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Abbt, Thomas 318 Alexander III, 153 Abrams, Philip 127 Alexander the Great 46 Absolutism, political theory of 61 Alfieri 299, 300 Achaemenids 35, 42 Alfred the Great 70, 71, 72, 73 Act for the Better Propagation and Preaching of ‘instrumental ethnicity’ of 72 the Gospel 234 court of 72 Acton, Lord 1 creates a national consciousness 72 nationality 13–14 imposes a cultural hegemony 72 Adelsnation 61 origins of state during the time of 135 Adrian IV, Pope 153, 154 unifies the English 72, 129 Adua 296 use of language in constructing realm 132 Æfic, the Æthelings’ seneschal 120 Algerian French 75 Ælfgar, the King’s reeve 120 Allemannia 321 Ælfgyfu 120 Alsace-Lorraine 316 Ælfhelm 120 am 38 Ælfhere, Abbot 119 America, North Ælfric, Abbot 119 and national consciousness 87 Ælfric, Ealdorman 119 colonies of 62, 147 Ælfthryth, King Æthelred’s mother 119 American colonists 260 Ælfwaru 120 American War of Independence 220 Ælfweard 120 45 Ælfwine 120 ancien re´gime 258, See also France Aeolian/s 36 collapse of 265 Æsc 131 Anderson, Benedict 3, 17, 74, 82, 132, 147, 197, 315 Æscwig, Bishop 119 Angelcynn 72, 129 Æthelflæd 120 Angles 133 Æthelgyfu 120 Anglicisation Æthelhild 120 as ethnic transformation 73 Æthelred, King 116, 119 of British Isles 71 Æthelred, King, realm of 131 Anglo-Saxon realm, fiscal organisation of 134 Æthelsige, Bishop 119, 120 Anglo-Norman monarchy 107 Æthelwold, Bishop of Winchester 107 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 70, 71, 116, 130, 132 Africa 71, 109, 116 Anglo-Saxon state power 133 Agat’angelos 33, 43, 44 Anglo-Saxons 34, 132, 133 Agincourt, Battle of 78 conversion of 71 agriculture 4, 21, 63 Anglo-Scottish wars 145, 146 arable farming 76 anoblis 288 pastoral societies 71 Anselm 155 Albania 43 Antiquities, Society of, chartered (1751) 263 Albert I 174 Antiquity 5, 34 Alcuin 71 anti-semitic polemics, in Germany 319 Aleksei, Tsar r 195, 198 Apadana 35 Alexander I 204 appropriation 93 Alexander II 201 Aquitaine 77, 78 370

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Aram 41–42, 45 Bednyi, Demina, poet 203 Arbroath, Declaration of 58 Belarus’ian identity 223 Arbuckle, James, ‘Letter of Hibernicus’ 264 Belarus’ian nationalists 223, 227 Arc, Joan of 77, 78 Belfast radicals 262 Aristotle 80, 81 Bell, 263 Armagh 112 Bellars, John, proposals for a Federal European Armenia 40, 47, 48, 49, 146 council (1710) 257, 258 Church in 44 bellatores 131 development of 42–45 Belorussia 209 myth of being ‘first Christian nation’ 43 Bentham, Jeremy 261, 278 Armenian communities, within the Benveniste, Emil 113 Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 214 Beowulf 106, 112 Arndt, Ernst Moritz 319 Berlin, 248 Arthur, King 82, 153 Berry, Major-General James 236 Ascher, Saul, Die Germanomie 319 Beust, Friedrich Ferdinand von, Saxon Prime Assemblies, Irish 112 Minister 327 assemblies, noble 283 Bianchi, Nicomede 295 assembly, Isle of Man 112 Bible 33, 38, 42, 45, 57 assembly/ies 92, 112 Gideon 85 assembly, popular 112 Greek New Testament 38 Assyria 42 Hebrew Old Testament 38 Assyrians 33, 45, 46, 49 importance to development of the nation 249 Athenians 36 scholars of 73 Athens 59 translated into English 72 Atlov, Hans 37 translation 115 Augustine 155 biblical civilisation 109 Augustus II 226 Bicknor, Alexander, Archbishop of Dublin 156 Austria Bielfeld, Baron von, ranking of European excluded from Kaiserreich 316, 317, 319 powers 256 part of German ‘old Reich’ 316 Bismarck 296, 297, 307, 327 Austria-Hungary, collapse of 214 and nation-state 316, 317, 327 Avarayr, defeat of 33, 43 Black Land, the 33 Avignon, papal court of 58, 178 Black, Anthony 68–69, 80 Azande 109 Blundell, William 241, 242 azats 44 Bobrowski, Tadeusz 223 Boer War 363 Babylon 45 Boethius 72 Balbo 300 Bohemia 21, 171, 173, 316 Balthasar, Anton Felix 336 Bolg an tSolair (1795) 262 Banti, Alberto 299, 300, 304 Bolsheviks 228 barbarians 76, 84, 91, 118, 303 Bolshevism 202, 203 Barmouth 235 Boniface 71 barrow/s 112 Book of Martyrs, see Foxe Barth, Frederik 337 Borders 256 Bartlett, Robert 149 Bowle, John 80 Batavian 86 boyars, power of 196, 199 Bavaria 316, 317, 321, 324 Brabant 278 Bavarian 169, 321 Braddick, 131 Bayankoke of Uganda, the 110 Bradfield 119 Bebenburg, Lupold of 172, 173, 179, 180 Brandon, S. G. F 46 73, 106, 155 Branicki 226 ‘invention of the English’ 72 Bretwalda 136 Ecclesiastical History of the English People 39, 47, Breuilly, John 16, 19, 20, 64, 198, 201, 202, 207, 69, 70, 71 209, 296, 315 use of terms ‘England’ and ‘English’ 75 Brewer, John 358

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Bridgeman, Bishop 242 Caernarfon 235 Britain 57 Caesar 176 Chartism 363, 364 Callie`res, Franc¸oisde, De la manie`re de ne´gocier Education 360, 363 avec les souverains (1716) 258 Enfranchisement 364 Calvinism 86, 218 local government 360 French 86 modernisation in 357 Cambace´re`s 287 monarchy 361–362 Camden, William, Britannia 241 national integration 365 Campbell, James 117, 125, 126, 127, 131–2, national symbolism 361 133, 134 nation-building 354, 355, 357, 358, 359, 360–1, Canaanites 42 362, 363 Caporetto 298 nation-state 359, 363, 364 Carberry, of 235 People’s Charter 363 Carli, Gian Rinaldo, Della patria degli italiani Reform Act of 1832 361 299 Roman history of 71 Carlow 147 war against France 358 Carlyle, Thomas, characterisation of the Britannia 71, 263, 359 English 133 Britannia, see Camden Carolingian monarchy 107 British Carteret, Sir George 237, 238 Army 110 Carteret, Sir Philip 237 cultural traits of 33 Case of Ireland, see Molyneux, William distinctiveness 365 Castile, king of 172 national identities 363 Catalonia 47 patriotism 358, 365 Catholicism propaganda 358 advances in the seventeenth century 226 state 356, 358, 360, 365 defines Polish state 222 British Isles, Anglicisation of 71 Lithuanian nobility converted to 41, 215 British Museum 263 role of in Italy 303 ‘British Pantheon’ in the crypt of St Paul’s Cattaneo, Carlo 302, 303, 305 Cathedral 359, 361 Cavour 296, 297 Britishness 233, 234, 235, 238, 243, 356, 357 Celtic Christians 39, 71 Britons 71 Celtic cultural identities 232 Brooke, Charlotte, Reliques of Irish Poetry 262 Celtis 179 Brooks, N. 71 central diet (Sejm), in the Polish-Lithuanian Brown, Allen 133 Commonwealth 217 Brown, John, Estimate of the Manners and Chadwick, H. M., The Heroic Age 106 Principles of the Times (1757–8) 263 Chaloner, John 234, 241, 242 Bunting, Edward 265 Channel Islands 232, 236 Burgundy 171, 175 Charisma 106, 107, 108 Burke, Edmund 157, 265 Charlemagne, Emperor 171, 173 Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents Charles II, King of England, execution of 238 (1770) 259 Charles IV 173 Burke, Walter and Edmund 156, 157 Charles VI 78 Bursche, Juliusz, leader of the Masurian Charlotte, Countess 240 Plebiscite Committee 229 Cheka 228 Burschenschaften 319 Cheshire 74, 232 Burton, Henry 236 Chickering, Roger 328 Byrhtnoth 107, 108 China 105, 107 Byrhtric 119 Chivalry 75 Byzantine 47 choral movement, in Germany 326 Byzantine Empire, collapse of 195 Christianity 71, 80, 85 Byzantine Empire, heritage of, claimed by early Irish 154, 155 Ivan IV 195 conversion to, spreading and ‘Englishness’ 71 Byzantium 43 church courts, see courts, church

