program to prevent bullying in the workplace e) flexible work practices such as flexible working arrangements for parents of pre- school children which are contained in the National Employment Standards (NES) f) internal training initiatives g) organisational values statement which articulates certain standards of behavior consistent with encouraging diversity; and h) organisational code of conduct for all employees.

Committees or Groups Supporting Family Participation and Inclusion These groups have been established to demonstrate diversity but are not limited to the following and may change from time to time: a) Yooralla Community Partnership Advisory Committee (YCPAC) The committee was established with the aim of increasing customer and community participation across all areas of Yooralla which brings together voices of the community and consumers to ensure Yooralla provides services that meet and respond to differing needs of customers within the organisation and in the community. The YCPAC operates to provide strategic advice from a customer/community perspective. b) Families and Friends groups, or specific Steering Groups Families and friends are participatory groups initiated within services by families/carers to support the natural role played by families and/or their elected support person in advocating for rights and interests of a family member with disability at the level of direct service delivery. Steering groups are established on a case by case basis to oversight implementation and/or evaluation of service reviews or discrete projects. These groups have a specific purpose and time-span specific to direct service delivery. Membership includes the customer, family members/carers, an external advocate, government department representative and Yooralla senior management. c) Service Delivery and Quality Committee (SDQC) This is a Board Committee that oversees matters relating to service delivery to customers, quality, clinical risks, research and innovation.

6. Responsibility for Implementation, Compliance Monitoring, Measuring and Continual Improvement These positions are responsible for implementation and compliance monitoring of the policy in their work areas:

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Page 4 of 5 This is a public facing policy a) Leaders need to inspire trust at all times and role model Yooralla’s values and integrity. Have a clear vision for the future, develop strategies that will achieve Yooralla goals and engage all stakeholders to join them on the journey. b) Managers have the responsibility to monitor, check and ensure that all elements of the policy are implemented within their area of responsibility. Managers are responsible for ensuring staff attend and participate in training and development in the area of customer engagement, participation and feedback. c) Staff are responsible for ensuring that the principles and components within this policy are applied in their daily work. Staff members are to attend and participate in training and development in this area. d) Individuals, families and other stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback to the organisation regarding its processes and practices, so that the organisation can learn and improve on what it does.

7. Related Documents/Links Privacy Policy Human Rights Policy Customer Engagement and Participation Policy Choice and Advocacy Policy Family Relationships Policy Quality and Customer Empowerment Policy Clinical Governance Policy Customer Charter of Rights and Responsibilities Rainbow eQuality Guide

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