Congressional Record—House H1714

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Congressional Record—House H1714 H1714 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 25, 2006 in danger. Governors, mayors, and leg- election there was a rally in freedom, democracy, and the rule of islative bodies can carve up pension Oktyabrskaya Square, and this is a law to be of aid to those people who benefits even faster than the private photo from one, a protester with a yearn to be free. That is what this Spe- sector if working families and their banned flag. There were over 10,000 cial Order is about tonight. representatives do not remain vigilant folks that rallied at this square, many f and stand up against these attempts. of them staying in the evening through The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Ten days in jail they have ordered for the next day over a period of weeks previous order of the House, the gen- until the regime finally got fed up, Roger Toussaint. Two and a half mil- tleman from Michigan (Mr. STUPAK) is which resulted in a crackdown of the lion dollars they have fined the TW recognized for 5 minutes. protesters and imprisonment of, and I Local 100 organization. Dues check-off (Mr. STUPAK addressed the House. think there were about 685 on this list, privileges have been taken away. The His remarks will appear hereafter in 700 political activists who were jailed Governor and his MTA puppet board the Extensions of Remarks.) are trying to destroy the union that for protesting a failed election and ral- stood up and exposed the plot to swin- lying for the cause of freedom and de- f dle the workers out of their pension mocracy and the rule of law. In the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a benefits. They want to destroy Roger square slogans that stated ‘‘Long Live previous order of the House, the gen- Toussaint, the labor rebel. They want Belarus’’; ‘‘Freedom’’; the announce- tleman from Minnesota (Mr. KENNEDY) to smother the union rebellion. ment of one of the Presidential can- is recognized for 5 minutes. Roger Toussaint should not remain didate’s names, Milinkevich, those (Mr. KENNEDY of Minnesota ad- an unsung hero. Now is the time for all were the cries of people who want free- dressed the House. His remarks will ap- working families to come to the aid of dom, democracy, and the rule of law. pear hereafter in the Extensions of Re- an heroic labor leader. Listen to the This was the regime’s response. One marks.) final words of Roger Toussaint at the of those jailed who is still in jail is op- f position leader Alexander Kozulin. door of the jail: ‘‘I stand here today be- LARRY NELSON cause a judge has found me guilty of Kozulin was also a Presidential can- contempt of court. The truth of the didate. He remains in jail today and Mr. GINGREY. Mr. Speaker, I ask matter is I have nothing but contempt imprisoned unlawfully and will un- unanimous consent to claim the Spe- for a system that gives employers free doubtedly remain for the immediate cial Order time of the gentleman from rein to abuse workers.’’ future. On March 30 Dr. Kozulin was Minnesota (Mr. KENNEDY). Now is the time for all labor organi- formally charged with two counts of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there zations across the country to come to hooliganism under part 2, article 339 of objection to the request of the gen- the aid of TW and Roger Toussaint in the Criminal Code. Now, hooliganism is tleman from Georgia? New York. taking part in a democratic rally and There was no objection. publicly speaking his concerns on free- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a f dom and democracy and the rule of previous order of the House, the gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a law. Actions which disturbed the public tleman from Georgia (Mr. GINGREY) is previous order of the House, the gen- peace, so the regime says, and active recognized for 5 minutes. tleman from North Carolina (Mr. participation in them under article 342 Mr. GINGREY. Mr. Speaker, I rise MCHENRY) is recognized for 5 minutes. is against the regime’s laws. These today to congratulate a friend and a (Mr. MCHENRY addressed the House. crimes carry a maximum sentence of 6 fellow Georgian Larry Nelson, who, His remarks will appear hereafter in years. Dr. Kozulin has yet to be as- after years of hard work and success, the Extensions of Remarks.) signed a trial date and will remain in has been elected to the World Golf Hall f prison until the regime succumbs to of Fame this year. Mr. Speaker, I want to call my col- THE PEOPLE OF BELARUS international pressure and assigns him a trial date to prove his innocence. leagues’ attention to this picture of Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I ask Tomorrow, April 26, as was stated by Larry at my left. Look at that picture- unanimous consent to claim the Spe- another of my colleagues tonight, is perfect swing. I can only dream about cial Order time of the gentleman from the anniversary of the Chernobyl dis- that. North Carolina (Mr. MCHENRY). aster. Now, Chernobyl is in the Larry Nelson, indeed, is an inspired The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Ukraine, but much of the fallout area golfer and an inspirational athlete. objection to the request of the gen- is in the country of Belarus, and the Throughout his successful 36-year ca- tleman from Illinois? prodemocratic organizations and move- reer, Larry has risen to the top of his There was no objection. ments and the political activists will game, and he has remained there while The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a be rallying again for freedom, democ- racking up victory after victory. In the previous order of the House, the gen- racy, and the rule of law. last 32 years on the PGA and the Cham- tleman from Illinois (Mr. SHIMKUS) is The President/dictator of Belarus is pions tours, Larry has won 10 events, recognized for 5 minutes. an individual named Lukashenko, and including 3 majors. His career is high- Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I was since the election is now over and lighted by his PGA championships in fortunate to be part of a foreign ob- many of the international media has 1981, 1987, and his 1983 win at the server team to observe the failed Presi- left the country, he may feel that it is United States Open. He is also a three- dential elections in Belarus on March within his power to continue to be time member of the U.S. Ryder Cup 19. Why was it a failure? One, because ruthless and destroy and suppress the team. about 400 political activists were ar- freedom movement in Belarus. My Larry’s place among golf’s greatest is rested prior to the election. There was time tonight is to just talk to him, the well deserved. During the earlier part prevoting that no one could account folks in the country of Belarus and the of his career in the 1980s, there were for and credit as being valid. I attended people who yearn for freedom and de- only three other golfers besides Larry with a colleague of mine from Por- mocracy that the world will be watch- who managed to win three major tour- tugal, a member of Parliament, Suarez, ing the events of tomorrow’s rally. naments: Jack Nicklaus, Tom Watson, and at the end of the evening after vis- I hope that my colleagues here on the and Seve Ballesteros. iting 19 precincts, we were not allowed floor will stand with me in support of to see the ballots, nor were we allowed freedom of Belarus during this time b 2030 to observe the counting of the ballots. and will work with the Belarusian peo- Larry Nelson undoubtedly belongs There was also no ability for the oppo- ple to bring free and fair elections to with these legends of golf. sition candidates to campaign and get their country. Countries that are We often hear of self-made men, and time on the state-sponsored TV sta- democratic historically have peaceful Larry is certainly one of them. Mr. tion. relationships with their neighbors who Speaker, as a sergeant in the United Why is this important, and why do I are also democratic. It is incumbent States Army during the Vietnam con- bring this up today? Well, after the upon this House that is the bastion of flict, golf was not even a blip on his VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:28 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H25AP6.REC H25AP6 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE April 25, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1715 radar screen. In fact, he said he lating Larry Nelson on his past accom- mittees that comply with their allocations from thought it was a game for sissies. In- plishments and his present induction the point of order under section 311(a). deed. But upon his return to the States into the Golf Hall of Fame. The third table compares the current levels from Vietnam, Larry found himself f of discretionary appropriations for fiscal year drawn to golf. One day he noticed a 2006 with the ‘‘section 302(b)’’ suballocations golf center across the street from the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. DENT). Under a previous order of the of discretionary budget authority and outlays Lockheed Martin plant in my home- among Appropriations subcommittees. The town where he worked. Thus, the Sam House, the gentleman from Oregon (Mr.
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