
Autumn 2015 What’s Inside  Welcome  Easter Closure Dates  Staff Changes  Customer Satisfaction Survey Feedback

Older Persons Welcome to the New Year!! We hope this newsletter Reference Group (HOPRG) finds all of our regular and newer visitors to Mathers House, Criterion House and our Positive Ageing  Positive Ageing Events Programs well. In this newsletter, you will see that Music in the Orchard we are continuing many of our ongoing programs as Social Afternoon well as offering a few new programs and events. As COTA Afternoon always, we value your participation and involvement Plant Swap and look forward to the year ahead filled with good times and continuing friendships as well as meeting Meet the Team some new people. Rivulet Tour Growing Wilder Easter Closure Dates Alison Alexander Talk Mathers and Criterion House will close for one week TSO number 2!!! following the Easter Holidays. Long Table Luncheon The facilities will be closed from Good Friday, 3 April Ability to Create Art 2015, and will reopen on Monday 13 April 2015.  HOPRG Outings Staff Changes Narryna Heritage Museum The Positive Ageing Team would like to warmly Tour welcome Tracey Currie to the team. Tracey has an extensive back ground in community services and  NEW Programs management, and will be our new Community Choose to be Calm Programs Coordinator. Tracey has hit the ground Frank Povah Writing Series running – and is discovering the programs and  Ongoing Programs meeting the community through Mathers House. Tracey is also responsible for the Still Gardening  Positive Ageing Contacts Program, Accessibility and Social Inclusion work  Other Programs across the Council. Tracey will be working Tuesday  Other Promotions to Friday.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Thank you so much all of you who took the time to complete our 2014 customer satisfaction survey. We really value your honest feedback and input, and the information will direct our planning and program delivery into the future. We will provide some further information on the results of the survey in the next What’s On. ’s - Hobart Older Persons Reference Group

The Hobart Older Persons’ Reference Group (HOPRG) is a group of older people who have an interest in Hobart, see themselves as “village elders”, and are keen to share their wisdom and to harness the wisdom of others in a respectful way. HOPRG works to build community and social connectedness for older people both locally and in the city.


HOPRG’s vision is for Hobart to be a place where older people are active and connected participants in community life, and whose wisdom, experience, knowledge and opinion is valued, respected and actively sought.


HOPRG’s mission is to ensure that the voice of older people is heard, and that older people have the opportunity and are encouraged to be included and engaged in their communities.


In addition to the Council values of leadership, equity, community involvement, responsive and excellence, HOPRG values inclusion, independence, individuality, acceptance, empowerment, enrichment and service.

We are looking to grow this group and are currently working on transport information, social outings, information sharing and hosting other events.

For enquiries please call Danielle on: 6238 2772

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Positive Ageing Events

Music in the Orchard – A Celebration in Autumn 2015 The Hobart Older Persons’ Reference Group is partnering with St John’s Community Garden Incorporated to host a concert in the St John’s Orchard. Music will be provided by The Mighty, Mitch and Max.

The Mighty, Mitch and Max cover a wide variety of music from the 1800s to almost the present day. A fantastic group for a sing-a-long.

Bring a picnic, a camp chair, family and friends - and come and enjoy this free community gathering and live music in a beautiful orchard setting.

Sunday 22 March 2015 Time: 1pm - 3pm St John’s Orchard, St John’s Avenue, New Town Cost: Tea, cake and pizza available for a gold coin donation Enquiries: Please call Danielle on 6238 2772 - no bookings required

A Social Afternoon Come and join us for a ‘social’ afternoon hosted by the Hobart Older Persons Reference Group. Enjoy a cuppa and a piece of cake while having a natter, listen to some music, perhaps have a dance, just some fun with friends!!

Monday 23 March 2015 Time: 1.30pm – 3pm Lower Level, Mathers House Cost: $3 includes light refreshments Bookings: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441

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COTA Tas – Finding out or Dropping out?

Come along to an afternoon tea and short talk about the information needs of older Tasmanians.

COTA Tas – the Council on the Ageing - has been conducting a major research project called “Finding Out: Accessing the Right Information at the Right Time”.

