What’s What ROADSIDE ASSAULT ACTS TO PREVENT Illustration of Home Improvement Idea COLONIAL FARMHOUSE RESCUED FROM OBSOLESCENCE FOR ««35. Behind News PROBED BY POLICE TARIFF FILIBUSTER In Capital President Sends Nomination Senate and House Con- Arlington Man Near Death Robinson Threatens Longer Black List Is Rainey’s Sessions to of North Carolinian ferees Face Fight on Fix- After Montgomery Senate Shrinking Fast as Attack. Force Vote. to Senate. ing Lump Sum. Election Nears. County

By a Staff Correspondent of Tha Star. By the Associated Pres*. Claudius T. Murchison of Worts to settle their differences BY PAUL MALLON. Chapel a threat to the Senate on a Hill, N. C., was appointed Presi- District POUR Md., May 24.— By put by ovflthe 1935 appropriation cannot believe all hear CORNERS, dent Roosevelt and you 12-hour the Democratic today to be director bill were resumed today by Senate or razor working day, from Washington. As an in- Slashed with a knife during of the Bureau of Foreign and Domes- House conferees, with the fixing of leadership sought today to squelch stance, it now appears that a with two unidentified men tic Commerce to succeed Willard L. share looming as the fight the Federal the wrath of the administra- any attempt at a filibuster against the YOU near T. 47 Thorp. of controversy. here, John Kolar, years '“point tion will not descend, as ad- tariff-bargaining bill. The nomination of Murchison, who had to take a recess of Is In a critical [conferees vertised, upon the heads of all re- old, Arlington, Va., is a professor of economics at the L brief meeting this morning to Rumors had reached Majority bellious Democratic Congressmen. condition at the Montgomery County University of North Carolina, was sent ■members of the House to an- Leader Robinson that one or two General with severe wounds to the Senate for confirmation. It roll call vote in the House. Hospital members were “trying to perfect an was because of the Senate’s opposition the conference may be re- of the face and throat. gh for a filibuster.” to Thorp that President Roosevelt for a while this afternoon, was organization Kolar, a real estate agent, more than a week ago withdrew were that no final con- He said he was prepared to bring Ji%!r-.tions The found In an unconscious condition Thorp’s nomination for this important clusions would be reached today. pressure to end any such move bureau across the wheel of post. caaferences probably will continue slumped steering sessions. speedily by prolonging dally Resented next day or two. his machine on the Old Bladensburg Thorp's Rejection. forfthe ‘•If that is the intention, we will there are numerous of •Although road less than a mile from Pour Cor- Secretary Commerce Roper and amendments to appropriation meet at 10 o’clock in the morning and Assistant Secretary John Dickinson, it Sgjate ners by Montgomery County Police- more than $5,000000, until 8 o’clock at night,” he said. is understood, have both se- items, totaling man Ralph Howard shortly after 10 stay approved the bill, it Is lection of the Carolinian. Dickinson scattered throughout o’clock this morning and was rushed "And if that doesn't work, we'll come believed these items can be settled vehemently "resented” ihe rejection to the hospital at Sandy Spring. here at 9 a.m. and stay till the same 'without much delay il an agreement Speaker Rainey has, in fact, quiet- of Dr. Thorp and threatened to resign He was revived by staff physicians, hour in the evening.” on the controversial ques- ly been striking names off his secret if the was allowed to be- is reached but, weakened by the loss of blood, directorship of the total In the black list so fast that there are Denied. come "mere political tion of what part lapsed Into semi-consciousness several G. O. P. Participation patronage.” Government should few left. Dr. Murchison is said to have had bill the Federal times while being questioned by police Minority Leader McNary said "none One of the names on it was that the sponsorship of S. Williams of pay. and was unable to give officers coher- of the fellows” on the Republican side Clay of a semi-Southern Democrat. Early Winston Salem, chairman of the Ad- ent of the attack. was involved in an embryo filibuster. Demand Sewer Deduction. in the session, he was bitter against story and He declared they were ready to vote visory Planning Council of the the Rainey-Byrnes leadership and Had There. Department of Commerce. The Senate group is seeking to sus- "Appointment” as soon as general debate ended. Bud- frequently opposed Roosevelt legis- One of the objections to Dr. tain the recommendation of the to tell how- Indications today were that the final Thorp Kolar managed police, was his the same Federal con- lation. tie taken till next age. He is only 32. Dr. get Bureau for ever, that he had an "appointment vote would not week, The other he made a public Murchison, however, is 45 and a native tribution made for the present year, day some With two despite a possible Saturday session. to transact business” of House conferees statement for Speaker Chapel Hill, N. C. $5,700,000, but the of praise men and he met them at a point The Democratic leadership objected of and almost immediately he a insisted during the three hours Rainey on the old Bladensburg road be- yesterday to Republican demand lor Dean of Economies. to a discussion yesterday that Congress was appointed juicy position tween Pour Corners and Seeks Cor- a look at the trade agreement nego- He graduated from Wake Forest should take from the Federal con- on the Democratic Patronage Com- he said, tiated by the State Department with ner. An argument followed, College in 1911 and took hi5 Ph D. an amount to 70 mittee. one of the Colombia last December. tribution equal per and the two attacked him, degree at Columbia in 1919. Since cent of the sewer allotment made by A Democrat from a Pacific Coast a knife or a Senator Hatfield, of pair finally drawing Republican, then he has been a member of the the Public Works Administration la*^ State fared even better. He was the razor and his face and West Virginia offered a resolution slashing faculty at Columbia, at Miami Uni- No. 1 man on the original black throat. calling on the department to Xurnish Bummer. This 80-year-old Southern farm- versity, and at the University of North This would mean the Fed- The men fled In a car In the Senate with a copy. He said he cutting list. light Carolina. For two years he was acting of this down had met him and Kolar had reason to believe it was negotiated house was completely transformed eral share appropriation Praise Begets Praise. which they dean and head of the department of to S4.364.295. a reduction of $1,335,705. stumbled back to his machine and to aid American oil and fruit interests he paid tribute to the from the dilapidated condition illus- economics and commerce at North The Senate conferees have pointed Recently with large holdings in Colombia. collapsed. Carolina. Since 1922 he has been pro- in conference that the District gr-r-reat Rainey-Bymes generalship Police said that the man was un- Democrats that the de- trated in the lower to the at- out responded picture fessor of applied economics. understood the sewer al- in a from the floor. Soon able to name his assailants, while he partment would be willing to let the government speech tractive Colonial dwelling pictured Dr. Murchison L the author of "Re- lotment was a and that Dis- became unconscious before Senate se the If Colombia con- grant, thereafter. Floor Leader Byrnes wrote explain- treaty sale Price Maintenance” and "King trict officials would have been forbid- ing the nature of the business that sented, but they preferred letting the above, all for *935. Incidentally, It Cotton a letter him Is Sick.” He has also written den law from the money him strongly approving by accepting brought about the roadside meeting. matter drop until after the bill passed. a number of won a in a national contest last newspaper and magazine If had known it was to be re- for re-election. Howard was the prize they patrolling along articles on economic subjects. as a loan. has replaced back- Request Stirs Debate. garded Backslapping Old Bladensburg road when the year. He is a member of the American Senator Thomas. Democrat, of so extensively that Mr. Rainey Most of debate centered biting driver of a passing bus halted the yesterday's Economic Association, the American Oklahoma, chairman of the Senate recently appeared in the sound movie seen around the demand Hatfield for police car and told him he had by Statistical Association, the Academy also has out that news reels with a first-term Demo- a conferees, pointed a man "with a cut on his face” sit- copy of the trade agreement with of Political and Social Sciences and even if the sewer fund be regarded crat from Montana. Floor Leader ting in a car a short distance up the Colombia. the American Association of Univer- as a loan, the District should not be another letter covering Byrnes wrote road. Senator Long, Democrat, of Louisi- sity Professors. required to pay back the entire 70 four of the Congressional pages The policeman raced to the scene ana. one of the few Democrats op- He is also a democrat. per cent at one time, since public Record (cost to the Government esti- the the and lound Kolar lying across the posing bill. Joined Republicans an works loans in the States are a manner In which 80-year- repay- mated at $55 per page) praising steering wheel In a coma. The attack in their demand to see the treaty. able over a of old farm house In Johnson period years. Gulf State Democratic Congressman. had occured some