Proceedings, Eleventh International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (2008)

Answer Set Programming with Functions

Fangzhen Lin Yisong Wang1,2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering 1Guizhou University, Guiyang, P.R. China Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Abstract Syntactically, functions are allowed in from the very beginning (c.f. (Lloyd 1987)). However, they To compute a function such as a mapping from vertices to col- are normally interpreted under Herbrand universe. For in- ors in the graph coloring problem, current practice in Answer stance, in , one cannot declare a fact like “f(a) = b”. Set Programming is to represent the function as a relation. Among other things, this often makes the resulting program In fact, the query “f(a) = b” will always receive a “no” an- unnecessarily large when instantiated on a large domain. The swer. In other words, functions are pre-defined and their extra constraints needed to enforce the relation as a function values cannot be changed by the user. The same holds also make the logic program less transparent. In this paper, for most of the work in ASP that allows function symbols we consider adding functions directly to normal logic pro- (e.g. (Bonatti 2004; Baselice, Bonatti, & Criscuolo 2007; grams. We show that the answer set semantics can be gen- Syrj¨anen 2001; Simkus & Eiter 2007; Calimeri, Cozza, & eralized to these programs straightforwardly. We also show Ianni 2007)). While lparse (Syrj¨anen 1998) allows function that the notions of loops and loop formulas can be extended, symbols, terms constructed of these functions are just names and that through program completion and loop formulas, a standing for constants. normal logic program with functions can be transformed to a One noticeable exception is the work of Cabalar and Constraint Satisfaction problem. Lorenzo (2004) and Cabalar (2005) where they proposed a logic programming language with functions only. The main Introduction differences between their language and ours are that we ex- tend normal logic programs with functions rather than using Currently in Answer Set Programming (ASP), functions are a pure functional language, and that functions must be total represented as special relations. For instance, to encode the in our language but can be partial in theirs. A more detailed graph coloring problem, instead of a unary function, say comparison will be given later in the paper. color(x) that maps vertices to colors, one uses a binary rela- In the next section, we introduce our language of normal tion, say color(x, c) to mean that the vertex x is assigned the logic programs with functions. We then extend the answer color c. For this to work, one needs to add some axioms say- set semantics to this language and show that under this se- ing that the predicate color(x, c) is in fact functional. More mantics, functions can indeed be replaced by relations in a importantly, it increases the size of the final instantiated pro- systematic way. We then extend the notions of loops and gram both in terms of the number of atoms and the number loop formulas to normal logic programs with functions and of rules. For instance, with color(x, c) we get M ×N atoms, show how they can be used to translate logic programs with where M is the number of vertices and N colors. For the N- functions to constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). We de- queen’s problem, if we use a predicate q(x, y) to say that the scribe an implementation of logic programs with functions 2 queen at row x is placed in column y, this will generate N using CSP solvers based on this result, and report some pre- atoms. liminary experimental results. In this paper, we consider adding functions to logic pro- grams. We shall argue that this allows for more direct and Normal Logic Programs with Functions compact representation of problems like the graph coloring, the queen’s problem, and the Hamiltonian circuit problem. In the following, let L be a many-sorted first-order language. We shall extend the answer set semantics to programs with Recall that in such a language, every predicate has an ar- functions and relate it to Constraint Satisfaction Problem ity that specifies the number of arguments the predicate has (CSP) through program completion and loop formulas. Our and the type (sort) of each argument, and similarly for con- preliminary experimental results indicate that the reduction stants and functions. Variables also have types associated in size as a result of using functions can pay off when the with them, and when they are used in a formula, their types problem become large. are normally clear from the context. The language L may have pre-interpreted symbols like Copyright c 2008, Association for the Advancement of Artificial the standard arithmetic functions such as “+”, “−”, and the Intelligence ( All rights reserved. absolute function “|.|”.

