OMf3 NI 151%-0047 Y=orm 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax 2005 Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(aXl) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung benefit trust or private foundation) Open to Public Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements Inspection A For the 2005 calendar year, or tax year beg innin g , 2005, and ending , D Employer Identification Number B Check if applicable C- Name of organization Please use Address change IRS label Communit y Foundation of 22-22817 83 or print Telephone number Name change ortype . Number and street (or P 0 box if mail is not delivered to street addr) Room/suite E

Initial return specific PO Box 338; 35 Knox Hill Road (973) 267-5533 mstruc- State ZIP code + 4 Accounting Final return Cons. Cit y , town or country F method , -17cash X Accrual Amended return Morristown NJ 07963-0338 Other(specify)O' q Application pending • Section 501(cX3) organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt H and I are not app/rcab/e to section 527 organizations Schedule charitable trusts must attach a completed A H (a) Is this a group return for affiliates? q Yes No (Form 990 or 990-EZ). R1 H (b) If 'Yes, enter number of affiliates G Web site: 01 www.. C fri . Or H (C) Are all affiliates included? q Yes No J Organization type (If 'No,' attach a list See instructions ) (c h eck on l y one) 501(c) 3 '4 (insert no) q 4947 (a)( 1 ) or q 527 H (d) Is this a separate return filed by an K Check here If the organization's gross receipts are normally not more than organization covered by a group rulings $25,000 The organization need not file a return with the IRS; but if the organization Yes No chooses to file a return, be sure to file a complete return Some states require a I Group Exemption Number 0. complete return . M Check ' If the organization is not required L Gross receipts Add lines 6b, 8b, 9b, and 1 Ob to line 12 0' 7 8 , 7 0 0 , 3 6 5 . to attach Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) Part'- `--- Revenue. Expenses - and Chances in Net Assets or Fund Balances (See lnstructions) 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts received a Direct public support 1 a 33 „205, 003 b Indirect public support 1 b 0 . c Government contributions (grants) 1 c 80,000. d 17, 191, 920. noncash $ 16, 093, 083. ) 1d 33, 285, 003. latthroughlilcjs(cash $ 2 Program service revenue including government fees and contracts (from Part VII, line 93) 2 3 Membership dues and assessments 3 116,650. 4 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 4 5 Dividends and interest from securities 5 2, 326, 345. 6a Gross rents 6a b Less rental expenses 6b c Net rental income or (loss) (subtract line 6b from line 6a) 6c R 7 Other investment income (describe ) 7 E (A) Securities (B) Other v 8a Gross amount from sales of assets other N than inventory 42, 971, 467. 8a 0. E b Less' cost or other basis and sales expenses 39,396,538. 8b 0 . c Gain or (loss) (attach schedule) 3,574,929. 8c 0. ., - d Net gain or (loss) (combine line 8c, columns (A) and (B)) 8d 3,574, 929. 9 Special events-and activities (attach schedule) If any amount is from gaming , check here 111'. .a Gross revenue (not including $ 31, 500. of contributions reported 9a ^q9I^^ 0. b Less di ct expe r fundrrs ng expenses 9b 38,856. c Net inco e o (loss) from special a r il% subtract line 9b from line 9a) 9c -38,856. 10a Gross s le& Nolooll, @sjH6n ?i allowances 10a b Less ,cot of oods sold 10 b C c Gross prof or (loss qW Alps Ina attAh schedule) (subtract line 10b from line 10a) 10c E 11 Other re l^ 11 900 . 12 Total revenue (add lines 1 d, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6c, 7, 8d, 9c, 1 Oc, and 11) 12 39,264, 971 . C 13 Program services (from line 44, column (B)) 13 13,982,718. E 14 Management and general (from line 44, column (C)) 14 732, 577 . P Lj N 15 Fundraising (from line 44, column (D)) 15 251, 631. C E 16 Payments to affiliates (attach schedule) 16 c S 17 Total ex penses (add lines 16 and 44, column (A)) 17 14,966,926. C A 18 Excess or (deficit) for the year (subtract line 17 from line 12) 18 24, 298, 045 . ^) 5 19 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line 73, column (A)) 19 101, 082 , 750 . E T T 20 Other changes in net assets or fund balances (attach explanation) 20 5, 781, 046 . S 21 Net assets or fund balances at end of year (combine lines 18, 19, and 20) 21 131, 161, 841. BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the separate instructions . TEEAO101 02/03/06 Form 990 (2005)

1 `Form 996 2005 Communit Foundation of New Jer 22-2281783 Part II Statement of Functional Expenses All organizations must complete column (A). Columns (B), (C), and (D) are required for section 501 (c)(3) and (4) organizations and section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts but optional for others Program (C) Management Do not include amounts reported on line (B) (D) Fundraising 6b, 8b, 9b, 10b, or 16 of Part I (A) Total services and general 22 Grants and allocations (att sch) (cash $ 13,119,158. non-cash $ 0. ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here 2 3,119, 158 . 3,119,158. 23 Specific assistance to individuals (att sch) 23 0 . 0 . 24 Benefits paid to or for members (att sch) 24 0 . 0 . 25 Compensation of officers, directors, etc 25 158, 727 . 39,681 . 39, 682 . 79, 364. 26 Other salaries and wages 26 422, 857. 104, 315. 229, 255. 89,287. 27 Pension plan contributions 27 30, 834. 0. 30, 834. 0. 28 Other employee benefits 28 68,498 . 0 . 68, 498. 0. 29 Payroll taxes 29 44,148. 0. 44, 148. 0. 30 Professional fundraising fees 30 0. 0 . 0 . 0 . 31 Accounting fees 31 32,000. 0. 32,000. 0. 32 Legal fees 32 763. 0. 763. 0. 33 Supplies 33 51, 121. 0. 51, 121. 0. 34 Telephone 34 14, 925. 0. 14, 925. 0. 35 Postage and shipping 35 27, 907. 0. 27,907. -0. 36 Occupancy 36 29,896. 0. 29,896. 0. 37 Equipment rental and maintenance 37 44, 652. 0. 44,652. 0. 38 Printing and publications 38 14, 179. 0. 7, 090. 7,089. 39 Travel 39 31,875. 0. 31,875. 0. 40 Conferences, conventions, and meetings 40 15, 028 . 0 . 15, 028 . 0. 41 Interest 41 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 42 Depreciation, depletion, etc (attach schedule) 42 28 , 686. 0 . 28, 686. 0 . 43 Other expenses not covered above (itemize) a Advertising\Public Relations 43a 59,641. 0 . 0 . 59, 641. ------b Consultants 43b 36,150. 0. 19,900. 16,250. ------c Insurance 43c 16,317. 0. 16,317. 0. ------d Program Related Exp 43d 500,872. 500,872. 0. 0. ------e Amortization 43e 0. ------f Ad] Annuity Reserve 43f 218,692. 218,692. 0. 0. g -- - --

_ - 43 g 44 Total functional expenses. Add lines 22 throw h 43 (Organizations completing columns (B) - (D), carry these totals to lines 13 - 15) 44 14,966,926. 13,982,718. 1 732,577. 1 251,631. Joint Costs. Check I-r] if you are following SOP 98-2. Are any joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation reported in(B) Program services? ^^ Yes No If 'Yes,' enter (i) the aggregate amount of these joint costs $ , (ii) the amount allocated to Program services $ , (iii) the amount allocated to Management and general $ , and (iv) the amount allocated to Fundraising $ BAA Form 990 (2005)

TEEA0102 11/01/05 Forrn 990 (2005) Communit y Foundation of New Jersey 22-2281783 Page 3 Part Ill Statement of Program Service Accomplishments Form 990 is available for public inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of information about a particular organization How the public perceives an organization in such cases may be determined by the information presented on its return Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully describes, in Part III, the organization's programs and accomplishments What is the organization's primary exempt purpose? 1 Betterment _o_f_ N_e_w_ J_e_r_se_y _ _ _ - - - Program Service Expenses a nd All organizations must describe their exempt purpose achievements in a clear and concise manner State _the number of (R(4)Iorganizat0ins(and clients served , publications issued , etc Discuss achievements that are not measurable (Section 501 (c)(3) and (4) organ - 4947(a)( 1) trusts, but izations and 4947(a) (1 ) nonexem pt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of grants and allocations to others ) optional for others ) a Grants are divided into six basic categories - _ _ _ _ - _ ------Cultural Arts, Education, Environment,_Health,_Religion______-_------and Social Service. See attached listing of Grants ------(Grants and allocations $ 13 , 119 , 158. If this amount includes foreign grants , check here 0. Tj 13,119,158. b Program Related Expenses are expenses (including payroll) associated ------with special projects, _programs and events_ onsored by_-----_----- CFNJ . The ma; or project is_ Nei9hborhood_Leadershi^ ______------_the_ -- Initiative program______

------(Grants and allocationsllocations - $ 863 , 560. If this amount includes foreign grants, check here 863, 560. C ------(Grants and allocations $ If this amount includes foreign grants, check here d ------(Grants and allocations $ If this amount includes foreign grants , check here e Other program services (Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here 'In f Total of Program Service Expenses (should equal line 44, column (B), Program services) 13,982,718. BAA Form 990 (2005)

TEEA0103 10/14105 Form990 (2005) Community Foundation of New Jersey 22-2281783 Page4 Pali IV Balance Sheets (See Instructions)

Note : Where required, attached schedules and amounts within the description (A) (B) column should be for end-of-year amounts only Beginning of year End of year 45 Cash - non-interest-bearing 609, 101. 45 562, 954. 46 Savings and temporary cash investments 46

47a Accounts receivable 47a _ b Less- allowance for doubtful accounts 47b 47c

48a Pledges receivable 48a b Less allowance for doubtful accounts 48b 48c 49 Grants receivable 0. 49 0. A 50 Receivables from officers, directors, trustees, and key s employees (attach schedule) 50 E 51 a Other notes & loans receivable (attach sch) 51 a 79,500. s b Less allowance for doubtful accounts 51 b 0. 79,50 0. 51 c 79,500. 52 Inventories for sale or use 52 53 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 44,413. 53 25,667. 54 Investments - securities (attach schedule) Cost[] FMV 120,532,273. 54 152,420,623. 55a Investments - land, buildings, & equipment- basis 55a b Less accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) 55b 55c 56 Investments - other (attach schedule) 56 57a Land, buildings, and equipment basis 57a 252,877. b Less accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) 571, 177, 386. 88,768. 57c 75,491. 58 Other assets (describe ► ) 58 59 Total assets (must equal line 74) Add lines 45 through 58 121, 354, 055. 59 153, 164, 235 60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 66,155. 60 43,500. L 61 Grants payable 61 A 62 Deferred revenue 62 B 1 63 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach schedule) 63 L 64a Tax-exempt bond liabilities (attach schedule) 64a T b Mortgages and other notes payable ( attach schedule) 64b E S 65 Other liabilities (describe ► See Line 65 Stmt ) 20, 205, 150. 65 21,958,894. 66 Total liabilities . Add lines 60 through 65 20,271,305. 66 22,002,394. Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here and complete lines 67 N through 69 and lines 73 and 74 T A 67 Unrestricted 263, 612. 67 283,868. s 68 Temporarily restricted 99, 928, 172. 68 129, 987,007. s 69 Permanently restricted 890,966. 69 890,966. o Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 , check here ► and complete lines F 70 through 74 N 70 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds 70 D 71 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund 71 B A 72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds 72 A C 73 Total net assets or fund balances (add lines 67 through 69 or lines 70 through --- E 72; column (A) must equal line 19, column (B) must equal line 21) 101, 082, 750. 73 131, 161, 841 . 74 Total liabilities and netassetslfund balances . Add lines 66 and 73 121, 354, 055. 74 153, 164, 235. BAA Form 990 (2005)

TEEA0104 10/17/05 Form 990 (2005 ) Communit y Foundation of New Jersey 22-2281783 Page 5 Part IV-A Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements with Revenue per Return (See Instructions.)

a Total revenue, gains, and other support per audited financial statements a 45,084,873. b Amounts included on line a but not on Part I, line 12 1 Net unrealized gains on investments b1 5,781,046. 2Donated services and use of facilities b2 3Recoveries of prior year grants b3 4Other (specify) Fundraising exT)enses b4 38,856. ------Add lines b1 through b4 b 5,819,902 . c Subtract line b from line a c 39,264,971. d Amounts included on Part I, line 12, but not on line a: 1 Investment expenses not included on Part I, line 6b d1 2Other (specify) ------d2 Add lines dl and d2 ------d e Total revenue (Part I, line 12) Add lines c and d e 39,264,971. Part lV-B, Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements with Expenses per Return

a Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements a 15,005,782. b Amounts included on line a but not on Part I, line 17 1 Donated services and use of facilities b1 2Pnor year adjustments reported on Part I, line 20 b2 3Losses reported on Part I, line 20 b3 4Other (specify) Line 9b ------b4 38,856. Add lines bl through b4 b 38,856. c Subtract line b from line a c 14,966,926. d Amounts included on Part I, line 17, but not on line a: r 1 Investment expenses not included on Part I, line 6b d1 2Other (specify) ------d2 ------Add lines d1 and d2 d e Total ex penses (Part I, line 17) Add lines c and d 1- 1 e 14,966,926. Part V-A., Current Officers , Directors, Trustees , and Key Employees (List each person who was an officer, director, trustee, or key employee at any time during the year even if they were not compensated ) (See the instructions ) (B) Title and average hours (C) Compensation (D) Contributions to (E) Expense week (if not paid employee Name and address per devoted , benefit account and other (A) to position enter -0-) plans and deferred allowances compensation plans See Attached Listing ------






BAA i1=tAU1Ub ion//U Form 990 (2005) Forrn 990 (2005) Community Foundation of New Jersey 22-2281783 ' Page 6 Part V-Q Current Officers, Directors, Trustees , and Key Em ployees (continued) Yes No 75a Enter the total number of officers, directors, and trustees permitted to vote on organization business as board meetings 01 14 b Are any officers, directors, trustees, or key employees listed in Form 990, Part V-A, or highest compensated employees listed in Schedule A, Part I, or highest compensated professional and other independent contractors listed in Schedule A , Part II -A or II - B , re l ated to eac h oth er th roug h fami ly or business re l ationshi ps ' If 'Yes , ' attach a statement that identifies the individuals and explains the relationship(s) 75b X c Do any officers, directors, trustees, or key employees listed in form 990, Part V-A, or highest compensated employees 1. Al listed in Schedule A, Part I, or highest compensated professional and other independent contractors listed in Schedule A , Part II -A or II - B , receive compensation from any oth er organiza tions, wheth er tax e xem pt or taxable , that are related to this organization through common supervision or common control2 75c X Note. Related organizations include section 509(a)(3) supporting organizations If 'Yes,' attach a statement that identifies the individuals, explains the relationship between this organization and the other organization(s), and describes the compensation arrangements, including amounts paid to each individual by each related organization d Does the organization have a written conflict of interest policy ? 75d X Part V-B Former Officers , Directors , Trustees , and Key Employees That Received Compensation or Other Benefits (If any former officer, director, trustee, or key employee received compensation or other benefits (described below) during the year, list that person below and enter the amount of compensation or other benefits in the appropriate column See the instructions ) (B) Loans and (C) Compensation (D) Contributions to (E) Expense Advances employee benefit account and other (A) Name and address plans and deferred allowances compensation plans None ------






Part VI Other Information (Seethe instructions) Yes No

76 Did the organization en gage in any activity not previousl y reported to the IRS? If 'Yes , ' attach a detailed description of each activity 76 X 77 Were any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? 77 X If 'Yes,' attach a conformed copy of the changes 78a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by this return? 78a X b If 'Yes,' has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? 78b X

79 Was there a li q uidation , dissolution , termination , or substantial contraction during the year? If 'Yes,' attach a statement 79 X

80a Is the org anization related (other than by association with a statewide or nationwide org anizat ion) throu g h common membership, governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc, to any other exempt or nonexempt organization? 80a X b If 'Yes,' enter the name of the organization Cherry-Hill Family-Fdn_ Dover Famil Fdn ► ------T aldos-Vendome Fdn & Vendome Fdn- - and check whether it is X exempt or nonexempt 81 a Enter direct and indirect political expenditures (See line 81 instructions) 81 a b Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this ear? 81 b X BAA Form 990 (2005)

TEEA0106 11/03/05 ' ^ r n Forrn 990 (2005) Communit y Foundation of New Jersey 22-2281783 Page 7 Part VI Other Information (continued) Yes No 82 a Did the organization receive donated services or the use of materials , equipment, or facilities at no charge or at substantially less than fair rental value? 82a X b If 'Yes,' you may indicate the value of these items here Do not include this amount as revenue in Part I or as an expense in Part II (See instructions in Part III) I 82b 83a Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for returns and exemption applications? 83a X b Did the organization comply with the disclosure requirements relating to quid pro quo contributions? 83b X 84a Did the organization solicit any contributions or gifts that were not tax deductible? 84a X b If 'Yes,' did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were not tax deductible? 84b 85 501 (c)(4), (5), or (6) organizations a Were substantially all dues nondeductible by members? 85a b Did the organization make only in - house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less? 85b If 'Yes' was answered to either 85a or 85b, do not complete 85c through 85h below unless the organization received a waiver for proxy tax owed for the prior year c Dues, assessments , and similar amounts from members 85c d Section 162(e) lobbying and political expenditures 85d e Aggregate nondeductible amount of section 6033 (e)(1)(A) dues notices 85e f Taxable amount of lobbying and political expenditures (line 85d less 85e) 85f g Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033(e) tax on the amount on line 85f' 85 h If section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices were sent, does the organization agree to add the amount on line 85f to its reasonable estimate of dues allocable to nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures for the following tax year' 85h 86 501 (c)(7) organizations Enter a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on line 12 86a b Gross receipts , included on line 12, for public use of club facilities 86b 87 501 (c)(12) organizations Enter a Gross income from members or shareholders 87a b Gross income from other sources (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources against amounts due or received from them) 87b 88 At any time during the year , did the organization own a 50% or greater interest in a taxable corporation or partnership, or an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations sections 301 7701-2 and 301 7701-39 If 'Yes,' complete Part IX 88 X 89a 501 (c)(3) organizations Enter Amount of tax imposed on the organization during the year under section 4911 _ _ - _ _ - - - 0_ ; section 4912 '- 0 . , section 49551-_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - 0_ b 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations . Did the organization engage in any section 4958 excess benefit transaction during the year or did it become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? If 'Yes ,' attach a statement explaining each transaction 89b X c Enter, Amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under sections 4912, 4955, and 4958 0. d Enter Amount of tax on line 89c, above, reimbursed by the organization 90a List the states with which a copy of this return is filed ► New Jersey _ b Number of employees employed in the pay period that includes March 12, 2005 (See instructions ) r90b1 8 91 a The books are in care of Hans Dekker Telephone number (973) 267-5533 ► ------► ------Locatedat'- 35 Knox Hill Road, Morristown New Jersey -______--__- 07960 ------Yes No b At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in or a signature or other authority over a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial account)? 91 b X If 'Yes,' enter the name of the foreign country

See the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22 1, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Statements c At any time during the calendar year, did the organization maintain an office outside of the United States? 91 c X If 'Yes,' enter the name of the foreign country01 ------92 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041- Check here and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax year ' j 92 BAA Form 990 (2005)

TEEA0107 02/03/06 Form 990 (2005) CommunityFoundatio n of New Jersey 22-2281783 Page 8 Part VII Analysis of Income - Producin g Activities (See the instructions Unrelated business income Excluded by section 512 , 513, or 514 (E) Note : Enter gross amounts unless (A) (B) (C) (D) Related or exempt otherwise indicated Business code Amount Exclusion code Amount function income 93 Program service revenue- a b C d e f Medicare /Medicaid payments g Fees & contracts from government agencies 94 Membership dues and assessments 116,650. 95 Interest on savings & temporary cash invmnts 96 Dividends & interest from securities 14 2,326,345. 97 Net rental income or ( loss) from real estate a debt-financed property b not debt-financed property 98 Net rental income or (loss) from pers prop 99 Other investment income 100 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 18 3,574,929. 101 Net income or (loss) from special events 1 -38,856. 102 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory 103 Other revenue a °' b Recovery of Bad Debt 900. C d e 104 Subtotal (add columns ( B), (D), and (E)) X 474 5,862,418. 1 117, 550. 105 Total (add line 104, columns (B), (D), and (E)) 5, 979, 968. Note : Line 105 plus line ld, Part 1, should equal the amount on line 12, Part I Part VIII Relationshi p of Activities to the Accom plishment of Exem pt Purposes (See the instructions) Line No. Explain how each activity for which income is reported in column (E) of Part VII contributed importantly to the accomplishment v of the organization ' s exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) 94 The funds are charged a fee by CFNJ to cover the administrative services p rovided to them.

103b Recoveries of a p reviousl y written off loan to a small business. Part IX Information Re gardin g Taxa ble Subsidiaries and Disre g arded Entities (See the instructions) N/A (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Name, address, and EIN of corporation, Percentage of Nature of activities Total End-of-year partnership, or disregarded entity ownership interest income assets

!--Part , X Information Reaardina Transfers Associated with Personal Benefit Contracts (See the instructions ) a Did the organization, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay b Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or in Note : If 'Yes' to (b)Ade Form 8870 and Form 4720 (see instructions

Please Sign Here

Paid Pre- parer's Use Only BAA Organization Exempt Under No 1 SCHEDULE A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) Section 501(c)(3) (Except Private Foundation) and Section 501(e), 501(f), 501(k), 501(n), or 4947(axl) Nonexempt Charitable Trust 2005 Supplementary Information - (See separate instructions.) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Serv ice MUST be completed by the above organizations and attached to their Form 990 or 990-EZ. Name of the organization Employer identification number Communit y Foundation of New Jersey 22-2281783 Partl Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees Other Than Officers, Directors, and Trustees (See Instructions List each one If there are none, enter 'None ') (a) Name and address of each (b) Title and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions (e) Expense employee paid more hours per week to employee benefit account and other plans and deferred allowances than $50,000 devoted to position compensation William J-qzjmparj!eli Morristown, NJ Marketing Director 40 53,029. 8,606. 0. Faith- A Krueger Morristown, NJ COO 40 73,767. 9,907. 0. Soldivieri ------Susan I Morristown, NJ CFO 40 83,833. 19,445. 0. ------


Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 None Part If - A I Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Professional Services (See instructions List each one (whether individuals or firms) If there are none, enter 'None ')

(a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation

None ------





Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for p rofessional services None ,, Part 11 4 B I Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Other Services (List each contractor who performed services other than professional services, whether individuals or firms If there are none, enter 'None ' See instructions )

(a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service I (c) Compensation

None ------

Total number of other contractors receiving over $50,000 for other services None BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions for Form 990 and Form 990-EZ. Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005

TEEA0401 08/09105 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005 Community Foundation of New Jersey 22-2281783 Paget Part III Statements About Activities (See instructions) Yes No 1 During the year, has the organization attempted to influence national, state, or local legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum? If 'Yes,' enter the total expenses paid or incurred in connection with the lobbying activities N. $ (Must equal amounts on line 38, Part VI-A, or line i of Part VI-B) 1 X Organizations that made an election under section 501(h) by filing Form 5768 must complete Part VI -A Other organizations checking 'Yes' must complete Part Vl-B AND attach a statement giving a detailed description of the lobbying activities 2 During the year, has the organization, either directly or indirectly, engaged in any of the following acts with any substantial contributors, trustees, directors, officers, creators, key employees, or members of their families, or with any taxable organization with which any such person is affiliated as an officer, director, trustee, majority owner, or principal beneficiary'? (If the answer to any question is 'Yes,' attach a detailed statement explaining the transactions )

a Sale, exchange, or leasing of property? 2a X

b Lending of money or other extension of credit' 2b X

c Furnishing of goods, services, or facilities? 2c X See Part V, Form 990 d Payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses if more than $1,000)? 2d X

e Transfer of any part of its income or assets? 2e X 3a Do you make grants for scholarships, fellowships, student loans, etc' (If 'Yes,' attach an explanation of how you determine that recipients qualify to receive payments 3a X b Do you have a section 403(b) annuity plan for your employees' 3b X c During the year, did the organization receive a contribution of qualified real property interest under section 170(h)' 3c X 4a Did you maintain any separate account for participating donors where donors have the right to provide advice on the use or distribution of funds? 4a X b Do you p rovide credit counseling, debt management, credit repair, or debt negotiation services? 4b X Part IV_ ' Reason for Non - Private Foundation Status (See instructions )

The organization is not a private foundation because it is (Please check only ONE applicable box 5 A church, convention of churches, or association of churches Section 170(b)(1)(A)(Q 6 A school Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii) (Also complete Part V ) 7 A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii) 8 A Federal, state, or local government or governmental unit Section 170(b)(1)(A)(v) 9 A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital Section 170 (b)(1)(A)(iii) Enter the hospital's name, city, and state ------10 q An organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A )

11 a qX An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A )

11b q A community trust Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A )

12 q An organization that normally receives : (1) more than 33-1/3% of its support from contributions , membership fees, and gross receipts from activities related to its charitable , etc, functions - subject to certain exceptions , and (2) no more than 33-1/3% of its support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975 See section 509(a)(2) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A )

13 q An organization that is not controlled by any disqualified persons (other than foundation managers) and supports organizations described in (1) lines 5 through 12 above; or (2) section 501(c)(4), (5), or (6), if they meet the test of section 509 (a)(2) Check the the of supporting box that describes type organization . ► n Type 1 n Type 2 n Type 3 Provide the following information about the supported organizations (See instructions )

