9:00 (Honorable Hel' rt. B ell, fhe Attom Gener ) OFF THE REC


t Statt nc;r

ll:SO (Th President 1 tt th White House tor the nev Red Croas Chapter Ho se)

12:15 Jiil The President a t vorda ot greeting at the dedication ot the new Red Cro Chapt r House tor the D1atriet ot Collllllbia. Honorable John Foster Dul.1e , Th Secre or Stat Honorab1e Adla1 • SteTenacm

The Preai ent g ~• a tag ltmcheon t the White House tor Bono~ bl Adlai E. SteTen • Th following ere pre t: Hon. Adlai • stennson Hon. John Fost r Dulles, Hon. Robert T. St.even , Hon. Harold E. S aen, Hon All n W. Dulles, Hon. Ad Hon. Gabriel Hauge Hon. Robert Cutler Hon. J e C. Ha ert7 Hon. Oswald Ryan, Chairman, Civil A nautics Bo rd Hon. Joeh Le 1 Civil Ae utios Bo THURSDAY, OOTO 1, 195.3 Pag 2

1:00 i:a Lunch (Cont,~.~-... Hon. Ro 1 H. Chairman, Federal Conmrunicat1o s Hon . Robert • le7, P deral C ication Commi ai Hon . Bo rt W. Willi 1 Federal itime .uucu..a Hon. Eld n C. Upton, Jr. 1 F deral l'ithle nu~LL-.... Hon . Joseph E. Talbot, Vic Chairaan, U. S. Taritt C si Hon. 0 ~ • er, u. s. aritt C asi 2t4S pra

re 1 land

e Rt. R v . Wi lliam c. Martin, Resident Bishop ot the et odi t Church, Dalla , ort iorth A Dr. i F. 1 cretar;y, ation8J. Council o! Church• ot Chris in t Urd.ted St tea of riea (Thq invited the Pr sident to attend important dinner etin ot the General Board ot th National CouncU of Churches, to held in thi cit7 t atl r Hotel, 0'91 1" 17th)

3s.30 Pl Th a1dent e1Tecl he St Directors of Civil Det n • ( rranged at the requea\ ot Gov mor al Pet r ) Th following •re reeenta Clarlc, Jo eph S. , Jr. , Mayor of Philadel. Fl , rthur s., Director, otti of P t r on, Val, dll1ni trator, FCDA Howard 1 Mr • Katherine G. , Deput7 dminist tor, FC Aitken, Harold L., cutive Aseistan to the Aclmi1li trat r, FODA Wagn r, Paul, Special to the A ., FCDA Galla er, Hubert R. , Ae • A • for Fiel Relation , FCDA Hank , Donoh . , Deput7 sst A • tor Field .Relations, FCDA. Pohl , an, Pub1 c t r Office, FCM Garrett, J e M. , Director,CD• Ala sturgeon William c• .,, MObile Count7 CD Dir. , Ala Owe 1 or . , Director, CD, Arizo ard, ar, B. Jr. , Director, CD, ncan8llL8 ton, Heney S. , FCDl R g. Dir. , California Robert on, Walt r 1' • , Dire tor, CD, Calitomia Larson, Henry t . , Director, CD, Colorado Tilley, bert C. , FC e • Dir. , Color, . ~ , He eth, illi , Di ctor, CD, Connectie t Le , D. Pr ston, Director, CD, De :w~ ond.ahl, John ., Dir ctor, CD, District. ot Columbia Godwin, Harold P. , Deput7 Director, CD, District ot Col a l,. 1953 Page 3

~h.30 state Direotor ot Civil ~ • (Continu ) McKUlen, H.. eil, A at Di.recto?", Cl>, Di · rict ot Columbia Carroll, han s., Dir ctor, Territori• and Poes• s1ona, FCDA, D.C. Howie, Robert G., Director, CD, Florida Brown, E., F.CDA R • l>ir., Q rgia · bivilk, 'l'bo w., Air Foree Ground Ob n r Corp Coordinator, Ga. Vandiver, 1 E., DU-ector, CD, ~l)Nr1.A White, Charl T., Deputy Director, OD, Geor ia MalleJ"Ow, John R.,D:tr ctor, CD, Idaho Hom i-, John L., Deputy Direct.or, CD, Ill1noi Woodward, Rob rt • , ~ctor, CD, Illinois el.son, Jun , cretary, CD, Illinoi Pettigrew, Wilbur B., FODA R g. Dir. Cretor: , h'ederick T., Director, CD, Indian ·owler, Gl . E., lleputy Di.r6ctor, CD, Iowa Mall, Staridish, Director, CD, ansa. Pa re, Warren G• ., Deputy Di · ctor, OD, Kan aa IJ.nd~, .Jesse s., Director, CD, Kentuclq ol~, M., Deputy Dil"eotor, CD , Loui Wool.tlq, Francie A. 1 Dir tor, GD., toui Bi e. Spaulding, Director, CD, Maine Ewing, Sherley, Dil'eotQr, CD, land t\hews, Fred s., Te t Officer, CD, !"y'land Shr "• Arthur L., Deputy Director, CD, Hurley, Jos ph J., Legal As is t, husett• O'Connor, Albert. D. 1 FCDA Reg . Di.r., Ma.ssa.chu tt.s Maitland, Lester J., Di ctor, GD, Miehig Harrison, David G., Deputy Director, CD, Minnesota Miller, Ernest B., Director, CD, Minn sot& Da.w , Hendrix A., Director, CD, Mies1s ippi McDaniel, Arthur s., Director, CU, Missouri Potter, Hugh K., Dir ct.or, CD, ontana con,. Au tin $ . , Deputy Dir ctor, CD, N brask Hanning'9r1 au,- ., Director, CD, ebraska Holgat 1 A, E., CD Director or i sh • Count7, ev Brinlanann, Corn liue A., Dir ctor, CD, shire Digb , 'l'homa s., .Deputy Director., CD, N Jer q D:reyhss, Le , Direotol", OD, N J r q Chapnan, John w., Dir ctor, CD, New Mexico Hal f'JT1 Sheftield1 .t7 Di.rec or, CD, . ew IOJ"k Hu bner, Cl ne R., Db tor, CD, N York O' Brien, Herbert. R., M.Y.c . CD O.f'ticial, ll Y rk Gresh ,. John• GOG Coo!'dinator, North rolina LeFleur, Edward, Deputy Director, CI>, North Dakota DureT1 Than M., Deputy Director, CD, Ohi HMd son, Al rt E.. , Director, CD, Ohio Ch tharn, Lewi A., Di:r-ector, CD, Okla Sheet , Arthur M. Director, CD,, Orego Bru ck:mann, J . George, FCDA Reg. Dir., Pennql.van cGr vy, John M., Director,, CD• Rhode Ha n, Ralph P., Director,. CD, South Dakota THORSDAY, OOTOBER 11 19S3 Page 4 state Directors ot CivU Defense (Contin ed) Black,, Ewell c., Deputy Director, CD,, SOuth Carolin& Stahl, H. A., GOC Coordinat.or, South Carolina Fox, Robert L., Director, CD, Tennessee McGW., WiJHa L, OD Coordinator, Texas Robenson, Frcmch M.,, CDA Reg. Dir., Texu Bird, Victor J., Mrs., Deputy Director Womens Affairs, Utah Seasion , Alvin,, Deputy Director, CD, Utah Baumann, Willia.a H., Director, CD, Vermont Mazan, Walter L.. , Deput7 D!Nctor, CD, Vermont Whi.tehead,, Carl L~f Aest Coordinator, CD, Virginia W'J'Se, Joseph H., D1rector, GD, Vll'gin Barbey, Daniel E., Director, CD.- Washington Fox. Charles R., Director, CD, West Virginia S1ter1, Edgar M. 1 Deputy Di~ctor, OD, West Virginia Olaow, Ralph J,, Director, CD, Wisconsin Edwards, Stanle7, Deputy '!'::.Notor, CD, w,adng Ee.may,, Rhodolph L.,, Director, CD, W)1Q111ing Crocket\, J a o., ])1.r ctor, CD,, Alaska Dolan,. William C., Chief,, CD, Canal Zone Hakimley, Fred w.,, Director, CD, Hawaii Hernandez...Matos, Dr. J . H., Director,. CD, Puerto Rico Munoz,, Miguel A., Director,, CD, Puerto Rico S1dnq, R. C. stswan, Instructor- at Start College,, Olney, Maeyland Riche.rd Gursteel,. State Director, Penneylv Russell C. l icholson, State Dinctor,, North Carolina M. t. Zioketosse, State Direct.or, Virginia ROT Broyhill, Neblt; aka

Mr. Robert Burroug}ls, Manchester, New Hampshire Mr. Ralph Cake, Portland, Or gon THE PRESI ' S PPO S FRIDAY, OCTO 2, 1953

EhlS (Honorabl hur s. Flemming, Ottic of Det bilizati ) OFF THE RECORD

8145 aa o~ Joint Obiets ot .cr..L.l["Jlli:ji.u of $ anding Group, TO) 9:00 Cabinet Hon. e rd , Vice sident H • John Foster Dull s, The S cretar,r ot State Hon. rg M. HUil hre7, Th retar.r ot tb Tre U17 Hon. Robert. T. stev a, i-etar,y ot th Hon . H rbert Brownell, The tome::r n ral Hon. John c. All n, Aa istant Poat.mast r General H • Ral A. or, Under S ere ry of th lnteri r Ho • D. r , Under Secretary of Agriculture Hon . Sinclair eks, Th cretarT of erce Hon. Lloyd A. h , Under Secreta.ey ot Labor Hon . Oveta Culp o b;r, retaey 0£ It alth, u ation & el.tare Hon . Harold E. S asen, Di.rec r , Fore Operation Administr tion Hon. Joseph M., Director, ot th dget Hon. Arthur S. Fl , Director, Office of Deten . Hon. Henry C t Lod8 1 Jr. , e dor to the UN Hon. Phlli Young, Chairman, Civil Service 0 • ssion Hon . Wilton B. Person Hon. c. D. Jack _ Hon . Robert Cutl r Ho • Gabri 1 Hauge Hon . Walter Williaa Hon. et Hugh KP. Bryce Harli Mr. bur Minnich (Th following re b t.1 cretal7 of Deten , The o st n ral, S c t ar;r ot the Interior, Secretaq ot Agriculture, Gat'emor Ada.a$ Oe d Morg • ) lltOO aa (Honor ble Her rt Brownell, Th Attome7 Gen ) (Jud e Carroll Hink , Connecticut) (J ge Bunt r, port, Louiai a) (The Attornq e pre t the e two •17 a pointed J gea to the President) 1:00 JD (LUii ) StOO am (Breakfast OFF THE RECORD with the followingi) (Hon. John Foster Dull , Seeret@T of State) (Hon. c. D. J kaon) (Hon. Lewis Str n s, Chairman, t e ra Oommis ion) ( dntiral bur w.. tord, Chai 1 Joint CM.•t ot att) (Hon. Harold E. Staaeen, Director, Foreign Operatio s Adm.) (Hon. Allen w.., Director, Central !ntelligeno Agency) (Ron. t Hughes) (Major John enbower) (The o tary of St te walked over to th Ottie wit the Pr sident atter br a.kt st, for a t minute pri1'ate talk)

9•40 (Harl"f t.cher, ar , Calitornta} OFF RECORD (Mr . tchel" cal.le to ask it h might pay hi re ot to the Presid,ent. Mr. B tcb r wa a fo er ai to the President) 9:4S (Honorable rold E. Sta.e , Director, For ign Opor tio s din. ) OPT THE CORD

(Honorable Her rt Brownell, The Att.ome;y (Honorable A s) . THE RECORD (General llt B. Per on ) lOsOO Hon. DoU8la• c rth 1 lI, Counsel r, State Departmeni H.E. toin Pinay, tonier P Min.1st rot the Republic or Franc H.B. Henri nnet, The basea4or ot France (The Depal"bnent of State reeomen •d that the President s • M. Pi.nay in vi ot portant political position which Pinq continue to hold 1n France s lead .rot th Independ _ t group, and b caus h may q key rol in EDC r ti.fication) 11;0.S Honorable Paul Grq Hottman, California. llal5 (Hon. Jame1 Mitcbella Assistant Seoretary ot the ArJD7) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Maxwell Rabb) lls4S a11 tor WUUaa F. Knowlan 1 Cal.itomia 1100 pa (LUIOB) PRES1 'S APPOIN'l'MJ!mlS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, l.95J

The President and Mrs~ Eisenhower tteaded the 9t00 a.m. Chureh Se-nice at the National Pr$abyterian Church. ~hOO 8:11 The President h breakfast with th toll.owing; Honorable Honorabl Val Peter on, Adminietr tor, FCDA • Paul agner, Speci Assist t to the dmi.nistrator, FCDA

t50 am (Hon. . t hes) 0 THE RECORD ( • Brye Harlaw)

9:15 a.tor H. uander th, ew Jersey at.or Irving M. IYe , York (Mr. Maxwell Ra.b ) OFF THE RECORD (Arnng · b7 Gen. Persons - Halt-hour)