454 In this paper, by an atom we mean an atomic formula that Here q is a function of the type pos → pos, and q(i) is does not mention equality, and by an equality atom we mean the column where the ith-queen (the one in row i) is to be a formulaof the form t = t′. Unless stated otherwise, in this placed. The expression x 6= y in a rule stands for not x = y. paper, by functions we mean proper functions, not constants. There are actually two types here: pos, whose domain is A normal rule with functions, or simply a rule, is an ex- 1..N, and int, whose domain is −N..N, for the N-queen pression of the form: problem. The pre-interpreted function “−” is of the type pos × pos → int and “|.|” of int → int. These two func- A ← B1,...,Bm, not C1, . . . , not Cn (1) tions have their standard meanings. This program is essen- tially the same as Cabalar’s encoding of 8-queens problem where A is empty or an atom, Bi, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, and Cj , 1 ≤ j ≤ n) are atoms or equality atoms. If A is an atom, in his functional . then the rule is a proper rule; if A is empty, we also call the For logic programs without functions, an answer set is a rule a constraint. set of atoms that defines the relations in the program: an A normal logic program P is a set of rules together with atom is true iff it is in the answer set. For logic programs a set of type definitions, one for each type τ used in the rules with functions, a model needs to define not only relations of P , of the form: but also functions in the program. Given a logic program τ : D (2) P that may contain functions, an interpretation I of P is a where D is a finite and nonempty set of elements. Unless mapping that assigns each relation and function symbol in stated otherwise, all logic programs in this paper are as- P a meaning in the domains given in the type definitions of sumed to be normal. P : Informally, a type definition defines a domain for a type • if R is a relation of arity τ1 × · · · × τn and the type I (sort). This is like in a first-order structure for a many-sorted definitions τi : Di, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, are in P , then R ⊆ language, there is a domain for each type. Here we require D1 × · · · × Dn. that if a constant c of type τ occurs in the rules of P , then • if f is a function of type τ1 × · · · × τn → τn+1, n > 1, the domain D of τ as specified in the type definitions of P and the type definitions τi : Di, 1 ≤ i ≤ n + 1, are in I must contain c. P , then f is a function from D1 × · · · × Dn to Dn+1. Example 1 The graph coloring problem can be formalized Notice here that a pre-interpreted function should follow with the following constraint: its standard interpretation, thus cannot change it meaning from one interpretation to another. ← arc(x, y), clr(x) = clr(y), (3) We now define the conditionsfor an interpretationto be an where arc is of arity vertex×vertex, and clr a unary func- answer set of a logic program with functions. We basically tion of type vertex → color. A particular instance of the follow the for logic programs with- graph coloring problem is specified by giving type defini- out functions (Gelfond & Lifschitz 1988): we first instanti- tions for vertex and color along with a set of facts about ate all variables in the rules, use the given interpretation to arc(x, y). transform the program into one without negation and func- tions, and check if the resulting program entails the same set Example 2 The Hamiltonian circuit problem can be for- of atoms true in the given interpretation. malized by the following rules: Given a logic program P , the grounding of P consists of ← not reached(x), type definitions as in P and the rules that are obtained by re- ← not arc(x, hc(x)), placing variables in the rules of P with elements in their re- reached(hc(x)) ← initial(x), spective domains (recall that we are assuming a many-sorted reached(hc(x)) ← reached(x). first-order language, and each variable has a type associated with it). Thus if variable x is of type τ and the domain of τ Here reached(x) and initial(x) are of arity vertex, and is D according to the type definitions in P , then x is to be hc(x) is a unary function of the type vertex → vertex. An replaced by elements in D. Notice that even after grounding instance of the problem is specified by a domain for vertex, when all variables have been replaced by elements in their and a set of facts for arc(x, y) and a fact for initial(x). respective domains, we still need to keep the type definitions This program is more or less a direct “functionalization” as they are still needed to interpret the functions in the pro- of Niemel¨a’s encoding of the same problem using a nor- gram. mal logic program (Niemel¨a1999), and is also similar to For instance, suppose P is Cabalar’s encoding of the problem in his functional action language1 node : {1, 2}, color : {r, b}, Example 3 The queens problem can be formalized by the following rules: arc : node × node, clr : node → color, ← q(x) = q(y), x 6= y, brighter(clr(x), clr(y)) ← arc(x, y). ← |q(x) − q(y)| = |x − y|, x 6= y. Notice that although the arity of the predicate arc and the 1∼cabalar/fal/. type of the function clr are part of the given language, not

455 the program P , we write them in P for clarity. The ground- For instance, let P be ing of P is τ : {a, b}, node : {1, 2}, p, q : τ, color : {r, b}, f : τ → τ, arc : node × node, p(f(x)) ← not q(x), clr : node → color, q(f(x)) ← not p(x). brighter(clr(1), clr(1)) ← arc(1, 1), Consider an interpretation I such that brighter(clr(1), clr(2)) ← arc(1, 2), {f I (a) = b, f I (b) = a}. brighter(clr(2), clr(1)) ← arc(2, 1), brighter(clr(2), clr(2)) ← arc(2, 2). Then P is essentially the following program (in P , replace f(a) by b and f(b) by a): In the following, unless otherwise stated, we shall equate p b not q a , a logic program with its grounding. Thus rules with vari- ( ) ← ( ) ables are considered shorthandsthat will be replaced by their p(a) ← not q(b), instantiations. q(b) ← not p(a), Notice that once a variable in a rule is replaced by objects q(a) ← not p(b). of a domain, the grounded rules may have symbols not in the original language L. In the following, we let LP be the Thus I is an answer set of P iff language that extends L by introducing a new constant for {p(x) | x ∈ {a, b}, p(x) is true in I} ∪ each object that is in the domain of a type, but not a constant in L. These new constants will have the same type as their {q(x) | x ∈ {a, b}, q(x) is true in I} corresponding objects. Now the fully instantiated rules will is an answer set of the above program. Now if f I (a) = be in the language LP . f I (b) = a, then P is essentially the following program: Notice that an interpretation I of P can be considered as a p a not q a , first-order structure for LP : the domains are those specified ( ) ← ( ) in the type definitions of P , the relations and functions are p(a) ← not q(b), interpreted as given by I, and each constant is mapped to q(a) ← not p(a), itself. In the following, we identify an interpretation of P q(a) ← not p(b). with its associated first-order structure of LP as described above, and when we say that, for example, I is a modelofa Thus I is an answer set of P if the set of atoms true in it is formula ϕ, it is to be understood under in this sense. {p(a), q(a)}. Given an interpretation I for P , we define the reduction of P under I, written P I , as the set of rules obtained from Eliminating Functions P by: As we mentioned in the introduction, functions are not nec- • replace each functional term f(c1, ..., cn) in a rule by c if essary theoretically speaking. They can be eliminated by I f (c1, ..., cn) = c; using relations. We now make this precise. Let P be a logic program that may have functions. For • if a rule contains c 6= c or c = d in its body, where c and each function f : τ1 × · · · × τn → τ in P , we introduce two d are distinct constants in LP , then remove the rule; corresponding relations fr and f r. They both have the arity • if a rule contains not A for some A such that A is true τ1 × · · ·× τn × τ, and informally fr(x1, ..., xn, y) stands for under I, then remove this rule; f(x1, ..., xn) = y and f r(x1, ..., xn, y) for f(x1, ..., xn) 6= F • remove all equality literals from the bodies of the remain- y. Now let (P ) be the union of the rules obtained by ing rules; grounding the following rules for each function f in P using the domains in the type definitions of P : • remove all not A from the bodies of the remaining rules. ← f (x , . . . , x , y ), f (x , . . . , x , y ), y 6= y , Clearly, P I is a set of rules that do not have negation, equal- r 1 n 1 r 1 n 2 1 2 ity, or functions. fr(x1, . . . , xn, y) ← not f r(x1, ...,xn, y), Now if P is a program that does not have any constraints, f r(x1, ...,xn, y) ← fr(x1, . . . , xn, z), y 6= z. then an interpretation I is an answer set of P if for every R atom in P , it is true under I iff it is in the least model of P I . Let (P ) be the set of rules obtained from the rules in P by the following transformation: Here an atom p(c1, ..., cn) is said to be in P if p occurs in P and ci ∈ Di, where Di is the domain of the ith argument of • Repeatedly replace each functional term f(u1, . . . , un), p as given by the type definitions of P . where each ui is a simple term in that it does not men- Generally, I is an answer set of P if it satisfies the con- tion a function symbol, by a new variable x and add straints in P and is an answer set of the program obtained fr(u1, . . . , un, x) to the body of the rule where the term from P by removing its constraints. appears.

