A. Tha Public haaord I. Tha Balfour Daolaratlon On April 2U, 181B, soon aftor tha iisumo of tha Balfour ;«olaration, tha Conittaa, at a special Mating of Ita XwautlT* Coanittaa, isautd a itats- mant bi whioh It oxprnnad Ita "profound appreciation" «t th« declaration Of tha British Ooraraa&t and Ita wlllingnaBa to aooparata with that gOTarraant la tha "realisation of tha Balfour DaaUrttlon. ' FbUowlng la tha full text of th« coiBnltiaa'a Btatamati

"Tha Amorioan Jawiah Coaraltt«a m orgftnliad prlau-lly to obtain far tha Java Is wy part of th« world olTil and rallgLoua rights, to protaot tham Kgainat unfa.Torabla dlaarteLoatlon, and to ••our« for than aquallt? of •oonomlo, aoolal and at,luBfttlon»l opportunity Thsaa will aontlnua to ba Ita objaeti.

"Zha Condttaa roe*rd« It •• axlomtia ttet tha Jaws of tha UBltad Statsa h*v» hara aatabllahad a paraanant hos» for th«mB«Zva« mtA thalr ohlldran, hav* aoqulrad tha right, aid aaewad tha oorralnti i» dutlaa of AMrloan oltitmihip, and mogniE* thalr unqualified allaglanoa to this ooustry, which thay lova aad aharlah and of whoaa paopla thay ooaatltuta an lntagral part. "This Com.At.ti9'>, howavar, la not umlndful that thara ara Jaws aTarywhar«,who, movad by tradltloual aantimar.t, yearn for a horaa In tha Hoi;.' j^md for ths Jawlah paopla* Thla hopa, nurtursd for oonturlat, haa our whola-baartad ayapathy* via raaopnlsa, howarar, thnt but a part of th« J««lsh paopla would tak* up thalr dcailaila In Palaatlna. The graatar ntaibar will aa&Unua to lira In ttia landa of whoaa oltiianahlp thay now form a oomponant part, whara thay anjoy full elrll a&d religious ;i urty, and whara aa loyal ana patrlotla eitliana, thay will maintain and davalop tha prlnalplaa and In- stitution* of Judalsn.

T-:h«n, therafor«, tha British Oovaranant raoantly mda tha daolaratlon, us SJ ported by tha Franah aonmoant. that >thay Tiaw with favor tha aatabliahMnt in Palaatlna of a national hona for tha Jawlah people and will usa thair bait andaaTora to faoilltata Hia aehleraBant of ti.ie objaot,1 tha annatmsament waa r»o«iv»d by this CaMnittaa with profound appraelatlon. Tha sondltiona annaxad to ttii» daolaration ara ragard«d as of esaantlal Importance, atlpulating «• thay do that 'g •hall bo rtoM whiah »y prajudloa tho oiril and rvllcioua riglita of relating noaWawlah oomunltioa in Palaatiaa, or th« rigbta ud polltloa.1 atatua onjoyad by Jawe in Bay othar oountry.' Thaaa oon- dlUona corroBiouri fully with tha panoral nur sm for whloh thii conmittM h»a atrlvan ud with tha ldaa.lt of Hit Jna In Anwric*. "Tha opportunity will to waloomd by thla QoKulttaa to aid In tho raaUiatloii of th« Britlah puol*r«ti.>n, undar auah protavtorat* or auianlnty aa tba Panoa Congraai my dataralna, and, to that and, to aooparata with «• )•« who, Bttraotad by rallgioni or hLitorla uaoalattona, ah all r.aak to aat*bliah In PalaatlM a oantar for Judaian, for tha atlauUtlon of our faith, for tha pwault aal daTalopMnt of lltaratura, •oianaa and art In * Jawltfi anvlreanant, a ,d for UM rataablUtatlon of tha Uad."