9•45 Honorabl John Foster Dulle , The ere ey ot S te H.E. Y. T. Pyun, Miniater o~ Fore Affairs ot th R blic ot Ko (Arr ed at th eat ot S retary Dulles)

10:00 The aident received th J or s or from th Republic• ot anaaa, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, ChU and Argentina. (This group brought here b7 ~ AGRA with spe i&l. permission granted b7 CivU el"Onautics Ad.mininrat1cm. The7 were personaJ.lT pproved by the President•' t their countrie and bear good- will easagea from their Pr idents. state Depart- ent thought riei' reception ot thi group b7 th President would r'f"9 u ful go rill rpose. 7 re eorted by Hon. J hn M. Cabot, As ietant Secretar)r ot state.) Th foll iWing wen present: Hon . John M. Cabot, Assistant Seoretar,y of State Argentina Chile Hector BasU• stavo Mendes Heotor Jo e Pr ci AlYaro Palma Hector Jose s Eterio Paves Guille o Svare Jo Prado Norberto A. Vignol Carlo Ruz

Solid Co1aabia - Luis R ch Jorg Saiz Ed ar ,.,_...... _.,~ .... Carlos A

Ecug.40£ P. AMA ~ P ro C Bicardo Alberto Ari a uel Urteag Carlo Espin se. Harry Alb rto Diaz Manuel Odri &rique Ariz ga blio Toala Ricardo Leon ftl"O Perez Kel H od1o Arosemena Al.tonso Cairo Jo V l eco Alvaro Juli Pedro L vi 1', OCTO s, 1953 P ge 2

10:15 aa ur J,. Connell, C ander ot the rie gion nr.t.c st r, djut t, York Department J e o• ell, bllsher ot can gio gazin (Connell is newJT el ot der d wishe to pay re· pecta to th Presid t) llsOO 811! H norable G briel Ha: H o:rable • bur , on c Council (USt al Monday ppointment with the Presidm )

11:30 811 H Charl e E. 11 on, Th Secret ry or Defense (Th is • rua n's Monda.,- appoin nt with th Pr ident) ll150 Presid . t and Mre. Eisenhow r left the White House tor the Bmitraste Court Building)

12:00 noon • awer witn seed th sw aring- in of the 4.r.~.. as Chier J ti e or the prmte Court ot th

The Pr•ai sit t with the rs of the &rd ot Inquh7 s f'ollowa: David L. Cole, Chainnan Fo .,. Directo:t- of th F ediatio an Conciliati nice. D miis J. C T, S. J., Director of the In titute ot Industrial Retlations, St. Joseph Colleg , hil.adel bia, P nnsylvania Harry James Ca , Col bi Uni ver it7 l2:4S pa Ourti C aigne, Jr., aU.onal. Ch~ ·1-~, ican Veter • Co ttee, Inc. e E. Riee, National Executive Director, rican Vet r a Connitte , Inc. Jo p A. Clorety, Jr., National Secret , C Dr. Paul Cooke, Chairman, D. C. COlllDitte 1 AVC Edgar Nathan, Chairman ot Housing Committ e, AVC (National Chairman Ca.mpaigne wiehed to express to the President the support of the eric Veteran C ttee o~ the Preaid•nt' detenninatio to =ark for l'--1.ncreaaing unit7 of the tree world) 1:00 (LUNCH)

2:00 l* Honor ble Herbert Bro 11, The Atto~~ G ner Honorable IJ.01(1 A. Maehbum, Acting cret of Labor 2tlS Major General Leslie B. Nicholle, (Retired), Chairun ot Cable 4 Wireless, England (General Nicholl · was Chief ot Comaunic tion for th at E'l'O dUl"ing war - wi ed to pq hie respect while in

e in and talk to the President before October 12th) MONDAY, OCTOSER ;, 19S3 Page 3

The Vice Preaiden~. Honorable Richard Nixon (tla,s learing £or trip 'to ¥ ar 1 1; and asked tor chanoe to talk with the President. bet'ore d~ing - halt•hour)

Honorabl.e Harold E. st.assen, Direotof'1 Foreign Operations Adm. Honorable Arthur Su.maertield, The Postma \er Genenl.


8:.30 - (Honorable Bl"J'C Harlow) OFF THE RECORD 9:00 (Honorabl Sherman Adams) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Rob rt E. Lee) . (Arranged bf' mor Adams)

lOtOO a fb Preeident left tho White Hou tor HAt'S Terminal; Washington National Airport. The toll.owing oc anted the President aboat"d the OOUJMBIBEi Honor bl$ Shel'man Ad . · Senat0r H. Alexan4er h, Jereer 5enator Robert c. Hendrickson, Nev Jer Honorable Robert Cutler General Paul T. Can-oll C der Edward L. Beach Mr. Murray' Snyder

10:15 am Airbome tor Atlantic City, ew Jet-a 7•

ll:OO Arrived NaT Air Station, Pamona, Atlantic City, New Jer Y•

The Presidc t was met by a delegation from the United Ghurch Woai n, Governor Al.!"4 E. Dr1scoll d Mqor Joseph Altman ot Atlantic City. ll:lO am J>ttesidential m.otorc • departed tor Arrived t OonTention Hall. lla40 am Prea1dent met with group in Ro · No . 8 (apprGXimatJJ 16 people) to ll:S5 Us;5 am President was escorted to Pl trona. ll:S6 am l2r00 noon The Pr sident gre ted the Sixth ational Asse:mbl.T of United Church Wom. •

12:20 Jll Conclusion ot President•e • l2t25 s:ident d part

12t30 pa Presidential torcade cl rted tor Airport..

12•50 Arrived at Airport.

l2s50 pll Th eaident et the toll.owing New J rs 11' leader s t. the to Oper tions Building Patio: ..,. 1:00 ew Jer q st :te Senator Frank Farley Congre Charles A. Wol rt Page 2

l2i;o pa Met with Nw Jert14q I.eade:ra (Continued) to Congre•sman T. MiUet Hand 1100 JS Cc.mgftsaman J n C. Auchillc1oa Congressraan Peter F:rel.inghqeen, Jr. Conp'&&aman illiam B. Widnall. CongMllJSla.rt Gord.on Canfield Congr.asnan Frank c. O•ers, Jr. Hr. 5aiauel Bod:lni Mr. Paul T. roatt Ml". A. B. llenDallll Miss Bel.en Gleaaer V.r. Herbart Hollan Mr. George Mrs. o. Blak4 WUeox Mr. Gtty Gabrielson Mr. Jo•eph Job

A group photogra, was taken.

1:05 pa Airborne for Wasbil'lgton, D, c. Luncheon aboard pl •

l:.SS Arrincl MA.TS Tel"lldnal. .. Wa shington National .Air}:>oPt1 and motore direct tG the White House. L 2110 pa An-1._d White Houn. 2:30 ia Honorable John Foste!", Th Seoretaey ot State 3:00 fa Mr. Edgar Eisenhower SsOO Th Pneidat.. and Mn. Eisenhower had pictures taken with the Jutio.• ot the Supr Court and Mra. Earl Warren.

JtOO J:111 (Th President and Mre. Eisenhower reoeived th boye of Saiftt Paul' a Ca~~ Choir, hen London, Ftlglan • ) THE PILESit>ENT• S APPOINTMENTS


7:45 (The Presid b breaktaet with the tollowin t) (Honorabl• Sherman Ad _ ) OFF THE RECORD (Honor. ble Walt r .m1 s) f.h30 (Hon. Ezra Taft nson, Secretary of Agriculture) (Hon. True D. ors , Under Secretat"y ot Agriculture) (Hon. Jos. eph M. Dodge, Direc or, Bui-eau ot the Budget) (Hon. Sherman 9:00 Ml" • Fleur Cowles, ot Look uino (Hrs. Cowles asked to come in and talk to th President about her trip to Brazil and al o to discus junket or Sen te Bank· 1ng Ctl>!mllittee to Latin America.) Hr. Allan B. Kline.,. 'President, American Farm Bureau Fed r ti C.bai , At

10:00 ati nal

sid t receiv d d&legation t Hungarian r tion (Thie F ti 1 in Washing tor their 16th Triennial Congr a • y ah to Co?l'rey titude ot ric cita ns or arian d• cent fora the P si ent' · torthr ght sa addr< t the Congrt1 a in April, 1953, and to a sure him 0£ th undirtd coo~r. tion ot the mill~ n and half' citi ns o.t Hungari anceetey, represent b)' t.his group. Prennt to the Pre d t a cigarette c e wit.b ci&l arian hi t rical tt ms, and a ailver di ror Ei over.) The tollo w pr s ts ogh, Steph E., ·ashingto , D. c. k;y1 Zoltan, Rev . , Trenton, N J rM7 cze, John, Pitt burgh, Penn 7lvania Borshy, orge E. t., Rev., a , D, c. &tty, John, Rev •• !oungstow, Ohl Oha e,. Frank, ew Rochelle, New Yorlc Cholno)q, Tibor, .D. , Greenwich. nn ticu Daroczy, ilex.ander, Rev , C rl r t, Jereq Falu IJY, Aloysius, c., York, New Yor Fiok, bert A., tta gh, Penns7l Fodor, Jos ph1 Col s, Ohio Ga , John, Rev. , Pa sa.ic 1 ew Jer Gobozy, St. phen, Cleveland, Ohio Gan.hos, Zoltan, Cleveland, Ohi aldor, Coloman1 St. Louis, Mi uri Kish, Juli s, Rev., Trenton, llew Jer ~ Kiral.1'1 eey1 ashington, D. c., Andort Rev. , Cleveland, Ohi Lengyel, Ignatius, Munhall, a. 1 rt. B., . , ev York, · York Revesz, Colo , Pit bur , Pa. bo, John, Pittsburgh, Pa. Se ed7, Stephen L. , Bridgeport, Conn. SelJ.Tei, Loui , Perth Amboy, N Je ey Suta, Peter, Bridg port, Conneeticut Sz bo, Stephen, ReT. , Cl veland, Ohio S~alanczy, John, Pittsburgh, P • Szant ~' Daniel, Chi 0 1 Illinois Ujlaky, Francis, v., ·aahington, D. c. Vasvary, d, R . , Washington, D. c. Vincze, Charle , Rev., Perth Amboy, New Jers T WEDN'ESDAY, OCTOBER 71 1953 Page 3

1:00 ('l'he tollowin had OFF THE RECORD with the President:) (Mr. Edgal'" l!::i.ssnhower) (Mr. Richard Averbach, friend of Edgar Eisenhower's) 2:45 in (Col.onel Robert t. Schulz) (Mr. ltobert L. Biggers, Fargo Division, Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, Michigan) OFF THE RECORD Admiral Ha.l-ol.d Stark, USN, Retired. Honorable Joseph M. Dodge, Direct.or, Bureau of the. Bu.dget. THE PRESID Is APPOINTMENT THURSDAY, OCTi mm S, 1953

8100 The Prellid.ent h breaktast with the !ollowing: Hon. A • Hon. Leonard Hall Honor ble Roger M. Kyee, Deput7 Secretary ot Detenae (Wished to ell t.he Pr aidant about his European trip)

91;5 (The Pr aident left tor the statler Hotel, accompanied by' Goyernor Ad e, Gene Carroll an Mr. H ert7)

10:00 &1ll Th Presidet said a ta words t greeting to the Annual Meeting ot the A er1can CO't111cil on ucati n. 11:00 Honorable Harold E. Stassen, Director, Foreign Operations Administration Honorable Robert H. Scott, Minister ot th British arrr Sir Frank Spencer Spriggs, aging Director, Hawker Siddele7 Group, Ltd. Sir Ro7 H. Dobson, Managing Director, A. V. oe It Co., Ltd • • S. Scott Hall, C. B. , Head. ot Technical Serri.ce (Appointaent was arrang at the suggestion ot c. D. Jack on. This group trom British aircraft indust17 t very brie.t'q with the President and hen h a talk with Governor Stas en) 11115 Senator Allen J. Ellender, Louisiana (Mr. Jack in) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged by General Persons. Th Senator wished to report his trip, which covered practically- all ot A1'rica, Boaba;r, India, Iran, Iraq, Saudi abia, Australia and New Zeal.and. He made etud7 of T.C.A. progr and ies and L gations.)