time ‘What's under the barrel?" he ROBINSON BEYOND let- apparently Seeks Annulment City. Tenn.. was modernized A Texas Representative Is using asked. "What have Committee Reversed. before as blood from the wound had they got cooked and made habitable in every re- ters from both Rainey and Byrnes THE the to dried on floor of the machine, up? Somebody’s going get it in spect an indication ot the OPERATION STAGE, The House Appropriations Com- how good he is. In answer gives saying Howard eald. the neck. Somebody's business is go- Alfonso amount of transformation that can be mittee, in reporting the District bill to an from the Middle West, Ex-King Reported Inquiry Dr. J. W. Bird, president of the ing to be ruined. about to the House more than a month also a Con- brought with very little expendi- SURGEONS REPORT Rainey publicly approved and chief of the "Here's a to Ask Decree stated that the District would hospital surgical treaty they don’t think Ready ture. ago, gresswoman. although she had "op- staff, reported that Kolar's condition the Senate would approve. If they From Vatican. This is the of home not be required to reimburse the Fed- posed the administration on veterans’ type improve- (Continued From First Page.) was critical but that he "may re- are going to load the dice let us see ment which ’Hie Star is to eral Government to the extent of 70 legislation.” seeking cover.” 'em when they fall—give us a chance. in this area its per cent of the sewer allotment, “as Such tactics are extremely unusual encourage through to Robinson’s bride, the former Flor- It's like a doctor pouring medicine MADRID, May 24 <#).—The news-! Better Homes now in is provided for loans to municipalities advance of the These Left Home $1,000 Contest ence Crane, the fish- in primaries. Yesterday Morning. our Not to Let La Libertad a Chicago heiress, for local as the sewer for down throats and not letting us Administration paper today published j progress. form of home modern- improvements, Congressmen are "not” running wife told that her Any ing trawler Santa Cruz has been Kolar’s police know what we’ve report from that former King , projects provided for in this case are but for renomi- got." ization or repair, regardless of co6t, is the boat re-election yet, only husband left home after 9 Alfonso XIII Is an annul- standing by tiny honeymoon classified as ‘Federal shortly During the debate Long openly dis- Make planning ! for in this projects.’ nation as Democrats. Holders of Metal eligible entry competition, supplying ice to the adventurer. o'clock yesterday morning, but that closed the of votes to obtain ment of his marriage with the former packs When the bill was being considered trading which will continue through Septem- The arrival The Mr. Byrnes his absence last of the naval surgeons In the those in participation of she did not regard tariff duties. He said it had been Queen Victoria. ber 15. forms be ob- House, however, be- Millions. Application may spelled welcome relief to the bride of is even more extraordinary, night as being strange because of done on the and other It stated that the couple would charge of it reversed this position sugar, copper tained from the Better Homes Con- the textile cause he is chairman of the Dem- his estate activities ask for an Cambridge, Mass, engineer. amendment which the fact that real schedules. the Pope annulment or with a last-minute test editor of The Star from the She and her cousin, Donald West, took from the Federal contribution 70 ocratic Congressional Campaign in Maryland and Virginia often kept shortly. citizens’ association of the out the Traded Vote*. the Associated Press. territory had been the only immediate com- This Committee, which keeps of him away overnight. She said he had1 By At the same time, the newspaper per cent of the sewer allotment. in which the home is located. of the adventurer since he be- and acts after He said he had voted for a copper will insist on re- a panions House action went further and called primaries only the agency for several farms in the The administration El Sol published dispatch from The “before and after” have been tariff so that Senators from the Roosevelt's silver photographs gan the cruise last June from New 70 cent of an- Democratic nominations two States. copper taining in President Paris saying that Alfonso's son Juan, for repayment of per shown here today reveal the striking York in the 32-foot boat in which made. Mrs. also that she States would vote for a sugar duty. plan the 50 per cent tax on profits will soon announce his engagement other public works allotment that was Kolar tol(J police improvement made in this old house. he "Yes, and that Is why I am once sailed around the world. The dn reason for it is not hard to and her husband came from their voting by speculators. to