International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 3, March-2020 1535 ISSN 2229-5518 Trading With Minors: A Qualitative Study of Business Ethics in the Islamic Perspective

ADHY FIRDAUS 0000-0002-2664-6796 Lecturer at Graduate Programs of Management Studies, STIE (Economics School of Higher Education) Ganesha Jakarta, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]

Abstract- Most research has been studying sell alcohol, drugs According to US Law definition, a minor is a person who or cigarettes to minors and/or advertising involving children, does not have the legal rights of an adult. A minor is usually But none of them are talking about selling products to minors defined as someone who has not yet reached the age of as general. US Law definition, a minor is a person who does not majority. In most states, a person reaches majority and have the legal rights of an adult. The question of whether acquires all of the rights and responsibilities of an adult when ‘selling any products directly to minor is ethical’ were never been studied. This research is intended to clarify in dealing, he or she turns 18 [6]. trading or selling merchandise to minors directly is ethical or Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Minors (noun) is a unethical especially from the Islamic perspective. person who is not yet old enough to have the rights of an adult [7]. The research uses qualitative methods with a grounded In Indonesia, Minors translated as an underage youngster. theory approach. the tools used are a digital Recorded for On October 13th, 1976 the Supreme Court of Indonesia has recording in-depth face to face interviews with the participants, issued Jurisprudence No. 477 that started the adult age of 18 research observations and interview was noted to point out the years old or married. This also supported by Marriage Act important event or conditions of field or setting and the gestures or body language revealed by interviewees at No. 1/1974 that started in chapter 50 paragraphs 1. Opinion interview times. The camera used to get the pictures is from a about the adult age limit is also followed and translated in smartphone. article 1 (1) of LAW No. 23 Year 2002 on Child Protection. It is also explained that a child is someone who has not reach The finding is that minors aren’t capable of trading, trading the age of 18 years, include those who are still in the fetus with minors is considered illegally binding, those who do (unborn child) [8]. business with minors are violating ethics. Base on the findings, The term minors include Two categories of people, the researcher concluded that trading with minors without the namely those who have not adults yet and those who are not presence of an adult consider unethical. This study affirms the people and scholars of the ethical issues of trading with minors, mentally healthy even if they are already over 18 or 21 years the research contributes to the Business ethics’ discipline area old. These people cannot evaluate or choose or judge the from the Islamic perspectives. The findings is adding to the list right from wrongdoing, therefor obviously they are not able of the behaviors that trading with minors is unethical. to defend themselves from the action of other parties that IJSERadversely now or in the future. Keywords— adult, mature, mentally ill, minors, selling The Two said categories of people can’t use their activities, Trading, unethical consciousness like a normal healthy adult. The mentally ill people include those under the influence of alcohol or drugs. I. INTRODUCTION The children who are not mature yet categorized into minors Nowadays trading occurs every time, everywhere, and by because they still cannot defend or guard themselves from everybody including minors. Because it's already become evil tactics of criminals or deceiver who will harm their life. common and routine activities, some or even most rules They can be influenced to do negative things because they and/or norms on trading ignored and even break. Most cannot think longer about the bad consequences of the research has been studying on selling alcohol or drugs or activity they follow and does. Because of the lack of cigarettes to minors. Selling alcohol to a minor is a understanding of a cunning ploy of evil people, a minor often misdemeanor offense, but it can have serious consequences becomes a target of criminal and the fitful of evil people as on your life [1]. The US State laws impose civil or criminal do drug dealers sell drugs to students in school so they penalties upon retailers and other businesses that sell become a drug addict. When this happens the National cigarettes to minors. The US State law defines the age 18 and security is endangered. The future of the next generations below which is an individual is a “minor.” [2]. in the will be destroyed. Republic of Indonesia, there also a story about selling In Islamic teaching, people who have reached an adult tobaccos and alcohol [3]. Some of them studied advertising age are called Aqil and . Aqil means can think or use using children as targets and/or also as influencers [4], [5]. his or her brain to think and recognize something, in other But none of them are talking about selling products to words, intelligence. Baligh means has arrived in the time of minors as general. The question of whether selling any imposition of the law, in other words, mature [9]. Mature in merchandise or products directly to the minors is ethical? are age and mature in physics/body and have legal rights, they never been asked or studied, especially from the Islamic can separate good from evil or bad and can choose between perspective. This is important since most Indonesian are them. Muslim, Islamic religious believers. Trading Minors Cambridge dictionary stated that Trading definition is the activity of buying and selling goods and/ or services

