Social Safeguard Monitoring Report

Project No. 36173-013 Period covering January to June 2019 November 2019

Sri Lanka: Greater Wastewater


Prepared by the Project Management Unit Colombo Municipal Council for the Asian Development Bank.

This Social Safeguard Monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area

Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project Loan Number 2557 (OCR) / 2558 (SF) - SRI

Social Safeguard Bi-Annual Report January to June 2019

Implementing agency Colombo Municipal Council (CMC)

Executing Agency Ministry of Internal & Home Affairs and Provincial Councils &Local Government

Prepared by: Project Management Unit - CMC November 2019

Table of Content

1. INTRODUCTION ...... 4 1.1. Project Background ...... 4 1.2. Social Safeguards Parameters ...... 5 2. DETAILED SOCIAL SAFEGUARD ACTIVITIES UNDER EACH MAJOR WORKS CONTRACT ...... 8 2.1. Rehabilitation of Pumping Stations and Pumping Mains ...... 8 2.2. Rehabilitation of Selected 10 km Sewer lines and Condition Assessment of 125 km Sewer lines within the Colombo Municipal area ...... 11 2.3. Rehabilitation of Sea Out Falls at and ...... 20 2.4. Upgrading Wanathamulla gravity sewer network for Colombo Municipal Council ...... 20 2.5. Supply and Delivery of Equipment for Operation & Maintenance of sewer System ...... 21


ADB Asian Development Bank AP’s Affected Persons CMC Colombo Municipal Council CGR Ceylon Government Railways DSC Design and Construction Supervision Consultants DSD Divisional Secretariat Division EA Executing Agency EMP Environment Monitoring Plan EM Environment Manager GCWMP Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project GRC Grievances Redressal Committee GRM Grievances Redressal Mechanism GND Grama Niladhari Division HH Households IR Involuntary Resettlement MIH&PCLG Ministry of Internal & Home Affairs and Provincial Councils & Local Government NBRO National Building Research Organization NIRP National Involuntary Resettlement Policy NSC National Steering Committee PD Project Director PS Pumping station PMU Project Management Unit RAP Resettlement Action Plan RS Resettlement Specialist SC Safeguards Committee SIA Social Impact Assessment SSC Social Safeguard Committee SSMR Social Safeguards monitoring report SSO Social Safeguard Officer SPS Safeguards Policy Statement UDA Urban Development Authority URP Urban Regeneration Project WP Western Province



1.1. Project Background

1. The Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project (GCWMP) is financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of to a total of USD116.5 million. Out of which ADB is financing USD100 million. The project became effective in April 2009 and is planned to be completed by 31 December 2020. The Ministry of Internal & Home Affairs and Provincial Councils & Local Government (MIH&PCLG) is the executing agency of the Project. Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) and the National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB) are the project implementing agencies. This report elaborates details of activities under the CMC component.

2. The expected project impact is an improved urban environment and better public health in the Greater Colombo area. The project outcome is an improved wastewater management services to the residents within the project area. The project has three components; a) Upgrade sewerage infrastructure, including rehabilitating the main sewerage system in Greater Colombo; b) Strengthening institutional and operational capacity; and c) Project management and implementation support.

3. All major works contracts are carried out under Component-1 which directly involves with environment and socials safeguards matters.

Figurer 1- Project Location Map


1.2. Social Safeguards Parameters

4. Project classification - As per ADB’s Involuntary Resettlement Policy (1995) this project is classified as Category-B for Involuntary Resettlement and Category-C for Indigenous People. The Construction works under the project are limited to upgrading existing sewerage infrastructure within existing facility boundaries. Screening during project preparation showed no impacts on indigenous peoples and based on ADB’s Policy on Indigenous People (1998) it is classified as Category-C.

5. A Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) has been introduced for this project by ADB together with Ministry and the CMC. The GRM is expected to solve project related impacts efficiently to the satisfaction of the affected people and the stakeholders

6. Financing - All social safeguard and resettlement related activities are financed by Government of Sri Lanka as a part of the co-financing to the project.