II. Tha llandaba On ilu-ah 1, 191S tha Coacdtta*, tta-oujh lta praaldant, Loull ltaraha.ll, joimd In a liaaorlaa to Praaldant Wllaon aubnlttsd by the temporary AMrioan j«vd«h CongraH laiieh had baan alaatod to rapraaant /wri m Jawa at tha Patuia confarano*. Thla Uawrlal, alpiad by Julian TT. lawk, Vr. ifarahaU and Stapahan 5. wiaa, aakad that "tha Paua Ccnfaranea raaogolM th» aaplra> tiona and hiatorla «laiM of *e Jawlah paopla In rag«r4 to "alaetina," thmt Palaatina ba •ntruatod to Oraat Britain as tha Handatory or Truataa, and that tha oountry iw plaaod undar tha approprlata fora of goTarmaiit wnlah "will aaeura tha satabllalMnt thar« of a Jawlah Matiiml fern and will ultlmataly raadar poaaibla Uva oraaUon of an autonoaoua oawvinvwalth.11 Tha Uawrlal want an to ra«lta tha Jawlafa rlghta to Palaatlm* "tha hlatorio hi™ of tha Java." On llu-eh 2, 181;, President Wilson replied to this Maorlal

"AS C >r your representations touahing Palestine, I l*ve fcofore t.le expreetftd ^/ personal apyrovsl of U.e d*olnraLj w. of the Uritleh Government regarding tho aspiration* ud hietorio olalaa of the Jewish people la regard to Pslastim. Z *-\, morsoTOP, p..r:n»dad that th. Alllvd nati »•, vdth th* fullest oonourranes of our m Gor»raia«it «ud paopls, »re a^rand tMt In Pilia-tln •mil ba laid tha founda- tion* of a Jam.*-. Comi^UHWtHb."

On April U, 1920 ti- Bupram Alllad Coimsll malting mt 5u Raw sntruatod tho HudtU of i'al««tlnt to Orwt Britain, «bodyii% tha Balfour DaolaratloB and providing for tha ofUblisiiooiit M a Jevdah Ag«noy ft a bod., to r«Pr«««it Jewish lntaraata in P>l«atiii«.

III. Tha Jewish Aganoy In 1929, Louis MurahaU. .olii TTartrarg, Oyrua Adlar and otter ••nbara of ths aanuslttse wero inatrtsMiital in bringing about tha anlargaaant of tlio Jowldi Agauoj far Falaatins, whloh waa raoremiiad to mka it rsprassnta- tlw of Zlonlsta and noB-Zionlsta aUk«. (Hr. iburahall dlad 36 hours after tha Constitution of ths Javisl. Agano; wi signed). Mr. UarahaU, Felix Warburg and Dr. Adler bkd an abiding inUrast in tho derclopoMRt of Falaatins. Although they tare not Zionlate In tha pslitioal ssnse, they did amrything in the r power to pro»nt« the upbuilding of Palestine in sonfermity with the tensa of th» balfour DaoUration and the Mandate.

IV. The paaBfield white Paper On Horenber 9, 1980 th« Cocnittee unanlaouely adopted a resolution joining wittt afflo*ra of the Jewish Aganoy In protaating agalnet ttis British pollsy as to Ftlsetlne as vnuaoiated in the rasafield Whit* Paper of Ostober 80, 135o, whiah violated ths teiue of the Balfow DeolaraUou asd ?. Tha Partition Proposal On January 16, 193B, at lta Slat Amuil Beating, the Dosnltteo adopted a r«aoiution oundaamlnc the proposal of the Britieh iioyal CoaHlselan (announced In July, 1987) to partition Palsatlne as rtolatire of tha guarantees contained in »e Balfour Oaolaratiou and the Uaulate. It also ,iieii,.ed ita cooperation to the Jewish Agency to brine *t>jut « *juit«bl« solution of tta ••isl^uti. u problem and anthoriiad tha Bxaoutiva Coauittaa of tii* Coauittai to tp.ce all ataps woansw;/ to aapflanatit tbia rasolutiou. Copiaa at thia resolu- tion nn a«nt to the State Dapartemt ml to tto Jawlah Ag*uoy Exavutin.

