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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

7-20-1939 Bulloch Herald

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1939). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 4144.

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. . .;r,,, GRADUATEs 'FROM ,

. BUSINESS' GOLLEOE " Official'Statesboro

1. " Marke�, .N�w8pape�

. � . '. 24' Speciil·

Tobacco I

.. ��""18


A...;....;· Growers To I :; B�:�:";'_;_ti";'::"Sh-.'e...:....:..pp-a-'rd-:-:---T-he--,-B-u�llo-c-h-H-er�q-'d-· �-ai-n� Cobb,. 'Foxhall Advised Pilt Mora Returns For· Here Tobacco' On'· Baskits For Sal. '.: ; "'.. ����Oj!I�� ..... For tile tIIIrd CIIIIIIMIiU... 'I'IIe ....0C!I0 Henld ...... F�r TO _'. ,.... be AN : ACCO�ING ANNOVNCJ!)MENT MADE THIS WEEK BY ,he __• . dMlpatecl To"""'o WaNllo u tile .: .'.... e Mit H. P. OF .. .:' Ii� 8�teaboro 'FOXHALL COBB AND FOXHALL TOBACCO WARE­ E·1' ht �aar .. T'we eason Iilar , TIIIII - Ifth h··' , y"': .'� otlldal sJateabj>ro ,l'olllM)co N_opapor. S .. .. 9 1 HOUSE, AND MR. R. E. SIJEPJiARD OF WARE­ . SHEPP�S ,..a, all :..,q�ial ",,�i.· cOllllDr.from "1Ie 1-' marllet wW lie When the tobaccO market openl Cobb and Foxhall II THEY WILL . becomlllll HOUSE. RECEIVE TOBACCO IN THEIR IliiriIed 1II·,1ie eol...... , ..... paper. For tile ...Hoar -- WARE­ here next TueadB)', July 25. R. E. to be' a1ma.t one 'name on the HOUSES FRIDAY MORNING TIle B1IlIOC!lo H_Id'1 clreidaUo. will lie ....bIed. TIIIII paper OF THIS WEEK (JULY 21). (Bob) will Sheppard beeln !tis - Tobacco Market. ._lUI ro Iato more ...... 4Il00 II_ Ia ,.... �t)' .... live ....� The warehoulee haw been eighth conteCutlve .season on the roudI·r _U.... With the here next . ojlenlne cleaned out and wID be read)' to Statelboro Tobacco MarkeL TIle .""'y rrowtb .., TIle BullocII Herald dartq .... pUt Mr. W. E. J..J Tuesday, 25th, . Jull( receive the &roWen' tobacco u AD . tbroe yean ...... outatandl·r leat I. tile a.1IIIh .., tile 33.9 CaTS So", , Last year Mr. Sheppard used Cobb wUl see his twelfth season . fut u It In 000,... Weeki, FIeld. It Is today � a. 0118 '01 tile . they brine be&1nn1ne for the first time his new ware- and Mr, H. P. Foxhall his . ninth I...... , _..... III the wbole ..... of Ooorrla. I'n SIX Mont FrIday mDl'lllne. house which Is the lareeet In the Week'. season on the local market. Both hs The warehoulemen pointed out 'naIa apedaI eiI!tIo. _taIna ",-.y-IOtII' papo, __ of the State of Georela. It con� 105, .,..... tlIiI adve 01 eve.,.1eedIac ...... I. II...... these men have had over twen- A total of 339 automobUel

. 000 .2'Iae mott ty yean In th:eee � BqIl8J'e feet of·f1oor·lpace and Md tile ..x, loar Is ta..... experience the'opera- been IOld In Bulloch the � I!OIII� �fer . . �t)' tile' Uon of tobacco aalel warehoulel . :::..c,. Is 'ilehted on· a ICIaUflc buls which mote, lltateaboro TeIIaeeo- a. �a�ne� ' flnt IIx mantha of thll '1eH ae- TId. week we In and North Carolina. . 1 that � the a joIa to r I _110. Georela DI • ra:: ar-'er' makes It one of belt Uehted eve.,...... III t!le COI'IIIq to the new re&lltra- to avoid of COSTS exte"'q a beart'1 _Ioome to Mr. W. IC. 00IIII, Mr. H. P. addition to the two warehouaa CI!l'. .dvantap packlq ,;COMPARATIVE" warehousel Itate. In the This lIeht- the" In tlo... ImalI pilei for Iale and haw u Foallall. Mr... IC. 811eppard, tllelF I...... aad ...... 'operate Statelboro tIIev• __...._ a' • 1111 .1)'Item 80ft, mel- aIao two warehouseA New c:ara IOld Include 118 Iarp pU01 u _...... without mix producea wanII_ toptller Wltll tile IIIQoera wII. __ to operate In Forde.. . . the • low lIeht which Ihowa the tobacco ,.... Rocky. Mount, N. C., one of the 8 Me!'Clll"1, 1 LIneoJn Zephyr, 88 Ine 1I'8dea ....- Mr. Foxhall LEITERS on the noor !!S!!!!!S!!!!!S!!!!!l!O.l!!S!!!!!S!!!!!S!!!!!S!!!!!S!!!!!S!!!�",,;,,!;I!!!!!!S!!!"""!!S!!!!!S!!!!!S!!!!!S!!!!!S!!!!!S!!!... IlII'Il!II.t marketa In North CaroUna. Chevro1eta, 2t Plymoutlll, 23 PaDo and Mr, Sbeppud OF at Ita vel')' belt: , brJiii: � POSTCARDS; CIRCULAn . aaId that IilIA:h 5 to- . In . 1938 Meura Cobb and Fox. tlaes. OkMnob1Ja, 7F DocIea. & -P8D¥ JIIQ.oIne Ine out III beat color and erade, D_ hall purchued th� two wareh_ Stucleballera, 18 Bu1cIca,.l 'CadI. ��. 011 the Statlabaro __t . thua ... . the &roWe�. the max· DK . urlne . -·lloch. COUTt 2 c hu elven their IIOItIw IIIUI'8IIce ResoIUt·Ion'A'k5 5 ' forwel'l'1 W'ned by the local cor- hac, Chl')'llen" '"aUd.oIUl. 3 . & �INEWSPAPER· ADVERTISING· Imum price for hlI tobacco. The . poraUOII.and thII NaIhI. 3 '10' CMC tliat 1110)' wW Iceep their lIuJIn ' n year they wID PacIrarda, i A, II . B'1ltem worked out on a IClen· thOle· u two trucIu, 1 lntematloMl truck. thIa III8ibt IIIItlllIl of the tOo ' • qaln _te 1011 '1' .pa. ' ..... d " tllk " ' bull and II the onI)' Ilk S·.rostpone.' NOL 1 2. Total ..... In doUara wouIcIl'IIIl "'_.lalOld. e..or rate�, and' .. nlalls 500 If he uses postcards, his messag� to the one" F Mo�e B ; '8rs If . " me�t out, say Jt In thII uy to. '" lIJIDO�nt· Both �. 'Cobb and Mr. Fox. .bout tlIOO.OOO for) � 1_ au IIICUoii; . ��e • , a � of·the .IIuQoeh made L haw been .etIft for ' . .' . JIrr.I'. IIalI by WI)' .. .' Wnuu.. •. '"�' be -�t .' a� .• printed, type. ' tho�, JI"..., : prospective buyer �ust ' :��. · "·,...... • .. Will coSt $5.00 �'��,,�,�� ...... ers, the, r,:,;.".""I11..... -� to·_,;·IC;tj,.(jjyr." . � OJ' ;tone ...... _.' ... .' 'r- h,·...... -'1F. .' ...,.....I�� of . .. ieeont.t �- . ",,_. "". If he uses, e same comparatiye: 0 r' . � .. a reaolll" eaJled � �;'::::I!.';;;"'"' poIItca��;pros�ve,buY- 'minieographed by' . • . � .. w�tten warehclu. b;.. '�-.. writt�, ...... lliillldiiliu- .�pi!�01'.Court 'Stateabam market . "I. the tlon wu flJl"M� �. r!!:'r .''''1'''' '.' space in hIs'home newspaper fled with drawn up and adopted 2t, hu been paatpolled 1IIIt]) takes labor and extra tobliceo ... t\ftnl)' J� th.t before thll seuon II 0V8J' .. hand and this time, the to les • '1ftI'I and II IU'Iine companIea a Iatet date. haw \orZ-Mi' Jlewspape�,��e�$1ng,.�th.three � .. one� � Notice!! been their effortl wU1 meet with IUe:. ,-ompa . Gel' will cost $3.00 the beat Ift!tII In the buIInea .He ...... two of tobacco' buyers maUed the cell, � .:':.a: coverage, ." jurOr. that -" :� tiines'th�local to"all they . expense. . for the hu houaOI at Metter and on the Stateabore this lOa· Cobb wUl . apealcer JuI)' 22 ...... opera� marJrj!t. need not report for on "'.roxhlll apln the he saves JUI')' duty I' of the $2.00 to IOn. • To . I'InIIen. qug Dewsa.per, Claxton. Stateeboro In their uaual Be He'e tlnlted GeoraIa By eomIlII efficient and courteoua that da.te N0 uon wU en . 1933. . elv W H. SmIth of the .., . The reIOlutlon wu maUed to JII'OIidIIt re.. penonnel which lncIudea E. A. When' the StatBboro Mr. for paatponement; but It II un· . 10bacc0 � dua hu reeetwd of. If he sends·out 500 circular letters if he c1rcU:Iar let�is, he must Sheppard. who Is well and each COJIIP8II'1 repreaented on the Farlow, Auctioneer: J. L, Del· ...; ft!nds o�t Market opena helll 'l'ueIda7, July fkIal • favorably known. hu • gre.t Stateeboro merkeL dentood that,due to the o�nllll bridee, Office � from _ WII'II in unsealed, the post_· M.naeer: �,A. 25,' there wID be ... pn the 'envelopes, first the. and tt*!n of buye to appeu .. buy paper envelopes, number' fr1enda In the tobacco .The pointed out that of Tobacco Market an 10 B)'JIum. Mr. 8atlll'dQ'a alone will cost .' $7.50 �Iutlon th� JII8JI)' Pa)'-off Man: DanIel. IIoora of .the two warellouael from 'age , counties In this 1OCt1on. the production of tobacco In thlll Mr. WII'II .... been He II are Bookman: Mr. Valentine, Ticket .= : or write hand the of the jurors tobacco &roWers evel')' Iaree tobacco I!OIIIpan'1 on Colt of .. envelopes about typewrite, by known for his' .nd with the atate AAA omc. � paper, $3.QO Pr:tnt. fioIendOn_ and countY .djacent trade terrl- Marker: WUllam HarrIaon, I n that they wUl be bllS'1 working the Georela MarkeL Theae men . the He can tell the same usJng wlJllnlllleu to the tobacco tol')' had Increased to luch an ex· orIeIit of the Apieultura1 M- . story same does help Charee Leaf: '!:raltua AIken, DB)' are all aalarled m�ge the newspaper printer wIth theIr weed. bU)'el'l and repro. With cleaner farmer to the limit. He .... earned ·tent that for the put two Floor J. B. juatment'AdmlniatratJon 111 aft ad- his home neWspaper )e8l'll, Manaae�: ner. Nleht sent OYer twent'1.flve 1ICCOUIIta. the reputation of one of the the f.cIIIt.... mlnlltra�.-.tIon. He will lie .... for him in an AT LESS belne marketlq provided Floor and o�. and better dis�y ·for about $4.00 a4vertlsement Manaeer All the buyen to be are print hardest the waNh_ here been \ he,. In.a paaJtJon to diIeuD fum worklne warehousemen In by Ilave . ti. I!. ' "ell known to the tobacco ...-. he saves $6.50 COST. the bualn_. altoeether Inadequate handle JlI!OIr&m' u _11 u _r qlll!l- FOR BIG . to. • en In TAf..ENT·,·WANTED 'l'9BAVCO By QAiDg newspaper, Ii IIICtlon. There II only tiona the. The personnel of Mr. the aalel'ln • manner 600SeeTOUacco J .:.. th!a that Ioea1 t� IIIQ: eM- Sbeppaid'l &atlsfactol')' one ,FIDDLERS CONVENTION • M..R• chanee, Mr; NlcholloncwID .... lire to Uk. !J'he OPJi;..�NG warehouse this year lncIudea: AuI· to the &roWen, It havlne been Sh"'Tie'"At -t¥-.nt_ Mr. B.. the pl.ce HiI)'JIOI of DIxie on IOU bert J. Brannen, _lItant 88lel neceual')' In the majority of COIUiOl'Yation jam. Mr. C;uel Tobacco who wu . TUE4TRE (.ompan'1. Smith In ST�TE� manaeer: O. G. aucUon· to walt for fDlll' to seven af· Demonstra IOnS �af III'IIna Bulloch -t¥ Jtucket, daya .'t· Fann here lut '1e.r. JULY 25th Allie ter Meeti·ng . farmera, ....ther _.... of the TUESDAY· ONLY, eer: Hart. cUpman: Frank placlna the tobacco on the More than 800 tobacco' "'-eta The �p1ete list of. buyers and United Laws, office mana&el': "Shorty" w.rehouse noors before It be Bul Ich t wID he Gecqla Farmen CII' pot, STRING BANDS. DAN(JERS. SINGLE'MUSIOIANS CC!u1d the I!OIIIpon'1 each representa II u Comwell. bookman: Dan Taylor, reached for aale. attended the 12 IOrtlne and 'lIl'!Id. t'1,wl:e fo=fk pro:u!nec;:;::: to attend the meeune Sa� at THIlATRE OR Herald. a " REGISTER NOW AT 8TAft is flooded· with Not so with The Bunoch E c' Ii' foUowa:. 4 m. In the caurt Nearly every' niail post­ ticket marker: Prentll Wooten: Tit e resolution further ltated Ine demalUltrations In tile count)' eram 11 the mentben of the local p. boule and . To b a c c 0 . Imperial Company. J. D. PROSSER'S GARAGE what-not .. is taken to home to there W. E. that because 0 learn more about their farm I card circular and advertising issue' the stay pa'1-off man: TB)'lor, utUlt)' f the coneeltlon by the BUlloch of the pro- chlipter Archie Clark: Export I,eaf Tobac- man: Paul Robertaon, Skimmer here many of the erowers in thlll United Farmenlut week. chapter':len_atte ne.un�edturdayGeo�aI meeFa::n'III eram. CASH PRIZES AWARDEn and consequent familiararity .for a week or more, for perusal or Georela co Amer- $10.00 Freq'uency ready Wooten have their about the matter. Company. Sidney LawI: and Jamea _Ie- lectlon' were forced to haul their 88'1 _.__ breeds lack of in Pratt. W. L. Bradsher, toba mark- _ to the recipient iJ)terest verification of some to settle lean Tobacco Compon'1, Leath'1 item, handy men: ancLBruce tobacco to other a Ahort Uoyd M&I� markell at etlng lpeclallst of the Bureau' of .. 'II' careful . . . form of to the .... Hull'• It Re)'JIolds Tobacco Com. that ladvertising �- ",__ e econom c v ue 0 !: 'W'� � used to :refresh 'ra'1lor. ....tance. It added that co thFoUo'\Vlnel aal fdlacuuforel_. bof'1 _ "'II'J"'BED' an argument, the memory f1oo!'J1lllll. ereate� .... Icultural ",,"vnomlca, nducted' John is that a A R Shirl xte I � t PBnY, Stokel: Uuett and buyer. The lar�e portion the - these educ:.tlonal for the OETS OONT&&(lT fesuIt, as to what item was offered ------.--- condI�n 1II(I11.probalil)' meetinp Tobacco particular . �'1ers ChuI1e 'II' of this finds its resting place exist thII ficicalllle orpnlzaUon. a�d Ute de� eOf �.;nto0:: �r. .. advertising h'� '18..- .of L, B. Compan,):!. AT V__'bAa"'A.... this or that merchant. an a I'Ovc!d unit whereb JohlUlton: Je� Company. the waste basket unread. for sale by EXPECTED HERE tha IncreUe In aereaee. Mr. Bl'Adsher urged the farmen '1 ltat: in " BUI Vene.ble Tobacco d::eraI tl I fl Taylor: It WIllI 8JUIOUJIC!ed here thll WHk FOR RALLY the to do eVe mo. . attendine meetlnp • ..' . Company. Fred Dixie Leaf v' " th Caah: that Mr. Walter Aldred of the to the a� coope;�.;, Mnan• el')'thlq poulble Improve Tobacco Mr. a Company, Nlcholaon. Walter Alderd of Statea- looks ,of their IUch as �e;g dls��ter comml: Company tobacco, to have � appointed to wo�k out the de- Othen. companies their boro had been awarde!l the eon- . all of the tobacco a � IN keepln( orders on the ,!f taUa for to Statesboro market tract to build the .t particular and barn 'necell!U'Y' presentaUon � UbraJ')' NIlVIL8 PET kind. plckln&'l are: J. r SHOW the '29. W. A. China-American, .. MUier the Georela State Woman'l Col. lOT AI . body J� Groover and the off color EXPER.IIE·IT separate IOrtlng E. V. Webb wu u chairman of the Tobacco Ieee at Valdoata. The contract w.. Aueuat 5 (Saturday) has. been out to Iheets of that particular appolnfKl Compan�, worth is worth ad- Company, Southern Statel Tobae- business having committe. To work wit h Mr for S96,790. Work wID thII Newspaper advertising'has long ago pass­ Any set as the date for the Nevils Va· erade. Pulling the burned- off beeln : I tips CO Unlvel'lal Tobacco . G J hn M H Company, week. caUolI Readers' Pet Show of will Increase the 88le value, drlx' . Successful Club'l lup Company, Ardalr Tobacco Com. ed the experimental stage. The Bulloch will be to be ltaeed at the NevUs L,rc;ve��'c oJ Mart. enJ E' vertislng. Heral� glad Hleh materially, according to Mr. Brad· . W an pan'1, Phillip Morrll. J. P. TB)'lor MIlMBEBS OF School Auditorium. !!ehr. tobacco with Hoo&ea...C 'H�eea, n'd 'Dr' business firms of all kinds, have IQJlg ago Mlxlne ereen Company, A. C" Monk R. J. Kennedy. Mr. Smith requeIt: Company. 001JN.1'RY·CLUB TO to assist in Twenty-six pets have been en- lemon or orange colon II a bad preparing copy. AdvertiSing ed the P Lorrllard Company Axton FIsh...... that ad­ tered, Includlne cats of all kinds, If the Is to TODAY establish� the fact newspaper highest price �... 1 J ���_ Dibrell Brothel'll •• ...... r an 0 • e;, , 'w T Clark two penIans, one rnaIt and a IUpe dcount'1tlvoca analeent,agrflanncul ese. :actlcehad. . • .'R_,· con­ has WILL PAY YOiJ ture teachers aullt the ComP8!ly, and othen. ..., mee�.. 0f the States110ro does pay. They become big p,aid ,others-IT number of .common cala. of Two flied Mr. Brad· committee. vertising Do� practices concern Club M G ced th t EVel')' In the world 01' Country hu been called thII evel')' �. two ponlel, one goat, sher 88ld were hurting Bulloch advertis­ Ine Georgia tobacco III their pro- aftenioon (Thurrday) at 8 o'c1oc1c. in , ... rs com �d . th using ", �� two rbe c�rns , two roc;ve:h anno'::ltt at believing �, .. . chickens, three . • ,j .. canaries, TOO! ; .t...... •• � tobacco growers" 'by �� county' prices. Is The II to lie Held at the h ;.chic� represeale\i. . irleetlne gllid fish, one pig, four squirrels One was s ckers on the me� �d ri> bl: dc:a lelvlng 'club hOIlle site on the Dover Road. . ur e ing space. alld three The lPOnsors stalk and the blooms In the �ulng ';;U momelne ��0 y 29 and . I ·rabb!ts. tops. All the 3 member. � urged to lit. state that they'are expectine that These practices, to the according NEVILS tend and an invitation Is luoed more. :O!d8 e : e e P.-T,'A. TO many lpeclallllt, ttlkes from the . meetl�� �� P't �altt;at quality to' anyone elae Interested In the at ar - The show wUl start at 3:30 on of the tobacoo cold. The blooms ':a�m ethe regumal mee�r OBSERVE TOBACCO proereu 0 the club's plans. &!ternoon, Aueuat 5. A take Ia.t of �r:se�t �� MARKET' OPENING , �t�� part,lcJl)arl'1 up PIltuh . �. emoon.. . am.n H.. •. 0 C I tobacco ltotmd In _�iijatanciel "1Il'e�l1lreecr·,.� IN ' the _la:lon wID' ct!liIIta�the, ClPed. �UGHT �'on:rCl1 CIUIIpUa at 3:00.P•• M IChocil. .• that wu'undeslrable �artithe of' the the a_ncI 'me Sta�"Tbliili:CQ -"TOIiacco mleht be lteallne the aftemoon of the U-. TIley aaIe of tobacco wu that of ��to.��w:,�t'�:::� tlelnc Market with a be MOM! :�-� In North � entertaln- IlmeJIeht at the present moment, may the or �tIon, by ownen the hands too far on the a. , . d,own , ment to be ole • elven bIit KIne-Cotton II beelnnlne . - leaf which the 'I1l�'nil!At, . ,�elae.· , .. of .. gave. LUl& The entranta .� � JaW ". ... to _ 1ta head up IIIid demand may the leaf 'a' Yel')" ereen ����_ -:, 5 OAK II. d�� � .JIP08f'8IICIl BrotJier Pete, ..._ PHONE 245 STREET ." 8'1'1L1C11 pet BnyWB)' he wish.., due to of that aeetIon. A � ...... , .J �. -.. the brulalne of the�. f� Be�'.�It; l'reillde., 01 Ualtea ...... ,fum CI8II Driftera, .� TIle fIrIt open boll of cotton 0eGqIa readlne 'Or a(lUon. Bariia were often do JI!8;II:r: F!l : The)!tt niB)' found with too III'pnizaUon I'IIadI era wllo Is di' btauIItt In our oftIoe ... • expected to lie lien elve an' exhibition ot· his InteW· much tobacco In them for Mr., �l!J.IalI; .,.. � � beat .... lit «MIi wile. coaat)' eehibratea eence with or �m:=e t�IU1IIeI'II CI8IIIIOt � 1ir Ramp' : an..; �10C!I0 acla, trIcks. Three. cure. the .' � .ureed farmllra attend� iIUIb Ita 1,001_.... 01 ilia, ...... will be ..:. � do• � � Judeea preaent. Three Ine the demoiiatratlona to'put,tew. . IIIatI-. are .. prIZes offered. .. '., '� handa on the ItIck aDd lewer at1clq 111 ·tIIt ...... THE B ThUllday, .July 20, 1939. TIlE BVLLOOH. iIEJtAU)

-"J)ed1Cated to the Progreas of Statesboro and Bulloch County I Far_ Brlefll

MAYOR'S coua'l' TIE BILLOeH HEIALD I By W1Il.,. TIIarI.. This court Is presided over by the Mayor or 1Este..... ICdltor. Sell Your Tobacco Published Every Thursday In the event the Is the Mayor cU.lwiJlfled by May. RIchmond'. county acent Bright Statesboro. Bulloch County. Ga. or Pro-tem or In the event that the Mayor or May. :M�nncn. of Auauata. and FuI· On The Statesooro ton's home demonstraflon agent•. or PrO-tem Is a�t or member disqualified any Milia LEODEL COLEMAN EdItor. "- ,"L Opal Ward, of Atlant.. rec. __ v.' ., ", '. ,,;;..... of .w.1... thl! City COIIJIeIl may 1Inft•• court 'has the C. Aaso. r- ei\tl)' w�re electltl dleul G. COLEMAN. �tol" I ;to''hfadj Maillet � '�r � order. the of retlJl!!ctlve *&enta' .IuocItationa. In MRS. ERNEST Soclal ,I " PrelerVe'\.' �l at�nd8nce1 B�l'j'EN j.. _., to other new EdItor, wltne the a�tlon Meeo.Iriell. ______-"::- 1 ..... col1lJle' production of � and Officers of the aeorIta County A· be con,· Visit'11 r For -Values' t_ Pf�,;,,,to �I� �r!dencef f�r jI1!nta"�tlon are.J .K. Luck. lSter8 "'" - .il ISlA -M,P�I"'" '$1';' PeRArTESYe._OF SU�."\'I.l�Nutil tempt. The punis_nt fqr oy �tlOn of a city of' Alfterlcua. Sumter colinty ap'nt: Ii", or �, w.-'� o�� proVided or �t; Wejlb -"'tU!ll. !Ilf Elbert. tor contempt shall be a fine not exceeding two hun­ ElbeI1DD. County Qeni. R. E. Mil· '.' dred doll-.s.,_Jtoiurie..t '1iI' the 'clty jail. for a sccreta�.treasureI'Hlnd " .DavisJJeluu,jres �!. peiici-':ftcj't.:'� '.Il��ti"'a.yii·!o� �tn"'Of -I!!r;>11'.����;,;. : goo?" OakIe),,' ,of Oglethorpe. tIlele at the Cilleretlon of the trial :'18'MO�-�iJ�tAli:. , ' Punishments. M.acon cojillty qent; W E. Nev. t' 1.50 :x %1 court. Appeals to' the Council for. trial shall be IDe of HIaWaasee. Towns coUnty '".:of and J. P. of I.15:x 19 IIII\de .lnstanter jlnd bond f� fo� acent; Baker, Cedar­ ".80 THis na's 81:NTEHciI: ....0" ll�arance toWn, )fOlic apnt. c1irec. :x 11 ; ,before Council. At trial before City COuncil Mayor. cOuntY 5.25 tors. In to a addition Miss ' The death of Otlrst �at but �tem or, \'fard. :x 18 :...... :nystery; , Is; Mayor any bf Counbll 5.� , I I City m�y other officers of the 'ine�berl I I Georlta Hill birth Is �ven a That He ahiNId liVe and three votes of 5.50 :x 11 : greater. preside tllty 'Councll are re- Home Demonstration Agents' .As. 'Ii• 8.00 :x a human lite at all. Is stranger than that. so quired to reverse the judgement of the Court from IOClatlon are Milia Dora Perken· '16 ,11.05 He should die a human death. I can which Is son, of Lawrencev1l1e. living. appeal malle. Thlli Court has the right t(l ,Gwlnnett IJbeni ThIele-in AUowance for Old Tires home demonstratlo acent. vtee­ IICiarce get "'t HIS cradle In (9 'aeqult tiie deferidllnt or bnpiJee such sentence as WO�rlng. '. , j my 'r 't 'I I � president; Milia Ernestine Head. wonder at HIs crou. The Infant Jesus Is. In they may deem proper. con.Iistent with the provl- of Greensboro. G�ne home demo 80me views. a greater marvel than Jelus with slons of the city chiu-ter. o!'8�ratlp" agent. reCcinung secre· , the robe and tile' croWn of tllorna. pUrple \ tary; Lizzie D. of ...... �uchan, . �lchton. M:ft I � I It� . and has to , UCl, • Mayor City 9Ml1)!:il the,·rlght ·estab­ ...... ��I�?I' , ..�t ��!'.:_'_"��.""""",nstrat,an..aceat, -carre- M".� �"'T � � :�.. IlJih a city chalngang and provide �guJatl�ns' fOI' .ponctili, __reW-y; • Miss ,·t!.allra lIP, II M..Ula o..r.atee 1:...... • � I / '" /. I ! l lft'.iftSBoato, 'A oao\mfG Ume. of Mac�unt)'i0 n ' Brown. I. M.. ' Oglethorpe, I�!'o tu ..... hOme �"T" "",,� 'I'O.Qboo m cOurit)' deinonstratlon agent, ISH, U M ·o.aru MRS. DI!l8TLD S'I'Oay-'l'J:LI.I:Il SPJ:IlD ...... SI�ce 192& the of the Tobacco JU:OuLATiONS treiuiunit; Miu ::r.eila Ptillllp8, of FOR V. a. e: 8A.TuaDAY s�ry Statesboro IfTV, M MHUla ciunatee and Council 'has the to CedartOwn.' Polk' home �onStra. ius '.,,!IAP The Nevlill Mar�et Is one of continuous ahd Mayor rlgllt regWat.e the Vacation Readers · stelldy Irowth. 'lion agent. was' or running of AutomobUes. or other pilrilamentarlan. Club honored Saturday P. M, If buying curtBiI1I JI1!IlclJlg. WIth �he ojie�ll1g of 'the market each year the Bycycles High by Mrs. Destler. mother ot Dr. them. be lure to talie In consld· speed vehicle. within tthe City Ibnlts. alse f�r Is worked up to a high pitch. �oreylng with The)' C. M. Destler kind of of S. G. T. C.. telling eratlon the and Fat cattle shows are the have the right to prescribe th'e rate of and getting to amount, curing and finishing this ..eik for the market. speed I stories. Mrs. Destler Is one of ih� that occur. be In but the lIhrinIcage may the manner In which be the Georgia first 1Ij,plilg a�d praylt.g for a gOod grade and a the), may run, quallfl· Good Penn '10il beat story·tellers of this section. good feeder cattle show and sale ever cation of and She was ar· so that he �111 not have This drivers. the regilltration of allch ma· accompanied by MIas J_ne An. application af price worked.ln vain: held In the ltate has just been Cent calcl� chines. l00'Per PURE PENNSYLVANIA OIL Franseth of S. G. T/C. Two mow lellate dUlt Is a gociji boll. We.evII. year Is �o different The farmer Is confronted on. schfduled for. Savannah actobet' V. R. C. Sat· measure for cotton 6. to me'l'bers registered control larg� every side with rumors of the largest crop In LIlOISUTIVI: POWERS according County Agelft A. % , yel.n.' , • GaOon..,d� the to 1 $1.35 urda)' bringing enrollment ... � f- J. Nltzschk.. The of plants. poor grade. weight, crowded markets, low purpose tile I�t show Is All lealilative powers are' In the hands of the to encourac� the predue­ priclf. rllaftZl.ic that titer., Is' nothing he �an do , ' I Council and lion of feeder cattle for UIe In the City any ordinance can become ' It. It to the ma:ket and before. 'l\boUt �,icept' brlna hope ,Immediate territory anr shipment· a law of the City It requires the of three for' he Is an approval to other areas. An WESTERN th, be�t. Yes. optimillt. and expects the excelelnt offer­ AU'O. members of the Cit)' Counclll'lt five 'meinilers are Of� beat. May It be so. of'f�er cattle has �n' ar­ ·Entire· Stock ur.�s l !Dg.

present shall be for the . We believe that .and Introducect snit pasSed at the ranged saI�. and provides StateSboro has one of the best ., • . regular �f the a good opportunity for'farmers to In the' leulon Mayor and Council which ASSOCIATE mark�ts state. The recOrda bear out ibla secure "sldR£" breeding stock The show �n the �n'd TueSday night of each co"v�ne. . .iateme�t. In wu , . �� .old on. the Drasticaill', , i92& loc� we Is being the "�ed; month. In the 8J)d by event of a tie the Mayor becomes a �JldUc� market 2,30s,8 PoUncta f�r sUs.m.OT ior �n av. Savannah J,Jvestock Developm�nt if, ,R. mJu8mN ·WELCOME····· leilslatlve officer and hill vote lerve. as that of a erage of 10.78 cents per pound: Last year we Commlt�. Inc.. In cooperation S9 sold. East Main 8t. . nietnber of Council. Three members with the 8tatesboro, " of Ceuncll con. Georg{a Extena'ion Ser-l � I 5.138.320 pounds for $1.1109.1:43.89. , vice. ItitUtes a quorum. If Mayor Is present. Its Tobacco sale. as officially reported to the Geor. .the I'\);_ii:ii_=_ii:ii;;:;: ii:ii== Mr. Irower•••. ... __;;;;:';;;;'� To.�cco. _... �,...t·" ct Ma),ors duty to vote In a c�se of a tie. eta· �nt of Agrlcultlh by the warehoUles

. . fit Sta�boro. . : .. .' , ...... ' ,='" _ , '. .... , . , 1\ , We Invile ',,"-���'t P01JNDS '- JNCOIlU!l AV."" �.BBSIDB ·.BlifALTB OIAT Cor.ilily I' , ." SOLD PU(JIJ, 111� By Dr, O. F. WIlIt...... ", •• 1928 2.306.288 $. 248.246.OT 10.76c t,k We You To SIII••or•.. 1929 l)av� mentioned thus far some of the more 2,264.�2 333,304.12 14.m AUTGMOalLI! ': · bnportant acute condftlOlll "'hk:1i ·retjWre the call. •••Ir- 1930 3.329.064 296.542.26 8,91c .. ..., �.... 111,1l'1li*." ,.,.11>\ a �e are firs! 1931 1.812.582 113.190.96 8.2411: .I�i C!�. .¥�I_cIan_on day, t�at tl!ey. An. HeFe .. - noted. Some ot them are 80 1932 '\ 527.504 41.055.55 urgent that even hours 1.'We count. We REPAIRING ... Ihowd like-now to call attention to sOme ,.�: �"- 1933 2.39U3:f 10.95c �.73i84 of the leu urcent condltlona. b�t where failure to 1� 1,638.898 �.548.61 15.65c Mike Our Slore.· iet medical advice within a reasonable tbne may 1� 3.102.\64 558.947.74 18.02c have In the �nd an eQiuilly serious result. For these OF ALI, �936 3.629.528 KI�NDS' 18.7Oc 618;969.75 leas 'acute condl&n. It Is often. possible to see a 1937. 4.1MO.5112 1144.282.60 19.51c . Your H... , qulrterl phYllclan at h� office. We are i'''� ,-, 1938 5.136.320 19.65il equipped to give you an expert job ..�.. : ..�."" LUMP8, SOBI:8,r"'NORMA" DIIKlIlABGES, Zu.. In any of 'the TOTAL foOowlng:- . The of oFesses 30.987.294 Clife All Other $4.742.964.18 j:ahcer,d1!pends la!eely � tile length Rt'Rompnatell:. of I' tbne that . . elaspes between __ Bn:ke and of thll_appearance of-th9. Rep'alrlng Parts AlII Kinds , 'J , . ,:•• ", I.' • first symptoms and the consulting of a physician.' . '; • �l1tIlton and Arch , Low, £hatr-, Oxy-Acetylene ':;. I' �e IJDeall� T� freq�entl)' there Is a long dela)' which allows Welding Price�� the to to otJ\er : BAYS THB WEATHD d�ase Ipread regions. Do not Willi «b. All .'. � .ALMANA(l �"'r8 Type. o,'P"nn,Machmery, .' fin- Is a Today. July w!!1 be sultry. "!n;"pahl of. cancer. ., &lh(_rs, 2<1. l!ltll '," i�toin Sonsul!: ,1Uld ROad ". FrIday. July 21. storms. a pbyalclan for any lUmp or sWelling anywhere, �tors Maelifn�.·'·' Saturday. July 22, cool. 'but es�y In the breast; for any �re or ulcera. Sunday. July 23. showers. �lon.1n �!! �k1n. on �e 11118 or tongue; for any mille ••••• or which or Monday. July 24. unsettled. plgment� lpot enlar1ies for ., ulcerates; ,

an),. '.bb�o� whether . with 25. dlscJiarge. . blood or BEAR �aday" July. U��tled. � FRAu Wedne�. July 26. rain. without. frllm any part of the body. Bat Doll't AUNEMENT Blame U. U U&e AI...... II Wro.... ! INDI!lFINITI!l SYMrroMS" 1. 'airs • La.i..

, . The sympt�ma .of many aerlous diseases are �ery' .. HH•••• 41. J. W. Rucker was In our office last He all I." Thursday. IlIght and Indeflnltc at the �utset. We ought there. has just paased his 65 th and Is st1l1 a birthday as m�ke It a to a We. -- f�r.; t� practice consult phy_slclan H�ve T�e MOil' Complete ZOO 'ain II La.i•••�it' S� spry as a · cOlt. He got to �bout II!,;;:'. sprln, b.Jk,ng hi. . ItIhenevep we feel below par. we tire wIlen easily. • I , boys. One a .••••• •• H�'I ,�wfulY, P�lld �f"hls boys. '" a.p'I�; have' poor appe\lte. lose �elght without ob�lous O.'."L.t 14.. S�... $1 �:. shipman at United BEAR Of Hlrdware ·Flrm t�e S.tate� Nav,a1 Academy. That ·ca�. when we . ! AXLE L�ne Iq. �f breath on �� sh!,r� slight ..•••.. Is A. J. He has a Jetter from A. J. who Is .•Itlnl S�... $I. up above have � .ri.I' . IS ertlon. All . headaches. dl�nes�... of these SERVICE Novia Scotia on battle crulse·practlce. We nke to and others of like In malay nafalre ',e· may 'be sympton1s. : Equip.enl see"a man who. Is of his . lie a of ! proud • So�. '�nd hi.. many on ' ! cUtferent I � dISeases the' early recoKnlilon . rlcht to be for It's not proud. ,the easiest . In of which . thltig much depends. ,-) .".', I ..Seclion. If You Ilk the world to .get t'o be a mldshlp�an. ..ftadlator F�or w..,.. WAIT FOR SYlIIPTOMSf Repair Experts As ,It has been f�uently pointed out. It is often '�ior Cores :Renew.ed III We Hive, 11••• •• Reprelentatlve Harry Akins �Ives us.a good def. fer the �� ,'r'II,"'" possible physician to detect weak �pots In Inltlon of rigid economy. A dead R8.diittor Vat's 'Eteetide our ",lth -- Scotchman. Circulator -- human machine, the earl), stages of serious $1. -48 ; $1. 98 52. 98 / \ disease. before we realize that we are n�t In good :boOR GLASS health. FOR ALL' mKE CARS ' ·that we ::'n' Th� knowledge have such we� •••• CIOSI' SQI.IJ SH�ES �.95 . spots ena)!les us to adjut our lives so that EXPERT GAS the 'ENGINE . MACIDNIST , ,,'.. Is taken off weak has) str�ln �rga� and life C8� be fi�� $;ALL ·c�R¢N'S:...�E8· BEDUC��· �As. Dr. ,Ho!�� �� .!h,e. " �, !&..��1!n�.: __• ...,.'C, I �,���� ��- . � ctl r"�ii'���I!�. . at have �t .• an a Ie' ue: We • . .•• ought th";"':· ,." �·yOiJ.• I. ., In one of �.IItt1e pig)Vciund up the mule's stalls.•� to..! co�.a , .. This . f�,at � ��.!l'�'. clld not' pie8le mule lie. hauls for on our 'tJi�� l!Q off "-;'-d 'I Inslat!ce, b�thda�) e�en when we teel places a Well powered kick In' 'the IIttie In good and ,pip mid. health. have hbn make a thorough rltfs. BOQMI and the Whale bam 18 exammatlon. . ' lIlJWn 'to , , "" Bmlthe��. liiaiies'i:CS lib. ..� -,;c;� �'.;' -� r "., I'. '. fJ'� J'�. ed U·· for �ffw9fry;the!flOS�a�ut.d�ase�they&,n·t U':�JI. �!�.l' Il1'O\IIId days have. Let the doctor remove all ttle'fp�!laIY I the unnece'!S8l')' ' wl� tilt! moat. ,') t .. B!l'idened elqlreBSlon on his faCt! I worries anil doubts. wlll t1,' If'r'Jlr: � yOu h�ve little to ever ca� saw." Phones ". worry about diseases M'J-l78' ,:.!._' .�.� early. .,"'J � � .! '"�:,,,�,,�,_ THE BUlLOCH llERALO Thunday• .July 20. 1939. DANNY LINGO CBLIlIIBATIl8 cookletl were served. Gamel were Marsh, Archie Ne- FIF'III IUBTRDAY Patty Banks, June Kenne

.. �_�!:. � ��oweJr-:_J!n.J!n'"·"''' r'r.:''''·��an·3�tro;l¥8'u ��: ;.�: )',181t Tuesday at ' 'evfiilng , her home on come Crescent DrIve hon. to see us . . . orlng her brother &nd hll I' wife, lust JII'>Cllc;' hll' III fI";:OIIlIr!IICC' hl;t In ,Mr. 'and Mrs. Ed)Vard Powell of , (U""III E(U"DIIIY' Yalue J'aj:ltson, MIss. Those Invited were: , 'Mr.' and Mrs" Percy Bland, Mr. :,i lorl. Mli. I S'. Slre.1 Mrs. Wendell W. lUll! Bllrke, Mr. and Inc. Sllle•• �. Grndy' Bland, Mr, and Mrs, oro, .�lIil MARsn·CHEVROLET .. COMPAN¥ , .,-� ., , 0"" ',J 'S'l'ATE8BOBO, Thursday, .July 20, 1939. THE BULLOCH HERALD

That this Is "home nile" any ment from a well·stocked medicine Her n�r garden Is the pride visitor may eully see. He She's Just may chest. of of "f\.�nt Sophie" any number students, par. With, '.e 'Co•• 8Jao detect a bit of MIa Johnson's calla " Attendlll& 'the sick of her fold, tlculBrly thoee she sometimes 111& a three-month coune In a sub- applied , { paycholO!lY. however, constitutes a small part ,at 6 o\c1ock In ,the morning, "to do jed which to her. apepala , ,To Her Hundreds She hu sometimes for arranged of Aunt duties as dean a little of Boys Sophle's of hoelll&." MIss Johnson had been on the one of her to I,.nl .... ,"weak" boys become men. In addition. she fias a lIaht While th_ activities make her campus Ie.. than a day When __ o,er a him monitor, alvlna additional teach.schedule and hits for one of the busiest on the D. -the--Unl-vers-I-ty-S-ya-t-em---w-as--Pro-- pinch· persons Sophomore Bill Stewart, of BY I. PURV18 to Dlxle, l'Hponslbllty Ills own. other a co- vlded eIpI!Cially for Miss Johnson Instructors In emeraenclea, campus at '!'eachers Collep!, now, a hlah school at "" prlnc.lpal Georgla farmers are fast learn· ,''They come � with Otber Aunt Sophie Johnson, of W..... ny· "extra· curricular" ,work education school wi about 600 Nelson, with a aDd a friend of lona standlna, Miss aareed friend that Ina that their Ipg colora", she says, "only a few she takes on recently, acquired ley, of men at the herself; such as rals. students, Aunt SOphie finds time Bhe should be called "Aunt Sophle". paradoxlcal.dean Elizabeth Donovan, a supervisory weeks It ,became to rural power lines can' be used for ago nec:euary 111& nowers. an undertaJdna In to chaperone picnics. sponsor cluba That name stuck. South Georala Teachers' Colleae ,has Even to far more than teacher, also of do what we could to a routine IIghtil)g Wadley. stop stud�nt. which s,he has on mere SUi&eBtlon, and referee an occasional the In doesn't believe there Intra., hlahest collep! officials. she la For G. D. Statesboro. There "my boys" find a kitchen Makliaa him a mono JIIII'POSI!s. example. Bird. [rom �lna. all thl1 man·power rieeded. mural ball aBme. Invariably .he "Aunt· Sophle." has been "a really bad boy" BmOII& avaIIaIaIe, at reasonable hours to ltor solved the problem." IBlmpIy catoosa county farmer, hu added she an' , the hundreds has known well )II'IIctIce culinary arts tauaht by In �r attractlte· quarters, ad· automatic water system, an six at her electric and an electric, during years unique Job. IDDtben at 1Mmae. Miss Johnson Jolnlna a lpacloua lounalna room, range ,_. of them be "SGine may weak", lays no claim to expert Instruction. MIss Johf1lOn bps scores of photo­ fence to the larae amount of elec· &he "A few be on aJlmlts. may very but none deny that when she has praphs of boys �ho �e aradu. trlcal equipment already In use weak. but on the whole our a- his farm. In Walker ,yo':l"g "tea brewing'! Its re!,lly some. ated. Giving hrr, a picture has nearby county men of are as today just stro,ng, thlna to write home about. come to be sort of a tradition. L. .E . .Mai:tln.lI. pJpaln&.B!' elec­ as as 88 tric milk his just moral. just religious MIa Johnson likewise lay. no The students themselves under. cooler 01' dairy farm. I've ever known youth - perhapa claim to, directing the boys In stand why. for Aunt Sophie, Is These members were aulsted by so. Aunt as mose Sophie. she Is af· their general room and domltory generally whereever needed. Be. their county agents. J. P. Nichol· known as the Teach· fectlonately habits. fore the college obtained a man's son In Catoosa. and e. W. Wheeler ers' bellves In wom- College, young "They are their own directors," Infirmary In recent years: she In Walker. and J. L. Calhoun. Ex· too. but her first love and Orat she en, explal.... "I let them know would. whe� necessary••It or sleep tension rural electrification' spec­ lies In the knowledge, young men. we expect them to take pride In most of the nlaht or all of It In laltlst. In making these .addltlons. "My boys". she calls them all. their rooms. just as they did at the room with an alllna or Injured For six she has lived In years their homes. and to make as Iitt,le student. Now she never retires be. The AAA proaram gives the domltories with youths of' the noise as possible for the sake of (ore first visiting the Infirmary: farmer the power to aJljusl ajlrl· south. most of them and Georgian. others. They have never failed. whim occupied. where she some. culture so as to protect the soli for that just long has been a There are monitors In various times reads to convalescents for and the people who live on It. and them. ' WE prince among parts of the bUilding to call at. hours at the time. thereby' the welfare of the nation. 'GIVE 'JOU 'l'BB .TL&N'iIc OCBAN In 1937 an apartment In newly tention to various Infractions and Well versed In familiar remedies. built Sanford Hall-named In hon- little difficulties That You rarely go further she Is the boys favorite doctor; un­ MIld winter raInI aoaJc and l_ Bay BIijO, GlorloUll' DA,. or of Chancellor S. V. of &aaam,r Sanford. for adjustment." leas !.he trouble Is beyond treat, en lap the soli. and hard .ummer \ A VACA'l'ION PAUD'" 'rains come quickly, carrying WlQ !rruIJ the loose' soli : caused by .;.wlnter =!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!�I!!I!I!!=;!!:;=!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-_III!!i!III!!I!!__I!!!I;!!!!!!!�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!';;"!!!!!!!!!1 , crumbling and cavlilg. In 1938 aided 30 hateherieta In 23 At the bealnlaill& of 1939, there Cuh farm Income In Georala, countlea, With a total C8JlBClty of Wire 1,286,029 boys and air" en- �otel Ty�e with AAA benefits Included after � to the SaYallUla 1,2IM,'f02 elP. qualfy uiader rolled In ,the ....H c1ulNt over the 0...... from In Many GeorgIa farm women have � ., 1932. jumped ".000.000 Nationa P 0 u I try Im)ll'OVllllent nation. ' 1932 to In a new Offen '161,0000.000 1� (a IOIII'ee of Income-commun- PJan. EVery .bJait_J...... rise of 144 pereentl, then .lIpped Ity curb markets. For 'VacatlOJlj to In '152.0000,000 1,938. Good diets are not necessiiiI)r In the United Statel u a whole. the most ones. expensive .... TN ••d" ill_I",.II;' ilM. B.;(# SPICIAL .. One reason the farm Rates for ..tell "'" �Ip_r.d..r "riri.g i"'''If $W!J swplus 35.1U7 aerea of 'trees were planted· "l.oo Up DaIIy Wrlfie 'feeldJ tlelitUnYti ., F/;./ Micll•• has been chronic , slne;e the JI!'Obfem In 1937' under the Trlple.A fann '1'hII fumlptlon of the entire World War Is the disappearance of let the heat -slow - proaram, hoUie II INtlleved to be the belt Karakul lbeep produce fur which PI...\N YOUB when this . VACi)A,'l'ION )'ou up big marke,ts ovel'll!as for tile products WHY method of a h....vy In. .. becomIna IIPPlhr In eurrellt eight'. waiting to go of CO million' Berea. deltroylal(_ AT placel glol'lousl),-when you ' , IIODL'T11IDI can out in . Itep. front, style·wise' and action·wile, for leu ..- money than you're asked 'for lome .ixe.P Here'. A United States aovernment y. of the most com­ D)'nal••h,power to put lome life in,y,,vea., "vi.i. hlblt, coDilstina ��Th;e�Geo��raI�a�Exite�ns�lon;=8eirvlce�;fe�I��;o;n�o�f�carpe�.�,�t�bee�II!ft;Jes;.;. plete' ;;;f.Uhf;O�DI;';;;;;;';;;";';�i�;;;;;;;i;ii;;;i;;i;i bility'unlimited" to make lure lee .u.�y, of.,t!!e !Btelt ,�!e!" YOIJ t�e .ightl�Uid tlflc flndlnp. and other activities Buick'. exclusive "full float" ride let tl) you take it cay, of the pivernment, will be an 1m. when the roadl get roullh. See )'Ol,lr Buick- detaler now portant feature at the W�ld'. -and make the rest orthe summer one 10ng,Iwell �I " Poultry Congreu In C1evelind. 0- hio. July 211-A!IiU8t 7. '

"BettfJr bu" ,Buleht� A good rose cuttina should be .I!Iii:..' '. , _ Of' __ v_' from 3 to 6, Inches 19na with 3 . buds. &ad Ihould be In Sell Tobaeeo on the ��....w...1. IUICK planted· your "'.�IlIST or _Y��Il', D.'ALI�' .w.' � light, I� soli. ���������� The AAA proaram Is helplna farmers do coriservatlon farming. Statesboro Market Farmers are restlna the I�nd with Irasses and leaumea u they never

have before •

' . and see us for �' A number of ....H ,- c;ec;rila , clu)l members plan to enter colleae this fallon money' tHey made with MRS. steers In the state;s cattle Prices on H6USEWIFE---BUY· sprlna Lower the shows. r

The average American diet does not'contaln enough Vitamin C. ac· ItelDs to studies made at several Foll�wlng cording aarlcultural experiment stations. ,

Yukon's Best Or Farm erop surpluses bring with t'h e m surpluses of foreclosures. surpluses of bankruptcies. surplus· • es of tenancy. surpluses of unem· '.� ployment. su�luses of distress. Queen of the West Approximately 93 �reent. of the cotton farmers in, Geol'lill are ex· pected ; to' partlCiiiate In tile 1939 PLAIN OR, SELF. RISING Fl:.OUR AAA farm pJ'OirBm•. --. , The Agrlculturtal Extension Ser· vice rounded out 25 years of ser· FERIILIZER '-' j, • lanlie F.·. I - DODIE ,Sold By Independent Retail Merchants Everywhere SilllloQs Illis -Chll.ers PLYMOITH New and Used· Iractors aUIIA.TEED-II· lor any· realon you are 101 111,llied­

