Broadcast Yourself: , Videocast and . Tips for general boadcasting 1. Fun: The most important part of blogging is having fun and loving your . 2. Other media: Why not transmit your message using , audio and text? 3. Promotion: Commenting on other and getting your blog noticed joins up with social networking sites, but do NOT SPAM ! 4. : Use online relationships to collaborate on blog posts and expand your readership – encourage comments, comment on other people’s blogs, link freely and share traffic. 5. Social networking: link your newest blog post to your /FB/+ etc. account for more exposure. 6. Diversity: Multi-media is almost a must these days. Text, video, photo, audio use them all and use them frequently to back up your comments. 7. Brevity: Break up text with cuts, subheadings, bullet lists, photos to better catch the readers eye. 8. Personality: Write what you know, Write from your heart but don’t take the comments personally. There are mean, people out there surfing the web leaving rude, baseless comments, but there are also plenty more people with constructive comments to offer. 9. Originality: Find your Niche and hold tightly to it 10. Consistency: Posting once a day is considered normal. If you post three times a week, every week, this is considered the bare minimum for attracting and maintaining a strong readership.

1. Protect your computer • A computer should always have the most recent updates installed for spam filters, anti-virus and anti-spyware and a secure firewall. software

• This type of software allows two computers with to communicate through audio, video, and/or chat-based means. – These Programs are part “” and part “Cloud Services” • , MS NetMeeting, AOL Instant Messenger, IRC, ICQ, CU-SeeMe, ...

Broadcast Yourself:

• A podcast is aPodcast type of consisting of an episodic series of audio , video, PDF, or ePub subscribed to and downloaded through or streamed online to a computer or . The word is a neologism derived from "broadcast" and "pod" from the success of the iPod, as audio are often listened to on portable media players. • Blogging & Podcasts

• Blog = Short for "Web Log," this term refers to a list of journal entries posted a Web page.

• Podcasts = The name "podcast" combines the terms iPod and broadcast into a single catchy word. As the name suggests, podcasts are audio and video broadcasts.

• Looking for a good podcast? Checkout this list. and and • Podcasts – For audio podcasts, is undoubtedly the king. – Call Recorder ($20) is my personal favorite OSX app for really easy to use Skype recording, which will give you both your own recording and any other sides of the conversation in a separate track. Bear in mind that for group Skype video conferencing you’ll need Skype Premium, which starts at around $5/month. • will let you record Skype video calls for free, You will need to pay if you don’t want the watermark on all calls. – if you need to seriously edit a video you’ll want to use a standalone video application like Windows Movie Maker or iMovie

Sound Editing Programs

• This software allows you to record from microphones and edit audio already stored on the computer. • Popular Sound Editing Programs include: Adobe Soundbooth, Roxio, Sony Sound Forge, Steinberg Wave Lab, audacity Broadcast Yourself: Videocast 20extra%20palmaddict/goodness%20more%20Palm%20Addict/PhewmorePA/zippymore/zipzip/ziiipppppy/aimage1052.jpg Broadcast Yourself: Videocast • A videocast, often referred to as a video podcast or vodcast, is a video produced for the and made so that viewers can stream or the clip onto a personal player. Creators of videocasts can distribute the video as a file or a stream. A stream allows the view to watch the videocast directly on a . A file allows a viewer to download the videocast directly to a handheld mp3 device. Several applications may be used to create a videocast including Apple QuickTime, Pinnacle Studio, Sony Vegas and Adobe Premier. QuickTime is a popular choice due to being free of charge and its compatibility with both Mac OSX and Windows operating systems.

Read more:

Broadcast Yourself: Videocast • is the primary place people post their right . Every second an hour of new content is added to . • - a good place to set up your own regularly recorded video station, once it’s approved. • – an easy way to broadcast live streaming video.

Video Editing Programs • Programs allow for the input of video from cameras, video cameras, and will allow the user to manipulate the images to create movies of intense quality • Popular Video Editing Programs include: • Sony Vegas Pro / Windows / $450, • iMovie / Mac / $79, • Adobe Premiere Pro / Windows/Mac / $799 • / Mac / $1299, • Windows Movie Maker / Windows / Free, • Avid Media Composer / Windows/Mac / $2500,

Best Video Editing Software?