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Church, the 11, 21, 44, 80, 84, 150, 180 Confessions, see Rousseau, Jean-Jacques ambitions of in ‘Russia’ 195 conflict/s 63 benefits to national movements 302 Connor, Walker 37 central role in process of England’s unification Conrad I 173 134 Conrad, Joseph (Jo´zef Korzeniowski) 226 drawing of ‘national’ boundaries by 149 Conscription 90 and the Germans 172 Considerations on , see Rousseau, relationship with the German monarchy 177 Jean-Jacques requests to, to say prayers for the king 79 Constance, Council of 81 subordinated to secular power in Russia 196 Constantine, Emperor 4, 82 Church, official, in ‘Russia’ 196 Constantinople 196, 197 Church, Orthodox 197, 204, 208 constitutional debate, in Switzerland 342 Church, universal 178, 303 constitutional reform, Swiss 345 Churches 90, 92, 111 conversion 71 medieval 81 accounts of by Bede 71 Cistercian Order 150 in eighth-century England 71 Citizenship 275 of pagan Anglo-Saxons 71 German 322, 328, 329 of pagans to Christianity 71 model for nineteenth-century France 291 conversion, campaigns of, in ‘Russia’ 196 power of state in defining 275 Cornish particularism 233 city-state 81 Cornwall 232, 233 civic pride, German 320 Cornwall, Richard of 171, 173 civil magistrate 258 coronation and unction, rituals of 107 civitas, see state coronation of Empire’s ruler 176 Clanwilliam, charter of 157 coronation ordo, earliest English 107 Clark, J. C. D. 357 corporations 90 Claudius, Emperor 155 Corrigan and Sayer 133 Clergy 76, 148 Corsica 62, 259 Taxed 170 absorbed by France (1768) 259 Closener, Fritsche 173 Rousseau on 259 Cohen, Shaye 46 Corsicans 259 Coke and Camden 242 Cossack revolts in the Ukraine 223 collective identification, in Switzerland 334 council of the marches 236 collective identity, and nationalism in counties 135 Switzerland 334 court/s 74, 92, 118 collective loyalties, Italy 309 courts, borough, in medieval Ireland 152 Colley, Linda 337, 357, 361 courts, central, at Dublin 145 Collinson, Patrick 232 courts, church,in medieval Ireland 150 Cologne 180 courts, county, in medieval Ireland 147, 152 archbishops of 180 Great sessions 41, 236 Roman remains 182 courts, local 217 colonisation, of Ireland from Britain 143 Couthon 288 Columba, 156 Cowley, , ‘Answer to a Copy of Verses’ commercialisation, in Britain 355 237 Communism 205 Cracow 226 leading world against US imperialism 208 Crispi, Francsco 296 Communism, Soviet, see Soviet crown (corona) Communist ideology 203 crown wearings 107 Communist Parties 202 crown, elective, establishment in Germany 171 Communist Party 205 English 143 as focus of power and bearer of messianic relationship with the nation 77, 79, 92, 146 vision 202 crusader states 153 Russian 208 Curia 178, 179 Communists 205 Cusa, Nicholas of 179 communities of the realm, medieval 252 Cwichelm 116

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Cwichelmeshlæw 116, 119 Dorians 36 Cyning 115 Dostoevskii, Fiodr 197, 198, 202, 203, 204, 208 Cynn 113, 115 Douglas, David 136 Cyrillic alphabet 223 Drapier’s Letter, see Jonathan Swift Czartoryski, the 225 Drayton, Michael, Poly-olbion 233, 241 Czartoryski, 224, 227 Drogheda 146, 151 Dublin 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 153, 154, 157 D’Azeglios 300 Archbishop of, see Lorca´n Ua Tuathail, Henry Danegeld 134 of London, Alexander Bicknor Danelaw 135 Dundalk 151 Danes 116 Dunstan 155 Dann, Otto 322 Durham 232 Darlington, R. R. 134 Dutch nationalism 265 Darwin, Charles, Origin of Species (1859) 129 Dutch Revolt 12, 85, 265 Datchet 119 Dyfed 149 Daunton, Martin 358 Dzierzynski, Feliks 228 Davies, Rees 137, 144, 145, 249 Davies, Sir John 149 Eadgyfu, Abbess 120 de Burgh family, Clanwilliam (Mayo) branch of Eadgyfu of Lewknor 120 156 Eadhelm 120 de Courcy, John 155 Eadric 120 De Jure Naturae et Gentium, see Pufendorf, Eadwine 120 Eadwold 120 De la manie`re de ne´gocier avec les souverains see 118, 134, 135 Callie`res, Franc¸ois de East Anglia 137 Declaration of Independence 62, 259 Ecclesiastical History of the English People, see Bede Defoe, Daniel 356 Ecgberht, dynasty of 107 Della patria degli italiani, see Carli, Gian Rinaldo E´cuyer 288 Democracy, as an element of nationalism 22, Edgar, King 107, 108, 132 63, 91 Edmund, son of King Æthelred 131 Denmark/Danish, establishment of political Edom 40–2, 44, 46 unity in eleventh century 71, 72 Education Derby, Earls of 232, 233, 239, 240, 241 and literacy 5, 21, 35, 41, 63, 76, 157, 180, 223 Desmond, Earl of 154, 157 Elementary, in the modern nation-state 346 Deuteronomic code 46 expansion of literacy in early modern 84 Dialect Europe Seventeenth-century Britain 234 German 317, 345 Italy 310 in Britain 360, 363 Diaspora 48 Prussian 316, 317, 323 Armenian 49 Swiss 344 Jewish 49 Edward I, King of England 58, 108, 118, 136, 146 Dictionary of the English Language, see Johnson, Edward II, King of England 152, 154, 156 Samuel Edward III, King of England 150, 152 Digby, Lord George 239 Edward VI, King of England 85 Dingle peninsula 147 Edwards, Thomas Carlyle 137 Diplomacy 256 Edwin, King of Northumbria 116, 118 Discourse on the Love of Country, see Price, Richard Egypt 23, 33, 35, 40, 48, 49 divine right 196 development of nationhood 48–9 Dmochowski, Franciszek 220 Elamites 36 Dmowski, Roman 227 45 Dobbs, Francis 253 Elisha 45 Domboc of Alfred the Great 135 Elishe 43, 44 Domesday survey 127 Elizabeth I, Queen of England 232, 237 Dominicans 178 Elrington, the Rev. Thomas, Two Treatises 254 Donetsk 203 Elton, G. R. 85