. �ABLO • reJurn 10 your Grocer and gel your :'money .ack. an� BIIC\K Next to Methodist JACKSONVILLE Church FLORIDA \ -One Block From Tobacco Farll ��,._ . l.plelDents 1 WH,OLESALE C.ftYlnl",tly 10Clt.eI the Wa,rehouses--:- DISTRIBIJ.TOR t�, ! .'In... • .ft ,. dowftiOwn , ...".,.. ... STIDEB�KER .., tll,bld. Evcry '00. In ."lIkit roo. COME TO OUR'LOT AND (no court) wllh prl.... MItt', clrcul.lln, fin Iftel �.CI Ice wlter, ;,"io, ".cllft, V I.",p. Suit.. of p.dor, .ritl EXAMINE OUR �UES SystelDs ,"cI,oo"! �It,eri ",th. Sup"lor cub'''' ""' ,,,,Ic. In Th. P.llo Grill .nd Th. Rend'l,oul. DODGE .T'RICKS· lOur Lobh, D'nln. Roolln, I Lolln,., BIt ..ty P"lo" ILrMr Shop Siale••oro, } Georgia G. .� � r ...... et' \. ,OOM. If' •.., '. .. '. •. " .nd ,II public CCHII,&ctit, ' __. ' • . ,. - ' �� - . '" ••• It... he" Alpliaices oIioion.d. Moo. oI.ur �,' ' t .. , .it . Gu... Roo•••,. COft_ I" , , "l&: lacli.ldu.U" .J' ' 'L;B.'·�I··,E�·.D I R .. •••,,0 ... .Jr DO .. f M [1-:!i'Nl�:'� 1iMfI ,...clrculetio fro", '. 0:01, • I OM ,utt' fOOM'O .ft.,. Thl, "., ...... "..,..",.�lt -" 1c.....,Tli'i:to�- I · Drl" "..,-....-...r. I... th". - Hot.1 Roo,,,.1t ,G".,., .�Icf.tT...... "-;. SlyvaDia,,�. 1 ; ...1ICIIy ...... 4.itII_L...,. • I' ..,. ( '�'OotoI.. _.N.C� Cirelli'.. Ice W.", DD r � 'I·I T::�:::: ·�2 UP ,0, R L ' R 1",1"" II I, I 1939. Thursday. July 20, THE BlJU..OCS BERAW ''The First News In The ''The First CoWtefe News In The Co�ty" Fourth Dimenlion Oace Com)ete .County" J)odge Inltrumen'll Sub-Assembled An Aid to SpirituaUltl Over 5,000' Mules And 1'h� term. rourth dlmenllQll. 11 ..... ' plalued III Webster by .ay n, th.., physical "puce Is lomf-tim.. re- Horses ,Prouide • Power warded.•• In the theory 01 rt-I.U,·_ Ily. ft. conslsling 01 the urdln..y • For D. C. three-spatial dimension.. plus BuliOch Fanns r'. WASlDNGTON. Polntlng, out that � JUeo Is • f"urlh dlmenalon, Ume••nd II th�" consumer 01 More 5,000 mulea eotton products from the arid that known al a "space-Ume conllnUII"" than.:. head.of, than those that did riot receive this 'Iwae �. and horsel on Bulloch &land hu • bmunon With the In thll conUnuum. eaeb point, \'tl)' County supplement." �the problem deep SoUth reaultlng resented fanna. 81 revealed the \trom 01 by four co-ordl"al••• _ by Bureau Feeds application the wBQe-hour law to the DeedleWlll'k 'iJIduI. of widely used In the South. cordi an event or h'Ppenlnl: • lin.. Census. provide mOlt of the Senator Walter of with meal. cake and In F.'George Georgia. In'a'speciallntervJew. the interval, life. or hl.lor1 power with which hulls. work jtry. "'jthe leadlne crops stock. rations '011 Puerto IUcui atraln. evenl: and an are•• the hlllar,. bt. " 'are Includl: to!Jay ui'Ied CoJI8NII to take to I�_"I proc!uced. Because of the fm­ IlteJII lerlel 01 evenll. 01 " Oa�An excellent work stock remedy the eerloua of ' Expl.n.UQI\I portance of economical, UIII!IIIployment problem the Island. the fOllrth dlmenllon be fQlllld power In ' rna), • feed.,so Widely used that they of. In�dor, Department Dfflclilt ....ntly' reported that reducing crop production epproxtm,tely In luch workl.1 ''Tertlum OTt.n· COBts, len tire .the ltandard 42 per oent of the of the I with which �u1aUOb IlIaad Ia or urn" by "b- R or R • cI' increasing attention Is ;tiller lac . 01 Ouspenlk)'.,who _ Roofs being, given Oft .pal' .p other feeds are compared. tlspendent unemployed peno.... whUe lb. c-eree lenllon In to proper care of Department' , Ume II e"I'OIlon Into un- work stock. that Puerto ' reported RlCBD pllrch.... of cotton D 'I 7.1 .1 �. Corn-The for producll from the known spaee .nd lbererore Ume I, �.. "Look at leading 'grain work II, the fanner who takes ,naInlanel dropped from �0@5 ,In U_ployed. 11137 to � �..-q c:lUI. In 1... " Ibe fourlb dlmeOllon 01 .pe.... : stock. exceilent for feeding on the f14,l533,1ZI I care � 'good of, ltta horses and .. Fedefat offIclall III .h..... of Ibe .laci In ''The Fourlb Dlmenaloo S\m. mme ear. shellOd 'or .. and lP'ound. Hominy ator you wID find a farmer who Is lalaacl IaIttaed befo.. the olin pointed out that Wage-Hou. ·ply Explained." b)' N.nninl. Ibl. your roof needs repairing or better feed. a com protIuct, Is In replacing, succesaful In his equal and 11_ Administrator Andrewl hIS being a eoUecUon of ••••)'. lubmlt· It done before bad work. his home Waya Cor:,mltlea tha� recog. IF,have weather sets in, One feeding value to com. nlZed ted In • and his t h 11 condltlon th.t .ppllcaUon of, the Sclentilic American pria. leak can esuse a lot of community life." Wayne Grain law. : damage-frequently far SOl1l:hwns hili Phln·. Barley­ ftIUlted Ir a m acrloully reduced eompetltloa. '''I'M &even more than tile cost of Dinsmore, Secretary of the Horse '\I'd employment repairs. , In, value In lloUie. of Science" 1l.1I Ibe fourlb and Mule Auoclatlon Comparable to oats Dr the d._tic 1I1lII" t"at Induatey In the bland, anel a new IIf' Ameri­ : dlmenllon Wu.. Should roof be let us com. best said he I. .monl paradoxel, needed, ,lye ca. recently commented. they give results when QUOta, U II d e r Itronlly In f.vor of ex· .Ion•• Thl. writer •• you a free estimate on or and'marvell. y. Carey Shingles ground and fed with 15 per cent. I wlalcb Cuba ot emptlnl It. Roll Because cotton II (he , ,that Ibe arsl hint of III �1.I.nee Roofings. We carry a wide variety, 80 leading wheat bran to "We of th. " Increase bulkiness an allotmen,t lat Bouth are natui'aollJ,t, wal a pllrely mathematical one but can choose the type best cro� ,produced with horses and of the In.. VO,\ adapted t� ration. tim... re.tod hi the Puerlo Rican. be- thai It wa. lelzed • cer· vour need•• mules In RUSHING upon b1 Backed by'60 years Georgia and the South. cauae of their HOTEL A., In the orelCpen. Wheat Bran-A favorite mOI\three rolatlvel7 large pur- MI� wb-uaembly prodoc:tiDa 01 Dod,. Lomry Lbwa Ie the In_rument 'fain branch of iii. tr.naeendental· Roofs cost It Is with paneJ ence. Carey no more, and fortunate that cotton, Itself. chile. of - with it. many electrical.unite and often a co, cotton ,good.. Benalor 36 ROOMS OF wire., IncllcatorL The nimbI. hand. of women workers com. 11.11. clo••I,. allied to lb••plrllll.l. horsemen. added to ratlona. �art ar�. at! SOLID COMFORT frequently less. than untested maten"ale. provides two of the most econom­ George laid. '''But Into play In this Inter..tina: isll. iand WII exploited b,. Ibem •• In small amounta. for bulklnelS. reduetloll of more Ib.n that, _ manuf-;turiDI p!laie, That's why we Bell them. Ical and effiCient work stock are , a ••lbl. feeds II D Interelted In Ibem becaUM po explan.tlon of 10m. curl· Especially valuable. becauae laxa­ wurl d. r the, TWO CIOOI dlIdaa ,_., 000cJ ·...cOttoMeed meal and are food. properly _ked autl OUI and and hulls­ tile tnd. ""'erk..n eltlan&. The ItImML ,Y.. m,..lerloua phenomena WALTER ALDRED tive. for pregnant mares...... IlIaad pIeuaa&ly WIll !IIIJor .... IAvory meaIa and ' IlIle feall' COMPANY which are Widely used with at Puerto Rico I .. comfort. _Una exhibited ' I .., e.rt.ln' along horses and col .. ell t pfOll'llllo •• Posloilion of ' Indl�n W. tao : .nd MaID St. Ga. lP'alna and lh. , deVOteel. ' ' United European , and , • Statesboro. roughages. and Btata.. III Cattle I , Ie appllC!l- people W Production RoUKh Rlee-Glves 1Ia.a- and 80eIal Kood Ihould ...... Increases 'I1Irough Experiment Station and results, , receive ...... , U aDO .very conllderatloD See .. • when t t h...... Georp ..... belon Jou arrup J'" _n ground and limited to one­ from ' puIJ. The AJnIerican have come ColleKe' Reaearch,' cottonseed meal law to Con,..... e.peel.lI,. 10 .In.. people third of the wage-hou. the IlIaad·. FIlii and hulls ration. Fry rear of HoW ' have been estab­ Ihey h.v. no voUng ,rep.... WetlDMdaJ Bad In to real.. that If the firmly needlework ntatlon We _ lIa&utlai Bulloch fertility of Rice Indualry. - flIh tllnet to This as Bran-Desirable when ,In ...... from County Year Ilshed .tandard horse and mule feed. Congre... NorIoIII,: V ." our soil fann 'Benetor thAt puldDI apace, __ aa. .... f...... or declines, Income wID feeds. used as Oeorae 'pointed out. brIaa' y. yov hleftda. Evidence of tl,lt! marked Increase eflclent and balanced In Typical comments in the following recom· Commenting on the rationa, aiso are In reaulting the Soulb hu • unemploy. \ Interchangeable dairy decline, and the towns and cities deep direct Inler. ment In Interest In cattle from Southern' research mendatlon of a Southern planter: problem of Ihe bland . feeding arilln; dependIng upon their cost and a­ are will feel the e.t In application of the P�UCtiOD feeding. They Wlually deallne In lack of are: 300 wage-hour from tho draltlc Visit clll8l�led Ibs. com 200 1m. rice IUler Bena• Qu, Coffee tills chops; ,law to quo� Shop throlllhOut RCtion Is furnlsh- vailabUlty. are: Com as: bualneu. the Ialand,'1 needlework. tor ineal. ground Low-proteIn, roughages. hlah- bran; and 100 1m, cottOMeed meal George ..Id h. Ibat " Georllia Colloge of .Inee ed by CenaUII fllures that threshed protein and Agriculture: _ women, parUcularl1 In Puerto PrIces showing grain sorghums, l1'Ound rolllhagel. Cane Molal8t!l-Often the mOBt Rico'. quota IhOllld be lib­ Popular Telephone 419 medlum-, I.un-ere...... th'- (corn) la the aoIe lh. mountaln ... BullDch County has more than a mixture of and low. tlonl of the Bouth. erallzed. and 18.- Dr rolled protein, high II economical source 0 f Ihot If ne...l.ery the barley. hominy feed. It wID car�hY. who earned 000 head of beef and MOBt �ncentrate. usually !le pro- formerly money making dl1!"..n... dairy cattle, Important low-protein rolllh­ drates and should be token trom Ih. ground wheat, ground rice �����=�������������������������������;\ fltable to add Dr -may, replace, half of rouKh two pounds hand-worked' bedlpread.. have compared with only five ages In the South Include: been quolaa now granled to 7.500 Dr brewen rice. About to Silage. the In work stock ratlona, foreign coun. one-fifth of ,onemeal to the grain thrown out of work u RUSHING ....ull of HOTEL· years earlier. grain IrieL "Puerto, one·fourth more sorghum fodder. cottonseed cot�.onseed It Is to RIco really II • of the following raUon. dallY, equal wni In value when of IhI part Throughout the hulli. cane and appllcatlon wage-hour law of Ihe United Btatel 120 s. Main St. South, flguretl bulkier feeds should be hay. Johnaon,grll8. used to of the .nd ahould be used when replace patt grain, to Valli Ind tey. The Sen· show that f.annerII are Bennuda. and other Mlsslallppl E;xeperlment Statlon: .... Georllia treated u IU/'�." he laid. turninK to are IUmtltuted In pararle 1P'8SS and Is used with cotton­ they the ration: "One of frequently dairy and beef cattle as source. of hayS. High-protein In­ pound cottonseed cake or Ground ear corn wit h' rolllhages seed meul and hulls. which an shuck. meal was In are Ye&l'-round Ineome and meana of clude: Alfalfa. equal.' feed value. to ground' lP'alh sorghum headl and peavlne. peanut, excellent carrier. arid approxlmalely two pounds of shel· effiCiently marketlna their own com and cob meal. lOybean. letpedeza other le­ All all work stock feeders led and "To know. farm III'tIIM and and the IIIJIIt! ha;ya. LIVESTO,CK com". self feed cotton rouKhages Excellent feeds that &lve best Kood peatures and lepme and non. cottoMeed feed seed cake or ,meal and, .hand feed, pnlducts produced retlults when are, they make up one­ a 'legume rouahqes, _ntlall OD their cottoa _ limited amount of COBtller JP'8ln fourth to one-thIrd of for economic.�! and efficient the total Ia a feed. In dairying. It Is 1m. good practlce." especially ration are: Ground oats, wheat YOUR ;'SHIP, ww. Ing of horses mules, portant to know the 'I' a x a s a� advantages bran. rice bran, dried cll11Wl ExperIment' Station: and peel COME IN" Sooner limitations of feedl. and their ''Marea fed two and pulp. and alfalfa meal or other poundl of cotton· �n exhibit showing how the U, relative values. A wIde of B, the Aiol'eI seed variety good-quallty hays finely ground, NewIpa� meal were KocId sucklera and S,,}ost otrlce department handles aatisfactory feeds are available In raised These may' be used ADVERTISING vigoroua, healthy f 0 a Is . parcel post Ihlpments of chicks South for Interchange­ thp dairymen to chose ably Int� mixtures. Young mulel and colts "fed meal will be one of the the many dlsplays combinations which are most from Many hays and other roughall'!8 weanlnK time seemed to de­ a t the seventh World's Poulll'y Velop faster; shed earlier, and Congress In Cleveland this Bum­ weighed more at one yell' ,of ,age mer"


, ' Sell Your Every Wednesday laTbeYear,


NOW IS TUE �... lIo.


Y,OUR HOME••• REPAIR YC>UR, STATESBORO .. .. tOBACCO. Barns , Fences I , , ,- OuthoU$es.. Farm, MARKET ,. House�.. Roofs...... •

, , For Ice And Refrigerati'on See Us' BeFore You ·Buy We Hive A Complete Line, See OF Builders Supplies Sell YOUf ) Hogs And Cattle On The WE SPECIALIZe. IN ROOFING

_ STATESBORO :/�...... �.% Let Us You An. Estim.te o':�.:..� I Bigge'5t And Best ' Market In The PBOVISION'eo. \ Soulb_,r � Statesboro • Or..klet Portal 'Livestock Commission F. �. Parker, Sr. Company "liunday, July 20, 1989. THE BULLOCH HERALD "The First Complete News In The County" .

. mites are flock. 18rIoWl. flock on fre ranp. Sodlum.fluorlde duetlon of Ioll-depletlrig.-surplus -- stili remains the Wallace Dedicates . belt for and Instead othe Secretary Refuge POILTIY rips remedy cropa encourages Cull Bny that are slow In lice. of useful soil· pullets production socially. I or I1'Owth appear runty or rag.' building crope. By ArtII.. ou... ged. It does not pay to feed the Here at Athens brown millet . top ExtauioD POIII*",-D. runts. and have been found to be cowpeas Legumes possess the ability to the best July Is a good 11)0nth to �gln Th� secret of keeping -the hen' green crope for summer take nltrogen out. of the IIIr and the The house . culling layeri. hen. that free from mites Is to grazing. , fix It the soil as not. . In. plant food.

, start In or let them· molting July. quit ·Iay· get started. U any are , olfIce.aiicl'pve"hbIa·4I111t N.... tile Ing. might well be sent to the present. cliian and treat until ev- This Is coccidiosis tim". so do For the problem of soli censer- ' market. mite Is not encourage an outbreak al- . Pry single destro"ed. After by the farmer' In Bea�c )�- .'�' ':'::�.: vatlon, the-AAAJlaa ':", ta that It Is lowing wet to remain In the - usually necessary to spots > , lii0i1 ., tile t6IIaoco .... payments for soll-conservlng prae- 'WIIJIe or Don't morethan 500 paint the roosts with' some yards around he waterers. " place young good tlces, as well as acreage allotments mite chickens to acre on remedy once a . 01 tlie and only year. . n 'r., range, which help him to lessen waste of ':'PrQC)uctiori I G.orsi. 200 would be Farm r e 8 ' ·::tey.� . much better. B I I soU and labor In ,. useless' overpro- . Just as front : there Is no excuse for duction. . Continued (rom Section 2, pap" One main oBI t our National "\l�:'t\� . In the -- ::-.- . An Ideal locatlon for a having bedbugs house. there range Pro balanced the �otlon stage and has set- After. few ,_., - !!haftIed IIDt Is no ,FBJ;m !n sUII 18 I th(�,,.., excuse for a � �_'� shelter Is a pecan I1'Ove. Another chicken house under not 't as It has been for Turning legumes only tled down to a and sound __tiona to a 3-10.'" to be Infested with mites. abundance� steady "',"'�;varI�air04_',� location for the shelters Is adds food to the ' good • plant soU but the J the 'lli8t 6 ei!.. .lI atate: all the tJlIzer. and DOW our eJqierlmenti ...... -. '" In the shade of' trees the matter progressive DurIng llllta� t',VIIUI�'!I_F.: along , .' _" ,,' " BJIOfIJ!l,.ll!Jd, . . ,y org�nlc. hpl.ds. on of our IIOIla cNwlJilaI,p1jJe·tMII"tarI � of a com As ups and downs. and the that me.n,. '" . weU edge field. mentioned, the soil moisture and soil prom9,tlon, '.' .. 1, .. ',; previously. Improves �cate ette.. . Keeping vegetables In the refrlg. a-3-1()'10 fertilizer II the moat �s. mite remedies are wood tilth. efforts were pro- ."':" pres- era ballyhooing. being t't ""I"",! .1, ,1" ,��tl' tor or a . cold . very pantry helps . fitablit...... Be sure to provide the ervalles and termite remedies of . __ tt..-.....teat WIInaIid .n.r I1'Owlng that to cut by COllep Acrlcul· - 'down Vitamin loss In stor­ . .,.' stock with and soak into the wood and "made th� ',' 'I , 'thI!"Wartlr·Wu wu � grit oyster shell.,- stay there. . age. ture, Extension �rlvce. the Uni- The T1iton the "hen size" Is best. (Grit will such as carbollneum. carbo soda, 8tall!*' � .deve� .':aM 'b�tIr typIii ,.' , of con- , veraity. and the Coutal Plains e.d a vet')' efefcttl� method not be necessary If the soil Is anthracene 011, tar ere- .... e\te .'lIIIOking•. .' pine ,0U, The . :"lI legumes help maintain the ."...... Station' to direct "iIl..,�tlI!\� , ' _0.1' the blue rocky.) osote, and gas tar 011. E"1'"rlment tl)e tnIIlIna IIIIICh �aded �uctlon ...... ' �!!��.�.. fertility of the soil and reduce the farmera'in methods of to- mold {.:.. -- Or•• U.. I1'Owing / dIaftM·'' whld?'�' .. v#Ie� cost of, feeding ....18·· bacco them • livestock, particu .. 1 Which would enable , of .. of . Mites are no problem with com- Lice are tobacco Man)' �. � , The ....ld mpre of a to cows. -----, For tile tlra� lew yean _ two-mlDthB fox pap aeaWIII la tbe .rm. of Den,y A, Wallaco. problem larly dairy to derive �r mercial ... _. ireate,t returns.' that ._n wllen".tIie'IftdUI.' b ••• as know the ,�-.",=...... the 01 "u .. poult-men they poultryman••••. who "" secrel.ry .,..Icallare. 'be II , aDlmal ,. be bora ., the PaIWl' keeps large • tobacco culture started In Geor. M'"_ .... " ' '.,,"" ,.. i how _' was flrat started have • . to try dlsap- eDI reaearcb ·rela,e Dtar Bowie. Md. ThI•• .. tbe w.r.. lint keep tlje premiael free of flocks in seml·confinement to of I tobacco II relu,e •• thaD The conservation an4 'adjust· ./0. very 8!lt experl· tobacco warehousemen Were Georgia OI'GP I�! COLLEGE PHABMACl" .elabOrate, gla•. wlldlile experlnieDt .t.'IOD...... we. dedleated them. but with the average farm the farmer peared. ' neUoD.' receDtly b,. W.I· with a small home ment program avoids needless was l88t up at. the Coutal, sold without Into undo.· Ar- lace. (.ell: Dr, Ira NI eblef of pro- Pbo_ 414-41. ,ments ltll acI1 otIlel'. for b_ tYing G.brleJan. the V. 8. .ur... . 1I1".,"'al ,.. � -In• .. Plain 'Statlon In 1921. .., and both it ae..tor Kef PlUm.a 01 N...... r"bt. I: Experlnient r:...."'·�n':.r -to obllp�- u.i ..,.�': �e' guments dilcull1onl. by �������������������======���====�=��=������=�i;; These toba� were to sen their tobaccio ,,_0 of . experiments- growel'll a� representatlvea manuf'�turel'll ._���""'_ , , 'a,_,r�b...... _ .._,..... 01 'IIIe· In cooperation with the Collep, of th:elr warehOUia. the ware'-- brIIht PrIor U well '" growera. over � prob­ AgrIculture. and the United Statel turnIahe4 the IInlIM'S tobac- n�,�:' .to , ..'.' the WQrld WU. illllDltthlna ,like lem of tylnl have tak.n place Office of Tobacco co ieed '. free" . " ·lnveltlgatlons ... "" .1" I, r H IIxtftII bDllctia ctlPi'ettM 'were from time to time durll!l'the lut , • I .. W...-1"... - ...... ; ,_...... - ..... - --_ .. ..._...... _, . ed from time and .:. -:'.:::.::.t::'"..:' OUR �o t""e. houaemen would furnish fannel'll ed with about _ hundred From the growei'll' ltandpol"t, J or- �d ,. ROOTS a source of sound ' .furnished ::ve labor :� �...... • With ieed of u u a lINin Ibdy.five bU1lon lor It II a matter of time and \ a.n)' ctlpNttea I _...... • , matlon regarding �bacco � from the li8liiii bq. U 113Ti or ..... than l200 ctlpNttel requlred. and the conflict of th_ .,... fertlJlz:con �tlH '. , ARE IN .... THE era. varletles. rotation. disease ' � LANDI •. vv I. •• D fanner came In IIId AId he per man Woman IIId aIIIId _tal with other cropa and en�. I, ")"''' .":': , etc. trol. It II the �MiI..' Wanted Yen.,., �. the _ t,y. Plug to'- dropped from With the THERE Is a and one, manufacture�. - dignity Importance In the work of the We started In Georgia using 1.· houaeman went baiiJt to the bI!I hllildnd and'� mWIon � queltlon of beln. ,able to pt thll, He the oldest and 000 acre of what' was him Red of that mlWoll the tobacco In where II farmer� follo,ws most basic of all industries. P9�ds.• per lind gave ;.YIl'Ie�, '" 'allcty poUJIdI ,� �,form . th�rebUt He known under the old formula u If another farmtr came III ...... perIoIL ,'. the least. a�ount of wute. stands as' a symbol of for the security, though Invest­ an S:3-3 fertilizer. the fertilizer aald he wanted Aunt Nancy'I Beat, '" '1'obac;co have this would lengthenillg 'meuts fall, the �Ing' J»I!ntl ,require may regular rotation of seedtime and harvest most commonly used In the Caro- the wareh�n wen,t, back to � ..ta� at, TIf.ton. Doll· market period. hence ,the qU,;"tlon continues. ms Is the most at that time. the li8liiii the of and In our remains unsettled. tangible of aU returas-food...... d / Una's aM. Virginia bq In, � tile .... V�ta. opinion, . the'most powerful. .' Welconle . .; It Is our function to aid him In directing this power so that It may be dlver.ted Into �e most fruitful c"_"_ls, not : \ ·to but Tobacco Men only .hbDseU,·� co....W.. ,Qur. w.,de faclUtle8' and will him to experleuce help develop his bU8ln�for It Is a, business. '

'" e Have The Finest Line of Liquors In Statesboro


See Us For Your

Fav0l1te Brand

. REX'S Package SHop

" /U:W: Main St. Phone 430 ,.