7. Resettlement Plans - A Resettlement Planning Document was prepared in May 2009 and was subsequently approved by the ADB. Resettlement Plans for all major civil works contracts were also prepared during the project implementation stage and approved by ADB. National Involuntary Resettlement Policy (NIRP) has been considered in preparation of these documents to avoid unnecessary disturbance to the people and the project implementation. Details on significant changes to the project’s originally planned safeguard activities are submitted in Supplementary Resettlement Plans, for MIH&PCLG and ADB approval. Socio economic surveys were carried out in preparing the Resettlement Plans and the following activities were identified in order to mitigate any social safeguard issues during construction activities.

Impact Suggested mitigation measure • Transportation and • Road sections should be developed stage by stage (staggered access difficulties rehabilitation) without excavating the entire area at once • Difficulties faced by • Construction work should be completed in a speedy manner vehicle users • Exploring all possibilities to use alternative access roads • Environmental • Conducting construction activities during night hours (only in related impact such suitable sub-project’s sections). as dust, noise, • Explore possibilities to apply trenchless technology in laying vibration, odor, etc. pipes (especially, in narrow roads). • health and safety • Effective management of the project site (clearing the road, issues providing steel plates as temporary entrances to houses during construction period) • Providing safe vehicle parks during construction phase • Implementation of the environment management plan to minimize environment related impact. • take necessary action to prevent vector based diseases • consider workers’ health • provide First Aid medical service • health education • provide potable drinking water in all work places and accommodations • shall provide hygiene facilities to every work place and accommodation Table-1

8. Planning and implementation – Socio economic surveys were done before preparation of each resettlement plan. Public awareness programs were carried out under the respective civil work contracts,

5 and people are informed of the construction activities and the complaint handling procedure of the project, beforehand. Display boards with contact details are kept at sites for any affected people to make a complaint. Complaint registers are also maintained in all sites. Complaints are handled through the Grievance Redress Mechanism as prescribed in the Resettlement Planning Document.

9. Monitoring and Reporting - CMC’s Project Management Unit (PMU) regularly visits the sites and notes down all social safeguards activities against the details provided in the Resettlement Plans. PMU reports to ADB on bi-annual reports on its observations and updates. PMU’s Sociologist and Grievance Redressal Officer is the focal point for all monitoring and reporting activities. Project Director (PD) supervises PMU’s Sociologist.

10. During reporting period ADB review mission has also reviewed project progress on 19.02.2019 and mission has visited all construction sites to check the construction progress.

ADB Mission at the meeting with PMU staff at Project Management unit

11. Stakeholder’s involvement – Under the MIH&PCLG’s overall responsibility, PMU is in charge of implementing and overseeing all the social safeguard activities of the project. Design and Construction Supervision Consultants (DSC), carry out their respective duties under the PMU’ requirement. Domestic Resettlement Specialist (DRS) of the DSC is responsible for these activities. PMU’s activities are also strengthened by staff from CMC. Project’s national steering committee, headed by the ministry secretary, regularly reviews significant social safeguard issues. Issues which involve external stakeholders are invited to this committee meeting and solutions are proposed.

12. Following table illustrates more details on these responsibilities:

Activity Action Approval Institutional Strengthening: Consultancy support to PMU Sociologist PMU PMU-PD Training and support to PMU and District Offices DSC PMU-PD Preparation of Resettlement Plans: Design of DMS questionnaire DSC-RS PMU-Sociologist Implementation of DMS, screening of vulnerable households DSC-RS PMU- Sociologist Calculation of average values for entitlements DSC-RS PMU- Sociologist Preparation of RP DSC-RS PMU- Sociologist Public consultation on RP and entitlements DSC-RS PMU- Sociologist Incorporation of comments, preparation of final RP DSC-RS ADB Public disclosure of RPs PMU- EA, ADB Implementation of Resettlement Plans: Appointment of external monitor PMU PMU-PD Internal and external monitoring PMU- PMU-PD, ADB


