Friday, September 24, 2010 • Volume 96, Issue 10 • B.J. Novak at Tech Actor, writer and comedian Novak performs at the Ferst Center.413 TechniqueThe South’s Liveliest Newspaper DoPP information release frustrates students By Kaitlin Goodrich bers jumped from 56 to 541. was never our intention, obvious- check first to see that our informa- Staff Writer The release of student infor- ly, to send out student data,” said tion [is] being properly protected,” byby thethe mation is a breach of the Family Debbie Gulick, Executive Direc- said Allison Roberts, fourth-year A weekly “Internship News- Educational Rights and Privacy tor of DoPP. “Our staff thought ME major. numbersnumbers flash” newsletter sent out by the Act of 1974, commonly referred that in sending out an Excel docu- Once the DoPP was informed Department of Professional Prac- to as FERPA, which protects stu- ment, that if you password protect about the potential FERPA vio- tice (DoPP) to students on Sept. dents from release of educational a sheet, that information was hid- lation, the online link was dis- 10 contained a link to an Excel records and personal information den, but again, that was human abled. The impacted students 628 sheet that shared personal infor- without prior approval by the stu- error.” were contacted and informed that Students whose GPA mation of 628 students who had dent. The data released, specifi- Students expressed concern “sensitive” information “may” and work assign- internships registered with the cally GPAs, are covered under the that such sensitive information have been released to the public. ments released DoPP during Summer 2010. section concerning educational was distributed to students across Students reacted strongly to the The spreadsheet’s hidden col- records. campus. unapproved release of their data. umns could be expanded to view According to the DoPP, the “It is pretty irresponsible to As of Sep. 22, nine official com- the students’ names, internship breach of security was uninten- release that kind of information, plaints had been made. 545 information, salaries and GPAs. tional. mistake or no. I don’t care if you “I personally think it is an out- Student paid intern- Students identified that there was “[The data release] was a - hu think the information is protected rage. Shouldn’t a checkpoint have ship salaries released hidden information in the sheet man error in the training and un- when you send these newsletters when they saw that the cell num- derstanding of certain software. It out. You should double and triple See FERPA, page 4 Noise, air quality raise Surge in on campus bike theft concerns at NAA By TJ Kaplan strictly forbidden from making Contributing Writer noise outside of the 8 a.m.-6 p.m. time,” Morrison said. As a result of construction at All students who signed up for the North Avenue Apartments for housing for Fall 2010 semester a new dining hall, students have signed a contract acknowledging complained about the inconve- that they would be living in an nience and requested compen- active construction zone and that sation from the Department of they would have to be prepared Housing. for the inconveniences that come The project will expand din- with it. ing services to relieve congestion During the past few months, at Brittain Dining Hall and of- numerous meetings were held to fer a 24-hour dining component. explain the plans for renovations Due to the construction, there are in the NAA and how the con- a large number of construction struction would affect student liv- workers in the location surround- ing areas. ing the NAN building on a daily Students have also voiced con- basis. cerns about the effects that the “I have been trying all day to construction may have on the air study sleep for my test and can- quality of the nearby rooms as a not concentrate due to the noise result of poor air circulation. level and think it is absolutely ri- In response these concerns, diculous that I am paying for this Morrison said that the type of air Photo by Basheer Tome / Student Publications room but can’t even use it during conditioning system in the North According to GTPD, there have been 55 bikes reported stolen at the end of Aug. 31, an over 80 the day,” said Ashley Jameson, a Avenue apartments would not al- percent increase from last year’s figure. The theft has been attributed to a few select individuals. second-year GEML major. low for dirty air from the outside Dan Morrison, Director of to be circulated within the build- By Matt Schrichte on Aug. 12. people walking by. “ Residence-Life at Tech, explained ing. Assistant News Editor “We think he is out, back to Nearly all of the bicycles that that in accordance with protocol, He explained that the current stealing a lot of bicycles,” Cook have been stolen up to this point workers are allowed to arrive prior air system is water based; a fan After a recent uptick in cam- said. were either left unsecured or to 8 a.m., but they cannot move blowing over a pipe containing pus bicycle theft, the Geor- The thefts so far have been utilized a cable lock, which are around or make noise before that either hot or cold water powers it. gia Tech Police Department concentrated to a few specific easier for thieves to cut through time. As a result, it is not a forced air (GTPD) is encouraging students locations that include two thefts than more dependable U-locks. “We don’t deny that it’s noisy to reevaluate their bicycle safety from the College of Manage- “The absolute best thing for and inconvenient, but workers are See Noise, page 3 on and off the road. ment and three a piece from [students] to do is get a U-lock,” There were 55 reported bi- the Graduate Living Center, the Cook said. cycle thefts through the end of Ford Building, Skiles Walkway Bike larceny has increased in Aug. this year. That number is up and the Student Center. the face of an increased GTPD from 30 bikes stolen through the The police department is rec- presence on campus. The depart- same time last year, an increase ommending that students not ment has hired additional offi- of 83 percent. leave their bikes on any racks cers in the past year. “Usually around this time of for extended periods of time and “Our officers are doing foot the year, we see an increase in that they use racks in well-lit, patrol checks of the bike racks— bike thefts. But around Oct. is high-traffic areas. physically going over the bike when we see it decrease,” said Lt. Cook admits that even these racks and looking,” Cook said. Carla Cook of the GTPD. safety measures can’t guarantee GTPD is also recommends Cook said that GTPD is not that a thief will not attempt to that students register their bikes quite sure why Tech sees a gener- steal a bicycle. with the police department on al increase in bike thefts around “I actually caught somebody its website. Cook said the pro- campus during this time of the [who] was about to steal a bike. cess takes roughly five minutes year, but they believe that a ma- And we knew where he was go- and the benefits are innumer- jority of the thefts can be attrib- ing to hit,” Cook said, “It was out able. Once students register their uted to a few select individuals. near Skiles and I watched him bicycles, their serial numbers are GTPD arrested one of the and he went up and would clip entered into a national database suspected repeat offenders while the cable lock a little bit and walk that can be checked when a bike Photo by Will Folsom / Student Publications trying to steal a bike at the Grad- away and come back and would Construction occurs outside NAA for the new dining hall. Students uate Living Center on Aug. 4, keep doing it. And this was on were informed about the development prior to their moving in. but he was subsequently released Skiles Walkway so there were See Theft, page 5 2 • September 24, 2010 • Technique NEWS

From the files of the GTPD... the student was taken to Atlanta Medical Center to be treated for Technique injuries. The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper Campus Crime Architecture party By Siddharth Gurnani On Sept. 16, the facilities man- Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the Contributing Writer Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of the ager of the Architecture building called GTPD regarding a tres- Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique publishes Forgotten assault on Fridays weekly during the fall and spring and biweekly during the identify a Tech student who con- passing violation in the premises On the afternoon of Sept. 18, firmed that the incident was being on the night of Sept. 14. During summer. GTPD received a call about a talked about by a lot of people. her routine morning check of the Advertising: Information and rate cards can be found online at West Georgia University student The beaten student’s dad said he Reisch Pierce Auditorium, she dis- The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. who was beaten and thrown out would speak with his son when he covered about 35 empty beer cans, one week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor- of a party at a fraternity house at gets discharged from the hospital. liquor bottles and bottle caps near mation, or for any other questions please e-mail us at [email protected]. Tech for misbehaving and touch- the stage. You may reach us by telephone at (404) 894-2830, Monday through ing an unidentified female in the Hurt zombie The stage had also gotten wet Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. early hours of the same morning. On Sept. 19, a Tech student with a liquid that smelled like Coverage Requests: Requests for coverage and tips should be The student suffered from a frac- was hurt while playing the cam- alcohol. On looking through the submitted to the Editor-in-Chief and/or the relevant section editor. tured bone in his leg and several pus wide Zombies vs. Aliens video footage from a camera posi- bruises. The victim said that he game. The student slipped on pine tioned at the entry of the audito- Office: Editor-in-Chief: was highly intoxicated and did needles while running across the rium they found evidence against 353 Ferst Dr., Room 137 Hahnming Lee not remember anything about courtyard at Field Residence Hall twenty white males who entered Atlanta, GA 30332-0290 [email protected] the incident. He stated he did not and suffered a deep laceration to as a group with the alcohol. Dam- Telephone: (404) 894-2830 Telephone: (404) 894-2831 know where, how or why he was his left knee and severe abrasions ages were estimated to be around Fax: (404) 894-1650 attacked. to his left hand. Grady EMS ar- $500, and police are investigating All he was able to do was to rived at the scene promptly, and the case.

News Editor: Vijai Narayanan / [email protected] Opinions Editor: Matt Hoffman / [email protected] POLL OF THE WEEK Focus Editor: Kamna Bohra / [email protected] Did you join the Student Alumni Association? Entertainment Editor: Zheng Zheng / [email protected] Next issue’s Sports Editor: Alex Mitchell / [email protected] question: 13.9% Follow us online: What is SAA? What do you think of UGA’s Twitter: @the_nique 37.5% Yes, I joined the organization. proposal for an Copyright © 2010, Hahnming Lee, Editor-in-Chief, and by the Georgia 50.7% Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this paper may be reproduced How can you be engineering in any manner without written permission from the Editor-in-Chief or from a student and the Board of Student Publications. The ideas expressed herein are those of the an alumnus? program? individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Board of Student Publications, the students, staff, or faculty of the Georgia Institute of Tell us at Technology or the University System of Georgia. First copy free—for additional copies call (404) 894-2830 Based on 72 responses NEWS Technique • September 24, 2010 • 3

Noise from page 1 system. He also said that it allows Council Clippings for very little air circulation from This week in Student Government room to room and even less from Bill Summary outside to the building interior. By Mike Donohue, SGA Editor and Matt Schrichte, Assistant News Editor Before construction began, Bill Amount GSS UHR housing polled students to gauge ach week, this section includes coverage of different aspects of Student whether or not they preferred stan- Government, including the Undergraduate House of Representatives, Team BUZZ $2656 33-4-0 46-3-0 dard blinds or mandatory window EGraduate Student Senate and the Executive Branch of both governments. GTRIC $4500 37-1-2 47-3-0 coverings to address any privacy SGA Camera $1038 29-9-0 46-2-0 concerns that the construction SGA camera extensive question, but did express Solar Jackets $2080 24-2-4 39-6-3 might cause. The poll found that The Undergraduate House concern over the suggested post- NPHC Step-Show $3459 28-2-2 40-6-0 students preferred having control voted to purchase a new DSLR ponement. “[The bill] was in New GT Night at the High $1609 26-3-1 44-0-1 over whether their windows were camera for SGA’s use during its Business last week, so all repre- Disc Golf $80 46-0-0 open or closed (via blinds) rather meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 21. sentatives had the chance and the than having them covered by the Although the bill itself was only responsibility to do that research construction company. slight over $1000, relatively small ahead of the time that the bill was “All students have blinds, so compared to other items funded scheduled to be voted on.” You can follow Mike at the Nique’s blog, The Pulse. Check in at 7:30 they can control whether or not by the Capital Outlay account, Despite the House’s eventual p.m. on Tuesday for updates from UHR sessions at they have them open or closed. It debate on the measure took up the decision, not all representatives is at their discretion,” Morrison majority of the meeting. GSS had were happy. Dan Manning, MGT ration on events. The same policy bill that will provide free student said. passed the bill with little discus- Representative, expressed concern will provide extra travel funding transportation to the upcoming Even so, some students have sion earlier in the day. over the fact that the undergradu- to community service organiza- Georgia Tech Night at the High been dissatisfied with their lack of Brooke McDaniel, Vice Presi- ates were paying for the majority tions. Museum. After a lengthy discus- privacy. dent of Communications and Ju- of the camera, but both under- The new collaboration policy sion on the utility and legality of The project involves significant nior Representative, authored the graduates and graduates would will allow events planned by three the bill, it passed GSS with a wide alterations to the existing struc- bill and defended it on the floor. have equal access. He also took or more student organizations to margin of 26-3-1. According to tures at North Avenue. According Representatives questioned her on issue with the cost. “I believe that request funding for advertising, JFC policy, SGA is not allowed to Morrison, the retail businesses a wide variety of issues including buying such a costly camera does food, t-shirts and speakers fees to fund student travel to events that previously occupied spaces the quality of the camera, its cost, not at all suit the needs of the un- beyond what is normally permit- within 150 miles of Tech’s cam- were inadequate for housing the alternative options McDaniel had dergraduate body,” Manning said. ted. Previously, JFC policy did pus. However, as they have in the new dining hall. explored and the lack of a war- “I believe that the willingness to not permit funding for any food past, GSS decided to waive the Housing officials state that all ranty. The questioning was the pass this bill so easily is a testa- at events nor did it allow the pur- standing policy and support the construction will be completely longest of the night. ment to our lack of fiscal restraint, chase of t-shirts. bill that provides transportation internal by Jan. 2011. The dining UHR initially voted to post- inability to research bill topics ef- The idea for the collaboration to what was termed an ‘impact’ hall is scheduled to be completed pone the bill one week to allow fectively and forgotten commit- policy first appeared in the cam- event. Previous exemptions have in time for a soft opening by June representatives time to do further ment to supporting the student paign of now Chief of Staff Jimmy been made for transportation 2011. research, but the body reversed its body as a whole.” Williams. “I’m glad to see [the to other ‘impact’ events such as The new dining hall will seat decision at the end of the meet- policy] come to fruition. I hope Georgia Tech Night at Six Flags. approximately 300 people and ing. After discussing the camera JFC Policy it allows organizations to achieve The bill, which requests funds will be in the format of an ‘all further, the representatives even- Both GSS and UHR will con- their goals more easily,” Williams of $450, will provide four Stinger you care to eat’ facility. It will of- tually voted to instruct McDan- sider amendments to the Joint Fi- said. buses that will transport students fer students late night opreating iel to purchase the camera with a nance Committee Policy that will to and from the High Museum hours and a variety of dining op- warranty. significantly alter the incentives Travel funding policy throughout the evening of the tions. McDaniel was unfazed by the for inter-organizational collabo- Both UHR and GSS passed a event. 4 • September 24, 2010 • Technique NEWS

