Tuesday 4th June 2019 at 7.30pm in Ropley Parish Hall


Those in attendance:

Cllr G. Brown (GB), D. Speed (DS), T. Day (TD) S. Perkins (SP), J. Nops (JN), Jeff Soul (JS), Edward Brandt (EB) & Becky French (BF) Clerk to the Parish Council.

1 Apologies for absence

D. Fielden (DF) and G. Stogdon (GS) gave apologies.

2 Declaration of Interest in respect of matters to be discussed.

No interests were declared.

3 Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on 5th April 2019 - to approve the minutes as a true record.

It was unanimously resolved that the Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 5th April 2019 be accepted as an accurate record and were duly signed by the Chairman.

4 Matters arising from the minutes.

- Orchard Gate, safety netting- update. Cllr Louisson has again contacted the developer and has asked for an immediate response, otherwise it will be passed to enforcement. They have promised a response by tomorrow (Wednesday 5th June) and this will be brought to the next Ordinary Parish Council meeting. - Coffee Room meeting. There is a meeting to discuss the future of the coffee room at 7.30pm on 13th June at the village hall. The Chair asked Council members if they were happy with the formality of the meeting, as its purpose currently aims to solicit views from the village residents and to gain ideas worthy of consideration. The Trustees from the Hagen Trust will then get to hear these opinions and can be informed by the meeting. The Parish Council will then review the recommendations from the Hagen Trust at next Ordinary meting to see if the Council is content that this support the views of the community. The Council members agreed that the meeting should proceed on this basis and looked forward to receiving recommendations from the Hagen Trust for the next Parish Council meeting. - The meeting deals with the issue of the Coffee Room but doesn’t look at the other proposals for the estate that aim to gift the Community shop to the Parish Council as an asset. The consequences of which will see the Parish Council take on the role as landlord to the shop tenants. The Parish Council would have no financial responsibility for the shop affairs but would act as the landlord. There is also a suggestion that some funds would be transferred to the Parish Council and the stipulations for use would need to be fully discussed and aagreed. These proposals need to be fully considered at the next Parish Council meeting and will be put on the agenda for discussion.

- Noticeboard at the Darvil Road. TD confirmed that 3 boards are to be included for renewal and that in some locations the replacements should be larger than the current noticeboards in situ. TD will produce an overview of what is required, including locations and costings for the next Parish Council meeting. JN queried whether a replacement for the Dene Stores noticeboard could be located at the old Searle and Taylor site, which is under new ownership. JN to enquire and inform TD of the outcome. DS raised the usefulness of a type of noticeboard at , where one side is open for the use to the public and the other is locked as to provide a place for Parish Council notices. There may be cost implication, but TD will consider this as part of the work.

5 Public participation in accordance with Standing Orders s3 (d – k) - DEFRA have declared that all septic tanks (pre 1982) that do not have a soak away need to be replaced by 2020. Councillors felt that this would be difficult to enforce and should be a government initiative to inform residents. - It was reported that the footpath from Station Hill to the houses opposite garage/Thai restaurant was impassable. EB to action. - The Right of Way from Darvil Road to Station Hill has an overgrown tree which makes it impassable. According to the parishioner this is a County Council responsibility and they have in the past cleared this section. Parishioner to send detail to EB. EB to action. - The drains at Darvil Road are full of silt and when it rains the bottom carpark by the new postbox floods. Consequently, the carpark is now full of dirt. DS confirmed that he has found it difficult to get any drains cleared by Hampshire County Council, but DS will investigate the issue and if appropriate contact Hampshire County Council. - It was reported that the sign in middle of A31 has been knocked down has not been rectified (in between Station Hill and Darvil Road) DS confirmed that he had reported this to the Highways engineer and spoken our County Councillor Russell Oppenheimer, who had confirmed that it is on their list of renewal and is likely to be reinstated in July. - Work is currently underway on the old shop at South Street. Materials are being delivered and vehicles are parking on the road, which is adjacent to a blind corner on the road. The resident was concerned that motorists should be warned of this hazard. Councillors confirmed that is was the responsibility of the developer to install signage and that they had no power to enforce this. The Parish Council will move the Speed Indicator Device to its location in this area, in the hope this will encourage motorists to slow down to the seed limit when using this road. - The sign at the school is hanging off from the post and a resident enquired where he could source the clips to rectify this. Councillors suggested a cable tie as an alternative to a clip. - The map of Ropley located on the old Dene shop needs relocating. Councillors felt that is was not in a good state and that the use for a physical map was probably precluded by the use of modern technology such a smart phones. TD to investigate as part of his work on replacing the noticeboards.

