Article, Review2019

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Utilization of the high spatial-frequency component in adaptive 1 Nakata, Y., Osawa, K., Miyanaga, N. Scientific Reports 9 1 beam shaping by using a virtual diagonal phase grating Morace, A., Iwata, N., Sentoku, Y., Mima, K., Arikawa, Y., Yogo, A., Andreev, A., Tosaki, S., Vaisseau, X., Abe, Y., Kojima, S., Sakata, S., Hata, M., Lee, S., Matsuo, Enhancing beam performance by interfering intense laser 2 K., Kamitsukasa, N., Norimatsu, T., Nature Communications 10 1 beamlets Kawanaka, J., Tokita, S., Miyanaga, N., Shiraga, H., Sakawa, Y., Nakai, M., Nishimura, H., Azechi, H., Fujioka, S., Kodama, R. Kinoshita, J., Ochi, K., Takamori, A., Color speckle measurement of white laser beam emitted from 3 Yamamoto, K., Kuroda, K., Suzuki, K., Optical Review 26 6 720-728 fiber output of RGB laser modules Hieda, K. Okada, K., Serita, K., Zang, Z., Murakami, 4 H., Kawayama, I., Cassar, Q., MacGrogan, Scanning laser terahertz near-field reflection imaging system 12 12 G., Guillet, J.-P., Mounaix, P., Tonouchi, Takano, K., Asai, M., Kato, K., Komiyama, Terahertz emission from gold nanorods irradiated by ultrashort 5 H., Yamaguchi, A., Iyoda, T., Tadokoro, Y., Scientific Reports 9 1 laser pulses of different wavelengths Nakajima, M., Bakunov, M.I. Gong, T., Habara, H., Sumioka, K., Yoshimoto, M., Hayashi, Y., Kawazu, S., Otsuki, T., Matsumoto, T., Minami, T., Abe, K., Aizawa, K., Enmei, Y., Fujita, Y., Direct observation of imploded core heating via fast electrons 6 Ikegami, A., Makiyama, H., Okazaki, K., Nature Communications 10 1 with super-penetration scheme Okida, K., Tsukamoto, T., Arikawa, Y., Fujioka, S., Iwasa, Y., Lee, S., Nagatomo, H., Shiraga, H., Yamanoi, K., Wei, M.S., Tanaka, K.A. Kojima, S., Hata, M., Iwata, N., Arikawa, Y., Morace, A., Sakata, S., Lee, S., Matsuo, K., Law, K.F.F., Morita, H., Electromagnetic field growth triggering super-ponderomotive Ochiai, Y., Yogo, A., Nagatomo, H., Ozaki, 7 electron acceleration during multi-picosecond laser-plasma Communications Physics 2 1 T., Johzaki, T., Sunahara, A., Sakagami, interaction H., Zhang, Z., Tosaki, S., Abe, Y., Kawanaka, J., Tokita, S., Nakai, M., Nishimura, H., Shiraga, H., Azechi, H., Guarguaglini, M., Hernandez, J.-A., Okuchi, T., Barroso, P., Benuzzi-Mounaix, A., Bethkenhagen, M., Bolis, R., Laser-driven shock compression of “synthetic planetary mixtures” 8 Brambrink, E., French, M., Fujimoto, Y., Scientific Reports 9 1 of water, ethanol, and ammonia Kodama, R., Koenig, M., Lefevre, F., Miyanishi, K., Ozaki, N., Redmer, R., Sano, T., Umeda, Y., Vinci, T., Ravasio, A. Li, D., Nakajima, M., Tani, M., Yang, J., 9 Kitahara, H., Hashida, M., Asakawa, M., Terahertz Radiation from Combined Metallic Slit Arrays Scientific Reports 9 1 Liu, W., Wei, Y., Yang, Z. Malko, S., Vaisseau, X., Perez, F., Batani, D., Curcio, A., Ehret, M., Honrubia, J., Enhanced relativistic-electron beam collimation using two 10 Scientific Reports 9 1 Jakubowska, K., Morace, A., Santos, J.J., consecutive laser pulses Volpe, L. Mabey, P., Albertazzi, B., Falize, E., Michel, T., Rigon, G., Van Box Som, L., Pelka, A., Brack, F.-E., Kroll, F., Filippov, Laboratory study of stationary accretion shock relevant to 11 Scientific Reports 9 1 E., Gregori, G., Kuramitsu, Y., Lamb, D.Q., astrophysical systems Li, C., Ozaki, N., Pikuz, S., Sakawa, Y., Tzeferacos, P., Koenig, M. Sano, T., Hata, M., Kawahito, D., Mima, Ultrafast wave-particle energy transfer in the collapse of standing 12 Physical Review E 100 5 K., Sentoku, Y. whistler waves Tsubakimoto, K., Higuchi, H., Fukuishi, K., Fast pulse train control using filled-aperture coherent beam 13 Letters 44 22 5434-5437 Yoshida, H., Miyanaga, N. combining