. A Arcrasre Dally Nat PraM .Rim I For tM Week Bided Tha Waafliar ' May 8, laai FoiMaat ttf 0. 8. WaaftMt I ""7 Ooudy, mUd, ahawt 13,326 CMly tmilfht, eoolar. Low la MW Mwaber ef the Audit Buraai «f OrcaUtloB Tueadajr. -pactly—atoHily, Manchie$ter—^4 City o f Village Charm BighdStnta. A- '

VOL. iLXXX, NO. 203 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 29, 1961 (Claaslfled Advertising on Pnge 14) PRICE FIVB CENlft High Court Upholds State News Car Deaths Constitutionality of Roundup Rate at 4.3 Six FinSd $25 Every Hour Sunday Blue Laws Each for Fires ' (By the Aeeodlated Press) Traffic ...... 289 B oating ...... 24 Ansonia, May 12 (/P)—Six D row nbig ...... 87 Washington, M ay 29 (/P)—♦aought atrlcter enforcement of youths from Beacon Falls can Tha Supreme Court today up^ the laws, while some Orthodox Mlscellaiieons ...... 50 Jews and Seventh Day Adventists were fined $2S each in Circuit -A held constitutionality of Sun­ who observe Satimday as the Sab^ Court today for unlawful Total ...... 400 'X • day Blue Laws. <.; bath opposed what was termed in­ kindling of fires. ■■■"' V- Chief Juatice Warren delivered terference in religion. The highwa.v death toll held the court’s decision. They were Theodore Stronkow- The tribunal ruled in cases spe­ A brief submitted to the High ski. 17; Kevin Swan, 19; JEdward to a course today which could President cifically applying to blue laws of Court by the Synagogue Council of Halloway, 18; Johnathan Mis, 21: set a record for the nation’s Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and American and the National Com­ Raymond J. Norton, 17, and extended Memorial Day week­ Sfaryland. munity Relations Advisory Coun­ Walter Bukowczyk Jr.. 18. cil asked that all blue laws be de­ In addition, Prank R. Oemcke. end. Blue laws, which restrict Sun­ ' An ominoq.s aspect was absence Will Go to day activities in many states, orig­ clared unconstitutional. The brief 16, had hl.s .case referred to juven­ said organizations connected with ile authorities. of the expected substantial mid- inated in Colonial America to com­ holiday slump — between the dead­ pel observance of the Sabbath. the two councils had as members Four of the boys. Stronkowskl, an overwhelitling majority of ly peaks at the opening and clos­ First 2 Swan, Holloway and Mis, had ad­ Lawyers attacking the statutes ing hours. said they have become ‘‘a lethal Americans afflliated with Jewnsh mitted they had set a number of organizations. brush fires in this state since 1958, By midmorning today, the fl- (By THE ASSOCIATED PBXiSS) weapon in the economic war of guies .showed traffic deaths were competition” among retailers. The The Supreme Court upheld Sun­ according to State Police, and in President Kennedy turned lawyers also argued the laws were day closing law's in decisions In the some casM had been paid to help occurring at a rate of 4.3 an hour. religious statutes, enforcement of last century. Those decisions were put the fires out. This is the same average Hourly 44 today in the seclusion of which violated the U.S. Constitu­ based on a "day of rest” doctrine They told State Police that at rate maintained throughout I960 his family home in Hyannis which held the laws were, essential­ first they started the fires for the when 38.200 traffic fatalities were tion. counted for the year. Port, Mass., on the chilly The advent of the Sunday super­ ly civil rather than religious in money and later, just for fun. south shore of (Hape Ckx}. He m arket the super-drug store, and nature. The 38.200 total, how'ever, em­ giant discount emporiums in sub­ In recent years the court has braces death.s from injuries weeks put in more homework on his 9 urbs and along major highway^ rejected various appeals chal­ Launching Speaker and months after the date of the crucial meetings with FVench kltrcB ' ilissia» «r- brought vigorous complaints from lenging blue laws. It said no sub­ Groton, May 29 (fl’i—Secretary accident. The current count covers President Charles de Gaulle N M i - downtown busine.ss interests, along stantial federal question was pre­ of the Navy John B. Connally wiil only" deaths over the holiday pe­ and Soviet Premier Nikita S. with demands for enforcement of sented. deliver the main address at riod. ■ M . Khrushchev. PJH. . ' Sunday closing laws. launching ceremonie.s for this The homeward rush of millions' LBMF Some church organizations also (ConMnued on Page Eight) country’a newest Polaris - firing from extended outings was expect­ The youngest President ever TOON mlaslle submarine. Thomas A. Edi­ ed to 9tep up the rate dramatically elected to the office boned up on -‘T!~4V • son, June 15 at General Djmamics tomorrow. this week’s European conferences nua Corp.'s Electric Boat Division. The weekend started with a while anticipating a flani Mrthday iNV0 . The EMLson, a second generation heavy toll. celebration In Boston tonight with fleet ballistic mi!«iie submarine, is National Safety Council offi­ personal and poUUcal friends. A,* • Blasts Shatter Three cials teyned the rate "alarming” But the mood of the occasloa a 6,900-ton, 410-foot vessel de­ was deadly serious. signed to fire the long-range 1.- and said if it continued through 500-mile Polaria and will be the tomorrow's holdiay period, the toll White House press secretary ist I eighth FBM submarine rt)o be could top the record of 413 high­ Pierre Salinger reported the Chief Microwave Stations launched and the fourth to go way deaOis reported in a 4-day Executive remained on the down the ways at Electric Boat. Memorial Day weekend in 1957. grounds of the Kennedy compound of homes, yeaterday except for a bow Other Electric Boat Polaris The council did'not make an es­ Birmingham offlclalScCaUed to court by the government stand in lobby of courthouse in Montgom­ f"'-' Salt Lake City, May M tflV-e.ed for a ti le. Telephone company submarines are the George Wash­ timate of traffic deaths for the 4- ery, Ala., today. yPeft to right; Vernon Hart, a detective; Jim Simpson, attorney; Jamie Moore po­ drive to Mass in the nelTby village Dj-namlte .blasts that shattered officials said repairs would be ington, first of the FBM submar­ day period which started at 6 p.m. lice chief and-ETIgene (Bull) Connor, police commissioner. (AP Photofax.) of Hyannis. into the three lonely, unattended micro- made by tonight. ines, and the Patrick Henry, botli Friday and ends at midnight 4% ______While a spanking westerly wind na- OB' a wave and cable relay comanunica- Armed National Guardsmen in oh active duty with the fleet, and Tuesday (local time). However, it churned up whitecape on Nantuck­ gC the tions stations in Utah and Nevada Utah. Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, the Ethan Allen, launched last estimated that 100 persons might et Sound, Kennedy stayed In Qie Nevada and New Mexico searched be killed on Memorial Day alone. beachfront home of his tether por­ the tun*,;- ' v.v saboteurs, or vandals, Was on many tigation. Hamden. May 29 (jP)—Addition­ from 6 p.m. Friday to midnight ClourUn Permitted Race Riots joins him in New York. Pour and - Salt Lake Tribune photogra­ al troubles have piled up for Rob­ Tuesday. “Ice Ca. -s,. V'i*.' lips, some official. phers were allowed to take pic­ Birthday wlshM loaded the _.Wlthln hours after the dawn ert E. Russell, 30, of 64 Main St., Generally pleasant weather pre­ Montgomery, Ala., Slay 29 (.T) wires in this summer resort, Him- m ■ lh a tures of damaged stationa and out­ Terrj'ville, who was arrested last vailed in most parts of the nation Jackson, Mi.ss., May 29 (/P> — ^and Commissioner Eugene Con­ I haa-be* explosions, FBI agents, armed Na­ sides of those undanuged. but not —A Negro student testified (o- nor and Chief Jamie Moore of dreds were delivered yesterday and tional Guard troops and area po­ week In Bhe beating of a state yesterday and millions of motor­ Seventeen more segregation-defy­ day the only policeman she saw it appeared Kennedy ■would get avm i ■ oa I’l ^ '.■%■■ interiors stuffed with huge bat­ senator. » ’ ists headed for outings and recre- Birmingham. Connor Is Alabama's lice befi^ hunting the person, or teries. control Fuels and other ing ’’Freedom Riders” go on trial on duty shortly before a race Democratic national conrvmittee- 1,000 before hopping to Boston persona, who for a moment cut When local police heard of his tion spots. riot started here dro\e away tonight for a Democratic fund­ r.TRohWbfi ■ I equipment. arrest, they found the name had An Associated Press suivey in city court today amid reports a man. i ^ y liSW L s nerve In America's CSvil Defense At each blast site, broken, steel, just, as a bus load of "Freedom The Justice Department also raising birthdaj^ dinner in his communications system. a familiar ring. fifth group would leaVe soon for Rldiers” arrived. Patricia Ann honor. 55>a«iai“ hunks of concrete and splintered They said Russell was wanted (Continued on Pag* Eight) Jackson in an attempt to crack the asked for an injunction against a uoothleA The damaged stations all are lumber littered the scene. Investi­ Deep South’s ”Jim Crow” bar­ Jenkins, a student In ’t'ennessee former Montgomery reserve po­ Kennedy was chipper' and ki»Wa«-'w?- located in the desexL^jyeaten) in Hamden on a forgery charge A, A I. St Nashville, was the gators scampered over the debris, dating back to 19.57. They said riers. liceman. Claude 'V. Henley, whom liSf as he aclw(>wIe<%^,ihon9^ Utah And eastern Nevada and searching for clues. first witness at a federal court it identified as one of the ring­ "happy birthday” on TeaVfaic. St. a lieitar,**'^'--^'■ ■ along U.S. Highway 40-S0A. The he had changed the figures on a In Forest Park, Pa,, the Free- i hearing growing out of racial Unejtploded TNT', some of it check for *1.18 to $111.18 and 82 to 90 dom Riders’ chief co-ordinator, leaders of the mob here. Francis Xavier Roman Craolle etatlona are part of the American wrapped in military olive drab, violence in Slontgnmcry May 20 Church yesterday morning. Hun­ Telephone and Telegraph ayatem. ca.sh'ed It at a bar and grill. Marvin Rich of New '\'ork. said, a I and in Birmingham si.\ days Henley has been charged with was found at one site. Rus.sell was arrested Saturday Hartford, May 29 i/P.— The bus trip would be made to Jack.son j assault and battery for the beat­ dreds of worshipers llHed the The first blast, at 4:S6 a.m.. At least one station was tom earlier. white frame church and hundreds n o s ' demolished a microwave tower and released in *2,500 bond for an State Motor Vehicle Depart­ from New Orleans today or to- i ing of two television newsmen. His . ‘"T V by two explosions set at. different appearance in circuit court next ment's daily record of auto­ morrow. ' j attorney said he would ask for three miles west of Wendover'on places. Meanwhile, 22 Freedom Riders Montgomery, Ala.. May 29 /Pi— (Continued on Page BIgfat) lad Jaek the Utah-Nevada line. The second, Authorilie.s pounced on reports month. mobile accidents as of last Police in racially troubied Mont- disnrissal of the federal complaint ptodnoer He was arrested Wednesday with midnight and the totals on the convicted here in Mississippi’s | against him on the grounds that 65 minutes later, collapsed a cable dynamtie had been stolen by capital city on breach of peace goincrv’ and Birmingham were call­ relay station at Knolls. Utah. 40 youth.s in Elko. Nev., but it had al­ his sister, Mrs. Doris Edwards, .same date last year: ed into federal court today, ac­ even if he did attack the 'TV men, nrcoloai* ; also of Terryville, on charges of 1960 1961 charges last Friday, were transfer­ it had notliing to do with inter­ mjles further east. The third. 55 ready been recovered. red today to the county penal farm cused of deliberately permitting gBa ■ Fhlfw ^ irtinutos later, crippled a micro- Howard Blood of the Mountain breach of the peace after Sen. Accident 13.867 17.106 (Est.) mob violence, state commerce. Daniel E. Kerwin of Waterburv Killed ... 82 90 to work off their *200 fines at the wave tower at Cedar Mountain, States T A T said; "We don't know rate of *3 a day. Five others post­ U.S. marshals held a tight rein "Freedom Riders” arriving by Bulletins S T -j: ' -5 l':i 20 miles further east in Utah. whether it's a crackpot, or what.” was found robbed knd beaten Tues­ Injured .. 8..540 9.411 I Est ) bus in Birmingham on May 14 and day night in Meriden. ed bond earliei' and were released. on a large crowd which waited in Culled from AP Wires V 'ihe unmanned stations transmit But he called it sabotage. The 17 newly arrested Freedom the corridor to get seats in the at Montgomery six days later loan Me- ,/ radio waves up to 30 miles on a So did Elko County, Nev.. Sheriff Riders — 13 Negroes and' four marble-walled rourtromn. were set-upon by howling mobs of rer vh o ^ ,■*•■"t line of sight basis—coast to coast, J. C. Harris. Bob McAdam of the Shouere Wednetday whites — go on trial on the same A reporter who tried to enter white men and women, and a bus border to border. Bell Telephone fco. in Nevada com­ State Counts 3 was burned near Anniston, Ala., DEFENp^TRACTORS DEAL lnollee. ; r . - Windsor Lodes, May 29 (iPi — charges as the other 27. If convict­ the judge’.s office to ask about The three blasts snipped out a mented: “It appears to be an iso­ U.S. Weather Bureau at Bradley pre.ss facilities for coverage of the on May 14. Washington, May 29 (8V-Tha U be pre? ^ portion of this telephonic back­ ed. they can post bond, pay a fine K e n n ^ ' administration lannche a tu r o i^ lated situation and does not appear Field Issued this extended, fore­ and-or aerve sentence. hearing was stopped by marshals. At least 20 victims—some mere bone. but automatic equipment im­ to be any national plan.” cast today for Tuesday. May 30, Holiday Dead ed / e counter attack today mediately shuttled messages to Four separate groups of bus No criminal charge was pending bystanders - were left clubbed f'SSrP> ‘ The military took no chances. through Saturday, June 3: riders attempting to desegregate against the police authorities; only and beaten at“ the Greyhound Bus against critics et its support another system. Associated Press Temperatures are expected to By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS for the move to swap tractors to circuits in the West were disrupt- a Justice Department demand for Terminal in Montgomery at tlie (Continued on Page Eleven) average 3 to 6 degrees below nor­ The a' 'idental death toll in Con­ (Continued on Page Eight) an injunction to prevent them in outset of a weekend of rioting Fidel Castro for release of tv- a' amen ‘*l mal with little day-to-day change. necticut stood at three today as the future from permitting race which ultimately brought martial 200 Ouban rebels. Sen. Hubert H. The normal mean temperature in the Memorial Day weekend en­ rioters to Interfere with interstate law. Humphrey, D-Mlnn., in a Sei^ ■the Hartford area during this pe­ tered its third day. bus travel. ate speech, said former B epn^ -■ riod is 66 degrees ranging from a Two other Connecticut residents j Tile Justice Department put the lican Vice President Richard M. VS. .al dally high of 78,to a low of 53. were killed in accidents out of the A similar restraining order was blame for the racial violence NUon is morally, legajly and s n \ .u - Texas Voters Elect Rainfall la expected to average state since the fatality count for News Tidbits is.suod by U.S. Dist. Judge Frank .squarely on the Kian, and got an politleally' wrong in denocmelng lit ttioae about one quarter of an inch oc­ the holiday weekend began 6 p.m. M. Johnson Jr. nine days ago injunction from Johnson prohibit- the deal. Director Edward £ aoma we - curring as showers about Wednes­ Friday. from the AP Wires against the Ku Klux Kian. and H Ing KKK members, and "all per­ Murrow of the IT.S: Information naao-jnet'-'’ day night and again on Saturday. Of the five deaths, three result­ Johnson was to determine at to­ sons acting in concert with them.” Agency raUed a news conference First GOP Senator ed from traffic accidents, and the day's hearing whether to keep that from any further acts interfering and said there has been “a court order in force. with interstate bus travel. .the’"lia-,^ ' .v'v.' rcniaining two from drowning. Target-tracking radar for the ground swell of disgust” Cited hy VFff' Two of the traffic fatalities oc­ Nike 2ieus anti-missile system Added to the original complaint Later. Uie federal government Castro throughout Latin Amer­ Hartford, May 29 (iP!—The Con­ curred in Connecticut as State Po­ tested succes.sfully against a fast as defendants were Police Com­ amended its complaint and asked ica as a result of the Cuhttn Dallas, Tex., May 2 9 ^ — The«.er cent. The other four major necticut 'Veterans of Foreign Wars missioner L. B. Sullivan and Chief ta bo la ™ victory of Jolm G. Tower, the first Democrats polled 47 per cent. lice re-inforced regular patrols to traveling 'Intercontinental ballistic Dictator’s offer of the swap, (VF\\’) today cited three Connecti­ crackdown on speeders and other missile, Defense Department says.. G. J. Ruppenthal In Montgomery (Continued on Page Eight) "It is clear that Castro hM Republican senator to be elected Political professionals say that cut newspapers, a radio and tele­ by Texas voters, today left glee­ the Democrats made their fir.st highway violators, United States will beat Russia in a blustered his way Into a major ful GOP workers thankful they vision station for "extraordinary • The drowning to ^ place- yes­ race to the moon, says James E. blunder,” Murrow said. mistake when they failed to recog, service,” in support of various terday In Long Island Sound near Webb, chief of the nation’s space rang so many doorbells .and Dem­ nize Tower’s .strength and failed to VFW’ patrotlc, civic or public serv­ TFJXS OF TBUOK^DEAL " ‘*i'* I ocrats wondering what went narrow the field' of candidates be­ Stratford when a huge wave tilted Agency. Non-Whites on 3-Day Strike Sf\ ice progrsm.s. a 18-foot boat containing three Albania court sentences four JerusaJem. May 29*l)P) — A wrong. fore the April 4 election. The Waterburv American and Had the Democrats been able to fi.shermen. leading Albanians to be shot on peppery tittle red-haired Jew, Tower, the 35-yOar-old former Republican and Norwalk Hour, ra- Winfred Tittemore. 60. of 36 charges of plotting against the slapping the witoess stand and w :* -A% college professor, won Saturday’s concentrate on a Moderate who could have appealed tcr^'hoth Lib­ Conununtst goveminent for the South Africans Begin imitating a Nazi officer's shrill apecial U.S. Senate race by 8,000 (Continued on Page Eight) (Continued on Page Nine) United States. Greece and Yugo­ command, testified today Adolf votes over' William A. Blackley, a eral and Conservative wings of the party. TOwer may never have got­ slavia, Radio Tirana reports...A Eichmaon offered 'him the livea 2 Democrat who holds the Senate ten Into the runoff. statue of French sculptor Frederic of a mlUJon Jews for lOJMW seat on an interim appointment. Blakley in the runoff had the Auguste Bartholdi, who created Republic Week Strife trucks in 1944. Joel Brand said He had 444,815 votes 50.45 task of holding his Conservative Nation to Honor Its War Dead the Statue of Liberty, will be un­ Eichmann told hbn: "One hun­ per cent of Uie 881,630 votes count­ support and at the same time try­ veiled Oct. 28 near th'e base of the dred Jen'S for one truck. Tlmt'a ed to Blackley’s 436,815. Approxi­ famed Lady of Liberty on Bedloe's By RICHARD KAS18CHKE 4 a pretty good price for yon.” I ritpref. ing to arouse sufficient enthusiasm seemed highly effective in some mately 7,600 votes — not enough among the middle-of-the-roaders In Memorial Services Tuesday Island In New York Harbor. Johannesburg, South Africa, big Negro townships outside Jo­ Brand, a leader of the Budapest to change the outcome—were yet and Uberals to get them to the President Kennedy’s req'uest for May 29 down with hundreds of its men still Agency is turned down by House whites started a 3-day political to the city almost 90 per cent negotiate the deal. It never had campaigned successfully 'both (Continued on Page Nine) The nation will honor its dead inside in the Japanese attack on Appropriations Committee . .Polish sUlke. African mobs block^ roads empty. The townships of Orlando, came off. . '• for the vice presidency and for re- of all wars tomorrow. Communist regime bans all Roman and stoned worker buses. Kliptown and Dicpkloff were dark, 9 Pe8rl Harbor In 1941. election as senator in November, The Memorial Day ceremonies Adm. John H. Sides, Pacific Fleet Catholle.- religioiid processions tra­ In Port 'Elizabeth, an African and mo^t inhabitants seemed to DEFEt^ON DENIED will vary from region to region, ditionally held after Corpus Christ! be still aslfeep. But jji Johannes­ Warsaw, Poland, May 29 (ff) resigned his Senate seat early this commander, will eulogize the dead Holy Day, a' Polish' government bus driver was shot and wounded year, Towfcr was one of the first Mother, Straii2;lf*s but there will be a oneneas of In ceremonies which will include trying to steer his buS" through a burg itself, many deliveries of —The Polish Foreign Ministry prideful gratitude to those who spokesman says .. Forty persons, milk, bread and newspapers were described as “pnit: nonsense^ to announce for the special April floral tributes and a 21-gun including 26 children, injured In ex­ stone tlirowing gang. Q$ 4 election. 3 Children in Bed gave their lives for the ideals saluate. Several other buses also were being made normally. today western reports - ttwt prayerfully endowed with perma­ plosion in theater in Pinar Del Rio, 'The strike was timed to climax Deputy Interior Minister An­ A political unknown when he At the outdoor Cathedral of the Chiba, Havana radio' reports. stoned in segregated Negro town­ toni Alster has fled to the .West. quit as professor at Midwestern Athens, Greece, May 29 (JP)—A nency in 1776. ships outside Port Elizabeth and Wednesday, when ’ South Africa In the Arlington. Va„ National Pines in Rlndge, N. H„ wreaths British and Soviet co-chairmen becomes a republic outside ' the Friends of the security 'Offlcinl University last year to run' oiijthe young U.S. Anny aergeant's

- .1- -K' . 7 „ . . I' V ifAX '-J w

PAOETWO BfANCHESTER ^ V G N IN iG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, MAY 2 9 ,19urt Told Only Eichmaitii iHOB THREE No Herald Coventry Concert Campaign Kept Death Gamp Reedrds Sheinwold on Right Chairmen, Far HoBMt “ T H E W A Y Tomorrow Swim Course Extended a Week Jusi Wrong Club ^Economical Ropolri on By THOMAS A. REEDT < a b b a n o b p l a t s 'Tba subscription drive for the Radio, TV, Stmoo, The Manchester Evening Hi million Jews were liquidated. rectly beneath Himmler, said he 1 0 Pu* 2 * Pass may do so by mailing hla payment Larmett, Y’l^jra and means; Mrs. CIGAR I' many’ strings as all the others tone in character. In soft passages, His testimony suppoMed earlier had nothing to do with the liqui­ mond in dummy and lead the Mias Wendy Warren of Vehiqn, to Post Office Box 386, Manches: Bruce Fowler and^Mrs. Donald combined. trombones, so the situation is not queen of clubs for a finesse. If the 5 NT PMa. • NT An PM a junior at the University.of Con­ unique to strings. it may provide the entire bass for evidence by Pennsylvania Su­ dation program and that this was OpMiaf bad — 0 9 ter. Robert D. Murdock of 22 Hdr- Smith, hospitality co-chairmen. The strings m ^ be broken dowr the orchestra, but in louder pass­ preme Court Justice Michael A. Eichmann’s department. Oswald finesse wins, you can switch to necticut, will be initnietor for the lan St. is president of the associa­ Also, Mrs. Ronald 'Vemler, fine Into four categorfes. \iolins, viola.s. The violin has an orchestral hearts to assure the slam. If the program which will run from June range of about three octaves, al­ ages. the contra-baas is employed. Musmanno who quoted the top Pohl, in charge of the concentra­ tion. Murdock said today that no arts; Mrs. Joseph Perzano’vskl, cellos, and basses. Everybody This is the largest of the string Nazis as sayiiig Eichmann was the tion cahips, said the same thing, club finesse loses, you may get 26 through July 2. Morning supplementary drive will be held telephone; Mrs. Leigh Fergu.son, Guaranteed knows what a violin looks like, and though a soloist can play ne«u-ly the chance to cash the ace and queen. Then you switch to hearts claasea will be conducted at Bandy an octave higher. Proper intona­ family and may have five strings, arch executor of the progrram. Gilbert continued. ■ in the fall as was done la^it year. typing; Mrs. Lawrence Decker, To 'Give You many people are under the misap­ although four is the customary The full authority vested In Elch- The one thing Kaltenbrunner jack of clubs before hearts are to assure the slam. Shorea off Lake St.; afternoon ses^ Concerts are held In .-the audi­ service: Mrs. Roger Hall, social; A Very prehension that it is the most diffi­ tion becomes progressively more played. The suit may break 3-3, Biona at Clear Water Beach on Rt. Mra. Philip Hyde, parliamentar­ difficult as one goes upward, and number. The five-string variety mann by Gestapo Chief Heinrich and Pohl agreed upon, he said, If East has the king o f clubs hs torium of Manchester H ig h School Enjoyable cult of instruments. This is not plays a little lower. Because of its was Etchmann’a role. in which case you \rill have 12 will capture dummy’s queen but 31. ian, and Mrs. Allan.'Schubert, ex­ Smoke even in the best orchestras it is Himmler was laid bare in the tricks without needing a heart which seats more than 1,800. so. Let it be said that no Instru­ large size, it Is not as agile an in­ memorandum written by Hoess at cannot trouble you with a heart B e n n e r claaaes will be held tension. 2nds OF A NATIONALLY ment is easy, and certainly the liableJto be off in the iuttreme reg- The testimony was developed finesse. ■'. II r strument hs the others, and the Gilbert’s request. by Attorney General Gideon Haus- return. You will have time to test Monday, Wedneiday and Friday; ’The Herald regrets the error ADVER'nSED CIGAR strings are not the easiest, but istersr Heart Hetom - composer must write more slowly Goering challenged the mil­ n'er In support of Israel’s claim the club break before deciding Intermediate claaaes, Tuesday and Covenant Juniors WHICH s e l l s f o r IOc neither are they the most difficult. The viola is a larger violin held for it. The trouble la that West may whether or not you need a heart Thursday. Junior and aenior life FACES HOMICIDE CHARGE The reason that a young be­ under the chin, and frequently con­ lion figure and said it was "tech­ that Eichmann had unllmitedpow- Reg. $4.75. All the strings play one noU at er behind a comparativeljr low be unkind enough to win the king finesse. sa-ving claasea will he held Mon­ New Britain, May 29 Ruffin ginner on the violin sounds so bad- fused with the more common in­ nically ImpoBsible,” Dr. Gilbert Join Hi-League Box 50. a time, essentially. Two note com­ tesUfled. rank of lieutenant colonel. of clubs and return a heart. Then Dally <)neetioa day through Friday. Ferrell, 48. of 171 Richard 'St., is *1.79 ty, is mainly due to the fact that strument. It sounds five notes low­ 7 For 2.5o binations are possible, and even Hoess said in his memorandum you must decide for or against , Partner opens i^th one dia­ Feea for the latter two courses scheduled to be arraigned in' (Cir­ he has not his ear trained in ad­ er. and plays the part of corres­ At the time, Gilbert said KaJ- the heart finesse before you have are $5; for other claises, $3. The Five members of the Juniors, Perfectos and Panatellaa some of three and four notes, but the figure "seemed high" to him,, tenbrunner believed Eichmann to mond. and the next player passes. cuit (Court today on a charge of vance. He doesn't know, by look­ ponding to tenor in vocal writing. essentially the strings are best em­ too, but he was unsure because found' out how the clubs break. figures Include Insurance. Chil­ youth group at Covenant Ckmgre- homicide. Police said Ferrell fatal­ ing at the music, what it should (The lUto part is played by the be dead, as did most of the other A third line of play preserves You hold: Spades—A J 8; Hearts gational Church for Grade 4, 6, ployed in single diatonic passages. he was not sllowed to keep a Nazis and tH6 Allied prosecution KCiPotzr —A 10 5; Diamonds—Q 10; Clubs dren insured under the baseball ly shot Raymond Almeda, 19, of 72 LIGGEn BRUG sound like, and so any noises he second violins). M I S S I L E ^ all possibilities. Win the first dia­ program will not have to pay the and 6 pupils, were graduated Into Even alngle chromatic passagM daily count. The Atischwitz in­ as well. —.Q J 6 3 2. What do you aay? Richard St., wdth a shotgun Satur-1 gets from the instrument are more Speaking of second violins, there are likely to be blurred In orches­ stallations from IM l to. 1945 had DRveLOPCMCNT mond in your own hand and lead charge again. Junior Hi-League membership at day after the youth had berated I PARKADE or leas satisfactory to'him, and he Goering nominated Eichmann to c e h t s r the I6W chib! Anawerj Bid two notrump. Thia ar evening service at the church is actually no difference in the dif-. tral work. "Double-stopping” on the capacity for such a toll, Hoess high position in the Jewish po­ Mrs. Lionel Jean is chairman of him in front of his stepdaughter. 