Mabel R. _Gillis, Librarian N.. California StEite Library" #2 Sacramento 9, California 7 At. Spartan Daiilly. 7 E Dinner Scin Jose State College Launc esWSSF Drive A kickoff dinner officially opening Service Volume XXXVII San J()(; C Wedne,,day, Apd10. 94C Number 116 the World Student Fund drive wia be held Monday at 5:30 p.m. in the basement of the Grace Baptist church, 10th and San Fernando streets, Alice Samson, dinner chairman, announced today. Tickets for the affair are on sale in the Gracluiste Manager's - orrice, room 18, for 85 cents. The., dinner ,will be an interna- Coop, Bookstore tional affair with dishes from dif- To Clear Deficits, ferent countries receiving WSSF aid. Miss Samson said. Felse Forecasts Anderson To Speak Spartan Shop fountain and book- Mrs. Ruth Anderson, . former store may be out of the red by WSSF traveling secretary, will June 1950, according to Graduate speak on what WSSF is doing in Manager Bill Felse. Europe. Mrs. Anderson toured Eu- rope in the summer of 1946, and At present Spartan Shop still attended international student owes $31,990.81 of $81.458.31 in conferences and seminars in Nor- loans contracted in the spring of way, Poland and Czechoslovakia. 1947. This money was borrowed 'She is now organizing the WSSF for alterations on the fountain in campaign at San Francisco State the Student Union, and for re- college. stocking the bookstore, Lothar Bossing, San Jose State Mr. Felse stated that if the last college student from Germany, note is paid off by ,June 1930, the will speak on conditions in West- Spartan Shop board will decide ern Germany. Bosaing's passage then whether it will reduce prices from Europe was partially paid for Caught In a practice lorma- Ann Corwin, Clydah En- Ticket* are now on sale in the Dimpfl, or make further alterations. by WSSF. tion.for their swim _show, "Wa- os, Shirley Crandall, and Geral- Graduate Manager's office for ter Carousel," which opens at 8 dine Gibbs. Second row, I. to r.: "Water Carousel," in which 1(10 In 1944 the entire net profits Local WSSF Chairman Marsh o'clock tomorrow night, are - Beth Calvin, Medora-Vaux Mer- swimmers and technicians will of the Spartan Shop, amounting to Pitman will outline final plans for these ten "little kids at the ecir- vey, Kay Filennerhassett, Janet rt icipute. $1,135.61, were turned over to the the fund drive at San Jose State ens." First row, I. to r.: Lillian Nicholson, and Ruth Mudgett. Photo by Steve O'Meara stadent body. It was the last time college. this was done. According to Felse. $1,000 was disbursed to the stud- In addition, -This Is Their Sto- Spartan Singers ent body as a token of good faith ry," a movie depicting the work of Journalism Prof. Students May Buy in December of 1947. This money WSSF, will be shown. To Show Soon in was used to erect a press-box on Elected Officer Symphony Tickets the east side of Spartan stadium. Organizations Invited 'Bartered Bride' The inventory of the bookstore All organization and living group representatives are requested by Six Spartans will be featured in has reached $100,000 at times, and Of Coin Collectors At Reduced Rates a current provisional insurance po. Miss Samson to attend. They will leading singing roles when the San receive information concerning Mr. Charles V. Kappen, assist- Music and non-music majors of licy extends to cover an inventory Jose Grand Opera association pre- their responsibnities in the drive ant professor of journalism, was San Jose State college will have of $112,000. and pledge blanks will be distrib- sents Smetana's "The Bartered elected to the five-man board of the opportunity to participate in The policy of the store has beenluted, the chairman said. Bride" Saturday at 8 p.m. in Uni- directors of the California State the San Francisco Symphony for- to keep the inventory at a mini - versity of Santa Clara theater. Numismatic association, last Sun- mum, but to accommodate a large um this yeai by buying season day. number of students it must stock tickets at SJSC Students Participating IV price, the Music brevity. in eampaeless with pre- Salary Increases 4 The -state Numismatic conven- department said today. Student and graduate perform- tion, at which Kappen gave en ad- ! war status. ers from San Jose State college dress on "British Regal Copper For SJSC Faculty This forum makes it possible for. A board of seven faculty mem- I will be Lola Portal. Robert Mad- and Bronze Coinage," was held at Spartan student body members to bers and four students is respons- sen, Gordon Vcules, Donald Lev, the Hotel Sainte Claire, April 15- tMay! Come Soon hear symphonic music played by' ible for governing the Spartan Helen DiMaggio, and Thomas O'- 17. the San Francisco Symphony or_ Shop. This board is appointed by 1 Across-the-board salary increas- Leary. Kappen had a complete displa;, chestra under the direction of the Student Couneij. Dr. Milburn es for faculty members at San Pierre Monteux. Concerts Wright is chairman, Dr. William The colorful Czech opera is com- of his "type" collection of British will be r Jose State college are virtually presented on Thursday nights be- Poyiress, vice chairman, and Mr. plete with scenery, costumes, and copper and bronze coins at the assured, Dr. T. fore student audiences in the Bill Felse non voting secretary. W. MacQuarrie, orchestral accompaniment by the hotel. Association displays amount- -War Memorial Opera House. Dr. Raymond Barry, Dr. Carl college president, said yesterday. San Jose Civic Symphony orche§- ed to about a quarter of a million dollars, according to information Duncan, Dr. William Myers, Mr. tra. The increases have not been ap- received. Campus meetings will be held E. S: Thompson, and Mr. Milton in order that forum members may Lanyon are also on the board. Stu- proved by all officials concerned, Miss Portal majored in music Following Kappen's address, he participate in constructive discus- dent members of the board are according to Dr. MacQuarrie, but and education before her gradua- was asked to write an article for sions of music. They will also hear Robert Cook, Don Lathrop, Dean tion from college. At present she the national monthly magazine, since the representative of the and see noted artists, who will Price, and Al Caldwell. is a kindergarten teacher at Fre- "The Numismatist," on the sub- State Personnel board instructed speak at these San Jose gather- mont Elementary school. She has ject of his talk. the college to make provision for appeared in several shows present- ings. them in its budget there is little ed by the Santa Clara Wutzit Club: Kappen's specialties include United States colonials, copper and Students interested in purchas- No Movie doubt of their final approval. Iiitadsen's previous experience in- bronze coins and other U.S. coins ing season tickets are urged to Due to the unavailability of sign Dr. MacQuarrie said that the cludes the singing lead in "New In "types." up on the sheet posted in the requested foreign films, the first Moos" with the San Jose Light Music building by Friday. Regular of a new "unusual movie" series funds for the increase were ap- Opera company. The young sing- ticket prices will be slashed one- has been cancelled, the Speech propriated two years ago to ad- half for students. er is now a voice student of Mr. office reported yesterday. There just salary scales to changing con- Thormexisgsard, in- Ingebret A. State Campers! will be no movie in the Little ditions. The increase will amount structor in music at San Jose Theater tonight. State college. Students and faculty interest- to about 5 per cent and will be ed in planning for State camp Pritchard Attends retroactive to last September. will meet tonight at 7:30 Hailing from Sumner, Wash., in the Student Union, Dale La Mar. Voiles has appeared in "In Old director, announced yesterday. Soroptimist Confab Vienna.' and "The Pirates of Pen- meeting will be Mrs. Lzetta Pritchard, assistant zance." He was tenor soloist in The informal. Refreshments will be dean of women, Will Nave Thurs.,- "Christmas Oratorio" by Saint served. Co. Denies day for Phoenix. Ariz., where Soap she Saens. will attend a national convention of Soroptimists. O'Leary, possessor of a fine bas- so voice, is also a voice student Mrs. Pritchard, vice president of Claim Tallulah's of Mr. Thormodsgaard. French Honor Group the local group, will serve as one of the California regional dele- NEW YORK, April 19 UP)A suit named the soap company, Miss DiMaggio recently sang a gates. today that Benton and Bowles Advertising lead in a minstrel show given by Holds Dinner Meet soap cvmpany declared has no agency, and the NBC and CBS the Wutzit group. A pot -luck picnic was held Mon- Actress Tallulah Bankhead unusual first radio networks as defendants. day evening by Iota Delta Phi, monopoly on her WSSF Delegates with a 10,000- Lev Among Principals French honor society, at Alum name but sliareg it Attorney Walter R. Barry said ton oil tanker, a town, a line of Among the other principals from Rock park. - Procter & %amble had received To Plan Campaign canned goods, a soft drink, and a San Jose State college is Donald hundreds of letters from Tallulahs Following the dinner, a meet- Organizationand living group number of persons and animals. Lev, who played the Duke 'of Al- and other persons who know ing was held in which committees representatives for the forthcom- The Procter 8z Gamble company bany in "King Lear." This play "friends, animals, songs, and plac- for a proposed open house and ing World Student Service Fund derided Miss Bankhead's claim was given On Washington Square es" with the name. club participation in Spardi Gras drive are requested by Chairman that all America thinks of her last Winter. "Missapankhead was named af- were set up. Marsh Pitman to be present at a alone when the name Tallulah is ter her paternal grandmother, who meeting tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. in mentioned. Its reply to the actress ' Special student rates will be was named after a well-known riv- Open house committee members room 24. was filed with the New York Su- charged for this repeat perform- er, waterfall, or park in the state are BarbaraFulton, Georgette Pa- preme court ih answer to her $1,- ance in the Santa Clara theater. "We want anyone interested in of Georgia," the soap company de- ris, and Wilbur Fellows. 000.000 damage suit protesting a soliciting the faculty or working clared. listen- "The name of Tallulah has The Spardi Gras committee is in the WSSF booth in the Library singing commercial urging tube been and is in the public domain." composed of Nading Douglass, BE. arch to be present," Pitman add. ers to "squeeze Tallulah the To prove their point the com- Today's Weather verly Cavender, and Don Holly. of Prell shampoo." Dr. Harry Fitch, WSSF adviser, Miss Bankhead. currently', ap- pany noted that there was a fire I UPI-0c- Santa Clara Valley The meeting was concluded with will discuss final details of the pearing on Broadway in "Private engine named Tallulah in Atlanta, cational high cloudiness today, lit- a camp-fire songfest and general drive, and Helen Davis will speak Lives, said the ditty caused her Ga., in 1864, forty years before. tle change in temperature. relaxation. on "What WSW Is Doing." embarrassment and distress. Her Miss Bankhead's birth. Editorial and/ Fe.atureT P 2 SPARTAN DAILY Wednesday, April 20, 1949. Spardi Gras Moptop WM Yip, Tap v - Teachers:4c Guardia:: Beards Grow Leaders of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education recently appealed to President Truman to push for early Bushy 'n Big action providing federal aid to public, elementary and secondary or Yell=lle Peeps Movies schools. Introducing "Moptop", the Spartan Daily's peerless critic oi Thus; in viewing The estimated 13,500 college graduates prepared 'Get Going Early' to teach in the place of a needed 100,000, it would appear that Dick drama, w ho will grace these pages in the future with his observations there is a definite need for some manner of federal aid. The pros- Says Trigger concerning the local theater. College plays and first -run 1110V it'S %% Ai pects must be more desirable for student teachers today, especially IKV "HAIRLESS JOI. ROME R() since it is expected that enrollments will increase approximately 50 The recently proposed beard percent in the next decade. growing contest, to be held in con- With this recent appeal to the President and congressional lead- junction with this year's Spardi ers, it brings to mind the statement made during the depression by Gras, is causing quite a stir amOng the late Mr. Roosevelt's Commissioner of Education, George F. Zook, male members of Spartanville. when he said that "a future depression must never find our educational