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Fecundity as a Basis for Risk Assessment of Nonindigenous Freshwater Molluscs

ARTICLE in CONSERVATION BIOLOGY · MARCH 2007 Impact Factor: 4.32 · DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2006.00563.x · Source: PubMed



Reuben Keller John Drake Loyola University Chicago University of Georgia



David M Lodge University of Notre Dame



Available from: David M Lodge Retrieved on: 30 June 2015 Fecundity as a Basis for Risk Assessment of Nonindigenous Freshwater Molluscs

REUBEN P. KELLER,∗‡ JOHN M. DRAKE,∗§ AND DAVID M. LODGE†∗∗ ∗Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, U.S.A. †National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, 735 State Street Suite 300, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, U.S.A.

Abstract: The most efficient way to reduce future damages from nonindigenous is to prevent the introduction of harmful species. Although ecologists have long sought to predict the identity of such species, recent methodological advances promise success where previous attempts failed. We applied recently developed risk assessment approaches to nonindigenous freshwater molluscs at two geographic scales: the Laurentian Great Lakes basin and the 48 contiguous states of the United States. We used data on natural history and biogeography to discriminate between established freshwater molluscs that are benign and those that constitute nuisances (i.e., cause environmental and/or economic damage). Two statistical techniques, logistic regression and categorical tree analysis, showed that nuisance status was positively associated with fecundity. Other aspects of natural history and biogeography did not significantly affect likelihood of becoming a nuisance. We then used the derived statistical models to predict the chance that 15 mollusc species not yet in natural ecosystems would cause damage if they become established. We also tested whether time since establishment is related to the likelihood that nonindigenous mollusc species in the Great Lakes and United States would cause negative impacts. No significant relationship was evident at the U.S. scale, but recently established molluscs within the Great Lakes were more likely to cause negative impacts. This may reflect changing environmental conditions, changing patterns of trade, or may be an indication of “invasional meltdown.” Our quantitative analyses could be extended to other taxa and ecosystems and offer a number of improvements over the qualitative risk assessments currently used by U.S. (and other) government agencies.

Keywords: biological invasion, ecological forecasting, ecological prediction, mollusk, risk analysis, risk assess- ment La Fecundidad como Base para la Evaluaci´on de Riesgo de Moluscos Dulceacu´ıcolas No Nativos Resumen: La prevencion´ de la introduccion´ de especies perjudiciales es la manera mas´ eficiente de reducir los danos˜ futuros ocasionados por especies no nativas. Aunque los ecologos´ han buscado predecir la identidad de tales especies durante mucho tiempo, avances metodologicos´ actuales prometen ´exito en donde han fallado intentos anteriores. Aplicamos m´etodos de evaluacion´ de riesgo, desarrollados recientemente, en moluscos dul- ceacu´ıcolas en dos escalas regionales: la cuenca Laurentian de Grandes Lagos y los 48 estados contiguos de los Estados Unidos. Utilizamos datos de historia natural y biogeograf´ıa para discriminar moluscos dulceacu´ıcolas establecidos que son ben´eficos de los que son perjudiciales (i.e., causan dano˜ ambiental y/o economico).´ Dos t´ecnicas estad´ısticas, regresion´ log´ıstica y analisis´ de arbol´ categorico,´ mostraron que el estatus perjudicial estaba asociado positivamente con la fecundidad. Otros aspectos de la historia natural y biogeograf´ıa no alteraron la probabilidad de convertirse en perjudicial. Posteriormente utilizamos los modelos estad´ısticos derivados para predecir la probabilidad de que 15 especies de moluscos que aun no estan´ en ecosistemas naturales pudieran causar danos˜ en caso de establecerse. Tambi´en probamos si el tiempo transcurrido desde el establecimiento esta´ relacionado con la probabilidad de que especies de moluscos no nativos en los Grandes Lagos y en Estados Unidos pudieran causar impactos negativos. No hubo relacion´ significativa evidente en

‡email [email protected] §Current address: Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, U.S.A. ∗∗Current address: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, U.S.A. Paper submitted December 5, 2005; revised manuscript accepted May 15, 2006. 191 Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, 191–200 C 2007 Society for Conservation Biology DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2006.00563.x 192 Fecundity Predicts Mollusc Impacts Keller et al. la escala de E. U. A., pero los moluscos recientemente establecidos en los Grandes Lagos tuvieron mayor prob- abilidad de provocar impactos negativos. Esto puede ser reflejo de condiciones ambientales cambiantes, de patrones de comercio cambiantes o puede ser un indicador de una “fundicion´ invasiva.” Nuestros analisis´ cuantitativos podr´ıan ser extendidos a otros taxa y ecosistemas y ofrecen numerosas mejor´ıas de las evalua- ciones de riesgo cualitativas que actualmente son utilizadas por agencias gubernamentales de E.U.A (y otros pa´ıses).