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Emain Macha, Navan fort 112 English Reformation 85 Emilia, papal (Italy) 308 English revolution 257 emperor/s 108, 115, 117, 169, 178 English state, interaction with non-English Emperor, German 319 communities 232–243 empire 56, 61, 80, 115 English written vernacular 70, 75 and Christian imperialism 172 Englishness 71, 74, 118, 137, 143, 148, 151, 234, 356 armies of 175 Enlightenment 213, 301 German writings on 180 Erfurt Union 323 ideas concerning 179 Ertmann, Thomas 358 relationship with the German people 179 Essenes 46 ruler of, Estates-General 87, 285, 286 Encyclopedia Britannica 263 Ethnie(s) 15, 16, 37, 38, 39, 40–42, 46 Endecja, see National Democrats characteristics of 209 Engla-Lond 129, 132 definition of 38–39 England 73, 75, 81, 84, 87, 105, 134 ethnic identity 317 as dynastic project of Alfred the Great 72 Anglo-Saxon shared 132 constructing of common set of legal, political Germany 326 and religious institutions from late in Russia 207 Anglo-Saxon period 84 in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Russia rise of national monarchy of 59 195 statehood develops in early modern period 232 ethnic stereotypes 76, 78, 79, 235 Union with Ireland 355 ethnicity 16, 60, 75, 82, 250 Union with Scotland 355 ethnogenesis 71 use of term by Normans 75 ethno-symbolists 93, 94 England, Anglo-Saxon, as a state 127 Eulenberg, Friedrich 316, 317, 329 England, King of, as dominus Hibernie 76, 143 Europe England, kingdom of, in Middle Ages 171 as states’ system 249 England, medieval community of independent states 265 as a pre-modern nation 68, 69 late medieval political development of 166 nationalism in 68 transition to nation-state 315 Englisc, usage in eleventh-century ‘England’ 129 European community 23, 23 English 43, 71, 73, 75, 79, 81 European order, pre-modern 182 as a national label 149 Exeter 118 as new Israelites 71 Ezra 46 capacity for self-government 364 character 365 Farington, Joseph 359 Constitution 364 Farini, Luigi Carlo 305 continuity of the use of 73 Fatherland, German 322, 323 imagined community 129, 233 Fatherland, dual national character 133 Germany 324 national consciousness 262, 263, 266 Switzerland 336, 348 Parliament 361, 363, 364, 365 Fereter, Nicholas and William 147 patriotism 365 Fernow, Carl Ludwig 319 use of term by Normans 47, 73, 75 Feudalism 56, 128 English Civil War 233, 240, 243 Finley, , and Friedrich Meinecke 36 English crown 77, 78, 79, 81, 82 Finnish-Swedish struggle 225 English identity 70, 151 Fiore, Joachim of 178 English imperialism 76, 233, 243, 263 First World War 21, 37, 310, 315 English law 135 FitzRalph of Armagh, Archbishop Richard 151 English monarchy 75, 76, 134, 137 Flanders 59 English nation 72, 73, 137 Fleetwood, Lieutenant Colonel 238 emergence of 132, 134 Flood, Henry 251 English Puritanism 86 Florence 309 English radicals 266 Flores Historiarum 93 English realm 79 Foot, Sarah 126

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Foote, Samuel 263 naturalisation 291 Foscolo 299 popular sovereignty 275 Foucault, Michel 89, 105, 118 French revolutionaries, export doctrine of the Foxe, John, Book of Martyrs 85, 85 sovereign nation 213 Frame, Robin 249 Frenchness 289 France 21, 58, 70, 76, 77, 78, 81, 91, 154, 170, 179, Friedrich Willhelm II, Kaiser, call to rise against 291, 291, 309, 318, 344, 358 Napoleon 316, 317, 320 as a monarchical nation-state 170 Friedrich Wilhelm IV, Kaiser formation as a political nation 170 Erfurt Union 323 nationalism 17 kleindeutsch national union 323 rise of national monarchy of 59 Furness, Jocelin, Life of Patrick France, ancien re´gime 276, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 288, 289, 290, 291 Gaelic Franciscans 178 annals (‘MacCarthy’s Book’) 153 Franco-Gallia, see Hotman, Franc¸ois antiquity 265 Franconian form of Germanic speech 169 Irish 233, 239 Frankfurt Parliament 319 revival 261 Basic Rights 323, 329 society 147 Nationalism 316, 317, 322, 323 Gaels, the 252 Frankish Gagging Act 266 Identity 153 Galbraith, V. H. 129, 135, 136 Kingship 170 Galilee 47 Franks 57, 58, 115, 156 Ganfield 112 legal transaction of 116 Gaoidhil Gaels 157 Trojan ancestry of 176 Garibaldi 297, 300 Fraternity, Edict of 260 Garrick, David 263 Frederick II, Emperor 170, 171, 178 Garsoian, Nina 43 death of 175 Gellner, Ernest 8–9, 10, 13, 16–17, 36, 84, 202, 249, struggle with the Curia 178 315, 316, 317 Frederick the Great, King of Prussia 318, 320 gens/gentes 6, 55, 57, 113, 132 Freeman, Edward Augustus 129, 133 gentry 148, 152 French 76, 77 George IV, King of England 362 citizenship, in nineteenth century 291 collapse (1806) 318 crown 77, 78, 79 legacy 318, 319 kings 76 German Empire, ruler of 171 and the Hundred Years War, 77 German ‘old Reich’ (‘Holy Roman Empire’, language, as a national label 149; as a vernacular Heiliges Ro¨misches Reich deutscher Nation) in England 75 316, 322, 323, 329 National Assembly, birth 284 government, in the medieval period 174 National Guard 284 history, medieval 167 princes as candidates for imperial crown 172 identity 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 180, 181, 182, 183, stereotyped as effeminate 79 217, 318 French Revolution 13, 58, 90, 213, 248, 260, 278, imperialism education and patronage 180 281, 282 kinship with ancient Romans 176 ‘invention’ of the nation 315, 320 medieval legacy 167 citizenship 276, 277, 278, 279, 289, 290, 291 medieval Reich 169 and development of the nation 250, 275, monarchy 180; relationship with the Church 276, 291 177 foreign-born Jews 282, 283 nation, historical focus upon 166; medievalist French immigrants 279, 283 accounts of 167, 169; the late medieval language of regeneration 276, 277, 279, 281, 168, 169 182 283, 284, 285, 286, 290, 291 prince-electors 179 National Convention 279, 285, 286, 290 princes 176 nationalism in 87, 275, 335 German Reich 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 327 nationality 276, 289, 290 plans for reform 317