11:45 am Hanorabl D star Intoah, rican Ambassador Designate to Urugua.;y (Asked thru Protocol to respects betoN departing tor n post)

12:00 Honcrabl.e Frank G. Clement, Governor ot T nneseee, and s. Clement and their ten Je&r old son (Gonrnor Clement requested this s tiille ago, stating he 11i a looking forward to a friendl)' rlsit with the President; informal, non-techtdcal exchange of ideas and info tion) (Honorable Eric Johnston) OFF '1'HE RECORD (Arnnged at the est ot the State Department)

12:45 JR Honorabl Jamee s. Moose, Jr., American ssador to S;yr1 ( bassador Moose r.t.urned to United State to attend his father's funeral, and asked, t.hru Protocol, to be allowed to make a call on the President before r tuming to Damascus) 12:55 pa Honorable Lester D. Malloey, eeador Designate to Jordan (Asked thru Protocol to pq respects betore departing for new st) THURSDAY, OCTO a, 1953 Page 2

1100 I* id nt gan a lunch for • • et Hugh e tollowing w r pres t: Hon. and 'ira. et Hughes Hon . Sh A C der ch Mr. S phen nedict Brig. eneral. Paul T. Carroll Hon . ·Ro rt Cutler Colonel "illi Dr r Hon . Jam e C. gert7 Mr. e • rlow Hon . C. D. Jackson • Robert Kieve Mr. J a M. Lambi , Jr. Hon. I. Jack Mr. L. ur Minnich, Jr. Hon . Gerald D. Morgan s • iiehols !!r. M. b Mr. S e7 M. R ugh, Jr. Lt. Colonel Robert L. buls j . eral Hows. cc. er • Murrq Sn;vder Mr. ge~ Steffan • .Ann Whitman Mr. Charle • Will 1 Jr. 3:00 ( • Ha erty) a Conterence

(T at th hit Hou e tor Mr. s. John cCone) OFF THE RECORD THE RESIDENT ' S APPO TS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1953 L :4S a The President witnessed the sw aring in, in his Office, of the Hon. J es • Mitchell, of N Jersey, s The creta.ey ot Labor. The following guests were present; Mr • James ?. tchell (wife) Mrs. Anna c. Mitchell, Elizabeth, ew Jersey (mo.tber ) Mr .. & Mr • Henry G. Nulton, Elizabeth, Ii Jerse7 Hon . Robert T. stnens, Secretary ot the Anq James T. O'Connell, N York Cit7 M. S. Pitzele, New ork Cit7 Maxwell bb Frank G. Norvell, W shington, D. C. Dorothy H. Bl.ondheim, aehington, D. c. Hon . Earl D. Johnson, Und r cretaey of th krtq Joseph Ke nan, Washington, D. C. Walter Reuther, OIO George Meaney, AFL Richard Gray, Washington, D. C. e:;; am (Honorable John Foster Dulles, The Secretary of Sta\ ) OFF THE RECORD 9:00 am Cabinet Meeting Hon. John Foster Dulle , The ecretary or st te Hon. rion B. Folsom, Under Secretary ot the Tre sury Hon . Charles E. Wilson, 'l'he Secretary of .tense Hon . Herbert. Brownell, Th Attorney General Hon . Arthur ertield, The Po . star General Hon. Dougla.8 Xa.7, The Secreta17 ot the Interior Hon, Ezra Taft Benson, The Secretary of Agricu1tm-e Hon . Sinclair ~eeks , The cretary ot Co re• Hon. Jame P. Mitchell, 'l'he Secretar;r of Labor Hon. t Cul Hobby, Th Secretary of Health, Educ :tion & Welf r e Hon . Jo eph M. Dodge, Director, Bureau ot the Budget H<>n . Harold E. Sta. ·s n, Director, Foreign Operations Admini t ration Hon . Arthlll" S. n , Dir ctot-1 Office of D !ens Mobilization Hon . Philip Young, Cba.innan, Civil rvice Commission Hon. Sh rman Ad e Hon . Robert Cutler Hon . C. D. Jack on Hon . Walter William.$ Hon. t Hughes Hon. G bri l Haug Hon . Geral.d Morgan Hon. Brye Harlow Mr. Arthur Minnich (The following were absent: The Vice Preaident., The Secretary of th Treasury, Ambassador Lodge, General Persons & Mr . Shanley) 10:10 am (The President left tor the Capitol) Page 2 The .PMe!dent greet ed the delegates to the Und Conterenee ot the lnter-.Parliatnentary Union, in the Chamber ot the House ot Representatives. 12:00 Honorable Luther Evans, Director General, UNESCO {Mr. Evans asked 1! he might pa7 his respect.s before leaving for his post)

(Hl's •. w•. G. Krepa, Abilene, Kansa ) OFF THE RECORD (Mrs. Kreps wa one of the sident's Mother1 s closest friends. She is visiting in ~ashington amt her son-Ur-law asked it she might c in and hake th Pr sic.tent's hand, Mrs . Kreps is in her late 80 1 s) 12;10 pm (Hon • .A.vtnur s. Flemming, DirectorJ: ON:iee of Detense Mobilization) OFF ntE RECORD l2t4.5 pn Mr. Fred Lip, President o~ the 1-s oeiation of French Watch Manut'acturera Mr. Albert d~ Montgolfier, Presid nt of group or French vateb companies H.E. Henri Bonnet, the Atnbassad.or or FJ"anc (Hon. Raymond Muir, Acting Chief of P;retocol) (Hr. Fred. Lip wrote ctly to the President last August., stating he would be. 1n \his country at this time, and would like to present to him a watch, a gift or th French watch... making tnanut'acturers, similar to the ones they gave to Churchill, P~eident Truman and General de Gaulle, a tokens to the people who a.ved France. Mr. Muir will oo wtth them. Approved by the Department o-t Stat )

1:00 pn Th tallowing had lmlch with the Pre id.ct: General Allred M.. Gruenther Hon . Dougl.a · MacArthur, Oouns lor, State Department Hon . Gerald Morgan Hon. Jack rt.iii Mr. Homer Gruentb.Ol"

5:00 Jiii. The Prellident, and l s . Msenhowe~ receiYed the delegate and wins ot the Inter.Parliamentary Union. THE PPJrm:DENT' S APPOINTMENTS SATURDAY, , 19.53 (_

Honorab1e H rbert 11rownell, The Attorney G neral

Mr . L. F. McCollum, ot Bandera, (M:t. MeCollum is an old friend)

10:00 aa Mr. William c. Dohert7, President, National Association ot Letter Carrier (Hon. Shel"Jlla11 lidama) OFP THE RECORD (Mr. Doherty requested a titteen =i.nute appointment wit.h the Preai.dent through Govemor Adams)

10:15 aa Mr. a11d s. Thomas J. Watson, of New York (Mr. Watson is President of International Business chines Corporation. Mr. Watson reql.!est.ed this thru Col. Schulz)

10:40 am (Honorable Robert. Cutler) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable C. D. Jackson)

lltOO ant (Hon . Sherman Adams) (Hon. Gabriel Hauge) OFF THE RECORD (Hon. James Hagert;r-) (Hon. Bryce Harlow)

(Mr. Clift Roberta) OFF THE RECORD


The President reraa.1.ned at the Whit• House the entire day •



Congres Joel T. Broyhill, t/irgWa (Genel"al Wilton B.. P•rson ) (Gen•ral Person arranged this appointment)

9:30 am 1'1<$U4!WLO Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, Pr sident or the Eighth Regular Session of the General A s bl,y ot the United Nation• Hon. John Foster D\lllea, The oret ey ot Stat. (Arranged at th :request of the Stat Department. Hal.f:...hour)

lOtOO H r'f Mahady, ational Command r, AMVET Rufus WUSOD1 ashington, D. C. Alvin Kell r, Washington, D. o. David Seblot.hauer, Washington, D.. C. (General Paul T,. Carroll) (Commander Mahad7 is newq J.ected, and asked, thru Dr. Milton senhower,. if he might pq his re cts to the President. )

10:.30 Admir 1 Arthur W. RadfoJ'd, Chairman, Joint Chiet of Start (Thia 1s dmi1"al Radtordt a usual Monday appointment with the President. )

ll:OO am Honcra.'ble Arthur F,. Bl!!me, Econoill1c Council c Honorable Gabriel Haug (This is their usual Monday appointment) ll:30 Hon. Charles E. WUson, The secntaey ,of Det nse (Thia is Secretary Wil on• usual Monday appointment with the Pre :ld t)

12:30 Mr. Luke E. Hart, Sup ot the Knights of Ool:umbns Mr. H ry G. Catucci, Stat Deput.J' Mr. Carmin Garofalo, District Deputy Mr. James F. Kehoe, State Advoc t . (General P ul T. c rroU) (In requ· ting thi appointment tor the Supreme Knight, the Stat Deputy said it is first t.ime since 1925 that th prem.e Knight ot the Knight.a ot Colum"bu has been in Washington for the Col bu Day Oel bratioa)

Mr. athan C s, Chairman of Board, Consolidated. Grocers Corporation, Chicaaot Illinois. (Honorable Gabriel HaugeJ (Mr. Cummings spent three 11\0nt.hs this epring and in Euro , where he di _cus& f"ood and agricultural problems} is , tu.ming to Europe this 1D0ntb, and asked if he might see the President beto then) L c MONDAY, OOTOJ!ma 12, 1953 Page 2 1:00 pm The ! ha.d llln(th with the .Presitl«iia &mat.or &l't7 Goldwater, Arieona Congessma.n Charles A,. Halle-ck• Indiana Honorable Shet"man ffonoJ"abl.e Wilton B. Persons Honorabie Jaek H0nora~le Gen.l.d. Morgan (Arranged by Gene~ Persons)

{Honorable John foster Dul.lee, The Secretary ot•) OW mE RECORD (Halt'- h<>l.U') THE PRESID T'S APPOI TS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1.3, 1953

SiOO aa {Honor ble Robert tler) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable James l.a.7) (Briefed the President, in hi Office, on SO)

9:00 ational Securi 7 ell on. John Foster, cretary of St te Hon. Charle E. Uson, Secretary ot D ten Hon . Harold E. stas en, Director, For ration Adm. Hon. Arthur s. Fl , Director, Of'fice of De!en e bill ation Hen. George E. HU111phr 7, eretary ot the Tr SUJ'7 Hon. Herbert Brownell, The Attome7 G ral Hon. Jo ph 1. Dodge, Director, u ot the dget Hon. a L. Strauss, Chairman, Atomic ergy Conmdssion Hon. Robert T. Stevens, Secretary ot the / Hon . bert B. And raon, Secretary o! the avr I Hon. ~d E. Talbott, retary of th Ail" Fore rthur • tord, Chairman, Joint Chief ot Staff General tthew B, Ridgwa.71 Chief or Statt ot the Admiral Robert B. C mey, Chief of a.Yal rationa Gen ral Nathan F. Twining, Chiet ot tatt ot the ir Force Lt. Gen. rald c. Thomas, Acting C dant1 u.s. ine Corp Hon . Allen W. Dulles, Director ot Central Intelligence General Wilton B. Pei"sons, Deput)" A i tant to the President Hon. bert Cutler, Special As istant to the sidmt Hon. C. D. Jackson, pecial Assistant o the Pre idtnt General Paul T. Carroll, cting it House Statt Secretar;r Hon . J a s. Lay, Jr., ecutive Secretary, NSC Hon . s . rett lea.son, D puty heeuti Secretary, SC

1:35 Piil The President Mrs. senhower accompanied b;r Governor and Mrs . dams, .s. Gordon Moore, s. Caf'f'ree, neral Sn1der, • erty and General Carroll l tt the Whit House and motored to Herehey, Pennqlvania, v1 ckt'ill , Frederick, Thurmont and • tt burg, JarylandJ and Gettysburg and York, Penn lvani.a.

5:20 The esident and • Eisenhower arriv t th H rshey Hot 1 where they t ~Mr. and s. Philip T. arples, .Host Hostess, Pre ident' Birthdq Part,., and • Joseph Gassl r, ~-UU<.er or th Hershey Hotel, and were edi t.el.y escort to the Hot l Suite. 5:20 Mr. J hn Soll nberger, General Manager ot th Hershey statea, to called on th esiden.t and presented him with Gold Life 5:55 Membership C which entitle him to the us ot all the olt cour s controlled. by the HersheT Estate •

5:55 s. i4 rnhower, accompanied b;r Mr. and • to ani~'l"l:.4!!tl the Hershey Hotel tor Hersh97 Stadi • 6:10 TUESDAY, OO'l'OBER l,, 1953 Pag 2

6:10 pm Upon from theii- oar, the PI"eeident and Mrs. Eieenhower to and Mr. and Mrs.. Sharples were gr eted by Mr. Fred Waring and 6:55 pm escort to the box-lunch whare tbe7 ate. -

615~ JD '.l'b esident and Mrs. Eisenhower lett the Stadium., entered awa.itin aut bile and

7:00 pa The esi

!he Preaident and Mrs.. Eisenhower departed "Big 'fopu are for Hershe7 A~, approx.:bnately 3 blocks distuce.

Tb ?reatdent and Mrs. Eieenhawer ani.ved t Hershey" A1"8Ba arid was escorted to a p?"iv te roo where they relaxed until 7t5S p.m. 'l'be President and Mrs. Eisenhower left private ro , enter horse-driven cam ge and proc ded into th na, a e plete circle around the track and stopped directly in .front ot a specially eonstl'Uct st e. 7•55 The President and Ml" • Eisenhower were gre t by • Fred We.ring to d w re esco~ up t steps onto the stage. Aa the President St OS an Mrs. Eisenhower a proaehed their po ition on the stage, a large 1 birthday ca.tne into po itt. n through sp cial17 constructed trap do r to the center of th stag •

As the Pr- sident walked toward the cake, th en.ti.Te roe was lighted and the audi«nce, numbexeing 7,0001 lighted small eandl e in wooden ho1ders. At a pre-arranged signal trom Mr. Waring> the electr~ lights in the arena w re e;rt,inguished and the on:ty llghta shf>Wing when. the President completed. t.he cake cutting' and $.roun4 'Wf!Jl"$ the candles held b1' tbe udienc .. The el ct.ric Ughta v ~ . extinguished only tor tne period it ook the audience tq sing tt()od Blese A erica" ~d 'l'l;;-here Oh Whe:re But In ric•. n

A surprise gif1o in the to ot a Fellowahip in the name ot the ' Ei enhower F undationtt !or worthy foreign students specializing in farming, etc., s giYen to the President on the stage by Mr. Sharple •

Th ~sid t g :ve a short address upon receipt ot thi gitt and propriate hotogr phs were tt •

8:15 Th President and Kr • Eisenhower then lttft the stage, ent red their earri ge and drove to the Presidential Box. Immediateq upon being eated in their box, Mr . Fx-ed Waring conducted. a two- hour ehow. Starting the show was the , Happy BirthdaT' sung by the udience. TUESDA..Y, OCTOBER 1,3 1 195.3 Page 3

Following the show, th President and Mrs. Eisenhower walked rrom their boor to an a.waiting automobile and moto"Nd direct to Homeatee.d Field, Middletown, Penna;rlvania. ll:l.5 JD Airborne for Washington, D. c.