for high-average-power laser systems MOC 2019 - 24th Microoptics 14 Ochi, K., Yamamoto, K. Speckle measurement for light diffusion fiber Conference Morioka, S., Ozaki, N., Hosomi, M., Katagiri, K., Matsuoka, T., Miyanishi, K., 15 Laser-shock compression experiment on magnesium hydride High Energy Density Physics 33 Okuchi, T., Sano, T., Umeda, Y., Kodama, R. Ota, M., Morace, A., Kumar, R., Collisionless electrostatic shock acceleration of proton using high 16 Kambayashi, S., Egashira, S., Kanasaki, High Energy Density Physics 33 intensity laser M., Fukuda, Y., Sakawa, Y. Article, Review2019

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Liu, C., Matsuo, K., Ferri, S., Chung, H.-K., Design of Zeeman spectroscopy experiment with magnetized 17 Lee, S., Sakata, S., Law, K.F.F., Morita, High Energy Density Physics 33 silicon plasma generated in the laboratory H., Pollock, B., Moody, J., Fujioka, S. Wantana, N., Kaewnuam, E., Radio, cathodo and photoluminescence investigations of high Radiation Physics and 18 Ruangtaweep, Y., Valiev, D., Stepanov, S., density WO3-Gd2O3- 164 Chemistry Yamanoi, K., Kim, H.J., Kaewkhao, J. B2O3 glass doped with Tb3+ Shimada, Y., Kawasaki, H., Watanabe, K., Hara, H., Anraku, K., Shoji, M., Oba, T., Optimized highly charged ion production for strong soft x-ray 19 Matsuda, M., Jiang, W., Sunahara, A., AIP Advances 9 11 sources obeying a quasi-Moseley's law Nishikino, M., Namba, S., O'Sullivan, G., Higashiguchi, T. Uehara, H., Konishi, D., Goya, K., Sahara, 20 Power scalable 30-W mid- fluoride fiber amplifier Optics Letters 44 19 4777-4780 R., Murakami, M., Tokita, S. Goya, K., Uehara, H., Konishi, D., Sahara, Stable 35-W Er: ZBLAN fiber laser with CaF2 end 21 Applied Physics Express 12 10 R., Murakami, M., Tokita, S. caps Minami, Y., Gabayno, J.L., Agulto, V.C., Lai, Y., Empizo, M.J.F., Shimizu, T., Spectroscopic investigation of praseodymium and cerium co- Journal of Non-Crystalline 22 Yamanoi, K., Sarukura, N., Yoshikawa, A., doped 20Al(PO3)3-80LiF glass for 521 Solids Murata, T., Guzik, M., Guyot, Y., Boulon, potential scintillator applications G., Harrison, J.A., Cadatal-Raduban, M. Kurata, M., Sekine, T., Hatano, Y., Muramatsu, Y., Morita, T., Kabeya, Y., Advanced Solid State - Development of a 100 J class cryogenically cooled multi-disk 23 Iguchi, T., Kurita, T., Takeuchi, Y., Kawai, Proceedings Laser Congress Yb:YAG Ceramics Laser K., Tamaoki, Y., Kato, Y., Tokita, S., 2019 (ASSL, LAC, LS and C) Kawanaka, J. Advanced Solid State Lasers - Hamamoto, K., Yasuhara, R., Tokita, S., 24 Piezooptic Coefficients Measurement of Ceramic YAG Proceedings Laser Congress Chyla, M., Kawanaka, J. 2019 (ASSL, LAC, LS and C) Pushkin, A.V., Migal, E.A., Uehara, H., Advanced Solid State Lasers - Goya, K., Tokita, S., Frolov, M.P., Directly fiber-pumped mid-IR Fe:ZnSe CW laser tunable from 3.8 25 Proceedings Laser Congress Korostelin, Yu.V., Kozlovsky, V.I., up to 5.1 μm 2019 (ASSL, LAC, LS and C) Skasyrsky, Ya.K., Potemkin, F.V. Nagatomo, H., Johzaki, T., Asahina, T., Study of fast ignition target design for ignition and burning 26 Hata, M., Sentoku, Y., Mima, K., Nuclear Fusion 59 10 experiments Sakagami, H. Effects of hole-boring and relativistic transparency on particle Yano, M., Zhidkov, A., Koga, J.K., Hosokai, 27 acceleration in overdense plasma irradiated by short multi-PW Physics of Plasmas 26 9 T., Kodama, R. laser pulses Complex spatiotemporal coupling distortion pre-compensation 25172- 28 Li, Z., Kawanaka, J. Optics Express 27 18 with double-compressors for an ultra-intense femtosecond laser 25186 International Conference on 2019- Koike, Y., Hirota, K., Qiu, H., Kimoto, S., The observation of spin reorientation phase transition in 29 