Princess Marla, the youngest spent public parks. The The cost of all labor and materials craft was to be the smallest for this bill," Senator Ashurst, Demo- This was stated definitely In au- of reported It has since developed from the tes- find. home in Detroit in March and estab- daughter King Victor Emmanuel of used underneath and outside the crat of Arizona, one of the leaders of thoritative today and prob- ever to circumnavigate the globe. timony of District officials that ap- Many Entered Race. lished a residence at 156 Lee avenue, quarters Italy. house, including grading and shrubs, the fight for a copper tariff, replied. ably will be said before the Navy Answers Pleas. proximately $250,000 of the sewer on in Arlington. He has a real estate publicly was When the House was in revolt "This the $935. never will be she is scientific method of tariff House Ways and Means Committee PARIS, May 24 (/P).—Close friends The to Mrs. Rob- allotment probably spent veterans’ restorations, pay cute and office in Fredericksburg, said. Long years of neglect had not Navy, responding the House making. I know we won't ever get a tomorrow by Secretary Morgenth&u. of former King Alfonso and former inson's frantic for aid. when by the District, although other matters, -an impression was- robbed the structure of a certain dig- appeals bill reimbursement of 70 tariff on copper through Congress." It was said neither the American Queen Victoria of said today her husband became or- requires per created the leaders that the Spain nity, and its simple charm made the ill, quickly by party ‘‘You have a Democratic would was a for cent of the full allotment. VETERANS COMPLAIN President," people nor the administration that there foundation seem ganized a rescue expedition, compris- revolters were going to be made to effort to save it worth while. Long replied, “but you haven’t got a permit a few holders of silver to make rumors that the royal couple wish had thin shells of ing the two seaplanes and two de- on Detailed Items. suffer. young Democrats Termites left only Work Aspiring tariff from a on of a an that C. C. C. IS WRECKING copper him. You got millions of profits execution annulment. almost all the once-sturdy underpin- stroyers. One destroyer was ordered In their first meet- out through the country thought After failing copper tariff because I and other Federal monetary policy. They said, however, nothing had As timbers to proceed to the Svaat. while the afforded a splendid opportunity for ning. supporting gave ing yesterday to reach a conclusion Senators went around here and swap- The bill as recommended would put been done on the matter and that other took up a station half-way be- them to get elected to Congress. THEIR BONUS MARCH way, slowly sinking walls caused the on the main controversy Involving votes to it. a cent tax on on all the was be- tween the ketch and the Canal announced themselves in great ped get 50 per profits royal couple hesitating roof to sag, pulling the side walls Zone. the Federal the conferees left They “We couldn't a tariff on 15. cause it was late In life and also be- share, of Con- get oil, silver sold after May away from the chimneys. Fortun- Zone. numbers as opponents sitting From First > that question for the time being and (Continued Page and coal, and copper, so we put in cause an annulment might have a however, the insects had con- No more lonely place in the world gressmen on the ground that those World Parley Seen. ately, worked out a settlement of some of lumber to get a few more votea." bad effect upon monarchists' hope fined their work underneath the could be found for a man to suffer an now holding office did not stand with detailed items in the bill. the time allotted them at Fort Hunt, a new for restoration of the throne of above the attack of severe illness than the Roosevelt. Meanwhile, the prospect of Spain. house, and all the lumber Tagus President invasion of the C. C. C. The House members indicated they have but the rep- international monetary discussion pro- Some said they thought that If foundation was in excellent condi- Cove, scientists who have explored As a result, the Congressmen ’ would to the Senate to allow resentatives presented a more press- the administrations Alfonso would abdicate formally, the tion. the Islands, said. It is yield been running to Rainey and Byrnes jected from equatorial the of free text books to ing problem. Hickerson complained U.S. WOMEN LOSE way might be cleared for the annul- wnen me lower noonng naa Deen situated between two vol- furnishing on their hands and knees, asking for silver aid program. smoking, school w’hich the convention is about to collapse Roosevelt's ment. removed, were on the canic islands and its waters w’ash over non-resident pupils, statements of approval. Hidden in