The early beginning was devil- needs in such a state." Mr. Zook continued to point out the possible ishly devised by Dick (Call me effects if, for done generation, the people of the United States were Trigger) Cirigliano, acting in the wihout education. Capacity of chairman for the forth. - This coming Sparati Gras. "Trigger" has belief-has been repeatedly expressed by such men as George turned the annual beard growing Washington, James Monroe and John Quincy Adams. It has been contest, usually beginning two supported by both the Republican and Democratic parties, and Presi- weeks before the big celebration, Great dent Trbman stated specifically, "Our educational systems face a into a razor blade advertiser's financial crisis." nightmare by announcing that this However, when a need arises, its natural to press as rapidly season's whisker raising will begin "Moptop" as possible to the nearest remedy or panacea that promises to secure on April 22: Some long chin whiskers are us from these evils. This is the real test, in finding some plan of action Fair that will actually be an improvement over the condition as it 'was. certain to be developed in the en- Good A-s suing month-and-a-half until (that well as meeting the need for educational aid and remedying a word again) come under "Moptop's" all-seeing eye and his, reports will provide a great Spardi Gras on shortage of teachers, we must look for a plan that will not be June 3. guide for Spartan theatergoers. our first "5-year Iff plan education." Prize For Stubbles It is a well established precedent that the states alone control As can readily be seen from the above cuts, "Moptop's" versatile the The question facing Cirigliano pan is capable of running the gamut of emotions from extreme ecstasy education of their citizens, but it is also a well established prece- at this juncture is whether the to the very doldrums of despair; depending of course on the quality dent that there are grants-in-aid to the states, wihout controls, as usual prize of a well-known razor production is reviewing. witnessed by the nearly 160 federal aid plans in education. will have to be changed to brace of the he If the rights of the states can be guaranteed and if the Federal of motor driven hedge clippers, but In other words, if the play or movie in question is a 14 carat, government can help the states to be strong, we may well have cause nonplussed "Trigger" Dick has super-duper production which should cause entertainment seekers to to be proud of ourselves and look with more confidence to a brighter come forth with a new wrinkle-- bash the doors of the playhouse down to get in, then "Mop's" face will tomorrow. a trophy for the organization with reflect it with the "Excellent" expression. As Horace Mann once said, "If we do not enlarge the 10 best stobbles, plus an indi- If the Production is "good" in that few or no Oscars will be handed our schools vidual prize. today, we must provide bigger prisons tomorrow." out but the show is well worth seeing, then the "Mop" will give out Complications in the form of ob-

jections by various females are with his pious, hands-up look. already setting in. However, it Perhaps the play or movie being reviewed is Just run-of-the-mill seems that a few 20f the gals don't stuff thatmight possibly rate a mild "ho-hum" or take kindly to the idea of "Hair- be three or four points away from being a lemon. STAN'S' SLANTS By Sadler less Joes" for boy friends. Some "Mopter would be inclined to strike his chin Spartah co-eds polled were in fa- scratching, pensive expression which would hint 00000000000011X30000:40Y.f.f../Y:61:00.>"40:40:1"..e4,30=.1212) vor of the contest as they say it at a "Fair" rating for the epic in question. would help weak-chinned personal- "Moptop" reserves the right of using his ities no end. Then there is the problem that thumbs-down, tongue-out, Sad Sack face for the crops up most often in beard rais- comparatively few "smellerinos" that Hollywood ing contests. Certain male mem- occasionally puts forth for public consumption. bers of the student body will just This pained expression would naturally come un- say "the 'ell with it," and let the der the title "Poor" and the reader, Upon seeing fuzz sprout without ever 'signing it accompanyihg a review is encouraged to either up. It affords a good excuse for run hastily. in the opposite direction or attend the those who don't particularly care movie or play if only to call the reviewer a liar. to shave daily, and who don't care Poor All reviews, incidentally, a hoot about the contest. There wUl be written by are cases on record, however, various members of the Spartan Daily staff on behalf of "Moptop" where non-participants had longer who has 'yet to learn how to transfer his gargoyle countenance into beards than the winner. mere words. TYPEWRITERS For Rent Belt May. Stop Neckline Drop SPECIAL STUDENT RATES POPKIN OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPANY Says Noted H'wood Designer 468 W. Santa Clara By VIRGINIA MacPHERSON United Press Hollywood Correspondent HOLLYWOOD, April 19 (UP)Lili, the French designer Matinee at 2:30 who Li 437711IR RAM peddles "frontless -bosom" gowns to gals who don't worry about catch- MERE ing cold, said today she got her inspiration from millionaire Howard Hughes. OUVIERHantliel+ Singlehandedly, he fathered the "bra-less bustline." she says, Seats now it room 57 for when he put Jane Russell in a College Friday, 5:30 night sensation. And Lili's taking performance, low-necked blouse, planted hOr In ALL SEATS 90t a haystack, and told her to bend it from there. The creations she Over. turns out are what she calls the Reguter Student Matisse We doubt if Airplane Builder- "uninhibited' bust" - and PRICE $1.00 make Movie Producer Hughes gives a plunging necklines look like turtle- hoot, but Lili wants it known if it neck sweaters. PADRE THEATRE hadn't been for him women would - Phone Ballard 101 still be wearing collars up to their She orders her customers to pecks instead of where their throw away their "uplifts" and hefts used to be. shOw up at the night spots with "Got me, Bud? Try the Vet's Office." SAN JOSE "All this screaming about what nothing above their waistline ex- designer started the trend for ex- cept sheer lace and transparent DRIVE-IN Theatre posing the bosom makes me fur- net. I THRUST AND PARRY ious," she declared hotly. "Dior TUE.S ,s/Fr) rHuP lowered the skirts but Hughes The OrIginsf lowered the necklines." Abbott & Cottello except that of an interested stud- Lili designs no-top dresses and MEXICAN HAYRIDE Ain't Stingy ent spectator who frowns on con- lets the goose-pimples pop where Also 1Dear Thrust and Parry: stant penny-pinching, necessary they May. She says this is an "ele- WILLIAM BISHOP ' To the devil with all of this par- though it may be at times. For mental determination of the fe- pey about budgeting the council. I once let's go all the way. ' male to continue the human race PORT SAID ASB Cardholder, 2073. in tie face of atomic warfare." ;know if I were going to Sun Val - Show Starts at Dusk Rey I would shudder at the thought She says Hughes caught the Nato Snider 501 Almaden Col. 7151. Gish Road and Oakland Highway lof traveling in a bus surrounded Thy modesty's a eandle to thy same message from the space's py clouds of lethal 'gas fumes or nierit.---Fielding. when he plastered Mimi' RUssell's en in the invariably slew trains charms on billboards around the creep through the Pacifir country. That took a lot of doing STATE-TAILORS AND CLEANERS orthwest. A quotation, like a pun, shotild come, unsought. --IL Chapnitui. beelifi9ie the Russell neekline Quality Cleaning Altering I Relining Leave us spend the WO for the preceded the atom bon* by a unpin; Marie and let it go at matter of three years. OneuDay. Cleaning Service, t. Ineidentally, .f have no con- Death ahd the dihe level 'all Be it civilization- -or boxoffice- nection whittVeet wftll'the ecntheit, distincifietii.S. Foote. Hughes Made- that blousis. an. over- 53 W. SAN FERNANDO

SPASTAN.DAILY 3 Wednesday*. April 20, 1949 Spring -Heralds Engagements Round 54 Square' Recent Appointees Of Five Spartan Twosomes Of Gamma Phi Beta Buehring-Cordrey Miss Maxine Cordrey announced her engagement to .George Couples Repeat Nuptials To Serve This Term Buehring, by passing the traditional box of chocolates to her' Delta Ellen Erichsen, president of Gamma sorority sisters. Beta Theta chapter of Gamma Miss Cordrey is a junior education major at Sao Jose State col- Phi Beta sorority, has announced lege. She is a graduate of Santa Cruz high school. In Nearby Scenic Settings additional appointments of offi Buehring is a junior education cers to serve the group for the major here. He is affiliated with Pifferini-Miller coming term. Phi Sigma Kappa, Social frater- The Church of the Wayfarer in Carmel was the scene of the -New officers include camp Local Chi Omegas nity. He 'alsowas graduated from recent wedding of Miss Gaynelle Miller and Robert M. Pifferini.-- chairman, Diana Lawlor; publi- Receive Trophy Santa Cruz high school. The bride wore a light green suit trimmed with scallops and a city chairman and Crescent mag- No date has been set for the hat to match. She wore white azine representative, Royce Root; wedding. accessories and carried a bouquet of historian, -Virgina. Russell; song At SF Convention orchids with a gardenia center. chairman, Marietta Zaro; and Members and alumnae from Dr, IC' Filmore Gray officiated at the double ring ceremony. membership chairman, Virginia the local chapter of CM Omega Richardson-Kennedy Barry Hyiett stood with the Jones. recently attended the. Eleusinian is a member of the San Jose The traditional box of candy,' , groom as best man. 'Miss Shirley convention in San Francisco. Pippin wart maid of honor. Junior Chamber of Commerce passed this time at a recent Kap- The former Miss Miller is the and serves as a district commis- Chi Omega delegates attending pa Alpha Theta meeting, announ- the engagement of Miss Bar- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse sioner of the Boy Scouts of Am- represented 13 western states. ced KappatPhi To-Hold bara Kennedy to Maurice ,"Moe''' Miller of Oakland. She attended erica. A scholarship trophy was pre- San Jose' State college and was Mr. and Mrs. Rolin are now at sented to the San Jose chapter Richardson. a journalism major. She was home at 449 Vine St., San Jose. Annu&$ernis1orma I at a banquet held in the Palace Miss Kennedy is a junior -psy- chosen 'Homecoming Queen" last Hotel. chology major here. Fail. She is a member of Sigma Medaugh-Palmtag . On the schedule of the conven- ,Richardson le a senior aueron- .:Kappa sorority. .AtSSaratogaikib autics major from San Francisco. Kappa -Phi,.- national Methodist tion was a Sunday morning Pifferini is a senior physical ed- -Mish Mary Hazel Palmtag be- , breakfast at the Claremont hotel. He is a member of Blue Key and came the bride of Edward H. women's 'club, will hold Its third Delta Sigma Game .fraternity. ucation major here, San. Jose active members and Medaugh Jr, at an ev'enirtg nup- annual semi-formal dan :Sat- The couple plan a June 2S wed- alumnae presented a skit. based tial service recently in the -Hol- urday, night from. 9 to' 1,wat the ding. Chi Omega national -Rolin-Jehsky lister Presbyterian church. Saratoga Foothill club. on the Approximately 110 couples will achievement. award. The Pay area The First Lutheran churth of The. Rev. Leo -K. Brown offi- dance to the- music of .the' Jive junior. alumnae and- the actOr Rist-Ste.ele 'Palo Alto was the, letting far the ciated at the ceremony. rnembers.of the University of -Cal- Five orchestra. An. October, ' high neoti,.nuptiai eeremony at ifornia'-chapter also provided -en- wedding' is being Carl Palmtag escorted his Patronesses will be Miss Doris planned by Miss Dorothy Steele which Miss Ituth Evelyn Jensky, tertainment, daughter, to the ialtar.'.. She- wee Robinson, Mrs. Lois Bryse, Mrs. and Wayne Rist, he bride:elect's changed her name to Mrs. How- Chapter business and activities dressed. in a gown of. white mar- La Verne Wren, Mrs. Ruth Johns, parents, Mr. and -Mrs.: Herbert ard John Rolin. were the subject of round-table qtrisette fashioned. with laCe in- Mrs. Bell,. Moore, and Mrs. Steele, announced discussions. recently. White blossoms, and greenery aerts. Her fingertipliength yell .lian Schpauner. Miss Steele is a graduate of Delegates from .the local chap- '-decorated- the..-Church for' the fell' from a coronet, and she car- Kappa Phi pledges will. be hon- Campbell Union 'high sclfool'arld enjoyed a tea and open-house rites whiehwere ftillowed by a ried a bouquet of white lilacs ored_ at a tea Sunday afternoon ter attended San Jose State College.

reception 1st the, Pak, Alto home' and pink roses. from 2. to '5.: Spring flowers will at the University of California house. of the bride's' parents, Mr. and Miss Frances Palmtag was her serve as. decorations. chapter Mrs. C.-F.,-Jensky. sister's maid cif honor. Her 'other Landworth-Weinsten The engagement of Miss Sally The former 'Miss Jensky was attendants were the Misses Charl- Weinsten to .William attired in traditional bridal sie Paltntag and Dorothy Nyland. Landworth, of San Francisco, was announced white, wearing a satin -frock Herbert Chadwell stood with Theta Chi Fraternity Holds Smoker recently at a reception given at which was patterned with net the bridegroom as best man. . the Los Angeles home of the -yoke and lace bertha. A seed The new Mrs. 'Medaugh attend- fort Guests in Chapter House Monday bride-to-be's parents. pearl crown held' her full-length ed Hollister schools San and Theta Chi fraternity entertain- active chapters, according to Miss Weinsten is a junior art ' veil, and baby orchids cascaded Jose State college. smoker held at Herb Patnoe, publicity chairman. major at San Jose State college. from the white Bible she carried. ed 40 guests at a The bridegroom is the son of The Gamma Xi chapter at San Landworth is a graduate student The bride was given in marriage the fraternity house Monday Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medaugh of Jose State college formerly Beta in architecture at the University by her father. night, according to Armen Han- Nashville, Tenn. Chi Sigma, was initiated into of California at Berkeley. Ohitt Huntley of Van Nuys per- zand, pledgemaster. Theta Chi in May,. 1948. best man's formed. the duties. The group also held a formal Ushers were Kenneth Rolin, Rob- Lucchesi-Leone Honored et 'the dinner were 12 Cutter-Moore dinner recently at the Peninsula new membttrs of the fraternity: ert g. Jensky and Yancy L. Wil- In a formal ceremony at the Miss Sallie Ann Moore announ- restaurant, commemorating the Ray Yonce, George Anderson, Bill liams. Clark Baer was organist Holy Family church Miss Lucy ced her engagement to Kerry founding of Theta Chi fraternity. Cane, Sal Faratto, Rod Fielder, E. and accompanied the vocalist, Catherine Leone and Raymond Cutter during spring first established at Norwich uni- Ted Lilly, Bruce Titus, Ted Wal- vacation. Miss Escr Olin. Lee Lucchesi added their names Miss Moore is a junior accoun- versity, Vt., in '1856. It was form- lace. and Earl Williams. The bride was preceded to the to the newlywed roster. ting major from Alameda. ally incorporated in 1888, and "Ditz" Webster is president of altar by her sisters, Mrs. War- The double-ring service was Cutter is a senior business ad- since that time has grown to 81 the group. Faculty advisers are ren K. Bohn, matron of honor, performed by the Rev. A. J. Roc - ministration major from Sacra- cat i. Dr. Brant Clark, Mr. Rocci Pis- and Miss Nancy Anne Jenskyl' bridegroom; and a ento and is ii member or Theta Gowned in traditional white, gift of the an, and Mr. James F. Jacobs. bridesmaid. which been worn Mu Sigma fraternity and the the former Miss Leone was given cameo pin had Miss Judy Ann Bohn, the and aunt at Young Men's Southwest Almaden in marriage by her brother, by her grandmother bride's niece, completed the brid- Bahnsen had Chowder and Marching Society. Frank Leone, Jr. their weddings, Mrs. al party as flower girl. white orchids, sweet Kappa So rority Maid of honor, Miss Gloria flowers of Mrs. Rolin, a speech and drama bouvardia. Moro, was attired in pink taf- peas and TRY THE NEW CLEAN MAYFAIR" major, was graduated from San Members Model Honor attendant was the RESTAURANT AND CREAMERY ' 1 feta. Jose State college last year and Giulio Francesconi of San bridegroom's sister, Miss Joyce In Fashion Show is now doing post -graduate work Jr.. 1/2 Fried Chicken Francisco was best man for his Bahnsen. Neil John Towne, Members of Delta Chi chapter on the Spartan campus. She is best Salad Bowl. Coffe, Dessert cousin. brother of the bride, was of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority affiliated with Alpha Omicron Pi man. sorority. Following the ceremony the were models in the fashion show $1.15 wedding party met in Holy Fam- When the couple left on their The bridegroom is the son of staged Monday by the gorority in Lunches from 65c ily hall for a wedding dinner. wedding trip to Southern Cali- Mr. and Mrs. John Rohn. of San the Palace hotel in San Francisto. Complete 8 course dinners from 90c Mr. and Mrs. Lucchesi honey- fornia the bride was attired in a Francisco. He is an alumnus of Girls who modelled were Joyce Open 7:30 a.m. until I a.m. mooned in Southern California navy blue suit with pink . acces- the University of Washington and Call, Ruth Forster, Dorothy Her- and Mexico. The newlyweds are sories, his fraternal affiliations are Phi rick, Marilyn Russell, Joanne MAYFAIR now at home in San Francisco. newlyweds mak% their Kappa Sigma and Xenia. He The will Thornley Rogers, Barbara Al -. RESTAURANT AND CREAMERY' Pan Mrs, Lucchesi was avenue, graduated home at 49 Hernandez bough. Mancy Mathson. Mary 159 So. First Street from San Jose State college Los Gatos, while the bridegroom Lyynn Brandt, and Eileen -Mer- Just South of Padre Theater where You Get she was afiliated with La- continues his studies at San Jose rill. maybe club. State college. The show was given in the a SERVICE Rose room, the Concert room and Bahnsen-Towne Makris-Blackburn the Ballrom of the hotel. "Our 'Printing Doesn't Cast and you It Pays" An informal ceremony at the The San Jose home of Mr, and 4c Per Gal home of Mrs. E. H. Nelson in Mrs. Steve Makris was the scene Chi 0 Has Party All Types of PRINTING - , Los Gatos, united Miss Patricia informal evening ceremony of the Chi Omega sorority entertain- DANCE BIDS a Specialty at the Katherine Towne and Alan Jer- at which their, son, Thomas S. ome Bahnsen. ed members of Kappa Alpha at ,Makris, and Miss Jean Black- a joint meeting and dessert party , The Rev. Nottley S. Hammack burn were married. $AAVON Wednesday night. THE conducted the double-ring cer- Dr. Joyce Wesley Farr of the Coffee and cake were served SERVICE STATION emony. First Methodist 'Church conducted -VALLEY . PRESS to the visitors. Entertainment in- Complementing a white wool simple service which was 167W. San Fernando dind William St. the fol- cluded dancing and a banjo and ballerina frock with a gold cross, .a buffet Ballard 209. lowed by supper and re- song recital by the Chi O's ception. "Dulbikulls' and the K. A's Oz- Lou Ales - Danny The former Miss Blackburn zie Osborn and Dick Robinson. WE WILL DELIVER YOUR DINNER chose a gray silk dress, comple- mented by white orchids. Her +muumuu' tuilikmitouffistmutinnunm iimmminimuunumnuntinsis ClilICKERY-CHICK only attendant, Miss Joyce Nor- Fiseit'Delivery I/2 Chicken Air H,,,5 well of San Francisco, was at- tired in flame taffeta. 'til 9 p.m., 10 p.m. Sat. Roll, French Fries Vie ARCIrtIE'S Mike Krekos of San Francisco, lO$OEkataCt.ra Call Col. 8734 closed Monday god-father of the benedict, acted as best man. +IV - The former Miss Blackburn is the daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. for STEAKS' PIE - NOT flveSilapsfick Kind! Jesse Blackburn of Dunsmuir. CUSTARD She attended Klamath Falls and fresh eggs and milk, Thick, full flavored pies made of Dunsmuir school and San Jose so it's like eating an egg nog with a forkyum yum! .; State college. ' 51.) .(-( ontl t. 0, Followin& a brief honeymoon C1HIATTERTI'ON BAKERY trip, the newlyweds will establish Opposite YWCA BALLAD 6041k: 221 SOUTH SECOND their home In San Jose. ;, isumuumuisimummimimulmaiiimunnummusummimmittimmuoi

Summer Camp Treks Home Economics Termination Date Fr Display Features For SB Officers Prelate Rebukes Planned for Natural Cotton Industry Confuses Court Gi "White Gold" is the name of "When do the new come in, and Fired Teachers Science Enthusiasts the project being featured this when do the old 'leave?" This April 19-(UP) -Three of Newton, a Boston College high A chance to spend a week in the week in the display cases at the BOSTON, question bounced about the Stud- instructors who school teacher of German who mountains or at the seashore, and Home Economics building. The Boston college t he ent Court chambers at the Mon- as "here- said he too had been fired. High to learn something about nature display presents a clear and com- protested their firings ss ii offic- today by Arch- school officials, however, said the natural Way, as well as earn prehensive picture of the cotton day meeting and Sent court sy" were rebuked Mc Supple's status was "under con- two quarter units in natural sci- industry. ers scuriYing to read the constitu- bishop Richard J. Cushing, who ch Ca- revealed that a priest who de- sideration." ed. ence is the way Dr. Gertrude Miss Virginia Diestel, senior tion, check old minutes for elec- trips be- fended them had been stripped of Archbishop Makes No Comment iI vins decsribes the three Home Ec major, arranged the dis- tion dates and look for information this summer by his authority. ing planned for play as a project for, Dr. Jones' in general. The Archbishop said he had no the West Coast Nature school. comment to make as regards the Sl.11 Home Economics Method class. Senior Justice Don DeGeller The Archbishop said that the instructors' relations with Bos- an Registration Opens Tomorrow thrust this thorn in the judicial Leonard Feeney, S. J., had Each of the show cases depicts Rev. ton College. He Said the institu- (I Dr. Cavins, registrar of the without the "fatuities" of a separate phase of production, been tion acted on its own authority school, announced that official re- Boston Archdiocese since Jan. for example, the manufacture of the in firing them and "I do not see (hi' gistration for any or all of the and "has been defying the or- thread, cotton products, and by- 1 what thecoilege-a krt horities Could r trips will open tomorrow morning of his legitimate superiors products. A wall map of the Unit- ders have done in the fate of the dis- i n at 8 in the Science office. tor more than seven months." problem with The