

RESTRICTED COM.TD/W/45/Rev. 2 17 January 1967 Limited Distribution

Comité de Comercio y Desarrollo, Octava reunion Committee on Trade and Development, Eighth Sesaion Comité du commerce et du développement, huitième session

Punta del Este,

16-20 de enero do 1967 - 16-20 January 1967 - 16-20 janvier 1967


Présidente : Chairman? S.E. Sr. Carlos Valenzuela (Chile) Présidents

Secretario del Comités Secretary of the Committee 1 Mr. D. Peart Secretaire du comité? Secretaria ds Confercnciar Miss S. Niklaus (tel. 8 05 46) Conference Secretary; (Cantegril Country Club - tel. 8 23 11) Secrétaire de conférences N.B. Dentro de lo posible se ha dado las direccioneo de las delegaciones. Addresses of delegations are indicated where possible. Qi s e3t efforcé d'indiquer, chaque fois que cela 6tait possible, l'adfc3se des délégations. C0M.TD/w/45/ltev.2 Page 2

ARGENTINA (Vanguardia, Tel.: 82144) Représentantes Sr. Alberto Sola Ministro de Comercio e Industria Sr. José Maria Alvarez de Toledo Embajada de en Uruguay Vice Présidente de la delegacién Sr. Gabriel Martinez Sr. Fernando G. Lerena Conaojoro Econônioo, Misiôn Permanente ante los Organismos internacionales en Ginebra Sr. Roberto Tiscomia Sr. Guido Martelli Sr. Tomâs Amadeo

AUSTRALIA (Vanguardia, Tel.s 82144) Representatives Mr. J.T. Smith Minister (Commercial) Embassy in Washington, Leader of delegation Mr. H.G.D, McConnell Counsellor (Commercial), Embassy in

AUSTRIA (Tamaris, Tel.: 81193) Representative Mr» Wolfgang Kund Trade Delegate in Brazil BELGIQUE (San Rafael, Tel.: 82161) Représentant M,P. Aneiaux de Faveaux Ministre plénipotentiaire, Ministère des Affaires étrangères ("La Luciole" îndes y Anacongua - Parada 7 ) M. Francis Conde de la Barre d'Erquelinnes Conseiller d'Ambassade Louise Dupont de Ariosa Secrétaire de la Délégation Chancelier â l'Ambassade de"Belgique COM.TD/w/Rev.2 Pago 3

BRAZIL (Hotel Normandy, tel: 219 int: 119)

Representative H.E. Mr. J.B. Pinheiro Ambassador to the Latin Amorioan Free Trade Association

Advisors Mr. L.P. Lindonbcrg Sotte Second Secretary of Embassy

Mr. Amaury Bier Second Secretary of Embassy

CAMEROUN (London Hotel, toi: 8- 0? 54) M, J.B. Belooken

Conseiller à la Mission Permanent à New York

CANADA (Vanguardia, tel: 8-21-44)

Representatives Mr. D.H.W. Kirto/ood Head, Economic Division Department of External Affairs» Leader of delegation Mr. B.S. Shapiro Counsellor (Commeroial), Embassy in

Mr. F.R. Pétrie Office of Trade Relations Department of Trade and Commoroo

Mr. D.S. McPhail Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. J.S. Rayner International Eoonomio Relations, Department of Finance


Représentant M» Martin Serongagou Directeur adjoint des Douanes y

gOM.Tj/fl/45/R eri2

CEYLON (Medano, Tel. s 83297)

Representative Mr. L. Mariadason Trade Commissioner High Commissioner's office in the United Kingdom


Repr e s ent ant e s S.E. Sr. Carlos Valenzuela Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante el GATT, (Vanguardia,Tel.s 82144) Présidente del Comité

Sr. Jorge Valdovinos (Florinda, Tel.: 8OO59) Mini3tro Consejero, Représentante Alterno ante ALALC Secretario Sr. Horacio Wood (Florinda, Tel.s 8OO59) Segundo Secretari© Representaciôn ante ALALC