President jacks placed was in the House measure. because of the unexpected willingness to was a solid bank Just inside the crumbling what was once an active, gigantic prohibited When the bars were let down, near- IN FRENCH silver message Congress The House stood how- of the men to go to work with the to nations foundation. Posts, resting on these, volcano. group firmly, ly all the wolves had to be given subtle invitation foreign to c. c. c. to seek were forced up under a long beam There Is no fresh water In the ever, against a Senate amendment clothing. plagued by money troubles sheeps’ ALEXANDRIA HONORS in the formed the and ice is from allow the Highway Department to Hickerson, accompanied by George a silver solution for their problems. placed angle by islands available only Underlying it all is the fact that and James J. visited Helen Jacobs of the second-floor resume operation of its own testing Allman Beatty, Only American Nations were not named, but there underside joists the Santa Cruz, which sent out the both the House and the Senate the White House before Mr. Howe and the outside studding. laboratory. were intimations that Mr. Roosevelt full-length call for aid after answering the Svaat's have a certain cameraderie and Winner in CONFEDERATE DEAD was reached the executive offices. After Matches—Alice Great Britain. Germany, France. The actual Jacking-up process distress flags. in- had Compromise Planned. club-like atmosphere on the some sounds of Light waiting for time, they managed Japan and others in mind when he accompanied by menacing side. When misfortune befalls Marble Faints. timbers NAVY KEPT INFORMED. The Senate amendment restoring to reach the secretary by telephone, said: rotted falling below, plaster let be Parade and Service to for adequate street lighting them, they usually bygones and were told to see Gen. Frank T. "The ebb and flow of values in al- Tonight cracking, beams and rafters hissing 8170,000 and at about hall bygones and sympathize help Hines, veterans’ administrator. the world have and screeching, but slowly and will be compromised By the Associated Pres*. most all parts of Commemorate 1861 Leave- Told Robinson's Condition Is Critical each other. left for the Veterans’ Admin- for the old framework was forced that amount, it was reported. They created many points of pressure steadily Leader. PARIS, May 24.—Prance today de- the by Flight The Senate amendment allowing istration building to seek the inter- readjustments of internal and inter- back into its original position, taking. been lifted the additional funds for the fire alarm view, and announced meanwhile that feated the United States in a team national standards.” center front having The Navy was informed last night — had sunken. Then a system was agreed to yesterday. they plan to remain until Sunday tennis series between leading women Administration quarters paid alight 13 Inches it that the condition of William Albert at all costs. London that a Staff The concrete foundation, new sills and Robinson, stricken with When the conferees adjourned yes- of the two Ida heed to reports from By Correspondent of Star. appendicitis players countries, the whole structure on a at Cove of terday they were in the midst of a After a conference of more than an financial circles were alarmed lest the ALEXANDRIA, Va., May 24.—Ex- joists, put aboard his yacht Tagus Adamoff the deciding fourth was too critical discussion of Senate increases in hour with Gen. Hines and A. D. scoring Roosevelt silver elevation plan hamper ercises In memory of the 700 men sound basis. the Galapagos Islands, his series The in the plan for an immediate school funds, Including Senator Cope- Hiller, administrative assistant, victory in the seven-match when Great Britain's return to the gold who left here on May 24. 1861, to serve only major change operation. the of the one-story ell Lieut. Comdr. Herman H. land’s that a start be made the committee left without permis- she defeated Cruickshank, standard. with the Confederate Army are to be was raising Halland, proposal Josephine it 3 in sion to remain at Fort Hunt after Officials with held at 6 the to two stories, and widening naval surgeon, reported: on a character study experiment 6—3. questioned responded p.m. today at Con- The said 3—6, 6—I, feet to enlarge a porch and lengthen "Plane detachment arrived a limited number of class rooms. today. committee, however, another question: , federate Monument at Prince and Tagus Alice Marble had de- to into a Paint, Cove ex- Most of the other school amendments they were still hopeful of obtaining Previously "What effort has England made Washington streets, which marks the a huge pantry garage. 