Eco-Neighbourhoods Action Plan & Audit 2015 Moston


Eco Neighbourhood Action Plan 2015 : Moston The following actions were developed by attendees of the workshops. Some organisations and individuals that were not in attendance were suggested as action leads, and so their involvement in those actions is included in suggested contact and is subject to further discussions.

Project idea Who? Timescale Resources Suggested next Or suggested contact steps Connecting Moston Suggest Friends of Agree routes Council Friends of Moston (and ) using Moston Brook (lead) with via email Insurance, risk assessment, creating the map, training Brook to lead as per a map with walkways representatives from conversations walking leaders. the suggested contact. connecting green other local Friends of and run a Volunteer time. spaces and Eco Groups and Residents walking test Moston Brook / GMEU / Canal and Rivers Trust / TCV Projects. Associations. Strollers within 2 Officer time Lead organised walks club at Broadhurst months. Materials for repairs Clough. Community Agree graphics Funding (Awards for All?) – need a group with a bank a/c to Payback. and create a lead. Walking leader from map by May. Canal and Rivers Trust ‘walking officer’. Themes e.g. Friends of Broadhurst. Plan events for photography. Resources for signage and interpretation Rhys Wyn (Canal and launch of TGfM – Active Travel Rivers Trust), TCV, Matt routes June to Green Corridor project walking action group brings lots of Holker (GMEU), Council. July. partners together. Could seek funds for a coordinator. Is Community this just about walking? Or cycling routes as well? Use existing canal and Irk Payback clean valley routes but connect up and check them across. for safety of routes June / July. Run events in August (link with Moston Brook Fun Day) Funding bid for visual amenities (noticeboards, planters, green gym etc) by March 2015. Start once the


publicity project and access improvements are completed Support local people to Suggest ZEST (lead) or Approach Funding (for a dedicated officer). Ask for support from ZEST could be grow simple food crops other healthy living / food ZEST Growing . approached. and cook healthy food growing organisation. Build funding Plants / seeds / tools– B and Q, Asda, Morrisons from it (share recipes, Public Health Team. St bid – bring Land / growing spaces expertise and excess Dunstan’s. Schools. together Funding for lead organisation to employ coordinator – produce) Allotment stakeholders Housing Trusts? Groups(Bluestone Rd, and agree Venue for workshops – Daylesford foundation? Joyce Street, Hazeldean programme Local food growing expertise from community and allotment Allotments), Social Identify local groups Housing Trusts, Faith expertise in Link together local growers / organisations who grow / have Groups, AgeUk food growing land to link up green spaces and venues to run workshops Access funding within 8 months Install renewable Suggest involving MCC in Publicity campaign with awareness raising. Green Doctor Housing Associations energy locally, such as partnership with others community events. could lead. solar, ground source Community Groups Roadshow in community centres heating, air source Housing Associations – Go into schools to reach parents heating Network group, Invite local organisations to sit on the Energy Steering Northwards Group to look at what’s missing and get project of the Schools ground

Improve maintenance Moston Brook Long term and Mixed funding – Trusts, utilities (not local councils). Landfill Moston Brook and access to Partnership / Friends of ongoing, but Tax. Lottery. Health Budgets (devolution of). Partnership / Friends of community green Broadhurst Clough sort access first People – Moston Brook model: Community Payback and Broadhurst Clough to spaces through employee volunteering, TCV and Friends of groups. progress and apply for combining efforts of Need to demonstrate the wider benefit of green spaces funding. community payback, employee volunteering, BTCV / conservation volunteers, Friends of groups Publicise the green NHS ( via screens in Drs Initially short Communications budget Suggest incorporating spaces that are on surgeries) . term, but needs Social media training this action with the first


people’s doorsteps but Needs an organisation sustaining. Champions action Connecting which they are with a communications Moston (and unaware of budget. Failsworth) using a TfGM (Active Travel) map connecting green Schools. spaces and Eco Projects.