This project aims to understand and respond to the information needs of older Tasmanians. COTA Tas collected feedback from over 600 Older Tasmanians, with 220 responses from people on the “What’s On” mailing list. People shared their experiences of written information, phones, help lines and face to face services; also their insights into internet, mobile phone and computer use.

The research reveals strong links between an emerging digital divide, the increasing risks of social exclusion and age discrimination. “Finding Out” identifies practical solutions to address these worrying trends. Soula Houndalas from COTA Tas has been managing the project and she will present some key finding at this interesting talk, which will have a local focus on the experiences of people who support Mathers Place and receive the quarterly “What’s On” newsletter.

The “Finding Out Project” is supported by the Tasmanian Government as part of The Inclusive Ageing Strategy 2012-2016 and has been sponsored by the City of Hobart to contribute to the Council’s Positive Ageing Strategy.

Monday 30 March 2015 Time: 2pm – 3.30pm Lower Level, Mathers House RSVP: Mathers House – 6234 1441

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Huge plant swap at Mathers House  Do you like striking plants? Starting seeds?  Do you have garden extras to share with other people?  Do you like to see what other people grow? Come along to a huge plant swap at Mathers House. Bring something from your garden to put on the table and take something home in return. Enjoy morning tea and a chat while you browse. Tuesday 31 March 2015 Time: 10am – 12 noon (swap from 11am) Mathers Place – outside the Flower Room (or in the case of wet weather – Criterion House) Cost: Morning Tea available for a gold coin donation Enquiries: Please call Danielle on 6238 2772 - no bookings required “Meet the Positive Ageing Team and have your say” Have you ever wondered who is behind the activities and services at Mathers House? Have you ever wondered how decisions are made? Who are the volunteers who make things happen? How policy is developed? Want to have your input? The Positive Ageing Team warmly invite you to attend an afternoon of information about the staff, volunteers and program development.

Tuesday 21 April 2015 Time: 2.30pm – 4pm Mathers House Dining Room RSVP: Mathers House – 6234 1441 Rivulet Tour – above Molle Street The Linear Park: the life, death and resurrection of the . Hear the scandalous history about fights over water, the filth, the epidemics and finally the growing appreciation for natural beauty. Learn about the rehabilitation and wildlife in this part of the Hobart Rivulet before it heads underground beneath the city. Meet Danielle and Susanna at Franklin Square, we'll catch the bus to the and follow the route of the Rivulet through the Linear Park and under the city before returning to Franklin Square. Bring Metro bus fare plus $5 for lunch, sturdy footwear, sun protection, coat, water bottle Wednesday 29 April 2015 Time: 10am – 1pm Meet at Franklin Square fountain Bookings: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441 Page | 5

Growing Wilder at the Waterworks The Bush Adventures and Positive Ageing teams are back with another fabulous day out, this time at the tranquil Waterworks Reserve. Enjoy morning tea with the birds, join a gentle walk through the bush, then sit back and enjoy some local music and a social barbeque lunch. Wednesday 6 May 2015 Time: 10am – 2pm (bus departs Mathers House at 10am and returns 2pm) Cost: $10 per person (includes morning tea, lunch and bus) Meet: Mathers House at 9.45am or Waterworks Reserve Site 9 at 10am Bookings: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441 Note: Please advise upon booking if you require transport to and from Mathers House Tasmanian history with Alison Alexander: Maria Riseley, Hobart's first businesswoman Born and bred in Hobart, Alison Alexander became a Tasmanian historian, writing 24 books about many aspects of our history. Alison’s interests include Maria Riseley, transported to Sydney for large-scale theft, managed to catch an officer's eye and became his mistress. That was common enough, but Maria had an extraordinary career for a convict: she married the officer, set up a shop and became an extremely successful businesswoman. Not only that, but at 44 she had a passionate affair with a man 20 years younger. Tuesday 12 May 2015 Time: 2.30pm – 4pm Mathers House Dining Room Cost: $5 Bookings: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441 TSO number 2!! Have you ever wondered about who the people behind the music are? Are you fascinated by the music, and the way it is played with ease? Come and meet the Wind Quintet from the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra comprising: Lloyd Hudson – flute Dinah Wood – oboe Andrew Seymour – clarinet Tahnee van Herk – bassoon Heath Parkinson – horn Join us for tea and cake … Tuesday 19 May 2015 Time: 2.30pm – 4pm Upper Level, Mathers House Cost: $5 per person Bookings: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441 Page | 6