IJSER © 2020 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 3, March-2020 1536 ISSN 2229-5518

(Cambridge-Dictionary, 2019), and define with the problem of selling and buying goods with children, trading as the activities or process of buying, selling, or this eliminates the bias of the researcher. exchanging commodity, at either wholesale or retail, within a B. Setting country or between countries [10]. Base on the above definitions, trading defines as the Qualitative research takes place in a natural setting; a activity of selling, buying, and exchanging goods, services researcher often goes to the site several times before or and/or commodities between people and/or organizations during research. This enables the researcher to develop a individually or in groups. level of detail about the individual or place [14]. Setting is in There are two components that are needed for business the West Java Province of the Republic of Indonesia which transactions in [11]. The pillars of buying and selling consists of approximately 49 million people who reside in (sale and purchase) in Islam are as follows (without one of the area; most of them are Muslim (Islamic religious these then the selling-buying transaction is canceled, null, believers). and void): C. Informants 1. Some parties transact (seller and buyer). Candidates' informants were gathered with proportional 2. There are items to be transacted (item or service). sampling [15]. Furthermore, Informants were chosen from 20 3. Agreement on price and value of said goods. (Twenty) candidates. The chosen informants are 1 (One) 4. I jab and Kabul / the statement of selling from the from community leaders, 2 (Two) from Islamic scholars, and seller and statement of purchase from the buyer, this is a said 2(Two) from micro-scale business owners. The criteria of agreement between two parties and is said at the time of suitable informants are (1) Mature and have knowledge of transaction or deal [12]. the issue related to the studied topic, (2) Well known by their Terms of sale and purchase in Islam (without these, the society, (3) voluntarily willing to share their experiences and transaction is not legitimate or not valid): perspective in the research. Informants are informed about 1. The parties must be Aqil-Baligh - capable / grown- the study and the interview. They were explained their right up/ adult/mature - or mumayyiz, for trading the child to participate freely and can terminate their participation necessities. anytime they want. Their identity also secured. The 2. The transaction must be done voluntarily – no participants were asked to give the researcher the right to use compulsion. interviews for the research in writing. 3. Each party must know the object of trading. In qualitative research, the number of participants is not 4. The trading object must in good condition and specifically regulated, any number could do as long as it is (consumable/usable according to the law of syar’ i). sufficient enough for the researcher to collect data and 5. The object must useful (to avoid things that supporting information for the research. [16]. Table. 1 shows superfluous or useless/meaningless). the general demographic information of informants. 6. The seller must be the owner of the object or have Tabel.1 Demography of Informants the right to sell the object). No. Informant Gender Age Occupation Education 7. Objects can be delivered to the buyer. 1 I-1 M 40 Islamic College 8. ‘Ijab – Kabul’ must be related. Scholar (IS) Graduate 9. ‘Ijab – Kabul’ statement or the statement of trading 2 I-2 F 30 Teacher College IJSER Islamic Graduate must be clear and understood by each party. Scholar (IS) Trading is a legal activity or legal action of humans. 3 I-3 M 60 Community College Therefore in social relationships among people happens the Leader Graduate activity such as buying, selling, lending, etc. Then the laws 4 I-4 M 30 MS College Business Graduate and norms have to be the main reference in daily life. These Owner norms include ethical maters. 5 I-5 M 25 MS High School Business Graduate Owners II. RESEARCH METHOD This study is about social science, so the research method D. Data Collections accepted to the research topic should be the qualitative research method with the grounded theory approach. Using Patton (1990) defines qualitative data as a detailed grounded theory allowed exploring the ideas and views of description of situations, events, people, interactions, the participants [13]. The grounded theory approach is observed behaviors, direct quotations, from the people about suitable because of limited previous research on the topic, so their experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts [17]. the researcher can jump directly into the field, observe, meet The qualitative data collections are based on open-ended people, and conducting interviews to collect data for observations, interviews, and documents [14]. Researcher research. revisits setting Three times at different times and different conditions to collect complete and detailed information about A. Researcher the topic situation. The research field notes used to take In qualitative research, the existence of the researcher is memos of settings situation, conditions, and valuable the main instrument [14]. The researcher is a lecturer in the information. Unstructured in-depth face to face interviews Post Graduate Program of the economics school of higher were done 3 times for each informant and recorded using a education in Jakarta. The researcher never had any contact SONY Digital IC Recording device with 16 GB memory card. Interviews were conducted in participants' places where

