Music is said to be the most international language, an easy way to know and understand each others. Besides that, “through European Anthem music we drive away hostility” says “In 1972, the Council of Europe (...) adopted Beethoven's “Ode Mr. Baremboim, one of the best conductors in to Joy” theme as its own anthem (...). In 1985, it was adopted the world. (...) as the official anthem of the .

It is not intended to replace the national anthem of the Members States but rather to celebrate the values they all share and their unity in diversity”. What do you think about these opinions?

eup! Hear the European Anthem in http://europa.eu.int/abc/symbols/anthem/index_en.htm and look for information about - Beethoven - Ninth Sympony/Ode to Joy -

EUYO: European Union Youth Orchestra The EUYO was the brainchild of Lionel and Joy Bryer, Chairman and Secretary General of the International Youth Foundation of Great Britain. The main purpose of establishing the orchestra was to demonstrate through music the cooperation and unity of European youth, thereby setting an example as a symbol of the European ideal - a united community of nations working together for peace, harmony, social justice and human dignity. The inaugural tour in 1978 was conducted by the Founding Music Director, . The EUYO's current Music Director is .

Look for more information and summarize the aims and ideals of the European Union Youth Orchestra. How are the players selected? When and where do the rehearsals take place? Where can you find and download an application form? Look for the orchestral extracts that have to be prepared, choose some of them for a listening in class. You can prepare an exhibition about the composers and the music they wrote. Laguntza: http://www.euyo.org.uk/index.htm

Conductors like Vladimir Ashkenazy, , , , ..., soloists likeTeresa Berganza, , Barbara Hendricks, , Karita Mattila, Lord , Viktoria Mullova, Anne-Sophie Mutter, , ....are some of the famous guests who worked with the orchestra. Look for their biography and summarize it. Point out the fact that those citizens of the world who travel all around devote their time and efforts to supporting human rights, peace movements, health, education, children's care and environment defense. You can also prepare a listening of their works. Musikalandeko Kontserbatorioko lagunek laguntza eskatu dizute. Batzuk EYOn sartu dira, baina beste batzuk beste gazte-orkestra baten bila dabiltza oraindik. Holakorik ezagutzen al duzu? Lagun iezaiezu.

eup! Horrez gain, praktikaldia bukatu dutenek lana aurkitzeko eskatuz idatzi dizute. Irakurri beheko eskaerak eta eskaini irtenbideak: emazkiezu helbideak eta prestatu behar dutena.

Kantaria naiz, baritonoa, hain zuzen. Nirea bezelako ahotserako lanposturen baten berririk ba al duzu? Non egon daiteke horren inguruko informaziorik? Eskerrik asko. Kaixo. Klarinetea jotzen dut eta Danel Etxeberria Europako edozein orkestratan jotzeko prest nago. Nora jo behar dut? Mila esker. Laura Fernández


Txikitatik musikazalea izan arren, ekonomia ikastea erabaki nuen. Badakit orkestretan administrariak, gerenteak, managerrak eta horrelakoak behar dituztela. Bilatuko al didazu halako lanen bat? Edozein tokitara joateko prest nengoke, bidaiatzea nire beste zaletasun bat da-eta. Perkusionista naiz eta Shan Lin Ekialdeko perkusioarekin guztiz interesaturik nagoenez, Japonia aldeko orkestra batean lan egin nahi nuke. Australiakoetan ere gustura ibiliko nintzateke. Lagunduko didazu faborez?

Pilar Olaizola

Tronboia jotzen dugun bi anaia gara. Lana bilatuko diguzu? Frantsesa, ama-hizkuntza dugu; beraz, Frantzia edo Kanada aldean hobe, baina, egia esan, ingelesez ere ondo moldatzen gara. Esker anitz. Ruiz de Garibaitarrak Hemengo lagunentzat lan bila aritu zarenean, beste lanpostu batzuk aurkitu dituzu seguruenez.

Aukeratu batzuk eta erredaktatu horien iragarkia, ahalik eta zehaztasun gehien emanez.

Bilatzaile batean gazte + orkestra ( EGO,....) . www.efnyo.org www.musicalchairs.info