,When you sen Tobac(o on . YOllr , The Statesboro Market) HunJretI, 01 Thou'lInJ, 01 Tim.. ... '. Elldh Yu, D,. Mil., Nervine,GooJ You are to make our " When you are wakefUl, jumpy. in t('lr several I centuries. leon'. for b., onI)' .tarted th. con. growing in this section is the dis· In lU5, the Cru.ade.. captured .tru.Uan. II w.. compleled under astrous In 1928 experience gained Majorca, and many pieces ot the th. rellll or KIn. Loul. PhWppe .t and when a of poller, found 1929, high yield Ihlr wa, 10 11aJ.y.· •. coal 01 48,225.515 franc. or .po The Italian. poor grade tobacco Improved the ware to �,300.000. brought t�ls. ·proxlm.leI)' . luch an county to tl)e brink of financial extent that lome very fine Th. Arc I. 110 teet hI,h, with all example. of painted and .ctual .rcb or H It destruction., The memory of thpse enameled .,ace teet: I. with a IUsler Is pottery ftnlsh Were 1'1 wide and 11'>II teel thick. years constantly before the made in Iialy, The decorallon. There .re ,273' to the summit and were .tepr growers, though' the most of painted on the enameled ground' which are leldom used now as the them would like to double their .ometlmel betore II w,," IIred and Are wa. equipped with an elevalor sometime. acreage, they are afraid of the afler, The earlier and' live )'e.r. alO, Back In 1888, when more price that result, decorative piece. were palnt- : there wal no elevator, 81 postman ed on wou�. Ihe unfired ground I named Francois made a which abo I Slry record Best of tobacco are se. sorbed the grades colors, much at their cUmb, a.cendln, three steps at a cured wlthl a 'richness ' mInimum amount of being due to the�colors hav- tlmo In 91 seconds. He wa. tailor fertilizer to the acre, high Ing lURk below the ',round .urtace. than the modern eleva lor whlcb though SCENE 'ON TOBACCO WAREHOUSE FLOOR Majollca retaln.d I yields can be secured with 1,000 III purity of the a.cent In three minutes. medieval I .Iyle .nd desl,n untll the and 1,200 Ibs, to the acre. ' ,The Fifteenth century. quality sought by the manufactur. In both cases the amounts of Trip 10 the MOOD er seems to be In the hea. plant food applied per- acre would mISsing It was once thought that our In· acre. be aproxlmately the IBme as under vy yield!! per "Wan 01 the Rue. lernal organs would cause troubl. The Wars at ; the old syBtem at Certain· Ute , ROles were a I.. on rooket-lrlp. to the moon and labeling. PIcture. on this page show tlte rles of civil these not be as wa.. In England be- Mar•. because nothing would have Iy changes would 'culture of tobacco from Iween I I seed bed the rival "eules ot York and "wel,hl." Completely removed dangerous as making the old for· to auction market whe.. It Is Lancaster In the �he laller bait 01 the' from the earth'I gravltatlon.1 .1- mulas up ,10 3 percent "nltrogen to Fifteenth be sold' to the tobacco com. century. They were .0 traclion • tureen 01 .oup, tor In· ' and the of lowerlng named running �k for because Ihe ot Lan. would nol fan 10 Ihe ftoor if panles further ptQCesslng. bad;e .tance, the 11 af the Geo ID b caster was ty r& crop y I a red and Ihe band. were but '!l1a, rQ&�, that of released. .Ia,., 1000 York a excessive- nltroKen with the Every year there Is Bome agita' wal wbite ro.e. The HoUle; In midair. Hearts would pound of Lanca.ler had aere or de· tion from the viclrdty of Valdosta obtained the throne : violently, II 10 U', and pound per apPneatlon. of En,l.nd In 13811. flclent or ap­ for a market openIng some week When Heney. .tran,e dlslurbancel would manif••t pbOlPhoru& potash V died, lie left ·.1 ! or ten heir a child nIn. themlelvel In the Intestinal tr.ol, pllcatlbn with an IJOO.pound per , days earlier.than It ,usually months old who proved both William 1', the lIrlt- • . Bu' at pbysl. ' Temple acre opens. Whether thlB move is for application cally an� mentally unlit. Under the.e lab Inler.planetBry .ocletr I. .. the. purpose of trying to "a Injure clrcumslances, Richard, duke of .urill.. "D1gesUve proees.e..ra It Is recotrniZed ,that 311 pounc!I the tobacco culture in thIs section York, ClaImed the . throne, Th. wars mUicuiar and nolll'avitational,' be of nitrogen Is profitable 'OIl nwn· of the state or for with the the -purpose of end� deteat and death of wrlle. In The LI.tener. "Oth_I.. erous' aolla. but It Ia entirelY paul. the Richard III al would impres.lng importal)CO of the Bo.wo'rth, August 22, I bedridden invalids .ta". that 30 of 1485, and the ble pounds nltroph per Valdosta area no one has luccesslon of to death," JUlt to be an the·.ata been able Henry! acre 81 a _/ VII, repre••ntln, the house ot •. .ide be would rotale blBnket,l'eCclI1\IIICIldatJon to detennlne, for growen allover Lan thelhlp .Iow:,,; caster, may cauae bte JMVU--'uctJon of a con" whose marriage with a force would the the would much York-; Centrifugal live ,!ren prefer to Ish siderable amount of a princes., unlled the confllcUng! p••••n'ers .n artillcial wel,bl, ID. poor quality liave ' all theIr curing out of the Inleresl•. di.Ungul.hable from ,r.vltr. tobacco, In any case, If 30 poundl way Iobacco and. graded and In, of nitrogen needed, tba extra packing "hoU1lCll for be­ thlr'ty days phosphollUll and JlQtuh con�alned fore on the market. Croen.· MID.. ..•• placing This acre a 3-1()' , in 1000 .pounds per of 3().day would enable all to. Turkey reportS the discover, of perIod 10 will do no and Bhould be mlWOII. harm. bacco packed Into the'same sheet the .old mines ot, beneficial • •Ir. king of Lydia In the Sixth ••• io show' it. true -qualities, and If tur:r B. C, The rlchell ftnd. are .t It is forced on the In mar-ket . formulating the sug,ested tii!fore�I"I����������� Sart, clole under th. -ruin. oi it 18 ready, the grower is fertilizers, It Is only �ever Sardes. capital of the Lydian em· high analysis able to cost ·of secure what he believes is plre. Croesul Is reputed to b... logical that tlte per pound , the true value of his crop. .athered hll tabuioUi wealth from plant food to the grower can be , the ,olden .ands 01 the PactolUl, reduced by a greater economy In . i Other agitatlons from time , to .tream which 1I0w. • through the per unit manufacturing cost. time are fpr the marketing of tied Sarde. and Into the HermUi (0edIa)

j , • tobacco. Experiences of growers river. Under CroelU., L)'dI. .... In aU cases the present recom· . here who , from a .mall kingdom 10 • powerful have had to market on mendatlon� regarding magnesium. Nou••wlve. A...... tI· .nd D."elt,... .y .U Asi. Minor. Th. "tied tobacco markets" show that empire ruIInI chlorine and calcium should be In. were .ilppo.edI)' th. lint Ihis method does not L,dlan. In new fonnulas the ex. any ' bring to and to corporated people coin mane, utabo , tra money that the proponents of that are de""!._�,,,,., -==-====:::::o!! IIab a .ystem ot eurrenc,. ArC� IT·EWaaT-WaRIER . DUAL·TEMP the method claim. Many have tried 010,1.11 tound .ome ot thi,-ii8O!I ._ -I Aboul experimental marketing of tobac. Ihe P.�am. Canal ; trum collll .truck olr In ADD GEORGIA PEACHES • 1 Her.'. a that'. mold The canal � refrillerator With: AUlllldlIled air'lfor co, taking a part from the bam works and other lm- minI. Eleelrum, a natlv. aDOJ' 01 TO YOUR PANTRY FOR p�ovements In the 1 eaJUiDll a 8JIWIbl9 new and having It tied for Canal Zone are ,old and .Uver. was mined Oft th.' WINTER USE ._H�.v:.ry-.,h.�., fruh fooc:b-� ,� arketlng the . P�Opcl'ly of Ihe Unled banks ot the Paciolul. amonll houaewh_�hod-.ncl StidlIHr iD which bacteria : in North Carolina and the Slates: Ray selling government. In n I loose strictly technicali� Let us encourage the use of the Becauae it mak.. and mold can't live-and 2'20· leavp,s on the Georgia mar-k. sen.c, Ihe United only Siaies did not ac.: them ets, Th� most of them claim quire t1lle 10 Geor-gia peaches by using any ever air for froUD they any lerrltory In Pan.' 810ne .f D...IIIII: ",efrillerator you've be1ow·freeziDll ama by the Cresh when In season and canning ' barely got enough extra' to pay for Isthmian treaty of 190:t..: The Stone of Deslln:r or Lla Fall seen ordin�-brinll. to tli. foocla, apIlCle for hUO'e quantitiea the labor of It obtamed a them for wlnter-'use, Every Georgia tying; nothing for perpetual right ot occu- � ot Ireland (the Scone Iione In Seal­ home for the Unt time the oficecube andfro..nd....n.. Use t .. the extra pation, and cent-rol Over home should be supplied with trouble they go to. As / the land land) II the .tone which torm. part kind of the zone. For this coronation cbalr. home canned from Geor· improUd �geration, long as this is so, the agitation for withi.n priVilege ot the BrlUab peaches Yet thia remarkabJe Stew.rl:" It paId $10,000,000 u.ed and tied markets In oulrlght, and pays Iriab kln,l were once Inltaned upon gia orchards, The flavor of the by luxury lin.n to own-eolia : Georgia will cameo a of $250,000 Warner ill _y re�lal annually .11, then II wa. removed 10 Seolland Is unexecelled. For famoUi I to nothing, the life of during Georgia peach h:otelal the treaty, used It tor their amazinllly little 'to operate, and Scottish kings canning, the Elberta and Hale var· All is not , coronaU.)n ceremonl,l' Edward I TbisDual.. in- .. a demoDStration ;._ ", goldcn harvest for etles are considered best, how· TempSt_Ut·Warner Gome : olr tci,l:dhdoD In 1297. t bed It .a'.'\ed � tolJltcco ·growers;., tories .. an , of ," No'!-Smoker. In � eve!'; good, fum, riPl! Georgia ke�. Dy pr�. College Thi,duUA, or tradlUon a�.cbed 10 ��new.�Stewart.,!�' success ' big cfrcul er .. idly, but . 8)'th eounqr fmn neilhbora ltart· -the name has and Smith·. communlqr � to. bIQt �ood '��I QUAi.ITY I. , ed IOIIIethlne alonl the aame line. �$��� ioe bushel8 of cot In been Klq'1 J'm'iImVed � ldec:led DEPENDABDATY�r That early effort to have. tha ·ton wouJd'!' 1IJIftOUDCed .... - .., from T.IJ. KiI!C of Richmond, w.' SmIth community plant only one ." be can "JQake �o.. � Va., paylnl 'I per buhe!, and put �.,.� i"'1'i�' and' stick to .It made. head· ,. ... , t. leave'lila s--nt ..-IUoG.M ,variety Smith'. plai, tn' "",,, way until 1905 when Interest faded oPeration. In hla _ post, Tharin will and the venture colluped. , The first the .. fnr :years Improv- serve as an uilata..t 10 L 'w. IluI­ .The Jaekel ar­ S. lost ed cotton was pooled and cold for Boiei�1� and e:very But J. Smith never the , Sellillg guaranteelng Ian.. dln!c:tor of the TrIple.A" vision and hIS BOn, A. C, a the staple 8TATB8BOBO, GAo dlvllion, Nine states. toda)' premium, althoUCh a as as H. Ala· ticle, in stock extensive W, �o"them Smith Is calT)'lnl on what the 77- measured 7-8 to 15-18 ·lnch barna, �. FlOl'Ida. GeQrcIa. only Genuine Southern Is year 10<1 veteran of many a cotton Hoapltallty something that not Loul.1ana, Ok home. the farmen became Indlf· , is a undertaken by M1IiIIssIppi. Finally cannot SMITH'S practice season foresaw at the turn of the be described, but Is felt at the South carauii and Texas make to us- Imiiledlately ferent and went back their and the all But we have a the dlvIIlaa. centucy. laeckel, puts stranger at once at his ease. jewelers! reputation up ual custom of experimenting with The Smith, a al JACK .BURNEY, to maintain, a TWEN­ younler f�r other varieties. Smith's ene-varl- Operator reputation fo�ded his father, operates 7l one·varlety 1o',;; = = = etl' venture was abandoned. ....;;;;;;= ;lI un­ He and hla pow TY YEARS AGO •.. so our original lin. nellhoor Stoneville 2·B, an Improved var- In 1931, the Georgia of of cotton. qualified guarantee quallty pn!\'8lis !ety quality ral Extenalon Service, throuch . AgrIcultu-I�:=��������==�������������������������������=:,. One - varlecy communities are' 'county acentl, and In cooperation today ••.• around een- In· usually organized lin with the U. S..B)JI'eau of Plant or centen ters, ·seed.produelnl dusll')" and thte eGoraia Expert­ where large 'areas or planted to Its ment Station launched an oraan­ statesboro Is beginning one kind of Improved colton. The . I for the �lev_tll Iz.d camp" gil , development federal government, In coopera- tobaeeo season. In tlon with the Georgia Acrlcultural 0 f one·varlety communities 'ARMERS. Extension Service. and the Georala Georlla. Lut year, there were In 79 Station, encourages one-variety communities 1� . . Experiment 159 Several ne:, WHEN IN' STATESBORO-VISIT' the orlanlzatlon of one.varlety state's collllt\el. I .'." communities by maklnc available communities have been added thll STORE TIlE II. lV. SMITH JEWELRY \. to producers dally market news year. ;'" reports and free classing of cotton Included In thla croup Ia the an.t you find,a complete as to and �ll crade staple. for which the :vouncer .. 'comnwnlty ' STORE Smith Ia the f, "'JEWELRY '. I, But when the elder Smith decld. ctnner. \ � eel to Il')" out hla one-varlecy plan In cotton I In spite of hla Interest , . 37 yean he had hla own 810 only a from .. . S. J. SmI� Ia lonl wa:v 1, and ,�:�:.;_! experience Ingenulcy a hla '; f\�,a� to. cuide .. (' \ )lejnl "�ne.-rop:' f�, ,Of' WE I' \.... �.�: him. TOVAY, lOIN \VITB. TIJE IN � "�,'! small farm he .W.u&EHOU8E8, GIVING . '. - )'� comparatively ·tp"'_PC,Q FARMERs'" � ' .. A creat many varltlel of cotton plantl from.15 �to.1IO �P-. of his tIll­ OF TlDS SECTION A H. ,> were In Smith's· com. one-third READ� AND belnl crown proximately DEPENDABLE'MARKm FoR THE. w�

, FO¥ BROTHERS MR. TOBACCO GROWER-We Invlte to come to our IRarket and .... our '1'.... THAT TIIEIR you pect 8TATB-OBORGIA-CAN BEST BE , 8ERVED BY 'THE AOOVIItJLATION AND CON'­ Let us seD your cattle. BE OUR GUEST EACH TUESDAY during the, To�o Marke.. CBNTBATlON,OF rr8 OWN WEALTH. AT HOME GINNERY' �ason, and your are welcome every Tuesday in the year. FOR THE 'uENEPrr OF rr8 OWN PEOPLE. f. Statesboro, Georgi.. _-

When you OWD • SOUTBEJN LD'E contribute . pou."y you, too, to "SERVICE IS' OUR MOT.TOff W� Have Eight GEORGIA'S PROGRESS AND' PROSPERITY Saw Gins ) Eighty

H you live near Claxton, One of the and field men n foDowlna experleDCed capable wiD be Cotton to the�. to brlni your glad teD you about the Southern ute's .ttractlve and un­ usual G�ery.· poDey contracts ••• uid'l'O·jhow-you.,howl the Southern ,·.Life is helping to '''bull,d Georgi", fo� Georgians." A World Instutition I. M. and I. P. FOY, Props. f· f W. H. BURKE, Statesboro: FRANK B.IONES, Savannah AND SERVICE" , "QUALITY C. M. HART, Waycross mos. B. Savannah OUR ·MOTT(i MONROE, Since ·1886 , IS W. R. SALTER, Ha.liira A. B. KIC�Rt Ir., Lyons' \ I, .. B� A. BISHOP, Alma lACK PEARSON Willacoochee We will Appreciate your J' J �atronage Soui:h�rll Lif� '�sur�llce. 'c.9mpallY of Ge�rgia . Home mfice: Atlanta, �Qrgia ' L. 'Moore, . Wiley Chairman, •. D., President, - ':·�D��:r."�M - of �irector8.·"· and Medi Director. i • :Boar� .:�� '1: Yk(�:I!iII.&t4IIi&.. H. Local Statesboro, . WE�:g�LL BU�KE� Agent � 'G�orgia BANK OF STATESBORO BLDG;'