FERPA from page 1

prevented something like this? It Students win GE Smart Grid challenge is a breach of trust with the in- By Yameen Huq ternship office. I trust them with Contributing Writer this kind of personal information and they misused it,” said Nathan An award ceremony was held O’Connor, fourth-year IE major. this Sept. 16 for 12 Tech students “It’s obviously private infor- involved in GE Energy Service’s mation that I don’t want float- Smart Grid Challenge Program. ing around,” said Melissa Mc- A yearlong endeavor, it is a project Coy, third-year ChBE major. for students of all levels of experi- “[This incident] shows a lack of ence to apply their knowledge in organizational responsibility and solving a major real-world prob- professionalism, especially since lem: improving America’s energy the DoPP is the face of the In- grid system. stitute. With all the support they A smart grid is an energy grid have given me, I personally don’t that provides electricity to con- question their competency, but it sumers using digital technology. doesn’t make them look good to This includes two-way communi- students.” cation systems that control appli- The DoPP has taken measures ances in the consumers’ homes to to prevent the further occurrence help save energy and thus, increase of breaches of data security. efficiency. By implementing these “We had our Registrar come information networks and digital in that week and give a training communication systems, a smart of FERPA regulations… We also grid system is more capable of Photo courtesy of the School of ECE talked to the Office of Informa- meeting changing demands and One of the teams participating in the GE Energy Service’s Smart Grid Challenge receives an award tion Technology about data se- conditions, from global warming for its effort in improving smart grid technology. Six teams participated in the challenge altogether. curity and are working on some to emergency rationing. trainings for our staff to do as well Faculty members of the School file for the patents and do all the they called an energy revolution. approach where they didn’t curtail as trainings on Microsoft Excel…. of Electrical and Computer Engi- legal work. By my understanding, “It’s a revolution similar to the or direct our interests. Everyone We are changing some of our in- neering oversaw most of the com- they’ll be involved [in the rest of internet in that it promises new seemed to have their own pet idea, ternal processes. We hope to never petition. General Electric contact- the process],” May said. developments in communica- which played well into our team again put ourselves in the position ed Tech’s new, multi-department One of the teams won in the tions. We even considered future strategy to combine many differ- of releasing student data,” Gulick Strategic Energy Institute (SEI) competition for smart grid reli- developments like people plugging ent elements,” Green said. said. to act as an operational construct ability as well as the best pre- hybrids into the grid. We tried to “It was a very innovative thing FERPA is not legally action- that connected GE to the students sentation. Featuring Peter Suh, make our solutions apply to situa- for GE to do. This problem was able by students against the Insti- and their teams for this challenge. Ravishankar Nilakantan, Ryan tions a hundred years into the fu- brand new. We were never told we tute for releasing data, but rather “Groups of six to eight work on Anderson, David Green and Xue- ture because a hundred years was had deadlines. It was a very light- works on the principle of punish- a particular part of the problem of bei Yu, the team designed a proj- the length of the old power grid ly-stressed environment in which ing universities that habitually realizing the Smart Grid. From ect that improved power reliabil- paradigm,” Green said. it leads to more creative thinking breach the regulation by cutting an ECE perspective, it’s devices ity by reducing the duration and GE’s involvement was unique because your mind is free from government funding. on the grid that can talk to each overall number of power outages. in that it stressed the element deadlines,” Nilakantan said. While a single unintended in- other and see what the status. In The team took a broad-based of creative thinking. It took the Another team won in the cat- cident will not hurt Tech’s FERPA some cases, you reroute and adjust approach that involved improving traditional approaches to under- egory of smart grid distribution standing, there is valid concern power requirements based on de- the capabilities of many different standing the power grid and want- losses. Led by Evangelo Faranta- for Tech to follow closely adhere mand,” said Dr. Gary May, Chair types of technologies. They creat- ed the students to find blind spots tos, Robert Gill and Fan Cai, the to FERPA. of the School of ECE. ed 10 technologies that were com- with regards to that approach. The team’s project involved a system- “We deeply regret that this GE was involved in every step bined in very specific proportions laid-back process was so success- level solution that enables real- happened and are sorry that any of the process and will continue to to create an overall net result that ful that GE accepted six to 10 pat- time monitoring of the system so student data was released. I feel work with the top teams after the decreased the overall duration and ent ideas for an investment that they can optimize the operating like we have thoroughly combed competition. number of outages. would receive only three in their conditions and minimize losses. through our systems and process- “[GE] puts up all the initial The team noted that they own departments. es to prevent this from happening funding and supplies. They’ll also hoped to be one of many in what “There was a very laissez-faire See Grid, page 5 again,” Gulick said. NEWS Technique • September 24, 2010 • 5

Grid from page 4 relating to the project. The team members had some “The most challenging part advice for future participants. Tech hosts diversity symposium was to combine the knowledge “Get familiar with your team- By Emily Cardin candid conversation about diver- be put in place over the next one and experience from different dis- mates’ work. Get to know what Contributing Writer sity-related issues enables mem- to five years; how do we maximize ciplines into the same solution,” they’re working on. Later on you bers of the campus community to the international and intercultur- said Evangelos Farantatos, a third can work together more easily be- On Friday, Sept. 17, students share concerns and to collaborate al learning resources we have on year PhD in ECE. cause you’ll have an idea of what and faculty attended the second on solutions,” said Pearl Alexan- campus; and how do we leverage The official goal was to be both they’re doing,” Gill said. annual Diversity Symposium, der, Senior Director for HR and our internal talent more effec- innovative and realistic in find- GE has already made plans to where they were given the op- Diversity Management and co- tively in support of our diversity ing a means to reduce distribu- have another competition. portunity to analyze and discuss chair of the symposium, “This goals? tion system losses by 30 percent “We look for outside the class- pressing diversity issues on and year’s Diversity Symposium was a “The three lunch topics were in a cost-effective manner. Team room learning experiences for around Tech’s campus. great success in that a broad spec- chosen to reflect the intense in- members used various graduate students, especially ones that have Started last year and modeled trum of constituencies were rep- terest of the Georgia Tech com- classes as reservoirs for knowledge commercial impacts,” May said. after the annual conferences held resented and heard. Good ideas munity in refining the principles by the Georgia Tech National were generated and we had par- and vision of the campus strategic Theft from page 1 bicyclers disobeying important Science Foundation ADVANCE ticipation from the highest ranks plan, “ said Amelia Gambino, In- traffic laws. Program, the Diversity Sympo- in the organization from a faculty, terim Associate Vice President of goes missing. Those important laws include sium was intended to provide an student, and staff perspective.” Communications & Marketing Cook also stressed that the riding on the right-hand-side of open forum for discussion and The morning of the event fea- and Director of Campus Com- number of bicycle accidents and the road with the flow of traffic, analysis of diversity issues on and tured several notable speakers. munications Services. “Many par- injuries are higher than in previ- using hand signals and obeying all outside campus. This year’s keynote speaker Dr. ticipants reported being energized ous years. traffic signs. She also stressed the “The purpose of the event is to Ricardo Azziz, President of Medi- by their lunch discussions and In total, there have been ten importance of wearing helmets set aside time for the campus aca- cal College of Georgia, spoke thanked the Diversity Sympo- bicycle related accident reports when riding, noting that many demic community to focus on is- about how technologically ad- sium committee members for the this year, along with three bike students do not currently. sues of diversity as they affect our vanced, modern universities can event.” related injuries in which students “For safety reasons, we want campus and national trends,” said address the challenges associated This year’s symposium had 179 had to be transported to the hos- students to know that they need Dr. Carol Colatrella, co-director with diversity. participants in attendance and of- pital. Cook reported that most of to obey the traffic laws,” Cook of the Center for the Study of “His remarks offered advice fered expanded programs. the accidents have stemmed from said. Women, Science, and Technol- to students, staff and faculty as “We also put more of an em- ogy and co-chair of the event. “It well as outlining a philosophy of phasis this year on including stu- is important to look beyond our diversity that has supported his dents and staff,” Colatrella said. own campus to learn what works, career success,” Colatrella said. “Last year’s Symposium was more what doesn’t work and learn best “Most interesting were the com- of a faculty discussion. While practices from other organiza- parisons from the medical field keeping the event as one led by tions.” and the issues of equality that face our faculty, we felt it was impor- With a minority population physicians as well as profession- tant to expand that dialogue as of 34 percent, Tech already has als in scientific and technological we work toward building a more a variety of groups that address fields.” inclusive campus culture.” diversity, including ADVANCE, The morning discussion also Much of the discussion gen- Hispanic Initiatives@GT, and included a question-and-answer erated was recorded by event co- the Office of Minority Education session with all the participants. ordinators and participants were (OMED). During the symposium luncheon, able to provide feedback. The or- The Diversity Symposium was participants were given three top- ganizers plan to integrate all of the begun in 2009 by then Vice Pro- ics and told to discuss them in re- ideas discussed into the fabric of vost for Academic Diversity Gilda lation to the future of diversity at Tech’s culture. Barabino and has since seen more Tech and the Strategic Plan. “Notes will be compiled and participation from various stu- The topics included how does used to help create the agendas for dent groups at Tech. an inclusive community help the the Office of Institute Diversity,” This year’s event allowed for Georgia Institute of Technology Alexander said. “Ideas [were] col- members of these organizations meet its goal as an international lected and analyzed by individuals to meet with one another and ex- hub for education, research and working in the Office of Institu- Photo by Jarrett Skov / Student Publications change ideas. innovation; what inclusion prin- tional Diversity and shared with A remaining tire from a stolen bike outside the student center. “Providing opportunities for ciples and practices will need to the leadership.” The use of U-Locks can better protect bicycles from being stolen.

sliver omg. sooo tired O.O applying for jobs is WAY too much work. Working the jobs is way easier. To the human at the IC on Thursday with the Nerf glove shooter, you deserve to be alive. My roommate shaved his head this week. It looks weird woodys had good ice cream last week and now the ice cream sucks again want to have our group meeting at 4? am or pm? SGA sucks at allocation of our money! Give it back to us! Superpretty Lady, why do you smile at me like that? You make me blush... Person from in the dress, Runnin’ Wreck stole the T from GT, so now it’s just G so, you are half korean/half douchebag? yeah. you aren’t the only lesbian at Tech...gotta love that ratio though :( red shirt beard man! west campus suffers without you! If you found a heart necklace with red stones, during a cycling class Friday at 6:30 AM, please please return it to the CRC lost and found!!! Hey Romantic guy: Stoping being a wuss and start being a jerk. That’s how you get girls. Derp. R.I.P. True Blood before they blew it. Cirque du CS what does sic in U[sic]ga stand for? next time, DON’T wear bright red... the longer wavelengths screw with my eyes Locking doors is important, but not-being-a-drunken-creeper is even more important. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cried the little oiggy all the way home seen your tang. arf arf. do the doggy bounce. Grill ‘em. This week’s poll has a ‘Yes’ option, but no ‘No’ option? Weak. Girl wearing the Snorlax outfit, marry me now. Opinions Editor: Matt Hoffman Technique The last temptation is the greatest treason: to do the right deed for the wrong reason. 6 —T. S. Eliot Friday, Opinions ”“ September 24, 2010 YOUR VIEWS Letters to the Editor OUR VIEWS Consensus Opinion Faulty engineering New VP position

UGA’s proposal lacks financial grounding, purpose It is possiblewell to jump to conjustified- The news that UGA is seeking to add Many Tech alumni leave Georgia after clusions when we hear the word Write to us: engineering programs that overlap with graduation because of a lack of professional diversity because our gut tells us [email protected] “race and gender.” In reality, offered at Tech raises numerous options within the state. UGA’s intention definition of diversity is more We welcome your letters in financial questions and questions seems to based on desire rather than complex and our new Vice Presi- response to Technique content as dent of Institute Diversity will well as topics relevant to campus. of necessity. The timing of such an necessity. As long as the current model for help Tech strive towards that true We will print letters on a timely expansion is terrible, as the University the USG is in-place, UGA must realize and space-available basis. definition. After speaking with Letters should not exceed 400 System of Georgia (USG) is facing major and accept its role within the system. each of the candidates, I came words and should be submitted by budget cuts from the state legislature, and Just as there are reasons for why Tech away enlightened regarding our Tuesday at 7 p.m. in order to be school’s unique needs. Tech is al- printed in the following Friday’s the price tag of engineering programs are does not have a program in education or ready a fairly diverse community issue. Include your full name, year amongst the highest of any fields. It seems journalism, there are reasons why UGA with students of various ethnic, (1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. We re- religious and socioeconomic back- serve the right to edit for style and unfathomable that UGA would be able to should not have an engineering program. grounds. length. Only one submission per somehow swallow the costs of the program If such a model is to be changed, then the Yet, I find our community to person will be printed per term. when the current financial climate is still full implications must be weighed before be lacking the inclusiveness that should accompany such broad advance a diversity of thought in very tumultuous. In the long run, UGA an overhaul takes place. diversity. While we have a robust our classroom, facilities that meet will need more money from the USG to If the goal of the initiative is to division within Student Affairs, a the needs of Jackets who have dis- VPID could bring exciting chang- abilities—the list goes on and on. support such an expensive school, which simply offer Georgians another path es to Tech that will affect every This position will be charged with will no doubt cut into the budgets of to an engineering degree, than there student, faculty and staff mem- serving the needs of the entire stu- other colleges. are far better options for developing an ber on this campus, regardless of dent body, not just racial and gen- whether or not they belong to a der interests. The reasons for adding another engineering school. Southern Poly and minority population. Additionally, by having a engineering college within the state seem Georgia Southern both already have more Furthermore, this new position prominent role on campus, the underdeveloped. Any student trying to familiarity with the engineering field than allows collaboration and encour- VPID will be able to facilitate ages discussion among current cooperation between those who enter the job market right now knows the UGA. Helping direct these schools into students and faculty who have a typically may not work together. engineering options are in short supply, full-fledged engineering programs would vested interest in increased diver- If Tech is to be the preeminent sity and inclusion. How should leader in Science, Technology, and in Georgia, the options are even less. satisfy this supposed purpose. we define diversity? How can we Engineering and Math, and in identify areas of campus in which molding well-rounded graduates, The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the help is needed? Once identified, we must rise to the challenge and Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. how can we go about enhancing establish a culture that is inclusive those areas? in its appreciation for every walk Technique Editorial Board Some initiatives are apparent of life. Hahnming Lee, Editor-in-Chief when I look around campus— Our peer institutions are look- Vivian Fan, Managing Editor more women in science and en- ing to us and now is Tech’s time to Kate Comstock, Business Manager gineering disciplines, increased lead. I, for one, will be thrilled to recruitment and retention of see a portion of my tuition pay the Jennifer Aldoretta, Layout Editor Alex Mitchell, Sports Editor minorities, etc. However, with salary of someone whose objective Kamna Bohra, Focus Editor Vijai Narayanan, News Editor a campus-wide assessment, this is to make my college experience Advertising Manager Steven Cappetta, Nishant Prasadh, Online Sports Editor VPID could see the areas that are the best and most welcoming that Mike Donohue, SGA Editor Chris Russell, Online Editor not evident to the blind eye: areas it possibly can be. Matt Hoffman, Opinions Editor Jarrett Skov, Photo Editor like retention and development Kaitlyn Whiteside Reem Mansoura, Outreach Editor Zheng Zheng, Entertainment Editor for underrepresented faculty to Third-year HTS EDITORIAL CARTOON By Vivian Fan Google auto-fill reveals strange results By Nick Craddock can’t dogs eat chocolate?” Kentucky Kernel That’s messed up, Google. Later, before I indulged in my Lexington, Ky.—Google has nightcap, I turned to my faithful gone too far this time. butler Jeeves, who used to be a rel- During my daily Google evant search engine, for consola- search of my own name (wait, tion. When I began asking Jeeves what? That’s not normal?), I also “Why can’t…” the question of began a seemingly harmless query why Canadians can’t be owned with “Why can’t…” and Google didn’t pop up. Oh, Jeeves, you suggested that I probably wanted serve me well good sir. to type “Why can’t I own a Ca- Clearly, only Google had for- nadian?” gotten that the 13th Amendment I couldn’t believe what I was states that slavery is a major no- seeing. I thought my eyes were no in this country. For crying out playing Canadian tricks on me. loud, Constitution Day came and Specifically, the kind of trick that went just last week. makes me see malarkey when it Contrary to Google’s offensive doesn’t exist. Try again, I thought. suggestion, I cannot and will not So, once again, I typed “Why be had for a price in life. I am a can’t…” and once again Google man of integrity. suggested that I was probably However, if you offer me two shooting for “Why can’t I own a pieces of chewing gum (sugar- Canadian?” free, of course), a paper clip and a There the words stood, just gift certificate to a Bass Pro Shop staring at me, right above other maybe we can work something pressing life questions like “Why out regarding potential owner- can’t I get pregnant?” and “Why ship. OPINIONS Technique • September 24, 2010 • 7 Immigration crucial to U.S. economy Over the course of history, “The current [immigration] is impractical. The U.S. can- B Z the United States has attracted system does little actively not afford the cost of carrying U Z the most brilliant and talented out such a procedure, espe- Around Campus minds from across the globe, to identify and recruit highly cially in such economic times. offering them the prospect of a Furthermore, it would rip better life and a chance to start skilled labor.” apart immigrant families who over. The American Dream, a have staked their livelihoods How would you feel if belief that through hard work Vijai Narayanan and their children’s future in and determination, any im- News Editor the U.S. Illegal immigrants your GPA and salary were migrant can earn a better life must be provided a path to for his family and for posterity, legalization, whereby they released? has long been a part of Ameri- to identify and recruit highly those who earn advanced recognize the crime of having can culture and tradition. A skilled labor, allows multina- degrees. These students gen- entered the U.S. illegally, pay few weeks ago I, decided to tional companies to abuse the erally represent the best that back taxes and agree to enter become a naturalized citizen. process of obtaining visas for their country has to offer, and the naturalization process, As I filled out the application their employees and does little they contribute significantly same as any legal immigrant. to begin the process, I felt for- to retain talented immigrants to American society. Accord- The issue of protecting our tunate to have been offered the educated in the U.S. The issue ing to the Wall Street Jour- borders and enforcing the law extraordinary opportunity. of illegal immigration com- nal, over 50 percent of Silicon must also be tackled. The Bor- However, in the weeks that pounds the problem several Valley start-ups in the past der Patrol is seriously under- have passed since I completed fold. decade were created by immi- staffed and lacks the resources my application, Arizona has The problems with legal grants. Increasingly, however, to prevent illegal crossings. implemented a controversial immigration in the U.S. are students earning advanced An increased presence along immigration law, a proposal arguably the most urgent to degrees in the U.S. are choos- key areas on the border is nec- Lauren Tankesley to construct a mosque near solve. They are also easily solv- ing to return to their home essary to deter crossings. In Fifth-year BCHM Ground Zero faced fierce criti- able. The process by which em- countries, primarily because of addition, employers who of- cism, a Georgia representative ployment visas are distributed the longevity and uncertainty fer jobs to illegal immigrants “I’d be angry about the inva- submitted a bill to end birth- needs to be more flexible and of the immigration process. must be punished. right citizenship and a lunatic account for the economic re- These individuals should be It is my hope that the recent sion on my privacy.” tried to hold a Quran burning. alities of our nation. The cur- put on a fast track to gaining surge in nativism and xeno- The U.S. is by far the most ac- rent yearly cap for employment permanent residency. phobia are nothing more than cepting nation of immigrants visas is set around 700,000 Illegal immigration is a results of election year tactics in the world, but I can’t help per year, a figure that hasn’t complex, multi-faceted prob- employed by politicians to but wonder what the recent changed since 1990. The cap lem that must be dealt with get re-elected. One thing is rise in nativism and xenopho- for skilled workers in the U.S. carefully. There are currently certain, however—immigra- bia mean for America’s future should be based on research approximately 11 million il- tion must continue to play an in the 21st century. and data about labor market legal immigrants in the U.S., important role in America’s Immigration is a complex trends and shortages that are who make up a vital part of progress. Immigration reform issue and has had a tumultu- prevalent in the U.S. economy. the American economy by ful- is necessary if the U.S. hopes ous past in American history. Another prevalent issue re- filling roles that are either un- to remain a leader in the 21st Without a doubt, the immi- garding immigration includes desired or unwanted by other century. In the meantime, I’ll gration system today is broken the challenge of retaining im- segments of the population. be waiting anxiously for a call and in desperate need of repair. migrants who earn an educa- The idea to round up and from USCIS about the status The current system does little tion in the U.S., particularly deport every illegal immigrant of my application. Alessandra Palazzolo First-year HTS “I would be unhappy be- cause it’s private informa- White-outShould I be excited about becoming overused eliminatinggimmick the otherwise cool the white-out game this week- “The best environments I felt effect that occurs under the tion.” end? we had last year in ACC play Bobby Dodd Stadium lights. The idea is that I should be Oh, speaking of the ef- excited simply by default. The were against Virginia Tech and fect… there’s also the fact that whole point of the event, after Wake Forest.” N.C. State will be the team all, is to pump up the students wearing white uniforms on and alumni and create a fun, Nishant Prasadh Saturday. imposing gameday atmosphere This means that the 50,000- for a nationally televised game. Online Sports Editor plus fans in Bobby Dodd Sta- Plus there’s the free shirt. dium this weekend will show My only problem—well, and 2008. The original plan Miami in 2008 was a very large up fully clad in white just to okay, my biggest problem— was spawned days after Geor- joke, a one-time thing to make cheer against the team wear- with this weekend’s white-out gia’s 2008 black-out against fun of UGA, and so while I ing white uniforms. N.C. against North Carolina State Alabama failed miserably, with thought it was unnecessary, it State informed Tech some is that it reinforces the idea the idea that Tech would pull was still fun. Last year’s event time ago that they intended that we’re holding the event a white-out against Mississippi against Clemson, though? to wear their white road uni- Brandon Ellis just for the sake of having a St. the following week; while Heck, on some level maybe forms, provided that the game Third-year AE white-out this year. It’s not that didn’t quite work out, it we were being sent a message was not played at night. Note: that I don’t respect N.C. State; was the spark that led to the when Clemson came all the I have no idea what uniforms “I don’t care. Nothing to hide. it’s just that…well, why are event being held at the Miami way back from a 24-point defi- Tech will be wearing this the defending ACC champs game later in the season. cit: don’t overdo it. weekend. But if the Jackets Nothing to lose.” holding a white-out for a game Granted, Georgia’s black- For now, here’s what I see: take the field in blue, I will against a team that hasn’t had out was itself stolen from Penn we’re drumming up extra sup- probably scream, regardless of a winning season since 2005? State, which has been fielding port for a game against a team whether I’m in the press box or This Wolfpack squad is white-outs since 2004, but that went 5-7 last year, one in the stands. Look at what has talented, but we’re not whit- we didn’t get into this busi- that we have beaten in 17 of happened the last two times ing out this weekend because ness because of Penn State. It’s our 26 matchups all-time. Is Tech has played while wearing we expect them to go 10-2 just one of many, many ways it really worth it? N.C. State blue: losses in the 2006 ACC and win the Atlantic Divi- in which we have copied the is an unranked team that, Championship Game and the sion. Really, we’re just doing school up the road in Athens thanks to a relatively dull 2008 Chick-Fil-A Bowl) it because it wouldn’t work over recent years. As long as home schedule, happens to In some part, it’s just that out for the Miami game (since this trend persists, much as I be the second-best team on I think color-outs are over- Tech is honoring the 1990 hate to say it, there’s at least Tech’s home slate. This game rated. Looking back, the best national championship team some truth whenever UGA is important—just as any con- environments I felt we had last that week), and apparently, the fans accuse Tech fans of col- ference game is—but if Tech is year in ACC play were against Alissa Hartenbaum prospect of holding a white- lectively acting like the little to be a contender on a national Virginia Tech and Wake For- out at all trumped the idea of brother in this rivalry. scale, a home contest against a est, when nothing special was First-year CM holding off for a year. If we’re going to rip off team that has never faced Paul planned. “I’d probably feel embar- Truthfully, I wasn’t really a this tradition from something Johnson’s offense and has not It’s just that we’re whiting fan of it the last two times. It’s that’s been done elsewhere, seen Al Groh’s defense since out against N.C. State. This rassed whether the salary a gimmick, and beyond that, then let’s at least uphold the 2007 is a game that the Jackets game is not a major victory it’s a gimmick that was plainly general idea and reserve it for should win handily. if we win, and it’s potentially was good or bad.” thrown together as a response special occasions. At first, I We’re also whiting out for devastating if we lose. It’s not Photos by Donovan Henneberg-Verity to Georgia’s black-outs in 2007 had believed that whiting out a game that starts at noon, worth it. 8 • September 24, 2010 • Technique OPINIONS