6 Ropley Pre-School application for funds- discussion

The Clerk circulated a draft agreement to Councils prior to the meeting. Councillors were asked to send any comments to the document through the Clerk. The Clerk to bring final agreement to the next Parish Council meeting.

7 Recreation ground (DF/GS)

- SP reported that large sandy holes had appeared on the Recreation Ground. Clerk to inform GS. - It was raised that a recent Cricket Club event had caused some disruption due to lack of parking at the Village Hall. Clerk to contact Cricket Club reps and ask them to please let us know if there any similar events taking place of a similar size and impact. Clerk to action.

8 Neighbourhood Plan- update (SP)

East Hampshire District Council agreed to proceed to a referendum on the draft Ropley Neighbourhood Plan. As required by the Neighbourhood Planning (General) regulations, a Decision Statement has been published In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (Referendum) Regulations, the Council has also published an Information Statement which sets out information relating to the referendum and the following documents:

• The Draft Ropley Neighbourhood Plan (as modified) • The independent Examiner's report • A Summary of representations submitted to the independent examiner • A Statement (the Decision Statement) that the local planning authority is satisfied that draft plan meets the basic conditions and complies with the provisions made by or under sections 38A and 38B of the 2004 Act • A Statement setting out general information on town and country planning, neighbourhood planning and the referendum

A Referendum relating to the adoption of the Ropley Neighbourhood Plan will be held on Thursday 11 July 2019.

The question which will be asked in the Referendum is:

“Do you want District Council to use the Neighbourhood plan for Ropley to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

The Referendum area is identified on the map which is included with this information statement. The Referendum area is identical to the area which has been designated as the Ropley Parish Council area. The Referendum will be conducted in accordance with procedures which are similar to those used at local government elections.

In a motion that was passed by Ropley Parish Council in a previous meeting, I have acted as mediator between this Council and EHDC regarding the adoption or amendment to the Inspectors Report. It was felt by myself, Cllr Charles Louisson and our Planning Consultant that the changes proposed by the Inspector were proportionate and were accepted with some suggested, albeit minor, alterations.

Those elements that were changed were most notably;

RNP1: Settlement Policy Gaps The Examiner could appreciate the aim of the Policy but felt that the risk of the Settlements merging was not significant. The Policy wording was replaced with ‘Development proposals should ensure the retention of the open character between Ropley and Ropley Dean and between the two separate settlements and other groups of dwellings in the neighbourhood area. Proposals for the re-use of rural buildings, agricultural and forestry-related development, playing fields, other open

land uses and minor extensions to existing dwellings in such parts of the neighbourhood area will be supported where they would preserve the separation between the two settlements and the settlements and the other groups of dwellings concerned and retain their individual character and appearance.’ The text in the supporting body was also amended that highlights the unique character in the Parish of small clusters defined by the road network away from the two principle settlements.

RNP8: Ropley Green Spaces In the original Plan, we proposed 5 Ropley Green Spaces. The Examiner was concerned that a number of the identified Local Green Spaces (LGS2, LGS3 and LGS5) did not demonstrate a ‘demonstrably special to a local community and holds a particular local significance’. They have been removed from the RNP.

Positive Wording Generally, our wording was viewed as being negative and prescriptive. The Inspector changed our ‘proposal refused’ and replaced with ‘proposal supported unless..’