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political institutions of 317 Goths/Gothic 115 political value of liberty 317 Gotthelf, Jeremias 340 Germania 174 goyim 38 Germanic peoples 134 Grand Tour 263, 301 Germanic tongues 169 Grattan, Henry 251, 252, 253 Germanisation 223, 329 Great Council 134 Germanness 182, 317, 324, 326, 327 Great Reform Act (Britain) 363 Germans Greco-Roman civilisation 109, 111 in annals 172 Greece 33, 36, 40, 42 character and historical role of 182 cultural identity in 36 in Latin chronicles 172 failure to constitute a political nation 36 in political songs 172 traditions of 119 relationship with Empire 179 Greenfeld, Liah 315 speakers of German tongues subject to the Gregory, Pope 42, 43 emperor 169 mission to the English 35 term 173 travels in Armenia 44 Trojan ancestry of 176 work of, translated into English 72 Germans, ancient, myth of aiding Caesar 176 Grosby, Stephen 40–42, 47 Germans, ‘translation’ to, of Roman Empire Grotius, Hugo, 176 Treatise on the Antiquity of the 257 Germany 20, 21, 129, 171, 173, 317, 318, 325 Batavian Republic 250 anti-semitic polemics 319 Grunwald, Battle of, painted by Jan Matejko 222 as Kulturnation 316, 317, 319, 322 Guene´e, Bernard 170 constitutional base of 176 Guernsey 236 creation of nation-state 316, 318 Guicciardini 296 dual meaning of Fatherland 324 Guizot, Franc¸ois 295 ethnic identity 326 Gurguntius of Britain, King 153 historic and institutional traditions 318 Gwiazda, Johann medieval commentators on 168 Protest naprzeciw Polakom 229 medieval constructions of 182 Pruski Przyaciel Ludu 229 nationalism 317, 318, 327 Gymnastic movement (Germany) 326, 328 political tradition 319 state identity 325 Habermas, Ju¨rgen 4, 168, 182 state-based patriotism and national identity 328 Habsburg Empire state-building 316, 317, 325 dismantling of 250 state-constitutions 325 establishment of 167 state-patriotism 324 Hadad (Aramean ) 42 unification 328 Hagbourne 119 Germany, king of, as ruler of the Empire 174 Hague, The 238 Gillingham, John 76, 137, 144, 148, 233 Haik, myth of 42 Gioberti 301 Hall, Edith 36 Glanville, Ranulf 157 Ha¨lsingar 112 Glorious Revolution 258, 265 Hapsburg, Rudolf of 173 Gloucester, Robert of 75 Hardy, Thomas 266 Gloucestershire 233, 236 Harlech 235 Gluckmann, Max 110 Hasmonean kings 41 Glyn Dwˆ r, Owain 12 Hastings, Adrian 34, 70, 249, 250, 265, 315 ‘God save the King’ 263 Hebrew notion of the elect nation 86 Godwine crisis (1051) 137 Hebrides, Scots/Irish of 241 Gogol, Nicolai 223 Hechter, Michael 233, 235, 243 Goldsmith, Oliver 263 Helvetic Go¨rres, Josef 321 Constitution 339 Gorski, Philip 12, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 Regime 333 Gorzkowski, Franciszek 220 Republic 333, 339 Gosplan 206 Society 336, 337, 338, 349

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Hengest 134 medieval 174 Henrietta Maria, Queen of England 233, 240 Indo-European languages, see language, Henry II, King of England 149, 153, 154, 252 Indo-European Henry III, King of England 144 Ine 131 Henry V (Shakespeare) 69, 78 Innocent III, Pope 176, 177 Henry V, King of England 78, 154 Intellectuals 88 Henry VIII, King of England 85, 108 in pre-modern period 88 (in Anglo-Saxon England) 127 Investiture Contest 169, 177 Hercules, Pillars of 58 Ionians 36 Herder, Johann Gottfried 40, 213, 214, 216, 226, Ireland 4, 9, 75, 76, 91, 92, 143, 145, 147, 150, 151, 319, 320 153, 233, 261 Herodotus 76 as a nation 144, 233, 252, 265 Hezekiah, King 46 as self-contained political entity 251 Higden, Ranulf, Polychronicon 153 as imagined community 233 historical methodology early modern 158 romantic 295 lordship of 144, 150 scientific 295 medieval 143, 148, 151, 152 Hittites 35–6 national identity in 251 Hobbes, Thomas 252, 257 pre-Norman 262 Hobsbawm, Eric 7, 13, 14–15, 18, 34, 214, 249, 250, Irish 76 259, 262, 265, 315 ‘revolution’ (1782) 251, 253 Hogarth, William 262 Christian past 156 Hohenstaufen dynasty 167, 175, 176, 178 clergy 149 Holy Roman Empire 327 independence 260 Holywell, shrine at 235 Jacobins 266 Homer 57 parliament 145, 146, 147, 153, 253 45 patriots 251, 253, 265 Hotman, Franc¸ois, Franco-Gallia 249 Protestants, self image 252 Hrushevsky, Mikhailo 223 people, characterisation of 80, 233 Hume, David, and national character 259, 261 Iron Age hill-forts 111 Hundred Years War 70, 76, 77, 79 Isle of Man, assembly of 112, 113, 232, 240, 243 hundred, the, emergence as an administrative Isocrates 36 unit in the Anglo-Saxon period 134, 135 Israel 45 Hungary 21 destruction by Assyrians 45 Hunt, Lynn 254 Italian Huntingdon, Henry of 39, 74 liberals, British party system as ideal model Hussite movement 12 for 305 Hyksos 48 nation 295, 298, 299–304, 305, 307, 310 nationalist movements 296 Iberia 43 renaissance 257 ideal-type nation 34–5, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 49 socialist party, rapid growth 306 ‘Ierne United’ (Wolfe Tone) 262 state, boycotted by papacy 305 Il Caffe` 299 Italy 21, 171 ‘imagined community’ 56, 74, 129, 132, 147, 168, Catholicism in 303 197, 213 common language 299 imagined past 93 cultural consequences of 296 imperial: dialects 310 monarchy, fate of in Germany 170, 174;in divisive memories 298 relation to German identity 172; regional political movements 310 specifically ‘German’ 172; impact of fascist regime 310 rule, ethnic foundations of 176 impact of First World War 310 throne 173 imperial 173 imperialism, European 61; see also Communism Jewish integration 304 imperium 130, 176, 259 loyalty to the city 309 fashioned by the emperors of the Middle Ages 177 loyalty to the region 309, 310

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modernisation 306 Kiev 226 museums 310 Kiev, princes of, heritage claimed by Ivan IV 195 nation-state 298, 306, 307, 309 Kildare, Earl of 152, 153 national identity 300, 303, 307, 309 Kilkenny, assembly at (1341) 152 nation-building 301, 304, 307, 309 Kilkenny, Statutes of (1366) 150, 156 primary schooling 301, 305 King, Daniel, The Vale-Royall of England 241 Savoy dynasty 295, 308 King 115, 125, 131, 134 unification of 296, 306, 307, 309 and relationship with the state 128 iter, the ruler’s 171, 179 in Anglo-Saxon England 130 Ivan IV, Tsar 195, 204 obligations to during Anglo-Saxon period 135 claims heritage of Byzantine Empire and relationship with subjects 252 princes of Kiev 195 role of 109–110 crowned (1547) 195 separation from kingdom 79 kingdom 61, 67, 77, 91, 130, 131 Jacobins 23, 278, 280, 285, 299, 336, 359 prouincia 130 Irish 266 relationship with the nation 77 Jagiełło, Władysław 215, 222, 225 see also King James I, King of England 149 kingdoms Japan 105 Anglo-Saxon 131 Jefferson, Thomas 62 medieval 56, 57, 58, 61 Jersey 38, 233, 236, 237–43 territorial 86 identification with English monarchy 238 kings Jerusalem 46 Mercian 136 Jewlaszewski, Teodor 221 post-Roman 117 Jews 38, 46, 49, 178, 217, 229, 282, 283, 304 West Saxon 136 Jogaila, Lithuanian Grand Duke 215 Kingston coronations 107 John Bull 263, 359 Kivelson, Valerie 201 John, King of England 143, 150, 157 kleindeutsch unification 316, 317, 323, 325, Johnson, Lesley 158 326, 328 Johnson, Samuel, Dictionary of the English Kohn, Hans 335 Language 248 Ko¨nigsberg 224 Josiah, King 46 Korzeniowski, Jo´zef, see Joseph Conrad Juckniewicz, Michal 225 Kosciuszko, Tadeusz 220, 222, 224 Judah 41, 43, 45 Kosovo Polje, battle of 43 Judea 33, 46, 47, 48 Kotliarevsky, Ivan 223 Jungingen, Ulrich von Grand Master of the Krasicki, Ignacy 226 Teutonic Order 222 Kresy 225, 226, 227, 229 Kru¨ger, Peter 316 Kaiser 315, 316 krugovaia poruka 199, 201, 203, 205, 206 Kaiserreich 316, 329 Kulturkampf 297 and German nationhood 328 Kulturnation 36, 167, 168, 181, 316, 317, 319, 322 borders and political institutions 327 Kumar, Krishan 208 nationalism 327 nation-state 328 Lancashire 240 Kamose, King of Thebes 48, 49 Landesmuseum (Swiss National Museum) 346, Karlsbad Decrees 319 347, 348 Karpinski, Franciszek 226 Lanfranc 155 Kassites 36 Langdale, Sir Marmaduke 239 Kazakhstan 204 Language Kedourie, Elie 5, 248 Anglo-Saxon use of 129, 130, 132 Kelsey, Sean 232 Chancery Ruthenian 216 Kent 72, 82, 131, 232 Church Slavonic 223 Khar’kov 203 English, see English and English written Kidd, Colin 60, 158 vernacular Kiernan, V. G. 128 Finnish 115