Allocation of RP budgets PMU PMU-PD Preparation of lists of entitled persons and entitlements DSC-RS PMU- Sociologist Evacuation and resettlement of APs UDA, PMU and PMU-PD Receiving and handling of grievances PMU, DSC PMU-PD, GRC Monitoring of resettlement related activities implemented by UDA PMU, DSC PMU-PD Reporting of monitoring results to ADB and CMC PMU, DSC PMU-PD Communication of outcome of GRC cases GRC - Surveys to determine level of AP satisfaction PMU - PMU-PD Table-2

13. Projects’ Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) - Reporting the grievances to the site staff of the Contractor and the Engineer by the Affected Persons (APs) and the complaints received by other parties such as CMC, PD or other relevant officers shall also be channeled through this process. The Contractor (Contractor’s Public Relations Officer) should then acknowledge in writing the receipt of the complaint to the APs and report the incident to Engineer’s site staff and the PMU immediately. Contractor shall attend to the complaint with the agreeable solution with the consultation of the Engineer’s site staff within about three days and inform of the solution to the APs/Engineer’s site staff/PMU in writing with agreeable time frame to solve the issue. If the agreed period is more than a month contractor should update complainant periodically.

14. If the fresh complain reaches to the level 1 above, it should be sent to the contractor and complainant should be acknowledged. The SS officer shall follow up on each of these complaints periodically. If the Contractor fails to solve the complaint within agreed time frame or lagging to adhere to the proposed millstones, the complainant shall now be informed the PMU- PD level for further action. PD shall provide agreeable solution to the complainant within the one week. During this period the PMU SS officer shall be responsible to update the complainant on the same procedure as mentioned above. If PMU PD fails to solve the complaint within the agreed time frame or lagging schedule, the complainant can take up this to the Safeguard Committee (SC) the same procedure shall precede to an agreeable solution within two weeks, all these statuses shall be informed to the APs at the appropriate times. If the SC fails to provide an agreeable solution, complainant may seek legal action.

Figure-2: GRM


15. Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement - There are no any land acquisition under any of the components under this project as all the sewer line construction work along the public road, and pumping station constructions are at existing lands belongs to the CMC. But some resettlement has been occurred to get land clearer to make access to the construction site and due to some construction related effect, the affected parties paid compensation for their losses what was proposed in the resettlement plan before commencing the construction activities.


16. Under Project Component-1, five major contracts were awarded. Four contracts are of civil works and the rest is supply of vehicles and equipment. Following paragraphs explain progress of each contract and the social safeguard matters handled, respectively.

2.1. Rehabilitation of Pumping Stations and Pumping Mains

17. There are 15 pumping station facilitated to provide sewer facilitate to the general public in the Colombo city in order to provide good life condition and the safe and healthy environment the people. Except CS-3 pump at reclamation road near previous fish market and the newly proposed small pump close to Colombo harbor all others are old stations established in Colonial era of the country (about 100 years ago). All of the pumping stations had been rehabilitated under different programs in 1980s and after that there was no significant improvement except some routine maintenance done occasionally to renovate buildings of the premises.

18. Therefore, all of them are highly dilapidated. They create numerous problems in effective operations. Hence, it was identified/proposed to rehabilitate /construct highly dilapidated pump station to provide sewerage facilitate without any disturbances to the public.

19. Contract details - Under this contract 9 number of CMC owned Sewerage pumping stations (Wanathamulla, Thibirigasyaya, Maligawata, , Vistvyke, Harbour, , CS3 and ) will be rehabilitated.

