Famous people b orn in St Louis ()

There are 18 people who were born in St Louis, Missouri. We talk about Joséphine Baker, Betty Grable, Chuck Berry and Taylor Momsen.

Chuck Berry was born in October 18, 1926. He was a guitarist, singer and songwriter. He played rock and roll. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Y3haYAbqKjA&feature=related

Taylor Momsen was born July 26, 1993. She is a actress, singer American model. She's well-known to play the role of Jenny Humphrey in and and her rock band "". His style is facing a bit gothic rock. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYeGw- bo430

Joséphine Baker was born June 3, 1906 and died April 12, 1975 in Paris. She was a famous singer, dancer and lead dancer. Of mixed African American and Native Appalachia, it is often considered the first black star. She used her great popularity in the fight against racism and for emancipation of blacks, particularly by supporting the Civil Rights Movement of Martin Luther King. She said: “Since I personify the wild on stage, I try to be as civilized as possible in life.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NsH7uJ1Y2g&feature=related

Elizabeth Ruth Grable, Betty Grable said, was born in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, on December 18, 1916 and died in Santa Monica, California, USA, on July 2, 1973 was an actress, dancer, singer and pinup American whose sensational photo swimsuit became the most popular for U.S. soldiers from the Second World War. She was best known for her fabulous legs generously displayed in her musicals from 20th Century Fox, which had insured for a million dollars each. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQIvhotZSUw