(Communicated to tho Members of tho League,) , C.523,M.238.1934.

; Geneva, December 5th,1934.



No.11 (November 1934)

Official number SUBJECT

C.610(e).M.286(e).1933.XI @ Estimated world requirements of dangerous drugs in 1934.- 5th Supplement to the statement of v the Supervisory Body.

C.322(y) .M.146 ( y ) .1934.-VII .Supply of arms and war material to Bolivia and Paraguay.- Further reply from Poland.

C.462.M.198.1934,XI & Estimated world requirements of dangerous drugs in 1935.- Statement by the Supervisory Body.

C.463.M.199.1934,II Austria.- 12th Quarterly report of the Repre­ sentative of the League in Austria (3rd Quarter ■; ' of 1934) .

C.465.M.200.1934.XI @ . , Illicit _transactions and _seizures of drugs reported to the Secretariat between July 1, and September 30,1934.- Summary by the Secre­ tariat.

C.467.M.201.1934.II,A Hungary.- 12th Quarterly report of tho Repre­ sentative of the Financial Committee in Hungary (3rd Quarter of 1934).

C. 472.M. 204.1934. V Rules of procedure of the Assembly.- Revised Edition (November 1934)

Confidential document. English text only. - 2

C.473,M.205.1934.II.A Allocation of expenses of the League.- Report by tho Committee on Allocation of Expenses.

C.477.M.207.1934,XI @ . Names of tho more Important individuals and firms referred to in the summaries of seizures and illicit traffic of drugs.- Index.

C.481.M.208,1934. Numerical list of documents distributed to the Members of the League.- No.10 ()

C.483.M.210.1934. Council, League (83rd (Extraordinary)Session ).- Convocation and agenda

C.483(a).Mi 210(a).1934 Postponement of convocation

0.483(b).M.210(b).1334 Convocation

C.485.M.211.1934.VII Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay.- Tele­ gram from the Secretary-General to the Para­ guayan Government (October 22,1934) and reply from the latter (,1934).

C.487,M.212.1934.VII Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay.- Commu­ nication from the Czechoslovak Government (November 2,1934).

C.488,M.213.1934.VII Dispute between Colombia and Peru.- Coiamuni- cation from the Peruvian Government (,1934).

C.490.M.215.1934.VII Activities of the Voluntary Labour Service under the "Dcutscho Front" in'Saar Letter and report from the Governing Commission (,1934).

C.492.M.216.1934.II.A Bulgaria.- 32nd report of the Commissioner of the League- ( July-).

C.493.M.217.1934.VII Ap-plication of the Covenant of the League to £h e dispute bo tween Bolivia and Paraguay.'- Letter and memorandum from the Paraguayan Government ( and October 3,1934),

©Confidential document " ~ @@ French text only C . 4-9/1.M» 21 i ' . 3-0 34 .VII Disru te. fogWegn. B o 1 i via and Pa rag: - Lot ter'from tho Bolivian Government (.1934).

C.495.M.219.1534.VII Soar Territory.- Petitions from tho "Ein- heitsfront” and .he "Arbeitsgemeinsch&ft xir Wahrung Saarlaenü i e cher Interessen" (Octo­ ber 2nd, 4th and 15th,1934) ,letter from the Governing Commisuion (October £9,1934) and letter anA memorandum from the Plebis­ cite Co;ruûission (November 3,1934) .

C.496.M.220.1934.VII Saar Territory.- Petition with annex from a number of eonomic organisations (.1934) and letter from tho Governing Commis­ sion (November 6,1934).

-C .500.M. 221.1934. VII Saar Territory.- 3rd Report of the Plebis­ cite Commission I September 1 to October „.. 31,1.934) ana decree setting up a supreme plebiscite Court and district tribunala ani establishing rules of procedure.(September 8.1934).

C.501.M.222.1934.VII Saar Territory.- 4th Report of the Plebiscite Commission (November 1st to 15th,1934).

0. 502 „M. 223..1934.V and Annex @ Case concerning the administration of the Prince of Pless.- Note by the Secretary-Gene- $ ral and pleadings, oral statements and docu­ ments of the Permanent Court of International JUutiee.

C.504.M.224.1934.VII Measures resultins; from the non-recognition of Hanchukuo .- Summary of replies received concerning postal traffin,Suggestions by the Chairman of Advisory Committee appointed by the Special Assembly concerning export of drugs to Manchuria ,Letter from the Secretary General to Opium Advisory Committee and reply and annex from the latter.

C.506.M.225.1934.VII Request by the Yugoslav Government under Article II of the Covenant.- Letter from the Yugoslav Government (,1934)

@ C.P.J.I., Series C, No.70 - 4 -

C.5 0 7 .M.226.1934.VII --rïpr Arti- Reauest by tho Yugo slav Gc^/ ejamenT^^agr_ Arti cle 11 nf the Covenant.- Communication^from the Roumanian Government (November 22,1934).

