Volume 58 Issue 1 Mahwah High School September/October 2019 T3 Building Opens! By John Baker maths, and even the arts. The inte- rior consists of a lobby, where a few It’s a new school year and, computer programming and design as everyone knows by now, a new classes are held, a room filled with building has been added to the 3-D printers, for a class learning school! That’s right, with the 2019- how to utilize those machines and 2020 school year, we are introduced design with them, and even a room to the Thunderbird Think Tank, or for the robotics team to handle their T3 for short. This new building many projects during their com- branches off into many sciences, petitive . Additionally, there

Mahwah High School Ceebrates New T3 Building is one classroom where a biotech- Think Tank by a covered walkway nology class is held, along with an (so no more running in the rain and honors physics course. Throughout freezing in the snow). So now, with the course of past years, students so many years to come with the new have had to trudge through snow or Thunderbird Think Tank, many rain to get to class in building 7, but new doors of opportunity open as the new building has connected the well for the generation of the future. College Campus Feel woodshop and computer lab to the New Changes at MHS SGA Gets Rolling By Jessica Xing the previous school year, students By Sofia Smith other plans for the year. were able to pick up their laptops What is the SGA planning With every new school year comes over the summer in August. With As this year’s Spirit Week for Spirit Week this year that is new changes and rules meant to im- the addition of more technology in preparations become increasingly different than any year before? prove the stability and productivity the classrooms, many teachers have more important, the excitement Hayden: We’re going to do of both staff and students. While one switched from conventional paper and expectations for the new SGA’s the Powderpuff game this year while of the biggest assignments plans grow we also are additions to digital tremen- trying to get to Mahwah ones, imple- dously. Not food trucks High School menting pro- like anyone right now. is obviously grams such before, this We’re going the new T3 as G Suite year’s Spirit to come up building and by Google, Week falls with a lot of walkway, Realtime, on a four-day fun and col- many other Kami, and week, which laborative alterations many other puts a lot new respec- are worthy of online text- of pressure tive Spirit noting. book plat- on the stu- Days like Students Recieve Brand-new Laptops SGA Celebrates Burying of Time Capsule One of forms into the dent leaders groutfit Mon- the most im- curriculum. to make the day, teacher portant changes this year is the 1-1 While the opportunity for events at school just as fun. Thus, look alike day, and similar fun days laptop initiative. While most teach- every student to have a personal the Tom-Tom decided to sit down that people can participate in but ers received brand new HP Elite- laptop is exciting, Mahwah High with the SGA and discuss the new that are not too complicated. The books and active pens at the end of plans for Spirit Week along with Continued on page #3 Continued on page #2 Page 2 September/October 2019 Hurricane Dorian Update SGA Gets Rolling By Ethan Moskovitz Tropical Storm Humberto. Forecasters have (Cont.) said that Humberto could potentially drop six get everyone involved. And the mascot for As Bahamians continue combing through inches of rain in some areas. Though Humber- the senior class is going to be especially fire this the rubbage for missing loved ones in the af- to is not a massive storm in itself, it could still year, more so than any other year. termath of Hurricane Dorian, researchers say greatly damage the relief efforts where thou- What else is in store for the rest of the year that the near future for the nation will be much sands of buildings were destroyed, and 70,000 that students can be excited for? worse. people were left needing shelter, food, water, Eleni: To follow tradition from previous The Bahamian government has announced and medical aid. years, we are going to be doing elfing and vari- that the total number of missing people has Residents on the island are doing every- ous spirit days and we are going to be continu- decreased to 1,300 — which is a huge change thing they can to prepare, but with limited sup- ing Thunderbird Thursdays and the Penny Wars. from the previous total of 2,500. However, this plies and destruction from the past few weeks, Overall, it’s going to be a fun year and students is the only good news that the archipelago has they are not quite ready for anything else that should be excited for what else is in store. received after one of the worst natural disasters could cause more difficulty. “I mean, we really it has ever faced. don’t need another hurricane. As you can see, After its hit on September 1, Dorian ruined we don’t need another one. But we just have to homes and is known to have killed at least 50 prepare,” Sinetra Higgs told CBS News. people so far, according to officials. This death While many have felt the need to help, toll is expected to go up as search and rescue especially with another storm coming, airports teams scour to find remains in the destruction. were submerged, and terminals were covered People are urged to submit names of any miss- in debris, which makes it very hard to land and ing people to a hotline, or visit the social servic- reach those in need. es office, which is currently handling the miss- The storm also halted the tourism industry, ing persons register. which the government says accounts for nearly Additionally, Prime Minister Hubert Min- 50% of the country’s GDP and employs about nis announced that the government is working half of all residents. Even the islands and towns to set up temporary housing for those who lost that Dorian spared are taking a financial hit as their homes, adding that he visited shelters in they struggle to lure in tourists. 2019-2020 SGA Ready for Action New Providence that are providing temporary Many residents are infuriated and disap- housing to evacuees from Abaco and Grand pointed at the action of their government, stat- What advice do you have for freshmen as Bahama. He also warned against recirculating ing that the only assistance they have gotten has they adjust to high school? “false information” that was spreading discord come from foreigners. Especially with another Jake: Some advice I would give to fresh- in the community. storm on the way, the people have expressed men would be to get as involved as you can. I rec- ommend maybe joining some clubs, such as the SGA. Do some sports if you can. Anything you can do to get involved will let you get through high school a lot easier and make it more enter- taining and fun. What seems to be your favorite part of running the SGA so far? Alex: I’m really excited to count the funds that we make throughout our events and see my- self on the morning announcements on Fridays. Steph: I also love filming the morning an- nouncements along with writing the scripts for them. Also, I love coming up with ideas for fund- raisers throughout the year. Overall, it seems like this year will be interesting and fun for the entire student body. Thanks to the SGA for allowing the Tom-Tom to Bahamas Destroyed After Devastating Hurricane interview them as they plan Spirit Week and hope- fully, this year will be a Mahwah High School “We are a nation in mourning,” Minnis that they are in much need of help from their success. said on September 18. “The grief is unbearable government, and that they are still stranded following the devastating impact of Hurricane without cell service, power, and running water. Dorian, which has left behind death, destruc- However, Secretary General tion, and despair on Grand Bahama and Abaco, Antonio Guterres arrived in Nassau on Friday, our second and third most populous islands.” September 13, to show US and international The island is so destroyed that it now takes three support for the country. He met with evacuees days for someone to get there. in a shelter and told reporters that Dorian should “There is nothing left,” CNN’s Paula New- be a wake-up call for the rest of the world about ton said in front of the remnants of a building. the dangers of climate change. “We’re talking about damage (to) 90% to almost “If we don’t reverse the situation, we’ll see 100% of everything that is here.” tragedies like this one multiplying and becom- Unfortunately, another storm is soon head- ing more and more intense, more frequent…” ed to the Bahamas. This storm started out as Continued on page #3 Hayden Looks Squished Tropical Depression Nine but strengthened into September/October 2019 Page 3 Mr. Dalessio Moves to MHS By Brooke Forgette Upon receiving the news of moving up to the high school, Mr. Dalessio This year, there are countless was initially surprised, but stated new staff members here at Mahwah that he “shouldn’t have been,” and High School. Out of all seventeen, that moving up “wasn’t completely one of them is Mr. Dalessio, who off his radar.” Mr. Dalessio received isn’t exactly “new” to Mahwah. the news during the month of April, Mr. Dalessio has been teaching but had to keep a low profile from Language Arts at Ramapo Ridge his students. When he finally re- Middle School for the past 13 years. vealed his “secret,” he believed that his students were definitely shocked… maybe even excited. So far, being at the high school has al- lowed Mr. Dalessio to reunite with many of his former students in an experience he describes as being League Champs - Again this Year? “like a revolving door of visits.” both of them. The two of them how to pace his teachings and the As he was at the middle were even able to email, text, and speed needed to get through the cur- school, Mr. Dalessio is still teach- call over the summer to plan and riculum with juniors, since they’re ing English, but this time to fresh- connect. Also over the summer, at a higher level than who he usu- men and juniors. In the classroom, Mr. Dalessio, unsurprisingly, felt ally teaches. Overall, Mr. Dalessio he collaborates with Mr. Torosian, an overwhelming amount of stress is very happy that he has already who is still fairly new to Mahwah with planning and learning a new began to build relationships with High School. Mr. Dalessio and Mr. curriculum. This year he is to work his co-workers in the Language Torosian are similar minded, which with text that he hasn’t revisited in a Continued on page #5 Mr. Dalessio Up from the Ridge makes the transition easier for the while. He especially needs to learn New Changes at MHS (Cont.) Hurricane Dorian skit this year is going to be tons of fun and we’re ficial for many over the years, the decision to end going to it was a result of New Jersey state law changes, Update (Cont.) School has also made multiple renovations over which declare that dance is now a performing art, Mr. Guterres disclosed. “The financial cost of the summer, one of them being the media learn- and not a sport. Along with his excitement over the damage caused by Dorian is not clear, but it ing commons’ windows. The old windows have the new gym floor, Mr. Pelletier also described will be in the billions of dollars. The Bahamas officially been torn down and replaced with brand his disappointment at this change, since he thinks cannot be expected to foot this bill alone.” new, clearer additions. “a lot of our students utilize that.” Especially With that being said, on Thursday, Septem- In