1 the contra-bass is not satisfactory, If West takes the king of cluba proralaea 13 to 15 pointa Ui high the beach mothers; Mrs. Herman l»8t night. said, then added that Eichmann grom on one occasion, Gilbert you will get four club tricks even cards, with balanced diatribuUon .’The graduates are Sandra Me- the results being thick and muddy. gave a full report to Himmler In said. It came affer the Nuernberg LeDoyt, program chairman; All the strings are usually though the suit breaks 4-2. You and strength In each of the unhid Mrs. Ellsworth Oreenleaf, treasur­ OiUum, Joyce Crawford, Kaye April, 1946. trial court heard testimony from won't need the heart finesse. If aulta. Celebrate Golden Wedding Rask, Donald Childers, and John played with the bow, but some­ "1 have to use Jhe figures of Dieter Wisllceny, an Eichmann er; Mrs. Harmon W. Cochrane, Science Shrinks Piles times this Is discarded and the Mercys will lay a wreath on the West playgtpw instead of taking (Copyright 1961, General secretary, and Mrs. Dudley Fergu­ Mr. and Mrs. Rpland Smith o f 'f ------'■------Keeney. Carinis Wed 54 Years Elichmaiui," the note from Hoess deputy in the Slovakia and Hun­ graVe of President Franklin D. his klngrilwnmy wins with the Features Corp.) The service included Psalm read­ strings are plucked. This is very gary pogroms. son, public relations chairman. Jonathan TnmibuU Highwey. Co- - Widely known throughout the effective, and is properly known to Gilbert said. “He was the only Roosevelt. If there la sufficient Interest ing by John Keeney; responsive Mr. and Mrs. Buonflglio Carinl, New Way Without Siir,gei7 SS officer jiennitted to keep lists "Goering said That Wialiceny lumMa, 'Will, observe their Golden area towns, the Smiths ■will be dren and 'seven great-grandchil­ as "pizzicatto.” Long passages in Then, they will go to Peekskill shown in adult beginner classes, remembered by those who came reading and prayer by Joyce 123-Oak St., cel^rated their 54th this manner are frequently writ­ under the orders given him by the is a little schweinehund who looks where they will be welcomed offi­ these will be formed, officials said. Wedding-Day Wednesday. They Crawford: a poem by Donald (Chil­ dren. ' t h e : > Reichsfuehrer S5. All others in the like a big schweinehund only be­ to Columbia to rent boa'ts for fish' wedding anniversary yesterday. Among those present were Mr, V is-:;..::;*®;;- ten. cially at city hall by Mayor Cyrus B ttofa were guests of honor yesterday at ders; a solo by Brenda Ogren; a Stops Itch—Relieves Pain chain of command had to destroy cause Eichmann isn't here,’ ’’ Gil­ A- Bleakley. Tomorrow, they will WEEK of JUNE $th Ing on the lake before It was piano solo by Kaye Rask; vocal About 100 friends and relatives Carini’s sister. Mrs. Delphlna Knr Ymk, K V. — For Om The stringed instruments we The Coventry Republi(Nui Town an open house held in the IParish closed to the public. They also had so tbereugk tkat sufferera made utilize today d te from the 17th such documents.” bert related. lead the Memorial Day parade. Eves. 8:80—Wed. had Sat. M at duets by Marsha and Sandra Mc- honored them at a buffet supper Smachettt of Manchester; and NEWEST grst tiina sdaaes bas foaad a as* satoaithluj atatanaats like “ Piles d USHNEL Committee will sponsor . a public House of (Toliunbla Congregation­ a lake front lot beside the dam Mrs. Carini’s sisters, Mrs. Rose century. Older music can be trana- Mrs. Mercy yesterday placed a TIcketa Now At Box Office smorgasbord at 7 p.nL June 18'at al Church. Arranged ly friends, CCallum, and by (Carol and Marol and reception at City 'View Hall. basHag sDbataaea aritk tha aatoa- bava taasM to be a probleail" wreath at a Central Park memo­ ■which they rented to campers. Courtrlght; Scripture recitation by Peragallo of Glastonbury and iakiag ability to abriak bamer- Tba aaerst is a aaw bsaliag sab- scribed for them, but It was writ­ the Cove Restaurant John Lup- the party 'was atttended by about Mr. Carini and the former Ida ten for an ehtirely different fam­ rial in New York City dedicated Mall Orders Promptly Filled Smith is a retired farmer and Melanie and Daryl Rosz, and S6V' Mrs. Joseph Draghl of Manches­ y k tbaids, step itebiag, aad raliava staaca (Bie-Dyas*)—diaeorery of ton, state senator of Weston, will 160 guests. stone mason. His beautiful stone K- Prell W’ere married In New ter; and her brothers, John and ily of instruments, seldom en­ Nation to Honor Its War Dead to the men of the 307th Infantry Full Prices: Mon.-Thura. Evening be the speaker. Clayton E. Hunt spr 1*« Hal. SS.sr S.ie. 4JS. 1*4 The Ladies’ AssodaUon of First and gave the couple a portable tel­ had both come to the United States aeums.. L Hal. Stas, S.SS. I.SS. F ri«it. Ev*.: a lasting tribute to him. He help­ offering. The Rev. K. Ejnar Rask, laliaviag pala, actual radnetioa tat auppantarp ..or abitaMat /ana Orck. *r i*« Bal. I6.M. S.Se. S.SS. Sad Congregational Church will have evision set and. gift of money from ed build some of the first struc­ from Italy as children. - X d O O K I K O On Memorial Services Tuesday Bal. S4.SS, S.SS. S.SS. an all-day work session Wedne'a- those who attended and many who pastor, delivered the addre.ss to (ArlalcMu) took place. aadar tba aaaia PraparaCtaa B*. miem» tures at Camp Asto-Wamah, the the graduates. , The couple has two daughters. Meet assaalag egall—results were At aU drug aaaatara. z : day, at the church starting at were unable to. Hartford Center Church Camp oh Mrs. Elsie Mlnicucci and Dr. Esta WcS. Mat.: Otek. *r 1*1 Bal. MAS, 10:30 a.m. Hie Pastor’s Council Mr. Smith is a native a t Colum­ Officers of the Juniors for the Car Cra^h Kilts (Conttnned from Page One) addition to its usual Memorial h M Over! S.M. S.SS. ZaS Bal. SZ.SS. Sat. Hat.: the lake, organized 50 years ago. past year include Kaye Rask, pres­ Carini Frohardt of Manchester; Day activities, will honor the Orck. ar 1*1 Bal. fS.M. 4.M. S.SS. tad will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday at bia and Mrs. Smith, the former One of his mo.st prominent works and four sons, Edward L. Carini Hal. SS.at. Z.SS Kingsbury House. v Gertrude Brown, of Manchester. ident; John Keeney, vice presi­ AUTOMATIC Four Teen-agers 1913. andief CTiarles W. Schomp, French "Candy Girl” of World is the huge, stone chimney in dent; Donald Childers, secretary; of Bolton, Ernest J. Carini of Man­ who served' in the Spanish-Ameri- Volunteer mothers assmting at They were married in the parson­ Bricktop Lodge in TTie Pasture. chester, Eugene P. Carini of Or­ War I who met liberating Ameri­ Bnahnell Memorial, Hartford 14. Fer Reoervattona call JA 8-8177 Bouth Coventry Oooperati>Fe Nurs­ and Brenda Ogren, treasurer. can War and died in 1942. Her can troops and offered them age of South Methodist Church in He was gate tender at the Lake (Counselors for the group are Miss ange and Elvin C. Carini of Med- Vernon, Tex., May 29 (;Pi—Four preserit husband, 82, is a World ery and Kindergarten thla week Manchester May 31, 1911 with his dam for some 25 years, retiring field. Mass. homemade caramels. Include Mrs. John Maxwell, Mrs. Elsie Johnson, Mrs. Charles Robie, FREE * ir * FREE teenagie high school friends died War 1 veteran. The little girl, who now is Mme. mother, and the women with whom about five years ago when Ray­ and Miss Esther Granstrom. They have fourteen grandchil- Frederick C. Mohr Jr., Mrs. E. yesterday in a 2-car crash that fol­ The Memorial Day ceremonies Isabelle Docq Mercy of Vllldrupt, e''e lived, the only witnesses. mond CUark took over. He has also Person and Mra Robert Thorp. The Smiths returned to Colum­ lowed a graduation party at Lake as known today are generally be­ France, handed the candy to MaJ. Eierved on the Board of Relief, 81,000 THEFT GAS FILLED lieved to have had their beginning Thomas E. Stone of Peekskill, The school will not be in session bia to make their home In the now known as the Board of Tax Jemp, near this north Texas city. Memorial Day. picturesque white Cape Cod house (Chaplin, May 29 i/P) — Articles at Columbus, Miss. - who then was executive officer of Review’. valued at were stolen over They were: James Knapp, 17; There will be a 4-H twilight which overlooks Columbia L,ake at 31,000 ESTOW There, in April 1863, a small the 307th Infantry Regiment, 77th FOR A REAL TREAT PINE Mra Smith is a member of Co­ the weekend from a hunting PHARMACY Freddie Adams, 15; Larry Schl- Division. dairy judging meeting at 7:30 pjiL the dam. in which he was born, w N group of southern women scattered lumbia Congregational Church, lodge owned by former Republi­ 4.59 Hartford Rd.—MI 9-9946 wart, 18;. and Larry Donges, 17. Today, Mrs. Mercy and her THIS HOLIDAY WEEKEND Friday at the Eastern States Feed and which Is still their home. FLOATING GALLOON The crash came after a party spring flowers on the graves of the Columbia Grange, of which she is can National (Chairman. Meade Al­ "Roily" and ’’Gertie” have no southern soldiers who had died in husband, in this country as guests k i l l Research Center, Weet Rd., Elling­ a 25-year continuous member, and corn Jr., Suflleld. Police said yee- OPEN AIJ. DAY FOR THE PARADE attended by about 296 students of the 307th Regiment Society of ton. Dairy club members are children of their ovn\. However, MEMORIAL DAY who graduated from junior and the battle of Shiloh, jt^st across the Eve. 8:00—SaL-Snn. 2 and 8 Columbia Ladies S(x:lety. A high­ terday the missing items Included MEBiORlAL DAY, MAY SO border iq Tennessee. which Stone is president, drive at HINKEL'S urged to attend. Instructors will the children of that area of the light of the party yesterday—the senior high school. be Lynn Brown, extension dairy­ town have always found their way unloaded guns, fishing equipment, Prescriptions Of Course with Stone from New York City centerpiece on the refreshment clothing and cooking utensils. ' Ernest Tobar, 20. driver of one One of them found two union to Hyde Park, N. Y., where the man of the University of Connecti­ to the Smith door and she - jias WITH AHY PURCHASE AT graves among the southern dead. FOR A REAL WONDERFUL table—was a hEindsome four­ of the cars, was injured critically. EAST cut. and Albert B. Gray, Tolland been a second mother to an Un­ tiered wedding cake made by Mrs Police said Tobar, Knapp and The women quietly placed flowers county club agent. told number of little ones. Many on these graves, too — a simple Maurice CHarke, Mrs. Laura I*. Adaths were starting on a fishing NEW ENGLAh^D SHORE DINNER Coventry Day School kinder of them were present at yester­ SEjuier, a member of the commit­ trip, Donges and Schiwart were act, transcending wartime bitter­ day's party. Three, Sally Ann ness, that lived t(i become a na­ SHRIMP COCKTAIL OR CHERRY STONES garten claaa recently vialted the tee pn arrangements, also furnish­ Arthur Drug returning (o Vernon from the all- BUlimal and poultry departments Kutchlns, Jane Forb^ and Chris­ ed organ music. The committee HNEST FABRICS at PILGRIM MILLS night party. tional tradition. ALL IN NEW ENGLAND CLAM CHOWDER tina Pederson, assisted as hostess­ The city of Peekskill, N. Y., in COLOR at tha University of Connecticut included Miss Jean Natsch,. Mrs. 942 MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER Donges. a pitcher on the high 3—SINATRA HITS—I CLAM FRITTiERS Accompan3ring the group were es and also furnished background C. Randolph Forbes, Mrs. (^ara school baseball team, was the son Gary Cooper In Two Of "M aa With I toelr teacher, Mrs. Myra Houle and music during the afternoon. '•Tina" Mott, Mrs. George Pederson, Mrs. of the Vernon fire chief. Joe His Greatest Hits: The Geldea I jj* RnnI, a puent, Mrs. Richard F. Hiltgen. plays the accordion; Sally Ann Russell Spearman and Mrs. Don­ Donges. Schiwart was an athlete So sKfn-looldng, It's hard A rm " I T. Cartle bon G. CSiurcfalU, former head­ and Jane, the organ. ald Tuttle. who had been offered a college STANLEY WARNER "The Hanging ** Springfield — PIB9 — BOILED LIVE LOBSTER OPEN TONITE till 9 ■fo believe the Amphibian has master at Coventry Day School, scholarship. Knapp was a member Tree” Rifle” EXTRA BONDS HIT.. of the high school band. "Battle In Oater Sasee” DRAWN BUTTER la visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ (CIXISEO MEMORIAL D(^X> Today they watch excitedly oil these features: Extra lit 254 Car* — Frea tin Capozza. O posza la the pres­ C O L D FUR STATEm In Color In C«Ior M Star Flaa* FRENCH FRIES f t as their new home takes ent headmaster at the school. ■ c u eue u h u M ^ Gyromatic (self-winding), JCrS ELECT GARDEN SALAD •hape. Tomorrow they will REMODEL Hartford, May 29 (Ah—Salva­ Ends ‘niursday, 6 PJW. Cont. Churchill la expected to stay over HAVE A NICE HOLIDAY TOMORROW— — ihoclc-resistont and waterproof*; STORACE DESSERT and COFFEE Memorial Day. The school, as well \ start their new life. T h ^ e YOVH OLD FI7R COAT tore Terenzo, Waterbury, has been Winner of 5 Academy Awards TUESDAY MATINEE g6ld-filled case. $89.50 INTO A NEW elected president of the Connecti­ aa the public schools, will be closed HAVE FUN! — DRIVE SAFELY! w'ill be new friends, schools, $ 3 iX ) cut Junior Chamber of Commerce. Including beet picture of the * Kiddie Show 1:34 t« l;iS Memorial Day. Cart4M»nii and itoorr comedy and various organizations (fodoni tat Includtd) • CAPE Others elected at the group's an­ year. Shown today, Tuesday, Theater emptied at S:M The four Grade 1 classes at Cen­ nual convention here Saturday Wednesday and Thursday at ter School recently presented their as they become part of the *Ai te*q o, eOM. CONTINCOrS FROM 4;M ^WINDSQ! annual May Festival at Robertson cryctat and crevt CLEANING • STOLE were Gerald K. Coil.v, Milford: 6:00 and 9:20 pjn. r OPEN SAT. community. To children ramoin intact. William Delaney. West Hartford, Dean Martin - Shirley MacLaiae la HINKEL’S School. Each of the classrooms and Donald Jacobs, North Guil­ presented programa. Including NOON 10 A.M. growing up, their neighbor­ ow d • JA C K E T MOVIE-WISE, “ ALL IN A NIGHT’S AOBK—eelar It’* Time Fer ford. ail national directors; George thora has never bean anything like 4:4a7:S#:^^yi.JS Aadr (Bheritt) OrUHUi JKEStAURANT group Binging and dancing under till till hood becomes their whole Glahn, Bristol, administrative vice Dea (DepatTl Ksetti the direction of their teachers, Cheney Hall, Hartford Kd. world. What if something - AIm — A Camedy Hit “ NO TIME FOR NINE 6 P.M. GLAZING 'president; Robert Hatch, Fairfield, SERGEANTS" ITALIAN-AMERICAN FOOD Mrs. Myrtle Adams, Mrs. Eileen Free Parking Next Door $1 Q.9S international director, and Robert •THEAmni "PLKASE Tl’BN OVEB" Jansen. Mrs Alice Waterman and were to happen to you? $ 3 ,0 0 & up Hartman, Guilford, treasurer. S:4S.6;S4 SOUTH ST., COVENTRY—PI 2-7891 Mrsr Margaret Haling. John Chris­ "Would you not want your il'lliiiiiiiifj tie, supervisor of music, conducted family to remain in famil­ JEWELERS-SILVERSMITHS 1 MILE FROM NATHAN HALE HOMESTEAD the Grade 1 rhythm band. The group had lunch at the Robertson iar surroundings? Sun Life's 068 MAIN ST— TEU MI 8-2741 OPEN 7 DAYS—LEGAL BEVERAGES School. Mortgage Protection Policy —Pin*— SFcufuieAf JST¥ CHESTER Furriers m THE“Tea BEST Tall AHEAD Hen" OF THE Celer RESI can safeguard your home Com t, Join H Fun! 32 BURKE ROAD—ROCKVILLE —AI*o— Manohester Evening Herald Cov­ Jack Lemmoii _ Beaa* Hit — In Celer entry eomapondent, F. PnoUne for tho.se you love. It’s a Call Rockville Collect —TR 5-5929 Or Call JA 2-5502 “Lens Jehn Sliver" FREE ★ ★ ★ FREE .YJttle, telephone PI 2-6281. policy well worth investi­ DANCING Shirlej MacLaine Extra —I*t IM Cars WOI Get M SUr naza \%TKINS;WEST AT y Fr^MacMurray gating. May I discuss it with you? "PROFESSOR” o e ^ e w e ■ TONIGHT Shown Twice Tonight! X To The Music Of Plus this winner of 8 Academy 8:20 and Midnight OtfiMdable ORMAND J. WEST • DIRECTOR • WALTER R: an I IN c l .vr I 1 1 MancliMitr’* OW**« — wkli in "The Vcreorllcs" Awards at 7:05 P.M. Arthur Drug Stop at WOODUmr GARDENS fir Last complete show at 10:20 PHONE Ml 9-7196 PARTINGTON JR. Make Up A Party Used R^sfriseralors Ik* Hiw*l facillll** 942 MAIN ST., MANCHF-STER and Come On Down! : m IV Sil'' ''X flower WIUIAM J. 1B4NON, Uc. JU*«Ial* Off-Streat Parking 164 East Center Street Choice Food ’n Beverages Manchester, Conn. Overimoled nad Tested 142 EAST CENTER STREET. MANCHESTER MI 9-4604—TR 6-8640 1 1 * O A K GRILL ’ THAT •• GERANIUMS O A K D A L E , A FLOATING BALLOON 30 OAK STREET •shaggy/ ALL COLORS Plenty'Of Parking SUN LIFE OOG' Potterton's FOR THE PARADE! NOW 188 Center Sto-Cor. of Church GUY mnJunl2 WITH EACH 10c ICE CREAM CONE OF INVENTS ■eiTi II iHE Nismr if smowiusiiess CANADA Reduced For A NEW W a Sarvft A. C. PETERSEN FARMS ICE CREAM • »E so M ir STUS i n i IEEI nESElIEO Quick Sale! FORMULA A HAPPY IN A SINGLE SEASON /■ ■sy 1h$atr$! Reg. 85c-95c MANSFIELDlf^ FOR FUN! h o l i d a y SH OW ! CHANG THIS SMALL BEDDING SIZE 3 5 c-^ for $1.00 N O W O PEN F'.; CO 9-8715 IN LOTS OF 24 OR MORE. ONLY 25c bigness pays dividenilB ROSE SPECIAL! uoiD/,;, s'dd lWtMne!l Danny KAYE y e a h / SHOW ..aie'Bantly Fuel Oil Club msmbers Hybrid Teas and Climbers. WhUe Uiey last. Were 1.29 now. m m m e : ' <• Buy a for 2.96. get one free. S e v e n S a i n t s -3 I I fVININC F'iRIOHMdNCfS In Just a Paw H ow i| l EASTERN STATES TONIGHT! EXTRA FEATURE in COLOR! DAHHY HARKY- AUG 14- AUG 20 Convartfotha ~ Unlike small firm.s, we have a large enough full time staff • Jumbo Rustic Logs "BRIGITTE BABDOT GOES TO WAR" nAidfed For the ‘‘Do It Yourself- f a m b u i is in tlpe of drivers to keep pur trucks operating at all times—in • Small Rustic Logs ers” : Ixigs, Baskets, W in­ V STARTS WED.: "North of Alaaka”—"It Started In Naples" • Rustic Baskets dow Boxes, Petunias, TIMKEM any kind of weather. And, Wp have a reserve force of • Mixed Pots Ageratum, Spikes, Vinca ...... V, m*mm IIFE-OF- drivers fo f emergencies. Reasonably Priced ! Vines, etc. TREAD W'0r[|(;g,3fa'?oiisi/b5C!iber W a H -P la m a TIRE BUSINESS TRANSPLANTED ANTfCAL GUARANTEE Our burner repair department is on its toe.s. The staff O H l u m a r Let fin n n Statn take the rnk iikI eoefnioe out ol LOWERING PLANTS VEGETABLE PLA^ilTS Hey Ktdsl KMi SAVNIM attends manufacturers’ schools and Bantly operated dis­ •UARANTHB ymm tin purrhsari. Y eall gac tint-U a» Atysaom (white, purple, pink), TRANSPLANTED cussions on heating plant operation and function. Agetatnm. Aatera, Bachelor HOLIDAY YOUTH SHOW a y c t th tt, pfc** cnaii>l**t ravh a . . . backed by' Tomatoee (red, yellow). Pep­ MiUuiis, Calendula, Olosia, EasMn Siait* wpuuuion h r top vslBe-in-me. DaWtsa, Petunias (tingle ruf- pers, Eggplant. CkuilUlewer, TOMORROW AT 2:00 P.M. sFeMacH-W nSOH We keep a large supply of parts on hand so there is never Oed, double), Marigolda (dwarf Cabbage, Broccoli. C e I e k y, CARTOONS and PUN FOR ALL!. imwmN-iiMMyKiiiK 8«««*r* Scats a y e t tin t for yoor peaangcf car, any unnecessary delay in repairing your burner. aad tall), Nemeela, Ix>beIU, Parsley, Basil, etc. PLUS THIS EXCITING FEATURE I Saapa. larkspur, Salris (red P a l v bble i i B track or liaeue awcl ifae oton rigid oae aod aad Mae),' Zinnias, etc. ■ wnuiwroat; wusiia cross n w r . sxir «d Bignesvs pays dividends. Why don’t you join the Bantly DOZEN ROTORAMIC HIAT..4 ttfecy me*. Now yon raa gc« Pirac-Line tiict . , . BELAfliNTE Fuel Oil Club? Phone MI 9-4595 or TR 5-3271 for fup- Vr.„ii MAhlHI Blaninli oH Hooting oo«4 lire*... a>«r aerria... aad co-ot aaviag*. Doe. 65c 40c And 50c iiL I* SM. itM.; WM. 411 • ia • „ 1 FViNisr, i'[ii(nRv.is('f- ^ M I H n Swtfa«M wMi Plamos ther facts. No obligation. No salesman will call. See SEPT. 4 SEPT. 10 CMf MrfpF Aw ifhs* wfAmtfs j • WINDOW BOXRS AND URNS FILLED • Y o u r CHE Eastern States ia tte rn "Our ItoputaUofi . State* FARMERS’ EXCHANGE DaCOwHEAT SM SIM' Mil IMOBHMI First I^ va -la Sfeowing la Your AaMinuMo” «MCOiK*rjBUA«M __ kmnKi WHITING Man N O W WOODLAND GARDENS Staiia WedHMday ___laUMIHIT ■ . . . IM WOODLAND RT— PHONE m P M U ' COBTOBATION O n a rD / U L T TILL • P JI— yOHN y. ZAPADKA, Proprietor ♦'•KBsassEar" ‘B T amsHitow* ‘HEIN MHFT 284:^A O ST. BtAMdHIQnXB TOLLAND TURNPIKE U t - i l t S BUCKUND s er v ic e c e r t e r MI 3-5123 BUITLYim. C0.iie t ------

‘ 1 /• .

V MANCHESTER EVENING HE»AU>. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. MAY 29. 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, MAY 29, 1961 PAGlB FOUR M G B r m s Colum him Wi Bolton Memorial lll>ay Donna Calhoun Rites Sdi^ulcd Pine S l w t / ' Pine St. and Wins First in lUsnnond K. Lo7jn«n. chaimun Dress Contest o f Mamarlal DAy {invniB and maraaiOl o t the parade, haa an* Hartford Road Hartford Road A dnaa BMda tgr iMaa Oontw nmmced the program aa arranfed MANCHESTER Calboun haa been aw rdad flrat by M n. Myrtle' Englert, Grade 8 . MANCHOTfiK plaM for .entraata U to 18 yuan teaqher. f i o m m v f CHINIY MILLS FORMERLY CHENEY MILLS of age In the Oraaga aewtag con­ People are aaked to gather on test at tbe Pomona, or dlatilct, the paved area by Yeomana Hall, Iwrt. •n» two-ptoo# drata WIH now the achool and Columbia Congre­ SfLP-SERVICE DEinr STORE ba Judged at tha MkUMtuiy Tbwa gational Church by 9;S0 a,m. At Hall on Juna 8 in atata odmiwU- that time the achool band' will play a medley of patriotic and aacred tlon. Donna la the daughter of llr. and Mrs. Raymond caiboun o f music. TTie call to colora wiU be Flora Rd. played by. Gary Tettelbach; Girl and Boy Scouta will raiae the flaga A three-pteca efnasmbla, dreaa, at the church and the school simul­ Jaofcat and bat. ntode by U n . War­ taneously. Then the assembly call ren Annindaen o f Watrmia r A waa by Lyman 'will get the parbde In rated third in the adult «i«— in ahape and the march will begin. the Pomona leivel Judging. Both The major .portion of the pro­ Mlsa Calhoun and Mra. Amundaen gram will take place at Center were flrat place winner# in the Cemetery. The band will play Sky- Bolton Judging laat year aa well liner and accompany the audience aa thli year. / .. a.' it sings “A m e r i c a." Peter About 47 people attended tha Shumway will read an original es. Friday night meeting o f Bolton say, “What Memorial Day Means Grange. Oueata were prdaent from to Me:" Dayna Thompson ■will re­ the Ellington, Andover and He­ cite "Lest We Forget:" and Mrs bron Granges. Bertha Rathbun, Grange chaplain’ In obaervanca of tha 7Sth an- ■will give the invocation. lUveraary of the Bolton Grange, A grroup of boys. James Robin’ Miss Mary Tedford, now serving son. William Gardner. Michael M aecretary, traced Ita hlatory 2 Blum. Gene Levesque, Cleland from ita beginning on May 21 Swenor. Peter Roberts and Don 1885 with 18 members, to the aid > Haynes, in choral recitation, present with a memberahlp of 156. ■will give ‘The Gettysburg Ad Bolton now aa two “gdlden sheaf” dress:" Lyman will give the Me­ memhers, Mrs. Viva Massey and morial Day address: and the OPniUES opniuES Mra. Clara Loomis, who have be­ graves will be decorated. Taps will longed to the Orange for 50 years. be sounded by Gary Tettelbach OPEN EVERYDAY FROM 10 TO 10 OPEN EVERYDAY FROM 10 TO 10 The next meeting of East Cen­ the echo, by ^ b e rt Caroline. tral Pomona Orange will be held At Old Gemetery, the graves ■will Saturday at.-8 pjn. at Andover'. be decorated and taps, sounded Members of the Bolton unit who 9 The group ■will reassemble at wish to obtain tickets for the West Street Cemetery for prayers PLENTY OF FREE PARKING PLENTY OF FREE PARKING fifth, sbeth or'seventh degrees may and grave deooration. ‘The Ameri get them from Miss Tedford. Ap- can’s Creed." in choral recitation, pUoations for the Grange baking ■will be done by George E. Peters contest are now available from Jr.. Scott Dunnack. Bnice Melvin EVERYTHING FIRST QUALITY EVERYTHING FIRST QUALITY Misa Grace Tedford, chairman of Pamela Lusky, Margaret Dllworth lO n lO the home economics committee. and Beth Albalr. ifiie in'vocation. lOralO The youth committee of the decoration of graves and t^is com- Grange will sponsor a public plite the program. K it should dMce beglrmlng at 8 tonight at rain the exerdaea will be held in toe Community HalL Ticket* may Yeomans Hall. * * * » * ' Olld be obtained at toe door. Olynipie m m Showtng M is s e s ' Wash 'n Wear Beef Barbecue Slated Columbia Recreation Council K w r s w * Misses' and Women's Weather-Proofed Genuine A novel beef barbecue win be will sponsor an open meeting in Women's Lacy W O M tN 'S held at Bolton Center Saturday Yeomans Hall tonight to arouse h a n d - v ^ o v e n Men's Short Sleeve for the benefit of the buUding fund Interest in canoeing on Columbia rOLISHED FULLY LINED ^ the Bolton Congregational Lake, through the effoirts of the Church. Henry Zwlck of Hauga- man who was coach and manager SLIPS IN D IA M A ^ S 10 «en from of the 1980 U. 8. Olympic Canoe­ conoH S t bachael's Episcopal Church, In ing team. and SPORT ^ t town, plan to arrive in Bolton Ernest ICttlar, a house guest at CAR Friday and wUl start wood Are* in the home of Mr. and Mra William JANIA'CAS huge open pita between the church J. Murphy of Columbia Laka is SLACKS and the Community HaU over now chauman of the paddUng which 50 to 60 pound sides of beef . committee of the American Canoe COATS h a l f SHIRTS edll be slowly roasted. Association and secretary of the Women of the church will pre­ Ameriesm Olympic canortng com­ pare the rest of the meal, includ­ mittee. He will speak at hmighVs SLIPS ing baked potatoes, string bearu, meeting and will show pictures cole slaw, arid homemade apple which he took at the European pies. Mrs. Marshall Lewis heada Olympics last year. a committee which will bake the With Millar will be William J. piei: Rhodes, American representative Tickets for the barbecue should o f the American Canoeing Asso­ • Cotton* be obtained early this wCek. Tliey , Ptooords, Ra«<»«* are avaUable from Miss Ella Sum­ ciation. The two are retired busi­ • SYne Lastex ness men who spend much of their Oor8s • Dupont Zelan Wrinkle- ner, Mra. Louis C. Dimock Jr., time touring the country in the in­ Mrs. Thomas Johnson or at Wat­ , p^pperril Resistant Fabric Genuine bleeding • Tomboy Ley, terests of their hobby. a Broadcloth Prints, Batistes kins Brothers, House and Hale or , Cotton Mrs. Herbert C. Ehglert 8r.. Madras in colorful • Skirt Style, the Little. Shop In Manchester. chairman of the council, has an­ ,p ,.M m « e d ,W Style e Some Reversible! a Plaids, Iw y and Embossed Prints Youth Need Working Papers nounced the meeting la open to • Sheath Style, Supt of Schools George E. Graff e Smart Printed Linings plaids. Sizes 10 to e Perma-Stay or Button Collars reminds boys and girls plarming to all Interested. Admission is free. , Waist » to « • Bloomer T^p*, • Sues 32 to to e Sises S-M-L-XL, obtain summer Jobs that they must Mancheeter Evening Herald ear- a Legs 28 to “ d S-M-L ^18. Fully lined. • Slxea 32-


and fPeadom and aurvlTAl ara for, iatics. ho wan bom a city sUckar, trying to foot both Ood and atabt / ISanrlfRBter and Ita deepost thirst ta tor tha in Now York ‘ A Tlioairht fer^OVidfiy and making of . himself an uti* very things ' it , aaama to neglect Corinecticut Wo havs to put that supsrflclal by th desirabte pubUo display. May CMd Grinavich-Melesko Lawler-Cote l i e r a l b fact in the rscord, and tlinn rt- help UB to become aware o t tha Mayhew-Woods most e ^ Iy . Soma day wa will go M et OliarcBss ROSSELL’S BMIER SNOF BT IBS treat from Its postiblo graat truth spoken by St, PaoL cm n n cR o a k and SPRUCE i m a m -' forward toward tham. Miss Irene Louise Msitsko and “ “ CO. INC. Yankee immothfteiy. Obviously, f Rev Ray R. HfiteheoM (Am-ooNDinoNEH) V The marriage of Miss . Alice ssstmlHstsd snd iaksn on his Soma Uma ago Z.read of a pqllee Rav. Roy R. Hutchbon Richard Joseph Grlnavioh, both of Mary Woods of Hartford and John tBOilUIS ^ , By A H. O. colorstion so thoroughly ths quss- ettoer who waa caught ta t speed­ Wapping Community Church Manchester, were united in mar­ .CmlitiM PoisM th>n of birthplseo Is mertly act* ing. To him the Incident was em- IS OPEK TODAY Francis Mayhew Jr. of Manches­ riage Saturday morning at St. . jsotdsi octobCT L nan W«r were entering the State dSmlc. barrssslng, yet he said, "No man MEN. CHASE TO SPEAK ‘ ter was solemnized • Saturday If thq game of power politics Anywsy, tlMrs ws wert hssdlng Is as good a driver as ha thlaks he and W EDNESDAY James' Church. Capitol one morning recently, Hartford,-May 29 (AV-San. CUf- morning In St. Columba’s Church Sxowt will not work—and it will hot— up the stslrR past the point where is." Hts attitude was both gracious ford P. Case, R-N.J.t wlU hO the (CLOSED TimSDAY, MEMORIAL JDAY) The bride is the daughter of in Columbia. SoSSt|k*’ lSBt«^ •! tM plodding our way up our second _____ HanobtatU' one fatal reason is tha way poison the lobbyiet for .something or oth- Md admirable. main speaker at a state ttejjrab* r Let tor Caetomera Next to B u t e ihop Mr. and Mrs. John W. Melesko, The bride is the daugiiter of Mr;, r Claai lUIl Matter. keeps seepihg its way even into the flight of stairs, when we happened erAad Biddy button-holed, and as ' Contrasted with this was the Mean dinner here June 18 honor- ___ Vaemon CleanarUeed od E v a ir V te w and Mrs. Harry A. Woods, 40' wewslhad past we heard Biddy re- 71 Summer St. The bridegroom is sqaacBippoN r a t e s relationship of hations who range to go past one of those Innumer­ story in our papers of the mayor Ing former OOP National Chair­ Modem and Up-to-Date In Every r Barker St., Hartford. The tarlde- apond to the penultimate pitch the son of tor. and Mrs. Joseph M. RTOom ia the son of Mr. and Mrs. F ittm a la ASaaaca themselves on tha aame aide. able button-holings to which all of a major city In one of our fieigh* man and National OommittMnian We SeO and S erte AU E leo^ l Carrtar legislative figures are Inevitably with worda roughly theoe: bpring states who was also arreet- Meade A lo m of'Suflleld and tha Orinavlch, 876 W- Middle Tpke. John F. Mayhev; Sr., 75 S. Alton .• • • 7 7S With an almoat fatallatie defl* subject these days. “But you know that, in addition ad tor epeeding. Out of aplte be as* Republican membeta o f the Ofn* The Rt. Rev. Magr.' John Ft St., Manchester. ... ance of the record of history, the We did npt identify the very rs-. to all the thinga you have been nouneed that I t would be a sorry aral Aaaentoly. Hannon performed the ceremony The Rev. John Honan, pastor.of ‘S' Western European Union has now spectsble looking individual who citing to me, we alao have to give day for any Connecticut resident and celebrated the nuptial high St. Columba’s Church, perfonned ■to aome attention to the queation of Mass. Bouquets of white gladioli, the ceremony. finally announced Its official ap* obviously wanted some measure who broke a iraflie law in the city MKMBiat o r ' favorably reported and paaeed. But whether thia happena to be right of which He was mayor. blue snapdragons and white car­ Escorted by her father, the tB B SSSOCIATED PRESS proval of pemiisalon to West Ger* Or wrong, a good or a bad thing to nations were at the altar. Mrs. bride wore a silk mist taffeta « i a Aeeadlated Praaa ta the young man he was .button­ Hiese two men stand as 'Ex­ anUtiad.to the nae ol raa^taitiaa ol many to increase from 3,000 to holing was Rep. Nicholas B. Eddy, do." amples of people around us. One Ralph Maccarone waa organist gowm, designed with a rqund Sa­ all aa«a Staaatebaa cradttad to It or We don't know who waa the brina neckline. long tapered 6.000 the maximum tonnage of the young chairman of the House trying to follow the teaching of SL Benjamin Franklin (1708-ltM) aiM :' and soloist. cot ottMtrwU* creditad to thU t»pri more shaken by auch revolution­ Paul when he cautioned us not to LECLERC The bride was escorted by her sleeves and a fitted elongated bod­ a * l alao tba local aava pualtabed b m , the destroyers West Germany ia Judiciary Committee. All rtgbta ol rcaabUoatloe of aDacia) . It is the occasional emergence of ary doctrine in the leglalattve cor- think too highly of ourselves. The “HE THAT WONT BE father. She wore a white nylon ice. The back was styled with a Stapatchea perata ara alao raynrad. allowed to build for itself. This is, ridora, the lobbyiet or we, but he FUNERAL HOME R drape, and the circular skirt ter­ someone like Ekidy, or rather, let other who lived In a dream world organdy gown with scoop neckline, COUNSELED CAN T'SE minated in a full court train. Her Pall aarvtca elteat of N. B. A. Sarr. according to official pronounce* Ms-agy, the reemergence of an Bid­ aoon departed on a aearch for a trimmed with embroidered appli­ lea. Inc _ ' ment. to ■ enable West Germany dy, wdilCh. makes us forgel the more syrapaUietic' hearing, while FUNERAL HELPED” ques, short sleeves, full skirt with ilk illusion bouffant veil was held Pabltaaara Repreaentattvaa; Tlia we waited to convey to lMdy.our place by a silk cap of petal laihjB Hatheaa Spaelal Aaoncy — Nav better to fulflti its obligations to passage of time, and m ^ es us There are many elderly people eutfeililg from btmk bow and chapel train. She senae of ahock at hearing auc^a wore a crown of pearls and crys­ nd tiny seed pearls. She carried Tork, CMeaae. Datrott aad Bea to n .__ NATO, the. power politics coalition think we are back in the .days ESTOW SERVICE aches, pains and other discontforlcomforts unneeessari- a prayei-book with an orchid and MBBBER ' ATTOIT BTTREAn o r when we began covering the Gen­ consideration raised In dlecussim tals with a bouffant veil. Her CIRCDUATKMJS. ______to which all the Western victors of PHARMACY WALTER N. They think they cannot be helped. stephanotis. eral Assembly. For Nicholas Ekidy of e le^ latlve matter. W ly- bouquet was of blue carnations' World War II and the major por­ "Don’t worry too much," aaid M l t-9»ld UDCIaSRO Miss Phyllis Moylan of Hartford Tba Rarald PHottmt Coiapany^liy.. Is, in things both superficial and Director It is true, old age is lUlI an incurable disease. with white orchid center and white oaaumaa no rtnanclal raanoncIMiRT fw tion of defeated Germany belong. real. In everything, in fact, except Eddy, reassuringly, "in tha com­ OPEN ALL But, we now have many new drugs an4 treat­ streamers. was . maid of honor. She wore a lypngiatitileal arrora auDaarlnn In ad- mittee Itself, we have another rule, cocktail dresa of green silk ehiffon, aarttamanta and otliar ra a d ^ roattar After World W’ar I, one victor. one thing, like a very plearant MEMORIAL ments to overcome its accompanying problems. Miss Joan A. Melesko was her la Tba Manaiiaatar Brenlna HanUd which balances thinga off. We say Cali Ml 9-5869 You can be helped greatly If you regular^ visit designed with a bateau neckline, Britain, sought to use drfeated ghost from the Connecticut past. NIC SUPPLIES 23 Main Btreat, Manchester sister’s maid of honor. Brides­ cap sleeves, shirred rttted bodice, Take the name itself, Ekidy. You to ourselves: ‘Never let your con­ your physician for counsel. He can p r^ rib e ' Ptsplar advarttatna ctoatna boora: science Interfere with the eaiiae of maids were Miss Barbara J. Burke and softly draped sheath skirt. f o r Maaday—1 pm Friday Germar.y as a power politics im­ will find it all through the pages medicinea to help your body to live more com­ of East Hartford and Miss Helen ft>r Toaaday—1 p.m Monday. plement against another victor, good government.” ' fortably. Her headpiece w-a-s an open trown Wadaasday—1 p.m. Tacaday. of Connecticut legislative history- Ann Krawaki of Wapping, both with a back bow and nose'^ vell. Take the town Ekidy comes from— We thanked him for rescuing a . • rtor Tborsday—1 p.m. Wadnasday. France, and aignalised its wooing us from unaccustomed clouds and cousins of the bride. AU wore blue She carried a cascade of white 2 PPr Friday—1 p.m. Thursday. New Hartford. It ia one of those YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US When you silk organza gowns over orchid For BafSday—1 p.m. Fritoy. of Germany by unilaterally grant­ putting us hack nearer legislative carnations and ivy. CUasffiad da^tna: 10;S0 am . aacb sparsely setUed Litchfield County need i medicine. Pick , up your prescription If taffeta, fashioned with scoop neck­ Miss Eileen Ward of Hartford ing Gennany the right to build it­ terra Anna. Those old-time .Yan­ shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly day of pobneatioa azeept Saturdai hill towns which have always' con­ kees, too. would sdrpriee y-. friendly wit In the pro­ tor trip, Mrs. Grinavich wore a ter Saturday morning. from Wentworth Institute In Bos- PRESCRIPTIONS Ward PL, Hartford, after June 5. ^mrsDony and a speech, because Ph-esident Kennedy is getting cess. But building this Image of blue dnss with matching coat and The bride is the daughter of Mr. Eddy may not be quite legitimate, hat, patent accessories and white Both were graduated from Holy ^ vefybpdy M t that this particular and Mrs. Rene I. Cote, Hartford. ready to visit France, where Presi­ not If you stick to all ihe supsr- orchid corsage. The couple will The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Trinity High School in Hartford in TEL %oUday a meaning which dent de Gaulle, according to re­ floialities. For. despite all his over­ live at 67 Plyrmouth St, Hartford, Mary C. liw ler, 84 Durant St., amd 1956. Mrs. Lawler is employed by thp Aetna Life Insurance Co. Mr. Slight to ba ai^xaaaed. ports. Is likely to demand from him whelming Connecticut character- REAL after June 6. the late Leonard Lawler. The bride attended Cathedral Lawler served writh the U. S. Air M l 9 -9 8 14 — But most important of an, an explanation of why It la the C04L The Rev. Bronls Benesevich of Force, is employed by the Hart­ High School In Hartford, and was Holy Trinity Church. Hartford, Everybody heard the rpaach be* United States h ^ for some time, graduated from Manchester High ford Gas Co., and Is attending the performed the ceremony, followed University of Hartford. Sause that was what evefybody been sharing with West Germany ESTOW II School in 1960. She la employed at by a nuptial Mass. Floral decora­ military secrets which it has re- the Hartford EUectric Light Co. In tions were fan arrangements of Sid, and because, until there might PHARMACY R Hartford. Mr. Grinavich is a 1958 PINE PHARMACY W spring flowers. •» afternoon picnic or ball fiise^ to share with France. 489 Hartford Rd,—^MI 9-9948 graduate of the Hartford Region­ Stiles Families 684 CENTER STREET—4X)RNER OF ADAMS game, that was all there wraa to do. None of these cross-currents, or COOL al Technical School, and ia em­ Given in marriage by her father, OPI5N ALL DAY the bride wore a gown of embroid­ *Jt also, aa we remember it. seemed behind-the-toenes plottings, re­ MEMORIAL* DAY ployed by Travelers Insurance Co. flects any particular villainy on He is a member of the 103rd ered silk organza, fashioned with Reunite June 24 ;a very good knd fitting thing to PICNIC SUPPLIES tactical fighter group of the scalloped Sabrina neckline, long the part of any of the players. •do, too. Connecticut Air National Guard. taper^ sleeves, fitted bodice, and Members, relatives and friends ■ It was a holiday not Altogether They are all natural and inevit­ CO L bouffant skirt with wide embroid­ Beginning Wednesday o f the Stiles Family of America able in the kind of game the pow­ 0 ery above the hemline, self-fabric and Affiliated FamlUes will hold 'directed to the aliA o f getting ers are playing. It Is the game rose and back bow detail. The their 26th annual reunion at Lake i awrsy from it all. Tt took pei^le out June Bride Guest skirt terminated in a full court which, ail down through history,, Us« . Quassapaug Family Amusement ;pf their humdrum so that they train. She wore a high Swedish Park, Middlebury, on Saturday, ALL CLOTHING ■ could, fop bna day at least, give has succeeded mainly in cutting Y«yr / At Hayride Party crown of seed pearls and crystals June 24. A picnic lunch at noon ; time to home o f the realities of llv* its own throat, and which has al­ Chorqy Plan with silk illusion bouffant veil. Her and the business meeting at 1:30 -tr.g, to thoughts of things like life most Invariably,led, sometimes by Miss Patricia Morrow, 26 Birch bouquet wah a cascade of white p.m. wrill be in the pavilion. With 'I, circuitous routes, to the war it was St., was ^ven an unusual bridal sweet peas, and stept^anotls. reg^istration beginning at 9 a.m., -sdid death, tha piurpoea for which DelivfiriM a full day of swrlmming, sports and PRICE Miss Barbara Remeika of Broad .nations and communitiea existed, supposedly desigmed to prevent. hayride party recently by her col­ recreation has been planned by he Just ^telephone your order tor Brook, cousin of the bride, waa 'the high and the lows of human Last time the game was supposed leagues at Pratt and Whitney Air­ maid of honor. Bridesmaids were chairman C. Linfield Stiles, Eas­ Gets B.A, Degree THE PENNY SAVER WILL '.behavior, the values by which peo* to keep France from dominating drug needs and cosmetics—giv­ craft. A group of 15 fellow workers Miss Mary Lou Marcuss and Miss ton, and his reunion committee. CLOSE FOR THE SUMMER Joseph Forbes, son of Mr. and • ^ e n n y 'pie lived and died. the continent. It did that, all right, ing year Charge Plan nnniber. arranged , the hayride at Circle S Anne Rukus, both of Hartford. All JUNE 21 attendants wore yellow and white DRIVER TEST STUDIED Mrs. Joseph H. Forbes, 70 Laurel We listened to oratory to see if subjecting France itself to the Ranch in Andover, with a lunch St., was graduated yesterday with Get in the bam. * street-length dresses With full Hartford, May 29 (JFi — Gov. Help us clean put the Penny blitzkrieg. John N. Dempsey has authorized a a B.A. degree from Adam's State !>aver ;lt edified us, to see if it talUsd with Immediate The bride-elect, who will /fie skirts, yellow bow hats with cir­ Saver before summer cloelng ■our own unexpressed thoughts, to cular veils, and carried cascades of study to determine whether new College, Alamosa, Colo. He ma­ and get some real bargaina ia Delivery married June 10 to Claude Hend­ procedures should be used in ex­ jored in biology and mlnored In ■ sPe if it renewed our sense of com- rickson, waa given a pressure yellow spring flowers. good used clothing tor all the Those Hong Kong Shirts amining applicants for driving li­ geology. ' family. Fresh donations arriv- • munity and linked destinies, to see cooker and toaster by her fellow 'James Morrin of Hartford, cous­ censes. The examinations now Fbrbes has been granted a re­ workers. WOSPITAL AUXILIARY big daily! I if, for its span. It took tu toward Vice President Johnson has a in of the bridegroom, served as used has not been changed since search assistantship to the Uni­ certain style of his own, which Mias Morrow, daughter of Mr. best man. .Ushers were Edward' November 1951, when a written versity of Iowa where he will do OPEN—^Tuesday, Wednesday, ! fundamentals. y and Mrs. Thomas Morrow, 26 Birch usually tickles our sense of ad­ DePoe of West Hartford and Mor­ test on motor vehicle law wraa add­ research In zoology toward a mas­ Thursday and Friday from I ■ We could stUl stand, although St., recently was honored at two ton Urofsky of Hartford. ed to the road test and oral ex­ ter’s degree. 10 AAI. to 4 PM. •we do not often choose or experi- miration. He was magnificent, for (SMdjorni mlBcellanepus bridal showera, giv­ PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Mrs. Cote wore a turquoise lace amination. The study announced He received an academic schol­ Thursday Night 7 to 9. ,'ance, such a day. instance, during the campaign, en by Mrs. Mae Green of Rock­ and silk organza dress with match­ Saturday wrill compare the viola­ arship at Adams State College when he piloted Mrs. Johnson 901 MAIN ST.—MI 3-8321 ville at the Polish American Club ing accessories. The bridegroom’s and was named to the dean's list ' We have, on some little used . . V. tion records of those who ob­ through that cheap and snarling in Rockville, and by •Mrs. Eldward mother wore a blue and white tained permits before the wrrltten several times. Forbes served as 'ahelf of our living, any number of Oourtright, 62 North St, Man­ print dress writh blue accessories. exam was introduced with those president of Phi Delta Kappa, ; words and concepts and beliefs crowd in a ‘Texan hotel, with the Electrically chester. THE PENNY SAVER honorary education fraternity. He Loring Studloa A reception for 150 guests was who got permits since then. 466 MAIN STv—In Brick Church Just North of Center. we haven't really examined lately. historic remark that If the day had MRS. BRANNON M. SMATHERS is a graduate of Manchester High IJfe Is more thaA the present come when he couldn't walk his School. .day Memorial Day concept of Just lady through a hotel lobby in Tex­ Mlee Margaret Louioe Reid ofi^group department of Travelers in- ^ o t getting killed the crowded as, he wanted to know It. That gal­ Manchester and Brannon Mease urance Co., Hartford. Mr. Smath­ Smathers of West Hartford were ^highways. lant riposte to the attempt to ers attended North Carolina State Girard'Laughton smear him for his possible deser­ united In marriage Saturday at the College and wa.s graduated from _ Death Is more than something Church of the Assumption. the University of Georgia. He is a tion of Texan atancards for race Miss Thelma Inez Laughton of J b e continued advance of science The bride is the daughter of Mr. member of Lambda Chi Alpha feiaU<$nships may have swung Summer c » be as cwl a$ a breeze! and Mrs. Francis B. Reid, 65 Manchester became the bride of , 3*t*y temporarily postpone. social fraternity. He is also em­ Texas to Die Democratic ticket. Mountain Rd., Manchester. -The ployed by the group department Frank Wayne Girard of Sutton, “ Both are human experience, and With the flick of switch you con cool the^oir, bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Bow­ oT Travelers Insurance Co., Hart­ Mass.. Saturday afternoon at St. The other day, before the Na­ a Mary’s Episcopal Church. Htotii take their significance from tional Press Club in Washing­ den M. Smathers of Canton, N. C„ ford. . ^ e way the Individual, the com­ circulate it, get rid of humidity and it's oil so and the late Mr. Smathers. The bride is the daughter of ton. the Vice President found him­ h's q grtot fetling Mrs. Theodore J. Laughton, 130 munity, society meet their chal- easy. See your dealer for electric cooling The Rev. Philip J. Hussey of St. prw * self cornered, at last, by persistent to hdvi your budgtf Bartholomew's parish performed Chambers St., and the late The­ 3engea Either we nieet them with rumors that, on his recent tour of which fits your home and your budget. Real, the double ring ceremony. Ar- odore J. Laughton. The bride­ Rhanjlard and wdth purpose, er we rangem«its of white gladioli and groom is the son of Mr. arid Mra. Asia, he had, while In Hong Kong, probloiiis solved honest-to-goodness air conditioning indudes Fred Girard of Sutton. l^hthed aimlessly away from them bought a total of. 48 shirts, obvi­ carnations were at the altar. Given In marriage by her father, The Rev . Canon Thomas D. .•^th, writh no greater aim than ously not made In America. codling, dehumidifying. Altering and circulat­ Byrne performed the double ring . HUiat of avoiding them. When balancing your monthly the bride wore a gown of silk or­ The Vice President, faced with ing. You con hove oil of these in d simple ganza trimmed with Chantilly, ceremony. Sydney MacAlpine waa ^ Freedom is more tlian any rigid budget it*i graat to have the pre* onanist. the moment for truth, proceeded mium payment convenience HarS- lace, and designed with a scalloped •political ayeteni, or label tor a par- window or portable unit. Sabrina neckline, long tapered The bride>Was given in marriage to admit ' his. guilt. It was ferd makta available to ia prop­ 'W ■ Jbcular way o f life. It is also what sleeves with pointed tips., and a by her bi-bthfr-ln-law, Paul A. true, he said, that In Hong Kong erty insurance poiicyholderi. The Bernard, 10 Oliver Rd. She wore 3 t Itself implies—a feeling Inside Keep your favorite room the most comfort­ bouffant skirt endlAg in a chapel he had gone to’ a shop run by one Hartford Pitmhim Payment Plan train. She wore a large cluster of a gown 6 t Chantilly lace and peau 3he heart wihich is that heart's own Linden Johnson, no relation, and allowa you to lamp all your prop­ able room in the house all summer. You con orange’ blossoms with ugh history. Neville of Ashbumham, Mass., and tip veU of illusion. She carried a companying him. prayer book with white roses. r Survival fias come to Join life, The Vice President Uien went on When it's^ot the heat hut the humidity! Miss Barbara A. Beaupre of Man­ chester. All attendants wore Mrs. Paul A. Bernard of Man­ ^feath, and freedom as one of the with the description of his shop­ chester was her sister's matron of Tihelf concepts o f our times. We matching sheath gowns of willow ping trip, as follows: Some folks suffer more from humidity than green silk organza with pleated honor. She wore a nile green or­ •would stand some reexamination of "We were tailed to the shop .by overskirta and three • quarter - ganza dress wdth scoop neckline, from heat. Actually warm> dry air is more draped bodice land bouffant skirt. 3 t too, 'tor In itself It is nothing. the British Secret Service. They, length sleeves. They wore whimsy 3 h e how is much more Important comfortable than cool, doinp air. A dehumi^ hats accented with v ^ te rosea and Awarded Degree Her headdress was a matching with the .cooperation of a local cor­ scallopad leaf deaign, and she car­ Jthn the If; we put a false value willow g ^ n leaves. The maid of DsJe Brown, formerly of Man­ respondent for the Associated fier is not o cooling device but it dries the air, honor carried a caaciule of white chester, was graduated y^terday ried an old-fashioned bouquet of 3H life itself If we sssume It justi* Press, came to the shop. and eliminates a major couse of discomfort. . roses, suid the bridesmaids carried with a B.A. degree Jrom High carnations. ^Igam all means; survival is never "T hey stood outside and watch­ caacades of vriilte roses with pale Point College, High Point, N. C„ Bridesmaids were Mrs. Roland where he majored In history. JpallynSe question. The question is ed, and made reports every 30 It's great in a workshop or basement recrea­ yellow csunatlons. Marando, and Mias Janet Maran- Jean Jacques Leclerc of Mont- Brown is the son of A. H. do, both cousins of Uie bride and HMbeUier we are d o ^ anything minutes or so. 175 tion roo'm. In fact, on eledric dehumidifler •Miltfa the moment we have. treal, Canada, served as best man. Brown of Santa Maria, Calif,, and both of Sutton; Mrs. Walter Car­ "As usual, they were very pru­ East Center wrings o pint of water dh hour out of the air Ushers were James Hurley of Chl- formerly of Manchester. He is a ter o f Andover, otentlal stuff of dent. They underestimated the Street ago. 111., and Thomas Borst of 1987 naduate o f' Manchester High Bernard, niece of the bride, aa Stomorial Day oratory, the kind of number. We really bought 82." overoge room. There's no dripping Birmingham, Ala. Schom. Brown-will begin graduate junior bridesmaids. They wore or­ Mrs. Rrid wore a sheath dress studies at the University of Penn­ Sting we might think about if we That makes his crime almoet Phone chid organsa dresses, identical to. llib time, wears its importance in mdisture to collect on pipes, woodwork, furni­ o f pale green B ilk organza with sylvania in the fall. the matron of. honor’s, and car­ twice as bad. -And teai^es him a Ml 3-1126 matching accessories, and a cor­ Ifcttsof hur superficial neglect It ture or mildew on rugs. This summer keep cool At High Point College, he waa a ried orchid carnations. lesson. You can give a newspaper­ sage of pink sweetheart rosebuds. member of Lambda Chi Alpha fra­ ' William Bullard of S ,u tto n , jjj stiU the' only important thipg, man the a))irt off your back, If you ond comfortable electrically. After a dinner and reception ternity, treasurer of the Student served as beat' man. Ushers were 4iul WE an know it, even if we want, ,b^t that won't get him oft for 125 gueata at Blaho's Res­ Government Association for the Jerry Uiarest and Marcel Lavoie, taurant in Bolton at noon, the past two years, treasurer of the S im cede that only by running from your back. Not when he's after a both o f Sutton; WilUs Roeebrooks M as tost ss wo can, ta k i^ some couple left oA a motor trip to North Carolina Student Govern­ of Oxford, Mass., and Donald>Ber- real big story,'like a Vice Presi­ North Carolina. Mrs. SmatheTa’ ment Association, president of the nard of Manchester, nephew o f the jfclnR fneanwhile, not to get killed dent buying shirts in Hong Kong. travel costume was an aqua^sUk. interfntemity council at ths col­ bride. Lorlas Studios j|)n R holiday highway, aheath dress with matching hat lege, sports editor , of the college Mrs. Tisughton wore an old rose and patent leather accessoriea. The net<^aper, a member of "Who’s MRS. fUANK WAYNE GIRARD t One caaaot turn back the clock RETIRED FIREMAN DIES THE HARTFORD ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY crepe sheaUi dress with dr^isd j|f Wtstom. But human aspiration Shelton, May 20 (»V-Retlred fire- couple will Uve at 186 Sigourney Who In American Ueges and skirt and inatching accesaories. S t, A pt B2, Hartford, after June Universities," of the Order of ths Tha bridsgroom’s niothsr wore plaqs in Neill Hall of the church. schools. Mr. Girard attended Sut­ Hwialn nahappy and incom*, mart George Larrow, 43, Water- Lighted Lamp honor society, of the, bury, died of a Itsart attack jrfstar* 12. ■ - purple lacs over taffeta with whits T ^ ' ooitpls will make their home ton High School, Becker Junior k n g as it wstMfsIs it Mza. Smathers attended Bay P iw dsnt’s advisory committee, accessoijs s. Both wCra eyinhidlum on Boston Rd. in Sutton after June College, and served two years In t e l l Junior College, tkmraeatow. and was one of the ten top seniors orehld corsams. * U. the U. S. Army. He la a dairy Maas., and to employed by Iba ofhto olaaa. A rsoe^tton for flOO guaeto took 1C|S. Olrard attended Hartford farmer In Sutton.

A iS- »' “>i

PAi6B SIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN« MONDAY. MAY S9. IM l MANCHESTER BVENING HERALD; MANCHESTER, O0NN„ MONDAY, MAY 29, 1981 flockviUe-Yernon 1 7 Addition a The playing of top* wlU end tea Kennedy Maps Plans Obituary U, S. Charges Police l^tate Counts 3 Rockville-V ernon morning's tribute. Advsrtlasffisnt— Voters Elect Master of veremonles (or tee ^Ride^^ Facing Karl Kellner Holiday Dead parade will be George Hammond, I Can Stand It Mrs. K atkm OuHihg Phrade Opens ‘ a member of the Sons of the Union For European Talks Mm. Kathryn Gardner, 89, a t 78 Permitted Race Riots Votersns, who has served the peat Florence S t, died at Manchester WinsRoad-e-o (OeateiMd frma Pag* Oae) for 25 years. But Can You?ft Memorial Hospital Saturday. €buit in Dixie First GOP Senator WM Fac* Om ) tok| a RapubUcan meetiaff yester­ fn m Bagie Qm ) Holiday Events VeteiMs groups marching In She was bom in Manchester, Oct K iM IbUnsr. 26, of 14 Gaynor Ate., Mlddlabuty, and Walter day In Cadcago that he beUavea 9,1871, daughter of the late Thom­ (OsettaMfi fN « Pago Om ) the parade wUl be: World War I By Rogers , ■gt* Sodtad to tJia atraals out* Hospital Notes tha judga to put Mootgomary and PL.itoekTiUa, was tea winner Sun­ it- 45, of to Smith Dr., r, im, Oti«\ Veterans, American Legion and Kennedy could blunder tha nation as and Elisabeth Dodd Gleason, TnunbuU, drowned despite an at? (Owwimea from Page One) tional OCP committeeman, said Aruiual Memorial Day cere- into war vrith Russia. and had Uved here aU her life. MrS. Birmingham poUoa Vndar injunc­ day a t tee boya’ division of the tampt by the third Airman, Auxiliary; Veterans of Foreign The utterly farcical attompt top. Ba aBamed In tha baat a t health, bus termlaals tlmugh tea South Saturday’s results—which saw the Republicans had a big advan- monlee in the morning and a pair Wars and AuxUlary; Sons of the Griffin, exeeutiva SMtatoty t t tllO Dirksen said Kenaetty has .. a Gardner was a member of St havt artvad In Jackson sinca last VIsMag hanrs ara S te S pm., tion to prevent them from “ refua- fifth annual Jaycea Road'O-o and H atty Waliner, 78, of OO Webb tage In that the entire Republican of Little League doubleheadera in m e «Qly aaawer waa a diuokie frightful fear of war and wolild James’ Church and an auxiliary Wodnaaday. ing or faUlng" to provide protec­ Rd., Monroe, to save them with a the Democratic percentage drop Union Veterans and Auxiliary; Public UtiUtlsa CommiaslOB, to de­ wbeB a a k ^ If—after four montha for an nraae axeept materalty la aUglMe to compete In tee etote from the 68.5 per cent in.the April organisation was able to concen­ the afternoon lylll provide a day Gold Star Mothers of the Legion fend the deal the Hartford Blaetrie not dehberately provoke an armed member of the Legion of Maty. Two bus loads from Montgom' tion to bus pasaengeia. life preserver. trate on a single candidate in a bt 0 » arorld'a hardeet Job — he dash. He added "yet. notwith­ .aiy; Ala., traveling about four wkeia tlMgr ara $ te 4:89 aad 9:99 conteet in Tomngton, June 10, Police aaid Tittemor* waa tossed 4 race to 49.65—indicate he failed of events for Rockville and rural and VFW; Burpee Woinen’a Re­ Light Company Is forelag upon tiw M t aider than 44. Survivors include t i n sons, Ray­ In Bttmingluun. the complaint to do both. Some Libcrala said they single race. , lief Corps; utd the American Le­ pooplo of Manchsster and Betton standing this, he could blunder mond Gardner of Manchester,-and hmira u>art from that riot tom ta • pja.t.aad private ream Kellner won the eafe driving Into the. water whet( tee boat "We did a lot of doorbell ring­ ■Vernon residents tomorrow. Dr. Janet TmTell, the White Into a war." Frank B. Oardiier. c t Baltimore, dty, arrived and were arrested af­ ffhlM they are It aja. te 8 pjm ’charged, poU69 )mew of tee Cx- competition over four other Itoye Upped and Warner dived in to help would, vote for Tower because It The Memorial Day parade will gion P o ^ y Queen and her court. bacaiuM the state haa givan teat Boone jdiyaician. had a very prop- would strengthen the position of ing and that helped. I even rang The high school bond and Sons company monopoliatlc powers, a t Republican National Chairman Md.; four daughters, Mrs. Ray­ ter entering white waiting rooms VWtore. are requested aet pactod arttm l of the fmedom-ride who^ competed at the First Na­ hia companion. Some myself," Fay said. step off at 9:30 a.m. sharp with dr nawet to the eame in^iry. Thurston B. Morton told an Al­ and fhUlng to obey police orders bus and vmre notified of pow^ble Walmor threw the preserver to the senior senator, Ralph Yar­ two marching bands, representa­ of the Legion Fife and Drum revealed on page ten of ^ u n d e y e mond Bannon of West Hartford. SBBoka la patteaVe renme. No more tional Stores parking lot in ths af­ borough, a Liberal Democrat, In "We’ve Just been working. It Herald, Is bjit' furthsr evldenee believe he feeler ae if he buquerque. NM„. audience that Sister Mary Rosamond of S t Mi­ to leave. violence, but "wlthbeld police pro­ ternoon. the struggUiig men' and one ot takes hard work," said Peter tives of the town's patriotic and Corps will march, as will Boy and M.” ahe aaid. the prrtige of the United States Sunday two more groups arrived thaa two visitors a* oae time, per tection” end "failed and refused to , Winner In tee girls’ division was them m bbed it briefly before be- the Senate; M u y other. Liberals veterans’ organizations, firemen, Girl Scouts and members of the that the candidatea for tho legto- chael’s Convent in Hartford, Mrs. went fishing on election day. And G'Donnell, Dallas County Republi­ ature in 1962 should be foived to Bat ooncentratian on hia Khmah- had “plummeted to an all-time Olavine Hcdfner of Manchester, —one from Montgomery and the paOeai prevent” mob action. Linda Champ of Pinnacle Rd., El- ingimlled under by a wave. can chairman, who ajso credited and Boy and Girl Scotits from Ver­ RockvUle and Vernon, fire depart­ dtey and p e Gaulle meetlnca low." and Sister Rita Mary of St Mar­ other from Mempble. Both had Montgomery poUoe, the Justice Uh|ton. The teaffic 'vlctima, all of whom some Conservatives who might non and RockvUle. ments. go on record aa favoring a eoas- atilpped the day of any real festive have voted for Blakely April 4 to telepheone calls, door-tO-door can­ Beginning at Elm St. In the cen­ George C. Gardner, in riiaige plete investigation of bote tear He said people everywhere are garet’s Convent In Waterbury; 16 originally left NsahvlDa late Sat­ Pattento Today: 208 Lepartment contended, also knew Atty. Donald B. Caldwell, a died Satorday, were: vassing, and hundreds of precinct atmo^here. beginning to “wonder about the urday. that a tou was due here, but ”de- John Francis, 11, MUford, who keep a Moderate or Liberal out of ter of RockvUle, the parade will of parade arrangements, said HELCO . and the PUC. Griffin grandchildren, and 44 great-grand­ ADMITTED SATURDAY: Mrs. member of the Roml-e-o com rtt- the runoff, apparently found Tow­ workers who put up signs, distrib- tn>e First Lady stayed in Glen mettle and the maturity of the children. The Memphis-to-New Orleahe Uberetely faUeS” to take proper tee. said, the Rockville Jaycees Gets MIT Award died In Heading, Pa., hospital af­ cuted car bumper stickers, and re- move up E. Main and Grove SU. marchers will assemble at 9 a.m. sounds like he worked for the elee* Ora, .their country estate near mid- new administration." bus group-rMven Negroea and two Kathryn Gardner, 73 Florence St. Howard 8. Turkington Jr., 186 ter hia father’s station wagon waa er’s’ brand of conservatism more to Grove Bill Ometery where the In the afternoon, I'esidents will trie light company. TTie funeral will be held tomor­ David Kerr, 335 Charter Oak S t precautions to prevent violence b ( ^ to send both Kellner and Misa ciult|^ other campaigners. dlebars, Va., to rest up fof the The GOP National Committee’s row at 8:15 a.m. at the John F. eteiteo—ware arrested during tee and even aftoit it broke out, "de- Chunp-to the Torrington Road-e-o, Center St,, has been granted a rammod in the rear by a tractor- to their liking In the second elec­ main ceremonies of the day will have a 'Choice of watching either of The Utility Commission octe ed trip to Ehirc^ which cartes them morning. Eight more—six Negroee Mrs. Mary WUey,’ 79 Niles Dr.. 81.000 freshman competitive trailer mi Route'29. PoUee aaid the tion. Harry Bass Jr„ Dallas oil man take place. two Little , League doubleheaders, a catspaw foi^ the light company publication, "Battle Line” inquired Tlemey Funeral Home, 219 W. Uberatoly delayed” sending offi­ sponsored by the Tortngfon Jay- and GOP leader, said the two spe­ to London next WMkend. Atty. if Kennedy was taking a "ma^c Center St., followed by a solemn and two whitoo—were arrested pUver Drigga, Drlggs Rd., Vei- cers to the bus terminal. ceea. scholarship to the'Masaachusetts youth was asleep 4n the rear of the What happened statewide has Lt. Col. LEMvrence I. Corkum of one at Vernon Elementary School when it drags into Mwcheator and Gpn. Robert F. KeonMy, the Pres­ upon arrival In the afternoon. One non; Ralph Quigley, 80 Foley S t Institute of Technoloogy (MIT) station wagon. bad a parallel in Dtdlaa county for cial Senate races this year gave TariffviUe, deputy commander of at 1 o'clock, and the other at Henry Bolton’s light rate Issus the towtid formula” of dealing with the So­ high Mass of requiem at St. James’ Although Johnson granted the Winner of te» state competition the RepubUcans a chance to hold ident's brother, waa here with his viets into his meeting with Church at 9. Burial will be in St. of the latter contingent did hot Mrs. MuY Deyorls, 109 Spruce temporary restraining order is eligible to compete in the na­ to r the 1961-JB2 oriiool year. Mrs. Catherine Kostak, 82. a number of years. Bruce Alger, the Second Battle Group, 169th Park at 1:30. of Middletown and Unlonville. wife and aeven children. They oc­ S t; Leanne V. LaBelle, 38 Tolland TTiomaston,' who waa killed when the lone GDP congressman from together the organization they had Infantry. 