three study areas are Se- ed States is marked to show the ciplinary which various cotton producing confronted." ta quoia National park, Fallen Leaf areas. Priest Without Power they were The teachers had charged the Ca lake (Tahoe area), and Asilomar Of unusual interest is the dis- In a statement issued last night Jesuit institution Wa.a teaching nn Monterey area). play showing the newest -in.ICOts 'the prelate announced that Fath- heresy by telling students there h ton fabrics, including an' irides- er Feeney, "because of grave of- -The purpose of these nature was salvation outside of -the Cath- cent, metallic and cotton taffeta. fenses against the general laws schools is to teach through ob- olic church. an Accornpaning each material is a of the Catholic Church, has lost servation the things that are usu- The Rev, Wflliam L. .Keleher, all plate suggesting the designs suit- the right to perform any priestly ally learned, or taught, from of Boston. College, I Is able for the material. functions, including preaching and S. J.. president .bdoks." Dr. Cavins explained. "We them on the grounds lk I teaching of religion." dismissed arrange a schedule of trips so that The plates were made by Dors that their ideas were leading to the student spends each day with ene Sewell, Sumiko Mined, and The Archbishop also said any bigotry and intolerance and were a 'different instructor, covering a Jeanne Evans for their class in Catholic who frequented Saint "erroneouS." different field of study." Costume Design and Selection, Benedict's center, headed by The teachers said a few hours Dr. Cavins pointed out that a taught by Miss Baird. Father Feeney in Cambridge, or before Areh Bishop Cushing re- typical day's schedule would begin participated in its activities would leased his statement they. would at 7 with breakfast, trail class at right 'to receive the lay their case before "every bish- 8, lunch at 12, sight-seeing trips forfeit the Sacraments of Pennance and op in the United States and every Sc at 2. supper at 6, followed by a cardinal, patriarch and metropol- gu short evening meeting at 7. California Veterans Holy Eucharist. itan bishop in the whole world." at May Double Staff Tom Eddy Return Estimates The Rev. Feeney, author of Father Feeney came to the de- mt "At present we have five in- "Fish on Friday," and a former en The following California veter- fense of the teachers in a state- structors for the Sequoia trip," English professor at Boston col- cot ans are requested to turn in an body's side when he said the con- ment Sunday night and the Arch- Dr. Cavins said, "but if the en- lege, could not be reached for estimate of their books and sup- stitution states that all elected of- bishop said he regretted that the rollment warrants it we will dou- comment. He has been at the plies to Miss Barreto in the Vet- ficers serve for one year. priest's name had been "brought ble the staff in order to put two Catholic information center used erans office, room 32. into the public press." trail groups on the same subject Unless this DeGeUer contended that if the. chiefly by Harvard students since is done immediately their subsis- That, the prelate said, obliged each day." officers chosen in the coming 1947 and formerly was on the tence checks are subject to delay. him to reveal "the unhappy fact" Those listed as instructors at spring elections wish to take of- staff of the Catholic magazine, that Father Feeney had been present are Dr. Victor Peterson, Booher. Jack P.; Durkin, Rob- fice immediately, the outgoing of- "America." without priestly powers since last trees; Dr. Carl Duncan, insects ert R.; Frazer, Richard B.; Har- ficers could refuse to leave until January. and related animals; Dr. Robert rington, Hugh D.; Heagerty, Da- their terms officially expire. The Archbishop rebuked the Rhodes, flowers and shrubs; Mrs vid A.; Hopkins, Ida J.. Jr.; Huk- teachers and said he was "oblig- Chief Justice Tom Eddy and his Emily Smith, birds. One instructor ing, Harry W.; Jacobs, Edmund ed to deplore the actions they associates immediately went to is not yet assigned. Luther William have taken and the serious scan- work. The outcome? The elec- "If enough students are interest- dal which they have caused." McCord. John R.; Mancini, tion will be legal. The court de- ed," the WCNS registrar contin- t Fred L.; Marino, Russell J.; Mar - cided that the officers will be He said he felt impelled to is- ued, "camping groups such as the quiss. Ricfrard P.: Meyer. Robert , elected in April, but will not as- sue a statement "on one employed at Death Valley will this painful E.; Pitman. Paul M., Jr.: Reese, sume office until June 2. at the matter" after the teachers visit- he organized for both the Sequoia Jack H.; 6auble, Earl R.; Schatz. Recognition assembly. and Fallen Leaf trips. ed him yesterday. Robert K.; Schmidt. Elizabeth J.; an "There are, however, cabin and Schroeder, Jack; Silva, Hem')' F.; The discharged instructors lodge accommodations at either of Sold, Rented, Repaired - Smith, Ward M.; Sprugasci, Irv- were Fahkri Maluf, assistant phil- II these locations for as little as ing A.; Thompson, Richard B.: osophy professor. Charles Evsa.4- $7.50 a day. American plan, or Stanford Prof. Says HUNTER-PETERSON Upson. Harold P.; Wool, Luther kio assistant physics professor. la $2.25, European plan. D. and James R. Walsh, philosophy EQUIPMENT COMPANY Ill "Students will be signed up in German-Russian Tie instructor, all of Cambridge. They 71 E SAN FERNANDO BAL. 4234 (; the order in which their registra- were joined by David D. Supple tion fee of $15 is paid," Mrs. Mar- garet Guenther, Science office sec- Stater Feels 'Quake Has Little Chance Pi retary said. "The dates for the PALO ALTO. Calif., April 19 1511 earthquake scare has des - trips are Sequoia, June 26-July 2; The (UPIDr. Karl Brandt, Stanford Librarian To Take SPECIAL Fallen Leaf, July 3-9; Assiornar, cended on us! university economist recently re- ', July 10-16." Recently a certain Spartan sit- turned from Europe, said today COLLEGE in ting in class suddenly seized the Leave of Absence that "There is not the slightest Miss arm of the girl sitting next to him Ruth Baldwin, reference danger" of Germany siding with librarian, RATES and whispered hoarsely, "Earth- will take a six-week the Russians. leave on quake!" of absence in July, accord- Transfers Check ing to Miss Joyce Backus, head Cause- the student behind him Brandt, who spent one year as- All academic students who librarian. had rocked his chair slightly. sisting in the rehabilitation of FORTUNE \ I plan to transfer to other colleges Western European universities. Miss Baldwin will teach courses or universities and who are elig- 111ME said that the Germans have had in bibliography and book selec- ible for Associate of Arts diplo- "too much education on what the tion at the graduate school of li- mas, should sign up immediately UFE Russian paradise really is." brary science at the University of in room 110. Newmans To Meet AND The Newman club will meet this He explained that several thou- Southern California. afternoon at 4:30 in the Catholic sand' Germans, most of them es- Miss Baldwin received her M.A. ALL OTHER Women's center, announced Joe caped slave laborers, come into at the University of Illinois in Garske, club president. The special the Allied occupation zone eery 1941 Before coming here she was MAGAZINES (le meeting has been called to discuss week. librarian in Cambridge, Ohio She Prof. Newby Shows the- provincial convention in Sac- Colleg students and fearlfy has been at San Jose State college st next Sunday. "I talked with some escapees members ere entitled to special ramento for three years. al Garske said that those interest- from Russian uranium's mines college rts on most mag- Mexican Color Slides whose condition will haunt me for- An illustrated lecture on Mexi- ed in attending the provincial con- sines. Plc your orders through ever boys of 19 who looked like co by Prof. L. C. Newby, Language fab should come to the meeting us for quick, "ritlible service. eh for men of 40," he said.- department head, highlighted the this afternoon and arrange You can gt . . . Monday night meeting of the So- transportation. Speaking of the economic situa- in ciety ef Academic Scholars held tion, Dr. Brandt said that Ameri- Time $5.00 a year in room A-1. Spertan Daily can aid and an abundant 1948 crop The weily magazine. Color slides on "the land south have put Western Eirrope "well on (instead of $6.50) hi of the border" were shown. Vin- the road to recovery" cent Costanza, president of the BAN JOSE STATE cowicom Life $4.75 a year group, directed the meeting. A wekly news magazine. T sowed IA seissod clap matter Atoll EC 41. "At the present time Academic 01 See bee, Calltenele, eeder the ELEVEN SNAVEI (instead of $6.00) cc Scholars is in the process of re- eet et Mardi I, IA. Seise end lawless hi organization," revealed Dr. Rich- Pell bend wire service 4 Wiled Prem. Fortune $7.50 a year 17 ard H. Dieckmann, adviser of the lens- of the ebbe Melia. Cwe 1.-Das SC 1441 be* First Street Sae boe, Celltereho Th inogssinas of businass. society. "A new constitution is Heatioer, Ceillerula hiemeoeer lhifolliberi hi now before the student council beecietiee (instead of $12.50) for approval." and many other Dr. Dieclanann explained that Rare Opportunity! student members will take over Wert magazines direction of Academic Scholars un- STUDY . . . TRAVEL theetealleel der faculty supervision. An ex- REMINGTON RAND, panded program also is being plan- IN SPAIN God Order your copies ned. SCHICK Castilian Group . Andalusian Group SHAVIMASTER today throrpalv Basous-Catslian Group See Meek et Pull FINANCIALLY DARARRASSED 7 SS DAYS . .. $975.00 Trained allslusks Oieke A Ikea block is insisponslys DEPARTURES JUNE 24 to JULY 2 NM Sonia, 111PW4140 end satisfying,. Sponsored by: YOUR Ics Crown. Candy, estd tAili too. UNIVERSITY of AfADR1D TIE SHAVEN SHOP For DraegriOiv Folder Wrift: hi U. Meta rata SHOP SAN JOSE BOX LUNCH SPANISH STUDENT TOURS asa 411eoe a. 4tasit. SPARTAN Naos SRO .13SESait Asaaale laflard 0422 SOO Fltlit Awp.. M. Y. IS, N.Y. . ..