addition, a new traffic light has been for those who still choose to spend many hours ber 12th, the US announced that they have put added near the exit of the school, in hopes of im- a week attending dance classes or other activi- aside $4 million in new humanitarian assistance proving the traffic of ties, the new addition for the Bahamas. The US Agency for Interna- those trying to get in of gym class in their tional Development said the money would go and out of the school. schedules will defi- towards providing shelter, food, medicine, and While this may re- nitely make it harder water to those on the two worst-hit islands. duce confusion and to manage time and “It was like me opening the door to hell conflict, there are also fit everything into itself” recalled 12-year-old Nathan Joseph. He many concerns about their schedules. and his twin sisters, Brittneka and Brittanit, 10, the traffic light -slow While independent lay in the rafters for hours as those around them ing down transporta- study hall may no prayed. tion speeds. longer be an option, Even now, with people trying to lend a Surprisingly, plenty of students are helping hand, going door-to-door to look for sur- the athletic depart- still able to obtain this vivors is not an option. There are no more doors ment this year has also alternative to gym Don’t Wear Boots on Mr. Pelletier’s New Floor to knock on. There are no more homes. had to adjust to many class by participating new changes. As many may have noticed already, in school sports. However, those who do should either in gym class or during after-school sports, be aware that instead of starting study hall in the the previous gym floor has been replaced by a cafeteria, from now on all study hall students brand-new set of wooden planks, emblazoned will be required to go to the library to sign in. with the thunderbird logo. Mr. Pelletier, the Mr. Buser, a history teacher and long-time study school’s athletic director, expresses how “getting hall proctor, believes that this “allows students to design something like that is exciting,” and a lot more freedom,” as it ensures that students how he’s “very happy with the way it came out have access to librarians, books, and strong Wi- and how it represents our school.” Fi. This doesn’t mean that the cafeteria is com- Along with this, the athletic department has had pletely restricted, however, as students can still to terminate their independent study hall option sign up to go there if they choose to grab a snack. two program for those who had previously partic- While there are many alterations this ipated in athletic activities outside of the school, year, they should be welcomed and celebrated as such as dance. While this system has been bene- they continue to improve our school. The Damaging Eye Page 4 September/October 2019 Halloween Movies: Staples vs. Sleepers By Lucy Sokolova Christmas able distance between them since Most people are familiar with Casper is a ghost. The story follows There is no doubt that Hal- the Tim Burton Classic of 1993 but Casper’s journey and where his af- loween movies are one of the best for those who still haven’t seen the terlife takes him. genres of movies out there, but we classic Halloween movie, here’s a 2. Beetlejuice (1988) have all probably watched the clas- quick look into it. Jack Skelling- The story follows Adam and sics. Instead, here are some of the ton, the pumpkin king of Hallow- Barbara who live in a beautiful best staples and underestimated eenTown, is tired of the same old house in New England. One day feature Halloween films. thing every year. One day he wan- while driving home, they find them- Staples ders into the woods to find himself selves in a horrible car accident, but 5. Hocus Pocus walking into a holiday tree with a manage to make it home, only to 300 years ago, in Salem, Mas- door leading to Christmas Town. realize that they are now ghosts! sachusetts, three witches were ex- Jack is moved by this new holi- When their house is purchased by ecuted: Winifred Sanderson, Mary day and decides to bring it back a new family upstate, they haunt Sanderson, and Sarah Sander- to HalloweenTown for a change, the house and feel threatened by the son. The boy who tried to stop the to throw a Christmas with a twist. that night, she goes to investigate over-the-top artist wife and real-es- witches, Thackery Binx, was turned But of course, not everything goes it and finds a portal to an alternate tate idea-man husband. Their only into an immortal black cat. Now it’s as planned when you try to bring reality. This reality is filled with joy hope is the gothic daughter. Their Halloween 1993, and the witches Christmas joy to a Halloween town. and caring parents and dreams that attempts at scaring the family out of are accidentally brought back into 2. Edward Scissorhands come true, but the one red flag is the house are unsuccessful and often the real world. This time, they have A modern-day fairy tale, this that her “parents” and other people laughed at. They fell into a tempta- until sunrise to acquire immortal film tells the story of Edward Scis- in this dimension have buttons for tion to use the “people-exorciser” life and have turned their anger sorhands, a man created by an eyes. Coraline calls them her “Oth- Beetlejuice. However, when they on trick-or-treaters. Now it’s up to inventor who died before finish- er Mother” and “Other Father.” find his tactics to be too trouble- a teenager, his sister, and his girl- ing him and left him with scissors When her “Other Mother” invites some and dangerous, they attempt friend, along with the 300-year-old where he should have hands. One Coraline to stay in her world forev- to contain him and save the family, cat, to save the day from the three day, Peg Boggs, the local Avon rep- er, Coraline refuses innocently. She but that turns out to be tougher than very annoying witches. resentative, calls the historic man- quickly realizes that this alternative expected. sion where Edward has been living reality was just a trick to lure her alone for quite some time now. Peg into the “Other Mother’s” secretly decides to bring him back with her wicked plan, but Coraline has trou- into society, in order to learn and ble escaping. adapt to the new life and environ- 4. Silver Bullet ment that he isn’t used to. He starts Tarker’s Mills was a quiet town showing a talent in cutting hair and where nothing much ever happens hedges and wins over everybody’s (just like every other horror movie heart. But Edward’s life starts to in all of existence), until one night take a turn when he is framed for a when chaos breaks out, and a steady robbery. line of mysterious murders begin to 1. Halloween (1978) occur. The townsfolk believe that In 1963, Michael Myers it’s a maniacal killer on the loose. stabbed his 15-year-old sister to But Marty, a young handicapped death. He was institutionalized by boy, believes the killer is a were- his doctor, Sam Loomis. People wolf based on a previous encounter know him to be the personification in the woods a couple nights before. of evil. 15 years later, on the day As the townsfolk look for a murder- 4. It’s the Great Pumpkin, before Halloween, Myers manages er, Marty and his sister Jane hunt all Charlie Brown (1966) to escape and heads for the only over town for the man who is the A family classic, Charlie place he is familiar with, his home- werewolf. Brown is one Halloween movie town. On Halloween night, Myers 3. Casper (1995) 1. Scream (1996) that you don’t need to fear, but if goes completely rouge while Loo- A friendly, though lonely, A bloodbath disturbs a peace- you haven’t watched it already you mis and the local sheriff search My- ghost boy name Casper has spent ful town in California, as a masked can probably catch on easily. Char- ers’ neighborhood. Laurie Strode, a most of his years in the afterlife killer haunts the town. Sidney lie Brown is invited to his first ever quiet student who rarely goes out is, residing in an old mansion called Prescott, a teenage girl, whose party, Violet’s Halloween party! babysitting a neighbor’s child. Lit- Whipstaff Manor with, his three mother was killed exactly a year The whole Peanuts gang is going tle does she know about the night obnoxious uncles, hoping to find before, becomes the main target trick or treating, with Snoopy or that she’s is in for. a friend. The Manor’s greedy of this anonymous killer. Her boy- course, beforehand. The only per- owner, Carrigan Crittenden, and friend, Billy Loomis, and Sidney’s son that won’t be attending the fun Sleepers Paul “Dibs” Plutzker hire a ghost father become the main suspects. is Linus, who will be patiently wait- 5. Coraline therapist named James Harvey to Local Tabloid News Reporter Gail ing in their local pumpkin patch for In this movie, the main char- remove the four ghosts from the Weathers and Woodsbroro’s Deputy the Great Pumpkin to fly into the air acter, Coraline, moves into an old mansion so that they can collect a Dwight “Dewey” Riley investigate and deliver presents to all the boys disheveled house, feeling alone and treasure left in the mansion by one the scenes to try and discover who and girls around the world. But will neglected by her parents. That same of Crittenden’s old relatives. How- the mad killer is, and if the murders the Great Pumpkin actually appear? day, she finds a small hidden door ever, Casper ends up falling in love are related to the ones in the previ- 3. The Nightmare Before with a bricked-up passage. Later with the therapist’s daughter, Kat. ous year. Unfortunately, there’s an unavoid- September/October 2019 Page 5 Spider-Man Back in the MCU By Jessica Xing acters, Disney doesn’t own the rights to Spider- man. However, Sony had previously allowed the After weeks of argument and fan outrage, Marvel creative team to incorporate Spider-man Marvel’s beloved Spider-Man is finally back in in their movies. The deal was that Sony would the MCU following an agreement made by Sony pay for 100% of the production costs, and Dis- and Disney. ney would gain 5% of the “first-dollar gross,” or A long-time fan favorite of both the Marvel the ticketing profits on the release date. While comics and Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man, Disney also had all merchandising rights, Sony which previously yielded two successful stand- would reap the rest of the box office profits. alone movies and has appeared in various other Even though this initial deal seemed to Marvel films while being portrayed by actor be working, Disney decided that they wanted Tom Holland, had been pulled out of the MCU a 50/50 co-financing stake in all future Spider- earlier this year. Man films. Although Sony couldn’t agree to this, Aunt May! Unlike many of the original Marvel char- they did attempt to make multiple counter-offers, which were ultimately all shut down by Disney. With no other choice, Sony walked away from Disney and announced that they would be taking over the Spider-man movies themselves. This shocking outcome led to lots of fan outrage, as well as many questions to be an- swered about the future of this web-slinging hero. Most notably so, what will happen regard- ing the cliffhanger at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home? The entire Spider-man plot seemed to be in jeopardy. Luckily a compromise has finally been achieved, and Sony and Disney have worked out their differences. Fans can now relax and look forward to at least two more stand-alone Spider- man movies, as well as possible appearances of the character in other upcoming Marvel movies. Almost Torn Apart

