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Climate of the Great Plains Region of the United States

Climate of the Great Plains Region of the United States

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Great Quarterly Studies, Center for


Climate of the Great Plains of The

Norman J. Rosenberg University of Nebraska's Center for Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology

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Rosenberg, Norman J., " of the Great Plains Region of The United States" (1987). Great Plains Quarterly. 344. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/greatplainsquarterly/344

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T he climate of the Great Plains is extreme ture. Thus a soil surface will heat quickly when and variable. A wide range of weather condi­ exposed to the midday sun but water tempera­ tions can occur within the period of a day, ture rises only slowly. Conversely, at night, the from one day to the next, from season to soil cools rapidly as it loses heat to the season, and from year to year. There are two atmosphere but water cools slowly. The pres­ key reasons for this situation: (1) the greatest ence of large quantities of water vapor in the portion of the Plains is remote from any major air over maritime provides yet another body of water and (2) air masses of differing buffering effect, since water vapo~ absorbs characteristics alternate frequently in their thermal radiation and creates a greenhouse dominance of the region. type of condition by trapping energy emitted at the surface. Where water vapor content is great the heat emitted by is effectively A CONTINENTAL CLIMATE absorbed and the rate of cooling is slowed. Water bodies are the great buffers in the Much of the Great Plains region is remote exchange of energy between earth and atmo­ from the one major body of water that sphere and exert a modifying and moderating influences it-the Gulf of . The fact of influence on adjacent land areas as well. Water its remoteness is the reason that the climate is will absorb five times as much heat as will soil described as continental. Continentality dic­ with the same attendant change in tempera- tates that the diurnal range of temperature (night to day) and the annual range of Norman J. Rosenberg is George Holmes Professor temperature ( to summer) will be great. and Director of the University of Nebraska's The Great Plains (particularly the northern Center for Agricultural Meteorology and Clima­ portion) has the most distinctly continental tology. An authority on the incidence and impact climate in the United States. of worldwide, he has also conducted field research on modifying the microclimate of crops. Continentality and Temperature in the Great Plains

[GPQ ( (\X'intcr 1986): 22-32.J The map in Figure 1a shows the normal 22 CREA T PLAINS C U1--.1A TE 23 daily minimum temperature in January for the summer. The northern Great Plains are h otter United States. Note the daily minimum in than the northeastern part of the country. At Amarillo in the T exas Panhandle is the same Steele, , for example, the maxi­ as it is near , , fi ve hundred mum summer temperature recorded is 121° F. miles to the north. Settlers who moved The lowest temperature recorded is _50 0 F. for westward onto the plains encountered an annual range of 171 ° F. In many parts of that were considerably colder in the winter. the northern Great Plains an annual tempera­ Figure 1b, on the other hand, shows that ture range of 140 0 F is common. maximum temperatures in the northern Great Plains are as high in summer as they are in the Air Masses southeastern United States. The normal daily maximum temperature in north central South Large bodies of air are conditioned contin­ Dakota is about 90° F in July-the same as it is ually by the surfaces over which the air moves. in Jacksonville, . Air that has been in contact with tropical seas in the northern Great Plains are will be warm and mo ist; air over polar or near­ the coldest in the contiguous forty-eight states. polar regions will be cool and dry, since the The southern Great Plains are as hot as the capacity of air to h old water vapor is small at southeastern part of the United States in low temperatures. Further, little evaporation

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Normal Daily Minimum Temperature (0 F), January

FIG. lao Nonnal daily minimum temperature (OF) January. (Climatic Atlas of U.S. lower ho.lf of p. 12) ~4 liKE.A T r LAl:\S \.2 l'ARTERL Y, Wl:-nER 19S ,

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Daily Maximum Temperature (0 F), July

FIG. lb. Nannal daily maximum t"mperature (OF) Jul y. (Climatic Atlas of U.S. upper half af p. 13)