' PHONE . 21 STATESBORO, GA. .. __ ". ..._ .. __ • to-"w-

• >ti•••.• ��� ...... , •••

THE BULLOCH HERALD "The First Complete News In The County" Thal'llday, Jaly 20, 1939, pulp, sliced peel, sugar and raJalna. I cOOk all together very rapIdly un­ til brIght and thIck as JI!m. Add TWo-moONII .. Peaches. 18 'ICanning L&JD nuta 5 mlnutel before �ovlng Fix Up BY HIlN from fire, Cook ,to 215 Remove YOUTHome r, A hell near Gainesville has For Later Use from fire and cool slightly. Pack rea', ty been puttlnl all her In Into jars and process 12 ounce jars \ForA elP make a be 'used for Before preparing fruit syrup m8� cooking 25 minutes at .immerlng. Canned one basketl Recently, Mrs. Rad N. 2 more IekIe.s syrup of 1 cup sugar .to cups P peaches may be used for conserve Garrison, wife of a Lula maU-c_ to 1 Select firm peaches, and It Is well to make It when . ·l water or 1 cup sugar cup pr�ferably r1er, discovered a larae eR, 3 1.2 nuta are fresh, Successful Tobaeeo allowing about one cup of clingstone.· Inches In length and 6 1-4 lndIe. water: __ water for each quart jar or No.3 In Circumference, In the neat . SPIOIlB PEAOHES of It PUOH one of her can" Put one cracked p oJ�M .. 1.2 oz. cloves chickens, Upon crack. peach' 7 Ibs peaches , : ; Boll for Ing the Ihell, Mrs. for every quart of syrup. 2 Ibs. peaches 1 sprig of m.ce 1 pt. vinegar 1.2 oz. allspice SeasolJ.:.� Garrison dis­ ' . covered 5 minutes and strain. Sort the 1.2 cup peach juice I. lb. lugar 2 oz. broken einnamon another, perfectly formed uniform 1 ell, Inside. The Gainesville : fruit, cracked peach seed 3 Ibs, lugar Eajrle has Issued a or flrm'lcann ngsou��d putting 2 stick c'lnnamon broken Scald the and challltDgc' tor ' peachesUSlfnr tap, vinegar, �ar lUI)' aside the broken ones for Ieces Good A chlcken-OWllo!r to match this 10ft, In. smaI', p Ice, then pour over the peaches. Good Market, feat. · Tobacco,. . -. 1-2 1 cIOYes aw 0 fM 24 hours drain tap. allsplee tap. IsAllp t stand • ".' . ;:;, lin Is done by 1 In, root and over -� hand'. ginger off, scald again pour ...... seed and Good With cutien,h:':.S g;"'move Slice of lemon to each pound fruit i Jet stand t�e Prices, TOMATOI!:8 ORO\\, ON 20 t fruit BoU an togetheraaainuforunt peac2�es�o�.;; POTATO VINE : :�:Jerse: Tic spice. In cheesecloth then thte .:�o:e:;!��:�! :::; bags; tender, put The I Reverend RaJ""s of • : until Talla in hot syrup. Allow to stand cook all materials together very jars. Boll ��c������� The Federal poesa, is aver' ; Beula, Gf!" ·,ble Luther thoroughly cold; pack at once, rapidly in order to retain the best ed then fruit and Ad.lnlstnlloa·. Modenl.lI_ PI..� s::: ::.: ,.."Iote. • .f Credit" ) w., In_III, aeeded Burbank, It Is Indlcot�d a placlna halves In over-lapping lay- flavor and a bright color until a uart jars for 30 re,.1n and l.p...... I. I. by .,e­ I.....u'll ...... f.... cullar qu.llled ... specimen round In his ers the concave surface of each of 222 F. Is m nutes a F. A leadla,1aatltall gar­ temperature degress ��80�egress checkup on an, .r .11 of Ibe den, Which eo.pon.ta pari••, • h...... _ should he called the half being dowaward and the bios- reached. Remove spice bag; pack In tile er-.-.-aIoaa1 'flew."". _, re"eal needed "pomato". the sam the Fill each .tt_cIecI repairs which, If Upon root of thll end facing glass. and seal hot. I,er·PUOH IOE 0� to , ptI,. ""a _,.. .1!Id dJeft.'ort I.ter on, strange plant were found with and ddle care- -- Putlclller several jar syrup pa 2 cups cream 1-.8 tsp salt i II"a, EVERY (1) ...... tria, (I) .ttlc larae Irish member or the r..... works remove . "atllatlea, .ttle potatoes, While ty wllea the time urI_ for ta all' bubbles. Ex- PEAVII -, . upon He.. fully PRESERVES 3 cups peaches (mashed) (I) ,., (') .w..., the cnarhqf�"__ I :(1) ..." (I) ._..,.. ta" etc., vine two clusters of Oeo .. nften, tomatoel .... W. haust No 3 cans 3 minutes, pro- '6 qts, peaches, measure after 1 tbs lemon 11 (7) ..., , (I) WIaaIe,. of Baliodl -tr. t..eth. willi lie. _ , (I) were cia...... �tIoe..-. 15 mI t In rI'plllll (It) , (11) .... fpund nourlshlnl...... IIIIcIa. glass process peeled and cut 1ju�uPce fruit te. .,.., _ " ete., Matu, 'I'IIeJ' - ...... toIIMeo lea ��pega�dlngl�� t:Cldlt/�f '(11) w alii drI"ta, (11) .KIoriw .,.... 20 In h�t water 3 w.o.; (1') ...... c��rts ':I��'tes qts. sugar 2 qts. water Peel peaches, cut In small pieces. lat... , (111) WI ,... Ihla' The be , (1') , �th peaches may pre- Peel peaches with a lye solution cover with sugar and a percII, ...... t� eel (17), In a etc., (11) � cook� syrup uRtll fruit is In the same manner as while. the t --e.,tlle, etc.; ..... peeling fo� le� stan� (1') dnI. tOe; (10) '.... Pack hot and foeti." (21) 1... very 110t. boiling canning. Cut into quarters or PreSSfto pu p. w.lla; ·(2)'·"'••at I..r; (II) frul\ �: th: recrealloll'.....;,laitllllr,.. w.r...... process. cola�der ete.; (24) llealla, eights, then gradually add fruit to salt, cream o�an alemOll juice If planh (25) tradln, and Ian "." (2') downapeata; (27)' liIodem 1'1I11en,' \ the skimmed boiling syrup, which needed. Freeze, using 1 part saU kJtehea; (28) halll.ln ahel,,"· calli. PEAOII PIVKLIl ne&, caplloardtl, etc., (ft) jol.ta and has previously been made by boll- and 4 to 6 parts Ice. Tum freezer .allloerlall (30) lrepl•., .antel, I.; (11) paint, wallpaper. Inlerl... ,� 5 Ibs. peaches 2 Ibs. sugar the when stiff remove decor.llon; (12) lalerior Ing sugnr nnd water together slowly; elal... trl.; (II) ,.. lreaa, r.n.. WALTER ALDRED 1 whole cloves balaslen, .Ic.; (34) electric II:- tbsp. crushed for 10 minutes. Cook rapidly until dasher aad pack with more Ice anth� 1_; (35) daon, "rdwar.; (38) and btu.... 1 1 ,Ia.llln, ; (17) .atlele I qt. vinegar stick cinnamon peaches nre clear and transparent. salt; let stand for an hour to rip­ and wlrlR" (aI) Inlahed leorIa" Iqillbe,·. tile, 1I..leu.. 1-2 cup hot water (If Is elc., (I'). vinegar Carefully 11ft the fruit out and en. Fruit should be added to the wallboard, pluter••Ic., (40) d_1 .pa., .hely., elc. . acid). very place In a shallow pan or tray. cream just before freezing Pare COMPANY peaches and drop Into cold Cook syrup to 22� or 224 degrees half frozen. Canned or 0; l'�he�e water to Immediately prevent dis· F. Pour while hot over peaches may be used. · penches coloration fruit bero�e (weigh put­ and allow them to stand over njght Farm And Home In one Week water, a , ting pound at to plump. Pacle the peaches In time). Put sugar into Weil . 'preserving sterilized jars, fill each jar to ov­ II;a Sireet ',kettle with hot wa boll and ter, erflowing with the syrup. Cap, Acti.vities {skim. Add and Planned vinegar spices (tied clamp and process 12 oz. jars for 'dOle 224 , in cheesecloth bag). Let boll and 15 minutes at or Hundreds of . 30 min­ boiling, Georgia farmers, eant scheduled for thte afternoon. �. skim again. Drain peaches well, utes at wives simmering. �helr and children aJiC com. Five � Into counties, Sumter, Liberty, drop boiling syrup llnd cook pletlng preparations to be In Ath. · until Cobb, Greene, and Gwlnett, will you can pierce with a straw. PUOH OONSERVE ens during the week of August 7 Let In over to compete In the entertainment con­ plump syrup nleht. 4 Ibs. peaches, weigh after pre­ take part In programs on bet. test. , Pack In sterilized The Extension will jars, heat syrup paring. tel' farming, soli conservation, live­ pageant and strain over In depict the history of Service peaches jars. 1 lb. raisins (may be used) stock, 4-H club activities, rural the,. Process at for which this year Is Its quarts sommerlng 3 Ibs. 'sugar 2 oranges electrification, and home econom­ celebratlnl 20 25th minutes. 1 shelled nuts Ics. anniversary. '. cup (may be, For fancy packs of pickles, a In omitted) The .vent will be the annual addition to these fea.tures ;'fresh spiced syrup should be made 8 Chop peaches In 1-2 Inch cubes. Farm and Home week of the Uni­ August will aIao be .,bserVed as. ',to strain over fruit. This gives a Peel Rural orange and slice half of the versity of Georgia's of Electrification Day. . College A" much clearer product. This �hould '-Dlscard Master peel: balance of peel and riculture and the Georgia Agrlcul. Farmer awards will be be c,ooked to 220 dewess F. Old seeds. Mix made to four chopped peaches, orange tural Extension Service. The Georgia farm fam­ ilies week's will on Wednesday, 'August as :_, program operi on Mon. 9, a feature of Soli day, August 7, with registration Conservation of Day. the various groUPS of farmers, ,.\-,," home demonstration club members setter fnrmlng will be the theme and 4-H club boys and girls. of the program on Thursday, Aug. Group meetings devoted to spec- ust 10. Home demonstration club ialized phases of a�lculture, home women will allO observe " Thursday econonlics, and 4-H activities will as their feature day of the w�ek's be held slmultaneously on the cam. actlvltles. HA pus during the visitor's flve-day VE YOU TRIED The College livestock will be In- stay at the University. spected by the visitors on Frlday- The main program .wlll begin Livestock Day-to bring the pro­ THi\l GOOD Tuesday morning, August 8, with gram to a close. the third annual Community Am- Four.H club boys and' girls at. ateur Entertainment Contest tak- tending the annual state confer­ ing the featured In the spot ence, will "hold' their' meetings Ing and an Servicemom., ,E�tenslon pag- throughout the entire ,week,

\ I " , 1··-BETlER

• No wonder the\ Mrs. waxed lUMBER', romantic and the Mr stuck CIUf hi. chestl 'SWP talc•• off : yean the ag. of any hou... ThaN'. no more beau!lful hou.. AT paint mad.. Nor _ tha! pratecta batter, or . longer, Economlca� tao. Coven 800 ... Iqua '"' at a co.t of I... than � par .qu.... foot, , SWP r.taln. Its .moothn... and LOWER many paopl•. _sh. SWP. I hoUIeS with soop and water Ic.. th.m plng . t new offer .� - year " year, That', The ••• ".1. "A".� llooking why I o"� ..... , amazlnaIY '�.� r mOre home. ore PRICESI' pointed with SWP thon with � . washable . Wall Fin'sh' !Gny other brond of paint. Drop In 01 our eParfed for �llchen••bothroom.. 'ltore loday ond see our cord of 32 beo!!.. stairway•. nunerl...... cr.allon room., ,'''ul SWP colors. woodwork. radlolo,.. ,"_ Whisk GAS'·.O,LIN E A COMPLETE ., away flng.r .mudg.s, dirt, groa•••pot•• -.. a.lly' nd, pea "'''' , "'" qulcltly with and for ••• _p t.r� y c.,,, of eur ..,... S· W Seml.lustre ' FOR LINE OF LUMBER Tnoth ... I come, In 12 EXTRA POWER "'H.... 11'. '-Jilt," '_I! b.autlful tint... . Seo taclay, t"lI!. . GULF PRIDE MOTOR.oIL F.oR M.oRE MIJjLWORK MILEAGE AND EFFICIENT LUBRICATI.oN ANP For Those'Who Demand The Best WALTER ST.oP ALDREOj .of The .orange Disc FOIl G U L F· Products KOWARD

... r ��! ;:i; .. LU ,.r ._ "._"',..' � .. H. �-:.,..- MiER�?��·..... -::-� . .. "':' Distriliu,tor - - � �./.,..,,,,-;-�(" . �;;� � JONES., _:- - :SEA COMPAI' Memher Of F. D. I. c. PH.oNE 353 STATESBOR.o ,..1 " __ .. _""1_,, "'.

20, 1939. "The F,trst 'Ik;"'Y• .July Complt!te -M!Ws ':&r The, County" .� , ' the he tiel a • fowll, them' out 'In the ' Fot IT M3'1: woodI and ..III one Vie SOIJND _ them at • Counties . £RAZW I r.el \ time 10 U not to cause _Ion. BIJT IT . MAKES lWBWS.... •• A few .. ' days two fine Barred ainment Prizes .At Athens • .810, 'I Rock bene ,were found tied In 'the A WPA Claw near this er" •••. city pertoimed woodI near this city They _Ie That Matter at work one !hings appeared to mornlnc lellllilqr' on his tooII. tied with a shoe to lea • to be .trtni: used -- the , ObvIouIIy, purlolner,;epOul� Iflndn rebthaulltdlaneplleMlldriver,ea on Bridie BIc AUNT.nJUA SMALL, Toombs try know the .trtnp of ibis 'rae- ServiCe 'Bor had ben Proper that affords Grocery Creek, • pushed Into IDSurance, adequate IBid County negress, who '"'u "elcht keto protection �gains1; . creek, near Baxley. ,)lean olr the year the stars fen", dt888trous 1088 of No clun have been property, is'certainly among the thingII uncovered staked her claim u the oldest IIv­ Ana 1IJI&aIN0 TIIIII Statesboro, .Since 1893. .tory as to the perpretrators of ',' this mIa- one that Ing inhabitant �f this state when could aImoet beUeve In mer­ matter. As such,lt ought to be the heat and safest fo�. chelvoUi act, but word !Iu been j ahe blew out 115 candIea �n her maidli TIle other nilht • _ advanced that - Consult 'us � . typical ''work-. cake June 15. the owned Jim with wheri insurance. Our ex­ , birthday � 1 \ I u.Ing by Holton, who lives considering lone .. spectacular meteor shower' u a near HazlehUl'llt, pve birth to ten H want perience and are at you to get the most for clue, Aunt Julia's birth date was the front of them judgement your disppaal, without obIi� , y:our tobacco­ pip, reaemblinc �' ' calculated at 1825. a , IDLL IT ON OUR MARKET, pic except for their blc calf eyes on ,- 1- J(/.J�t/'� gation your part" 'Despite her 115 years, this lone­ and.lone eye lashes, and thel�, back 'I.' I ",',\, time resident of Lyons allnually feet were exactly like those of a plants' turnip patch, periodically cow. E1aht of tJie pip ;'lere � *aDSlEY makes a boiling 'pot of soap, and dead but two lived for c.Jout two until very recently has made fre­ days. A peculiar thing �,bout them ,quent trips to town. was that they could no: walk, but hopped about like frog:J. rASTI'ULLY THI: (lHAMPION "book-worm" FURNISHED 1100 HE MAY liE OLD but he's still of county has been dls- lOt that umphl It Is a ordinary oe­ I:tJWo�Efi=mESSES covered.Mon:-It has taken unlden- COMFORTAIU som� curance for,Uncle Alex who CHAIIS , Mayo tlfied person 19 years to a , digest IESTFUL lED LlCHTS Jives nine miles from Wrlg"t�vllle, volume 'recently. returned to the WELL LlGHTED,IATHIOOMS to walk to town. Uncle Alex Is Monroe The card County Library. and *:t'h- comforts Ire eighty one-half years old and rl "J JOII" with the, book was dated , e!,closed can make the In JOu In .x­ jaunt �bout two ." occupy and was the sec- wh.t_h.r August 26, 1920. and Statesboro Is the Nt Market'For 'tou penll" lulte or I one-half hours, Which In com­ minimum ond one the Issued by library. mon . .': priced room. And language Is going somet Un- SEIJ.. YOUR C:lwP ''HEBE tha ...... The librarians to Ind shudde,:, th�nk cle Alex stated that five cars stop­ frielld" efficient ""Ic. how would be " " long they deprived '1"1 . . to ped and offered to glve hi 11ft lOll EVERY luest• I of With the Wind", should , "Gone but he flatly refused be:U:e h� DIRECTION It secured the same slow III. ',- by • .'41( could see no reaason for riding (Welcome To, the Statesboro Tobacco i • rea:;eer. ... DINK-LER HOTELS whim he was stili able to move CAlLING ______,. DINKLEI ,along on his oWn man-power.' He p,..Wont .ocI C.....I M.OI,,, MANY PEOPLE DREAM 0 f said upon arrival that never had ,::,: =OPEIATINC======­ dwelling In marble halls, while ev- �at:ket. # he ! felt better and had less. OLLIFF: ��d" (�SM,liH)' TIlt ..., ATLANTA en the chickens In Tate and Jas- per are given this prlvelege. GET FREE TRIPS TO GROCERI�FEEDS--SEEDS 'lilt 0• ..., caEENSIORO So great Is the quantity of "na- WORLD'S POULTRY (lONGRESS PBONES'U" 16 , • S. MAIN SmEET ...... NASHVILLE tures's most aristocratic building A Clarke county team of 'glrls ...,.... D_ MONTCOMElY ,materjal" I n these towns, that and a Chatham county team' of De It. a..tes NEW ORLEANS practically all building, brom blrd- boys were the state winners of the on this 4-H Club TIlt Sa..... SAVANNAH baths to barns, Is carried World's Poultry Congress medium, and pillars of chicken Demonstration Team Contest, The GROON'ER & JOHNSTON .IIMINGHAM 'TIIt,TIIlwIIIr awards will be free alq�'8W allnl( ,(lluanbaJJ �'8 sdooa triP'! to the' Ilags. ' World'. Poultry Congress. But not all of tl11s precIous ma- YOUni chickens should begin terlalls used In the above manner. roostlni at an early age. If roosts I�surancei\ge�cy This vlclnlty'furnlllhes·more·'tlfan -are'plfted"ln the'brooder hO)l� , enough for the many monument when the chicks are three weeks Phone 810 :-: Gao Stat�boro. : and tomb stone companies located of age, they generally take to ! there. them naturally, and teaching them to �t Is not neceua.ry. ------_-_ ------..;_....;._..LU ANYONE to Into , WANTING go ""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";,,,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' the profeasloll of stealing chickens ="""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''�'''''';"",'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"""l;",.'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''='''''''== .hould take lessons from a very clever culprit In Bremen. Who he Is, no one knows, but he ANSLEY HOm.:, .ATLANTA has had experience. After stealln5 \ ,

Invest Your " Savings in, Federal Savi' g5.

And ,!oan - Shares ' I •

This Is Why:

1, SAFETY of your INVESTMENT. INSult;ED up to $5,000.

Under 2..ThIs Assoc;Jatipn Operates Federal SUpervtSion."

3. 'Every shareholder participates equally,in proportion t6 his Invest­ ment in this mutual Association.

, '\ . 4. Our funds are Invested in sound, di­ rect reduction mortgages on real .Don't Miss Our estate, principally homes. Used�·�I"::8arg'n'. -£very

offer different of shares ,Car 5. We ,4 types Placed On Our Lot 'Is Completly 'R�C6ndition- to fit any savings program from 50c monthly up to any multiple of,$l00. ed, Inside We Will. �uar.n.,e '.'n&:'OUt.. Per Cent. Pr:esent DIvidend 4 Car. W�-SeH.J Get More For Your�'�Mon&yEvertlAJ.t MARSH'S SEE 'FOE . , NEW-'CHEVR,QL:ET'. tUEF9RE YOU BUY B. Z. SIIft'II, � iI.II. Avarri'''Vlce-I'NII4IHt. A.i:CV (" H. L. KPNON,'IIeey.-TnU...... ta.t MRS. B881E o. A\!BIUTl', 8eerebp'J.

