rd Newsletter of the 3 Recon Association Volume XVI Issue 3 http://www.3rdrecon.org/index2.htm December 2008

Dirty Delta 3rd Recongram Merry Christman to the Battalion President’s Message

It’s time once again We all had a great time in Kissimmee/Orlando. to get the “Dirty Thanks to Lenny, Darlene, and all the people who Delta” word out on helped make LZ Gator a success. The PX had a lot what’s been going on of satisfied customers, and the Association made and what’s planned some money. Thanks to the people representing the for the future. Many Associations Companies who tended the bar. It of our brothers were made the whole thing work a lot better. A special able to rekindle thanks to Larry Vetter for sharing with us his recent friendships last adventures back in I Corps Vietnam. A lot of month in Florida, but there were also many who people volunteered and did the small and big things were not able to attend. Hopefully, this newsletter necessary to make sure all attending had a good will help to keep everyone informed and ensure that time. each and everyone of you know you are always missed and constantly remembered in your We didn't make any big decisions at the Association Brother’s thoughts and prayers! meeting. We had some lively debates, but they were fair, and open to all opinions. The biggest Hearty congratulations to all the folks who made issue was about opening the Association up to some During the Kissimmee Reunion, reunion attendees our recent 2008 3rd Recon Battalion Reunion held in of the newer Iraq (non-Vietnam) veterans. To do were given the opportunity to purchase PX items to Kissimmee/Orlando, Florida the tremendous that, a Change of the Bylaws requires a two-thirds send as a package to the battalion overseas. The success that it was. In particular, Len Rapauno, vote to pass. Opening up the Association almost package was filled out with donations with Darlene Schneider and Marshall Johnson are to be achieved that level. If this is an important issue to additional donated PX gear. commended for their untiring efforts in organizing you, you better plan on attending the next and running this event. Everyone I have spoken to Reunion/Association meeting. I'm sure we will Marshall Johnson, PX manager, shipped the items, address it there again. really enjoyed themselves and as always it was rd to include 3 Recon Playing cards, new 1.75 inch another opportunity to reunite with comrades who rd rd 3 Recon Challenge Coins, 3 Recon Patches and we’ve kept in our memories but haven’t seen for Jim Hunter and Lenny are working on the Web Site. other goodies from the PX stock to our brothers. years. Such auspicious events as Tom Hartung and There has been some and you will be seeing

Bill Donnelly presenting Willie “Horse Collar” additional improvement over time. Please allow us As a show of further support to our brothers in the Wilson with the “Horse Collar Award” will always the time to set things right. Jim Jones tried to do battalion it was decided by the executive committee be remembered. It seems like every time a reunion some, but it was pretty messed up. I'm not blaming to send a gift to the entire battalion from the is held there is always someone who shows up who Shortround. He didn't mess it up. He left us a association. A t-shirt was selected and a quantity has never been before and 2008 was no exception. promising, working, web site that was chopped up decided on as the association’s gift to the Battalion. Last I heard there were no less than seven 3rd by another through my mis-placed trust.

Reconners who were able to attend for the very first The t-shirt design selected, pictured above, is a sand time! Hoo-Rah!! Ron Moore reported that “Dirty A lot of people pitched in during the Reunion, and a colored tee with flat gray printing; in the hopes our Delta” had the largest number of Reconners few do all the time. Lenny for one has done a lot gift can be worn as part of the uniform. 200 shirts attending which is once more indicative of our high for the association in many aspects, but he's overdue were ordered at a cost of $1,226.00… delivered. moral and Esprit de Corps! Thanks to Ron and to get relief on the Harborsite. I sure would like a

Linda Moore for the barbeque they so graciously volunteer to take his place as Editor of our The shirts have been delivered to the FPO, as hosted at their lovely home for over 50 of our Delta newsletter. outlined for Christmas mailings, for their delivery in Company Brothers. Hopefully, we’ll all be able to time for Christmas Holiday. get together again next year at our Company The attendance at the reunion was mixed. Of the

Reunion and renew our friendships while we listen over 230 total attending, I think, we had about one I know all in the association join me in wishing the to the tall tales of our unofficial Company historians hundred thirty members present. The largest current battalion a safe return from their time being Thomas “The Tung” Hartung and Ken “Bugs” contingent attending was from DELTA Company. in Harm’s Way. Merry Christmas and Happy New Bunner. The company with the least attending was from Year. . Continued on page # 10 ALPHA. Continued on page # 7 rd 3 Recon Association After Action Patrol Reports “Pop A Smoke” http://www.3rdrecon.org/index2.htm http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/virtualarchive/index.htm http://www.popasmoke.com/ 3Charlie 1 - Team Marble Champ The Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Khe Sanh Veterans Home Page http://www.3charlie1.org/ http://www.thewall-usa.com/ http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/4867/ 1 Membership News ‘Neath The Moon Elections in 2010 By Gene Keith “Hud” Huddleston, I number of you may be receiving this newsletter There's strange things done Charlie Company, 1965-66 after a long absence and others, perhaps, for the 'neath the Vietnam sun, Len requested that I first time. But the time that locked my jaws, provide this column on Was the night 'neath the moon our elections process for The reason is there has been a concerned effort when the 3rd Platoon 2010. This article uses by membership to consolidate the numerous Gunned down Santa Claus the 2006 election as a association rosters, some of which we have had model and explains the for many years. To that end we put in many It started off right, just another long night sequence of events and hours and now have a main, raw data, You had to spend in the dirt. their timing for the 2010 association/web site roster of over 3,300 names Security was out, 360 about elections, assuming that and association mailing roster which is currently With 50 percent alert. this model will be around the 1,800 mark. This new number followed. includes the addition of over 500 plus located and We had 81's and naval guns; relocated members with what we can determine Our tanks were track to track, The Officers of the Association are up for to be good mailing addresses. An Ontos or so, An Arty FO election every four years. They comprise the Sent barrages back-to-back. Executive Committee and consist of the The revised web roster, when posted, will list all following, including for reference the name of the 3,300 plus names that we have determined served I froze where I stood 'cause out of the wood current officer as posted on the Recon website: with the battalion in Vietnam between the years Eight horses came charging along. 1961 though 1971. We know it is not complete. I froze there in place, fear showed in my face, Association Officers Current Officer All the names on the web site will be color coded "My God," I said, "mounted Cong!" President William A. Stussie as to their current status. Scarlet, is for the Vice President Stan “Doc” Sellers battalion’s KIA’s; Gold, is for the battalion’s He was coming our way, Secretary Steve Lowery members who have died since their service in in what looked like a sleigh, Treasurer John J "Doc" Vietnam; Gray is for those from the battalion we You never know what they'll use. Winters have no record of or lost their address when they Our flares were tripped, Sergeant-at-Arms Leland Upshaw moved with no forwarding address and Black is our SID's had flipped, Chaplain William Joe Haire for those, we feel, we have a good mailing Our TIPSY's blew a fuse. Historian Larry Vetter address. The revised rosters will be posted on the Publicity/Membership Thomas J Enwright web site after the first of the year. (This is to We let him get close, allow time for further corrections to verify the then we yelled, "Who goes?" By May 2010, the President should appoint the additional names/addresses added are correct.) Like they do in the movie show. Chairman of the Nominations Committee, or he The answer we got, believe it or not, will have to take on the duty himself. The Please check your mailing label to make sure the Was a hearty "HO! HO! HO!" Chairman may then request the Company information is correct. Also, if you would like us Presidents to appoint one member from each to include, or not include, your retired rank or Now these troops of mine have seen some time, Company to serve on the Nominations grade let us know. Remember to contact us with They've done a few things backward. Committee. They will review the nominations changes or additions. If we don’t hear from you They may be thick, but can tell you a trick, received before posting them on the website to it is assumed all is OK. They knew that wasn't the password. help ensure fair and balanced coverage. A Nomination Form will be mailed out with the In addition, if you don’t want to receive further The 90's roared, the 81's soared, Harborsite in early July 2010, which is three correspondence from the association we will The naval guns raised hell. months prior to our reunion in late September or remove your name from the mailing roster. A bright red flare flew through the air, early October. Members may use the form to We fired our FPL. nominate themselves or other members. Current When we do load the new color-coded roster onto officers may be nominated for their current office the association’s web site there may be errors for I'll give him guts, but the man was nuts, or any other office. Candidates must be members companies, years, etc. Were talking 3,300 plus Or I'm a no good liar. of the 3rd Recon Association. names? Mistakes can be made, but again they He dropped like a stone in our killing zone, can be corrected. I passed the word, ... "Cease Fire!" One form will be used for each candidate. It indicates the office for which the nomination Please look over the new roster and let us know I went out there to take a close look, applies. A Candidate’s Statement of 100 words of any corrections. Now here is where we can My memory started to race. or less may be included: who is he; what has he rd use your help. If you check the roster and see a My mind plays games when it comes to names, done for 3 Recon Association; why does he team-mates name is missing or if you see their But I never forget a face. want to serve in this office; what does the name is gray and you have a good address or candidate expect to accomplish during his tenure. telephone number contact us so they can be He was dressed in red and he looked quite well A photo can be included and is highly added to the mailing roster. fed, recommended. A promise of a chicken in every Older than most I'd seen. pot is not. Continued on page # 7 Also, we have about 12 conflicting reports of He looked a bit weird with that long white beard, having a good address and a report that they have For sure he was no Marine. A BRIDGE OVER THE SEVENTEEN MILE died. If you know for a fact that a brother has Continued on page # 11 RIVER NEAR NICHOLLS, GA IS NAMED, died let us know? Saepe Expertus, "DAVID NIPPER MEMORIAL BRIDGE". Semper Fidelis, David, of Delta Company, was the first of many Continued on page # 6 Fratres Aeterni men in the battalion we lost in Vietnam. November 21, 1964

