BOOKS -AXD AUTHORS. THE TRIBUNE SPECIAL EUROPEAN COLUMNS PRESENT BEJ8T TALK of THINGS anp ro COME. Grnropfan -___crti9_tncnte. -.nropcan __Dt.frns-i_-ni-. IN . Jorrtgn R.scmr /or.iqn fletoris. have "4 j.repara'ion Frederio Custom in Anglo- K^ok"* on ¦Triba COROXATION NOTES. , LONPON SHOPS. Tr, .. t. I. si;- hlfl ITfVia.U8 II 1. - M I HOTELS IN iSLES 4¦' .,_.. The Gordon Hoteis ¦.The Enclish Communlty* THEJRITISH ta ...\> Coronation The GORDON COMPANY are the GREATES. PROPRIETORS in tha Tr-;ia. Py_t«n lialconies oolland LONDON . .T:.. Brotl)crst WORLD and have carried HOTEL MANAGEMENT to the state of Overlooking the choicest and most con- highest perfection. '' thBi rhP ,rmh as Ul MIDLAND GRAND HOTEL " ." yemTm 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, LOWNDESTERRACE, tt is oarir tion of ber veniently reached part of the Procession iTHE GORDON HOTELS ARE: LIVERPOOL .... HOTEL known. and the Route, facino; the Law Court- where the KHIGHTSBRIDGE, LONDON, S.W. METROPOLE -IH. wmt. irtlal account of ADELPHI HOTEL ¦i»TH .FTKi.r .T miT.i-.iiiii >i.ir_u .UttTt Keys of the City are delivered to the BRIGHTON PaD Hiini. Ru__ianEm- LEEDS . nMTFIMII Rimi... ni'iu ri. b iniiKi. ivm. L *t W. ed King. Luncheon or Dinner served in the DAINTY AND "CHIC" APPAREL. The "<_ueen of Engiish PUre-s." H-m \iai»«n l"i:l> MIRDI IKiTtL *a*_DL to Bup- HOTEL Watering FIRST I1FIIF H-TH lii'.il .HKi'ft... WHIWI of rooms with QUEEN'S The moat romfortable and luxurious seaside a.R«MF*ai»K I'"!.' -Rlali H"M KR.t_arU__ III, Emperor Etaaaia; service de luxe. The rooms H'HH .HR'.'-HF. _a.*m IIL*. E P. Dut- BRADFORD . Hotel in the World. n»rn. _HMW h>:h i have French windows on to ll. .irmii'iHi. .im Mr. Baln opening " h»ih i_.ii. nitrrL has wide haiconies MIDLAND HOTEL Cable addres? Metropole, Brightnn." I n.«F*aTK H>ft okB on Russian and offer to those who THE G-T>_vt __-tC->BV _rX-_>T_ ___]___,*_- _!_.X>-_:i_?__33_. desire lhe hest without annoyance or in- MORECAMBE BAY. " Largest and most Hotel . magniticent ir pn y how Pet. r III convenience, the spot " par excellence MIDLAND HOTEL he perlshed by vio. ia of the whole route. Address DERBY . Hotel Gecil Europe. Moderate Charges. Bed» whatever. leation ot Cather- rooma '¦**'¦ in thT KPHRAIM.Tl MIMIIH.K WtLLS. a ralraattes ef tied as ._*_^___.<*' _**' .O** HOTKL LONDON THE Wi;il,IM.TO*i. . Bar.i-f tr.ii- comtained suites..A. Judah. Manager. KING'S CORONATION ROSS-ON-W E, -THF i-him OF _B*.G*-A-I-.** To ..merirani visltlng London. Brlahtcn. thi Queen of HO. Al, HOTEL.OVKR I.OOKI \«. RIVER. 4 votame of a* '' '"' B v'v ^!'ot H»rte. the Waterlng Plscg, or.e hour from I-ondon: hoaen. is ann"unr.(i Meiara. I>tpi<»k A Bon (eatabllattad 1S4M hn. the beit BELFAST HOUSE." MIA\KLI>.ISI.E OK WIGHT. of furnlshed h^us*.. t. b» let at r«ntal» from HO_.I.l.