How to Manage Stress Mr. Dalessio By Emily Hanson eyes and counting to seven as you ent, the future will work itself out. take in air and release. After that, Additionally, you can always Moves to MHS After weeks of lounging, play- drink some water and stay seated to find a trustworthy person and relay ing, and unwinding, the reality of calm down. your concerns and emotions. When (Cont.) September and the back to school you express your ideas, even into a season has been difficult for every- diary or speaking with a stuffed ani- Arts department, as well as around one, no matter the circumstances. mal, the verbalization can push you the school in vrarious other depart- Getting back into “the groove” of to realize the most prominent prob- ments as well. things takes some time and read- lems you are facing, allowing you Of course, a huge advantage justment, and the sudden influx of to reassess the issue. Furthermore, for Mr. Dalessio this year is bowl- work, activities, and pressure can real people can ease your worries ing. Previously, Mr. Dalessio had to be extremely overwhelming. Stress and show you that everyone goes travel from the middle school to the caused by school and other envi- through difficulty. Advice, even in high school for bowling. Being at ronments alongside it can define the small doses, can be enough to get the high school, he can now com- very lives of students who just can’t you through a grueling week or municate with his players easier catch a break, but if you’re feeling even just one hour. and promote the program as well. this way, you’re not alone. Finally, although it may seem For example, if Mr. Dalessio wasn’t One of the first and most im- SAT Prep Gone Mad the most confusing or tricky, keep here in the school, he wouldn’t portant things to do if you really a positive mindset. You can do it, have had the opportunity to feature feel as though you can’t handle Another tip for controlling even if you pretend at first. If you a bowling promotion in the Friday your stress is to relax and breathe. large amounts of stress is to set pat- think to yourself every day, I’ve got Morning Announcements earlier You may not feel like you have a terns and times to work and sleep. this or it wasn’t too bad or today is this year. However, one downfall lot of time, but taking a time-out Good rest is essential to a healthy almost over, soon the best ideas will to him being here is that he loses to focus on inhaling and exhal- mind, so watch the clock on school come without effort. The easiest a step with the eighth graders and ing can give you more control and nights and get as much sleep as pos- way to live a happy lifestyle is, at is now unable to promote bowling clear your head. There are even sible, especially before exams. Cre- least, try as hard as you can to help to them at the middle school. As specific breathing exercises to try ating schedules and to-do lists can yourself and others smile. You may of right now, Mr. Dalessio has not online, and it’s important to see if regulate workloads and organize be surprised, and hopefully you can agreed to help out with any other one works for you. An easy way to time so you won’t be left scram- keep some of your stress away by extracurricular activities due to his stabilize any erratic movements, bling to finish work near due dates. changing your outlook on life and heavy workload, but he hopes that heavy breathing, or other physical If you go through life one day at a making the most of every day. one day he will be able to partici- signs of panic is by closing your time and just worry about the pres- pate in them more. Page 6 September/October 2019 New Staff Mr. Larson Mrs. forgaty Mr. Henao

Mr. Larson is Mrs. Fog- Mr. Henao, a new mem- arty is a new MHS class ber of the teacher in of 2006, is mathematics the History a graduate department Department of Rutgers at Mahwah at Mahwah. Newark and High School, She studied majored in teaching history in Biology. He full-time for college and recommends the first year. says that,“I that seniors An alumni just love should, of MHS, he the fact that “Have fun graduated it all really but make from Ra- happened… academics mapo Col- and history your prior- lege with a major in math. He loves everything is just the one true story” Mrs. Fogarty went ity.” This is his fourth year teaching, first teach- about math, especially the fact that there are to UCONN undergrad and Montclair State ing at Palisades Park Jr. Sr. High School, then for many ways to solve problems and get the cor- for grad school. She thoroughly enjoyed her the past two years at a Middle School in Hobo- rect answer, and also that math is used every time spent there stating, “I made some of my ken. Mr. Henao loves “helping students under- day in practical life. Mr. Larson did his student best friends there…” She spoke about her past stand common scientific principles which apply teaching at Ridgewood High School, but he be- teaching experiences stating, “I taught every- to all humankind.” His favorite field to teach lieves that the Mahwah students and faculty are thing from 6th grade to highschool. I even being Biology, as he is particularly interested a closer community. In the future, Mr. Larson taught pre-k for a year and was not a fan…” in genetics and evolution. If Mr. Henao was an may consider coaching sports such as baseball Mrs. Fogarty enjoys doing community service, animal, he would be a dolphin, “because they or basketball here at the high school, because involving herself in sports, trying new foods, are social, intelligent and [he] could explore the he enjoyed playing them himself. Finally, Mr. and spending time with her kids. In the future, ocean which covers 70% of the earth’s surface.” Larson thinks that if he could be any animal, he she plans to involve herself in a few clubs, such But more than being a dolphin, he would want would be a panda bear because they are cute and as interact or sports. Mrs. Fogarty also spoke a mind like Einstein’s or Newton’s, to see the laid back. highly of our student body here at Mahwah and universe through their eyes and advance human how welcoming we are. knowledge through new discoveries. Mr. Catizone Ms. Monteleone Ms. geller