456 • Ground all the variables introduced in the previous step. From Programs with Functions to CSPs For example, if r is the following rule For logic programs without functions, answer sets can be computed by SAT solvers using program completions and p(f(g(a)), b) ← q(g(c)), loop formulas (Lin & Zhao 2004). For programs with func- tions, the natural alternatives to SAT solvers are CSP solvers. it will be first transformed into The basic idea is that a functional term is like a variable in a CSP, and can have any value in the range of the function. p(f(x), b) ← q(y), gr(a, x), gr(c, y), The constraints will be program completions and loop for- mulas. then into Before delving into the technical details, let’s first see some examples. Recall that a CSP is a tuple X,D,C , p(z, b) ← q(y), g (a, x), g (c, y), f (x, z). ( ) r r r where X is a set of variables, D a set of domains, one for The variables x and y will be of the same type as the range each variable in X, and C a set of constraints about the of g, thus will be instantiated using elements from the range variables in X. A solution to a CSP is an assignment that of g, and similarly, the variable z will be instantiated by ele- maps each variable in X to an element in its domain such ments from the range of f. that under the assignment, all constraints in C are satisfied. Clearly F(P ) ∪ R(P ) is a normal logic program without Constraints can be given as formulas in a formal language. functions. This program is equivalent to P : Abstractively, a constraint can be thought of as a pair (~x, S), where ~x is a tuple of variables, and S a set of tuples of val- Theorem 1 Let P be a normal logic program with func- ues in the domains of the variables in ~x. Thus an assignment tions. An interpretation I is an answer set of P iff R(I) satisfies a constraint (~x, S) if under the assignment, the tuple is an answer set of F(P ) ∪ R(P ), where R(I) is the set of of values taken by the variables in ~x is in S. atoms that are true in I: Consider first the program for the graph coloring problem given earlier. For each vertex n, we introduce a variable R(I) = {p(~c) | pI (~c) holds} ∪ corresponding to clr(n) whose domain is the set of given I I colors, and the constraints are those corresponding to the {f (~c, a) | f (~c) = a} ∪ {f (~c,a) | f (~c) 6= a}. r r rules obtained from (3) by instantiating variables x and y with vertices. This corresponds to the standard formulation Cabalar and Lorenzo's Functional Logic of the graph coloring as a CSP. Programming As another example, consider the following program As we mentioned in the introduction, functions in logic pro- τ : {a, b}, gramming have mostly been used with a fixed interpreta- p, q : τ, tion. Thus if one wants to write a logic program to compute f : τ → τ, a function, one needs to represent the function by a rela- tion. One noticeable exception is the work of (Cabalar & p(f(x)) ← not q(x), Lorenzo 2004; Cabalar 2005). Cabalar and Lorenzo (2004) q(f(x)) ← not p(x). introduced a pure functional logic programming language. Relations are considered as functions with only two possible For each x in the domain D = {a, b}, we have two propo- values, true or false. There is no negation-as-failure opera- sitional variables p(x) and q(x), and one functional variable tor in the language. Instead, functions can take on default f(x) whose domain is also D. The constraints for this pro- values. This language is extended by Cabalar (2005), and gram are the sentences in the program completion, i.e. the used as an action language. instantiations of the following formulas on the domain D: A major difference between Cabalar and Lorenzo’s for- p(x) ≡ x = f(y) ∧ ¬q(y), malism and ours is that functions can be partial in theirs but _ must be total in ours. For instance, consider the following y∈D program q(x) ≡ x = f(y) ∧ ¬p(y). _ y∈D f : {1} → {a, b}, ← f(1) = a. For this example, the program completion is sufficient to capture the answer set semantics. In the general case, we According to our semantics, the unique answer set of this also need loop formulas. program is {f(1) = b}. However, the unique model is the empty set according to theirs. Program Completion In a sense, one can see the language proposed here as a The completion semantics given by Clark (1978) allows middle ground between traditional logic programming lan- functions in a logic program. It can be adapted here straight- guages, which encode functions as relations, and the lan- forwardly. guages of (Cabalar & Lorenzo 2004; Cabalar 2005), which Recall that here a logic program consists of two parts: a encode relations as functions. set of rules that may have variables and functions, and a set