2 Joseph E. Revell, Charlie Co New chutes get high marks from Kissimmee, FL Reunion Marines in Iraq MMP versatile, easier to My wife, use, jumpers say after training in Iraq On Sunday, October 19, 2208 the association’s Victoria, Rudy By Cindy Fisher, Stars and Stripes 2008 gathering of warriors at LZ Gator, the Fontane, and I Mideast edition, Tuesday, July 22, 2008 Ramada Inn Gateway Plaza, came to a successful attended the close with a great time had by all who attended. funeral of Joseph E. Revell, Major, AL ASAD, Iraq — The Marine Corps’ newest From that Wednesday afternoon on October 15th USMC (Ret.) on parachute was used for the first time in Iraq last when all were told to put their feet on the yellow 18 November week during a five-day training program of footprints and had the opportunity to have their 2008 at Arlington progressively more difficult jumps. Officials say picture taken with a live alligator, to the Sunday National testing the gear in a war zone makes perfect breakfast brunch at the Black Angus Restaurant Cemetery along sense. approximately 230 association members, family, with Joe’s brothers and sisters, children, aunts, friends and invited guests came together to uncles, nieces, nephews, grand children, and The multi-mission parachute system, which the reunite and enjoy the company of old and new cousins. Joe died on Labor Day in Pensacola, Corps had been testing for about two years, is friends, and remember those who are no longer Florida. replacing the MC-5 static line/free-fall ram air with us. parachute system, said Master Sgt. Monroe Before the funeral, we attended a memorial Stueber, operations chief of the 3rd Among the many attending were many old hands service at the Assembly of God church on North Reconnaissance Battalion. who have enjoyed these coming together events Pershing Drive not far from ANC. Joe’s oldest for many years. Others were attending for the brother, Bob, has been a pastor for 61 years and More than 20 jumpers with 3rd Recon first time ever and came away with the same led the service. He told us about three people: participated in the day and night static line jumps comment, “Why didn’t I come to the reunions Joseph the Redeemed, Jesus the Redeemer, and from 5,500 feet and higher, and free fall jumps before?” Others expressed concern about where Joe the Marine. It was a glorious day for the from 10,000 feet, using the multi-mission was so and so this year or even their sorrow about Revell family when Joe saw the light and became parachute system. how many of our brothers there are who will Joseph eighteen years ago. never be able to share any more moments with their family, with friends… with us. Bob wrote and recited a special poem for Joseph, This was also the first time that static line and a task that Bob freely admitted was difficult free fall jumps had been done together, Gunnery The Florida Rain God smiled down on our happy beyond his talents to do – but he did it well. Sgt. Marc Hogue, 39, a 3rd Recon jump master crew with some great weather. We enjoyed from Tempe, Ariz., said Thursday. warm days and cool nights and not a drop of rain. Our Watchman on the Wall The successful completion of this training The smoking lamp was lit, the beer iced, the food This would have been a dreadful day package "opens a lot of doors for recon battalions and drink was plentiful. How good does it get? Of grief – unmitigated grief. to do this outside the wire in Iraq," said Stueber, The good times, they just kept a-coming and as As painfully we tried to pray 45, of Jacksonville, N.C. Convoying to various they do in New Orleans, we just let the good To find some semblance of relief. locations in Iraq has, in the past, been times roll. Had not Joe’s transformed life sufficed problematic because of roadside dangers Because he “…just met Jesus Christ”. including bombs, he said. On the road, "the In small groups we gathered and out came the biggest threat to us is IEDs (improvised explosive treasured photo albums. The old black and white, He did not “get religion” or devices); we can beat that by jumping,". the color photos; yellowed with age, windows Repeat some preacher’s patent prayer. from another time; these photos were shared and Far more than we were praying for examined time and again. The all to familiar, Marines could also be brought in by helicopter, God did when none of us were there. who knew and what ifs? The sea stories with but parachuting is quieter, he said. And guided Joseph so that he their familiar, this is the straight scoop, (or some Received a clear theology. variation of the same). With Memories sparked "We can cut down risks," he said. "This is and the familiar, “Damm, your right! Now I An by that Spirit he discerned another means to put somebody into a situation." remember”, and more stories shared and some The dangers to both Church and State. Once among the most violent areas in Iraq, Anbar with answers or just a smile and/or the nodding And sought to share what he had learned province has now become one of the most quiet, of a head. Stories told and retold, again and And gave us much to contemplate. so much so that the Marines could do the training again… Stories shared with friends, shared with In his “Report” as from the “Wall” here. people who understand. He saw the “war” and warned us all. Marine recon units had completed some jumps in Not a bad way to spend four days in sunny He was a Marine, through and through, the past using the MC-5 chute, but the new chute Florida. Not a bad way to spend time If for his country or his Lord. is more versatile and more forgiving than the anywhere… To do what he was called to do MC-5, Stueber said. The MC-5 parachute could Unmoved by hardship or reward. be used in only two configurations, for static line Continued on page # 7 And from his outpost calls today jumps and for free fall jumps. For all of us to “watch and pray”. Call a Recon Brother Today - Bob Revell Continued on page # 10 Continued on page # 8 rd The 3 Recon Association is registered with the Federal Government, “IRS”, as a 501 ( c ) (19) war veteran’s organization. rd Under provisions, 501 ( c) (19), of the code; donors can deduct contributions made to or for the use of the 3 Recon Association. This Newsletter is not an official source for information about the or the United States Marine Corps. "Neither the

United States Marine Corps nor any other component of the Department of Defense has approved, endorsed, or authorized the products, services or the activities listed in this Newsletter."

