526 Pharmacy Management–Guidelines ASHP Guidelines on Cost Management Strategies for Hospitals and Health Systems

Because medication costs comprise the majority of health- Trends in Medication Expenditures system pharmacy budgets and continue to increase faster 1 than other health care expenditures, drug costs are a con- Senior hospital administrators have recognized the impor- stant target for cost containment initiatives. The purpose of tance of drug costs to the fiscal status of health systems. For these guidelines is to provide guidance on medication-cost- example, a health care consultancy reported that in 1996, management strategies. “managing hospital drug utilization and expenditures” was These guidelines recommend techniques to manage not ranked in the top 20 concerns for hospital CEOs.4 When drug costs in hospitals and health systems. The guidelines the survey was repeated in 2000; however, hospital CEOs focus on drug use in inpatient settings and hospital clinics, ranked drug costs as their seventh most important concern. where health-system pharmacies typically have responsibil- The 2000 survey also reported that among hospitals’ greatest ity for purchasing and distributing drugs. Strategies for other financial challenges, drug and technology costs were second settings, such as managed care and ambulatory care settings, only to decreased reimbursement, and hospital CEOs said and strategies for revenue optimization are beyond the scope that drugs offered the single greatest opportunity for cost of this document. Although revenue optimization and medi- savings.4 Although somewhat dated, these data illustrate that cation cost management are complementary approaches to drug-expenditure management presents health systems with improving the financial performance of pharmacy depart- an important challenge that is recognized by senior hospital ments, revenue optimization is best addressed through litera- administration. 2,3 ture specific to that topic and is not extensively reviewed Four primary factors drive growth in overall drug ex- in this document. penditures: price, utilization, mix, and innovation.1 These guidelines examine methods for nonlabor phar- Price inflation is an increase in the unit price of exist- maceutical cost containment, focusing primarily on vari- ing . Utilization is an increase in use of a drug, able costs (costs dependent on patient volume) and direct such as an increase in number of users, days of therapy, or drug costs. Fixed and indirect costs, such as labor to pre- dose per day of therapy. Mix changes when newer, more ex- pare or administer medication, nonpharmaceutical materi- pensive therapies are used in place of older, less expensive als, and overhead, are also beyond the scope of these guide- but equally effective drugs. Finally, a blend of the utilization lines. There is also not an attempt to consider the impact of and mix factors increases drug expenditures when expen- drug costs and drug-cost-management strategies on other sive, new medications become available to treat conditions hospital departments (e.g., laboratory, respiratory care) or previously untreatable with drug therapy (i.e., innovative on the total health care costs once the patient leaves the therapy). acute care setting. Although not discussed here, these shifts The United States spent over $250 billion dollars on in drug costs are important to consider as drug therapies prescription drugs in 2005, but total drug costs represent a influence other health care costs, and pharmacists should relatively small portion of total U.S. health care spending lead efforts to promote the value medications provide (approximately 11%).5 However, double-digit increases in across the hospital and health care system. expenditures have been common (e.g., A broad range of drug-cost-management strate- 15% in 2000, 18% in 2001, 12% in 2002, 11% in 2003, and gies exist throughout hospitals and health systems. Some 9% in 2004).1,4,6 The rate of drug-expenditure growth has approaches are relatively straightforward and can be frequently been higher than inflation, increases in wages, implemented within the pharmacy. Other approaches and other health care spending, including spending for hos- are more complex and require high-level strategic plan- pitals, physician services, and total health care expenditures. ning and extensive collaboration throughout the hos- However, with the exception of 26% growth in 2001, the re- pital. Successful drug cost management requires sys- cent rate of growth in hospital drug expenditures has been tematic attention to and integration of both approaches. less than the growth of total drug expenditures. Hospital drug Because of the different nature of various drug-cost- expenditures grew 4.9% in 2000, 26% in 2001, 9.7% in 2002, management activities, these guidelines present information 6.3% in 2003, 7.9% in 2004, and 5.7% in 2005.1,5–7 However, at different levels of complexity appropriate to the approach the rate of growth in clinic drug expenditures has consistently being described. exceeded the growth of total drug expenditures. Clinic drug When selecting and implementing drug-cost-manage- expenditures grew 24.6% in 2000, 23% in 2001, 21.3% in ment strategies, it is essential that pharmacists remain mind- 2002, 22.2% in 2003, 13.5% in 2004, and 12.4% in 2005.1,5,7 ful of patient safety and the quality of patient care. While the rate of increase in prescription drug expendi- Drug-cost-containment initiatives must never compro- tures moderated somewhat between 2004 and 2006, drug- mise the department’s ability to provide the best possible expenditure growth remains substantial. Long-range fore- care to patients. In many cases, it is prudent and necessary to casts suggest that the rate of increase in total prescription monitor and evaluate the safety and outcomes of drug-cost- drug expenditures will continue to exceed the rate of increase management projects. Fortunately, many drug-cost-contain- for total health care expenditures through 2014. Because ment strategies have little or no potential for detrimental drug expenditures are the largest component of every health- effects on patient care, and efforts to improve the quality system pharmacy’s operating budget and often a meaningful of drug use often coincide with cost-containment initiatives. portion of the entire hospital operating budget, drug expenses Pharmacy Management–Guidelines 527 attract significant attention from hospital leaders. For these Table 1. reasons, it is apparent that drug-expenditure-management Steps for Developing Annual Drug Budget7 will remain an area of focus and responsibility for health- Collect and review data (e.g., drug purchase data, drug 8 system pharmacists for the foreseeable future. utilization data, workload and productivity data, other financial statements). Systematic Approach to Medication- Develop budget for high-priority agents (top 50–60 drugs). Identify relevant new drugs and build new agent budget. Cost-Management Measures Budget for nonformulary drugs and lower-priority drugs. Establish a drug cost containment plan (identify drugs going A systematic approach to planning and prioritizing specific off patent, opportunities for therapeutic interchange or drug cost management strategies is essential when imple- protocol development). menting initiatives that will influence drug expenditures in Finalize and present the total drug budget. a health system. Annual financial planning (i.e., budgeting) Continue the budgeting process throughout the year is the most common planning approach, and specific drug- through constant vigilance and monitoring of drug use. cost-management strategies should be considered a part of the budgeting process. However, longer-term strategic and programmatic planning activities also have an important role Pareto Principle, or 80/20 rule, applies to drug budgeting and in managing drug expenditures. states that in nearly all cases, a few vital factors are important A systematic approach to drug-cost containment re- and many are trivial. A relatively small number of drugs (50– quires specific and detailed data on both health-system drug 60) typically account for 80% of most hospital drug budgets. purchases and actual drug-use patterns. Data must underlie Therefore, budgeting and cost-containment efforts should all types of planning to manage medication expenditures. focus on those drugs, and the cost-management plan should Systems should be established to have ready access to the especially concentrate on those top drugs for which it is fea- data and continually review and monitor these data. sible to influence prescribing patterns. Much of this docu- It is essential to interact and collaborate consistently ment focuses on the need to develop a cost-containment plan with physician leaders from various specialties to success- after initial estimates of drug costs are completed (Table 1). fully plan, prioritize, and implement medication-cost man- Medication-cost-management projects should be care- agement efforts. Physician involvement must be sought fully selected and prioritized as part of an ongoing financial during the annual financial planning process and when do- planning process. Because drug-cost containment strategies ing strategic or programmatic planning related to drug ex- must be customized to each health system’s unique charac- penditures. Appropriate physician representatives must also teristics, a global assessment of the pharmacy department be engaged in specific drug-cost-management initiatives. and the hospital must be conducted to identify opportunities for drug-cost-management. This assessment must go beyond During the annual financial planning process, physicians can a qualitative assessment of opportunities and must include provide important information related to drug costs, such as retrieval and analysis of both drug purchase and drug-utili- anticipated use of key drugs in the pipeline, programmatic zation data. Pharmacy departments may need to obtain and or new service