43rd Dlvlalon, will be the I want to know why East Hart­ Khrushchev. James’ Cemetery. participate in the deeegregatlon against tee Xian only hours after tional event in Washington, D.C., Turkington, son of Mr. and Mrs. built up for-the 1960 general elec­ cupy one of three homes on the “Is it something he has not re­ test and waa not arretted Ave., Rockville; Mrs. Paul New­ Howard S. Turkington Sr„ will two cars collided on a steep down­ Texas, has won three terms be­ main-speaker. DODD CUTES BACKING ford Is getting such a much lower Friends may call at the funeral man, 182 Hilliard S t;' Mrs. Susan the bus atotion riot here, he took in August cause of the split among Demo­ tion In their drive to make Texas Kennedys*. shore property. The vealed to the pubHcT” the GOP home tonight from 7 to 9. ‘Arreoti were made after Police no immediate actiem against'tee Other entrants in the driving enter MIT this faU. He will be grade cm re on Route 20 in Han­ a 2-party state. The invocation will be given by Washington, May 29 (iP) — Sen. rate and the privilege of rapleO- President stayed with his father, committee asked. "Or is' it merely Ciqit. J. L. Ray told teem "You’ll Mason, 21 Summit S t; Mrs. poUoe authorities or Henley. test were John Wilkie, Garald San­ giTuluated with honors from Man­ cock, Mass. Mrs. Kostak's hus­ crats. If a Conservative wins the the Rev. John White, assistant Thomaa J. Dodd, D-Conn., has re­ Ing light bulbs. I am not intoreeted Joseph P. Kennedy, in the largest the echo of recent oratory with no Georgs Hetei have to move on,” and they dldn’ Pauline Janelle, 104 Union St, chester High School next month. band, Karl, 73, operator of one of Deniocratic nomination, the Lib­ Although Tower is the first Re­ pastor of St. Bernard’s Church. A ported he had received "an amaz in either Unlonville or MlddletoWn, budge. Rockville. The Justice Department charged tos, Judy Johndrow, and Thomas the cars, was treated 'tor shock erals sit on their hands election publican senator elected by Texas of the three while his owp is be- positive deeds to back it up?” George Heim, 7iB, of 1495 Silver teree Klan factions and four in­ O'Connor. He is a member of the Fred A. tribnute to the unknown dead will Ingly heartening response" to his even Montreal, -Canada. Why Ina repainted. Republican congressional lead­ when they did nothing, Ray ADMITTED YESTERDAY Vein^ck Chapter of the Nation­ and minor cuts. The driver of the day. If a Liberal gets the nom­ voters, the state had two other be given by the Rev. James L. speech in Senate opposing the befog the issue? Lane. East Hartford, a retired dividuals.— including three KKK Hanyood West, of Cubies Rd., other car escaped injuries. Ted Kennedy, the President’s ers lectured Kennedy on how to aaid: “Did you hear me say move Clarence Petersen, 41 Autumn S t leaders — w'Ui c o n ^ ita g to use al Honor Society and the Math ination, the Conservative Demo­ Republican senators. They were Grant, rector of St. John’s Church. swapping of tractors fot. the I wimt to know, too, If Griffin or youngest brother, #as also on hand conduct his oonversations with lobacco farmer, dleA. Halleok of Indiana said Grange. the. watchful eyes of highway pa ery. The fourth defendant was to travel to Torrin^n Jtme 10. ternoon before the start of the hol­ dress, respectively. Survivors include hia wife, Mrs. vue Ave^ Rockville; Mrs. Elisa Thurman *£. Ousts, Identified only She aaid he enjoyed the contest. a year raise drop this sll-Importaat ably would gnher to sing a birth- in a statement that Kennedy trolmen and FBI agents and haul both Holmea, 38 Church S t; Mrs. iday death coimt, died in Norwalk The Rev. PhlUp H. Ward, pas­ matter ? Mkfy Kalhok Helm: five sons, An- as a resident of Mmtgomery. He waa given a score of 268 tor the hospital yesterday. ESTO W II , ^ y song aome time today. should tell the Russian leader the ed less than two blocks to city Marjorie Severance, 88 Oakland wrtten and driiring tests. dred MacCallum, 19 EUm S t; Dar­ tor of Vernon Center Congp"ega- I want to know wherein Man- United States win break off ne­ tone J. Helm, Joseph F. Heim arid J»U- Henley’s name wag added In the lene Matthews, 134 E. Main St.; Zuckerman waa a passenger in a South Africans Begin PHARMACY H Salinger refused to aay bow many WUliam F. Heim, all of East Hart­ S t; Mra. Rhode Bockus, 57 Crest- amended complaint Judges were Alderman Bernard tional Church, ■will give the bene- 459 WHartford Rd.—MI 9-9946 cheater, aa was immlssd, )« • or what kind of presents Kennedy gotiations on world issues if there The officers were not needed, wood Dr,; ’’Brenda Ann Rebello, Paul Loos, Broad Brook. car that rolled down an embank­ (Mctlon. profited by the abtortitlon a t tta ford, George F. Helm Jr. of Wind­ Another hearing, set for 8. Groua, aubstltuting for Mayor ment on the Merritt Parkway tn 9 received. is further "Soviet staUlng.” sor, and Albert Heim of Hebron; a however, M there waa only a hand­ WlUimantlc; Mrs. Pauline Bury, 41 Lso B: Flaherty Jr.; Det. Sgt. Discharged Saturday: Mrs. The parade will return to St. OPEN ALL DAY Connecticut Light and Power Com­ Hundreds of tourists drove and H m RepubUcans criticised Ken­ ful of epectatofa at the station WMte S t. Rockville; Mrs. Nancy Wednesday before ,th* aame fed­ Dorothy Meyer, 70 Union St.; Norwalk and smashed Into a tree. Bernard's Cemetery in the center MEMORIAL DAY pany by the Hartford Elcctrie nedy for not having prepared in daughter, Mrs. Stanley F. T ru k eral judge, will go into the broad George A. Trapp, substituting tor Republic Week Strife walked around tha neighborhood, and no incidents occurred. Orfltelli, 21 Warren S t; Michael the ailing Oapt. Peter J. Dowgie- Mark Boudreau, 53 Spring St.; where a 169th Infantry firing Light Company and teat was tea hoidag for a g^lnipae of Kennedy, advance of the mectlnig—os Ken­ of Eut'Hartford;' two half sisters, general picture of interstate bus PLENTY OF FILM Mrs. Charles Dom and Mrs. Julia In Montgomery,' scene of bloody Eccelente, 48 Maple S t; Mrs. segregation. wicz; John C. Robb, safety e ^ - Ronald Cummings, 76 Village St.; squad -will fire a salute to the dead: published reason for approval a t but were kept at least a block nedy said in a June I960, Senate rioting on May 20, tha Freedom Coventry (Conttoned from Page One) Pisch, both of E ut Hartford; 16 Alice Crawley, 57 Gerard S t A group of the Freedom Riders neer for L. Nelson and Sons Trans­ Mis. Jean Ludwig and aon, Kings­ gregatlons yesterday prayed for this transaction by the UtiUtisd away by state troopers and town speech a President should always Riders used white rest room fa­ Lorayne Carol Algren, 29 Duval portation Oo. ot '"llington; and bury Ave,; Mrs. Virginia Roberts, Commission, or waa the trsnsaO- police. do—a "comprehensive set of care, grandchildren; 8 great-grandchil­ cilities and attempted to use tee hae asked Johnson to prohibit city, night in their employers’ factories calm and tolerance. dren, and several nieces and St.; Robert Scott Caldwell. 27 county and state authoriUea from Atty. E. George Gorsky, assistant 18 Oak St.; Anttaony Kuchenaki, Uon for the benefit jXf stoekheld- Kennedy was expected to fully pepared, long term policies.” lunchroom facilities, both white Range Hill Dr., Vernon: William prosecutor in the 12th Orcult Crystal Lake', Cnmrles Young. 76 Court Continues and stores. In the admonatrative capital of ers? speak off the cuff — but to say Dirksen and HaUeck . sald the nephews. and black, but they were closed. enforcing any racial barriera in Pretoria, police took strict, pre­ Tbe funeral will be held Wednes­ Davis, 515 Graham Rd., Wapplhg; bus terminals. Court. Union St.; Mrs. Helen Lathrop, Police patrolled the Negro And if our. town officials liava something of this countiys posi- President was meeting with No attempts were made to arrest Alex Tomkunaa, 20 Joseph S t; Caldwell aaid about 12 or IS Vernon; Floyd Brownlee, Worces­ Coviello’s Case cautions against any trouble at the backbone of » JeUyflah teey titm going into the conference Khrushchev "at a time when none day at 8:16 a.m. at the Newkirk them. settlements. Guards .were placed Wednesday’s Inauguration of the of the mfnlmal conditions he Sug­ and Whitney Fdneral Home, 318 Stephanie Marx, East Hartford; voutha shewed up for the contest, ter Rd., Vernon; Mra. Lsicy Persch, will not be frightened off by tee with Khrushchev — In his Boston Mrs. Kelsh’s photo album includes “family” of'^8 children*??" BUeven integratlonista were ar­ George Muler, 74 Florence S t; out only seven met the age re­ Mountain St.; Marc Kadelaki, 1 The caoe of James J. OovieUo, at the Johaiui'esburg plant of the republic. (Jharles Robberts Swart, threat that the HELCO may raise speech. gested exlste.” Burnside Ave., E u t Hartford, fol­ rested at the same bus station last former selectman, and treasurer of now governor general under Queen Democrate defmdad Kennedy lowed by a scriemn high Mass of Craig Knight 48 Agnes Dr. Suit Setleiii^iits quirements. Charter Rd.; Baby Pierce, 59 Nationalist government news­ all rates. Including Hartford. If Democrats hope to arise $600,000 Thursday when they sat at a white ADMITTED TODAY: Joseph However, he said, the othera Ward St. thv Nathan Hale CommuiUty C an­ Elizabeth, will become first pres­ that utility company proposes an from the BOO-a-plate banquet in q>iritedly. . requiem at S t Rose Church, E u t lunch counter. paper, Die Transvaler, after a re­ ident of the republic. Vice President Johnson said Hartford, at 9. Burial will be tn Schmidt South Windsor; William were, allowed to run through the Discharged Sunday: Wilfred to r , who has pleaded guilty to increase In Hartford rates it won’t Boston's Commcnwaolth Armory. Foster Mother of Year The marUal law proclaimed by Urged by Counsel coursoi He said the Jayceea felt BUhop, 38 Gold S t, Stafford embezzlement by agent,, was con­ ported threat to blow it up. be dealing with Manchester tt- The function has had its embar' "Never in this century—perhaps S t Mary's Cemetery, East Hart­ Alabama Gov. John Patterson Sansom, Eaat Windsor; James.W. never in history—has a man at the ford. Press, 47 Dougherty St; Jonathan their interest deserved recognition Springs; Mrs. Isabelle Welsh, tinued to June 12 In the Man­ Africans had been told that if rectors. raasmenta. Co-chairman Howard Sight days ago fw Montgomer Town Counsri Arthur J. Le- Sind they were entered as unoffi­ Sklimer Rd., Vernon; Mrs. Hazel chester' session of Circuit Court they struck, they would lose their Mors Comfort Wsoring And in addition to a thorough W. FTtxpatrick was indicted last age of 44 enjoyed the trust or Friends, may call at the funeral nmy be on its way out Stole Ad„ Boswortb, Andover; Samuel To­ borne the hopes of so many of his home tonight from 7 to 9 and to­ man, 19 S t Lawrence S t; (Jindy- Clai^ has recommended the town cial contestants. Sheridan, Broad Brook. 12 today. wages and their jobs and might investigation of the light compeny wbak on a charge of negligence as Mrs. Keish Reared Gen. Henry V. Graham said Sun- settle for |3,000 a claim by a Cyclist Hurt . Seely-Brown Office Hours The continuance, granted by even be deported from the cities management we ought to demand sheriff of Middlesex County in the feUow men as has J o tu i F. Ken- morrow from 8 to If and 7 to ^ y night tee law probably will lee E. Backus, South Windsor. FALSE TEETH nety." pjn. woman Injured In a fall on an Icy Discretion was the better part U.S. Congressman Horace See­ Judge Benedict M. golden Jr., was to faraway reserves. Here u s pleaient way to orercome a complete study of Us finanelal eoc^w of two prisoners held for be lifted "in a few days." BIRTHS SATURDAY: A of valor to a motorcyclist Satur­ ly-Brown will hold roving office the second In the' case. It was African organizations were looee pUte dlecomfort. rASTEETH, structure. Having been an offieial murder. The jaO warden was killed Former President Harry S. TVU' dau^iter to Mr. and Mra. William sidewalk In front of ITS Spruce an Improved powder, aprlnkled on man said that the problems IMfore Bldwrd W. Winkler day, but use of discretion still gave hours this week in 11 towns In his granted on information teat pre- divided over the walkout. The and director of many corporatlens in the escue. 53 Foster Children Mari coni, 613 M ain'St; a daughter S t In January 1961. )ilm a wrenched shoulder. district He will be in Rockville African National Congress favor­ upper end lower pUtea bolda them the country “are being met with Rockville—^Richard W illiam The woman la Mrs. Helen Ro- aentenca Investl^tlon la incom­ firmer ao that they feel more com­ I don’t like any part of Orlffia'a Former Democratte Gov. Foster to Mr. and Mrs. Philip LaFond, 32 Jack Wells, 22, of 32 School St, from 2 to 2:30 at Memorial HaU. plete. ed it. The Pan-Africanist Congress fortable. No gummy, sooey, paity weak, nauseating message te Mar* Furoolo, ones estranged from courage and decision” by Kennedy. Winkler, 87, who fonneriy Uved WeUington Rd. perto. The suit is pending In Su­ taste or feellns. It'a alEallne (non- Rockville, waa given emergency Coiurtituenta are in-vlted to drop Coviello, arrested March 25, baa opposed it. There was no clear LENOX PHARMACY tin. I guess we will have te resort Morton said that because Ken­ acid). Ooea not tour. Checka "plate Kennedy in a MaaaaChusatts poli­ on Baker R ^ Vernon, died yaster "Let them know you mean what you say, and keep them State News BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A perior Court and has prefenyd treatment at Rockville City Hos­ indication that the coloreds and the nedy has officially approved a prl' day at an out-of-town hospitaL status because Mra. Roperto Is 81 in without appointment Staff posted a $1,500 bond. Audit of the odor'* (denture breath). Oat FA8- 299 E. CENTER ST. Ml 9-0896 to other methods to obtain an tical situation, says he won't ba busy.” daughter to Mr. and Mra. Royal pital after he had steered his mo­ members will accompaiiy the con­ Indians would take part. TEETR today at anv drug counter. I equitable adjustment. abla^to attend. The present gov' vately conducted campaign to He waa bom 'in RockvUle on years old. books of the Center revealed a raise funds for a tractora-for-prls- • That’s the formula by which Mrs. Katherine Keish, 807 Scott Glastonbury; p daughter to torcycle iip a Vernon AVg. bank gressman to aasiat in handling re­ shortage of $2,609. Informed The strike was handicapped be­ emor. Republican John A, Volpe, June 16, 1873 and had Uved in Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hesse, 9 Tho claim is m e of two accident to avoid an accident with ait on­ quest arid preparing material. oners exchange with Cuba’s Fidel the a n a aU hia life. He was tee Gardner St., has reared 53 foster children as well as her own Roundup sources in (Jonventry aay retribu­ cause most of the experienced had been invited to introduce son and four daughters. Johnston Ter.; a daughter to Mr. claims the board of directors will coming truck. African leaders were in Jail. Ten Kennedy, but the introductory Castro “we dook like—and> have son of FYank and Antonia Storm be asked to settle at Its June 6 tion has been made of a sizeable acted like—chumps." Mrs. Keish, who celebrated her and Mrs. Donald Parille, IBS Paih Wella told Patrolman Forest R. Vemoa and TaloottvUle news Is thousand had been arrested in re' privilege later was bestowed on vnnkler. (Oeuttroed tea m Page fhw) S t; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. meeting. Hull that he waa drlvihg uphill, portion of that amount. •The fact is.” he said, "that the . Until hia retirement several 71st birthday last Monday, will be handled by Tbe Herald'a RockvUle cent weeks. More than 18,000 were Rep. John W. McCormack of Mas­ honored as “Foster Mother of the Roland Daigle, 39 O’Leary Dr. LeCaaire has also recommended approaching the railroad bridge, Bureau, 5 W. Main S t, telephone seized in last year’s racial crisis. sachusetts, the House democratic fumbles of the New Frontier have years am, he was cantaker at dlo station 77NLK a t Norwalk, and BIRTHS TODAY: A son to Mr. that the town settle, for $1,000 a WILTON MAN NAMED driven our prestige to a record Year” Wednesday at a reception Car Deaths when he saw a furniture truck TRemont 5-SlSS or Mitchell Both white and non-white lead­ leader. the Beldang. estate in Vernon. in Hartford. WNHC-TV of New Haven were and htos. Gordon Kauffman claim brought by a woman injured coming downhill toward him. 9-6797. Des Moines, Iowa, May 29 « held to­ Rate at 4.3 honors. field Depot; a son to Mr. and Aba. Under terms of the proposed set­ He felt the underpass waa too nar­ Licenses Suspended Meredith Publishing Co. Saturday. Former Vice President Rkdiard tsdee place at 7:30 p.m. at the Uni­ a tta ^ until President Kennedy morrow a t 2 pjn. at the White- versity of Hartford under the The awards will be made at the Joseph Bombeto, 18 Bolton S t tlement, the Manchester Water Co. row for him to pass the truck. Before Joining the firm, Allen had . has talked with Khrushchev .in M. Nixon joined in condemning the Olbson Funeral Home, 66 Elm S t VFW’a 3-day, 41st annual state would pay $1,600, bringing the total . Hospital authorities said Wells Hartford, May 29 (T» — The worked for the McCall Corp., the tractors - for - prisoners project. The Rev. PhiUp H. Ward a t Ver­ sponsorship of the State Welfare d is c h a r g e d SATURDAY; State Liquor Ckmtrol Commission New York Herald Tribune, and Vienna. .< Department and the Connecticut convention at Bridgeport June 9- Mrs. Mary Davis, East Hartford; settlement figure to $2,600. Tho was discharged after treatment Senate DemocraUc leader Mike Nlxon told, a news conference in non O n ter Congiegatienal Ghuixh Every Hour suit was brou^t by Mrs. Velma G. and X-rays. has ordered suspensions against Radio Station WOR, New York. Child Welfare Aseociation. Stan­ Albert Calve. 63 New Bolton Rd.; three establishments for selling Mansfleld of Montana urged CUUabOfna City he thought it waa will officiate. Burial will be in ley P. Mead, a retired Juvenile Roger G. KilColUns, 218 .Spruce Osgood and is pending In Superior There waa no arrest., truce to suspend at least tem- morally wrong and unwise to trade Grove HiU Ometery. (Conttnued from Page One) Court. Rockville poUco BYlday arrested to minors. Suspended were The BIG 600 tractors for 1,200 Cuban in­ There will be no calling hours. court Judge, wil be guest speaker Richard Henderson St.; Mm. Judith L. Edg;ar, Blast the licenses of Mrs. Marie T. Ma­ , pomrlly the kind of foreign policy “Don’t let them get ahead ot Hartford, May 29 (iP) — Richard Hartford; Arnold Handler, 39 Ger­ The former bqard of directors Alice V. Drury, 32, of 51% Village blasts at the President with which vasion prisoners. for a non-holiday period of 102 turned the settlement down. The St. and charged he^ with aaaault rino, Sbuthiand Superette, 64 Old FOft RENT Mrs. Louise Rowland you from the start," advised the Henderson. 869 Ridge Rd., Weth­ ard St.; John B. Moran, RFD 1; Tewn Highway, East Havei^, 20 Gift Surprise the GOP kept the political battle Nixon, the GOP presiden­ great-grandmother who has pro­ hours, from 6 p.m. Friday, May JO'S. Patricia Sawyer. 85 Franklin accident occurred In October 1954 following a neighbor’s complaint tial candidate, urged Ptesident Mrs. Ixiulse Rowland, formerly ersfield, public service director ol on Cumberland St. days; William D. Gregorie, Nau­ S aad 18 nun. Movie Projectors reverberating Over the weekend. vided loving care to children ft;om 12, to midnight Tuesday, May 16, the HertfoM -nmes. died today at St., Rockville; Mrs. Frances Kor- that Mrs. Drury had been harsh to tilus Inn, 1144 Reef Rd., Fairfield. *-«oand or allent, also 85 mm. "This is not the time, with the Kennedy either to withdraw ap­ of School St., died today at Laurel ner, 63 EIro S t; Mrs. Margaret E According to LeClalre’a report to a neighborhood youth. Free under Manor COnvaleacent Home. She broken homes, Including some who showed 341 traffic deaths. In his home. He _was 60. 16 days with five days held in •Udo projectors. Khrushchev talks approaching, for proval of the transaction or to were "problem children” when McCoan, 37 Saulters R(l; Miss the directors, some question might $50 bond, the accused is due in anyone to become political or parti, hold up export licensee imtil was the widow of James Edward other violent deaths, 14 persons Henderson, who rose to the rank exist over whether the town or the court June 13. abeyance, and Joseph P. FTIoa, Rowland. they arrtved at the Keish 40-acre of brigadier general In tee Oon- Lorene Hemmann, 7 Maiden Lane. City Fruit and Product Co. Pack­ WELDON DRUG CO. san in the foreiim policy field. Cuba’s Castro agrees to free elec­ Rockville: Mrs. Lorelle Malboeuf. water company la primarily liable John J.' Machscek, 67, of 10 tions in his country. Mrs. Rowland was bom In Swe­ dairy farm. were killed in boating accldenta, necUcut NaUcmal Guard, planned tor the road defect. age Store, 15 Richmond St., Put­ 901 Mato Sb TeL Ml 8 ^ 2 1 Mansfield said. "Rather it is the 78 others drowned, not involVed to. retire June l after almost 86 98 Walnut St.; Mrs. Edith Stead, Becker PI., waa given * written nam, five days. time for all Americans to come to Sen. J. Glenn BeaU, R-Md., said den, and was a memeber of She has helped these youngsters with boating, and 106 lost their years with tee Times. 1744' Ellington Rd., Wapping; warning Friday for failure to g;rant the aid and support of their presi. he didn’t see How the United Lutheran Church In New York with their homework, helped them' the right of way. Machecek’s car dent.'' a ty . Uvea in miscellaneous accidents: As public service director, he Ronald J. DeBIols, 447 Main S t; States "can hold up Us head to straighten out personal problems, The over-aU total waa 539. had directed home ahows, flower Mrs. Olive Libby, Vernon Ttailer LeClaire Favors was involved in a minor collision 17-JEWEL Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey___ of the rest of the world If we permit She la survived by a siater-ln- and has seen many graduate from In the 1957 4-dsy hoUdsy, Me­ •hows, soap box derbies, carol Court,. Vernon; Mrs. Ellen Bush- with another car at W. Main and Minnesota, the assistantDemqcra-______this payment of ransom." law. Mrs. Pearl Merrill of East high school, enter military service, Union Sts. Hartford. morial Day waa on a Thursday, sings, leam-to-swlm campaigns nell, Ellington; Walter A. Aitken, tic leader, said in a separate inter But Sen. Jacob .K. Javits, R- get married and raise families of and in addition to the 413 traffic and numerous addlUonal actlviUes 96 Peari St; Robert P. Welch. Tax Settlement On U8S Luce SPORTSMAN Flew he recognises the Republi N. T., said the drive to raise funds Funeral services will be held at their own. deaths, 134 persons drowned and which this newspaper has Andover;. Robert Souer, Broad Donald Zogora, machinist’s For Their Benefit COM’ right to criticise foreign to buy tractors shows humanl- the Watkins-West Funeral Home. Brook; Mrs. Anne FUUer, 12 P1‘ If thS board of directors ap­ mate third class, USN, |is Serv­ cuJi policy decisions. But he sidd he Most of her foster children cor­ 113 were kiUed In miaceUaneous moted or helped to promote. "tarlanlsm and “calls the dictator’s 112 E. Center St., Wednesday at respond regularly and send pic­ accidents, a total of 539. Memorial He was honored last December oneer Circle; Ernest Wagner, 75 proves, the Town of Manchester ing aboard the -guided missile thinks the country would benefit by bluff” at the same 41me. 11 a.m. Burial will be in East Day was on a Tuesday in 1950 and Blasell S t; Mrs. Abby Clarke, will settle a tax suit with a former frigate USS Luce. The Luce was Realizing that tha funeral a little more unity behind the Presi­ Cemetery. tures of their own children to Mrs. at a testimonial dinner for hia Keish. One of her boys, who lived the 4-day total waa 347 traffic many contributions to the commu­ Lebanon; Mrs. Martha Schneider, Manchester Industry for about commissioned May 20 at the dent as he approaches thS Vienna There will be no calling hours. two thirds the anlount of the tax. Naval Shipyard in Boston. The service is conducted for tha meeting: Humphrey said the Umlng at the Keish farm for four years deaths, 96 drownlngs. 128 miscel­ nity and its youth. 18 West St., Rockville; Ekiward Mc­ Hebron and completed high school here, laneous accident deaths, an over­ Ho leaves Ms wife, Mrs. Dorothy Namara, 192 Green Rd.; Mra. Anna The settlement fiqure Is $600. 512-foot, 5,600'-ton vessel is the consolation of tha family, we [LdlN of current GOP attacks is bad. Leopold Mllewski always spends his Navy leave all toll of 571. Coiwln Henderson; a daughter. B. Lepter, 172 Birch S t; Mrs. The tax against Uie firm. The third named in honor of Rear Ad­ "For the Republicans to q Manchester Ekigraving Co., Is miral Stephen ,B. Luce, USN, who W A T C H E S the President as he Is preparing for Impold MUewskl, 73, of 363 here. He Is one of five of her Miss Beryl' Henderson, also of Gloria Affricano and son, Coven­ always make arrangements ac­ Parades to Honor FrSnklln Ave„ Hartford, father of Wethersfield; two brothers, Wil­ try; Mrs. Sandra Crawford and $913.82. Interest is $50.26 and a served in the Chvil War and is this vital conference is bad man­ former charges now In military constable’s bill is $30.41, making most remembered for his part in cording to their wishes. This ners, bad politics and poor Judg­ William MilewskI of Manchester, service. One served In the Korean liam Henderson, Birmingbam, •on, Coventry; Mrs. Kathleen War­ Town’s War Dead died Saturday at the Hartford Three Accidents Ala., and John Henderson, Dothan, ren and daughter, Andover. the total $994.49. founding the Naval War College 'h m i e t ment." Humphrey said. conflict. at Newport, R. I. twomu OF fact assures those we serve Kermedy told a chertng audience Hospital. Ala., and three sisters, M ra Agnes DISCHARGED YESTERDAY Manriiester. engraving has A T A Memorial Day will be obaerved He was born In Poland and had Mrs. Keish has cared, for foster Briiig 2 Arrests moved to Rhode Island. The tax Zagora la the son of Mr. and TWflOUUWlf that tha final tribute will' ba of 8,000 at a birthday dinner in children on a temporary basis MANCHISTBLCONN Is no substitute for "the painful the Rev. Gordon W. Weeman high Mali Of requiem at St. CJyril and David Bengtaon, all of Mans after the president—aince 1958. Theresa Utrlcb, 23 Foster St.; Warrantea Deeds Admitted todky; Gary Nelson, ct^Iaina; the post color guard; the cheater, and William Aronson of struck the rear-end of a vehicle Buck’s retirement wea an- Andrew Anaaldl to George L. 277 Olenwood Rd., Eniington: . process of diplomatic negotia­ and Methodist Church at 9 a.m. driven by Harry F. M erritt 23, of Mrs. Lena Paysm, 88 West St., 2 Thompsonvllle. Dziato and Claire L. Dzlato, prop- tions." But he added that "meet­ liriiy squad commanded by G Burial will be In Mt. St Benedict noun^ by the university yestei^ Rockville; Robert T. Saxton, South Births Sunday: A daughter to Earle Porter, U.8. Marine veter- Cemetery. Fourth generation descendants East Hartford, at Center and W. day. He will m auceaeded by King- r t y at Earl,i5t. and E. Middle Mr. 'and Mrs. B. Carlton Foibes, ings between the heads of state Center Sts. Vehicle damage' was Windsor; David Bergstrom, 886 Tpke. can play a useful role in the quest School Band Frineds may call at the funeral are Scott and Brad Aronson of man Brewster, Jr., professor of Portsr St.; WUliam Tomasal, 122 14 Dogwood Lone, Wapping; a for peace." t ^ th majorettes; the American Le- Thompsonvllle, great-grandsons of slight according to police. law, Nellie Doyle to Roy F. Hage- daughter to Mr., and Mrs. Fred­ home tonight from 6 to 9 and to­ Mrs. Keish. Bretton Rd.; Miss Theresa Noel, dom &nd Abble Ctta Haffedom, Vice President Lyndon B.'John­ pon posts of Hebron and Colchea- morrow from 2 to 4 qnd 6 to 9 p.m. Goodin and two companions, Buck will continue aa chairman 299 Main St.; Mra. Mamie Leon- erick‘Riocker, 22 Orriiard S t son told his colleagues he believes ter; Colchester VFW post; Jones Raymond E. MacAIplne, 34, of universltya Commlttea on property on Tolland Tpke.. Birth today; A daughter to Mr. Building and. Grounds, wMch Is bardl, 4 Tanner 8t.; Mrs. Gladys U A R Housing Corp. to Daniel that“ free men on every continent" Auxiliary; youth groups, Wapping, and AUen H. auff, 34, of SkUlen and daughter, 555 Dart HIU and "Mrs. Richard St. Germaine, Md tee Hebron and Aiiston Litee East Hartford, vfere taken to the ■uperviatng a $23 million construc­ J. Carey and Beverly A. Carey, 28 Mountain St. will be behind Kennedy in his fire departments. High Court Backs tion program for the next flve Rd.. RockvUle; Mrs. Marjorie Rey property on Ludlow Rd. talks with Khi;^shchev June 3-4. F un erals hospital where all were treated Dolds and daughter, 250 Autuhin Dischatged Friday: Mrs. Mil- lowers for grave decoration In for cute Slid bruises of the face, years. Dissolution ^ RepubUcans gave no sign, how­ iM biw and Gilead will be fur- Sunday Blue Laws Buck, a naUve of Wilmington. St.; Mrs. Catherine Madden and Bernard S. Gozzo and Edwin ever, of any let-up in wide-ranging and dlacharged.. Godin will be daughter, 126 Blssell S t; Mrs. 9 niahM by the Girl Scouts; tor Me­ Charles O. Anderson Maas., received his bachelor of Blow, no longer doing buBlness u rtticlsm of Kennedy’s foreign and presented in arcuit Court Man­ Priscilla Alteen and sem, 66 Spruce morial Park by the Legion AuxU- Funeral services for Charles O. (Continued from Page Oae) chester, June 12. ^ erta degree from Yale and his ConnecUcut l3oln and Stamp Co. domestic policies in which they Anderson, 19 Proctor Rd., were masters from Syrian Protestant St.; Mrs. Roberto Catyenter and Trade Nome engaged over the weekend. Ronald ObMiault, 26, of 92 Val­ son, 18 Whitney Rd.; Mrs. a * re A special detail will visit the held Saturday morning at the Another blue law appeal was by College In Beirut, Lebanon. Bernard Gozzo, doing business Everett M. Dirksen of grave of John Knollton Rollo, sol­ John F. Tlemey Funeral Home, ley St, was arrested early yester­ After eerving overseas with the Schofield and son, 52 Village St., as Connecticut Coin and Stomp minola, Senate Republican leader dier .of the American Revolution, 219 W. Center St. The Rev. Paul eight employes of a corporation day afternoon and waa charged Army in World War I, he waa RockvUle; Mrs. Santlna Carlnp Co. who died of amallpox in 1777 on his C. Kaiser, pastor of Concordia called "Two Ouya from Harrison, with failure to grant the right ot named an instructor in economics and son, 2545 Ellington Rd., Wap- Building Permits way home on furlough. way aa a' result of an accident at ping Lutheran Church, officiated. Inc." who worked in s branch at Yale in 1980. In 1933 he waa ...To John Costello, for a fence at Itom atic cbml Amazingly beautiful, yet Burial was in Soldiers Field in highway store of that firm in tha Center, and Broad Sts. when he appointed a full profeaaor and aa- DIS(3iARGED TODAY: mim 378 Summit St., $15. Notice Maucheator Evening Herald cor­ East Cemetery, with' .committal Glen Bumie area of Anne Arundel pulled out of a eerviod atotion and tistant provoet tn 1953. Charlotte Darby, 91 ,St John St.; To 'Village Builders, Inc., for a priced so sensibly. 