IJSER © 2020 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 3, March-2020 1537 ISSN 2229-5518 they feel relax and can tell their experiences and melibatkan anak dibawah understandings freely and comfortably and it was done Three umur dan terbelakang secara mental. times for each participant, this is intended to get further and The need to hold a broader deeper information from the interviewees [16]. The first explanation about trade interview was about the general issue of trading and the regulations involving minors informants’ background, the second interview was about and the mentally ill. I-3.Banyak orang yang tidak informant perceptions and experiences of the topics, the last tahu kaidah hukum dan covered the shortage of information needed and completed aturan kepantasannya the first and second interview. While interviewing, the tentang menjual barang researcher takes memos of body language, gestures, and kepada anak kecil atau dibawah umur. situations of informants on the interview notes. The interview Many people do not know recording immediately transcribed. Transcription was done the law and regulations by other parties differ from peer debriefing to maintain the about selling things to truth value of interviews and research. children or underage people.

Triangulation and peer debriefing with colleagues was I-4. perasaan memang gak conducted to maintain the validity and legitimation of enak, tapi kan kita gak tahu research. Legitimation of qualitative research calls for ways hukum dan aturannya. to claim that the research has a truth value is trustworthy the feeling is not good but we don’t know the laws and [17]. regulations. I-5.kalau aturannya jelas, E. Data Analysis pasti banyak yang Qualitative research is emergent rather than tightly mentaatinya. prefigured. Several Aspects emerged during a qualitative If the regulations are clear, people must obey. study [14]. In Qualitative Research data analysis are done along the way through research. 2 I-1. menurut aturan Qualitative research is fundamentally interpretive. This Agama Islam bedagang itu Unethical means that the researcher interprets the data [14]. The harus dengan orang yang Trading seimbang, jika tidak recorded Interviews listened carefully several times and the with minors is transaksinya tidak sah. not legally transcribed interviews were read thoroughly at least twice to Apabila tetap dilakukan binding and catch and identify the significant sentences. The transcribed maka itu sudah melanggar unethical interviews also presented to the interviewees to get approval hukum, aturan dan juga norma etika. or correct intention of what interviewees intended to point according to Islamic out. The content analysis procedure was used to categorize regulations, trading must be the significant sentences from transcribed interviews for done by parties at the same getting the themes. Content analysis is a method to code level. I-2. orang yang menjual open-ended questions in surveys or studies to make valid ke anak-anak tanpa ada inferences from text to identify the intention and other orangtuanya itu licik dan characteristics and to determineIJSER the psychological state of the tidak wajar.