__i*_ MIAM.I.I> HOTEI_Elec. I Uh>. Houghton, Mltnin ft «*¦ !n "'' ''* r*'r we->lc Hr.u.'f gri-urrl ind builneig E-tatu i-Hrn i-W _Lrf all klnd- rrania t»_ ,n advance of arrlval In England A. \R\Vlt .. Condon K. midland firand fiot .1. for a'l irbottlc the upon appll. n b. m»M or cabie to the Flrrn. --. Weetern Offlcei. BUY AND WOOLP-tK HOTEI, Ad]oining St. Pancras Station. A mazni- Visitors to the Cornnatinn are reque«te_l _n AH Baba of the Bierras" an.l Road, Hove, Hrlghton. England. DIRECT SAVE rrr_-_._-____. KETTWg-V- OEI1. ficent Hotel wlth the most cnnvenient to make early application for rooma there are to he >Y \l. NiR-iN VTTON. iNTERMEDIATE PROFITS «>orlh UnlP« RO. %|, OAK HOTEI, Rl BTRAWBERR. HII.T, TWICKESHAlf. TO F? M THB KIN-. for visitors. New WILLIAM TOWLE, Manager the Midlao4 all. NEAR I. »NDON. location Smoking Lounge. THF. FAHOl'S HUSTORICAL HANBION <->F HORAfR WALPGLE'S THE SHEI.ROI '_.!.__ HOTEL, Orchestra every evening. Railway Hoteis. i WAI-POI.E INP '..' KTES. WM/'KIRAVE _Fb_ tO complete Fl RXISHED FOR THE CORONATION SEA IRISH LINENS KILL .RM.Y. . CELEBRATED j-.. -. from tho dis- .. >N reni ...OM or offers; numerous tn(iirnin<-»nt ent»r RovhI \ ictorln Hotel. Oierlnnklng the I.nke. 2- i-i md l'»«>-!n_r rooma. Turki.h Patb AT MBNUFACTURER'S PRICES. European Trains de Luxe and Palaee Hoteis. covr_- tO the BdoptiOIl of the Dairy ai-1 .-hG\RIEE-IHEL _>'D.. Ji n PHake had been Oqri»n*, wlth Thanie* frontag*. qr-..;t ,V» q.-re*. greatlv CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS A 8PECIALITY, Fl « LES HOTEL, FROM LONDON. FIRST CLASS HOTELS. for term ot Applv PE'-RETARV ' | Ib about to b» CarriaRe paid on order* over t. t tn -alue Mediterraaean Express to Nice. Monta Cairc Gneiireh Palaee. l.in1«n. Eneland etc. Co lt ia en- WALPOLE BROTHERS Ltd Carlo. Shepheards' Hotel. BB I__T FITRX.8I.ED for two or threi month- LINEN MANUFACTURERS. HOTELS IN . Rome to and Monte Carlo -inii," and TO '¦' KVIIth .tviurj Rectory, mqgnifWntiv GLASGOW. ST. KBKK'H HOTEL Express Genoa, Rome, Ri_riera Palaes rnhelm Tark v_sw of Pala.-. " Belfaat House," SS, New Bond St.. London. (For YVeatern HlKhlanda). Naples. Nica Riviera Palaoa ' romn_an_tagr pventa whleh markeii _t rt epi .. n.__| hr^-oomi, good AVR..STATIOX HOTEL Arrnmmnilatlnn anaiat lae reaer-red tn adra no. for trnlna naarl liotr-1. nt > ¦.' < tntrmatloaal " . .rn'rs: k ¦..¦v »n iFor Hurm >>._;.. lt I. p i.i. e .. Car on of ihe Engiish mTlei from Oxford Railway Sleeplns Caa., 20, Corkspnr Street. London. ... Place de I'liprra. Parls. tocy k: rent ir. f. o a week RECTOR, Ol MFRIES..ST.VI'in*. HOTEL h -'"'k. .'von. Krg'.qnd. (For IImi-iiw' II.. .1... i. >i?i> etc. Ed T'!-'. B Uth K-n-lntM- I_M.dOTI fr^rri baata GROCERIES, Tarlff- of the Hotela nnd fall pnrtlcnlnra .