COTE D*IVOIRE (liste non reçue)

CUBA (Medano, Tel.: 83297)

Représentante S.E, Dr. ilario Garcia Inchaustegui Embajador, Director de Organismos Internacionales, Ministerio de Comercio Exterior, Présidente de la Delegacion

Miembros Dr, Agust£n Sanchez Gonzalez, Especialista en Polftica Comercial Ministerio de Comercio Exterior

Sr. Jesus Jimenez Escobar Especialista en Politica Comercial, Ministerio de Comercio Exterior

Sr, Jose Garcia Rosquete Comisién de Colaboracion Econ6mica y Cientîfico Técnica Ca.!.TD/T'T/45/3ov.2 Pago 5

CZDC1G3LCV HI.. (T-oaaria, Tsl.: ^1193)

?»c_ roJOntativoa rir. Lauialav Snid Deputy Head, Department for Intorn.it_ onal Economic Organizations, Ministry of Foreign «ffairs

lir. Jaroslav Valenta Commercial Counsollor, Embassy in ."lontevidco

D^ILiUC (ncsidenci..!, Tel.: 82311)

tepr G 3 on t .it ivo '.Ir. Erik Eaugo Head of Section, Ministry f Foreign -ffair3


io^rosentante S.E. Br, Picgclio A. Tlanon Ranirez Enbajador Extraordinario y tlcnipotenciario en Uruguay

3SP-Î7A (Vangu^rdia, Tel.: 82144)

Representantes 3r. Huborto Villar Serrallet

Direccor do Eclocionos Intcrnacionalo3# Socrotaria General Tôcnica dol Iliniotro do Comorcio

Sr. Eduardo Pona Socretario de Eribajada, Jcfo de la Oficina Conercial, Efcibajada on ".iontcvidoo

FI2TL.J1D (Tanaris, Toi.: 81193)

lio-.r osent ativc lîr. Jussi Tlontonen Counsellor, Hoad of Departncnt, Tlinistry of Foreign affairs /

COXTD/7/45/Hev. 2 Page 6

FEDERAL REPUBLIC Or GSP.liN Li'icio Vanguardia, Tel.; 82312)

Reprcs^ntativ F l'r. P. Stcdtfold . .inisterialdirigent, • Ir.l Ministry of Economics, L 'L.-VJT of delegation

ir. K, Schulze - :;. c. rung s direkt or, F durai idnistry of Economics

."r. J. Hornung I/.inisterialrat, Federal ministry of Agriculture

GHANA (London Hotel, Tel.; 80254)

Représentatives Mr. S.E. Bassey IJrincipal Commercial Officer, Ministry of Trade

Av. S-K.P, Dadzie Commercial Attaché Consulate General in New York

GRECE (liste non reçue)

HAUTE VOLTA (liste non reçue)

INDIA (Vanguardia, Tel," 82311;

Repre s ent at ive L'r, B. N - Swarup Counsellor and Resident Representative to GATT, Permanent ItLssion to the International Organizations in Geneva

Mr. Àrun Àbhyankar Second Secretary Indian fînbassy in Buenos Aires

INDONESIA (San Rafael, TPI-J Q2l5l)

Representative M. U. Astrawinata Permanent Representative to GATT CCM.TD/y/45/Rov Pago 7

ISRAEL (Rosidoncial, toi: 8-2311) - (Vanguardia, toi: 8-2144)

Representatives Mr. A. Talbar \ Assistant Diroctor-Gonoral, Ministry of Commorco and Industry

H.E. Mr. H. Dikan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Uruguay

ITALIE (Iberia, tel: 8-2860)

Représentants M. Armando Fraeassi Inspecteur général, Ministère du Commerce extérieur M. Mario Constantino, Conseiller, Ministère du Commerce extérieur K. Giorgio Reitano, Attaché Commercial de 1*Ambassade d'Italie JAMAICA (London, toi: 8-0254)

Representatives Mr. C.J. Burgo3s Assistant Under-Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Industry