Due to Mr. Ms. Mon- MHS wel- Gordon’s re- teleone, a comes Aly- tirement last new addi- sia Geller year, a new tion to Mah- this year woodshop wah High as the new teacher has School’s teacher for been hired: business de- both AP Art Mr. Cati- partment, is History and zone. Cati- excited to Visual Arts. zone gradu- begin her Ms. Geller ated from first year was former- Edinboro teaching ly a teacher University Sports and at Pater- three years Entertain- son Charter ago, majoring in woodworking. The school had ment Management, Entrepreneurship, and Fi- School of Science and Technology, as well as 24/7 studios, so he was able to work on his proj- nancial Literacy. Having attended college at Classical Academy Charter School. She went ects whenever he wanted. This is his first year Rowan University, she majored in marketing, to college at Massachusetts College of Art and as a teacher. Previously, Mr. Catizone owned since the content of business courses comes nat- Design in , where she double majored in his own small business as a professional wood- urally to her. Ms. Monteleone also “always had Art Education and Fine Art with a focus of 2D worker, where he would do renovations or con- it in the back of her mind that she wanted to be Drawing and Painting. In regards to her experi- structions for people. When asked what he loves a teacher,” which caused her to switch profes- ence there, Geller mentioned, “It was really fun, about woodworking, Catizone replied, “I’ve sions after working in business for some time. it was honestly probably one of the better col- always been passionate about making things She previously worked in Hawthorne for their lege experiences that I think some people don’t and being creative.” In high school, Mr. Cati- disabilities preschool program. However, now get.” She also mentioned how art is “just some- zone took a woodshop class and built a strong that she’s at Mahwah, she expresses her liking thing that’s never going to change for me, I love relationship with his teacher, which he hopes to for teaching project-based classes since “it’s a to create, I love coming up with new ideas, I get replicate with his students at Mahwah. So far, all fun way to interrupt the students’ schedules and inspiration from a lot. And I just feel like it’s of his students are very well behaved, nice, and the classes are a lot more interesting that way.” part of who I am.” With a passion for cooking, funny. Catizone has already agreed to help out So far, she’s seen how the students here are “ex- MHS might be able to have a cooking club in the stage crew with the sets for the fall play and cited and willing to get work done.” She enjoys future years. spring musical. working out and seeing new movies. September/October 2019 Page 7 Ms. mazzola Paraprofessionals Mrs. Mazzola of the Special Edu- Ms. Chimarios cation department graduated from Ms Chimarios, Mahwah High School class of 1988 graduate, went to college at William Pat- Ramapo Col- erson University, because she needed to pick a school that she could easily commute to. She lege with a BA in then moved to Ramapo College to finish off her teaching certification in English Literature Psychology and a and grades K-12. Ms Chimarios taught ESL in Greece for five years, at a private school and BA History. She “loves working with kids of all ages. There is nothing more rewarding to me than helping then went on to new generations develop and evolve into the people they are meant to be.” If she could have William Paterson one superpower, it would be healing as Ms Chimarios, “can’t bear to see people suffering.” University to get her MA in Histo- ry. Mrs. Mazzola Ms. Bogaenko tells seniors, “Ev- erything everyone Ms Bogaenko went to Seton Hall University and has a Bachelors of Science in Communi- always tells you is cations. For the last 10 years, Ms. Bogaenko has been a paraprofessional at Ramapo Ridge totally true, things tend to fall into place, it all goes Middle School where her favorite subject was math. Thus far in the school year, she is en- by in a blink, and you really will figure it all out. joying seeing some of the students she knew back at the Ridge. One of her first impressions Hard works keeps you in the game and some faith of Mahwah’s student body is that the students are mature and respectful. Ms. Bogaenko says in yourself will take care of the rest.” This is her sec- that if she could travel anywhere in the world, it would be Italy, so she could see the farm ond round in Mahwah as Mrs. Mazzola started teach- where her grandmother grew up. ing here fresh out of college and then left to have her children. For the past two years she has been doing Mr. basso Home Instruction for the district and now she’s back! Mrs. Mazzola explains that it seems as if everything in the world has changed since she started teaching Mr. Basso went to The College of New Jersey and advises seniors to “make lots of friends in EXCEPT how amazing the kids & staff are here at college and keep in touch with them, because maybe later on in life one will post on Face- Mahwah. She says, “Mahwah is truly a special place book about a job in the library at the BEST HIGH SCHOOL in NJ!” Mr. Basso majored in and I can never say it enough, but I am so happy and English and Theater and is still a voice actor! But he adds that “it’s not as interesting as it grateful to be teaching here again.” One goal she sounds.” He especially loves learning from students about what’s currently hip and cool. would like to accomplish in her lifetime is to author “How about those Pokémon, huh? Those little guys are pretty neat!” His first impression and publish a book. We’ll look out for it. of the students were mainly how tall they all are “How’d you get so tall? Tell me your tall Mr. torosian person secrets,” he asks. Mr. Goldstein Mr. Torosian joined our school Mr. Goldstein went to college at Stonybrook University where he majored in Political Sci- halfway through ence. Here, he recalls seeing how large some of the lecture halls were. This led him to real- last year as a new ize how college is much different than high school. For the seniors, Mr. Goldstein advises english teacher, them to work hard and try to find something they love to do and then make the effort to and returns this make a career out of it. In the past, Mr. Goldstein has worked on Wall Street, in the Gar- year full-time. ment Center, and was also a director of a summer camp. Through working with students, Before coming Mr. Goldstein enjoys watching the growth and confidence developed in students over time to Mahwah, Mr. when they achieve new skills. He is very impressed with his students’ thirst for learning. He Torosian taught also watches movies. Mr. Goldstein, recently watched a show called The Spy which is about at Cresthill and an Israeli Mossad agent infiltrating the Syrian government in the early 1960’s. He said he at Ocean County enjoyed it because it was intriguing and based on a true story. College, which was “very re- warding, very eye opening.” He ac- The Tom-Tom staff would also tually wanted to become an artist before he ever even thought of pursuing english, but changed his mind like to welcome the following new once he attended community college and discovered english as his passionMr. Torosian’s inspiration? His “Holy Trinity” of inspiring english professors. He faculty to Mahwah High School: speaks of his previous arrival highly, recalling the warm welcome. “I had very big shoes to fill, and I felt Mr. Christopher Konel - Science warmly received by all my students…” Mr. Torosian has high hopes for his academic involvement in Mah- wah stating, “I would love to do something involved Mr. David Bernhert - Para with music, fine art, or movies and TV and pop cul- ture stuff, and I do have my journalism background.” Ms. Leslie Hagar - Para Ms. Smithia Kumili - Para Page 8 September/October 2019 Captain’s Corner: Fall Sports Update By Tyler Grobman For this month’s Captain’s Corner, the Tom-Tom has decided to ask coaches and players of the fall sports teams here at Mahwah High School the following questions regarding the new season:

How would you say the current season is going? What can you do to improve it?

Coach Jason Schmitt, Girls Tennis “So far, this season is going really, really well. The girls are playing fantastically and certainly exceeding outsid- ers’ expectations. In order to keep going and improve our team, I just need to make sure that our girls play up to their capabilities. We have some really talented players and as long as they play up to their capabilities, we are going to continue having a fantastic season, and continue surprising other teams.”

Coach Caitlin Yeck, Girls Volleyball “We got off to a great start and our win against Ramsey was key to our season. The girls this year have been working hard and even though we’ve hit a few bumps in the road, our program is still committed to perform- ing our very best. As a team, we have to do a better job of adhering to our mantra ‘Leave Nothing.’ When we play together as a team with focus and high en- ergy, we are excellent.”

Jacob Kezmarsky, Senior, Football “It’s been a disappointing season so far. We are ready to get back into practice and fix our mistakes. The goal is to take it one game at a time, win out, and make it back to the state playoffs.”

Coach Stephanie Cintron, Varsity Cheerleading Ms. Cintron, head varsity cheer coach said that she was most looking forward to spirit week and the pep rally this year. She said she loves “when juniors come up with creating the routine and seeing their creativity and their ability to choreograph, and then share it with the rest of the school community.” September/October 2019 Page 9

Coach Justin Saputski, Girls Soccer “We have gotten off to a really good start. We are 5 and 1. This is the hardest working group of girls I have, both JV and Varsity. They are also very close and work very well together. Our goal for the season is to keep our level of playing up throughout the 80 minute game.”

Coach Ryan Humphreys, Boys Soccer “We lost 3 of our first 4 games this season, but we are turning things around. We are going in the right direction. We need to play better and more as a team moving forward.”

Sean Weber, Captain, Boys Cross Country “Mahwah XC, while made up of many different peo- ple with very different personalities, is a closely knit team in which every one person plays a part to the bigger whole, and each team member has an influence on the team’s overall mindset. This bond we have has contributed nicely to our team’s success because we all push each other and motivate each other to work harder than we knew we could.”