17 jewels. respondent, Miss Susan Pendleton. prayers by the Rev. Mr.''Kalser> County, Md. struck a car being driven .1^ Gary John Murphy, 125 Oak St., Wap­ house at 464 Spring St„ $13,600. Shock - resistant. Unbreak­ Beareik were Guy Oliver, Ivar The eight were convicted of il­ McCrystal, 19,. of Vernon, police ping: Mrs. Eleanor S tarrett 26 To Phillips Construction Co. for A-C 17 POINT MAINTENANCE PLAN WE HAVE DAILY ■aid. ITiere was slight damage to Thrice Blessed able mainspring. Carlson, Bernard Haywood, John legal Sunday tale of items such as HarUord, May M — Peter Ferndale Dr.: Mrs. Evelyn Steele, Santo ’Leoiie, for a garage at 21 ELIMINATES YOUR HEATING ' Anderson, Robert Anderson, and floor wax, looseleaf notebook and both vehicles and no Injuries re- 40 Foxcroft Dr.; Steven Courtney, West St., $1,500. ( p r o b l e m s portod, police aaid. Thlbiuilt waa proctor has bben thrioe-blesssd. DELIVERY TO THE Police Arrests Bernard Berube. a toy submarine. Each waa fined His rtfe. Ann.'gava birth yester­ 23 Seatean Circle; Mrs. PauUne To P ratt Sign Co. for Wilbur ELGIN SPORTSMAN $5 ahd the Maryland law was up­ ordered to appear In Circuit Court Janelle, 104 Unlwi S t, RockvlUe; Brown, for a algn at 278 W. Mid­ You can always be soro of eomfortaMo werry- So handsome, so masculine. ■0'9zcA&d:6e^ -ft -A -ft Manchester, June 12. day to triplets—two buys ahd a dle'Tpke., $167, tree heating with A-C. A-CTa 17 PMnt Malnte- Bradford G. Fleming, 48, of Nor­ held on their appeal to the Mary- girl. They were the first triplets M ra Dorothy Deeb, WUUmanUc; Waterpaapf* case. Unbreak­ la rt court of Appeals. Saturday, on W. Center S t at in this city since 1967. Mrs. Sophie Jenkins and son. To J. J, Fitogerald Jr., to de- aoMO Piaa gives yea aSanai deaatog PLUS W BOLTON wich, was charged yesterday at ^llte porch at 1^ Porter St, ■enj-aoiraal check-up PLUS 24 keor a day able mainspring. Luminops phasing a red light. About Town chief Justice Warren, in up­ Adams St, Mrs Intia C. Hughes Doctors a t St. FTancia Hospital Chaplin; Mrs. Shirley Hyde and He wUi be presented in Circuit holding the Maryland law, said of Ashburnham Maas., while ap­ •aid the mother and babies were son, South Coventry. •reand the dock emergeoty - serVtoe. dial. 17 jewelt. SAVINGS Court, Manchester, June 12 John Mather Chapter, Order of that the court was not saying that proaching a stop sign on Adams ^ing fine, although the births had To Leonard Sign Co. for Dobln’a St, went to apply her; brakes and DODD FOR USING FORGE Department 8tqi«, for a sign at 828 AREA\ Janls- (John) Vitols. $1. of DeMolay, will meet to n i^ t at 7:80 Sunday legislation may not be a been premature. Main 8t., $1,700. -. $1 DOWM/^ A WEEK Hebron, wa# charged yesterday a t tec Masonic Temple. violation of the constitutional ban her foot a lip ^ and * accelerated The girl, Ann Marie, weighed 4 Wariitagtoii, Blay $9 (ff)—Sen. the vehicle into W. Center S t a fence at -Wfita OM; craws ud cryiUt irc liiMcl a n d L O A N mmmlng with speeding and faUure •gainst government aid to rell- peunda, 10 ouncas; her brothers, TboniM J. Dodd, D-Oooa., pro- 326 E. Osater St., $200. A s' s o c 1 A r I o V to carnr an operator's licenu His St. Anne’a Mothers Qarcla will glon. She struck a car driven by Ed­ Robert, 4 pouadi, 4 ounces and pMwd today tha Ualtad B u im LENOX ward R. Yurksbot 83, of 96 Sum­ Mathew, 8 pounds, 7 ounces. *Jinl ssl y«ur case will be presented In arcu lt meet Wednesday at 7 p.nt, at Warren s^d that If it were dem­ piadm ItseU to aebtova aa tode- OONTRAOT GOMFERSNiDB Court, Manchester, June 12. Fiaqo’s Restaurant In Boltpn, for onstrated that the purpose waa to mer S t nie Prpetora also havo-a 8-year- t a tia a# awMa** Mrs. Hugbes, and bar buaband OM boy. New Haven. May M (fl>) — A snd Foffsf it; lm$ PHARA4ACY WUliam H. Chatman-Jr.[ 22 of its annual dinner meeting; Use a state’s coercive power to aid Rieclal oontaepoa (or GomMCtkut Soute Windsor # ^ b h a rg e d at 2 rellgioiK the leglalattoh would be Dr. John C, Hughes, a paaaenger, Tha father, hbo worlu for the ed-5IeBeS2e SeSgiUhSSytoS itOBERT w en both taken to the boaplta], Harttoid StoBtria Light GO., was maiiufaotureni on federal contract at* I. cams sr. failure to obey a A requiem klgh ktoaa wlU be unconstitutional., » O— totto^ aitt teM If the pnoourmneat poUciaa will ba held traffic ctmtrol olgnol and operaUng celebrated at S t John'a PolUfa Na- Juatlcs Douglas la treated for bridaee, and were dla- flabb4ci»atod h m t i the. AMERICAN COAL COMPANY m. M MIM M^unFSjlstersd muter s s ^ . A ttooM CathoUe Ctaurdi t m e n t m ehaiied. j aawa. But tb ta bo WBwri^idl hia 21?? Robert N. E S T-A •'B L I S H E D IN I ,8 9 I *111 bajM ssotod te CIrcitIt O M rt tea Maryland caas, as ba did la Both ears bad treat end .dam- "npoaure and iold: Qlaimo, DOohn., ■iweunoed Sat- 63S MAIN STRCiET a t 8:M ami. as a ntoraorial ta r tbs M at. tia bbitTuTw am m Si to. wSw: Uto oaotonooe to dMlcaad ^ ■■ U ia S m m , 'JUna 19. war day. age and ereie tawdd am K peUee n i Qod. ««Bta. jto B m it that W HAM. 2IRPT • HAmPORO lA M i l l I 5«mHAHUY to 800 rtod. No artwto were aiada to bdBff nore irBCBamAmiix t p j l ariy, thafa tha aray it’a got te bf.” into the otote. 'I

t t J I -i f . \ .. PAOIICN llANtm STER EVENING BEBAU). MANOHEjSTEB, OONN« MONDAY, MAY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, M AY 29, 1961 d a i l y CROP^ORD PU^LB PAQB B tavyif BUGGS BUNNY OUR. BOARDING HOUSE . with MAJOR HOOPIaE I. t Andover may order 'chicken, home baked beans or salad. ISTOW Funds from the barbecuo last PHARMACT ^ BARDM AnMwr to PraUMt Remedial Reading year were used to purchase books 656 WRarttori K4U-M1 PW ^cncM,, Names You Knew TV-Radio Tonight for the school library. Pr()flta o f 8UTB«KTrtow Program Slated this event will be placed towards O P i^ f ALL D A T (tMa riicetcr (in progreM) 1 , „ To TeH The Truth 12 mer, beginning July 5 and enHing Manchester Evening Herald An­ MouAutweiicV •ia sr-— lOHifbevNi karly Show US orogreasi lu. 3U 8:30 Surfaide Six 8. 40. 63 July 28. Classes will be held from dover correspondent, Cindy Pfan- It t lM ItICMt Firai Sboar its proRreta) a Talea of Welle Fargo 10. 22, 30 stlehl, telephone Pilgrim 2-6856. H A a FOR RENT T o r ------' S cqbII h m I At Menn Newa 63 Dumi)iii HnvhiiiiF ix 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. daily. ITBnUtm Panic 40 ®:00 The Danny Thomai Show 3, 12 For parties, ahewera, raigep. 14 P bI m bo rb w M d lanoMrlNUm Yogi Star t Mrs. Doris E. Ctiamberlain, ele­ aiBriUNiTClaMli WhUpering Smith 10. 22. 30 c e n t e n m a ES ia s s Mona, meetinga. O enplM kUcli. Juat (or Kida u 9:30 Andy Gnfflth Show ■ 3 12 mentary school principal, said the Pawcatuck, May 29 .(/P) — Hun­ an kdllttaa. Large eaeaclaaad ■adotlMm i-Reacua k 30 Concentration (C) 22. 30 program is being, offered to chil­ MWIaS4iMp«« ______Uodcni Diacat 63 Our American Heritaxo ■ lO dreds of Connecticut and Rhode Is­ parking lot. I mpWMii liwAKHiaop AtOnAUEa > Weather. Newa A Sporta 8. 13 Adventures in Paradise 8 40 53 dren who arq not now reading up land residents helped celebrate the MsSuto MYInm M Bm d Two Pacea Weal 40 eaa eve, Thestor 18 to Uielr grade level, but would y nvS & I Club Houie 22 lOOth anniversary of St. Michael’s liMuira Litfiiiaaiaa HoN aSoMUpMlry waSo^totetti 10:00 The Barbara Stanwvck Show be enabled to by individual help. BY V. T. HAMUN SAUtO*iB*UMt MSolardWt AOKiiidcfBia C -mpaae 63 22 :to Roman Catholic Church yesterday. 24 OOLWAT STREET A L L Y O O P ______4Bl*tald ah? Channel 8 Newa 8 Henncfiey 12 It is being offered only to tho.'-c The Most Rev. Vincent J. Hines, M W e d iM d sawHttr. Ribln Hood 16 A — .pOWT L B - UJOKIN' frit|DMW tth C iH rtA Connr«ctlcut W hafe Ahead: Break youngsters whom the school feels bishop of Norwich, presided at the TEL. M l g-6166 VMg«^>i(ete eoNMA) g x iiF L _ . AMOSHtMM I i>oug Edwarda I 12 The Deadlock M1S-66M AfterRPJA ^ ______J!lAl> g< SgE /WHIilCm \ row ANEW 4H«r Huntlev-Brinkley Report _ ^ Adventures in Paradise could make definite progress and centennial Mass. In Its earlier u rn s y rn w e a m E A S E O ffi^ M lbitn cM l 10. 33 30 gain a real benefit from it. I ” KOON>«HB7 m o n s i t o w r ^ r n d s o m e r 10:30 Peter Gunn R. 40. years, the church was spiritual u rn s SHBMPBt J THCYKE ( TWEYHE J MOCMS F^ST NOTSONNF 1)10; 1M(n» n tta U tty r r r r t r Evening Report 8 Rescue 8 home to parishioners in Rhode Is­ NBCH aO R B ? y VMW^'IDSCr smNOBy NO M Y ID □ c I After Uinnei Movie * The Third Man Mrs. Chamberlain said that from A m T »«/ ? y _ 70u»A»f\ now. /S oSSSn s u m . • « 5 S S « S L - land as well as Stonlngton and RIDOP«Mr AN-. HANCUIMBf MCVMDOORi r r Newa a Weather 23, June AMysnn Show 30 to 35 students could be handled aSSIonbotttM American Udyiaey 11:00 News r- in the special classes. Parents who Mystic. UL Evening Report News. Sports & Weather W hirlfwol Washtra, y MliifdButUn IT IT IT Phil Birvera ^ate News Free Delivery Sorvic# That's lottor r tt n r m I Cheyenne 8. 10.*V. 40.WV. 63WO News 1^^ The Andover Teachers Associa­ i T r » l t o s s B T H B Wttmdwdal " 1 1■ mI -P 8FE SATrR D AT’S TV tVBEK FOR C’OMPI.«vrE I.IPTTNr, tion is planning a chicken barbe­ LIGGEH DRUG «1 FliCn ~1|||d cue for June 17, similar to one held UA m SMu * d T last year. Order blanks will be SHOPPING PARKADE P otterton's SSIneldMittBM d sent home to parents so that they ISO Center St.—Cor: of Church MYito d X H K |O M « a h Radio ______V CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER d -- ■ IE IT (This Ustlng includes only those news brosde^ts of 10 or 15-mlnute MHMiVBUiktn 1 length. Some stations carry other short newscasts.) B T U ir photographs of 26 years ago provided chuckles for BY AL VERMEBR r r IT IT i r William Barrett, Mrs. Grace Reed Gass, Mrs. Marguerite Peabody WOBC—13M T;lti CBS—In Person PRISCILLA’S POP DOWN M r d (:UU Neirs, Wall Siteet 7:30 Fulton Lewis l*W)rO«raad s r KT IT McCooe, 'reunion committee members, and Jhnies Mahoney, master 8 lU Art Joenimr Show 7:46 Local News and Showcase ^ESATS'rtXTRE C gTEi' >NHOK 1936B Class of ceremonies, at the reunion of the Manchester High School class 8:06 Raynor Shlnea 7:55 Yankees at Red Sox TH E C U T E S T BOY^ WANTS TO BE ^ ^ E S E B S S ? of 1936B. Herald photo by Ofiara.) 11:00 News. 10:30 Showcase and News B" v r 11:16 Raynor Shlnea 12:15 Slanoft O N O U P X ^ ' C U T E T / r (V tlOO Nava. 8 ^ Off bLOCK n®RLS MAKE VOp?RE[ AWR B fin p io fv r BB IT Has Reunion WHA%-ai| ( m e S IC K / / I _ J 8:00 Paul Harvey J4ANCK^Ejc\ / •A n m e o a M p L 6:30 Sound Stagige RANGE 8:30 Night Fllglsill . Mor* than 300 membera of th« 10:00 John P yandtrcook V M l Manchester High School graduat­ 11:30 Public Affaira 13 00 Sign Oft l UEL OIL ing claaa q/ 1936B and their WTIt;—liM S H O R T R IB S BY FRANK O’NEAL apousea attended a reunion din­ The Baby Has 8:00 Newa Weather GASOLINE 8:20 Strictly Sporta ner-dance Saturday night at the 6:30 SuppertIme Serenade Garden Grove. 6:46 Three . Star Extra 7:06 Convcriatlon Piece HARDIN WAn* Guesta were former Principal 7:30 New, H08iJTlS- , TOfie^UBWaR. and Mrs. Edson M. Bailey; Mra. Been Named... 7:45 Orandetand Bancleiand BANTLY OIL Mary McGuire Davidson, former 8:00 Yankees at Rod Sox OUCNg/fHOME. 11:00 News I >'ir \N\ . INC, teacher to whom the 1036 yearbook 11:16 Sports Final was dedicated, and Mr. Davidson. P 11:30 Starlight Serenads ; 'I •' '■ini:i;i Mrs. Davidson, who loft Manches­ l.Ot Sign Oft ter In 1039, la now a high achool W PO P-I4I8 TEL, Mircitcll 9-4595 Stedlik, Lynn Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sied- 8:00 Today in Hartlore BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL principal and acting auperintendent lik, 31 Longview Rd., Hazardvllle. She was bom May 5 at Hart­ 7:00 Bob Bcolt In Hew Jersey. ford Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 9:00 Ray Soroera HOCKVILLE TR 5-3271 11:00 Newa MOMflOOMAT Greetings were received from' Joseph Bodreau, Hazardvllle. Her paternal grandmother Is Mrs. 11:10 Ray Bomera former Supt. sind Mrs. Arthur H. Jessie Siedlik, Rockville. She has a brother, Gary, 4. 1:00 Dei Ravcea Bhow WHAT I F0UNPI IlUng in a letter from Salcombe, • * « • * WIMP—ItW Devonshire, England, where they Thompson. Walter G. n i, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomp­ 1:00 Wall Street 8:06 Newa T T F ^ are visiting. son of Lake Rd.. Andover. He was bom May 15 at Hartfo-t. 6:16 Bob Bacon Sporta ATTIC FANS Sil'ver dollars were awarded .to Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Kenneth 8:80 Mutual Neva Be ready for the hot weather Miller of 70 Foley St., and his paternal grandparer' are Mr. and 8:85 rLocal Newa and fibowcaaa the following eight class members: 6:46 Lowell Thomaa. PhU Rlautta I ahead with a HUNTER A T ­ Mrs. Ellen McCluskey Custer and Mrs. Joseph Thompson of 101 Hemlock SL H^ has two brothers, 7:00 CBS Newa TIC ‘FA N installed In your Kim and Brian; and a sitter, Jan. Faith Spillane Chapdelaine, both home. Complete with fan, of Florida, for traveling the louvers and all carpentry farthest to attend the reunion; COMPLETE SERVICE work. CARS MYs. , Eileen Vennard Perry and Dave Smith, for the largest num­ on yonr taletitloa by a » experi­ WILSON ber of children; Mrs. Marion Blasts Shatter Three enced and reliabla ieehnlclaiiT- ELECTRICAL CO. Hobby Mills, mother of the oldest Member of **Telaa.” child; James Mahoney, father of I MI T-4817-ME 3-7376 tea. T iia ii.'M H i OL e mi inA, .f iZ J th f youngest child; Mra. Eleanor HILLS 'TELEVISION Financing Available WmAPiAOMt Breen Dickenson, oldest grand­ »n 9-66M S-t9 Microwave Stations k . “ I wouldn't tay ho has that eartain aomothinff, Janial. child, and Mrs. Catherine WUaon a u M c u d • JU D D S A X O N B Y K E N BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD In fact. I'm not otrUin ho ovon hat somotningl" Starkweather, married the longest. Warrontail In Writing Prizes were presented by Mrs. (Contlnned from Page One) Isnu-PONT KNOW /tTWW Mary Quish McKeever. James Ma­ Minnichs Honored ,V«yOR VVHATSWHT , honey was master of ceremonies, The Utah Guard went on alert >OU PUOEO W SET and William Barrett extended the statue within minutes after first SAXON ID COME On Anniversary first report. Dozens of army sedans welcome. The Donald Quartet pro­ LITTLE SPORTS B Y ROUSON scurried about Salt Lake City load­ vided music for dancing. ed with _^unlformed soldiers. The CIfsg(_jDfficers are Earl Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minnich. f ■•eral Sarrice rWartilBiMihw* 73 Bridge St., were honored yes­ blast re^rts and the busy Guards- From CARTER Chevrolet presldenii Katherine Walworth — w i i ^ rren created excited conversation i [ " @ 5 Crocket, vice president; Constance. terday at a buffet supper in cele­ throughout the city. Germaine O’Brien, secretary, and bration of their 40th wedding an­ George Frost, treasurer. Bremerton Navy shipyard. Sand niversary. Members o f the reunion com­ Point Naval A ir Station. Seattle, f r i e n d s . OF COURSE! mittee are Mrs, Dorothy Post ■nie supper party, attended b>’ and Ft. LewiSi Tacoma, all in Dawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Fred De­ 20 guests, was given by the Washington State, took increased security precautions. Navy offi­ laney, Mrs. Grace Reed Gess, couple's nieces, Mrs. Lawrence Mrs. Edith Trouton Gtenney, Mrs. cials in Washington, D. C., said W ittk ^ k e , 119 Benton St., and there may have been increased 1956 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR Rhoda Mohr May, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Walter Smith, 310 Spring 1958 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR Joseph McCooe, George Peterson. security because of the bombings. ,x ^ V-8, powergllde, radio, 2-tone. Deluxe model. V-8, S I A A ^ St., at the latter's home. Los Angeles truck driver Dave B. C. BY JOHNNY HART Mrs. Felicia Miller Rivard, and ^or our $845 powerglide, radio...... I Kenneth Trevltt Mr. and Mrs. Minnich were mar­ Middleton, parked 500 yards from ried May 18, 1921, at Zion Lu­ BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE w H r c a n V i'YB TFQEO EVaRYlV4lN& & ive MB TWO 6COD the Wendoyer Tower, saw that we should theran Church by the laic Rev. H. blast and noted a straight column /MBSLYAfUMT, ^ Mui, \ iTooetnf,ivi TIB NBA Aaniv soon WRNAM a TW net Msxtr BVDUUmiDONM^ M A M F L Y ? I KNOW A N D I J U S r REASONS WHYAAAN F. R. Stechholz. They have a son, '’arder for world 1960 CHEVROLET IMPAU" 1959 CHEVROLET IMPAU CAN'T FL.YJ of black smoke which shot into eOR.SM;YSR.H^ N OOCSNT \ tOVmDATTMflMr Of IW omtir, AND OFVtTAU tntATCOlC WPORTAHCS. BR.ttMMK'lDUR 1 C A N T F t Y l Town Democrats Robert Minnich. stationed with the the sky. He said hi.s 69,000-pound ' m i JOB M1D STUDY SOUND IpiACEMfOUTHSASr IFtTNOlSlDnCOOMAMMSn.SOMAYTWRZSTOP ASSMNWEMTISOF ---- U.S. Army in Georgia. truck rocked like a boat on waves. *nd the establishm^^;^'"®"'®"* HARDTOP HARDTOP KOOMMUNtSTeueOUUA VDCT ASA.IHWaMMT AM.~TMUlAt^^ C«M AUSTRALM CONBIDIRMU TA C n C S ..___ SOUnCASTASlA. ANDNIW iMPOimwSr^ Meet Wednesday Mr. Minnich has beenoemployed Middleton said he has seen international rn ®"* v-8, powerglide, radio and many White with red upholstery. Q O E NIARLVMM.FTMI for 49 years by Cheney Bros. Mr. dynamite go off before, but noth­ r e s o l v e dian . t o other extras. Like new condition. V-8, powerglide, radio...... ' ^ l O I r O and Mrs. Minnich are members of ing like the tower blast. tADOMKajUnON Democratic town directors will •lead t o war ^ * * .Jit- " JUVBTHBti, explain to fellow party membera Concordia L^itheran Church. their, stand on the town budget 1958 CHEVROLEH IMPALA 1957 PONTIAC HARDTOP when the Democratic Town Com­ '^«spectfuiiv Fully equipped and S O OE mittee meets at 8 p.m. Wednesday Candy Sale Raises exceptionally clean...... In the hearing room of the Mu- NORTH END NEWS SPORT COUPE V-8, turboglide, 2-tone. h : nidpal Building. $1,700 for Higgins A hard to find model. Party leaders will also take up Kiuhl off I he l>fr, $1695 1958 FORD FAIRLANE 500 the resignaUon from the town s n ’•n'SK.'stsaf* * * jthC Boy scouts have raised $1,700 !4 committee of William Lang and the appointment of his successor. for the David Higgins Fund i rdcl.r) lldrn'l HARDTOP MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLl 1959 RAMBLER STATION I>irsctor William Collins is being through, the sale of candy. Fordomatic power ateering, radio, C I ^ O E i '-m mentioned for the post.. Lang is 2-tone, V-8. Priced to sell...... -....lA m w S iPHseuocGODet THATlS FOSTER OBTB AN ALTtnXSB ^ All the candy — 4,000 boxes — I WAGON MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARF Aim'lOUGOMINS TO TKB FOSTER NORMAN A H c r r resigning because he Is unable to Dear Old Dad! What will N oseetm ? WHasi HE participate in committee affairs. were sold by Troop 47 of South |f' sS-% American model. tAUNCHINd? rOSTBRB OOINO wiu-BBTVieResr ONE/ «LB B »S IN THE TOP HALFOP Methodist Church, assisted by ho get on his day? New , Real economy here TO TRY TO GO INTO ORBIT. AAANMSRWCB The party may set up a commit­ Hanes', underwear, socks, or ...... $1195 1957 CHEVROLET STATION ^ A COUBLBTECKER aUNiC. tee to study highway and other scouts in Troops 91 and 133. H ig­ FRQMHMSCALe, gins is a scout. maybe cigars? Well, what­ AMPEOEEAM K StUJL LBAIHMS capital improvement proposals. ever it is, you will find these WAGON The young scout lias been hos­ Wf V¥OL&tSTMS...tJOOKAWAY The Democrats, In the minority and many other appropriate 19S7 CHEVROLET STATION . 0 passenger, 3 seat model. V-8, tSMOKfKOOMD^JUOOJACKK on the board of directors, took the pitalized f«jr more than a year. He gifts for Father's Day at powerglide, radio, new paint...... $1245 THHteu puacaouPKnuHTtL. stand that in order to finance Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith’s Variety. Add to that WAGON capital, improvements from taxa­ Higgins of 122 Coleman Rd. one of the many cards fea­ V-S, powerglide and air conditioning. { l O O C ItU k . tion instead of by borrowing, the Other groups have put on talent tured at Keith's and'let one Republicans sharply curtailed shows and card parties to raise Ready to gq...... 1957 FORD 2-DOOR of our friendly clerks gift- V-8, standard transmission, radio. services. money for the fund. • wrap for you. How about that? $895 • • • 19S5 FORD 4-boOR This Is a holiday week, V-8, 2-tone, radio. 1960 CHEVROLET STATON t»a£ I n«(>i Gayer than Springtime Is 4-DOOR JlUaWHETifeUT;.______SHASBM / CAB. AND IL L DROP J l W m rte what you will say about the .O f f My. b a & a n d t a k e m th e/ b e l a t e i Looks and runs like new, 1957 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR THeRE^ASCAt£-WHy ^ I I " * r ABOUT FNB beautiful floral head bands S O O O IO E A f BUT X LIKE ID KEEP THE LNMNiM*- ytVESSEM MwyciNce ^ ^ 6A M E. T o o l ^ m t B YOU Nicely equipped...... _V-8. gowergiide, radio. Low mileage. J Y Y ^ E cwntycurndout ? RRSTIAAUSTIAKE RESULTS TO AAySELF t M L E *. M » « l that Keith’s Variety is proud ....*1995 you cAKEAsay TNE SEASON OPENED/ 1IBBA6B A m e e t MY One owner...... ^ 1 1 / 3 90AAE PPECAUnONS. M A K BITIN ^ , Tm^UWTHERl to feature this week. Siich sycA Si lovely, realistic flowers in I I'.?".- B every color imaginable. Pric­ 1957 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR 1959 CHEVROLET 2-OOOR ’ • e - V . ^ * ed at only 39c. Deluxe model. Heater and 2-tone. .iLi kf‘ t ' • • • Radio, heater. $1395 Once again we congratu­ s late the doctors, nurses, housewives and high school girls who voluntarily gave 1956 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR 1957 FORD STATION WA80N their-services this month at Radio, heater, 2-tone. $495 2-Door model. V-8, the polio clinic. What a spen- Fordomatic, radio...... *1095 dld example o f teamwork. j i t J l / l A I 1955 CHEVROLET 1957 CHEVROLET Good sunny days are here 3/4 TON PtCK-UP J E F F C O B B BREATHE PURER. FRESHER AIR to stay (we hope!) and ev­ J/4 TON PICK-UP THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS BY PETE HOFFMAN eryone Is looking forward to Heater and defroster, signal lights. getting the tan of the season. Haa full canvas canopy. Heater and C C A E Excellent rubber, body and S f l O E » JEFF, KEEP IN MINUTES Vm P U R IfR O r AAAKTMA, it 's PltBTTY IT'S tATCr TWAM VOU *" UH.-MAYISEE J ■YDUMCLABYYP YOU'RE EXCEPT Let Keith’s 'Variety help you defroster, signal llghta. mechanical...... VOURDATEi THE PICTURE, TH I9ISAU TT1.E ' /YBSOliJTELY along with some of their LATc. suppose we. THIUK. 00006% DOUS/ InSEYBiNO I'LU ASSIGN CHIEF? marveldus aun-tan lotions. SOMEONE ELSE . . YEAR/ a ir t f TOMORROW AMO- TO CHECK ON B P ® Take, your choice of either ^ s e o o m ^ A G O i No W av thM a ndiol tfas portaUa Avitraa a p Jo so Coppertone, Skol, Bea and Ski or TanfasUe. TAj!Xsus»mm l 5!dY '^ ^ math fcr tha ^ in a 15 x 1S It raoai.. ..ena pa pBspBAMed piaoe H ta m baMOMat nnpiis room. atlJitatent-lieMie ■ m a i l s ’ idtehen, or oO m w M boat w iaJoiH L l a p lin g i t ia . It'c lM B a H Say, yoUr little youngster the air riectronically, tfacn nckcadateB it in a eeostant fresh won’t wander far from his i « sandbox or backyard If . ha has any of the cute garden seU that Keith’s V a ri^ y has on diaplay. Colorful aand pails, ahovela- and lawn sweepen . . . they w HI en­ Manchester Parinde, Middle ’Aintpike W. and joy them, “ Aim to pleaae'’ Broad S t, Manchester, Open Monday, YNiesday, 10 A.M. to CHEVROLET COMPANY, Inc. LENOX PHARMACY la the motto or tbo “S * 10 Saturday, 9 AJML to « P.M. o f the North Bnd.’* iWA,iaKBm»8x.. . '. a . . j o » i S P J tr—Wednetiay, Thunday, Friday* t AJL to % P J lIi 1229^Miipf STREET, MANCHESTER-OPEN 9 to t I p - III I g ■imuii.nmri. m ii | ' T . X 8^ a 4l SriiBp Bedenpttoo CeataawUS K aikat 8«aai«k Newlagtim w V'«‘- MONDAY. M AY 29. 1961 p a g e t w e l v e MANCHESTER EVENING HEftALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C0NN„ MONDAY, MAY 29, 1961

^ Homers Hit Suiiday in AL for ?iew AWTifne One-Day Record THE Herald Angle Rally to Launch Little League Season Rabbit Ball Back in NewsR^aHy for 500 By EAHL YOST 900 Boys Set FRACTURED DRlVlR NewN e w York,York. MayMav 29 i/P)— «rr«nd summer by Wee Oovlnf-*Ben’s slx-hltter scainst Kaasaaftime, 6 ^ . It w m the eighth tMeat w , Sports Editor Take one look at those Sunday t(» and the Tanka tied it with six City. Seven were slammed in the for the Twins in their last nine runs in an inning, four on a grand second, won by the A’s rookie games while the “new” Benatora IndiwiapoUs, May 29 (ff)— A potential ip co rd -b ^ in g box scores and you’ll have to slammer by Bob Cerv, a pincJi bit­ Norm Bass with a six-hitter. have won 11 of their last 13 In a Sunday 9utts on what was a busy morn­ For 12th Year agree: The old rabbit ball is ter. Despite two more Tank Johnny Romano of Cleveland and rise to fifth place. field, with the mort rookies in 10 years, tomoi^w thunders ing. , .Early phone paller passed Third Simday of the wettest and along a Up that Tony Allbrio back again- homers, the Sox finally slammed R<^ Sievers of the A's each con­ Jim Bunning won his third for after a purse of $876,000 or more in the Golden Annlver- coMsst May that I can recall. Old Of Play Here American Leaguers hit 27 home out a 14-9 decision, breaking a tributed two. ■^sary 600-mile auto race. would be the new footlmll coach the Tigerk with the help of Terry Sorwas in evidence this a.m. and at Manchester High, moving up runs Sunday, a new all-time rec­ six-game losing streak. New York Baas, the fellow the Manager 9V>x as Ryne Duren failed the An­ ' Hie 88 drivere, acreened from I was able to wear my lightweight ord for one league. The old won the’second game, a compara­ wanted to send to the minors but from assistant, M port wasn't Thrfie doubleheaders to­ gels in relief of Art Fowler. S q uads Selected 69 .nominees by t w *’J***^'f* suit to church, my family joining verified unUl the Board of Educa- high was 26 by the T^ational on tively quiet afiTair, 0-3 despite an­ the owner wanted to keep, did a time trULle, met today in the ^ t me, per usual , , Motor trip to morrow will mark the open­ May 30, 1956 in eight games. The other homer by Covington. good job for the A's against Cleve­ Washington combed the Twins Uon meeting at night. . .Ailing pitching for 10 hits including a preliminary to the Memorial Day Henry Park in Rockville in the ing of the 12th Little League American also played eight games . ^ e Yankees' pitching slip real- land in the second game when the For Alumni Farm, daealo—the annual rules arm and shoulder which haa cut two-run homer by Gene Green, afternoon where vKe viewed about down my extra curricular sports baseball program in'Manches­ on that same date when it set ltt(^ ly^was showing in the first game A’s routed Jim I^rry in the first and offlclala’ tnuMOon^ 50 antique-automobiles and a por­ previous high of 24. They played^ Ks six pitchers tried to stop the inning. Harmon KUlebew slemmed No. 12 Need Two Coaches reminder that you can t win ridr activity, volleyball In particular, ter. Prior to the start of ac­ for Minnesota. Marty Kotyna wak tion of the Little League baaebali acted up and instead of sitting In only seven games Sunday. White Sox. Luis ' Arroyo, the ing In an ambulance . . or hearse. opener. Number of Manchester tion at 2 o’clock at each of fourth in line, was ta gg^ with TIOBRS 9, ANGELS 4—Detroit the winner over Jack Krallck. A separate, extra seeslOT was with members of the Kacey 10 Ten homers were hit at Cleve­ • • • The Alumni Baseball Farm residents were in the area, Rock­ Pin Bowling League at the an­ three diamonds all . 900 Little land nine at New York, live at the loss. TOrk Lown, third Sox called on its Stmday punch, Char­ called to emphasize the rules and Leagpers in the 1961 program will RED SOX B, OAKXJCS 3 League which has been organised ville’s No. 1 recreation center.. nual banquet I remained by ' the Los Angeles, two at .Washington pitcher, was the \ winner after lie Maxwell, as well as Norm the meaning of Starter ^ Van- Fields were manicured like a wom­ participate In a rally at 'Memorial Early Wynn, tryln^for his 289th Cash and Dick Brown for home Rookie Don Schwall snapped a by the Recreation Department and dewater’e flags for the eight first- fireside, thus keeping Intact my and one at Baltimore. an’s nails, thanks to Groimds- "record of not attending any bowl­ Field starting at 1 o’clock. Coach­ The National League also kept victory, had to be raieved. Jim rune at Los Angeles but needed a five-gamp Baltimore w i n n i n g the Alumni Association announces time atartera. es, umpires and officials will also Coates saved the d ^ for the atreak by pitching the Boaton Rsd It was the biggest crop of rook- keeper Tommy Armstrong . . Met ing bimquet this season. There up the pace with 12 in four games. two-run double by Billy Bruton in the team members, coaches and Clarence (Gyp) Gustafson and we was a Ume when I made at least participate In the rally, first of Its The only trouble was that it didn't Yanks with six scoreI«w.relief in­ the seventh for a 9-4 victory over Sox to a seven-hit IM) victory. He staff workers. lee In 10 y e i ^ and maybe the kind ever held in Manchester. nings in the second g a i^ after tallied baseball, he’^being a former 25 bowling banqueU a Season ____ play enough games. the Angels. The TTgera boosted struck out Jerry Adair four tlmea The Farm League will conalat of baat. • \ • • * Art Ditmar yielded homWs to Crowd Arriving baseball catcher with West Side but there had to be a shutting off their lead over Cleveland to 3H enroute to his total of' eight six teams with a maximum of 15 point somewhere and In recent THAT’S MY POP— Open-mouthed Hal Smith raced after Covington and No. 10 to Sievers. games. SchwaU left 11 Orioles stranded The vanguMfi of tomorrow ■ po­ teams here . . Home at a respect­ WHITE SOX 14-S, YANKS 9-S— players to a team and will etart able hour. years I have asked for rain checks $2,200 Collected a foul pop-up o ff Ernie Banks’ bat at Wrigley Field in There was a fantastic first game • • * The “new” Washington Sen­ while winning his second straight tential audience of 200,000, which Repeat Win for Doug F o r d , their schedule Monday June 5. had been triekllng into Speedway when asked to grace head tables. Chicago. The Cubs’ slugger was attempting to bunt. The at Yankee Stadium between the INDIANS 9-1, A’s 1-3—They ators continued to make life mis­ Four of the hits off Schwall didn't An games wiU be played at the Monday Chicago White Sox and the New really teed off In Cleveland. Only erable for the “old" Washington get out of the infield. Jack Fisher, City for days, was talking up two Uniformed Little Leaguers, Governor’s Cup Pittsburgh catcher had no trouble making the catch. West Side Oval until work at IlUng eoMciaUy glamorous newcomers, Tip that three grandmothers Thursday In their annual house to house York Yankees. The Sox piled up three homers were hit in the open­ Senators (Now Minnesota Twins) a 12-game winner last year, lost Junior Hl|^ le completed at whiem Defeats Palmer in Playoff a six-run lead with the help of a er, won by the Tribe 9-1 on Gary beating them for the third straight his sixth to one victory. AuriMIlim Jack Brabham w d helped make up the championship Biggest booster of quarter canvass for funds yesterday, Ume the leegiM wlU move to that PomelU -Jones of Torrance, Cwlf. John Pontlcelli entry In the Pl- midget racing in these parts is collected more than $2,200, playing area. “ Schoolboys in Home Strelrh^~“ Brabman. ' world road racing nette Bowling League at' the Par- Gerry Demusey who handles pub­ President Jim Higgins reports. Indianapolis, May 29 OF) If^fringle for a tying birdie, a 68 and The commissioner will be Wil­ kade Lanes was passed along by lic relations for the area group. The sum collected represents 2 champion the last two years. Aal- Taken by Hilinski Doug Ford doesn’t love the another 273 total. liam Davis and the offlcliU acorer leiiged the races’ 14-year domina­ F r a n Schmidt, who performed The newspaperman was a visitor approximately 35 per cent need­ They parred the first extra hole Todd Potter. tion by Offenhauser-powered cart with the team ... Office weather this morning and the principal sub­ ed to meet the 1961 season op­ Indianapolis Motor Speedway golf and Ford won Oie second with a Wins in Last Two Tilts Cubs and Phils Battle built especially for the 2H-mlle forecaster, Alan Olmsted, said we ject concerned quarter midget rac­ erating budget. course, he ought :.to atop off at a 12-fool birdie putt as Palmer mist­ ' 9 Boys who have miule a team will ing and the Buckitmd Arena where Add the 1961 Govemor’a This seemed to upset his gams be notified by their coach as to brick and asphalt track. Hie Hkig- were due for a tornado after he A folfow up canvass to cover CTup title to the long Hat of os he put two balls out of psychiatrist’s on the way to de­ ed a nine-footer. Palmer’s second . llsh Cooper Climax also was built studied the winds and clouds but programs are presented every Sat­ homes that were vacant Sun­ posit $9,000 he won yesterday by was worth $4,600. when and where the first practice urday night unUl school closes In honors Stan Hillns'ki has wpn bounds on the sixth which was For Last Place in NL session wlU take place. Follow­ especially for Indianapolis but It oil that arrived, luckily, was rain, day will be held this week. Country Club at the Manchester (Country a stroke hole. Then Giglio beating Arnold Palmer in two An accident to a spectator may Mi^t for Indians’ Nine departed from the American style June . . . Howard (Duke) Lappen, Anyone wishing to make a extra holes at the $50,000 ‘‘500 have cost Gary Player the tour­ ing is the list of boys tmd the team something that we are used to president of the Kacey 10 Pin Club. The stocky Hilinski de­ drove two balls into the woods they will play on. Sponsors have by having a smaller engine install­ now and can take in stride.. . contribution may do so by send­ feated Len Giglio. 