those who sell to person [14]. Themes matched the code then drawn to be the Not fair children without their parents findings. Table.2 gives an illustration of how the significant are cunning and not sentences processed into themes and subsequently into the reasonable. main theme. … ketika norma

hukumdan norma agama dilanggar,maka ditakutkan No. Significant sentences Themes Main theme akan merugikan anak-anak 1 I-1. Kurangnya informasi Lack of atau mereka yang belum akil tentang aturan dagang knowledge. baligh. dengan orang yang belum … when legal norms and dewasa membuat banyak Need more Lack of religious norms are violated yang melanggar aturan dan intensive knowledge of then it is feared will harm ceroboh. information Laws and Ethics children and those who have Against the lack of information concerning the concerning not yet akil baligh (conscious norms concerning the trading topic trading with and mature )... regulation with immature minors I-5 Yaa jelas gak people makes many people pantas… gak etis kalau dia break those rules. tetap Jual ke Anak-anak Sayangnya banyak yang barang yang harganya besar.. belum tahu peraturan- yaaa definitely not peraturan ini, karena pada appropriate… not ethical if malas belajar dan gak mau they still sell the thing to bertanya. minors with that big money... Unfortunately, many people do not aware of these rules, I-3. tidak pantas because they are lazy to bertransaksi dengan minors, learn and do not want to ask. minors itu gak ngerti apa- I-2. Perlu diadakan apa. penerangan yang lebih luas It isn't appropriate to tentang peraturan yang transact to minors, minors do

IJSER © 2020 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 3, March-2020 1538 ISSN 2229-5518

not understand a thing. tidak pantas. Hanya orang yang egois if they are good people dan mau untung sendiri yang and understand, then they jualan ke anak kecil atau will arise in his heart a orang cacat mental. Dan ini feeling of discomfort and menentang norma-norma inappropriate. yang berlaku dalam I-4.emang sih ada masyarakat. perasaan gak enak, tapi.. Only those who selfish sure there is a feeling not and greedy who sell things to good, but… underage and mentally ill. I-5. saya merasa seperti This against norms that apply sedang memperdayai anak in communities. itu. Makanya juika gak ada I-4. saya tidak tahu orang tua atau didampingi aturan hukumnya, memang orang dewasa seperti sih banyak teman-teman pembantu atau baby yang memanfaatkan dengan sitternya, tidak saya layani menjadikan anak-anak sebagi untuk transaksi sampai ada sasaran objek penjualannya. orangtuanya. Dan menurut saya itu sangat I feel like bullying the tidak pantas dan sangat tidak kid, so if there is no parent or etis. adult such as a guardian or I don’t know the law or baby sitter, I do not serve for regulation, Indeed many transactions until their friends, traders, utilize to parents or adult relatives. make the children a target of its sales, and in my opinion, it’s not appropriate and very not ethical. I-5. sudah pastilah melanggar kepantasan dan III. FINDINGS etik. The research found four findings from the interviews and surely violated decency and ethics. setting observations. These findings are as follows, jualan sama orang ‘agak 1) Minors are not capable of trading (sell and buy). kurang’ jelas gak pantas In the Holy Al-Qur’an , The Almighty said in melawan norma … Chapter 4 (Surah An-Nisa) verse 6: sell things to the ‘minus people’ (mentally ill) its “And try the orphans (as regards their obvious against the propriety intelligence) until they reach the age of against norms. marriage; if then you found sound judgment in them (capable of nourishing treasures), 3 I-1. Norma dan hukum Islam dalam Al-Qur’an release their property to them. And you do not menyatakan bahwa anak- eat (the orphan treasury) more than the anak dan orang yang belum Minors are not acceptable limit and (do not) rush ((to give) dewasa tidak dihitung dalamIJSER Feeling capable of before they become adult. … then, when you perbuatan hokum dan apa guilty trading. release their property to them, take witnesses yang dilakukan dianggap tidak mamanuhi syarat in their presence; And Allah is All-Sufficient hokum islam. in taking account.” [18] Islamic Laws and norms This verse of the Holy Qur’an stated that Islamic teaching in Al-Qur’an stated that Feeling is very firm for underage children should not be given the children and not adults yet inappropriate. people not to be counted in responsibility to nourish their wealth alone, they should have lawful action, what they do an adult guardian. are considered not qualified They need to be accompanied by an adult relative or in Islamic laws. Feel discomfort. perasaan berdosa akan someone to be appointed as their guardian. Children or timbul jika berdagang minors consider cannot be taken responsible for their trading dengan anak kecil tanpa actions, they are not yet capable of responsibility. The ditemani orang tua. following interview clearly shows this. a feeling of guilt that would arise if trade with It isn't appropriate to transact to minors, minors unaccompanied by minors do not understand a thing. (I-3). parents. Islamic Laws and norms in Al-Qur’an stated anak kecil kan masih that children and not adults yet people not to belum dapat menimbang dan berfikir panjang, maka gak be counted in lawful action, what they do are etis laah… considered not qualified in Islamic laws. (I-1) young children are not … Young children are not able to choose able to choose wisely. So it is wisely. (I-2) not ethical I-3.Jika mereka orang I feel like bullying the kid, so if there is no baik dan mengerti,maka akan parent or adult such as a guardian or baby timbul dalam hatinya sitter, I do not serve for transactions until their perasaan tidak nyaman dan parents or adult relatives.