Courtney Ford, Captain, Girls Cross Country “I’m really proud of what the girls team has accom- plished this year. In the past two weeks, they’ve come first place for our division twice, at Brett Taylor and Saugerties. We’ve also seen 3 of our runners - Ana Armendariz, Megan Dursema and Alexandra Klan- ke - make the Top 20 leaderboard for the first time. Needless to say, the future of Mahwah XC is looking bright.” Page 10 September/October 2019 2019 MLB World Series Pennant Race By Emily Hanson the Dodgers have a high chance of finally proving themselves; after As the calendar changes from all, they say that the third time’s the September to October, and baseball charm! transitions into the playoffs, every game matters more than the last Braves to the teams in contention for the With the second-most wins in World Series. There are so many the National League, the Braves are valuable pieces to each team’s puz- hot on the trail of opposing teams zle, but which ones should you look and could be a loud force, though out for as the 2019 regular season generally overlooked. It was easy ends and the postseason arrives? to enjoy one of the MLB’s best Here is an overview of the groups first baseman, Freddie Freeman, with the most power and what can and Ronald Acuna Jr. as he had a be expected from them in October. Yankees vs. Astros compelling second season follow- ing his 2018 NL Rookie of the Year The American League set the MLB record for most play- team continued to be a strong force win. This team had a lot to prove in ers to land on the Injured List in a by reaching 100 wins. Specific Spring Training, and might not have Houston Astros single season with 25 (36 separate players carried the team from the been considered for their place, but With over 100 wins, the top stints). They lost numerous key start of the year including pitchers they strived for bigger goals and spot in the American League Cen- players such as outfielders Aar- Clayton Kershaw, Walker Buehler, won a second straight division title. tral for the 3rd straight year, and on Judge and Giancarlo Stanton, and Hyun-Jin Ryu. However, one The Braves’ biggest test will be cre- the best home win record in the third-baseman Miguel Andujar, and strong force led all the major team ating a batting order and defensive MLB for the last 20 years, it’s easy catcher Gary Sanchez. However, batting stats, including home runs, alignment that can be big and hun- to see that the Astros have almost with small players stepping up and batting averages, RBIs, and hits: gry enough to win their final game unmatchable dominance in the race a newly vigorous starting pitching Cody Bellinger. The outfielder has of 2019, so make sure you look out for the best. The numbers earned rotation, the Yankees are in line to strong postseason stats, so he and for that. by their starting pitching staff will produce power in the fall. For the be useful in the ALDS against the ALDS, being one of the sole teams wild-card winning team, as the excited to use their bullpen will def- Astros have the top seed. With no- initely be useful, and some return- table stars like pitcher Justin Ver- ing A-Team hitters will be some to lander, who reached the 20-win watch for. mark, rookie outfielder Yordan Al- varez and his over 1.000 OPS, and The National League outfielder George Springer’s high home run numbers, this strong team Dodgers will be positively thrilling to watch In an attempt to take it all af- in the upcoming weeks. ter losing the World Series in back- New York Yankees to-back years, the Dodgers did a On paper, the 2019 Yankees pretty good job in 2019 through to September. Once they clinched the should have had a chaotic season. Braves Eliminated After the Writing of the Article... From April to September, the team National League West early, the Premier League Championship By Briana Gill played it around 10 times already on Youtube. When a game in a tie, you know what that After that heck of a goal, the Redwoods means: OVERTIME!!!! As fans, who doesn’t The sun was shining real bright in Philadel- buckled down and went on a scoring spree.They love overtime? The game is so good we don’t phia on September 21st for Philly native Whip- finally tied up with the Whipsnakes with a few want it to end! It keeps our eyes glued to the TV. snake attackman, , as he lead his The score was 11-11 and Talen Energy Stadium team to victory against the Redwoods in the first was ecstatic to see who would take the inaugural ever championship of this brand new, success- season title. There was no set amount of time, ful Premier Lacrosse League. The Whipsnakes just sudden death. The Whipsnakes won the first dominated the first half scoring five goals eas- possession and within twenty eight seconds into ily. Things started to pick up for the Redwoods play, Matt Rambo finished business quick and as one of their players, , launched a scored the golden goal! beautiful shot from half field in the final seconds There you have it, your first ever Pre- of the second quarter. That rocketship of a goal mier Lacrosse League Champions: The Whip- was so good that it counted as a two point goal. snakes!!!! Matt Rambo won MVP of the game. The Whipsnakes slipped up in the third Shocker. That’s a wrap of the debut of the PLL. quarter not scoring for most of the time. Jack Whipsnakes Celebrating their Victory Let’s see, will the Whipsnakes be able to defend Near of the Redwoods was also pretty nifty at their title next season? The other teams will be scoring as he juked out the defenseman with ease minutes remaining. From that moment until the coming in hot next year. We will have to wait and FLEW over the crease, scoring. If you don’t end of the game, it was a rush of high intensity and see until next June to see if the Whipsnakes believe me watch the highlights. I must’ve re- with both teams going at it and scoring. can handle the pressure of being on top. September/October 2019 Page 11 Flag Football is Back! By Tyler Ziman

Flag football is officially back, and it’s reached the national level. The game could not have made it to the big time without the referees, who are to thank for the widespread popularity of flag football. There have been a lot of penal- ties called throughout the first few weeks of the season. However, the NFL is off to an exciting start. Patrick Mahomes is dominating the field yet again. Lamar Jackson proved that he is NOT a running back. Antonio Brown is done playing in the NFL. Daniel Jones is the Giants’ new go- to guy. And Gardner Minshew II’s mustache has become an American sensation. We sure have seen some exciting moments so far. Here’s what I can say to expect this year: Green Bay Packers