Dr. Hans Pricstor External Trade Consultant, Ministry of T*ade and Industry

JAP All (San Rafael, tel; 8-2161)

Representative Mr. H. Nisibori Minister, Pormanont Delegation to the inter­ national organizations in Geneva

Members Mr. S. Ikoda Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. H« Ohtaka Pir3t Secretary, Permanent Delegation to the inter­ national organizations in Geneva \ COM.C?D/T745'/H«rr...? ras. 8 , -' A 1 ~'2~ {con t inucd )

M-jHiliers ïïr. T. Su;;imoto Foreign Office

Min ici try of Industry and In tern at ion al Trade

Mr. II. Ikeda Embassy in Montevideo

KïL-TA (Eesidencial, l'el. :8231l)

Representatives Mr. A.M. M'jangi Under-Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Mr. A.G, Sarve assistant Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry

LUXEMBOURG (liste non reçue)

MADAGASCAR (liste non reçue)

MALA' T (not represented)

MAURiTA'IIE (liste non reçue)

KINGDOM 0? TEE 17ETEERLAITDS (Tanguardia, Tel. s 82144)

Representatives îîr. J.M.J. ïïintermans Director, Directorate General of Foreign Economie Relations, Ministry of Economie Affairs, Leader of delegation

Mr. R.R. Smit Second Secretary of Embassy in Montevideo M /l COi^.TD/w/45/Rev. rago 9 I

NE./ ZEALAND (not repr

NIGER (non représenté)

NIGERIA (London, Toi.: • 0::^/| ) Represent .-.it ive s ,'.ir. E.G.O. Beocroft Permanent i'lioaion to the office of the United Nations at Genova, Loader of delegation

lip. E,2i. Adcgbulu Second Secretary of Embassy in Rio de Janeiro

NOR-.YAT (Tamaris, Tel.: 81193)

Representatives Mr. Ivar Stugu Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Commerce and Shipping

Mr. Arild Holland Chief of Section, Ministry of Forcing Affairs

PAKISTAN (San Hartin, Tel.: 82901)

Representatives H.E. lîr. S. Osman Ali Ambassador, European Economic Community

Jar. Ejaz A. Naik Economic Minister Office of the High Commissioner in the United Kingdom

Mr. Akhtar Uahmood, First Secretary Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

FERU (Vanguardia, Tel.: 82144)

Représentante S.E. Dr. José Encinas del Pando Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Nacionos Unidas en Ginebra CCM.TD/*7/45/Rov.2 Page 10

POLAND (Ibcri ., toi: 8-2860)

Representative Mr. Bohdan Laczkowsky Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to GATP

PORTUGAL (San Rafael, toi: 8-2161)

Représentants î'j. Carlos R. Louronco Vice-President, Commission technique de coopération économique extérieures Ministère do l'Economie

M. Antonio A. Almeida, Chef des Services du commerce extérieur, Direction générale d'économie, Ministère d'Outre-1^or

M. Antonio Bonvida Chef-adjoint dos Servicos du commerce extérieur,

Commission de Coordination économique9 Ministère de l'Economie

SIERRA LEONE (list not receivod)

SUISSE (Vanguardia, tel: 8-2144)

Représentant M. Raymond Prohst Ministre plénipotentiaire Délégué du Conseil fédéral aux accords commerciaux

SWEDEN (Vanguardia, tel 3 8-2144)

Representatives H.E. Mr. A. Jonsson Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni­ potentiary to Uruguay, Loader of delegation

71. B.Billncr, Head Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. N.B. Leuf Head of Section, Ministry of Commerce

, Siiii /

CO:Î.TD/-'/45/^|J Page 11 f TCKJD (Florincîa, Toi.: C-00j9)

Represent_nt3 o. ... ;. ..duun ...ganayo j.-.b .s s idour extraordinaire ot plénipotentiaire on Belgique, i:cpr osent ,nt permanent auprès du G .TT