457 of type definitions that specifies a domain for each type, and generates only dependency edges such as (p(b), q(b)) and we have identified such a logic program with its grounding. (p(c), q(c)), but not the ones such as (p(b), q(c)). In the following, we denote by Atoms(P ) the set of atoms A finite non-empty subset L of V is a loop of P if there in P : recall that an atom p(c1, ..., cn) is said to be in P if p is a non-zero length cycle that goes through only and all the is a predicate in P , and ci ∈ Di, where Di is the domain of nodes in L. In other words, the induced subgraph of GP on the type of the ith argument of p. L is strongly connected. It’s clear that if the given program Notice that since pre-interpreted functions have their does not mention any functions, then the abovedefinitions of meanings fixed, and that constants are interpreted by them- positive dependency graph and loops are the same as those selves, if a ground term mentions only constants and pre- in (Lin & Zhao 2004). interpreted functions, then it can be evaluated independent For instance, if P is the following program of interpretations. In the following, given an atomic formula p(t1, ..., tn) and τ : {a}, an atom p(c1, ..., cn) in Atoms(P ), we say that the atomic µ : {c1, . . . , cn}, formula p(t1, ..., tn) can cover the atom p(c1, ..., cn) if for f : τ → µ, each 1 ≤ i ≤ n, p(f(a)) ← p(f(a)). • if ti mentions only constants and pre-interpreted func- tions, then ti can be evaluated to ci; then the loops of P are {p(c1)},..., {p(cn)}.

• if ti is f(~s) and cannot be evaluated independent of inter- Given a loop L of P , and an atom p(~c) in L, the exter- pretations, then ci has the same type as the range of f. nal support formula of p(~c) w.r.t. L (Lee 2005), written ES(p(~c),L,P ), is the following formula: Intuitively, this means that under some functional assign- ments, p(t1, ..., tn) may become p(c1, ..., cn). Now let P be a program and p(~c) ∈ Atoms(P ). The   Body\ ∧ ~c = ~t ∧ ~s 6= d~ , (5) completion of p(~c) (w.r.t. P ), written Comp(p(~c),P ), is the _ i i ^ 1≤i≤n  q(~s)∈Bodyi  following propositional formula:  q(d~)∈L  \ ~ \ ~ p(~c) ↔ Body1 ∧ t1 = ~c ∨ ... ∨ Bodyn ∧ tn = ~c (4) where (p(~t1) ← Body1),. . . , (p(~tn) ← Bodyn) are all of the rules in P whose heads can cover p ~c . where ( ) The loop formula of L in P , written LF (L,P ), is then • (p(~t1) ← Body1),. . . , (p(~tn) ← Bodyn) are all of the the following formula: (grounded) rules in P whose heads can cover p(~c); \ A ⊃ ES(A, L, P ). (6) • Bodyi stands for the conjunction of all element in Bodyi _ _ with “not ” replaced by logical negation “¬”; A∈L A∈L • in general, ξ~ = ψ~ if the two vectors have the same length Notice that since an atom covers itself, our notions of and their corresponding components are all equal. completion, external support and loop formula generalize the corresponding ones for normal logic programs in (Lin Now the completion of P is the set of the completions of & Zhao 2004). all atoms in Atoms(P ) and the formulas corresponding to the constraints in P . Theorem 2 Let P be a program. An interpretation I of P is an answer set of P iff it satisfies Comp(P ) ∪ LF (P ), where Loops and loop formulas LF (P ) is the set of loop formulas of P . We now extend the notions of loops and loop formulas from (Lin & Zhao 2004) to programs that may have functions. From Programs with functions to CSPs Let P be a program. The positive dependency graph of We can now describe our mapping from logic programs with P , written GP , is the directed graph (V,E), where V = functions to CSPs. ~ ~ Atoms(P ), and for any p(~c), q(d) ∈ V , (p(~c), q(d)) ∈ E if First, we need to assume a certain “normalform” for func- there is a rule r of the form (1) in P such that tional terms in a logic program. In the following, we say • A = p(~t) for some ~t, and p(~t) can cover p(~c); that a logic program P is free of functions in arguments if all terms that can be evaluated independently of interpreta- • Bi = q(~s) for some 1 ≤ i ≤ m and ~s such that q(~s) can tions have been evaluated to constants in L , and none of ~ P cover q(d); the predicates or functions that are not pre-interpreted have • if the ith element in the above ~t and the kth element in the a functional term in their arguments. above ~s are syntactically identical, then the ith element in Given any logic program P , we can transform it into one ~c and the kth element in d~ are also syntactically identical. that is free of functions in arguments using the following procedure: The last condition is to make sure that a rule such as • evaluate all terms that mention only constants and pre- p(f(a)) ← q(f(a)) interpreted functions to constants;