implementation, anticipated recruitment of develop resources, such as personnel and software, to ana- specialists who may require high-cost agents, projections for lyze these data. use of high-priority drugs, and insights for drug cost con- Despite the need to customize the strategy and tactics tainment. Pharmacy leaders can also use this opportunity to to fit the needs of different hospitals and health systems, a update physicians on the pharmacy department’s recent ac- systematic approach to identifying, prioritizing, and imple- complishments and goals for the future. menting medication-cost containment initiatives is neces- sary and can be applied in any setting. A clearly defined list Drug Budgeting. Although a complete discussion of the of cost-containment targets should be established during drug-budgeting process is beyond the scope of this docu- each financial planning cycle. To be successful, the number ment, several important suggestions are provided below. A of initiatives should be manageable and should focus on the general approach to systematically developing the annual institution’s top expenditures. In many situations, multiple 7 drug budget is outlined in Table 1. At the beginning of approaches for cost containment will be necessary. each calendar year, the American Journal of Health-System The foundation for effective cost-management strat- Pharmacy publishes a projection of drug expenditures for egies, and the first stage of the systematic approach, be- 1,5–7 that year. gins with determining current costs of medications, both Annual drug budgeting is a challenging exercise. as ongoing expenses and those held as assets in inventory. Unanticipated situations that result in extreme increases in Understanding and tracking key medication-cost indicators drug expenditures will likely occur and the pharmacy direc- on an ongoing basis is necessary to determine the oppor- tor should be prepared to explain those situations. Better data tunities for medication-cost reduction. Examples of these and more experience will improve a department’s ability to indicators may include: forecast institutional drug expenditures. Regardless of the drug budget’s accuracy in forecasting the institution’s drug • Medication inventory per adjusted patient day expenditures, a well-planned drug budget should help the de- • Medication inventory turnover rate partment understand drug use patterns and identify opportu- • Contract coverage percentage nities for drug cost management. Specific reports that can be • Contract compliance percentage helpful in understanding drug use will be described below. • Intravenous-to-oral dosage ratio During the annual financial planning process, it is im- • Volume-adjusted total medication costs (e.g., cost per portant to identify and focus on key drug expenditures. The adjusted patient day, discharge, etc.) 528 Pharmacy Management–Guidelines

• Volume-adjusted drug category costs (e.g., antibiotics, Because of the relative ease of implementation, cost- anesthesia-related drugs, etc.) containment opportunities in areas that are primarily under • Descending-order total purchase histories, tracked the department’s control will usually be pursued first. After over time these initiatives are underway, more complex techniques that require collaboration with the medical staff and others In addition, the use of external benchmarks may pro- should be pursued. vide assistance in identifying medication-cost-reduction These guidelines are structured so that the cost-man- opportunities. External benchmarks may be available as agement techniques are presented in the order in which a component of services provided by consulting organiza- health systems often implement them. Components of a tions, the pharmacy’s drug wholesaler or group-purchasing cost-management program are listed in Table 2. An appen- organization (GPO), or from professional published data. dix that lists specific cost management opportunities is also Benchmark data should be used with care; however, be- provided. It is important to note that although these guide- cause there may be important limitations to the applicabil- lines are separated into sections on purchasing and inven- ity of the data to a specific site. For example, difficulties tory management and medication-use management, both may exist in adjusting the data for the specific pharmacy activities are integral and indivisible to drug-cost manage- practice, such as models and intensity of services, and in ment planning and the practice of pharmacy in hospitals finding an appropriate peer group.9 and health systems. After cost-management opportunities are identified, they need to be quantified. Dollar values should be as- Purchasing and Inventory Management signed to each opportunity, including inventory reduction, improvement in inventory turns, improving contract compli- When selecting drug-cost-containment initiatives, purchas- ance, therapeutic interchange of various agents, and others. ing and inventory management procedures should be con- A specific goal and action plan should be set for each drug- sidered first. cost-management target. For example, one goal might be to reduce expenditures for a drug class by 8% by establishing a Drug Product Costs and Procurement. At the most fun- contract for a new, preferred agent and implementing a ther- damental level, drug costs are a function of unit costs and apeutic interchange program to shift use to the new agent. Alternatively, the goal might be to slow the rate of increase in use of a particular drug or drug class (e.g., based on cur- Table 2. a rent patterns, use of this drug class is expected to grow 15% Components of a Cost-Management Program in the next fiscal year, but the goal of interventions is to limit Pharmacy-Directed Activities the rate of increase to 10%). Monitoring is essential, so drug Purchasing cost containment targets should be consistently measured GPO contracts and evaluated. Identifying and quantifying the opportunities Facility contracts Wholesaler contracts must be completed before prioritization and in-depth evalu- Inventory management ation begins. Wholesaler ordering programs Assessment and Prioritization. Once opportunities for cost Storage management have been identified and quantified, assessment Waste reduction and prioritization can occur. There are many methods of pri- I.V. product waste oritization, but most of them contain two key elements: deter- Returns mining the potential benefit and estimating the relative ease Interdisciplinary Activities or difficulty of attaining the benefit. Even though potential Medication utilization program benefit may be clear-cut, the degree of difficulty is often hard Clinical pharmacy services to establish. Important points to consider when determining Assessment of drug costs the relative degree of difficulty and likelihood of achieving Medical staff support management benefits from a given drug-cost-management opportunity in- Therapeutic interchange clude (1) the amount of time pressure (the time available until Guideline (protocol) the cost reductions occur), (2) key stakeholder (e.g., nurse, development physician) sensitivity and willingness to collaborate, (3) ex- Pharmacist interventions tent of leadership support for the initiative, (4) resources re- Plan implementation and quired, and (5) existing level of expertise within the organiza- analysis tion for the specific cost-management opportunity. Reimbursement & Charging Drug-cost management strategies that are under the Reimbursement direct and exclusive purview of the pharmacy department 340B programs (e.g., purchasing, inventory management, and waste re- CMS (DRG class) duction approaches) are generally easier to implement and Commercial insurance (payer provide more immediate benefits. These activities, how- mix) ever, often provide smaller or one-time financial benefits. Outpatient infusion center Charging Utilization management tactics (e.g., clinical practice guide- Coding and processing lines and therapeutic interchange) generally provide greater Indigent care programs financial benefits, but these efforts have correspondingly aGPO = group purchasing organization, CMS = Centers for Medicare higher degrees of difficulty and complexity. and Medicaid Services, DRG = diagnosis-related group. Pharmacy Management–Guidelines 529 utilization. Drug-unit costs are a function of acquisition Typically, market share agreements are utilized when costs (contracted or non-contracted), the external (in-bound) two or more products can be used to treat the same disease distribution fee, inventory management costs, and internal and no generic equivalent exists. The incentive, such as a distribution costs. rebate, a lock-in of a current discount, or achievement of a higher discount, is contingent upon attaining a given mar- Contracting. There are three main avenues for purchasing ket share for a particular product in the institution’s market pharmaceuticals at discounted rates: GPO contracts, facil- basket. To achieve the greatest financial advantage from the ity contracts, and wholesaler own-use contracts. All facili- contract (lowest net drug cost), the pharmacy must work ties should seek to maximize savings available from use of with the medical staff. This process requires a careful evalu- generic products, and some may have other considerations, ation of comparative efficacy and safety of the product and such as use of 340B or indigent care programs. its alternatives. GPO contracts. GPOs utilize the aggregate purchasing Some GPOs have multiple products on contract within power of many facilities in negotiating pricing agreements categories of pharmaceuticals, allowing the facility to re- with manufacturers. Most hospitals are members of a GPO. ceive discounted pricing on similar agents when prescribing While there are GPOs that focus exclusively on drugs, the practices are not standardized to one agent. More aggressive majority of GPOs offer contracts for medical and surgical GPOs will sometimes contract for a single agent within a supplies, food, and