1. Sony Vegas Pro 17% (1082 votes) 2. iMovie 10% (641 votes) 3. Adobe Premiere Pro 22% (1369 votes) 4. Final Cut Pro 28% (1761 votes) 5. Windows Movie Maker 9% (567 votes) 6. Avid Media Composer 7% (441 votes) 7. Other 6% (364 votes)

Broadcast Yourself: Videocast: Skype WHAT IS SKYPE?

• Skype uses technology called VOIP “voice over ” • Is a software application that allows users to make voice and video calls over the Internet. • Calls to other users of the service and, in some countries, to free-of- charge , are free, while calls to other and mobile phones can be made for a fee. • Additional features include , file transfer and video conferencing. • Skype is an IP service provider that offers free calling between computers and low-cost calling to regular that aren't connected to the Internet. Included in the free service is a soft-phone application that can be downloaded to any laptop or computer. To Use Skype, You Need Only Three Things 1. A computer, tablet or cell phone with access to the Internet. 2. The program downloaded from (currently version 6.5) 3. A Microphone and Web camera. HOW DO WE MAKE A CALL? You just log into Skype , click on the contact you want to call, and press the call button . It will then them – like a phone – and they can answer. Just like a real phone

HOW DO WE MAKE A VIDEO CALL? Video calls work just like phonecalls but if they have video set up it will appear on your screen. Contact those you Love from far away for free Screen Shot How big is this Skype thing? • there are 23 million users online 30% users are use 13% of global long distance happens over Skype.(2010) 560 Million users (accounts) worldwide (2010) Skype is available in 28 languages Image above courtesy of Other Similar Products to skype: • • Ooma Google +, Hangouts

• Google+ Hangouts are live video chats. • Communicate with up to 10 people simultaneously. • Unfortunately participants need Google+ account to participate in a Hangout. Reasons to choose Hangouts over Skype • If you want to talk to more than 1 person – It can be slightly more difficult to set up than /Skype because not everybody has a Google+ account yet. • When you want to call and text phones and land lines Hangouts is better because it is free. • It also allows several people to watch a youtube video at once and watch each others reaction. • Add fun hats to people and several other free features and apps.

Broadcast Yourself: Screencast • A screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a video screen capture, often containing audio narration. The term screencast compares with the related term ; whereas screenshot is a picture of a computer screen, a screencast is essentially a movie of the changes over time that a user sees on a computer screen, enhanced with audio narration. can help demonstrate and teach the use of software features. Creating a screencast helps software developers show off their work. Educators may also use screencasts as another means of integrating technology into the curriculum.[8] Students can record video and audio as they demonstrate the proper procedure to solve a problem on an interactive whiteboard. Broadcast Yourself: Screencast Programs

• -An open program for capturing your on-screen video and audio as AVI files. Windows only, and absolutely free. • – “My Favorite” Beyond recording video, Jing allows you to take a picture of any portion fo your desktop, draw on it, add a message, and immediately upload your media to a free hosting account. You are then given a small URL that you can give to whomever needs to the image or video. Works with Macs and Windows machines. • – by techsmith is a close second. • - A Java-based screencasting tool that requires no and will allow you to automatically upload to hosting. • Wink - Screencasting software that focuses on making tutorials with audio and text annotation abilities. Outputs to Flash, PDF, HTML, EXE files and more. • – Pricing starts at nearly $700 but it is a quality product • AllCapture - Can output to Flash, EXE, ASF, DVD, SVCD and VCD. Free trial available, Windows only. • HyperCam - Free trial with $39.95 for full version. Outputs to AVI video • iShowU - Mac only • ScreenMimic - Free download and $64.95 for the paid version. Mac Only • ScreenRecord – Offers a free trial and then $19.95 to purchase. Outputs to Quicktime. • Copernicus – Mac only , no audio. • AviScreen - Windows only and does not record audio.