In aaoordanov with the abov* provialo&a, iiw Conmltt«a undertook to Bobilia* poblie opinion ,\. m. ai. th« partition propoaal. It did thia diiafly through the publication and vrlda airoulation of thna atuli«« on the subjoott tvo by Cr* Karpf and ooa by Dr. Adlar. Itw COBsnitt** alao gav« wida pdiliaity to tha book by Harau L. TTaianaa, antitlad "Tha nrtur* of t'alaatina." (In this tb« Zioniat BMtbara of tin ConittM NN a»tint«d by «>• objaation that -Ona propoaod a tat* wi too anil. Urn anti-Zioaiat mtnbari by tht ob>otioo to tha |Ml of a atat*}.

TI. Tba Propatad HaatrlotloG nf JovA ah huaigration

BOOB after tV* •inning of tha Four PO»«r Past at Uuniah on SaptadMr SO, 19It>, uDoonflroad but paralatant riaun spread tliruuphout tha world th*t Orwt Britain was nlanniag a radUal ramrsal of poliay. with poaelbla abandnnaunt of tha Bolfour IMolaration aid tuatplata ato ». •** ot Jewirii immigration to Palaatina. Aowriaan zloniat and uan-2ionlat groups took ismadiata st*pa to nobilisa piAilo opinion ana to scale tha i nl-.erranti m of ttw nuitsd States Govenaant against the reported British policy. Tha Committee gave ita full oooperatlon in those steps* It cabled Or* Ohalm welssstnn expressing Its hope tb&t tbs British nmsiiMH would take no action contrary to *« ttni of tha afcndate, and raqueatiag him to oonveythis IHIUEI to th« colonial 3eorctary. It instructed. Mr* Tialdoan who waa on hit way to Europe on ganaral buelneas of t.v Coamltteo to lieo.i in aloe* touak ..ith th« eituation. It sent a eircuh i- Inttor t. Its oorpornt* M4MTII informing «ia» of Its oonoern aitf of its activities in tide erlalH. In this lettnr, datad Ootobar IB, 1936, it ulatod;

"It i« tha purposs of our Camnattae, by all lagitlsata HUS, to aodaavcr to k«ap th« doora of PKlastl&a O..MJ . for lBBiEratlon of our BiTliatad brathrwa aid to protaat thn vrttldn «o franawarlc of -tha Ba.lfoJr i.«ols ra- tion. Ha are kaaping unrmBitUnRly at that taBlc." Oa Ootobar 13, a delegation of Juv. ah laadara. raprsgantati-a of all ••otlfjin of MMrloan Jawry and inoludlng aanbara of national protaotl-va, fratarnal, cultural, aoelal azd aoononlo group*, oallad en BritUh A^aesUor Sir Ronald Lindsay, to whom thay aubalttsd a patitlan appaaling ti the British Oovarnnent not to suspend Jew', oh loanlp^ition. On tha following day, tills dalagatlon waited upon secretary of State Hull and aitelttad a pl«a for American intaroosaion with uraat Britain. Tha Co»nittaa waa rapresentad by Carl J. Austrian cm this delegation.

VII. Tha lfcaPonald whlf PfT la February 1959, folliwl&g a sarias of round-tabla sonferanass in London of the Brltlth, Tab* and J«wa, ttta British Oovamaamt dMidad to establish aa Independent rtato In Palcatine with *e Jaws as a ptirament minority, ffhile thla ohange of poliey waa aUll under consideration, the praaldent of tha Comdttae, Tw, Cyrus Adlor, was instructed by Ita Fxeeutln CoHDlttee to wire the Seorctary of rtate of the United MMN exfrcaaine tha ComltteeU atroug hope "that Palastlns will eoatlnus to remain open to the imlgratlon of Jews to tha extent of ita absorptive capacity and that no tbtpa will b« ttm M eh would lnpede ttie a ntlnued dewlopnanb of tha Jwrt* Mttmsl hoae la P»l«»tiW TIM p-jblloatloa of Uw Britiata Whita Paper ..n *»y 17, 1939 © f n*d the pmljualy rsj-orbed ohni of polloy. Ibe Com lUe* Jolw4 tha iojilit arcaaUatl «•• in an :.f"i«i*l protoit to Us UMU MtUh -rta» LnUlfT, WTlllB C!wtwl*ln, viiidMnltie U* hit* itpvri r, "ai*r «Q4