(a) Name(s) of supported organization(s) (b) Line number from above

14 n An organization organized and operated to test for public safety Section 509(a )(4) (See instructions) BAA TEEA0402 08/09/05 Schedule A (Form 990 or Form 990-EZ) 2005 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005 CommunityFoundation of New Jerse y 22-2281783 Page 3 Part IV-A Support Schedule (Complete only if you checked a box on line 10, 11, or 12) Use cash method of accounting. Note : You may use the worksheet In the Instructions for converting from the accrual to the cash method of accounting Calendar year (or fiscal year (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2002 2001 Total beginning in) ► 2004 2003 15 Gifts, grants, and contributions received (Do not include unusual grants See line 28 13, 097, 480. 10, 919, 520. 15, 780, 375. 39, 957, 143. 79,754,518. 16 Membershi p fees received 130, 784. 307, 902. 214, 256. 202, 385. 855,327. 17 Gross receipts from admissions, merchandise sold or services performed, or furnishing of facilities in any activity that is related to the organization's charitable, etc, purpose 0 . 21,335. 19,125. 18,445. 58,905. 18 Gross income from interest, dividends, amounts received from payments on securities loans (section 512(a)(5)), rents, royalties , and unrelated business taxable income ( less section 511 taxes) from businesses acquired by the organ- izationafterJune30,1975 1, 393, 555. 1,600,468. 2, 081, 577. 2, 041, 162. 7,116,762. 19 Net income from unrelated business activities not included in line 18 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 20 Tax revenues levied for the organization's benefit and either paid to it or expended on its behalf 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 21 The value of services or facilities furnished to the organization by a governmental unit without charge Do not include the value of services or facilities generally furnished to the public without charg e 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 22 Other income. Attach a schedule Do not include gain or (loss) from sale of capital assets 0. 0 . 0. 0. 0. 23 Total of lines 15 through 22 14, 621, 819. 12, 849, 225. 18, 095, 333. 42, 219, 135. 87, 785, 512. 24 Line 23 minus line 17 14,621,819. 12,827,890. 18,076,208. 42,200,690. 87,726,607. 25 Enter 1%ofline 23 146,218. 128,492. 180,953. 422,191. s_ ' 26 Organizations described on lines 10 or 11: a Enter 2% of amount in column (e), line 24 01 26a 1,754,532. b Prepare a list for your records to show the name of and amount contributed by each person (other than a governmental unit or publicly supported organization ) whose total gifts for 2001 through 2004 exceeded the amount shown in line 26a. Do not file this list with your `-^ ------return. Enter the total of all these excess amounts 26b 16,693,460. c Total support for section 509(a)(1) test- Enter line 24, column (e) ' 26c 87,726,607. d Add Amounts from column (e) for lines 18 7,116,762. 19 0. 22 0. 26b 16,693,460. 26d 23,810,222. e Public support (line 26c minus line 26d total) ► 26e 63,916,385. f Public su pport percentage (line 26e (numerator) divided by line 26c (denominator)) 26f 72.86 % 27 Organizations described on line 12: a For amounts included in lines 15, 16, and 17 that were received from a 'disqualified person,' prepare a list for your records to show the name of, and total amounts received in each year from, each 'disqualified person ' Do not file this list with your return . Enter the sum of such amounts for each year (2004) ------(2003)------(2002)------(2001)------bFor any amount included in line 17 that was received from each person (other than 'disqualified persons'), prepare a list for your records to show the name of, and amount received for each year, that was more than the larger of (1) the amount on line 25 for the year or (2) $5,000 (Include in the list organizations described in lines 5 through 11 b, as well as individuals ) Do not file this list with your return. After computing the difference between the amount received and the larger amount described m(1) or (2), enter the sum of these differences (the excess amounts) for each year (2004) ------(2003)------(2002)------(2001)------c Add- Amounts from column (e) for lines, 15 16 17 20 21 11, 27 c d Add- Line 27a total and line 27b total ► 27d e Public support (line 27c total minus line 27d total) 27e f Total support for section 509(a)(2) test Enter amount from line 23, column (e) 27f g Public support percentage (line 27e (numerator) divided by line 27f (denominator)) ^ 27 % In Investment income percentage (line 18, column (e) (numerator) divided by line 27f (denominator)) 01 27h % 28 Unusual Grants : For an organization described in line 10, 11, or 12 that received any unusual grants during 2001 through 2004, prepare a list for your records to show, for each year, the name of the contributor, the date and amount of the grant, and a brief description of the nature of the grant Do not file this list with your return . Do not include these grants in line 15 BAA TEEAD403 02/03106 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005 Communit y Foundation of New Jersey 22-2281783 Page 4 Part V Private School Questionnaire (See instructions) (To be completed ONLY by schools that checked the box on line 6 in Part IV) N/A 1 Yes No

29 Does the organization have a racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students by statement in its charter, bylaws, other governing instrument, or in a resolution of its governing body?

30 Does the organization include a statement of its racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students in all its brochures, catalogues, and other written communications with the public dealing with student admissions, programs, - and scholarships? 30

31 Has the organization publicized its racially nondiscriminatory policy through newspaper or broadcast media during the period of solicitation for students, or during the registration period if it has no solicitation program, in a way that makes the policy known to all parts of the general community it serves? 31 -- - If 'Yes,' please describe; if 'No,' please explain (If you need more space, attach a separate statement )

------32 Does the organization maintain the following, a Records indicating the racial composition of the student body, faculty, and administrative staff? 32a b Records documenting that scholarships and other financial assistance are awarded on a racially nondiscriminatory basis? 32 b

c Copies of all catalogues, brochures, announcements, and other written communications to the public dealing with student admissions, programs, and scholarships? 32 c d Copies of all material used by the organization or on its behalf to solicit contributions? 32 d

If you answered 'No' to any of the above, please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement )

------a,s ------

33 Does the organization discriminate by race in any way with respect to-

a Students' rights or privileges? ii a

b Admissions policies? 33 b

c Employment of faculty or administrative staff? 33c

d Scholarships or other financial assistance? 33 d

e Educational policies? 33 e

f Use of facilities? 33f

g Athletic programs? 33

h Other extracurricular actrvities7 33 h

If you answered 'Yes' to any of the above, please explain (If you need more space, attach a separate statement )


34a Does the organization receive any financial aid or assistance from a governmental agency? 34a

b Has the organization ' s right to such aid ever been revoked or suspended? 34b If you answered 'Yes' to either 34a or b, please explain using an attached statement

35 Does the organization certify that it has com p lied with the applicable requirements of sections 4 01 through 4 05 of Rev Proc 75-50 , 1975-2 C.B 587 , covering racial nondiscnmination7 If 'No,' attach an explanation 35 2005 BAA TEEA0404 08/08/05 or 990-EZ) Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005 Community Foundation of New Jersey 22-2281783 Page 5 PartVI-A Lobbying Expenditures by Electing Public Charities (See instructions) (To be completed ONLY by an eligible organization that filed Form 5768) N/A 'a' and 'limited Check ► a if the organization belongs to an affiliated group. Check ► b if you checked control' provisions a p ply

Limits on Lobbying Expenditures Affiliated group To be completed totals for ALL electing (The term 'expenditures ' means amounts paid or incurred organizations 36 Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grassroots lobbying) 36 37 Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbying) 37 38 Total lobbying expenditures (add lines 36 and 37) 38 39 Other exempt purpose expenditures 39 40 Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 38 and 39) 40 41 Lobbying nontaxable amount Enter the amount from the following table- If the amount on line 40 is - The lobbying nontaxable amount is - Not over $500,000 20% of the amount on line 40 Over $500,000 but not over $1,000,000 $100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500,000 __ ^ • Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000 41 Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,000 - • t Over $17,000,000 $1,000,000 42 Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line 41) 42 43 Subtract line 42 from line 36 Enter -0- if line 42 is more than line 36 43 44 Subtract line 41 from line 38 Enter -0- if line 41 is more than line 38 44 Caution : If there is an amount on either line 43 or line 44, you must file Form 4720 4 -Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h) (Some organizations that made a section 501(h) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below See the instructions for lines 45 through 50 )

Lobbying Expenditures During 4 -Year Averaging Period

Calendar year (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (or fiscal year 2005 2004 2003 2002 Total beginning in)

45 Lobbying nontaxable amount

46 Lobbying ceiling amount (150% of line 45(e)) 47 Total lobbying expenditures 48 Grassroots non- taxable amount 49 Grassroots ceiling amount (150% of line 48(e)) . ? a 50 Grassroots lobbying expenditures Part VI-B Lobbying Activity by Nonelectin g Public Charities (For reporting only by organizations that did not complete Part VI-A) (See instructions ) During the year, did the organization attempt to influence national, state or local legislation, including any Yes No Amount attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum, through the use of I I a Volunteers b Paid staff or management (Include compensation in expenses reported on lines c through h.) c Media advertisements d Mailings to members, legislators, or the public e Publications, or published or broadcast statements f Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes g Direct contact with legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body h Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any other means i Total lobbying expenditures (add lines c through h.) If 'Yes' to any of the above, also attach a statement giving a detailed description of the lobbying activities BAA Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005

TEEAD405 08/08105 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005 Community Foundation of New Jersey 22-2281783 Page 6 Part VII Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations (See instructions)

51 Did the reporting organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations7 a Transfers from the reporting organization to a noncharitable exempt organization of Yes No (i)Cash 51 a (i) X (ii)Other assets a (ii) X b Other transactions- (i)Sales or exchanges of assets with a noncharitable exempt organization b (i) X (ii)Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization b (ii) X (iii)Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets b (iii) X (iv) Reimbursement arrangements b (iv) X (v)Loans or loan guarantees b (v) X (vi)Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations b (vi) X c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees c X d If the answer to any of the above is 'Yes,' complete the following schedule Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reportinorganization If the organization receivedless than fair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column d the value of the goods, other assets, or services received (a) (b) (c) (d) Line no Amount involved Name of noncharitable exempt organization Description of transfers, transactions, and sharing arrangements

52a Is the organization directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501 (c)(3)) or in section 527' 11 Yes No

BAA Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005

TEEA0406 08/08/05 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Vincent P Arabia Fund BlackRoc6 International Equity Fund 1/20/2005 $ 49,745 42 4 58,074 52 $ (8,329 10) Vincent P Arabia Fund BlackRock Large Cap Value Equity Fund 10/28/2005 57,751 22 56,010 59 1,74063 Vincent P Arabia Fund BlacLRock Large Cap Growth Egwt Fund 10/28/2005 36,748 36 58,445 16 (21,696 80) Vincent P Arabia Fund BIackRock Small Cap Value Equity Fund 10/28/2005 1,31360 1,29667 1693 Vincent P Arabia Fund BlackRock Small Cap Value Equity Fund 10/28/2005 7,15337 7,26758 (11421) Vincent P Arabia Fund BlackRock Investment Trust Portfolio 10/28/2005 40,530 66 43,963 52 (3,432 86) Vincent P Arabia Fund BlackRock Small Cap Growth Equity Fund 10/28/2005 6,67657 7,96843 (1,291 86) Vincent P Arabia Fund BlackRock Mid Cap Value Equity Fund 10/28/2005 3,46939 3,27457 194 82 Vincent P Arabia Fund BlackRoc6 Mid Cap Value Equity Fund 10/28/2005 19,199 14 15,473 86 3,72528 Vincent P Arabia Fund BlacLRoc6 Mid Cap Growth Equity Fund 111/28/201)5 15,196 49 20,702 02 (5,505 53) Vincent P Arabia Fund BlackRoc6 GNMA Fund 10/28/2005 267,583 11 264,351 25 3,231 86 Axelrod Fund VANGUARD INDEX 500 7/12/2005 1,00001) 97095 2905 Axelrod Fund VANGUARD INDEX 500 10/8/2005 1,45822 1,44471 1351 JHBromley Family Fund COMPUTER ASSOCIATES INFERNATIONAI, 1/10/2005 3035 - 3035 111 Bromley Family Fund FPL GROUP INC 2/16/2005 43 21 - 4321 J I I Bromley Famii• Fund MBNA GROUP 3/9/2005 19,645 23 15,985 00 3,66o23 JH Bromley Family Fund EAS Index Fund 3/11/2005 726,371 49 739,98000 (13,60851) JH Bromley Famdh Fund EAS Index Fund 3/11/2005 80,70794 81,58970 (881 76) 1I-1 Bromley Family Fund AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP INC 3/22/2005 8,48510 5,67728 2,80782 JI-I Bromley Family Fund AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP INC 3/22/2005 5,65673 6,41800 (761 27) 111 Bromley Family Fund AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP INC 3/22/2005 2,82837 2,99750 (16913) J11 Bromley Family Fund DORAL FINL Corp 5/24/2005 6,998 16 24,205 85 (17,207 69) JI1 Bromley Family Fund BARD CR INC 8/3/21)15 6,43087 3,56000 2,87087 JH Bromley Family Fund QUESTAR CORP 8/3/21)05 13,955 41 4,26200 9,69341 JH Bromley Family Fund WELLS I-ARGO & CO (NEW) 8/3/2005 6,10788 4,616 00 1,491 88 JI-I Bromley Family Fund DEVON ENERGY CORPORATION (NEW) 8/3/2005 11,447 80 5,34541 6,10239 JI I Bromley Famdt Fund APPLEBEES INTERNATIONAL INC 8/25/2005 16,53943 16,0251)) 51443 111 Bromley Family Fund DORAL FINL Corp 10/6/20115 6,209 73 8,04860 (1,838 87) JH Bromley Family Fund UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 12/27/2005 49,611 33 49,896 48 (285 15) J11 Bromley Famd) Fund UNITED STATES TRFAS NTS 12/28/2005 4,961 33 4,98965 (2832) Ali Bromlet Family Fund WAL MART STORES INC 10/6/2005 13,24786 15,01800 (1,77014) JH Bromley Family Fund WAL MART STORES INC 10/6/2005 4,41596 5,34975 (933 79) JII Bromley Family Fund DIEBOLD INC 10/6/2005 13,85941 15,796110 (1,93659) JH Bromley Family Fund LEXMARK INTL GROUP INC CL A 10/6/20115 8,68075 13,27400 (4,593 25) JI-I Bromley Family Fund QUESTARCORP 10/6/2005 7,86471 2,13100 5,73371 J11 Bromley Family Fund WACHOVIA CORP 2ND NEW 10/6/2005 18,811 77 14,74400 4,06777 J11 Bromley Family Fund TELEFLEX INC 10/6/21)15 10,43806 4,49737 5,94069 )II Bromley Famd}' Fund LEXMARK INTLGROUP INC CL A 10/6/2005 2,17019 3,170110 (99981) JH Bromley Family Fund JOHNSON CON IROLS INC 10/6/2005 24,394 97 14,622110 9,77297 JH Bromley Family Fund COLGATE PALMOLIVE 10/6/2005 15,83633 12,69488 3,141 45 JII Bromley Family Fund UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 11/4/2005 494,921 88 495,33203 (41015) JI I Bromlec Family Fund IST-TARES INC MSCI AUS'IRALIA INDEX 11/4/2005 1,82492 1,86300 (3808) J I I Bromley Family Fund 151-TARES INC MSCI FRANCE INDEX FD 11/4/21105 3,72584 3,87000 (14416) J I I Bromley Family Fund DELL INC 11/17/2005 14,87963 14,380110 49963 J11 Bromley Family Fund ABBOTT LABS 12/27/2005 16,41205 13,09389 3,31816 J I I Bromley Family Fund SMUCKER J M CO NEW 12/27/2015 17,843 45 15,798 00 2,04545 Costa/Ahrens Fund DUNHAM LARGE CAP GROWFH FUND CLASS C 9/22/21105 1,001100 948 77 51 23 Costa/Ahrens Fund DUNHAM EMERGING MARKETS STOCK FUND CLASS C 9/22/2005 1,00000 78801 211 99 Costa/Ahrens Fund DUNHAM INTERNATIONAL STOCK FUND CLASS C 12/1/2005 4,00000 3,61974 38026 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Costa/Ahrens Fund DUNI-IAM LARGE CAP VALUE FUND CLASS C 9/22/2005 1,00000 91211 87 89 Costa/Ahrens Fund DUNHAM LARGE CAP VALUE FUND CLASS C 12/1/2005 4,0001111 3,554 12 445 88 Costa/Ahrens Fund DUNHAM EMERGING MARKETS SCOCK FUND CLASS C 12/1/2005 4,00000 3,09263 90737 Costa/Ahrens Fund DUNHAM SMAL1. CAP GROWTH FUND CLASS C 9/22/2(K)5 1,00000 938 53 61 47 Costa/Ahrens Fund DUNHAM SMALL CAP GRO\C- I-H FUND CLASS C 12/1/2005 4,000 00 3,601 22 398 78 Costa/Ahrens Fund DUNHAMINTERNAIIONALSTOCK FUND CLASS C 9/22/2005 1,0()011(1 89971 10029 Costa/Ahrens Fund DUNHAM LARGE CAP GRO\Vl FI FUND CLASS C 12/1/2005 4,110000 3,56840 431 60 Charitable GiftAnnwn DILLARDSINC 1/28/2005 25734 22690 3044 Charitable Gift Annuity AL IRIA GROUP INC 2/7/2005 637 59 49300 144 59 Charitable Gift Annunn UNUMPROVIDL-N1 CORI' 2/7/2005 33647 311548 3099 Charitable Gift Annuity UNUMPROVIDENT CORI) 2/7/21(15 529 16 481143 4873 Charitable Gift Annuui, PI IH CORP 2/8/2005 52o 5 58 (038) Charitable Gift Annuity UNUMPROVIDENI CORP 2/8/2005 77243 701 79 7064 Charitable Gift Annuity CIGNA CORP 2/17/2005 445 13 32830 11683 Charitable Gift Annuity PHH CORP 2/18/21105 219119 22242 (333) Charitable Gift Annwn MAY DEPT STORES CO 3/1/2005 1 019 97 7632o 256 77 Charitable Gift Annuit) KERR MCGEE CORP 3/2/2005 1,551 10 1,065 00 486 10 Charitable Gift Annum MARA I HON OIL CORP 3/3/2005 46948 37524) 9428 Charitable GiftAnnun} AGILENT 1ECHNOLOGICSINC 3/16/2005 2,211157 2,25707 (4650) Charitable Gift Annuity ALMA GROUP INC 3/16/2005 2,27527 1,72550 549 77 Charitable Gift Annuit) AMERICAN FXPRESS CORP 3/16/20115 3,2119 89 2,936 40 273 49 Charitable Gift Annuit) AMERICAN INTL GROUP 3/16/2005 4,199 51 4,47372 (274 21) Charitable Gift Annuttt BANK AMERICA CORP 3/16/2005 5,47901 5,061 60 41741 Charitable Gift Annuity BEST BUY INC 3/16/2005 2,083 13 2,001 33 81 80 Charitable Gift Annuity BRISTOL MEYERS SQUIBB 3/16/2005 1,23495 1,17650 58 45 Charitable Gift Annuity CARDINAL HEALTH INC 3/16/2005 3,693 17 3 274 70 418 47 Charitable Gift Annuity CENDANT CORP 3/16/2005 4,56944 4,83530 (26586) Charitable Gift Annuity CIGNA CORP 3/16/20115 2,18667 1,64150 545 17 Charitable Gift Annuity CITIGROUP INC 3/16/21105 5,47496 5,06427 41069 Charitable Gift Annum COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP 3/16/2005 2,95350 2,876 90 7660 Charitable Gift Annum CVS CORP 3/16/2005 1,05636 85900 19736 Charitable Gift Annuity DILLARDS INC 3/16/2005 1,81344 1,701 75 111 69 Charitable Gift Annuity ENGELHARDCORP 3/16/2005 2,11323 2,24630 (13307) Charitable Gift Annuity FANNIE MAE 3/16/2005 3,14534 3,78103 (635 69) Charitable Gift Annuity FEDEX CORP 3/16/2005 996 36 811 80 184 56 Charitable Gift Annuit) FREDDIE MAC COM VTG 3/16/2005 1,29095 1,32520 (34 25) Charitable Gift Annuity GENERAL ELECTRI0CO 3/16/2005 2,86070 2,67680 18390 Charitable Gift Annuity GENERAL MOTORS CORD 3/16/2005 1,377 55 1,39582 (18 27) Charitable Gift Annuity HCA INC 3/16/2005 5,09653 4,35579 74074 Charitable Gift Annunt HEWLETT-PACKARD CO 3/16/2005 4,17676 4,17060 616 Charitable Gift Annuity INTL BUSINESS MACHINE 3/16/2005 4,11106 3,85200 25906 Charitable Gift Annuity JEFFERSON-PI LOT CORP 3/16/2005 2,914 711 2,94967 (3497) Charitable Gift Annuity 101 INSON & JOHNSON 3/16/21105 4,72344 3,96690 756 54 Charitable Gift Annuity IP MORGAN CHASE & CO 3/16/2005 4,85848 4,89383 (35 35) Charitable Gift Annuity KERR MCGEE CORP 3/16/2005 2,762 10 1,86375 898 35 Charitable Gift Annwtn KROGER CO 3/16/2005 1,43545 1,52640 (9095) Charitable Gift Annuity MARA 1`1 ION OIL CORP 3/16/2005 1,83553 1,50(1 80 334 73 Charitable Gift Annuity MAY DEPT STORES CO 3/16/2005 1,64649 1,14480 501 69 Charitable Gift Annuity MERCK & CO 3/16/2005 3,04369 4,23605 (1,192 36) COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Charitable Gift Annwt% MICROSOFT CORP 3/16/2005 2,75870 1,06295 (304 25) Charitable Gift Anoint) PFIZER INC 3/16/2005 3,82642 4,61955 (793 13) Charitable Gift Annuity ROYAL DUTCH PETE CO 3/16/2005 1,577 19 1,24965 327 54 Charitable Gift Annum THE Sr PAUL IRAVELERSCO 3/16/2005 5,10013 5,26095 (16082) Charitable Gift Annwt% TYCO INTL LTD NEW 3/16/2005 2,82790 2,531 20 296 70 Charitable Gift Annum UN ION PAC CORP 3/16/2005 1,31975 1,1652o 154 55 Charitable Gift Annum UNUMPROVIDENT CORP 3/16/2005 2,03888 1,8(1090 237 98 Charitable Gift Annwt% VERIZON 3/16/2005 3,06584 2,93080 135 04 Charitable Gift Annum WAL MAR I STORES INC 3/16/2005 2,057 13 2,10950 (52 37) Charitable Gift Annum WATSON PHARMACEUTICALS INC 3/16/2005 2,04938 1,701 70 34768 Charitable Gift Annwt) \VEIJ.POINT INC 3/16/2005 3,06489 2,27421 79068 Charitable Gift Annuity WHIRLPOOL CORP 3/16/2005 658 37 624 80 33 57 Charitable Gift Annwq EVERGREEN CORP BOND FUND 4/1/2005 3,04028 3,15843 (118 15) Charitable Gift Annuity EVERGREEN CORE BOND FUND 6/28/2005 15,0(8)00 15,26463 (26463) Coggeshall Family Fund CHARLES SCII\VAB CORP 11/4/2005 20,00724 20,07674 (695(1) Robert Crooell Charitable Trust INTEGRAL SYS INC MD 1/26/2005 36,591 51 38,66497 (2,073 46) Robert Crowell Charitable Trust UNIVERSALELECIRONICS 1/25/2005 82,16759 67,27158 14,89601 Robe" Crowell Charitable trust INTEGRAL SYS INC MMD 2/11/2005 109,771 38 115,99492 (6,223 54) Robert Crosell Charitable Trust RUMSON-FAIR HAVEN BANK &'I RUSI CO 6/7/2005 25,143 93 6,48205 18,661 88 Robert Crowell Charitable Trust GOLDCORP INC 8/9/2005 16,464 60 12,3695o 4,095 10 Robert Crowell Charitable Trust NTN COMMUNICA CIONS 9/l/2005 45,027 11 80,984 00 (35,956 89) Robert Crowell Charitable Trust PACIFIC MERCAN FILE BANCORP 10/28/2005 45,o4825 89,329 811 (44,281 55) Robe" Crowell Charitable Trust GREATER CHINA FUND 12/15/2005 8,17465 93,005 00 (84,830 35) Robert Crowell Charitable Trust LUCAS ENERGY VEN I URI-S 11/30/2(4)5 399 38 - 399 38 D'Andrade Famdv Fund VANGUARD TOTAL SI K MKT 4/1/2005 80,237 61 75,09460 5,143 01 Discoser EVERGREEN CORE BOND FUND 2/4/2004 201100 20725 (725) Discorer Dnunthwacket EVERGREEN CORE BOND FUND C 4/11/20115 10000 105 59 (559) Disco%er Drumthwacket EVERGREEN CORE BOND FUND 4/29/2005 50000 52298 (2298) Discoser Drumthwacket EVERGREEN CORE BOND FUND 6/13/2005 2071 21 62 (1191) Discoser Drumthwacket EVERGREEN CORE BOND FUND 7/11/2)11)5 31178 3217 (I 39) Disco er Dnunthwacket EVERGREEN CORE BOND FUND 8/11/2005 3001 31 62 (161) DiscoserDrumthwacket EVERGREEN CORE BOND FUND 10/6/2005 10000 111579 (579) Dacoser Drumthwacket EVERGREEN CORI- BOND FUND 12/12/2005 2014 1876 1 38 Discoser Drumthwacket EVERGREEN CORE BOND FUND 12/23/21)115 79811 74943 4868 I,ItzPPFund #2 VANGUARD TOTAL BOND INDEX 4/1/2005 2831 - 2831 Elz PP Fund #2 VANGUARD TOTAL BOND INDEX 11/8/2005 401 401 Gwen & Austin Fragomen Fund INTEGRAL SYS INC MD 1/31/2005 9,26469 11,3450o (2,080 31) Gwen&Austin FragomenFund MIRANTCORD 6/13/2005 68337 5,74600 (5,06263) Gwen & Austin Fra omen Fund NTN COMMUNICATIONS INC COM NEW 6/13/2005 6,02974 9,03570 (3,00596) Gwen & Austin Fragomen Fund POWER-ONE INC 6/13/2005 5,64975 13,895 12 (824537) Gwen & Austin Fragomen Fund SCONEPAII-I GROUP INC 6/13/2005 92996 1,76500 (83504) Gwen & Austin Frabromen Fund 1-IEADWA HERS INC/SASOL LTD 6/28/2005 15,114940 15,032 70 16 70 Gwen & Austin Fragomen Fund ISI-TARES IRS&P 500/VALUE INDEX FD 9/30/2005 19,19019 18,06300 1,12719 C,wen & Austin Fragomen Fund ISI-TARES FR RUSSELL 3000 INDEX FD 9/30/2005 14,85477 13,95780 89697 Gwen & Austin Frabomen Fund TRANSFORCE INCOME FD FR UNI I 10/18/2005 896 - 896 Gwen & Austin Fragomen Fund ALBERTA CLIPPER INC ISIN 11/3/2005 328 - 328 Gwen & Austin Fragomen Fund EMBER RES INC COM ISIN 11/3/2005 501 - 501 Victor Frank Family Fund CI'11GROUP INC 3/23/2005 2,19899 2,51848 (31949) Victor Frank Familt Fund WALGREEN CO 3/9/2005 963 - 963 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Forrn 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Victor Frank Family Fund AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP INC 4/13/2005 6,56956 8,581 55 (2,1)11 99) Victor Frank Family Fund DELL COMPU FUR INC 11/2/2111)5 5,23734 5,65)) 74 (413 411) Victor Frank Family Fund WALGREEN CO I 1 /29/2005 4,70790 3,43994 1,26796 Gardner Family Fund AMIERICAN FUNDS GROWTH 4/27/2005 1,3001)0 1,337 28 (37 28) Gardner Farm} Fund JOHN HANCOCK CLASSIC 10/18/2005 2,00(10(1 1,90945 90 55 Gardner Family Fund VALUE FUND CLASS A 4/27/2005 3,50000 3,53320 (33 20) Gardner Family Fund OPPENHEIMER INTL BOND FD 10/18/2005 2,00000 2,01698 (1698) Gardner Family Fund OPPENHEIMER SMALL & MID 4/27/2005 1,30000 1,34325 (43 25) Gross Family Fund VANGUARD SMAI 1. CAP GROW) H 4/1/2005 4,50000 3,58075 919 25 Gross Family Fund VANGUARD INDEX 500 4/1/2005 4,50000 5,28722 (78722) Gross Family Fund VANGUARD DEVELOPING MKTS 4/1/2005 45,00000 44,97552 2448 Gross Family Fund VANGUARD MID CAP GROWTH 4/1/201)5 4,50000 3,67705 82295 Gross Family Fund VANGUARD SMALL CAP GROArFH 10/4/20115 2-7500 159 64 65 36 Gross Fanuly Fund VANGUARD DEVELOPING MKTS 10/4/2005 22500 20583 1917 Gross Family Fund VANGUARD MID CAP GRO\\•TH 10/4/2005 225 (10 163 17 61 83 Kellogg Family Fund VANGUARD SHORTTERM BOND 8/6/2005 6,0(11)00 6,14245 (14245) Kellogg Family Fund VANGUARD SHORT TERM BON13 9/14/2005 100,000 00 101,03969 (1,03969) C&P Kellogg Foundation Fund CAS 11.E ROCK 1/4/2005 250,000 00 189,601 40 60,398 60 Little Beach Fund ALGONQUIN P\\-R INCOME FD 7/13/2005 42,87320 34,97500 7,89820 Little Beach Fund BANK HAPOALIM BM BRH 10/18/21105 50,011000 48,00635 1,99365 Little Beach Fund BERKSHIRE HATI IA\VAY INC FEL Cl b 3/31/2005 28,49406 30,20500 (1,71094) Little Beach Fund BRIS1 OL MEYERS SQUIBB 5/2/2005 13,01)445 14,5751)0 (1,570 55) Little Beach Fund CLEARWATER SEAFOODS INCOME FD TR UNII 4/27/2005 12,484 47 16,145 00 (3,660 53) Little Beach Fund DAVIS NEW YORK VEN FURL CLASS A 5/2/2005 17,00000 14,219 55 2,780 45 Little Beach Fund INTEGRAL SYS INC MD 2/9/2005 7,29730 8,96100 (1,663 70) Little Beach Fund ISHAR1S - R S&P GLOBAL 100 INDEX FD 11 /15/2005 8,13865 7,50005 63861) Little Beach Fund ISI IARES FR RUSSELL 1000 INDEX FD 10/19/2005 32,713 63 28,35(135 4,36328 Little Beach Fund NETGURU INC 4/27/2005 2,41(189 5,481 35 (3,07046) Little Beach Fund PACIFIC HEALTH LABRA IORIES INC 4/27/2005 1,17494 4,62500 (3,451106) Little Beach Fund STONEPAFH GROUP INC 4/27/2005 5,99474 10,971 35 (4,97661) Russel & Knsnna Lucas Fund GENESIS ENERGY LP 1/4/2005 87487 673 12 201 75 Hennetta McPherson Fund FNMA 1/25/2005 6,08238 6,041195 41 43 Henrietta McPherson Fund GANNEl-I INC 2/9/2005 6,75047 7,14965 (399 18) Henrietta McPherson Fund ANHEUSER BUSCH 2/25/2005 5,27207 5,48080 (20873) Henrietta McPherson Fund MATERIALS SELECT SPDR FUND 3/2/2005 6,10379 5,57600 527 79 Henrietta McPherson Fund 1-iEALI li CARE SELECT SECTOR SPDR 3/2/2005 6,001 80 5,924 00 77 80 Henrietta McPherson Fund MASCO CORP 3/22/2005 4,348 36 4,403 90 (55 54) Henrietta McPherson Fund FORD MO FOR CO 3/22/2005 3,14269 3,78270 (640 01) Henrietta McPherson Fund AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP 3/30/2005 6,75266 8,1)1)685 (1,254 19) Henrietta McPherson Fund DEVON ENERGY CORP 4/20/2005 2,28590 1,87030 415 60 Henrietta McPherson Fund AVAYA INC 4/26/2005 4,04485 6,52900 (2,48415) Henrietta McPherson Fund INTERNATIONAL PAPER 6/20/2005 3,89259 4,49255 (599 96) I lennetta McPherson Fund FHLB 7/26/2005 24,562 50 25,000 00 (437 50) Henrietta McPherson Fund FHLB 7/26/2005 24,562 50 25,000 00 (437 50) Henrietta McPherson Fund FHLB 7/26/2005 24,515 63 25,00000 (48437) Henrietta McPherson Fund Fl ILB 7/26/2005 24,437 50 25,000 00 (562 50) Henrietta McPherson Fund FI LLB 7/26/2005 24,900 39 25,000 00 (99 61) Henrietta McPherson Fund ABBO IT LABS 7/28/2005 5,50296 5,095 80 407 16 Henrietta McPherson Fund AMERICAN EXPRESS CO 7/28/2005 10,871 57 10,551 85 319 72 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