3 Treasurer’s Report John Ripley, U.S. Marine Corps Final Taps Brothers, Let me begin by saving what a great --The man I knew 2008 reunion we had in Kissimmee, Florida. by Lance Zellers, 3d Recon, 1967-8 John T DeCarlo The weather was cold and wet. Overcast skies Joseph E Revell Much thanks for the reunion’s success go to the brought frequent rains. Support by air, minimal Dale L Sare Chairman, Len Rapuano; Darlene Schneider, for as it was at that time, had dropped to almost John M Matranga all she did prior to and during the reunion and the nothing. Paul J Boroick countless others who went out of their way, (bar, food service and all around grunts) to make this a Steady, incoming long-range artillery fire blasted These men have been added to our roster listing smooth running and enjoyable reunion. I tell at will from concealed sites stretched in an arc our brothers who have died since their service you it was great to see the many members and from north to west. Counter battery fire with in Vietnam. The roster now lists 329 men that family at the reunion enjoying themselves in the shorter-range weapons was useless. Air could not we have knowledge of. The list is not complete. company of their recon brothers and our fly and, therefore, interdict these hidden demons. wonderful family and friends. Intercepted radio communications from enemy Take a moment and think of them in your artillery observers showed 5-meter adjustments at prayers and remember. I’d like to thank Bill Stussie, Dave Otto, the color ranges exceeding 20 kilometers. guard and all others involved in the excellent job with the Thursday night Memorial Service and Tracked vehicles, in large numbers, from dozers “Do not stand at my grave and weep; Saturday night banquet. Hand salute!!! to tanks swept southward along the defined I am not there. I do not sleep. avenues toward the populated areas. It was an I am a thousand winds that blow. During the association banquet held on Saturday invasion of scope and intensity not seen before in I am the diamond glint on snow. night, October 18, 2008 we were honored to have this region. Anti-aircraft batteries moved with the I am the sunlight on ripened grain. many of the family of one of the four battalion’s invaders. Troops were fresh, well fed, and carried I am the gentle autumn's rain. Medal of Honor recipients, Robert Jenkins. We new equipment. Many were not, however, the When you awaken in the morning's hush, had the honor of meeting two of Robert’s sisters battle-hardened troops from earlier years of the I am the swift uplifting rush and his cousin, along with other family members war. of quiet birds in circled flight. and friends. We let them know that Robert’s I am the soft stars that shine at night. sacrifice will never be forgotten. Chaos reigned. Unit cohesion was tenuous at Do not stand at my grave and cry; times. Control became very difficult. The fog of I am not there, I did not die.” Also, during the banquet, Larry Vetter showed a war was everywhere. Individual acts of short length video, a work in progress of a much leadership and courage rallied the defending longer story he plans, of the actions at FSB forces and the defense of the country itself. In memory of Our Fallen Brothers Argonne by the entire 12 man team from Charlie

Company that resulted in three members, Where was the enemy’s main thrust, his main If you are able including Robert, being Killed-in-Action. Larry objective, and his main threat against the Save for them a place inside of you during a 2008 spring visit to Vietnam climbed up defenders? Finally, the decision was made—the And save one backward glance to the site of the old base to honor of a pledge he assault by three divisions, reinforced by tanks, when you are leaving made to Fred Ostrom. While on that mountain- artillery, and antiaircraft heading southward from For the places they can no longer go. side he took video footage and burned some the Demilitarized Zone was the place to commit incense in honor of all the men on that patrol. the country’s remaining military reserve unit, Be not ashamed to say you loved them, Brigade 369 from the only Vietnamese Marine Though you may or not have always. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the hard Division. work done by our new PX manager, Marshall Take what they taught you with their dying Johnson. Marshall kept the PX running well with I was a Brigade 369 Advisor—a “Covan.” My And keep it with you always. stocked old and new inventory to sell. Along boss, Major Bob Sheridan and my fellow captain, with running the PX he oversaw the Silent Steve Lindsey, sorted our maps, and repacked our And in that time when men decide Auction; both of which returned a gratifying gear. We accompanied our Brigade by air into And feel safe to call war insane profit for the association coffers. Hue City and back to I Corps, which we had left Take one moment to embrace for a unit stand-down just days before the onset Those gentle Heroes we’ve left behind. As to the treasury. During the battalion of the Easter Offensive in 1972. association meeting the members present voted to have me finish Fred Ostrom’s term of office, We trucked northward and deployed in a Semper Fidelis blocking position adjacent to the north-south which ends at the next reunion in 2010. National Route 1 and along the eastward-flowing Bill Stussie, President barrier—the My Chanh River in Thua Thien Stan “Doc” Sellers, Vice-President Province. Brigade Commander, Colonel Chung, As I stated at the business meeting, I shall guard Steve Lowery, Secretary who was among the finest and most capable the treasure of the Association and report it’s John “Doc” Winters, Treasurer commanders anywhere, chose to use a mobile activity, monthly, to the president, vice-president Larry Vetter, Historian command post to neutralize enemy spies or and other officers. Tom Enwright, Membership raiders. Leland Upshaw, Sgt-at-Arms

Our bank balance as of November 13, 2008 It was on one of our pre-dawn, rainy, foggy stands at $15,529.75. This is after subtracting the cost of the 3rd Recon T-shirts and other items marches that he drew his command element and Saepe Expertus, sent as gifts to our brothers who are serving with our three Advisors up to a bluff overlooking the Semper Fidelis, the current battalion in Iraq. My Chanh and points northward. As he gazed to Continued on page # 11 the north he turned to us and with a grand, Fratres Aeterni sweeping gesture, these unforgettable words, "Often Tested, Continued on page # 6 Always Faithful, 4Brothers Forever" nd Letters, Loss and, finally, most of us would call hell, he said 'This isn't too 2 Force Reconnaissance Co closure from Vietnam. bad,"' Johnson said. "Even though he's eating Gentlemen, nothing but C-rations", he said, "The chow here The purpose of this message is to invite you to By CHAD Dally Chicago Tribune, is pretty good."' But Allen's letter from boot The Daily Press, Ashland Camp Lejeune for the activation ceremony of camp shared how he chowed more than food. "I Force Reconnaissance Company, 2d lost my notebook and my D.I. (Drill Instructor) November 10, 2008 Reconnaissance Battalion, II MEF. The found it. On the first page I had the day of my ceremony will commence at 1000, 19 December discharge," Allen wrote. "The D.I. didn't like 2008 at Ellis Field, Courthouse Bay, Camp BAYFIELD, Wis. - Four times Jeff Savelkoul that too much, so he made me eat the paper ... Lejeune, NC. There will be a reception drove from Minneapolis to the Allen family's P.S. I have a new nickname now: chipmunk." following the ceremony at the Courthouse Bay Bayfield home. Each time he reached the end of Officers Club. the driveway, turned around and returned home, He wrote his family about scoring well on field unable to share what he knew about the death of tests, and described for them his various duties Please pass this message to any other their son and brother, Merlin Raye Allen, whom and what the weather was like. He also tried to Reconnaissance Marines/sailors/officers and Savelkoul served with in Vietnam. After 16 comfort his family in Bayfield. "Sorry I haven't have them RSVP to my S-1, 1stLt Greenbacker years, Savelkoul finally worked through his written sooner, I will more often," a Dec. 7, 1966 either electronically, hesitation and knocked on that door. He would ("742 days left") letter reads. "Don't worry about [email protected], or phone (910) soon find out that his visit would close the door me at all; this place isn't that bad." By February 450-7721 or my OOD at (910) 450-7753. on 16 years of pain and wonder. The Allens 1967, the fighting had intensified and Allen The Force Reconnaissance Association (FRA) didn't know their son and brother Merl was dead. writes more frequently about friends lost and and 2d Reconnaissance Battalion Association Yes, he was officially listed as Missing in Action about the Vietnamese they had killed. Or have been notified of the event. and presumed dead, after a June 30, 1967 almost killed. "I saw something moving in the incident near Khe Sanh when a helicopter brush, and I was going to blow it away but it Semper Fi, carrying Allen and others with the U.S. Marine sounded like they were crying," he wrote. "I LtCol L. M. Landon Corps' Striker Team was shot down. But the almost shot them, but I noticed they didn't have Commanding Officer presumption was based on the fact that Allen's any weapons. Two Viet Cong men and one 2d Reconnaissance Battalion (910) 450-7707 body was never recovered from the crash site in woman came running out of the bushes with hostile territory, so his family was left to ponder their hands in the air. I'm sure glad I didn't shoot General Robert H Barrow, USMC Merl's unknown fate. Savelkoul was with Allen now." 27th Commandant of the Marine Corps on that flight, one of three Striker Team passed away on October 30, 2008 a highly members to survive. And he was able to tell Allen didn't entirely shield his family from the decorated veteran of three wars. Allen's family something the Marine Corps realities of war. Yet it's clear the Bayfield native could not -- that Merl was killed instantly when found the Vietnam jungle unlike any other Born in Baton Rouge, LA; commissioned in a rocket struck their helicopter. experience. "When the captain came around the May 1943 and served until June 1983. ridgeline, trying to call in the artillery, I could The stories of Savelkoul and Allen were part of feel and hear bullets going by my head," he In 1968 he arrived in South Vietnam to take the Elks Club's annual Veterans Appreciation wrote. "It just didn't seem real." But Allen command of the 9th Marines Regiment. The night held Saturday. Savelkoul's memories of couldn't hide his pride when he was named to regiment conducted a series of highly suc- those events were preceded by a reading of eight Team Striker, Alpha Company, 3rd Recon- cessful operations south of the western part letters Allen had written between his first day of naissance Battalion, in Khe of the Demilitarized Zone and in the Khe boot camp on Feb. 1, 1966, and June 29, 1967, Sanh. "Recon is to the Marine Corps what Sanh and Ba Long Valley areas. For his the day before he was killed. The letters, read Special Forces is to the Army; in other words, valor during Operation Dewey Canyon from by Dr. John Johnson, a retired member of the it's the best," he wrote in March of 1967. "... I 22 Jan to 18 March 1969, he was presented U.S. Air Force, paint a picture of an optimistic hope you and dad aren't too mad at me for doing the Distinguished Service Cross. soldier who tried to see the best in Vietnam and this, but I always wanted to be the best; that's who tried to keep his family from worrying. one of the reasons I'm in the Marine Corps." Other medals received include the Silver "His attitude, even though he's living in a place Continued on page # 11 Star, Seoul, 1950, and Navy Cross, Hill 1081 Chosin Reservoir campaign.