10 and 9, Festival’’ Open Tournament. ney. The South African, PGA Bowling League, visited to .report ing checks to the Little League TWO BALL, BEST B-\LL on No. 7, finding the second New York, May 29 Somebody had better flag down not as yet been selected and the ed behind the driver and a shorter, Visited the Country Club where A1 ZamaltLs-Jack /Coy 41-6—35, Sunday in the 36-hole cham­ one, but Hilinski won it with This was the one tourney the leading money winner, led Ford By FRANK CLINE lighter chassis. despite the last jilsce finish of Treasury, S3 McKinley St. by one stroke and Palmer by two the Cubs and Phillies. There isn’t any 10th place in the Na­ teams will be known by numbers. Sam Harrison was holding forth Home Specialities, Bob Brown’s Tom Kelley-Mel H^fleld 38-3—35, pionship match Which • waa a par. TangleWood, Fla., veteran won on 9 Jones, a terror on smtUler Amer­ With one week remaining in the 1961 season, Manchester ALUMNI LEAOtTE The league is still two coaches with Pro Alex Hackney enjoying Jim McCarthyrBWl Peck 40-5—35, closed out on the 27th hole. Hot Streak last year’s tour. It Is the only one after nine holes of the final round. tional League this year. The way they are going, they will With doubleheaders scheduled at ican tracks in recent years, had crew was awarded a trophy—only Spectator Injured short ,and again the organizing a day oft, moving the lawn at because an error was made in or­ Action in the American League Ed Ansaldi-Jack Kelley 41-5—36, Playing his usual methodi­ Hilinski had hia hottest he has captured this year — with High’s baseball squad has reached the showdown stage of its be playing a league all by themselves in another mQnth. both Charter OeUc and the Keeney sustained his reputation with fast, On the 15uv^tee, the drive of AMERICAN LEAGUE group is making a plea for the help home was the report... Among dering the awards and several ex- Memorial Day at Waddell Field Johnston-Hicks 42-6—36, Harry cal game. Hilinski wax three- (Streak of the match on three a dry spell of 32 tourneys in be­ schedule. Victors in eight of their 10 games to date, the In­ In the race for the cellar, the^ St. Stadium, the Alumni League heady driving in practice and will find Sears playing Optical up at the turn during the of the early holes on the back tween. Peter Thom.son of Australia, four- W. L. Pet, G.B. of parents. The two teams without qualifications. The 27-year-old the visitors was Jack T a y l o r , itra arrived. Lappen’s entry. Jack Elch-Fran Duggan 41-4—37, Ray dians must win their final two regular season contests if they Phillies atm are 10 percentage before CJlcotte took over the opened its 1961 scheduled yester­ former asalstEint pro, and now pro Style Bar at 2 o’clock with Police Fahey-Russ Armstrong 42-5—37, morning round and ballooned nine in the morning where ha First Repeat Win times British Oi>en Champion, Detroit ...... 28 14 .667 — points ahead—or behind. It ^1 coaches will be contacted by the rookie, one of the five youngest Lappen Insurance m is s e d an broke the nose of a woman spec­ ev«n hope to gain one of the elght*> third. day, In play at Keeney St., Bantly league commissioner and he will at the Feeding Hills Golf Club in A Fire meeting Sullivan’s Red A Ed Loika-Bob Peck 40-3—37, Jim his lead to a nine-up advan­ picked up two birdies on three In his 11 seasons as a PGA tour­ Cleveland .... .24 17 .585 8'/j depends what way you look at it. Oil nipped Nas^ff Arms, 4-2, and drivers in the field, will pilot the award by but one pin and it was tator. She fell, bleeding profusely, berths which wlU be allotted the DODGEltS 4, BRAVES 3—Far­ take them out for their practice Feeding Hills, Meiss.. . . Decked to arch rival. Home Specialities White at 3:30. Nasslff Arms and Gordon-Ray Gordon 38-1—37, Don tage after the first 18 holes. holes. After Giglio dropped a ist, it was his first repeat victory. Having already clipched a berth New York . . . .21 16 .568 Each trails the San Francisco Police and Fire whipped Pon^ year-old Agajanlan Special an A. Glgiio managed to win two 20-footer for a birdie three on and tiiere was a delay before an top Class A schools in the state rell,' a loser Saturday, was the win­ sessions until coaches ceui be out In new Slippery Rock Teach­ . . . Visited the (Itountry Club on a Moriarty’s will have the honor oL MacKay-Slan Hilinski 38-1—37, He needed it for Ryder Cup In the first division of the Central Baltimore . . . .23 19 .548 5 Giants, in first place, by 13. full tlcelli’s, 7-2. Green Manor topped J. Watson creation in which Lloyd holes on the front side In the the 10th to cut the margin to anibulance arrived. . tn the upcoming Connecticut In- Valley League, Rockville (7-S) ner Sunday although he gave up secured. ers C^ollege white T-shirts were warm and'sunny afternoon and opening the National League sea­ Ev Kcnnedy-Doc McKee 38-1—37. points and he needed the cash to terscholastlo Athletic Conferaice Waohlntgoa .. .21 22 .488 ^Vt games. The Cubs are seventh at the Alumni and Intermediates, 7-5, Ruby of Houston placed sevent)' in afternoon but Hilinski quickly 2-up, Hilinski went birdie, t>ar "I felt terrible about it. It made will be trying to assure itself of a 17 19 .472 8 seven hits in his six scoreless in­ two old pros, Joe Handley and tried to absorb some of the sun­ son at Buckley Field, also at 2. SCOTCTf BALL maintain his record of finishing Toumsment Kansas n ty . .376, |}ie Phils eighth at .306. in the opener at Charter Oak with hia first start took them back and finally birdie to erect an insurmount­ me bilious," Player said. He winning season on the diamond Minnesota . . . .19 22 .463 Chicago dropped its seventh nings j f relief pitching after TEAM NO. 1 — Coach Uoyd Ruby this year has the new Ep- Carroll Barrett, who teamed up shine. BJnJoyed talking with Pro Green Manor and Manchester Auto among the top 10 PGA money win­ Some of the large upstate 8'/l Hank Aaron rocked Roger Craig Hartford National outlEisting the Parts collide in the nightcap. Over Low gross - Evelyn and Elnar closed out the match by win­ able lead. shaved one more stroke off par in with two more ■victories this week. Boston ...... 16 21 .432 »'/l straight and its 18th in the last Boutilier; Roy White, Juris Pukln- perly car originally assigned to to play John Hultlne and Fran Alex Hackney, Burt Carlson and Lorentzen 89, Doc McKee-Edna ning the 27th hole with a ners evtr year since 1951. The the rest of the round to end up at sdioola with outstanding records with a double and a two-run hom­ Elks, 9-8, in the nightcap. skis, Nell McKeever, Robert Hur­ Stan Hilinski, two of the entrants In the International League at Hilinskl's bird on the 11th This afternoon the Rams hosted Los Angeles . .15 24 .385 111/, 21 games Sunday, falling before Three imeamed runs in the sec­ veteran Tony Bettenhausen, kill­ Springer in a special match, in be­ Hilinski 91. bogie three. came on a 15-foot chip ahot. prize waa about $1,000 more than 274 in third place. He felt he include Croeby and S am ^ Heart, Glastonbury and Friday journey to er. Lew Burdette was the loser. ley, John Holmes, Bill Parkinson, in the Central Connecticut One- Verplanck Field, Aceto A Sylves­ Ford had won in 16 previous tour­ both «t Waterimry, Norwich, New Chicago ...... 15 25 .375 12 the Giants, 6-5. San Francisco ond frame for Bantly proved to be ed May 11 testing another car. tween the rain drops. . . Roger Low net - Ted Plodzik-Lu Carvey Hilinski shot a 38-33— 71 in After winning Ihe 12th with a should have finished stronger. Ellington for the first of a home Sunday’s Results now has beaten the Cubs eight lit Ray Flke, Lloyd Boutilier, Jim Per­ This would have been Bettenhaii- Poe and Wayne Reynolds, two Day tourney els well as Ed Creed, ter opposes Norman’s in the open­ 93-17—76, Jack Sweeney'-Nlla neys this year. Player’s final round 67 gave London, Maloney of Meriden, New the margin of ■victory as Gary former Central Connecticut Col­ er, at 2 o’clock, and Ansaldi’s and the morning. The winner had a par three after GigUo three and home series with their neigh­ Washlntgon 3, Minnesota 4.> a row. ' kins, Fred Audette, Bob Varvelll, sen’s 15th Memorial Day race. fine young golfers were 'early ar- Terry 100-22—78, Tom Faulkner- 38 for the nine holes played putted, Hilinski canned anoth­ He got It by shooting a 12-un- him a 274 total, one stroke back Britain and Naugatuck. Top flight Gallagher bested Brad Bushey in a Monty Beaulieu, Robert Brett and lege football coach . . . Carlson Pagani's Caterers are paired in riuhs downstate are HemdCT, Wil­ bors. Cleveland 9-4, Kansas City 1-8. Philedelphia has lost all eight of fine pitchers’ battle. Both young Outside Chance rivEUs for their match against Melissa DeMartin 94-16— 78, Frank during the afternoon. er 20-foot downhill putt for der-par 280 for 74 holes. of Ford and Palmer. Chicago 14-3, New York 9-5. its games with the Cincinnati Reds Greg Barbato. In epite of the attention ewirl- Wethersfield High. Both boys arc reported he has been playing golf game No. 2. Connorton-Helen Reynolds 90-11— Billy Casper, Apple Valley, bur Cross and Fairfield Prep. twirlers fanned six and each al­ 35 years and has yet to ecore a AH even after the first four another birdie and a five-up "Sure I like this course,” Ford CHARTER OAK CONFERENCE Boston 5, Baltimore 0. and has dropped 16 of its last 21 lowed five hits, all singles. Ing around Brabham and his little standouts with the Manchester Instead of following the prac­ 79, Lee Terry-Ann Flack 97-18—79. holes in the morning when ha lead. Calif., got a 66 on the last roun(l TEAM NO. 2 — Coach Jim hole-ln-one. "I know It can be done tice in the past of holding opening said, "I was raised on one like it Southern Dlrision Standings Detroit 9, Los .^gelea 4. starts. Vada Pinson’s pair of Bantly ...... 030 001 x— 4-5-3 g^en car, the gasoline alley crowd High links squad... E vle Clif­ took the fourth hole with a After that ij waa simply a where you hit short and bounced that gave him a 279 totid gO(Xi for OCIL STANDINGS W L Pet GBL Stackpole and Gary MbHugh; Jim as I’ve seen four fellows In my game ceremonies at each field. BEST 17 HOLES W. L. Pet G.B, Today's Game two-run homers and Bob Purkey’s Nasslff ...... 002 000 0—2-5-3 conceded him only on outside ford asked how hia Yankees were pretty 15-foot birdie, Giglio matter of time os Hilinski onto the green." a fourth-place tie with Mason Ru­ Cromwell ...... 7 3 .700 New York (Ford 3-1) at Boston pitching for the Reds did them In Stackpole Jf7, BotUWhltesell.-Gary chance because of his limited ex­ foursomes do it." . . . Joe Segal, President Jim Higgins and his Class A — Gordon Wilson 71-6— dolph, Clarksville, Tenn. They Maloney ...... 3 1 ,857 — Gallagher and HEtlsted; Bushey doing and not having smy inside with a few days beard growth fell behind for good when he played par golf practically all He had every reason to fold in Portland ...... 7 .700 (Delock 2-1) 8 p.m. Sunday, 4-2. McHugh, Liirry Gauruder, Bud perience, on the hazardous old committee decided to stage a ral­ 66, Bundi Tarca 72-7—66, Bob Mc- three putted the fifth hole. picked up $2,450 apiece. MANCHESTER .5 2 .714 1 and Moore. information to p u s along, at least and looking like be waa ready to Gurkin 73-7—66, Stan Hilinski 66- the rest Of the way. this tourney. Palmer, in one of his Rocky Hill ...... 6 .600 Only Game Scheduled. St. Louis knocked out former Linders, Larry Donahue, Ed Faber, track. not at this time, I declined com- ly, at which time one ceremony A sixth-place tie at 280 waa H a ll...... 6 2 .714 1 .600 teammate Harvey Haddlx in a six- Bob Ckmstantlne, Dave Hall, John apply for memliership In the beat- would take care of all leagues; 0—68. patented finishes, rifled a 30-foot worth $1,9()0 apiece to Billy Max­ Bristol Elastem .4 2 .367 Avon ...... 6 Tuesday’s Schedule After scoring three runs in the The favorite—as much as there ment-\ I too, picked the YEUikees East Hampton ....4 .400 New York at Boston 2 p.m. run first inning and swept the Dancosse, Rick Kravontka, Leslie CM be a favorite In this car- nicks, reported he was busy with thus the rally tomorrow. Class B — Jack Grezel 75-12— eagle putt on the 18th green for a well, Dallas; Jim Ferree, Crystal Conard ...... 4 3 .571 2 third without the benefit of a base to win the American League pen­ exams at UConn. Joe was a fine 63, Henry Gryk 79-12-67, Ed 66 round and 273 total. Bacon Academy .. 2 .250 Los Angeles at WSshin^on, 1 ;S0 three-games series from Pitts­ hit, PAF pulled away in the late Dowd and Joe Llegl. smashing contest—Is 1959 winner Parents are advised to stay with River, Fla., and Art Wall Jr., Po- Briatol Central ..3 4 .429 3 burgh by thumping the Pirates, nant... Night b a s e b a l l , two player with the UConn varsity dur­ McNamara 79-12—67. Players, Spectators Injured Ford took two putts from the BHAM ...... 1 .125 p.m. frames scoring four times In the Rodger Ward of Indianapolis. The games, Red Sox-White Sox and their boys during the rally and cono Manor, Pal p u tt ...... 2 5 .286 4 Trying to scramble out of last 8-4. A1 Cicotte saved the day TEAM NO. 8 — Coach Reg Cart­ foriner USAC National chtunpion, ing the past spring . . . Still both­ Class C—Charlie Sprague 87-24— (Windham...... 1 6 .143 5 Minnesota at Cleveland (2) 1:30 last three inlngs. Wally Irish, Yanks-Orioles, found me switch­ ered by an ailing knee, Alex Hack­ are also advised to have their pUce in the Southern Division of p.ih. with a 6 2-3 Inningrs of scoreless wright; Gene Backers, A1 Fletcher, 40 years old, has been running eas­ boys at Memorial Field by 12:30. 63, George Foster 83-16—87. Wethersfield ...... 1 3 .143 5 relief pitching. with a double and single, and ing from one radio station to an­ ney reported the Country Club Blind Bogey-Charlie Sprague In Hartford Soccer Meeting the Charter Oak Conference is Kansas City at Detroit (2) 2:30 Frank Vaccaro, ■with two blngles, John TYler, A1 Gone!, George Cart- ily at 146.9 miles an hour practic­ After the brief ceremonies, which The Indians were to meet Con­ RHAM (4-9). The Sachems, who Los Angeles, trailing the Giants ■wright, Bob Evans, Tim HogM, ing In a new type Watson other picking up the action before membership has Increased to 359 95, SKer Porterfield 95. Low gross- p.m. paced the winners. calling it a day. playing members, a new all-time will Include a parade around the ard this afternoon in a non-league stand 1-7 In league play, enter­ BalUmora at Chicago (2) 2:80 by 2H games, nosed out Milwau­ Allan Keenan, Bryce Hunt. Jim Jim Rathmann of Miami set the track by the youngsters in uni­ Stan Hilinski 71. Hartford, May 29 (Ah—It wosn’ t^23, was treated at the hospital for clash in West Hartford .with left­ kee, 4-3, with the aid of six score­ Bob Escavich hit a homer and high . . . Night shopping with the tained Rocky Hill today and visit p.m. Marty Fegy contributed two Patulak, Brian Doughty, Joe Della- race record of 138.767 Itist year In form, all will report to their re Holiday schedule will include a the ball alone that waa kicked and face cuts and released. YOU GET hander Steve McAdam the Indians less innings of pitching by relief fera and Kelly. the same Watson he is driving this Tuesday lady of the house where I met two-man best Ball event, plus the Portland, which is tied for the singles for the losers. Nino Boggini, well tanned from apective fields for action. pummeled during a soccer game The melee began after a Hart­ . probable mound choice. MCAdam Southern Division lead with Crom­ NA-nONAL LEAGUE man Dick Farrell. year. He and Ward have finished When one wants to learn the in­ usual Flag Tournament and a yesterday. ford player was awarded a free has 'Won three of four derisions PAF ...... 003 012 1—7-9-2 only a few seconds apart In the being out playing golf whenever well, Thursday. W. U P et G.B. Pontlcelli's ...... Oil 000 0—2-6-5 T e a m n o . 4 — Coach Joe side about the New York Yankees, Scotch Ball. Two men were Injured and two kick but waa rushed by the oppo­ this spring including a 3-1 verdict last two 600s. his business permits. Stindav’s Homers Son 'Francisco 13 .658 — GIANTS 3. CUBS 5—Manager Plecity and 'Vaccaro; Fegy, Thompison, Tom Greer, Greg without a trip to Yankee Stadium First round matches in the players were arrested as a result sition. ever the CSiieftains. Playing one of its most im­ .25 18 .581 A1 Dark went to his bench for the Moberg, Kent Rothammer, Frank Both Rathmann Eind Ward ran and a meeting with Manager Friday Women’s Division Spring Tourna­ of a free-swinging brawl that halt­ When the referee ordered a sec­ MORE Los Angeles . Dwyer (6) and Ashley, Sapienza Thursday afternoon the Indiana *'/l hits that gave the Giants their de­ Ruggiert, Bob Hazard, Jim Walz, faster toward the enfi of last (Season Totals In Parentheses) ment must be played by June 3. portant matches of the season this Cincinnati ... .22 16 JS79 3 (4). Ralph Houk, the 'White Glass Co. Welcomed viiitora this rainy ed a contest between the Hartford ond kick because of the Interfer­ visit Wethersfield for their last afternoon was Manchester High’s cision over the Cubs. Orlando Ce- William Malkeneon, Wayne Gree- year’s race than the speeds Brab- AMERICAN LEAGI E Following are the pairings, aurtlng PittSbargh .. .20 16 .556 4 la the best spot in town that I a.m. was Christie Mc(Jormick, re­ times and handicaps for Thjesday's Portuguese and the Springfield, ence, the players started swinging FOR YOUR game o f the season and C m ral links squad which playe^ Weth­ peda’s 14th homer in the fifth In­ han, John WlrtEdla, Barry (3ralg, mim has shown in practice and the know of. Both Joe White and Stebern, A ’s 2 (8) Milwaukee .. .18 18 .500 6 Trailing 5-0 going into the last time trials. tired football official and long Member-Member Tournament at the Masa., Italian-Americans. and some of the 300 spectators Interscholastic L e a g u e finale. ersfield at the Manchester Country .486 61/, ning and three more runs in the Pete TennMt, Bob Kryslh, Jim Archie LaRodhelle are een waging a neck and SA T U R D A Y tavern during May Frits Hitting home run%.,for the win­ Any parent or Eulult who would 10:06—J. Chanda (ID , D. St. John 1 7.60x15 art hit home runs off Ray Sadeckl DelMastro 362. ners were Skip Minor and Bud like to help with this program, ning to purchase tickets in ad­ n e ^ battle trying to keep ahead MATCH PLAY vs. PAR (7); R. DeMartin (111, T. Faulkner (6). j GLASS FURNITURE TOPS 17.88 Willhide. especifUly in coMhlng, Should con­ vance, assuming the seat and sec­ of^my grass. . .Checked in to Bill Thornton 2-up; Pete Nak- tion locations are the same as a work early and by mid-morning tenia 2-up. 10:16-W. Allen (7). O. Benton (14); Htfd. Nat. ...040 230 x—9-10-3 tact either Fortin dr Gommlaslon- Sport Schedule E. Kennedy (3), R. Owena (15). LIFETIME GUARANTEE year ago, should doublecheck the was free for other fields. .Sched­ Kickers—Ted LaBonne 90-18— MIRRORS (Fircploc* aird Door) FIRST Elks ■-...... 200 030 3 -8 - 7-3 er Daiils. Written Road Hazard Guar­ Lamie, Quasnitschka (7),*'By­ new park layout. . .Frank Shel­ uled trip to Riverside Park at 72, John Harrigan 83-11—72, Tom 10:22-B MrKay (6). H. Jarvla (11); Any organization or business Today W. OlekalnakI (4). H. Zamaitja (23). | PICTURE FRAMING (all typM) antee! No Time or Mileage cholski (7) and Longo; Hansen establishment interested in spon­ don, who ranks with the best night for the stock car races was Faulkner 85-15—70, Pete Nak- LINE dressed - men in Manchester, was Limit! All Flak .Tirea are Euid Troy. soring one of the teams wiUi T Manchester at Ck>nard, 3:15. postponed when Jupiter Pluvious tenls 79-9—70. 10:29—A. Herzotr (28). R. H er.o* guaranteed nationwide by (17); M. Herman 7l6), H. Angel (15). shirts smd caps should contact Glastonbury at Rockville, 8:15. a visitor at the desk for two min- made his presence felt again. SUNDAY W INDOW and PLATE GLASS Flak Rubber Co. againat ODD HOLES, i/j HANDICAP Fohtln. Rocky Hill at RHAM, 3:16, 10:.36—T. Dowling (16). J. Prior (11); failures caused by CHUCK Sunday’s Homers Golf — Wethersfield at Man­ Pete Naktenis 39-5—34. Vin R. Thompaon (12). V. Boggini (8). CONTRACTORS: WE HAVE IN STOCK Mufflers mE Boggini 41-6—35, Tom Wolf 41-6 FIRST HOLES. GLASS, SPIKES, chester, 3. Week^s Boxing Headliners —35. 10 43—G. Foaler (16) R Oherlanilea i MEDICINE CAIINETS and SHQWER DOORS etc., on monthly use basis n a t i o n a l l e a g u e Soccer Deadlock ^Ariny & Navy vs. Paganl’s, 6:15, (12): G. Hardon (15). D. Fazle (16). QUALITY plus Fisk Tire Service for Pinson, Reds 2 (5) (mhrter Oak. Klpkera—John Scarlato 92-14— lifetime of O ri^ a l Tread. 78, Lou Cianciulli 87-9-78, Ed 10:50—R. Boyca (8). P. Ballaieper , OPEN SATURDAYSr—OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS Aaron, Braves ( 8) Battling to a 2-2 d e a d l o c k St. Mary’s vs. Civitan, 6:15, (8 ) ; E. Ballaieper (10), H. Rockwell (5). | Cepeda, Giants (14) Nebo. , , ^ Long Sought After Opportunity Dymon 90-12—78, Sandy Plepler ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN $C.9S yesterday at M t Nebo were Sciui- 101-23—78, Mark Kravltz 92-20— 10:57—P. Groobert (IS), A. Anniilll Banks, Cubs (8) - Tuesday, May 80 dla AC and Hartford Sagittirlo. 72. Werner Kunzii 88-16—72. (111; W. Simpaon (17), W. Ferguson Bouchee, Cubs (2) Howie Gormsm booted home both Sears v$. Optical, 2, Waddell. (9) . Hal Smith, Pirates (1) Gives Ortega Chance at Crown HOLIDAY SCHEDULE of the ^;oMs for Scandliu A fine PAF vs. Sullivan’s, 3:30 Wad­ I?(EW TUBELESS Groat Pirates (2) dell. A Flag Tournament will be the 11:04-T. Backlel (13). R. Hayes (3); crowd of an estimated 20 fans at­ feature event of several scheduled C. Davis (14). L. Giglio (5), Stuart, Plratea (5) Nasslff 8 vs. Moriarty’s, 2, Buck- New York, May 29 fJPt—Gaspar<^MoOTe is in training at Monticello, Fits— tended. Next Sunday, Scandia Memorial Day. Other specialties 11:11—J. Melley (16). A. Wilkie Jr. WHITE James, Cards (1) ley. Ortega, the durable Mexican who N. ” Y. and ‘ Giulio -Rinaldi...... is on the will be a driving contest, fewest SIZE BLACK Malbumus, Phillies (U will entertain the'Sprlniffleld Ital­ (3 ): J. ZannettI (19). W. Butler ,10). ians at M t Nebo. at 3. M a n o r vs. Auto Parts, 8:30, had been boxing since 1953, finally other side of the Catskills at putts event, and hole-in-one con­ Buick ’57-’58 Herrera; Phillies (4) Buckley. geta a crack at the world welter­ Haines Falls, N. Y. preparing for test. 11:18—R. Cappalir (6). W, Freeburn 3.70x15 or D.E.R.R. Aceto’s vs. Norman’s, 2, Ver- weight title Saturday at Los An­ t h e i r light heavyweight title (14); O. Lorentxen (3), W. Deggett (11). | Tonight 7110x14 15.88 19.88 New York—Paoll Rosl, 136, New Tokyo—Takao Maemlso, 163H, planck. geles when he boxes Emile Griffith (New York, Massachusetts and Ford ’53-’55 York outpointed Len Matthews, Japan, knocked out Steven Tony, Paganl’s vs. Ansaldl’s, 8:30, Ver- of New York. European version) bout June 10 7.10x15 or 8-cyIlnder track 136, Philadelphia, 10. 151 2/3, PhlUppines, 8. planck. Griffith, bom in- the Virgin Is- at Madison Square Garden. 8.00x15 17.88 21.88 Umda but now ll'ving In New York, Len Matthews of Philadelplila on Cadillac ’52-’55 ' was to have given Benny (Kid) will be on the shelf for 30 days in 7.60x15 or Rear Paret a rematch but the Cu)>an New York as a result of the bat­ THOMPSON SPEEDWAY 8.50x14 19.88 23.88 'NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY OTHER PAVING COMPANY' stepped aside in favor, of Ortega tering he took from Paoll Rosi in Mercury ’54 with the understanding that he Madison Square Garden Saturday OFF ST. I » 3 — THOlUFSON, COI4N. j Cjtnvertible Rear gats ths next chance. Griffith won night. the championship. by stopping "I waa real aharp,”' said the 33- 8RAKES RELINED Complete $13.95 Fords ’54-’58 Paret April 1 in Miami Besush. year-old Rosl who usually cuts WINF Most Fords—Chevrolets and Plymouths. The new champ zoomed to the easily. "I was surprised that 1 won CANADIAN Chevrolet ’37-’50 top In a hurry. He didn’t start un­ so decisively." AMESITE til 1957 and has fought only 25 3088 kUmiOMt pro bouts, winning 23. Ortega’s WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Completa record of 59-21-2 is capped ^ an AMERICAN Set Camber, Caster, Toe-In, Toe-out, over-the-welght vlctoiY.over Paret Legion Practice, DRIVES Feb7 25, five weeks before the YANKEE Cuban lost his title. Registration Set * FIRST IN QUAUTY Network (ABC) television will MUFFLERS Installed Free $8.95 eUARANTEED for LIFE of OAR Experience 1948-1B5S Ford—Chevrolet. Is Oar carry the bout at 10 p.m. from the Boyg Interested in tryout out MEMORIAL. O A All other cars at cxmiparable prices. * Olympic Auditorium. Knowledgealile people buy Imperial. TO ORIGINAL OWNER FJUREST IN PRIGE Best for UiO; American Legion Junior BASEBALL Guarantee bose.lMi team must register Thurs­ * FASTEST SERVICE Flash Elorde, the world junior day ^ g h t between 6:30 suid 8:3U A All Tires— Plus Tax and Recappable Casing IMl>ERIAl lightweight king, goes to the post at the Legion Hoipe. Players may rt’s a matter of taste (and value). Connecticat’s LfAding PavinK Contractor Wednesday in Manila but his-title NEW YORK AT BOSTON f f ’ I If’ ittP’t' il’Ut lllifi will not be at stake In a 10-round either sign up In person or by W phoning. TIRE SERVICE match with Giordano Chunparl, IkAMWAlKU $520 the Italian lightweight iffiamp. Proetica atorta Saturday after­ GAM E TIM E 8 P.M. TIRE SERVICE noon at 8 olilock at the West Side 50 lAPS-OPEN COMPETITION Whiskey Hiram Walker FISK The promoter expects a crowd at The THOMAS P L A Co. 88,000-In the domed coliseum. Ovid and again Sunday at 1:30 FISK Full Quart at the name field. Coach Rusty. Riwu nsHT • ■ ptoor • ar. inunn Mnsirrs AH Taxes Included OPEN TILL 9 PJH. TOUBS^ALL DAY SAT. HEAR ALL YANKEE NIGHT GAMES. JA jt-9121 ,PAVING CONTIUCTORS Ml 9-8224 8t. Nicholas Arena re-opens of- Scruton will be in charge. $2000 PURSE-1500 TO VAN Open till 9 P.M. Thunulay—iAll Day Sataidar ifn ouM Kgiui sran: • hum wiuu < jsn m .. k r u. u m i: I^ MANCHESTEIU-357 BROAD ST. te# one week with a Ughtwelght Boys playing schoolboy ball HOME and AWAY— DIAL 1230 IN MANCHESTER^57 BROAD STREET TEL. MI S-2444 match tonight between Joes Stm t, must rssiaUr but will not be per- Adm. $2.0() IrAIN DAT&-JUNE 4| nttEPAiwii "NOT APPIUATID WITH ANY OTHER PAVING COMPANY" o f Cuba and Bkhiey (Sweet Pea) ndtted to ptoetlos until ths schol* TEL. MI S-2444. 1 >jS9mi at Philadelphia . . . . Archie « t t c