Infrared, Millimeter, and Septe Kato, K., Yoshimura, M., Nakajima, M. Sm1-x Erx FeO3 Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz mber International Conference on 2019- Serita, K., Murakami, H., Kawayama, I., An ultrasensitive terahertz microfluidic chip based on Fano 30 Infrared, Millimeter, and Septe Tonouchi, M. resonance of a few arrays of meta-atoms Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz mber Hao, J., Chen, G., Nishimura, T., International Conference on 2019- Evaluation of Ga2O3 Surface Potential 31 Nakanishi, H., Murakami, H., Tonouchi, Infrared, Millimeter, and Septe using Laser THz emission Microscopy M., Kawayama, I. Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz mber Tojo, H., Sasao, H., Oyama, N., Laser transfer technique using wavefront correction and beam 32 Fusion Engineering and Design 146 1676-1680 Tsubakimoto, K., Yoshida, H. homogenizers in Thomson scattering diagnostics Nakajima, M., Qiu, H., Kimoto, S., Kato, Ultrafast magnetic response in ϵ-Fe2O3 International Conference on 2019- K., Koike, Y., Yoshimura, M., Imoto, K., 33 nano magnet measured by terahertz-pump optical-Faraday-probe Infrared, Millimeter, and Septe Yoshikiyo, M., Namai, A., Miyasita, S., measurement Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz mber Ohkoshi, S. Murakami, F., Serita, K., Murakami, H., International Conference on 2019- Dalipi, R., Urbas, A.M., Materna, A., Buza, Observation of Bi2 Te3/Te striped 34 Infrared, Millimeter, and Septe M., Pawlak, D.A., Tonouchi, M., structures using microscope Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz mber Kawayama, I. Nakajima, M., Kato, K., Qiu, H., Shimizu, International Conference on 2019- T., Sarukura, N., Yoshimura, M., Fukuda, Observation of strong yellow emission for high-conductivity ZnO 35 Infrared, Millimeter, and Septe T., Khutoryan, E.M., Tatematsu, Y., Tani, excited by sub-terahertz gyrotron beam Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz mber M., Idehara, T. Makino, K., Kato, K., Saito, Y., Fons, P., Switching of the Optical Properties of International Conference on 2019- 36 Kolobov, A.V., Tominaga, J., Nakano, T., Ge2Sb2Te5 Phase Change Infrared, Millimeter, and Septe Nakajima, M. Material in the Terahertz Frequency Region Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz mber Nakajima, M., Qiu, H., Wang, L., Shen, Z., International Conference on 2019- Polarization Control of Terahertz Spintronic Emitter Combined 37 Kato, K., Koike, Y., Yoshimura, M., Hu, W., Infrared, Millimeter, and Septe with Liquid Crystal by the External Magnetic and Electric Field Lu, Y. Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz mber Article, Review2019

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Mag-Usara, V.K., Torosyan, G., Talara, M., International Conference on 2019- Afalla, J., Muldera, J., Kitahara, H., Spintronic THz Generation Using a Silicon-based Fe/Pt Bilayer as 38 Infrared, Millimeter, and Septe Scheuer, L., Sokoluk, D., Papaioannou, the Radiation Source Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz mber E.T., Rahm, M., Beigang, R., Tani, M. Morita, T., Nagashima, K., Edamoto, M., Tomita, K., Sano, T., Itadani, Y., Kumar, R., Ota, M., Egashira, S., Yamazaki, R., Anomalous plasma acceleration in colliding high-power laser- 39 Tanaka, S.J., Tomita, S., Tomiya, S., Toda, Physics of Plasmas 26 9 produced plasmas H., Miyata, I., Kakuchi, S., Sei, S., Ishizaka, N., Matsukiyo, S., Kuramitsu, Y., Ohira, Y., Hoshino, M., Sakawa, Y. Iwasa, Y., Ogino, H., Song, D., Agulto, Synthesis, optical properties, and band structures of a series of Journal of Materials Science: 16827- 40 V.C., Yamanoi, K., Shimizu, T., Ueda, J., 30 18 layered mixed-anion compounds Materials in Electronics 