1-iennetta McPherson Fund AMGEN INC 7/28/2005 9,17431 6,623 20 2,55111 Henrietta McPherson Fund BANK OF AMERICA CORP 7/28/2005 5,34337 5 267 80 75 57 Hennetta McPherson Fund AUTOMAT IC DATA PROCESSING INC 7/28/2005 5,01738 4,83085 186 53 Henrietta McPherson Fund CARNIVAL CORP 7/28/2005 6,70596 6,96696 (26100) Hennetta McPherson Fund CIrIGROUP INC 7/28/2005 7,73467 7,77250 (3783) Henrietta McPherson Fund CHEVRON CORPORATION 7/28/2005 6,92371 6,33460 58911 Henrietta McPherson Fund CISCO SYS INC 7/28/2005 6,73021 6,71770 12 51 Henrietta McPherson Fund COCA COLA CO 7/28/2005 5,24978 4,813 20 436 58 Henrietta McPherson Fund CONOCOI'HIPPIPS 7/28/2005 10,995 73 8,186 10 2,80963 Henrietta McPherson Fund COSTCO WHOLESALE CORP NEW 7/28/2005 5,711 01 5,80025 (89 24) Henrietta McPherson Fund DELL INC 7/28/2005 8,22965 7,1403)) 1,08935 Henrietta McPherson Fund DEVON ENERGY CORPORATION NEW 7/28/2005 5,47977 3,61600 1,86377 Hennetta McPherson Fund DU PONTE E 1 DE NEMOURS & CO 7/28/2005 7,43038 7,411 80 18 58 Henrietta McPherson Fund ENERGY SELECT SECTOR SPDR 7/28/2005 4,71680 4,11000 60680 Hennetta McPherson Fund EXXON MOBIL CORP 7/28/2005 7,091 70 5,781 20 1,31050 Henrietta McPherson Fund GENERAL. ELFCTRIC CORP 7/28/2005 8,38044 8,0796o 300 84 Henrietta McPherson Fund GILEAD SCIENCE INC 7/28/21)15 8,76563 7,06210 1,71)3 53 Henrietta McPherson Fund GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 7/28/2(815 9,24846 8,31405 934 41 Hennetta McPherson Fund HEINZ H J CO 7/28/2005 5,51376 5,441080 11296 Henrietta McPherson Fund INTEL CORP 7/28/2005 9,12521 7,251 21) 1,87401 Henrietta McPherson Fund INTERNATIONAL BUSINL'SSMACHINFSCORP 7/28/2005 7,58668 7,69735 (11067) Henrietta McPherson Fund IShU\RES DI SELECI DIVIDEND 7/28/2005 6,37573 6,18300 192 73 Henrietta McPherson Fund JOHNSON & -JOHNSON 7/28/2005 8,01841 7,10425 914 16 Hennerta McPherson Fund JP MORGAN CI IASE & CO 7/28/21)05 5,32477 5,92360 (598 83) Hennetta McPherson Fund LILLY ELI & CO 7/28/21105 8,26015 8,911 50 (651 35) Henrietta McPherson Fund LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP 7/28/2005 6,196 74 5,60635 590 39 Henrietta McPherson Fund LOWES COS INC 7/28/2005 7,84539 6,45820 1,387 19 Henrietta McPherson Fund MATERIALS SELECT SPDR FUND 7/28/2005 5,721 76 5,45800 263 76 Hennetta McPherson Fund MAY DEPT STORES CO 7/28/2005 5,920 10 3,81085 2,10925 Henrietta McPherson Fund MICROSOF'T' CORP 7/28/2005 6,56087 7,03690 (476 03) Henrietta McPherson Fund PEPSICO INC 7/28/2005 6,30403 5,59820 711583 Henrietta McPherson Fund FINANCIAL SELECI SECT OR SPDR 7/28/2005 6,01574 6,0461))1 (3026) Hennetta McPherson Fund PI'T'NEY BOWES INC 7/28/2005 5,21498 5,341 60 (12662) Hennetta McPherson Fund PROCTOR & GAMBLE CO 7/28/2005 9,061 42 8,95430 107 12 Henrietta McPherson Fund PRUDENTIAL FINL INC 7/28/2005 7,50458 5,40350 2,101 08 Hennetta McPherson Fund PUBLIC SVC ENTERPRISE GROUP INC 7/28/21)05 8,34940 5,75200 2,59740 Henrietta McPherson Fund SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC 7/28/2005 5,31)9 77 5,8985o (588 73) Henrietta McPherson Fund SCHLUMBERGER LTD 7/28/2005 10,22957 8,16990 2,05967 Henrietta McPherson Fund SOUTHERN COMPANY 7/28/2005 7,75247 6,88440 868(17 Henrietta McPherson Fund S1 ANDARD & POORS DEP RECEIPT 7/28/2005 6,161 74 5,87400 287 74 Henrietta McPherson Fund SYSCO CORP 7/28/2005 6,76886 5,65880 1,11111)6 Henrietta McPherson Fund TARGET CORD 7/28/2005 9,43320 7,59430 1,83890 Henrietta McPherson Fund TECHNOLOGY SELECT SECTOR SPDR 7/28/2005 4,181 82 4,3291)0 (147 18) Henrietta McPherson Fund \VACHOVIA CORP 7/28/2005 6,28598 6,26684 1914 Henrietta McPherson Fund A'AL MART STORES INC 7/28/21)05 5,94935 6,33840 (38905) Henrietta McPherson Fund VFRIZON COMMUNICATIONS 7/28/21105 6,79971 7,7821)0 (98229) Henrietta McPherson Fund \VALGREEN COMPANY 7/28/211)5 9,31761 8,84100 47661 Henrietta McPherson Fund WEI I S FARGO & CO 7/28/2005 7,707 17 7,79350 (86 33) Henrietta McPherson Fund NOKIA CORP SPNSD ADR 7/28/2(4)5 4,02983 3,64980 38003 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