-1 ■ ; MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 29, 1961 PAGE rotIBTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BIANCHESTER. CONN., M O N D i^, MAY 29, 1961 PAGE FIFTEEN - — Houpehold Goods 51 Rooms Without Board 59 BailneMi Locatioiu Houaca For Salt 72 Houaies For Sale 72 Houites fpr Sale 72 BuMatas Senriccs Offered 13 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW PAGALY and SHORTEN ArtidM For Solo 45 BosU sod Acesswriss 46 R E K f A t a p e recorder as lew as PLBIASANT furnished room near For R«n< 64 $87.75 MONTHll/Y, Immaculate 8PRINQ CLBAN-UP-Attlca. otl- FOOT FIBBROLAS runabout, 60c da|^. Bfarlow’s, 867 Blaln. call I—BOLTON —Country Uvinf at Ite BOLTON-MANCHESTER,. WALLPAPER lALB-FuIly trim bath for a gentleman, parking. 54 EXCBLUBNT spot for say bustness split, racraatlon room. Garage, best. 6 room Cape all flniahed with Town Pauses Tuesday iata. raracea, yarda, burnUie bar­ mad, pliwUo oMted, many 1961 ..ids iMun, high free boerd, show High St. hugs lot, mortgage. Carlton rels emptied, tracam houaes model, never in water, windshield, or office. Center of town, plenty garage. Excellent condition. One- FOR TBE PERFECTIONIST CLASSIFIED ittarns to chooaa (nun. C. J W. RutehlM, BO 5-sm . half men lot. Idea) for elilldnm. doaned. Barreia for saie. M A M steettag and life praeerver oueh- f u r n is h e d rooms, frta periling; of parking. BG 541335 9-5. errlsM Paint S tm , 185 Cantor USED rURNTTURB. BG 8-7449. tWUng for 114,900. can the lAixurioua rambling ranch, cus­ Rubbiah Removal Service, Ml 3ocmiLiit«,tiepeuMitr. eSt. toas. Beautifully u^olatered, <825. also, cabins with afficleneles. Call HAVE YOUR business in your own aJTST. BG 9-0836 between 5-7. Scranton OFFICE FOR rent near Parkade, Dimock Co., BG 5-8245, Barbara tom built for two (funutes. One wing To Honor War Dead IIUAUB P h « a MI e-501<. reasonable rent. 186 W. Middle home. LSrgo Ooloniai located in -MIS FIRST eUCnHISfi Of LAWN KOWBRS-Toro, Jaoobaan. Motel. Bfoods, BG 5-7702, Johanna Evans, has large living room with flre- ADVERTISING SAM'S UPHOLSTERY — Retired ' Throe Rooms of Furnitura Turnpike. Gall BG 9-6206 after 3 buaineoe zone near center of town. BG 9-5663. lace, formal dining room, S c le n t TJSBD b o a t s — 14 foot Lyman, IMEDAV Bolana, Goodall, Arlana, Riding p. m. , ' Ideal for offices, beauty parlor, or Orders of march for tomorrow’s annual Memorial Day pa> from tbe shop. Can taka care of <296; 14 foot aluminum with trail­ FROM MODEL HOMR FURNISHED ROOM for rent, one Itchen, two bedrooms, ceramic tile FOLKS FROM Wg/ mowara. B a lm T b.p. Rldamatlo many ether ppaalbllltles. Call Dia- n —Bfi^CJHESTBR — Two-family rade in Manchester have been announced by Walter A . Von all your upholstering needs at tractors with ovar 81 attaohmanta. er and aocaaaorlas. New trailara block from. Main 8t. Call BG coe Agency, lu 5-6836. ebath. 'Die other wing includes Uv- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOUR^ great savingB. Call SJS7S. OUT'IOMPEII 9-6746. OFFICE SPACE in residential duplex 6-6, 2-car garage, 80x140 Hone of Vernon, parade marshal. Uaad mowara and tractora. Parts from <99.05. McBrlda’a Sport Spot, Cost Over $700 area of Main Street, 8H large ing room, bedroom, kitchen and ' 8:1S AJL to 4:S0 PAL TWIHT/OR MORE MILES 100 Center Street, MI 0-8747. lot, both sldei completely re­ bath. Rents for $115 month. Private LAWN MOWERS, all types sharp- and aarvlca. CiMtoi Bqt^nnant SPACIOUS airy room, very nicely rooms, excellent for doctor. BG BUY OF THE WEEK decorated, separate heating tys- Five divisions will assemble at 9 a.m. at the A rm y-N aw Co.. 88 Bfaln. l a 8-T958. NEVER BEEN USED 4-0288. entrances front and rear. Fun Club and will begdn marching at^ ______ened and repair^ O. Snow, SM 14 FOOT LYMAN, windahield, furnished, tUe bath, private home, temr good lochtion, $17,800. OUl walkout basement (nearly 1500 aq. COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Nftjmmi“ ■-----lit. Tel. Ml S-45S1. Sale Price $388 St. Jamaa Pariah—< room cape, the R. F. Olmock Co„ BG 9-5246, 9:30 In front of the cluJ). The en­ HOBOB BIAOB nvioil, (rash Bteering, 28 h.p. motor <878. parking. Gentleman. 316 Spruce St. FOR RENT—Fruit and vegetable nice lot, garage, $14,500. Excellent ft), with garage. Well landscaped tourage will proceed up Main St. MOMDAT T km RIDAT ItM AJL—8ATDBOAT • AJL Terma. 10 h.p. Johnaon, <75, TI»llCAtS Namara, JA 8-879ft BG 9-5806. termarch to Center Park for an wt " t f t M Adi” ara takM ever tba pkan* aa a c at 447H Main St., 11-1 daily. yard, daUvsrad. Cal) Columbia AC Building Materials 47 eompleta living room and kitchen BG 9-1109 or BG 9-6918. oversize garage, finished rec Stirs Memory decorator furniture from model dis­ 470 Main St. BG 8-5135 room, picnic area. Ideal for chll- Ehcclusive. V 11 o’clock service. . Tka advarUaar abwild nad kls ad the F1B8T OAT IT 8-6m aftar 4 p.m. Suburban For Rent 66 aad KETOBT BBBQjW la Oina far the aext Inaer- ASSORTED DBBD lumbar, build* play home. Ws will give you free PLEASANT, large heated room, AT LAST: A chance to combine dren. West Side Realty, BG 5-5818. Honorary Blarahals LAWNS AND shrubbery properly A np.vmosismslesm free parking, on bus line. 146 Cen­ Somebody will climb the I Herald la taapeailble far oa|p ONE lacorract or omitted ATNIMT LOAM, SAND, aUms, graval and Ing and plumbing suppUaa, radla* delivery and free atqrage up to one ROCKVILLE—A better place to your bualneaa and home together BARROWS A WALLACE The Mancheater Police Depart­ cared for. Call Ml .9-1104. fiU. OUl BlUlar’a Sand and Graval, torn, plpaa and Ora imeks, doora yewf. ter St. BG 8-5002. SIX ROOM home 8-8. Close to ment with colors will lead the first stopladder tomorrow to place a adrarHwmBBt aad Ihea oaly to the' exteat of a vmEMHeTRtESIDTiini live—8 nicely decorated rooms to keep your overhead down. 2 everything on School Street. Oil "e open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) wreath over the arm of the grtloa. Brtera which do aot leeaea the ealae et THtbOCKf BG 84608. and windowB. Open dally 8:80-5 \ with complete bath, parking in­ year old ranch home and a 40x40 division. Pared M a r a.h a 1 Von p.m., 8-4 Saturday. Yard at Stock NORMAN’S steam heat. Immediate occupancy 55 E. Center St. statue that stands In Center t wiB aot he oamcted hr “ mahe fo O T bieertloa. ODD JOBS—Cellars and .yards BTJRNISHED r o o m , free parking, cluded, $80. Immediate occupancy. steel building. Many, many posal- Only $12,400. Call BG 8-630S any­ Hone, who is captain and com­ VAN-NEKSHiORf ACROSS PEAT HUBGJS J l f , per load da- n aca off North Main St. Choraan’a 448 HARTFORD ROAD biUtics. Tongren Agency, BG Park as a memorial to CSvU deaned. Call MI 9-8626. gentleman. BG 8-4724 Call TO 8-5485 after 5 p.m. time. BG 9-5306 '■ manding officer of the Engineers War dead. THESTREET- Uverad in Mandnedter, Bonair Peat HouaewrecUng, BG 5-3893. Ml 8-1624 3-6321, Detachment of the -Connecticut toxm oooriatAiioN w n x r > * _ | mOMeSWHOLNElH Company, BG 8-6515. Before you mw furniture any- But it won't be Wilbur David PICK-UP TRUCK and man avail­ ATTRACTIVE housekeeping room, BOLTON—2 minutes from the Cen- State Guard, and Chief of Staff BE APFBBOATED VIQI M l 3-2711 THERLOCC YOUR BEST BUY IS AT whera—shop at Norman’s. MANCHESTER—West Side. 7 room HOLIDAY SPECIALS Loveland. able. all types of work. No JobHoo SPECIAL SALE picnic tablaa. 8” all utilities, Bendix, near buses, Summer Homes For Rent 67 ter,. two homes on 2 acres of land Henri Pessinl, past commander of amall. MI 9-5838, MI 3-4806. colonial for a growing family, 1% There is a new chairman o f lumber, 5 foot tlASO, 8 foot <18.60. NATIONAL s t e r il i z e d used furniture and parking. 80 Garden St., second for 2 families all In one parcel. the American Legion, will follow. floor bell. GIANT’S NECK HEIGHTS— Next baths,, aun parlor,- garage, many (Offer 8:ood until June 1st) the flower committee of tho Delivered assembled. W. Zlnker, Framing, Trucicloada <97. Per M’ ^ U an cea, excellent condition. to Rocky Neck, modem 4 room Recently built and modem. Priced Three Spanish American War Permanent Memorial Day ALL TYPES of umbrellas repaired extras. Exclusive. Helen A. Socha in the low 20s. JU D Realty BG Lost u d Foond 1 Automobiles for Sale 4 specializing in golf, beach and BG'V6444. Combination Doors <14.08 Each Ne w bronze-brass and chrome cottage, hot water, electric kitch­ BG 5-9021 7 roonti spUt, garage, family t^eterana from Manchester have Committee, who also has TWO ROOMS with garage, reason­ 3-5129. room, IH hatha, lot 100x200, din­ garden. Mi 8-5558, 182 Eldridge Natural Cedar Shakes <8.90 Per 8q. dinette sets, mattresses, and other able, nicely furnished, private en, sleeps 7. $70 weekly. PI 2-8142, been named honorary marshals of clinrge of decorating graves to­ POUND—Electric sender vicinity 1955 BELVEDERE, radio, heater, WAlZiPAPER closaoutse-150 pat­ Mahofsny Paneling He Sq. items, 80%-40% off. Credit terms, ing room, bullt-ina, wrought Iron the parade. They are Robert Doug- St. home. Please call MI 8-8958. MI 9-6772. ANSALDI HEIGHTS—Beautiful and FIVE ROOM Cape with attached night, Wilber T. Little. of Bigdeer and Hemlock Sta. MI automatic transmission, hardtop, terns to choose from—47c per ain- C y p r ^ Paneling 37c Sq. Ft. no down payment. LeBlanc Furni­ balcony, excellent condition, regu­ an, Albert Anderson and Henry 8-756S. $250; Buick 1956 convertible, new exceptional 6 room ranch, full garage and expandable attic, com- Mr. Loveland decorated JjjglWSM gle roU. Over 100 bundlea—<1.97 Ceiling Tile O cS ^F t. ture HoeplUI. 195 South Street, basement, 3 fireplaces, hot water lar $19,900 .. . . Special IIO.POO. Hilton. Because of their ages, they graves of deceased members top. tires and paint. Top condition, LAWNS MOWED. 33 and 34. hU per bundle or 8 bundles lor <6. Louver Doors From <8.05 Each Rockville, TO 6-2174. Open 9-9 SEBAGO LAKE, MAINE—Cottages pletely redecorated, beautiful lot LOST—Silver Dollar key ring, ini­ 1675. PI 2-6860. SPRUCE ST., 195, nice large front oil heat, plastered walls and full with large shade treee. FHA mort­ will be unable to take part in the of the Grand Army of the Re­ 3-8429. ‘ Sherwin-WiUlams Company, 981 toeulaUon <36 Per M’ Saturday till 5. We buy houselota single room, parking. for rent. Call BG 8-4426. Insulation, ceramic tile hath, com­ 5>^ room ranch. Bolton Lake, parade, however. public for more than 50 years. tials L.RP. on chain, vicinity Bdaln. gage available. Centrally located Center Park. Call after 4 p.m. 1956 OLDSMOBILE Super S8 con ixlO" Sheathing-- <04 Per M’ of furniture. bination windows and doors, ame- fireplace, sunporch. immaculate Following,, Von Hone and Pes- He placed the wreath on tho WANTED—Lawn maintenance and RadiO'TV Hepair Help Wanted— Female 35 Help Wanted— Female 35 SANDWICH, CAPE “COD—5 room In town. Property just nut on the condition, beach privileges regular Mu 0-8833 TOP SOIL, the best, stock pUe. Can HOOVER CONVERTIBLE vacuum MILL BUILDING FOR SALE Walton W. Grant Agency TWO B ZONE lota with city Battery C. Second Missile Bat­ Manchester Country Club and Wal­ Light trucking and package deliv be seen cm Route 44A in North day through Saturday, TOuraday trees, convenient to bus, school water. Union St Mancheater. 1955 CHEVROLET 4-door station cleaner, store demonstrator re­ GENEIRAL RENTAL agency J. D. TO SETTLE ESTATE and shopping. Priced at only talion of the 55Ui Artillery, U. S. ly Cichon. pro at Ellington Ridge Personals wagon, 6 cylinder, automatic HAROLD A SONS, Rubbiah remov­ ery. Refrigeratora, washers and (between 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.) WANTE3D — Experienced tractor- Coventry. Phone BG 8-7083, Leon­ evenings. 139 Spruce St. BQ 0-4887. duced from $109.50 to $69.95. New Realty, 470 Main Street! “ Lillian Grant, Realtor MI 3-1153 $2,350 each. MI 9-6495. Army, from the Manchester NIKE Country Club, have lined up sev­ Btove moving specialty. Foldicg BG 35,600 sq. ft. Including office and $10,500. Alice Clamppt Realtor, transmission, radio and heater, 2 al, callara, and attics cleaned. traUer driver. Apply in person ard L. Glglio. guarantee. Marlow's, Inc., 8A low price. Keys made whlla you ductions with new guarantee. Mar­ apartment. Unfurnished. Tel BG BEAUTIFUL 6 room ranch, 2 full 9-5132. The Salvation Army Band and Hours 7-3:80. Call anytime. PI CONNEXJneUT, licensed nurse, any PART-TIME workers for sales, BG 8-5373, BG 8-7265. perenniala 2Sc each; combination low’s, Inc., 867 Main. 3-2068. J. W^ATSON BEACH & CO. fertile soil, asparagus, rhubarb 'wait. Marlow’s. MANCHESTER Bloving and Truck­ baths, built-ins. 2-car garage, raspberries, grapes. Early occu­ auxiliary Manchester policemen 12th Circuit 2-7919. MORTLOCR’S Manebeater'a lead­ shift, private hospital. TO S-9U1. counter work and bus drivers. Ap­ pota and annuala at reaaonablo 21 Central Row, Hartford porch, 2 fireplaces, plastered RADIO-TV REPAIRS aU makes. ing Company. Local and long dis­ ply " Conn. State Employment CEDAR CLOTHESLINE poles, ROCKVILLE—24 Grove Street. — pancy. Other 5 and 8 room houses BOLTON LAKE will make up the second division. ing driving acbool. Three skilled tance moving, packing and stor­ bean poles, truck Jack, bathroom prices. Evergreen trees <1 each JA 2-2115 walls, hot water oil heat. city courteoue inetructora. Qaa* room Cars, phonographs changers. ADULT AND children desire house­ Service 806 Main St., Manchester. and up. Pontlcelll’a Greenhouse, FORBGCA top kitchen set with 4 Beautiful redecorated 2-room fur­ $15,900 to $33,000. Escott agent Third Division age. Regular service throughout keeper. Must live 1ft. Private sink, circular saws, chain saw. water and sewerage. large lot and BG 9-7683 Two minutea walk to beach. AotoraobOes for Sale 4 tnstructiona for 16, IT year olda. Honest, economical. Guaranteed 90 Closed Memorial Uay^ 438 N, Main. Open Sundays. chairs, $30. BIT 9-8689. nished apartments. TR 6-7871. trees Excellent location, Charles The third division 1*111 include G>urt Cases days. Famous for service for 80 N ^ England States and FTorida. room. Phone MI 9-1978. BG 9-1858. Farm and Land For Sale 71 Beach privileges. Garage. Founda­ the Ameriew Legion Band and Telephone Mr. Aortlock, Director BG 8-6568. Lesperance, BG 9-7620. MANCHESTER—New oversized 5’ 4 tion with footing in. $800. Give OLDER CARS mechanles ape- of Driver EducaUasL MI 9-7888. ■years. Phone MI 9-4637. Potter- SUBIMER COUNSELOR hardware FOUR ROOM apartment partly marching veterans’ units and auxll- GOOD MONEY? Flexible hours? sales person-trainee, pnarmacist, Household Goods 51 41" WESTINGHOUSE electric , furnished with refrigerator, auto- ■VERNON—l l 'i wooded acres wi^h room ranches. 3 bedrooms, oil away price, clals, fixit yourself cars, always ton’s. MASSEY - HARRIS tractor. BG CUSTOM TWO-FAMILY iariea with colora. Taking part in MANCHESTER SESSION a good selectlan. Look behind our LARSON’S Connecdcut’B flrat li­ F\m? AU these can be yours in a college student as counterman, range, $20. 113 N. School St. rnatic washing machine, combina­ about 1,000 foot water frontage. P. heat, full basement tile bath, this division will be Anderson Shea full or part-time job. Car neces­ 9-0889. TCRO LAWN)ldWER8 at reduced hatchways, city water. FHA or VA J. D. REALTY Ben A. Huck, 54, of 51 Turnbull office. Douglaa Motors, 833 Main. censed driving school trained — WASHER - REFRIGERATOR re­ Painting— Papering 21 cook, cabinet maker, welder, car­ tion oil and gas stove, oil furnace, V. Tongren Agency, BG 3-6321. South Road, Bolton. excellent Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars and sary. Eixx>erience isn’t. Commis­ prices. R i^ , rotary, reel models ADMIRAL LOWBoF' stero Hi-Fi. appraised. $14,490. *500 down Dir- 470 Main St. BG 3-5129 Rd., was fined $102 for driving Certified and approved ia now of­ pairs. Prompt, economical, expert, penter, painter, bricklayer, 'mold With wimKtunnel grass bag attach­ and gas hot water heater. Tel. BG two-family 4-5. with many extras, Auxiliary; Army-NaVy Club and NEED A CAR and had your credit fering claaaroom and behind guaranteed. Phorih MI 9-4587, Pot- EIXTBRIOR AND interior painting. sions paid weekly. CaU BQ 9-0045 setter, machine operator-trainee, BIUBtS AND other blooming planta excellent condition, original retail 3-4751 ANDOVER — About 87 acres, ap- ections; Wilbur Cross Highway while under the influence of liquor for cemetery. Lettuce, squadi ment.^ Marlow's. Inc., 867 Main, built by present owner. Sleeping SEVEN A zone lota, city water and Auxiliary; Dllworth-Comell-Quey or drugs. turned down? Short on down pay­ wheel Instruction tor teenagers. tertpn’s, ISO Center St. Ceilings reflnlahed. Paperhanging. for interview. trailer driver. Apply Conn. State $220. No reasonable offer refused. pro.ximately 4,000 foot frontage. to Howard Johnson, turn right on Post, American Legion and Auxil­ ment? Bankrupt? Repoasesslon? WaUpaper hooka. Elatimates given. plants. Also, household articles. m ja v T o i. Call MI 3-8096. ROCKVILLE —3 room apartment Reasonable. Tongren Agency, BG porch, fireplace etc Spacious Tolland Turnpike, then left on ae'werage. Charlea Lesperance, BG Mrs. Eriminie J. Sterling, East Ml 9-607S. Employment Service, 806 Main grounds beautifully landscaped, 9-7620. iary. Don’t give up! See Honest Doug­ SAM’S UPHOLSTERY — ReUred Fully covered by Insurance. Call ARE YOU BORED??? Do you St., Manchester. Closed Memorial Clothes. BG 9-5450. with heat, hot water,, gas and elec­ 3-6321. Union Street to Kenwood Road. Hartford, was fined $51 for evad- wish you had something different workshop and storage building, Also, Mancheater Chapter, No las, get the lowdown on tbe lowest PREPARE FOR driver's teat. from the shop. Can take care of Edward R. Price, MI 9-1003. Day. FOR SALE—Capehart TV and con­ tricity. plus range and refrigera­ Watch for signs. Schwartz Real William Russo of Butler, Pa, all your upholstering needs at to do? SeUlng Avon is the answer. TV ANTENNA Bonanza Sale— to verter. Also used power lawn tor, all fOf $73. Available June 1- large lot. two-car garage with Estate. 'BGJ5 Realtor, AD 6-1241, COVENTRY LAKE—Hinkel Drive. 17, Disabled American Veterans down and smallest pa3TOents any­ Ages 16 to 60. Ortving and clasa ZONING BOARD Very desirable lot 50x91 only $500. Auxiliary; Manchester Barracks, was fined $3S for speeding. where. Not a amall loan or finance room. Three Instructora. No wait­ great savings. Call CH 2-2378. EXTERIOR and Interior painting. Your contacts are pleasant, and it our famous do-it-yourself deport­ mower. Call BG 9-597!. TR 5-6845. Houses For Sale 72 amesite drive. CH 2-286,5. Paperhanging. Wallpaper hooka. Kissane Realty, CH 6-6032, AD Veterans of World War I of the Richard Carlin, 29, of 45 Lenox ipany, , _,lan. pli Douglas Motors, ing Manchester Driving Acade­ wUl be exciting to watch your sales Sitnatlons Wanted— ment, Rabbit Ears, regular.47.95, WaUpaper removed. CeUlngs. Increase every week. As little as 2 now 89c: Hideaway Rabbit OF APPEALS WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, in I TWO ROOM apartment on first MANCHESTER —7 room Cape, S. A. BEECHLER 3-4487. U.S.A.: Frank J. Mansfield Marine St., was fined $36 for epeeding. Main my. PI 3-7249. ~CU.ST01\T BUILT PPLiT~ Corps League and Auxiliary; Mons Buildlng-Contractinsr 14 EToors. Good clean workmanship. to 3 hours snare time dally is all Female 38 Ears regularly <10.95, now TOWN OF COVENTRY good running condition, $25 ' MI I floor, $65; on second floor two 2- family room, modem kitchen. 8 Blartln Brackman, 19, of Dor­ FVUy insured. Reasonable rates. 9-1401. room apartments, $60: third floor, bedrooms, rec room, garage Good MI 3-G969 BOLTON—10 acres of land. 600 foot Yprea Poet, Britiah War Veterans; chester, Blass., was fined $36 for you need. Why not call today for $1.49; UHF. indoor antenna, At a public hearing held May 55 FINLEY ST. frontage, full price $2,700. Law­ 1951 FORD Victoria hardtop, as la, Business Services Offered 13 A, A. DION, INC. Roofing, aiding, Leo Pelletier, BO 9-6826 or BO an appointment? BU 9-4922 EXPERIENCED TYPIST desires regularly <8.96, now $2.96; stacked 5 room.a $70. All heated. T. J. lot with trees. One block to and Yankee Diviaion Association. speeding. Saturday. 118 N. School St. painting. Carpentry. Aiteratlaas 9-5082. work In her home^horthand, elec­ 26, 1961, the following appeals —AT ALBERT S - Crockett, Realtor, BII 3-1578. schools, shopping and bus. $16,900. OWTs’ER LEAVING state — This rence F. Fiano, Realtor, MI The fourth diviaion, of young peo. Jack W. Wells, 22, of 36 School aluminum conical, <9.99; Channel were acted upon: NOT $900 — NOT $800- Exceptional 2 year old 6-room, 8 3-2766. Ed Crawford. BG 9-4410. AMESITE d r iv e w a y s construct­ and addlUona. Ceilings. Workman­ WOBtAN middle-aged or reasonably tric typewriter. Phwie BG 0-8574 8 Yagi, $1.99; UHF bow tie,'<1.99: Phtlbrick Agency, Mi 9-8464. handsome 6 room ranch with en­ bedroom split level. Beautiful high pie’s units, will include the De- St., Rockville, was fined $21 for 1955 PLYMOUTH V-8, S-tone tur­ ed—-resurfaced—sealed. Superior ship guaranteed. 289 Autumn St EXTeIh io R AND interior painting, between 8-5. (1) The appea)iof Michael Lepter ■NOT $700 — NOT $600 TWO ROOM tenement, heat, hot closed sunporch, besutifully land­ Molay marching unit, Mancheater capable older woman for compan- lOi/foot mast pipe, <2.99; Red Bird of Bread and Mill. Street for a WEST SIDE—$13,900. 5U room elevation with view. Features in­ driving without a license. quoise, radio and heater, good pavers. hQ 3-6515. MI 8-4860. decorating, ceilings, floors, paper- l- FOR painting and Box V. THRE&-MONTHS old puppy for 3 Vanitv Lamps ment with heat, elfectric stove, full hatha, wooded lot. «aay walking water and sewers, brook. A zone Committee. The 4-H Club Rhythm motor vehicle registration. glide, recent new valve job, good ed Roofa. Call Ml 8-’h07. 2 Pillows ceramic tile bath, electric water distance to achoola, bus, and shop­ Riders, on horseback, will be fol­ LAWN MOWERS aharpened and paperhanging. MI 8-7026. sale. Good with children. Call any lot. Assume 4'2 % mortgage $89 BOLTON VALUES! TQ SETTLE estate —r^toonably Robert Walega, 23, of Bailey condition. MI 9-6526. 1 Pr, Blankets heater, combination windows, ping. Don’t miss this outstanding monthly. lowed by police cars. Rd., Manchester, N. H., forfeited a tepalred, sales and service, pick BIDWELL HOME Improvement PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT time. PI 2-6888. V 1 Cocktil Table p'ncet 5 room house, main high­ Company—all types of siding and available June 3, Call after 4:30. value, $15,500. Phtlbrick Agency, Country Llring — Low Taxes way three acres of land, newly At Munro Park, the Rev. H. $35 bond for failure to appear in IMPERIAL 1955, excellent condi­ up and delivery. Complete line of 2 Table Lamps John Ellison, TR 5-9493. Ml 9-8464. . $15,800—1,120 square, feet. 8 bed­ tion, power. 84 Pine Trw Lane, Toro riders, reels, and rotaries, roofing. Aluminum clapboards a Electrical Services 22 SEPTIC TANKS decorated, new heating system. Osgood Bennett, pastor of North court on a charge of speeding. In Bindery Dept. CUTE KTITBINS free, houeebrok- 1 9 X 12 Rug room- ranch, plastered walls, stair­ $13.600—Coventry line, large 1954 Methodist Church, will lead a Wapplng. MI 4-0014. ' garden and lawn supplies. L A M specldty. Unexcelled workman­ AND MANCHESTER—Fainlew Street— PRINCETON ST.—7 room colonial Call Ml 3-2785 week days. Seven cases were continued: ship. MI 9-6495. FREE ESTIBlATElB-^Prompt serv­ en. Phone BG 9-7875. ' 1 Floor Lamp way to attic, basement garage, city built 5 room ranch, plastered walls, prayer. Equipment Corporation, Route 83, ice on all types ot electrical wir­ 1 Smoker Attractive spacious five rooms, I with 4 bedrooniB,''lH baths, large utilities, shade trees, high A zone fireplace, *i acres Until Thursday, Ralph M. 'Sar- Vernon, Conn. TO 5-7609. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. PLU6GED SEWERS Wanted— Real Estate 77 TTie service at Center Park will vey, 22. of Willimantic, for court ing Licensed and Insured. Wilson KITTENS AVAILABLE. House- 82 Pc. Dinnerware Set second floor. large porche.a.‘ ga- living room with fireplace, hot lot. Assume 4 ',% mortgage, $97.50 be held this year on the steps lead­ rage, attic storage, excellent con- water heat, one-car garage. By ap. monthly. $14.490—1958 built 8 room ranch, trial on charge of speeding. Classics In The News CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut. Roofing, and Chimneys 16-A Electrical Co., Manchester, BO broken. Some long haired, all full 80 Pc. Silver Set I fireplace, enclosed breezewav and HAVE AT least 17 families looking ing to the flagpole. 9-4817. Glaatonoury, BFE 8-7876. 5-day week 'of fun and affection. 600 Wood- Machine Gleaned 18 Yards Floor Covering venient location. 190 monthly, CH 1 polntment only. Philbrick Agency. The program will include a prel­ Five Manchester youths were Reawmabla ratra. Call PI S-7BS8 6-6032. 1 BO 9-8484. garage, one acre wooded privacy. for 4 bedroom homes with dining acquitted of breach of the peace between 1:80-4 ;80 or any time ROOFTNGr—Specializliig repairing bridge. BG 9-4239. Septlo Tanks, Dry Wells, Sewer Free Storage Until Wanted LAWRENCE F. FTANO ude by the Salvation Army Band; roofs of all kinds, new roofs, gut­ $17.900—Deluxe 1958 built 6 room room. Could be older and priced following a May 11 complaint that Saturday or Sunday. Well established Hartford Compsfiy Unea InstaUed—Cellar Water Free Delivery FURNISHED apartments, heated, Realtor BG 3-2766 $15,000-$18.000 What have you? the national anthem; an Invocation ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ Bonds— Stocks Mortgages 31 Write advising education and ex­ Free Set Up bv Own Reliable Men SIX ROOM CAPE!—Handy to bus, Ed Crawford MI 9-4410 ranch, formal dining room, large they threw bottles from a moving proofing Done. one and three rooms. Kitchen set, banking and shopping Fenced in Please call me today. One family by the Rev. Philip J. Hussey, pas­ STEPS, SIDEWALKS, stone waUs. paired. Aluminum siding. 30 perience to the Manchester Herald, Live Stock— Vehicles 42 Sure It Pavs To Buy At Albert's heated rec room, basement garage, needs 9 ft. ceilings not over tor of St. Bartholomew’s Church; car, causing a flat tire to a second years’ experience. Free estimates. MORTGAGE MONEY —We can B«x AA. — BECAUSE - refrigerator, gas range, bedroom back yard, $18,500. Don’t miss this \ acres. vehicle. David W. Duffy, 20, of. 77 fireplaces, flagstone terraces. set. Free gas. electricity. Adults. excellent value. Philbrick Agency, $16,000. Thelma Jeffries Eacott, selection by the Salvation Army Work don« at reasonable prices. Call Howley. Ml 8-6361, MI 8-0768. supply any amount of money. Albert’s Gives You In Writing MANCHESTER—Cape, 6 finished Lockwood St., was fiined $21 for Terms to fit your needs. Handled TWO SADDLE horses, saddles and MeKINNEY BROS. Low rent. Apply apartment 4 10 BG 9-8464. rooms, large kitchen, dining room, $17,900—View, land, outbuildinga. broker, MI 9-7683. male quartet; ’‘Lincoln's Gettys Ml 3-0796. SUBtMER NURSE, secretary, ex­ No Payments Depot Square. ' custom built 1922, large 7 room burg Address" by Richard Ken­ throwing objects on a highway with strict confidence and exped­ perienced or not, - case worker, bridles Included. TO 5-7290. Sawarbgt Disposal Co. to case of unemployment living room. den. 2. full hatha. 4 but wa.s given a nolle on two Heating and Plumbing 17 iency. J. D. Realty, 470 Main St., $12,600—8 Bedroom ranch, fire­ bedrooma possible, fireplace, plas­ home, 2 fireplaces. Si^^LING? Buying? Trading? No nedy of Bfanchester High School. file'' clerk, bookkeeping machine ISO-182 Pearl S t — Ml S-5SM In case of illness UNUSUALLY NICE 4 room second place. atorraa. Small cash assumes matter what your needs may be. Also, "America the Beautiful," counts of breach of peace. Em­ Ml 3-5129. tered walls, full dormer, garage, ' $19,900—Large 1960 built 7 room PLUMBING AND heating — re­ operator, bookkee^r, stenogra­ In case of accident floor apartment for middle-aged $98.50 monthly. Carlton W. Hutch­ Mitten can fit them like a glovfc A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” mett T. Roberta Jr. 20 of 203 Blaln '61 NeedleWorIc Album! pher, dictaphone operator, typist, Poultry and Supplies 43 to case ofistrikes nice lot. Available for FHA ap­ cape, attached garage. 2 full baths, modeling installations repairs. or retired couple, in delightful ins, BG 9-6132. praisal value of $16,800. As little Free inspection upon request. C!ail and "The Lord Bless irqu and St. was also given a nolle and sales person, housekeeper, maid, A Paid Bill In Full built-lng, one acre wooded lot. the Ellsworth .Mitten Agency, Herbert Dougan, 18. of 45 River­ All work guaranteed 25 years ex­ Business Opportunities 32 FOR STRICTLY, farm fresh eggs, country location. Large cabineted aa $800 down to assuTpe present Keep You” by the Round Ta­ perience. 24-hour service. Call waitress, seamstress, silk finisher. For What You Owe kitchen, formica counters, electric CAPE—6 rooms, excellent location. Realtors. MI 3-6930 side Dr„ William R. Griffin 18 of Apply Conn. State Employment try Manchester Poultry Farm, 472 mortgage. Call McCarthv EnteV- LAWRENCE F. FlANO ble Singers of Manchester High Earl VanCamp, Ml 9-4748. FOR LEASE or sale—high gallon- Keeney St., BG 9-9904. In Case Of Death range and refrigerator, spacious Freshly painted. Private back prises, Inc., BG 4-1,535. John V. School, directed by G. Albert Pear­ 278 Parker St. and David J. Mc- Service, 806 Main Street, Manches­ Spring Special! SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT living room with fireplace. 2 large ■ yard. One-car garage. $16,500. Realtor Ml 3-2766 WISH SOMEONE to handle' your Adam, 19, of 52 Weaver Rd., all age service station, located In ter. Closed Memorial Day. Panciera, BG 9-1898. real estate? Cali me at Ml 9-0320 son; an address by Superintendent Mancheater, principles only. Write Phone SABGJEL ALBERT. Hart bedroom.s with .wardrobe closets, Philbrick Agency, MI 9-8484, Ed Crawrford Ml 9-4410 of Schools William H. Curtis. had their charge.s dismissed. Radlo,TV Repair ford CH 7-0358 for an Albert tiled bathroom with full linen QUALITY BUILT 3 bedroom ranch, for prompt and courteous aervice. Until June 5,1 Joseph Mahoney. P. O. Box 289, Mancheater, Conn. RANCH—5'2 rooms, 8 years old. Joseph Barth. Broker. -• Wreaths honorRig' the dead of Services Courtesy Aiito. We will call for you closet, circulating hot water heat large living room with fireplace, 41, of Cambridge, Blasa., for plea 18 • SEPTIC TANKS at your home, bring you back home Bowers School area, family. size GLASTONBURY-^Apple Hill this nation’s wars will be placed SMALL MOVING and trucking AMESITE PAVING with baseboard radiation, screens, lot 90x120. J. D, REALTY BO CASH WAITING for property own­ at the Soldiers Monument, which on charge of speeding. kitchen, plastered walls, cast iron company. Goodwill and PUC li­ Invitation to Bid CLEANED aad INSTALLED ag^n. Poeitivelv No Obligation! Venetian blinds, storm windows. 8-5129. Until June 8, John Moran, 35, of a DRIVEWAYS a WALKS a PARKING LOTS baseboard heat. 1-car garage. This Top Neighborhood— ers. Please call us before you buy will be circled with flags, by An­ MORTENSEN TV Specialized RCA cense included. P. V. Tongren Sealed bids will be received at A—L—B—E—R—T— S Spa'cioiis lawn and parking area. Or eell. Speedy service. J. D. thony O’Bright, commander of the Milldale. for court trial on charge 2 house offers you those little extras television, service. Ml 9-4641. Agency, Btl 8-6321. the Office of the General Manager, • SEWERS MACTIINE GRADED a PAVED and ROLLED 43-45 ALL"YN ST., HARTFORD South CeWrentry just off U.S. 6, 12 112 BALDWIN ROAD — Oistom of driving left at an Intersection. that make a house a home. 119,500. built 12 year old Cape in tip-top Read.v Now Realty, MI 8-5129. American Legion; Joseph Jelsov- 41 Center Street, Manchester, Con­ MAOHU^B OlaBANEu Open Nights Till 8, Sat. 6 p.m. miles from ■Manchester Post Of-- sky, commander of the VFW ; Carl Until June 12. Albert Monkle- TV SERVICE—All mkkes.. Honest, fice. Adults only, $85. Available Philbrick Agency! BG 9-8464.. shape'.’ Gracious living room 23x12, Economical. High quality parts. necticut, until June 5,1961 at 11:00 12 Cortland Lane— $32,500 SELLING YOUR home? Call Ciea- Hansen, commander of Manchester wlcz, 40, of Thompsonville, for Help Wanted— Female 35 A.M. for One Tractor with Back- • INSTAflATION FREE ESTIMATES # CALL ANYTIME June 1. .Phone BG 3-7056 after 8 BOWERS SCHOOL AREA—6 room formal dining room, breakfast zynski-Felber Agency at any time plea'on charge of breach of the , Guaranteed 90 days^ Famous for Musiffkl Instniments .l.’t p.m, room, exceptionally good bed­ Two story Colonial, 8 large Barracks. Veterans of World War service since 1931. Phone MI WAITRESS WANTED days, part- hoe and Front Mounted Loader. home, fireplace, large cabinet for quick aervice. BG 3-1409, BG I; and Harold Osgood, commander peace; Louis Fazzino. 31. of 16 Bid forme and specifications are SPECIALIST THE PRICE IS RIGHT kitchen, formal dining room, 2-car rooms, closets galore, park-like rooms and 2H baths. Perfect set­ 9‘4291. . . Lincoln St., for investigation by 9-4S37. Potterton’a, 180 Center St. time. Apply Patio Drlve-Li, morn­ ROCKVILLE — Beautiful modem yard, 185x190, breezeway. garage. ting with ■view, expert landscaping, of the Frank J. Mansfield Marine ings, W. Middle Tpke. available at the Controller’s Of­ JACOB BROS, player piano, bed­ garage, beautifully land.scaped Corps League. family relations department on fice, 66 Center Street, Manchester,' 31i room apartment available June Bowers School. Elva iSler. Real­ lots of privacy. 4 bedrooms, family BUILDING LOTS wanted, in, or TELEVISION antennas and rotor Town and Gonnirw TIME PAYMENTS ARRANGED room set. Call TR 5-7279. 1. Convenient residential location. yard. Blarion E. Robertson Bro­ Albert Sheffield, commander of breach of the peace charge; Ed­ systems installed and '-repaired. DO YOU WANT to earn extra Connecticut. ker. MI 3-S953. tor. BG 9-4469, MI -9-.5051 BG room, plus unfinished rec room within 10 miles of Mancheater. ward Czamota. 