¦ HOTEL VICTORIfl. ) RactaU Addan p. widely known as th<* he<*d TO furnli-hed h->u.». c-->nlaining flMERICAN to routes mn- l>e lui.l at tlie I :u riipeii n Offlcea Admania- iSi of the "T'-lhnne." nt UM Fleet Street. London. is the orawinc dlning room, llbrary. flve hedrooms. Rt. JACKSON d_ Co., Chicago. ma, ir indei >m I'.ght. et.- HOTEL -¦. « Mme bolthssa. port__io_th ln the Macmlllan tat week, a---ordtrg to Addra*« Oueen'swu__n s Hotelnoiei, .. JUNGFRAU.y IJN8 '.» '.-".th art Rn,^. Sou'h Kenslngfon. 172, PICCADILLY, LONDON. M_ Mmr1n, ..,_,_. __e.___. "Citiaen's Library of Foonomics. U.« cf t\'|ght. I.-...1. -11 gq.rd»r« Tpr-nts. etc Adjolns The Rendevous of Fashion. Hoteis of the order. DIRECT IMPORTERS. Royal Vi" ¦; Prequent boata lo rn-. R\i. «p-. highest -,.-.]] be entitleil "ROYAL ..... HOTEL" under tama Ita six chap. rlotl < Tr^'ft. <-_.|..n'. re«id»n. e (->«(.. rr]_. ..¦ pes and groups LONDON SHOPS. Upper Norwood. Queen's Hotel. RIVIERA, . iv the newer conception of Near i.-ry*tal Palaee, London Realthle*. ait-attoa ln SAN-REMO '.." jl hours from London ; Paria >« Nice Monte Carlo St ¦ of Boarding terma from $2.80 per jj i| ; Petersbjrg j* ; Berlin t* : aoclal obiiga- -;¦.» -tal terma for larp- partlea. -.T.v*nl»nt train Vienna 17 ; M.nirh .;_ ; Genoa 4 I [n each Instance a new line of servlce for City and t*....- End r>.ndr-n THE MOST IMPORTANT WINTER RESORT ON THE la tbat The te* tative and actual RIVIERA DI PONENTB. Norfolk Hotel. In beautiful position. completely sheltered from North«e palifa'. H^tc- ¦-.*»-.-_.-.v modern comfoio* .- from Brighton, England. a most henlthv .imate lare^ly rorninR nita itl Ovarlooka -<>» a-all prematum* and Winds, enjoyinf* with unri-s'.'.ed Wiiiliiiua »p>n.l:.i:>- Htastc- h» 1 .i;a- aad «t**tf#* '* ' luxurious ART IN i*v Perfeel .-rtiiltatlon sunshine and ve_;etation, offering a -arietv of p-uaie ssaasira. The towa ¦« -..'.- >. w tnmunity. Ltd. JEWELS. »'» Phaded pr _; trto Ilghti un ]..!, ar. rufslne. Cholca wlne. piituievjue and easy drives snd walk*. Paahionable water acknow!ed|t»d ... h- tBm _.,t.ori_C Julea A ia! House. - . lllustrated Catalogue post free. GreIfhti rr. Mcr. 601 ufe Opera Tennis and Social Cluha. Favouri'---- ..,,._ __MB_ta_ .a. rt s 'T n Globe, "that a LATEST NOVELTIES R-.-eTIent Con.erts _iven hy the Municipal Orcheatra. ronised hy the r. - and Am -Ica New Bond Caaino in course of buildlng Sale harbour for yachts. with essv aa. es*. Ishera are permitted to 85, Street, "] The Howard Hotel im and d»flnit!v. edl- FOR FASHIONABLE ATTIRE. 143. Regent Street, l LONDON, -.orfolk Street, Embankmenf. London. Every modarB ccmfort. Ov.rlor.Ws Emhankment and Rlver. Elegant Why 1 as tne oluh which 37, 38 <__ 43 Burlington f W. public rooma. Electric llght throughout. Amerlna aya- Al'STRIA AND SWITZERLANU ITAIA ttm *le\eto.s. Klxed tarlff. ANDSuniioFVHANCE. ur r Bebusb on FltzOerald'a OXFORD ST. REGENT ST. Arcade, J ht grav,' , obvioua literary LONDON. i in .\V'.v- H. P. Truefitt, Ld., EUROPEAN KAILWAY& THI 13-14 OLD BQND-ST., LONDON, W. HOTEL BRISTOL Rorne, ltaly. -. (Throutrh to Burlington Arcade.) THE the ureat German SCENIC LINE. ' vimiMi < '. .' I'lne.l Hotel Gd Hotei preparation by Pro- Hotel Cecil London, and n\ii.\vw of k\«.l ..... \ g _rv ar% _"_ Quirinal Goldsmitbs & Siiversmiths Th* iwm fli-h!' an.l ______¦¦_. l lir4i ¦> 'ntereatlng an_ routa rr m Nr.rth T.fQtnl ger, senior member of th» Company, Elysee Palaee Hotel, Parls. tc ptcturaaqua V LTD., South tl ¦:_>. ih* rentr* f Flnglan.1 EXPRESS icnna tnd "a_t part «f Vma. B___ ia _»ry raa and mathemaf ios Hlrfc-class fernale Mantcure TRAINS UVE-RFOOI. (fentrali . UWPOS an. PRIN- philoa ; ;*y 112, REOENT ST., LONDON, W. H_ir_re__rig by expertt. ' IPAI. I.ornti-.l oit t li ^ Kn»hlonahle Knrntherrtnsr. BaiatifHl -jrlrn fall au'i. -riil 11 ul. *a__ <_il laupt- ano TOWN. Al-o I_lV)_R_*C-_. lE_ hangei :i a of C__-p__y br Ntw York operator. Firtt and land niiil the fii.nrlle renort of \ m.-rl. no. IVr- ii.t y yeara friend THROt'GH TKTCETS to I_ON'_X>N. PARIS and all feel Kren<-li I iiUlne and i-holce _ine». >_nit_ry _rr_n2»m-nf. in . ii.. It ia to ba In two volumes. and only "American Shaving Saloon" Europe. parti NEWEST TYPB «f R on Bxpreaa Choicest Stock in the World of BAOOA IB HK''Kr.r> thi 'Ugh fr m hotel real HIGH CLASS FRENCH RESTAURANT. _olt__a oorrespondence r ln New v rk an. ir- ... L. ndori Obtain tlm« t-h!.., mar... -¦- at th» MIDLAND COM & WEST END HOTEL STEAM HEAT THROUGHOUT. with h nd numeroua personal and aci- DIAMONDS, PEARLS, PAN-. - __-EKi ; iMeaar* Tb".. r-ook 8on», 2-1 and SAVOY Ib, and fhe s.*ientlfic papers left at RUBIES, SAPPHIRES, lWI.IS SHOPS. r iv. n--.ii-,; n--.v ..-i, his death; and the author wlU have the actlve Carlsbad \ Fr_.SI F_»i.i_i_ the rTelmholti family. The EMERALDS, OPALS, Se, AND BELGIU-L _ ~ Rome, ltaly. work is expected to take two or three years. AT MERCHANTS* PRICES. THE SUCCESS OF PARIS. HOTEL WEIMAR, de her novel of the Boatfa ls announeed. but The ^A^^*m\\gF 23, Ruo Loula-le-Grcn d. Hotel TEurope y problems of the South. and with Hotel Chatham, Marienbad. >..¦¦¦ taiimw _ra_»fe___. \ll Gol_s_.it_s Silversmitlis KH.MH Cl 1 at here a? adluncts Company, Ltd., NODKHM HEtJII.ITKS. I*4I_C MtlllKRtTF, .\M> IMllMlt: IIRMS »T .n-.r- he 112. REGENT ST.. LONDON. W. _-__PARIS.____ Btory." This wlll INNSBRUCK-HOTEL TYROL, THK WBBK. P.VIHOMZKD BV THK BEST a." by Hiidoftard Brooka, GRAND HOTEL t.harmin-.. ift. et rieatrititv. Steam one of the Hudson . a . ROYAL a'-York, in ttslble oausp fnr th* hestnwal of knight- The Modern Hotel of Paris. r-TO_» of I-AVr-KF. HOTEL, heat. Winterqarden. [er father owns a large estate boo_ upon blm at coronatton time, next June. LADIES' TAILOR-d. i_.---.^KEfl5, A. ABMBKU8TEB. Manager. Suites _it_ spen.s several Rome Private Bathroom*!. There she has obtained the SMART BOLEROS AND SKIRTS. Gd. HOTEL open the t> _r ____¦* J T' -::.