There is a need to clarify with East Hampshire District Council where the funds will come from the for the referendum, which is likely to cost around £2400.00. Funds should either come from Government or East Hampshire District Council. On 4th July we intend to hold a public meeting to discuss the plan prior to the referendum. This meeting will be advertised through Parish Magazine, posters on the notice broads and the MyRopley website. The Neighbourhood Plan team will contact EB as communications representative regarding advertising the public meeting and referendum.

There will be an opportunity for residents to vote via postal ballet papers and previous referendums have shown a 30/40% turnout. The team will receive notification of the referendum date within the next week.

Copies of the plan will be made available in the local doctors surgeries, village hall and village shop.

Details of the changes made by the Examiner are available on East Hampshire District Council’s website.

9 Planning: I. Previous applications: decisions notified by EHDC and comments from PC

Reference No: 55275/009 PARISH: Four Marks Location: Land East of Place, Lyeway Lane, Ropley, Alresford, SO24 0DA Proposal: Change of use of land and building to residential Decision: PERMISSION Decision Date: 17 May, 2019

Reference No: 58199 PARISH: Ropley Location: 6 The Terrace, South Street, Ropley, Alresford, SO24 0DY Proposal: Conversion of loft space to habitable accommodation and single storey infill extension to rear Decision: PERMISSION Decision Date: 22 May, 2019

Reference No: 40112/002 PARISH: Ropley Location: The Courtyard, Church Street, Ropley, Alresford, SO24 0DS Proposal: Change of use of staff room/admin office to additional retail floor space and single storey extension to front following demolition of existing lean-to. Decision: PERMISSION Decision Date: 30 May, 2019

II. New applications: to be discussed:

Case No. Address Description 31642/011 New Barn Farm, Park Lane, Proposed garage, workshop Ropley, Alresford, SO24 0BE and store

No objection subject to being within the residents cartilage of the property and to the following conditions. For ancillary use to main house only. For car and storage use only. 55503 Land East of Teak Cottage, Change of use of land to Road, , equestrian use and Alresford construction of a manege

No objection.

10 Finance I. Payments paid electronically in line with item 9 (iii) of Ropley Parish Council minutes dated 5th April 2016.

08.05.19 Affordable IT Monthly IT subscription 14.88 12.05.19 Kestrel Renovation works and Verti Draining 10,700.64

12.05.19 HALC yearly membership 487.00 12.05.19 DJB building LTD 4th instalment for village hall 29,658.66

03.06.19 Affordable IT monthly IT subscription 14.88 03.06.19 OCS monthly rec maintenance 589.39

II. Payments to be authorised. - Newman Fencing for fencing of the mound at the recreation ground for £1608.00. This payment was authorised and a cheque was duly signed.

III. Signing of internal audit paperwork & annual governance statement Approval of draft accounts (Bank reconciliation for year end 31st March 2019, annual governance statement & accounting statement) and supporting paperwork. It was resolved that the Council approve the documents, which were prepared by the Clerk and was duly signed by the Chairman.

The Clerk informed the Council that the internal audit has been scheduled for 17th June and that she has secured an extension from AGAR should any issues be raised by the auditor which need resolving.

IV. Signing of Section 1 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017/18 Part 3 - Annual Governance Statement. It was resolved that the Council approve the annual Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement, which was prepared by the Clerk and was duly signed by the Chairman.

V. Signing of Section 2 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017/18 Part 3 - Accounting Statements It was resolved that the Council approve the annual Section 2 of the Annual Governance Statement, which was prepared by the Clerk and was duly signed by the Chairman.

Subject to the audit being signed off by the external examiner the elector’s rights will commence 7th to 18th July when members of the Parish can view the paperwork. Copies of sections 1 & 2 will be uploaded to the My Ropley website & posted on the parish noticeboard.