Autumn Long Table Luncheon The days are drawing in and the nights are growing longer. Join us to mark the passing of the seasons with a shared long table feast. A complimentary drink and live music guaranteed to raise our spirits. Monday 20 April 2015 Cost: $20 per person (must be paid prior to the event) Upper Level, Mathers House Bookings: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441 (numbers are strictly limited, bookings essential) The Ability to Create Exhibition – Art at the Waterside Pavilion - Friday 29 May and Sunday 31 May Between Friday 29 May and Sunday 31 May, seven groups will join together to showcase the diversity of work that artists of varying degrees of ability can achieve. From woodwork to ceramics, water colour to photography, and decoupage to metalwork - our artists are so pleased to be able to show off their work in this fantastic exhibition! The mixed ability art exhibition that celebrated creativity was held at the Waterside Pavilion, Mawson Place in 2014, and will continue to celebrate with this event in 2015. Friday 29 May – Sunday 31 May 2015 Time: 10am – 4pm daily HOPRG Outings The City of Hobart’s, Hobart Older Persons’ Reference Group (HOPRG) is working on offering some small group social outings for older people who may enjoy getting out and about. Bookings for the following outings are essential and can be made by telephoning Mathers House on 6234 1441 Narryna Heritage Museum, Wednesday 15 April 2015 Narryna is a gem of Australian colonial architecture containing a rich collection of Tasmanian fine and decorative arts. Meet at Narryna for a tour and morning tea. 103 Hampden Road, Battery Point Time: 10.30 am – 12 noon Cost: $8 Tour of the Hobart Town Hall Wednesday 24 June 2015 The magnificent interior of the Hobart Town Hall has never failed to impress visitors. Hobart Town Hall reception, 50 Macquarie Street, Hobart Time: 10.30am – 11.30am Cost: $3 to cover morning tea Page | 7

Positive Ageing Programs Choose to be Calm

A short course on positive thinking, including an introduction to a simple form of meditation will be presented by Helen Vojacek. This course has shown to be extremely beneficial in cases of depression and for our general emotional health. Helen has been offering these classes to the general public for about four years now and they are always well received.

Monday 4, 11, 18 and 25 May 2015 Time: 10am – 12 noon (four continuous sessions) Lower Level, Mathers House Cost: FREE Bookings: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441 Frank Povah Writing Sessions

Here’s an opportunity to hone your writing skills to enhance your club newsletters, family histories, your blog or any other project you might have in mind. Too often what could be otherwise interesting stories become bogged down in lists of statistics and brief anecdotes and remain dry skeletons in closets when they should regain their flesh and dance in the light of recognition. Frank Povah is a consultant and copy editor with a prestigious Australian magazine and has written for many others; his transcripts of oral lore are in several institutions. Practice writing in the vernacular; breathe life into family histories and re-examine the world around you. It’s fun!

Tuesday afternoons – 21 April 2015 – 26 May 2015 Time: 1pm – 2.30pm Lower Level, Mathers House Cost: $5 per person (payable to Frank on the day) Bookings: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441

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Positive Ageing Programs Gentle Yoga with Jeanette

Jeanette will be continuing this popular yoga class established by Maddy. Yoga can assist greatly in enabling us to maintain strength, balance and flexibility, not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. Practising yoga regularly help us to move with more ease, calm our minds, and practice deeper acceptance, all of which enables us to age gracefully. Jeanette will offer classes which give you the opportunity to move and free up your bodies, build and maintain strength, along with time to deeply rest. Term 2 will recommence after the Easter break on Tuesday 21 April 2015.

