Dear Science 8 Students and Parents

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Dear Science 8 Students and Parents

+ Welcome! Monday, 28 August 2017 Dear Science 8 Students and Parents, I would like to welcome you to 8th Grade Physical Science class. It will be a great year and one that I am looking forward to. Physical science is the science of nonliving matter (matter & energy) and includes the disciplines of physics, chemistry, and astronomy. The program is a hands-on activity and inquiry-based course. Students will learn important scientific concepts through lectures, laboratory activities, and special projects.

As this is a laboratory class, students are expected to be on their best behavior for the safety of everyone. Please read over the sections of this packet and discuss the information found in this handout at home. Once all procedures and expectations are understood, please sign and return the last portion of this packet for credit. Science 8 requires a great deal of student responsibility, organization, and test preparation as the concepts that you will learn this year are more difficult than those you have learned in the past.

There are many roads to success and through this year we will provide every opportunity so that each student may excel and make the most of this course. Please communicate all comments and concerns with me and be sure to monitor Aeries for grades and Edmodo for classwork/homework, notes, worksheets, packets, study guides, lab instructions & questions, project instructions, and weekly due dates at . Both students and parents are welcome create accounts and have all course materials accessible from any device at all times. Please contact me at any time, but contact by email is the best way to reach me ([email protected]) with questions, comments, or concerns. If you would prefer to you may schedule a meeting in room 204 or call (310)544-2747 ext. 223.

Sincerely, Andrea Acres Ridgecrest Intermediate School - Science 8/ Science 8 Accelerated

About the Teacher: I moved from New England to Southern California 16 years ago. I attended the University of New Hampshire and earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Microbiology, as well as in Marine and Freshwater Biology. I have worked in science industry in laboratories for Stryker Biotech (QC micro & QC Chem) and at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center doing cancer research for the Dartmouth Medical School Apoptosis Lab after graduating from college. I hold a MS in Chemistry & Life Sciences through the University of Maryland. This is my 15th year teaching and I love it. I feel that my education, professional background, and love of science will make me a great teacher for you and hope to increase your interests in science along the way.

Grade 8 Science Topics: I. Intro to Physical Science & Review of Scientific Method, Measurement, sig figs, & Laboratory Report Writing II. Motion, Forces, Buoyancy, Work & Machines, Energy & Power, Thermal Energy & Heat III. Matter, The Atom & Reactions • Properties of Matter, Changes in Matter, Elements & the Periodic Table, Chemical Reactions, Atoms & Bonding, Acids, Bases, & Solutions, Complex Materials, Chemistry of Living Systems IV. Astronomy: Studying the Universe • Earth, Moon, & the Sun, The Solar System, Stars, Energy, Magnesium, Electricity & Waves, Galaxies, & the Universe 1 Required Supplies: 1. Required: Graph style composition book (at least 1, maybe 2 depending on you space out your assignments) 2. Optional, but highly suggested: Calculator can be used for all HW, CW, Tests, & labs (graphing calcs will checked before tests) Course Expectations: 1. I expect that you act like a mature 8th grade student. Therefore, you need to be responsible when it comes to all of your in classroom behavior & for your academic responsibilities (on-time, neat, complete, labeled work). 2. ANY fooling around during laboratory class days may result in lost laboratory privileges for the entire year, as well as, grades of zeros for any work missed due to poor behavior. All lab writing will be done with supplemented results.

Grading: Complete all assignments on time. Assignments are given regularly & are given a point value based upon the amount of time and effort required to successfully complete the assignment. Assignments will include: homework quizzes, labs (formal reports or worksheets), class work, exams, quizzes and notes. At the end of the trimester, the total number of points a student has accumulated are added and compared to the total number of points possible. A percentage is obtained and a final grade is then assigned. There will be no rounding of grades at the end of each trimester, so keep track of your averages. Percent/Grade 98-100 = A+ 88-89= B+ 78-79= C+ 68-69= D+ 59% or below= F 93-97= A 83-87= B 73-77= C 63-67= D 90-92= A- 80-82= B- 70-72= C- 60-62= D- Students’ points will be subtotaled on a regular basis and students will be notified of their progress. Parents are welcome and encouraged to check Aeries, or to email to assess their son/daughter’s performance whenever necessary.

