Some Structural Properties of Unitary Addition Cayley Graphs

{tag} {/tag} International Journal of Computer Applications © 2015 by IJCA Journal Volume 121 - Number 17

Year of Publication: 2015

Authors: Naveen Palanivel

Chithra. A. V

10.5120/21629-4939 {bibtex}pxc3904939.bib{/bibtex} Abstract

For a positive integer n > 1, the unitary addition Cayley graph Gn is the graph whose vertex set is V (Gn) = Zn = f0; 1; 2; ; n ?? 1g and the edge set E(Gn) = fab j a; b 2 Zn; a + b 2 Ung where Un = fa 2 Zn j gcd(a; n) = 1g. For Gn the independence number, chromatic number, edge chromatic number, diameter, vertex connectivity, edge connectivity and perfectness are determined.

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Index Terms Computer Science Applied Mathematics

Keywords Unitary Cayley Graph Unitary Addition Cayley Graph Chromatic Number Independence Number



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