11 Report from District Councillor - There has been much work on the Neighbourhood Plan, details of which are mentioned in item 8. - The Local Plan received approximately 2300 responses, which East Hampshire District Council are still reviewing. Due to the large volume of responses, the 2nd consultation stage is now likely to be September and not July. The proposed 800 houses at Bentley are being reconsidered. There is likely to be further sites proposed which were not in the last plan and another stage of consultation is now likely. The proposal at Ropley for 1500 dwellings is not currently in the plan for the second consultation stage. - The Chequers site is likely to be approved in the coming weeks. The planners are happy with the conditions. There is a specific condition on the permission for the footpath to be installed and maintained, but the Parish Council must then apply to Hampshire County Council for this to be adopted as a Public Right of Way. East Hampshire District Council only have the powers to agree the install and maintenance. The Parish Council will request support from County Councillor Oppenheimer. 12 Police Report- PC Nops - 2 boys found in tent by were spoken to and there was no evidence to suggest that they had caused the damage near to the station. - There was an incident on the Petersfield Road last week and a report of someone being injured.

13 Reports of Committees:

I. Highway Drainage Gascoigne Lane. Trying to move this project forward but can’t contact Hampshire County Council so no further action to report this month. An earlier email from Highways had indicated that the Highway team plans to investigate the drainage in this area and this was put on the operation plan with a 8-6 month window for completion. DS raised the issue of the bollard with County Councillor Oppenheimer and he has sinced to replied to this and the comments made at the AGM last month with the reply;

Firstly, I can confirm that an email should be received by users when an issue is raised on the roads section of the website and another email should be received when the issue is closed. If an issue has not been addressed, please email me with the relevant issue number and location so that I can chase it up.

I have today discussed the drainage and surfacing issues on Vicarage Lane with Ben Ward from Hampshire Highways. He has been conducting investigations which you may have seen. Apparently, the drains are blocked due to the soakaway being in need of cleansing. This cleansing has now been scheduled to happen in the coming months. It is acknowledged that the design of the drainage system is sub-optimal but an upgrade is not planned at this point. A full drainage redesign

would be costly but we may need return to this if the issues do not improve.

The road surface is on the list for patching, which should happen in the next 2-3 weeks. I should stress that this is a short-term solution; longer-term resurfacing will (hopefully) be undertaken later this year. It is difficult to give firm undertakings because of competing priorities across the county.

Finally Ben mentioned that he is still chasing on the repair to the A31 island and this should be taking place in the coming fortnight.

- Speed Indicator Device has been situated at all 6 sites in the village, some of which could be used in both directions. It was felt that another round of positioning was required in order to gain a good set of speeding data from the village. This will also provide the opportunity to capture data from different times of the year. In 3 months time it will be possible to review the figures. - EB attending a speed watch meeting next week. - A resident noted that the Hampshire County Council speed device in the village at Bury Hill was missing the solar panel section. DS to investigate and report. II. Footpaths- jobs mentioned in previous items, EB to action. III. Communications. Keith Monkhouse agreed to update the Ropley Society members on the new councillors and their roles. 14 I. Ropley Society- Thursday, 6th June when we will be hearing Charlotte Sandell talk about her time in Kenya working with the VSO as this coincides with a cricket night. Attendees have been advised to leave enough time for parking, share cars and to try and park in friends drives near the hall, as parking is restricted at the hall. II. Friends of St. Peter's Church- stall at Ropley Pram race was successful. There are 3 forthcoming events; AGM & drinks party 14th June 6-8pm. Beautiful Open Garden with wine and tapas on 21st June and afternoon tea with fizz a week after. III. HALC /EHALC- DS thought a meeting was likely to be taking place shortly. The clerk to send details to EB who has agreed to take over this role. IV. Parish Hall Management Committee. The village hall extension is nearly completed. The roof is waterproof now and extension is going ahead with the plasterers in yesterday. The kitchen beams will not be replaced until they have been dried out. DJB will not be instructed for this project and the village hall team intend to instruct a local builder firm. The windows are in and we are waiting for doors to arrive. It is hopeful that the project will finish at the end of June. As an additional job, the village hall committee has decided to renew the disabled toilet at an estimate of £2500 to complete this work. Clerk to send current figures to TD to ascertain total spend and remaining budget so wee if this work can be included in the money held by the Parish Council.