458 • foreach rulein P , repeatedly replace every occurrence Some Experimental Results of a functional term f(u1, . . . , un) in any argument of a Given our translation above from logic programs to CSPs, predicate or a function that is not pre-interpreted in the we can compute the answer sets of logic programs with rule by a new variable v of the same type as the range of functions using an algorithm that is similar to the one used f, and add f(u1, . . . , un) = v to the end of the body of by ASSAT (Lin & Zhao 2004), except that we now use a the rule, where each ui is a simple term in that it does not CSP solver instead of a SAT solver. mention a function symbol; First of all, notice that our translation from logic programs • instantiate the rules obtained in the above step. to CSPs actually has two steps: it first transforms a logic program to a set of quantifier-free sentences in the form of Example 4 Consider the HC program P in Example 2. The completions and loop formulas, and then from these sen- first two steps in the above procedure turns the rules of P tences to CSPs. The second part is actually quite general in into the following rules that it will work for any quantifier-free sentences that do not reached(y) ← initial(x), y = hc(x), have any functional terms in the arguments of predicates and reached(y) ← reached(x), y = hc(x), functions, provided the domain of each type is given and fi- ← not reached(x), nite. We make use of this observation in our Algorithm 1 ← not arc(x, y), y = hc(x). given below. Grounding these rules produces O(n2) number of rules for a Algorithm 1: FASP(X) - X stands for a CSP solver graph with n vertices. In comparison, grounding Niemel¨a’s (1999) program on a graph with n vertices may produce input : Aprogram P O(n3) number of rules. output: An answerset of P if P has one, and report no otherwise It is clear that this transformation does not introduce any begin new ground atoms, and the original program and the trans- 1. Σ ← Comp(P ). formed one are equivalent in the sense that they have the same answer sets. Thus without loss of generality, in the 2. R(Σ) ← convert Σ to the format of X (typically in the following, we assume that the given logic program is free of language CSP2.0 used at the 2006 CSP competition). functions in arguments. 3. Find a solution S of R(Σ) by X. Given such a logic program P , we translate it to a CSP, 4. If no solution, return no answer set. denoted by R(P ) = hX,D,Ci, as follows: the set X of variables and their domains D are as follows: 5. Map S to an interpretation I of P . 6. Compute M − p ~c pI ~c holds P I , where • for each atom p in Atoms(P ), there is a variable for it = { ( )| ( ) }\ Γ( ) P I is the least model of P I . whose domain is {0, 1}, and Γ( ) 7. If M − = ∅, return I as an answer set. • for each functional term f(u1, . . . , un) in P such that f is not pre-interpreted, there is a variable for it whose domain 8. Compute all the maximal loops under M −, add their is the range of the function f, loop formulas to Σ, and goto step 2. the set C of the constraints is as follows: for each formula φ end in Comp(P ) ∪ LF (P ), there is a constraint c(φ) = hS, Ri in C, where R is the constraint obtained from φ by replacing There are a number of available CSP solvers. We tried atoms and functional terms in it by their corresponding vari- abscon2, sugar 0.33 with minisat2.04, and sat4j-2.0-RC35. ables, and S is the set of variables occurring in R. Notice They all performed well at the 2006 CSP Competition6. The that c(φ) leaves pre-interpreted functions as they are in φ. benchmarksthat we tried are the HC problem, the graph col- Under this formulation, the answer sets of a logic pro- oring problem, and the queen’s problem. Our encodings of gram P will correspond to the solutions to its corresponding these problems using functions are as given above. We com- CSP R(P ) under the following mapping: let I be an inter- pared FASP(X) with the ASP solvers smodels7, cmodels8 pretation of P , the variable assignment corresponding to I, with zChaff 2007.3.12, and clasp9, using the following stan- written v(I), is defined as follows: dard encodings of these problems that do not use functions: • if x ∈ X corresponds to the atom p, then v(I) assigns x 1. For the HC problem, we use two versions, one originally 1 iff p is true in I. by Niemel¨a(1999):

• if x ∈ X corresponds to the term f(u1, . . . , un), then 2 I∼lecoutre/research/tools/abscon.html v(I) assigns x the value u iff f (u1, . . . , un) = u. 3 Similarly, given a variable assignment of R(P ), a corre- 4 sponding interpretation of P can be easily computed. 5 6 Theorem 3 Let P be a logic program that is free of func- 7 tions in arguments, and I an interpretation of P . Then I is 8∼tag/cmodels/ an answer set of P iff v(I) is a solution to R(P ). 9