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Language (cont.) Literacy, see education form of eastern Slavonic (Lithuania’s language Lithuania 4, 9, 14, 215, 224 of law and government) 215 Grand Duchy of 216, 218, 219 former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Lithuanian 223–224 alphabet 224 French 76, 263 Declaration of Independence 228 Gaelic 262 identity 224 German 62, 83, 222, 324 nationalists 225, 227 Herdian idea of 223 szlachta 224 Indo-European 113, 115 liuþrettr 112 Latin 71, 75, 76, 130 Llancarfan, Caradoc of 235 Lithuanian 113, 215, 224, 225 Locke, John 253, 254, 257 national, in late Anglo-Saxon England 88, 125 Lombards 303, 308 of nationality, in late medieval England 84 London, Henry of, Archbishop of Dublin 156 Old Chancery Ruthenian 215 Lorca´n Ua Tuathail, Archbishop of Dublin 156 130 lord/s 108, 111, 115, 146 Old Ruthenian 223 lordship, role of, in Carolingian Francia 108 Polish 216, 216, 217, 221, 222, 223, 229 Lot, Ferdinand 134 role of 4, 33, 43, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 68, 69, 73, 75, Louis XIV, King of France 117, 256, 263 76, 79, 81, 88, 89, 90, 92, 113, 115, 126, 127, Lublin, Union of (1569) 212, 214, 215, 216, 222 129, 130, 168, 169, 223 in medieval Lubormirski 225 collective identities, 169 lud, rule of the 220 Russian 202, 223 Ludlow 233 Slavonic 223 Ludwig IV 178 Yiddish 221 Luther, Martin 4, 179 laos 38 Luxemburg, Baldwin of, Archbishop of Trier 179 Lathom, siege of (1644) 240 Luxemburg, House of 172, 173 Latin, see language, Latin Luzio, Alessandro 295 Lavater, Johann Caspar 339 Lwo´w 226, 227 Law Lynch, Patrick 262 English 143 International, development of 261 Mably 259 Lazar P’arcepi, histories of 33, 44 Maccabees 44, 47 Lazar, King of Serbia 43 Maccabei, Mattathias 43 le Poer, Arnold 155 Machiavelli, Niccolo` 296, 298 Ledrede, Richard, Bishop of Ossory 155 Magna Carta 144, 152, 155 Lee, Richard Henry, or fate of Corsicans and Magna Grecia 301 Poles 259 Malmesbury, William of 74, 76 Leff, Gordon 80 Mamikonian, Vardan, Armenian commander 43 Lega, the (Italy) 307 Man, Isle of 233, 236, 239, 243 Leinster, dioceses of 156 Mann, Michael 358, 360 Lelewel, Joachim 220, 226, 227 Manx Lempriere, Michel 237 civilising effect of Christianity on 242 Leofric of Whitchurch 120 constitutional structures 241 Leofrun, Abbess 120 religion 242 Leofwine 119 Manzoni, Alessandro 303 Lepkowski, Tadeusz 213 marcher society, Levinger, Matthew 320 Martin, Terry 203 Lex Salicia 112 Marx, Karl 119 Lexington, Stephen 150 Marxism 202 Leyser, Karl 108 Mashtots, Mesrop 43 Liberalism 354 Matejko, Jan 222, 223 Lie`ge 278 Matlock 112 Life of Patrick 155 Maurice, Prince 235 Limerick 146 Max II, King 324

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Mazar, Benjamin 42 Munster 149 Mazovia 226 Muratori, Ludovico Antonio 299 Mazzini, Giuseppe 296, 300, 301 Muscovite Rus 195 Mazzinians 296 Muscovites 217 McDowell, R. B. 261, 262 Mutfod 112 medieval nations, as ‘imagined communities’ 168 Mutlow 112 Mediterranean 196 mythology, Russian imperial 203 Megenberg, Conrad of 168, 179, 180 mytho-symbolic system, Russian 203 Meinecke, Friedrich 36, 167 myths Mendels, Doron, The Rise and Fall of Jewish of collective origin 58 Nationalism 46, 47, 60 of common descent 77, 78 Mendicant orders 178 ethnic 195 Mercia 72, 129, 137 foundation 39 messianism, Jewish secularised 202 founding, and Swiss Confederation 337 Mezzogiorno, and Luigi Carlo Farini 305 liberation Mickiewicz, Adam 226, 226, 227, 228 medieval liberation, Swiss 335 Pan Tadeusz 221, 224 of national election 249 Milan 309 of the power of monarchy 181 Milan rising (1848), 295 Russian 202 Miller, David 248 of sacrality and Christian mission 170 Miłosz, Czesław 212, 222, 226, 228 Native Realm 212 Nantes, Edict of 284 Milosz, Oscar 228 Naples, Kingdom of 308 Milton, John 133 Napoleon (Bonaparte), Emperor 46, 82, 90, 299, Minghetti 300 300, 304, 306 Mir 199, 201 Naruszewicz, Adam 226 Missionaries 71 Narutowicz, 228 Modena, Duchy of 308 Narutowicz, Stanislaw 228 Modernity Nassau Memorandum (1807) 320 effect on the nation 67 natio /nations 7, 37, 55, 57, 113 nations and nationalism 315 nation Modus Tenendi Parliamentum 152 and political power 118, 143, 250 Molyneux, William, Case of Ireland (1698) 251, as post-modern discourse 88–89 252, 253, 260 definition of 7, 248 monarch, hereditary 257 distinction from race 60 monarchic power 175 early modernist perspectives on 2 monarchy formation of 38–9, 47 absolute 218, 260 Herder’s view of 213 imperial 179 in early modern society 87 national 88 in medieval political thought 80, 83 personal 90 in Reformation Europe 93 territorial 81 medieval idea of 175 universal 80, 256 medievalist perspectives on 2, 4–5 Mongol invasion 195 modernist perspectives on 1, 2, 8, 248 Mongols 178, 195, 215 pre-modernist perspectives on 1, 2, 3–13, 56, 67, Monmouth, Geoffrey of 75, 153 68, 69 Monuments 111 relationship with nationalism 13, 34, 35, Prehistoric 113, 116 63, 248 Moore, Thomas, nationalism of 262 relationship with the state 354 Moraw, Peter 179 and sovereignty 249 Mosaic lawcode 46, 47 national character 133, 252, 261, 336, 337 Moscow, Princes of 195 national identity Moser, Frederich Karl von 317, 338 conflicting forms in medieval period 80, 83 Mouses Xorenatsi, histories of 43 contested meaning throughout nineteenth Mugabe, the, Bayankoke ruler 110 century 334