I lennetta McPherson Fund 3M CO 7/28/2005 5,582 76 5,959 70 (376 94) Henrietta McPherson Fund V F CORP 7/28/2005 7,34129 5,9111 011 1,440 29 Henrietta McPherson Fund UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORP 7/28/2005 6,141 34 5,58050 56084 lennetta McPherson Fund TYCO I NTL L1 D 7/28/2005 5,649 66 5,633 20 1646 Henrietta McPherson Fund TIME WARNER INC NEW 7/28/2005 6,o4479 6,070 25 (25 46) Hennetta McPherson Fund TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC 7/28/2005 7,51228 5,495 10 2,01718 MMoreheuscr VANGUARD GNMA 10/8/2005 10000 10039 (039) M Morcheuser #2 VANGUARD GNMA 10/8/2005 60000 603 49 (349) NJ Symphony Fund VANGUARDSI-IORTTIRMBONI) 1/5/2005 250,00000 249,76504 23496 NJ Symphony Fund VANGUARD SI-IORTTERM BOND 2/17/2005 150,00000 149,85875 141 25 NJ Symphony Fund VANGUARD SI-1ORT TERM BOND 3/17/2005 150,000 00 148,862 56 1,137 44 NJ Symphony Fund VANGUARD SI-IORT TERM BOND 7/9/2005 3,69773 3,65269 4504 Nachbur Fami5 Fund NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORI' 3/23/2005 18,924 37 19,272 50 (348 13) Nachbur Family Fund ML SHR7 TERM US GOVT 1 3/10/2005 8,02991 8,42930 (39939) Nachbur Famdv Fund ML SHRT TERM US GOVT I 3/10/2005 1,958 97 2,060 64 (101 67) Nachbur Family Fund ML SI-IRT TERM US GOVT 1 3/10/2005 637 58 666 54 (2896) Nachbur Family Fund ML SHR7 TERM US GOVT 1 3/10/2005 1,48771 1,52950 (41 79) Nachbur Family Fund ML SHRT TERM US GOVT I 3/10/2005 979 49 998 52 (19 03) Nachbur Family Fund ML SHRT TERM US GOVT i 3/10/2005 351 14 355 30 (416) Nachbur Family Fund Ml. FUNDAMENTAL GROWTH I 3/10/2005 4,60859 7,42805 (2,81946) Nachbur Famdt Fund ML FUNDAMENTAL GRO\VI H 1 3/10/2005 5,13832 7,03348 (1,895 16) Nachbur Family Fund ML FUNDAMENTAL GROWTH 1 3/10/2005 406 13 414 45 (832) Nachbur Family Fund ML FUNDAMENTAL GRO\C•TH I 3/10/2005 2,68393 3,77265 (1,088 72) Nachbur Family Fund ML FUNDAMENTAL GROWTH 1 3/10/2005 2,06592 2,99636 (93044) Nachbur Family Fund ML GLOBAL SMA1J_ CAP CL I 3/10/2005 2,14605 1,785 51 360 54 Nachbur Family Fund ML EQUITY DIVIDEND CL I 3/10/2005 2,16676 1,44720 719 56 Nachbur Family Fund ML GLOBAL ALLOCATION 1 3/10/2)105 3,40203 2,80200 611003 Nachbur Family Fund ML BASIC VALUE FD CL 1 3/10/2005 8,76876 9,63931 (87055) Nachbur Family Fund ML BASIC VALUE FD Cl, 1 3/10/2005 4,92843 5,36536 (436 93) Nachbur Family Fund ML BASIC VALUE FD CL I 3/10/2005 32002 391 61 (71 59) Nachbur Family Fund ML LARGE CAP CORE FUND 11 /9/2005 3,17300 2,291 79 881 21 Nachbur FamiN Fund ML FUNDAMENTAL GROW1 141 11/9/211115 1,59886 1,531 69 67 17 Nachbur Family Fund ML GLOBAL SMALLCAP 11/9/2005 774 06 62899 145117 Nachbur Family Fund ML EQUITY DIVIDEND CL I 11/9/2005 766 51 502 50 26401 Nachbur Family Fund NIL GLOBAL AIJ.OCATI ON I 11/9/2005 2,33067 1,86333 467 34 Nachbur Family Fund ML BASIC VALUE FD CL I 11/9/2005 1,42527 1,60264 (17737) Nachbur Family Fund ML BD FD CORE BD 11/9/2005 3,66326 3,38034 28292 Nachbur Family Fund ML GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERVICES 11/9/2005 795 76 753 27 4249 Gloria Nilson Fund DIAGEO 1/15/2005 82969 65667 173112 Gloria Nilson Fund NOKIA 1/15/2005 2,63929 3,35923 (71994) Gloria Nilson Fund NOMURA 1/15/2005 531 84 58806 (5622) Glona Nilson Fund ROYAL DUTCH PETE CO 1 /15/2005 832 70 79608 36 62 Gloria Nilson Fund SABRE 1/15/21105 93784 1,021 31 (8347) Gloria Nilson Fund TESCO 1/15/21)(15 26224 14250 11974 Gloria Nilson Fund UNISYS 1/15/2005 1,361 98 1,761109 (99811) Gloria Nilson Fund %X,`FIS FARGO & CO 1/15/2005 3,09566 2,31532 781134 Gloria Nilson Fund US TREASURY NOTES 1/15/2005 57,354 67 58,028 48 (673 81) Gloria Nilson Fund FEDERAL HOME LOAN GLOBAL NOTE 1/15/2005 30,024 30 30,927 91 (903 61) Glona Ndson Fund ALLEGHENY TECHNOLOGIES 2/15/2005 4,28960 1,21654 317306 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Glona Nilson Fund BASF AG SPON ADR 2/15/2005 1,84935 98998 85937 Glona Nilson Fund CARNIVAL CORI' 2/15/2005 83696 415 43 421 53 C,lona Nilson Fund IKON OFFICE 2/15/2005 1,71045 1 ,28014 43031 Glona Nilson Fund MONSAN TO 2/15/2005 35988 - 35988 Glona Nilson Fund NIPPON TELEG & 1 EL CORP 2/15/2005 1,23358 1,35380 ( 120 22) Glona Nilson Fund 13ANK ONE CORI' 3/15/2005 69887 51642 18245 Glona Nilson Fund GRUPOTLLEVISA SA DF CV 3/15/ 2005 95877 551 40 40737 Glona Nilson Fund IISBC HOI DINGS PLC NEW GB SPON ADR 3/ 15/201)5 40065 29235 10830 Glona Nilson Fund MICROUSE 3/15/2005 12482 15800 (33 18) Glona Nikon Fund I ELEFON ICA S A SPON ADR 3/15/2005 547 47 39640 151 07 Glona Nilson Fund \VlI IAMS CO 3/15/2005 658 78 319 39 339 39 Glona Nilson Fund US TREASURY NOTES 3/ 15/2005 28, 10849 29,63081 ( 1,52232) Glona Nilson Fund US TREASURY NOTES 3/ 15/2005 8,26750 8,49243 (22493) Glona Nilson Fund AMBAC FINANCIAL GROUP IN 4/15/2005 1,32308 1,199 58 1235o Glona Nilson Fund 13ANK OF NEW YORK 4/ 15/2005 3 00 - 300 Glona Nilson Fund MCKISSON 4/15/2005 94678 69404 25274 Glona Nilson Fund UNITED HEALTH GROUP INC 4/15/2005 97535 29737 67798 Glona Nilson Fund GEN ZYME CORP 5/ 15/2005 4,73988 2,89805 1,841 83 Glona Nilson Fund SUNGARI DA I A SYSTEMS 5/15/2005 1,866 22 1,350 95 515 27 Glona Nilson Fund UNI ITD IIFALFH GROUP INC 5/15/2005 3,41324 1 ,04079 2,36245 Glona Nilson Fund US TREASURY NOTES 5/15/2005 5,047o7 5,06563 (18 56) Glona Nilson Fund MICROUSE 6/15/2005 30128 28966 11 62 Glona Nilson Fund REALNETVORKS INC 6/15/ 2005 1 ,1)45 45 2,36881 (1,323 36) Glona Nilson Fund BANK NEW YORK INC 7/15/2005 1 ,771 32 2, 63341 (86209) Glona Nilson Fund BOSION SCIENTIFIC 7/15/2005 28500 29656 (1156) Glona Nilson Fund ENGELHARD CORI' 7/15/2005 41899 39023 2876 Glona Nilson Fund MICROUSF 7/ 15/2005 117 79 105 33 1246 Glona Nilson Fund MORGAN STANLEY 7/15/2005 1,32688 1,40577 (7889) Glona Nilson Fund NE'A•MOMI MINING 7 / 15/2005 1,521 27 1,28997 2313o Glona Nilson Fund 1 ELEFONICA S A SPON ADR 7/15/2005 1917 - 19 17 Glona Nilson Fund TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR MFG CO LTD LTD ADR 7/ 15/2005 595 - 595 Glona Nilson I and US TREASURY NOTES 7 /15/2005 56,487 82 57,410 52 (922 70) Glona Nikon Fund FUJI PHOCO 8/15/200 5 1,86125 1,96463 ( 10338) Glona N ilson Fund GENETECH 8/15/2005 2,261 54 46023 1,801 31 Glona Nilson Fund L3 COMMUNICATION HOLDINGS 8/15/2005 2,73648 1,40918 1,32730 Glona Nilson Fund PEPSICO 8/15/2005 81909 62541 19368 Glona Nilson Fund SEVEN ELEVEN JAPAN 8/15/2105 1,66458 2,371 25 (70667) Glona Nilson Fund UNI TED HEAL) H GROUP INC 8/15/2005 1,03855 29737 741 18 Glona Nilson Fund \C EAIIIERFORIINTLINC(BFRMRJDA) 8/15/2005 3,26837 2,14764 1,12073 Glona Nilson Fund IAC /INTERACTIVE CORP NF\C' 8/15/2005 14 10 - 1410 Glona Nilson Fund UNITED OVERSEAS BANK 8/15/2005 2491 2491 Glona Nilson Fund US TREASURY NOTES 8/15/2005 20,45444 41,11458 (20,660 14) Glona Ndson Fund US TREASURY NOTES 8/15/21105 3,18(138 3,18470 (432) Glona Nilson Fund AMGEN INC 9/15/ 2005 1,683 13 1,04842 634 71 Glona Nilson Fund EXXON MOBIL CORP 9/ 15/2005 248 75 173119 75 66 Glona N ilson Fund GFNE-NTEC14 9 /15/2005 2,74753 55227 2,195 26 Glona Nilson Fund ITXAS INS IRUMENTS 9/15/2005 2,82990 1 ,90333 926 57 Glona Nilson Fund FEDERAL HOME LOAN GLOBAL NO CE 9/15/2005 40,51240 40,541 55 (29 15) Glona Nilson Fund US TREASURY NOTES 9/ 15/2005 19,11949 19,16032 (4083) COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Gloria Nilson Fund US TREASURY NOFES 9/15/2005 3,14046 3,18546 (4500) Gloria Nilson Fund ELECTRONICS FOR IMAGING 10/15/2005 57933 41000 16933 Gloria Nilson Fund PEPSICO 10/15/2005 56496 41694 14802 Gloria Nilson Fund SBC COMMUNICATIONS 10/15/2005 1,84209 1,86876 (2667) Gloria Nilson Fund TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 10/15/2005 1,82335 1,231 57 591 78 Gloria Nilson Fund ABBOTT LABS 12/27/2005 2,83561 3,027 14 (191 53) Gloria Nilson Fund AGILEN I TECHNOLOGIES INC 12/27/2005 2,38482 1,491 70 893 12 Gloria Nilson Fund ALCOA I NC 12/27/2005 3,79458 3,99064 (19606) Gloria Nilson Fund A1,KLERIv1GS INC 12/27/2005 1,261173 1,81090 (55017) Gloria Nilson Fund ALKERMES INC 12/27/2005 180 10 248 82 (68 72) Gloria Nilson Fund ALKERMIS INC 12/27/2005 81o47 452 61 357 86 Gloria Nilson Fund AMAZON COM 12/27/2005 2,09446 1,345 19 74927 Gloria Nilson Fund AMAZON COM 12/27/2005 2,04576 1,364 14 681 62 Gloria Nilson Fund AMBAC FINANCIAL GROUP IN 12/27/2005 1,56515 1,199 58 365 57 Gloria Nilson Fund AMER INTL GROUP INC 12/27/2005 1,96990 1,89835 71 55 Gloria Nilson Fund AMERICAN EXPRESS CORP 12/27/2005 3,85263 2,60526 1,24737 Gloria Nilson Fund AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL INC 12/27/2005 61498 521 05 9393 Gloria Nilson Fund AMGEN INC 12/27/2005 6,85588 4,45579 2,400119 Gloria Nilson Fund ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP 12/27/2005 3,261 54 1,86748 1,39406 (;Iona Nilson Fund AXA ADR 12/27/2005 3,61668 1,96679 1,64989 Gloria Nilson Fund BASF AG SPON ADR 12/27/21)115 1,921 19 989 98 931 21 Gloria Nilson Fund BED BATH AND BEYOND 12/27/2005 2,38022 2,591 91 (211 69) Gloria Nilson Fund BEKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC 12/27/2005 5,87981 5,034 18 845 63 Gloria Nd,on Fund BOC GROUP PI C SPON ADR 12/27/2005 1,83819 1,41120 42699 Gloria Nilson Fund BOC GROUP PLC SPON ADR 12/27/2005 40849 291 33 117 16 Gloria Nilson Fund BOC GROUP PLC SPON ADR 12/27/2005 816 97 535 86 281 11 (;Iona Nilson Fund BI' PLC SPN ADR 12/27/2005 1,2(15 54 861 28 34426 Gloria Nilson Fund BIOGEN IDEC 12/27/2005 4,49986 4,89678 (39692) Gloria Nilson Fund BOEING 12/27/2005 1,41555 1,34508 70 47 Gloria Nilson Fund CRH PLC ADR-USD 12/27/2005 3,153 05 1,75875 1,3943o Gloria Nilson Fund CABLEVISION SYS1 EMS CORP 12/27/21015 4,82985 6,76317 (1,933 32) Gloria Nilson Fund CANON INC ADRJAPAN 12/27/2005 773o8 520 77 252 31 Gloria Nilson Fund CATERPILLAR INC 12/27/2005 58098 18950 391 48 Gloria Nilson Fund CATERPILLAR INC 12/27/2005 1,74294 705 57 1,03737 Gloria Nilson Fund CHEVRON TEXACO 12/27/2005 84237 79626 46 11 Gloria Nilson Fund CHIRON CORP 12/27/2005 3,56708 3,52480 4228 Gloria Nilson Fund CHIRON CORP 12/27/2005 44589 50884 (6295) Gloria Nilson Fund CHIRON CORP 12/27/2005 44589 44930 (341) Gloria Nilson Fund CI4IRON CORP 12/27/2005 1,11471 87416 24055 Gloria Nikon Fund CHUBB CORP 12/27/2005 2,91531 2,02909 88622 Gloria Nilson Fund CISCO SYSTEMS INC 12/27/2005 7,94855 7,91365 3490 Gloria Nilson Fund COCA COLA CO COM 12/27/2005 2,05043 2,25902 (208 59) Gloria Nilson Fund COCA COLA CO COM 12/27/2005 2,25548 2,22446 31 02 Gloria Nilson Fund COCA COLA CO COM 12/27/2005 1,02522 1,121 011 (95 78) Gloria Nilson Fund COMCAST CORP NEW SPECIAL 12/27/2005 9,12831 11,054 62 (1,926 31) Gloria Nilson Fund CORE LABORATORIES NV 12/27/2005 3,341 59 1,62929 1,71230 Gloria Nilson Fund DELL INC 12/27/2005 1,24076 1,031 56 20920 Gloria Nilson Fund DISCOVERY HLDG CO CL A 12/27/2005 746 78 50283 243 95 Gloria Nilson Fund \\'ALT DISNEY CO (HOLDING CO) DISNEY COM 12/27/211u5 7,25977 6,73450 525 27 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Glona Nilson Fund DOW CIIEMICAL 12/27/2005 66402 67333 (931) Glona Nilson Fund EL DUPONT DE NEMOURS 12/27/2005 2,371 52 2,27332 9820 Glona Nilson Fund ELI LILLY & COMPANY 12/27/2005 1,73694 1,605 14 131 80 Glona Nilson Fund EMERSON ELECTRIC CO 12/27/2005 2,27693 2,07060 206 33 Glona Nilson Fund EMERSON ELECTRIC CO 12/27/2005 1,13846 77359 36487 Glona Nilson Fund ENDESA S A SPON ADR 12/27/2005 2,76981 1,800 30 969 51 (dona Nilson Fund ENGLEFIARD CORP 12/27/2005 1,99868 1,69101 307 67 Glona Nilson Fund ELECTRONIC ARTS 12/27/2005 2,88026 3,283 11 (40285) Gloria Nilson Fund EXXON MOBIL CORP 12/27/2005 2,63849 2,o3383 60466 Glona Nilson Fund FOREST LABORATORIES 12/27/2005 4,97068 3,58912 1,381 56 Glona Nilson Fund GENENTECH INC 12/27/2005 6,06041 1,19659 4,86382 Glona Nilson Fund GENLELECTRIC CO 12/27/2005 3,50889 4,421 38 (91249) Glona Nilson Fund GENL ELECTRIC CO 12/27/2005 87722 783 14 9408 Glona Nilson Fund GENL ELECTRIC CO 12/27/2005 1,228 11 1,051 27 17684 Glona Nilson Fund GENZYME CORP 12/27/21105 5,13892 2,74349 2,39543 Glona Nilson Fund GLAXO SMITHKINE PLC ADR 12/27/21105 1,524 55 1,571 10 (4655) Gloria Nilson Fund GLAXO SMITI-IKINE PLC ADR 12/27/2005 76228 631 80 13048 Glona Nilson Fund GLAXO SMIT1-IKINE PLC ADR 12/27/2005 508 18 410 30 97 88 Glona Nilson Fund GLAXO SMITHKJNE- PLC ADR 12/27/2005 2,79501 2,2115 27 589 74 Glona Nilson Fund GLOBALSANTAFE CORP 12/27/2005 576 82 238 57 338 25 (,Iona Nilson Fund GRANT PRIDECO INC 12/27/21105 2231193 88349 1,34744 Glona Nilson Fund GRANT PRIDECO INC 12/27/2(105 89217 24296 64941 Glona Nilson Fund GRANT PRIDECO INC 12/27/2005 1,33856 229 62 1,10894 Glona Nilson Fund GRANT PRIDECO INC 12/27/2005 2,23093 438 67 1,79226 Glona Nilson Fund GROUPS DANONE SPONSORED ADR FRANCE 12/27/21105 2,54872 1,55022 998 50 Glona Nilson Fund GRUPO 1 ELEVISA SA DE CV 12/27/2005 2,420 32 1,102 811 1,31752 Glona Nilson Fund HSBC HOLDINGS PI C NE\\ GB SPON ADR 12/27/2005 567 12 409 29 157 83 Glona Nilson Fund HASBRO INC 12/27/2005 3,35929 2,05737 1,301 92 Glona Nilson Fund HOME DEPO f INC 12/27/2005 8,85557 8,179 65 67592 Glona Nilson Fund HONEYWELI.INTL INC 12/27/2005 1,87944 1,44962 42982 Glona Nilson Fund HONEYWELL INTL INC 12/27/2005 56383 40702 15681 Glona Nilson Fund HONDA MO1 OR 12/27/2005 2898 25 62 3 36 Glona Nilson Fund HONG KONG & CHINA GAS 12/27/2005 2,734 11 1,46667 1,26744 Glona Nilson Fund HUTCHINSON \X,HAMPOLA L11) ADR HONG KONG 12/27/2005 1,43395 1,481 25 (47 30) Glona Nilson Fund HU 1'CHINSON WHAMPOLA LTD ADR HONG KONG 12/27/2005 955 97 630011 325 97 Glona Nilson Fund IAC/INTERACTIVE CORP NEW 12/27/2005 3,445 17 3,37486 7031 Glona Nilson Fund ING GROUP N V NL SPON ADR 12/27/2005 2,80471 1,851 35 953 36 Glona Nilson Fund INTELCORP 12/27/2005 9,201 31 8,1)4125 1,16006 Glona Nilson Fund I NTL BUSINESS MACHINE 12/27/2005 1,24091 1,38658 (13967) Gloria Nilson Fund KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS EL N 12/27/2005 2,66126 2,1)3947 621 79 Gloria Nilson Fund INTERPUBLIC GROUP 12/27/2005 1,829 64 2,248 51 (41887) Gloria Nilson Fund KRAFT FOODS 12/27/2005 1,81669 1,95570 (13901) Gloria Nilson Fund L-3 COMMUNICATIONS 12/27/2005 4,89466 2,61706 2,27760 Gloria Nilson Fund LEAR CORP 12/27/21105 1,41395 1,53915 (125 20) Gloria Nilson Fund LEI-THAN BROS HOLDING INC 12/27/2005 111,429 23 2,79610 7,633 13 Gloria Nilson Fund LUCEN I fECHNOLOGIES 12/27/2005 561 68 683 24 (121 56) Gloria Nilson Fund LIBERTY GLOBAL INC SER C 12/27/20115 1,02478 90672 118 06 Gloria Nilson Fund LI BER FY MEDIA CORP CL A 12/27/2005 3,807 18 4,52550 (718 32) Gloria Nilson Fund MBNA CORP 12/27/2005 68522 619 13 6609 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22- 2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Glona Nilson Fund MGIC INVESTMENT CORP WI D 12/27/2005 3 259 89 2,97268 287 21 Glona Nilson Fund MAITEL 12/27/2005 1,20746 1,31462 (10716) Gloria Nilson Fund MAXTOR 12/27/2005 2,50797 2,81549 (307 52) Glona Nilson Fund MCDONALDS CORP 12/27/2005 3,073 40 2,42378 649 62 Glona Nilson Fund MERRILL LYNCH & CO 12/27/2005 7,501 76 4,51454 2,987 22 Glona Nilson Fund METTLER- I OLLDO IN 11 12/27/2005 2,21073 1,66288 547 85 Glona Nilson Fund MUFTIER-TOLEDO IN FL 12/27/2005 1,10536 542 85 562 51 Glona Nilson Fund MICROMUSE INC 12/27/2005 1,729 12 921 64 807 48 Glona Nilson Fund MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC 12/27/2005 4,57625 4,85267 (27642) Glona Nilson Fund MITSUBISHI 12/27/2005 3,14090 2,46340 677 50 Glona Nilson Fund MOTOROLA INC 12/27/2005 2,41807 1,44502 97305 Glona Nilson Fund MURPHY OIL CORP 12/27/2005 2,14673 866 34 1,280 39 Uona Nilson Fund NATIONAL BK GRFECE 12/27/2005 1,07246 99236 80 10 Glona Nilson Fund NESTLE S A SPONSORED ADR 12/27/2005 1,68814 1,208 65 47949 Glona Nilson Fund NEV'S CORP INC DELA Cl. 13 12/27/2005 4,562 10 3,97351 588 59 Glona Nilson Fund NIPPON I ELEG & 1 EL CORP 12/27/2005 2,479 32 2,481 96 (264) Glona Nilson Fund NOKIA CORP SPONS ADR 12/27/2005 1,61032 1,62363 (13 31) Glona Nilson Fund NOMURA HOLDINGS INC NEWSPON ADR 12/27/2005 32299 24993 7306 Gloria Nikon Fund NOVARITS 12/27/2005 3,10730 2,561 68 545 62 Glona Nilson Fund NOVELLUS 12/27/2005 839 27 842 71 (344) Glona Nilson Fund NOVO NORDISK ADR DENMARK 12/27/2005 2,52037 1,73212 78825 Glona Nilson Fund ORIX 12/27/2005 3,92987 2,71559 1,21428 Glona Nilson Fund PEARSON 12/27/2005 652 82 66870 (15 88) Glona Nilson Fund PEPSICO INC 12/27/2005 6,50960 4,58631 1,92329 GIona Nilson Fund PFIZER INC 12/27/2005 8,531 73 10,924 14 (2,39241) Glona Nilson Fund PIMCO 12/27/2005 107,41844 115,28719 (7,86875) Glona Nilson Fund PMI GROUP 12/27/2005 3,07565 3,00938 66 27 Gloria Nilson Fund PROCTER & GAMBLE CO 12/27/2005 9,67695 4,52800 5,14895 Glona Nilson Fund QUAN FUM CORP DLT & S-1 ORAGE SYS GROUP 12/27/2005 2-7080 800 17 (579 37) Glona Nilson Fund QUAN I UM CORP DLT & S I ORAGE SYS GROUP 12/27/2005 27989 895 57 (61568) Glona Nilson Fund QUANTUM CORP DLT & STORAGE SYS GROUP 12/27/2005 52868 1,47975 (951 07) Glona Nikon Fund RSA SECURITY INC 12/27/2005 2,81016 5,66309 (2,85293) Glona Nilson Fund RAYTHEON CO NEW 12/27/2005 1,81344 1,46296 35048 Glona Nilson Fund RAYTHEON CO NEW 12/27/2005 805 97 602 24 203 73 Glona Nilson Fund RIO TI NTO PLC SPON ADR 12/27/2005 3,60968 1,982 89 1,626 79 Glona Nilson Fund ROYAL DU I CH SHELL PLC CI A SPON ADR 12/27/2005 2,14123 1,85752 283 71 Glona Nilson Fund SK TELECOM CO LTD ADR 12/27/2005 2,2118118 1,73250 475 58 Glona Nilson Fund SAFEWAY INC 12/27/2005 238 99 197 10 41 89 Glona Nilson Fund SAFEWAY INC 12/27/2005 1,19496 97846 21650 Glona Nilson Fund SANDISK CORP 12/27/2005 16,77988 3,377 12 13,40276 Glona Nilson Fund SAP AG SPON ADR 12/27/2005 3,18959 2,335 19 85440 Glona Nilson Fund SMI I H & NEPHEW 12/27/2005 2,08658 1,911 33 175 25 Glona Nilson Fund SMURFIT S 1'ONE 12/27/2005 1,03721 731 90 3115 31 Glona Nilson Fund SOLECTRON CORP DEI A 12/27/2005 177 99 49592 (317 93) Glona Nilson Fund SOLECTRON CORP DELA 12/27/2005 676 38 733o6 (56 68) Glona Nilson Fund SOLECIRON CORP DELA 12/27/2005 35599 39464 (3865) Glona Nilson Fund SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 12/27/2005 2,401 12 2,10334 297 78 Glona Nilson Fund STATE SrREE1 12/27/2005 1,13856 810 27 32829 Glona Nilson Fund S I ATE STREE"1 12/27/2005 1,42321 990 61 432.60 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Glenn Nilson Fund TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR MFG CO LTD LTD ADR 12/27/2005 2,40820 2,09077 31743 Glona Nilson Fund TELEFON ICA S A SPON ADR 12/27/2005 1,61779 1,18739 230 441 Glona Nilson Fund TEXAS INS FRUMENTS 12/27/2005 9,40441 6,49373 2,91068 Glenn Nilson Fund TOMKINS 12/27/2005 1,83594 1,77338 6256 Glona Nilson Fund I IME WARNER INC 12/27/2005 8,35024 9,791 88 (1,441 64) Glona Nilson Fund TREND MICRO 12/27/21105 2,234 03 2,1137 56 196 47 Glona Nilson Fund TYCO I NTI. LTD NEW 12/27/2005 8,77283 12,26571 (3,492 88) Glenn Nilson Fund UBS AG (USD) NEW ORD 12/27/2005 3,34694 1,98031 1,36664 Glona Nilson Fund UNITED HEALTH GROUP INC 12/27/2005 3,55981 83264 2,727 17 Glona Nilson Fund UNTD OVERSEAS BK LTD SPONS ADR SINGAPORE 12/27/2005 1,74494 1,58000 16494 Glona Nilson Fund UNILEVER 12/27/2005 2,59927 2,688 19 (8892) Glona Nilson Fund VERITY INC 12/27/2005 2,15368 3,73098 (1,577 30) Glona Nilson Fund VERITY INC 12/27/2005 134 61 207 20 (72 59) Glona Nilson Fund VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS 12/27/2005 1,67744 2,21650 (53906) Glona Nilson Fund VODAFONE GROUT' P1 C SPON ADR 12/27/211115 492 41 518 81 (2640) Glona Nilson Fund \\'M WRIGLEY 12/27/2005 2,035 73 2,1189 87 (54 14) Glona Nilson Fund \VPP GROUP ADR 12/27/2005 2,163 17 1,92645 236 72 Glona Nilson Fund WAL MART STORES INC 12/27/2005 2,86431 2,84883 15 48 Glona Nilson Fund \VAL MART S FORES MEXICO 12/27/2005 2,994 65 1,282 88 1,71177 Glona Nilson Fund WEATHERFORD IN I-L INC (BERMUDA) 12/27/2005 6,41320 3,84774 2,56546 Glona Nilson Fund WEYERHAEUSER CO 12/27/2005 2,664 31 2,00280 661 51 Glona Nilson Fund \VILLIAMS COS INC (DEL) 12/27/2005 2,43592 958 17 1,47775 Glona Nilson Fund YAHOO 12/27/2005 3,195 90 2,738 83 457 07 Glona Nilson Fund FHLMC35% 12/27/2005 39,24200 40,00000 (75800) Glona Nilson Fund US TSY NOl ES 12/27/2005 125,3361o 126,000 011 (663 70) Glona Nilson Fund FMNA 3 375% 12/27/2005 38,572 00 4(1,000 00 (1,428 (10) O'Connell Family Fund GENZYME CORP 5/10/2005 2,50322 2,32200 181 22 O'Connell Family Fund GENZYME CORP 8/9/2005 3,551 65 2,9026(1 64905 O'Connell Famdv Fund GENZYME CORP 12/20/2005 6,937 12 5,8115 19 1,131 93 Samson Family Fund GANNETT CO 1/25/2005 5,73656 5,807 14 (70 58) Samson Family Fund MBNA CORP 1/11/2005 1,95887 1,07921 879 66 Samson Family Fund PFIZER INC 1/25/21105 4,465 17 2,86908 1,59609 Samson Family Fund ANHEUSER BUSCH 2/1/2005 6,21259 6,40802 (19543) Samson Family Fund LOWES CORP 2/28/2005 30,6444o 31,794 33 (1,149 93) Samson Family Fund FORD MOTOR CREDIT CO 3/21 /2005 22,1)111) 00 22,453 92 (453 92) Samson Family Fund COLGATE-PALMOLIVE CO 3/3/2005 2,53274 1,543 53 989 21 Samson Family Fund MORGAN S FANLEY 3/3/2005 2,50072 2,10675 393 97 Samson Family Fund 3M CORP 4/18/2005 2,33285 741 91 1,59094 Samson Family Fund HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP 5/16/2005 111,00000 111,620 88 (620 88) Samson Famd) Fund AFLAC INC 5/24/2005 1,67246 1,28011 39235 Samson Family Fund GNMA 74118 5/16/2005 - 43971 (43971) Samson Family Fund GANNETTCO 6/ 1 /2005 1,49047 1,471 30 19 17 Samson Family Fund AFLAC INC 6/10/2005 2,66905 1,92017 74888 Samson Family Fund PFIZER INC 6/28/2005 4,34441 2,47280 1,871 61 Samson Family Fund BANK HAPOALIM CD 6/15/2005 111,00() 110 10,07518 (7518) Samson Family Fund LO\VES CORP 7/14/2005 399 13 262 05 137 08 Samson Family Fund ALTRIA GROUP INC 7/14/2006 3,94029 2,69809 1,24220 Samson Family Fund CONOCO PIiILI IPS PETROLEUM 7/6/2006 1,508115 572 58 935 47 Samson Family Fund INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES 7/14/2005 3,78375 5,05595 (1,27220) Samson Family Fund NBNA CORI' 7/6/2005 3,97786 2,405 10 1,57276 Samson Family Fund 31,1 CORP 8/8/2005 5,83867 1,57438 4,26429 Samson Family Fund AON CORP 9/9/2005 309 54 349 90 (4)136) Samson Family Fund EOG RESOURCES 9/12/2005 651 79 18686 46493 Samson Family Fund WELLS FARGO & CO (NEW) 9/13/2005 892 30 685 27 20703 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Samson Family Fund AMGEN INC 9/14/2005 3,071 98 2,28032 791 66 Samson Family Fund IBM CORI' 9/20/2005 3,80424 5,27578 (1,471 54) Samson Family Fund AUYOZONE 10/31/2005 2,43072 2,57763 (14691) Samson Family Fund Eli LILLY & COMPANY 10/17/2005 3,091 63 4,52707 (1,435 44) Samson Famil, Fund PROGRESSIVE CORP 01110 10/12/2005 2,071 27 93036 1,14091 Samson Family Fund 3M CORP 10/25/2005 - 5,66778 (5,667 78) Samson Family Fund AMERICAN INTF_RNATIONALGROUP INC 10/25/2005 10,51006 4,59281 5,91725 Samson Family Fund AMGEN INC 10/25/2005 8,04962 6,53280 1,51682 Samson Family Fund BAKER I-IUGHES 10/25/2005 3,751 17 3,92643 (17526) Samson Family Fund BANK OF NEW YORK 10/25/2005 3,79609 3,74473 51 36 Samson Family Fund BFD, BATH & BEYOND 10/25/2005 5,40461 4,907 27 497 34 Samson Family Fund CINTAS CORP 10/25/2005 48 37 - 48 37 Samson Family Fund CISCO SYS IEMS INC 10/25/2005 6,92582 7,13533 (209 51) Samson Family Fund CITIGROUP INC 10/25/2005 10,291 48 9,44206 84942 Samson Family Fund COLGATE-PALMOLIVE CO 10/25/2005 6,13990 3,40863 2,731 27 Samson Familc Fund DELL INC 10/25/2005 8,18896 7,89465 294 31 Samson Family Fund ELI LILLY & COMPANY 10/25/2005 4,631 08 6,16860 (1,537 52) Samson Family Fund EMERSON FLECTRIC CO 10/25/2005 4,08695 3,89498 191 97 Samson Family Fund GENERAL ELECTRIC CO 10/25/2005 11,49839 5,29672 6,201 67 Samson Family Fund FIARLEY DAVIDSON 10/25/2005 3,17042 3,13731 3311 Samson Family Fund F-IONEY\V1-Ji.,INTI INC 10/25/2005 4,55470 5,13149 (57679) Samson Family Fund INTE1 CORP 10/25/2005 6,06754 6,68400 (61646) Samson Family Fund JOHNSON &JOHNSON 10/25/2005 10,43324 9,1751)0 1,25824 Samson Family Fund LINEAR TI-CH 10/25/2005 3,731 70 3,86630 (13460) Samson Family Fund LOVES CORP 10/25/2005 7,31729 5,57253 1,74476 Samson Family Fund MEDCO 10/25/2005 1,03349 - 1,03349 Samson Family Fund MEDIRONICINC 10/25/2005 9,619117 4,95272 4,66635 Samson Family Fund MICROSOFT CORP 10/25/2005 10,965 76 14,11608 (3,150 32) Samson Family Fund MORGAN STANLEY 10/25/2005 3,141 61 2,82496 31665 Samson Family Fund NOVARI IS 111/25/2005 175 13 - 175 13 Samson Family Fund OMN I COM 10/25/2005 2,51359 2,37988 133 71 Samson Famds Fund ORACLE CORP 10/25/2005 10,022 88 13,469 66 (3,446 78) Samson Family Fund PEPSICO INC 10/25/2005 7,44687 8,54960 (1,111273) Samson Family Fund PFIZER INC 10/25/2005 - 93522 (93522) Samson Family Fund PROC I ER & GAMBI C CO 10/25/2005 10,489 47 8,67657 1,81290 Samson Family Fund QUAI.COM 10/25/2005 8,36621 6,74274 1,62347 Samson Family Fund S rARBUCHES 10/25/2005 4,233 25 3,92572 307 53 Samson Family Fund STRYER CORP 10/25/20(15 4,89536 4,53843 356 93 Samson Family Fund SYSCO CORPORATION 10/25/2005 6,812 90 7,105 34 (29244) Samson Family Fund TARGET CORP 10/25/2005 4,59490 3,16260 1,43230 Samson Family Fund TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 10/25/2005 4,09534 7,62957 (3,53423) Samson Family Fund UNI1L-DHLALTHCAREGROUP 10/25/2005 5,42500 - 5,42500 Samson Family Fund UNITED TECHNOLOGY 111/25/2005 2,66748 2,38108 28640 Samson Family Fund WAL-MARI STORES INC 10/25/2005 9,21205 9,21 11 (906) Samson Family Fund WALT DISNEY CO (14OLDING CO) DISNEY COM 10/25/2005 7,37397 8,43061 (1,05664) Samson Family Fund WELLS FARGO & CO (N E\C) 10/25/2005 6,70627 6,45525 251 02 Samson Family Fund ZIMMER 10/25/2005 3,15194 3,84204 (69(110) Samson Family Fund UNI"I ED PARCEL SERVICE 11/16/2005 2,65405 1,955 12 69893 Samson Family Fund HARTFORD CAP APPREC 11/14/20(15 5,99745 - 5,99745 Samson Family Fund MORGAN S I AN LEY 12/9/2005 2,812 54 2,78800 24 54 Stanley Family Fund AIM SMAJJ_ CAP OPP FUND 5/15/2005 5,00000 4,77446 225 54 Stanley Family Fund NANOGEN 6/27/2005 16,111 23 28,261 17 (12,149 94) Stanley Family Fund GLOBECOMM SYSI EMS 6/27/2005 21,853 16 21,291 22 561 94 Stanley Family Fund IN IEGRAI SYS INC MD 6/27/2005 2,16957 - 2,16957 Stanley Family Fund PACIFIC HEALFH LABRAIORIES INC 6/27/2005 2,441 54 18,65025 (16,20871) Stanley Family Fund AIM SMALL CAP OPPFUND 9/8/2005 11,04766 12,(1(10011 (95234) Stanley Family Fund AIM DEVELOPING MARKETS 9/8/2005 3,85413 5,00000 (1,14587) Stanley Family Fund DAVIS NEW YORK VENTURE CLASS A 9/8/2005 49477 76996 (275 19) COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Stanley Family Fund CLEAR\VATER SEAFOODS INCOME FD TR UNIT 11/10/2005 5,944 39 14,3(13 65 (8,359 26) Stanley Family Fund TRINIDAD ENERGY 11/10/2005 12,137 72 10,278 93 1,85879 Stanley Family Fund UT TI MB CRWEST 11/10/2005 10,998 25 12,702 90 (1,704 65) PJ Walsh Family Fund Ml- SHORT TERM US GOVT' 3/10/2005 1,00768 1,05730 (49 62) PI Walsh Family Fund ML SHOR1 FERM US GOVT 3/10/2005 7,6(18 47 7,95841 (349 94) PJ Walsh Family Fund ML SHOR F TERM US GOVI 3/10/2005 924 48 96600 (41 52) PJ Walsh Family Fund MI SI-IOR fTERM US GOVT 3/10/2005 1,83972 1,89050 (51178) P) Walsh Family Fund MI. SI-IOR1 TERM US GOVT 3/10/2005 933 73 94435 (10 62) PJ Walsh Family Fund ML FUNDAMEN FAE GROW111 I 3/10/2005 3,991 19 6,059 06 (2,067 87) PJ Walsh Family Fund ML FUNDAMENTAL GROWTH I 3/10/2005 8,83009 8,869 99 (39 90) PJ Walsh Family Fund ML GI OBAL SMALL CAP CL I 3/10/2005 1,54913 1,29856 250 57 PJ Walsh Family Fund ML EQUITY DIVIDEND CL I 3/10/2005 1,54465 1,035 15 509 50 PJ Walsh Family Fund ML GLOBAL ALLOCATION I 3/10/2005 1,911 96 1,56912 342 84 P) Walsh Family Fund ML BASIC VALUE FD CI_ I 3/10/2005 2,371 47 2,91(8 21 (536 74) PJ Walsh Family Fund ML BASIC VALUE FD Cl- I 3/10/21X15 9,61411 8,517 00 1,09711 M&D White Family Fund ADVANTAGE ENERGY INCOME FUND 5/10/2005 4,938 28 4,94261 (435) M&D White Family Fund BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB 6/15/2005 2,855 98 2,950 0 1 (94112) M&D White Family Fund BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB 6/21/2005 3,05812 3,16625 (108 13) M&D White Family Fund GILT ETTC CO 9/7/2005 3,21332 3,278411 (65 08) American Funds Pool CAPI1 Al. INCOME. BUILDER 3/24/2005 10,000 00 8,935 73 1,06427 American Funds Pool CAPI3 AL INCOME BUILDER 5/19/2005 12,000 00 10,681 57 1,31843 American Funds Pool CAPITAL INCOME BUII DER 8/19/2005 10,000 00 8,685 34 1,314 66 American Funds Pool CAPITAL INCOME BUILDER 11/10/2005 5,0(1(1011 4,393 05 606 95 American Funds Pool CAPFIAL INCOME BUILDER 12/21/2005 1,65658 1,65658 Balanced Pool VANGARD RLIT INDEX 3/24/2005 30,856 81 30,683 34 173 47 Balanced Pool VANGARD REIT INDEX 12/24/2005 31,248 07 30,856 81 391 26 Flagship-Lucas Energy LUCAS ENERGY TO IAL RE I URNS PARTNERS 1(1/2/2005 2,690,000 00 1,024,890 00 1,665,110 00 Flagship-Vanguard VANGUARD SMALL. CAP GROWTI-i 2/16/2005 1,606,674 78 1,283,833 23 322,841 55 Flagship-Vanguard VANGUARD SMALL-CAP GROWTH 5/17/2005 1,513,050 72 1,282,995 75 230,054 97 Flagship-Vanguard VANGUARD SMALL. CAP VALUE 2/16/2005 1,608,1(75 83 1,086,821 37 521,25446 Flagship-Vanguard VANGUARD SMALL CAP VALUE 5/17/2005 1,540,44102 1,086,018 84 454,422 18 Flagship-Vanguard I ORRY IN I ERNAIIONAL FUND 7/2/2005 1,579,307 411 1,222,901 46 356,405 94 Flagship \Vacho% a EVERGREEN SELECT I-IIGFI YIELD BOND 2/18/2005 1,363,515 87 1,284,416 04 79,o9983 Flagship Wachosis CORE BOND FD INST CL 3/30/2005 1,000,01)0 00 997,950 45 2,049 55 Flagship \Vacho. a INTERNATIONAL BOND FD IN CL 3/30/2005 1,1 01 I,) II IU 1111 995,934 82 4,06518 Flagship Wachovia EVERGREEN ADJUSTABLE RATE FD CL 6/14/2005 5(01,000 00 506,959 32 (6,959 32) Flagship Wachovia EVERGREEN ADJUSTABLE RATE FD CL 6/30/21(05 500,0(10 00 506,959 32 (6,959 32) Flagship A,achosta F VERGREEN EQUITY INDEX FUND CL I 10/4/2005 5,000,000 00 5,129,815119 (129,815 09) Flagship Wacho%ia EVERGREEN ADJUSTABLE RATE FD CL 12/7/2005 5,000,000 00 5,074,871 60 (74,871 60) Flagship \C'achosta 1-IACKENSACK CEMETERY 12/10/2005 15,000 110 1,30000 13,700 00 Flagaship-PNC Ad isors ALLIANCE GROWTH & INCOME FUND INC 5/4/2005 102,002 68 101,439 13 563 55 Flagaship-PNC Ad sors AMERICAN BEACON FUNDS 5/4/2005 6,001 26 6,(8) 1 26 Flagaship-PNC Adssors AMERICAN CENTURY LARGE COMPANY 5/4/2005 13 57 13 511 007 Flagash p-PNC Ad%isors AMERICAN CENTURY LARGE COMPANY 5/4/2005 239,902 87 238,765 89 1,13698 Flagaship-PNC Ads sors AMERICAN CENTURY CAPI I AL 5/4/2005 33,757 33 33,611 19 146 14 Flagaship-PNC Advisors ARTISAN SMALL CAP FUND 5/4/2005 11,647 05 11,562 65 8440 Flagaship-PNC Adsisors ARTISAN FDS INC INTERNATIONAL 5/4/2005 49,891 71 49,798 94 9277 Flagaship-PNC Adsisors BARPM SMALL CAP FUND 5/4/2005 7,029 32 6,999 59 29 73 Flagaship-PNC Advisors BIJICKROCK FUNDS 5/4/2005 157,414 18 156,639 78 774 40 Flagash p-PNC Adstsors BLACKROCK FUNDS 5/4/2005 1,161 87 1,15486 701 flagaship-PNC Adsisors BI.ACKROCK LO\' DURATION 5/4/2005 41 55 41 55 Flagaship-PNC Advisors BLACKROCKLOW DURATION 5/4/2005 116,409 59 116,409 59 Flagaship-PNC Ads sors BI.ACKROCK FUNDS INTERMEDIATE BOND 5/4/2005 541 541 Flagaship-PNC Ad isors BLACKROCK FUNDS INTERMEDIATE BOND 5/4/2005 2,935 69 2,948 05 (12 36) Flagaship-PNC Adsisors BI ACKROCK FUNDS INTERNATIONAL BOND 5/4/2005 12,223 94 12,223 94 Flagaship-PNC Adstsors BLACKROCK FUNDS MANAGED INCOME 5/4/2005 51 31 51 31 Flagaship-PNC Ad%isors I3LACKROCK FUNDS MANAGED INCOME 5/4/2005 40,551 93 40,551 93 Flagaship-PNC Advisors BLACKROCK FUNDS INTER GOV PORTFOLIO 5/4/2(1)5 1,12506 1,12506 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Flagaship-PNC Adsaors BLACKROCK FUNDS CORE BOND TOTAL RET 5/4/2005 834,435 66 834,435 66 Flagash p-PNC Adsisors BLACKROCK FUNDS MID CAP GROWL H EQUITY 5/4/2005 1,13235 1,12745 490 Flagaship-PNC Advsor. BLACKROCK FUNDS IN f OPPORTUNITIES 5/4/2005 9,11698 9,12019 (321) Flagash p-PNC Advi sors BI,ACKROCK FDS HIGH YIELD BD POR1 FOLIO 5/4/2005 79 53 79 43 0 10 Flagaship-PNC Advisor', BLACKROCK FDS HIGH YIELD BD PORTFOLIO 5/4/2005 39,643 91 39,593 54 50 37 Flagaship-PNC Advisors BLACKROCK FDS GNMA POR FFOLIO 5/4/2005 50,133 17 50,133 17 - flagaship-PNC Advisors CAI-AMOS GRO\\TH FIM13 5/4/2005 54,43744 54,080 05 357 39 Flagaship PNC Advisors COHEN & STEERS REALITY INCOME FD 5/4/2005 41 23 41 25 (002) Flag-ash p PNC Advisors COHEN & STEERS RFALITY INCOME FD 5/4/2005 10,452 42 10,458 66 (624) Flaga.h p-PNC Ads sors CONSTELLATION CLOVER SMALL CAP 5/4/2005 1,42948 1,41903 10 45 Flagaship-PNC Adsaors FIDELITY ADVISOR SER 1 5/4/2005 108,70092 108,12015 58077 1-lagashp-PNCAdvisors FIDELITY ADVISOR DIVERSIFIEDINTL 5/4/2005 31,98147 31,89494 8653 Flagash p-PNC Advisors HARBOR FUND INTERNATIONAL 5/4/2005 19,11290 19,02643 8647 Flagaship-PNC Advisors (ANUS SMALL CAP VALUE FD 5/4/2005 62927 62424 503 Flagash p-PNC Advisors JANUS MID CAP VALUE 1'D 5/4/2005 35,55940 35,361 29 19811 Flagaship-PNC Advi sors OLSTEIN FDS 5/4/2005 211,993 12 20,94472 4840 Hagaship-PNC Advisors T ROVE PRICE GRO\CrrH STOCK 5/4/2005 293,094 14 292,040 27 1,05387 Flagaship-PNC Advisors T ROWS PRICE MID CAP GROWTH INC 5/4/2005 2,911 72 2,89270 19 02 Flagaship-PNC Advisors r ROWS. PRICE MID CAP VALUE 5/4/20115 16206 161 47 0 59 Flagaship-PNC Adsnon T ROW PRICE MID CAP VALUE 5/4/2005 16,68035 16,61942 6093 Flagash p-PNC Ads sors ROYCE OPPORTUN I-IY FUND 5/4/2005 3029 30 01 n28 Flagaship-PNC Ads sors ROYCE OPPOR3 UNITY FUND 5/4/2005 20,211 59 20,02349 18810 Flagash p-PNC Advisors SELECTED AMERN SHS INC 5/4/2005 129,98982 129,20308 78674 Flagash p-PNC Advisors BLACKROCK FUNDS INTERMEDIATE BOND 5/5/2005 180,2-3707 180,237 07 - Flagashp-PNCAdvisors INGERSOLLRAND 5/6/2005 7,75667 7,68700 6967 Flagaship-PNC Advisors ABBOTT LABS 5/6/2005 24,077 25 24,087 25 (10()()) Flagaship-PNC Ads isors A,CPA OMC 5/6/2005 8,70263 8,70600 (337) Ilagaship-PNC Ad%isors AMERICAN EXPRESS CP 5/6/2005 15,926 33 15,810 00 116 33 Flagaship-PNC Advisors AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP INC 5/6/2005 1)1,691 55 10,17000 521 55 Flagash p-PNC Ad%isors AMGEN INC 5/6/2005 5,85675 5,821 00 35 75 Flagaship-PNC Advisors ANHEUSER-BUSCH COMPANIES INC 5/6/2005 14,18940 14,061 00 12840 Flagaship-PNCAdvisors BANK OF AMERICA 5/6/2005 36,16648 36,03200 13448 Flagaship-PNC Advisors BED BATH AND BEYONE 5/6/2005 13,097 85 13,023 50 74 35 Flagaship-PNC Advisors BEST BUY CO INC 5/6/2005 10,203 57 10;)6800 135 57 Flagash p-PNC Advisors CHEVRON CORPOR-I A LION 5/6/2005 23,165 03 23,400 00 (2-3497) Flagash p-PNC Advisors CISCO SYS FEMS 5/6/2005 12,051 46 12,089 00 (37 54) Flagaship-PNC Advisors CITIGROUP INC 5/6/2005 73,23225 73,20000 3225 Flagaship-PNC Advisors CI FIGROUP INC 5/6/2005 30,59421 30,52400 7021 Flagaship-PNC Advisors CONSOLIDATED EDISON INC 5/6/2005 15,22436 15,14800 7636 Flagashp-PNCAds sors DELL INC 5/6/2005 31,88566 31,34700 53866 Flagash p-PNC Advisors DISNEY \C•N_T CO 5/6/21105 13,30744 13,200 00 107 44 Hagash p-PNC Advisors DOMINION RESOURCES 5/6/2005 16,998 03 16,96500 33 03 Flagashp-PNCAdsisors EXELONCORPORAIION 5/6/2005 4,93779 4,95000 (1221) Flagash p-PNC Advisors EXXON MOBIL CORP 5/6/2005 29,682 25 29,940 75 (2585(1) Flagaship-PNC Advisors FPL GROUP 5/6/2005 10,21207 10,20500 707 Flagaship-PNC Ad%aors FANNI E MAE 5/6/2005 10,8)19 54 10,79000 1954 Flagaship-PNC Advisors FORTUNE BRANDS INC 5/6/2005 8,47964 8,45800 21 64 Flagaship-PNC Advisors GENERAL ELECI-RI0CO 5/6/2005 63,45234 63,35000 1OZ34 Flagash p-PNC Advisors GENERAL ELECTRIC CAP CO 5/6/2005 74,2320o 74,262 75 (30 75) Flagash p-PNC Advisors GILLE ITE COMPANY 5/6/2005 73,848 75 74,623 50 (77475) Flagaship-PNC Advisors ITT' INDS INC 5/6/2005 9,081 62 9,04600 35 62 Hagaship-PNCAd%isors INTELCORP 5/6/2005 23,98399 24,10800 (12401) Flagash p-PNC Ads sors INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES 5/6/2005 21,185 11 21,004 50 181)61 Flagaship-PNC Advisors IN FERNATIONAL PAPER 5/6/2005 11,043 03 11,14425 (10122) Flagash p-PNC Advisors IS HARES TR 5/6/2005 6,96630 6,942110 24311 Flagaship-PNC Advisors ISHARES TR 5/6/2005 2,81508 2,81340 1 68 Flagaship-PNC Advisors ISHARES TR 5/6/2005 1,03451 1,02776 6 75 Flagash ip-PNC Advisors ISHARES TRUST 5/6/2005 24650 245 50 1 00 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8 : Analysis of Gains and Losses