other support products and services in particular class (e.g., for one fluoroquinolone or one lipo- addition to pharmaceuticals. Most GPOs make their con- somal amphotericin B product to the exclusion of others) in tract portfolio available to members via hard copy, and some order to gain the maximum value for its members. GPOs have contract portfolios available on secure internet Successful use of GPO contracts requires a construc- sites. Considerations in contracting with a GPO are listed tive and collaborative relationship between the member, the in Table 3. It is also important to have routine surveillance, GPO, the manufacturer, and the distributor (i.e., wholesaler). preferably an automated service, that ensures that contract Potential advantages of GPO contracts are listed in Table 4. prices are applied to all purchases. In addition to the contracting portfolio, GPOs offer GPOs are funded by one of two means. First, most, services such as lost savings and compliance reports, rebate if not all, GPOs collect a contract administrative fee (CAF) and contract administrative fee reports, clinical utilization from the manufacturers or distributors with which they con- management programs, and letters of commitment. tract. The CAF is rarely greater than 3% of the dollar volume Lost savings and compliance reports. These reports of product purchased through the contract. Some GPOs re- provide data and analysis of missed savings opportunities turn a portion or all of the CAF to its members. If any or all in the user’s purchase history (e.g., items purchased off- of the CAF for a particular drug product is returned to the contract when a generically equivalent alternative item was facility by the GPO, it should be taken into account when on-contract). These reports may also indicate the compli- calculating the net cost of the drug. The second method by ance level, or the amount of purchases on-contract versus which GPOs are funded is direct payment of fees by mem- the amount of purchases that could have been made on-con- bers to the GPO. In this arrangement, all of the CAF is re- tract (drugs purchased on-contract plus the value of drugs turned to the facility. purchased off-contract when alternatives were on-contract). Contracts through GPOs consider not only the unit cost These reports should be reviewed monthly to determine if of the pharmaceutical but also include the allowable distribu- purchasing practices are effective. tion methods for the pharmaceutical, payment terms, returns Rebate and contract administration fee report. These policies, and supplier performance requirements. Many GPO reports tally the amount of rebates and contract administra- contracts, especially those for multi-source generics, include tion fees generated by the facility’s purchases of specific simple line-item pricing, which only requires the purchaser to products under contact. When evaluating the costs of two buy and pay for the product. Other contracts are more compli- or more equivalent products, it is important to include any cated, with incentive rebates for all purchases or rebates for applicable rebates to arrive at net cost. achieving volume or market share targets. Clinical utilization management programs. These pro- grams assist facilities in managing the utilization of vari- ous drug products and classes, often through evaluation and

Table 3. Considerations in Group Purchasing Organization Table 4. (GPO) Contracting Potential Advantages of Group Purchasing 10,11 Fees (e.g., contract administrative fee) Organization Contracts Allowable distribution methods Standardization of products Payment terms Reduction of contract labor costs for institutions Return policies Enhancement of member institution’s purchasing program Supplier performance requirements Enhancement of information sharing Rebates Enhancement of purchasing expertise Market-share agreements Protracted periods of price protection Single-agent contracts Coordination of contracting and budgeting process GPO services (e.g., lost savings and compliance reports, Reduction of duplication of purchasing efforts among rebate and contract administration fee reports, clinical institutions utilization management programs) Assistance identifying alternative or secondary products Letters of commitment during drug shortage 530 Pharmacy Management–Guidelines comparison of product efficacy, safety, and cost, as well as in the wholesaler’s proprietary contract portfolio. This cre- therapeutic interchange programs. ates margin for the wholesalers that can be used to fund dis- Letters of commitment. Letters of commitment (LOC) tribution discounts. Wholesalers also take advantage of cash available through GPOs should be evaluated and taken ad- discounts and quick-payment terms from manufacturers to vantage of when appropriate. The LOCs usually contain increase their margin and to offer discounts to customers. requirements for the pharmacy to do one or more of the fol- lowing in order to gain lower pricing or rebates: Savings Maximization. The expiration of patents on widely used branded drugs can result in large re- • Declare that a particular drug is on formulary. ductions in drug expenditures. It is important to be mindful • Declare that a particular drug will be on formulary and of the opportunities presented by the first-time introduction will not be restricted. of generics on high-spend branded drugs, both in budget- • Achieve a target periodic volume. ing and implementing rapid and effective uptake of generics • Achieve a target market share relative to competitive when they are introduced. drugs for a given period of time. Budgeting. There are several sources for monitoring patent expiration dates (off-patent dates) for branded drugs, The LOC may not require significantly more purchas- including www.drugpatentwatch.com and the GPO. The ing of the drug. If LOC requirements do not conflict with GPO may also be able to estimate the potential initial sav- formulary and utilization management strategies, the LOC ings from contracting for generic drugs that are first-time should be signed if there is a reasonable chance of meeting introductions. It is also important to determine when the the requirements. first-time generic product will be available from multiple Facility contracts. The alternative to GPO contract- manufacturers. The initial savings differential between the ing is individual contracting. This type of contracting may branded and generic versions may be small because a single be done at the facility or the health-system level. In some generic manufacturer often has a period of exclusivity before cases, equal or better pricing than GPOs can be obtained by the generic drug becomes available from multiple sources. individual facilities when contracting, especially large facili- In some cases the savings may be so insignificant that health ties or integrated delivery networks (IDNs). Opportunities systems will choose to remain with the branded drug for for better pricing through individual contracting may exist safety reasons and consistency in product supply. Changing for specialized health systems (e.g., those focused on oncol- products several times within a short period of time could ogy or transplantation), that purchase a large volume of a confuse caregivers, so pharmacy managers should weigh the selected drug and are able to commit to maintaining a market benefits and risks of making such changes. share for the drug. Operational considerations. Swift uptake of the ge- It is important to carefully evaluate the benefits of neric product is necessary to maximize the savings after a individual contracting and its influence on the collective branded drug comes off-patent and multiple generic versions bargaining power of the GPO. Continual use of individual are available. The following steps should be taken during contracts that are in contravention to GPO contracts, in the- any product conversion, but they are particularly important ory, will eventually erode the GPO’s ability to consistently when converting from a brand name product to a first-time contract aggressively for its members. Because of larger generic equivalent product. GPO volume, manufacturers often will not offer the same pricing or other terms to individual facilities or IDNs that • Contracting. Be sure that the health system has access they offer to GPOs. Another factor to consider with indi- to contract pricing on a generic product on the first vidual contracting is that a facility may require contracts date that the drug is available as a multisource item. to be reviewed by attorneys, whereas the GPO acts as the The contract pricing will usually be through the health contracting agent of the facility, obviating the need for legal system’s GPO, but in some cases, the health system review of each contract by the facility’s counsel. Finally, the may write its own contract for the generic product. amount of time required to negotiate, write, and maintain an • Contract Price Loading. The contract pricing for the individual contract should be weighed against the incremen- product must be loaded at the wholesaler with enough tal value gained over what a GPO contract would offer. In notice to become effective. Up to 30 days notice may many situations, it may be more efficient and productive to be required before the contract pricing becomes effec- voice contract concerns to GPO representatives and become tive through the wholesaler. Although the manufac- involved in GPO committees rather than write multiple, in- turer or GPO typically send the contract information dividual contracts outside the GPO. to the wholesalers, when the hospital or health system Some drug contracts, especially for sole-source directly contracts for the generic drug, the contract in- awards to generic manufacturers, call for the manufacturer formation should be sent directly to the wholesaler by to reimburse the pharmacy for the difference in cost when the hospital or health system. the pharmacy must purchase a product off-contract because • Demand Matching. Work with the wholesaler to en- the manufacturer was not able to supply the contracted prod- sure that there will be a sufficient supply of the generic uct. The manufacturer-unable-to-supply reimbursement pro- product at the local wholesaler distribution center to cess is time-consuming and the requirements can be rigid, match current purchases of the branded product, a pro- but submitting reimbursement to manufacturers under these cess called demand matching. Wholesalers will need provisions can return additional funds to the pharmacy. at least 30 days notice on demand matching to ensure Wholesaler own-use contracts. Wholesalers are also sufficient stock of the generic product on the off-patent able to take advantage of special pricing on certain branded date. Working with the wholesaler on demand match- and generic drugs and offer those products to their customers ing also improves overall supply chain management Pharmacy Management–Guidelines 531