r. -tro«k MM •ie»torl« tj«il» prot«at on b*b*lt of tlM CoMlt«Ma

Til:. , Thm Cowaitt— St*ti^ut of J*mwy X94A At It« 3flt)> Mmal :,»»ti^ told on JMunry 51, 1HS, ttw Tifcpiri • ttttnmt if vim racanl. iie ^••••nt and poatnur problvw of Jto* to

ow fir J*1W»UI* ma int*rr»Uoi»l tmiMaahlp U« to t!» '..iUUd Ml'wi for th« foll^inc

fej Tc awfvewrd ti* o« Plata aattlveant 1<- usl JMlak Icalgratiai. tola £'al*al5» and t" pwrantM -d«,v»tt -#>jm i'jr future (rortb a:«l dnalopnaat to th» full artairt of tha aa»tu^« •baorptlva cAfulty of th»

c to aaJT«r»rd a..d rot«at ti* holy pUoat of all kMh

d To pr* jara tra omo fy ti boaa— $ w'tliln a r -*s -i*bla pariod or ya*raa a aalf-rovernlAc 03»-JJft*4ltii ua:ar * aonatltutlau aid a bill of rlcfate that will aafacuard and protaot thaaa i>nr:)0«as and baalo rlghta for •11." p «f tt» COB l*toa •o.-.yri -ac Jm of all shades it opinion »dtb raapset to 4~«• of lta Corporate ::*uUrr, for •>« - A*, 1* «•.« pr*lU«tit of th« /.ioaiMt (Vgiuiiiatloc of /mriei> HmdaaMb, thi owrn's ilonirt rr«i. w.iwi, t»« bun ifTJllaUd with tt» ('->»•• ltt«« «!:«• l.«;E, and it* .xBiidant, V>rl* «Tifl d* SoU ool, la * wbw of tiw JwouUw Coasit M of ttw terlitn Jewish <:

Fran •• public raoord of the sowiittoe atatontr.ta and •otiwlfcUi rMltod abova, lta poaltion with rt£ird to Palaatlna Hi Zionism ^oouii olear. It hu bND a rtrom; aupporUr of H Jawiah Palestine fron th* tin* of th* Uauanoo of tha Balfoiu- >eolaratian to the pr«Mnt. It haa aotieidered lulwtiw far Ekn-a UJUJ * 1-T.Q of rafk.-.* fron vwMoutlon, la ti.« Miia* M •uoi. oojtitrio« M •r;«".tlfl« ftnd »n«-jn. Tor «x>npl*. . t : p»euli*r l.lrtorio oUl"* oi Ui* J«n to, mad th«lr uaoalktlon Witt, th* ol>- Land. In tha words of its Raftolutlon of 1918 (I, ftbortj it !*• •oui'lit to ooopar»t« In th* upbuilding; of p«l«ttin« "with UON wt.o, «ttnM>«*d b1/ r«ll••lou« or i.iatorla MBOoi«tioua, atAll M*V to *tt«bU«l. In nOvatlna » oontw for Jud&laa, for v.o Btlnulmtlon |f our fattii, for th« pursuit wtd dvralopaaiit of lit»r»turo, aoianoo and art In a ttvviah •nrlri'v- p»nt, awl for ti.t raliabilltatiou of ti.o land." Ti.ua, throughout tl.« p»at quarter of a omitur;-, the v«-iitt«*'» lnUraat hu boan far mor* tlian phllao. tiuropio. ID addition to lontfln.- full financial and «»ral tupport for turn Di of PalMtin* lnatitution* and for t)i« puroliaso of land, It ha» l In political aotivltloa on balutlf of a JowUUy eontrollad ->al«al«itine u laid Aamx In tl* Dalfour «ol*r«tlo» aud M Uandab*. For «tanpl«. It oppoiad uiwiuivooally t).» nhlt* Papar of 1039, MM ftM^j to olo» U* doors of •alcatino to Jam. It la still opposed to that polloy, as wltnaaa It* r»st rooant declaration (VIII,a, aliow). In *.lo-. It o*a on r«oord ao airprovlj^ for nlastln* "an lnt»n»tlo,iul truataMhlp" in order "to iaf«ci«rd tbm Jawiali MttlMMnt la aad J«wlt!. 1-wl^ratlon into mlastliw and to ruarantw adaquata aoopa for rutur* growth and dmclooamii to tha full vrtvut of Urn auaorptlv* aapaaity a- '-l.o country*" i*splt» ti* -fr-nlttou1* warn support of a Pfclaatlr* as . niMo UI« Jom of ti o world M dlatlnot I'roa MM HW.-JIW stlLiitMlty and, an augh, oomtltutiiv; • Mparftt* ration* but without a state of Its own, wtiloli hell»v»« tlirt tJ.« ahlaf tuk of this ntttloa la to oroftte Buci- * rwiMlir, otr-nonwo«lt,!. in mlvstine, u^ at.ioi. vwira tor world Jawry two ,:ffT»rnin- otxlies — one Tar W.« purposa of faulldinf, th* Jmrlit. ot*t«, tlw othar, for tt.« nurpaa* of ««i-riiv; u a parllorxmt for tl* •ntlr« Jnrlcti j»oplo on all mttars air»ot.ln , th« relation of ,T*w to tbs world «,boub ti.on (norld JawUh conrraaa). mtloMillan, rurttMmora, holda t)At outaida of poleatln* Java arc living In al-jti: (oxlla or dloaporm), tatef *r« a "honalaas" paopla wiioui •xlatanoe will war ba "nnnn] li«it" un- til -1,0.- lia>v« a, atftto of thatr own. To tl.la petition tho Jot-nittao >«• rnlm^rm ba«n appoaad. Tha O0aaiita« o»li«tw« that bis Tirwiine of ft Jmrlah polltio«l natlontiood fllM tn tha fooo of 2,000 ya«ra of Juwifc. tiiatoryj t!.«t It la > denial of tk* ri^.hta won by Jswa alne* tiwir erjanolpatiani th&t ti* bhaory tm\ «itlat«no« of an intarnational Jewlah ^oveniii; body li.matorj t!.» »t»ttie of Jnwa In darnomtle oountrlaa and is aapvolall^- olaoxloua to Atarioon ,Wwa beoauas It la rapu^aoot to fc.« apirit of A:«rloo& ilwooraoy. To tba axtaiit ttkat :• ioni«' la Wantliled with tl.la nailonallat plilloaopl^, ttta :««iittao :.«• •ocon oppoaad to it. n<« HwtfMwl la non-7-lanlat, i.»., it rajoota U« aatlonaliat oUlma of th« ?lonlata, tuir oonevptlon of th* dia«pora u a. mw iatarluda, an unfortuaato oooldaut, aaa tl«ir «aoa*pt af JmmUt "haaa- latanaaa". Toe coi»ltt«o, howawr, b*Uawa t;.*t T-inalam noad not noaaaavlly ucooUt« itaslf with J«wlat. natloaallan (In tt.a uniwraal MUM), and U«t It nood oat oomwra itMlf wit:, ti* organisation of Jawlth llf» and its problcn outside of Palactlaa wcoart for tl c nraetioal runoaaa sf aaourlne -10- potentlal «iittlor» and norml and flnanoial support from the JMI of the world. At tl* MM tino tlw Conaittee MM uotljlu,- inemwittout with AE»rioanlsn and ti.e ldeala of ti* Jam of Aaerioa In tt* Movement to aattla Jam In mleetlne, »w. If t)»t novemnt 1*> tlw ;-o»l of eventually creatlv, * Jewish r«Jopit;- In that oountry arwl a*tabll«hlng * Jawlsh ottto ti.oro.