8a 8b 8c FUND NAME SECURITY DATE PROCEEDS COST NET GAIN flagash,p-PNC Advisors ISHARES TR 5/6/2005 225 63 223 86 1 77 Flagaship-PNC Advisors ISI-TARES TRUS'I 5/6/2005 80o68 793 60 7 08 hlagash p-PNC Advisors IP MORGAN CI-IASE CO 5/6/2005 72,704 25 72,615 00 89 25 Flagaship-PNC Advisors JOHNSON & JOHNSON 5/6/2005 34,283 56 34,315 00 (31 44) Flagash,p-PNC Advisors KINDER MORGAN 5/6/2005 18,89420 19,11500 (22080) flagashp-PNCAdvisors LOVESCOMPANIES 5/6/2005 24,91845 24,75225 16620 flabesh p-PNC Advisors MICROSOFT CORP 5/6/2005 10,067 57 111,120 00 (52 43) Flagaship-PNC Ads son MOODY'S CORP 5/6/2005 16,479 31 16,428 00 51 31 Flagaship-PNC Advisors MORGAN STANLEY 5/6/2005 14,92437 15,78600 (861 63) Rag-ash p-PNC Advisors NEW YORK COMMUNITY BANCORP 5/6/2(105 9,51365 9,43410 79 55 Flagaship-PNC Advisors NEWELL RUBBERMAID INC 5/6/2005 15,203 36 15,211 00 (764) Flagaship-PNC Adr son PEPSICO INC 5/6/2005 5)1,235 89 50,076 00 159 89 Flagash p-PNC Ad isors PFIZER INC 5/6/2005 16,343 31 16,30200 41 31 Flagaship-PNC Advisors PITNEY BO\VES 5/6/2005 15,72484 15,65200 7284 Flagaship-PNC Advisors PROD OR & GAMBLE CO 5/6/2005 32,530 63 32,490 00 4063 Flagaship-PNC Advisors SPDR TRUST 5/6/2005 127,880 65 127,325 00 555 65 flagaship-PNC Ads sors SCHLUMBERGER LlD 5/6/2005 20,47414 20,52300 (4886) Flagaship-PNC Ads sorss STRYLKER CORP 5/6/2005 17,042 78 16,992 50 5o28 Flagash p-PNC Advisors SUNGARD DATA SYS-1 EMS INC 5/6/2005 13,351 44 13,36(101) (856) flagash p-PNC Adsuor' SYSCO CORP 5/6/2005 14,15540 13,8411011 31540 Ragash p-PNC Ad%isors [EVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDS 1;1 D 5/6/2005 21,62-209 21,868 00 (245 91) Flagaship-PNC Ad%isors UNITED TECHNOLOGIES 5/6/2005 20,377 14 20,34400 33 14 Flagaship-PNC Advisors VERIZON COMMUNICAT IONS INC 5/6/2005 14,379 39 14,321100 59 39 Flagash p-PNC Advisors \VACHOVI A CORP 5/6/2005 10,283 56 10,236 00 47 56 Flagaship-PNCAd%sors WAL-MARTSTOORESINC 5/6/2005 22,64705 22,391 50 25555 Flagaship-PNC Advisors \[qF LLS FARGO & CO 5/6/2005 73,6351)0 73,609 50 25 50 Flagashp-PNCAdvisors BLACKROCKLIQUIDITY FUNDS 7EMPFUND 6/1/2005 27,18787 27,18787 - flagaship-PNCAdvsors BLACKROCK LIQUIDITY FUNDS I EMPFUND 6/1/2005 78,20879 78,20879 - Flagaship-PNC Ads sors BLACKROCK FUNDS 10/20/2005 2,228,697 81 2,085,001100 143,697 81 Merrill Lynch Trust Compam ML LG CAP CORE FD CL I 1/15/2005 13,88206 11,130 19 2,751 87 Merrill Lynch Trust Company Ml. LG CAP CORE FD Cl 1 1/15/2005 3,65444 2,99363 661181 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML LG CAP CORE FD CL 1 1/15/2005 2,49661 2,02445 472 16 Merrill 1.) rich Trust Company MI, SHRT TERM US GOV1 I 1/15/2005 7,80287 8,13831 (33544) Merrill Linch Trust Company ML SHRT TERM US GOV'I I 1/15/2005 1,311 33 1,36910 (5777) Merrill Lynch frost Company ML FUNDAMENTAL GROWTI I I 1/15/2005 2,163 17 3,371 76 (1,208 59) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML FUNDAMENTAL GRO\\TI I I 1/15/2005 26,1)78 33 44,0o543 (17,927 10) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML GLOBAL SMALL CAP CL 1 1/15/2005 10,350 02 9,130 50 1,21952 Merrill Lynch I rust Company MI, EQUITY DIVIDEND CL I 1/15/2005 10,186 30 7,29630 2,89011)1 Merrill Lynch Crust company ML GLOBAL ALLOCATION I 1/15/2005 29,146 93 25,316 08 4,030 85 Merrill Lynch Trust Company Ml. BASIC VALUE FD CL I 1/15/2005 13,304 35 16,18269 (2,878 34) Merrill I ynch Trust Company Ml. BASIC VALUE FD CL 1 1/15/2005 1,181 22 1,339 12 (15790) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML BASIC VALUE FD CL 1 1/15/2005 8,98356 1(1,184 36 (1,200 80) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML BASIC VALUE FD CL 1 1/15/2005 3,97888 4,62976 (65088) Merrill LNnch Trust Company Ml, BD FD COR BD PT I 1/15/2)105 1,61699 1,50075 116 24 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML BD FD COR BD PT 1 1/15/2005 45,441 13 42,311 48 3,12965 Merrill Lynch Trust Company Ml. SHRT TLRM US GOVT I 3/11/2005 12,021 52 12,632 71 (611 19) Merrill Lynch'I rust Company ML SHRT TERM US GOVT 1 3/11/2005 1,977 4)1 2,067 24 (89 84) Merrill I ynch Trust Company ML SHRT TERM US GOVI I 3/ 11 /2005 1,41375 1,45656 (42 81) Merrill Lynch Crust company ML SHRT TERM US GOVT' 1 3/11/2005 15,089 27 15,513 50 (42423) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML SHRT TERM US GOVT I 3/11/2005 1,82032 1,86953 (4921) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML SHRT TERM US GOVT 1 3/11/2005 2,46713 2,541 84 (7471) Merrill Lynch Trust Company Nil. SHRT TERM US GOVT I 3/11 /2005 2,208 41 2,27289 (64 48) Merrill Lynch Trust Compam NU. SHRT TERM US GOVT I 3/11/2005 8,05747 8,29272 (235 25) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML SHR I TERM US GOVT I 3/11/2005 221 76 224 88 (3 12) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML SHRT TERM US GOVI I 3/11/2005 33264 336 96 (432) Merrill Lynch '1 rust Company ML SHRFTERMUS GOVI 1 3/11/2005 13,83264 13,95204 (11940) Merrill Ltnch ('rust Company ML FUNDAMEN'T'AL GRO\\rn 1 1 3/11/2005 7,83341 12,86269 (5,02928) Memll Linch Trust Company ML FUNDAMENTAL GROWTH 1 3/11/2005 10,003 47 15,01416 (5,01069) COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Merrill Lynch rrust Company ML FUNDAMENTAL GROWTH 1 3 /11/2005 9,191 90 11,211 91 (2,02001) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML FUNDAMENTAL GROWTH I 3/ 11/2005 14,608 25 15,508 43 (900 18) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML FUNDAMENT AL. GROWFH I 3/11/2005 13 ,973 12 16,133o3 (2,159 91) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML FUNDAMENTAL GROWTH I 3/11/2005 7,46291 6,99641 466 50 Merrill Lynch 1 rust Company NIL FUN DAMEN I AL GRONI H I 3 /11/2005 2,999 29 225590 743 39 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML GLOBAL SMALL CAP CL 1 3/11/2005 9,461 08 7,93339 1,52769 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML EQUI [Y DIVIDEND CL 1 3/11 /2005 9,561 15 6,421 95 3,13920 Mcmll Lynch Trust Company ML GLOBAL ALLOCAI ION I 3/11/2005 15 ,414 55 12,721 1)9 2,69346 Merrill Lsnch Trust Company ML BASIC VALUE FD CL 1 3/ 11/2005 11,00087 12,44249 (1,441 62) Merrill Lynch I rust Company ML BASIC VALUE FD CL I 3/ 11/20)15 735 52 737 38 (I 86) Merrill Lynch Trust Company N9_ BASIC VALUE FD CL 1 3 /11/2005 11,032 85 11,060 70 (27 85) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML BASIC VALUE FD CI I 3/11/ 2005 127 91 129 411 (1 49) Merrill Lynch (rust Company ML BASIC VALUE PD CL 1 3/11/2005 17,332 78 18,721) 66 ( 1,387 88) Merrill Lynch Trust Company 6I. BASIC VALUE FD CL I 3/ 11/2005 1,21521 1 , 14684 6837 Merrill Lynch I rust Company NIL BASIC VALUE I"D CL I 3/ 11/2111)5 16,1153 61 15 , 15(136 903 25 Merrill Lynch I rust Company ML BASIC VALUE FD CL 1 3/ 11/21105 4,66899 3,78577 88322 Merrill Lynch 1 rust Company ML GLB FIN SVCS l-D CI. 1 4/22/2005 5,23802 5,55385 (31583) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML LG CAP CORE FD CL 1 4/ 22/2005 21 ,001 20 16,938 96 06224 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML FUNDAMENTAL GROWfH I 4/22/2005 3 ,80984 2,98575 82409 Mend] Lynch 1 rust Company ML FUNDAMENTAL GROWll-1 1 4/22/2005 661137 556 53 103 84 Merrill Lynch Trust Company MI_ FUNDAMENTAL. GRO\\TH 1 4/22/2005 4,89353 4,49973 393 80 Mcmll Lynch 'I rust Company ML FUNDAMEN"I AL GRO\C'I-H 1 4/22/2005 1,21916 1,12896 9020 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML GLOBAL SMALL CAP CL 1 4/22/ 2005 5 ,207 04 4,60583 601 21 Merrell Lynch Trust Compam ML EQUITY DIVIDEND CI 1 4/22/2005 5,23979 3,668 25 1,571 54 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML GLOBAL ALLOCATION 1 4/22/2005 11,448 71 9,7o895 1,73976 Merrill Lynch Trust Compam ML GLOBAL ALLOCAT ION 1 4/22/2005 16 52 7 72 8 80 Merrill Lench Trust Compam ML GLOBAL ALLOCATION I 4/22/2005 4,55966 3,50732 1,05234 Memll Lynch I rust Compam ML BASIC VALUE FD CL 1 4/ 22/2005 3,79931 3,21533 583 98 Merrill Lynch Crust Company h11. BASIC VALUE FD CL 1 4 /22/2005 6,64880 5,24705 1,401 75 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML BD FD COR BD P 1 1 4/22/20)15 19,625 86 18,397 27 1 228 59 Merrill Ltnch Trust Compam ML BD FD COR BD PT I 4/22/2005 4,18544 3,991 26 194 18 Merrill Lench I rust Company ML BD FD COR BD PT I 4/22/211115 3 , 50547 3 ,49696 851 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML GLOBAL FINANCIAL SVCS 4/22/2005 3,18672 3,205 09 (18 37) Merrill Lynch Crust Compam ML LG CAP CORE 4/22/2005 12,869 36 9,80934 3 ,061102 Merrill Lynch Rust Compare ML FUNDAMENTAL GRO\V['H I 4/22/ 211115 6,441130 5,67616 764 14 Memll Lynch Trust Company ML GLOBAL SMALL CAP CL 1 6/ 10/2005 3 ,08373 2,65799 425 74 Merrill Lynch 1 rust Company ML EQUITY DIVIDEND CL I 6/10/ 201)5 3,10558 2,121155 985 03 Merrill Lynch Ftust Company ML GLOBAL ALLOCATION I 6/10/21105 9,321 14 7, 12901 2,192 13 Merrill Lynch 1 rust Company tAL BASIC VALUE FD CL I 6/10/2005 157 55 120 90 36 65 Merrill Lynch I rust Company NIL BASIC VAI UE 1'D CL 1 6/ 10/2005 9453o 789 00 1563o Merrill Lynch Trust Company Na. BASIC VALUE FD CL I 6/ 10/2005 2,961 95 2,57560 386 35 Memll Lynch I rust Company ML BASIC VALUE FD CL 1 6/ 10/2005 2,14270 1,89448 24822 Merrill Lynch Trust Compare ML BOND FD CORE BD P1 F 6/10/2005 4 ,98522 4,92383 61 39 Merrill Lynch I rust Company NIL BOND FD CORE BD PTF 6/10/2005 8,845 51 8,90424 (58 73) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML BOND FD CORE BD PTF 6/10/2005 2,14329 2,07606 6723 Merrill Lynch Trust Company NIL LG CAP CORE FD CL 1 8 /20/2005 7,69001 5,711 53 1,97848 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML LG CAP CORE FD CL I 8/ 20/2005 144 85 92 06 52 79 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML FUNDAMENTAL GROWTH 1 8/ 20/2005 3,90859 3,355 52 553 07 Merrill Lynch rrust Company ML GLOBAL SMAIJ_ CAP CL I 8/ 20/2005 1,92579 1,58262 343 17 Merrill Lynch Crust Company ML EQUITY DIVIDEND CL 1 8/20/2005 1,92730 1,25626 671 114 Merrill Lynch 1 rust Company M-L GLOBAL ALLOCATION 1 8/20/2005 3,16445 2,35093 813 52 Merrill Lynch 1 rust Company ML GLOBAL ALLOCA I ION I 8/ 211/20115 667 1 0 43(194 236 16 Memll Lynch I rust Compam A9_ GLOBAL ALLOCATION I 8/20/20115 1,86446 1,437 71 426 75 Memll Lynch I rust Company ML BASIC VALUE FD CL 1 8/20/2005 3,597 40 3,25962 337 78 Merrill Lynch I rust Company ML BD FD COR BD PT 1 8/20/2005 9,417 00 9,17601 241199 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML GLB FIN SVCS FD CI. 1 8/20/2005 1,96758 1,90533 62 25 Merrill Lynch I rust Compa ny A9_ LG CAP CORE PD CL 1 9/ 15/2005 4,88807 7,921 95 (3,033 88) Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML FUNDAML-NTAL GROW' I III 9/15/2005 3,86745 3,29280 57465 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML GLOBAL SMALL CAP CL I 9/15/2005 1,965 54 1,54204 423 50 Merrill Lunch Trust Company MI. EQUITY DIVIDEND CL I 9/15/2005 1,371 60 874 36 49724 Merrill Lynch Trust Company AIL EQUITY DIVIDEND CL I 9/15/2005 567 57 36647 201 lo Merrill Lynch Trust Company MI_ GLOBAL ALLOCATION I 9/15/2005 104 78 79 14 2564 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML GLOBAL ALLOCATION I 9/15/2005 1,990 93 1,611 96 378 97 Merrill Lynch 7 rust Company NB. GLOBAL ALLOCATION I 9/15/2005 3,61511 2,94974 665 37 Merrill Lvnch Trust Company ML BASIC VALUE FD CI, I 9/15/2005 3,53495 3,203 90 331 115 Merrill Lvnch Trust Company ML BD FD COR BD PT 1 9/15/2005 1,70758 1,66316 44 42 Merrill L1 nch Trust Company ML BD FD COR BD P r I 9/15/2005 7,54869 7,49970 48 99 Merrill Lynch Trust Company ML GLB FIN SVCS FD CL I 9/15/2005 1,971 46 1,87579 95 67 Merrill Lynch Trust Company MERRILL LYNCH AND CO INC 11/17/2005 59,18240 59,831 24 (64884) Merrill Lynch Trust Company PRUDENTIAL FINANCIAL INC 12/23/2005 23,810 11 23,92440 (11429) Merrill Lunch Trust Company PRUDENTIAL FINANCIAL INC 12/23/2005 5,13997 5,16528 (2531) RegentAltantic Pool MORGAN STANLEY EUROPEAN REAL FSTA FE 11/1/2005 4,12768 3,90255 225 13 RegentAltanuc Pool DFA ONE YEAR FIXED 11/1/2005 5,91296 5,90617 679 RegentAltantic Pool PIMCO LO\V DURA'I ION FUND 11/8/2005 2,90728 2,99338 (8610) RegentAltantic Pool ISHARFSTR MSCI EAFE FUND 11/8/2005 10,94357 10,01)267 94090 RegentAltannc Pool ISHARES CRUSE S&P 5011 11/8/21)05 96,837 47 91,875 84 4,961 63 Special Projects Pool VANGUARD SF INVESTMENT-GRADE FUND 8/12/2005 13,001100 13,36966 (36966) Special Projects Pool VANGUARDSFINVES7MEN f-GRADE FUND 9/1/201)5 20,00000 20,45282 (45282) Special Projects Pool VANGUARD ST INVESTMENT-GRADE FUND 10/7/2005 211,00000 20,607 78 (60778) Special Projects Pool VANGUARD ST INVESTMENT-GRADE FUND 11/9/2005 25,00000 25,88263 (88263) Microsoft F_mplovee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 1/4/2005 1,028 18 1,01840 9 78 Microsoft Employee Gnmg Fund Microsoft Corporation 1/4/2005 1,03925 1,053 17 (1392) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 1/4/2005 8,88473 8,790 41 94 33 Microsoft Fmployee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 1/8/2005 847 33 856 32 (899) Dooskin Famd1 Fund Select Medical Corp 1/13/21105 16,134 38 16,115 59 18 79 A' Stanley Brown Family Fund Citigroup Inc 1/15/20115 22,748 58 22,876 80 (12822) Jackson Family Fund Vanguard Wellington Fund Admiral 1/19/2005 24,85749 25,00000 (14251) Irene and Ken Hickman Family Fund Public Service Enterprise Group Inc 1/20/2005 10,657 64 10,26200 395 64 Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 1/20/2005 15,486 62 15,575 73 (8911) Foxhill Fund American Funds New Economy A 1/21/2005 23,50600 23,87400 (36800) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 1/22/2005 4,841 43 4,841 43 - Sanford and Es a Kaplan Fund Zimmer Holdings Inc 1/22/2005 4,029 36 4,045 00 (1564) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 1/28/2005 12,002 20 11,964 60 37 60 Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporaton 2/1/2005 11,012 43 11,116280 (5037) Washington Mutual Employee Fund Washington Mutual 2/ 1 /2005 27,875 72 27,788 32 8740 Dasid's Fund CVS Corporation 2/12/2005 36,20880 34,56600 1,6428)) Parson/Bole Charitable Fund Two Rner Community Bank 2/15/2005 19,548 50 19,703 50 (155110) Dooskin Family Fund General Electric 2/16/2005 12,642 63 12,750 50 (107 87) John D Mack Fund Zimmer Holdings Inc 2/16/2005 18,260 19 18,218 20 41 99 Merrick Family Fund American Express Co 2/16/2005 26,85702 27,30000 (44298) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 2/16/2005 3,07829 3,11640 (38 11) Stanley-Coleman Family Fund Hudson City Bancorp Inc 2/19/2005 98,395 19 99,648 90 (1,253 71) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 2/23/2005 2,57689 2,58570 (881) Charles Reynold Family Fund Tyco International 2/24/2005 1,65699 1,67750 (20 51) Microsoft Emplosce Gning Fund Microsoft Corp 2/24/21105 1,00316 1,01040 (724) N&A Epstein Family Fund Citigroup, Inc 3/1/2005 8,71325 9,58600 (872 75) Patton/Bole Charitable Fund Pfizer Inc 3/12/2005 52,91295 53,14000 (22705) Pfaltz Family Fund Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc 3/24/2005 114,559 72 111,341 16 3,21856 the Parum Fund Medco Health Solution 3/29/2005 24,119 25 23,915 00 204 25 Microsoft Employee Gning Fund Microsoft Corporation 4/1/2005 27,19565 27,04800 14765 Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 4/6/2005 212,811 75 209,673 75 3,138 (KI Geoffrey & Virginia Hill \Vorden Fund Range Resources Corporation 4/8/2005 26,260911 25,95000 31(190 Waters Family Fund Intel Corporation 4/19/2005 21,89592 22,30000 (40408) 1 obis Family Fund Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp 4/23/21)05 24,628 97 25,193 80 (564 83) 1 obi Family Fund Constellation Brands Inc 4/23/2005 24,414 31 25,353 00 (938 69) Friends of the Hoboken Hourses Fund Cigna Corporation 4/23/2005 1,055 96 1,06272 (676) COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Dr Rene A Pingeon Fund Medco Health Solutions, Inc 5/3/2005 5,261 09 5,21322 4787 S D & A Kirby Philanthropic Fund Alleghany Corporation 5/17/2005 80,388 63 81,150 00 (761 37) Microsoft Employee Going Fund Microsoft Corporation 5/18/2005 10,187 57 10,15200 35 57 Charles I-I Reynolds Jr Fund Boston Properties, Inc 5/18/2005 3,34240 3,32-350 18 90 Hellstrom Gabelli Value Fund 5/18/2005 78,267 31 76,980 16 1,287 15 Microsoft Employee Going Fund Microsoft Corporation 5/25/21105 12,27468 12,384011 (10932) Microsoft Employee Going Fund Microsoft Corporation 5/26/21)05 1,05221 1,051 24 097 Microsoft Employee Gn mg Fund Microsoft Corporation 5/27/2005 25,950 91 25,870 00 80 91 Microsoft Fmployee Gn mg Fund Microsoft Corporation 6/2/2005 2,05751 2,06480 (729) Microsoft Employee Going Fund Microsoft Corporation 6/3/2005 5,13778 5,15000 (1222) Microsoft Lmployee Going Fund Microsoft Corporation 6/4/2005 200,041 43 201X37 86 (1,196 43) Microsoft Employee Going Fund Microsoft Corporation 6/4/2005 94)84 94646 (562) Lt nch Farrtilv Fund Boemg Co 6/15/2005 63,701 38 63,830 00 (12862) Reinhart Family Fund 1st Constitution Bancorp 6/18/2005 16,031 81 15,706 84 324 97 Reinhart Family Fund Hos naman Enterprise 6/18/2005 105 283 07 108,62040 (3,337 33) Sarah Rutherford Eau Memorial Fund BB&T Corp 6/21/2005 40,068 36 40,100 00 (31 64) Microsoft Employee Gn mg Fund Microsoft Corporation 6/22/2005 20,556 74 20,598 40 (41 66) Demy Wallach Fund Parker Hannifin Corp 6/23/2005 4,94904 4,968110 (18 96) Microsoft Employee Going Fund Microsoft Corporation 6/24/2005 12,080 11 12,136 42 (56 31) Microsoft Employee Going Fund Microsoft Corporation 7/13/2005 2,04256 2,03280 976 Microsoft Employee Going Fund Microsoft Corporation 7/14/2005 3,08492 3,074411 1052 Rodgers FanulNFund American Eagle Outfitters, Inc 7/16/2005 3,24091 3,25400 (1309) Rodgers Family Fund Apple Computers, Inc 7/16/2005 18,39215 18,1148 811 343 35 Stanley-Coleman Family Fund TGC Industries, Inc 8/3/2005 273,000 00 283,142 57 (111,142 57) Stanley-Coleman Family Fund Hudson City Bancorp, Inc 8/6/2005 35,313 61 35,460 00 (14639) A&K Estabrook Family Fund Bank of America Corporation 8/10/2005 137,499 30 136,768 72 730 58 Sunshine Familt Fund Esson Mobile Corporation 8/12/2005 9,14266 9,078110 64 66 Knutsen Famdt Fund BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust 8/18/2005 35,738 55 37,500110 (1,761 45) Edward and Kathleen Kerbs Family I rest Lifecell Corporation 8/19/2005 21,065 16 21,320 00 (254 84) Sunshine Family Fund Mueller Industries, Inc 8/20/2005 781 71 798 90 (17 19) Dooskm Family Fund General Electric Company 8/23/2005 13,56228 13,61200 (4972) Fischer Family Foundation Fund Tiffany and Company 8/30/2005 3,702 39 3,760 90 (58 51) Hudson Farm Foundation Pros ident Financial Sen ices, Inc 9/2/2005 9,97686 10,035 18 (58 32) Rumson-Fair I lasen Bank Fund eSpeed Inc 9/13/2005 20,152,37 20,062 50 8987 Charles H Reynolds Jr Fund Qualcomm, Inc 9/13/2005 4,30787 4,2470o 6o87 Hudson Farm Foundation Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings 9/17/2005 9,91248 111,007 92 (95 44) Somalwar Family Fund Hershey Company 9/20/2005 8,56729 8,664 oO (96 71) Garden of Fden Fund Pfizer, Inc 9/24/2005 1,24149 1,251 50 (1(1 01) Garden of Eden Fund Johnson and Johnson 9/24/2005 6,381 28 6,440110 (58 72) Garden of Eden Fund Archstone-Smith Trsut 9/24/2005 1,95396 1,94025 13 71 Garden of Eden Fund American E%press Company 9/24/2005 2,86092 2,84200 18 92 Colleton Family Fund Cisco Systems, Inc 9/24/2005 4,13440 4,207 98 (73 58) Colleton Family Fund American International Group, Inc 9/24/2005 6,051 99 6,004 50 47 49 Waters Family Fund Intel Corp 9/30/2005 9,521 89 9,688011 (16611) Hardin Family Fund Bank of America Corp 10/1/2005 42,398 27 42,315 00 83 27 Hom Family Fund Levin Corporation 10/5/2005 14,20204 16,181 44 (1,97940) Parton/Bole Charitable Fund Com Products International , Inc 10/7/2005 7,16094 7,171 20 (1026) Parton/Bole Charitable Fund Pfizer, Inc 10/11/2005 24,09904 24,43000 (33096) Rumson-Fair Hasen Bank Fund Intergraph Corporation 10/15/20115 3,439 15 3,46837 (2922) J&F Baker Family Fund Dun & Bradstreet Corporation 10/18/2005 3,14341 3,26675 (123 34) Duch Family Fund Lubnzol Corporation 10/19/2005 9,50629 9,43537 7092 Garden of Eden Fund Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc 10/25/2005 4,01984 4,03425 (1441) Microsoft 17mployee Going Fund Microsoft Corporation 10/27/2005 1,85361 1,85962 (601) Microsoft Employee Gnmg Fund Microsoft Corporation 10/27/2005 2,05399 2,06066 (667) Dogwood Fund Automatic Data Processing, Inc 10/29/2005 24,838 27 25,021 69 (183 42) Microsoft Employee Going Fund Microsoft Corporation 11/1/2005 10,45261 10,260 00 19261 Microsoft Employee Gtsmg Fund BEA Systems, Inc 11/1/2005 8,16050 7,93520 225 30 Microsoft Employee Gnmg Fund Microsoft Corporation 11/1/2005 10,32035 10,131 75 18860 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Garland Fatnilv Fund Lockheed Martin Corporation 11/2/2005 11,993 74 12,078 00 (8426) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 11/2/2005 1,95956 1,939 13 2043 Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 11/2/2005 1,071 23 1,060 06 11 17 Microsoft Employee Gnmg Fund Advanced Micro Des ices 11/3/2005 5,23o53 5,096 58 133 95 Microsoft Employee Gnmg Fund Microsoft Corporation 11/3/2005 2,00115 1,96613 3502 Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 11/4/2005 3,47481 3,46430 10 51 Densen Family Fund Valley National Bancorp 11/4/2005 97,986 94 98,400 00 (413 06) Washington Mutual Employee Fund Washington Mutual, Inc 11/8/2005 3,13931 3,17960 (4029) Microsoft Employee Gsmg Fund Microsoft Corporation 11 /9/2005 3,226 51 3,237110 (10 49) Microsoft Lmployee Gnmg Fund Microsoft Corporation 11/10/2005 3,06287 3,11018 (4731) Oishi Family Fund Vernon Communications, Inc 11/15/2005 6,23458 6,287 UO (52 42) Stephenson Family Foundation Merrell Linch and Company, Inc 11/16/2005 59,182 41) 59,831 24 (64884) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 11/17/2005 12,566 91 12,474 66 92 25 Millspaugh Family Fund Chubb Corporation 11/18/2005 24,32-2297 24,267 50 55 47 TheJean Stases Scholarship Fund AT&T Corporation 11/18/2005 2,331 58 2,293 68 37 90 FheJean Sea%ev Scholarship Fund A aya,Inc 11/18/2005 683 62 679 20 4 42 The Jean Seasee Scholarship Fund Agere Systems, Inc 11/18/2005 21158 21689 (531) The Jean Sea%ei Scholarship Fund Comcast Corporation 11/18/2005 4,935 67 4,875 99 59 68 The Jean Scasey Scholarship Fund NCR Corporation 11 /18/2005 2,019 76 2,02402 (426) Microsoft Employee Gning Fund Microsoft Corporation 11/23/2005 1,221 09 1,23068 (959) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 11/23/2005 99906 1,00692 (786) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 11/24/2005 4,985 64 5,024 70 (39 06) Perim Family Fund Federated Kaufmann K 11/30/2005 68,372 92 67,673 93 698 99 Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 12/1/2005 7,968 11 7,922 20 45 91 Pisani Family Fund 1X Holdings, Inc 12/6/2005 3,889 88 3,525 00 36488 Frelmghuysen Fund Exxon Mobil Corporation 12/8/2005 23,601 86 23,706 00 (104 14) Scobey Fund Sigma Designs, Inc 12/8/2005 13,9(19 46 14,0001111 (91154) Penny Family Fund Scudder Japan 12/10/2005 15,359 86 15,051 66 308 21( Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 12/10/2005 2,463 04 2,496 15 (33 11) Microsoft Employee Gning Fund Microsoft Corporation 12/13/2005 4,05382 4,131 00 (7718) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 12/13/2005 14,864 00 15,1470) (283 00) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 12/13/2005 5o,53757 51,499 80 (962 23) Barker Family Fund 3M Company 12/13/2005 3,02261 3,09880 (7619) Stuart Family Fund Templeton Des eloping Mkt'lrust Class A 12/13/2005 50,610 90 50,523 30 87 60 Cooper Family Charitable Trust Fund MetLtfe, Inc 12/15/2005 72,258 93 72,503 92 (24499) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 12/15/2('K)5 115,605 13 116,293 50 (68837) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Apple Computer, Inc 12/15/2005 10,44 122 10,4118 83 31 39 Merl K Hof Philanthropic Fund Johnson &Johnson 12/16/2005 10,136 20 9,98905 147 15 Anzel Family Fund Abbott Laboratonc< 12/16/2005 2o,15325 19,872 50 280 75 Anzel Family Fund Limited Brands, Inc 12/16/2005 23,208 06 23,185 00 23 06 Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 12/17/2005 13,328 49 13,472 50 (14401) Lipmanowicz Family Fund Procter & Gamble 12/17/2005 72,761 00 73,093 75 (332 75) Lipmanowicz Family Fund \Val-Mart Stores, Inc 12/17/2005 126,571 17 126,359 74 211 43 Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 12/20/2005 4,95054 4,95060 (006) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Oracle Corporation 12/20/2005 6,15353 6,225 00 (7147) Bugen Family Fund DFA Real Estate Securities 12/20/2005 28,638 66 28,686 17 (47 51) Bugen Family Fund iShares Russell 1000 Index 12/20/2005 25,020 09 25,144 85 (124 76) Allen and Ellen Myers Family Fund E I du Pont de Nemours 12/21/2005 22,837 94 22,614 45 22349 Allen and Ellen Myers Family Fund Johnson &Johnson 12/21/2005 50,287 94 50,450 04 (162 10) Allen and Ellen Myers Family Fund Sosereign Bancorp 12/21/2005 21,778 13 21,520 00 258 13 Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corproanon 12/21/2005 1,01391 1,01745 (354) Sunshine Family Fund Johnson & Johnson 12/21/21105 9,10869 9,13950 (3(181) Glasser Family Fund Daily Journal Corporation 12/21/2W5 7,98971 8,600 00 (61029) Glasser Family Fund ISB&T Corporation 12/21/2005 10,406 14 10,358 81 47 33 Momstosen Unitarian Fellowship Fund Columbia Acorn Select Class Z 12/21/20115 139,678 58 139,462 39 216 19 \lomstoun Umtanan Fellowship Fund Dodge & Cox International Stock 12/21/2005 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Fund Domtm Social Equity 12/21/2005 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Fund FAM Value 12/21/2005 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 Year End December 31, 2005