Details Date of Date of Status Physical Financial award completion progress progress Contractor: M/s 30 July 31 Super structure for 3 pumping 58.03% 50% Larson and Turbo 2015 December station, M&E installation for Pvt. Ltd. 2020 one pumping station pilling works for one pumping station Contract amount: and design works for 2 $57.84 million pumping station are in progress Table -3

20. Detailed social safeguard activities - There are no land acquisition under this component, thus no such cases under this component. However temporary resettlement cases and construction related complaints are handled by the PMU. Following paragrapgs illustrates such cases under each pumping station PS’s): a. Wanathmulla PS: The works in sub-component on construction of Wanathamulla PS related to upgrading sewerage infrastructure in the Wanathamulla area. As reported in last SSMR the adjoining house was damaged as result of the vibration of the deep excavation of PS


construction, and a complain was logged by house owner on house damage to the contractor several times. After numerous discussion had with complainant and the contractor, the latter agreed to repair the damaged house by using their own resources. However disagreement for the compensation package1 between contractor and the AP of the damaged house number 123/6 A the repair work does not exist. Therefore complainant sent complaint to the project director, and the project director forwarded it to project GRM.

GRM committee has observed the situation and damage clarified as construction induced impact. Hence contractor is bound to bear all cost related to the damage. Therefore it is recommended the contractor to bear all the cost related to the house damage after estimate by third party organization. Compensation package for the house rent has also been recommended by GRM to pay for the family during house construction activities.

However, in the meantime the damaged house has begun severely damaged as a result of the heavy rain of the area. Therefore project officials decided to resettle the family as soon as possible considering safety of the people until repair the damaged house as an immediate action. As per the recommendation given by GRM committee temporary resettlement cost will be borne by the Contractor and resettlement works will be implemented by the project according to the resettlement policy frame work of the ADB and the government. Project will attend monitoring of i) resettlement ii) damage house repair works iii) finding a house on rent iv) resettling the Aps at rented house and coming back to their own house after repair of the house vi) and assisting in Introducing resettled people to host community vii) conducting on socio economic and satisfaction survey.

b. PS: The proposed construction of the Maligawatta PS is to facilitate upgrading sewer system of the area. During public awareness program held on 6th November 2017 at Mallikarama Temple to explain construction activities to the community and the Grievance Redress Mechanism of the project, at the meeting the three families were requested to relocate during pilling works considering their safety and it was identified that the riskiness of the people during pilling works of the site due to numerous cracks and dislocations observed in the structures (houses and boundary walls) by project officials in their visiting; and decided to temporary resettled them for 12 months starting from 20 February 2018 to 19 February 2019 with compensation for rent alternative houses and transport household item to rent houses considering safety of the people of the house. In addition, rented house has been found with support of the project officials in close vicinity and also project officials have also been facilitated to the affected parties to adjust life in new surroundings as per the safeguard policy statement of ADB SPS and NIRP.

21. Following table illustrates complaints received during the reporting period and their status.

Construction Category Cumulative Status Remarks site number of Solved Ongoing complaints Wanathamulla House damage 21 17 04 Out of 04 complaints two have received NBRO reports on damage and sent to the insurance company for compensation.

1 Contractor agreed to pay Rs. 900,000.00 for the house rapier works and also agreed to repair by contractor they own using contractor’s resources. But complainant didn’t agree to the solution


Wanathamulla Objection from 01 01 - - force Main the public on road closing Maligawatta Noise/Against 11 10 01 Complainant has explained on installation of construction methodology and tower crane liability of insurance coverage Thibirigasyaya 1.Drainage 32 31 01 After preparation of blocked compensation plan contractor • 2.Cracks on the had negotiation with the wall and pool complainant and agreed to • 3.Noise compensation plan Vistwyke House damage 08 06 02 Waiting for NBRO report Boralla 1.Work in 04 04 - - holydays 2. dust 3. noise Table -4

22. Following social safeguard related activities were carried out in terms of information disclosure:

Events Date of event Sub project Reason/s conducted Discussion on damage 22.01.2019 Wanathamulla PS site To find solution on the house issue Investigation of Damage 14.03.2019 Wanathamulla PS site To preparation of estimate house with NBRO for house repair Site visit 22.03.2019 Boralla, Maligawatta PS Site monitoring Meeting with contactor 10.06.2019 Wanathulla PS site To arrange Site visit 20.06.2019 CS 3, Slave Island, Vistyke PS Site monitoring sites Table -5