by allowing the wholesaler to draw down inventory of Through automated inventory, stock replacement, and products that will be in less demand. order fulfillment, wholesalers have streamlined the deliv- • Autosubstitution. Some wholesalers allow pharmacies ery process and lowered pharmaceutical costs in the sup- to institute autosubstitution rules in the wholesaler or- ply chain. In the past, wholesalers increased their margins dering system to substitute a preferred generic product through speculative buying, which is buying pharmaceuti- for a branded product or non-preferred generic prod- cals in large quantities and holding them past the date of fu- ucts. This process maximizes savings and contract ture manufacturer price increases. The products would then compliance. Care must be exercised in creating auto- be sold to customers at the higher price. These practices substitution rules to ensure correct product-to-product have reportedly decreased since 2004.12 However, at the substitution in chemical entity, dosage form, package same time that speculative buying decreased, the wholesale size, package form (unit dose, bulk oral, liquid), and drug industry instituted inventory management agreements so forth, especially in cases in which a brand-name with manufacturers, who in return for agreements regarding drug goes off-patent. Autosubstitution rules may also product supply and demand, pay the wholesalers a negoti- be implemented in the wholesaler ordering system for ated fee based on the percentage of the volume that the medication safety reasons (e.g., reduction of sound- wholesalers purchase from them. These methods of creating alike and look-alike drugs) in addition to savings opti- margin through increasing revenue and decreasing expenses mization or contract compliance. can be translated into a cost-minus fee structure for the hos- pital that is purchasing from the wholesalers. Other Considerations. Pharmacy managers should explore Individual hospital factors that influence wholesaler whether the hospital can obtain pharmaceuticals at advanta- fee structure. Several characteristics of individual hospital- geous pricing using 340B (disproportionate share) programs. pharmacy purchasing can affect a wholesaler’s revenue and Because hospitals and health systems must meet specific expenses and result in higher or lower distribution fees. To criteria to be designated as a 340B facility, pharmacy man- some degree, a higher purchasing volume results in a lower agers should collaborate with the chief financial officer and distribution fee. However, other factors, including deliveries financial services department to determine if they can access per week, dollars per drop, dollars per line extension, num- 340B pricing for pharmaceuticals. Detailed descriptions of the bers of delivery sites per location, payment terms, and spe- qualifications and benefits of 340B programs are also avail- cial services, must also be considered. These factors should able through the Health Resources and Services be considered collectively and not in isolation. In addition, Administration Office of Pharmacy Affairs www.hrsa.gov/ most major wholesalers have supply, automation, and other opa/; the Pharmacy Services Support Center, pssc.aphanet. service and equipment divisions, and an institutional con- org/; the Safety Net Hospitals for Pharmaceutical Access, tract with multiple divisions can provide additional savings. safetynetrx.org; and ASHP 340B Information Site www.ashp. Deliveries per week. The fewer deliveries from the org/s_ashp/cat1c.asp? CID=3813&DID=6225. wholesaler per week, the lower the expenses for the whole- Pharmaceutical manufacturers also continue to offer saler, which can reduce the wholesaler distribution fee to the indigent patient care programs for select drugs for qualified pharmacy. Some large hospitals have up to 11 deliveries per patients on an individual basis. Although substantial sav- week, but other large hospitals are able to manage inven- ings can be realized through replacement drugs at no charge, tory so that patient care can be well-maintained with only the process can be arduous and complex. There are inde- 5. Inventory and patient care can be well maintained at less pendent consulting services that specialize in assisting with than five deliveries per week at small hospitals. Fewer deliv- coordination of the program for hospitals and typically re- eries may require additional purchasing discipline, but some quire payment as a percentage of the savings. Patients eli- wholesalers have programs to help pharmacies improve gible for Medicaid and other regional or local low-income their purchasing practices. health insurance do not usually qualify for the indigent care Dollars per drop. This factor is important to whole- programs sponsored by the . salers because the higher the number of delivery locations (drops), the higher the wholesalers’ cost, and vice versa. For Wholesalers and Distribution Fees. Most hospital phar- a given dollar value of pharmaceuticals purchased, a whole- macies purchase 80% or more (by dollar volume) of their saler’s expenses are lower, and margin is higher, for a lower pharmaceutical needs from a drug distributor (wholesaler). number of delivery points. This margin can be translated Hospital pharmacies can lower their costs by ensuring that into lower distribution fees for the pharmacies, particularly the distribution fee mark-up is as low as possible. To under- for IDNs of multiple pharmacies. stand the cost that wholesalers charge for drugs, and the dis- Dollars per line extension. For each line of products on tribution fee charged to hospital pharmacies, it is necessary an invoice that a wholesaler fills and delivers to a pharmacy, to understand wholesalers’ revenue streams and expense there is an associated cost. The dollars per line extension drivers. is the total dollars purchased by a pharmacy over a given The adoption of the prime-vendor system, in which a period of time divided by the number of lines of products or- pharmacy procures a very large portion of its pharmaceu- dered over the same period of time. Pharmacies with higher tical needs from one supplier, has led to great efficiencies dollars per line extension purchased can sometimes have in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Through these efficien- lower distribution costs than pharmacies with lower dol- cies, wholesalers are able to offer low incremental fees to lars per line extension because it costs relatively less for the their customers for distribution of pharmaceuticals. In many wholesaler to service the pharmacy with the higher dollars cases, they are able to offer discounts to the contracted price per line extension. of the drug or “cost-minus” discounts to the wholesale ac- Secondary wholesalers. Secondary wholesaler rela- quisition cost of the drug if it is not contracted. tionships should be avoided if inventory levels meet patient 532 Pharmacy Management–Guidelines care needs. Purchases from secondary wholesalers usually If they are, they should be reviewed monthly for opportuni- carry a much higher distribution fee. Such purchases also re- ties to improve contract purchasing. sult in a higher primary wholesaler distribution fee because Some wholesalers have automatic substitution pro- there are decreases for the pharmacy in its dollars per drop, grams to assist pharmacy buyers in selecting the correct dollars per line extension, and total volume. Wholesalers product when multiple generic alternatives exist. These are increasingly requiring pharmacies to meet a minimum programs allow the pharmacy manager to direct purchases monthly volume to maintain an account, and the costs of of less-preferred products (as determined by the pharmacy maintaining the minimum volume at a significantly higher management) to more-preferred items. For example, if one distribution fee can be prohibitive. brand of unit dose acetaminophen 325-mg tablet is on con- Expanding the use of the wholesaler within the health tract as a sole-source award, the autosubstitution program system may offer additional opportunities for cost sav- can allow for inadvertent orders for noncontract unit dose ings. Hospital departments such as radiology, the clinical acetaminophen 325-mg tablets to be substituted with the laboratory, interventional cardiology, and anesthesiology preferred version. Such programs may not be available from may procure pharmaceuticals directly from the manufac- all wholesalers, and they should receive careful consider- turer through the purchasing or materials management ation before being implemented. departments. Utilizing the pharmaceutical wholesaler for these products through a separate purchasing account does Inventory Management. Inventory management is a bal- not change the process of procurement or distribution but ancing act. It involves meeting patient and internal customer reduces the unit cost through application of the wholesaler needs while committing the least amount of dollars possible discount. Because some of these products may be relatively to drugs