Palabras Clave: an´alisis de riesgo, evaluacion´ de riesgo, invasion´ biologica,´ molusco, prediccion´ ecologica,´ pronostico´ ecologico´

Introduction edges that to become a nuisance a species must pass through three steps: it must be transported; it must estab- Nonindigenous freshwater molluscs cause decreased agri- lish in a new range; and it must spread and cause harm. cultural (Lach & Cowie 1999) and utility production For example, on the basis of 24 characteristics of fishes (Mackie 2000), increased health risks to humans, live- introduced to the Great Lakes, Kolar and Lodge (2002) stock, and wildlife (WHO 2002), and are an important predicted with ∼90% accuracy the identity of introduced threat to native biodiversity (Ricciardi et al. 1998). World- species that became established and the identity of es- wide, the economic and environmental costs of non- tablished species that caused negative impacts. Similar indigenous freshwater molluscs are increasing as grow- success was achieved in predicting the identity of woody ing numbers of species are transported beyond their plant invaders in the United States (Reichard & Hamil- native ranges (Mills et al. 1993; Cowie 1998; Levine & ton 1997), and strong correlations have been found be- D’Antonio 2003). The principal pathways of this move- tween biological traits and likelihood of negative impacts ment include ships’ ballast water and the pet and live-food for nonindigenous birds in New Zealand (Veltman et al. trades (Cowie & Robinson 2003). Although the majority 1996), nonindigenous fishes in California (Marchetti et al. of introduced species never establish reproducing pop- 2004), and nonindingenous conifers worldwide (Richard- ulations and the majority of those that establish do not son & Rejm´anek 2004). cause impacts (Williamson 1996), the rate of discovery We extended this approach in three ways. First, we ap- of established species is increasing, presumably due to plied the methods to molluscs, a taxonomic group for increasing pathway traffic (Cohen & Carlton 1998) or be- which relatively little natural history data are available. cause of accumulating lags between introduction and dis- This allowed us to test whether these methods are robust covery (Solow & Costello 2004). when only small amounts of data are available to explain Measures to prevent the spread of all freshwater species impact. Second, we applied these methods to a molluscs—essentially ceasing trade—would bring enor- smaller data set than has been done previously. Statistical mous costs to society. An alternative, especially for inten- methods work best with large sample sizes, and our anal- tional pathways such as the pet and live-food trades, is to yses tested whether the risk analysis methods described predict which species are most likely to cause negative are robust to low numbers of species. This is important impacts and concentrate resources on preventing those because in many taxonomic groups only a small number from entering pathways. Particularly, quantitative meth- of species have become established beyond their native ods based on information that can be easily identified in range. If quantitative risk assessments are to be applied to advance should be used to estimate the probability that these groups, then knowing the robustness of these meth- introduced species will become a nuisance. ods to small sample sizes is essential. Finally,we compared Nevertheless, a long history of work, including that by the results from logistic regression and a categorical and Baker (1974), suggests that lists of characteristics thought regression tree (CART) approach. to confer negative impacts do not provide a sound basis We applied these statistical discrimination techniques for predictions. Although some generalizations exist that to nonindigenous freshwater molluscs in the Laurentian apply to a wide variety of taxa (Williamson 1996; Kolar & Great Lakes basin and in the 48 contiguous states of the Lodge 2001), they are not sufficiently specific and robust United States, of which the Great Lakes is a subset. We to serve as a basis for predictions. Thus, some ecologists examined the final step in the invasion process—from conclude that the invasion process is inherently too com- established to nuisance—because this is the important plicated for future nuisance species to be predicted with economic and ecological step, and because data on the worthwhile accuracy (Williamson 1999). earlier steps are unavailable. We tested longstanding hy- In contrast recent approaches recognize that risk anal- potheses about which characteristics are related to im- yses must be more limited geographically and taxonom- pact and show that risk assessment for nuisance mollusc ically and should be limited to specific “invasion steps” species in the United States may require very little natural (Kolar & Lodge 2001). This approach explicitly acknowl- history data.

Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007 Keller et al. Fecundity Predicts Mollusc Impacts 193

Methods Table 1. Established nonindigenous molluscs in the Laurentian Great Lakes and 48 contiguous states of the United States.