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Please be generous, your support is very much appreciated and needed. Name ______

Mail to: Address ______Donation: 3rd Recon. Association [_] $200. [_] $175. Attn: John Winters City ______State _____ Zip ______

PO Box 38422 Pittsburgh, PA 15238 H: Phone ______Cell Phone ______[_] $150. [_] $100.

Make checks payable to: Email Address ______[_] $ 75. [_] $ 50. 3rd Recon. Association

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5 Ripley – Continued from page # 4 Ha in 1972. The Marine Corps has just celebrated Authorization Act of 2009, which President Bush “ We stay here. We fight here. We die here. He its glorious birthday. John has been in his grave signed on Oct. 14. The earlier provision shall not pass.” (Hey, I liked three of his four only five days. I now live in Florida and could authorizing hand-salutes for veterans and out-of- proclamations! and no, “he” did not pass that not make the funeral. This day I was on my way uniform military personnel during the raising, point.) to a business commitment on the Eastern Shore lowering or passing of the flag, was contained in and stopped to see John once more. the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008, It was during those chaotic first few days after we which took effect Jan. 28, 2008. arrived from Saigon that I rode northward on The grass was trampled by the many feet of those who honored him, including the Commandant of Route 1, in a single jeep, to coordinate with Membership – Continued Page # 2 elements of our advisory northern CP, located at Marines. The colorful floral wreaths and sprays were beginning to droop. He lies at about the the old Ai Tu combat base in Quang Tri City. Another year has passed since I have reported on Refugees flowed southward. Trucks and supplies military crest of a small knoll at the Hospital Point Cemetery at the Naval Academy in the growth of our membership. Over the last year moved northward. People flowed across the we have signed up 16 new members with road—from both sides. It was reminiscent of a Annapolis, Maryland. It might make a good recon observation point or harbor site if there 2 applications working for verification. similar trip I took along Route 1 during the in 1968 when some of those were more concealment from prying eyes. The names of the new members are: “travelers” were wearing NVA uniforms. He lies among many generations of naval heroes and other men of the sea…Stockdale, Zumwalt,.. Akioka, Harry E 1st Force 1965/66 Along the way I recovered several remnants of Barnes, James M Alpha Co 1967/69 space-junk from the exploded SAM’s, which had and elsewhere on campus, John Paul Jones. Chandler, Raymond E Delta Co 1966/67 fired, at our sparse interdicting air strikes. Bond, Harold R Alpha Co 1966/67 The sounds of tomorrow’s men of the sea surround this quiet hilltop scene. There is the pat Diaz, Nicholas Charlie Co 1968/69 It was in a bunker at Quang Tri where I heard my Glanton, Rufus C H&S Co 1968/69 friend John Ripley tell some of his fellow Marine pat pat of runners’ feet on the nearby pathway. There are the sounds of the Academy’s Herd, James C Delta Co 1966/67 Covans about “The Bridge at Dong Ha.” It was Lopez, Roman Alpha & Echo 1967/68 probably his first telling of an event that occurred intramural activities that flow upward from the sports fields below. Martin, Raymond W 3rd Force only a short time earlier. John, who had been my Owen, Michael R Alpha Co1968/69 monitor at HQMC and got me into both John is home again; home in the world where Shlender Walter A Charlie Co 1967/68 Amphibious Warfare School and the Advisor Seely, Benton P H&S N/A tour, had all of us at rapt attention as he unfolded young minds are influenced, where young careers begin and where, perhaps, another John Ripley Smyl, Edward S Bravo Co 1967 his story. It was in these days that we also Steep, David E Alpha Co 1968-69 heard—first hand---the extraordinary stories of will be motivated to serve his own generation. White, David A Charlie Co 1966/67 Ray Smith, Walt Boomer, Jim Joy, Larry Williams, Robert E Charlie Co 1968/69 Livingston, Bill Warren, Jerry Turley, and others. Rest well, John, my friend.

Remember, if you know of any former members John, in another time and place had Recon roots, New Law Authorizes Veterans’ of the battalion that are not listed on the roster or as did I. He was a consummate Marine’s Marine. Salutes during National Anthem a member that has changed his phone number or He is eulogized as a genuine hero at the Naval email address please contact me Academy (Bancroft Hall) and at the National at [email protected] or Phone 770-9741416. WASHINGTON (Oct. 30, 2008) -- Veterans and Museum of the Marine Corps. I do monitor all my calls so please let me know active-duty military not in uniform can now that you are a 3rd Recon member that is calling, render the military-style hand salute during the I knew him as John. I knew him as a friend. and if I do not answer please leave a detailed playing of the national anthem, thanks to changes message. in federal law that took effect this month. Our paths, both in and out of the Corps crossed occasionally. There were infrequent Advisors Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Reunions. As a Colonel of Marines, he was “The military salute is a unique gesture of respect present at the Naval Academy while my son, now that marks those who have served in our nation’s Semper Fi, Tom Enwright Charlie Co 64/65 a Lieutenant Colonel, was a student. My family armed forces,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs would visit John, Moline and their kids on Dr. James B. Peake. “This provision allows the football weekends. application of that honor in all events involving our nation’s flag.” God and the soldier A few years ago, in Williamsburg, I had dinner we alike adore with John and some of the board members of the The new provision improves upon a little known Marine Corps Heritage Foundation. Ever change in federal law last year that authorized entertaining, John recounted to a rapt audience, veterans to render the military-style hand salute In times of danger, some of his other—and there were many—war during the raising, lowering or passing of the experiences. Perhaps sometime he will tell you not before flag, but it did not address salutes during the about that special, now shiny, 7.62mm AK-47 national anthem. Last year’s provision also round he carries on his key ring. It was one of the applied to members of the armed forces while not rounds, which penetrated his CH-47, toured the The danger past in uniform. Traditionally, members of the chopper, and fell spent in his lap. nation’s veteran’s service organizations have and all conflict righted, rendered the hand-salute during the national John’s spirit is still with the Corps. A piece of anthem and at events involving the national flag him patrols Iraq, and Afghanistan, and while wearing their organization’s official everywhere Marines will ever serve. God is forgotten, headgear. The most recent change, authorizing