L. Tpoa .... The aIiove � "Iklen'� ,111- 'Marsh . of dINe.... , (l. J:. v...•"Uhlte tile '-" (h�yrol�-�&m�ny�' \ J i F. ,{. LANNIE , SIMMONS, i,;�e�f\:' Noam,,1ILUN1 ST� STA'l'IlSBOao, GAo 'MILLEN MOTOR (lOMPANY, ,MlDea, 0.. l IWANS MOTOR (lOMPANY, (lIaxtOD, 0."

"-.-;;:��,,'�.::--;;--"- _ ",�",,', ','8WAlNBJioao'j.VTO, UVllANOIl, SwaIuboro" 0.. _ iL ,_L",_- ",_h ._�_. , _ Thursday, July 20, 1989.

'. n . News Diltrict . Letter, Like ... . ,. AKl'icultural Columbia, Tbunday, . I of. 20, 1938. new devcl- :���W=:S":F ..., tillcatlon devoted to Reaenatlon, H.. No Vote Comfort, of Trick . I RURAL ELlWTBU'UJATION Safety " Inventions "The r. , Key�ot�' First devotes Because bal absolute :' pments In agrrcuIturc con.resl Complete �News In The County" , '. control over the DI.trl�t of Colum· ree of its current Issue 10 Secretary of Aarlculture pages Henry " ' : bia, people living there do nol have A . in a re- a vote. The Wallace described the recent, '(cotton cJfture Georgia", national capital 1. in , the nature of a lederal re•• transfer rvallon of the •. I MIL Georzia0 A Rural Electrlflca- . nt bulletin of the g. W�"E. TeBAta» GROWER:•• •• . 'without th tatu. 01 elther·a .tate FlBIIT BAPTI8T .'. , The tion Administration to the Depart­ ClIRJaCJB 'I'll....., ...... ,. ,_ "11 " : 'J .: __�ural Extcnsion Service. or a territory. C••• 'f�lI�;' ment of Aarlculture as "a � ...... AlIce the atep I: -WE ; ,,,a,, , declares tha t bulletin. The tract 01 Faye ,.,_ Power In IL\KF- .\ land known a. the of the utmost alllllficance both for -MORNING- ·":!cp."red by E..C. Wcstbrook, Ex- District of Columbia. whleh I. co- "1lOIII: OF the Department and for the Fed­ lO:l5-SuncIay �I, Dr. H. F. WAlllllNG'l'ON f "should extensive In area the cotton with city .r , rqo-l'.'on specialist: eral rural ...... electrification prolP'am." Hook, superintendent: IICIU_" QUICK mvaI uable iel to Washington. was aoqulred by Ute AtJTOMOBItE !!Ii, all I' planters LOANS . lederal in 1181 "It holds promise of widening the ll:30-Moming wonhlp, lennon ( id others WIth the lovernment from I usefulne.. the �ncernc� Maryland In pursuance of ArUcle r. of electric for by minlater, subject: of thts crop. Copies of sej;Ylce lIawu, FINANCE trowing eeeucn 8, clause 11 of the ConIUIU- farmers," Mr. Wallace, aald. ''The "And yOU' a.- O_•. :t._ II YOtJR CAR OR TRUCK AT In That'" BOllE AND SAVB Culture Georgia" may ' "Cotton lion. which provides that con..... idea that the farmers of this eoun- -EVENING- -DOUBLE FEATURE- '. obtained f r e e by Interested .han have •• >We WQI BeflDaaee ,,� power "to e';erel e"cJuo are entitled to eleetri- YoUr � Md try ruval 7:00-Tranlnc Unto... Junior, In­ Lucille �aee The from county age ts. slve In ca••• wha" Ba1J In , PaJl¥llt8! ;armers legislallon aU. ncation now has wide ,.. acceptance. tennedJate and Senior Un- ' • oever" In a district which ma, be- &dCUtlo.... Loana "IIUtlTY " "Me '00 .. The reaourcea of this IonI FoB 'l'IIIC j .·Betlnaneed an. me e AIIKING" ' come department t at this .,.,. '" T; the leat of the lovernment hour. r-. • :�_i" �,.., 01 wUl be thrown behind the REA. Mn. C. M. -ALSO- IAana the United Stu".... Accordlnll7, eoa..on, Act- � 00 Are PaId Washington doe. not belon, to Ita program In order to further rural DIrector. �'l'hat Fully For Ing . Pel)llle, O'Ketlfe In. .' resident•. but to the of the aU peopl. elctrlttcatton, other farm pro- , 11 WESTIUlN sr. .,' the f' .. United Statel, who ,ov.m It

CII" OD SlIIb One of lbe moat amazln, Indu.trl·. al commwliliel In lbe world I. the Freeport Sulphur company'sl plant Special and model town at Port Sulphur, La. The plant, by the shore of .. , Lake Grande EealUe In the heart

.. of -Values- .ow COST: the bayou country, I. luspended In air on a forest 01 1�·loot piling. IAV. AT mE SlOff fW planted In land .0 BO,IY that each .. of FLIT, per gallon $1.29 '* eG08Y..AR ".AMOND , pile .ank III own wellht for about '5 feet be!ore being driven. The' CAROUI 89cl: POUND SEB,,-CE model town, including bomol tor workers. community house. -­ , STA'1'I0N hospital, The Best HEPATICA 49c .ehoo� basebaU diamond and Bay 60c SAL -Nortb Main lighted Street­ tennis court, I. built on IIlled·ln land ' 25c Statesboro, above the level 01 the .urroundlng BLACK' Georgia IDe We Sell •• ••• DRAUGHT . tiOc IPANA TOOTH AMERICAN Fence and Nail! PASTE 39c

" '; . . UBS 'GalvaDlzed Roofing ATLAS Cement IVIIITE ROSE Lime RED TOP Plaster MERRY.BROTitE .8 cb P.I'l'TSBURG Paint , CUR'l'lS Window8' �nd Millwork SAG-NOT'I' Doors

, HARBOR Plywood , RUBEROID ROofing ETERNIT Asbestos Shingles CAlDLL Grates and DamperS

• SEWER PIPE A DRAIN TILE MILJ(I MAGNESIA 49c ;-.: ...... 1"'_. Quart " ... t�·f;· 'ltr;...... I 'FLUE�Q-;;! MINERAL OIL . WINDOW GLASS


RUBBING, ., :1 ALCOHOL,':pt. ; ... IDe uilders :-: Cotton :-:' Fertilizers , , Sapplies' REFRESH YOuRSI!lLF AT' O,� FOUNTAEN�DWlOHES 'Iez OBlCAM, DlltNKS'

COLlEeE 'HA••ACY "Wb-ere the Crowds Go" ' 19 Soutb Mal& Piones 414-416 Sta_'boro Stltt.boro G•• Georgiam��§�ii5§§ii§§§l§E� _---:= THE BULLOCH HERALD "The First News In The County" Thursday, .July 20, 1939. Complete , , I C,' Friday, '''I11e Fil'lt , Mra, _ane e�Loach of Holly­ COmplete News ht The � -County" .t' Fla" her alaten, . wood, Ia"vlaitlfts , I E, and Mra; Cecil Mrs, J, DonehlO . SO'tjIETY . ------�����--��� L; Brannen, thla week, ,BROOKLET . NEWS , Savannah, ' e on for Mias , Mrs, J, p, Foy I ft M day .... lOHM DENWARK NEWS -:.� Foaa, I. J. Jackson and " last Ii.. I!� Le•ter Brannen, Jr spent 1IO"'I'II01f . �.pd M,.. . at Indian �1.QS1J.tQMER a weeks' Springs, In' Ml88 l.! end In Atlanta, stay I:LISII: WATICII ,and Marpre� Lanier were vlaltIq famlb' � Mfilin aftd Nn. K. K. week , " , , , PERSONALS Harvey Brannen left Wednes-' In Stateaboro Mias, Pauline " TIieaday afternoon. Ifollowq 'of AlllUlta visited ),fr. Mrs, W, A, Brannen of Thomp- Slater, hu buffet � for a ten vlalt to Indian �ho SUpper In honor of tm. Mr. day days been III In ,Telfair Mr. and EIorI MIzelle of and Mra, Jim EVe...t of Sa_ and _. J. H.·GInII·...t ------,Home Mrs, James Walters and Mrs, very Hospital In fourteenth Mra. thll with a we:eJc; Miss Sara Lou Hodges, son, birthday of Mias dllcken fry ' Jane ��ty " Sprlnl8, I vallllllh Savannah. a Savannah the vlalted lit � lin . F te Mr J';" D JIICIIIIDn Ga .. tillS re- of followlna major Watkins. spent laat week-end the aPent Supervisor at Alma, Joe Cooley WB)'neIboro, apent opo ,at tobeeco barn. _ Is . a, Mra Harvey Brannen vlsltlni hu 'I'he!:e, Proctor lut I_.. work after several with Mrs, Braswell. eratlon, retumed to the home Betram with Mr. iInd Mrs. BlIl T. _�. __ ...t �k wIth Wllme� turned to her spending days LevIne hu retlll'lled to. of her mether, Mrs, Em'ma Little, here, of her W. chlcbn, bread and Iced Mr. and Mra. Charla WU- Hendrix. with her Mr, and Mrs, Braswell and her father, Ii.. Slater. his home In mark. . R week parents" N Y ' Todd '- BraoIdyn .• after teL and her alater, Mrs, MOrKan f • was a went to during the guest�week • She accompanied home from In pve chicken fry at their hame Mias Katht'een Lanier ba I't- Mrs, W,! C, Tybee SitE vlalUni the Mr. • Hodges, S, C" this week, CLEARANCE home' 0f' Mr. and and Mra BraPna hava - at Simpsonville, the her rMa. Mary Jane k hospltal by unele 8 lin J . I Thul'Iday turned to her warII In Savanll8h end, It. 1. � nl&hJ. Miss ,Dorothy Jayne Hodges 81mon turned to their hame rMa, Hinton Booth and daUgh- and Mra in BtnnInc"DeftolplentylUna her dalllhter and Mr. after week with her sister, Mr, and Mrs, C, B, Cone of So- Kennedy Kennedy' Mrs Fo' of faInIl)o, Mr. and Mra, Robert AldrIch IJIIMIIIIna a feW _III With spent last Mrs, G lb. 0 n Johnston of Denmark .. ham, AIL, after vlaltlna their IOn vIa-1laat ter, by, her .later...... and Mrs. n-. MeElwen. b� Mr. and Sara Lou at Alma, the wek-end with his A Mary Slat.:.nd v"l� vlalted her parents, Mr. and parenti, ...... :I'lIss Hodges, apent GREAT, ter, "n. 0tIa and SAVINGS Mr. and D. W. ' Gibson , he':."':� Mrs. lin. per!on Swainsboro, and chlldren,' EVENT Mia Francn family, Mr. and Mr.. Harold Anderaon LanIer. ,... Mrs, W, C, and Mr, and Mrs, C, E, Cone, HUIIIes Ia vlaltl H_ard. R L DurreiIee, �, I Mr, and Hodges . 811111ia)' I parents, and Rita Booth, Parrish Blitch, I children, W, C.. Martha Evelyn, Mr, and Mrs, W. DeJarnette I. of air! Ii.. Flanders and children, Pope . A, .. � Mra. 'WIIIJaiN of 'Savannali' , ,I. __ 2 the re:,� � 5 I.'" Grace, and Jayne, visited Charles- went to Eatonton for �U;:.= ::w�E � as,!� �. ",-epd, .•�.�� Eo�· �� M: week-, Dot, and. Donald, spent Mr.·ancI-Mra, J. c: BuIe. .!::e:-lfed �, ,�, ,ts..vIaltina Fra� ,. , ' "'of .toio'd"non day laat c;JIfA'l'� �A'l'IOlfU. C. and other in C;ar- 'end, ,., , I,,' 1iere1I9ltll1Mr'" It. I • and Mrs Sam II • and ton:'S. ,�ts "� at ',' ',,,.,' aacl,.JO!q,.S, Ken� 'Mra. Lottie Falreloth' ,Li -. ' 'Monday -e. ..jor;.,"...... o'("'VaI- ", ,� ...... ". ;, • 0II'1II CJ\'b .. Ty�..,:" ., a ,.'. ,,'. WIll- n"'Y' , .... I E. Cone will �.JIJrIIIo�' . • ollna and Mrs. C. Ii.: '. -�:t,·lItr ' ,. ate .' S'Inday. Mr. ' red i1 .. O!le. __ Mrs, H. D. Aliderson and daUih- -, doIita -,",'� � " ·MIu,....,_·"'""', , brother and ..__ ',··bee vlal� , n •• " �arrlah .... h"r ...... ,:, AQIt" OlfAL and take their Jean, " ,', '.. - Miss R,llth Gertrude Sellg- daughtel', Betty little ,naJl6ndlni '--�-wpi!nt:lMti.""'*' >,;r '_�_' and a " " .. ", ter, Mrs. Bartow Lamb, , , ".�, ,,,,,,,,'(-�,,.,.,,,,,,,.,. , aevei'al at tl\e end ' ':Mill." Ga" this wcek·end day8 ParrIsh cot· wlth,relatlvn at Great IIter'Mr'iRll.u,.-w'iiiI'tia\d 11' all- .,:i. man are visiting In Wayc:roas. to Cloudland, Fall' �_lIIve' _ the are Mrs, I • WliJcli� main' ..,. of dauihter, Anne, vlaltlng at Shellman C. Spence . :u� JIurdI-.'_ a. Bluf. at of where she will be at Jull· tage S. W�n., Wedneac11i7 the .� Edwin Ideal, Georela Camp " nwpl"�nIe laat Beasley Anderson's parents, Mr, and Mrs, ..,ener 11111rBC1Q.' • for the Cllattahoeelift'o INa J Mn. Clarence Cox and Miss Mra. J. 1>. Mrs. lin. L. Zette�r and Steel The mem"ben took '�! his Mr. and Low for two weeks, !lobo, M. O. BMce. js visiting parents, ette at .UUlI! Woodward ..,ent' a hu lJeeft W.H, Sharpe �ona Beach, Dena Cox of Mond a lunch. MIu'G'1ce '_t � T. Rapter visited Mrs, Moore, aI!!I Mrs. J. N. Shearouae dauahter .pent �'nI&ht plenIC wlUl _ ;Mrs. George Beasley. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Autrey of Fla. 'few lut week In National Foreat Reaervation , M. day8 Savallllllh Shoes J. WIlliams apent at New Mr, and Mrs. I. C. Bule. Mr. Fate '. Mr, Mrs. Lem Brannen have his s18- Women.'s\ Summer Thursday. ,� Hope with Proctor and Leh- Atlanta have been visiting Mr. and �d Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McAllister MnI. Short Mrs. John ,Mr. Tybee. mlulan, Of War WQlTE AND COMBINATIONS­ of was Ii.. LanIer. aDd lin. G. W. Boyett and mon were bualMa via- �tal')' returned to ter, Mrs. Wendell Burke and Mr. WIIITI1 Swainsboro: �tterower Mr. and Mra. C, E. eNamith via- A. of Jaeksonvllle., and son, Charles Brooks, Rnd Rob- the recent of The revival Mr. Alton WClCldrlac. preildellt gue.t Mra. Ed Lane. aervlcea at New family Olliff o� ltora In Sa,vannah one lut Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brannen and Burke, and his aunt, Mrs. J. M. BLACKS AND .JAPONICAS- &nc\_ day lted hla parents, Mr. and Mra. Commlaslon. hu aniMIUneed. A . by�' ert Lanier left Thursday afternoon Dr. E. C. v.. I Watkina has Methodlst,Ch1ll'dl came to a lted Mr. and week.' ,� visited In Metter, re,turned cae Brooklet, Mra. F.arnelt tal of chndren Sunday. N�rr1I. for the New York World's Fair. Nt!IhlIth last week. 113.., _, paid for the Ileplar PrIee c"""_ Relular PrIee CI_ from Ellijay, where -he has been Sunday The putor, Rev. Henry Wella MODCIa)r ,nJcht. Mr. re- nlgh� aHrdy Jay Hood hu _ Mrs. Rober additional Mr, and Mrs. 'Emlt Akins and Misl Corinne V"atch. who Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Lanier his Frank Mr.' and Mrs. tAldrlch, Mra, It H. �qe. ,ThIt .purdlale vlsltlni brother, Dr. W. Gilmore. wu aulated l!ewel Anderson tunied to his by , home In Statcsboro Lewell and sides at the Norris Hotel, Is last Mr. E. ;Ctterower and Miss ElIae Waters Increases the area II sons, Levaughn. spent spend- had as their guests week. Watkins. He, was Rev. Harris of I :fthe Chatlf- accompanied Rocky Ford. entertalnecl the )'OUJI& pi!opIe of after v... Mr. and Mrs. Leo- ' the week-end In Atlanta with l.'&-. here vacation with her par· J. M. Pat­ llIna .vera visitors In Stateaboro Thun- � to 113,800 1iCft.. Mrs. . I Ing Lonler's sister. $5.00$3.98 $3�99$2.98 home by his ' nephew, Watklna , _ fl. and Mrs. Durward Fulford. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Veatch and Miss Lu- rick, of Jacksonville. lleplar PrIee Cle"!rapo!e Replar PrIee Cle_ IDdwardsofEIII�� and of Mllledgevllle. Patrick of Miami. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Macon cllle Mrs. J. H. 'Parrish of Loulsbure, and Winnie Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Burke Mr, and Mrs. Willis Lanier and children, Patsy Carol, N. C" who has been thc gueat aad Miss Joyce Forbes Sunday with her' parents, children, WlIIls, Jr.. Donald, $2.99 $2.4� $1.99 of Mrs. by I , accompanied spent ' $1.® John A. - left Robertson, " , r��§§§§�§§������������������������������������������§§����§§��ft'-"',' , . returned to their home In Mr. and Mrs. C. PI Autrey of of Atlanta are visiting Mr. and I fiir-, Sunday niiimiay MCRii'e to visit lier , . Children Shoes .. ' 8Bc Shoes .! 'Atlanta after visiting their par· ,Lyons. Mrs.' R: D. Lanier. Wom�nl!l $1.39 son, J, H. . Parris", Jr., before reo Martin and e.its, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Macon Betty Hltt returned to her home Mrs. Paul turnlni to her home In North a crlldren,of At- and Hal Macon. In Savannah Friday after visit Paul, Jr.. and Gloria Anne, Carolina, Mrs. Mrs, Bruce Olliff and sons, to Betty Grac� Hodges, lanta are visiting her sister, Rev. and Mrs, J, J, Copeland �sk The Men and and Mrs. J. E. Mr. and Mrs. James ,A\'ld of Sa· Ed Men's' and of OIght Foy, I Quattlebaum. Spring Summer Suits Atlanta, and Mrs. Dixon alMl Miss Mrs. L. Kennon and Donehoo and Maxann Foy vannah spent the week·end herc Mr. and H. little son of Marietta, have re­ Warner and Paul, have 25 to 33 1·3 Per �nt spent last week at Tybee with with their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, children. Bedaetton turned to their homes atter visit­ 1'11.'8, Jason who has a Arthur Howard. . returned from the Sunset Exposl­ WHO'�KNOWS Morgan Ing Mrs C. B. Griner and LINEN SUITS aad Mrs. cottage on the beach. Miss Lola .Mae Howard of Mc· tlon In California and other points Tropical Tropical F. W. Eiarbee. Mrs. DeLoach and Rae the week·end In States· of Interest In the West. 1-3 Worsted Suits Suits Eugene spent OFF Spring Miss Ozealea Usher apent seven Mrs., J. D. Tood and daughter, Helen Mae. of Holly· boro. Mr. and �OFF �OFF at Beule TIft In For­ .... days Coliege 'Will Tell of VI· $12.95 yalue $8.63 AndJHe and \\'ood. Fla" are visiting Mrs. J. E. Misses Margaret Martin nnd daughters, June Jean, a G. A. .... syth, attending Conven­ y� $1.0.00 value $7.50 value .. Donehoo ani! Mrs. Cecil Brannen. Powell the dalla with Mr. , $19.50 $14.63 Martha spent wek·end spent Sunday night tion. She went as a representa­ Dot and Carmen Miss Mattie and Mrs. Loren Durden. Tropical Remington at Excelsior with Lou Tropical and Tropical and tive of the G. A, AxIllary of the Cowart are visiting In Jackson- Fra�klln. Mr, and Mrs. Loren and Wo�ted Suits Brooklet Ou,:den Spring Suits Suits Baptist Church. 18. E. r"Bob" ville this week. Mrs. Paul Lewis returned Spring SHEPPI:RI Sat- children, Virginia, and Lorena, and �OFf' Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Brinson �OFF , Mr. and Mrs. Horace Smith will urday from a visit to her daugh- Virginia Tomlinson spent Thurs· ,� QFF and three dauihkrs of Port Saint leave Thursday for Camp Chero· ter, Mrs. A. C. Johnson In Dah· with on, value .... relatlvcl .. and $12.95 Florlda . day Friday $9�63 ,18.95 value ,12.71 $27.50 value .. $20.63 Joe" ..�, returned to, kee at Clarksville where they will lonega, Paul and Ernest Lewis in Island. their home after Wilmington , spending two their 'Get You be ,Will' joined sons, and A.tlanta and relatives In Ashburn Robert Par,ker and ·More, by Zoc" Mr, and Mrs. weeks here at the home of Mr. . Mens Straws to 2.50 val. Mo��y and from there up Mens val Bobby, they will and Albany. Mrs. Lewis was away SOnD, Bobby and Billy, and HellfY $1.00 Straws, $1.00 7Be and Mrs. H. T. Brinson. go 'for a week end trip In the two weeks. Savannah Men's Blue Overalls Ernst of spent Sunday S�l 71c Men's Carbartt Overalls $1.29 Mrs. Carolyn Roundtree and lit· mO.lltalns. Mrs. Dean Anderson. Mrs. Leff with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rustin. Men's Work Shirts S9c tle son, Carol. of Savannah, and For Your Tobacco Jr Nor-East Tin 89c If!ster Brannen, .. has as his DeLoach and Miss Blanch Ander- Mrs. Parker and her sons wlll rc· Priesleys Mrs. Robert Graham and Men's lIitle son for the week. Joe of son were visitors In a 50c Ties : gu�t Emory Columbia. S. main with her parents for week. 4;4C Men's Shorts and Shirts ea•.. lOe of Ei)'pt. Were recent gueats of Mrs. C. S. Cromley, John Rushlna, Jr., has returned -:- MEN'S from a motor trip to Texas. SPRING �ND SUMMER PANTS _:_ Clarcnce Brinson, of the U. S, $5.00 values $3.98 � $8.00 ,2.48, 11.49 values ,1.29 Navy, who has spent his, values v�ue8 thirty ".00 $2.98 .... ,t· I � ... ·s $2.00 v�ue8 $1••.. "I�OO, val...,. :,� 'JBe',;1\ ·days fUrlough be 'wlth hla 'par. (, " WE WELCOME TO en�, has returned to his dutle., STATESBORO' Mr. and Mrs.• Howard Hinton of Durham, N, C., spent several days 105,000 sci...... " Feet Of Floor To , Sc;lentifically ., Li,hted Space . ... here with Mr. and Mrs. H. � SALE J. , .oft SILK' / .' DRESSES \. The Tobacco Men Hinton. S�: DR��.33,1-3o/c REDUCTION Buddie Lee, of Savannah, Is 'Ser�e ,The Tot,a��'o"G��w,.,. Of My Tri'dc Tcrritoty. and spending some time here with his BATIUNG , .SlJITS, 2G% REDUCTION' grandmother, Mrs. A. J. Lee,.Sr. I GIRDLES AND Mis aMartha Robertsop enter­ I Am Prepar.d To Give You The Beet CORS� 8Bc . , Tobacco Growers tained the Bridge Club at her . WASH ValUe : DRESSES, ,1.00 7Be, home afternoon, WASH FrIday value : .. Of This DRESSES, $1.95 : $l.l)9 Mr. and Mrs. Otis Howard an· To Be Had In Your Section WASH Sellin, DRESSES, $2.95 ValUe $2.59 nounce the birth of a daughter, WASH DRESSES, $3.95 VaIu, $$.59 'Thursday, July 13, at their home During The season here, Coming HOUSE COATS AND SMpcKS 89c J, H. Griffeth and A. D. Mil· STEP-INS AND 59c Value BRASSIERS, 4� ford, vocational agricultural teach­ White and SLIPS, Tea Rose 89c ers In the Broldet " High School, BATISTE GOWNS, PI8In an(1lligured, $1' val 89c spent last week-end at Shellman ClDLDRENS WASH &I Bluff with the F. F. A. Boys. DR�ES: , 7� $:t.49 . Mrs. Inman Bule of Demark Is I visiting her mother, Mrs. Otis Howard. Clearan'ce oF' , MIaIi Olive Anne Brown ,of Stil­ The Managemept of the Su",mer' Piece,' .Good� son apent several � here ,with Georgia' Miss Louise McElveen. and State Theatres has made Voiles, MusHo and Swisses Dimity and Flock Voi1e8 Mrs. Aequllla Warnock and W.