16832 Hongo, K., Maezono, R., Tanabe, S., Rigon, G., Casner, A., Albertazzi, B., Michel, T., Mabey, P., Falize, E., Ballet, J., Van Box Som, L., Pikuz, S., Sakawa, Y., Rayleigh-Taylor instability experiments on the LULI2000 laser in 41 Physical Review E 100 2 Sano, T., Faenov, A., Pikuz, T., Ozaki, N., scaled conditions for young supernova remnants Kuramitsu, Y., Valdivia, M.P., Tzeferacos, P., Lamb, D., Koenig, M. Relativistic and electromagnetic molecular dynamics simulations Computer Physics 42 Tanaka, M., Murakami, M. 241 56-63 for a carbon–gold nanotube accelerator Communications Highly efficient femtosecond second-harmonic generation from Applied Physics B: Lasers and 43 Guo, X., Tokita, S., Kawanaka, J. 125 8 Yb:CaF2-regenerative amplifier Optics Li, C.K., Tikhonchuk, V.T., Moreno, Q., Sio, H., D'Humières, E., Ribeyre, X., Korneev, P., Atzeni, S., Betti, R., Birkel, A., Collisionless Shocks Driven by Supersonic Plasma Flows with 44 Campbell, E.M., Follett, R.K., Frenje, J.A., Physical Review Letters 123 5 Self-Generated Magnetic Fields Hu, S.X., Koenig, M., Sakawa, Y., Sangster, T.C., Seguin, F.H., Takabe, H., Zhang, S., Petrasso, R.D. Electron acceleration in dense plasmas heated by a picosecond 45 Iwata, N., Sentoku, Y., Sano, T., Mima, K. Nuclear Fusion 59 8 relativistic laser Murai, R., Fukuhara, T., Ando, G., Tanaka, Growth of large and high quality Y., Takahashi, Y., Matsumoto, K., Adachi, CsLiB6O10 crystals from self-flux 46 Applied Physics Express 12 7 H., Maruyama, M., Imanishi, M., Kato, K., solutions for high resistance against UV laser-induced Nakajima, M., Mori, Y., Yoshimura, M. degradation High-directional laser-plasma-induced X-ray source assisted by Li, H., Tang, X., Hang, S., Liu, Y., Mu, J., 47 collimated electron beams in targets with a self-generated Fusion Engineering and Design 144 193-201 Zhou, W. magnetic field Bolouki, N., Sakai, K., Huang, T.Y., Isayama, S., Liu, Y.L., Peng, C.W., Chen, C.H., Khasanah, N., Chu, H.H., Moritaka, T., Tomita, K., Sato, Y., Uchino, K., Morita, Collective Thomson scattering measurements of electron feature 48 High Energy Density Physics 32 82-88 T., Matsukiyo, S., Hara, Y., Shimogawara, using stimulated Brillouin scattering in laser-produced plasmas H., Sakawa, Y., Sakata, S., Kojima, S., Fujioka, S., Shoji, Y., Tomiya, S., Yamazaki, R., Koenig, M., Kuramitsu, Y. Hartley, N.J., Grenzer, J., Lu, W., Huang, L.G., Inubushi, Y., Kamimura, N., Katagiri, K., Kodama, R., Kon, A., Lipp, V., Makita, M., Matsuoka, T., Medvedev, N., Ultrafast anisotropic disordering in graphite driven by intense 49 High Energy Density Physics 32 63-69 Nakajima, S., Ozaki, N., Pikuz, T., Rode, hard X-ray pulses A.V., Rohatsch, K., Sagae, D., Schuster, A.K., Tono, K., Vorberger, J., Yabuuchi, T., Kraus, D. Mukuda, H., Yashima, M., Matsumura, T., Maki, S., Kitaoka, Y., Miyake, K., 125Te-NMR Study in Novel Superconductor Pb1− Journal of Superconductivity 50 32 6 1629-1632 Murakami, H., Giraldo-Gallo, P., Geballe, xTlxTe with Valence Skipping Dopants and Novel Magnetism T.H., Fisher, I.R. 2019 Conference on Lasers Ogino, J., Tokita, S., Zhaoyang, L., and Electro-Optics Europe and Yamaguchi, N., Motokoshi, S., Sakamoto, Key technologies for the development of 100 J, 100 Hz 51 European Quantum Electronics M., Morio, N., Tsubakimoto, K., Yoshida, cryogenically-cooled active-mirror amplifier Conference, CLEO/Europe- H., Fujioka, K., Kawanaka, J. EQEC 2019 2019 Conference on Lasers Tokita, S., Nishio, M., Uehara, H., and Electro-Optics Europe and Terbium aluminium garnet ceramics for ultrahigh power laser 52 Yanagitani, T., Fujioka, K., Kawanaka, J., European Quantum Electronics isolators Yasuhara, R. Conference, CLEO/Europe- EQEC 2019 Article, Review2019