Super Bowl Contenders Green Bay Packers NFL Busts The Packers look really, really good so far New England Patriots this season. The defense has been very good, Miami Dolphins Are the Patriots ever going to be bad? This most notably in the week one clash with the All I have to say is yikes. The Dolphins is a question that seems to be pondered every Bears, holding Mitchell Trubisky and the Chi- completed changed their roster this year, as most season as the Patriots keep putting off the idea cago offense to just 3 points. Aaron Rodgers of the roster from the 2018 season is no longer of going downhill in the slightest way. I’m sure and the Green Bay offense have been productive on the team. Although Miami has several first- a lot of people are wondering where Tom Brady lately, with Aaron Jones starting to get hot at the round picks in the next couple drafts, it is going discovered the fountain of youth, because we are running back position. First-year Head Coach to take a good amount of time to get back to the all pretty sure that he’s using it. Anyway, watch Matt LaFleur is doing a great job so far up north playoffs. out for New England with their offensive threats, and looks like he’ll become yet another young especially Josh Gordon, after the departure of coach to lead his team to the Super Bowl. New York Jets Antonio Brown. The release of Brown puts Gor- The Jets have been such a disappointment don back as the Patriots’ number one receiver, Dallas Cowboys this year. Many people expected the team to win along with Julian Edelman. I know it is said every year, but the Dal- at least 8 games this year, but it looks like they las Cowboys might actually win the Super Bowl. won’t even come close to that number. Le’Veon Kansas City Chiefs I really like what I’ve seen so far with Dak Bell has been the only bright spot this year for The Chiefs are back and look just as good Prescott, since he’s looking like one of the true New York, as we are still waiting to see Sam as they did last year, when they were a play leaders of the NFL this year, at the quarterback Darnold become the star quarterback that he has away from heading to the Super Bowl. Patrick position. Prescott has a lot of guys to work with, the potential to be. It’s going to be a long year yet Mahomes is in a league of his own and can’t be like Ezekiel Elliott, Michael Gallup, and Amari again for Jets fans. stopped. The Kansas City offense also gives Ma- Cooper. You know the Cowboys must be good homes many weapons to work with, including when Jason Witten comes out of retirement to LeSean McCoy, Tyreek Hill, and Travis Kelce. Projected Playoff Teams come back and play for the team. With all that Rookie WR Mecole Hardman has been a star so said, don’t be surprised when the Cowboys win far for the Chiefs, and the former Georgia Bull- AFC 12-13 games this year. They are truly a very dog is looking to get the most out of his opportu- good football team. nity for Andy Reid’s squad. East: New England Patriots (14-2) North: Ravens (12-4) South: Indianapolis Colts (10-6) West: Kansas City Chiefs (13-3) Wild Card 1: Cleveland Browns (10-6) Wild Card 2: Buffalo Bills (10-6)


East: Dallas Cowboys (10-6) North: Green Bay Packers (12-4) South: New Orleans Saints (10-6) West: Los Angeles Rams (11-5) Wild Card 1: Minnesota Vikings (11-5) Wild Card 2: Detroit Lions (9-7) New England Patriots Page 12 September/October 2019 Senior Advice to Freshmen

“My biggest regret academically in high school is not taking as much time as I would’ve liked to into my work freshman year. Looking back, “Don’t think it is weak to ask for help. It will help you SO MUCH it’s now my lowest averaged year because i didn’t study nearly as much as throughout high school and life. Asking for help shows your desire to im- I should have and didn’t take it as seriously as I did my final three years.” prove and that you care about the quality of what you do.” -Lydia Charyn -Nikolas Uva “My advice is to start out strong. Really work hard in the beginning of “Try new things like sports and clubs to see what you like and to ex- the year because by the end of the year you may be more tired and worked plore different opportunities.” -Joseph Curcio up about things. Having good (or better) grades in the beginning of the year then having lower grades at the end of the year is better than having “DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!! Homework is such an easy way to boost both bad grades at the beginning and end of the year. Work hard while your grade with the smallest amount of effort. Even though you might not your brain is fresh, you wont regret it! Give yourself a head start!” -Diana feel like doing it, or may think it isn’t important, it does count for a lot and Cabrera will make a huge difference in the long run.” -Grace Kronewitter “Guidance is a very powerful resource that is always at your disposal “You should try to volunteer as much as you can because you need 60 and is not taken advantage of by many, so make sure to get the most you hours of community service for National Honors Society (also because it’s can out of it.” -Ryan McQuarry nice to volunteer). The interact club will provide you with multiple volun- teer opportunities.” -Emily Perrine “My advice is to persevere, but do it with friends. It may be tough at first, especially since it is a completely new environment for many, but the “You should live life to the fullest because you will not be able to live best option is to just stick your head up high and persevere through all of through high school again. If you want to do something, do it because it. Don’t fight back as it may get you in trouble and lead to serious conse- you’re better off having it happen and knowing the endresult than not do- quences, but also don’t just stand by and take it either because doing it all ing it and not know if something would work or not. Lastly, do good in by yourself will hurt more than with help, so go to your group of friends high school because it makes the college process much easier.” -Aidan Kelly and stick by each other.” -Paul Samaan

Created By: Michael Kozdra Tom-Tom Contributor’s Box: Advisor: Mr. Jankowski Editor: Ryan Spector Layout Editor: Jessica Xing Staff: John Baker, Brooke Forgette, Briana Gill, Tyler Grobman, Emily Hanson, Michael Kozdra, Ethan Moskovitz, Zuzanna Niepostyn, Sofia Smith, Lucy Sokolova, Nicole Solich, and Tyler Ziman