11:4S JD Arri.Yed at MATS Terminal, Washington, D. C., and motored direct to Whit House. 12:00 Arrived at the White House. THE PRESIDENT• S APPOINTMENTS WEDNESDAY, , 1953

9t45 am Father Paul A. McNally-1 Dean of Medical School, Georgetown University { cNally wa born on ame day and in seme year as th President., and wished to proffer birthday gr.eetin$.S· 0 Arl"anged at th~ suggestion of General Walter B. th) 10:00 am Hon. John Fost r Dullea, The Secretaey of State Hon . Douglas cArthur, COllllselort. Stat Department (Fort;r-fiT minute appointment; 10:4' Senator Francia Case, South Dakota nator James H. "Duft, Pennsylvania Senator John C. Stennis Mississippi (Gen. Wilton B. PenoneJ OFF THE RECORD (Senai;or Caee requeeted this appointment tor this subcomm:itt on Real Estate and M.Uit&ey- Construction ot the Senate Arm Services Committ e. They wished to report to th Preai.dent on their recentt.l"ip overs a , wher they observed milit.a.ry construction, etc.) Balt.. hour. llsl5 Congressman C1ark w. Thompson, Texas Judge

12:15 J8 International Pion rs (Oontinu ) 1'h following re pr ent : Byrd, Rear Admir Richard E., U (Ret. ) Chai , C • on Arrangements Doolittle, Lieutenant General J es H., USA.FR Gardner, Major Lester D. Lo ing, Grov r Vioto17, I>r. J. F. Bonney, alter T., Coordinator Cottey, H rry • , President, eri r Pione re Balehen, Colonel Bernt., USAF Bell, Lawrence D. Bellinger, Vice A 1ral Luis, USN (R t . ) Fairchild, Sh an de Florez, Reu Admiral Lui , USN (Ret.) Findley, rl N. Fl et, Reu H. Foulois, Major Gener Benj D., USAF (ret.) Haven , ckwith H\in ak r, Dr Jercne , Brigadi r Frank P., U (Ret.) Martin,, Glenn L. Mil.ling,, Brigadi r Gener T. DeWitt, USAF (ret). Noy s, Bl nche Oliver, Ruth Otero, Katherine Stin Pag , G or e A. , Jr. R , ~ ra1 A. C., U (Ret. ) Richardson, Captain H. C. , USN (ret) Scott, Blanch s. Si.korsk7, Igor I . 'lowers, Admiral John H. , USN (ret.) Ye ger, ajor Charles E., USAF Forei,gn ___ Pio9eer Azc rt , General Juan F. , Me.:xico Barut , Air Co dore F. Rodwell, Gre t Britain Batta.ill , Cezar, Belgi B g , Brigadeiro Newt , Br\ zil gu t, Louis, rane Cabral, C d r Jose, Portugal. Ca.pron!, Count Gia.nni Carranza, General Alberto Salinas, exico Coe , Pro r P. , Belgi d Souz , Jose Garcia, Brazil Dolltus, Charle , France Fieseler, Gerhard, Germany Grilo, Dr . Cezar, Brazil Koltt, Cornelis, The etb rlands McCurdy, J .A. D. , Canada McGregor, Gordon R. , Canada s r chmitt, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wil.17, Ge WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1953 Page 3 12:15 pm International Air Pioneers (Continued) M\Ud.~, Major Br1gadeiro Antonio Guedes, Brazil .Paul.ban, Loui , France Roe, Sir Alliot.t Verdon, Great Britain Sachse, Dipl, Ing. Helmuth, l"DJan1' Schlichting, Pro£. Dr . Phil. Hermann, Gel"JllaXlT Van der s, Prot. Dr. I:r- . H. J .1 The etherlanda von Buddenbrock, Frh. Friedrich, Gel"m81JT von Gronau, General.major loltgang, Germany Wahis, Lieutenant. General Baron Th o, Belgi H.E. Sir ger ins, The ritish ha.$sador The Rt. Hon . the Lord Cherwell, British P ymaster General (The bassa.dor requested this thru Protocol. Lord Cherwell, member ot th Cabinet., is close friend ot Prim Miniat r Churchill, and is enrout to England from Australia) (LUNCH)

10;00 fa (The President l ft t.4e White Hon e and motored to Union Station) 11:30 (Presidential train le.rt Washington tor Defiance, Ohio) L THE PRKSIDEft'S APPO S 'l'HURSDAY, OC OBER 151 1953

11:30 am Presidential train arriTed at It 0 tion, Defiance, Ohio . The eddent ne greeted. b,y Mr. Knin Mccann and Govemor Frank Lauach •

11:40 residential torcad d ...... ,.,Jed Station d roceeded to Defiance College. 11:$1 Preaident arriy, at the peaker'a Plattol'll e corted b7 GoYemor ~·-·- Lauache and Mr. Mccann. Tbe7 proce eel to their ae ta a the D•ti ce High Sch l yed "Hall to th Chiet. 11 ll: S.3 Mr. Kerin Mccann introduced the President. 11:56 The Preaidmt dre s audience COlltli ting atly- of student. •

12:07 19- The Preeidmt vaa scorted tting plat!'ora tor corn l"-stone l81'1ng c Wqn Libr&rJ' ot erican Study. l2tl9 i:m The Preeident., accompanied b7 Go'Yemor Laueche and Mr. ccann, left the plattora, entered avaiting aut bile and motored to Wabash Railroad siding and entrained for trip to designated spot at To1edo Municipal rt. Preaidmtial train departed Deti ce, Ohio. The following entrain at Defiance, Ohio, joined th aidct t r a tet Luncheon rod to Toledo, Ohioc Senator and Mrs. John Bricker, Ohio Congreal!lll&ll Clitt Clennger, Ohio Mr • Katharine K nn•d7 Brown, ati al Cammitteewcma.n1 Dayton, Ohio Mr. liq c. lll.iaa, Chainlan, Republican State Central C ., Col'Ullbu , Ohio Mr • Florence Moma, Vice Chai.nan, Republican St te Central Coa., Tol.ed.o, Ohio Ma.Jor and Mrs. IJ.07'4 Roulet., Toledo, Ohio llr. Herman R. Miller, L cae Count7 Chai , Ohio • GQ7 earend, State Central C•., Bolling Green, Ohio Mias KathrJn Pennel, State C tral ttee, Ohio ArriTed Mmdcipal Airport, Toledo, Ohio.

Preaidctial 7 detl"ained d walk yards to Columbine. 2:15 Ail-borne Toledo, Ohio, tor sa Cit , Missouri. Honorable Thoaa.a E. st.e hen• and Mrs. Wilton • Persona join Presidential Part.7 at Toledo and new to Kaneaa Cit7.

4100 pa The President arri.Ted at Municipal Airport, Kansas City, Missouri. THURSDAY, OOTOBD l;, 1953 Page 2 L 4:00 pa 'l'he rollowing re .-ber t a ception ttee which greeted the Preeid t; Am, Gov mor Edward F. , Kan . ., Ben on, Hon. Ezra Taft, cretary or gricultur Carlson, at.or Frank, Kan a Chandler,, Mr. Herbert J)i]J.on, Mr. Ji.Jmt.Y Donn lly, Governor Phil, Missouri Eieenhowel", Mr. Mr • rthur B. Gage. Mr. John :a. Hall, Mr. Joyce Hillel.son, Congres Jettrq, Mis ouri Hobby, Hon. Ovetlf. CUl.p, Secret.ary of Health, Educat.i.on & Welfare Kemp, . jor Williu E. ScbQeppel, Senator Andrew r., Kansas Scrivner, Congrea a.n Errett P., Kanaa 'l'bomton,'•rn-o~ Dan, Colol"ado Tucker, Mayor Cla!'k C., Mr. Jack Va~, Mrs. ri.on Wilson~ Mr. Herbert.

4:10 Departed. Airport and moto to the eble h Hot 1. 4120 Arri ehlebach Hotel. c Th following t with the President 1n his Suite: Mr. P rry Compton kr. Harr'T Darby Mr. L. e .. Dans Mrs. earl Jo erand Mr. C. I. Mayer Mrrs. G. Y. ;pl Mrs. Estelle Tatm&r M:-. Prentice Townsend Mr. A. D. Wel::Jh Mr. John M. Olin, Pffllident, Olin Industriee, Inc. , present Model 94 Wincheetet- Repeating Ritle to th Pr sicleat.

6:00 J'lll The tollawing had Dilln r ldth th President in bis SUi : Gov rnor FAVard Arn, Kan e Sen tor ioank Carl on. Katt a • Harry DarbJ' Governor Phil Donnell.7, Mi1ls0llri. Mr. Jo-re• Hall ~. Roy Rober\ S ator And.rev Schoeppel, Kansas Governor Allan Shivers, Texas Governor Dan Thom~on, Colondo 'l:lS ra THtmSDA.t, , l9S.3 Page .3

7140 'l'he President departed t.he ehlebach Hotel tor the Municipal A ditorium. 7t4S pa A!Tlved at the Muniei Auditorium.

8:00 The President app . Oll th speakers' st d a intro«uced. 'lhe hesident addressed the Future F .mere ot rica at their National. Convention. Radio and TV.

Ss25 Jiil Th Pnsid ··. t conclud his ch.

Eh30 p11 the. Pres4.d . 'b 4 parted the Auditort and motored. to the - hlehach Hotel~

St.)S Am.vect a.t the ffm.ehleba.cb Hotel. Th• Pre ident retired. anli \ reitained overnight at th Hotel. THE PRESI T'S APPO!NTMEHTS FRIDAY, GCTO 16, l9SS

The President attend a ernors• Brea.kt st, T Roo 1 Mu hlebach Hot.el.. The drought situation s discussed. Th tollowi were p1'8sent1 Hon. Shenan Ad . s, Auistant t the Pr aid t Mr. Harold · tke.n Governol'" uct F. , Ka.neas Gov•rn.or John S. ttle, Virginia Hon. Ezra 'l'art Ben on, Sec;r o.f Agriculture SEinator Frank Carlson, Kan as Gov~or Francia Cherry, Arkansas GeTerner Frank G •. Cl8lllent, Tennessee Oovamor Phil Donnell,-, Mi soul'i Mr. ll .. L. Farrington, De en\ ot Agriculture: Mr. L. N., . Hoopes,. D$p6.1"tment ot fl.grlculture Govemozt ?dwin L" h , Meneo· Governor Johnston Mun , Okla.boa Hon., Wilton B.. Persons.. Deputy Af:lsist t to th resid t Hon. Val Peterson, Fed4'ral Civil Deten_ Adllinistratoi­ Gov mo:r Charle H. Russell, H v. Sen tor rew Sehoeppel, Ka.nsa Garemor Allan Shivers,

9:10 The Preaid t lett he • ehlebach Hotel and oto:red to the Airport.

Airborne for Smoky Hill Air Fore Basa,. Salina, Kansas. ?he tollow.lng were embers ot the Presidential PartTl VHon. Sherman Mama Govcem.or :Ed'WM'd F. Arn, Kansas Mt-. William cket. (Architect) Senator Frank Carlson, lansas ' Mr.. Harry Darb7 ~Hon. James Hagerl.7 '1Hr. Jo'J'C · Hall ~Hon. Bryce iow Senator Androw • Sohoeppel, Kan s ~Colonel Robert. Schulz "General Howard SnJder -\Hon. Thomas E. Ste hens 10:30 Arrin Smolq Hill Air Force Ba • Honors ere rend red. following greeted th Preaident: Brigadi r Gmeral WU t .-,, Coaanding Officer of the Air Bas Mr. .. c., Chairman ot the Welcoming C tt(te Dr. H., Stanle1 Crickett, Pre ident ot the Kaneas Weale,an Universit7 FRIDAY, OCTO 16, 1953 p 2 10:30 R tion Committee (Continu ) Mr. W. M. Ostenberg, Superintendent ot Schools, • Ward realer, yor of Salin • tley Austin, o er an editor ot the ..-.1..61.J~ Journ • Heller , Abilene, Kan a Mr. Q. • Harger, Abil e, Kansa • Charlq Caise, bilene, Kansas Mr.. ett Grah , bilen , sas Mr. L. T. , Abilen , Kansas

10:.50 Lett o}Qr Hill Air Force Base a.nd mo o:red to , Soloaon d Abllen • At each of the abov town th P sidant1 l P rt7 tor slowJ.7 through the town in order that th opl might see the e !dent.