Freddy Datton Band Non-Art Faculty Wednesday, April 20, 1949 SPARTAN DAILY 5 Gives Jazz Concert Announcements Members Exhibit KAT'PA SIGMA KAPPA: Meet- Starts Monday ing tonight, WSSf Monday 7:30, room 21. An art exhibit by non-art fac- Eberhardt, 'Y' Speaker For PHI SIGMA KAPPA: Basket- ulty members of San Jose State jazz concert for the benefit of A ball team meets tonight, San college will be presented in the Student Service Fund Jose the World High school bym, Art wing for two weeks beginning in the Men's 8:15. will be held gym April 25, Mrs. Lillian Gray, in Humorous About Time at 3:30, Dick Cirigliano, DELTA ZETA SORORITY: Nionday charge of the exhibition, has an- Mr. Del Eberhardt, who speaks of the event, announc-' Meeting tonight, 6:30. Home Econ- chtairman nounced. at the Student Y retreat this ed. The music of Freddy Dutton omics building. Wear white. Coun- The exhibit will include oil, wa- week-end, appears to be a note- will be featUred. cil meeting, 6:15 p.m. Park Resolution ter color, and pastel paintings by worthy personality. In a letter The last concert was such a EPSILON PI TAU: Industrial faculty members who paint only sent to the Y, he stated philoso- success we 'thought it would be Goes To Congress artsthrie-que. All industrial arts as a hobby. Some of the artists phically, concerning the rapidity ideal way to raise funds for SACRAMENTO, April 19 (UP) an majors invited. See I.A. office for have had art lessons in extension of time, "I have just turned the WSSF," Cirigliano said. The State Senate yesterday pass- reservation before this afternoon. or summer courses, Mrs. Gray ripe old age of 35, but can't imag- No admission will be charged, ine myself ed with only one opposing vote a NOTICE: No foreign film will said, but most are self-taught. more than about 22." the chairman added, but girls will be shown tonight in the The paintings will be of all types resolution asking Congress to re- rirrniate among the audience- Little "It may not be to my credit to Theater, as was previously an- and styles, with scenes of Santa fuse passage of a bill to create a iin the concert to solicit funds. admit it," he added, "but I have nounced. Clara valley and Ireaeadero, where held such a variety of jobs that I Franklin Delano Roosevelt Na- Featured with the hand will be the art colony is INTERNATIONAL located. predom- feel I am an expert on at least a lano Roosevelt National Forest in basketballer Don "Dead-Eye" Mc- STUDENT inating. Caslin who, according to Ciriglia- ORGANIZATION: Contact Tia, little geography." the Northern California redwood Mrs. Gray will exhibit several no. only occasionally sits down Bal. 8761, or Alice, Col. 639-J, to- country. paintings depicting her travels in It would sound logical, after Olaying the piano. day so transportation to Santa while Mexico, Guatemala and Cuba. Miss briefly characterizing Eberhardt, West will beat the drums Cruz can be arranged. The congressional bill, by Rep. Joe Joyce Bolton will exhibit several to give students who attend the Bob Leal, former :Goodman Helen Gahagan Douglas, would set and DELTA PHI DELTA: Members oil paintings made while visiting retreat some knowledge of this up the forest in sections of Del and Dorsey bandsman; will handle check Art dept. bulletin board on England. popular speaker's background. Leader Dutton will Notre, Humboldt and Mendocino- the boO-Sax. sign-up for social meeting, Fri- Other exhibitors Oclude: Miss bass. Eberhardt, according to Mrs. counties. The legislative resolution wrestle with the day, April. 22, 8 p.m.. Barbara Wood, Mr. Lyman Daugh- Janet Anderson, executive secre- to block it was introduced by Sen. erty, Miss Ernily DeVore, INTERNAIONAL RELATIONS Dr. Wil- tary of the Y. has been extremely Edwin J. Regan, D., Weaverville. liam Sweeney, and Mr. CLUB: Steering committee meet- Wendell popular with student groups. Theta Mu Sigmas, ing today, 3:30 p.m., Student Un- Johnson. Regan told the Senate the forest ion. His undergraduate work was would cut by more than one-halt done at Mission House college at the taxable areas of the three FRESHMAN CLASS: Council Plymouth, Wisc. For a number of counties. He said fuither that the Gather at 'Gardens' meeting thbs afternoon, 3:30. room I years he edid graduate work at Douglas bill Was "unique" hi that Members of Theta lifu Sigma, B-13. Classified Ads social fraternity, entertained the following schools: Vanderbilt it gave the Department of Inter- KAPPA guests at an informal gathering DELTA PI: Meeting. University School of Religion in ior power to set the boundaries of Friday, 12:30, room 8-7. Classified advertisements must be at Tracy Gardens Friday even- Election Nashville, the Co-operative Man- the proposed forest. of officers. Roll will be taken. filed between 11 SUM and 1:30' p. ing. Social chairman Dave Bow- ager's Training Institute at Min- AWS: Meeting today, room 24, m. Monday through Friday In 8-93 Cities, as a result, he said, could en said that approximately 25 neapolis, which was then Pacific 4:30 p.m. All women students in- School of Religion in Berkeley, and be included in the forest area and couples attended the affair. FOR RENT vited to attend. Scarritt college in Nashville. taken by the government. Theta. Mu Sigma's ,first smoker ROOM FOR THREE MALE oh the quarter will be held in the SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS: Meeting today, 3:30 p.m., room 129 STUDENTS: Single and bunk He has held parishes in Tennes- fraternity's house at 191 S. 10th beds for two. 567 S. Eighth street. see, Montana and Northern Cali- An Amazing Offer by street the evening of April 25, ac- STUDENT Y: Social responsi- ROOM FOR FOUR MEN: fornia. One winter he taught at (tiding to Rush .Chairman Jim bility and work camps commis- Sev- en blocks from college. Col. 95-M the Winnebago Indian school in *alker arid Bud -Watts. sions meeting. Student Y lounge, Neillsville, Wisc. 4:30 p.m., today. afternoons. HOLIDAY SGO: Meeting tonight, Hotel St. 'WANTED Eberhardt's latest work was Pipe Mixture Friends Ser- Camp Interviews Claire. Members, 8 p.m. Guests, WANTED: STANDARD TYPE- with the American Iai pipe chit every smoker wantsDANA, dye WRITER. CALL COL, 9013-W. vice committee in Europe where modern ptpe, with briggtly polisbeel num slum4 Continue at SJSC 9:30 pin. FOR SALE he spent two years as a relief shank la d rnuin importod brier bo worker. Most of his time was r Interviews for camp counseling More than a com- FOR SALE: spent in Hungary and kranee. are being continued this week in German drafting tools. Only plete set of At present he is director of reli- the Women's Physical Education Kappa Alpha Pledge Phone Bal. 99. Good condition. gious education and recreation for office. Mrs. Lenore Luedemann, 1941 STUDE. CHAMPION: 50t the Council of Churches in Santa w,th inside wrappers department secretary, announced Double dater coupe. 'Overdrive, Dance .Friday Cruz. from 12 pocket tins of Yesterday the schedule for today radio, heater, $700. 470 S. Tenth. Kappa Alpha fraternity pledges 1111l11111Y PIPE Mifflin and Thursday. - Bal. 8178. Contact between 12 will hold their spring dance Fri- BE SLIM! BE LOVELY! BE RIMY mows Today, 9:30- a.m.: Miss Jura and 4. }barman, Salina& area. for Camp day, Aprir 42, at La Rinconada HAPPY! From-Calif.-comes the Osi row DANA Pill '41 FORD CONV.: Fine motor, Cawatre in Arooyo Secco moun- Country dub in Los Gatos. magic Stauffer slenderizing sys- Seta re R., H., excel. tires. $795. Also '32 111111111.11OLMI.Ilimed.thibt tains; 1:15 p.m., Miss Norma Ar- The dance will be dressy sport. tem. Nothing else like it. Used by Chev. cons'. Mot. overhauled, new Orlar MOM USA &swum mand of the Camp Fire Kappa Alpha pledges are Bob lovely screen stars. Proven satis- J_. h, Richmond paint, good tires, $100. 53 Spartan Girls. Griffin, Ed Carpenter, Ed Moc- factory by 21,000,000 treatments. city after 4 p.m. Thursday, 9:00 a.m.: Miss Fran- gan, Bruce Summers, Al Silva, Stauffer System, 193 S. First COUPE: Ex- ces Malefyt of San Jose Cana Hank Forsburg, Gene Bernard, 1937 PLYMOUTH street. Col. 8630-1 see to ap- Fire Girls. for Camp Wastahi, Rig Dick Frost, Jim Francis, Bob cellent ,condition. Must see Dar- Itasin State perk; 1:15 p.m., Miss Smith, Stan Francis. Gerald preciate. $400. Phone or S. 14th. Col. Joyce Kenworthy of Berkeley Doyle, Cliff Ralph, Bob Kastner, rell Dukes, 496 Camp Fire Girls, for Camp Lasees 'Rey Johnson, Matt Brazil, Pat 9866-M. SPALDING In -Butte Meadows near Chico. Brennan, _ Fred_ Burbank. Bob FOR SALE: Beautiful three Pulido. two passenger motorscoot- Girls interested in summer coun- Swift, and Frank wheel, seling are asked to make appoint- er. Culling Brown. 596 S. Tenth. ments for interviews in the de- Bal. 8582. partment office. All types of coun- To Signup FOR SALE: 1947 Landmeeser Seniors Reason- selors are needed, according to trailer, 170 Spartan city. WU& ARC1 01303 _ Mrs. Luedemann. For Overnighter able price. Excellent condition. See AraAliiST A 110M-116-014E p.m. or call Bal. 7800, Ext. laiS IS Asilomar will again be the tar- after 5 at 14 YEARS crninitY Mrs. During. 