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2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and Passively Q-switched Er:YAP single crystal laser at 2.92 μm 53 Kawase, H., Uehara, H., Yasuhara, R. European Quantum Electronics using graphene saturable absorber Conference, CLEO/Europe- EQEC 2019 Structure-preserving strategy for conservative simulation of the 54 Shiroto, T., Sentoku, Y. Physical Review E 99 5 relativistic nonlinear Landau-Fokker-Planck equation 2019 Conference on Lasers Pulse Sequence for Nearly Single-Cycle Terahertz Pulse 55 Avetisyan, Y., Miroyan, R., Tonouchi, M. and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2019 Generation in Aperiodically Poled Lithium Niobate - Proceedings Fujioka, K., Guo, X., Maruyama, M., Room-temperature bonding with post-heat treatment for 56 Optical Materials 91 344-348 Kawanaka, J., Miyanaga, N. composite Yb:YAG ceramic lasers Koga, J.K., Murakami, M., Arefiev, A.V., Probing and possible application of the QED vacuum with micro- Matter and Radiation at 57 4 3 Nakamiya, Y. bubble implosions induced by ultra-intense laser pulses Extremes Arbitrarily distorted 2-dimensional pulse-front measurement and 13292- 58 Li, Z., Ogino, J., Tokita, S., Kawanaka, J. Optics Express 27 9 reliability analysis 13306 High-sensitivity photoconductive detectors with wide dipole 59 Murakami, H., Mizui, K., Tonouchi, M. Journal of Applied Physics 125 15 electrodes for low frequency THz wave detection Sawada, H., Sentoku, Y., Yabuuchi, T., Zastrau, U., Förster, E., Beg, F.N., Chen, Monochromatic 2D Kα Emission Images Revealing Short-Pulse 60 Physical Review Letters 122 15 H., Kemp, A.J., McLean, H.S., Patel, P.K., Laser Isochoric Heating Mechanism Ping, Y. Possible method for a single-cycle 100 petawatt laser with wide- 61 Li, Z., Kawanaka, J. OSA Continuum 2 4 1125-1137 angle non-collinear optical parametric chirped pulse amplification Bio-Optics: Design and Okada, K., Serita, K., Zang, Z., Murakami, Application - Proceedings H., Kawayama, I., Cassar, Q., Al-Ibadi, A., Scanning laser terahertz near-field reflection microscope for Biophotonics Congress: Optics 62 MacGrogan, G., Zimmer, T., Guillet, J.-P., biological analysis in the Life Sciences Congress Mounaix, P., Tonouchi, M. 2019 (BODA, BRAIN, NTM, OMA, OMP) Kumar, R., Sakawa, Y., Döhl, L.N.K., Enhancement of collisionless shock ion acceleration by Physical Review Accelerators 63 22 4 Woolsey, N., Morace, A. electrostatic ion two-stream instability in the upstream plasma and Beams Kikuchi, M., Takizuka, T., Medvedev, S., Ando, T., Chen, D., Li, J.X., Austin, M., 64 L-mode-edge negative triangularity tokamak reactor Nuclear Fusion 59 5 Sauter, O., Villard, L., Merle, A., Fontana, M., Kishimoto, Y., Imadera, K. 65 Matsuoka, C., Nishihara, K., Sano, T. Nonlinear interfacial motion in magnetohydrodynamic flows High Energy Density Physics 31 19-23 Honda, Y., Motokoshi, S., Jitsuno, T., Temperature-dependent fluorescence decay and energy transfer 66 Fujioka, K., Nakatsuka, M., Yoshida, M., Optical Materials 90 215-219 in Nd/Cr:YAG ceramics Yamada, T., Kawanaka, J., Miyanaga, N. Murakami, M., Arefiev, A., Zosa, M.A., Relativistic proton emission from ultrahigh-energy-density 67 Physics of Plasmas 26 4 Koga, J.K., Nakamiya, Y. nanosphere generated by microbubble implosion Fujimoto, R., Maruyama, M., Okada, S., Adachi, H., Yoshikawa, H.Y., Takano, K., Large-scale crystallization of acetaminophen trihydrate by a novel 68 Applied Physics Express 12 4 Imanishi, M., Tsukamoto, K., Yoshimura, stirring technique M., Mori, Y. Mariscal, D., Ma, T., Wilks, S.C., Kemp, A.J., Williams, G.J., Michel, P., Chen, H., Patel, P.K., Remington, B.A., Bowers, M., Pelz, L., Hermann, M.R., Hsing, W., Martinez, D., Sigurdsson, R., Prantil, M., Conder, A., Lawson, J., Hamamoto, M., Di