Arri.Ted at th senhawer HOM (2. 2 miles t Abilene). The Pr aident was greet bJ' the following relativ a: Mr. & Y1!"e. G C. Etbe?lingto , Cousin ot the Pre aid t. & their children, Judith Ann, Steval"t Ro7 and ry Mr. & s. To F an - • Fegan is th da hter of • s~mhower... d their two children, Robert and Michael.

11:50 8.11. The Pl:-ead.dent roceeded into the house. Upo coapletion ot inspect.i to t the house, the sident walked to the Foundation Building, lllbere 12:35 he wa gree by of'ticera and bers <>I t e Foundation. The Presi- t th inspec th la,.out insi e the and u om:pl tion, lett the, returne to th house tered his au bile.

12:.35 The President proc eded by ut obU to th sidenc t • H ller tor an into lunch with r ot h part7 trienda.

12:39 i­ ch on at Mr. Heller• residence. to 2alS

2:15 l* The President departed in a clos limo sine back to Salina and around the b7-pasa to Smok;r Hill Air Force Ba e.

2t5S Arrived ok;r Hill , ir Force Base.

3il0 Airborne tor K sa Cit7.

4:00 pa ArriY Kans s City ci Airport. Th following ted the Presidentt Allnne, Mr. Fred c. Roth9Child1 • Louis s. Gilmoro, Mr. J. Monroe Scheuffier, ard Higdon, Mr. J . C. Short, Hon. Dew Kelce, Mr. Ru sell L. Sm1 t.h1 Mr. Dwight M. ~ chem, Mrs. Clyde Stanlq, • Arthur J . Murrq, s . J. A. Swarner, • Earl a, Mr • Dorcas Towne nd, Mr. Prentic P sing, Mr. Davi Welsh, Mr. A. D. FRIDAY, , 1953 Page 3 (J 4:10 ra Departed Airport for ehlebach Hotel. 4:20 Arriftd ehlebach Hotel.

5:40 Jll The Pre.,!d9nt eparted. his Suite tor the Grand Ballroo ot the Hot.el. S:4S t"ietm Royal Dinner to 6:;o Jiil

6i50 Jll The Preaident departed. the Gran Ballro d returned to his Suite.

7:20 Ill Depart,ed ehlebach Hotel

7:,30 Jll Al"rlved American Hereford l3uild1ng tor dedic tion ceremonies. The Preeid-.t gave a brief speech.

Speech completed. The President retit"ed to lobby ot building. Departed erican Heretol"d Building. 8:10 JB Arrived rican Royal Building.

9:15 Depal"ted American Royal Building. 9t2S p.m. Arrived uehlebach Hotel. The aident retired remained overnight. PRESIDENT'S APPOIN'ftlENTS SAfORDAY, OOTO 17, 1953 L Departed M ehl bach Hotel tor airport. Arrived Kan s Ci.t7 eipal Airport. 6t00 Airborne tor N Orl ans, Louis

9:00 Arrived Moisant Airport, ew Orleans, Louisi • 21 ·Gun Sa.l te while plane was landing.. Ruft'les, flourishes, and Hail to th Chief rendered by the d.

Th Pr eidmt was greeted by th following: Governor Robel"t F Kennon, Louisiana -;ror dete sep s. Morrison, N Orleane Mr. Em.est V. Richards, Jr., Chaiman ot he Louisi Se uicentennial Commiesio Honorabl John Min r Wied •

9:20 am Th President, compani.ed br the Governor, th Mayor and Mr. Richards and other hers rf the Presidential Party depart airport tor N Orlean •

10:00 a.m The President an-ived at. head of parade route. Paraded down to .Jack on Squue.

(__' 10:30 am The Pte8iderit arri• at the Reviewing Stan a.t J ckson Square where he was greeted by Mr. Stl'\lby Drumm and Colonel Joseph F. 'late, U.S.A. Retired, (personal friend ot the Pre ident). 10:36 am Ruffles and tlourishe • 10:38 am Hail to th Chi f . 10•40 Vic Drumm presented Gene · Chairman Ernest V. Richard , Jr.

10:41 aa The Stal- · l . Bann r The eeill. i .e, the French tional th The InYoo tion by His Exoelleney Arch Bishop L"wumo.l

10:48 aa Cb&irten Richards a.aked tor parad to proceed and paas in rerlev .. (Halt..-hour tor rerl.ew of li.lita:ry Pal"ade .d half- hour for r ot Rex:- Comu1 Pa.rad )

ll:l.S King's Float ot Rex ... Gome atops. Rex and COll\ls salut the p sident, di embarked from the noat and proceeded to de ignate position opposite the President' stand.

11:48 am Parade co letecl. Chainun Richard pre ted th Mayor of Orleana. ll:50 Chai Richard pree nt the SATURDAY; OOTOBT!la 17~ 1953 ~ ge 2

Chairman Riehards pi-e ent · Mr. Cecil B. deMille, who a.cte ster or c Mr. deMille narr ted¥ the spe'Ots. of the r.- nac'tinent ot the tJ:'ansfer ol t.ho Louisiana Terr1tG17 tram Frace to the U, s. 1n 1803 ~ dii"ect.e

Att r t1ag raising eerem.oni were completed, ssrs, La.uasat, Claillx>me and Wilkinson proc"4 to the erteving Stand ·eted th Presidet.t and th Ambas ador of e, H.E. Henri . et..

The ~etment of the sigttin.g or tbe Lou1 1ana Pureha.s• Agl"9ement wa.e participated. in by Th President, The sador of France and Mesers.. La.u"S at, Claiborne d Uilldnaon.

12:18 ChainDAn rds presented the 9·sador of Fr•ee, H. E. Henri et. JU.chards pre· •nted t.o the President tok n ot e e · halt ot the people of N Orl. ans and Iotd.d.DU. {Ha;p t the United State8 in silver and go.l with p ciaua geiu indicating ew Orleqs. emdson, Texas; Abilene, tan . Wa1hi.ngton, D. C.)

Chai1'fnau Ii1chard.B pre~t to en o~ appreciation t · th . eeado!" ot France. Cl\ Richards preeent«l Dr. w. w. Hamilt.o who dell\Vered the · · edietion •. 12:4' Program concluded.. Th. heai et re\umed to bis autQlllObile. 12:50 · otorcad• d parted J ckaon Square tor Airport.

1:30 1:11 ArriTttd at st m Airline Hangar t Moisant

l:3S pa Hon . John H. Wisdom. pl"Gsen.t the Pftsid•t. to the Republioan • lt40 1h _ Pl-e.eid:ent coneludfl!d hi. remarks.

lt4S in The Pr•std.nt an hie party returned to the Columbin•. 1:50 Ill Airbome toP Texas. Lunch we.s neel on plane. SATURDAY, OC . - 17.- 1953 P 3 () 4t20 prn Arri..•tJ4 at Harlitlpn Air Force Bas _. Simple lM>nors wer . re.nd•re4.

The PP sident was greet 1',Y GGV'erno~ Shiver ,. ColontJl J a M. Olin, a rec -t-ion Mlllni: ~ ot ~ sel c~ bT Covernor Shive • • Hon. Jack Porter and a t republicans Wel"e also cm hand to et President. The Pt-e&tdet, ac.oompan1$d bJ' GoYentor Shiv•t-•1c depart· for Shar,ylar:td, Mission, Tex& • (tlistane ct 43 miles and. passed through nin town~.

Arrived Sharyl.and,, Miseiou, • 'the Pre d - t wo. et.eel by • Shivers an • Sh ( t..lte Govemor• rt.her--1.n.l ) •

6100 pm lieo.ept.ion e.t the Governor• h · • A.pp~t•l.7 30 pel"sons to at. ended intt.luding Jack Porter and some R public a. ·7 100 pm

8:00 Jill Dinner a:b the- Govemor' s • ( · e ts) THE PlClmIDBIT' S APPOIUi'MENTS SUIDAY, , 195'

The esident at.tended Church at Mie ion, Texas.

tuacheon with the Shive7s' taai.q and a tflW t&ldly fJ!'ienda .

4:30 ~ '11.e arriftd at GoYemor Shivers'' an informal buffet. suppert Mr. and Mrs. Sid Riohardeon Mr. and Hrs. Kleberg JU.. and Mn. AmOft Carte?' Mr~ and Mrs. MeCollum Mr. and Mrs. KureM.eoa


8145 mernt>ers ot hi party departed GoTemor Shivers' (Distance of 72 m.Ue & ssed thr ugh three

10:30 dminietr. tion ding, Falcon The President br bas ad.or Francis · lit an C seioner L. M. Lawson. The esident hook hands with ei ht en girl se<:>ut of Hebbronrllle, Texas. Following this the President entered the Administration Building.

10:40 &11 The President, Amba.a or White and u.. s. int rpreter enter automobile dep&J:l't t r the Intel"'ftational Boundar.Y'· l0s4S am Arr!Ted at the Intern tional Boundary. Th Pr si ent• oar topped th President a welcomed. tc Mexico bT h Mexican Chief ot rtocol, .tael Fu ntea, who ente the car acc011panied the eident to the cipal Palace in N eTO rrero, . oo. {City t eTo Guerrero 1s a n con:mrunity replacing village inundated b7 d )

ArriTed t t main nti-ance to the ei al e. President Eisenhower s greeted by the President ot exico, Hon. Ruis Col"tinee. President Cortin a introduced the Minister of Foreign Atta.ire d the Mexican bassador to the United St...te to Presi­ den-t Eisenhower. President Eiaenhov•r then introdueed ottieial y to dean oftioia.l. part.7. Honore were rendered b,y the Mai.can Al'fl!.7 , con isting of the U. S. a.t1ona.l Anthem, tollov by th moan National th • lltOS am The Preai. e:nt and their otticial pai-tiee entered Municipal P lace and proceeded to the BalcolJ7 Roo on th ond Floor.

11:10 - The Presidents took their pl c a in the recei"fing line, reoeiTed 150 and Mexican otticiale. lltl5 Retres nts v re served. ll:20 ara The eidcta their partie walk u-t on the Balcony, took a t and witnesa a erlcan fiesta. 12:05 ieata end • 12115 eei.dents and th ir parti s de.cend to entrance of ca.a.<:...... , where rtie took leaTe ot one anot er. sident Ei enhower and of'fici l rty ent red waiting utomobilee ck to th cbn1ni tration Bujlding, con Dam.

12:30 President Eieenhow l' and party Ted at the Administration Build- ing, F con D • Honors were nder con isting of Rutrlea and flourish s, and Hail to th Chi t.

\ \ MONDAY, OCTO Page 2 12:32 The President entered room in Adld.nistnti Building where he awaited the arriTal of the President .or Mexioo. PreaidentRuia Cortines and aftieio.l p rty arrived at International Bounda:r.r~ '1.'h~ wen greeted by the u. s. Chiet' of Pr?tocol, John Simal.ona, who welcomed ther.i to t.he Uni, ted State ~ entered. a.utomobil• and aQcompanied the President of Mexico to the A&:Ginistration Bnild:tog.

1:20 Pl'"eaident Cortinea and ottieial party attived t t.he Administration Btdlding and they were eted b.Y President Eisenhower. Henon we rend red bJ' U. s. Army Band, con isting or th. Mexican National. Anthem, toll ed by the tJ. s. tional Anth •

1:30 Pl Pr.sident. Eisenhower and Presid~t Cortines walked twent7 ya.rda to luncheon $helter and toek their seats at head table. 2:00 toi-. dessert. wa. sene

2:15 pa Lunehe n tendnated.

The Pretd.det , Foreign Secretaries, Ambassadors, esist.ant Secretaries, and ottieial interpreters we.lked to a.s ign rooms in the Administration Building.

'l'h.e Pnlsidente eatend waiting aut · bUe and moto~ to Dedicatioa site.

3:10 pa Arri"t'ed Dedie t.i sit •

3:11 pa Dedication oel"eln0117 gan. Honore, con•isting or u. s. National ,Anthea by lJ. s. Anq Mexican National Anthem played by Merl~ Arftly Band, were rendered.

Inte.rtul.tional Botmdary Commissioner of Mexico David Herre JOl'dlm introduced Pl" ident Cortine3. Address by President Cot-tine •

u. S. International Bound&rT Camm1ssioner L. M. LawsOl'l intl"od.Uced President. Ei~nbawer. Addre&ti. by esident Eieenhower.

Preaid$Ut Eisenhower 81\d President. Cortinee walked tG a r~sect :roatrua at the rear or the pla.t!'ora1 !!11.ood few t et part an4 td.zmllt.aneous}1' pulled cords which un · iled pl e eoJJlftlentOrating the occasion ot the dedicat.ion of the daJlk While t;h Preaidents w r standing at the unveiling ot the pl&q es, the bands played th•ir respeetiTe N tional Anth.a. MONDAY, , 1953 3

The Pres1. .ents then proceeded to a point in ~ront ot the plattora, bid one another farewell, an proc eded to their respectiTe automobiles.