9366,1Sacit:, get for Senior Overnighters May 302, Go 16ERLD TRLIMIRZraa Att. pcic irour Sign for Retreat, 21-22. Sign-up and collection of the MISCELLANEOUS Or hi' OWE1131111blEY GIVE VA cap SOOTS RAVE SIMI TAM RV I one dollar deposit begins at I p.m. SAVE ON CLOTHES COSTS: Alleittcrimitgurnp-- Student 'Y' Urges tomorrow in the Library arch, an- Fine used clothes. Tuxedoes and ?HAT IS amkpoit Retreat, retreat Y Retreat! nounced Bill de Smith, Overnight formals. Men and women's suits, Why not, urge officials of the Stu- chairman. sport coats, dresses and children's dent Y. Sign up not; in the Stu- As in the past, the overnight wear. All excellentacondition. Will dent Y lounge, 220 S. Seventh will feature all the sports invent- also sell on consignment. Better street, to enjoy a week-end retreat ed plus a few as yet unknown to Used Garment Shoppe, 42 E. Wil- VI world at large, according to liam. Col. 9970-W. at Camp Campbell in the Santa the '4 cruz mountains, April 23-24. de Smith. Final group dinner for According to Paula Jackson. the class of '49 will provide oppor- chairtnan of the World Related- tunity for reminiscing on the SELF -SERVE ness commission, the price, exclud- "good old days," de Smith said. ing transportation, is $3.00. Full tariff is $3.75. Chief speakers at the retreat Will be Mr. Del Eberhardt of San- ta Cruz and Mrs. Florence Bryant. W Eberhardt will present a talk, DGs Entertain SGOs "What is the Responsibility of the Delta Gamma entertained., Sig- Misr. 1. S. to World Peace?" He will ma Gamma Omega iocial fratern- consider this problem under three ity Wednesday evening in the heads: The responsibility of the sorority at Eighth and 'Improve your game in '49 lighter, stronger shafts. U.S.; the responsibility of the Reed streets. with these new Spalding Golf Spalding golf balls offer a school Couples danced to the music of and church; my responsi- Clubs. Precision weighted selection for every type of hiliwherawer:1_Alal. Vie Small's- "combo." for power with a choice of player. Charles S. Gregory OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK //VIP Manufacturing Jeweler MONEY BACK GUARANTEED ' See Gregor) DIVIDEND ETHYL CAS for Wedding Sets ,2\ DIVIDEND , Fraternity and Sorority Pins SERVICE SETS THE PACE Phone Columbia 452 141 SaTHIRD ST. 46 Egstt4en Av.44014. Sfrsof SPALDING IN SPORTS .1.1 6 14PIVIR1'AV. Wednesday, April 20, 1941 4 State Nine CRACK SAN 'JOSE GOLFER To .Perform noSouthland Meet Marines, San Diego State Sixteen baseball players reprer senting San Jose State college en- trained this morning for Ocean- side, Calif., where they will stop for a game with Camp Pendleton, before moving on to San Diego fot. the CCAA opener Friday after- noon. 'PAC WIC ',TRACKSTERS Tomorrow the local* will play IN :BU:SHES their last tune-up contest against WAIT the Marine aggregation, with any of six hurlers receiving the start- SAN JOSE STATE ing mound assignment. In order By 14ANK PLYMIRE fi to sae the chocking department, a Walt Williams probably will According to information received by Coach"Bud" Winter from alternate his staff, with esin-yone Thelno Knowles, former Spartan track great, who now lives in the seeing notion before the game has is etgerly awaiting the invasion of relit its course. Stockton pea, College of Pacific 11 itockton't Outer stadium by the loc'al thinclads. The meet will be 11 Friday the, Spartans will meet a team. that hatl won two games held Saturday night/ field evenii` starting at 7:30 and the running Winter and dropped four in league play to events at 8. Knowles told

date. The Aztecs have been defeat- the Tigers 'seem to want to play Scores 'ed twice by College of Pacific and the renglit1946 S.03-00P football Wine, .kiragmo 14-7, , dropped .two out of three to a -po-, 'gaMe,, wen by the Spartans, ..,./HAeronAr.; LEAG UE coming track tent Fresno State college Bulldog., over again, in the . 000 210 000=3 7 0 s mutest. A, double header On -tap tor Sat- Boston: 000%000 004--4 4 1 ? urday- tifternoter with 'San- Diego' Soweto maybe Without the ser- .Siournons,, Trinkle - (9), And. Lo- bi winds up the trio 'of encounters. vices of several of her stars,- or - :pate; 3pahzi, Potter.. (8)- and Masi. The Spartans will depart (torn the may Operate 'with h number of, New York 100 200 000-L 3 10 1 Border .clty shortly . after the them ailing. Jack Pasaey, hardier, Brooklyn 010 401 40x-1012 2 I) is on the questionable list with a game's tkine.hision. and will arrive Jansen, Behrtnalt.(6); and C0013.- nt In San Jose at'8:56 a.m. Sunday. leg injury, as is Bob Crowe, com- er. Batten. and Campanella. num- Making the trip are six , petent sprinter:- Boyd Porch, St. 'Louis 00(1 000-1 thrower, st --Ralph. Romero, Pete' Mesa; Bob ber one Spartan javelin Cincinnati 100.002 0 a and ac- re Santos, Ray Jacobus, Con Mahlon- Is .still-nursing sore arm Brecheeri and D. Rice; Raffens- cording to Winter may not throw ey and Al Van Amen; tWocatche.ill; berger, Eilkes (8) and Mueller, meet. Pete Denevi and Dave McCarty; until the Baker 18). four infielders, DeariGiles;’ Tom "Lowell -Nash, who rats In' the Pittsburgh 000 00000 al) Okagald,* Don Lopes arid'WIfl Mira against) Stanfordond picked Chicago 000 000 00 Concklin; and four 'OLItHelderS, pp a third place paint in the 880. Sewell and McCullough; Leon- Bob Wuesthoff, Earl Wright, Mel has. elected to graduate, boxing ard and Schieffing. t Stein, and Stan Peterson: Man- sufficient .units to do so. This AMBRI/CAN,LEAGUE Sa ager Stu Fowler and Coach Walt leaves a weak event weaker, huts- Washington 000 011 000-2 8 0 Williams complete the traveling much as no Spartan has 'broken New York 001 000 101-3 9 0 ELI RARITEAUNumber one his teanunaten agniallt the C43. unit. 2:00 flat. Hudson and Evans; Lopat and golfer, on the nation's number Peivilepteliggers tomorrow at The. Washington Square entry Winter ,claims . this will be a Niarhos. one college golf squad will lead Stbekton. Is the last conference crew to com- close meet and could easily go one Boston 001 00 010-2 7 0 mence loop play. Four instItUtions, way or the other by virtue of out- Philadelphia 002 000 10x-3 10 0 F1-esno State, Cal Pely, Santa standing performances by individ- Dobson, Ferriss (8) and Teb- Barbara,' and Colldge of Pacific uals of either team. bets; Brissfe and Rosar. ' \CliampimiSpartif Team Will Go to have performed. three 'times, With Chicago 900 100 900.1 3 1 Spartan track head express- San Diego being the only team to The Detroit Q20 010,-lix-4,7 0 Co ed the hope that he woiddbe able participate in six tilts. Get tel. Surjcon.1,181 and ItiPton: rec %Mon Tomommioface Golf ersftom ' Next week-end; April 29-30, the- to experiment with his men in Newhouser and Robinson. . events other than their usual In Spartans invade the land of the Cleveland-0 the coming meet. However, in view list Gauchos for a triple appearance St. Louis 0 Their Ara Rivali;COP:Bengal Tigers Of the intrase feeling Aroused over against Santa BarbaraState. With Feller and Began; Garver and this meet and the probability of Champion Spartan . this series the locals' road excur- Lollar. Fi ...Siteithes- of sions will be completed for the an upset by the Tigers, he will year. Nine conference frays will be undoubtedly refrain from much 1111111111111M11111.111111111111111111Ini Golfers' Presented Below played on Man Jose's home grounds. experinienting and concentrate on Sending the Stockton team down By JACK RUSSELL Con Maloney, who didn't figure in the plans of this year's pennant tO defeat. their team ANDREE'S An undefeated band of Spartan golfers, fresh' from contender, has been added to the Present transportation plans call victory in the NCI tatirnament at Pasatiempo, will travel to Stockton regular throwing line for this for the team to leave here on the' tomorrow to face a strong C.O.P. squad. The Tiger golfers will be them invasion, if not for the "Yellow Peril" -- their bus --- at Ranchburger!! led by Buddy Troyer, sensational youngster from Santa Cruz, who entire league campaign. 12:30 pm. Saturday. teamed with Ken Venturi of San Francisco Sunday at Pasatiempo, to CCAA-Standings defeat Warren MacCarty and Al W. L. Pct. Hamburger on a Nelson in a special rnatrh. The ('. medalist in the San Francisco city Cal Poly 2 1 ' 486 BOXING FILM TODAY French bun with wilt championships. Fresno State 2 1 .666 0.1'. team presents the strongest Today Spartan boxing fans Col. of Pacific 2 1 .666 French fried threat to a 'Spartan letory In the ROSS SMITHSenior Engin- will be able to Judge for them- Santa Barbara 1 2 .333 CCAA tournament which will be eering Major from Patific Grove. selves the disputed decisions in- Potatoes. San Diego 2 4 .333 held May 6-7 at Stockton. 24 years old. Mattled. 1948 Mon- volving the State boxing team San Jose State 0 0 .000 Spartan Sketches terey City chantplois. 1848 San at Wisconsin. The following is a series of GRAND!!! Jew State team captain. Movies of sketches of individual members of all of the bouts will RUSKIN SHEPPARD --Junior be shown in the Morris Dailey the San Jose State golf team, NE440 MEN1AT-SJS from San Jose. 19 years old. 1948 Inditorium this afternoon at coached by Eddie Duino. Sketches Many track coaches would per- Quarter-finalist 3:30, Andree's Drive-In of the other members of the na- in NCI. 1949 fin- haps be content with some of the 2130 and Coach Dee Portal alist first flight NCI. Remember, there tional championship teen, will ap- "elopover" which Spartan Coach has announced. SAN CARLOS & ALMADEN

pear in future issues of the Splir-, /. JOE ZAKARIANJunior P.E. "Bud" Winter has for the 940. His are two showings, one at 2:30