hand-salutes during the national anthem by Come with me now to Wednesday, 12 November veterans and out-of-uniform military personnel, the soldier slighted 2008. The weather is cold; the skies are overcast was sponsored by Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, and threatening rain. It is a day much like Dong an Army veteran. It was included in the Defense 6 President’s - Continued from page # 1 Kissimmee – Continued from page # 3 Continued from page # 2 Elections – And Tun’s Tavern. As fine a slop-chute to ever The completed nomination forms may be mailed It seems to me that the leaders in ALPHA don't serve a cold brewski to the finest and with the or emailed to the Chairman by 15 August. He want to participate with others in the association best volunteers keeping those drinks coming. The will distribute them to the Nominations unless they make all the rules in the Sandbox. Dirty Delta mob with Jim Flathers and crew Committee members for review and approval, Some of you guys in ALPHA don't know what served the assembled on Wednesday night A loud after which they will be posted on the website. you are missing. Understand! You have always bravo to Rick Cardone’s Bravo Company who rd rd Nominations received after 15 August will be been and are members of this, the 3 Recon continued the 3 Recon’s October Fest into the processed but may not make it onto the website Association and let no one tell you otherwise. I wee hours of Sunday morning. And the great before the reunion. Hard copies of all the have no way of knowing how these rumors go work by the Echo Company Warriors; Jim completed nomination forms will be made around that Alpha Company is, somehow, at Doner’s Eagles, and some were really flying, available at the reunion starting on the first day. fault, or to blame for who knows what? Nothing who kept the drinks a-flowing as they challenged could be further from the truth. I encourage you the other companies in obtaining the most in At the 2010 business meeting, written ballots and to think hard about making your own decision donations on their night in the trenches at Tun’s. pencils will be provided to all members present. about the next Association Reunion in The ballot will contain the known candidates for Deadwood. Remember we will elect Association Yes, there was a hard fought, friendly each office and blanks for write-in candidates. Officers at that meeting. I will not be running for competition among the volunteers in each Nominations from the floor may be used to re-election, and am looking for interested and company to gather the most in donations on their generate the names of the write-in candidates. committed candidates for all the offices. night on duty at Tun’s Tavern with a grand prize Each candidate may be invited to address the awarded to the winning company. members and campaign for their votes. We are a small and unique group of men. Lets rd Secret ballot voting for each office will be done keep in touch with each other. Try to help us, The prize of a 3 Recon Paddle was offered by by the members following the campaign speeches battalion and company level, know if any of our Lelend Upshaw to the company that made the from the candidates for that office. The marked brothers are having difficulties, and reach out to single most money collected in donations on their ballots for that office will be turned in to the help them, yourself, if you can. night running the bar. The call was close, but in Sergeant-at-Arms. After all ballots for all the the end Dirty Delta won the trophy. But not offices are completed and turned in, the I wish you all and all of yours the best during the without some good humor, “Wes wiz robbed!” Nominations Committee under the supervision of upcoming Holidays. Look out for yourselves, or “The fight was fixed” and “We want a the Sergeant-at-Arms will count the votes. and your families. Say a prayer once in a while recount” were some of the comments by some Counting can take up to 30 minutes. for your fellow 3rd Recon Vietnam vets, members of Bravo Company, which were wherever they are and for all those out there silenced when it was pointed out to them that the The results for all the offices will be delivered to fighting for us today. prize was awarded to Dirty Delta by one of their and announced by the current President at one own, Leland Upshot. There will be other time. The new officers will be installed and take We sent a couple hundred 3rd Recon T-shirts to reunions to better the best??? over the conduct of the business meeting from the unit over in Iraq now. A small gesture, but that point on. The ballots will be destroyed. they do count and make a difference. I’d like to speak of the many donations of

An improvement can be made on this process by merchandise and some fantastic volunteer work. More on the Deadwood Reunion: sending the nomination form and call for The treasury netted approx $4,000, 2 raffles & It takes a lot of work to put a reunion together. nominations in the March 2010 Harborsite. The silent auction, during the banquet through the Those who have done it know this well. One of deadline for receiving nominations would be 15 labor and donations of many. A special thank the most difficult issues is getting people to June. The candidates for the offices can then be you to Jean Addis for her special donation and commit to attending in a timely manner. Hollis published in the July 2010 Harborsite. In this the many others with theirs. Thank you to Mary attempted to address this by offering an incentive case, the Chairman of the Nominations Lowe and the volunteers who gave of their time. to register by a certain time. He talked about it at Committee should be appointed no later than the Banquet at the reunion in Florida. It involved February 2010. To all the volunteers, who helped in all the little a drawing from the people registering early that ways, in all the tasks that put the finishing A candidate for President could make would reimburse the lucky winner for their touches that made it a job well done. I can still nominations for the other officers who will serve transportation and lodging cost to attend the see your faces, even if I can’t remember your with him. That is, he would nominate not only reunion up to a certain amount. This sounds like name. I remember your labor. Thank you!!! himself but also a slate of candidates for all the a good plan, but there was concern that it was the And finally, to two very special volunteers who offices. There is no guarantee his slate of right plan. I contacted the members of the without their help the reunion would not have candidates would all be elected, but he could executive committee, and we unanimously been as great as it was. To Darlene Schneider, campaign for it to happen. decided not to go forward with this plan without who has worked tirelessly from the start to the further consideration of alternatives. Hollis's conclusion of LZ Gator as the registration If none of the above process is followed, concern is that there be some incentive to register honcho, just one of the many hats she worn over nominations for the offices will be done from the early so he can reasonably plan the reunion. We the years. Delta’s Company’s very special lady. floor of the 2010 business meeting. support this, but are not taking any action right Associate Directors, one from each subordinate now. I invite comments from the members at And Marshall Johnson, PX manager, who drove Company, are also members of the Executive [email protected] . the PX merchandise from his home in Sarepta, Committee and will be chosen by the respective LA and worked many long hours in the PX and Company memberships. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. oversaw and set-up the silent auction. Thank you.