Form 990, Line 8: Analysis of Gains and Losses


Hometown Unnanan Fellowship Fund Fidelity Dividend Growth 12/21/2005 nlomstown Unitarian Fellowship Fund Fidelity Cash Resenes 12/21/2005 Slomstosvn Unitarian Fellowship Fund Fidelity International Discoren 12/21/2005 Morristown Umtanan Fellowship Fund Fidelity New MJlcnnium 12/21/2005 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Fund Fidelity Mortgage Securities 12/21/2005 Morristown Ututanan Fellowship Fund Fidelity Select Energy 12/21/2005 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Fund Fidelity Worldwide 12/21/2005 Morristown Umtanan Fellowship Fund FCW Galileo Select Equines Class N 12/21/2005 Morristown Umtanan Fellowship Fund Templeton Growth Class B 12/21/2005 Momstown Unitarian Fellowship Fund Vanguard S FAR 12/21/2005 Microsoft Employee Gnmg Fund Microsoft Corporation 12/22/2005 4,24342 4,28960 (46 18) Microsoft Employee Gning Fund Microsoft Corporation 12/22/2005 12,06722 12,198 55 (13133) Cox Family Fund Bay View Capital Corporation 12/22/2005 17,639 50 17,685 00 (45 50) 1-lelen and David Crowell Fund Dun & Bradstreet Corporation 12/22/2005 33,599 01 32,990 00 609 01 Edward and Kathleen Kerbs Famil} I rust Lifecell Corporation 12/22/2005 441,33228 39,230 00 1,10228 Om Charitable Investment Fund Anglo American PLC 12/22/2005 2,598 28 2,582 86 15 42 Om Charitable Investment Fund Aeon Company Ltd 12/22/2005 5,251 30 5,161 29 9001 Om Charitable Investment Fund Crown Castle International Corporation 12/22/2005 2,210 54 2,223 84 (1330) Om Charitable Investment Fund Chicago Mercntile Frchange Holding., Inc 12/22/2005 3,36989 3,369 78 0 1 l Om Charitable Investment Fund CNET Networks, Inc 12/22/2005 1,513 28 1,497 83 15 45 Om Charitable Investment Fund Google, Inc 12/22/20(15 5,58741 5,57421 13 20 Om Charitable Investment Fund Iron Mountain, Inc 12/22/2005 2,02226 2,044127 (18 01) Om Charitable Investment Fund ORIX Corporation 12/22/2005 4,01992 3,98201 37 91 Orn Charitable Investment Fund MoneyGram International, Inc 12/22/2005 2,041 98 2,023 12 18 86 Om Charitable Investment Fund Man ell Technology Group, Ltd 12/22/2005 851 17 846 75 4 42 Om Charitable Investment Fund Mitsubishi UIJ Financial Group, Inc 12/22/2005 2,47650 2,473 04 346 Orn Charitable Investment Fund Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc 12/22/2005 7,977 30 8,038 52 (61 22) Om Charitable Investment Fund XTO Energy, Inc 12/22/2005 1,574 10 1,63923 (65 13) Om Charitable Investment Fund Alpharma, Inc 12/23/2005 4,033 04 3,977 78 55 26 Om Charitable Investment Fund Arts Group, Inc 12/23/2005 2,71480 2,60820 106 60 Om Charitable Investment Fund Lihir Gold, Inc 12/23/2005 2,187 28 2,175 95 11 33 Om Charitable Investment Fund Pioneer Dulling Company 12/23/2005 2P0298 2,09385 (9087) Om Charitable Investment Fund Placer Dome, Inc 12/23/2005 1,47368 1,46058 13 10 Om Charitable Investment Fund Suncor Energy, Inc 12/23/2005 2,18203 2,21778 (3575) Om Charitable Investment Fund Tetra Technologies 12/23/2005 1,967 93 2,00005 (3212) Microsoft Employee Giving Fund Microsoft Corporation 12/24/2005 8,810 01 8,816 26 (625) Kramer Family Fund Russell 3000 Index 12/24/2005 3,97642 4,020 50 (4408) David Myers Family Fund Medtronic, Inc 12/24/2005 2,877 96 2,878 50 (054) David Myers Family Fund Citigroup, Inc 12/24/24)05 12,183 70 12,281 25 (97 55) MNers Family Fund Johnson &Johnson 12/24/2005 15,146 11 15,315 00 (16889) Hoover Family Fund Comcast Corporation 12/24/21105 6,962 12 V2768 (65 56) Hoover Family Fund Habor International Institutional 12/24/2005 9,763 02 9,86800 (104 98) Mueph^ Family Fund General Electric Compam 12/24/2005 129,289 54 130,206 41 (91687) Murpht Famd) Fund Cisco Systems, Inc 12/24/2005 117,913 57 118,569 36 (65579) Gerold Family Fund Genentech, Inc 12/28/2005 46,075 01 46,021 68 53 33 NILCCF- Various Various 5,13928 (5,13928)

42,971,467 29 39,396,538 44 3,574,928 85 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN 22-2281783 December 31, 2005



In November 2005, the Community Foundation of New Jersey held its eleventh Annual Corporate Philanthropy Awards Dinner. This was the only special event for the year ended December 31, 2005.