4i00 Pr sitl.ent EiSQl'lh01tel" pal'ted Dedication site. The President arrived at Customs House area. President Eis nhower le-tt ear, valked to plat!o where he e • t bri r :-emarks to the a eembled · hlic who bai he the D · catj_· n d:raeses but were unabl e to see the ce · nies du t,Q opac l t

4105 ' The President departed to:- ...-..C"T7Uo AU- For Base, Lar o, T . • (Distance ot SS l .) ri'Yi city limits or Laredo, Texas. and Mayor Hugh Cluck ente the ut President to th airport. 6:00 ta Arrived t Laredo Air Force Base, Laredo, T s. Sil!lple honors were rendered.

6:05 Airborne for Washington, J). C. October 2>, 1953

12:40 81.ll Arrl.Ted Wa hington, D.. C. The President tor · diroet to th Whit Haus •

Arrived at. the White Hou e . PRESID T'S POilfl'MENTS TUESDAY, OOTOBER 20, 19S3

9t00 Honorable John oater Dull a, The Secretary of Stat• (Report on his European trip - 4; minutes)

9:45 am • Michael T. Kelleh r, Cha...L.1•~.... , cutive Committe , ational Catholic Communit7 Service • Thomae D. Hinton, cutive Director (Hon. Rol>«rt Cutler) OP THE RECORD 1 (Arranged at the request or • Cutler - to pq respeote) 10:00 jor General Daniel C. Spry (Ret'd), Canadian ... Head ot the Bo7 Scout.s Intemational Bmroe.n:n (.Arrang t th request of Hon. Dougla Stuart, Americ assador t.o Canad.a, who wrote vemor Ad in Augu t stating General Spry would be in Washington at this ti.Ile. G eral Spry resigned r C & to beco e head ot Boy outs of Ca.nadaJ now resigned t'Nm that post to become bead or International au, where lrl.s probl• will dnelo ent ot Scouting in South America, st Indie , Africa and North rn A ia.)

10:1; Honorable Milton Katz, Associ t Director ot the Ford Fmmd.ation (Mr. Kats teleph General Carroll two eks ago and request d thi appointment) 10:30 am Senator Ralph E. Flanders, Vermont (The Senatol" requested this thru Governor Ad s; to present the PNsident with a solid gold golt pin snade in Vermont. He also want tiv minute to discuss with the President mattex- ot nati nal policy.)

10t45 aJll H.E. Joao Carlo z, th Ambas or ot zil (Hon. John S ons, Chief' of Protocol) ( ewly ppointed and pre ented his credential ) ll:OO am (Honorable c. D. Jackson) 0 THE RECORD 1100 (WNCH)

3t00 pm Mr. Clarence Dillon1 Sr. ( ather of b sad.or Dillon an old tr1end ot th Pr sident. Generu Carroll phon cl Mr . Dillon ten da ago and sk him to co e in and ee th President. )

Honorable Charle E. Wilson, retary of Defense. THE PRESlDERT 1S APPOXMTMENTS WEDNESDAt, , 19.53

8:00 Major General Will :lam Dean had breakt st with the Pree1dent.

9:00 (Hon. Rober\ Cutler) OFF THE REOORD (Hon. James Lq) {Brie.fed the Pr eident oa NSC) lion. David Kendall, Republican Co tteeman, Michigan Mrs. Rae C. Hooker, Republican National Comitt ewoman, Michigan Hon. John Feiken.e, Republican st te Chai , Michigan (The National Oommittee asked that this group call on the President to invite him to th e lebration at Jackson, Michigan, of the One Hundredth Anniver ·.ary of' the founding O·t the Republican Party.) 10:00 (Mr. Hagerty) 10c30 am Press Conterenee

12:00 Co~re . John Taber, N York (The O<>ng:ressman telephoned General Carroll last week and asked £or this appointment) 12;)0 (Hon. Harold E. St ssen, Director, Foreign Operations Adm. ) OF1 THE RECORD 12:45 pn Honorable Lewis Strausa, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission 1:00 pm (LUNCH)

1:.30 (The President left the White House for Bu.ming Tree Golt Club where he played golt with Mr. Ja es Black) OFF THE RECORD 5:10 (The Preeident retumed to the Whit House)

6:45 {The Pl'le.ti:dent., accompanied by Hon. O.. D, Jackson, left the White Hous for the· ,.rlower Hot.el)

6:50 }D ?be P:reeident and Mr. Jackson dropped in t a Reception Q£ the rican Heritage Foundation in. th Williamsburg Rcom ot th Mqflawer llotel.

7tl0 {The P:res:S.dent. returned to the Whit.e House) 8:25 ('l'he President and · s. E1 enhewer, The Chier Justice and Govemor and Mrs. Sherman A.da.lD.a lett th Whi,te House far Constitution Hall)

S:30 pa The President and Mr • Eisenhower and their guests attended the opening concert of the ational SymphO?J7 Orchestra.

10:.36 (The President and Mrs. Eiseimow r and their guests returned to th. hit House.) PRESI Is A Olli TS THURSDAY, OCTO 22, 195.3

8t4S on • .John Hughes, U. S. Pe ent R re tativ to the North tla.nt:S.c Council ( Paul T. C rroll) ( ang d at th augg stion ot C. D. Jack on. • Hugh wi ed to pay his respect ) 9:00 H.E Dr. Heinz L. Krekeler, The or ot he ederal public of Germarq H.E. Profes r alter Hallstein, St 'te Secrettµ7 for Forei .A.tfair ot the Federal public ot Ge ...... 111 n ...... Hon . _ffreT • Lewis, Acting Dir ctor, of Ge Affairs, D artment ot St.ate (Arranged at th eat or th Seo:retar;r ot t • Professor Hallstein is nlllllber t.wo man in Germany after Adenauer, an it was Aden uer' wi:sh that he pay his ct to the Preeid t while in this count17. ive minutes)

9:15 Lt. n. Jean Vall\11', nch to the anding G p of 'fO Lt. Col. hillip Cocke, U. S.A., ith St.anding Group, TO ( e al Paul T. Carroll) ( ral VallU7 is newq ppoint d ani sk , thru De ot Anq, it he might call on th Pre ident briei1.1', respect.a)

9:30 Sil Congres alter H. Judd, esota Honorable Joa C. Gr Honorable Charles Edi Mr. Manin Lie Mr. John Venabl (Hon. Ger Morgan) (Congre sman Judd uest thi ap in ent in order th t thi group might present to th President a petition gainst the esion of Conaunist Ch to the United ations)

10;00 8ll R tional Securit7 Council Hon . John oater Dull a, tary (}f State Hon . Charles E. ileo , Secretary of Def'en Hon. Harold E. staseen, Director, Foreign Oper tione Hon. Arthur s. Fl , Director, O.f'tice of De! s Hon . Elbert P. ttl , cting Secretary of e Hon . stanley e , ror the A tom.ey eral. Hon . Bo"b rt urrq, Acting retary of Co rce Hon. R~~Jand H hes, Acting Director, au ot the dget Hon. Ro el H. ~e, Chairman, F deral Co cations C si Hon . 'l'hoodor c. Streibert, Director, U. s. Information Ag nc7 Admiral rthur W. ford, C , Joint Chi ts of Sta.rt Hon. All w. Dullea, Director, Central Intelligence Ag ncy Hon. Rob rt Cutler, pecial Assistant to th sident Hon. C. D. J kaon, cial As lat.ant to the President Brig. Gen P nl T. Carroll, Acting Whit Hous Statt cretar,y Hon . J s s. L 7 1 Jr., ecutiT Secretary, SC Hon . s. Everett Gleason, Deputy Executi.T Seer ta.ry, NSC THURSDAY, , 1953 Page 2

12:00 Honorable John FoS'ter Dulles, c tary ot St.a H

12t4S The President receiv tb M bers of ih 017 Cotmcil of t Hom Lo Bank Board. (Appoin ant r ested by Hon. A1bert Cole, Mainietr tor of Hou,,ing and Home Finance Agency, who suggest that the Predid.xt receJ..w th! · group their · in Wasl\11'g t.on) Th" following were pr•eent: Mi". Walter W. HcA;lli•ter,., Home Loatt &nk Board Mr. William K. Divers, Membar, Hem Loan Bank Board Mr .. F.redmck J. Dillon. Cha.inna.n of Board, F era.J. H loan Bank or Boat.on Mr. &m st T. Trigg, Chai ot Board, Federal H Loan .Banlc of Pitt burgh Mr. 'W • ll. GradistJn, Director, Federal. Ho Loan Bank ~ Conn. Mr. ph R.. Crosby, Vice Presid•t, u. s. !rings Ir. Loan League,. Providence, Rbod Island Mr.. " J. P. Farrell, dent,_ Nati al A soeia ion ot State Saving_s and Loan pervi or , Sal , Orego Mr. Clifford P. All n, Ill, Preeident, H :t.ional Savings Lo League, Philadelphia, P i?Ulsylvania Mr. Frederick T.. Backst • Executiff Vice Pnsident,_ First eral Savings and Loan Association ot New HaYen, Conn. Mr. Arthur E. Knapp, Pre id t, au Yinga Loan Asso., - BrookJ.,n, N York Mt- . Franc:ls E. McGill, President, Roxborough-Manayunk F Savings and Loan Association, Ph1la.delphia, Pa . Ml" • .Frank Muller, Jr. , res1dent, Liberty Federal Saving and Loan Association, Baltimore, l"y'l d Mr. R. A. Stenna1 Pres ident, D,rer County Federal Sa'rirlgs & Loan Asaoeiation of Dyersb\u"g~ Tennessee Mr. Wal'ber Gehrke, Presid t, :Firs1i Federal Sa:rings & Loan A sociation of Detroit, Michigan Mr. Charles R. Jones, Seeretary, SBCurity Fed 1"'al Savings & Loan Association, Spring.f'ield, Illinoi Mr. c. R.. Mitchell. Executive Vic re ident, Fir t Federal Savings and Loan As ociation ot Kansa Cit7, His olll"i Mr. R. T. Love, President, Delta Fed r&l Savings Loail Aas ciation, Gr enf'ield, Missis ippi Mr. Louis w. Grant, re id t., Rome F eral Saving and Loan A sociation ot Tul , Tul - , Okla.h Mr. Joe Crail, President., Coa t Federal Savings and Loan Association, to Ang l a, Oall!omi& (Honorable Sherman} OFF THE RECOBD 22,, l9S' Page ' l:OO pn. (tmfCH)

2:00 (Th& P"'aident e one-minute rect>rding for us in progr ot th;e Committ on gion in .riean IJ.f'e, Irie.) 2s50 pn Bonorabl Leonard Hall, Chairman, Republican Na'tion&l. Comm1ttee 3:00 Hononhle P :ul G. Hof'fflan, California (Mr. Hottman telephoned neral Carx-oll t. n days ago to sk it h~ might have balr•hQur app.ointmeni; today)

):30 Mr. Arthur Wat.son, Fixport. Gan ral a er, IBM (General Carroll wrote ~. t 011 that wher.1 con'"111ent tor him to be in Wa11hingbon, the President would like to· .have him. call tor a bri f talk.)

4:1S t:a Honora.b1e Jesse Gard, National Co THE PRESIDENT • S APPOIN'l'MPN TS FRIDAY., OCTOBER 2.3, l9S.3

Honorable Henry C bot Lodge Jr. (Asked U might •ee the t>r;sident beton 10:00 Cabin ·t lio'n. John Post r Dull e, The S reta.17 of St te Ron. It. Chapman Ro e, Asaistan:t Secret of ~he Tre UJ7 Hon. Roger • Ky a, Deputy SecretU'y of .ten e Hon. Herbert Brownell, The At tome,.. n l"al Hon. Arthur _ rt1el.d1 Th Postmatt r General Hon. Ralph A. Tutlor, Und cret-a.r;r or the Interior Hon. ·Ezra Taft _ nson, Secret.a.ry ot Agrl.culture Hon. Robert B.. Muf'ray, Jr. , Under Sec.retary ot Commerce Hon. J81Jle Mitchell, Secret 't7 ot Labor Hon .. N-elson Rocketelle:r, Under Seeratary of H8Uth, Education & Weltaie Hon. Rowland Hughe$, Acting Di ctot", Bur au of the Budget Hon. Harold E. Sta en, Foreign Operat.-ions Admini tratio Hon. Arthur S .. n - g, Oftic ot Deten Mobilization Hon. H nry Cabot Lodge, Jr. , baei or tQ the United Nations Hon. bilip Young, Chai 1 Civil rvice Commi_ssion Hon. Sherman dams Hon. Bernard Shanley Hon. Wilton B. Pereons Hon. Robert Cutle:r Hon. c. D. J cksen Hon. Gabriel Hauge Hon . Gerald organ Hon. Bryce Harlow General. P ul T. Carroll Mr .. Arthur Minnich (The following were bsent; The Secretarie or th Tre.&SU17; Defense, Int rior, C . erce, Mrs. Hobby, Dll-ector Dodge anci Walter Will-lams)

12100 Honor ble John Fo ter Dulles, Seer t .'1!";/ ot State

12:4S pm Honorable Jam s W., Riddlebergel'"• riean dor Designate t1> Yugoslavi (A ked, tbru Protocol, to pq r epeets beiore depai"ting tor n. post)

1:00 The following had Lunch on with the Preaid t: Hon. Ezr Ta.ft nson, 5 cretary ot Agriculture Bon. Sheman Ad.a1q Hon. Wilton B. Persons Hon . Gab~el H :uge Mr, Don Paarlberg, A. sistant to Sec~tary Benson 2:30 HonorabL C. D. J ekson.


lh4S am The Prnidmt witne eed the swearing in1 in his Office, ot Hon . ce Harlo , a.a Admjnist.rative ssi tant to t President. Mrs. Harlow and eJBbers ot the te Hous lso witnes the C8Z'ftOJ>7.