23. Events planned for the second half of 2019:

Construction sites Event Wanathamulla PS Site visit, follow up house damage repair works and temporary relocation of family during house repair works, preparing SRP-5 and submitting for ADB approval Maligawatta PS, Slave Site visit and awareness program (if necessary ), preparation of SRP-5. Island CS3, Thibirigasyaya and Site visit and awareness program (if necessary ) Bambalapitiya PS Vitsyke PS Site visit, follow up house damage repair works and awareness program (if necessary ) Boralla Site visit and observation on cracks survey awareness program Table -6

24. The site visits are proposed regularly at Wanathamulla, Bambalapitiya, Vistvyke, Thibirigasyaya, Slave Island and Boralla pumping stations follow up for the next half year.


2.2. Rehabilitation of Selected 10 km Sewer lines and Condition Assessment of 125 km Sewer lines within the Colombo Municipal area

25. Contract details - Under this contract there are 5 sub-components named A1 sewer, M26, T1, U1, U3 and CFM9. Rehabilitation works of U1 and U3 series has been finished and handed over to the CMC. Rehabilitation works of the M26 and T1 series are in progress now. And CCTV based conditional assessment of 125 km pipes are nearing completion.

Details Date of Date of Status Physical Financial award completion progress progress Contractor: Teacly(s) 3 May 30 March Sewer construction 98.53.% 94.51% Pvt. Ltd. 2014 2019 through trench-less technique and open Contract amount: cut are in- progress $35.51 million Table -7

26. Detailed social safeguard activities –There are no any land acquisitions under this component. However social safeguard committee has been established to address social safeguard issues if any except relocation of encroached 11 families at CGR quarters road and Mallikarama road at M26 sewer line to get land cleared for construction activities.

27. As reported in last bi annual report the 11 families along the Mallikarama Lane in Dematttagoda were permanently been resettled at Kollonnawa, Salamulla “Laksada Sevana” housing scheme with their agreement during Q4-2017, and as agreed and scheduled in SRP 1 and 2. The project Social Safeguard team has given maximum support to the resettled parties to get used to the life in new location and with new lifestyle for a period of six months. After resettled them at high rise building not only that project team but also URP-UDA with the help of the government and private sector helped them to find schools to their children. During reported period safeguard team has visited them too.

28. As reported in last SSMR the three families who were living at Mallikarama Road have been temporarily resettled for 12 months due to the obstruction of the entrances to these two houses and considering health and safety issues of the members of the families due finalized alignment of the of M26 sewer. All compensation related to the temporary resettlement has been paid before resettled them at rented out in houses with approval of Ministry. ADB concurrence has also been granted for this temporary resettlement. Details of the temporary resettled three families as follows:

No Name of CHH Property Address 01 Ms. Chandra Amarasiri House No. 60/4,Mallikarama Mawatha, , Manchanayake Colombo 09 02 Ms.Frazana Sharik House No. 60/5,Mallikarama Mawatha, Dematagoda, Colombo 09 03 Mr. Mohamed Ilyas House No. 60/5,Mallikarama Mawatha, Dematagoda, Colombo 09 Table-8

29. ADB review mission has also met the people who were affected by construction activities before resettled them temporarily at alternative places for their safety.


Discussion with affected party at shaft number 4 at M26 sewer on temporary resettlement

Social Development Officer of the ADB inquiring of the temporary resettlement with affected parties at Nos. 60/4 and 60/5, Mallikarama Mawatha, Dematagoda, Colombo 09

30. The two families living at house number 60/3 at next to the Shaft-4 of M26-ADB1 sewer along Mallikarama Road complained regarding the difficulties that they faced during heavy construction activities and requested for temporary relocation to avoid construction related difficulties. The consultants, PMU safeguard team together with contractor construction crew investigated the situation and implemented several measures to improve the situation so that they can continue to stay at their house. These include i) stopping construction work by 7 pm, ii) improved safety at Shaft-4, iii) additional mosquito control measures and v) additional dust suppression measures to improve environment hazards.