Moston Eco Neighbourhood Environmental Audit 2015

Ward Co-ordinator Rhianne Sweeney [email protected] Regeneration Ward Officer Rory Gaffney [email protected]

Theme 1: Better Looking Neighbourhoods

Activity Details Map No. Contact e-mails

Clean-ups and litter-picks Local groups may be in receipt of Clean City Via Ward Co-ordinator Clean Up grants or CASH grants Grot-Spot, graffiti and - - other nuisance reporting schemes Tree planting Red Rose Forest were involved in a project at Hilary Wood Lightbowne in partnership with Irk Valley 1 [email protected] Moston Has 23% tree cover, higher than the City average of 20%. [email protected] Known orchards in Broadhurst Clough and Nuthurst Park Flower beds and 1000s of daffs planted down Lightbowne and 2 [email protected] containers (other than in Broadway with Cllr support , 2010ish parks and open spaces) JAG – Residents group look after containers 4 Back alley greening - - Tidying up/”meanwhile” - - uses of derelict land Anything else? Moston Brook will get £93,000 worth of clean city 3 money for sustainable access improvements Molton Gardens Community Group – Community 5 Allotment Plot bordering onto Moston Brook Nephra – Allotments and bulb planting / hanging 6 baskets; work with Payback to do work on allotments; litter pick along Northfield Road


Theme 2: Giving nature a helping hand

Activity Details Map No. Contact e-mails

Friends groups – parks Friends of Broadhurst Park 1 Part of Irk Valley Project contact Jo Fraser and open spaces [email protected] or Ann Bates Moston Brook Project Officer Friends of Moston Brook, Moston Brook 4 [email protected] Partnership Also Lancs Wildlife Trust own Moston Fairway Nature Reserve – contact via Ann B [email protected] Irk Valley steering group Balsam-bashing and Friends of Broadhurst Part of Irk Valley Project contact Jo Fraser control of invasive plant [email protected] species or Ann Bates Moston Brook Project Officer Knotweed treatment 5 [email protected] Also Lancs Wildlife Trust own Moston Fairway Nature Reserve – contact via Ann B Native wildflower and As above plant conservation and Ecologically important mossland on Moston 2 Great Manchester Ecology Unit propagation Fairways 3 Wildflower planting at FC United as part of Kew Grow wild Wetlands and ponds On Broadhurst Clough, including Dean Brook - Community-owned or Lightbowne “ Country Park” – Red Rose [email protected] managed woodlands or investment through trees for cities 2010ish wild/natural spaces Bat/Bird box schemes and NEPHRA bird box making sessions Claire Balshaw [email protected] other created wildlife habitats Moston Brook project, Irk Valley project See above Anything else? FC United are building a new stadium in the FC United area. Their site drains into SUDS wetland at


Broadhurst Clough.Their volunteers keen to develop nature friendly areas, litter pick etc. Moston has two Sites of Biological Importance : Ecology Unit as above Moston Fairways and Broadhurst Clough Key parts of Irk Valley/Moston Brook River valley See above corridor


Theme 3: Living better lives

Activity Details Map No. Contact e-mails

Food growing schemes St Dunstan’s School Allotment 1 [email protected] Orchards in Broadhurst Clough and Nuthurst 2 [email protected] Park 3 NEPHRA Food growing/orchard – Northfield Road 8 Allotment, hens Food processing and NEPHRA make preserves and have a healthy 4 NEPHRA production (eg honey, eating cook book and luncheon club eggs, preserves) Air and/or water quality - - monitoring projects Outdoor gym equipment - - Nature trails/Health walks NEPHRA run nature rambles. As above Moston Marchers Health Walk Group contact Dave Clutterbuck, Health Walk Development Officer

0161 230 1857 Broadhurst Park – Nature walks 6 [email protected] Canal tow path walking 5 Footpath 77 7

“Wild” adventure play - - areas/den building etc.


Theme 4: Sustainability

Activity Details Map No. Contact e-mails

Watercourse and land Moston Brook project As above drainage improvements Broadhurst Clough wetland drainage 1 [email protected] FC Utd Community energy - - conservation schemes Eco-homes (state whether Northward eco efficient housing – PV’s, ground 2 - new-build or refurbished) source and air source heat pumps Community renewable Solar powered lighting at Moston Vale 3 - energy schemes Community transport - - Environmentally-related Crafty Co-op (use of recycled materials for [email protected] social enterprises (eg producing craft products) coppicing, timber products) Community-based Carbon Literacy Training (Northwards Housing) [email protected] environmental education NEPHRA run various activities for young people As above initiatives Greater Manchester Ecology Unit’s ‘Grey to Greater Manchester Ecology Unit as above Green’ Project has worked extensively with Friends of Broadhurst and Moston Brook running wildlife ID training and activities


Eco Schools

School Map No. Status e-mail

St Dunstan's RC Primary School 1 Silver [email protected]

New Moston Primary School 2 Bronze [email protected]

Broadhurst Primary School 3 Bronze [email protected]

Challenges and opportunities

• Grotspots and fly tipping problems • Low recycling rates, need for more education • Moston Brook and Broadhurst Clough are community involvement success stories.

Ward Maps with Environmental initiatives.

The information from the Environmental audit has been mapped onto the Ward Map for Moston.