State Pollution Control Board C-1 1, Sector-6, Website - www,hspcb.qov.i[ E-Mail - [email protected] Tele No. - 0172-2577870-73

Notice for Public Hearinq

It is for the information of all concerned that M\s Dkrrish Buuilder Pvt. Ltd. For sand mine "Faridabad Unitl in District Faridabad, Haryana, has proposed the sand mine project for mining of minor minerals in 273.50 HA area of the mines of Faridabad Unit-1 with production capacity of 5.0 million TPA of sand revenue in the estates of village Basantpur, Agwanpur, Dadisa, Karawali, Lalpur, Mohabatpur, Mozambad, Rajpur,Kalan, Baskola, Sikhargarh, Tehsil Faridabad, Haryarra. The project is covered under the ambit of Environment lmpact Assessment Notification No, S.O. 1533 (E) dated 4th Sep,2006 issued by Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of lndia, New and thus Environmental Clearance is mandatory for the proposed project. Accordingly the project proponent has applied to the concerned authority for Environmental Clearance. As a paft of procedure for seeking the Environmental clearance, as notified by the Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of lndia, vide Notification No.S,O. 153 (E), dated 14.09.2006, as amended till date, the project proponent mentioned above has applied to the Haryana State Pollution Control Board for conducting a Public Hearing for its above said proposed minor mineral project, Accordinqlv the Public Hearinq for the above said proiect has been fixed on 30.12.2014 at 11 :00 AM at the Proiect Site mentioned above,

Copies of executive summary of the project and EIA study report, submitted by the project proponent, are available in the Head Office of the Board as well as in the following offices, which can be perused during office hours, on any working day.-

1. Deputy Commissioner, Faridabad. 2. Regional Officer, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Faridabad Region, Sector-16 A, Opp. HEWA Apartment, Faridabad. \ 3. Chairman, Zlla Parishad, Faridabad. 4. Commissioner, Municipal Council, Faridabad. A Joint Director, District lndustries Centre, Faridabad.

Notice is hereby given to all concerned to file suggestions, views, comments and objections , if any, on the proposed project, to the Chairman, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, C-11, Sector-6, Panchkula as well as Regional Officer, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Faridabad Region, Sector-16 A, Opp HEWA Apartment, Faridabad, within 30 days of the publication of this notice" Besides, a Public Hearing will also be held on the Date, Time & Venue mentioned above at the proposed site of the project, which can be attended by any persen including Environmental Groups, bonafide residents and others located at site/sites of displacemenUsites likely to be affected. OralAl/ritten suggestions if any can also be made during the Public Hearing.

No TA/DA will be admissible for attendirig the Public Hearing.

Prof. Surinder Deswal Chairman