31. Details of the affected families:

No Name of CHH Property Address 01 Mr. M.LM. Jiffry House (down No. 60/3, Mallikarama Mawatha, Dematagoda, Colombo 09 stair) 02 Mr. Bilal House(up stair) No. 60/3, Mallikarama Mawatha, Dematagoda, Colombo 09 Table-9

Front View of the house number No. 60/3


32. It was agreed to reassess the situation in a week and make a final decision. However, despite these improvements the APs continued to complain about the difficulties. At the follow up visit by the project officials the request made by said two Families living in one house hold for relocation was reviewed and considering the health and safety due to noise and vibration of deep excavation work, it was agreed to temporary relocate the families living in one house for Six months with all compensation associated to the temporary relocation.

33. Project entitlement matrix given in the resettlement planning document of May 2009 was revised to include entitlements for losses/ damages which did not appear in the above document. This revised entitlement matrix is presented below in Table-10.

Implementation Definition of Entitled Compensation Type of Loss Application Issues/ Responsible Person Policy Agency Demolition Title owners All (cash) payments Involuntary CMC with the guidance of or the users for land and structure Resettlement, 1995- from the Ministry of structures of the will be made at Payment for lost local government and structures replacement costs. assets, assistance to PMU will implement (who have All payments at reorganize on the recommended built them) replacement cost in existing land or actions in the RP. material, cash, or a relocate on alternate combination of both land and support for according to the transition period. actual loss to repair or rebuild the structure to original or better condition when remaining land sufficient to rebuild upon; Temporary compensation House owners or the Payments to the CMC with the guidance evacuation to pay the tenets stay in the rental cost of the from the Ministry of of families rent of an affected house rented - in house local government and from their alternative PMU will implement residences houses to the recommended during stay during actions in the RP. project project construction construction period phase Temporary Loss of Residents and 30 days’ advance Identification of loss of private business owners notice regarding sufficient space for an secure parking space losing access to construction alternative parking parking or access to private parking space, activities, including facility. space secure and vehicle owners duration and type parking lots losing access to of disruption. APs will be determined secure parking lots. Where Contractor's by the PMU through actions cannot survey and will be address the loss, provided with affected persons identification cards (APs) will be which will allow access


Implementation Definition of Entitled Compensation Type of Loss Application Issues/ Responsible Person Policy Agency provided secure in the temporary parking space parking facility. The (sufficiently temporary parking cordoned and facility will clearly provided with identify ID numbers security guards) in eligible to park based sections of the on the section where road which will be construction is being closed during undertaken. construction.

Temporary Legal titleholders, 30 days advance Identification of disruption non-titled mobile notice regarding alternative temporary of hawkers and three construction sites to continue livelihoods wheel operators activities, including economic activity. parked their vehicles duration and type in the sub-project of disruption. PMU will determine area Where Contractor’s hawkers entitled to actions cannot assistance through ensure there is no survey and will be income/access provided with loss, APs will be identification cards. assisted to temporarily shift for continued economic activity. Temporary Legal titleholders, 30 days advance APs will be determined disruption non-titled immovable notice regarding by the PMU through of livelihood business construction survey and will be owners/operators activities, including provided with duration and type identification cards. of disruption. The survey will Where determine income loss. Contractor’s actions cannot ensure there is no income/access, APs will be provided compensation for lost income or a transitional allowance for the period of disruption whichever is greater. Temporary Common Communities • Replacement or PMU and Contractor. impacts on resources restoration of the


Implementation Definition of Entitled Compensation Type of Loss Application Issues/ Responsible Person Policy Agency common affected resources community facilities – including public water stand posts, public utility posts, shrines, etc. Impacts on All impacts Vulnerable APs • Vulnerable PMU will determine vulnerable households will be vulnerable APs and APs informed of all provide information on project all project construction construction employment employment opportunities. opportunities.