Tuesday afternoons, 2.30pm – 3.30pm Nell Pascoe Room, Criterion House Cost: $5 per session (payable to Jeanette on the day) Enquiries: Please call Mathers House on 6234 1441 or email Jeanette – [email protected] Mah-jong for FUN!

Come along and join this friendly group of Mah-jong players. From beginners to experienced, all players are welcome. Beginners will have the opportunity to learn the basics of the game following the ‘Dragon Book’ (The Mah-jong Players Companion by Patricia A Thompson & Betty Maloney)

Continuing Mondays, 1pm - 3pm Upper Level, Mathers House Cost: FREE No bookings required T’ai Chi with Jill Jill Terry continues to hold T’ai Chi sessions every Thursday morning in Criterion House. If you are interested, please come along and talk to Jill on the day.

Thursday mornings, 9.45am - 10.45am Nell Pascoe Room, Criterion House Cost: $4 (payable to Jill on the day) No bookings required

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Zumba Gold with Ash

This is a great fun way to exercise, get fit and participate in a program to suit everyone. Mondays, 10.30am – 11.30am Nell Pascoe Room, Criterion House Cost: $5 (payable to Ash on the day) No bookings required Broadway Boogie

Broadway Boogie is a low impact music theatre style movement class with no singing involved. Bookings are not required, just turn up to enjoy the fun. Thursdays, 11am - 12 noon Nell Pascoe Room, Criterion House Cost: $5 (payable to Ash on the day) Enquiries: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441 Scrabble with Friends

A friendly game of scrabble happens in the upper level, Mathers House at 12.45pm each Wednesday. You are welcome to also join the group for a social lunch beforehand at 12 noon. Feel free to come along and join the group, new players are always welcome. Wednesdays, from 12 noon Upper Level, Mathers House Cost: FREE for scrabble (but you will need to purchase your own lunch and refreshments) No bookings required Basic Computer Lessons

Since commencing this program, over 700 people have been assisted with basic computing, with many going on to complete advanced computer courses. Our classes are one (1) hour sessions held one-on- one with the student and teacher over a number of weeks until the student gains confidence with the technology. If you are interested in learning a basic understanding of Windows Operating Systems or Apple Mac or need some help with a tablet or smart phone we may be able to assist you. Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays Upper Level, Mathers House Cost: FREE Bookings: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441 Page | 10

Singing with Jim

Come along and sing popular songs with a friendly group of music lovers. Music and song sheets are provided. Jim Beresford, an experienced facilitator, has been in entertainment for a long time and is still engaged in theatre groups and the “Make Believe” children’s entertainment group. These sing alongs are drop-in sessions, so join the fun, request a favourite and sing along! A light morning tea is included.

RETURNING TO Thursdays, 10am - 11am Lower Level, Mathers House Cost: $3 (payable to Jim on the day) Enquiries: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441 Craft Classes

Lorraine is a member of our volunteer tutor team and has a wide knowledge of sewing and crafts. Lorraine wishes to help any person wanting to learn or expand their knowledge of sewing and craft. Lorraine will help you with any project you would like to make from card-making to making a quilt, or just learning to sew on a button or take up a hem.

Continuing Mondays, 12 noon – 2.30pm Nell Pascoe Room, Criterion House Cost: $3 (payable to Lorraine on the day) Enquiries: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441 Ukulele Classes with Chris

Chris Cruise has been entertaining audiences throughout the world for half a century playing almost anything with strings! Amongst the instruments that Chris plays is the ukulele, from the tiny concert through soprano, tenor and the beautiful baritone. His ukuleles are a source of musical fun and provide a vehicle for his huge repertoire of songs and stories. You will need to purchase (cost approximately $25), beg or borrow a ukulele to participate.