OUR VIEWS Hot or Not Contributions from all freshmen – or – to make for fun, impactful year As the new Freshman Class “I want to constantly improve HOT NOT President I would like to take a the communication between moment to discuss my role in stu- dent government as well as what the freshman class and their actions I am going to be taking to representatives.” represent the freshman class both effectively and positively through- McKenzie Delaney out my term. My formulation of a new outlook on leadership as well Freshman Class President Naughty Novak Power struggle as my plans to enhance the fresh- B.J. Novak had the crowd The power outage that man students’ experiences will know what my classmates think terms. I am determined to work rolling in the Ferst Center on plagued students on campus provide the freshman class with a about issues and what the fresh- closely with these organizations Sunday. Having on campus and many trying to get home promising first year. man student body would do in as they plan the beginning of entertainment that students on Thursday just made the My role as the Freshman Class my position. The involvement of some of the best memories of your truly want to see is always mid-week blues that much President is to not only represent the students in the decision mak- freshman year at Tech. welcome. It is also much ap- worse. Atlanta traffic is abys- the freshman class as a whole dur- ing processes throughout the year Lastly, I want to constantly preciated that Novak finally mal, but it is borderline hellish ing student government meetings will encourage students to engage improve the communication be- performed at Tech, even if it is when the traffic lights don’t but also to enrich the freshman fully in what is happening on tween the freshman class and two years after he initially an- work and no one remembers class by promoting a type of lead- campus. their representatives. It is so cru- nounced he was going to come the part of the driving instruc- ership that is often unused. My Students should be passion- cial that students recognize that onto campus. Novak’s casual tion manual that says an inter- leadership style was inspired by a ate about leading their school in we are the class’ servants through- and occasionally crude style section with broken lights is a simple quote said by Dr. Hamden a positive direction and I want to out our terms as representatives. was a nice change for Tech. four-way stop. L. Forkner, the founder of the or- pave the roadway to that ideol- Students will be made aware of ganization Future Business Lead- ogy. “Facilitating Leadership” en- meet-and-greet events, open fo- ers of America: “Leadership is not sconces the idea of self-discovery rums and student government the ability to lead others. Leader- for both the representatives and meetings where organizations ship is the ability to get others to the student body. This unique need to be represented in order to lead themselves.” leadership tactic is the solution to have bills passed. The method of leadership that closing the gap between the stu- Contact information will be Dr. Forkner expresses in this quote dent government and the student at the disposal of every freshman is what I like to call “Facilitat- body, and I am going to ensure student, and I strongly encourage ing Leadership,” and I have been that “Facilitating Leadership” will everyone to get in contact with studying this method since my be ensconced in my responsibili- the representatives. As represen- freshman year of high school. This ties as the Freshman Class Presi- tatives, frequent communication Early Luda-christmas Window watchers approach to leadership reconsiders dent. will allow us to fulfill our duties Students get an early gift The construction at the the usual methods of dictatorship If “Facilitating Leadership” is to the best of our ability. We also this year as Atlanta-native North Avenue Apartments and replaces it with the attitude of demonstrated correctly by the rep- charge the freshman class with Ludacris will perform in the is going exactly as students promoting self-growth among the resentatives and me the freshman holding representatives account- parking lot of AMC on Oct. planned: highly inconvenient individuals in the freshman class class will have the ability to create able and to provide representatives 7. Hopefully, Luda will not and inappropriately invasive. through direct communication an incredible social and scholastic with solutions on how to better disappoint as Lil’ Jon did ear- While all students living in with representatives. atmosphere that will be present for represent the freshman class as a lier in the year, but based on NAA were informed of the My role as the class president is the remainder of our time here at whole. his previous performances at situation prior to signing their to lead with the mindset of being Tech. The Freshman Leadership Again, thank you so much for Tech, Luda should be a must housing contracts, on-campus the hand that pushes the fresh- Organizations (FLO’s) are work- your support and I can assure you see for all Tech students who housing was not plentiful, and man class in the right direction ing diligently to create a fun-filled I will be representing you to the want a reprieve from their closing blinds doesn’t take the instead of picking the class up and agenda for the freshman class that best of my ability in every way. I studies or parents on the Fri- creepy factor out of having placing them at the destination. includes a variety of events that am looking forward to having a day of Homecoming. people outside the window. This is where the word “facilitat- the freshman representatives and personal relationship with every ing” comes into action. I crave to I will be working on during our freshman. 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Advertise with us! Visit for information [email protected] Organization Spotlight: HFES Technique The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Focus Editor: Kamna Bohra focuses on technologies with respect to hu- 9 man limitations and capabilities. Friday, Focus Contact: September 24, 2010 VPID finalist Ervin seeks out EwB engineers simple life collaboration in campus diversity By Andrew Nelson By Kamna Bohra Staff Writer Focus Editor The final candidate for the Vice President of Institute Diver- Some use their engineering education to sity (VPID), Archie Ervin, made his public presentation on Tues- climb America’s corporate ladder, some use day, Sept. 14, at the Global Learning Center, detailing his goals it to pursue academia and research in presti- to develop a road map of the next 25 years. gious institutions but a select few take their “It is clearly understood that the Georgia Tech of tomorrow engineering degrees across the oceans to pro- and its future success is contingent upon the collective ability to vide basic services to the hundreds of people engage, embrace and leverage diversity in all its forms,” Ervin in developing countries on the other side of said. “It is not sufficient to build and improve a diversity world the world. presence. The challenge is to create a community of scholars and Opening a chapter at Tech in 2005, En- learners who feel valued, respected and welcomed.” gineers without Borders (EwB) is presently Ervin currently works as the Associate Provost for Diversity serving villagers in the northwestern moun- and Multicultural Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer at the -Uni tains of Cameroon by developing a process versity of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill. As a cabinet that transports water. member with the university’s top administration, he has acted Presently, the villagers in the upper re- as the head advisor on campus regarding diversity initiatives gions of the mountain are upward of a 100- and policies, and he has chaired diversity assessment and related foot vertical incline from the nearest source planning committees on campus. His most recent project has of water, and groups must take five to six been leading an initiative to found a statewide association of di- trips up and down the mountain per day. versity officers. The final product will include a solar-pow- “I have been very fortunate to provide the leadership for the ered well and a water distribution system. development of a cogent, university-wide plan for diversity,” Er- “[We want] to empower the village,” said vin said. “Today, that process is in place where every administra- Chris Quintero, an EwB member who is tive and faculty unit is required every define their goals presently active in the Cameroon efforts and and their plans for achieving those goals and to also report back a fourth-year ME major. on the outcomes of those actions over the year.” To begin the process, the national EwB If selected, Ervin will prioritize the production of a “Google organization sends out project assignments map” of the campus community to identify people who could be to all the university chapters in the country. potential collaborators who can contribute ideas to the diversity The EwB chapter sent members to Cam- goals of the institution in order to build a “culture of inclusion.” eroon on two site assessment trips to col- lect data about the area, to conduct hygiene See Ervin, page 11 workshops and to present project proposals to community leaders. Back at Tech, EwB is split off into different groups, focusing on fundraising, pump and tank design, educa- tion, sustainability and other factors incor- porated into the project. The chapter will soon send members to Cameroon for the implementation phase of the project, and they will dig, drill and in- stall the distribution system. However, the effort is not entirely one- sided; the community leaders are heavily ac- tive in the process. “It’s unusually organized for a village, but…they just don’t have the engineering, the expertise or the money to get it done,” Quintero said. “We’re most fortunate that our community’s leaders are so organized and motivated to implement and maintain these projects.” While the efforts of EwB are noble, fund- ing is short, preventing a speedy installation of the water distribution system. Previously, individual donors from local organizations and engineering firms, such as the Rotary Club and Siemens, funded Tech’s endeavors. Photos courtesy of Courtney Pare / Engineers without Borders Ideally, the project would be implemented Engineers traveled to Cameroon to collect data for a Photo by Will Folsom / Student Publications See Cameroon, page 10 water distribution system and to bond with the villagers. Archie Ervin is one of the three finalists vying for the newly created position of Vice President for Institute Diversity. Students experience world from comfort of home By Cathy Heo I-House is located at Hayes of their enthusiasm and energy Contributing Writer House and Fourth Street East and and join along,” said Sang Kang houses about 48 undergraduate Greene, an I-House resident and The International House (I- US students and 24 international a fourth-year EE major. “The fact House) within the ThinkBig students. I-House residents strive that you can cook dinner, watch residential program brings both to experience the cultures of their a show or movie or simply hang international and American stu- peers’ native countries through out with people at any given day dents together to provide them different activities held during the of the week spontaneously is with a diverse and multi-cultural semester, including a Columbus simply amazing. And the differ- experience on campus. Day Celebration, during which ent cultures you experience on a “We are hoping to create a different Spanish cuisines are day-to-day basis is indescribable, vibrant group or community of served, and I-Korea, which cel- be it international food, accents, internationally engaged students ebrates the holiday Chuseok. vocabulary or simple habits.” who want to think about the “I-House has such a sense of Many I-House residents have world at large who want to learn community that I have never ex- been exposed to abroad programs, from one another and share parts perienced anywhere else. Every- which gave them the desire to con- Photo by Eric Mansfield / Student Publications of their culture and heritage,” said one is so willing to become friends tinue their cultural experiences. International House residents and students across campus can Professor Kelly Comfort and con- and enjoy their time here; you See I-House, page 11 come together for cultural events through the ThinkBig program. tributor to the I-House Program. can’t help but pick up on some 10 • September 24, 2010 • Technique FOCUS IMPACT speaker offers insight to philanthropy By Chris Russell lege thinking about philanthropy the value of the endowment was world, and has the best benefits ties in which they live. Our Foun- Online Editor as a career. over $2 million, which the city de- [for donors],” McPhee said. dation has an especially strong McPhee said that her experi- cided to use for scholarships. Current statistics indicate that interest in supporting innovative Each week, the Institute for ences were much the same. She McPhee, however, said that the U.S. is home to 1.4 million endeavors leading to better cir- Leadership and Entrepreneur- graduated with a master’s degree this represents only a fraction of non-profit organizations, of which cumstances for low-income youth ship’s IMPACT Speaker Series in journalism from Columbia the value of these endowments. about 72,000 are foundations and their families,” according to a brings in a speaker—typically University because she believed While the sums at the end of the similar to the Blank Foundation. statement on the website. one with close ties to the business that, as a journalist, she would waiting period were undeniably One of the things McPhee The Foundation has made world—to speak on business, en- be able to change the world. She substantial, she says what is more enjoys most about her job is that more than $250 million in grants trepreneurship and leadership and didn’t come to the career of phi- important is that for two centu- it consists mostly of her think- since its founding. give advice to students. lanthropy until later in life. ries, the interest on the endow- ing about the best answer for the McPhee joined the foundation On Sept. 15, the series brought She began her talk with a bit ment was used to better the com- question, “How can I help people in 2004, but has been involved in Penelope McPhee, president of the of a history lesson, by describing munity owning it. best?” philanthropy for much longer. Be- Arthur M. Blank Family Foun- how in many ways, philanthropy She said that this history has “You really are thinking all fore she joined the Blank Founda- dation, one of the largest not- as citizens think of it today (trusts, evolved into the U.S. being one of the time about how you can best tion, she was a leader in the James for-profit family foundations in endowments and foundations, for the most donor friendly nations in make a difference in the world,” L. Knight Foundation in Miami, Atlanta, to speak on the topic of example) can be traced back to the modern world. Organizations McPhee said. where she founded an arts and non-profit foundations and pri- Benjamin Franklin. Though he that meet certain criteria can ap- Another way of looking at her culture program and went on to vate philanthropy. was not the first to conceptualize ply to become non-profit organi- job is figuring out how to use become vice president and chief McPhee spoke on the topic of philanthropy, in his will, Frank- zations, meaning that neither they money so that more value comes program officer. career philanthropy, a field that lin made a series of 1000 pound nor the donations made to them out than what was put in. Students interested in the IM- she says most students do not give donations to Boston and Philadel- are taxed. McPhee said the problem can PACT Speaker Series can learn much thought to. She pointed phia, with the constraint that the “People argue whether it’s a be described as, “How do we more at The out that while many take part in cities were only allowed to spend meaningful incentive whether make it so that one plus one is program was founded in 2002, philanthropy in small, discrete the interest on the investment un- these gifts are tax deductible or more than two?” and has featured distinguished ways—like donations to friends til 200 years after the initial dona- whether people are just naturally The goal of the Blank Foun- speakers like Nobel Laureate Mu- collecting for a cause and helping tion. charitable. What we know, in an- dation is “to promote positive hammad Yunus, Vice President Al out at volunteer events—few peo- When this deadline arrived for swer to that, is that the US is the change in people’s lives and to Gore and Thomas Friedman, au- ple go into or graduate from col- the city of Philadelphia in 1990, strongest charitable sector in the build and enhance the communi- thor of the book The World is Flat.