34. Compensation package of the resettled people:

A. RESIDENTIAL LAND AND STRUCTURS Type of loss Entitled Entitlement Intent/ requirement Responsib person ility A1. temporary Title owners Cash compensation for rent Temporary resettlement loss of houses permanent resident IH&PCLG, A2. Removal of Title owners replacement cost in material, Replacement of CMC,PMU boundary walls cash, or a combination of boundary walls both According to the actual loss to repair or rebuild the structure to original or better condition. B. LIVILIHOOD RESTORATION ASSISTANCE B1. materials transport Allowances Improving Relocating Cash assistance of LKR Allowances to cover Livelihood of APs 30,000.00 for transport transport of household APs household items to new effects. location IH&PCLG, CMC,PMU B2. School transport Allowances Improving Relocating Cash assistance of LKR Allowances to cover Livelihood of APs 10,000.00 to bear school school transport cost APs transport cost

B3. Special Assistance Effects on Vulnerable A special grant of LKR10,000 Assistance, over and Vulnerable HHs APs per AP/household to improve Above payment for including the living standards of vulnerable reduce impacts of


poor, elderly APs resettlement which can APs, ethnic disproportionately affect minority the already ulnerable and households, to ensure that the IH&PCLG, female- project CMC,PMU headed does not simply households, reestablish poverty, or and disabled levels of vulnerability /marginalization Table-11

35. Compensation cheque has been handed over to the affected parties before relocation temporarily with participation of project officials and the consultant.

PMU Sociologist explaining on temporary Affected parties signing documents related to the resettlement procedure and project involvement temporary resettlement

Engineer to the contract handing over Project Director handing over compensation compensation cheque to the one affected family cheque to owner of the house number 60/4 at house number 60/5


Project Director handing over compensation Discussion on temporary resettlement of house cheque to the one affected family at house owner of the house number 60/4 number 60/5

36. The Public awareness session on: construction activities; traffic management of the area; and GRM of the project, have been planned to be done for the public and private institutes at Jumma Masjid road before starting pipe laying works. The awareness program will cover the entire Jumma Masjid road including business places and residential houses.

37. As reported in SSMR submitted for July to December 2018 requested for hospital bill payment for complainant mother’s hospitalization during house repair works at St. Michel Road, Colombo -3, is still waited for the final solution, and the status of the complaint is as follows.

No Name of Location Reason for Remarks the site complaint 01 T1 St Michel Rd, House damage The CMC doctor has given Colombo 3 Medical bills of recommendation on complainant complainant’s mother’s health condition and project mother NBRO has requested to send time schedule estimate preparation of the house repair works to arrange cost for Mother’s mother’s hospitalization facilities with alternative the consultation with Hospital which accommodation was chosen by complainant accordingly. Table-12

38. After monitoring the development of the cracks on the damage boundary wall of house at 5th Lane that ended on 30th June 2018 and Repair works has been done successfully and complainant satisfied with works according to the NBRO recommendation.

A worker doing repair works inside of the boundary wall


Outside view of the repaired boundary wall Inspection of the boundary wall repair works by PMU, contractor, consultant

39. Complains received under this contract and their status as follows:

Construction Category Cumulative Status Remarks site number of Solved Ongoing the complaints T1 site House/Structure 39 38 01 For the remaining compliant at damage house number 127 at St Micehal road the CMC doctor has given recommendation on complainant mother’s health condition and project has requested to send time schedule of the house repair works to arrange mother’s hospitalization facilities with the consultation with Hospital which was chosen by complainant accordingly. M26 site Structure Damage / 32 29 03 Cracks are frequently observed Noise/loss of by EM and PRO of the income contractor to finalize the damage repair. Complaint on loss of income has been forwarded to GRM Table-13

40. Following social safeguard related activities were carried out in terms of information disclosure:

Events Date of event Sub project Reason/s conducted Meeting with affected 11.02.2019 Mallikarama Rd- To collect documents related parties at APs residence M26M26 to the temporary resettlement Meeting with APs at their 25.02.2019 Mallikarama Rd- To sign agreement and hand residence M26M26 over advance for rent house