36 &I 39 inch, 25c value 19c 36 and 99 val•...... 17e W, Mann went to Macon Sunday efforts Inch, 1� special to bring to States­ and brought their father, G. W. in and floral Rayon printed Sunbeam M.teriilol, Mann, home, who had been In a boro for the next four weeks Sport WITH ON the ..: , ME patterns, 39c valy,e S5c Floral Chi(fPQ8 and floral Macon hospital for treatment the BEGIN. past week. Mr, Mann Is ImprovlRi best there is in the m,ovie world. Silk and aU Bemberg, 89", 7Be val sec Lace, IJnen, slowly. , , 36" val... 89c We invite you to watch 'our ad" shades, width, ,I &d 80�, 4Be val. 3Be Mrs, Zeesman, of Miami, Fia., QPENI�G DAY Sp�adS, was the of her sister, Mrs. Checked Wash iUCst vertisements for Sharkskin, J. L. for a few en the ' best enter- Bed Spreads, 84 x 105, Simon, days, Taffeta and Gazelda, 39" route to New York to visit her tainment that will $1.98 value $1.79 you probably 69c value 49c f ,I mother, JULY is Mrs. E. C. Watkins entertalnW TUESDAY, to see the TOWELS, 17 x IOc val..... Be get during 1939 Movie TOWELS, 19 x 34, 15c val ISc 32, at her home Friday night with

.,.' . Season ..... Table Damask, 54" aU white . 9-4 Brown Pepprell Sheeting 25c New,s and with border, 50c val•.. 39c S6 inch LL Sheeting '6c Oge�chee

Many attended. the revival Rr­ vices at the New Hope Methodist Church, SerVices were conducted Men's Shoes by the' aev. Harris of Ricky .Ford. THE Sport Mrs. ,i. P. Hughes, who has been I -WlU� AND COMBINATIONS- III Is Improvfni., .. Mr. and ,rMs. Dan R. Groover . GEORGIA, 5.00 .JARMAN $3.95 attended' the 'revival se'rvlces at lI.acedonla Church'last week.

' Mrs, J. P. Robinson of Jackson· 3.00 Winfield .. $2.:15 t.U1e, Fla., were the guests last DNNIs SRO:'F.S wOlt!k of MrS. J. L. WlIson and Alva niece. ' l�lu WlIso.'!i .4.9C 'l'

-..,,._:,�- THEATRES � Ravlval Iel'VIciett of th� Mace­ t donla Churdi came to a "The Baptlst Coolest -Pbwe Close last week, Allyn Ray. �oh� , � Statesboro" ,�n of Dahloneia h'ild chaJ'Ie 01 tJe aer.,vICl!I•. Mis. J. L. 'WlIson and' daUihter, £Iva, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Bre��ln,Gm!��SWMIaY,ud Mr. aad Mrs, It. E. Lee in Pf:m- / bnJke. t��§§§§��;§§§�������§§�i§�������i§�����i§§§�§§�������;;����;§§§���;;��� Tbursda 20,1939. TIlE BULLOCH HERALD

. aid and children, AI and Anne, Mr. and �. Roy Beaver. and Mr. and MIa. Sam ila.. Franklln� ...... spent the week end at Tybee. _.d'"ter, Jane, and ·Mr. and Mn. Mila Anne WJUJford and J. P. -----'"':------�m:: Society· Mr. and·l!IrL B. B. Morris and Cecu Kcnnecbr and chUdrim, June Foy· spent Wednesday and Thurs­ and Cecil, Jr., are a children, Bernard and Sara Jane, congenial da, with Mr. and' Mrs. Howell MONUMENTS and group spending thla week at Mon- Sewell at Shellman Bluff. '0" quALITY Mrs. WJIJ. ·Waten. lPent several and Mr. and Mrs. Frank O,II.1ff ,_ . treat, N. C. ,'��r�t - and return· Mr. and Mrs. Cannon, I' last week with Frank, Jr., Billy. Dewey -OOMPLETE • Nel!�paper')·',�jl�., da)'S her sonl, ·daugh. I It 1'111 �.I , .,8ER�CE- . to Jack8l!n' Mr. and Mrs. Horace. Smith ond Mrs. Averitt and children. I ," tors hI Savannah. ed Sunday from a visit Barney •.. AND. YOUB SATlSFAVTlON .!! � l\�, iiIJ daughter. Betty, and Barbara Mn Jack and HaJ, are spending this. �UAaANTIlIlD I I �- Brannen were visitors a t Bluff· at ',I • week Contentment. , ;. C �M=r=.:a=nd�M=rs:.=Be�rn:a=r=d=M=c=Do�Ug=.=vl=J1=e=Be�a=c=h!:'=====':' ton. S. .• SWaday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lester reo

::;m' . . '" Spending this week at Bluffton. turned from Atla�a Sunday nl�ht" ,BRANNEN"":'TllAYER ··MoNUMENT S .. C., are: Mr. and Mrs. 'Grady Mrs. C. W. Ennis returned from '\� · Attaway and children, June lind a visit to her brother and his wife. CO.�NY and Joe,' Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. HoUand of , . Anne, Nancy " .1' "J:'.lJ.' STATIJ8BOao� OEOaoIA.- •• Mrs. E. L..Barnel and children, Macon. . . :hll ,. We Have Just Completely Remodeled Esther·Lee and Buddy. Mrs. J. S. Murray left Thursday Mr. and Mrs• JowelJ of for where she a ' ..Edward AUllllta joined TED' E!lAE'''D •• ==::::::::;:::::::::::::::::=;:::::::::::::=� DEDlqA. 1'.0 '�. ',.J rr Entire Store From left for .....,_. OF A. To for the . ,87' OlJr Jackson. Mila.. Thursday party " _ «rHB 1'!f0GR,SS T,SBORO. A.JtiD Top leaving FrIday \. ,BV/.LO,eiI it ",','" .. .:- and after a Ne�, COUSTY' :! r.� Atlanta Gree.."w.. 8 . York World'. F.Ir. Mrs. Murray " ", .. ' Bottom ••• We Are ! .. . his Eo W. . Ready vlalt to mother,·�.· daU8hters. Anne lind Jacquelyn, his lister, will their aunt In Wrens dur- :ANY KIN-D OF"MACHINE ' 'PcnyeiI'IUd " WORK . �t�.Pow. visit. I '. . .,:, '.',,:: ell. ,. -";.. . Ing the absence of their mother. Mr. and Mrs. L. of ,. are F. EI1I.,�t . �� prepared to on BEST '; eltlma.t�, �iu-. w'�r� ����v;r QUALITY ,,' thl. .wlth MERCHANDISE Augusta apent week-end MRS. IIMMDl .u.�N '., . I ts · character. Gears, Mr.. and' Mrs. P. F. GrooVer and BIUDO. VLUB Pinions. 'Cam.. ScrewI, Bolts, Nuts...... ENTDTAI�S

tthe-. . Mrs. Allen was hoatess family.' . JI"""le Partsl tiuuIe to o�r expertly. Miss Jos�phlne'Groover Is spend- last Tuesday afternoon to memo Pulleys:'small LOWEST PRICES Ing some time In Atlanta with her bers of he� bridge club at her aunt Mrs. Ray Muse. .- apartment with Mrs. J. A. Mc· SAVANNAH MACmNE " FOlJNDRY CO. '. . M�. P. B. Hart and little son, on South Main street, A Dougald eae INDIAN ST• . SAVANNAH, OAo Michael, lpent lut week with her variety of garden flowers effect· father. Ively decora� her rool1)S. .------....; Mrs. Jock Dixon of Miami. IFa.. Mrs. E. L. Helble won high score

Is her Mr. and t • » 'These « vlaltlng parents. and received towels. Miss Groce Values ,.:1". J. B. Brannen, this week. Gray W81 awarded a novelty mark· Compare , Miss Nita Grover hal returned Ing set for cut. A .plece of crystal , home Tuesday' fro m Augusto went to Mrs. L. J. Shuman for ,,' ToUacco where she had been visiting her low. MI'8'" .Allen ·,ved her guests �Market· . Specials Mrs. B. Hart and Mrs. , sister. p. a salad and"8weet

L. F. Elliott for some time. - t�,u.�e. '.' '. ,. Misses Nita Groover. and Fran- MRS. 36-inch Dress Prints, yd. " ..... : Be S�F.\SER: �""'TAINS ,per ces Mikell left Tuesday on a house

11. W.• Mrs. Olive and chll­ Bfown FLOOR MAT8 Ford·A .. Me WAX POLISH 110 Bar­ drt!n. Donald, Marjorie, TAlLIOHT ...... Gere, BULBS 10 SUT VUSHIONS .... bara and Olive Ann; Mrs. H. C. '�veen alld children, Alva, Ga· • neUe and Emerson; Mrs. Mary ." Blitch; Mrs. Brown Blitch and

. " children: Erne.t and James; �rs. Southem E. L. Proctor; Margaret Proctor; Speedster Bicycle ,22.915 .. Mr. Cotton ... ' G�ower. Mrs.'F. C:.'Rozler; Misses Louise Monareh I) .. ., Mrs. J. C. Radios, tube � � Lord; $9.915 ...... and'Rub)' RoZIer; Mrs. Dan Lee: Mrs. "mey War­ , Radio, nock';' Mrs. A. E. Nesmith; Mrs. Battery complete '23.95 COTTON WAREHOUSE SERVICE MEANS 140RE . Bill A. Brannen; and Mrs. Donnie TO THE FARMER THAN ANYTInNG ELSE. Warnock. all of Stilson; Mrs. YOU GET IT AT OUR WAREHOUSE Jam e s Brannen. Mrs. Ernest WHERE YOUR COTTON HOLDS Rackley and France. Rackley of ITS WEIGHT .AND GRADE. Statesboro. and Mrs. Aldrlge of ,Jacksonville, Fla. u. Our Friendl, Credit Pili BUSINIJ8S GIRLS' VLUB \ . 'I'JIe liitatesboro Busilless Girls' . Store CoHon With U, Club wlJl hold their regular sup­ Yo�r Per meeting, at \Cecll Kennedy's Tuesday. July 25th. "llt 7:30 o·clock.. ' BRUNSWICK. TIRES Chairman. . For Complete 'rotection -Publicity GUARANTEED WITHOUT GOOD RUN BOGS EXCEPTIONS WITH PRla'..S.OFF . STANDARD SERVIVE We Have Added To FROM LAST WEEK HIlAVY DUTY Recently Our Cotton Warehouse In 11 MO�THS Mr. 0.' L. McLe­ 18 MONTHS Which You Can Be Assured Of Absolute Protection For According to U6-4.lIOdl �.lIO' UG--I.lIOdl Your more of the Bulloch Stock Yards. ",711 Cotton. It Is Modern In With UO-5.00dO '.Ev,'ery Way, the run of .1.' "",II UIl-ll.OOxlt . Every the yard had largest '1.10 Device For Your 4.711-11.00xlO Service. cattle and hogs since early spring. ",,811 1l.l1I-II.1IIx17 ".:to ,. ull-ll.llOld7 The hog market was lower here '1.111 ..OOd8 ,10.441 8.00>:18 In sympa y with the big markets ,,"Oil Ull-e.lIOxl. '11.811 over the country. No. l's brought 6.50 to 6.60; No. , 8:00 x 20, 8 PLY, _ :eUS .2·s, 6.40 to 6.50; 3's, 6.45 to 6.65; TRUVItt ,111.110 . &.!l'5 to 5'•• 6.50 to 8.00.' 82 x 8, 10 TRUVK ._ :4;., 7.25; PLY. BUS :.. : �0.911 PLANTERS. as as' COTTON". Small feilder pl� sold high 9.00; stags, 4.00 to 5.25; fat sows, 5.25 to 6.00; SOW8 and pigs In good WAREHOUSE demand. sold for 12.00 to 25.00. market no Cattl� stea!!y �th " .� offllr.ed. ·fat .. �C!\pe ...:_ �'!!:": steer: and helferlt, 7.50 to 8;00. . , JOE T�, Up.' CoiiunOn bred grass heifers and steers, 7.00 to 7.&5; thin' feeder Statesboro, Ga. lteel'S and heifers, 6.00 to 6.75; fat f,t. yearUnp, 6.00. t!» _ '{.50J ·,...Er.L D80WN, cows. 4.50 to 6.65; canner cows, Manager 3.00 to bulls, 4.50 to 6.75. 4.0(1; S8 South Main St.' There were more buyers at the , sale !J'uesday than stoCk to fIB the

orders. ' .... _ , .. • .•.'-.. :... I __ u.----�------= ;i;;;==__;;;;;=;;;;;;t