6:40 p.m. Medical officers and a planting of shrubs amined and condition relate to building and ground items. more time and Gen. Hines gave them faulted to Mme. June Henrotin after return to gold?" spot where the Alexandria contingent grading patient report a the outside transformation. critical. Probable ruptured second appointment after lunch. on the court in the intense assembled. completed appendix, fainting Equalizing: Fund Cited. with The Civilian Conservation Corps The sole survivor of the contingent. general peritonitis. Immediate The silverites were not as enthusias- heat and Carolln Babcock and Sarah As to the of the Presi- BRAND WHITLOCK unit, previously housed at Fort Hunt, significance Brig. Oen. Edgar Warfield, 92-year- operation not advisable due to patient's tic about their new silver bill as they had lost to Gold- dent's mention of “readjustments,” it condition. arrival of is expected to move back into camp Palfrey Jacqueline old veteran and one of the organizers general Upon pretended, although it was exactly was pointed out Great Britain has STILL SEEK Hale will transfer with medical EXPIRES IN FRANCE tomorrow unless the Government schmidt and Colette Rosambert, re- of the company, will take part in the POLICE patient what Mr. Roosevelt promised them been off the standard nearly four officers to Hale and send to Balboa grants the ex-service men more time gold exercises. weeks ago. spectively. years, employing an equalization fund after planes are serviced. Mrs. Rob- AFTER OPERATION to finish their convention. During The program Includes a short Floor Leader Robinson picked Sen- Downs Nemesis. to control the pound. France, still BAILIFF’S ASSAILANT inson will return in Hale.” the stay of the veterans the C. C. C. Helen Jacobs parade, with the Daughters of the ator Key Pittman to introduce the bill on gold, has faced recurrent rumors company has been temporarily quar- cham- Confederacy, Sons of Confederate From First Page.) in the because Pittman has Helen Jacobs, United States she sooner or later would be forced (Continued Sgnate, tered at Port Humphreys. Veterans, Scouts, Alexandria been the only sllverite with whom the pion and captain of the team which to abandon the standard. Both Ger- Boy High Another laid to Colored The experience complained of today School and Olrl Cadet and Hold-np in of vari- administration has worked closely. will play England next month in de- and with a low gold Boy Corps housTrestaurant Brussels resisting pressure the many Japan, Treas- by leaders is similar to that of a fense of the man scored the Maj. James E. King Camp of Took ous sorts exerted or attempted on the The final draft came from the Wight Cup, supply, have confronted important Bandits, Who Car, year ago, when the Government in the first Spanish-Amerlcan War Veterans in Belgian non-combatants. It was large- ury and White House, where the ad- the only American victory difficulties in foreign exchange waived age limits and invited the the line of march, and an address by and Gun. FIGHT COMMENCES the vigorous efforts of Mr. ministration worked it out In confer- five matches, she defeated Mme. Rene dealings. Badge ly through veterans into the C. C. C. Almost Rev. T. ol tilt Whitlock that the Germans Anally ence with all the silver group. Mathieu, ranking woman player of Those factors are reported In Ryland Dodge, pastor 1.500 men left the ranks of the bonus desisted from the wholesale deporta- One silver enthusiast, in his despair, France and her nemesis, 6—2, 6—3. Treasury circles to have influenced Baptist Temple. marchers then, and It is exercises at the monu- Bailiff Lawrence Dayton of De Priest First Witness of civilians into Ger- described it in the cloak room as “a expected Miss Marble was trailing 4—1 in the President’s further statement: Following Town Today tions Belgian down more Jhan half of the present bonus when she fainted after serv- ment, the assemblage will march to Bladensburg, Md., who tracked many for war work. rim-less zero.” Another said: “It au- games just “At no time since the efforts of this army will follow their at historic Christ bandit* in Inquiry Action The report of his embassy on the thorizes them to do something for sil- example. ing a double fault and had to be Nation to secure international agree- the graveyard two colored early yesterday. Concerning Edith Last night at Fort Hunt, Repre- revived where a squad of the Alex- to robbed himself, was still execution by Germans of Miss ver when and if they want to.” carried from the court. She ment on silver began in 1878 have Church, only get on Colored Kace. sentative Magnus Johnson and andria will fire a for his stolen automobile, Cavell, English nurse, who was con- The reasons for such feelings are Rep- quickly in the dressing room but the conditions been more favorable for Light Infantry looking resentative Farmer- salute over of Confederate and as police chalked victed of aiding prisoners