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national identity (cont.) use of terms ‘England’ and ‘English’ 75 definition 68 Northumbria 131, 137 existence of in early modern Europe 85 Northumbrian 71, 136 importance of international rivalry 255 rulers 70 in the modern period 70 Norway 4 pre-modern 69 Norwood, David 232 processes of producing 69 Nowogrode´k, Lithuania 221 national Nubians 33, 48 idioms 19 Nuer 109 monarchies, rise in England 59, rise in France, 59 Occam, William of 80 museums, in Europe 346 Offa’s Dyke 111 National Society (Cavour) 296 Old Believers 196 nationalism 5, 11, 15–16, 34, 54, 60, 63, 91, 248, 317 Old Testament 249 account of modernist views 86 Oppenheim, Walter 178 as post-modern discourse 88, 89 Oppida 111 debate over origins 256 Orange, House of 86 definition 54, 68 Oratores 131 development of modern 55, 58, 64 Ordbriht, Bishop 119 distinction from racism 60 Ordre de St Michel 282 existence of in early modern Europe 85, 88 Ormond, fourth Earl of 154 in medieval political thought 80 Orzechowski, Stanislaw 221 in the French Revolution 87 Otto I 173 in the modern period 70 Ottoman Empire 250 in the Reformation 87 Ottonian monarchy 107 modernist approach to 94, 248 Oxfordshire 118 origins 334 pre-modern perspective 68, 94 Paddy’s Resource (Irish republican songbook) 262 Nationalmuseum, see Swiss national museum Padua, Marsiglio of 80, 81 Nationalverein 326 Pagans/ism 71 Natural Law 80 Paine, Thomas 254, 260, 266 Naxharars 44 Pale, the 143, 144 Nehemiah 46 Palestine (Upper Retenu) 48 Neolithic period 111 Pan-German League 316, 317, 328 Netherlands, Reformation in 68 Pankush 36 Neusner, 47 Paoli, General Pasquale 259 New Israelites 71, 92 Papacy 150, 153, 154, 170, 178, 259 New Minster charter 107, 108 papal legates 107 Newgrange 111 Papal state 298 Newman, Gerald 262, 263 Parliament Nice 302 elected 90 Niem, Dietrich of 179 in the sixteenth century 85 Niemcewicz, Ursin 226 term in seventeenth-century Britain 234 Niemen, River 227 parliamentary elections 88 Nieswiez branch of the parliaments 73 Radziwiłłash family 218 in territorial monarchies 81 Nile, the 33 medieval 151 Niloctic pastoralists 110 Scottish and Irish 361 Nippur 36 Parma, Duchy of (Italy) 308 Nootka Sound dispute 254 Paszkowski, Marcin 217 Norman Conquest 126, 133, 134, 136, 137 Patria 113, 299, 308 Normandy 59, 72, 74, 75, 76 Patrick the Briton 155 Normans 74, 133, 136 Patriotism 19, 249, 260 Englishness of 148 British 358, 365 marginalisation of English 74 English 365

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German 320 First Partition (1772) 219 Irish 251 invented traditions of 218 National, Swiss 346 language and identity 221 Prussian 318, 321 partitions 220 Regional, and German identity 180 problems of state-formation 212 in Revolutionary France 285 Rzeczpospolita, Res Publica 214 Russian 204 Polish-Lithuanian 217 State-based, Germany 325, 326, 328 Commonwealth identity Swiss 333, 336, 341 nobility 217, 218 Patronage 182 partitioned by Austria, Prussia and Russia 213 and German imperialism 180 Poniatowski, Stanislaw August 219 as lever of power 106, 108 Populism, as an element of nationalism 22 British 361 Porter, Roy 355 Russian 201, 203, 206 Portugal 87 Victorian Britain 362 Potocki 225, 226 Paulinus 118 Powel, David, Historie of Cambria 235 Paustos Buzand, histories of 43, 44 Pozna´n 226 Peasantry, as ‘carriers’ of language of the nation Pravda 202 302 Preston, Christopher 152, 157 Penn, William Preston, Sir Richard 152 Essay towards the Present and Future Peace of Price, Richard Europe (1693) 258 Discourse on the Love of Country (1789) 260 proposals for a Federal European council Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty (1693) 257 (1776) 260 perennialists, assertion of pre-modern nations 69, primitivism, rise of, in literature 252 71, 73, 84, 87, 88, 89, 93, 94 print culture Pericles’ Funeral Oration 36 development of in early modern Persepolis 35 Europe 84 Persians 35, 36, 49 expansion of 264 Peter the Great, Tsar 195, 196, 204 propaganda 58, 70 Pharisees 46 British 358 Philadelphians 259 during Seven Years War 317, 321 Phoenicians 36, 42, 45 Germany 324, 325 Phule 113 Mazzini 296 Piedmont, Napoleon’s annexation of 300 of the Masurian Plebiscite Committee 229 Piedmontese 307, 307 print in the vernacular 86 Piłsudski, Jo´zef 227, 227, 228, 228 republican 262 Plemx 115 royal 79 Plethos 115 Soviet 205 Podlaise 216 xenophobic, formulated by churchmen 150, Poland 62, 222 151 1848 revolution in 21 propagandists development of nationalist movement 329 English 258 dismemberment of 259 United Irishmen 261 ethnic cleansing (Stalin) 229 Protestant Lithuanian Union with 223 British nation 92 nationalism in 13, 14, 14 martyrdom 85 Prussian, included in Kaiserreich 316 sense of identity 85 Royal Prussia incorporated into 215 values, in early modern England 85 Poles national identity of 221, 227 Protestantism 86, 217, 218 Polish state 222, 229 proto-nationalism 14–15, 15, 17, 18, 55 Polish-Lithuanian 216, 217 proto-nationalist movements 86 central diet (Sejm)of217 in England, Holland, Scotland, North Commonwealth 217, 222 America 86 Constitution of 3 May 1791 219, 220, 229 in London, Edinburgh, Antwerp, Boston 86