Nicola, P., Widmayer, C., Homoelle, D., First demonstration of ARC-accelerated proton beams at the 69 Lowe-Webb, R., Herriot, S., Williams, W., Physics of Plasmas 26 4 National Ignition Facility Alessi, D., Kalantar, D., Zacharias, R., Haefner, C., Thompson, N., Zobrist, T., Lord, D., Hash, N., Pak, A., Lemos, N., Tabak, M., McGuffey, C., Kim, J., Beg, F.N., Wei, M.S., Norreys, P., Morace, A., Iwata, N., Sentoku, Y., Neely, D., Scott, G.G., Flippo, K. Salvadori, M., Andreoli, P.L., Bollanti, S., Bombarda, F., Cipriani, M., Consoli, F., Cristofari, G., Angelis, R.D., Giorgio, G.D., 70 A laser-produced plasma X-ray source for contact microscopy Journal of Instrumentation 14 3 Flora, F., Giulietti, D., Mezi, L., Migliorati, M., Alkhimova, M.A., Pikuz, S., Pikuz, T., Kodama, R. Yabuuchi, T., Kon, A., Inubushi, Y., Togahi, T., Sueda, K., Itoga, T., Nakajima, An experimental platform using high-power, high-intensity optical Journal of Synchrotron 71 26 2 585-594 K., Habara, H., Kodama, R., Tomizawa, H., lasers with the hard X-ray free-electron laser at SACLA Radiation Yabashi, M. Article, Review2019

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Li, H., Tang, X., Hang, S., Liu, Y., Mu, J., Re-entry blackout elimination and communication performance 72 Physics of Plasmas 26 3 Zhou, W. analysis based on laser-plasma-induced X-ray emission Umeda, T., Yamazaki, R., Ohira, Y., Ishizaka, N., Kakuchi, S., Kuramitsu, Y., Full particle-in-cell simulation of the interaction between two 73 Matsukiyo, S., Miyata, I., Morita, T., plasmas for laboratory experiments on the generation of Physics of Plasmas 26 3 Sakawa, Y., Sano, T., Sei, S., Tanaka, S.J., magnetized collisionless shocks with high-power lasers Toda, H., Tomita, S. Casner, A., Mailliet, C., Rigon, G., Khan, S.F., Martinez, D., Albertazzi, B., Michel, T., Sano, T., Sakawa, Y., Tzeferacos, P., Lamb, D., Liberatore, S., Izumi, N., From ICF to laboratory astrophysics: Ablative and classical 74 Nuclear Fusion 59 3 Kalantar, D., Di Nicola, P., Di Nicola, J.M., Rayleigh-Taylor instability experiments in turbulent-like regimes Le Bel, E., Igumenshchev, I., Tikhonchuk, V., Remington, B.A., Ballet, J., Falize, E., Masse, L., Smalyuk, V.A., Koenig, M. Theoretical calculation and experimental investigation of speckle Yamada, H., Moriyasu, K., Sato, H., Journal of Optics (United 75 reduction by multiple wavelength lasers in laser projector with 21 4 Hatanaka, H., Yamamoto, K. Kingdom) different angular diversities Quadratic conservative scheme for relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell Journal of Computational 76 Shiroto, T., Ohnishi, N., Sentoku, Y. 379 32-50 system Physics Yamada, H., Moriyasu, K., Sato, H., Effect of brightness on speckle contrast and human speckle 77 OSA Continuum 2 2 349-357 Hatanaka, H., Yamamoto, K. perception in laser projection systems Theoretical method for generating regular spatiotemporal pulsed- 78 Li, Z., Miyanaga, N. Optics Communications 432 91-96 beam with controlled transverse-spatiotemporal dispersion Ishino, M., Kitamura, T., Takamori, A., Scanning 3D-LiDAR based on visible laser diode for sensor- 79 Kinoshita, J., Hasegawa, N., Nishikino, M., Optical Review 26 1 213-220 integrated variable distribution lighting Yamamoto, K. Kinoshita, J., Yamamoto, K., Takamori, A., Visual resolution of raster-scan laser mobile projectors under 80 Optical Review 26 1 187-200 Kuroda, K., Suzuki, K. effects of color speckle Uehara, H., Tokita, S., Kawanaka, J., A passively Q-switched compact 81 Applied Physics Express 12 2 Konishi, D., Murakami, M., Yasuhara, R. Er:Lu2O3 ceramics laser at 2.8 μm with Sasaki, T., Ohuchi, T., Watabe, A., An Exploding Wire-Compression Method for Evaluating the IEEE Transactions on Plasma 82 Sugimoto, S., Takahashi, K., Kikuchi, T., Electrical Conductivity of Diamond-Like Carbon in a Warm Dense 47 2 1477-1481 Science Koga, M., Fujioka, S. State Sunahara, A., Asahina, T., Nagatomo, H., Efficient laser acceleration of deuteron ions through optimization Plasma Physics and Controlled 83 Hanayama, R., Mima, K., Tanaka, H., 61 2 of pre-plasma formation for neutron source development Fusion Kato, Y., Nakai, S. Ohkoshi, S.