Stayers – Tuesdays, 10.00am – 12pm Lower Level, Mathers House Beginners – RETURNING TO Wednesdays, 9.30am – 11.30am Nell Pascoe Room, Criterion House Cost: $5 per session (payable to Chris on the day) Enquiries: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441

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Mathers Place Book Club

If you like reading books and enjoy discussing your point of view in a social gathering, why not try the Book Club. This is a great way to make new friends, share something in common and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. FIRST Friday of the month, 1pm - 3pm Exception – Good Friday meeting re-scheduled to Friday 27 March 2015 Lower Level, Mathers House Cost: $5 (payable on the day) Enquiries: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441 Keyboard for Beginners with Jim Beresford

This course uses the American style of chord playing which requires very little in the form of musical experience. Participants will cover everything they need to know to successfully play directly from sheet music to accompany themselves or others. The course requires you to provide your own small polyphonic keyboard (unlike a monophonic which can only play one note at a time). Talk to Jim first about some options if you need to purchase. NOW Thursday mornings, 11am – 12pm Lower Level, Mathers House Cost: $5 per session (payable to Jim on the day) Bookings essential – places are limited Bookings: Please call Mathers House – 6234 1441 Fun Brain Games

Presented by the Hobart Older Persons’ Reference Group, these fun sessions are a great way to challenge and stretch your brain whilst playing a range of games or participating in a fun quiz. Time for a cuppa and cake is included. SECOND Thursday of the month, 1.30pm - 3pm 12 March April - Easter 14 May 11 June

Lower Level, Mathers House Cost: $3 per session (payable on the day) No bookings required

NOTE: Dates and Times and venues of Mathers House programs are correct at time of printing but may change. Please call Mathers House on  6234 1441 to avoid disappointment and to confirm as required.

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Positive Ageing Team Members – Contact Details

Name Phone Workdays Angela Barrington 6234 1441 Monday – Thursday

Danielle Walker 6238 2772 Monday – Wednesday 6234 1441 Friday Sarah Heald 6234 1441 Tuesday – Friday Tracey Currie 6238 2475 Tuesday – Friday

Other Mathers Place Programs Check and Chat

Come and “Check and Chat” with your Community Nurse. You can have your blood pressure, blood sugars and cholesterol checked or just chat about general health issues. All discussions are strictly confidential. Bookings are not required. Thursdays Time: 11am – 1pm Upper Level, Mathers House Other Promotions The Ultimate Lifestyle and Home Support Expo 2015 Uniting AgeWell will once again host an interactive and informative expo aimed at helping aged people and their families to gain knowledge of the services available to support them to live in their own homes, as health needs increase. The expo – held for the first time in 2014 - is a major collaborative initiative, funded by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services and supported by most, if not all, home care service providers in Southern . Derwent Entertainment Centre, Glenorchy Friday 20 March and Saturday 21 March 2015 Time: 10am – 3pm daily

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Seeking Volunteers for Conversation Sessions with Multicultural People Are you interested in learning more about people from culturally diverse backgrounds? The City of Hobart is seeking people interested in helping people with English through conversations over a cuppa at Mathers House. The conversation sessions will be weekly for one hour and will commence in June.

To register your interest: Please call Sjaan Field, the City of Hobart’s Community Development Officer – Multicultural on phone 6238 2151 or email [email protected]

Peace Education Program You are invited to attend a ten week Peace Education Program to be held for the first time in Hobart at Mathers House. The course explores our innate tools for living and the possibility of personal peace, through ten interactive workshop style sessions that are are non-religious and non-sectarian. Themes to be explored encompass: Peace, Appreciation, Inner Strength, Self-Awareness, Clarity, Understanding, Dignity, Choice, Hope and Contentment. The content of each theme is based on excerpts from Prem Rawat’s international talks. (Prem Rawat is an international ambassador for peace, please visit www.tprf.org for more information)

Wednesdays, 15 April – 17 June 2015 Time: 1pm – 2pm Lower Level, Mathers House Cost: Enrolment for the 10-week course is FREE Enrolments: Please contact Mike Taylor on 0404 089 777 or Mathers House on 6234 1441

Inaugural Hobart Language Day Are you passionate about language? Come along and share, practice, speak, read, learn, teach, or just enjoy the time listening to music, videos, and people talking in the many languages spoken in Hobart, in order to celebrate Hobart's inaugural Language Day.

Thursday 23 April 2015 On the lawn, at Mathers House, Bathurst Street, Hobart Time: 11am – 2pm Cost: FREE – Bookings not required

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