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2) Lack of knowledge of the laws and religious norms guidance of business ethics, there is the concept of “unity” or that apply in the trade with minors. cooperation, this means equality is the basic requirement of Most people, especially the traders or merchandizer, do trading activities. Islam also requires that trading must be not know for sure the laws and religious norms that apply in conducted by grown-up people / baligh, sensible /Akil, on the trade with minors, specifically concerning the their own will, and have the right for selling and/or buying, if requirement of fairness and equality of parties involved in not then selling-buying / trading is not legal (Mohammad, trading according to Islamic laws of syar-i, and the regulation 2001; pl.214) in (Firdaus A., 2013) of ‘ones should be mature’ before the laws to conduct lawful activities. Trading is a lawful activity, so the parties involved have to obey the laws and rules. V. CONCLUSIONS Because of this unawareness of the laws and religious From the research findings can be concluded that Trading norms of trading activities with minors, they ignore the ethics or dealing with minors or not grown-up children in dealing with people not yet adults or minors and treats this unaccompanied by an adult is not ethical and unacceptable. as a common transaction. This would be inappropriate This includes trading with mentally ill people. dealing or because there will be a violation of minors’ rights. Either in selling to minors is unethical. It considers cheating and the laws or ethics, as revealed from the interview results. against the religious principles, and people's norms. … When legal norms and religious norms are Trading with minors is acceptable and ethical when violated then it is feared will harm children and accompanied by an adult. When trading to the minors those who have not yet akil Baligh (conscious and without the presence or accompanied by their adult mature)... (I-2). companion, then the trading un-ethical. This is very obvious violated ethics. This concludes that trading directly to minors is violating Trading with minors is considered not legally binding and unethical. ethics, or in other words, unethical. Islam allows small The law pointed this very clear and also the transactions (small amount of money and small things or people’s feelings and consciousness reveal this. goods) to the minors who are mumayyiz or who understand Many people do not know the law and regulations and/or can distinguish things, for example, amount of money, about selling things to children or underage people. rotten food, clean or dirty. (I-3). I don’t know the law or regulation, Indeed many VI. FUTURE RESEARCH friends, traders, utilize to make the children a target The research’s purpose is to uncover whether trading of its sales, and in my opinion, it is not appropriate with minors is ethical or not. Because of limited settings and and very not ethical. (I-4) informants, the research can be further developed for broader according to Islamic regulations, trading must be done by parties at the same level. (I-2). perspectives. Future research should seek to find a broader I feel like bullying the kid, so if there is no parent answer to every aspect of businesses using minors as a target. or adult such as a guardian or baby sitter, I do not It is also would be great advantages when the topic studied in serve for transactions until their parents or adult different settings and more informants with colors / many relatives. (I-5). backgrounds. The research findings that could be used as a 3) Those who do businessIJSER with minors are cheating and tool to make children/minors life safer than before, especially violating ethics. from the business predators or those who do not care about These people are selfish and only concerned with ethics and laws. themself. Only those who selfish and greedy who sell things to underage and mentally ill. This against norms that apply in communities. (I-3) those who sell to children without their parents are VII. BIBLIOGRAPHY cunning and not reasonable. (I-2).

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