17, of 34 Delmont Range, refrigerator, heat and hot 9-9901. with picture window. . Brokers protected. Please write the Disabled American Veterans, Serving Mancheater and surr money? Let Burton’s show you TOWN OF BIANCHESTER will place a wreath at Blunro Park St., for investigation by family 9 rounding areas. Modem TV Serv­ CONNECTICUT DRAINAfiE 00. water furnished, phis other facili­ SDC ROOM colonial ip the Porter and describe, to Arbor Homes. 465 how. Openings for sales personnel, Wanted— ^To Boy 58 ties. Washer and dryer on IBIMACULATE. Near bus, school, during the earlier aervice. ^ relations department on breach of ice, 405 Center St., MI 8-2205. hours to suit, experienced pre­ RICHAHD MARTIN. Street section, bar and rec room 128 Cider Mill Road— $29,900 Main Street, East Hartford, cimn. peace charge. GENERAL MANAGER Ml 9-4143 WE BUY, SELL or trade antique premiaea. Super Market and shop­ in basement, breezeway, 1-car ga­ shopping. Oversized Cape. Living Rustle Cape Cod, 7 rooms. 2 The first, second and fourtlTdlvl- ferred, See Mr. Schneider, &ir- ping at walking distance. 15 min­ room, fireplace. Dining' room, sion will give a salute to veterans; Until June 19. William Thomas RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make, ton’s, Inc., 841 Main St. DE maio Bros. and used furniture, china, glass, rage. wooded lot. $22!900. Phil- baths. Peach orchard of .30 trees. of New Haven, for plea on charge free pickup and delivery oii amaU ■liver, picture frajnea and old utes from Hartford over Parkway. brick Agency. MI 9-8464. cheerful kitchen. Delightful sun- Tremendous level lot handsplit Rorkrillc-Venibn the marshal, and official party at 56 PAGES radloe, phonogrimha. Hours 6-10 Call Rockville TR^-3748. porch. 3 bedrooma, bath, lavatory. the speaker’s platform. of operating a motor vehicle with­ BOOKKEEPER wanted. Apply in TEL. Ml 3-7691 cotna, old dolls and guna, fiobby shingle siding, 4 large bedrooms. out a driver’s license. p.m. H A E Radio and TV. MI person. F A D Auto,. Main and OVERSIZE rambling Cape Cod, 4 Garage. H, B. Gradv, Broker, BG While the wreaths are being collections, attic contents or whols FOUR ROOM tenement, first floor, 3-8009. Directions’; Off New London Turn­ Little Lea| ^ e ’s 9-5582, MI 8-1479. Park Sts aatates. Furniture Repair Service, large bedrooms, dining room, pike, Route 2. Two miles from 2 placed, Capt. Von Hone will give 8351 B«fert You Buy That Now Homo, Soo steam heat, hot water, garage, on walkout basement, garage. ■ 36-52 TalcottvUle, Conn. Tel. BG 3-7449. Glastonbury Center. a brief talk. "100 Years Ago - IM l" bus line, near stores. Immediate Bowers School. Only $18,500. Carl­ Manchester Rural Circuit about the Civil War, and will read occupancy. BG 9-035}. Tomkiel Expecting ton W. Hutchins, BG 9-5132 20 JENSEN STREET the names of Manchester veterans WTTH THI NEW R. R. HAILS. Builder Lovely i^ONDON Park Wanted— ^To Buy 58 Starts Season who have died since last Blemorial 46 HARLAN STREET —6 room $2,500 to assume 4U% mortgage, Day. A eulogy, an eight-gun salute Dog Tags June 5 MH-O-RAMA THREE ROOMS, adults, heat, hot Cape, fireplace, I 'i baths, full MI 9-8363 MEdford 3-4714 WANTED WANTED—Good used adding ma­ water. $75. Call after 6, BG 9-2010. oversized 4 bedroom cape, plaster­ by the National Guard firing' ^HEBRON, CONNECTICUT chine, reasonable. BG 3-7563, TR basement, enclosed porch, garage, ed wslls, garage, amesite drive, The Vernon Little League, new­ New dog licenses are not yet ■ Tailored to perfection and BIANCHESTER—Bowers School, 4 ly organized this year, was offici­ squad, taps by a Salvation Army S-9884. SIX ROOBI Duplex, heat, hot water, wooded Ibt, 75x150. Marion E. desirable residential neighborhood, bugler, and the benediction by the available in the town clerk's office - so wonderfuUy veraaUle. Yoked LAKEFRONT Robertson, Broker, MI 3-5953 Jiedroom brick, beauUiuUy land­ ally. launched Sunday at the Ver­ shirtwaist frock with short or ONLY $500 DOWN! stove, refrigerator, garage. Cen­ city-water and. sewers, immediate scaped. Must see to' appreciate. Rev. Percy M. Spurrier, associate and will not be until about June Linotype - Intertype occupancy. non Elementary School field -with 5, Town Clerk Edward Tomkiel three quarter sleeves, in a wide In Beautiful Andover -WANTED—Uaed small home ce­ tral location Call BO 8-2785 before $26,500. Call Barbara Chamber- minister of South Methodist s in range. 5. lain, BII 9-3092, BG 9-5306. Barrows the season’s opening doubleheader. (Ihurch, will close the service. said today. CAPE CODS RANCHES ment mixer. Call BG 9-6472. INDUSTRIAL ZONE LAWRENCE F, FIANO The Moose Club team beat AI- Ne, 8351 with Patt-O-Rama is A Wallace Co., 56 E. Center St., Other Events The present licenses expire June Adorable little Cape Cod cottage. Lak^ront setting with $12,250 One 6 room bouse and one 7 room Realtor BG 3-2766 don Spinning J-fllls, 9-3, and Vitt- 30 and dog owners must buy new In sizes 36, 38, 40„ 42, 44, 46, 48/ 4 Free PoMsms Indurfetf $12, 400 BEAUTIFUL 3 room ' apartment. Mancheater. In addition to the pi(rade, sports 60, 52. Bust Myto 64. Size 38, 40 stone walls, dock and delightful landscaping. Two bed- Operator WANTED—Girl’s 26" bicycle. Will houhe, side by side (141-146 Adams Ed Crawford MI 9-4410 ner’s Garden Center defeated the ones before July 1. The licenses Large wooded lots, full basements, formica counters, tile TR 5-8274. activities In town ace planned. bust, 8hort/«eeve„ 5 1 /4 yards of pay $15-$20. Call BG 9-7158. Stteet) together make a frontage CHARBGNG 6 room cape on heaii- Vernon Fire DepartmOTt, 9-5. Official start of the 12th annual have not yet been delivered to the Have you a copy of the 1961 i-ooms up, three rooms down, plus two enclosed porches oil hot water heat, oak floors, ameslte drives, buUt-ins, and NORTH MANCHESTER— Conven­ Spectators saidihe opening cere- 85-inch, f ^ ^LIGHT, BRIGHT 2H rooms, adults of over 180 feet, depth at furthest tiful lot in best of repair, garage, Little League ba.scball program In town clerk, however. Needlework Album? It contains more features! point MO feet. Asking $12,000 and ient to church, bua shopping. 5 new G.E. hot water heating sys­ monie,4 were well handled a'nd said To oroec send 36c in coins to: 56 pages .of interestliig designs and large bath, only $12,800. Wonderful spot for enjoy­ only, now avaUable. Heat, hot room older home. Good condition. BIanc:hesler will take place at Ble­ Sue Burnl(te, Manchester Evening DireoUons: From Manchester, turn right on to Porter S t, from Rooms Without Board 59 <14,000. Can be bought separately tem, $14,900. J. D. Realty, BG an estimated 200 people sat in the CHURCH o q ^ c o . iXECTS from which fo choose patterns in able and economical living. Exclusive with PART-TIME water, stove and refrigerator, tile Reasonably priced. H. B. Grady, 3-5129. morial Field at a rally beginning, Herald, IUwSaVE. OF AMER­ East Center S t, continue up Porter S t to R t 85, on R t 85 fol­ hath and shower, parking, $70. BG or together. bleachers.' stood or watched from at 1 p.m. All 900 boys re^stered’ Boston. Mayv29 UFt—The Rev. knit, crochet, embroidery and TORHISSED ROOM light house- Broker, BG 8-8009. 5 their cars. ICAS, NEW Y ^ K M, N.Y. quilting; plus four free patterns. low algnsOo London Rd., Juat past Gay Park, on dSft keeping 'one minute from Main 3-6396 G. S. KEITH, Broker SUBURBAN 5 room ranch home, In tho program will take part In Joseph Bums, Newton Highlands, For la t « h ^ maUing add 10c for Brief addresses were given by brief ceremonies with league offi­ was appointed cxecutiya director Only 25c a copy! •,OP|pi DAILY • Pjil. to DUSK; WEEKENDS 12 to 7 • Street. Woman only. BG 9-7959 MI 9-8191 ROCKVILLE—A doll house in moat attached garage, 3 bedrooms, fire- each patUtta. Print Name, Ad- PRATT AGENCY D A Y W O R K After 8 p.nj FIVE ROObI flat. Second , floor, convenient location. 3 bedrooms, plac'h, large kitchen with built-in Donald P. Berger, Little League cials. of the New Haven Council of For your copy of tbe 1061 $110, Heat, hot water included. 4$ district - director; league official! drsas with Zone. Style No. and Needlework Album, send 26e‘ ip CALL ANYTIME PI 2-789S fireplace, aluminum c6mbination8. oven And range, aluminum, storm ’ Thiee doublebeaders are sched­ Churches, toe., Saturdky, TOe w Bisa. Solos by: U.ft R. RCALTY CQ.,Jiic. f u r n is h e d rooms, complete light Maple. BG i-0118, BG 8-0441. BIAN(5HE8TER-8-f*ilftlly flat 4-4, John S. Gill and Clifton A. Sy- uled. one each at Waddell, Ver-' Rev. Mr. Burns has been direetor'^ coins, your name and address to jf^pply Loveij^', established landsdaping. windOwe and doors, built-in (ire ■Basie Fashion, Spring A Sum- Anne Cabot, The Mancheater Eve- Evenings and Weekends Phono Ml 3-2692 ^ ^ hoqsekecptog fociliUes. C e n ^ y larga lot eentrai heating system, Asking 818,Mo. Cgll Barbara alarfo-, iOOx8M lot. Only $16,800. monda; and by Frank BIcCoy. plaiick, and Buckley'School fields. of the Department of Fsstonl raar ’gl has a wealth of aewing tnqated. CZ^dren accepted—Umiiu Buckley 8eh6oi ares. CtlT Ciestyn- Chamberlain. BG 5-sMt, BG 9-5306. Call BteCartby Enterprites, toe., member of the Vernon Recreation Details Mill be found on the sports Services and Social Relations « i nfaig. Herald, 1160 AVE. OF PN ABBOTT PI 8-7002 •d. Mrs. DAMy^K Ana 8t. M u. raMK gift patten eoupon, 86a. A lin iO A S , N *W Y O U U, K(Y. R:. D. MURDOCK Ml 3-6472 . i Rend Herald Advs. sld-Felbor, Real Estate, MI 8-1409 Berrows -A Wallace Oo., 55 E. >G 4-1589, John V. Fanciers, BG Commission, who ^Vaa master of the MaaraehuMtto Council « t •boater. or BG 5-4851. Center it.. BCancliefter, Ooim. •-KH. i- pro Al«c Hackney at tiia Churqbes for Dm pas< FMM-

- , ■ 1 k ‘ ; MONDAY, MAY *9, 1961 PAGunts 4 fo tfag ..themselftfs to en6tn]r“Rt-s with whatever response is needed. last nighL Stork lip with brer, wines and liquors for the holiday. Thomas Bentley. Mi.s.s ' Madeline Rory said she knew Kimberly through Tuesday — nithotit a traf­ Uek. ” Washington. May 31 (J'l—Forty-^not show this to the Judges satia- “And both of us also know that He is due tonight in Bratislava, HARTFORD RD. and PINE ST. Brown. Mrs. Dorothy D'Amico. HARTFORD ^y^i’ COMPANY was responding when she "started fic death. In an opening statement, chair­ one. regional spelling champions faction. to bite my finger smd cry.” neither ally ■would ever Ignore the near Slovakia’s border with Aus­ .MANCHESTER ^ (fiLOSED ALL DAY MEMORI.AL D.AY) Miss Alice Dowling. Miss Edith California, Michigan and Illinois man J. William Fulbright, D-Ark., were left in the running today Linda Hartley, Bradford, 111., tria, and will stay there until Fri­ Free Parking—Parrel Plck-l p Eaton. Mi.ss Harriet Franzen. .Mi.ss The mother, Mrs. Audrey Jean Accident Dead alliance to risk war, or to accept topped the states with each re­ 8sUd,.the committee would Insist on after the first six rounds of the was spelled down on “egress” by retreat, or to act out of narrow day. A Prague spokesman for the I Bertha Goodrich. Mi.ss Ella Healy. i and the family were spending the porting more than 30 highway qualified administrators to nm the making It “egrlss.” Miss Johannah Henry. Arthur H. day at the lake home of friends 1961 National Spelling Bee. isolation." official Czechoslovak news agency 1 deaths. aid programs abroad. He said The last of the Round 3 victims "And that is also why there is CTK, disclosing this last night,’ ( Tiling. Miss Elizabeth Krapowicz, when Kimberly was discovered The only extended spring or Over Holiday there have been too many exam­ Increasingly difficult words was Charlotte Duncan. Lovingston, WEDNESDAY SPECIALS Miss Ruth McLaughlin. Mrs. Ger­ missing about 1 p.m. The child ap- no reason for either nation to said a Communist summit session summer holiday traffic death toll ples in the past in which the pro­ knocked out 32 of the original 73 Va. She slipped on “arable” her dwell on our differences or our "is possible, but as far as wv trude Quish and Chester Robinson. parentlj' had fallen off a wall lead­ By THE AS.SOCI.ATED PRESS grams “have been corrupted" or bright youngsters from 35 states misspelling was “arrible." ing to the lake. Friends got the to exceed the total this Memorial disagreements For we have so know, nothing is certain yet.” The teachers were presented Day was the 491 recorded during Four persons were )dlled in acci­ “frustrated." and the District of Columbia. The fourth round was a rough much that unites us. and so great' In Warsaw, the Polish press it CLOSED TUESDAY. MEMORIAL DAY ★ corsages or boutonnieres as they child out of the water. dents in Connecticut during the A luuncheon recess ^^'as called Ror>’ said the mouth-to-mouth the 102-hour Fourth of Jtily ob­ Rusk said that those who oppose one, knocking out 11. They were: and dangerous a challenger to face agency reported that Zenon ZENITH’S|NEW entered. Tho Manchester Educa­ servance in 1950. 4-day Memorial Day weekend. the foreign aid program "must ac­ after Round 6, at which time 384 Pat Ludeman, Pampa, Tex., who together." tion A.s.sociatlon assisted in the resuscitation method is taught i . Two of the fatalities were from Kliszko a member of the Polish part of a first aid course. Would Tills year’s heavj' toll on the cept the consequences of their op­ words from the list of selected misspelled “noisome” as “noisum.” Kennedy acclaimed De Gaulle Communist poHtburo and the EXTENDED RANGE program. Refreshments were highways compared with 367 traf­ traffic mishaps. The other victims position." tongue twisters had been put to Robert Kamman, Tucson, Ariz., FULLY COOKED served during a .social hour after the rescue help her with her Girl drowned. as "The man who is both a superb closest aide to party chief Scout badge work ? fic deaths for last year’s 3-day "They must imderstand that. If the contestants. who stumbled on "debilitate” by mllitarj’ leader and an extraor­ Wladyslaw (Jomulka, flew to HIGH FIDELITY the program. In addition, three Connecticut At midday the atarting field ot making It “dibtlitate." "No,” said Rory. ‘Tve already Memorial Day weekend. Other vio­ residenLs died in out-of-state traf­ dinary statesman, both an erudite Prague yesterday. Some foreign \ got a first aid badge." lent fatalities during the 4-day (Oontiniied on Page Three) 24 boya was dowui to 11. Of the Stephen Smith. Corpus Chrlstl, scholar and a practical Jaw-giver.” obserx'ers believed his trip was HEARlfdG AID fic accidents. original 49 girls, 30 were atill CANNED HAMS (The girl formerly lived In Man­ weekend included drownings not Gov. John N. Dempsey todsy Tex., who tripped up on “queue" De Gaulle's greatest monument, Com* /ff or chester and attended Lincoln involving boats, in boating acci­ apelling. by spelling it “ que.” the U.S. President added, is not (Continued on Page Ten) emit for School. Her parents once Owned summoned State Police Commis­ The first to fall was John W. (BOILED HAM STYLE) '*LiVING SOUND" dents and from miscellaneous mis­ sioner Leo J. Mulcahy and Capt. Terry Margerum, Houston. Tex., made of bronze or marble w t is a Midway Lunch on Main St. near haps. The over-ail death toll com­ M. Rohror,- 12, LiUtz, Pa., who who used an "e” Instead of the “newer, a greater, a grander HEARING AIDS BoeonrI toBt GMlAr Mtw fUtl oil William Gruber, who heads the tripped on “corralled” in the sec­ the State Armory.) pared to last year’s 579. department’s traffic, division, to News Tidbits first “1” In “fiduciary," meaning France.” 10 to 14-LB. AVG. DiViLOPMlNTf ond round. trustee. Kennedy said that in De Gaulle's In the 1957 Memorial Day week­ his office to discuss the weekend AH the entries, survi'vors of pre­ 8 4 to 9 1 end, there also were 134 drown­ fatalities. from the AP Wires Diane Krahullk, Indianapolis, memoirs the French President re­ ings and 113 persons killed in mis­ liminaries which eliminated more Ind., who left an “a” out of "gos­ lated that he had told an Ameri­ Bulletins QUINN'S Hartford, May 31 — The State When told by newsmen that than five million others, got samer." can envoy In 1945 that the United «7:i M.MS ST, Motor Vehicle Department’s daily cellaneous. accidents for a death ' there were two highway deaths in Culled from AP Wires record of automobile accidents as toll of 660 I American hospital ship Hope through the first round on such Jane. Lord, Laconia, N. H„ who States had never given the impres­ PHARMACY Phone Ml sails from Jakarta for Hong Kong relatively aimple words as ‘‘mis­ missed "jardiniere” the word for sion that It considered Its fate of last midnight and the totals on The National Safety Council, i (Continued on Page Nineteen) spell," and "bouquet.” the same date last year: and South Viet Nam after seven flowerpot, by making it “jar- linked to the fate of France, nor In the second round John used donlere.” tha^ it indicated that it wanted a OOLDFINE IN NEW PLEA 1960 1961 months in Indonesia, treating pa­ Boston, May 81 LD—KlilUon- Accidents .. 14.046 17,399 (est.) tients and training Indonesian doc­ only one ‘T’ in “corralled." Faye Schper, Bronx, N. Y., who strong, great France. Seven were spelled dow-n In aire industrialist Bernard Gold- Lbi Killed ...... 84 91 tors and nurses . . . Machine cap­ fine today filed a motion in fed­ Injured . . . . 8,681 9,577 (eat.) Assembly Has Seven Days able of massaging heart without Round 3. (Oantfnued on Page Three) (Contlaned on Page Ten) surgery successfully tested on hu­ Sharon Luvaul, Albuquerque, N. eral court seeking to withdraw man patients st Ssn Francisco’s M., slipped on “oracle" by using an his guilty plea on charges be MiSMing Trio Safe Presbyterian Medical Center . . . "1” Instead of an “a." evadM 8790,000 In income taxes, THINLY SLICED West Haven, May 81 (JP) — Two Budget, Road Plans Due ! Actor Randolph Scott reported In Franklin Koontz, Cincinnati, fioldfine was due to be sen­ Dependable KODAK tx>ys and a girl, missing in a boat i good condition and doing well at Ohio, stumbled on “clientele" by tenced next Monday at 11:80 FOR SANDWICHES ln~Long Island Sound since yester­ U.S. Seeking to Link a.m. Through his counsel. Gold- ‘ St. Mary's Hospital In Rochester, using an extra "1.” fine asked the imurt In today’s OR BY THE PIECE day, have been picked up by a I Minn., following hernia operation. Patricia Fitzsimmons, Eddy- New Haven-bound oU tanker. motion for .v sanity hearing to. and POLAROID FILM at For Compromise Action Dr. Paul Dudley W^ite says he stone, Pa„ missed "Increment” determine his competence to Det. Capt.' Joseph Harvey, West j hopes his election to membership when she made the first “e’“an “i." Haven PoUce, said one of the boys Klan to Race Violence stand trial. The lawyer. Barton ' in Soviet Acadepiy of Medical Sci­ Connie Cobb, Poca, 'W. Va., mis­ L. WUIIams, said that although STARKIST By THE ASSOCIATMl PRESS **'compromiso. the measure ha.'* h<^en ences will help Increase communi­ spelled “quietus” by making it Montgomery, Ala., May 31 {JPi—a $ioo and costs each and sentenced a report of a court-appolnW SOUD WHITE MEAT (CoatlBiied da Page Tea) The General Assembly today en­ presented to a bipartisan commit­ cation between doctors of .East “quietious." psychiatrist said Ooldfine was tered its final seven days confront­ tee for study. ' and West . . . Pan-Africa Loibor Bencie Well, Bronx, N. Y.. drop­ The Justice Department planned to 30 days In jail under a city or­ to continue today its efforts to dinance which makes, it unlawful emmpetent to enter a plea of add a room by enclosing your porch ed with the Job of hammering out The group'.s finding.-^ were ex­ • Federation Torms at Casablanca, ped the last "e” from “secede.” guilty, the report did not state compromises on. two major pieces pected to be presented today to Morocco, to loud applause of So­ She evidently' was under the im­ link the Ku KIUx Klan to mob vio­ to remain bn the property of an­ party leaders and Dempsey- Demp­ viet and Red Cliineae observera . . lence against "Freedom Riders” in other after being warned to leave. he waa competent to stand 3 TUNA The men at Gienney’a will help you turn your porch into a U.S.^urgeon of legislation—a atate budget and pression that she added the "e” but trial. 2 9 a highway program. sey was asked at his news confer­ Eleven persons, including eight a replaying of the tape recorder did Anniston, Birmingham and Mont- Two Negro leaders,, the Rev. F. °l year ’round sitting room. It can be done easily and inex- ence today whether he has arrang­ children, reportedly dead from gomerj’, Ala. L. Shuttles'worth and the Rev. The ^ t e Constitution demands DERBY WINNER AT 66-1 pemtively with modem building materials. Reports Rare that Uje legislature adjourn by ed his .schedule to meet the group. eating tortoise in Qniinn Village, This is the third day since the Charles Billups were convicted of "No," he said, "bjit I'll make Kerala State, India. organizing the sit-in demonstra­ Epsona, England, May 81 OFV-t- OLD RELIABLE midnight June 7. Any leftover . I Crippled Airliner, government launched a hearing in Psidlum, a 66-1 longshot owned busineas must be delved until the time. If they give me the .signal Three Atlanta Negro Presby­ federal court .aimed at (1) mak­ tions. * Atieiarson Flaxytnt W indom : today that they're ready to come terian Churches invited Into full Elsewhere, eight more Integra- by Mrs. ,\rpad Plesch, surged vCancer Cured next biennial session, unle.v a ing pennsnent an existing injunc­ from behind in the last 100 SELF-SERViet DEPT. STORE a Picture window units combine special session is called. in. in they come." membership in all-white Atlanta With 104 on Board, tion against the KKK and (2) ob­ tlonists arrived at Jackson, -Miss., with fixed or operating Flexi- Both Houses convened for ab­ Pre.sbyteria by unanimous vote of taining an order requiring Birm­ and followed their predcces.sors to yards, today and won the I82nd T o m a t o e s Helps keep your Waahlngton, May 31 (41—U.S. Neither the Democrats nor the breviated .sessions yesterday but Prosbyter>’'s 98 churches . . . Hot jail as the Freedom Rider move­ running of the English Derby in FINE STREET and HARTFORD ROAD vent windows to form Win- Burgeon- General Luther Terry Republicans want to call a special Lands at Shannon ingham and Montgomery police to a thrilling finish. The chestnut burner clean a s it there was no diseussion of bills on inayoralt)’ campaign hits show­ provide protection for future in­ ment continued. dowalls in an endless variety of •ays for the first time ’*we have session, so it is assumed that lead­ the floor. _ down stage as Los Angeles voters The riders jailed Tuesday—five colt, ridden by French Jockey experience with a drug irhlch has ers of both aides will put then Shannon, Ireland, May 31 (J5— terstate pasaengera. Roger Polncelet, scored by two OPEN MEMORIAL DAY 10 to 10! heats your home I combinations. The purpose of the sessions uasj choose between Mayor Norris During U;e eecond day of testi­ white and three Negroes—rode a 17-oz. almost certainly cured cancer in heads together this week, do a i for reading in bills and advancing | Poulson and challenger Sam Yorty A cqppled American airliner with train instead of a bus and were ar- lengths over two heavily becked man.’’’ little trading, and compromise on j rhen'ron' the"calendar mony before U.S. Dist. Judge RT-98 ti the moat completely * CushioiitOM Coiling Tilt: . .1 Hurricane and tidal wave rakes 104 peraona aboard—moatly wofti- contenders. The French-owned CANS eSeetive fuel oil additive in use He sUeased, in an Interview Iqsl most bills to brirg about paasage. Sen. Anthony MiHer, D-Meriden. j East Pakistan’i densely populated Frank M. Johnson Jr, three wit­ (Continued on Page Eleven) Dicta Drake, 100-8, took second Full random beauty. Five hand­ night over rqdlo atatiton WWDC, On both the budget for the 1961- en and children — today limped nesses refused to answer at least today This helpa your oil chairman of the Senate Labor delta roa.st—fourth major storm to hundreds of m il^ over the At­ by a neck over the Amertoao- some painted designs^' in Deco­ that the drug cures only a type of 63 biennium and the highway fund Conimlttee, sa-d Democrats and hit region in eight months, accord­ some of the questions put to them. owned Pardao, 13-2, In a. photo burner deliver more elean, de­ cancer which affects p re s e n t program, Democrats and Repub­ lantic to a amooth landing here. They pledged the Fifth Amend­ pendable heat. You get pre­ rator tiles. Accoustical . . . soak Republicans on the legislatures ing to Ne Delhi report. The Superconstellatlon ferrying finish. Sovrango, 100-7, waa women. But Dr. Terry added; licans have clashed sharply. labor committee have reached a Kasl Texans report seeing long ment, saying answers might tend South Africa Joins fourth. Pardao, owned by Mrs. SUNSHINE HYDROX ’ "U'"" 4 9 c mium service, too All designed up to 80®^- of room noise that "TWa is a very ekeiting thing. Republicans, who control the U.S. military peraonnel and their to incriminate them. to make home heating easy. compromise on tlie workmen’s flaming object In sky and hearing families from Germany to Mc­ C. O. Iselln of Glenhead, NiY., strike.s them. Easy to install Now this is a veiy spectfic tj-pe House, have proposed a $553.6 mil­ compensation measure to exclude an explosion shortly after it van­ And one was cited for contempt Ranks of Republics was one of the four. American- of cancer in which there are not a lion budget — $36.6 million le.ss Guire Air Force Base, N.J., was after he refused, for a while, to owned entries In the field of 28. . . . covers cracks. great number of cases, but it's the controversial "baby , sillers" ished near Tyler. Texas... Rain forced to turn back two hours FANCY, FIRM, LARGE RIPE than that recommended by Demo­ clause. clouds hover across broad arpas in tell the judge, tyho advised him to Pretoria, South Africa, May 31 Call foAry for one of the widely growing cancers cratic Gov. John N. Dempsey. after leaving Shannon when one use the Fifth Amendment plea. NO DE.ATH PENALTY Visit our shoprroom. lAwk through our Better Homes and that happens to originate in the The clause had. been interpreted western two-thirds of nation after of its four propellere ran wild and liTi — South Africa became a re­ Dempsey late last week sug­ to mean that the law would extend night - of stormy weather In sec­ Charles D. Price, district man­ Paris, .May $1 LP) — The pro­ Garden home improvement books for ideas. No obligations. womb of a pregnant woman in the gested 'a meeting of leaders of the pilot could not feather it. ager of the Southern Bell Tele­ public today with the nation mo­ secution announced today it will Mobilhoat ar-ts No sales talk. membranes. coverage to part-time or casual tions of great plains and north­ One of the aircraft eecorting both parties to try to negotiate a employes such as babysitters and ern Texas... Premier Saeb Sal- phone Co., was the final witness nn bilized against demonstrations by not ;^k the death penalty for CaIIo Pkgs. “And in the past when this can­ compromise budget. President Kennedy to Ehirope of­ the second day. A government at­ two ex-generals on trial for Of Four cer has arisen, it’s been widely In the highway program, the persons moving lawns. am’s new cabinet in Beirut. Leba­ fered assistance but was not need­ the non-while majority of its Tomatoes 2 The new measure would ex­ non, wins vote of confidence by torney had started to ask for rec­ people. leading a military Insurrection growing and fatal in every in- Republicans have advanced a ed. A Pan American afrliner in ords of any phone calls between against President Charles Da Opon 7:30d.m. to 5 p.m. •tance. We have just passed the $151.6 million plan for the 2-year clude such workers, ^but would narrow majority after statement the vicinity ahepherded the crip­ Anniston and a Klan leader when Church bells at midnight and W E GIVE reain coverage for persona em­ promising to carry out develop­ cannot at daybreak heralded the Gaulle In Algiers last month. stage now, where, after treatment fiscal period beginning July 1. pled plane to safety. the judge recessed for the night. This development Indicated both GREEN STAMPS of a' group of these cases over a Democrats, who control the Sen­ ploying two or more workers. ment projects. Forty children were among the Testimony so far has shown that birth of Africa's 22nd independent long peripd of time, we feel hope­ The compromise bill also increases Republicans looking to Gen. 96 passengers aboard the Super- nation — and the only one still ex-generals will escape with IM ' ate, however, are backing Demp- biraclal groups of Freedom Riders Uves, hut will get heavy prison FRESH,-^IvEET. LUSCIOUS EATING GEORGIA BUILQINE MATERIALS OPEN FRIDAY ful, in fact, almost confident that •ey’s $150 million, 4-yqac highway compensation for 12 specific Dwight D. Eisenhower for re­ constellation, 20 of them babies met with violence in Anniston and wholly ruled by whites. we have gotten actual cures." categories of physical Injuries re­ sounding attack on Kennedy Ad­ Jubilant — white throngs —^ termsi Maurice Challe, oae-thne bonding program. ^ in arms. Birmingham on May 14 and in supreme conunandsr In Algeria MORIARTY LUMBER FUEL . He did not mention the name of Both programs would provide ceived while at work. ministration’s domestic policies at Chief hostess Elanore Prake- Montgomery on May 20. mostly Africaners who long want­ 7:30 ajn. to 8:30 pjn. the drug. However, experiments appropriations for Identical proj­ On Monday, the House acted on party rally coming up in Wash- peyk Glen Gardner, N.J., said "the Also in Montgomery yesterday, ed a republic free Of the 51 year and later commander fai chief of 336 NORTH MAIN STREET—PHONE MI 9-5253 have been )mder way for years ects. Howevt^r, the Republicans several controversial measures^ ington Federal District Judge passengers were just wonderful. the Alabama court of appeals up­ ruli under the British crown — North AtlanUo foieea In eentrM BROTHERS with methotrexate, ' chemical braved rain for nl^t-long revelry Europe, and Aadye Zeller, for­ OLA8TONBURV BRANCH EUANGTON BRANCH contend' their program Can accom­ It passed a 1^1 that would e^n - Irving R. Kaufman orders New They kept cairn even after, we had held the conviction of 12 Negroes PEACHES which has shown promlilng re- plish all that Dempsey proposes tually bar department stores, „ew- Rochelle. N. Y., Board of Elduc^- them take off tnelr shoes ,and get arrested in a series of sit-ins, rul­ in this administrative capital. mer nrmy chief of'staft, am be­ i es HebroB A'V»b m Road, Route S3 Satwday 7:30 ajii. to ing tried for trensoa by n ape* Ml 3-5135 n o ^ . gulta''wlth this type of dancer. > without bonding and at a saving elry stores ^and other mercantile Uon to proceed immediately with into their life jackets." ing that a merchant can serve As the Republic was bom the JA 2-58X6 , TRenont 5-6218 of $75 million in Interest charges clal military •at up 301-31E C m m t St. plans t« demgregate predomiBxnt- which ctutomers ha seas fit. COMfLETf HOMI HEATING SALES Md SERVICE (OaMUnaB FRga Four) In an affort to bring about a .(OaiittaiMd OB Fags Four) ly Negro Lincoln SchooL (CoatiBued aa Faga Bevea) Ten Nagro atudeats were fiaed .(OoaOaaad m Vaga Faor) da Ofialla’s __ - f //■ . A l♦>|.dU(Feli