Meeting with APs at 26.02.2019 Mallikarama Rd- To hand over compensation project office M26M26 cheque related to the temporary resettlement Site visit 01.03.2019 Mallikarama Rd- Investigation of household M26 items of APs Discussion with 05.03.2019 Mallikarama Rd- On transportation of house contractor M26 hold items of APs Meeting with Mallikrama 06.03.2019 Mallikarama Rd To handover compensation APs at APs house cheque for transportation of household items Site meeting at 14.03.2019 GS site office Progress review Meeting on discussion 21.03.2019 St. Micheal Rd To discuss compensation compliant at 127 St. package of complainant Micheal Rd mother’s hospitalization Meeting with CMC Medical 27.03.2019 St. Micheal Rd To discuss on compliant and officer recommendation latter on complainant mother’s health condition Meeting with AP 29.03.2019 Mallikarama Rd- To hand over compensation M26 cheque to bear School transport cost Joint inspection 30.04.2019 5th lane On boundary wall repair works monthly progress review 30.04.2019 Gravity sewer Progress review meeting contract Site visit 13.06.2019 Mallikarama Rd- To examine compliant on M26 construction related inconvenience Post cracks survey at 17.06.2019 R1 To examine construction housing complex related damage request by owner of the building Meeting with complainant 19.06.2019 M26 Noise related complaint Site visit 25.06.209 M26 To investigate noise related complaint and temporary resettlement Table -14

41. Events planned for the second half of 2019:

Construction Event site T1 . i. follow up action for finalization of the payment of compensation of the complainant mother’ hospitalization M26 i. site visits ii. awareness session for public at construction site iii. monitoring of the temporary resettled three families iv. examine of the construction related inconvenience and the planned to resettled temporally v. awareness session for public at construction site if necessary vi. as appropriate preparation of SRP 4 R1 (Serendib i. Site visit


place) ii. Follow up action on structure damage compliant Attending site and Monthly progress meetings Table-15

2.3. Rehabilitation of Sea Out Falls at Wellawatte and Modara

42. Contract details - Under this contract Wellawatta and Mutwal long Sea out falls and junction chamber of the Mutwal Sea Outfall have been rehabilitated.

Details Date of Date of Status Physical Financial award completion progress progress Contractor- M/s Leader 5 March 19 May Completed and under 100 % 100 % Civil-Guangzhou Salvage. 2013 2015 defects liability period Contract amount: $15.67 and it will be finish on million 31 December 2018 Table-16

43. Detailed social safeguard activities – There were no social/resettlement issues reported during this period.

2.4. Upgrading Wanathamulla gravity sewer network for Colombo Municipal Council

44. Contract details – Under this contract there are two sub-components namely laying new pipe to Sewali Mawatha sewer and Saranapala Himi Mawatha sewer. Length of the rehabilitation of this sewer line is 1073 m, and now 662 m has been completed.

Procurement method Date of Date of Status Physical Financial award completion progress progress Contractor: M/s Vonlan 20 29 February Terminated in 65% 50% Construction (Pvt) Ltd December 2016 March 2017. Contract amount: $2.45 2013 million Table -17

45. Detailed social safeguard activities - Sewer construction work along Seewali Mawatha and Saranapalahimi Mawatha has not yet been completed. As the contractor is not capable to complete the contract within agreed time the employer decided to deduct delay damage from January 2017 and, the contract was terminated in March 2017.

46. complaints received under this contract

Construction Category Cumulative Status Remarks site number of the Solved Ongoing complaints Seevali Lane House 01 01 - Compensation for damage damage house was paid Saranapalahimi House 04 04 - Compensation for Mawatha damage damage houses were paid Table-18


2.5. Supply and Delivery of Equipment for Operation & Maintenance of sewer System

47. Contract details – Two contracts were awarded to M/s. Access International Ltd. for a total of $4.44 million to Supply and Deliver the prescribed equipment for Operation & Maintenance of sewer Systems. All equipment has been delivered and the contracts have been successfully completed. This Component of the project has no social safeguard related activities.