Cameroon from page 9 Quintero said. leaders and interact with the vil- the village leaders,” said Court- cited to see the beginning of the in one trip, but may now require The national organization of- lagers. ney Pare, the project leader for the construction.” two or more trips for completion fers guidance and grant applica- “The people in Cameroon are Cameroon water distribution sys- Other initiatives run by EwB due to funding issues, according tions but no direct funding. incredible. Besides being accepted tem and a fourth-year EnvE ma- include a high school outreach to Quintero. Despite setbacks in money, with overflowing love every time jor. “The implementation phase is program in engineering and a “We’d love to go ahead and EwB’s work is rewarding in its we visit, the people of Mungoa- simply exciting in itself—the Tech Honduras water purification proj- construct the water distribution own way. When students asso- goa are exceptionally smart. A lot group has been working on these ect conducted in collaboration system and train the communi- ciated with the project travel to our design ideas for their water designs with the village for about with the Georgia Tech Research ty, but funding is the key issue,” Cameroon, they stay with village system have come directly from two years now, and we all are ex- Institute. SEPT 27 SEPT 28 SEPT 29 SEPT 30 OCT 1 CFA Mid-Autumn Technique Grace Hopper Fall SCPC Showing Festival [7 p.m. Meeting [7 p.m., Celebration Commencement of Iron Man 2 [5 to 9:30 p.m., Flag Building of Women in Fair [10 a.m. to p.m. to 11 p.m., Student Center 137] Computing 6 p.m., Student Student Center Ballroom] [Hyatt Regency Center Ballroom] Theater] Atlanta] monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday

sliver Sweet Disposition may be the best song ever created. I use toenails for skis. why don’t you post the slivers on Tech Girls, When you say you want Tech Guys to talk to you your referring to the attractive ones who already have girlfriends, not me, right? Just Checking Who wants to go to waffle house with me central printing is badass they say these are brittain’s best burittos, but they are brittain’s only burritos!! will some boy buy me flowers please? kthanks do u need a tissue fo yo issue? It’s been years... if Baron von W. reads this, I miss you. The focus editor is the hottest thing I’ve seen on campus. EVER. Did the football team forget how to pass? I want some Jimmy John’s right now. I wish every test week wasn’t hell week. Oh Tech. I saw you and I was all like O_O observatory is it love or infatuation? what do MGT, STAC and all the lesser majors scream when the rest of us proudly proclaim, “I’m a Ramblin’ Wreck from Georgia Tech, and a hell of an engineer”? she kinda wants to make out with you again too.-- her Candlelit dinner on top of Klaus? I’m in! 4 sliver boxes? THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT joe farted in the interview and still got hired Lions are 2-0 in my heart any romantic guys want to show a bio girl the klaus roof? BEATMANIA!!! dude in 9am 1332. you’re amazing. there is such a thing as a stupid question How do I submit a Sliver? Ahhh, caffeine! i just want to be in love again I’m dangerously low on clean underwear FOCUS Technique • September 24, 2010 • 11

I-House from page 9 come to Tech. I help plan events, assist the exchange students in the “We are all different, but we adapting to life at GT, introduce had in common the fact that we them to Atlanta, [and more],” were all foreign students in a new Khalek said. school, and that we wanted to I-House hosts cultural events have fun and make the most of throughout the semester that are our experience. I loved being part also open to those outside the pro- of that group and I wanted to re- gram for prices ranging from free main a member of such a group to a small charge. even after my return to GT, thus I The International Coffee joined I-House, and I got exactly Hours hosted at the I-House is an that—a group of people from all event open to everyone, provid- over the world sharing a similar ing an opportunity to socialize experience and wanting to enjoy it with international students and to to the max,” said Ameer Khalek, practice language skills. an I-House resident and a fifth- The international career fair year AE major. will be hosted in Spring 2011 to I-House also emphasizes a provide opportunities for students family-oriented community. looking for work abroad. “We have a strict open-door “Crossing Borders,” a docu- policy here, and every night we mentary showing four American have family-style dinners going students matched with four Mo- around with at least ten residents. roccan students to dispel cultural It’s a great, close-knit group,” said stereotypes and to facilitate an Kait Cook, an I-House resident open cultural discussion, is open and a third-year ChBE major. to the whole campus. Within the program, students “I was able to experience [many volunteer, network and develop wonderful things in Atlanta] with cultural interests and leadership. a group of some of the most ami- Many participants minor in for- able, loving people I have ever eign languages or plan to study met in my life. It didn’t matter abroad, but those involved in nei- that we’d all been friends for a ther participate as well. few weeks; the International stu- Photos by Eric Mansfield / Student Publications “I-House gave me the oppor- dents intend to make the best out Many of the cultural events hosted by the International House involve cuisine as a way of sharing tunity to impact the experience of of their semester or year here,” the many exchange students that Greene said. international lifestyles, while other events focus on globalized communities and societal exchange.

Ervin from page 9 fective agent of change, fulfilling Ervin said. “Cultivating the re- versity. The VPID position will focus the capacity to manage, support lationship with researchers and “I hope that [these goals] are on formulating a diversity and in- “Every major division of a uni- and lead. faculty is the greatest promise for common sense; however, achiev- clusion strategy. The person cho- versity’s structure...must be in- “The real challenge is for you changing the faculty of tomor- ing buy-in and ownership by all sen will report to the president as cluded in the mapping process or to figure out how you all are work- row and increasing the number the constituent groups at the uni- a cabinet member and “is charged you’ll be short,” Ervin said. “The ing together and to develop com- of women and members of unde- versity holds diversity core values with embracing and leveraging mapping process will prove bene- mon ground for that to happen,” served communities who actually is much more difficult to do if the talents of the entire campus everybody at the institu- Ervin said. serve in the academy of tomor- you cannot develop interpersonal, community to its greatest advan- tion as it helps them to better un- One of the constituent groups row.” consultative strategic partnerships tage,” according to the Office of derstand what the responsibilities he is most concerned about work- He has worked with faculty as a plan,” Ervin said. the President’s website. are respective to the major mission ing with is the faculty, referring to and other university officials in Ervin earned his masters de- Since its announcement last of the university.” them as “the lifeblood of the insti- two decades of a highly active job gree in political science from year, the VPID search committee Upholding the leadership and tution” and people who cultivate in the UNC administration as Appalachian State University, has selected three candidates, all the guidance roles of the VPID is the futures of students. well as in both professional and and then he earned his doctorate of whom have made appearances also a strong point for Ervin. He “They are the people we must youth organizations. Most of his degree in Educational Organi- at Tech throughout the month of believes that to be successful in engage with in meaningful ways experience has been in organiza- zations and Policy Studies from Sept. to present their pitches for the position, one must act as an ef- and to make meaningful change,” tional and consulting roles for di- UNC, where he has since worked. the positions.

[email protected] Technique Entertainment Editor: Zheng Zheng 13 Assistant Entertainment Editor: Friday, Entertainment Patricia Uceda September 24, 2010 Atlanta hosts

NovakNovak Arts ByFestival Christ Ernst Staff Writer

Ever wanted to dance in the middle of Peachtree Street? Or maybe bid on an elabo- deliversdelivers rate barstool? Perchance the sampling of At- lanta’s finest dining is more enticing? All this and more will all take over Peachtree Street on the Midtown Mile this weekend on Sept. 25 and 26. laughslaughs toto The Midtown Festival of the Arts in part- nership with local businesses will bring enter- tainment for the whole family to Midtown. The range of music, arts, food and free en- techtech tertainment will be on display on Peachtree Street from 5th Street to 10th Street, a mere minute’s walk from Tech Square. The temporary mini arts district will have Photos by Basheer Tome, Will Folsom/ Student Publications something for everyone. Live bands, art auc- tions and culinary samplings will be at ev- By Elizabeth Perreault Events ery turn, inviting the community to mingle, Contributing Writer meet and be merry. B.J. Novak Comedy Show Music will include shows by The Connells “That’s what she said” PERFORMER: B.J. Novak and The Breakfast Club, among many oth- jokes instantly struck a ers. With four stages, including a Kids’ Zone LOCATION: Ferst Center for chord with the congrega- Stage and a Beer Garden Stage, entertain- the Arts tion of Tech’s Office fanat- ment will not be scarce. Music will fill the ics that filled Ferst Center DATE: Sept. 19, 2010 air as people dance in the street starting at on Sunday, Sept. 19, for an 10 a.m. and it will continue into the evening. evening of stand-up comedy. OUR TAKE: ««««« In addition to the entertainment and food, The show was courtesy of the there will be over a hundred visual artists sell- Student Center Programs estimated travel time from ing and displaying their wares for the public Council and presented ac- Hartsfield-Jackson to Ferst to admire and purchase. This opportunity to tor/writer B.J. Novak. Drive being four minutes. view and take home a piece of Atlanta’s lo- Most of the crowd knew He then went on to de- cal artistic vision and talent is few and far Novak as “Ryan the Temp” scribe his favorite comedians between. from NBC’s The Office or in history, noting that Benja- At 8 p.m. on Saturday night, a free screen- as a Nazi hunter alongside min Franklin is certainly at ing of Driving Miss Daisy will entertain citi- Brad Pitt in Quinton Tar- the top of his list. After all, zens on the intersection of 10th and Peachtree. antino’s latest masterpiece, he did ask to be put on the The film, based on Atlanta-born play- Inglorious Basterds. However, one hundred dollar bill with wright Alfred Uhry’s Pulitzer Prize-winning the show allowed Novak’s the declaration that “One- work, highlights several local landmarks fans to see a different aspect day they’ll rap about me!” including Agnes Scott College, Little Five of his comedic genius that is Then, he shared with the Points, Inman Park and Peachtree Street it- not conveyed in the roles he audience his “new children’s self. typically plays. book” featuring Wikipedia The corner of 7th and Peachtree will fea- Novak’s engaging stage Brown, a personification of ture the Plates on Peachtree culinary show- presence and connection where “ev- case and beer garden. As the only paid-ticket with the audience proved eryone contributes” and attraction, it is should be worth the $30 per him to be a talented per- “you never really find out day per person in advance, $40 at the door. former that can hold his what you were looking for Atlanta’s premium dining options can own. Even his appearance, in the first place because you all be found here, including Midtown’s own an untucked, button-down keep getting distracted.” Bakeshop and Ecco. shirt and jeans, conveyed a After a routine in which Tickets include food as well as one cock- markedly different disposi- he tried to make a “shy pup- tail, with additional beverages at an addi- tion from his usual roles. pet” tell a joke and a test run tional cost. The beer garden features Terrapin To those outside of New of a bunch of jokes with the Brewery, one of the few good things about York City’s comedy club rejects being tossed in the Athens, which has some nice choices for au- scene, Novak is not primar- trashcan, he opened up for a tumn as well as Oktoberfest. ily known for his stand-up Q&A session with the audi- Festival President, Leslie Johnson, is espe- routine. ence. cially excited to see the Festival finally come Novak said he would Most of the questions con- to life. Born out of an idea among just a few choose writing over acting, cerned “The Office”. Novak friends at Yes Home in Feb. 2009, it has come stating that he will always, talked about what is was like a long way. first and foremost, be a writ- to work with Jenna Fischer “We had 40-50 people to make this hap- er. (Pam) and Angela Kinsey pen. It gathered steam and snowballed from This comes as no surprise, (Angela), saying they were there…Business owners, residents, retired as he studied History and both “natural to work with” folks the whole gamut of people [support- Literature at Harvard and and then punctuating with ed the idea. Midtown has] experienced a was a writer for the well- “that’s what she said”. phenomenal growth, and we want to keep known college publication, He also commented on that momentum going. We are presenting the Harvard Lampoon. the big news that Steve Car- Peachtree as it should be…a fully engaged Greg Daniels, the execu- rell, who plays regional man- street experience,” Johnson said. tive producer of the “The ager Michael Scott, is leaving Office,” saw one of Novak’s but has no definite word on performances and cast him who his replacement will be. as Ryan Howard. After be- Novak proved to have an ing cast, Novak utilized his excellent live stage presence writing talents to write sev- and appears to genuinely eral well-known episodes for love doing what he does. The the series. show, about an hour long, Fresh off the plane from seemed to be too short and Los Angeles, Novak was the audience was left want- quick to begin the show with ing more of his witty obser- a jab at Google Maps for its vations. Image courtesy of Midtown Festival of the Arts 14 • September 24, 2010 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT Easy A lacks original thoughts, character depth FILM identity as a promiscuous woman, rial of the film, but at the same Easy A even adorning a scarlet A on her time, they become a bit of a outfits; however, things soon take crutch, as it seems that the movie GENRE: Romantic Comedy a turn for the worse. As every- relies a bit too much on the mes- STARRING: Emma Stone thing spins out of her control, she sage of a preexisting work rather struggles with the consequences than forging a strong message of DIRECTOR: Will Gluck and infamy that result from her its own. RATING: PG-13 bad decisions. Also disappointing is Easy A’s While the premise might seem trite villains: the overzealous, fun- RELEASE DATE: Sept. 17 like a one-shot gag that drives the damentalist Christians who are film, Easy A takes some time to the cause of the majority of the OUR TAKE: ««««« explore the motivations and con- condemnation and persecution sequences of its central idea in throughout the story. Amanda By Daniel Fuller an entertaining way that involves Bynes is hilarious as Marianne, Contributing Writer many hilarious situations. their ring leader, playing the mean The frame story for the film girl for once. Easy A, the latest high school is a series of weblogs by Olive in While most of the characters comedy to hit theatres, explores which she explains her side of the in the film are exaggerated cari- touchy subjects with wit and sar- story and actually recognizes all of catures, the Christian group is a casm. Despite the typical light- the bad decisions that she makes bit of an overused and exhausted hearted cheeriness of the genre, along the way. While on one hand Hollywood cliché. Its role in the the film explores rather heavy the film rebukes the fickle perse- film is justifiable given the similar themes of sexuality, gossip, ostra- cution high school students dish role that Puritans play in the film’s Image courtesy of Screen Gems cism and self-worth. However, the out to each other, Olive’s solution source material, serving as a sym- ing as a tacked on necessity in the messages of the movie. true nature of Easy A, even when to the problem is not ideal either. bol of the folly of hypocrisy. formula of the film. Overall, Easy A’s witty dia- addressing these themes, is of a The story draws inspiration While the core themes of the Most of the characters exist to logue and comic moments are fast-paced comedic tone. from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s story are compelling and mean- make one-liners or create funny what make it entertaining. Those As the trailers for the film out- “The Scarlet Letter,” directly ref- ingful, the movie dwells more on situations, never experiencing intrigued by the premise in the line, the story follows wisecrack- erencing this fact in the film. the humor instead. Most of the dynamic change or developing trailers will most likely find every- ing highschooler Olive (portrayed Both stories explore how society supporting characters are one-di- meaningful relationships, despite thing they expected. by Emma Stone) as she accidental- is quick to treat people with hate mensional or unlikable, with the the fact that developing meaning- However, anybody expect- ly stumbles upon a plan that can and condemnation instead of love exception of Olive’s teacher Mr. ful relationships is actually one of ing something that delves deeply make her money and earn her the and kindness. Olive consciously Griffith, played by Thomas Haden the themes of the movie. into the issues of the story will be attention of her fellow classmates. identifies with Hester Prynne of Church, who sadly never receives By the end of the film, there disappointed. Easy A tries to be She soon goes into business of Hawthorne’s novel, even down to the development that he deserves. is the vaguely inspiring idea that insightful, but then decides that pretending to sleep with boys who donning the eponymous scarlet Even the legitimate romantic in- people should determine their depth isn’t something that it needs feel that their reputations depend letter “A.” terest, played by Penn Badgley, own self-worth, but whatever to bother with, focusing instead on their sexual conquests. These parallelisms strengthen hardly has any depth and hardly strength that point may hold is on being a hilarious comedy with Olive embraces her new false the impact of the thematic mate- does any romancing, merely serv- lost amidst the other half-finished no shortage of laughs.