tan Daily. It is inteaesting to note Major froth Modesto. 21 years old. first four men and their best times and one at 3130 this afternoon. that all of the members of the Transfer from Modesto J.C. and are: Bob Crowe, :48; Stu Inman, Mary's college. Played football :48.6; Fred Mangini, :48.8, and six-man varsity team live within iSt. a radius of 50 miles fropt-San Jose. on the 1946 St. Mary's Sugar Bowl Bob Herrick, :48.1. In the evert team. one or more of these men are iri- ELI BARI/MAU Jr;Senior Just 2 Blocks jured, Winter still has Lloyd War- BEST Business , Administration major EVANS ELBE--Sophomore ME than, :50.5; Bob Nicholai, :52.0; L. Off Campus from San Jose: TWenty leers oltU Business Administration major W. Hall, :51.0; Steve O'Meara: fe44414w Present holder of the' .0alifornia from San Jose. 21- years old. 6 Hank Plymire, :51.0. Amateur Golf title won' di Pebble - TED , HECHTJunior Psychol- :50.5, and sisr Beach last year.' Member of san ogy major from Seattle, 23 years LOUNSBERRY - - Junior JACK rot -iiime’oNCAA. championship team old. Selected on. AlirCity Seattle Radio Engineering major from Ka- /last year. golf team. lamazoo, Mich. 24 years old. Mem- / BILL OGDEN- -Sophomore Bus- ' BUD' WATT’SJunto/. Business ber of Michigan State High school One of the finest Art ' intent! Admitliatrartion Major from' Administrartion 'major from Sac- championship team for three years t Sderamento: .22- years old. Sacra-, rtullento. 24 years old. in row. Departments in the Bay Area l'nienT6 .T.C, transfer thttr year:,1948- match play finalist in the NCI teittrnament. ct SKETCHO OIL SETS 1.20 WARREN MaceARTY Junieti This is National Ad Week. COLOR HELMS P.E. Major. from San Jose. Mar- `t 0011 2.00 ried. 241 years old. Patine Arniy Also "Honey for Breakfast Witsli. t;oif )eirempion: 1949 Thialist In Tomorrow is San Jacinto Day. the NOT tournament.' Ouse Aif 111411 legal Holiday in Tras. NCAA ehlimpe. THE ART HOWARD VERUTIT Seiler Men: Stacy-Adams Shoes are just about the best you can get. General Curriculum major /Mtn DEPARTMENT sun joke iptchi, Santa Cruz. 24, years old. E DEVLIN is Exclusive Dealer in this vicinity. captain of the 1949 team. AllseM NCAA title winning squad. "JAY 'HOPKINS -1-Junior DEVUN 'SHOE 'DEN 10 W. Sari Antonio Siltillipsper, _Co nes%"AdhiihIttration Major trey' ' Mountain View. 22 years old. 1949 - us actoosedit. 04001018as, ----r--strera, ._ 1 The Hot Corner Dee Portal Hopes WedneedeihrApril act, 11049 11"11449!"0414140- By 1:1LIIPr DANIElari Another baseball season bi underway, and the Spartans will travel For More Success to Diego April 112 to inaugurate their CCAA schedule -Sketches in Varsity, Baseball San a three- game set with t ha San Diego State.Aztecs. In East Next Year By CLIFF DANIELS The local team, which finished last in the 1948 race, will be try- Lea week the Spartan Daily carried brief sketches on six varsity , By JACK ilRUSS,ELL ing to improve upon this .position in the coming campaign. Coach baseball players, and in the following paragraphs the twelve remain- 14 Walt Williams has a squad composed of veterans: transfers, and fresh- Disappointment seems to be ing men who compose the team are listed. who could spring a surprise before DeWitt Portal's middle name but man graduates the schedule has won six been de- the likeable professor of pugil- The local nine has games this season and has run its course. fected on five occasions. One contest, a game with the Sea Quentin Formable Pitehers ism isn't going to let the hard luck which has dogged him the piK. on squad, ended, in a 3 to 3 The Spartans have a formable hurling staff, with righthanders dttadlock from Decoto, Calif..Graduate of last two years back east stop Washington high school. Center,., Ralph Romero, Bob Santos, Ray Jacobus and Pete Mesa, and portsider CLIFF CRAIG -- him. "Dee" is already looking ville, Calif. cliff Craig. Only Romero and Santos performed on the varsity last .forward to next year, both with Bats and throws left. Sophomore year. Mesa has shown a lot of ability in praetice tilts, and should win his team and With his boxing in- from Oakland, Calif. Graduate of STAN PETERS014, Out- i San Jose high school. his share of games after the championship battle gets underway. ventions. ,Portal revealed that his Played field -- Bats and throws right. Dean Giles, Tom Okagaki, Don Lopes, and Will Concklin com- patented headguard was used ex- frosh ball for San Jose State Junior from San .Francisco, Cal, college in 1948. if. Graduate of Mission high the infield; and i previous performances are any criterion, Lopes tensively Miring the NCAA tour- pose RAY JACOBUS -- Pitcher -- school, San Francisco. 1948 -ay- should experience ;another successful season, both in the field and at ney at East Lansing. It is ex- Ise plate. The bard-bitting shortstop batted at a .341 clip last year. pected to become mandatory for all college bouts next year. Okagaki, second base, and Giles, first base, are starting their first As to the "Portal Point Indi- seaspn of action. Okagaki played in two league games last year full cator," which was given .some- potentialities with the willow. and indicated what of a cold shoulder .in the ef- Concklin, third .base, cavorted at this position during the 1948 fete east, there is always next campaign, and batted a respectful .240; however, improvement at year to iron out the kinks and the plate by Coneldln would give the local nine a terrific shot In get experienced judges to oper- the arm. ate it. Catching Department Portal's eyes really light up when he begins to discuss the Better hitting by catcher Pete Denevi, and capable assistance team's chances for next year. McCarty and Dale Fisher will give from Dave the Stater's a repre- Only Wtyne Fontes, Paul Farris, sentative receiving trio. and Dave Gray will be missing Outfielders are In abundance, with six flychasers outfitted in from the squads which went to 0 spartan sprinkles. Bob Wueethoff, Earl Wright, Mel Stein, Al Van Sacramento and East Lansing. Amen, Stan Peterson, and Len Smith will all see considerable action Six out of the eight boxers who before the curtain Is drawn. traveled east learned to box in Cal Poly, who finished in a rush to grab second place in the CCAA college boxing courses so "Dee" is confident of 1 last season, is my choice for the eventual winner. Gene Fraser and developing new tal- ent from the hundreds of stu- 2 I )ifir Garman, all-league outfielder and pitcher, respectively, form the dents enrolled in his courses. 71? of the Mustang crew. nucleus The season's final record shows In addition, Vern Bebernes, third base, and Bob Coghhut, short- that Portal's 34 man team won stop, both gained all .CCAA second team births, are also Obispo 112 bouts, lost 37, and drew 11. regnlars. The squad won 10 straight dual Mustangs Loaded meets before losing to Wisconsin. The Mustangs also have three players who were awarded honor- They captured three tournament - who it:nit oh!, mention places on .the 1948 mythical nine. They are Pitchers championships, the CCAA crown, Outfielder MEL STEIN, a converted first baseman Willlams. and Crawford, and Rosa, a catcher. placed third in the nationals and snitched to the garden to make room for Dean Gam fifth in the PCI tournament. n- The remaining five conference diamond 'groups should finish In Madison, Wisconsin is some Bats and throws right. Sopho- erage, .167. One. year letterman. Following order. College of Pacific, second; Fresno State, the third; 2,000 miles away from Holly- more from Bakersfield, Calif. DON LOPES -- Shortstop - San Jose State, fourth; San Diego, fifth;;,and Santa Barbara, sixth. wood bit the Badgers are just as Graduate of Kern County Union Bats and throws right. Junior expert in the use of showman- high school in Bakersfield. 16 from San Jose, Calif. Graduate ship when they stage a boxing PETE MESA -- Pitcher - of Bellarmine preparatory school, nd Cindermen Receive Milkshakes Layer match. Bats and throws right. Sopho- San Jose. 1948 league average, Picture a crowd of 16,000 ra- more from Sunnyvale, Calif. .341. Two year letterman. bid fans packed into a gym with Graduate of Fremont high school ALBERT VAN AMAN Cakes forSefting SchootTrackidarks.: the capacity of 14,500, even stand- in Sunnyvale. Played frosh ball Outfield --- Bats and throws b- By HANK PLYMIRE . ing on the popcorn and "coke" for San Jose State college in right. Junior from Glendale, Cal- machines. Suddenly the San Jose 1948. . if. Graduate of Glendale ,high 1 Chocolate layer cakes and milkshakes ... those are the incentives State fight, song is played by the DAVE McCA$TY Catcher school. 0 Coach "Bud" Winter waves in the faces of his spikemen for school Wisconsin band and the eight Bata :and ,throwe,..righti isitilder .DALIE vista* _.catchrtr n; records and improved- performances. Spartan boxers advance up the from' Santa Rosa; Gi.dduate Bats- and thrbws right. t- Junior On the bulletin board of the locker room at Spartan field are aisle. From the opposite aisle of Santa Rosa high school. from Napa. Calif. Graduate of listed marks slightly betterthan.those 'yet attained by the cinderrnen. comes the Badger team to the BOB WUE-STHOFF Out- Napa high school. Whet an Individual hits that tune of "On Wisconsin," The two field Bats and throws right. nd mark, he 14 rewarded with a teams climb ifto the ring, ate in- Junior from Alameda. Graduate Frosh Baseball milkshake by Coach Winter. troduced, shake hands and leave. of Alameda high sdhool. 1948 Then the mark is, moved up and The lights then are turned off league average, .240. One year Softball fatties Crew Have Played the process starts over again. and a spotlight is shone on the letterman. Intramural softball entries have For those who set new school American flag which is snapping EARL WRIGHT .