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prouincia 130 Reliques of Irish Poetry, see Brooke, Charlotte Prussia 320 ‘Remonstrance of the Irish Princes’ 154 as defender of German values 321 Renaissance 3, 301 state-nationhood 328 Renan, Ernest 23, 33, 41 struggle during Seven Years War 318 Restoration 303 Prussian Romantic writings of 303 Burghers 217 revolutions (1848) 21, 361, 364 constitutional conflict 326 Reynolds, Susan 7, 54, 71, 77, 128, 176, 200, 252, education 316, 317, 323 265 expansion 318 Rhine 173 Landtag 323 Riall, Lucy 305 nation 320 Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact 212 nationhood 323 Rice 130 patriotism 318, 321 Richard II, King of England 154 propaganda 321 rights of man 61, 62 reforms 320 Rights of Man, see Paine, Thomas Prussian School 295 Risorgimento 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 301, 302, Prynne, William 237 304 Public Record Office Robespierre, Maximilien 288 England (1838) 361 Roes, Alexander of 179, 180, 180 Ireland (1867) 361 on German empire 172 Scotland (1789) 361 views of German identity 180 public sphere 168, 257, 265, 340, 344 Romagnols 308 Pufendorf, Samuel, De Jure Naturae et Gentium Roman (1672) 255, 257 Administration 118 Christianity/Christians 71 Qaush 41 Citizens 107 Quebec 47 codes 106 Queen Caroline affair 362 Emperor 106 Empire 4, 5, 119, 173, 176, 177, 217, 303 race/s 59 ‘translation’ to Germans 176; distinction from nations 60 Emperor Charlemagne as renewer racism, distinction from nationalism 60 of 173; Christian 176; medieval 177 Raclawice, Battle of 220, 222 terminology 171 Radziwiłł 225, 226 Romangnosi, Gian Domenico, leader of Milan see also Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 303 Ramik 44 Romans 43, 47, 57, 108 Raynal 259 Romans, ancient, German kinship with 176 reeve/s 116, 134 Romanticism 4, 34 Reformation 89, 92, 150, 255, 260 85, 176, 309 national identity and nationalism in 87 ancient remains 301 regnum 77, 130, 132 centre of universal Church 303 regnum Alemanniae 171 classical 301 Reich 172, 173, 174, 175 classical and Christian heritage 301 medieval 169, 170, 171, 175, 177, 179 papal see 299 Reichspatrioten 318 Rome, Third 196 Reichspatriotismus 316, 317, 318 Roses, Wars of the 147 Reichsstadt 182 Rossiiski (form of Russianness) 197 religion 33, 45, 47, 59, 83, 85 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 61, 257, 257, 263, 264 and 4, 85 ‘Political Institutions’ 257 Christian Church 15 Confessions (1781) 264 church councils 11, 81 Considerations on Poland (1772) 257, 263 in Britain 357 and Corsica 259 Judaism 47 ideas about nations 61–2 religionnaires fugitifs 284, 288, 289 Social Contract (1762) 257

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Routledge, Bruce 38 Russification, within former Polish-Lithuanian royal: Commonwealth 223 agents, in medieval Ireland 145 russkii (form of Russianness) 197 armies 10 Russkii, association with sovetskii authority 130 weakened 205 charters 134 Russo-Turkish war 197 collections (Britain) 361 Ruthenia and Lithuania commands 79 as centre for Polish culture 226 court, in Ireland 146 influence of 225 courts 82, 84 Lubormirski, Potocki, Zamoyski, the genealogies 77 Radziwiłł, the Sapieha, the government 108; in Ireland 146 Czartoryski 225 power 130, 134, 137, 252, 265 Ruthenian culture 216 , see saints, royal Ruthenian elites, of Royal Prussia 216 writs 79 Ru¨tli, Oath of 335 Royal Academy, founded (1768) 263 Rzeczpospolita, Res Publica, see Polish-Lithuanian Royal Academy of Arts (England) 362 Commonwealth Rupert, Prince 240 Rus Sacheverell, William 242 having significant pre-modern history 198 Sadducees 46 land of 195, 196, 199 St Brigid 155, 156 Russell, Thomas 254 St Just 277 Russia 195 St Patrick 154, 155, 156 as ‘imagined community’ 197 St Peter 177 assimilation of non-Russian peoples 199 St Pierre, abbe´ 257, 258 conflict of modernising and nation-building 209 Saints 106 cultivation of public memory in 205 absence of in medieval Germany 171 effect of modernisation 201 Anglo-Saxon, as national figures 138 effect of Second World War on 204 power of 107 ethnic identity in 207 royal 170 hegemonic rule in 197 Salians, palaces of 182 modernisation in 195 Sapieha 225 non-Russian national identity in 207 Sardinia 310 non-Russian national movements in 207 Sarmatian political concept of the nation 201 Identity 218, 219 revolutionary 203, 204 Nation 217, 218 ‘separatist nationalism’ in 207 Sasanids 43 Tasarist, crisis of nation-building 198 Savoy Russian 209 cession of 302 Literacy 204 and Italy 295, 308 mytho-symbolic system 203 Sawyer, P. H. 119 national identity 195, 197, 204, 205, 207 Saxon Volk 324 nationalism 208 Saxon and Salian emperors 169 nation-state 208, 209 Saxon kings, court of 157 ‘political community’ 198, 201 Saxon, the 169, 262 Russian state building 198 Saxony, dynastic unit 59, 325 Symbols, see symbols Scandinavia 72 Russian and Soviet state relationship Schiller, Friedrich 316, 317, 319 between 203 Schleswig, included in Kaiserreich 316 Russian Empire 196, 204, 208, 209 Schleswig-Holstein crisis 326 Russian Federation 209 Schmidt, Georg 317 Russian Republic (RSFSR) 202 Scotland (natio Scottorum) 47, 58 Russians 197 and national consciousness 87 as ‘holy people’ 197 development of political language in 76 ethnic interests of 203 threat to England 76

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Scots 58, 76 Slowacki, Juliusz 226, 226 invade Ireland (1315) 153 Smiles, Samuel 364 King of 58 Self-Help 365 wars with the English from 151 Smith, Adam, Wealth of Nations (1776) 248 Scott, Walter 303 Smith, Anthony D. 15, 15–16, 34–35, 54, 56, 60, Scottish 68, 70, 81, 143, 195, 250 Crown 76 Smith, Brendan 145 Enlightenment 261 Smith, Joshua Toulmin 364 Gaeldom 76 Smollett, Tobias 263 kingdom, revenues of 146 Snyder, Timothy 22, 213 kings 71, 79 Society of United Irishmen of Belfast (United planters 266 Irishmen) 253, 253, 254, 261, 262, 265 Scutchamer Knob 116 Sonderbund War 341 Scythia 58 Sonderweg 297, 298 Scythians 76 South America 109 Second World War Sovereignty 249, 254, 265 and British national consciousness 365 concepts of 248 effect on Russia 204 in Anglo-Saxon England 132 impact on British state 365 and the nation 249 Secreta secretorum 154 Soviet Communism 203 Seeley, John 295 Soviet propaganda, see propaganda Sefire Stele 41 Soviet state 207, 208, 209 Selden, Titles of Honor 241 and Russian people 203 self-determination 54, 61, 64 de-nationalising features of rule 208 and Woodrow Wilson 213 does not generate political community 205 serfdom 199 performs many functions of a modern state 205 serfs, emancipation of 201 Soviet Union 204, 206 Seven Years War 262, 317, 318 as a messianic state 202 Sewell, William 276 modernisation of 207 Shabbat 46 promotion of non-Russian languages 203 Shakespeare, William see also Henry V 78 Spanish Succession, War of the 257 Shevchenko, Taras 223 Spectator 264 Shilluk 109 Stachowicz, Michal 222 /s 73, 109, 116, 117, 118, 136 Stadia 117 function of 134 Sta¨mme, German 325, 325 shire court/s 10, 73, 74, 116, 117, 119, 135 state system, continental, origins of 255 scirgemote 119 state/s 55, 56, 57, 60, 63, 69, 80, 81, 88, 91, 115, 125, shire reeves 134 129, 131–2, 134, 137 Shoemaker, Bob 356 concepts of 127, 133, 248 Shrewsbury 233 crusader 153 Shropshire 236 definition of 127, 130, 131 Siberia 204 and political community 195 Sicilians 307 and relationship with the king 128 Sicily 4 states system (Europe) 249 Sieye`s, Emmanuel Joseph, What is the Third Stein, Karl Freiherr von 320 Estate? 253 Stenton, Doris 137 Sigeric, Archbishop 119 Stenton, Sir Frank 106, 125, 126, 133, 134, Sigismund III 226 135, 136 Silva, Pietro 295 Stephen, King of England 75, 237 Sinakan 45 Stonehenge 111 Sinuhe, Song of 48 Stoyle, Mark 233, 239 Skinner, Quentin 257, 336 Strasbourg 178 Slav 181 Strayer, Joseph 131 national character glorified by Stubbs, William 106, 129, 132, 133, 134 Herder 226 Suleiman, Yasir 37