We’d like to hear from you. Write us a letter. [email protected] ENTERTAINMENT Technique • September 24, 2010 • 15 Sunny crosses comedic boundary HouseTELEVISION captivatesvery negatively towards a patient’s TELEVISION House death due to his actions. Cuddy It’s Always Sunny in came to save the day by prevent- Philadelphia NETWORK: Fox ing him from taking Vicodin and NETWORK: FX Network WHEN: Mondays 8 p.m. pronoucing her love to him. The season started out with WHEN: Thursdays 10 p.m. STARRING: Hugh Laurie what every fan of the show was waiting for: the aftermath of the STARRING: Glenn Howerton, OUR TAKE: ««««« confrontation between Cuddy Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day and House. It was a mostly posi- By Andrew Akker tive experience for both House OUR TAKE: ««««« Contributing Writer and Cuddy. What you would ex- pect from the characters on the By Alex Kessler House has won the hearts of show was present, with House Contributing Writer Image courtesy of FX many viewers around America making jokes and Cuddy being in its six seasons and has started nurturing and motherly. Last Thursday, the nation re- Howerton (Dennis), Rob McEl- is the line drawn? The humor in it seventh on FOX, showing at 8 Something different was that joiced as the hit sitcom It’s Always henney (Mac) and Charlie Day sitcoms results from our ability to p.m. on Mondays. the episode was more focused on Sunny in Philadelphia aired the (Charlie), convey an argument associate with the situations pres- The story of a drug-addicted the relationship drama, rather first episode of its sixth season. while creating an inappropriate ent and recognize that the char- diagnostician battling with hos- than the action mystery-solving Only five years ago, its first - epi setting for the characters to create acter’s actions are exaggerated or pital staff, solving mysteries and aspect. sode was entirely filmed and ed- mayhem. inappropriate. humoring the audience with jokes However, it didn’t leave the ited by three friends with a cam- The new episode took a stance When a situation becomes too and insults has captivated audi- other cast members completely corder and a non-existent budget. on gay marriage as Dennis and irrational or non-relatable, such as ences. The show has had its ups out of the picture. House’s team Fast forward to today and Frank try to get married to solve Dee becoming a surrogate moth- and downs, cast member changes was back with some sticky situa- the series has expanded into a fiscal issues, Dennis marries his er, how well can you relate to and and surprises throughout, but it tions of its own. nation-wide phenomenon scor- high school sweetheart after re- understand the actions and thus never disappoints. This season is Although she is present in this ing endorsement deals from Dave uniting for less than a couple the humor? The new season recog- no different. first episode, Thirteen (Olivia and Busters and Coors Light and hours and Mac attempts to con- nizes this argument and returns to This time, House is back with Wilde) will be absent for much a multi-seasonal contract from vince his ex-girlfriend that she is its original formula. a new partner, Lisa Cuddy. Fans of the season because she is film- Danny DeVito himself. in a gay marriage with a man. Yes, It’s Always Sunny has been con- were anxious at the end of last ing an adaptation of the graphic Its enormous popularity resides you read that right. As expected stantly noted by critics as being season when we saw House react novel, Cowboys & Aliens. in the dark humor and outrageous all hell eventually breaks loose, eerily similar to Seinfeld, and they Numerous guest stars are events following five ego-centric, topped with yelling, screaming are correct in that no matter the scheduled to appear in the new narcissistic bar owners. The en- and sometimes physical engage- circumstances each character will season, such as Dylan Baker (Law tire premise of the show starkly ment. act in his or her own self interest and Order), Matthew Lillard contrasts the cheery, Everybody In the past few seasons the and incite riotous behavior and (Shaggy in the Scooby-Doo film Love Raymond-like situational show has taken off in a separate never learn a lesson at the end of series) and Jennifer Grey (Ferris comedies that have saturated TV direction, however. The writers the day. Bueller’s Day Off ). channels since the mid 1990’s, turned up the craziness-factor This formula is what people The premiere episode was a promising a long-needed breath of while unfortunately tuning out love about the show: no matter good one. It featured much of fresh air. the contextual plot elements. Re- what we always know that Den- what people are used to when they Thursday night’s episode was cently, we have seen the gang not nis will seek self-validation and sit down for an hour with Gregory no exception; the gang tackled fighting over whether or not it is put others underneath his vanity House and the team. the issue of marriage in the most sensible to own a gun for protec- and inflated ego, and that gives us However, it was also differ- twisted, ungraceful and hilarious tion but instead imitating Extreme comfort. The new season brings ent in a sense that it shifted focus manner the FCC would allow. Home Makeover, participating in such promise and excited not from the medical drama to the re- This episode went back to its dance competitions and throwing only to dedicated fans but new- lationship drama. roots as seen in the first season: a grenades into cars. comers as well. Look forward to Hopefully they won’t lose sight relevant social topic became the We do enjoy watching tem- twelve more insane episodes of of the former. Either way, I’m conversation of the conflict with pers fly and people make fools the characters you know and love looking forward to the episodes Dee acting as the voice of reason. of themselves in the most radical rambling about in reckless, side- Image courtesy of Fox to come. In this way the writers, Glenn manner possible, however, where splitting fun.


making friday lectures more interesting lectures friday making 16 • September 24, 2010 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT Baraonda delights with classical Italian cuisine Restaurant a few spots, evoking its stay in the Baraonda oven. The vegetables were sautéed perfectly and seasoned with herbs. LOCATION: 710 Peachtree St. The perfect size for two (or for CUISINE: Pasta, salad, and one hungry diner), it left us satis- pizza fied and pleasantly full. I can only imagine that any pizza made here COST: $5 - $10 would be just as delectable. HOURS: 11 a.m. - 10~12 p.m. For those who feel as if an Ital- ian meal is not complete without PHONE: (404) 879-9962 a plate of pasta, Baraonda features classic preparations like cheese OUR TAKE: ««««« ravioli, penne salsiccia (Italian sausage with onions, mushrooms By Sara Rogovin and cream) and rigatoni alla Nor- Contributing Writer ma (fried eggplant, tomato sauce, basil and ricotta salata). Just a few blocks away from the Main dishes also reflect the Fox Theatre on Peachtree Street, timelessness of the previous the homey pizzeria Baraonda is courses: chicken picatta and lamb still cooking up delicious Italian- chops with orange and mint are inspired cuisine a decade after first among the offerings. opening. The service at Baraonda is laid- The décor is simple and rus- Photo by Sara Rogovin / Student Publications back but attentive. Our server was tic, evoking the pizzeria’s Italian A crab cake special was light stars of the dish, though, were pings. In addition to several sug- accommodating to our preference roots. The wooden tables are bare, and satisfying. Unlike many crab the buttery and crunchy croutons gested topping combinations (the to share items and made sure we a brick pizza oven fires at the back cakes that are loaded with fillers, that dotted the salad. I could eat a Romana includes pancetta, sun- were satisfied with all of our food. for patrons to view while dining the medallions consisted of all whole bowl of those. dried tomatoes, sautéed onions Baraonda offers the tastes of a and two clocks hang over the bar crab. A mild red pepper remou- Antipasti options range from and mozzarella), Baraonda also true Italian dining experience at a showing the times in Atlanta and lade accompanied the portion and the ubiquitous fried calamari and offers diners the chance to create great value. Rome, cities half a world apart. offered a creamy counterpart to bruschetta to Italian salad offer- their very own pizza. It’s like a The dishes are nicely prepared Nevertheless, the food at Bara- the moist crabmeat. Although the ings like caprese (tomato, basil, gourmet delivery service. and mirror the rustic simplicity of onda manages to transcend these crust was a bit too thick, for five mozzarella and olive oil) and casa- Prosciutto, olives, artichokes the restaurant’s interior. borders and bring a true sense of dollars, these were a true deal. reccia (arugula, red-leaf lettuce, and fontina cheese are just a few of There is no cutting-edge inno- Italy to midtown Atlanta. Deciding to stay on the safer sundried tomatoes, grilled onions, the dozens of additions available. vation taking place here, but the The menu is divided into an- side of dishes, my dining compan- parmesan cheese and vinaigrette). On this day, we opted to supple- kitchen’s devotion and attention tipasti and insalate, paste, pizze ion and I next ordered a Caesar As good as these two starters ment a Margherita pizza (the clas- to detail when it comes to classic and secondi entrees. At lunch, salad. The romaine lettuce, crisp were, I was most anticipating the sic combination of tomato, moz- Italian dishes is undeniable. As an there are also panini on the menu. and crunchy, was the perfect can- pizza. zarella and basil) with zucchini, option for a pre- or post-Fox visit, Many of the items, particularly vas for the delicious Caesar dress- Baraonda’s brick oven lends the mushrooms and eggplant. or just for a casual lunch on a stu- the antipasti and pizzas, are ideal ing, which was aromatic of garlic, pizzas a deliciously crisp crust able When the pizza arrived, its dent’s budget, Baraonda cannot for sharing. lemon and anchovies. The true to stand up to a myriad of top- crust was crisp and burnished in be beat. ENTERTAINMENT Technique • September 24, 2010 • 17