We classified all established nonindigenous freshwater Family and species Impacts Fecunditya mollusc species as either nuisance or benign. Nuisance species are those for which we could find credible evi- Ampullariidae dence of environmental and/or economic harm. We ac- Marisa cornuarietis environmental 1711 Pomacea bridgesi cepted published scientific literature or unpublished sci- Pomacea canaliculata economic 4355 entific data made available by other scientists as credible Pomacea haustrum evidence. We classified as benign all established species Bithyniidae for which we could find no evidence of negative impacts. Bithynia tentaculatab economic 174 Thus, we have attempted to identify species that society Corbiculidae Corbicula flumineab economic, 68,678 might have made efforts to prevent from becoming es- environmental tablished had their eventual impacts been known. Our Dreissenidae definition of nuisance is similar to some definitions of Dreissena bugensisb economic, 960,000 invasive (e.g., Kolar & Lodge 2001), but to avoid ambigu- environmental b ity we do not use the term invasive (e.g., Richardson et Dreissena polymorpha economic, 960,000 al. 2000; Colautti & MacIsaac 2004). From a societal per- environmental Hydrobiidae spective, our distinction between nuisance and benign is Gillia altilisb,c the most relevant distinction for determining whether or Potamopyrgus environmental 230 not a species proposed for import should be permitted. antipodarumb From a literature search we determined that 18 species Lymnaeidae b of nonindigenous molluscs are established in the Great Radix auricularia 1300 Physidae Lakes basin (Mills et al. 1993; Turgeon et al. 1998; Grig- Stenophysa marmorata orovich et al. 2000). Four of these are native to other Stenophysa maugeriae North American drainages (Elimia virginica, Gillia al- Planorbidae tilis, Lasmigona subviridis, Viviparus georgianus, Table Biomphalaria glabrata 356 1) (Mills et al. 1993). For each nonindigenous species we Drepanotrema aeruginosus Drepanotrema cimex conducted a literature search for natural history character- Drepanotrema kermatoides istics. Because the natural history literature on molluscs Pleuroceridae is poor for most species, we occasionally asked experts to Elimia virginicab,c provide unpublished data. Despite these efforts lack of in- b formation forced us to eliminate from our analysis several amnicum 10 Pisidium henslowanumb 5.8 characteristics that we originally hoped to include (e.g., Pisidium moitesserianumb 3.1 growth rate, tolerances for pH, temperature, oxygen, and Pisidium supinumb 12 all other metrics of environmental tolerance). Our anal- Sphaerium corneumb 62 yses were thus based on eight natural history traits for Thiaridae which adequate data existed (Table 2). In addition, we Melanoides tuberculata environmental 365 collected data on the time since establishment for each Melanoides turriculus Tarebia granifera 213 established mollusc species (Table 2). Unionidae Two statistical discrimination techniques were used for Lasmigona subviridisb,c data analysis. First, we tested for relationships between Valvatidae the natural history of a species and its impact with CART Valvata piscinalisb 150 approach (Therneau & Atkinson 2005). Because our re- Viviparidae Cipangopaludina chinensisb 65 sponse data were binary (nuisance/benign), we created Cipangopaludina japonicab 65 categorical trees. CART works by finding the split in one Viviparus georgianus b,c 39 of the available predictor variables that maximizes the a within-group homogeneity of the two groups produced Number of eggs or live offspring produced/female/year. bEstablished in Laurentian Great Lakes. (De’ath & Fabricius 2000). Any predictor variable could cNative to the United States but not the Laurentian Great Lakes. be used to make this split, and further splits within the resulting groups are made until the user-defined limit tree size is reached. CART is nonparametric, does not assume between cases with values of, for example, 10 and 20, the normality, is relatively robust to the distribution for pre- split will be at 15. The true split could be anywhere be- dictor variables, and operates on both categorical and tween 10 and 20, however. More data in this range would continuous data (De’ath & Fabricius 2000). CART’s split- be required for a better estimate. ting points are placed at the midpoint between the two All natural-history variables (eight variables, Table 2) cases where the best split exists. Hence, if the split occurs were used as input data for the CART model. Each

Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007 194 Fecundity Predicts Mollusc Impacts Keller et al.