occurs where the sun provides little energy to Condensation and precipitation occur and the convert liquid or frozen water to vapor. air mass dries out. When it descends the The region between the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains to the and the Appalachian chain is open to motion western Great Plains, this maritime Pacific air of air masses that originate in the north is warm and quite dry. Thus we say that the (continental polar air masses) and over the western Plains lie in the "rainshade" of the (maritime tropical air masses). Rockies. Still a fourth source of air sometimes The orientation of the North American moun­ dominates the Plains, air warmed over the dry tain chains does not separate the air masses southwestern deserts of the United States and from one another as do the Alps in . Frequent outbursts of this and the in . Instead, the air warm, dry air in spring and summer create masses meet and clash with great frequency. A strong evaporative stress on crops growing in third type of air mass enters the Great Plains the region. periodically, air that is conditioned over the -moist but cooler than Gulf air Air Masses, Fronts, and Precipitation because of its more northerly origin. Maritime Pacific air masses cool as they rise to cross the Rapid changes in the temperature, humid­ western mountain ranges, and the capacity of ity, cloudiness, windspeed, and wind direction the air to hold water vapor decreases sharply. that occur frequently in the Great Plains are GREAT PLAINS CLl~lA TE 25 due to the passage of air masses with different western , it is twelve inches. characteristics: where two or more air masses The advance of frontal systems may be meet, fronts are formed. Fronts are defined as accompanied by light general or by the transition zones or interfaces between two violent storms in which torrential rains fall for air masses of different density. The passage of hours or sometimes days. Thus, it is the fronts across the Plains is irregular. Continen­ variability in moisture content of the maritime tal polar air masses moving south encounter tropical air, the path of its movement, and the maritime tropical air masses advancing north­ intensity of the impact with other air masses ward from the Gulf. The maritime air is that produce the great variability in spacial lighter, because of its higher temperature, and and temporal distribution of precipitation in more moist. It is forced aloft and, cooling as it the Great Plains. rises, loses water by precipitation. Thus, most Warming of ground surfaces under un­ of the precipitation decreases with distance stable moist air may also lead to precipitation from the source of the vapor-the Gulf of in isolated . These occur after Mexico. Figure 2 shows how sharply the total formation of towering cumulus clouds in annual precipitation drops off with distance summer and are characteristically accompa­ from the Gulf. Near the Gulf Coast annual nied by thunder and lightning. The distribu­ precipitation is forty-eight inches. In north- tion of rainfall from this type of storm is more

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Normal Annual Total Precipitation (inches)

FIG. 2. Normal annual total precipitation (inches) (Climatic Atlas of u.s. p. 43) 2(, GREAT PL.A.INS Ql.'ARTERL Y, \V[l\'TER 1987

random than that from the frontal systems. country by the National Weather Service. The annual patterns of precipitation in the Four locations are compared in the table. On Great Plains change with the seasons. The an annual basis, evaporation at Mead in distribution of snow in the north and in eastern Nebraska is less than at Phoenix, the south is fairly uniform from east to west in Arizona, or at Davis, California, but is more winter, but winter precipitation contributes than at Coshocton, . The western loca­ only a small portion of the annual total. The tions have longer growing seasons, and Phoe­ bulk of the annual precipitation fall s during nix is essentially a desert location. Coshocton the growing season from April to September. is a bit farther south than Mead and in a more Autumn weather is usually drier in most of the humid region. Of the four locations, the Great Plains than it is farther east-a definite standard deviation of the annual evaporation advantage in the harvest. (a measure of variability) is greatest at Mead. It is important to realize that the foregoing This is due to the high degree of day-to-day describes a normal or average annual pattern and year-to-year variability in Great Plains of rainfall distribution. Rainfall may be scant weather caused by the continual interchange during one season and excessive in the next. of air masses. Drought may occur one year and floods the Another interesting feature of Table 1 is next. This irregular distribution of rainfall the data on maximum reported daily evapo­ over space and time in the Great Plains is one transpiration (ET). Evaporranspirarion is the of the major constraints to the development of sum of water evaporated directly from the soil the region. surface and water evaporated at the leaves of plants through which the water has passed Evaporarion-an Indicaror 0/ Climaric from the soil (transpiration). Evapotranspira­ Variabiliry tion rates are as high in the east central Great Plains as in the southwestern desert location. Rapid frontal movements through the The rate at Mead, Nebraska, is also greater plains region account for the rapid and fre­ than it is in the Mediterranean climate of quent changes in cloudiness, air temperature, Davis or the inland climate of Coshocton. humidity, windspeed, and wind direction. In Thus, we see that, at least at times, the turn, each of these factors determines rate of integrated effect of the Great Plains climate­ evaporation. Thus, study of the evaporation high temperatures, low humidity, strong rates gives an indication of the variability in winds, and clear skies-leads to a very rapid the overall climatic condition. Table 1 gives consumption of water by growing plants. data on the annual amount of evaporation Figure 3 shows the mean annual evapora­ from special pans maintained throughout the tion from lakes in the United States. The lines


Location: Mead Coshocton Davis Phoenix (Nebr.) (Ohio) (Calif.) (Ariz.)