Theme Crossword: Sounds Of Silence By Robert Zimmerman United Features Syndicate 46. Compass pt. 81. Lhasa -- 47. British gun 83. Sidestep ACROSS 48. Science of gases 84. Craze 1. Not know from -- 50. Gangster’s girl 85. Faith 5. Turkish title 51. Title in salutations 87. Long narrow 10. Chatter 52. Elephantine valley 15. Idem 53. Lands 88. Pinky 19. Kind of minimum 55. Is in the red 89. Relative of “pow” 20. In progress 56. Silver-tongued and “kapow” 21. Enthusiastic 58. High jinks 90. Judicial assistant 22. In foreign lands 60. Twit 91. Mind 23. Russian monarch’s 62. Wearer of a 92. Foreigner eldest son certain cap 94. Health-club offering 25. Animal also called 63. Census data, e.g. 95. Alabama’s flower comb jelly 64. Trunk 99. Early heretical 27. Hands over 65. Step up movement 28. Lab compound 66. Corpuscles 101. Overlapping 30. Closes 67. Was restless 103. Up the -- 31. Voir -- 70. Ancient Brit 104. Outpouring 32. Opposing group 71. Caravan station 105. Atelier item 33. Coffin support 73. Kind of drum 106. “Fountainhead” 34. First-graders 74. A pronoun author Ayn -- 37. Panetta or Uris 75. Newts 107. Largemouth fish 38. Eurozone nation 76. Mental makeup 108. Domesticates 42. Piers 79. Italian money, 109. A Scandinavian 43. Part of the intestine formerly 110. Small performing 45. An Allman brother 80. English isle groups

DOWN 14. A grinding down 36. Winged dinosaur 1. First four of 26 15. Place of sandstorms 38. City in Bolivia 2. Fog and dust devils 39. Ignoramus: hyph. 58. Impassive 73. Em space or en space 91. Bandaged 3. Salt sea in Asia 16. Missing GI 40. Fjord 59. Tillis or Shriver 77. Mirren the actress 92. “King and I” role 4. Line of longitude 17. Impairs 41. Tools for cobblers 61. Ship of myth 78. Astonishes 93. Tons and tons 5. Patio stones 18. Tuber bud 43. Pointless 63. Halts 79. Lessor and tons 6. Conflagrant 24. Ills 44. Time of fasting 64. Slight trace 81. Shoelace part 94. Old name in Asia 7. Drunkards 26. Make miffed 45. Cubes 65. Ransack 82. Concert-hall 95. Etui 8. Ad -- 29. Pore in a leaf 48. Musical compositions 66. Fiery crime attraction 96. Party of a kind 9. Cousin to a library 32. Indian of Alaska 49. Desserts 67. Kind of court 84. UMW member 97. -- -- uncertain terms 10. Jam ingredient 33. World-weary 50. Lab animal 68. Not of this world 86. Wading birds 98. Appends 11. Appraises 34. Unfashionable 52. Squirt and stun 69. Dismal, poetically 87. Cereal bracts 99. Blab 12. Golden- -- 35. Do not open -- 54. Like a stuffed shirt 70. Equal 88. Distaff 100. Books pro 13. Sawbuck Christmas 57. Leaves 72. -- salts 90. Social class 102. Like sashimi 18 • September 24, 2010 • Technique COMICS

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham Non Sequitur by Wiley

Crossword Solution from page 17 COMICS Technique • September 24, 2010 • 19

Non Sequitur by Wiley DILBERT ® by Scott Adams 20 • September 24, 2010 • Technique SPORTS Football without back-to-back losses under Johnson By Steven Cappetta ami, respectively. After the Georgia loss at home Advertising Manager Last season, the Jackets lost to last year, the Jackets were able to Miami on the road and turned move the ball against a Clemson Defeating North Carolina’s around the following week with a defense in a shootout. football team this weekend has win against North Carolina. The Bulldogs came out run- continued Head Coach Paul John- Miami quarterback Jacory ning, having two 100-plus rushers son’s tradition of not losing any Harris completed 20 of 25 passes on the day. In the end, Georgia back-to-back games for Tech in for 270 yards and three touch- rushed for 339 total yards. Tech’s his three seasons as coach. John- downs while Tech’s triple option rushing game was held to below son has always preached that great was handled with relative ease. its season average with 205 yards teams never lose two games in a The Jackets were held to only 95 on the day. The Bulldogs who row, and to this point, his teams rushing yards on the day and lost were 6-4 before the game handed have lived up to that standard. 33-17. Tech its second loss on the year When Tech was upset by Kan- Tech looked like a different with the score 30-24. sas on Sept. 18, the Jackets came team the following week, holding The second time the Jackets back to defeat the Tar Heels in the ball for a total of 42 minutes faced the Tigers was in the ACC Chapel Hill, N.C. after UNC’s over the Tar Heels in a 24-7 win. championship game. The Jackets bye week, 30-24. Jonathan Dwyer ran for 158 yards, were again able to run the ball in In Johnson’s first season at the improving on the seven yards he their 39-34 win. Clemson’s C.J. helm in 2008, Tech had losses rushed for the previous week and Spiller rushed for 233 yards and to Virginia Tech, Virginia and Nesbitt had a career-high 32 car- four touchdowns. Blair kicked a North Carolina. After those three ries for 97 yards. All together, the career high four field goals of 48, Photo by Joey Cerone / Student Publications loses, the Jackets came back in Jackets rushed for 317 yards while 49, 28, and 40 yards on the day Jonathan Dwyer hoists up the ACC Championship Trophy. The their next games to defeat Missis- holding North Carolina to a mere while the Jackets had 333 yards Jackets have not lost consecutive games in the last three seasons. sippi State, State and Mi- 17 yards on the ground. rushing.


the south’sthe college newspaper. liveliest SPORTS Technique • September 24, 2010 • 21 Saturday, Oct. 2 at Tech By Zach Smith Contributing Writer Prediction: Tech 34 - NCST 24 This weekend, the Jackets return home to Bobby Dodd and controlling the clock with Nesbitt, who’s first pass last Satur- of the Jackets’ linebackers to put Stadium at Historic Grant time of possession. day at UNC was a 23-yard touch- pressure on Wilson and not allow Field for their first home game To beat the Wolfpack, Tech’s down, will be crucial in making him to complete passes, especially since defeating the South Caro- No. 3 rushing offense must be short gains and may also have on third downs. lina State Bulldogs on opening able to maintain its 300+ rush- an opportunity to exploit N.C. The final key for Tech will be weekend. ing yard per game average. Senior State’s thin secondary with an in- to control the clock. Last week, The Jackets will take on the B-Back Anthony Allen will need termediate passing game. the Jackets had the biggest share N.C. State Wolfpack in their sec- to be able to make gains up the As a defense, the Jackets main of the time-of-possession (35 min- ond ACC matchup of the season middle to prevent N.C. State from focus will need to rest on contain- utes to UNC’s 25 minutes) since (State’s first). Tech leads the all- clogging the outside and taking ing explosive quarterback Russell their 56-31 victory over Vander- time series, with 17 wins in the 26 away a crucial element of Tech’s Wilson and the Wolfpack’s multi- bilt last year. Third-down conver- meetings. triple option. faceted passing attack. N.C. State sions and not allowing N.C. State This weekend, there are three Junior A-Backs Embry Peeples is ranked No. 28 in passing yards to force turnovers will be pivotal

Photo by John Nakano / Student key components required for Tech and Roddy Jones, meanwhile, per game in the FBS and has not to a victory for Tech. Publications to win: dominating the running must still be able to make big plays had a consistent receiving leader If the Jackets can keep the ball game, stepping up on pass defense down the side lines to get the kind so far this season, which could be and maneuver it down the field, of yardage Tech’s running game is an issue for Tech’s weak pass cov- the Wolfpack will be unable to Georgia Tech accustomed to gaining. erage. score enough points to win the Senior quarterback Joshua It will be the responsibility game. Vs.

the Jackets from making big plays fensive backs. on the outside. While the Wolfpack has aver- N.C. State With all new starters on the aged 263 passing yards per game, defensive line and a young sec- this does not necessarily guaran- After what is their most suc- since both teams hired new head ondary, the Wolfpack could face tee a victory over Tech as UNC cessful start to a season since 2002 coaches. issues while attempting to hold averaged 310.5 and had 209 in the , N.C. State’s Wolfpack travels to On gameday, the Wolfpack back Tech’s progression down- loss to Tech. Atlanta to face the Jackets. need three elements to beat the field. Tech may also have the up- The final key element to a vic- Head Coach Tom O’Brien’s Wolfpack: stopping the triple-op- per hand on offense, as recently tory for N.C. State is the Wolf- team is currently one of two un- tion, an outstanding passing game hired recruiting coordinator and pack’s ability to build off of its defeated left in the ACC, though and not getting overconfident. defensive line coach, Andy Mc- success so far. they have not played a conference This season, Tech has averaged Collum, was the linebacker coach The Wolfpack looked great in game yet. The team comes to GT 345 rushing yards per game while at N.C. State for the past three it previous game against Cincin- with two decisive wins at home the Wolfpack’s defense has held seasons. nati, completely shutting down (Western Carolina and Cincin- their opponents to a meager 85.3. N.C. State will need to make the Bearcat’s offense. However, nati) and a somewhat close game N.C. State however has also sure to exploit Tech’s rather weak Tech’s offense is a completely dif- on the road (Central Florida). not played against any team pos- pass coverage. Tech’s inability to ferent story as Tech is much more The last time the Wolfpack de- sessing anything near a top-tier stop the pass has plagued them able to run the ball. feated the Jackets was in Atlanta running offense so far this year, in the past. At Miami last season, N.C. State will have to find in 2005. Tech won the rematch in so the numbers may be mislead- Tech allowed 20 out of 25 passes a happy medium between be-

Raliegh, N.C. in 2006 en route ing. N.C. State will need to keep to be completed for three touch- ing excited about their impres- Photo courtesy NCST Atletic Department to the ACC Championship game. containment on Tech’s A-Backs as downs). A good game by Wilson sive win and getting motivated. However, this is the first meeting well as Nesbitt if they are to keep could mean trouble for Tech’s de- Tech.

sliver girl in PST 3127 1 pm lecture with livestrong bracelet & strappy sandals. Want to study? WHITEOUT I watched the patchwork farms slow fade into the ocean’s arms. To the idiot complaining about the editors’ picks, one word: SPREADS. no social life. boo I love my WREK sunglasses! “Your people” need to get busy making my sneakers I am going to pass calc 2 if it’s the last thing I do! Tall, blond swimmer girl, you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. Say hi to me because I’m too shy to say hi to you! Seems like everyone’s getting love but me. :-\ interesting fact: you are considered an alumnus after completing one semester at Tech Career fair is not for interns, the companies don’t care about you unless you are graduating this year. FYI in this job market, if you have a 2.5 GPA, good luck as a fry cook. remember that time the buses were all on time? yeah, me neither u[sic]ga engineering. not gonna happen: “gee Bubba, wat they mean by maytin’ parts?” “No idea, Joe, I ain’t never seen them masheens havin’ sex...” the Sliver King is elusive. the SLIVERPRO calls the shots... Thought I’d never see her in another one of my classes... Awk- waard!! Ur so vain... U probly think this sliver’s about u. Move b! Get out the way!! Hey girl what’s your critical cross section area? If you can’t take the heat transfer, get out of your major! I’m so thowed in the game! Charlie Batch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 I got the swagger of a cripple Russell Wilson for heismen new facebook...again beach , sand , now tests..... 22 • September 24, 2010 • Technique SPORTS