Table 2. Variables, including mollusc natural-history traits and time that each natural-history character did not affect impact since introduction, analyzed to determine whether differences exist status (Quinn & Keough 2002). between nuisance and benign, nonindigenous species in the For logistic regression we used an alpha level of 0.05, Laurentian Great Lakes.a and for each significant result we calculated the receiver Levels (categorical) or operating characteristic (ROC) curve to determine accu- Variable Type units (continuous) racy (Fielding & Bell 1997). An ROC output (area under = Type of reproduction categorical sexual, sequential the curve) of c 0.5 indicates that the derived logistic hermaphrodite, curve is no more accurate than tossing a coin: c = 1.0 simultaneous indicates perfect accuracy, and values above c = 0.7 indi- hermaphrodite, cate a good fit between model and data. Species for which parthenogenetic data were not available were excluded from analysis. We Egg brooding categorical yes/no Maximum size continuous mm also used logistic regression to test the null hypothesis Fecundityb continuous number of eggs or that time since establishment is not related to nuisance live offspring status. released/female/year To broaden our approach we expanded our species Longevity continuous years list, based on Turgeon et al. (1998), to include all 27 Non-native elsewhere categorical yes/no Latitude range continuous max. latitude minus nonindigenous freshwater molluscs in the 48 contiguous min. latitude states (Table 1). We excluded Physella acuta on the ba- Larval stage categorical yes/no sis of recent work suggesting that it is probably native to Time since continuous year of first the United States (Dillon et al. 2002). Fourteen species introduction occurrence from the Great Lakes data set described earlier (exclud- aFull data for all variables available on request from R.P.K. ing species native to the United States but not the Great bAll individuals of parthenogenetic and simultaneous Lakes) formed a subset of this larger group (Table 1). We hermaphrodite species were considered females. searched for estimates of annual fecundity and time since establishment (the only significant variables from our first resulting tree was assessed for accuracy on the basis of its analysis, see Results) for these 27 species, but were able misclassification rate (i.e., proportion of species that the to obtain fecundity data for only 19 species (Table 1). For derived models would have assigned the wrong nuisance time since establishment, we obtained data for 23 species. status to) and splitting was based on recursive partitioning In categorizing species as nuisance or benign and in con- with the Gini index (De’ath & Fabricius 2000). Because ducting logistic regression and CART, we used the same of the small sample size, and to avoid overfitting, we set methods as for the Great Lakes analysis. the minimum number of species allowed at any tree node Unfortunately, our overall data set was too small to con- to three. In addition, we used jack-knife analyses to test duct phylogenetically independent contrasts (Rejm´anek the derived CART models by removing one species from et al. 2005). Instead, we conducted sensitivity analyses the full list and constructing a CART model with the re- to determine whether any one family was driving the sig- maining data. This was repeated for each species, and nificance of the logistic regression results by iteratively the jack-knife misclassification rate was the proportion eliminating one family from the data set and recalculat- of times the removed species would be incorrectly clas- ing the logistic relationship between natural history and sified. The effect of time since establishment on species impact status. nuisance status was assessed with the same methods. Using the logistic and CART models derived from the Second, we tested for a relationship between impact Great Lakes and U.S. analyses, we estimated the prob- status and species natural history with logistic regression, ability of becoming a nuisance for 15 species not yet which is used to find the probability of an event occurring present in the United States (Table 3). We selected these (in our case, a species becoming nuisance) on the basis 15 species for predictive analysis because reliable fecun- of the level of some predictor variable(s). Input variables dity data were available. Each species was assessed for can be either continuous or categorical, with continuous likely impact status for both the Great Lakes and the 48 variables assumed to have a normal distribution. Advan- contiguous states. tages of logistic regression are that the relative risks posed Because the 48 contiguous states encompass a broad for all levels of the predictor variable can be assessed, range of climates and habitats, we assumed that all 15 and confidence intervals can be calculated. As above, we test species could become established somewhere in used eight natural-history variables as input (Table 2). the United States. For each species tested we also used Fecundity was log10 transformed to meet regression as- available information (especially the known geographical sumptions. Predictive power was not improved by simul- range) to predict whether it could survive in the Great taneously including multiple explanatory variables in the Lakes (Table 3). Specifically, if a species’ distribution was model, so this approach was not pursued. Instead, we limited to tropical and/or subtropical conditions, it was used likelihood ratio tests to assess the null hypothesis considered incapable of establishing in the Great Lakes.

Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007 Keller et al. Fecundity Predicts Mollusc Impacts 195