-I., Imoto, K., Namai, A., Rapid Faraday Rotation on ϵ-Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles Journal of the American 84 Yoshikiyo, M., Miyashita, S., Qiu, H., 141 4 1775-1780 by Visible and Terahertz Pulsed Light Chemical Society Kimoto, S., Kato, K., Nakajima, M. High beam quality and high peak power Yb:YAG/Cr:YAG 85 Guo, X., Tokita, S., Kawanaka, J. Optics Express 27 1 45-54 microchip laser Sakaiya, T., Terasaki, H., Akimoto, K., Measurements of Rayleigh–Taylor instability growth of laser- 86 Kato, H., Ueda, T., Hosogi, R., Fujikawa, High Pressure Research 39 1 150-159 shocked iron–silicon alloy T., Kondo, T., Hironaka, Y., Shigemori, K. Dispersion Relation in Chiral Media: Credibility of Drude–Born– Springer Series in Materials 87 Cho, K. 287 Fedorov Equations Science Proceedings of SPIE - The An ultra-high sensitive THz microfluidic chip with asymmetric 88 Serita, K., Tonouchi, M. International Society for 10917 meta-atoms for measurements of trace amount of liquid solutions Optical Engineering Serita, K., Murakami, H., Kawayama, I., A terahertz-microfluidic chip with a few arrays of asymmetric 89 6 1 Tonouchi, M. meta-atoms for the ultra-trace sensing of solutions Proceedings of SPIE - The Ikeda, Y., Sakamoto, J., Kadoya, A., 90 Single-mode fiber coupled compact RGB laser module International Society for 11145 Fukushi, I., Tojo, K., Yamamoto, K. Optical Engineering Proceedings of SPIE - The Goya, K., Uehara, H., Konishi, D., High-index-contrast Bragg gratings fabricated in fluoride fiber 91 International Society for 10899 Murakami, M., Tokita, S. with 513-nm femtosecond laser Optical Engineering Part F127- Pulse sequence for nearly single-cycle terahertz pulse generation Optics InfoBase Conference 92 Avetisyan, Y., Miroyan, R., Tonouchi, M. CLEO in aperiodically poled lithium niobate Papers _AT 2019 Mori, Y., Imanishi, M., Murakami, K., Japanese Journal of Applied 93 Recent progress of na-flux method for gan crystal growth 58 SC Yoshimura, M. Physics Proceedings of SPIE - The Ishino, M., Kitamura, T., Takamori, A., Wireless optical feeding to remote moving object using visible 94 International Society for 11145 Kinoshita, J., Yamamoto, K. laser diodes Optical Engineering Article, Review2019

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Part Ogino, J., Tokita, S., Zhaoyang, L., F140- Yamaguchi, N., Motokoshi, S., Sakamoto, Key technologies for the development of 100 J, 100 Hz Optics InfoBase Conference CLEO 95 M., Morio, N., Tsubakimoto, K., Yoshida, cryogenically-cooled active-mirror amplifier Papers _Euro H., Fujioka, K., Kawanaka, J. pe 2019 Nearly single-cycle terahertz pulse generation in aperiodically 96 Avetisyan, Y., Tonouchi, M. Photonics 6 1 poled lithium niobate Kurata, M., Sekine, T., Hatano, Y., Part Muramatsu, Y., Morita, T., Kabeya, Y., Development of a 100 J class cryogenically cooled multi-disk Optics InfoBase Conference F139- 97 Iguchi, T., Kurita, T., Takeuchi, Y., Kawai, Yb:YAG ceramics laser Papers ASSL K., Tamaoki, Y., Kato, Y., Tokita, S., 2019 Kawanaka, J. Matsui, T., Takano, K., Nakajima, M., Efficient Optical Modulation of Terahertz Metamaterials Utilizing Springer Series in Materials 98 287 Hangyo, M. Organic/Inorganic