15 Correspondence up to 4th June 2019

- Correspondence concerning the Pre-School funding; I have thought long and hard before writing this letter to you as our Parish Representatives especially as I know that you were all involved in an extremely lengthy and difficult meeting on Monday evening, but I decided that I would voice my concerns over the allocation of funds to Ropley Pre School. I would most certainly like to see the Village maintain a Pre School facility, I was involved in running the group for over 20 years, but I feel, and I am sure that I will not be alone in this, that to allocate a

substantial sum of money, £14,000, without a full and detailed feasibility study, fully itemised accounts along with a detailed report of how the considerable funds that were in place have been spent being presented, is not good management of local funds. Of course the Pre School, along with other local groups and clubs, are fully entitled to apply for funding and the Parish Council is right to consider this but only when all the information is in place and with adequate time to assimilate all the facts. I very much hope that the Pre School numbers will increase and that it will remain a viable and important asset to the village but at the moment any growth is based purely on conjecture which is why I feel a more thorough investigation should have been made by the Council I realise that the decision has been made and that is completely within your remit but I just raise these points in the hope that should such an application be made again, from any organisation, the Council will be fully informed of all the facts and figures along with contributing factors before allocating funding. I would also like to raise an objection to the Youth Club Funds, which were in trust solely for the provision of a club for the young people of the village as and when it should be required, being allocated to the Pre School with no discussion or formal approval. This is actually a misappropriation of funds as although at the moment we don’t have a Youth Club, the fund was there specifically to ensure that when the need arose the facility to start a group was in place. I would ask you to investigate how it was that these funds were disposed of without any formal agreement in place. I recognise that you have a very difficult job as councillors and that to keep everyone happy is an impossible task but I just wanted to raise my concerns with you regarding these important matters. The Clerk confirmed that this correspondence has been clarified by further correspondence, which states Thank you for forwarding my letter to councillors. The points I raised were really observations that members of the Parish Council might like to take into account when funds are being allocated. As I said I was not questioning the right of the Council to issue funds as they feel appropriate, I was really suggesting that in future cases a more thorough approach could be taken. I certainly hadn't anticipated that it would be an agenda item as the decision regarding funds for the Pre School had been taken, it really was just asking Councillors to ensure that any future requests for substantial sums of money have all the necessary supporting documentation in place before a decision is made. With regard to the Youth Club Funds, thank you for letting me know that the Parish Council had no responsibility for these funds, I was obviously mistaken in thinking that the funds that were originally held in trust by the Parochial Church Council had been handed to the Parish Council by Mr Macinnes for safekeeping, so I apologise for raising this matter.

- Correspondence concerning Cricket matches; I just wanted to let you know that the cricket nets alongside Vicarage Lane are not being used correctly by the cricketers playing as I type. Possibly during the pram race robes were pulled from the top pulley so the nets on two sides could not be pulled up. The cricketers, instead of removing the poles and re-threading have simply pulled the nets across where possible. I am sure they can see that this is not satisfactory, but unfortunately the cricket club do not seem to take responsibility for the nets. The Parish Council have kindly funded these nets supported by East Hampshire District Council County, yet they still do not seem to take this health and safety issue seriously. The District Council was quite clear of the responsibilities in its decision statements for the planning application. I attach photographs of the nets at the game today, Saturday 1st June. With regards to the trees offering Vicarage Lane protection from cricket balls, despite not being mentioned as an option in the health and safety report, on Saturday 11th May a ball came through the tree between the two sections of netting and hit our garage door. Unfortunately, we are not

always in during cricket matches to record these incidents, so we plan to install a CCTV camera covering our driveway and cars in the next couple of weeks. We hope this is helpful information for you and the Parish Council in monitoring the use of the nets. Clerk to contact Cricket Club and check the status of the nets and that they are not damaged.

Meeting closed 8.55pm

16. Clerk review – discussion.

Following the open meeting, Councillors discussed the Clerk role. - It was agreed by the Council that the clerk’s hourly rate should be increased to £14.75 per hour.