LINE 9a: Gross Revenue, Net of Contributions $ - LINE 9b: Less: Direct expense 38,856

LINE 9c: Net Income /(Loss) (38,856)


Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Securities $ 5,781,046



All grants and allocations are made to Public Charities which are exempt from Federal income taxes under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Total grants issued for the year ended December 31, 2005 were $13,119,158. See enclosed detail listing.

S \Common\SIS\Yearly\Tax Return Support\Tax2005.xls 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 12.48 PM

Tax Year 2005 Tax ID N: 22-2281783

Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------180, Inc One Bethany Road Building 3 - Suite #42 Hazlet, NJ 07730 3,300.00 9/11 Fund for the Education of Monmouth Count 38 Robin Road Rumson, NJ 07760 20,062.50 A Better Chance 240 West 35th Street 9th Floor New York, NY 10001-2506 100.00 A Child's Place/Un Lugar Para Ninos 1340 East Main Street Hillsboro, OR 97123 93.88 A Contemporary Theatre, Inc. 700 Union Street Seattle, WA 98101 116.20 A Gate Called Beautiful 261 South 18th Street Newark, NJ 07103 10,000.00 A Home Within Inc. 2481 Clay Street San Francisco, CA 94115 200.00 A Time For Me Inc. 11 Berkeley Square Brielle, NJ 08730 100.00 Abby Smith / Villanova University 555 South 13th Street Columbia, PA 17512-1906 2,000.00 Abrams Hebrew Academy 31 West College Avenue Yardley, PA 19067 6,800.00 Academy of American Poets, Inc. 588 Broadway Ste 1203 P 0 Box 6285 New York, NY 10012 100.00 Academy of Model Aeronautics 5161 East Memorial Drive Muncie, IN 47302 294.54 Access Fund P 0 Box 17010 Boulder, CO 80308 100.00 Accion International 56 Roland Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA 02129 2,000.00 ACLU of NC Legal Foundation, Inc. P 0 Box 28004 Raleigh, NC 27611 101.62 American Civil Liberties Union-New Jersey Fou Post Office Box 750 Newark, NJ 07101 8,500.00 Action Against Hunger USA 247 West 37th Street Suite 1201 New York, NY 10003 1,000.00 Adam Goldberg / Univ. of Michigan 15 Orchard Street Morris Plains, NJ 07950 1,000.00 Adam Spiers/University of Maryland Seven Wellesley Road Upper Motclair, NJ 07043 1,000.00 Adam Thatcher / University of Richmond 818 Coalbrook Drive Midlothian, VA 23114 1,000.00 Adirondack Historical Association Post Office Box 99 Routes 28N & 30 Blue Mountain Lake, NY 12812 10,000.00 Adirondack Land Trust Post Office Box 65 Keene Valley, NY 12943 1,000.00 Adirondack Mountain Club, Inc. 814 Goggins Road Lake George, NY 12845 200.00 Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund 1700 West Lopp South Suite 900 Houston, TX 77027 344.52 Advocates International 9691 D Main Street Fairfax, VA 22031 3,000.00 Aero Care Life Flight, Inc. Post Office Box 27 Bedminster, NJ 07921 1,000.00 African Wildlife Foundation 1400 16th Street, NW Suite 120 Washington, DC 20036 100.00 Agawam Council 30 Fieldstone Lane Hanover, MA 02339-1941 100.00 The Agnon School 26500 Shaker Boulevard Beachwood, OH 44122 500.00 Agros Foundation P 0 Box 95367 Seattle, WA 98145 904.44 Agudath Israel of New England 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Suite 301 Brighton, MA 02135 100.00 Aid for Friends 12271 Townsend Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 500.00 Aid to Artisans, Inc. 331 Wethersfield Avenue Hartford, CT 06114-1420 2,106.08 AIDS Foundation of Chicago 411 South Wells Street Suite 300 Chicago, IL 60607 150.00 AIDS Resource Foundation for Children 182 Roseville Avenue Newark, NJ 07107 2,500.00 Air Safety Foundation 421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701 1,500.00 Alameda County Community Food Bank Post Office Box 24590 Oakland, CA 94623 258.93 Alana Bouie / College of New Jeresey 942 Prospect Avenue North Plainfield, NJ 07060 2,500.00 Alaska Wilderness League 122 C Street, NW Suite 240 Washington, DC 20001 300.00 Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1165 Morris Park Avenue Rousso 325E Bronx, NY 10461 600.00 Algonquin Arts 172 Main Street Suite 202 Manasquan, NJ 08736 100.00 Alice Paul Institute 128 Hooton Road Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 100.00 ALJIRA A Center for Contemporary Art 591 Broad Street Newark, NJ 07102-4403 100.00 All Saints Episcopal Church of Lakewood 213 Madison Avenue & 2nd St. Lakewood, NJ 08701 11,283.00 All Saints Episcopal Church 500 Lake Avenue Bay Head, NJ 08742 500.00 All Saints Memorial Church Post Office Box 326 Navesink, NJ 07752 200.00 All Seasons Chamber Players 115 Orchard Road Demarest, NJ 07627 300.00 Alliance for Children and Families, Inc. 11700 West Lake Park Drive Milwaukee, WI 53224 200 00 Alliance for the Arts, Inc. 330 West 42nd Street Suite 1701 New York, NY 10036 300.00 Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound, Inc. 396 Main Street Suite 2 Hyannis, MA 02601 850.00 Allison L. Ingman/University of Connecticut 150 Lafayette Avenue Twp of Washington, NJ 07676 6,000.00 Aloha Foundation 2968 Lake Morey Road Fairlee, VT 05045 800.00 Alumnae Fund of Smith College 33 Elm Street Northampton, MA 01063 6,500.00 Alumni Association of the City College of New Post Office Box 177 New York, NY 10027 200.00 Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation, Inc. 405 West 55th Street New York, NY 10019 150.00 Alyson Honsa / Bryn Mawr College 12 Conover Lane Rumson, NJ 07760 500.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 12:48 PM