About two you-a ».;o, '«-. i*iti fialaaBnn «ppr«*ehad ua with a via* to onlistlnc our aid In repraaenUtioM ti»t would ulU*»t*ly ba mda «t «b« pa*a« table for a, palastliw in *s.io!. tl* Javlai. population would h*v* th» oootrol. Is raapoaaa to ttda «pproMoh, it MI daeMad to axplora tha poaalbillty, on the part of tha /.ioniaia aad tion-Monlata, to ittaln^aodua vivmi'ii on -!*> oubjaot of rul*otin».

Per ti.la purpoaa, Zloaiat iwuUra and oartaln Individual*f appolntad by ttia Uta Sol H. Stroook, entwad into a aarloa o£ oonferotusa. After Mr.

:>troook*B daa.tl.( Msurioo ort: »in took i.la pl&oa na ti e laa,dar of t:.e non- Zlonlsta in thaw unofficial oonforatMoa. After a«var*l taoiitba, t twitatl-ve fornuia wu dovlaed by ! r. i«rtl*ln aad MM of i.ii MaooUta*. «i lo!.. In •aaaaoa, prorlded l,at on ti.o ona :-.and ti.a nationalist philoaophy should ba WHUad fron tba :lonlat r&mnat, and on tho other J*ud, tU wxwionlatc thould ;;.lfo foil aupport to all neaaurva that would raault in «ha Jmrlai. population of I*loatiae ultl-»tol; baoonlng a najority, after whiah a oomwn- waalth .Aleatlna would beeona a Mlf-.-ovamln,-:. aflnenmalth In one Cora or another. It appaarad aa If tlie Mjorlty of th* MMbara of tl* Kiretain 3omltt«a, appolatsd by our ifeaoutlve OooKltta* to deal vttb thia altuatlon, favored tlda fonuU and wo had daflnlte lndloatlona that u.t, Mjority of Zioniat leaiiors would find it aoooptable. M.»:i, 1 w»avtr, it wa» dlMloaed to otUr laeaberi of tlie Araorloau Jovleb :o»olttae, violent opposition was axpraaaad. In ylaw of Mile, the 'Irataln ^ontlttaa, after many aMtii«*, rtoaramdid tliat bafora attaroptln.: to antar Into an ^TMint and Joint daolaration with tba : ioalrte, the ?oo»ltt»© ahould daalaro lie am paaition. Ml unlUtanQ deoluwtion «u mri* at the ira»l mrtjn^. A oopy of tut teoUratlon !• ittea!«d. At ttw m tlM, the -«n«»J cooxltbM .^tl.orUed tl* *ppolzrt«mit of a oamittM oa nUtlons with Jtenry aa praaidanb of i<*n«i fi'rltii, for a mstli\.: of 90 aona odd natloml Mlmited by iit. .or tint purpoa* of daaliu- with U^a oubjaota <>i ratiabilitation w»l rwaiwratlon af t)ia atatua of Java tn Furopa and t!.» problem of Mlaatiiw. Thla taootla; rwaultod La tha cetajl lalnont of *t*t la now known «a tiia Anarloan Jtnnal. Joof«r»iw«, wt.lol. ttia t.*rioan Jchrtali cotmttta* t»a jolnad indar ocrt*lii aaXo^uarda. Tba aubjaot of mlaatlna U ltkal>- to ba tba ooa aontrovaralal aubjaot within tha Coaferaao*.

•u. I?, 1»U