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Sully, duc de Thingwall 112 ‘Grand Design’ 257, 260 Third Estate 253, 284 Memoirs of Henri IV (1638) 257 Thirteen Years War (1454–66) 215 Sumerians 36 Thiudans 115 Sutton Hoo 107 Thomas, Hugh 149 Sweden 112 Thompson, E. P. 356 Swift, Jonathan 251, 252 Thompson, Robert 44 Drapier’s Letter 251 Thomson, James 263 Swiss Thorn 222 cantons 260 Treaty of 215 civil war 339, 340 Thuente, Mary Helen 261 Confederate founding and liberation myths Thunginus 112 337 Tigranes the Great 43 Confederate myth-symbol complex and Tipperary 152 self-image 335, 337 tiutschiu lant 174 Education 344 Tobia, Bruno 297 Federal Army 341 Tone, Wolfe 253, 254 Federal Council 347 An Argument on Behalf of the Catholics (1791) ‘national character’ 336, 337 254, 260 nation-state 339, 344 ‘Ierne United’ 262 Peasant War (1653) 335 On the English Connection (1790) 254 Switzerland references to sovereignty 254 conservative restoration 339 Tonnesson, Stein 37 construction of railways 343 Trdat, King 42 emergence of self-conscious national treason 266; see also Gagging Act movement 338 Treitschke, Heinrich von 328 expansion of political press 340 Tribes, see Sta¨mme loose confederation of cantons 339 Tribus 113 nationalism 17, 334, 341, 348, 349 Trier, Roman remains at 182 nation-building 343, 349 Trojan ancestry of Franks and German people regions and localities 344 176 szlachta (noble polish elite) 214, 224, 226, 229 Trojans 57, 58, 77 Troy 57, 82 Tacitus 76, 86, 117 Troyes, Treaty of (1420) 78 Tadhg O´ gO´ hUiginn 156 Tsar as symbol of Russian Empire 196 Talbot, Thomas 152 Tsardom 195 Tambov province 200 Tsarist Tamworth, crown wearings at 107 Regime 206 Taryba 228 Russia 202 Tatars 217 State 196, 209 Taylor, Charles 264 Tsar/s 196, 204 Taylor, John 235 Tudor Tell, Wilhelm 335 period 143 Teutones 169 reconquest and plantation of Ireland 144 Teutonia 174 tumuli 112 Teutonic Knights 215, 222 Turin elite 355 Teutonici 169, 172 Tuscany 173 Teutons 129, 133 Tvardovskii, Aleksandr, Vasilii Terkin 204 Thebes 48 Two Sicilies, Kingdom of the 297, 307 Thegns 74 Tynwald (Isle of Man’s assembly) 112 Theod 115 Theoden (prince) 115 uchelwyr, see Welsh Theodoric 115 Ukraine 203, 209 Thierry, Scott and Augustin 303 Cossack revolts in 223 Thinghoe 112 Kievan Rus’ in 223

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Ukrainian Wahnich, Sophie 279, 279 Cossacks 218 Waldron, George 242 Identity 228 234 Nationalists 223, 227 ‘capitals’ of 233 past, reinterpretation of 223 as ‘imagined community’ 233, 236 territories, absorbed by Polish-Lithuanian historiography of 233 Commonwealth 215, 216 idea of 234 Ulozhenie (1649) importance of language and Celtic cultural abolished by the Tsars in the 199 identities 232 and Russian serfdom 199 nation in 233 Ulster 112, 145 Wales, Charles Prince of 233, 238 United Provinces 260 Wales, Gerald of 149, 153, 154, 155, 157 USSR 203, 208 justifications of English title to Ireland 154 creates most of the characteristics of Topography and Conquest of Ireland 153 anation202 Waliszewski 228 Utrecht, Treaty of (1713) 255, 256, 258, Walloons of Malme´dy 324 263, 265 warfare 77, 78, 79, 127, 255, 287 Warren, W. H. 136 Valdostan nation 308 Warrington 240 Vasas 226 Robert Massey of 240 Vasilii Terkin, see Tvardovskii, Aleksandr Wars of Liberation 319 Vattel, Emmerich de, The Law of Nations (1758) Warsaw 226, 226 258 Warwickshire 82 Venerabilem (1202) 176 Washington, George, National Assembly Venetian Republic 302 declares to be French 278 Venetians 308 Waterford 146, 148, 157 Venice 59, 309 Wealth of Nations, see Adam Smith Vento, Austrian (Italy) 308 Weber, Eugen 362 vernacular 75, 115 Welsh, as a national label 149 Germanic 115 Welsh Verri, Pietro, Il Caffe` 299 characterisation of 80 Vick, Brian 316, 317, 322 English portrayals of 233 Victor Emmanuel II, King of Italy 307 ethnic discourse of, from mid-twelfth memorial for 297 century 76 Victoria, Queen of England 134 institutions 233, 236 mirror of the nation 362 intermarrying with English-origin settlers 91 Vienna, Congress of 213, 319, 321 marcher lordships 146 Vilnius 226, 227, 228 pastoral society 71, 76 battle for 227 satires on 235 claimed by Poland and Lithuania after First stereotyping of 75, 76, 235 World War 225 uchelwyr (native ministerial class) 149, 234 cultural activity in 226 Wenceslas 173 German occupation of (1918) 222 , men of 129 Wilno University 226 West Saxon kings 136 Vistula, River 227 Westminster Palace 117 Vo¨gelin, Salomon 346 Westphalia 179 Volk 115, 317, 319, 320, 324, 328 Treaty of (1648) 255 Hanoverian 324 Wexford 146 Saxon 324 What is the Third Estate?, see Sieye´s, Emmanuel Wu¨rttemberg 324 Joseph Vo¨lkersta¨mme (‘mixed tribes’ in Germany) 322 White, A. B. 57 Volpe, Gioacchino 295 Williams, Archbishop (royalist leader) 235 Voltaire 259, 301, 303 Wilno, see Vilnius Vytautas (Witold), cousin of Władysław Jagiełło Wilson, Woodrow 213 222, 223 Wiltshire, court in 74

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Winchester, Statute of (1285) 145 Yahweh 33, 41, 45, 46 Witan 134 Yeavering 117 Witenagemots 134 Yeavering bell 118 Woolmer 119 York 118 Worcester, Battle of (1651) 240 Yorkist pretenders 148 Worcestershire 236 Young Ireland movement 261 Wormald, Patrick 129, 135 Young Ireland poets 262 Wright, Thomas, praise of Jersey 237, 238 Young, James, version of Secreta secretorum Wulfgar, Abbot 120 154 Wulfsige, Bishop 95 Yucatan, pyramids of 111 Wulfstan of York, ‘Institutes of Polity’ 131 Yugoslavia, fall of 23 Wulfstan, Priest 120 Wulfwyn 120 Zamoyski 225, 226 Wu¨rttemberg Zealots 47 dynastic unit 325 zemskii sobor 198 Volk 324 Zittau, Peter of 169 Wynflæd 116, 119 Ziuganov, Gennadii 208 vs Leofwine, Berkshire (990) 119 Zollverein 326 Zolov council (Armenian) 44 xenophobia 250 Zulu/s 110 xenophobic propaganda, see propaganda national feeling of 118

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