Table 3. Estimated probabilities of 15 mollusc species becoming changes in the macrophyte communities of some Texas invasive in the Laurentian Great Lakes and the 48 contiguous United a rivers (Horne et al. 1992); Pomacea canaliculata has be- States should they become established. come established at a number of sites in the southern Great Lakes United States United States, including Texas rice-growing areas, where farmers are adjusting their management practices to con- Species logistic CART logistic CART trol populations (Howells & Smith 2002); and Melanoides Ancylus fluviatilis 0.107 no 0.090 no tuberculata reduces native snail diversity in Utah streams Indoplanorbis exustusb 0.859 yes 0.940 yes (Rader et al. 2003). Physa fontinalis 0.257 yes 0.280 yes Results from the CART analysis of natural-history char- Lymnaea natalensisb 0.874 yes 0.950 yes Lymnaea palustris 0.355 yes 0.414 yes acteristics for the Great Lakes were straightforward: Lymnaea peregra 0.650 yes 0.772 yes species with fecundities >162 offspring/female/year Planorbis contortus 0.085 no 0.067 no were categorized as nuisances five out of six times, Biomphalaria alexandrinab 0.744 yes 0.858 yes whereas species with lower fecundities were always cat- Biomphalaria stramineab 0.687 yes 0.808 yes b egorized as benign (Fig. 1a). No characteristics other Biomphalaria pfeifferi 0.912 yes 0.970 yes than fecundity were included in the tree. This tree has Bulinus abyssinicusb 0.800 yes 0.900 yes Bulinus globosusb 0.688 yes 0.809 yes an estimated misclassification rate of 1 in 15 (7%). Jack- Bulinus tropicusb 0.917 yes 0.971 yes knife analysis gave a misclassification rate of 20%, with Bulinus truncatusb 0.657 yes 0.779 yes the splitting point of fecundity ranging from a minimum Pisidium hibernicum 0.061 no 0.043 no of 119.5 (Valvata piscinalis removed) to a maximum of aCART (categorical and regression tree) model gives yes/no 190 (B. tentaculata removed). Although larger data sets prediction of whether a species will become invasive if established. are preferable for CART analysis, the simplicity of this re- bUnlikely (on the basis of environmental constraints not included sult (i.e., using only one predictor variable) suggests that in the statistical analysis) to become established in the Great Lakes overfitting was not a problem. Logistic regression also region. showed that annual fecundity was the only natural-history


Five nonindigenous molluscs were classified as nuisance in the Laurentian Great Lakes; three additional species were classified as nuisance at the level of the 48 con- tiguous states (Table 1). Of these eight nuisance species, three, two, and three species were categorized as nui- sances, respectively, on the basis of their environmen- tal and economic impacts, economic impacts only, and environmental harm only (Table 1). For the Great Lakes nuisance species were the bivalves Dreissena polymor- pha, Dreissena bugensis (see Mackie 2000 for a review of Dreissena spp. impacts), and Corbicula fluminea, which has fouled power station water intakes (W.P.Kovalak, per- sonal communication), and the gastropod Bythinia ten- taculata, which previously fouled water-supply systems throughout the Great Lakes (Baker 1898). Although C. flu- minea satisfies our definition of nuisance and is widely established in the southern Great Lakes basin, it is rarely recorded in the Great Lakes proper except at sites heated by thermal effluent. Hence, its ability to cause impact Figure 1. Decision trees for determining whether a largely depends on industrial activities. Potamopyrgus freshwater mollusc species will be a nuisance (i.e., antipodarum was included as a nuisance species based cause economic and/or environmental harm) or on its high densities (≤5653/m2, Zaranko et al. 1997), benign, produced with categorical and regression tree rapid spread through the Great Lakes (Zaranko et al. 1997; analysis, for (a) the Laurentian Great Lakes basin and Grigorovich et al. 2003), and history of negative impacts (b) the 48 contiguous states of the United States. For in other temperate habitats in North America (Hall et al. the Great Lakes analysis fecundity was one of eight 2003). predictor variables (Table 2) but the only one chosen Three additional species were added to the list of nui- by the model. For the U.S. analysis fecundity was the sance molluscs when the analysis was expanded to con- only predictor used. Fecundity is the annual number sider all 48 states. Marisa cornuarietis has caused large of eggs or live offspring released per female.

Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007 196 Fecundity Predicts Mollusc Impacts Keller et al. characteristic significantly predictive of nuisance status sion fecundity was significantly related to impact for the for the Great Lakes ( p = 0.002, c = 0.960; Fig. 2). As for contiguous 48 states ( p < 0.001, c = 0.923). The logis- CART, none of the other seven natural-history variables tic relationships between probability of invasiveness and was significantly associated with nuisance status. fecundity were similar for the Great Lakes and for the 48 Time since establishment was significantly related to contiguous states (Fig. 2). The close relationship between nuisance status in the Great Lakes based on logistic re- results for the two geographic regions is not surprising gression ( p = 0.022, c = 0.815), but in a counterintuitive given that the Great Lakes data set is a subset (except direction; species that recently established were more for species native to the U.S. but not the Great Lakes, Ta- likely to cause impacts. This result is supported by CART, ble 1) of the U.S. data set. Hence, these should not be which split the data once at 35.5 years ago. All four species interpreted as independent analyses. that became established more recently than this (i.e., af- For the United States as a whole we failed to detect a ter 1970) have become a nuisance, whereas only 1 out significant effect of time since establishment on nuisance of 14 species established before 1970 was classified as status (logistic regression, p = 0.238). This was consis- nuisance, giving an estimated misclassification rate of 1 tent with results from CART in which species established in 18 (6%). Under jack-knife analysis the split always oc- for <47 or >78.5 years were classified as benign. Other curred at 35.5, except when C. fluminea was removed species were classified as nuisance species and the tree and it became 31.5. The jack-knife misclassification rate had a high misclassification rate of 7 out of 23 (30%). was identical to that of the full model (6%). We did not attempt further analysis of this result because The effect of fecundity on nonindigenous mollusc nui- it included multiple splits in a single continuous predic- sance status for the 48 contiguous states, estimated with tor variable, making any interpretation difficult, especially CART, was identical to those for the Great Lakes and had considering the small sample size (n = 23 observations). a misclassification rate of 3 in 19 (16%) (Fig. 1b). All eight We therefore concluded that nuisance status was not sig- species with fecundities <162 were benign, whereas 8 nificantly related to time since establishment at the scale of the 11 with higher fecundities were nuisance species. of the 48 contiguous United States. Jack-knife analysis gave a misclassification rate of 32%, Sensitivity analyses based on logistic regression showed with the splitting point ranging from a fecundity of 119.5 that no single family was driving the significance of the (Valvata piscinalis removed) to 1505.5 ( p. antipodarum logistic relationship at either the Great Lakes or U.S. level. or M. tuberculata removed). According to logistic regres- The greatest increase in p value for each geographic scale occurred when the family Dreissenidae was removed, but this did not affect significance at either the Great Lakes ( p = 0.025, c = 0.933) or continental U. S. ( p = 0.002, c = 0.897) scales. According to the logistic model 14 of the 15 species not yet in the United States pose a substantial risk (>5% chance) of harm if they become established (Table 3). The CART model predicted that 12 of the 15 species would become nuisance species. Several species pose extremely high risks to the contiguous United States according to the logistic model, including Bulinus globosus, a gastro- pod species native to tropical Africa, Physa fontinalis, a gastropod native to Europe, and Indoplanorbus exus- tus, a gastropod native to the Asian subcontinent (Ta- ble 3). These species are also predicted to be nuisances by the CART model, but because CART produces sim- ple nodes we could not determine the relative likelihood of a species becoming a nuisance compared with other Figure 2. Logistic curves (±95% CI) showing the species within its node. For the Great Lakes the largest relationship between fecundity and probability of risks were posed by Physa fontinalis, a snail species becoming a nuisance (i.e., causing economic and/or native to Eurasia, and Planorbis contortus, a snail species environmental harm) for molluscs in the Laurentian native to Europe. Great Lakes (LGL) and 48 contiguous states of the Nine of the 15 tested species have geographic ranges United States. For the Great Lakes analysis eight that suggested they would not establish in the Great Lakes predictor variables were used; fecundity was the only (Table 3). Examples of these species are Biomphalaria significant one. For the U.S. analysis, fecundity was the straminea, a species native to the Caribbean (Pointier only variable used. Fecundity is the annual number of et al. 1991), and Indoplanorbus exustus, a species native eggs or live offspring released per female. to South and Southeast Asia that laboratory studies show

Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007 Keller et al. Fecundity Predicts Mollusc Impacts 197 has a lower temperature tolerance of 15◦ C (Parashar & does, however, indicate that there are increasing benefits Rao 1985). to be gained from preventing new species of freshwater molluscs becoming established in the Great Lakes.

Discussion Implications for Risk Assessment and Risk Management Our results show that information about one relatively The fact that two different statistical techniques related simple piece of natural history—fecundity—is sufficient mollusc fecundity to nuisance status increases our confi- to explain the likelihood of economic and/or environ- dence that this relationship can reasonably be applied in mental consequences of freshwater molluscs should they risk assessment. Because the two models give different become established. The risk posed by a freshwater mol- types of predictions and because this will inevitably lead lusc species likely to be transported in any pathway can to some species being classified in different ways depend- be assessed based on its fecundity, with the clear impli- ing on the model used, it is necessary to choose a pre- cation that high-risk species should be kept out of trade ferred model, or some combination of models, to apply in pathways in which species are specifically marketed as a predictive scheme. If one selects the logistic models, (e.g., aquarium trade, aquaculture trade, live-food trade). a risk threshold must be set. Determining the acceptable The implications for the management of risk in pathways level of risk is a policy decision that must be informed that do not discriminate on the basis of species (e.g., bal- by many considerations in addition to those presented last, snails hitch-hiking on watergarden plants) are less here. If an acceptable risk of harm (should a species be- straightforward. For all pathways, however, the relative come established) is set at 1 in 20, then in the United risks should guide the magnitude of investment in both States all species with fecundities >25/year should be ex- prevention and any post-establishment management. cluded (Fig. 2), implying prohibition of all 15 species we The importance of fecundity as a predictor of impact screened (Table 3). At the same acceptable risk of harm is not surprising (e.g., Baker 1974; Kolar & Lodge 2001; for the Great Lakes, the result is even more conservative: Marchetti et al. 2004). Furthermore, McMahon (2002) all species with fecundities >17/year should be excluded suggested that invasive freshwater species are likely to (Fig. 1). One in 20 is not a particularly conservative risk have higher fecundities and lower resistance to environ- threshold compared with thresholds set for other environ- mental extremes than native species. Although data are mental hazards. For example, California requires special not available to statistically test the resistance hypothesis, labeling and handling of products that have a > 1:100,000 our results are the first to provide quantitative support chance of causing human cancers over 70 years of expo- that mollusc fecundity is positively linked to impact. In sure (OEHHA 2006). Finally, we reiterate that the 15 test contrast, a number of species traits often linked to unde- species were chosen on the basis of availability of reliable sirable impacts (e.g., history of establishment beyond the fecundity data, and they may not be a representative sam- native range, latitudinal range; Kolar & Lodge 2001) were ple of species likely to be introduced to the United States not predictive for molluscs in the Great Lakes. in the future. Our results also showed that for the Great Lakes (but Although the ROC results (i.e., c values) indicate a not for the 48 contiguous United States) recently estab- strong relationship between fecundity and impact, the lished molluscs are more likely to cause harm than species confidence intervals for these predictions were large (Fig. that have been established for a long time. This is surpris- 2). Many, however, did not include probabilities of <0.05, ing because many nuisance species are known to have which, as we suggest above, would be a reasonable up- long lag times before population densities increase and per limit of acceptable risk. Hence, consideration of con- they have impacts (Crooks & Soule´ 1999). Nevertheless, fidence limits on the estimated probabilities would still we observe that recently introduced molluscs in the Great support unambiguous management recommendations. Lakes generally have high fecundities and vulnerable ju- By contrast, application of the CART models at both spa- venile stages (e.g., Dreissenid veligers). It is possible that tial scales is straightforward: species with annual fecundi- these species have been entering pathways for a long time ties >162 should be excluded and others permitted. This but have only recently been able to survive passage be- corresponds to a threshold of acceptable risk based on cause travel times, particularly of intercontinental ships, the logistic model for the Great Lakes of 25% and for the have been reduced. Such a pattern of increased harm from United States of 27%. recently established species is also consistent with the “in- Although fecundity data are often not readily available, vasional meltdown” hypothesis (Simberloff & Von Holle future risk assessments based on our results will be possi- 1999; Ricciardi 2001). Although time since establishment ble. Once a threshold of acceptable risk is specified, sur- is significantly related to the likelihood that a species has rogate data often will be sufficient to classify a species as undesirable impacts, this character is not useful for pre- acceptable or unacceptable. For instance, any broadcast dicting the outcome of future introductions. Our result spawners are likely to have a fecundity in the thousands

Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007 198 Fecundity Predicts Mollusc Impacts Keller et al. or greater and hence will always present a large risk. titatively determine the relationship between life history Limnoperna fortunei is an emerging invasive freshwater and impacts for marine molluscs. mollusc species in Asia and South America that is a broad- cast spawner, so our model predicts that it poses a high Reasons for Caution risk to the United States. Likewise, Anodonta woodiana is a broadcast spawner and a recent invader of Europe. Although our approach is consistent with many recent Although this latter species has a glochidial juvenile stage recommendations (Mack et al. 2000) and is a considerable that develops by attaching to specific fish hosts, many of advance over qualitative risk-assessment tools, there are these hosts are present in the United States, so we con- nevertheless a number of reasons for caution. First, the sider that it also poses large risks. Similarly, apple snails number of species available to construct the models was (family Ampullariidae) in the genus Pomacea generally too low to put aside a subset of species for use as an have minimum clutch sizes of 100 eggs. Given that they independent data set with which to test the model. lay many clutches in a season, any species in this genus Second, because the limited number of species pre- will pose a risk far >5% in the logistic model and will cluded phylogenetically independent contrasts, our re- likely fall above the CART model threshold of 162. Hence, sults may have been driven by relationships at taxonomic a broader taxonomic approach, or in some cases records levels above or below family. The fecundities of some of a single clutch from the species of interest, will often families (e.g., Dreissenidae) indicate that higher-level re- be sufficient to determine whether a species poses an lations may be influencing the results, but the fecundi- unacceptable risk. ties of Thiaridae support our methods (see Table 1). Our Ultimately, deciding on an appropriate model or combi- sensitivity analyses, however, suggest that the significant nation of models for risk assessment depends on the pri- relationships found with logistic regression are phyloge- orities of the management agencies involved. Our models netically independent at the family level. Related to this can be used singly or in combination, and we recognize caveat, it is possible that fecundity is correlated to an- that factors other than fecundity will need to be included other life-history variable for which data are not available. in a working risk assessment. Although some of these ad- We consider this unlikely, however, given that fecundity ditional factors will be subjective, the basis of the risk has been related to impacts across a broad range of taxa, assessment would remain quantitative, making the entire including plants (Richardson & Rejm´anek 2004), fishes process more defensible than many current risk assess- (Marchetti et al. 2004), and birds (Veltman et al. 1996). ments, which rely almost entirely on the judgment of the Third, the water-quality characteristics of U.S. fresh- user (e.g., Orr 2003). water ecosystems have changed markedly since the It is not clear how our models would perform if ap- first introduced molluscs became established. Changing plied to molluscs in regions other then the United States, species × ecosystem interactions make it possible that and such a test would require a data-gathering and mod- different natural history characteristics will be required eling effort similar to ours. The results would, however, in the future for species to become nuisances than for the be enlightening, first, because they would determine the species that have already passed through this step. Given generality of the models presented here. Our models were the simplicity of our result, however, we are confident developed and validated based on U.S. data, so such ad- that it is robust to considerable environmental change. ditional work would test whether fecundity is related to Fourth, it is possible that some already established nuisance status in other regions. In addition, if fecundity species will become nuisances in the future although were found to be associated with nuisance status in other they are not causing perceptible harm currently. Our regions, it would provide a strong validation of the mod- models do not control for time since introduction, so els developed here. Until our models are tested for other species whose nuisance status has not yet become appar- regions it should not be assumed that they apply to mol- ent would cause noise in our regression. Nevertheless, luscs outside the United States. our data suggest that for the Great Lakes recent introduc- It would also be interesting to test our models on nui- tions are more likely to become invasive ( p = 0.022), sance marine molluscs. Although we do not have suf- suggesting that our results are robust to concerns about ficient data for a formal test, we have observed that lag times. many harmful marine species have very high fecundi- Finally, future nuisance molluscs could have impacts of ties (e.g., the gastropod Littorina littorea, an invader a kind not yet seen and hence might not be identified of the U.S. east coast that can produce up to 100,000 by our model. If, for example, a disease vector becomes eggs/female/year [Jackson 2005]) and the bivalve Perna established, then the human-health impact would be dif- viridis, an invader of Australia, South America, and Florida ferent from all the previous invaders on which the model that is a broadcast spawner and is therefore likely to have was built, and the predictors of that impact might also be very high fecundity). We stress again, however, that a different. Bulinus globosus and Indoplanorbus exustus modeling study similar to ours would be required to quan- are species from our test group (Table 3) that pose large

Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007 Keller et al. Fecundity Predicts Mollusc Impacts 199 risks of economic and environmental impacts and are also efits are already given priority, whereas the probability intermediate hosts for schistosomiasis (Marti et al. 1985; of harms identified by the model presented here are of- Parashar & Rao 1985). Knowledge of such potential im- ten ignored. Our hope is that quantitative risk assessment pacts should be cause for concern, even for species with models like ours will make possible more balanced evalu- low fecundities. ations of costs and benefits of nonindigenous species and the pathways that deliver them. Preventing Future Invasions Our predictions show that a number of freshwater mol- luscs not yet in the United States are likely to cause eco- Acknowledgments nomic and environmental impacts should they become We are indebted to R. Dillon, R. Howells, W. Kovalek, established. Given the enormous cost of nuisance mol- W. Lellis, R. McMahon, J-P. Pointier, D. Strayer, and the luscs and the fact that eradication is usually impossible, many other malacologists who helped us to find data and efforts to prevent the establishment of any species con- references. This work would have been much more diffi- sidered likely to become a nuisance will be the most cost- cult without their willingness to share their expertise and effective approach to minimizing damages such as the experience. J. Murray, M. Xenopolous, J. Bossenbroek, J. market (O’Neill 1997; Leung et al. 2002) and nonmarket Rothlisberger, and two anonymous reviewers provided costs (Ricciardi et al. 1998) of zebra mussel (D. polymor- valuable comments on drafts of this manuscript. This pha), quagga mussel (D. bugensis), and Asian clam (C. work was funded by grants from Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant fluminea). 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Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007