of war to numerous, one is there are just as Henry Arens, physician who attended her declined making progress along this line." graves badge gun today news- Labor members of of Min- will be sounded. the two escape, caused many German many different kinds of silverites as Congress to let her return to play. Toward what ultimate goal the veterans, and taps up another crime against By th# Associated Press. that the United States a nesota, addressed the men. Johnson The exercises will be presided over by men in Washington. papers to urge there are mosquitoes. Each likes Mile. Goldschmidt defeated Miss President Is driving for an Interna- Representative Oscar De Priest. Re- to withdraw him, but no For in- told them the bonus bill probably and Miss R. Samuel Luckett, commander of the Their descriptions fit those of a be asked little different kind of meat. Babcock, 6—3, 6—4, Palfrey tional money standard continued un- publican, of Illinois, approached a 6 was taken will pass the Senate if it can be taken 1—6. Sons of Confederate Veterans. who robbed John O. Harnig, official action by Germany. stance, the main reason Senator went down 3—6, known. But Treasury officials held pair climax today In his fight to open the as one of the out of committee. Arens cautioned Barnes Lade northeast, as Harnig was He was recognized Thomas has been so active for silver Two doubles matches complete the the view It was definitely away from House restaurant to colored persons. and was them to continue to on near his home last night. great benefactors of Belgium is that he wants to get that issue out carry their series the old gold standard. walking The only colored member of Con- with honors from many of demonstration in an manner. FOUR C. C. C. WORKERS The bandits trained pistols on Harnig showered of the way so we can have some real orderly Wilmer Hines, former University of On high authority, it w'as said the gress was listed as the first witness in In 1919 his and his of $9.90. the allied governments. inflation. North Carolina star, played airtight President’s silver plan left open for emptied pockets an inquiry, opening today. In the right was raised from that of Min- round of ELECTROCUTED IN CRASH Dayton, hearing a radio broadcast rank Another reason is that the sil- tennis to enter the third ultimate adoption any number of eco- of members of his race to dine in the to that of Ambassador, but in REPORTED KIDNAPING for two bandits who slugged Isaac ister verites doubt if the administration men's singles in the French hard- nomic proposals which would embrace restaurant. 1922 he retired from diplomatic serv- court R. Lambert in his filling station at will carry out the flexible mandate championships, defeating both gold and silver. Truck Knocks Sown Wire and Chairman Miller of the special ice to life. OF AMERICANS Monaco Davis Kenilworth and Dean avenues north- House private of the act as enthusiastically as DENIED Galeppe, Cup repre- Probably the best known Is bimetal- Investigating Committee hoped work in which began and Are Killed* east and robbed him His Belgium, noticed that sentative, 6—1, 6—4, 6—2. which would establish a standard Hitch-Hikers early yesterday, for a brief, non-spectacular De- they would like. They lism, hearing, with his appointment as Minister Fred Davis of $15, located the men on the back a the administration has lately By the Associated Press. Perry, English Cup ace, silver value for the dollar along with Five Others Hurt. lasting only day or two. After De was his most promi- road to Bladensburg. cember 2, 1913, stress on the international made his first start in the champion- the which now is 15 5-21 Priest, he planned to take testimony placed PEIPING, May 24—Both the United gold value, of to nent position in public life, although ships a one by easily defeat- the Instead submitting arrest, the as to the of aspects of the program. States and the Standard Oil winning grains. Without an International By Associated Press. authority Chairman War- had served four consecutive terms legation bandits robbed Dayton of $8, his he ing Jean Augustin, 6—4, 6—1, 6—1, however, while silver and SALISBURY, Mo., May 34.—Four ren of the Accounts Committee to bar from 1905 to If they wait until they get an In- Co., said today they were without in- agreement, and as mayor of Toledo, 1913, in a second-round encounter. the same badge, pistol automobile, ordering colored persons from the ternational silver will formation of the of gold dollars would have Civilian Conservation eating place, and declined a nomination for a fifth agreement, they reported capture Other results second Corps youths him from hla' own car near Hunts- of which three Americans and (men's singles, value domestically, there would be Warren's committee is in wait a long time. Otherwise, they a group of auto- were killed and five others were Md. term. round): for the two unit* ville, charge. might be able to establish the 25 per mobiles of the Standard Oil Co. of different quotations Born in Ohio. G. Palmierl, Italy, defeated Andre one critically, last night when The fight started In when silver base in 30 New York. in foreign exchange. burned, January cent years. 