• Resources: &

• is good but is my favorite page to use when needing to control or let someone else control a computer I am using. – It’s free service is still fast to set up and it has higher compression so it lags less than most of the others I’ve tried.

Graphics Editing Programs • Graphics Programs (-based) • This software allows one to touch up photographs and create graphics from scratch. – Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, AppleWorks, MS Paint, G.I.M.P, , LibreOffice:Draw, Blender.... • Graphics Programs (vector-based) • This software creates graphics that are similar to illustrations or cartoon drawings. – Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, AppleWorks, MS Works, MS Word, inkscape ..... What are File Formats?

A defines the structure and type of data stored in a file. The structure of a typical file may include a header, , saved content, and an end-of-file (EOF) marker. A file format also defines whether the data is stored in a plain text or binary format. Plain text files can be opened and viewed in a standard text editor. While text-based files are easy to create Audio File Types and Formats Video Files Types and Formats .3g2 3GPP2 File .aif Audio Interchange File Format .3gp 3GPP Multimedia File .iff Interchange File Format .asf File . Media File .asx ASF Redirector File .m4a MPEG-4 Audio File .avi File .mid MIDI File .flv File .mp3 MP3 Audio File .mov Apple QuickTime Movie .mpa MPEG-2 Audio File .mp4 MPEG-4 Video File .ra Real Audio File .mpg MPEG Video File .wav WAVE Audio File .rm Real Media File .wma Windows Media Audio File . Shockwave Flash Movie

Misc Files Types and Formats .vob DVD Video Object File

.dbx Outlook Express E-mail Folder .wmv Windows Media Video File

.msi Windows Installer Package

.part Partially Downloaded File

.torre BitTorrent File nt Text Files Types and Formats Executable Files Types and Formats . Document .app Mac OS X Application .docx Microsoft Word Open XML Document .bat DOS Batch File

.log Log File .cgi Common Gateway Interface Script .msg Outlook Mail Message .com DOS Command File .pages Document .exe Windows Executable File

.rtf File .gadget Windows Gadget .jar Java Archive File .txt Plain Text File .pif Program Information File .wpd WordPerfect Document .vb VBScript File .wps Document .wsf Windows Script File Raster Image Files Types and Formats .bmp Bitmap Image File

.gif Graphical Interchange Format File

.jpg JPEG Image File

.png Portable Network Graphic

.psd Adobe Photoshop Document

.pspimage PaintShop Pro Image

.thm Thumbnail Image File

.tif Tagged Image File

.yuv YUV Encoded Image File Broadcast Yourself: Social Media is about Enlargement, Interaction and Engagement.

Social Networking • Social networking allow users to be part of a virtual community. The two most popular sites are currently Facebook and MySpace. These websites provide users with simple tools to create a custom profile with text and pictures. A typical profile includes basic information about the user, at least one photo, and possibly a blog or other comments published by the user. Advanced profiles may include videos, photo , online applications (in Facebook), or custom layouts (in MySpace). • If you join a social networking website, it is a good idea to review the privacy settings for your account. And more importantly, remember to always use discretion in what you publish on your profile. I cannot say “Social Media” without mentioning Facebook. • Facebook is the Coffee Shop of the internet. • Facebook is the greatest PR tools in the history of the world. • Invite your “Refrigerator Friends” the-content/uploads/Report ones- 2013-Facebook-Use.jpg you’d call to help move a fridge. g 6.How Social Media groups and forums work Social Media is more than just Facebook 7.How works

• The movies//content you want is stored online and you can only access it when you connect to the internet “Cloud” services.

Blog Software (or any software): What to Look For Design Tools: Templates, plug-ins, text editors & spell check functions Tracking/ Tools: Tracking tools are vital to monitoring who is looking at your site and when and for how long. Ease of Use: how easy is it to sign up, obtain a blog and begin blogging. If you are paying to host your own site or blog how long is the install/wait time? Software/Hosting: • free software and free hosting – low expectations/reliability •free software and paid hosting- if you are selling a product (your writing, solar panels, handbags, whatever) you’re going to need lots of space (hosting) and features (software). •Paid software and paid hosting will give you •reliability, credibility & scalability (room to grow) Tech Support/Help: Can you call 24/7? Do you have to chat or for help? Do they just have F.A.Q’s, knowledge base, tutorials & forums?

