Dr Keir Newsom The Glebe Surgery Dr Marco Cecchini The Glebe Dr David Sherwell Dr Jenny Ellis Dr Laura Wollaston West Dr Charlie Woodhams RH20 4FR Dr Amy Garrett Dr Sarah Donswijk Tel No 01903 742942

'Dear patients of Surgery, The Glebe Surgery, Medical Centre and Medical Practice,

Those of you who have had your first COVID-19 vaccine at The Glebe Surgery should be aware where and when your second dose is due. Unfortunately the government vaccine delivery chain has not been able to match the 12 week follow-up date originally planned. As a result we now have to manually match your second doses, which means a lot of phone calls. We are only getting informed of vaccine delivery dates 2-3 weeks ahead, so we cannot avoid short notice changes.

We will be contacting you all to confirm the day and date of your second vaccination, but the time of your appointment will not change. For example, if you had your first vaccination at 09:35 then your second vaccination will be on a new date, but still at 09:35.

The first group of patients who need their appointment changed will be those who had their first COVID- 19 vaccinations on 14th, 15th and 16th January. The appointments will remain at the same time of day, but the dates will change as follows:

Those who had their first COVID-19 vaccination 14th January 2021 will now have their second dose on 1st April 2021 at the same time.

Those who had their first COVID-19 vaccination 15th January 2021 will now have their second dose on 2nd April 2021 at the same time.

Those who had their first COVID-19 vaccination 16th January 2021 will now have their second dose on 3rd April 2021 at the same time.

We appreciate that this may cause clashes in diaries, but it is vital that you all receive your second vaccination before 12 weeks in order to be as protected as possible from COVID-19 infection. This is especially important now lockdown restrictions are easing.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you are a patient of Billingshurst Surgery or The Glebe and are aged over 50, if you have not already had your first vaccination then please contact the surgery by phone or email and we will book one for you.

Dr Keir Newsom

Local Vaccination Service Clinical Lead at The Glebe Surgery, Chanctonbury Primary Care Network'