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This survey is not intended to be exhaustive, nor to duplicate fully (though it does so in part) bibliographical information provided elsewhere. The format is generally similar to that of my other bibliographies; Roman Numismatics should of course be consulted in any ambiguous area.

A. Introductions and Surveys

K. Butcher, Roman Provincial Coins. An Introduction to the ‘Greek Imperials’ (London, 1988). P. R. Franke, Kleinasien zur Römerzeit. Griechisches Leben im Spiegel der Münzen (Munich, 1968). K. W. Harl, Civic Coins and Civic Politics in the Roman East A.D. 180-275 (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 1987). Nollé, J. B. .Overbeck, and P. Weiss, Internationales Kolloquium zur kaiserzeitlichen Muenzpraegung Kleinasiens, 27. - 30. April 1994 in der Staatlichen Muenzsammlung, Muenchen (Milan, 1997) M. J. Price and B. L. Trell, Coins and their Cities: Architecture on the Ancient Coins of Greece, Rome and Palestine (London, 1977).

B. Corpora

A. M. Burnett, M. Amandry, and P. P. Ripollès, Roman Provincial Coinage I. From the death of Caesar to the death of Vitellius (2 vols. London and Paris, 1992). This is the beginning of a major work which describes and attempts to place in order all coinages not struck on the Roman system. Ten volumes, ending with Diocletian, are projected; only vol. 2 (the Flavians) is anywhere near imminent. Two series that foundered have been or will be replaced by RPC:

W. H. Waddington, E. Babelon and T. Reinach, Recueil générale des monnaies grecques d’Asie Mineure (4 fascicules, Paris, 1904-12; second ed. of fasc. 1, 1925). Never got beyond Pontus and Bithynia. F. Imhoof-Blumer et al., Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands (Berlin, 1898- ).

Otherwise there are some major mint studies:

M. Amandry, Le monnayage des duovirs corinthiens (Bulletin de correspondance hellénique supplément 15) (Paris, 1988); H. von Aulock, Münzen und Städte Lykaoniens (Istanbuler Mitteilungen 16, Tübingen, 1976). ––– Münzen und Städte Pisidiens I-II (Istanbuler Mitteilungen 19 and 22, Tübingen, 1977 and 1979). Roman Provincial Coinage Bibliography Page 2

– – – , Münzen und Städte Phrygiens I-II (Istanbuler Mitteilungen Beiheft 25 and 27, Tübingen, 1980 and 1987). A. R. Bellinger, Troy: The Coins (Supplementary monograph 2. Excavations conducted by the University of Cincinnati, 1932-1938). An excavation report accompanied by a listing of the coins, savagely reviewed by L. Robert, Monnaies antiques en Troade (Paris, 1966). –––, The Syrian Tetradrachms of Caracalla and Macrinus (ANS Numismatic Studies 3, New York, 1940). Has worn very well. S. Grunauer von Hoerschelmann, Die Münzprägung der Lakedaimonier (AMuGS 7, Berlin 1978); E. Schoenert-Geiss, Die Münzprägung von Byzantion (Berlin, 1972). –––, Die Münzprägung von Perinthus (Berlin, 1975). S. Schultz, Die Münzprägung von Magnesia am Mäander in der römischen Kaiserzeit (Hildesheim, 1975). J. Touratsoglou, Die Münzstatte von Thessaloniki in der römischen Kaiserzeit (31/31 v. Chr. bis 268 n. Chr.) (AMuGS 12, Berlin, 1988).

C. Major Collections

Roman provincial coins, at least those bearing Greek legends, are normally catalogued with Greek coins, for which the bibliography of Greek numismatics can be consulted; some particularly important ones, apart from the British Museum, are:

S. W. Grose, Fitzwilliam Museum: Catalogue of the McClean Collection of Greek Coins (Cambridge, 1923-1929). G. MacDonald, Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection, University of Glasgow (Glasgow, 1899-1905). Various, Glaux 8. Monetazione provinciale roman – II – Collezione Winsemann Falghera (Milan, 1991-1992). Among the SNG series, von Aulock is far the most important; recently the Sylloges of the Paris collection by E. Levante have dealt with Cilicia.

D. Hoards and Excavations

[There is no bibliography of Roman provincial coin hoards, which were consciously excluded from IGCH. Some are reported in S. P. Noe, A Bibliography of Greek Coins Hoards2 (ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs 78, 1937).]