on the shelves or in automated cabinets. The rate of costly (e.g., contrast agents, blood factors, or anesthetic inventory turnover (defined as total annual drug expenses gases), there is a potential for additional savings if these pur- divided by the dollar value of the inventory assessed on an chases push the hospital into a higher tier of the wholesaler annual basis) is dependent on many factors. Typically, the cost structure. Pharmacy directors should communicate with pharmacies of smaller hospitals will have a lower drug in- other department managers to determine how pharmaceuti- ventory turnover (8–10 turns per year) than the pharmacies cals are purchased, and it is usually best if all drug purchases of larger hospitals (12–18 turns per year or higher) and some are managed by the pharmacy. specialty hospitals. Payment method and frequency. Payment method and Many wholesalers’ ordering programs provide sys- frequency can also affect the distribution fee. Many whole- tematic methods for asset management (i.e., inventory value salers offer a lower distribution fee to hospitals that pay by optimization and increasing turnover). Wholesaler repre- electronic fund transfer (EFT). Pharmacy managers should sentatives can assist in the initial setup of these programs. work with their accounts-payable departments to establish Inventory items should be divided into high-, medium-, and EFT, which is usually a more efficient method of payment low-value products, and the minimum and maximum inven- for both the hospital and the wholesaler. In addition, the tory levels for at least the high- and medium-value prod- more frequent the payment, the lower the wholesaler dis- ucts should be established. At the same time, reorder points tribution fee will generally be. Since 2004, the amount of and reorder quantities should be established for at least the speculative buying has waned and large discounts for more high- and medium-value products. Systematic use of these frequent payments have decreased. However, many whole- programs can decrease the time required for the ordering salers offer terms based on prepayment, or placing funds on process and increase inventory turns. The minimum and deposit with the wholesaler, and then paying invoices on a maximum levels, as well as the reorder points and reorder go-forward basis. The advantage in lower distribution fee is quantities, should be reviewed on a routine schedule and re- clear, but this gain must be balanced against the time value vised when necessary. of money for having the funds on deposit with the whole- When seeking to increase inventory turns, storage in saler rather than drawing a return for the health system. the central pharmacy and automated dispensing cabinets Most GPOs have wholesaler-distribution agreements should also be considered. Configuring pharmacy storage for use by their members. However, because of higher-than- locations so that each drug product has only one storage lo- average dollars per drop, dollars per line extension, and cation in the central pharmacy sometimes helps to free capi- discipline in number of deliveries per week, large hospitals tal by reducing inventory. Automated cabinet inventories and health systems can often get better pricing and terms by should be regularly reviewed for appropriate turnover. Most dealing directly with wholesalers rather than through GPO cabinet systems have report capabilities to optimize both wholesaler agreements. the products and the quantities that should be in a particular Other wholesaler tools. Most wholesalers provide cabinet based on the dispensing philosophy devised by phar- pharmacies with access to computer software or Web-based macy and nursing departments. Cabinet manufacturers have solutions for product ordering, reporting, and inventory product specialists that consult with pharmacy management management. The programs will allow the buyer to check to optimize use of the cabinets. for lower-priced alternatives and contract compliance prior I.V. product waste. Many pharmacies waste a signifi- to placing orders. Pharmacy managers should work with cant quantity of drugs, particularly unused IV solutions, and their wholesaler representatives to be sure that these features many do not have an accurate valuation of the amount of are available and utilized. waste because it is only sporadically monitored. Table 5 lists Some wholesalers produce contract compliance re- strategies for reduction of IV product waste. ports. These reports can be used to gauge the effectiveness of Returns. Most pharmacies use a third party (reverse purchasing practices. Pharmacy managers should check with distributors or returns companies) to process wasted and ex- their wholesalers to determine if these reports are available. pired drugs. However, not all pharmacies completely track Pharmacy Management–Guidelines 533

Table 5. system management. The director of pharmacy provides Strategies for Reducing I.V. Product Waste leadership by facilitating the efforts of the medical staff, set- Establish policies that are based on the most recent ting priorities for the clinical pharmacy staff, and cultivating literature for maximum i.v. bag hang-times and i.v. set the support of senior leadership. Clinical pharmacists with change frequency. advanced training and education must have dedicated time Institute an i.v.-to-oral switch program for both cost to develop and implement the cost management initiatives. reduction and patient care benefits. They must also be empowered to monitor the program and Periodically audit the amount of i.v. admixtures being wasted educate other staff to participate in therapeutic interchange, and log the date and time of waste, date and time of medication utilization review, and other interventions while preparation, the i.v. fluid type and drug admixed, quantity encouraging the infusion of fresh ideas for pharmaceutical of products, and the cost of the products. Review the log cost management. and determine the most common occurrences. Reduce i.v. batch sizes (creating more, smaller batches) and reduce the amount of time between preparation of Role of Clinical Pharmacy Services in Drug Cost Manage- the i.v. dose and the actual administration time. ment. Clinical pharmacy services, activities in which phar- Routinely monitor the status of i.v. drips that are adjusted. macists provide direct patient care, are an important foun- Routinely return all unused i.v. admixtures to the i.v. dation for a successful medication-utilization-management preparation area as soon as possible. program that is focused on managing drug costs. Clinical Consider the use of manufacturer premixed products where pharmacy services have demonstrated an overall positive advantageous, both economically and for patient care. financial impact. In a systematic review of original assess- Compare the quality, economic, and regulatory (e.g., USP ments of clinical pharmacy services from 1988 to 1995, chapter 797) differences within your practice site between Schumock et al.13 reported that 89% of 104 studies reviewed different administration methods such as i.v. syringe reported positive financial results. In the seven studies of infusion, i.v. intermittent infusion (i.v. piggyback), and clinical pharmacy services where sufficient information volumetric drip chambers. Establish standard concentrations, dosages, and base was available to calculate a benefit-to-cost ratio, the median solutions for i.v. admixtures. benefit-to-cost ratio was 4.09:1. Therefore, in these studies, Ensure that there is an efficient process for communicating every dollar invested in clinical pharmacy services returned changes in i.v. admixtures (e.g., rate, fluid, dosage) or four dollars. The systematic review was updated in 2003 to discontinuation. review published assessments of clinical pharmacy services Reduce total parenteral nutrition use by employing enteral from 1995 to 2000, and once again, the value of clinical nutrition when possible, and establish standardized pharmacy services was demonstrated.14 For this five-year total parenteral nutrient base solutions, hang times, and period, benefit-to-cost ratios could be determined from 16 related policies and procedures. studies, and when these studies were combined, the median benefit:cost ratio was 4.68:1. Some specific types of clinical pharmacy services and trend the drugs that are most commonly wasted, the dollar have also been associated with decreased drug costs. Bond value of the expired and wasted drugs, or whether credits were et al.15 have used an extensive database of the outcomes of received. The pharmacy manager and pharmacy buyer should clinical pharmacy services to show that drug information work together to utilize reports from the reverse distributor services, medication admission histories, and drug protocol to determine the opportunities for reducing the amount of ex- management are associated with lower drug costs. pired and wasted drugs and insuring that all credits due to the In addition, clinical pharmacists’ active involvement pharmacy from the manufacturers are received. is crucial to the success of many drug-cost-management ini-tiatives. Many of the drug-cost-containment techniques Medication Utilization Management can only be successful with diligent and often daily sup- port from clinical pharmacists. For example, successful implementation of a clinical practice guideline as a drug- Planning and Developing a Medication Utilization Man- cost-management technique will require the expertise of agement Program. An effective plan for medication utiliza- the department’s clinical pharmacists to develop the guide- tion management must provide the health system with a road line, and will also require the pharmacy staff’s consistent map for continuous improvement in pharmaceutical expense enforcement of the guideline in their interactions with pre- management, with specific goals and outcome measures of scribers. Similarly, it will often be the clinical pharmacist’s success. It is important to acknowledge that although