-- Outfield-- been coming in steadily and be- records, Winter offers chocolate in the breeze created by an elec- Bats and throws right. Junior cause of the number of teams Seven Contests who still want to enter, the liartan first year horsehiders, layer cakes. Mel Martin. high tric fan. The Star-Spangled Ban- from San Jose, Calif. Graduate of jumper has leaped 6 ft. 6 7-8 in- ner is played and the bouts begin Lincoln high school in San Jose. deadline will be Thursday after- the able tutleage of Coach noon at 4 o'clock. At this time, Lunder ches breaking Billy Smith's mark with 16,000 voices screaming with Played frosh ball for San Jose Thin Cureton, hd'Ve gone to the of 6 ft. 5 in. set in 1942: George every Badger punch. State college in 1948. a meeting of all team managers post in seven diamond encounters Mattos soared 13 ft. 10 1-2 in. The psychological effect of MEL STEIN -- Outfield - - will be held to decide upon rules am! officiating. Entries are to be this season, and before the equip- erasing the old record of 13 "ft. such a staging on participants Bats right, throws left. Junior and judges would* be enough to from Nape, Calif. Graduate from filed with Mr. Mumby in the rut is packed away, will play 10 in. made by Tony' Sunseri in Linn pushed the turn the tide of battle between Napa high school. 1948 league av- Men's gym.. nine more contests against Bay 1940; and Woods*, shading Frank two evenly matched teams. erage, .333: arca frosh crews and local high shot put 50 ft. 9 in. of 50 ft. 8 3-8 LEN SM:TH Outfield - Bats He who blackens other does not school aggregations. Minini's standard in. made in 1942. to earn cakes left, throws right. Sophomore whiten himself.Sandburg. The Spartan Babes roster sin- thus far this season. Drinking at Home Nfea ludi's three pitchers, two catch- Bob Crowe, sprint ace, is in rs. six infielders, and six out- line for two milkshakes due to Cuts Bar Revenues ielaers. Mary Miller, Babe Wil- 9.7 performance in the 100 SACRAMENTO- (UP) -Califor- iam:, and Sal Baroni are the yard dash and his 21.2 furlong at nians did more drinking at home truckers, all three right-handed. Santa Barbara. than at bars last year. the Board Bill Fielder, and John Wadding- Fred Mangint clipped off a of Equalization' said yesterday on will perform - the backstop- 49.8 relay lap in the same meet,. on the basis of tax returns from )it;..; chores. beverages. - thereby putting himself on the alcoholic INN the sale of pack- Turn Birch, first base, Ed rar- Winter "pay off" list. Ivan Bland Taxes from aged liquor jumped 6 per cent in x.nter and Bob Buck. . second registered a 6 ft. 2 in. high jump 1948 over 1947. At the same time, ase. Leon Papkoff, shortstop, thus earning a shake too. Bland collections on wholesale trans- nd Larry Fernandez and Duane has a mark of 6 ft. 5 in., which Is in distilled spirits drop- lalt third base, compose the in- he made in high school. Winter actions ped 1.6 per cent. cl. defense. while Don Felice, tropes Bland will revert to his The board said revenues from aye Stoddard, Aggie Salazar. form and collect more the Spar- alcoholic beverages in March um Costaldo, Les Van Antwerp shakes, thereby giving the were $1.086,334, almost 5 per cent mi George Coakley constitute tans a real one-two punch in jump. below March, 1948. 4. out fielders high American Tile remainder of the frosh heiltile is: April 20, Campbell oh at Camp!Iell. 3:30 p.m.; AP- I '23, St. Mary's frosh 10:30 a.m.; April 26, Lin - In High at Lincoln, 3:15 Thru.; Cf4. Ml 27, Hartnell College at 3 p.m.; April 30, Stanford ,sh at Stanford. 10 a.m.: May STASH CASH! Vniversity of ,,San Francisco ,sh at San Francisco, 3 p.m.: .Y 12, Stanford Frost! at Stan- 10% on d. 3:15 p.m.; May 17, F3ellar- Save The Sweetheart of. Good Health me Prep at Bellarmine, 3 p.m.: May 20, California, frosh Eft Student Meal Tickets 10 Cm.; AMERICAN DAIRY ICE Cliatk 'ossibly additional games will American Dairy Products added to thCschedUle and ff FERNANDO h 36W. SAN 17th and Santa Clara is the cur: the' 'MOW will A 1 Printed itas tkek-A0111A104-Pilibr` It SPARTAN DAILY Wednesday, April 20, New Student Y Exec WAA Wants To Sell Endurance Pilots Get $5000 Check 1/1 'Surplus' SF Isle FULLERTON-(UP)- Dick Rie- Baseball Player SAN FRANCIS(OAUP)-War del and Bill Barris, still in the Assets Administration's prospects air yesterday after 'breaking the previous endurance flight record of selling its surplus island of 726 hours last Thursday, have le Truman' brightened yesterday when a syn- received a $5,000 check to pay dicate travel and vacation ag- Protects of for their children's doctor bills. HARMAN W. NICHOLS By encies anounced it would lease The MacMillan Petroleum Com- WASHINGTON.(UP)For a couple of hours Monday, Milo Angel island in San Francisco bay pany presented the check to Mrs. Candini was more important than all the cops and secret service men if and when the city busy it. Betty Barris and Mrs. June Rei- in Washington put together. del., yesterday in recognition of Milo, muscular fellow with dark hair, had the joball by War Assets values its island, their husbands' record-breaking himselfof Protecting the life and limb of President Truman. used by the immigration and nat- flight. They have been in the air The President, the nation's uralization service during the more than 830 hours since March no. baseball fan, put on his war, at $700,000. In addition to 15. underwriting She purchase price new brown skimmer and went out "This money will help buy over a 20-year period, the syndi- to Griffin Stadium to- help his Baseball Nuisance? health for our ehtldren," Mfrs. cate also offered to maintain the old ' friend Clark Griffith And Barris said. "That's what the EDINBURG, Tex. -(UP) -A jury roads, supply fire and police, pro- some 26,000 other fans open the boys are trying for. They went up yesterday heard' testimony in a tection, furnish a sewage system, major league season. After a lot three times before this, but it was trial to determine whether itase- maintain the water supply and of band-playing and flag=raising. heart-breaking when they were ball is a "nuisance." the kland no cost Mr. T. windmilled his good left landscape "at forced down." to the City of San Francisco", a arm and let fly with a high, Four home owners' who live spokesman said. Dick Riedel,. Jr., 10, has been hard ohe at the ball players flank- near the new.park constructed by crippled with arthritis for five ing the baselines. McAllen of the Lower Rio Grande The syndicate, -composed of the years. Pattie Barris 2, is under of the Throws 'Spit' 'Ball Valley League, are seeking an gew exacqive fiecretary Pacific Greyhound Lines, the doctor's care for asthma, and her It was a "spitter," the expert injunction, preventing use of the Student Y is James A. Martin Harbor Tug and 'Barge Co.. and one-year-old brother, Steve, the Gelston-Judah Travel Agenhy baseball writers said -the sort of park. The home owners claim (above) who will take over his Ineeds an eye operation. - use plans to convert the island into pitch the old timers used to that the spectators will make position In August. Martin, an Riedel and Barris, who were a recreational center its offer to fool the batters. But the Pres- too much noise and lights for the IT unemployed, undertook the en- alumnus of Oregon State College, is accepted. ident didn't fool Eddie Robin- night garnes will make the neigh- durance trip with a $3,500 guar- will complete graduate work at son, the Nats' first baseman, who borhood too hot in the summer. The first reading of a purchase antee from the Fullerton Cham- picked up-The souVenir after his Yale Divinity school In June and ordinance was approved by the ber of -Commerce. Their plane, Hudson: had muf- teammate, Sid Bankrupt in fortune and reputa- will be ordained' at that time San Francisco Board of Super- the Sunkist Lady is an Aeroncs fed it. Hon.Sheridan:- halo the Presbyterian ministry. visors yesterday. sedan. The plate umpire got out his whisk broom,' went through a lot of useless motions and then bel- lowed "Play ball." A roar went up and our man Candinl sat down in a little box seat In front of the President and Vice-President Alben W. Berk- eley. His job was to see that the chief didn't get conked with any foul halls. Milo was dressed for the oc- casion in a Washington Senator uniform and -wore a wind -break- er. Ile also wore a new first base- man's mitt, which must have felt a little strange, since the player is a right-handed pitcher. Exec Hollers for Team Mr. Truman, who didn't play much hall as a boy because of poor eyesight, certainly proved himself a real fan, lie whooped and hollered as loud as the next one every time our side got pass the infield with a solid one or made a good play. For the past three years, the President had rooted for Wash- ington in ay opening game. And each time, Clark Griffith's team had let him down. He told the boys in the press box before yesterday's game that he would sttind for no more non- sense. The Nate, would get busy and win one for old Harry, "and that's an -order." Harry Predicts Win The score would be 5:-4 in our favor, he said. It turned out 'to be 3 to 2same favor, but it was all right. At least Mr. Truman didn't get up and walk out on the boys with the score tide in the ninth like Herbert Hoover once did. It we,. a good thing be stoat around, too, bef1111.44. Washing- ton came to life In the last stan- za with two runs that won the game. Milo, the protector, didn't get a chance all afternoon to make any fancy catches. But he had ifis ears cocked and he reports that. the President knows a single freak third base. He said Mr. T. kept up a run- ning line' of chatter, aimed at both our boys and the enemy team.


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