Homework, Classwork, & Labs : All are graded for effort only, are individually checked or collected by teacher on the due date, and must be written in or attached to your science composition book for credit. As long as effort is shown full credit is given. HW & CW are answered fully in whichever manner instructed. Notes may be printed from Edmodo & highlighted or hand written in any format you prefer. Lab answers must be written in complete sentences & math work shown. Vocabulary must be handwritten, you may use any source, & please write an abbreviated definition or one in your own words. Students are to use a student planner to record their assignments. Students will record entries for the week’s assignments on Mondays (posted weekly on the side whiteboard and on Edmodo the previous Friday).

Late Assignments : Late assignments will be accepted only one day after the due date and for half of the original credit value (unless previously approved by teacher). Is due to absence, school policy has the number of days missed as the extension given. If this is ever a problem, students need to see me before those days have gone by to make an individual plan for turning work in.

Going Paperless: I will be posting everything for this class on Edmodo where you are welcome to shrink documents, print only certain pages, just use to read, or use other cost saving tricks to minimize paper, while not losing the ability to access full sets of instructions or notes/explanations. If this is ever a problem, please email, call or speak with me so that I can prepare a hardcopy for you. You may always hand write anything that appears online to bring in with no loss of points. If bringing a portion of a handout to class is assigned as HW and it is a problem, I need an email or phone call with the time/date stamp before the day that it is due.

Scantron Assessment Portions: There is a scantron portion of almost every assessment (quizzes/tests), it is policy that the student will turn the scantron sheet in as final and grades will not be changed later due to correction marks. This means that 2 any corrections, eraser marks, etc. have been addressed. If erasures are not complete, it may impact the test score. To fix those, the student can use White-out over the eraser mark or ask the teacher to initial the correction before turning in the scantron. Other Classroom Procedures: Plagiarism: This tends to occur most when the information being used is at a higher level. Please be aware that topics in this class be more abstract, so when in doubt please cite all information that did not come directly from you.

Merit Points: Each student will start the trimester with 10 merit points for their personal participation in creating an exceptional learning environment. Points will be lost for tardiness, trips to locker/bathroom, and for poor behavior in class as determined by the teacher. The points remaining for each student at the end of the trimester are awarded as extra credit on their final grade. Late Arrival or Leaving the Classroom: Both of these are not allowed per the guidelines set in the RIS Handbook. If you have a reason or extenuating circumstance in regards to these, please talk to me .

Extra Help: We will work together as a team toward your learning success. I will do everything I can to help you understand, participate, and grow. I am available to answer your questions & provide extra support before & after school & as scheduled. Science Classroom* and Lab** Expectations Matrix Be Respectful  * **Be considerate of others  * Raise your hand  * **Use appropriate language  * **Observe personal space  *Use your quiet voice inside  * **Follow your teacher’s directions  * **Respect other people, their belongings and their ideas.  **Lab and group work requires working together with others.  Value each person’s ideas and contributions.  Interact respectfully for the success of the group in completing the task/lab. Show Integrity  * **Be on task  *Come to class prepared w/ your comp book and a pencil/pen.  *Use your planner  * **Ask for clarification  * **Do your own work; do not plagiarize or copy other students’ work  **Labs will require that you solve problems together, but you are always required to do your own work in your composition book. Be Safe  * **Obey emergency procedures  * **Remain in your assigned location  **Use materials appropriately  * **Keep your hands and feet to yourself  ** Clean up your personal space and lab tables  ** Follow all science safety guidelines and instructions in labs and activities.  * **Use common sense ------Fill-in, cut out, & return------I have read the classroom policies and information written in Mrs. Acres 8th Grade Physical Science Student/Parent letter and agree to all policies and procedures listed. Student Name (Printed) ______Period: ______Student Signature ______Date: ______

3 Parent Signature ______Date: ______*This is required to be returned to Mrs. Acres by Tuesday, 29 August 2017


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