C . 508.M. 227 ' 193^ ™ Torritory. _ petition from the"Saarlaend- ische Sozialistischu Partci " (October 29, 1934) letter from tho Governing Commission (,1934) and memorandum from the Plébiscité Commission (,1934).

C .509.M. 228.1934.VII Request by the Yugoslav Government under . Article 11 of the Covenant.- Communication from thti Czechoslovak government (November 22,1934).

C,510.M.229,1 934,VII Saar Territory.- Supplement to tho petition of November 1,1934 from the Saarbruck Chamber of Commerce and certain «économie organisations in tho Saar (November 9,1934).

C.513,M.231.1934.VII Request by the Yugoslav Government under Article 3.1 of the Covenant Co ununication from the Hungarian Government (, 1934).

C.. 515,M,232.1934. Postponement of Council Sessions.- Letter from the Representatives of Turkey and of U.S.S.R. (,1934).

C.517.M.233.1934.VII Saar Territory.- petition and annexes from the "Deutsche Front" (November 13,1934) and letter from the Governing Commission (Novem­ ber 22,1934),

C.519.M.235.1934.VII Supply of arms and war material to Bolivia and Paraguay.- Communication from India

C.519(a).M.235(a).1934.VII Communication from Norway

C.520.M.236.1934.VII Saar Territory.- Petition from th« Ein- heitsfront (,1934),letter from the Governing Commission (November 22,1934) and memorandum by the Plebiscite Commission (,1934), - 5 -

A.38.1934,IV <3 Traffic In Women and Children Report by the 5th Committee.

A.(Extr.)1.1934, VII Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay.- Draft report by the Committees of the Assembly.

A,(Extr.)2.1934. Draft resolution by the relegations of Denmark Norway, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

A.(Extr.)3.1934. VII Statement by the Representative of Paraguay.-

A.(Extr.)4.1934.VII draft Draft amendments to the/report of tho Spe­ cial Committee proposed by the Bureau

A.(Extr.)5.1934.VII Report by the Committee of the Assembly as adopted by the Special Session of the Assem­ bly.

C .L.173.1933. II.A m / Privileges to be granted to the Bank for international settlements.- Letter/from the Secretary of the Monetary and Economic Con­ ference and draft uniform toxt of an agree­ ment for consideration by States non parties to the Hague Agreement of .

C .L.124.1934.II.A and Annex Priv 11 edges to bo grant?-i to tho Bank for international settlements.- Letter from the Secretary-General (June 29,1934) and summa­ ry of the replies received to the letter of August 1933.

C.L.182.1934.IV Intennational convention for the suppression >f the traffic in women of full age ().- Note by the Secretary-General.

@ One copy only redistributed with C .L.195.1934.IV @@ One copy only redistributed with C.L.206 and 206(a).1934.IIA @@@ One copy only redistributed with C.L.206(a).1934,II.A @@@@ Distributed to those Members and Npn Members which have not ratified tho convention only. - 6 -

C.L.183.1934.XI Reservation to which Japan desires to subject its ratification of the convention for limiting tho manufacture and regulating the distribution 'jf narcotic drugs () .-Observations of U.S.A.

C.L.105.1934.IV Abolition of licensed houses.- Note l»y the Secretary-General and resolution passed by the Traffic in women and children Commit­ tee ().

C.L.186.1934.XI International opium convention and Protocol (February 1925).- Accossion of Ecuador.

C.L.187.1934.XI Réservation to which Japan desiros to sub.ject its ratification of the convention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribu tion of narcotic drugs (July 1931).- Obser­ vations of Siam.

C.L.188.1934.XI an* Annex @ Statement of the estimated world require­ ments of dangerous drugs in 1935.- Note by the Secretary-General and text.

C.L.189.1934.XI Statistics regarding exports and imports of acid acetic anhydride and caffeine Note by the Secretary-General.

C.L.190.1934.XI System of affixing serial numbers to packages of drugs despatched by wholesalers .- Note by the Secretary-General and resolution adopted by Advisory Committee on traffic in Opium and other dangerous drugs ().

C.L.191.1934.XI Distribution of documents relating to nar­ cotic drugs.- Note by the Secretary-General.

C.L.192.1934.XI Interpretation of article 15,paragraph 2(b), of the Convention for limiting the manufacturo and regulating the distribution of narcotic^ drugs of July 1931.- N>te by the Secretary- General.