Favorite Blogging sites/programs

There are many free blogging platforms but only two have won every one’s heart. • - Google owns blogger and hence applies its policies to it. – There are fewer options and It’s faster and easier to setup – with blogger account is always like “” – those who want to start blogging to earn some money they can opt for blogger as it gives you by default option of AdSense to start with because they are both by Google – If Google does not like your content it WILL shut you down and may legally use your content as they wish. • Wordpress is well known as CMS ( system). – You should not be confused with and – Both are owned by same owner but is something like blogger it offers you free hosting and domain name ( – WordPress is absolutely free. BUT , you need a hosting plan from a hosting company and a domain name. – is open source and hence offers you fully customization. – if you are coding expert then it is best for you. – If you are not into coding premium wordpress themes setup a highly professional blog. – Open Source supports thousands of plugins and gadgets. – With default installation you need a couple of plugins and even a better theme to really maximize the Adsense potential. – you own your content and you have complete ownership and copyright of content. RSS feeds & feedreaders • RSS = Stands for "RDF Site Summary," but is commonly referred to as "Really Simple Syndication." RSS is method of providing website content such as stories or software updates in a standard XML format. Websites such as and CNET's provide news stories to various RSS directories that distribute them over the Internet. RSS content can be accessed with an RSS-enabled or other programs designed for retrieving RSS feeds.

• Feedreader is a free RSS and aggregator for Windows. • The feedreader program from has an auto- discovery feature, whose purpose is to find RSS feeds on any web page and subscribe to them in an automated . Moreover, the program can use keyboard , search through one's RSS feeds, and can be run from a USB flash drive. The installation file is 4.44 MB, which is notably small for a feed reader with such features.

My Favorite RSS News Feed Readers RSS feeds are a spam-free, quick and efficient way to read news and weblogs. To get the most out of newsfeeds, you need a powerful aggregator, though, that lets you organize, search, categorize and use news items just like . Here are my top picks for reading news on Windows. 1. NewzCrawler 2. FeedDemon 3. 4. Omea Reader 5. NewsGator Online Services 6. NewsGator Inbox for Outlook 7. Awasu Personal Edition

8. Blog Navigator Instant Messaging • Instant messaging (IM) is a form of over the Internet, that offers an instantaneous transmission of text-based from to receiver • The most commonly used IM channels are – AIM, MSN/Hotmail, Yahoo, , ICQ, Facebook & Myspace • Instant Messaging Applications are programs that allow you to interact with multiple IM channels at the same time • The most commonly used IM Applications are – Digsby, , , , , Miranda IM and Google Talk/ photo-sharing The first consumer-priced, one-megapixel digital cameras hit the streets just over 10 years ago, by now most people have hundreds of pictures because they cost almost nothing to store digitally. Share them with your family and friends with one of these favorite ways to share pictures online • You can host your own website but that’s a lot of work with less editing / options. • SmugMug - 14-day free trial, and the minimum price for an account is $40/year • - The now Yahoo-owned site offers free accounts with limitations placed on photo uploads and other features, while the $25/year Pro account promises unlimited uploads, storage, and sets. • Web Albums - A free account with gives you 1GB of free storage space, and you can buy extra storage that's shared with your account for anywhere between $20/year for 10GB to $500/year for 400GB. Honorable mention goes to an old favorite Photobucket, social networking web site Facebook and the online artist community deviantArt.

online & collaboration tools vs. vs. SkyDrive Free Storage Sizes Paid Storage Sizes

OS support (works with)

applications support (works with) Zoho is also a good collaboration site but it does not have much in the way of storage web classes, conferencing & online meeting tools • Skype – Great for frequent one on one online communications. • Google Hangounts - A maximum of 10 people participating in a single Hangout at any point in time. • Blackboard – used largely by educational circles • Webex – used widely in professional circles • GoToMeeting - has a strong focus on desktop and document sharing, but skips video support altogether. • DimDim - Unfortunately the free version only has one way video