6—4. De Priest's Roche, Prance, 6—0, 6—3, a truck on which were riding to secretary, Morris Lewis, Whitlock was born March 4, 1869, When S 2817 came up in the House Chinese officials likewise discredited they LEA PETITION . France, defeated a and PUSHED tried to dine there with a in Urbana. Ohio, the son of Rev. last Monday, Representative Carter the rumors, saying their latest ad- dance struck a pole dislodged companion. A. Ewbant, France, 6—0, 6—1, 6—1. They were refused sendee. Elias D. Whitlock, a Methodist Epis- of California, objected and the bill vices indicated the area where the IN a high tension wire carrying 33,000 Marcel Bernard, France, defeated QUEZON HOSPITAL KNOXVILLE, 24 OP).— De Priest introduced a to was to have oc- volts of electricity. Tenn., May resolution, copal minister. was blocked. It is the bill authoris- kidnaping supposed Prince de Kuteh, 6—2, 4—6, 7—5, The dead are It; Mrs. J. C. Ouinn, one of the leaders determine by what Warren When Whitlock was 15, his father Congressmen to borrow from the curred was peaceful. George Forbes, authority ing 3—6, 6—4. for In a movement here to obtain clem- acted. the moved to Toledo. There the son fin- Farm Credit Administration and H. O. The Standard Oil Co. of New York Receives Treatment Malady Allen Murray, 17; Nick Kavochevlck, Subsequently “public” Herman Artens, Austria, defeated E. for Luke of were taken down ished his school education and denied the rumors 18; all of Kansas City, and Walter ency Lea, Jr., Nashville, signs and “members public L. C. If three Congressmen object the flatly. 6—2. Contracted While Here. Septorio, Italy, 6—3, 1,—6, 6—3, Brown, of Lees Summit, Mo. reported today that approximately 200 only" placards substituted. began newspaper work. At the age next time the bill comes up, it will 18, Jesse driver of the truck, persons had signed a asking of 21. Whitlock went to Chicago as a be killed. MANILA. P. I., May 24 (*).-Man- Jamison, petition Married Twice in Day. said he was to pass a young Lea be relieved of serving his political writer on the Chicago Her- The Darrow Board was privately ucl Quezon, president of the Philip* attempting Plays and Dances to Be Given. Excursion Is Planned, motor car when he another ma- North Carolina prison sentence. ald and three years later he was ap- amazed at the response to its DURHAM, England, May 24 (A>).— Manila hos- saw public pine Senate, entered a chine He said he Lea, Jr., and his father entered the The annual Spring production of pointed secretary to Gov. Altgeld of recommendations. Members thought Twice married—on the same day and A moonlight excursion on the approaching. pulled will today for observation of a kid- to the and the truck North Carolina prison at Raleigh two plays and dances will be given by Illinois. did a in the same church—was the experi- Steamship Potomac be given by pital sharply right they splendid job. weeks sentenced on of the Sock and Buskin Club of Pet- He wrote several books. ence of Miss Lilly Metcalf and George the Hotel and Restaurant Employes’ ney ailment from which he has been careened off the highway and crashed ago, charges popular < Copyright. 1934.> worth this at Turnbull. Alliance, Local 781, on June 14. Miss suffering since his recent trip to into the pole. violating the State banking laws. The Saturday night 8 o'clock which Mrs. Ouinn said would at the Gordon Junior School After the first marriage it was Helen Alexander is the first nominee Washington, D. C. petition, High be to Gov. asks under the direction of Big: Hati Popular. Savings Average High. found that the banns had not been for the title “most popular Washing- His physicians said he would be r presented Ehrlnghaus, auditorium, Airmail Planned* clemency on the ground that Im- Mrs. Donna Taggart and under the f*4uge cartwheel hats, almost as National savings certificates held published in the bridegroom's parish ton waitress," who is to be selected able to resume his campaigning for Airmail service is to be established prisonment may aggravate the younger supervision of Mrs. A. L. com- wge as those worn at the are people of England average 150 church. This necessitated the second and awarded a complete Bummer en- re-election at the June balloting with- Irving, beach, by per In death. .. -- and London. Lea’s Illness and result munity secretary In charge. fashionable In London. head of population. ceremony. semble, It was said._ in a ftw days. between Shanghai, China,