-.ii volume ln th* series of ftrmnrn hy RACE GOWNS AND MANTLES. Hotel de Lille et d'Albion. NATIONAL. and its life that -. Paris, Ith tho Inte Brook- la In by K. __.-, :' line*t part of Par'* Near Tull Bishop pr<-parnti->n 185 to St.. W. -. |ei tiar_en« PU I ¦ ,v t for its . !,. r work. In fact, the 189, Regent London, Nea "j--ra 1-- LUCERNE. nique P Dutton .- Co. It is railfd "The La--- of . t.rn... All boma forti -.. « .¦¦ 1 ..- Panoramic Warrant" la said to have vi- r HOTEL BRISTOL, and - Growth Orh»r Seimons." nn< *> -.rtrata v book ls not ldenti- p.- f»ct *anttatl( au ¦' The Baur Bcd wtl in actual life. litt Bathl Telep »,- Lac, i^ciplCS. Bath-diaMm A r ew sdditton to the crpat llbrary r>f Na- d».ir»d HENR1 RA.iJE Pr*H'rtet~r aauahaat -ind ___n_I____-«_>n.. tach .partmea. I on ping pong. books in announi-pil by John I.ane for LOUIS VUITTON S Sa."*"- Zurich. c Pong [Table Ten- spri::p r'i,''li(--'"tion. lt Ifl Taul Frf-nieaux's TRUNKS AND BAGS GRAND HOTEL D'AIX How to Play It." lt is by "Wirh Kapoleon ar Ft. Hel> qard. ns quite sheltered from cold a_f, the author used na mat^rial prevlously un- (Aix-les-Bcins) _ind>>. .1. H. BMIKK. Proprietor, also of Hotoi ,7.e man of the Table London Removed to Ihun. '" ar.d ¦wrltten to or by Shop Baumqarten, ar ent of Enpland. publlshed letters papers R HOTEL BERNASCON. .j P -rlng the hook. Pr. John Stokoe. BUrtreon on the Cnnqur-ror. LAUSANNE con.Sal New Bond Street LARGEST AND MOST MAONIFICENT AT seems to begln tho iritish flaershlr at Pt. Relena. They ron- 140, with tairi rif-tails of his lntprrourse AllSizes -_. HOTEL BEA'J tl e name of the lnteresting AllPrices, NowhereE'.se I AIX-LE5-BAIN5 HOTEL BASLE SiTE, >n, v.-ho to hav. him as his med- ***» PINEST POSITION. LOVELY VICWS. EULER, _OVE_T GAR.'S'.' Raaat I two years beo wished lAAAoaAaaaaaAAaaAaaAAaaa aftf r O'Meara's baniahmont. The ALL SUITE8 HAVE PRIVATK RATH. FU__ -O-T-l L\; Cannes. th unlveraal ac- }r-al attendant Opposite Central Station. I .¦.- the sr-an.less book expoaes the system ad'iptpd by Pir Hudson I...-- his treatment of the The _. md prlsorer. -.orngn fcraona. ri,,.-. is by ESdith S. STokoo. a great- AIX-LES-BAINS Basle-Hotel Victoria ; directly lt to of the rfootor. and rontalns far. ! Hotel FIRST CLASS. OPPOSITE CENTRAL STA "COSMOPOLITAN, y Louvreouvre & Savoy iteh did not simiips of le'rers and dorumenta in her family's LONDON HOTELS. F_l_»otr_ni.- I.iclit.I .iclit. I'"-"'i''-I; I '¦'- '' * _*»»»*_. TION. LIFT & ELECTRIC LIGHT. badly made Nice.- ball. 1 Btmas, 1900. For the possesslon. LE GRANO HOTEL I .1 Riri. HOTF.l. la bs, played who hrrs rei*- LONDON HOTEL BERNERHQF Prince o^rpp of Prussla, just HOTEL, Crlll Room "mencai Bar Clubi were torroed every- BRUSSELS Hnest Position. D .M where. both ln ls:.r;.-.'