.. uuor IL.voau Conseiller d'.jrib ssado à Bruxelles

TillNID.JD JSD T..B..ÙO (Bungalow 43 - Tel. s 82311)

Represent tivc H.J. '. ir. . .ndr ew Ros o ..nb ass ad or extraordinary and I'lonipot., Permanent Representative to tlio Office of the United Nations at Geneva

TUNISIA (Lond n Hotel - Tel. 80254)

Hqprc'sqnt ant "A. Habib Ben Tekaia Division de la Coopération nultil térale, Secretariat aux ..ffaires êtr-ngorec

TURQUIE (London Hotel - Tel.: 80254)

Rcjpr 6a ent-nt II. riL.aaner ~kinci Conseiller économique, Délégation ..croanonte auprès du GL^TT

UG.-KD- (list not received)

UNITED .JELVB RILI.BLIC (not represented)

UNITED KIHGDCfî OP 'J2KJS 3HTT.JLN .JJD NORTHERN iaEL-ND (Rosicencial, apto. 1CU--109, Tel.: 82311)

Heprcacivtat;ivco .ir. S. Golt, Under Secretary Board of Trade Ilr. D. O'Connoll irst Secretary., . _, __ fermanent Delegation to G.JST /• CCM.TD/w/45/Rav.2 • Page 12

UNITED STATES 0? AMERICA (San Rafael, tel: 8-2161)

Représentâtiv H.E. Mr. Michael Blumcnthal Ambassador, Deputy Spcoial Represent­ ative for Trade Negotiations, Mission to tho internat ional organizations in Geneva

Alternate Representative Mr. Iïcr"bort F. Proppo Counsellor for Economic Affairs, Mission to tho international orga­ nizations in Geneva

Advisors Mr. Louis Mark, Jr. First .Secretary of Embassy in Montevideo


Représentantes S.E. Sr. Luis Vidal Zaglio Ministro do Rolaciones Extoriores, Présidente do la Delegaciôn

S.E. Sr. Julio A. Laearte Embajador extraordinario y plcni- potonciario, îîinistcrio do Asuntos Ex+eriores Présidente alterno de la Delegaciôn

ïiiembros Sr. Enrique Iglosias Sr. Adolf o Donamari Sr. Alberto Ti3nes Dr. Alfredo Sllveira Lima Sr. Baltasar Brum Dr. Polipe Paolillo Sr. Pablo Tarigo Shock Sr. Alberto Rovira COM.TD/T7/4^Rcv. 2 Page 13

YUGOSLAVIE (London, 'i'ol. 2 S02i>4)

Représentant M. L. Milanovic Federal Secretariat for Foreign Trade

COIJLIUIUUTE ECO 0I1I.;TJE '-URO:; -"'S. lUii COMMISSION (Tamaris, Tel.i 81193)

ïev)r 5 contint Chef de divioion, Direction générale lea relations extérieures, Chef-adjoint i>our 1er. négociations commercialas au GJi.TT •

CCM.TI)/W/45/Rev.2 Page 14\.



Représentant M' framed Kara - Mostefa Attacbë économique Ambassade a Rio de Janeiro


Repr e s ent ant e Sr. Oscar Cerruto Collier Embajador de Bolivia en el Uruguay

REPUBLIC OP CHIPA (La Cigale, Tel.: 82401)

Representative Mr. Eorine Hsieh Counsellor for Economic Affairs, Embassy of the Rep. of China, Rio de Janeiro

ECUADOR (Hotel Las Felicias, Tel.: 2682)

Repr e s e ntant 9 Sr. Clmedo Monteverde Jncargado de Negocios Enbajada en Montevideo


Représentants M. Georges Koudou Chef du Service du commerce extérieur

M. Pierre Le Rous Directeur des Douanes et droits indirects

(San Martin, Tel. : 82901) M. Enie Loius

GUATEMALA (London, Tel.: 80254)

Représentante Sr. Ricardo Gonzales Camado '"• ' . . .'"••:•, :-': h i * M

COK.TD/J/45/ROV. 2 Pago 15

HUNGARY (Tanario, Toi.; 81193)