Annual pan evaporation 1,524 1,117 1,778 2,267 Stand. deviation (annual) 264 86 107 173 May-October evaporation 1,173 861 1,333 1,840 Daily mean May-October 6.41 4.70 7.28 10.05 Maximum reported daily ET 12.02 9.14 11.56 12.20 GREAT S C UMATE 27

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Mean Annual Lake Evaporation (inches)

FIG. 3. Mean annual lake evaporation (inches). (Climatic Atlas of U.S. p. 63-plare 2) representing areas of equal evaporation have a amount of water available through precipita­ northwest to southeast orientation in the tion. northern Great Plains from Montana through All of these factors point out that the Great Nebraska. South of Nebraska, the evaporation Plains is a region of deficit water supply. The increases sharply but in a different regional atmospheric demand for water from growing pattern. By comparing this figure with Figure plants is strong snd generall y exceeds the 2, we may see how, on an annual basis, the supply of natural precipitation. It is for this evaporative demand exceeds the rainfall al­ reason that has been of such major most everywhere in the Great Plains region. importance in the Great Plains region. Only At Lincoln, Nebraska, for example, the aver­ through the development of irrigation can age annual rainfall is about thirty-four inches. farmers have a reasonable degree of confidence The annual evaporation from free water is in their ability to produce consistently high about forty-two inches. Therefore, if water yields of crops and to survive periodic drought. were always available, evaporation would exceed rainfall by eight inches. At Scottsbluff, CUMATIC HAZARDS AND Nebraska, the annual rainfall is about sixteen ADAPT A TIONS IN THE PLAINS inches. The annual evaporation from free water is estimated at forty-four inches. In Thus one can readily see that the Great western Nebraska, as in the western portion of Plains posed for settlers severe climatic prob­ most of the Great Plains, the atmospheric lems that to this day restrict the economic and demand for water vapor far exceeds the social development of the region. 28 CREAT l'L\I0JS QUi\RTERL y, \\'1:\TER IL):i7

Extreme T emperatHres winter creates other hazards to human and animal life. G ood shelter and fuel for h eating The frequency with which very hot days have always been necessary in the northern occur in all parts of the plains is considerably Pl ains. Even in southern , occasional greater than it is at the same latitudes in the northers drop temperatures to below freezing eastern portion of the United States. Forty for a few days at a time, d amaging sensitive days a year of temperatures higher than 90° F subtropical crops such as grapefruit. , occur at Lincoln, Nebraska. At New York although infrequent, create other dangers. City (about the same latitude) only five to ten People caught out-of-doors can lose all sense of such days occur each year. Great heat imposes direction during a and some have a strong evaporative demand on growing frozen to death only yards away from shelter. crops, which not even irrigation can fully Herds of drift aimlessly in blizzards and alleviate. Human comfort is affected b y high serious losses occur as the animals wander into temperatures and domestic animals are also dangerous terrain. sensitive. Large losses of livestock are reported in the Plains each year during hot spells, Short Growing Season particularly when humidity is also high. The polar climate of the Grear Plains Figure 4 maps the average length of the

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I ~L.~ ------FIG. 4. Mean length of the freeze-free period. Da ys between last 32°F temperature in spring and first 32°F temperature in autumn. (Climatic Atlas of U.S. p. 31) (,REr\ T r L Al~S CL1~lA TE 29 freeze-free period in the continental United (or more than five Years. Weakly fo und tree­ States. This is the number of days between the ring p:ltterrl:-: that indicated the occurrence of last occurrence of 32° F temperatures in spring one drought period of thirty-eight Years. and the first such occurrence in fall. Growing Long-term records of annual precipitation season in the northernmost part of the Great \'irtually anywhere in the Plains shol\' extreme Plains is limited to between three and four \"Car to vear \ari3bilitv. Such records also show months. The choice of crops is necessarily very that drv vea r:; h:we tended to occur very often restricted. In the southern plains, the growing in series of t\\'o. three or more vears-although season may last eleven months each year. these series are often interspersed with occa­ Except for the area adjacent to the Gulf and sional \\"l't \'Cars. Thus, for example, in the except for the mountainous areas in the period since system atic weather records have Appalachian chain, it is correct to say that the been kept in the Great Plains, a number of growing season is shorter anywhere in the drought periods of greater and lesser severity Plains than it is at the same latitude in the h:l\'C hee n cxperienced. W. c:. Palmer has, . Crops adapted to th rough \\"e