.] ani in tiie provinees. brated his seventy-slxth blrthday. and is the HOTEL DE LUXE OF THE WORLD, Lovely Views. DCI 11 .?. aml ty held recently at the oidest member of tho House of Hoher.zollern. is GENOA. SAVOYThe rooms are fresh and inster, for the table He haa brlght. alry, * known as the "Hohensollarn pret." IN . -don. Th" entry '.yis and -ellflitfully quiet. Bathroom to every -ulte. HOTELS wrltten under tlie pseudonyme of "Georg Con- Savoy Hotel. t" o lt dred and ITALY AND SOUTH OFFRANCE uppn. Ile Rnllvrn- Statlon. Th. aioly Maadei rad" a number of traRodlPs and other plays, SAVOY RESTAURANT. Hotel ta a.enoa. Opened October, _*__.. many Of Which have been pprformed. The pro- The most famous Re.itaurant ln Europe. The Frankfurter FRENCH RESTAIRANT. "¦; Hoff baa nearly ready fr,r of lustrngp'-y ThaPdra" In the Frhwer- Orcheatra plays during Dinner and I.IPPKRT A KlullllM. 1'r.rprietnra. trude 'The Con- duction the Opera Supper. A/ At-terton'a ln Court Theatre. in 1864. established hla rep_- Main. romantic story _Frankfurt Monte Carlo, raii'n as a poet, an. the play wan a drawing of _Je_an_er Hamilton," she savs. has which, attraetlon ln Kprlln for many years. LARIDGE S "EDEN Rever y.T : .tetteaa. Herac- HOTEL. NASSAUER-HOF HOTEL, Hotel _*______T Arthur V. ,., title of a tale ed. HODKHl. Uluatrate a point he la "Thp Beau's Comedy" ts thp Perfeet Sanitatioa. Telegrams'Cecil Olbraltar.' Aix- *nak:r.p. to t ihai materiai resources in of the early American I'olonlal ppriod, by La-Chapelle. the ( ' pntal when it ls a I3eulah Mari- >i*< nnd C. A. Harper. that the _FLORENCE. *-ue:,t:" | the lnfluence whicb la to Harpers will publU* before long. It ls about LAWGHAM Rome, Italy. . WURTTEMBERGER-HOF "orr...: t- who came to this HOTEL., r tba men. recounta (he ¦ young Knglish imMoman rom- LONDON. foilowing s- on a virit, be. anie stranded. was oe country ( nrt-alled Sltaantlon ln Portlniaa? Plaea. Grand Hotel. Horence, Hotel la Ville ln a N'ew-Eng- '. r*" io work as a farmhand 11. _. .,' Nircib.rf;rt____ St. .'. tbat Innooent IV and ,.Pllpd At Tamt **t W. __ The most bsautifu" >i* .\ im. r_,,tr_e_. as Ihe Laj-s Of land h-meet-ad. fell in love with the daughter (nnarnlrnt for tbe Beat Sbopa, Theatrea. Etc. and comfortabte Flertricity. £^U!' " ln thr'Hitfli the of his and when. in due course. he Every {.odern Comfort and Convenlence. Hotel in Italy. Llectric \\,'':'~r't ,v- ..i'i employer. HOTEL STRAUSS SJ*** se.," observed the by his rplatives, remained loyal Moderate Tariff. light throughout. American root. -riith a .mile th<- dav fs past when the was huntrd up .. elevators. _h.i.-min______¦-nurch r hav. j ,.,.<.- tn hia passion. e* " KS" Nurenberg with bathrooms attached. HOTEL DE LA VILLE. ,h tnt's reply, "and _t?___r7 Hallway Tleketa. :"*,?' Iiurch could say ^-E__-**______r______?_f~****5|j. ssme Direction as Ll.i;s_- HrKiM»ri_. w " Underthe M;Sll-lTl. 1.1.t. **** 'Rise and waikr C__rlEG-I>.rC_>___-k. «*'¦>"»¦» ; iariD HOTrL Kl.rtrl- t Ukt «n. lnt.reating City ln T_« _____ (_et_raa__a Haly. _nh lat elnae. To rislit THE SAVOY HOTEL. LONDON. Tl»e > . j _. of -rr 'ik novels Among .