H. W. Bell, Sardis IX: Coins 1910-1914 (Leiden, 1916). A. R. Bellinger, The Excavations at Dura Europus. Final Report VI. The Coins (New Haven, 1949). Includes a number of hoards of Syrian and Mesopotamian mints. –––, Coins from Jerash, 1928-1934 (ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs 81, New York, 1938). R. F. Bland, A. M. Burnett, and S. Bendall, “The mints of Pescennius Niger in the light of some new aurei,” NC 147 (1987) 65-83. G. Blum, “Numismatique d’Antinoos,” JIAN 16 (1914) 33-70. Roman Provincial Coinage Bibliography Page 3

T. V. Buttrey, “The Denarii of Pescennius Niger,” NC 152 (1992) iv-xxii. T. V. Buttrey, A. Johnston, K. M. MacKenzie, and M. L. Bates, Greek, Roman, and Islamic Coins from Sardis. Archaeological Exploration of Sardis Monograph 7 (Cambridge, Mass., 1981). D. H. Cox, Coins from the Excavations at Curium 1932-1953 (ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs 145, New York, 1959). K. M. Edwards, Corinth VI. Coins 1896-1929 (Cambridge, Mass., 1933). J. H. Kroll with A. S. Walker, The Athenian Agora XXVI: The Greek Coins (Princeton, 1993). Includes a great many local coins of the Roman period and is particularly important for the imperial period. H. Voegtli et al., Die Fundmünzen aus der Stadtgrabung von Pergamon (Pergamenische Forschungen 8, Berlin, 1993). D. B. Waage, Antioch-on-the-Orontes IV part 2: Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Crusaders’ Coins (Princeton, 1952). A splendid report, particularly important for Antioch.

E. Selected Special Studies

The most important study to appear in this century, which fundamentally altered our view of Roman provincial minting arrangements for the province of Asia in particular, is

K. Kraft, Das System der kaiserzeitlichen Münzprägung in Kleinasien--Materialien und Entwürfe (Berlin, 1972). [An English translation is available in the ANS Library]. There is an important review article by Ann Johnston, “New Problems for Old: Konrad Kraft on Die-sharing in Asia Minor,” NC7 14 (1974) pp. 203-207. Kraft’s evidence, though not necessarily his interpretations, are taken account of in most subsequent scholarship.

H. von Aulock, “Kleinasiatische Münzstätten I: Die vermeintliche Stadt Sebaste in Paphlagonien; II. Korynai in Ionien; III: Aizanoi” JNG 18 (1968) 43-48. The first of several studies entitled “Kleinasiatische Münzstätten . . .” which appeared mainly in JNG. –––, Die Münzprägung des Gordian III und Tranquillina in Lykien (Tübingen, 1974). G. Blum, “Numismatique d’Antinoos,”JIAN 16 (1914) 33-70. C. E. Bosch, Die kleinasiatischen Münzen der römischen Kaiserzeit I.2 (Stuttgart, 1935). The only volume to appear; concerns Bithynia. K. Butcher, “Two Notes on Syrian Silver of the Third Century AD,” NC 149 (1989) 169- 172 ([a] Silver Drachms of Caracalla from Petra; [b] Uranius Antoninus—A Missing Link). -----, “Rhodian Drachms at Caesarea in Cappadocia,” NC 152 (1992) 41-48. K. O. Castelin, The Coinage of Rhesaena in Mesopotamia (ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs 108, New York, 1946). P. R. Franke and M. K. Nollé, Die Homonoia-Münzen Kleinasiens und der thrakischen Randgebiete (Saarbrücker Studien zur Archäologie und Alte Geschichte 10, Saarbrücken, 1997). H. von Fritze, Die antiken Münzen Mysiens (Berlin, 1913). –––, Die Münzen von Pergamon (Berlin, 1910). –––, “Sestos: Die Menas-Inschrift und das Münzwesen der Stadt,” Nomisma 1 (1907) 1- 13. [Not, technically, Roman provincial, but important for the concept.] M. Grant (yes, that M. Grant), From Imperium to Auctoritas (Cambridge, 1946). Roman Provincial Coinage Bibliography Page 4