Rcprcsontativc H.E. ICr. Inrc Kcpco Anbansador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Bolivia

KOREA (London, Toi.: 8-02-54)

Representatives Mr. Nan Ki Lee Ch; irg<5 d ' af f ai re a Korean Eubasoy in Uruguay

Mr. Chang Hoe Roe îîanictry of Foreign Affaire

KEXICO (Hotel V. Plaza 803, Montevideo. Tel.s 94201)

Représentante Sr. Ing. Juan Sanchoz Gloason

PHILIPPINES (London, Tel.s 8-02-54)

Representative Iir. Jose H. Vitcrbo Chief, Tariff Cuctono and Trade Branch, Joint Legislative-Executive Taz Coraaisoion

VENEZUELA (San Rafael, Tel.5 82161) Rep re 0 on tante G S.E. Dr. Braulino Jatar Dotti Enbajador, Représentante Pcroancnto ante ol Ccnitc Ejecutivo do la Aoociaciôn Latinoano- ricana do Libre Concrcio Dr. Francisco liillan del Prctti Lànictro Conccjoro, Enbajada on Montevideo Dr. Folipc Guevara Santanarxa Prinor Sccrctario, Enbajada on Montovidoo Sr. Pedro Liccano, Conocjcro

' COM.TD/W/45/RGV» 2 Page 16 (..*

OBSERVADORES PS LAS ORGM.TZ^CIONZS INT ER3UBEMAMBNT ALES OBSERVERS FROj Ii\ITi:RGOV£RN:T.MTAL ORGANIZATIONS OBSERVATEURS DES ORGANISATIONS INTMGOUVFJINEMENTALES UNITED NATIONS UNCTAD (Residencial,Apt. 105 Dr. Raul Probisch Secretary Goneral Tel.: 82311) ^T" Paul Borthoud (Florinda,Tel.:80059) Secretary of the Trade and Development Board Kr<> Diego Cordovez Eooncnr.c Affairs Officer, (San Martin, Office of the Secretary-General Tel.s 82901) -sa s s jlarj ne s Personal istant of the Secretary- General ECLA (Florinda, Tcl.:80059) .UT. Santiago I&cario Chief, Trade Policy Division

Or. Jose Pefiafiel, Deputy Representative to the Latin American Free Trade Association

UNDP >ir. Hans Emblad Programme and Reports Officer, Deputy Resident Representative in Montevideo


Representative Mr. C. Wirth Economist in Liaison with LAFTA, Itontevideo EEC CONSEIL - Secrétariat General des Conseils des Communautés européennes Représentant Mr. Klaus D. Jagstaidt


Representatives iîr. Armando Prugue Regional Representative in Uruguay

Mr. Hugo Romero Economie Division

(Vanguardia, Tel.: 82144) Mr* Bar?arcel COM. TD/W/45/Rev. y Pago 17


Representative Mr. Andrew M. Kamarck Director, Economics Department INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FOND Ropre sontative s Mr. Edgar Jones 4 Deputy Director, ("Tamaris",Tel.: Exchange and Trade Relations 81193) Department, Permanent Representative in Geneva ( Rdeidencial,110 Mr. Evan Hannay Tel* » 82311) Adviser) Exchange and Trado Relations Department

ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION ANDDEVELOPMENT (Arcobaleno, Tel. : 27OO) Representative Miss M. A. Cotterill Counsellor for Trade Questions, Trcdo and Payments Department ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES ("London Hotel" Tel.18 02 54) Representatives s Mr. Ovidio Martinez International Economics Unit Mr. Juan Bautista Schroeder Head Office in Uruguay ALALC Représentante; Sr. Gustavo M?garinos Socret^rio Ejecutivo Sr. Elvio Baldinolli Director del Depto. de Asuntos Industriales Sr. Alfredo Blum Flor Dopartamento de Polftica Comercial ("London Hotel" - room 214)