The activities of the Nominations Committee do Bill Stussie I’d like to take the time to thank all who helped not include nominations for any Company-level make LZ Gator a great success. offices; the Companies will conduct Company nominations and elections during the scheduled Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. company business meeting. Call a Recon Brother Today! Len Rapuano, 2008 Reunion Chair

7 Iraq – Continued from page # 3 In a static line Gunnery Sgt. Timothy Parkhurst, 41, a Meeting of Charlie Company, 16 October 2008 jump, the parachute release is attached to a static parachute rigger with 3rd Reconnaissance Bn., line in the aircraft that automatically deploys the demonstrates how to gently push as much air as The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the chute when the jumper exits the plane. In free fall, a possible out of a parachute before packing it for inclusion issue, the reunion location for 2010, and jumper leaves the plane and then hand-deploys his jumping at Al Asad Air Base in Anbar province, other company items. There were 12 attendees at parachute at a certain altitude. Iraq, last week. the meeting of the 30 who attended the reunion. The meeting was conducted for 45 minutes in the middle of the Battalion business meeting. The new parachute can be used in four different configurations: free fall, hand-deployed with an Rudy Fontane explained his proposed amendment to attached pilot chute; free fall, hand-deployed with a the bylaws to extend full membership in 3rd Recon drogue chute; double bag static line in which the Association to all war veterans who have served bag contains a pilot chute and the main chute; and with the 3rd Recon Bn., provided that they had static line with a drogue chute. earned a Combat Action Ribbon and/or campaign ribbon. Steve Lowery spoke out against the Pilot and drogue chutes are auxiliary chutes used to amendment: for one, he said, it created two classes deploy main or reserve parachutes. of Recon Marines, those with the ribbons and those without the ribbons; there is also a bias toward "It’s an incredible piece of gear. Now instead of Gunnery Sgt. Marc Hogue does a free-fall maintaining ours as a Vietnam era association. several different types of chutes in the paraloft, we parachute jump Rudy was for the amendment, primarily to honor have just one," Lt. Col. William Seely, 3rd Recon at 10,000 feet the current Recon Marines who have served in Battalion’s commander, said Wednesday. into a drop zone combat. on Al Asad Air Base in Anbar The reunion location in Deadwood, SD, sometime Another improvement is that the canopy has nine province, Iraq, after September 25, 2010, to get good hotel prices cells, which gives the parachute a better lift capacity last week. This was discussed. A straw vote was taken, and it and glide, Stueber said. The MC-5 has seven. was the first passed among the Charlie Company Marines time that the present. The chute is more maneuverable, and it’s a very Marine Corps' rd forgiving parachute, he said. newest Rudy announced his interest in 3 Recon Assoc. parachute, the initiating a campaign to erect a memorial to fallen Recon Marines in Semper Fi Park at the National The 3rd Recon jumpers who used the new chute multi-mission Museum of the Marine Corps. agreed that it was a vast improvement over the MC- parachute

5 parachute. system, was being used in Len Rapuano explained his campaign to have a US Iraq. Post Office named for Robert Jenkins. After some "I love the MMPS," said Petty Officer 3rd Class letter correspondence, the US Congress representa- Andrew Warner, 25. "You can pretty much land it Sgt. Chris Forncrook, 23, of Sacramento, Calif., tive from Palatka must propose a bill in the House wherever you want to." touches down at of Representatives; if is passes, and both of a drop zone on Florida’s US Senators approve, the Post Office will Stueber agreed with this assessment. "You can Al Asad Air be named in honor of Robert. really screw this thing up and still land it," he said. Base in Iraq last week using the Wade Hudson resigned as Treasurer because of poor health. Neil Grissom was nominated and Once the training package is completed, 3rd Recon Marine Corps' elected to complete Wade’s term in office. hopes to do jumps outside the wire using the new multi- multimission parachute system, several battalion mission Postscript: leaders said. parachute system. The 3rd (The Association members present at the Bn Reconnaissance business meeting did not pass Rudy’s amendment to "It’s easier; it makes more sense; this is what we Battalion the bylaws. Many members got up and spoke for should be doing," Hogue told Marines after their Marine said the the amendment, only a few against it. It looked like first jump Wednesday. ride down from a shoo-in. But it was first amended to remove the 5,500 feet up restriction to have a CAR or campaign ribbon. Marines with 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion line was fun. The new parachute makes landing better, Many of the members must not have liked the up one behind one another for landing in a drop he said. So much so that the Marines could do the Association becoming a non-combat veteran zone on Al Asad Air Base in Anbar province, Iraq, training here. association. A majority voted for the amended last amendment, but the magic 60% was not reached. One member wanted to offer up the original week. Once among the most violent areas in Iraq, Anbar amendment, but he was shouted down. Rudy This province has now become one of the most quiet, opined that the original amendment would have was Marine recon units had completed some jumps in passed. As Arnold would say, “I’ll be bock!” their the past using the MC-5 chute, but the new chute is second more versatile and more forgiving than the MC-5, The Association members voted to have the 2010 day of Stueber said. The MC-5 parachute could be used in reunion in Lead, SD, which is 4 miles from static only two configurations, for static line jumps and Deadwood, some time after 25 September 2010. line for free fall jumps. jumps -- in which their parachute is automatically Bring your warm clothes. “Hud” Huddleston released as they jump from an airplane -- using the Photos by Cindy Fisher / S&S Marine Corps' new multi-mission parachute system.

8 Museum (Approx) 60 miles from Rapid City: 1/2 Deadwood 2010!!! Friday, September 24, 2010 hour at the famous store/museum.

Travel to Windows: (20 Miles) Best shot of the “FROM THE EYES OF WARRIORS” * Company meetings. Badlands: Natural formations through Windows. 3rd Recon Association Reunion 2010 * Teams to gather and tell their stories on HD Photo Opp.

Deadwood / Lead, SD video for the purpose of selling the finished Travel to Cedar Pass/Interior: 9 miles Tribal production. All proceeds will go to the Resort for lunch on your own (or could arrange for Association. Sandy Reid is in charge of this a mass meal/no choice--mess hall type of a meal) Wednesday, September 22, thru activity. He can be contacted at: 520-466- Leave by 1:00 PM

Sunday*, September 26, 2010 2655, [email protected] Travel to Wounded Knee Mass Grave: 70 -80 * Blackjack tournament and poker miles from Interior tournament for recon attendees only. Through Scenic, South Dakota: Famous bar with **Tentative Schedule** * Individual / Group Activities: sawdust floor/ museum of traditional type arts & Goal: To heal/ entertain the group for 5Gold Panning, Horseback riding, jeep trails, crafts. days with a South Dakota, Lakota, flavor. trout fishing, mountain biking, golf (three Here by 2:00-3:00 PM: Wounded Knee Grave courses), Museums. There are over 20 Site: Place a Wreath/ tribal leader ARRIVAL DAY/START: Lead, SD casinos / saloons /restaurants in Deadwood. welcome/words/MEDIA EVENT.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 SOMEONE WILL BE ON THE BUS TO Saturday, September 25, 2010 GIVE PERSPECTIVE, BUT THE VETS Transportation to Deadwood: Hourly? Bus SHOULD ALSO HAVE INSIGHT ON THE every 4 hours? Leave it to the Vet? Will they * 10:00 - 11:00 AM Back in a Convention BATTLE FROM THE MUSEUM. rent cars/vans themselves? This is a major type room for Association Business Meeting. 4:00 PM: Travel Back to Deadwood: via Prairie issue, as it will determine how the remainder Wind Casino: Traditional meal. of the week will go. WRAP UP: 2010 Reunion Contacts: *Relax and tour Deadwood on your * AFTERNOON: Tours available to: Hollis Stabler 918-287-9992 CST own/provide your own meal. Crystal Cave? Prairie Wind Casino (Oglala Darlene Schneider 859-342-6456 CST *Slot tournament for recon attendees. Tribal Casino) WE CAN REALLY THROW Marshall Johnson 318-455-9315 CST