9i00 aJll Hon. rold • Talbott, secretar,y or the ir Foree ( cretary Talbott i going to Europe want to talk to th ~ident betote his departure) 9:30 Mr . Ernest T. eir, Ch ot the Board, tional Steel C rporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvani • (Mr. Weir est this thru his a hington office) lOsOO H.E. Moekarto otmddi o, the hassado:r ot the epublic of Indone ia (Hon. John Simmons) ( ewq ppoint ... present his cred tial ) 10:10 H.E. Senor Don Manuel d• Alonzo, th a sad.or of the Doainican Re blic (Hon. John S ona) (Newq ppoint .... presented his er entials) lOsJO am 'l'he Pre idtnt aet. lfit the Member ot the N tional Agricultural drlaoey Comis ion in the Cabinet ROOJ11. The tollowing were present: Mr. Wiley w. Andrews, Gol.dsboro, orth Carolina Mr. D. W. Brooks, General ager, Georgia Cotto Prod eere Association, tlanta, orgia Mr. DelJnont L. Chapaan, Newport, Michigan Mr. Homer R. Davison, Vice P-resident, erican Me t In titute, Chicago, Illinois u-. J B. Hand , Jr., Rolling Fork, Mississippi Mr. Toa J . Hitch, Columbia, Tenn••••• Mr. Chris· Milius, resident., N br ska rs Union, CDaha, ebraska Mr. • I. My'ers, Dean, York stat College ot Agriculture, Cornell Univer it7, Ithaca, N York Mr . Al . rt • Mitchell, Tequesquite ch, bert, e Mexico s. Ra;ylnond Sayre, okworth, Iow Mr. Don Stewns, Vic President, General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota Mr. Milo K. Swanton, Executive Seo7, Wisconsin Council ot Agriculture Cooperatives, dison, Wisconsin Mr. Ben Swigart, oore1and, Okl hou. Mr. Sterling J. Swigart, Sidney, Montana Mr. Jeaae W. 'tapp, Execut1Ye Vice President, Bank of Aserica, San Francis o, Calii'ornia Dr. G. B. ood, Head, Agricultural Economic Dept, Oregon St te College, Corvallis, Oregon SATURDAY, OCTOBER 241 195) Page 2 L io:30 Agricultural Advisory O ssion (Gontinu ) Hon. Ezra Ta.ft eon, Secretary of Agriculture Hon . True D. rs , Under S cretary of Agriculture 1r. Don Paarlberg, As ietant to Seer tary B son Hon . She Hon . Wilton B. Persons Hon. Gabri uge Hon . ra.l.d rgan Hon . Jack rtin ll:40 am Hon. Herbert. Brown ll, The Attorney Gen ral (Call d • stephen yesterdq and ask tor this appt)

The following er of the N tional AgricultUl"al Advi ocy Cunmrii ..sion, d others, had Lunch on with the Presidait: Mr. Wile7 • r Mr. n Swigart. Mr. D. • Brooks • Sterling J. Swigart Mr. Delmont L. Ch pnarl ll". Jesse W. Tapp Mt-. Ho er R. Davison Dr. G. B.. ood u-. James B. Hand, Jr. Hon. Ezra Taft nson Mr. T J. Hitch Hon. True D. Mor • Chris Milius • Do Paarlber~ Mr. W. • r Hon . Sherman Adams Kr. Albert K. Mitchell Hon . Wilton B. Persona Mrs. ond Sayre Hon . Gabriel Mr. Don Stev ne Hen . erald Morgan Mr. Milo K. anton Hon. Jack

2:0S JI& (The Pre8idmt an •· Ei enhower, accoapani.i by Comaander Beach, left th White Hous d moto to C p D rl , a.eyland)

(Colonel and u-s. Preaident and s. l? remained ovemight) · PRESIDENT' S APPOINTMENTS SUNDAY, , 1953


(General and Mrs . Howard Snyder t with the Pre 1dent and Mrs. Ei enhower at Camp D vid, land)

(Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J . Han en, Clevel.a.nd, Ohio, stopped by and visited with the Pre !dent Mrs . Eisenhower tor approxiaateJ.T one hour in the afternoon)

10:45 (The Pre~id«it and Mrs. Eisenhower retum t.o th White Hou )

··-'- THE PRESID · T' S APPOIH'l'MJmTS MONDAY, ocro 26, 1953

10:00 (Mr. Howell Cr , Chier Ushel")

10:30 am Hon~ Albert M. Cole, Housing and H Finance Administr: ter Hon . She · an Adam.a Hon. Gabriel Hauge (Ar.rang· b7" Govemor Ada:ma)

Hon . Arthur Bums, Economic Advisor Hon . Gabriel Haug (Usual Monday appointltent) llt.30 Hon. Charles E. Wil on, S;y ot Deten e (Usual Monda7 appoint.meat) 12:15 Pl Hon. John Foster Dulles, The Seoretar,' of State

Hon. H. Freeman Kat -th-evs, riean Amba• ad.or Desigftat to the etherland• (Asked 1t might pay re cts before depanure for nP post) 1:00 The folloWing had Luncheon with the Pl' s1dent: Hon. Walter B. Smith, Under Secretary ot State Mr. Kevin McCann, Defiance, Ohio Hon. erman Ad Hou. Beyc Harl

2:15 pm Mr. H~ld s. Vanderbilt, of New York Dr. Harvie Bran comb, Chancellor of Vanderbilt Universit7, Ne.shvUle, Tenn . (Hon. Robert Outler) (Arranged by General Cutler. They wished to invite the Presidmt to make Com.encement Addres at Vanderbilt University, next Jun )

2c30 B.E. Abdel Khal. k Has ouna., Secretary General of the League ot Arab States Hon. Walter' B. Smith, Under> Seo!"et&17 of State Hon. John D. Jemegan, Deputy Assistant c;-etarT of State fo-r N r Eaateni, ~th Asian &. African Attains {1he Sec1'9taey General is in this eount.l"J' at.tending the Gene'.ral AssembJ.¥ in New York and the Under Seoretarr ot sta.t recommend th t th President see him.)

3:00 pin Hon. George M. Humphrey, The cntta.17 ot th Tre sury

7•30 pa The tollowillg att nd a Stag Dinner t. the White House.: Most Re"t'I d Fulton J. Sh Hon . Sheman Adam , The Assistant to th President Mr. Albert Bradley, Executive Vice President, General Mot.ors Hon. Arthur S. Flemndng, Director or Defense Mobilizatj.on Mr. 'l'. Richard Garlington, Real Estat.e &: Insurance,, Atlanta,

I~ Stag Dinner - ( Contitlued) \ Mr. Me)'er Kestnbaum, President, Hart; Schattner & Mr. Joseph H. King, Presidant1 Union Securities Corporation Mr. Sigurd Larmon, Vice Pr sidant, Young & bic , Inc. ., Mr. LeRo7 A. Lincoln, Oha.1.naan or the Board,. Metropolitan ! Lite Insurance Compa!11' , \ \ Mr. GhaJ>les v.. McAdam, P?"e.sident, M«itNaught Syndicate, Ine. \ t . Mr. Winston Paul, Chairman ot the Boal'd, General Aniline & FU. Co2"p. i ' Major General Wilton B. Persona, Deputy Assistant t.o the Pr eident \ ' 1 Mr. Cllttord Roberts, Reynold. & Company ' Mr. Clarence J . Sehoo,, President., General Fibre Box Company Mr. Ellis D. Slater, President, Frankfurt Distillers Corpor tion Hon. Harold E. St.assen, Director,, FO'reign Operations dministratio Bon. w. !3edell &11th, Under Seereta;ry ot State Mr. Rober\ W. Wood.Fut£, Dir ctor, O.oea Cola CODlpan;r Mr. Charles Yates, Joshua L. Bailey CompaDT, tl.anta, Georgia THE PRE8.!DENT ' S APPOINTMENTS TUES»AY, , 1953

Honorabl Nonaan Themas (Hon. Sherman Adams) (Asked to th Pres1 ent x-e firings among Government personnel, which bjeet he bas had eorres ndeno.e with cretary Dull sJ OQlonel Thomas H. King, National Presiden-&, Reserve Officer As • Colonel Charles Bo7e. r, ··Executive Seer tary, Reaerv Ottieers Asso. (Gen. Paul T. Oarl'Oll) (Co-lonel King asked U' he ght call and PB1" reapeets)

10:15 - John U. Shroyer, of Shantokin, P • , C der in Chi~t of th Unit Spani h War V terans MJ_t,s. John u. Shroyor Willi J. Best, ot Latrobe, Pa • .P Adj tant Gene~ 1 Gt Unit Spanis War V teran J . Hoctor Mansfield., of Philadelphia,. P . • , rt master General, United Spanish W~r V tera.ns (Hon. 'l'homas E. S'teph ne) (Command r Shroyer is nevl.7 elected, and asked, tbru office of" Dttf'f, Pa. , it he might call and pa.7 respects to the P"sident) 10:45 H.E. Abdullah Bakr, the Foreign Minister t Iraq ll .E. Dr. Mou sa Al- Shabande:r, the Ambassador of Iraq Ron . John S on (!Wullab Bakr is fo:nne:r Charg d'A!taires ad interilll of Iraq ill Washington, d baa been appointed Foreign Minister ot Iraq. H 1 now he ot the Iraqi del ation to th UN and s xpres ed a desire to pay a eourtes7 call on th President before departing from the Unitec!l Sta.tea)

11:15 H. • Dr. Alb rto Domingue2i Campo , Chairman ot Uruguqan Delega­ tion to UN Gen ral !ss bly H.E. Senor Dr. Jose A. Mor , the Ambassador o£ Uruguay Hon. John S ns (Dr. C pora, wbo is !ol"Jller Ambass.ador to the United States, hae been instructed. b7 his Go.-emm.ent to present a lett r to the President from the Pr sident ot UJ."U8U&7 conceming visit ot Dr. Milton Eisenhower to UJtUgUay) · · The Preaiden.t presented the Congressional Medal of Honor to th tollo~ at the North Portico ot the White House: irst Lieutenant Raymond G. Murphy, USMCR First Lieutenant J a L. Stone, USA cond Lieutenant orge H. O' Brien, Jr., USM.CR Sergeant David B. Bl..eak, USA Sergeant Hiroshi H. ~. USA Private First Class ilf'ord L. McLaughlin, USMC PrlT&te First Class Robert E. Simanu, USMC TUESDAY, OCT 27, 1953 P e 2 12:00 Congre-s ional Mecial of H nor (Continued) OOJ!lllal'ider Beach l"e d all ot t.he citation and the tollo guests were resent: First Lieutenant Raymond G, Murp~ , U CR Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hurpq J)arents) Mr. s . Francis Murplv' ~broth r istel'-in-1 ) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth by (brother and'-in-l&w) Mr. and s. Leo Murr>h7 (brother Mr. an s . E. B. Maloney (broth r-in-law and sister) Fir t Lieutenant t C. S , U C ( scort) First Lieutenant Jr-{s L. S1'one , USA Mrs. Idell al.ker ther) Mr. d s . s. L. Stone (rather and Bte tber) Mr . and s. Joe Koonce (uncle and aunt) Mrs. Harold Edward.a ( wit) Miss Je ghtner (tianc e) 1 First Lieutenant C rle • 1, USA ( eeort.) Second Liegt.enant George H, O' Brien' Jr •• U C Mrs. Geor . it O'Brien, Jr. (wire Mis T rrr Jo 01 Brien (daughter) Mr. and • George H. 0 ' Br1 , Sr. Ct>arents) Mrs. Larry Joe O'Brien (sistet'-1.n-law) Mr. . • J. Y. Robb (tather-in-1 w and tber-in-law) Lieutene.nt Colonel Charles D. Barrett, Jr. (escort)

Sergeant David B. Ble~. U Mr , T er Bleak (mother) Mt-. illiam Y. Bleak (brother) • Don J. Bleak {brother) Mr. ewton Bleak (brother) Fireman James Bleak, U (brother) Privat el c. Bleak, USA {brother) Corporal Richard L. Bleak, USA (brother) Mrs. rtha Boardman ( siste~) Mrs. Bert Lord (sister) Second Li tenant Charles B. Cle ent, USA {escort) Sergeant Hiroshi H. Mi'fwue}' USA Mrs. Terry a wife Mr. Yaiehi Mip.mura (father) Ser geant Kei , USAF (bretther) Mrs. imi · a ( 1st r-1n-la11) Mr. elio Gregorio (friend) First Lieut nant Ronald J. Ro ers, US ( scort)