one responsibility to routinely carry out the hospital’s thera- purpose of medication-utilization-management is to add peutic interchange policies. economic value, the quality and safety of patient care are foremost in the mission of pharmacy services and should never be compromised for cost. Medication-utilization- Assessment of Drug Costs management must integrate evidence-based science with the standards of medical practice within the health system. A successful pharmaceutical-cost-management program must Before embarking on a comprehensive medication- be data driven. GPOs, wholesalers, distributors, pharmaceuti- utilization-management plan, goals must be established, a cal manufacturers, and supply-chain divisions of multi-hospi- reporting structure delineated, roles identified, measurement tal systems need to track costs in a variety of ways. Advances tools developed, and implementation procedures established. in information technology have made drug usage data more The successful plan is dependent on many levels of commit- accessible and sophisticated, and effort should be spent to ment, including commitment to administrative and clinical manage and analyze these data. Pharmacy management must pharmacy management, the medical staff, and senior health- also take advantage of the data available in its own facility 534 Pharmacy Management–Guidelines through the materials management department, purchasing influence market share and drug pricing. Several effective department, and finance department. Internal and external strategies that can harness physician knowledge, cultivate data sources are the foundation for the decision-making pro- a collaborative relationship, and facilitate ownership of the cess for medication-utilization-management and must be process by the medical staff are described in Table 7. examined closely prior to setting goals for cost-management Once the medical staff is engaged and there is a initiatives. commitment from senior management for the medication- Because each health system has a unique mix of pa- utilization-management program, a detailed procedure for tients, services, and centers of excellence, the drug-cost- initiative generation can be established. Key steps include assessment process must be customized to create a priority the following: list of initiatives that will provide the greatest value. Key reports that should be considered are listed in Table 6. Once • Designating clinical sub-groups based on categories of the formulas for denominator data are established as consis- the initiatives. tent across many facilities, a multihospital health system can • Identifying the lead physicians, clinical pharmacists, effectively benchmark drug costs. and other key practitioners for each group. • Using evidence-based studies and the drug assessment Medical Staff Support. Any program that involves alter- data to make decisions. ing prescribing patterns to improve the cost-effectiveness • Defining the types and categories of the initiatives. of drug therapy requires the support and engagement of the • Creating a dashboard and a clear and concise reporting medical staff. Although health systems have the ability to format for communicating progress. negotiate discounted unit prices for pharmaceuticals, the ef- • Facilitating the infusion of ideas through brainstorming forts of the GPOs and the increased availability of generics and other effective meeting and group techniques. have leveled the expense of many high-cost drug products • Defining measurable outcomes and benchmarks for used in hospitals. Cost-management programs have there- evaluation. fore become increasingly dependent on the hospital’s ability to manage utilization and prescribing, which will ultimately Formulary Management. The guid- ing principles of a sound formulary Table 6. management system are well de- 17,18 Key Reports to Consider in Assessing Drug Costs scribed in two documents, and are concisely summarized in the fol- Report Considerations lowing statement: a well-managed Wholesaler purchasing reports For 80/20 analysis, by therapeutic class, formulary system ensures a close and of top 200 drugs; drugs with multiple relationship between the organiza- strengths and sizes need to be aggregated; tion’s medication-use policies, the wholesalers can also provide monthly trending reports and benchmarks from their therapies offered by the organiza- customers. tion, and the medication routinely stocked by the pharmacy.18 Although Direct (nonwholesaler) purchase Available from the purchasing or finance the primary goal of a formulary sys- reports departments. tem is to promote safe and effective Interdepartmental purchasing reports Available from materials management or other drug therapy, it can be a valuable cost departments that have internal transfers. management tool and has inherent Cost (total drug costs or specific Drug-utilization data will be needed to produce medical staff support through drugs) per medical service or this report. the actions of the pharmacy and hospital area therapeutics (P&T) committee. The Cost per drug-related group reports Available from internal sources (ideally) or fee- medication-utilization-management based external vendors; distinction must be program is highly dependent on an made between using cost or charge data. effective formulary system. Key Cost per occupied bed, adjusted Adjusted patient days are calculated with a aspects of formulary management patient day, admission, discharge, standard financial formula that modifies in cost-management efforts are or case mix index adjusted patient patient days with a ratio of outpatient to described in Table 8. Once again, the day inpatient revenue to correct for volume efforts of clinical pharmacists are changes and severity of illness.16 External crucial to successful implementation and internal benchmarking is dependent on of the formulary system. these kinds of reports. Pharmacy-adjusted patient days Calculated using the same ratio of outpatient to Methods of Pharmaceutical Cost inpatient revenue but for drugs only, and may Management. Pharmaceutical cost- also add specificity and value to comparative management initiatives are typically data. categorized by therapeutic class or Cost per case, procedure, or These are important based on the patient mix group or by method of implementa- admission (e.g., surgical case, and the drugs that comprise the greatest tion. The latter is usually subdivided cardiac procedure, dialysis costs within the health system. Physician into three or four different types: admission) participation in the dissemination of the data therapeutic interchange (therapeutic is essential. substitution), guideline (protocol) Pharmacy Management–Guidelines 535

Table 7. Table 8. Strategies to Involve Medical Staff Key Aspects of Formulary Management in Cost-Management Efforts in Cost-Management Efforts Enlist the pharmacy and therapeutic (P&T) committee to Policy for formulary drug addition and deletion through review medication-utilization management issues as a evidence-based product selection, including efficacy, standing agenda item. safety, and pharmacoeconomic assessments Identify the centers of excellence and work with individual Policy for the use and monitoring of non-formulary chiefs of service to gain support. medications Meet with key medical staff departments and divisions, Policy for medication-use evaluation including infectious diseases, anesthesiology, cardiology, Limitation on combination, sustained-release, and long- and oncology, as well as intensivists, hospitalists, and acting products interventionalists as appropriate. Policy for therapeutic interchange and prescribing Develop prescriber reports on the targeted high-cost drugs guidelines and discuss methods for cost reduction. Reduction of drugs in the same therapeutic group or class Provide continuous feedback to the P&T committee Periodic house cleaning to reduce under-used and and individual departments and divisions on cost discontinued line items management successes. Policy for drug restriction Provide hospitalwide expenditure data on the top 50 items Procedure for consistently monitoring the use of new agents to the P&T committee. particularly if there are specific guidelines for use Utilize evidence-based research to propose changes in System to provide the formulary electronically with timely medication utilization. updated information Identify physician champions for specific initiatives. Off-label or ad hoc use of medications Create a consistent procedure for developing prescribing Restricted use (by indication, prescriber, patient care area, guidelines, protocols, care paths, and preprinted orders. patient) Dose adjustment or discontinuation based on clinical triggers or end points Injectable to oral conversion development, and pharmacist interventions (clinical and Therapeutic equivalence operational), such as parenteral-to-oral conversions, renal- dose adjustments, drug restrictions, repackaging, dosage- form changes, waste reduction, and others. Although the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, therapeutic group drugs appropriate for therapeutic interchange may dif- refers to a broad classification (e.g., anesthetic agents, anti- fer in chemistry or pharmacokinetic properties, and infectives, or chemotherapeutic agents), whereas therapeutic may possess different mechanism of action, adverse- class is a narrower designation (e.g., beta-lactam antibiotics, reaction, toxicity, and drug interaction profiles. In volatile anesthetic gases, serotonin antagonists). If the most cases, the interchanged drugs have close similar- decision is made to use therapeutic class, then each of the ity in efficacy and safety profiles. methods of implementation are used as appropriate within the medication categories. An example would be selecting third- The ACCP guidelines also describe a comprehensive generation cephalosporins utilizing a therapeutic interchange five-part process for health-system TI implementation, with an emphasis on patient safety; an