459 hc(X,Y) :- arc(X,Y), not otherroute(X,Y). In summary, our experiments seem to confirm our expec- otherroute(X,Y) :-arc(X,Y), arc(X,Z), hc(X,Z), Y != Z. tation that as the problems become large, the standard logic otherroute(X,Y) :- arc(X,Y), arc(Z,Y), hc(Z,Y), X != Z. program encodings will produce programs that are much reached(Y) :- arc(X,Y), hc(X,Y), reached(X), larger than the encodings that use functions, and as the pro- not initialnode(X). grams become large, the performance of ASP solvers will reached(Y) :- arc(X,Y), hc(X,Y), initialnode(X). suffer, giving advantages to solvers like our FASP. initialnode(0). :- vertex(V), not reached(V). Concluding Remarks and the other uses weight constraints: Currently in ASP, to compute a function, one needs to en- code it as a relation. This makes the resulting program less {in(X,Y)} :- arc(X,Y). direct and leads to large programs when grounded. In this :- 2 {in(X,Y) : arc(X,Y)}, vertex(X). paper we propose to add functions to logic programs, and to :- 2 {in(X,Y) : arc(X,Y)},vertex(Y). extend the answer set semantics and loop formulas to these r(X) :- in(0,X), vertex(X). logic programs. Just as the SAT solvers can be used to com- r(Y) :- r(X), in(X,Y), arc(X,Y). pute answer sets of logic programs without functions, we :- not r(X), vertex(X). show that CSP solvers can be used to compute answer sets 2. For the queen’s problem: of logic programs with functions. Our experiments seem to show that for problems that require functions, our logic pro- 1{queen(R,C):n(R)}1:-n(C). :-queen(R,C),queen(R,C1),n(R;C;C1),C

460 Vertices smodels cmodels clasp FASP(X) (LFs/Runs) size =? abscon sat4j sugar lparse(n) lparse(w) FASP 10 0.020 1.860 0.010 – – 4.1364(1/2) 46K 7.2K 4.6K 20 0.064 0.800 0.040 – – 10.3292(1/2 428K 30K 20K 30 0.292 0.380 0.170 – – 13.4976(1/2) 1.5M 68K 45K 40 0.876 1.310 0.490 – – 17.2581(1/2) 3.7M 120K 80K 100 69.748 49.310 72.870 – – – 60.0M 757K 503K Legends: LFs - number of loop formulas added; Runs - number of calls for CSP solver; – - No result in 2 hours. lparse(n) - the encoding in normal logic program. lparse(w) - the encoding with weight rules.

Table 1: Hamiltonian Circuit with compete graphs

N=? smodels cmodels clasp FASP(X) size abscon sat4j sugar lparse FASP 20 14.792 0.180 0.060 4.2245 10.4332 14.1777 329K 20K 25 2227.367 0.380 0.160 5.3366 16.1859 18.5702 649K 32K 50 – 3.860 2.140 9.0090 144.6419 133.4165 5.2M 130K 100 – 32.690 23.290 16.0819 # # 42M 528K 200 – % 276.020 262.3127 # # 355M 2.2M 300 – – – 465.8901 # # > 1.0G 5.0M Legends: # - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError;– - no result in two hours; % - return with Unknown.

Table 2: N-queens

Graph colorable smodels cmodels clasp FASP(X) size ? abscon sat4j sugar lparse FASP p3000e13525 y 152.741 191.700 215.460 130.2962 # 86.7627 3.4M 789K p6000e35946 y 693.495 11651.180 – 1531.4232 # 546.9962 6.9M 1.6M p10000e10000 y 876.474 3.270 81.590 85.8427 56.8471 19.3543 4.3M 551K p10000e11000 y 914.969 3.660 78.330 100.8925 64.1679 30.9318 4.4M 592K p10000e21000 n 6.952 1.950 1.820 18.4261 # 27.3713 5.8M 1007K p10000e22000 y 1170.997 4.440 48.380 131.6482 # 30.2036 6.0M 1.1M Legend: pnem - a graph with n nodes and m edges; – - no result in two hours; # - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError.

Table 3: Graph coloring with 4 colors

Graph colorable smodels cmodels clasp FASP(X) size ? abscon sat4j sugar lparse FASP p3000e13525 n 3.584 1.670 0.700 11.4414 # 16.2339 2.7M 789K p6000e35946 n 6.972 3.550 1.600 23.1548 # 33.1880 5.3M 1.6M p10000e10000 y 380.999 2.650 33.030 74.5373 57.9511 16.9781 3.5M 551K p10000e11000 y 345.577 3.210 31.260 88.7149 60.7035 25.9871 3.6M 592K p10000e21000 n 5.572 1.900 1.570 19.2262 # 30.9637 4.6M 1007K p10000e22000 unknown – – – – # – 4.7M 1.1M Legends: Same as in Table 2.