Semiconductor Hybrid Systems Science Kabeya, Y., Morita, T., Hatano, Y., Iguchi, T., Muramatsu, Y., Sekine, T., Takeuchi, Proceedings of SPIE - The Development of a 10-J, 10-Hz laser amplifier system with cryo- 99 Y., Kurita, T., Tamaoki, Y., Iyama, K., International Society for 10896 cooled Yb:YAG ceramics using active-mirror method Kurata, M., Mizuta, Y., Kawai, K., Kato, Y., Optical Engineering Tokita, S., Kawanaka, J. Proceedings of SPIE - The Yamada, H., Moriyasu, K., Sato, H., 100 Speckle reduction in laser projector International Society for 11145 Hatanaka, H., Yamamoto, K. Optical Engineering Maximizing magnetic field generation in high power laser-solid High Power Laser Science and 101 Huang, L.G., Takabe, H., Cowan, T.E. interactions Engineering Proceedings of SPIE - The Longitudinally excited co2 laser with a spike pulse 102 Sakamoto, K., Uno, K., Jitsuno, T. International Society for 10898 width of 100 ns to 300 ns Optical Engineering Part F140- Tokita, S., Nishio, M., Uehara, H., Terbium aluminium garnet ceramics for ultrahigh power laser Optics InfoBase Conference CLEO 103 Yanagitani, T., Fujioka, K., Kawanaka, J., isolators Papers _Euro Yasuhara, R. pe 2019 Journal of Advanced Ohkubo, T., Matsunaga, E.-I., Kawanaka, Recurrent neural network for predicting dielectric mirror 104 Computational Intelligence and 23 6 1012-1018 J., Jitsuno, T., Motokoshi, S., Yoshida, K. reflectivity Intelligent Informatics Proceedings of SPIE - The Ochi, K., Kinoshita, J., Kuroda, K., Suzuki, Uniformity of visual resolution of raster-scan rgb laser projector 105 International Society for 11145 K., Hieda, K., Takamori, A., Yamamoto, K. considering color speckle Optical Engineering Kinoshita, J., Takamori, A., Ochi, K., Proceedings of SPIE - The 106 Yamamoto, K., Kuroda, K., Suzuki, K., Color spec International Society for 11145 Hieda, K. Optical Engineering Lai, Y., Gabayno, J.L., Cadatal-Raduban, Direct measurement of refractive index and dispersion of optical Japanese Journal of Applied 107 58 9 M., Yamanoi, K., Shimizu, T., Sarukura, N. glass by dual-prism configuration with imaging spectrograph Physics Yano, M., Zhidkov, A., Hosokai, T., Probing space-time distortion via the interaction of multi-PW 108 High Energy Density Physics 30 21-28 Kodama, R. class laser pulses with underdense plasmas Part F140- Passively Q-switched Er:YAP single crystal laser at 2.92 μm Optics InfoBase Conference CLEO 109 Kawase, H., Uehara, H., Yasuhara, R. using graphene saturable absorber Papers _Euro pe 2019 Takano, K., Kang, B., Tadokoro, Y., Kato, Development and Applications of Metasurfaces for Terahertz Springer Series in Materials 110 287 K., Nakajima, M., Hangyo, M. Waves Science Y-Ba-Cu-O semiconducting pyroelectric thermal sensors: Design Proceedings of SPIE - The Dégardin, A., Jagtap, V., Razanoelina, M., 111 and test of near-infrared amorphous thin film detectors and International Society for 11164 Galiano, X., Tonouchi, M., Kreisler, A. extension to antenna-coupled THz devices Optical Engineering Pushkin, A.V., Migal, E.A., Uehara, H., Part Goya, K., Tokita, S., Frolov, M.P., Directly fiber-pumped mid-IR Fe:ZnSe CW laser tunable from 3.8 Optics InfoBase Conference F139- 112 Korostelin, Y.V., Kozlovsky, V.I., up to 5.1 μm Papers ASSL Skasyrsky, Y.K., Potemkin, F.V. 2019 Proceedings of SPIE - The Terahertz wave manipulation and detection based on liquid 113 Wang, L., Lu, Y.Q., Nakajima, M. International Society for 10941 crystals Optical Engineering Part Hamamoto, K., Yasuhara, R., Tokita, S., Optics InfoBase Conference F139- 114 Piezooptic coefficients measurement of ceramic YAG Chyla, M., Kawanaka, J. Papers ASSL 2019 Article, Review2019

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