___, Aspects of the Principate of Tiberius (ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs 116, New York, 1950). ___, The Six Main Aes Coinages of Augustus. Controversial Studies (Edinburgh, 1953). Grant’s FITA (see my review of RPC in JRA 8 (1995) pp. 350-358 at 354ff.) was hailed at the time, damned by anyone who used it, and has now been replaced by RPC. But in this and the other two studies cited, as well as smaller articles, he held out for a view of Roman coinage that has since prevailed. None of this is recommended reading now, but is useful on background. C. J. Howgego, Greek Imperial Countermarks. Studies in the Provincial Coinage of the Roman Empire (RNS Special Publication 17, London, 1985). Has some excellent general remarks on the nature and function of the provincial coinage. F. Imhoof-Blumer, Griechische Münzen: Neue Beiträge und Untersuchungen (Munich, 1890). –––, Kleinasiatische Münzen (Vienna, 1901-1902). –––, Lydische Stadtmünzen (Geneva, 1897). –––, Monnaies grecques (Paris, 1883). – – – , “Zur griechischen und römischen Münzkunde” RSN 13 (1905) 161-272 and 14 (1908) 1-211. With the possible exception of Bahrfeldt on the Roman Republic, Imhoof wrote more valuably and more durably than anyone who ever lived, and most of us spend a lot of time learning what he already knew a century ago. A. [E. M.] Johnston, “Caracalla or Elagabalus? A case of unnecessarily mistaken identity,” ANSMN 27 (1982) 97-148. –––, “Hierapolis revisited,” NC 144 (1984) 52-80. –––, “Caracalla’s Path: The numismatic evidence,” Historia 32 (1983) pp. 58-76. T. B. Jones, “A numismatic riddle: The so-called Greek Imperials,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 107 (1963) 308-347. U. Kampmann, Die Homonoia-Verbindungen der Stadt Pergamon, oder Der Versuch einer kleinasiatischen Stadt unter römischer Herrschaft eigenständige Politik zu betreiben. (Saarbrücker Studien zur Archäologie und Alten Geschichte Band 9, Saarbrücken, 1996). D. Kienast, “Die Homonoiaverträge in der römischen Kaiserzeit,” JNG 14 (1964) 51-64. C. M. Kraay, “Some notes on the early imperial tetradrachms of Syria,” RN6 7 (1965) 58- 68. E. N. Lane, Corpus monumentorum religionis dei Menis 1-4 (Leiden, 1975-1978). B. Levick, “Caracalla’s Path” in Hommages à M. Renard II (Collection Latomus 102, Brussels, 1969) 426-446. –––, “The coinage of Pisidian Antioch in the third century A.D.,” NC7 6 (1966) 47-59. W. E. Metcalf, “The Tell Kalak Hoard and Trajan’s Arabian Mint,” ANSMN 20 (1975) 39-108. ––– The Cistophori of Hadrian (ANS Numismatic Studies 15, New York, 1980). ––– The Silver Coinage of Cappadocia, Vespasian-Commodus (ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs 166, New York, 1996). L. Mildenberg, The Coinage of the Bar-Kochba War ed. Patricia Erhart Mottahedeh (Typos 6, Aarau, 1984). Not technically Roman provincial, but worth a look. J. G. Milne, “The coinage of Antioch in Pisidia after A.D. 250,” NC6 7 (1947) 97-107. Roman Provincial Coinage Bibliography Page 5

R. Münsterberg, “Die Beamtennamen auf den griechischen Münzen,” NZ 60 (1927) 42- 105. Supplements Die Beamtennamen auf den griechischen Münzen (Vienna, 1914). These two are bound together in a G. Olms reprint. –––, “Die römischen Kaisernamen der griechischen Münzen,” NZ 59 (1926) 1-50. M. J. Price, “Countermarks at Prusias ad Hypium,” NC7 7 (1967) 37-42. S. R. F. Price, Rituals and Power. The Roman imperial cult in Asia Minor (Cambridge, 1984). Not specifically numismatic, but excellent for the context of coins in civic life. K. Regling, Nysa ad Maeandrum. JDAI Ergänzungsheft 10, Berlin, 1913. L. Robert, “ sur les monnaies,” Hellenica 11-12 (1960) 53-62. –––, Études de numismatique grecque (Paris, 1951). –––, Monnaies grecques. Types, legendes, magistrate monétaires et géographie (Paris, 1967). –––, “La Titulature de Nicée et Nicomédie: La gloire et la haine,” HSCP 81 (1977) pp. 1- 39. In numismatics as in so many other areas, one ignores Robert’s work at great risk; but also as in so many other areas, it sometimes makes rather unpleasant reading. M. Rosenberger, City Coins of Palestine (Jerusalem, 1975). H. Seyrig, “Antiquités syriennes 25. Sur quelques monnaies provinciales de Syrie et de Cilicie” Syria 20 (1939) 39-42. The first of many in a series entitled “Antiquités syriennes” published in Syria. A. Spijkerman, The Coins of the Decapolis and Provincia Arabia (Jerusalem, 1978). M. Stuart, “How were imperial portraits distributed throughout the Roman Empire?,” AJA 43 (1939) 600-617. J. N. Svoronos, Numismatique de la Crète antique (Mâcon, 1890). E. A. Sydenham, The Coinage of Caesarea in Cappadocia (London, 1933; reprinted with a supplement by A. G. Malloy, New York, 1975). L. Weber, “The coins of Hierapolis in Phrygia,” NC4 13 (1913) 1-30, 133-161. A. M. Woodward, “A hoard of imperial coins from Tarsus,” NC5 5 (1925) 201-235. W. Wroth, “Asklepios and the coins of Pergamum,” NC3 2 (1882) 1-51. W. Wruck, Die syrische Provcinzialprägung von Augustus bis Traian (Stuttgart, 1931)

F. Bibliographies

For systematic updates to the bibliography one should rely on Numismatic Literature, the semi-annual abstract bibliography published by the ANS; and on the survey of Numismatic Research (various editors) published in connection with the international numismatic congresses since 1967 (Copenhagen; New York/Washington 1973; Bern 1979; London 1986; Brussels 1991; Berlin 1997).

William E. Metcalf January, 2000 Last updated by Sebastian Heath April 2003 Roman Provincial Coinage Bibliography Page 6

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