@ C.462.M.198.1934.XI. - 7 -

C.L.193.1934.XI Reserrâti on to which the Japanese Government desires to subject' its ratification of the Convention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs (July 1951).- Observations of Poland for the Free City of Danzig and of Canada,

C.L.194.1934.X and Annex @ Allocation of expenses of the League.- Note by the Secretary-General and statement of allocation for 1935.

C.L.195.1934.IV @3 Traffic In women and children in the East.- Note by the Secretary-General.

C.L.196.1934.II.A Reservation to which Puland, on behalf of Danzig, desires to subject the ratification of the international conventi°n for the suppression of counterfeiting; currency. - ().- Observations of Czechoslo­ vakia. . ,

C.L.1*7.1934,XI Reservation to which the Japanese Government desires to subject its ratification of the convention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic__ drugs (July 1931).- Observations of Gcimpany.

C.L.193.1934.XI and Annex Annual reports on the traffic in opium and o'Cher dangerous drugs.- Note by the Secre­ tary General and form.

C.L.198(a) .1^34.XI and Annex Annual reports on the traffic _in opium and other dangerous drugs.- Note by the Secre­ tary-General and form.

C .L.202.1934.IV In t r, rntt t i o nal c o n v e n t i o n fo v__ the suppres si on of tbs traffic in women and children (Sep- tenber 1921).- Ratification by Colombia.

@ Distributed to all Members of the League except Ecuador. Annexing one copy of A. 33.1934. IV @@@ Distributed to those Members of Central and South Ancrica parties to 1931 convention which have sent no report for 1932. @@@@ Distributed to those Members of Central and South Ameri­ ca ,non parties to 1931 convention which have sent no report for 1932. - 8 - C.L.203.1 .'34. IV International convention for the suppression ■j'i circulation of and traffic In obscene publications (Se tei.iber~19S3).- R .tificatiun by Colombia.

C.L.204.1 ,34.XI Reservation to which the Ja fcme se Government desires to subject its ratification of the convention for limiting ■ the manufacture and regulating ti- ie distribution of narcotic drugs (July' 193i).- Observations of Brazil and Persia.

C .L.206.1934.II.A and Annex © priviledges to be granted to th& Bank for INTERNEti n 1 settle .snts Note by the Secret^r > - Ge'ne"ral ,* Austrian law of July 12, 1934 and declaration by the Polish Govern­ ment on behalf of Danzig of October 8, 1934.

C.L.206(a)..1934.II.A and Annex @© • Priviledges to be granted to the B k î",r intern,, tio^al settlements. - Note by the Secretary-General, Austrian lav/ of July 12, 1934 and declaration by the Polish Govern- Lient, on behalf of Danzig of October 9, 1934.


L.S.L.7 and Annex Quarterly statistics of imports and exports of opium and other dangerous drugs.- Note by the Board and statistical form A (GL).

L.S.L.8 and Annexes Annual statistics required under 1935 and 1931 conventions.- Note by the Board and Statistical forms' A (L) , C(l) (GL) , C(2) (GL) , 0(3) (G), D (GL), and E (GL).

© Distributed to those Members and Non Members represented at Monetary and Economic Conference non parties to Hague Agreement of January 20,1930, except Siam and Switzerland. @@ Distributed to those Members parties to Hague Agreement of January 20,1930 and to Switzerland. - 9 -

U.L-4.® and Annex Notif icati ons provided for und or paragraph 2 of Article 14 of Convention of Ju I y 19-51 for limiting tho manufacture and regulating "the distribution of narcotic drugs.- ,1934.

N.L-4(a). November 21,1934


Official Journal, 15th Year, No. 10(Fart.I) (October 1934)

Official -Tournai, 15th Year, No. 10 (P rt.Il) (October 1934).

International t;rade statistics , 1933 & Erratum.

Bulletin of information on the work of inter­ national organisations, Volume V I , No.2 (Sep­ tember 1934)

Epidemiological report.- R.E.175 (September- October 1934), Monthly list of books catalogued in the Library of the League.- 7th Year, No.10 (October 1934) ©m

Monthly Bulletin of Statistics.- Volume XV, No.11 (November 1934).

Monthly list of Selected articles ,Volume VI, Nos. 9-10 (September 15-0ctober 15,1934)@00

Rogistration of Treaties, List No. 157 (October 1934)

Chronology of international treaties and legis­ lative measures, Volume V, Nos. 9-10 (September 15- October 15,1934).

Monthly Summary of the League, Volume XIV, No.9 ( Sept ember 1934-) . M onthly Summary of the Le aguc-rsi Volume XIV,No. 10 (October 1934) .

@ Distributed to Parties to 1931 convention only. Distributed to certain Non parties to 1931 convention wity N.L.4 and Annex @@@ Distributed to those States only which have requested copies.