Table 4: Graph coloring with 3 colors

461 Clark, K. L. 1978. Negation as failure. In Gallaire, H., and We generalize the splitting notion (Lifschitz 1996) to nor- Minker, J., eds., Logics and Databases. New York: Plenum mal logic programs without functions but possibly contain- Press. 293–322. ing constraints. In the following, we alternatively write a Gelfond, M., and Lifschitz, V. 1988. The stable model se- rule of the form (1) as mantics for logic programming. In Proceedings of the Fifth A ← Pos, not Neg International Conference and Symposium on Logic Pro-

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462 • r isoftheform“p(f(a)) ← Body” and Body mentions A ∈ Atoms(P ) \Atoms(Ξ(P )), it is not difficult to see that neither functions nor equality. Suppose f I (a) = c, the I |= Comp(A, P ) iff AI does not hold. Thus, by the infor- range of f is {c1, . . . , ck}(k > 0). It follows that the mal discussion in the proof of Theorem 1, it is sufficient to rules in R(P ) that are obtained from r include show that, for each atom p(~c) ∈ Atoms(P )∩Atoms(Ξ(P )), R p(c1) ← {fr(a, c1)} ∪ Body, I |= Comp(p(~c),P ) iff (I) |= GCOMP(p(~c), Ξ(P )). . For the sake of clarity, let ~c be c and suppose . (p(t1) ← Body1),..., (p(tk) ← Bodyk) p(ck) ← {fr(a, ck)} ∪ Body.

f ′ are the rules in P whose heads can cover p(c). Thus the Knowing that fr(a, c) ∈ I and there is no other c such I ′ ′ ′ completion of p(c), Comp(p(c),P ), is the following formula that f (a) = c where c 6= c, thus there is no fr(a, c ) ∈ If . Therefore, p(c) ≡ t = c ∧ Body\ . (8) _ i i p(c) ← Body 1≤i≤k R f is the only rule kept in eU ( (P ),I ) from the above For the sake of clarity and without loss of generality, let’s rules. Clearly, this rule belongs to Φ(P,I). consider the following cases for the rule r : p(ti) ← Bodyi,

• r is of the form “A ← {p(f(a))} ∪ Body” where A and • ti is identical to f(a) and there is no equality and func- Body mention neither functions nor equality. Suppose tions in Bodyi. In this case, the only one rule obtained I f (a) = c again. As the above discussion, from r, that is in R(P ) and whose head is p(c), is the following rule: A ← {p(c)} ∪ Body f p(c) ← {fr(a, c)} ∪ Bodyi. is the only rule in eU (R(P ),I ) that is obtained from r. \ This rule is in Φ(P,I) as well. Clearly I |= f(a) = c ∧ Bodyi iff R(I) |= fr(a, c) ∧ \ • r is of the form “A ← {f(a) = c} ∪ Body” where A Bodyi. Please note that the equality symbol is regarded and Body mention neither functions nor equality. It is as an identity relation as usual. transformed into: • ti is identical to c and Bodyi = {q(f(a))} ∪ Body such A ← {fr(a, x), x = c} ∪ Body. that there is no equality and functions in Body. Suppose the range of function f is {c1 . . . , cm}. Now the rules in Thus we have R(P ) obtained from r are: r′ : A ← Body p(c) ← {q(c1), fr(a, c1)} ∪ Body, belong to e (R(P ),If ) whenever f I (a) = c iff r′ ∈ U . Φ(P,I) by r. .

The other case that function occurring in not A is similar p(c) ← {q(cm), fr(a, cm)} ∪ Body. as above discussion. Note that if “← ∅” is in Φ(P,I) then \ “← ∅” must be in bU (Ξ(P )) and vice versa. Obviously, I |= q(f(a)) ∧ Body iff R(I) |= q(c1) ∧ \ \ I is an answer set of P fr(a, c1) ∧ Body ∨ ... ∨ q(cm) ∧ fr(a, cm) ∧ Body. iff Ia is an answer set of Φ(P,I) (Lemma 1) t is identical c and Body f a b Body where iff Ia is an answer set of e (Ξ(P ) \ b (Ξ(P )),If ) ((7)) • i i = { ( ) = } ∪ U U Body mentions no equality and functions. The rule in iff Ia ∪ If is an answer set of Ξ(P ) (Proposition 1) R P obtained from r is: iff R(I) is an answer set of Ξ(P ). ( ) p(c) ← {fr(a, b)} ∪ Body. Since( Ξ P ) mentions no functions and equality, its loops \ and loop formulas are defined as usual. Given a loop L of Evidently, I |= f(a) = b ∧ Body iff R(I) |= fr(a, b) ∧ Ξ(P ) and A ∈ L, we denote its completion, externalsupport Body\. and loop formula by GCOMP(Ξ(P )), GES(A, L, Ξ(P )) The other case that function occurs in not A is similar. and GLF(L, Ξ(P )) respectively as in (Chen et al. 2006). Therefore, I |= Comp(P ) iff R(I) |= GCOMP(Ξ(P )). Lemma 2 Let P be a program and I an interpretation of P . R (I) |= GCOMP(Ξ(P )) iff I |= Comp(P ). Lemma 3 Let P be a normal logic program and L ⊆ Proof:(sketch) Please note that, I is an interpretation of P . Atoms(Ξ(P )). L is a loop of P if L is a loop of Ξ(P ). R F It is obviously that (I) |= GCOMP( (P )). And due to Proof: Note that there is no loop of Ξ(P ) that contains an R F GCOMP(Ξ(P )) = GCOMP( (P ))∪GCOMP( (P )), thus atom in Atoms(F(P )) and Atoms(R(P )) ⊆ Atoms(P ). it is sufficient to show that Let the positive dependency graphs of P and R(P ) be R(I) |= GCOMP(R(P )) iff I |= Comp(P ). (V1,E1) and (V2,E2) respectively. It suffices to prove, for any two atoms A, B ∈ Atoms(Ξ(P )), if (A, B) ∈ E2 then Note that, Atoms(Ξ(P )) \Atoms(P ) = Atoms(F(P )) (A, B) ∈ E1. It is trivial. and Atoms(Ξ(P )) \Atoms(F(P )) ⊆ Atoms(P ). For any