ANYTHING IN HERE. Thursday, September 23, 2010 Slot tournament and Poker tournament for South Dakota Web Pages Deadwood, South Dakota Sweat Ceremony at Bear Butte: recon attendees only. http://www.deadwood.org/ Travel to Bear Butte (11 miles through the 7 pm: RD Lead, South Dakota canyon/25 around. May have to go around if 3 RECON ASSOC. BANQUET http://www.leadmethere.org/ you are in charter buses). This would be Guest speaker (I spoke with Billy Mills’s Mount Rushmore early (8:00 AM), as we would want to start wife in regards to him being a potential http://www.nps.gov/moru/ the day and the tour with this ceremony. speaker. At the 1964 Olympics, Billy Mills, a Crazy Horse Memorial *Wiping of Tears Ceremony after sweat. Marine Officer, shocked the world when he http://www.crazyhorse.org/ *1 hour free time at Bear Butte for those who came from behind to win the gold medal in Custer State Park want to recover/walk the trails/place personal the 10k race. At the time, he set a world http://www.sdgfp.info/Parks/Regions/Custer/ offerings. record of 28 m 24.4s and he is still the only index.htm *Return to Golden Hills Resort participants American to ever win a gold medal in the The Badlands can clean up. 10,000 meters. www.indianyouth.org. She http://www.travelsd.com/placestogo/badland *We will have someone tell the history of the said that he would be retired by then but s.asp Black hills from the Lakota perspective. would probably agree to speak for us. Scenic Byways * Quick lunch. Leave for Crazy Horse Mt. * EVENING: Dance following banquet? http://www.travelsd.com/placestogo/scenicby Should be about 12:00 Noon. Viet Nam Era Music/ can be recordings with ways.asp * Travel to Crazy Horse Mountain: Approx the radio ads / wrap up social evening. Jewel Cave 60-70 miles. Option Day: http://www.nps.gov/archive/jeca/home.htm * There is a movie presentation/ tour 1-2 hours/with free time. End 2:00-3:00 PM * Sunday, September 26, 2010 rd Travel to Mt. Rushmore: 20 miles The 3 Recon PX is open for business Conduct Memorial Service COORDINATE TRAVEL BACK Marshall Johnson, PX Manager, wants all to PLACE A WREATH: MEDIA EVENT TO AIRPORT: OR The lights come on in the evening and it is a know that the PX is up and running with big deal for tourists. The wreath can be ADVANCE SIGN-UP REQUIRED. some old and new inventory remaining from placed at the end of the Memorial Service, Bus tour of Pine Ridge Oglala Lakota Reservation the Kissimmee Reunion. In addition, he has depends on if we want the lights or not. to include Badlands, Wounded Knee, Pine Ridge, stocked/restocked new items to the PX since and Prairie Wind Casino. the reunion, (short and long sleeve denim * The event should be over by 6:00-7:00 PM and return to Deadwood. Departing hotel at 8 AM? shirts, golf shirts, sweaters and leather jackets to name a few)Pick up some great gear and There are restaurants there at the mountain or 2 hours travel time: History of Lakota Warriors you can eat in Rapid City anyplace or at a will be presented while on bus. support your association at the same time. Golden Corral type. I-90 to Wall, South Dakota: Wounded Knee Mass. Phone 318-455-9315 Central standard time 9 Recongram, cont from pg 1 recognition plaques and administrative costs Joe Revell – Cont from page # 3 for mailings of rosters, newsletters, etc. Thanks to Leo Kelm and “Gunny” Ted We sang “Arise, My Soul Arise!”, one of The possibility of holding a 2009 Delta Williams for their generous donations to our Joseph’s favorite hymns. We concluded with Company Reunion was addressed in Florida. Company funds and Darlene Schneider for “Amazing Grace”. Three options were brought up: Albuquerque, donating the costs of mailings that were not

New Mexico; Louisville, Kentucky; and deducted from the Company funds. Since Brother Bob held forth a little too long, Honolulu, Hawaii. Albuquerque was dropped we had to hyacko to ANC where we met up because there was no longer someone to host Thought I’d once again include a mention of with the family in an assigned waiting room. it. Steve “Shortround” Shircliff had previously our Delta Company Brother Willie Wilson’s When everyone had gathered, we mounted our volunteered to put Louisville together. Doc personal efforts to help Veterans in his area by vehicles and went in procession toward the Webber had said he would help get a Hawaiian starting a “non-profit’ organization to assist Administration Building near Lee’s mansion Reunion together but would need some needy veterans in his hometown of Grand where Joe’s ashes were transferred from additional assistance. Based on the input Rapids, Michigan. Anyone desiring more automobile to the waiting caisson provided by received from the questionnaires Darlene information or wishing to contribute to Robert the Army’s Old Guard. Schneider handed out, Louisville and Hawaii “Willie” Wilson’s “Ever Sharp” Veterans A Marine honor guard befitting a Marine field- had about the same number of interested folks. organization can contact him by snail mail at grade officer was waiting: two platoons of Louisville is more accessible but it is a 441 Storrs SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507, Marines from 8th& I, Color Guard, Staff location that we have been to before as a Phone: 616-633-6882 Officers, and a contingent of the Marine Band. Battalion and it would be the second year in a e-mail [email protected]. What a great send-off! Rudy was really row to have a reunion on the east coast. impressed. I remembered participating in a Although Hawaii would be a great location Our Delta Company Roster is available and similar funeral in 1967, and I was gratified that with lots of neat things to do (Luaus, tours of can be obtained in either hard copy or email the Marine Corps still honored its dead now as Pearl Harbor, the Punchbowl, etc), the costs of attachment form by contacting Darlene then. God bless America and the United States travel may be prohibitive to some. Right now I Schneider by telephone at #859-342-6456 or e- Marine Corps! need input to determine (1) which location mail at. [email protected] between Louisville and Hawaii would you We followed the caisson in our vehicles. attend, and (2) if anyone else is interested in Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season in Marines were stationed at each intersection hosting a Delta Company Reunion in 2009 at a the coming months. Please take the time to along the way to prevent interruption of the location other than Louisville or Hawaii? keep in touch with a fellow Reconner. The procession. They saluted the caisson as it Please call (phone: 406-273-2709) or e-mail older we get the smaller our ranks become and passed me ([email protected]) as soon as the more important it is to take care of each possible but no later than 30 Dec 08 with your other. If anyone is ever up Montana way, The ashes were transferred from the caisson input so we can get going on this. Hopefully, please drop by. Our doors are always open to and walked to the burial site by Guard we can all meet in 2009 but if that is not you who have given so much for your Brothers Company Marines from 8th& I. A firing squad possible the 2010 Battalion Reunion in and our Country. awaited on the far hill. Deadwood, South Dakota is something to look forward to. Semper Fi, At graveside, the Navy Chaplin recited the 23rd Butch Waddill Psalm and provided other scripture verses Now is the time to think about our upcoming (Telephone #: 406-273-2709/E-mail: reassuring us of eternal life in Jesus Christ. elections, which will be held at our Battalion [email protected]) Reunion in Deadwood, South Dakota in 2010! The positions of President, Vice President, Editor’s Message Joe was a mustang, an enlisted Marine who Treasurer, Secretary, Membership, Historian, This issue of the Harborsite will be my last became a commissioned officer. Two Marine Chaplain, and Sergeant at Arms will be up for turn at bat as its Editor. I’ve already informed Majors led the honor guard and were also consideration at both the Battalion and the executive committee of my decision. mustangs, as observed by Rudy by their Good Company levels. We need some motivated Conduct Medals. That was a nice touch by folks to fill these positions, as these are the Even though I will no longer be your editor I Marine Barracks, 8th&I, Washington, DC. leaders of our organization and the ones who still have tasks I hope to perform and continue will be responsible for our survival in the to perform for the association. Joseph Revell’s remains lie in hallowed future. Please step forward and help make ground in what will become known to me as Delta Company and 3rd Recon Association I’m still the president of Charlie Company and Revell’s Dale. Looking to the north, it lays everything you think it should be! although I will not seek re-election in 2010, less than a click south of the Carillons at ANC. I’m committed to relocating former Charlie He is at rest. Thank God for his leadership and Leo Kelm, our Company Treasurer, reports Company brothers and family. Also, I will brotherhood as a Marine and for his fellowship our Delta Company Account balance as of continue presenting the Robert Jenkins Award as a friend. 8/31/08 stands at $1,659.39. Our previously in Palatka, FL, until my term in office expires. reported balance as of 12/31/07 was $1,762.91. Semper Fidelis, Since then we received $1.48 in interest on I would also like to see the completed our goal Hud 2/29/08, paid $150.00 to the Reunion of having the Federal Government’s recognize Committee on 4/11/08 for a page in the 3rd and honor Robert Jenkins with the naming of a Recon 2008 Reunion Memorial Book and post office dedicated to his memory. Call a received $45.00 from 2 donations on 4/23/08. Our company account is usually funded from There will be others tasks I‘ll be doing, behind Recon Brother donations and whatever is left from our the scenes which I hope will be of benefit to rd Today!!! Company Reunion balance after expenses. Our the 3 Recon Association. expenses usually include memoriam flowers and/or plaques for our departed comrades, Thank you and Semper Fidelis. Len Rapuano 10 Moon – Cont from page # 2 Letters, - Continued from page # 5 worst about Merl. "I thought, 'If I look this bad, what are they going to think about what happened to their son?"' he said. He knew it He hadn't quite died when I reached his side Despite his dedication to service, Allen and was something that had to be done, however, out But the end was clearly in sight. many other soldiers were not immune to of respect for Merl and the bond they had I knelt down low and he said real slow, homesickness. In fact, it was the heat of the formed while serving together. "Merry Christmas to all, Vietnam jungle that sparked Allen's memories of and to all a good night." home. "Weather here is hot, and going to get a Allen frequently wrote home to help keep his