Private First C ss IJ.tord L. hlln USMC e .. Alford L. McLaughlin wife · Mrs. o. McLaughlin (mother) Corporal. Joe B. · Laughlin, USMC (brother) s. Loui Atkins (si ter) S rgea.nt M tin H. etkovsek, USMC (tri ) First Lieut nant rt C. Simms, U C (e cort) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1953 Page 3 112100 Congressional edal ot Honor ( Continu ) Prlvate First Clas Robert E Si.mane , USMC Mr. and s. Edward Sim.anek (parents) Nr. d s. William E. Sillanek (broth r and sister-in-law) arq H. e ( rother) Mrs. Charlotte Sim (grandllo h r) Mrs. David Simanek (sister-in- law) First Lieutenant Charl E. Spene , Jr., U · C ( cort)

Fir t Lieutenant Fr an V. Homer, U (additional A e cort) Depa Hon. cretary or Der nae Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. • J. Membe ot Const!•! Senator Lister Hill, Alab Senator Charl s E. Potter, Michigan Senator C. Johnson, Color o Senator ene D. , Color S tor Lyndon B. Johnson, T Senator John L.. McClellan, Arkan s Repre1:1 t tive Charles G. O , chigan Representative Georg H. Ma.ho , Tua Mr. Clau E. Wo (tor _ • C1inton P. er on, • Mexico) Mrs. George Dixon (for n tor Dsutl Chavez, New Mexico) Miss ces Ortiz (for tor Denni Ch yez, ev co) Mr. orge Gr (fol" ator man elker, Id ) s. H elker (tor ator He Welker, Idaho) i-. ·alter s. th (tor "' na or HenI7 c. Dworsh ) Idaho Mia Janice Dilday (for Representative W. F. Norrell, Arkansas) Hr. Robert C. Connell (.tor Repres tative Antonio M. F mand z, ew M xi o) • W. L. Mill ) Al"Dlt Representative Hon. Robert T. Stevens, creta.17 of Hon. .;i;arl D,. Johnson, Under Secre Hon. John Sl. z Gener Charles L. Bolte, USA jor er G. E. A trong, USA

Navy Obie! or aval. Oper tiona TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1953 pg 4 (_; 12:00 Congressional Medal of Honor ( · ) ~ Co!]!s Reet•oen~~tiv a Lieutenant General G. C. 'l'homas, USMC, Aoting OQllJllalldant ot the Marine Corp !'..a.jor General M. B. Twining1 USMC Brigadier General N. H. Nel.son, USMO Brigadi r General D. M. Shoup, USMC I.1eut.erumt Colonel Jam C. Sh&rt1 USMC Air F:on Rep:ntt!J!tativ!• Hon. Harold E. TalbOtt, Seer taey ot th Air Force General '1' . D"' Whit. , USAF Major General R. W. Burn , USA.F Honol'able Jame H. Douglas Major Ruth MeCraw Mr. e. . A. Bott.oltsen (Ex-Govemor of Idaho) Captain Carlton B. Jones, 'USN Mrs. Jane F. Blakeney Mr. and Mr • Dan L. McKinnG¥ (tri.ends or rgeant ~) Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Harper (Chiet ot Police o~ Pueblo, Col.orado) Maj.or Ohristophex- F.. ReillT, USA (ArmT Public Information) Hem rB ot the White Haus St t


thOO am Senator- W11l.1 am F. Knowland, California, had break?ast with the President at the fldt.e House. 9:05 Mr. Robert E. McConnell, ot th Plains, Virginia (An old friend ot the Preeident•s.. Call d Mr. Stephens last ek to ask if he might co e in) Honorable Robert Cutler Honorabl James La:v" (Briefed th President on SC)

lOtOO (Hr. Hagerty)

10:30 am Pr ~s Conterence

11:00 Mr. Earl Eisenhower, Chal"leroi, Pennsylvania 11·1; (Mr. Walter Stewart) (Hon. Sherman Adams) (Hon. Arthur Burns) OEF HE RECORD (Hon. Gabriel Hauge) (Mr. St.ewart is to be Membe~ of th. Couneil of Economic Advisors)

ll:.30 Honorable James H. Douglas, Under Secr&tal-y of the Air Force Lt. General T. D. White,, Deputy Chi t of St ft (General Paul T. Carroll) {Arranged by General CUtler. Talked about Air Bas s and answered certain questions wh1oh th President asked neral. Outler in Denver,, on September 3rd) 11:45 (Brigadier Gener-al Carl H. OFF THE RECORD

12i30 -pm The !'ollowing had Luncheon with the President.: Rear Admiral Samuel E. l

8•00 The President and Mr • senh r gave dinner tor Their Maj sties, 'the King arld rueen ot the Hellenes. The following were present:. TM The King and Queen or thtt H llenee R.E. Stefanos st.etanopoulos - Minister 0£ Foreign Af'tairs H.E. the baeeador of GAece (Politis) Mrs. ry Karolo'l - Lad.y-1Jl...Wa1t.1ng ~o the e Mr. Anthony Sta.thatos - Master ot C.remonies to the King WEJJlES t, OO'l'OBER 28, 1953 Pae 2 8200 pa Dinner (Conti d) Hr. John D. Kalergis - Kinia r Oounselor of sq Air Vice shal Charalamboa otalrdano - Aide-de-Camp to the King Col. Jebn Dal5kalopouloe - Aid & to the King COJldr. Epaminonda Panas .. Aide-d~-o The Chiet Justice (Warren) The Secretar.y ot St.ate and s. Dulles The Secretary ot the Tre SUl7 and s . phr>e7 The Seer :ta17 ot Defense and s. Wilson The Attorney General and s . Brownell The Secretary ot griculture and a. n o The Secretary o! Colllnttrc and a. Weeks Th Secretary ot Health, :ucation and Welfare (Hobby) Senator and e. Walter F. org ; Georgia Sen t.or and Mrs. H. Ale:xandel" th, ew Jer ey Honorable and Mr • Sherman dams Congres John • Vorya, Ohio Hon. and e. Henry A. Byroade Hon. and s. John F_ SU.Ona Hon. and • George A. Garrett. Major General an Mrs. HQW&rd Mee. sn,d r Mr. and s. Ward can a:r • an • Homer ruenther Mrs. F.chdn Hilao Mr. and s. orge urice Morris • and Mr • Th A. Pa a Mr. and Mrs. Spyroa Skouras R A • Richard P. Glass, rican to the g THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS THURS Y, OCTO 29, 1953

9:00 am (The resident aaid goodb7e to the King and uean ot the Hellenes, who departed the bite House tor the Blair Hou e) (The President departed tor the Statl r Hotel.} Th President deliTered brier ea e or greeting to the Opening sion of the Fourth rican Forest Congress, Statler Hotel.

10:00 N tional Security Council Hon. John Foster Dull 1 Secretar;y of St te Hon . Charles E. 'Uson, Secretary of t nae Hon. Williaa • Rand, Acting Director, reign rations • Hon. Arthur s. Fleming, Director, O.tfic of Detens Mobiliz tion Hon. George E. Humphrey, cretaey of the Tre sur;y Hon. Herbert. Brownell, Jr., The ttorney eral Hon. Joseph f. Dodge, Director, re u or the dget Hon. Lewis L. Strause, Chairman, At c ergy Col!lllission Hon . Arthur F. Burn , Chairman, Council of ono c Advisers Hon. bert T. Steven , Secretary ot the Hon . Robert B. eraon, Secretary ot th vy Hon. James H. Douglas, Acting Secretary ot the ir ore• General Charle L. Bolte, Acting Chief ot Statt o! the Arcq Admiral Robert B. Carn y, Ohiet of N n.l. rations General Tho s D. vhite , cting Chief' or Statt of the Air Force Lt. General Gerald c. Thomas, cting Co dant, USMC Hon . Allen I . Dulles, Director of Central Intelligence Ron. Robert Cutler, Special Assistant to th President Hon. C. D. Ja.ekaon, Special Assistant to the Preaid~t Major General Wilton B. Persona, Deputy Assistant to the President Brig. Gen. Paul T. Carroll, cting White House Staff <- cretarT Hon. James s . Lay, Jr., ecutiv Secretary Hon. s. erett Gleason, De uty Executive Secretary

12:30 Honorable John D. Lodge, Govemor of Connecticut ('l'he Govemor has been appointed Personal reaentative of the President, with rank of Special ssador, to two cele- brations next. nt.h - the Fiftieth Anniversary or th Independence ot Pan , and the inauguration or S nor Jose igu res as President of Costa Ric • Th Secretary or State reco nd that the President s e Govemor Lodge b tore he depart on these missions. )

1:00 General rk Clar h Luncheon with the aident. Gen. Clark to th ecutive Office at l2:4S p.m. d walked over to the te House with th ea1dcit.

2:05 pa The eaident receiY re ot the F eral ad• Commission, and others. The following re pres t: Hon. Sinclair Weeks, The Secretary- of Co rce Hon. Edward F. HoWJ'ey, Chai , Feder ad Co sion THURSDAY, OO'l'OBER 291 1953 Pa,ge 2

Membe-rs 'Of the F d9ral Trade Commission Mon. John • Gw.Ynn , Comm.1s$ioner Hon. Alb~rt A.. Carretta, ,Comndss.ion•r Hon, James ead, Conmdssionel" Hon. Lowell B. Ha on, Conuni.asioner Hon.. Sherman A.dams. - lion . ilton B.. J?ersons Hon . Arthur Bunts Hon. Gabriel Hauge Gen . Paul T,. Carroll Mr. Charles Willis THE PRESIDENT ' S APPOINTMENTS IDlY, OCTOBER .30, 19S3

S:OO am (The following b breakfast with th President OFF 1'HE RECORD i ) (Honorable nard Hall.) (Honorabl Sheman Adams) (Honorable Wilton B. Per sons) (Honor ble J a gerty} (Honorable Tho a E. Stephen•)

9:.30 am Honorable Robert C. Hill, rica.n baasador D eignate to Costa Rica (Asked, thru Protocol, it mi ht "P&T respects before departing tor new post) 10:00 Cabin t Me ting Hon. John Foster Dullea, Secretary ot State Hon. George Humphrey, Secretary ot th Treasury Hon . Charles E. iilson, Secretary ot Det~se Hon. Herbert Brownell, The Attorney General Hon . Charle R. Hook, Jr. , Deputy Pos ater General Hon . Dougl e McK 7, Seer taey of th Interior Hon. ra Tatt Benson, Secretary ot griculture Hon . Sinclair W eks, Secretary of Commerce Hon . J Mitchell, Secretar.r ot Labor Hon . Ovet Culp Hobby, Secretar.r of Health, uc tion elf81"e Hon . Rowland Hughes_, Deputy Director of the Budget Hon . Uliam M • Rand., D puty Director, Foreign Operations Adm. Hon. Arthur s. Fl ing, Director, Ottic ot Detens Mobiliu.tion Hon . Sherman Adams Hon . Bernard Shanley Hon . Wilton B. P r one Hon. c. D. Jackson Hon . Robert Cutler Hon. Walter illi s Hon. Gabriel Hau Hon. Gerald Morgan Hon. Beyce Harlow Mr. Arthur Minnich {The tollowing were ab ent: 'l'h Post st r General, Director Dodge, Governor Stassen, Ch 1rman Young and Ambassador Lodge) ll:SO am Honorable Sinclair W ks, The S ret817 of C ere• 12:15 Admir William D. Leab7 Dr. Russell D. Cole, President 0£ Comell College, .ount Vernon, l owa (Admiral Leab7 asked it h might bring Dr. Col to t the Presid.ti0t} 12:)0 Honorable Monnet B. Davi , rican bassador to Israel (R eeted this, thru Protocol, tore returning to his post) FRIDl!, OCTO 30, 1953 2

12:4S JD Mr. Rowland Jones, aid t ot th • John Byler, Chairman ot the rd, rican also 1e Vic Pr 81.dent ot W. T. G~ t Compa111' • Paul :wkina (Mr. :wkin arrang this with Mr. Steph ns, stating th wished to discuss Sal s Tax, Social S.Cur1t7 and '1' Hartl Law)

1100 • Aksel Niels had Lunch with the · t.

2:00 i:a ns, tish nMll"CUI t Rolla Royce, 2t30 • Vid tfield, ot gaw, orth Carolin , President, Forest F rs As oci tion Cooperativ Mr. J. Walter Myer , ExecutiY Secreta17, Forest F er A sociati Cooper tiw Mr. Henry McKnight, Washington, D. C., Vice Pre ident (ia also ber ot Agricult viso17 C tt e ot the Republican ational Co ttee (Asked it ght c in invite th Pr~sident to ttend one ot their big ting on April 27th in A heville, • c. Will ren invitati in writing in JanU&l'J') 2:45 Senator Fr Carlson, ICan a

8:30 JB (Th President and Mr • Eis-••-e,r left the Whit House tor the Gre Embasq)

9s00 Jiil The President d Mrs. Eisenhower attended dinner at th Greek a q, giTen in their honor by their Majeati a, The King d Qu4Mm ot th Hell e • THE PRESIDENT ' S APPOINTMENTS SATtJRDAY, , 195.3

The :President had no official appoint.menta.