Heels from page 24 three-point lead. Women’s tennis opens season at home After another lost fumble by By Wayne Bishop UNC, Tech primarily used Allen, Contributing Writer who finished the game with 115 yards, to march down the field Tech’s women’s tennis team and eat away at the clock. began its 2010-11 season on Sept. Facing a fourth-and-one at 17-19 with a three-day invitational UNC’s 18 yard-line, Johnson de- tournament. The tournament was cided to try and get the Tar Heel held at Bill Moore Tennis Center defenders to jump offside. at Tech, with Oklahoma State Instead, Tech jumped early, University, Univeresity of Geor- making it a fourth-and-six situ- gia, Tech and Yale. ation. Johnson decided to send Freshman Murial Wacker and Blair out to attempt another field freshman Rocio Alberta Lopez goal, and Blair made the kick, began Tech’s part in the tourna- putting the Jackets up six with ment, both winning the ninth and only six minutes left in the game. tenth matches of singles. Wacker UNC took over the ball on its won 6-1, 6-1 against Georgia, and next drive with the intentions of Lopez won 6-3, 6-3 against Yale. making the next drive the game’s Tech finished out their day of last. After a first down, three singles winning six out of eight of straight passes by Yates put the their matches against Oklahoma Tar Heels in a fourth-and-two State. situation. Photo by Thien Huynh / Student Publications The Jackets then won three out Yates found a receiver on the of four of their doubles matches Viet Ha Ngo dives to complete a forehand in Saturday’s game against Oklahoma State. Ngo and next play for two yards, keeping against Yale. Senior Viet Ha Ngo partner Murial Wacker won their doubles match 9-7. Ngo also was a perfect 3-0 in single matches. the game alive. and Wacker won in a tiebreaker A pass interference penalty on 9-7 in match three. three out of four of their matches, “In singles it just came down feated by UGA’s Kate Fuller 6-3, Tech and a few short runs by the The second flight of Sasha Kru- this time against rival Georgia. to tricking my body into feeling 6-4. Heels gave UNC another fourth pina and Caroline Lilley defeated The second doubles of Rocio Lo- like I wasn’t very tired... this is the Jillian O’Neil and Kilborn down. This time, UNC had to get Blair Seideman and Elizabeth Ep- pez and junior Lynn Blau truly time to push through that stuff,” started out day three with an 10 yards, and even though Yates stein, 8-5. shined, not losing a game for the Lilley said in an interview with 8-4 doubles win over Oklahoma completed the throw, UNC came The lone loss came in the first 8-0 victory. State in the first match. Ngo and up four yards short. doubles as junior Jillian O’Neill Junior Caroline Lilley and se- Tech’s singles faired quite the Wacker won 9-7 in match two af- Tech took over the ball and and sophomore Elizabeth Kilborn nior Sasha Kuprina also won their same as doubles on day two, earn- ter fighting back from being down after a few runs from Nesbitt, the fell to Lindsay Clark and Vicky doubles match against Georgia in ing six out of eight of their wins. A 7-3. game was over. Brook 8-5. a marathon match, winning 8-6. heartbreaking three set loss hap- Ngo, O’Neil and Wacker all Tech’s next game is against “We’re definitely putting an This was Lilley’s second marathon pened to Kilborn, who won her finished their weekend with a 3-0 another ACC foe, the N.C. Wolf- emphasis on doubles this year,” match of the weekend, after losing first set 6-3 before losing both her singles record. pack on Sept. 25. Tech won the said Elizabeth Kilborn in an in- to Oklahoma State in singles on next sets 7-5, 7-5. Tech will be playing next in last meeting against the Wolfpack terview with Friday, 7-5, 4-6, 6-4. Lilley won The Jackets other loss on the California on Oct. 2 at the ITA/ back in 2006, the year Tech went On day two of the tournament, her second day of singles against day came in the eighth singles Riviera All-American Champion- to their first ever ACC Champion- the Tech’s doubles again won Yale. match as Alberca Lopez was de- ships. ship game. SPORTS Technique • September 24, 2010 • 23

Play of the Jackets from page 24 Staff Picks Week of Sept. 25, 2010 bero Jordan McCullers, and soph- WEEK omore outside hitter Susan Carl- Lee Hoffman Cappetta Mitchell Prasadh Staff By Alex Mitchell son. The three ladies combined for (33-20) (33-20) (32-21) (34-19) (32-21) (32-21) Sports Editor 38 digs, on top of Tippins’ solid 49 assists. On Sept. 18, Tech and UNC But with the score 12-10 in #1 Alabama (-4) v. #10 Arkansas Bama Bama Bama Bama Bama Bama competed in the first ACC con- favor of the Jackets, a few balls ference game of the season. The fell the wrong way and Clemson #2 Ohio St. (-42) v. Eastern Michigan tOSU EM EM EM EM tOSU scoring was going back and forth squeezed out a 15-13 win. throughout the entire first half After the disappointing open- #3 Boise State (-16) v. Oregon State OSU Boise OSU Boise Boise OSU with neither defense able to stop ing loss to Clemson, the Lady the opposing offense. Jackets still had two games left on In the second half, both teams the docket. The first was against #4 TCU (-16) @ Southern Methodist TCU SMU SMU. TCU TCU TCU punted the ball for the first time Florida A&M (0-8). and after receiving UNC’s punt, Tech came in to the game in- #5 Oregon (-10.5) @ Arizona State Ore. Ore. Ore. Ore. Ore. ASU Tech turned the ball over on spired and fired up from the loss downs giving UNC the ball. to Clemson. The Jackets stepped Trailing 24-17 late in the third up and played an excellent de- #7 Texas (-21) v. UCLA UT UT UCLA UT UT UCLA quarter and in danger of letting fensive match, recording 14 total the game become out of reach, blocks. #8 Oklahoma (-13) @ Cincinnati OK OK OK OK Cin. OK Tech’s defense needed a stop in or- Once again Mead had an out- der to give the offense a chance at standing game, with six digs and #9 Florida (-16) v. Kentucky UK UK UK UK UF UF tying the game. eight block assists to go with 12 UNC decided to play it safe kills, which led the team. with the lead on their first play Tech led for the entire match #12 South Carolina @ #17 Auburn (-1) SC SC SC SC SC AU of the ensuing drive. The play and the Jackets downed the Rat- was out of the I-formation and it tlers in straight sets. The official #14 Arizona (-4.5) v. California Zona Zona Zona Zona Zona Zona called for quarterback T.J. Yates score was 25-18, 25-18, 25-10. to give the ball to running back The last match of the tourna- Johnny White right up the middle ment was against Georgia State. Ohio State Oregon State Cincinnati of the line. Yates took the snap and The Jackets easily dispatched the stretched out his arm for White to Panthers, rolling over them in Ohio St. has covered as fa- After losing to fellow BCS- True, this is not the same take the hand-off. Fullback Devon three straight sets, 25-19, 25-16, vorites in every game this year, buster TCU earlier this season, Cincinnati squad that won Ramsey ran into Yates’ arm and 25-21. and there is no reason to think the Beavers have circled this the Big East last year, but the the ball bounced off of his thigh Mead hit .516 for the match that the team will struggle on game on their calendar. OSU Bearcats are still a solid team pad and hit the ground. and was named to the All-Tour- Sat. Terrelle Pryor has proven has even painted their practice that should put up a fight at A pile up ensued and senior nament team along with fresh- his ability to run the offense field blue in preperation for home in a big non-conference middle linebacker Brad Jeffer- man Jennifer Percy. Percy added effectively, and the Buckeyes Boise State’s blue “smurf turf”. game. Oklahoma is a fairly son came away with the ball on 11 kills on .500 hitting. Hunter may be one of the few Big Ten This game and the Nevada overrated squad that was bare- UNC’s 45-yard line for his first also had 10 kills for Tech on .421 teams with an ability to score. game are the only games re- ly able to fend off Air Force at career fumble recovery. hitting while adding six digs. Mc- Do not be intimidated by the maining that Boise State may home last week. Five plays later, Nesbitt scored Cullers also had a match-high 13 largest line of any team in the lose. OSU might not win Ultimately, OU should pull a one-yard rushing touchdown to digs top 15; Ohio St. will win and this game, but they are good this one out, but they will not tie the game at 24. Tech went on This tournament leaves the cover. enough to beat the spread. win by two touchdowns. to add two more field goals and Jackets with a record of 7-5 and won the game 30-24. 0-1 in the ACC conference play.

place your CLASSIFIEDS with the technique [email protected] Serving it up Technique Sports Editor: Alex Mitchell The Tech's women’s tennis team 24 started its season this weekend in a Friday, Sports three day tournament.422 September 24, 2010 Tech survives at UNC, 30-24 Volleyball win two in Clemson By Kyle Gifford Contributing Writer

The volleyball team traveled to South Carolina on Sept. 17-18 to participate in The Clemson Classic against Florida A&M, Georgia State, and Clemson. The Lady Jackets opened their 2010 ACC schedule against the Tigers (8-2, 1-0 ACC) with a hard fought match that went to five games. Tech (5-5, 0-1) led the first set early, but the two teams battled back and forth un- til the Jackets went on a strong 7-2 run, to take their largest lead of the set, at 19-14. Tech went on to win 25-21, as Clemson had no answer late for the front-court trio of sophomore rightside hitter Monique Mead, junior outside hitter Bailey Hunter and fresh- man outside hitter Jennifer Percy. The trio combined for nine kills and the team racked up a .216 hitting percentage for the set. The second set was tied early at 5-5, but the Tigers answered by going on an 8-0 run that put Tech behind for good. The Jackets put up a strong effort late in the set, fighting all the way back to 20-15, thanks in part to the continued air attack led by Mead, who had four kills, but Clemson was too much, winning 25-19. The third set was dominated by the Jack- ets, with Tech going on an impressive 10-3 run after being tied 7-7 early. Clemson never got back in the game as the Jackets cruised to an easy 25-16 win, powered by five more Photo by John Nakano / Student Publications kills by Mead and a staggering .406 hitting Brandon Watts makes a tackle on UNC’s tight end in Saturday’s 30-24 win. In his first career start, Watts was second on percentage. the team with four tackles and also had two assists. Tech’s defense allowed 352 yards , but it also forced two turnovers. The fourth set proved to be the turning point as Clemson changed the tempo of the By Alex Mitchell Heels field goal, putting the took over the ball for its second tie the game when it started its match and rolled to a 25-16 win, in which the Sports Editor score in UNC’s favor, 3-0. possession and used two runs next drive at its own 47-yard Jackets hit a paltry .167, while the Tigers hit Tech answered the score in totaling 33 yards from junior line. However, another turn- .304, their highest mark of the day. On Saturday Sept. 18, the its next drive when after two A-back Embry Peeples to give over, this one on downs, gave The match had gone back and forth and Tech football team traveled to short runs, sophomore A-back the team great field possession. the ball back to UNC. it came down to the fifth and final set. Tech North Carolina to take on the Orwin Smith (who made his Senior quarterback Joshua After not having commit- kept Clemson at bay for most of the match Tar Heels in each team’s first first career start for the Jack- Nesbitt passed the ball on the ted a penalty or a turnover thanks to strong play from the back-court ACC conference game of the ets) took a pitch and raced 73 team’s next play, and he found all game, UNC’s first play on which hammered out several digs, especially season. yards down the sideline for a redshirt junior A-back Roddy their next drive was a fumbled senior setter Mary Ashley Tippins, senior li- After trading scores for touchdown. Jones open in the end zone for hand off, and Tech recovered most of the game, Tech pulled “That play was an old-fash- a 26-yard touchdown. Nesbitt the fumble. See Jackets, page 23 away at the end and defeated ioned play. It was one of our ended the day with three com- The Jackets would make UNC, 30-24. basic plays. Everyone [blocked] pleted passes in four attempts. the most out of this opportu- UNC got the ball to start the right person, and it was a “[Nesbitt] was efficient. We nity and rushing Nesbitt four the game and proceeded to touchdown,” Smith said. probably could have thrown out of the next five plays, they go on a long 15-play drive. A On UNC’s next drive, the ball a little more, but the found the end zone tying the combination of short passes Yates found a wide-open re- way the game was going, you game. Nesbitt finished the from quarterback T.J. Yates ceiver on a second-and-seven didn’t want to take a chance,” game with 104 yards rushing. and four straight runs by run- play and delivered it to him for said Head Coach Paul John- “The first half looked like ning back Shaun Draughn a 52-yard touchdown. son. nobody was going to stop any- to end the drive set up a Tar Down by three points, Tech In the second quarter, body, and then in the second UNC went on a 13-play drive half the dreaded turnovers that ended with a Yates sneak kind of reared their head, and for a touchdown. we were fortunate we got some With more than ten min- points off of them,” Johnson utes remaining in the half, said. Tech took over the ball on its UNC committed it first own eight yard-line. Twenty penalty of the game on the plays and 10 minutes and 42 first play of its next possession seconds later, the Jackets ran giving them a first-and-long. out of time, and were forced UNC went three plays and to kick a field goal, ending the out on its next possession, and half with the game tied at 17. Tech took over on its own 27- Nesbitt fumbled the ball yard line to begin the fourth to open the second half, and quarter. UNC recovered at Tech’s A combination of rushes 47-yard line. Three runs by from senior B-back Anthony UNC’s Johnny White later, Allen and Nesbitt set up senior the Heels took the lead at 24- kicker Scott Blair for a 46-yard

17. White finished the game field goal attempt. Blair made Photo by Josh Sandler / Student Publications Photo by Keun Hwa Yoo / Student Publications with 113 yards. the kick and gave the Jackets a Jennifer Percy spikes the ball over the net Anthony Allen runs up the middle for a big gain against After the teams traded North Carolina. Allen led the team in rushing with 113 yards. punts, Tech had a chance to See Heels, page 22 against UGA. Percy had 11 kills vs. GSU.