extensive review of drug for cefotaxime and ceftriaxone (therapeutic interchange classes appropriate for therapeutic interchange, including method). Third-generation cephalosporins may also be the specific evidence-based examples; discussion of legal and preferred class of antibiotics within a pneumonia protocol regulatory issues; viewpoints of other professional organi- (guidelines method). Examples of using the implementation zations, including the American Medical Association, the method rather than the therapeutic class would be to select American College of Physicians, and the Pharmaceutical several drug classes for therapeutic interchange, some for Research and Manufacturers of America; and medical and guideline development, and some for other intervention types. pharmaceutical literature references. Therapeutic interchange. ASHP defines therapeutic The health system, through the action of the P&T interchange (TI) as “an authorized exchange of therapeutic committee, must decide on the general policy for a TI pro- alternatives in accordance with previously established and gram, particularly regarding the authority and autonomy approved written guidelines or protocols within a formulary 17 of the pharmacy staff. The committee may define TI as an system.” This definition stipulates that the interchange is automatic conversion by the pharmacist, may require con- between two or more drugs that are not generic equivalents. tact with the prescriber before the change can occur, or may Although FDA defines the term therapeutic equivalent to employ a combination of both. The prescriber may be in- include generically equivalent products, therapeutic inter- formed orally before the drug is dispensed or through writ- change or substitution in the hospital setting generally re- ten communication in the medical record. Most commonly, fers to drugs that are not generically identical. TI implies pharmacist autonomy once the P&T committee The American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) has sanctioned the policy, but there may be exceptions based 19 Guidelines for Therapeutic Interchange contain a more re- on the level of clinical judgment required. A survey of the cent definition of TI: prevalence of TI conducted in 2002 revealed that the vast majority (88%) of hospitals use TI programs, and most of Therapeutic interchange is defined as the dispensing of those did not require the pharmacist to contact the prescriber a drug that is therapeutically equivalent to but chemi- before making the conversion.20 cally different from the drug originally prescribed. Categories of drugs that offer modest savings with Although usually of the same pharmacological class, minimal challenge include various non-prescription groups, 536 Pharmacy Management–Guidelines such as antacids, vitamins, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory • Solicitation of thought leaders and clinical experts drugs, topical products, and cold and cough remedies. To (e.g., physician specialists, chiefs of service, chief make significant gains in pharmaceutical cost savings, the medical officers). health system must consider the drug classes that comprise • Review and approval of the P&T committee. the greatest proportion of drug expenditures, such as colony- • Education of clinical staff. stimulating factors, antiinfectives, cardiac agents, and drugs • Ongoing support from front line clinical pharmacist used in critical care settings. An abundance of literature staff. supports the success of TI programs, both in terms of qual- • Use of quantifiable measures. ity patient outcomes and economic benefit. Based on the • Utilization of medication-use evaluation (MUE) to de- literature, therapeutic classes offering the most opportunity termine compliance. for success with the medical staff, as well as significant cost savings, include histamine-2 antagonists, fluoroquinolones, The last step is an important distinction between TI hydroxymethylglutaryl–coenzyme A reductase inhibitors, se- and guidelines because what is approved by the medical rotonin antagonists, colony-stimulating factors, low molecu- 20–27 staff and what is done in practice may differ. Conducting lar weight heparins, and proton pump inhibitors. periodic MUEs with the approved criteria can determine Although it is not the intent of these guidelines to delineate an the thoroughness and consistency of the guidelines and exhaustive list of all potential TI opportunities, the appendix ultimately the success of this component of cost management. contains examples of the TIs that have proven successful. It should also be emphasized that although guidelines can be Most of the evaluative studies on TI initiatives focus used to reduce drug costs, improving quality of care may on the economic value and quality improvement related to require more spending rather than less. standardization and formulary management. As the popu- When guidelines reduce inappropriate prescribing, drug larity of TI programs increases in the acute care, managed costs will also be reduced. Due to the complex uses of some care, and ambulatory settings, an associated risk may also drugs and drug classes, such as low-molecular-weight hepa- increase due to substitutions along the continuum of care rins, guidelines may be more practical and effective in man- and patient confusion regarding drug classes and duplica- 37 28,29 aging drug costs than TI and other approaches. Drotrecogin tive therapy. The Joint Commission standard requir- alfa was one costly agent for which guidelines became ing medication reconciliation can be partially traced to 38–40 anecdotal reports of the potential for medication errors as the standard of care in most acute care settings. Other a result of TI programs in various health care settings.29 successful guideline efforts have been demonstrated with a Pharmacists can play a vital role in supporting medication- number of drugs and drug classes, such as third-generation cephalosporins,41 statins,42 antifungals,43,44 albumin,45 and reconciliation activities through medication history assess- 46 ments and discharge counseling.30,31 serotonin-receptor antagonists. Drug shortages can also be an Guidelines. A variety of terms are used to describe impetus for the development and implementation of guidelines, these tools, including prescribing guidelines, therapeutic as was the case with the use of parenteral pantoprazole, which position statements, therapeutic guidelines, clinical practice may be used inappropriately and at a much higher cost in 47 guidelines, protocols, or pathways. There may be subtle dif- place of histamine-2 antagonists for stress ulcer prophylaxis. ferences beween these tools, but they all seek to enhance Although volatile anesthetic agents are often a top-20 item patient safety, reduce variation in medical practice, and in- in the pharmaceutical budget and offer a unique challenge crease standardization. for guidelines or TI implementation, accurate evaluation of Guidelines can focus on a disease state, a thera- cost savings can be accomplished by using the hourly cost to 48 peutic class, or a specific drug.32 Published guidelines maintain a minimum alveolar concentration. are available for many drugs and drug classes.33,34 The Agency for Health Care Research and Quality maintains Implementation of Medication Utilization Management an extensive online collection of published guidelines at Initiatives. Careful thought and attention to the implementation www.guideline.gov. A 2004 ASHP survey found that 83% is required to successfully influence drug expenditures of U.S. hospitals use guidelines that include medica- through medication utilization initiatives, and multifaceted tions.35 Successful implementation of such general guide- interventions are often necessary. The active involvement lines often requires customization to meet the needs of and support of clinical pharmacists and the medical staff individual health systems, however. For example, local are crucial to effective implementation of these initiatives. guidelines should be developed that reflect the best avail- It is necessary to seek out ways to integrate or hard-wire able evidence, incorporate the opinions of local prescriber initiatives such as guidelines and TI into the care provided experts when necessary, and are applicable within the con- at the bedside. For example, passive guideline dissemination text of the individual health system. (e.g., simply posting to the hospital’s intranet site) is rarely Guidelines are also an important step leading to rules- successful. Protocols, order sets, and pathways that reflect based computerized prescriber order entry (CPOE), which is the evidence in the guideline should be used to integrate the 36 recommended by NQF in its 2006 Safe Practices. CPOE guideline into daily patient care. The growing use of CPOE facilitates guideline adherence during the ordering process. systems and other technologies can also be leveraged to Steps to implementing an effective pharmaceutical implement medication-utilization-management endeavors. cost-containment program using drug-specific or drug class CPOE can be used to guide prescribing in such straightforward guidelines mirror those for TI and include: ways as leading prescribers to select formulary products or recommended dosing frequencies.49 CPOE can also promote • Utilization of evidence-based criteria. efficient medication use through more complex scenarios • Adoption of published, evidence-based, and peer- such as prompting therapeutic interchanges or requiring reviewed guidelines from national organizations. prescribers to follow interactive prescribing guidelines. For Pharmacy Management–Guidelines 537 example, one institution established guidelines for activated or similar body that has overall responsibility for non-labor protein C use and utilized an interactive computer order cost management. entry algorithm to implement the guideline.50 Conclusion Data Analysis. To ensure the validity of the medication- utilization-management program, regardless