463 Lemma 4 Let P be a program, I an interpretation of P , Lemma 5 Let P be a program, I an interpretation of P I |= Comp(P ) and L a loop of Ξ(P ). I |= LF (L,P ) iff such that I |= Comp(P ). R(I) |= GLF (Ξ(P )) iff I |= R(I) |= GLF(L, Ξ(P )). LF (P ). Proof: For simplicity, let p(c) be an arbitrary atom in Proof: By the above two lemmas, it suffices to show that, for L. It suffices to show I |= ES(p(c),L,P ) iff R(I) |= any loop L of P that is not a loop of Ξ(P ). I |= LF (L,P ) GES(p(c),L, Ξ(P )). Suppose if I |= GLF (Ξ(P )). Suppose L = {A1,...,An}. Since L is not a loop of (p(t1) ← Body1),..., (p(tk) ← Bodyk) Ξ(P ), there must be an edge (Ai,Aj)(1 ≤ i, j ≤ n) of GP are the rules in P whose heads can cover p(c). The external that is not an edge of GΞ(P ). For clarity and without loss of support ES(p(c),L,P ) is the following formula generality, let Ai = p(c) and Aj = q(d). It follows that, for any rule r of P :   p(t) ← Body Body\ ∧ c = t ∧ ~s 6= d~ . (9) _ i i ^ with q(s) ∈ Body from which the edge (p(c), q(d)) can be  q ~s ∈Body  1≤i≤k ( ) i derived in GP , there is no such rule:  q(d~)∈L  p(c) ← Body′ Let’s consider the cases for rule r :(p(ti) ← Bodyi): • r is (p(f(a)) ← Body) where Body mentions no equality with q(d) ∈ Body′ belongs to Ξ(P ) that is obtained from r. and functions. The only one rule obtained from r in R(P ), Thus Body\ ∧ t = c must be false under any interpretation. whose head is p(c), is the following rule Thus L is not actually a loop of P . Now it is easy to see that I |= LF (L,P ) by I |= Comp(P ) and Lemma 4. p(c) ← {fr(a, c)} ∪ Body. ~ Clearly Body ∩ L = ∅ iff q(~s)∈Body ~s 6= d ≡ ⊤. Thus Theorem 2 Let P be a program and I an interpretation of V q(d~)∈L P . I is an answer set of P iff I satisfies Comp(P ) ∪ LF (P ) where LF (P ) is the set of loop formulas of P .   I |= Body\ ∧ f(a) = c ∧ ~s 6= d~ Proof:(sketch) ^  q(~s)∈Body  I is an answer set of P  ~  q(d)∈L iff R(I) is an answer set of Ξ(P ) (Theorem 1) \ R iff Body ∩ L = ∅ and R(I) |= fr(a, c) ∧ Body. iff (I) |= GCOMP(Ξ(P )) ∪ GLF(Ξ(P )) (Theorem 1 in (Lin & Zhao 2004)) • r is p(c) ← {q(f(a))} ∪ Body where Body mentions no iff I |= Comp(P ) ∪ LF (P ) (Lemmas 2,3 and 5). equality and functions. Suppose the domain of the range of f is {c1, . . . , cm}. Similar to the above discussion, we have Lemma 6 Let ψ be a ground formula without function oc- curring in ψ as an argument and I an interpretation. Then I |= ψ iff v(I) is a solution of c(ψ).   I |= Body\ ∧ q(f(a)) ∧ ~s 6= d~ iff ^ Proof: It is clear by induction on structures of formulas.  q(~s)∈Body   q(d~)∈L  Theorem 3 Let P be a logic program that is free of func- \ R(I) |= [q(c1) ∧ fr(a, c1) ∧ Body ∨ ... ∨ q(cm) ∧ tions in arguments, and I an interpretation of P . Then I is \ fr(a, cm) ∧ Body] and Body ∩ L = ∅. an answer set of P iff v(I) is a solution to R(P ). • r is p(c) ← {f(a) = b} ∪ Body where Body mentions Proof: I is an answer set of P no equality and functions. The only one rule in R(P ) iff I |= Comp(P ) ∪ LF (P ) (Theorem 2) obtained from r is the following rule iff v(I) is a solution of c(Comp(P ) ∪ LF (P )) (Lemma 6) iff v(I) is a solution of R(P ). p(c) ← {fr(a, c)} ∪ Body. Thus we have

  I |= Body\ ∧ f(a) = c ∧ ~s 6= d~ ^  q(~s)∈Body   q(d~)∈L  \ iff Body ∩ L = ∅ and R(I) |= fr(a, c) ∧ Body. The other case that function occurs in not A is similar. Consequently I |= LF (L,P ) iff R(I) |= GLF(L, Ξ(P )).