lot hotter," an April 1, 1967 letter reads. "All I family at ease. But the soldiers depended on Now we should have known thought about going back through the bush while each other to ease the burden of war. It was a our cools were blown it was so hot was swimming in good old Lake bond that developed over time, since Savelkoul When that light in the East we had seen. Superior. I can hardly wait." But Allen never remarked that "you never made friends quick I thought it was flares, and it had to be theirs made it home. A brief letter to his parents on over there ... friendships had to be earned and Or the damned things would have been green. June 29 said Striker was going on patrol the next established over time." But Savelkoul found a

day, and that they were told the area was "all friend in Allen, who was a mentor to Savelkoul I screamed "Mother UP!" secure." What they didn't know, Savelkoul said, and taught him about reconnaissance. The two (but it was too late), was that they were sent to an area used for also had in common their jobs as radio operators. Doc came on a dead run... staging North Vietnamese troops in advance of Yet the conversation often drifted away from the He did his best and stood the test, the Tet Offensive. On June 30, the helicopter jungle and over to home. We talked about But the damage wasn't to be undone that delivered the team into the heat of battle was hunting and fishing, girls, cars, what we were

hit with a rocket almost immediately after going to do after Vietnam," Savelkoul I picked up the hook and said with a voice that touching the ground. Not only did it blast a hole remembered. "We would laugh and talk and shook, in the chopper, but also severed fuel lines, send- dream like the teenagers we were. Vietnam "Gimme the Six and quick!" ing out a spray of jet fuel that would ignite and hadn't hardened us yet." Allen also endeared "Colonel," I said, "Hang onto your head, engulf the helicopter in flames, Savelkoul said. himself to his fellow soldiers through his We just greased Old Saint Nick." generosity and ingenuity. Savelkoul spoke of

Savelkoul and others last year recreated the how he wrote to pinup models and received Now the Old Man's cool, he's nobody's fool, incident for military investigators at the autographed pictures for the whole team in Right off he knew the word, Quantico Marine base. Piecing together return. If this gets out, there'd be no doubt, information 40 years later, they were able to He wouldn't be making his bird. determine that Allen was killed instantly when And while the Striker team's calling card was the

the rocket hit the helicopter. The 20-year-old ace of spades, there's only one in a deck. So "Just get him up here, soldier was directly in front of Savelkoul, and no Allen wrote the Bicycle Card Company, which and we'll play it by ear. doubt shielded him from the worst of the blast. sent the team 52 decks of cards, each with 52 Make sure he's got a toe tag. In the midst of fire and oncoming bullets, the aces of spades, Savelkoul said. One of those Dismantle the sleigh; pilot managed to get the helicopter off the decks was recovered in 2004 during an drive the reindeer away, ground and attempt a flight toward safety. It excavation of the crash site, and Savelkoul And bury his big goody bag," failed to clear a ridge, crashed into trees and fell carries one of the cards in his wallet to this day.

90 feet to the ground, Savelkoul said, who was It was that bond that motivated Savelkoul to Now by and by, the kiddies may cry, blasted out of the chopper along with two other follow through on the fifth try and contact the "Cause nothing's under the tree. Striker team members. Although they suffered Allen family. It turned out to be "the greatest But word came back from FMF PAC burns over a majority of their bodies, the men thing I've ever done," he said. That Santa Claus had gone VC. were still alive when the helicopter exploded.

They had no weapons aside from one grenade, a There's strange things done Marilyn Neff, Merl Allen's sister, recalled that .38 revolver and a machete. And by the time he 'neath the Vietnam sun, the family's initial reaction was one of disbelief. climbed to the top of a hill, Savelkoul lost much But the one that locked my jaws, "We'd been told for so many years that there of the burnt skin on his hands after pulling Was that night 'neath the moon were no survivors," Neff said Sunday. "And he himself up with branches. Four flares were when the 3rd Platoon told me things that only a close friend of my fired, but none of them were spotted. The fifth Gunned down Santa Claus. brother's would know, and I knew right away flare was a dud. Their sixth and final flare that he was for real." Neff also recalled how grabbed the attention of another helicopter pilot, Treasurer - Continued from page # 4 their mother, Eleanor, thanked Savelkoul for who was unable to unfurl a ladder through the reaching out to them, but also urged him to reach

dense canopy. One of the other Striker out to others. "My mom, when she was very, I’d like to thank all of you who have contributed to members, Mariano Acosta -- "Junior" to his very sick told Jeff 'You've helped me so very the association. Rest assured, I can guarantee you friends -- who was also severely burned, much to bring closure. Please go and see the that your donations will be spent responsibly. managed to climb a tree and chop off branches, other moms and tell them what you told me,"'

giving the soldiers enough clearance to be Neff said. Along with two other veterans, Brothers, I wish all of you a happy and healthy airlifted to safety. Junior also sent Savelkoul up Savelkoul did just that: they hopped in the car holiday season. Let us all remember, in our first, and was second along with another member and drove across the country to share their thoughts and prayers our departed brothers, those of the team, Eugene Castenada, or "Cass." memories with four other families. hospitalized veterans and all who serve in our military who guard our gates of freedom. To you Savelkoul knew he needed to share the story And the work to bring closure to the events of and yours, a Merry Christmas and Happy New with the Allen family, but said Saturday he could June 20, 1967 continues. The crash site has Year. Semper Fidelis never talk himself into it. The biggest reason was twice been excavated and partial remains of all

that Savelkoul's burn scars, which covered 65 but five members of the Striker team have been John “Doc” Winters, Association Treasurer percent of his body, were still bad enough that recovered. he wanted to shield the family from thinking the

11 3rd Recon Association

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"Poor is the nation that has no Heroes, Shameful is the one that having them, forgets"

John Romero, James Smith & Wayne Thompson chat Marble Champ - 3 Charlie 1, Quang Tri 1968 with Huey gunner about the landing zone and mission Rear standing (L to R) 3 Charlie 1 is about to undertake. Dong Ha 1968. Mike Green, James Smith, Aaron Moore, Jerry Beasley, John Sawyers Kneeling front (L to R) John Romero, George Boks, Wayne Thompson