of the method Medication costs continue to rise and will continue to be a of implementation, the estimated and actual cost savings target for cost management. Drug costs make up a majority calculations must be grounded in accurate and consistent of health-system pharmacy budgets, and budgeting for these data analysis. Unfortunately, there is no standard regarding expenses is an important function, but longer-term program- a method to determine the pharmaceutical cost savings with matic and policy planning is also essential for successful programs such as TI. Hospitals have struggled for years to cost management. An effective plan for medication utiliza- balance practical considerations while striving for accuracy tion management must provide the health system with a road 20 and completeness. Hospitals have to decide early in the map for continuous improvement in pharmaceutical expense process whether to consider indirect costs such as devices containment with specific goals and outcome measures of and other non-pharmaceuticals, price changes during the re- success. Gathering the data to understand drug expenditures view period, general drug price inflation, volume changes, and drug-use patterns is a prerequisite for cost-savings ef- and labor costs. forts, and constant vigilance and monitoring of these data Equivalent doses for all drug alternatives for each TI are required. must be established based on scientific evidence and cur- A relatively small number of drugs usually makes up rent practice standards, which may not be the same as FDA- the majority of the drug budget. Cost-management efforts approved manufacturers’ recommendations. Most of the ref- focused on these drugs will generally offer the best return. erences cited for TI above list the therapeutic equivalence for Cost-management strategies that fall completely under the the drugs in a specific class. Days of therapy is the common pharmacy department’s control (e.g., purchasing and inven- method to compare equivalent costs of drug therapy within tory strategies) will be easiest to implement and should be a therapeutic class, particularly for antibiotics and other pursued first. Strategies that require an interdisciplinary ef- classes that include scheduled drugs that are dosed multiple fort (e.g., use of protocols or guidelines, therapeutic inter- times per day. For classes that include drugs with extended change, IV-to-PO switches) can be led by pharmacists with half-lives and durations of action, weeks of therapy or cost the proper clinical background. Clinical pharmacy services, per course of therapy may be more appropriate. Examples such as participation in rounds, pharmacokinetic monitoring, include colony-stimulating factors (e.g., epoetin versus dar- and renal dose adjustment, can also reduce drug expenses. bopoetin and filgrastim versus pegfilgrastim). Correcting for Cost management efforts should be coordinated. The equivalent strengths, sizes, and units of packaging is another programs should contain a clearly defined and manage- important step in cost-savings calculations, particularly for able list of cost containment targets with a goal and specific liquid and parenteral products. The number of standard targets for each initiative. Results should be measured and doses available from a container of liquid medication or a evaluated, and this information should be shared with the large volume parenteral medication varies based on the size interdisciplinary team involved in the effort as well as with of the container. Medical staff input is important in deter- health-system administration. mining equivalent doses, particularly if there is a divergence When selecting and implementing drug-cost-manage- between manufacturer’s recommendations and published ment strategies, pharmacists must keep patient safety and literature on dosing. the quality of patient care in mind. Cost-management ini- Once the methodology of data analysis is established, a tiatives must never compromise the pharmacy department’s drug savings matrix should be developed. This becomes the ability to provide the best possible care. Fortunately, there primary monitoring document that tracks the progress of each are many drug-cost-management opportunities that have initiative based on the changes in utilization. Purchase data is little or no potential for detrimental effects on patient care, the typical source for maintaining the cost savings matrix, and efforts to improve appropriate use of a drug or drug class but it is essential to adjust and scrub the data before matrix often also offer opportunities for cost containment. input. It is important to maintain a consistent common de- nominator. Utilization increases in certain targeted drugs may References be due to patient volume and may be appropriate. Correcting for volume with denominator data and using effective MUE 1. Hoffman JM, Shah ND, Vermeulen LC, et al. programs will assist with determining actual cost increases. Projecting future drug expenditures—2006. Am J The elements of a standard drug-savings matrix spreadsheet Health-Syst Pharm. 2006; 63:123–38. include the initiatives (TI and guidelines), savings targets, 2. Vogenberg FR, ed. Understanding pharmacy reim- baseline purchase dollars corrected for volume, current pur- bursement. Bethesda, MD: American Society of chase dollars (after implementation) corrected for volume, Health-System Pharmacists; 2005:17–42. and actual savings monthly and year-to-date. It is important 3. ASHP Practice Resource Center for Pharmaceutical to be accurate and include both wholesaler and direct pur- Reimbursement. www.ashp.org/s_ashp/cat1c.asp?CID chases, rebates, and wholesaler discounts. =490&DID=532 (accessed 2007 Sep 10). To maintain commitment to and focus on the process, 4. Clinical Initiative Center interviews. The Advisory it is paramount to provide consistent feedback regarding the Board Company. Washington, DC 2000:20–1. changes in the cost savings matrix to the P & T committee. 5. Hoffman JM, Shah ND, Vermeulen LC, et al. Some health systems also establish a reporting structure to Projecting future drug expenditures—2007. Am J another oversight committee, such as a value analysis group Health-Syst Pharm. 2007; 64:298–314. 538 Pharmacy Management–Guidelines

6. Hoffman JM, Shah ND, Vermeulen LC, et al. 25. Bollinger KA, Vermeulen LC, Davis SN, et al. Com- Projecting future drug expenditures 2004. Am J parative effectiveness of low-molecular-weight hepa- Health-Syst Pharm. 2004; 61:145–58. rins after therapeutic interchange. Am J Health-Syst 7. Hoffman JM, Shah ND, Vermeulen LC, et al. Pharm. 2000; 57:368–72. Projecting future drug expenditures 2005. Am J 26. Nelson WW, Vermeulen LC, Geurkink EA, et al. Health-Syst Pharm. 2005; 62:149–67. Clinical and humanistic outcomes in patients with 8. Heffler S, Smith S, Keehan S, et al. U.S. health spend- gastroesophageal reflux disease converted from ing projections for 2004–2014. Health Aff (Millwood). ome-prazole to lansoprazole. Arch Intern Med. 2000; 2005; W5:74-WS-85. 160:2491–6. 9. Rough S, Saenz R. Benchmarking and productivity 27. Sodorff MM, Galt KA, Galt MA, et al. 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Appendix—Therapeutic Interchanges, Albumin Prescribing Guidelines, and Other Anesthesia gas, low flow and guidelines for selection Antibiotic surgical prophylaxis Interventions Antibiogram and antibiotic guidelines Antifungal (injectable) agents (voriconazole, itracon- Therapeutic Interchanges azole, caspofungin) The following are some examples of drugs and drug classes Aprotinin dosing for which health systems have successfully implemented Carbapenems therapeutic interchange protocols: Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting Colony-stimulating factor guidelines/monitoring Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors Drotrecogin alfa Adenosine–dipyridamole for cardiac stress test Fosphenytoin Amphotericin, lipid-based Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Angiotensin-receptor blockers Intensive care unit sedation protocol Benzodiazepine hypnotics I.V. immune globulin Beta-lactamase inhibitor antibiotics Levalbuterol Cephalosporins: first- (oral), second-, and third- Nesiritide generation Octreotide Cholesterol-lowering agents Pneumonia protocol Colony-stimulating factors (filgrastim and sargramos- Postoperative nausea and vomiting tim, darbopoetin and epoetin alfa) Proton-pump inhibitors (i.v.) Fluroquinolones Venous thromboembolism, use of anticoagulants in Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors acute coronary syndrome Hepatitis B vaccine, pediatric strength Ziprasidone injection Histamine H2-receptor antagonists Inhaled and intranasal corticosteroids Interventions—Other I.V. immune globulin Other initiatives or activities that pharmacists can collaborate Insulins – various, including insulin aspart and insulin with the medical staff to reduce drug costs. lispro 540 Pharmacy Management–Guidelines

Cost per case in anesthesia ASHP gratefully acknowledges the expert panel that devel- Antibiotic monitoring, laboratory reporting of sensi- oped these guidelines: Michael Rubino, M.S., FASHP; James M. tivities Hoffman, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS; Larry J. Koesterer, M.B.A.; and Antibiotic restrictions Robert G. Swendrzynski, M.S. Eptifibatide waste reduction Epoetin alfa waste reduction, prepare syringes Copyright © 2008, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Pegfilgrastim is used in outpatients only Inc. All rights reserved.

The bibliographic citation for this article is as follows: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. ASHP guidelines on Approved by the ASHP Board of Directors on January 17, 2008. medication cost management strategies for hospitals and health These guidelines supersede the ASHP Technical Assistance Bulletin systems. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2008; 65:1368–84. on Assessing Cost-Containment Strategies dated September 27, 1991. Developed through the ASHP Council on Pharmacy Management.