-ool bree.ea frnm th. .MIHIIIII i'll Illnllimil-IMI.1_ ii » X_i-=tl__.o Como __rrn ln Winter and dellcKusly .ur_ \in.-rt. Nurenberg Lucerne* Uf a moten books in whicb the ro-V.tns mountalna an. th» .M.rtlterranean in Summer. A. aborigi- The I'atrlarchol home of Italy'* most annent Noblllty. HOTEL Pfyffer Fine .1 xltiaatlnia. Grand ** "Th* and famou. coii^oona of ! Hotel *"*f Hr-roine of the Sfrait." by Mary .. Oar-ana, St_t__ latana- »-.. Park. raae ea. and Palntlnga. are a .on.tant to M**r e dellght CONTINENTAL HOTEL Oaunihaa. « aana.a Mallon. \ of DetroH in the 'ra\yll.r* wlu antmally aojourn In Hla -Tste. n_» r Oenoa Al MODh:RN COMFORTS of Pontiac. The ]HHt recalla the re irr th^ euperbly deeorate. medleval . hurchea GREAT iilll-IPU chapter n.arble rnlumtn and hlKtoncal naI **ya.t thr- rontalnlna as.ulalt* palnt- Ifl UfllUi.. F1NEST SITUATION -cai. otuwa chief. lngs .n't th* Incomparablr rampo t=anto fllled wlth Ita .! "i!iih« t *_Mr_ r-.. ,, Fort on th. HOTEL 'f'r'^ii ¦ m the prlm-lpal Mediterranean. and CENTRAL AND TRAVEL- ;. .;,,. n matma, unable to pet ,».. mn .n.n'.er-lal and ..'-.ipplng l»/lnt of the l.ltforal. EUROPEANS a o^ v,...d.» being the Junetl-n toetha arrlval and departura vrith BADEN=BADEN. PUbllahar to hls on the clilea h« Luxury Economy **** put pamphlet fr,r all the prlnctpal c. SXr-jpt, Orient. and tha RMTAUKANT ROYALDANIELI BTrn*n ORCHE-TRA. LOUNOE. arar hefor- _he i r.'t^l States. the H«T-i'irg-Amerlr«n. and North-Gtr- _.<>'._ KN v. ..:... Two LiftS. rjerman public. the sentl- ?t*amere from New .ork. a,.d the COURTYARD LERS will find the London office of The ALL Jr> thr.t ., «'i 1.1..vd fontlnent of jj Hotel NE-LV ¦_?______hs w.n en to china nnd Japan. at Stephanie. co,jriary lm belna Kurope route etop ti.noa. The _L Tha rra-arlck Hot-ls Ltd A !l-»e. th* de !.' havlng the gorgeoua panoraml^ GRAND HOTEL, be *een to b. Best Ua*m\a. '"^, :'n,i terra'-e atreet or building. muat apprerlated LONDON. 4ppointaJ ah___ UP ,nri""' ,n E.ntx\ttnr\. and Eloetrtc tram* trav*r*« every part. and tend to add tha tor The Tribune. ia pp"1 T" of the modern wi>h all that le itwit an.ient CORNER NORFOLK ST. & 5TRAND. DRKSDEN. subscriptions lta!.. He haa had hette, eomt-uatl.- Venice. - . -Germany. to the American tour'.rt. wh- la doubty ln- Dlst tnjf uKtifil linuse of old aiita. «uoe^: and Ir.tertatlng Most con.enient loration for .merlcan*. in reputation. Baa m of 300 Feet 00 | .. ? I. l»t»* Fran'e and ltaly. tereated ln .ealng tha blrthplac* ot ChrU-ephor Colurab.*, london, Wrotttage 1 ^'Mrr"lu,)n. of Amarlca. law position. K Koanef_.d. Oen. Manager. tbe Grand Canal. Manaqar ^*n -l^1" unable, 8- hia American pub- tha dltcovarer oa-a-rlookina Courts. Very moderate oharaes.