Tax Year 2005 Tax ID #: 22-2281783

Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Alyssa Ranker / Smith College 792 Grand Avenue Leonia, NJ 07605 2,000.00 Alzheimer's Association Greater NJ Chapter 400 Morris Avenue Suite 251 Denville, NJ 07834 15,000.00 Alzheimer's Association Delaware Valley Chapter 100 N. 17th Street, 2nd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103-2737 100 00 Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Ass Post Office Box 238 Ronkonkoma, NY 11779-9802 500.00 Alzheimers Foundation of America Inc. 322 Eighth Avenue 6th Floor New York, NY 10001 100.00 Amanda Flisler / Kean University 2200 North Central Road, #8L Fort Lee, NJ 07024 2,000.00 Amanda J. Hunkele/Seton Hall University 231 Beverly Hill Road Clifton, NJ 07012 3,500.00 Amanda Jones / Rutgers University 872 Lyons Avenue Irvington, NJ 07111 1,588.22 Amanda L. Branum/Messiah College 498 Kinderhook Road Columbia, PA 17512 1,500.00 Amanda Leddin / Mason Gross School of the Art 115 Lexingon Avenue Fair Haven, NJ 07704 500.00 Amanda Mikelberg/University of Delaware 415 Course Drive Leonia, NJ 07605 2,000.00 American Association of the Sovereign Militar 1011 First Avenue Suite 11500 New York, NY 10022 500.00 America Magazine 106 West 56th Street New York, NY 10019-3803 500.00 America's Athletes with Disabilities Post Office Box 131447 Houston, TX 77219-1447 500.00 America's Second Harvest 35 East Wacker Drive Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60601 1,483.76 The American Academy of Doll Artists Foundati 73 North Spring Street Concord, NH 03301 2,500.00 American Aid Society US Embassy Consular Section Two Rue St. Florentin Paris, France, 75382 1,000.00 American Alpine Club 710 Tenth Street, Suite 100 Golden, CO 80401 110.00 American Assn. Order of Malta P 0 Box 1847 FDR Station New York, NY 10150 2,800.00 American Association of the Deaf-Blind Post Office Box 131973 Houston, TX 77219 500.00 American Association on Mental Retardation 44 North Capitol Street, NW Suite 846 Washington, DC 20001 500.00 American Association for the Blind, Inc. 11 Penn Plaza, Suite 300 New York, NY 10001 3,000.00 American Association of the Sovereign Militar 1011 First Avenue New York, NY 10022 1,000.00 American Autoimmune Related Diseases Associat 22100 Gratiot Eastpointe East Detroit, MI 48021 100.00 American Ballet Theater Peter T Joseph Studios 890 Broadway New York, NY 10003-1278 3,000.00 American Cancer Society 1599 Clifton Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30329 1,100.00 American Cancer Society 801 Broad Street Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 8,086.26 American Cancer Society Post Office Box 9376 Framingham, MA 01701-9376 500.00 American Cancer Society 19 West 56th Street New York, NY 10019 26,677.00 American Cancer Society 767 Northfield Avenue West Orange, NJ 07052 1,200.00 American Cancer Society 728 - 134th Street SW Suite 101 Everett, WA 98204 294.54 American Cancer Society 18505 West Twelve Mile Road Southfield, MI 48076 250.00 American Cancer Society 1112 - 56th Street Kenosha, WI 53140 1,000.00 American Cancer Society 1851 Old Cuthbert Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 300.00 American Cancer Society 1626 Locust Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 125.00 American Civil Liberties Union of WA Foundati 705 Second Avenue Hoge Bldg Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104 28,054.33 American College of Surgeons 633 North Saint Clair Street Chicago, IL 60611 100.00 American College of Rheumatology Research & E 1800 Century Place Suite 250 Atlanta, GA 30345 100.00 American Diabetes Association 1701 North Beauregard Street Alexandria, VA 22311 1,000.00 American Friends of Hebrew University Lautenberg Center 11 East 69th Street New York, NY 10021 7,300.00 American Friends of Aish Hatorah 69 Mounthaven Drive Livingston, NJ 07039 100.00 American Friends of Alyn Hospital, Inc. 51 East 42 Street Suite 308 New York, NY 10017 100.00 American Friends Service Committee 1501 Cherry Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 1,650.00 American Health Assistance Foundation 22512 Gateway Center Drive Clarksburg, MD 20871 2,500.00 American Heart Association 122 East 42nd Street 18th Floor New York, NY 10168 45,987.00 American Heart Association Major Gifts and Planned Giving 2550 Route One North North Brunswick, NJ 08902-43 100.00 American Heart Association 600 White Horse Pike Audubon, NJ 08106 100.00 American Heart Association Bergen-Passaic Chapter Inc. One Bleeker Street Millburn, NJ 07041 100.00 American Heart Association New York, NY 10163-1050 100.00 American Heart Association 7272 Greenville Avenue Dallas, TX 75231-4596 200.00 American Heart Association Post Office Box 78851 Phoenix, AZ 85062-8851 1,000.00 American Horticultural Society Intern Program 7931 East Boulevard Drive Alexandria, VA 22308-9801 150.00 American Indian College Fund 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 2,200.00 American Institute for Cancer Research 1759 R Street NW Post Office Box 97167 Washington, DC 20090-7167 600.00 American Institute for Social Justice, Inc. 1024 Elysian Field Avenue New Orleans, LA 70117 2,500.00 American Ireland Fund 211 Congress Street 10th Floor Boston, MA 02110 25,000.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------American Irish Historical Society 991 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10028 1,200.00 American Jewish Committee The Jacob Blaustein Building 165 East 56 Street New York, NY 10022 4,100.00 The American Jewish Committee 225 Millburn Avenue Suite 301 Millburn, NJ 07041 1,000.00 American Jewish Committee Box 17305 Milwaukee, WI 53217-0305 200.00 American Jewish Congress Post Office Box 17305 Milwaukee, WI 53217-0305 150.00 American Jewish Joint Dist. Committee, Inc. 711 Third Avenue Tenth Floor New York, NY 10017-4014 5,600.00 American Jewish World Services 45 West 36th Street New York, NY 10018 900.00 American Legion 135 West Hanover Street Trenton, NJ 08618 1,000.00 American Littoral Society Sandy Hook Post Office Box 505 Highlands, NJ 07732 250.00 American Lung Association of New Jersey 1600 Route 22 East Post Office Box 3154 Union, NJ 07083 200.00 American Museum of Natural History Central Park West @ 79th St. New York, NY 10024-9981 3,345.00 American Music Therapy Association 8455 Colesville Road Suite 1000 Silver Springs, MD 20910 10,000.00 American National Red Cross Post Office Box 37295 Washington, DC 20013 946.05 American Red Cross 203 West Jersey Street Elizabeth, NJ 07202 2,000.00 American Red Cross Shared Services Center 600-A Forest Point Circle Charlotte, NC 28273 13,003.53 American Red Cross 17th and D Streets, N.W. Washington, DC 20006 5,568.31 American Red Cross Control Processing Center Post Office Box 97089 Washington, DC 20090-7265 151,044.00 American Red Cross 209 Fairfield Road Fairfield, NJ 07004 68,412.00 American Red Cross 14 West Cliff Street Somerville, NJ 08876 500.00 American Red Cross Sussex County Chapter 93 Spring Street Newton, NJ 07860 1,000.00 American Red Cross Post Office Box 37243 Washington, DC 20013 8,149.33 American Red Cross Middlesex Central Connecticut 97 Broad Street Middletown, CT 06457 200.00 American Red Cross - Summit Area Chapter 695 Springfield Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 1,500.00 American Red Cross - Morris Area Chapter 29 Elm Street Morristown, NJ 07960 1,500.00 American Red Cross - Jersey Coast Chapter Post Office Box 131 Tinton Falls, NJ 07724-0131 1,000.00 American Red Cross - Greater Carolinas Chapte Post Office Box 36507 2425 Park Road Charlotte, NC 28236 397.52 American Red Cross - Cincinnati Area Chapter 720 Sycamore Street Cincinnati, OH 45202 204.85 American Red Cross of Metropolitan New Jersey 209 Fairifeld Road Fairfield, NJ 07004 26,300.00 American Red Cross, Montclair Chapter 63 Park Street Montclair, NJ 07042 5,500.00 American Red Cross, Millburn-Short Hills Chap 389 Millburn Ave Millburn, NJ 07041 250.00 American Repertory Ballet 80 Albany Street Second Floor New Brunswick, NJ 08901 1,000.00 American Rivers Post Office Box 96158 1025 Vermont Avenue NW, Ste720 Washington, DC 20090-6158 2,500.00 American Society for Protection of Nature in 28 Arrandale Avenue Great Neck, NY 11024-1804 100.00 American University Development Office 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20016-8143 4,000.00 American Wildlands Post Office Box 6669 40 East Main Street, Suite 2 Bozeman, MT 59715 500.00 Americans for Democratic Action Inc. 1625 K Street NW Room 210 Washington, DC 20006 500.00 AmeriCares 88 Hamilton Avenue Stamford, CT 06902 26,000.00 Amherst College Post Office Box 5000 Box 2220 Amherst, MA 01002-9982 10,351.00 Amnesty International USA 322 Eighth Avenue 10th Floor New York, NY 10001 4,800.00 Amnesty International USA Post Office Box 96756 Washington, DC 20077-7131 600.00 Amy Pullizzi / Muhlenberg College 14 North Summit Avenue Chatham, NJ 07928-2539 10,000.00 Anderson House, Inc. Post Office Box 134 Whitehouse, NJ 08889-0134 500.00 Andrea del Corro / The College of New Jersey 268 Wyckoff Avenue Waldwick, NJ 07463 2,500.00 Andres Acosta / College of New Jersey 800 Grand Avenue Leonia, NJ 07605-2106 2,000.00 Andrew Nosek / Temple University 215 Redman Avenue Haddonfield, NJ 08033 500.00 Andrew Sharkey / Syracuse University 90 Harvard Road Fair Haven, NJ 07704 500.00 The Angel Connection Inc. 3 Executive Drive Post Office Box 9123 Morris Plains, NJ 07950-9123 500.00 Angel Flight of New England, Inc. 492 Sutton Street North Andover, MA 01845 600.00 Angela M. Walsh / Rider University 933 Route 206 Bordentown, NJ 08505 500.00 Animal Birth Control, Inc. Post Office Box 353 Pine Beach, NJ 08741 5,600.00 Animal Haven 35-22 Prince Street Flushing, NY 11354 1,000.00 Animal Medical Center 510 East 62nd Street New York, NY 10021-8302 200.00 Animal Welfare Association 509 Centennial Boulevard Voorhees, NJ 08043 2,799.70 Anna Marie Island Community Center Post Office Box 253 407 Magnolia Avenue Ana Maria, FL 34216 5,000.00 Anti-Defamation League 823 United Nations Plaza Department DJ New York, NY 10017 200.00 Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith 600 Stewart Street Suite 720 Seattle, WA 98101 21,564.45 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Anti-Defamation League Post Office Box 96226 Washington, DC 20090-6226 300.00 Appalachian Mountain Club Five Joy Street Boston, MA 02108-1490 200.00 ARC of Monmouth 1158 Wayside Road Tinton Falls, NJ 07712 1,350.00 The ARC of the United States 1010 Wayne Avenue, Suite 650 Silver Spring, MD 20910 3,000.00 Archbishop's Annual Appeal Post Office Box 9577 Newark, NJ 07104-9824 1,627.84 Archdiocese of Seattle 910 Marion Street Seattle, WA 98104 501.86 Architecture for Humanity 23 1/2 North Tracy Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 200.00 Argusville Community Development Corporation 508 Drake Avenue Argusville, ND 58005 1,190.79 Arian Monteagudo/Rutgers University 5601 Boulevard East West New York, NJ 07093 2,500.00 Arizona State University Foundation Office Of Development Box 875005 Tempe, AZ 85287-0904 150.00 Army Historical Foundation, Inc. 2425 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22201 500.00 Arthritis Foundation Post Office Box 858 Melville, NY 11747-0858 500.00 Arthritis Foundation 200 Middlesex Turnpike Iselin, NJ 08830-2000 16,151.00 Arthritis Foundation-Florida Chapter Post Office Box 21408 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-14 100.00 Arts 4 Kidz Program, Inc. C/o Damion Clarke 14 Marshall Street, Apt lB 5,000.00 Arts Connection 520 Eighth Avenue Suite 321, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10018 250.00 Arts Corps 5609 B Rainier Avenue S Seattle, WA 98118 250.54 Arts Council of the Morris Area 163 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor Morristown, NJ 07960 1,700.00 Arts Horizons, Inc. One Grand Avenue, Suite 7 Englewood, NJ 07631 2,000.00 Arts on the Hudson 282 Barrow Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 2,500.00 Ashesi University Foundation 603 Stewart Street Suite 819 Seattle, WA 98101 10,201.58 The Asheville School 360 Asheville School Road Asheville, NC 28806-4902 400.00 Ashley May/Wayne State University Attn: Scholarships Unit Post Office Box 02759 Detroit, MI 48202-0759 1,000.00 ASPCA 424 East 92nd Street Fourth Floor New York, NY 10128-6804 1,500.00 Aspen Center for Environmental Studies 100 Puppy Smith Street Aspen, CO 81611 600.00 Association of N J Environmental Commissions Post Office Box 157 Mendham, NJ 07945 200.00 Associated Humane Society of New Jersey 124 Evergreen Avenue Newark, NJ 07114 6,485.00 Associates Caring for Each Other Inc. 44 West 47th Street Suite 900 Bradley Boers Kansas City, MO 64112 1,000.00 Association for Children of New Jersey 35 Halsey Street Newark, NJ 07102 2,145.00 Association for Child Psychoanalysis Post Office Box 253 Ramsey, NJ 07446 15,000.00 Association for the Multiple Impaired Blind 909 Cedarbridge Avenue Suite 4 Brick, NJ 08723 5,000.00 Association of Princeton Graduate Alumni Post Office Box 255 Princeton, NJ 08542-9841 100.00 Associazione Amici Per Camella e Perdifumo 84060 Perdifumo (SA) 30,000.00 Assumption Church 91 Maple Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960 1,500.00 Assumption College for Sisters 350 Bernardsville Road Mendham, NJ 07945 15,000.00 Athlete Initiative, Inc. 8 Timber Ridge Road Warren, NJ 07059 5,000.00 Atlantic Highlands First Aid Ten East Highland Avenue Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716 150.00 Atlantic Home Care & Hospice 33 Bleeker Street Millburn, NJ 07041 5,100.00 Atlantic Street Center 2103 South Atlantic Street Seattle, WA 98144 180.89 Audubon Canyon Ranch, Inc. 4900 Highway One Stinson Beach, CA 94970 2,000.00 Austin Foundation 7013 14th Avenue, NW Seattle, WA 98117 250.54 Ave Maria School of Law 9475 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105 100.00 Avon Old Farms School 500 Old Farms Road Avon, CT 06001-9930 50,000.00 Avon Products Foundation, Inc. 1345 Avenue of the America's New York, NY 10105 250.00 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer 1345 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10105 200.00 Avon's Breast Cancer 3-Day c/o LaSalle Bank 135 So. LaSalle Dept 7135 Chicago, IL 60674-7135 500.00 B'nai B'rith Fdn of the US Donor Services Post Office Box 17305 Milwaukee, WI 53217-9986 100.00 B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation 210 West Cameron Avenue Chapel Hill, NC 27516 1,000.00 Babyland Family Services 755 South Orange Avenue Newark, NJ 07106 12,402.84 Bailey House 275 Seventh Avenue 12th Floor New York, NY 10001 1,000.00 Bais Yaakov of Boston, Inc. 561 Ward Street Newton Centre, MA 02459 1,250.00 Baldwin School Annual Fund Office 701 Montgomery Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 1,000.00 Ballard Food Bank 7001 24th Avenue, NW Seattle, WA 98117 290.50 Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound Center 1900 Eagle Drive Leakin Park Baltimore, MD 21207 25,000.00 Baltimore Hebrew Congregation 7401 Park heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21208-5490 200.00 Baltimore Outward Bound 1900 Eagle Drive Leakin Park Baltimore, MD 21207 12,500.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Bank Street College of Education 610 West 112th Street New York, NY 10025-1120 600.00 Barnard College 3009 Broadway New York, NY 10027-9960 522.90 Barnegat Bay Charities, Inc. Post Office Box 162 Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 087 100.00 Barnegat Bay Decoy & Baymen's Museum, Inc. Tuckerton Seaport Post Office Box 52 Tuckerton, NJ 08087 77,500.00 Bates Technical College Foundation 2320 South 19th Street Tacoma, WA 98405 116.20 Baton Rouge Area Foundation 402 North Fourth Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802 267,746.58 Bay Head Chapel 442 Main Avenue Post Office Box 321 Bay Head, NJ 08742 500.00 Bay Head Historical Society Post Office Box 127 Bay Head, NJ 08742 370.00 Beach Haven First Aid Squad Post Office Box 1291 Beach Haven, NJ 08008 1,000.00 Beach Haven Public Library Third Street and Beach Avenue Beach Haven, NJ 08008 1,000.00 Becreated Community Arts Inc. 1745 Springfield Avenue Maplewood, NJ 07040 2,500.00 Bellevue Community College Foundation 3000 Landerholm Circle SE Bellevue, WA 98007 180.89 Bellevue Schools Foundation P 0 Box 40644 Bellevue, WA 98015-4644 216.09 Beloit College Development Office 700 College Street Beloit, WI 53511 99.16 Benedictine Foundation of Oregon 840 South Main Street Post Office Box 912 Mount Angel, OR 97362 1,000.00 Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks of The 665 Rahway Avenue Woodbridge, NJ 07095 100.00 Bentley College 175 Forest Street Waltham, MA 02452 2,000.00 Bergen Family Center, Inc. Ten Banta Place Hackensack, NJ 09601 500.00 Bergen Performing Arts Center 30 North Van Brunt Street Englewood, NJ 07631 10,100.00 Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation 271 Main Street Suite 2 Great Barrington, MA 01230 1,000.00 Bernards High School 25 Olcott Avenue Bernardsville, NJ 07924 1,000.00 Bernardsville Library Association Post Office Box 875 Bernardsville, NJ 07924 8,396.32 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary 5001 Angel Canyon Drive Kanab, UT 84741-5001 500.00 Bethany Beach Volunteer Fire Company P 0 Box 950 215 Hollywood Street Bethany Beach, DE 19930 500.00 Bethesda Community Development 32 Route 35 North Neptune, NJ 07753 5,000.00 Bethesda Methodist Church Post Office Box 245 Adelphia, NJ 07710 1,178.50 Betty Bacharach Home Rehabilitation Center Jim Leeds Road Pomona, NJ 08240 5,008.00 Beyond Pesticides 701 East Street SE Room 200 Washington, DC 20003 100.00 BGCN Lifecamp P 0 Box 351 Gladstone, NJ 07934 2,500.00 Bible Presbyterian Church 1115 Haddon Avenue Collingswood, NJ 08108 2,799.70 Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Sussex County 16 Church Street Newton, NJ 07860 500.00 Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Morris County 1259 Route 46 East Building 3 Parsippany, NJ 07054 1,000.00 Big Brothers\Big Sisters of Monmouth County Crystal Brook Professional Bld 174 Main Street Eatontown, NJ 07724 200.00 Billie S. Been Foundation, Inc. 4717 Dudley Lane P 0 Box 422149 Atlanta, GA 30327 1,000.00 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 4828 Parkway Plaza Boulevard Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28217 5,000.00 Birth Haven Four Academy Street Newton, NJ 07860 30,500.00 Birthright of Columbia 2318 Devine Street Columbia, SC 29205 100.00 Post Office Box 600 Blairstown, NJ 07825-9988 11,795.81 Blessed Sacrament School 15 Van Ness Place Newark, NJ 07108 2,684.72 Bloomfield College 467 Franklin Street Bloomfield, NJ 07003 5,700.00 Blue Rock School 110 Demarest Mill Road West Nyack, NY 10994 100.00 Bnai Brith International 2020 K Street NW 7th Floor Washington, DC 20006 103.00 Board of Incorporators of the African Methodi 1541 14th Street N.W. Washington, DC 20005 5,000.00 Bobby Nichols Fiddlesticks Charity Foundation 15391 Canongate Drive Ft. Myers, FL 33912 2,450.00 Boca Raton Community Hospital Foundation 745 Meadows Road Boca Raton, FL 33486-9945 38,200.00 Bonnie Brae Post Office Box 825 3415 Valley Road Liberty Corner, NJ 07938-082 1,000.00 Boothbay Region Land Trust One Oak Street Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538 100.00 Borough of Hopatcong 111 River Styx Road Hopatcong, NJ 07843-1535 7,500.00 Borough of Mantoloking Post Office Box 247 Mantoloking, NJ 08738-0247 200.00 Borough of Metuchen Post Office Box 592 Metuchen, NJ 08840 200.00 BOS - USA Inc. Post Office Box 2113 Aptos, CA 95001 100.00 Boston University Development Office One Sherborn Street, 7th Floor Boston, MA 02215 1,384.85 Bowery Residence Committee 191 Chyrstie Street New York, NY 10002 1,000.00 Boy Scouts of America Monmouth Cty Council 705 Ginesi Drive Morganville, NJ 07751-1235 450.00 Boy Scouts of America Northern New Jersey Cou 25 Ramapo Valley Road Oakland, NJ 07436 6,360.00 Boy's and Girl's Club of Clifton Post Office Box 798 Clifton, NJ 07015 5,000.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Boy's and Girl's Club of Hudson County One Canal Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 5,000.00 Boys & Girls Club of Wayne 153 Garside Avenue Wayne, NJ 07470 500.00 Boys & Girls Club of the Peninsula Post Office Box 1029 Menlo Park, CA 94036 1,000.00 Boys and Girls Club of Trenton/Mercer County 212 Centre Street Trenton, NJ 08611 2,500.00 Boys and Girls Club of Martin County Post Office Box 910 Hobe Sound, FL 33475 300.00 Boys and Girls Clubs of Newark, Inc. 155 Washington Street Newark, NJ 07102 35,000.00 The Boys Choir of Harlem, Inc. Triborough Station Post Office Box 669 New York, NY 10035 100.00 The Boys Club of New York 287 East 10th Street New York, NY 10009 200.00 Boys Town Jerusalem Foundation of America, In 12 West 31st Street Suite 300 New York, NY 10001-4415 1,000.00 Boys Town of Italy, USA 250 East 63rd Street Suite 204 New York, NY 10021 9,950.00 Boys Towns & Girls Towns of Italy 250 East 63rd Street New York, NY 10021 850.00 Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence 1225 Eye Street NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 50,500.00 Brand New Day, Inc. 176 First Street Post Office Box 6803 Elizabeth, NJ 07206-0803 7,500.00 Brandeis University MS126 415 South Street Waltham, MA 02454 4,000.00 Bread for the Journey 267 Miller Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 4,500.00 Breanna Smith / UMASS Amherst 162 Flynt Street Palmer, MA 01069 350.00 Breast Cancer Emergency Fund 965 Mission Street Suite 630 San Francisco, CA 94103 500.00 Breast Cancer Fund 2107 O'Farrell Street San Francisco, CA 94115-3419 2,007.43 Breast Cancer Research Foundation 767 5th Avenue, 40th Floor New York, NY 10153 100.00 Brenda C Zellner Foundation Smith Barney 150 JFK Parkway, Fourth Floor Short Hills, NJ 07078 25,000.00 Brian Thomas Vohs/Bergen Community College 211 Magnolia Road Ramsey, NJ 07446 1,500.00 Bridges - Outreach Inc. Post Office Box 1444 Summit, NJ 07902-8444 11,000.00 Briteside Adult Day Centers, Inc. 170 Main Street Flemington, NJ 08822 1,000.00 Brittany DeNitzio/College of New Jersey 121 Waverly Place South Plainfield, NJ 07080 1,000.00 Broadway Baptist Church River Road and Morlot Avenue Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 6,179.00 Broadway United Methodist Church 316 New Market Street Salem, NJ 08079 117.45 Bronx High School of Science Jerome Station Post Office Box 145 Bronx, NY 10468-0145 280.00 Brookdale Community College 765 Newman Springs Road Lincroft, NJ 07738 2,000.00 Brooke Jackman Foundation Inc. Post Office Box 354 Mill Neck, NY 11765 1,000.00 Brooklyn Botanic Garden 1000 Washington Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11225 500 00 Brooklyn Museum of Art 200 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 600.00 Brooks School 1160 Great Pond Road North Andover, MA 01845-1298 1,000.00 The Brotherhood/Sister Sol 512 West 143rd Street New York, NY 10031 2,000.00 Brown University Gift Accounting Box 1908 Providence, RI 02912 1,801.09 Brown University Sports Foundation c/o Brown University Post Office Box 1925 Providence, RI 02912-9959 300.00 Bryn Mawr College c/o Helfarian Resources Office 101 North Merion Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899 2,500.00 Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837 100.00 Buckshutem United Methodist Church C/o Parsonage 1783 Main Street Port Norris, NJ 08349 308.79 Bucky Anton Memorial Scholarship Fund 122 Blue Heron Drive % Frederick M. Anton Thorofare, NJ 08086 150.00 Burholme Baptist Church 905 Cottman Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 8,609.00 Burlington County Children's Home 243 Pine Street Mount Holly, NJ 08060 133.20 Burlington County Vocational School Woodlane Road Mount Holly, NJ 08060 290.50 Burlington Quarterly Meeting of Friends C/o Frank Smith, Jr. 149 Country Club Road Lumberton, NJ 08048 85.24 Business Council for Internat'l Understanding 1212 Avenue of Americas 10th Floor New York, NY 10036-1602 1,500.00 Buttonwood Foundation 1333 Broadway 516 New York, NY 10015 367.31 Byram Animal Rescue Kindness Squad Post Office Box 593 Stanhope, NJ 07874 1,000.00 California Institute of Integral Studies 1453 Mission Street 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103 250.00 California Theatre Center, Inc. Post Office Box 2007 Sunnyville, CA 94087 1,080.20 Caltech Alumni Fund Mail Code 105-40 1201 East California Boulevard Pasadena, CA 91106-9935 2,500.00 Calusa Land Trust & Nature Preserve of Pine I Post Office Box 216 Bokeella, FL 33922 6,000.00 Calvary Baptist Church Attn: Treasurer 106 Central Avenue Hackensack, NJ 07601 4,092.50 Calvary Baptist Church P 0 Box 97 2373 US Highway 9 South Seaville, NJ 08246 50.00 Calvary Episcopal Church 31 Woodland Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 17,000.00 Calvary Fellowship Church 501 East Swedesford Road Wayne, PA 19087 300.00 Cambridge in America 708 Third Avenue 14th Floor New York, NY 10017 689.06 Camden Catholic High School Route 38 and Cuthbert Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 11,853.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Camp Fire USA Central Puget Sound Council 8511 15th Avenue, NE Seattle, WA 98115-3199 232 40 Camp Happiness 18 Burlington Avenue Leonardo, NJ 07737 5,000 00 Camphill Special School Inc. 1784 Fairview Road Glenmore, PA 19343 2,500 00 Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc. P 0 Box 628222 Orlando, FL 32862-8222 1,000 00 Cancer Hope Network Two North Road, Suite A Chester, NJ 07930 1,000 00 The Cancer Institute of New Jersey 195 Little Albany Street Post Office Box 2681 New Brunswick, NJ 08901 2,500 00 Cancer Research Fund of the D. Runyon-W. Winc 675 Third Avenue, 25th Floor New York, NY 10017 3,555 33 The Capacity Building Program Fund PO Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 8,000 00 Cape May Bird Observatory Ctr for Research & Education 600 Route 47 North Cape May Court House, NJ 082 100 00 Cooperative for Assist & Relief Everywhere, I 650 First Avenue New York, NY 10016 17,472 40 CARE P 0 Box 1870 Merrifield, VA 22116-8070 1,200 00 CARE 1402 Third Avenue Suite 912 Seattle, WA 98101 316 56 Care & Share Inc. 15419 127th Street Lemont, IL 60439 3,113 11 Care Plus New Jersey 17-07 Romaine Street Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 10,000 00 Caregivers of Central Ocean County 145 Anchor Avenue Beachwood, NJ 08722 100 00 Carlin Alcantara / NJIT 98 Holland Street Newark, NJ 07103 666 67 Carlos Otis Stratton Mountain Clinic Inc. Post Office Box 617 Stratton Mountain, VT 05155 100 00 Carmen Fazzolari/Raritan Valley Community Col 253 West Carlton Avenue Washington, NJ 07882 1,000 00 Carnegie Council on Ethics & Intern'l Affairs 170 East 64th Street New York, NY 10021-7496 300 00 Carnegie Mellon University 5017 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 100 00 The Carol DiMaiti Stuart Foundation C/o Brown Rodnick One Financial Center Boston, MA 02111 1,000 00 Carpenters Boatshop 440 Old County Road Peaquid, ME 04558 1,000 00 The Carter Center One Copenhill 453 Freedom Parkway Atlanta, GA 30307 10,147 61 Court Appointed Special Advocates of Morris Post Office Box 264 Morristown, NJ 07963 500 00 Cass Sherman / Drew University 1315 - 51st Street North Bergen, NJ 07047 1,000 00 Catawba Lands Conservancy 105 West Morehead Street Charlotte, NC 28202 101 62 Catherine Dana Prewitt / University of Pennsy Seven Kings Path Hopewell, NJ 08525 1,500 00 Catholic Campus Ministry Association 1118 Pendelton Street Suite 300 Cincinnati, OH 45273-8076 100 00 Catholic Charities 383 West State Street Post Office Box 1423 Trenton, NJ 08607 5,000 00 Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans 1000 Howard Avenue Suite 1200 New Orleans, LA 70113 1,000 00 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newa 1160 Raymond Boulevard Newark, NJ 07102 100 00 Catholic Community Services 37 Evergreen Place East Orange, NJ 07018 25,000 00 Catholic Relief Services 209 West Fayette Street Baltimore, MD 21201-3443 7,500 00 Catholic Youth Organization of Mercer County 920 South Broad Street Trenton, NJ 08611 1,700 00 Catholic Youth Organization of Staten Island 6451 Hylan Boulevard Staten Island, NY 10309 1,000 00 CATO Institute 1000 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20077-0172 500 00 CavanKerry Press LTD Six Horizon Road Fort Lee, NJ 07024 200 00 Cedarwood Cemetery 413 Atlantic Street Keyport, NJ 07735 2,736 00 Celtic Theatre Company Post Office Box 857 South Orange, NJ 07079 150 00 Centenary College Development Department 400 Jefferson Street Hackettstown, NJ 07840-2100 4,000 00 Center for Biological Diversity, Inc. Post Office Box 710 Tucson, AZ 85702 300 00 Center for Food Action 192 West Demarest Avenue Englewood, NJ 07631 1,300 00 Center for Hope Hospice 1900 Raritan Road Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 100 00 Center for Prevention and Counseling, Inc. 61 Spring Street, Third Floor Newton, NJ 07860 30,000 00 Center for Science in the Public Interest Post Office Box 96611 Washington, DC 20077-7216 301 52 Center for Wooden Boats 1010 Valley Street Seattle, WA 98109 79 29 Central Asia Sharing Aid 2254 Chenowith Ct. Rockford, IL 61107 3,000 00 Central Bucks Ambulance & Rescue Unit 455 East Street Doylestown, PA 18901 100 00 Central New Jersey Council, B.S.A. 4315 US Highway 1 South 62 South Main Street Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 1,000 00 Central Park Conservancy 14 East 60th Street New York, NY 10022 1,961 00 Central Presbyterian Church 70 Maple Street Summit, NJ 07901 3,000 00 CentraState Healthcare Foundation 916 Route 33, Suite 6 Freehold, NJ 07728 20,000 00 CFNJ - Operating Fund Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 41,290 00 CFNJ Unrestricted Grantmaking Fund Community Foundation of NJ Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 71,325 35 Chabad House - Lubavitch, Inc. 170 College Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901 300 00 Chad School Foundation 308 South 9th Street Newark, NJ 07103 17,684 72 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Chadron State Foundation 1000 Main Street Chadron, NE 69337 6,000.00 Chair City Youth Hockey Association, Inc. Post Office Box 212 Gardner, MA 01440 2,000.00 Challenged Athletes Inc. 2148 Jimmy Durante Boulevard B Del Mar, CA 92014 500.00 Changemakers 1550 Bryant Street Suite 850 San Francisco, CA 94103 3,000.00 Chantal Currence / Univ. of Pittsburgh 400 - 65 East Randolph Avenue Mine Hill, NJ 07803 1,000.00 Charles Darwin Foundation 407 North Washington Street Suite 105 Falls Church, VA 22046 5,300.00 Charles E. Smith School 1901 East Jefferson Street Rockville, MD 20852 1,000.00 Chatham Emergency Squad 31 North Passaic Avenue Chatham, NJ 07928 250.00 Chatham Township PBA 401 Southern Boulevard Chatham, NJ 07928 1,363.84 Chautauqua Foundation, Inc. Post Office Box 28 Chautauqua, NY 14722 5,000.00 Chautauqua Institution Post Office Box 28 Chautauqua, NY 14722-0028 40,000.00 Cherry Hill High School West Parent Teacher Association Chapel Avenue Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 500.00 Cheshire Home, Inc. Nine Ridgedale Avenue Florham Park, NJ 07932 2,550.00 Chewonki Foundation, Inc. 485 Chewonki Neck Road Wiscasset, ME 04578 3,000.00 Child and Family Service Big Brothers/Big Sisters 3879 Packard Road Ann Arbor, MI 48108 1,000.00 Children Now 1212 Broadway, 5th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 2,500.00 Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund Post Office Box 3968 Gaithersburg, MD 20885-3968 500.00 Children on the Green 50 Park Place Morristown, NJ 07960 100.00 Children's Aid and Family Services 200 Robin Road Paramus, NJ 07652 10,600.00 Children's Aid Society 105 East 22nd Street Suite 504 New York, NY 10010 7,300.00 Children's Aid Society of 1315 Walnut Street Suite 1004 Philadelphia, PA 19107-4710 1,200.00 Children's Center for Therapy and Learning, I 15 Malko Drive Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927 200.00 Children's Cultural Center of Red Bank 51 Monmouth Street Red Bank, NJ 07701 350.00 Children's Cultural Center at Red Bank, Inc. 36 Monmouth Street Red Bank, NJ 07701 350.00 Children's Defense Fund 420 Lexington Avenue Suite 655 New York, NY 10170 100.00 The Children's Health Fund 317 East 64th Street New York, NY 10021 1,000.00 Children's Home Society P 0 Box 5616 Jacksonville, FL 32247 350.00 Children's Home Society of New Jersey 635 South Clinton Avenue Trenton, NJ 08611 1,003.53 Children's Hospital Foundation Children's Hospit Philadelphia Post Office Box 7790 Philadelphia, PA 19101-9975 1,000.00 Children's Hospital Foundation 700 Children's Drive Columbus, OH 43205-2696 100.00 Children's Hospital Foundation Post Office Box 50020 Mail Stop S-200 Seattle, WA 98145-5020 702.27 Children's Hospital & Medical Center P 0 Box 5371 MS CL-04 Seattle, WA 98105 501.86 Children's Neurobiological Solutions Foundati 1726 Francheschi Road Santa Barbara, CA 93103 1,100.00 Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation 150 New Providence Road Mountainside, NJ 07092-2590 41,450.00 Children's Tumor Foundation 95 Pine Street 16 Floor New York, NY 10005 1,000.00 China Tomorrow Education Foundation Post Office Box 1103 Mercer Island, WA 98040 190.28 CHMOL 1564 41st Street Brooklyn, NY 11218 100.00 Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Six Melnick Drive Monsey, NY 10952 100.00 Christ Child Society of Naples Post Office Box 12124 Naples, FL 34101 100.00 Christ Church 561 Springfield Avenue and New England Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 29,100.00 Christ Church 105 Cottage Place Ridgewood, NJ 07450 5,500.00 Christ Church Attn: Treasurer 380 Sycamore Avenue Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 7,047.00 Christ Church of Short Hills 66 Highland Avenue Post Office Box C Short Hills, NJ 07078 9,000.00 Christ House 1717 Columbia Road N.W. Washington, DC 20009 200.00 Christ United Methodist Church 1475 Center Road Venice, FL 34292 2,000.00 Christel Key/Old Dominion University Cashier Office Post Office Box 2058 Norfolk, VA 23501-2058 1,000.00 Christian Children's Fund Post Office Box 26507 2821 Emerywood Parkway Richmond, VA 23261-6507 600.00 Christian Foundation for Children and Aging One ELmwood Avenue Kansas City, KS 66103 200.00 Christian Health Care Center 301 Sicomac Avenue Wyckoff, NJ 07481 25,000.00 Christian Legal Society 4208 Evergreen Lane Suite 222 Annandale, VA 22003-3264 10,000.00 Christina Daniello / College of New Jersey 1909 Lillian Drive Williamstown, NJ 08094 1,000.00 Christina Gaymon/Treasurer of Virginia Tech Office of the Univ. Bursar 233 Burruss Hall (0139) Blacksburg, VA 24061 1,000.00 Christine Barabas/Univ. of Rhode Island 39 Green Tree Road Clifton, NJ 07013 1,000.00 Christine Mehnert/New York University 77 Waldwick Avenue Waldwick, NJ 07463 2,500.00 Christopher D. Figula / Savannah College of A 43 Summit Avenue Waldwick, NJ 07463 1,500.00 Christopher Patterson / Rowan University 63 Park Avenue Washington, NJ 07882 2,000.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Christopher Reeve Foundation 636 Morris Turnpike Suite 3A Short Hills, NJ 07078 2,700 00 Christopher Reeve Foundation 1775 Broadway Suite 708 New York, NY 10019 1,465.24 The Chrysler Museum, Inc . 245 West Olney Road Norfolk, VA 23510 1,000.00 Church Council of Greater Seattle 4759 15th Avenue, NE Seattle, WA 98105 452.23 Church of Christ The King Blue Mill Road Post Office Box 368 New Vernon, NJ 07976 2,320.00 The Church of St. John on the Mountain 379 Mt. Harmony Road Bernardsville, NJ 07924 45,834 .00 Church of St. Marks and All Saints 429 South Pitney Road Galloway, NJ 08205 4,644.00 Church of the Annunciation 88 Convent Avenue New York, NY 10027 100.00 Church of the Holy Trinity Post Office Box 317 Spring Lake, NJ 07762 200.00 Church World Services 28606 Phillips Street Post Office Box 968 Elkhart, IN 46515 3,000.00 Churchill School 233 Fairfield Road Fairfield, NJ 07004 500.00 Cindy Rosado/Passaic Cty Community College 80 Park Avenue Apt. 3L Paterson, NJ 07501 500.00 Citizens for Global Solutions 418 Seventh Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 5,000.00 Citizens' Scholarship Fdn. of America, Inc. Post Office Box 297 St. Peter, MN 56082 595.39 City College Fund 160 Convent Avenue Shepard Hall Room 166 New York, NY 10031 300.00 City Harvest, Inc. 575 Eighth Avenue 4th Floor New York, NY 10018 500.00 City of Hope 1500 East Durante Road Duarte, CA 91010 5,000.00 City of San Diego 1010 Second Avenue Suite 500 San Diego, CA 92101 200.00 CJ Foundation for SIDS Hackensack Univ Medical Center 30 Prospect Avenue Hackensack, NJ 07601 1,800.00 Clara Maass Foundation One Clara Maass Drive Belleville, NJ 07109 7,886.00 Clean Ocean Action Post Office Box 505 Sandy Hook, NJ 07732 1,250.00 Clear Path International, Inc. Post Office Box 945 Dorset, VT 05251 500.00 Clifton Education Foundation Post Office Box 2071 Clifton, NJ 07015 5,000.00 Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife Post Office Box 150 Sanibel, FL 33957 500.00 Closter Parent Teacher Organization Closter School 340 Homans Avenue Closter, NJ 07624 625.00 Co-Op America Foundation, Inc. 1612 K Street N.W. Suite 600 Washington, DC 20077-2573 100.00 Coalition for the Homeless 129 Fulton Street New York, NY 10038 500.00 Colestown Cemetery Kings Highway & Church Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 100.00 Colgate University 13 Oak Drive Hamilton, NY 13346 3,000.00 Colin N. Fitzpatrick / Brown University 502 Wash. Cross-Pennington Rd Titusville, NJ 08560 1,500.00 Collective Heritage Institute 6 Cerro Circle Lamy, NM 87540 2,000.00 Colleen Giblin Foundation 690 Kinderkamack Road Suite 104 Oradell, NJ 07649 12,500.00 College of New Jersey Foundation Post Office Box 7718 Ewing, NJ 08628-0718 5,000.00 College of Physicians of Philadelphia Office of Development 19 South 22nd Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-3097 5,446.00 College of St. Elizabeth Two Convent Road Morristown, NJ 07960-6989 20,100.00 Collingswood Public Library 771 Haddon Avenue Westmont, NJ 08108-3714 2,799.70 Colonial Church 6200 Colonial Way Edina, MN 55436 300.00 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation 961136-DG040 Post Office Box 1776 Williamsburg, VA 23187-9910 1,250.00 Colorado College 14 East Cache La Poudre Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3 100.00 Colorado School of Mines Foundation, Inc. Post Office Box 4005 Golden, CO 80401 277.51 Columbia Business School Columbia University Uris Hall 3022 Broadway Room 828 New York, NY 10027-9752 200.00 Columbia Land Conservancy Post Office Box 299 Chatham, NY 12037 12,500.00 Columbia University School of Law 435 West 116th Street Box A2 New York, NY 10027-9724 10,150.00 Columbia University - Teachers College Box 306 Teachers College 525 West 120th Street New York, NY 10022 800.00 Columbia University Foundation Post Office Box 19023 New York, NY 10277-0109 500.00 Columbia University Univ Develop & Alumni Relation 475 Riverside Drive, MC 7724 New York, NY 10115 1,500.00 Columbia University 100 Haven Avenue 29D New York, NY 10032 1,000.00 Columbia University Mail Code 7724 475 Riverside Drive New York, NY 10115 1,000.00 Columbus Academy 4300 Cherry Bottom Road Box 30745 Gahanna, OH 43230 100.00 Columbus School for Girls 56 South Columbia Avenue Columbus, OH 43209 500.00 Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Bos 126 High Street Boston, MA 02110 100.00 Common Cause Education Fund 1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036-2613 200.00 Common Ground Community Housing Develop Fund 505 Eighth Avenue, 15th Floor New York, NY 10018 1,000.00 Community Agencies Corporation of NJ 25 James Street Newark, NJ 07102 100 00 Community Chest of Englewood 310 Engle Street Englewood, NJ 07631 100.00 Community Children's Museum 77 East Blackwell Street Dover, NJ 07801 600.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 10 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Community Church of Hoboken 606 Garden Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 500.00 Community Fdn. of Herkimer & Oneida Ctys 1222 State Street Utica, NY 13502 169,079.74 Community FoodBank of New Jersey 31 Evans Terminal Road Hillside, NJ 07205 12,200.00 Community FoodBank of New Jersey Finance Department 31 Evans Terminal Road Hillside, NJ 07205 7,500.00 Community Foundation of Western Nevada 1885 South Arlington Suite 103 Reno, NV 89509 25,000.00 Community Foundation of Jackson Hole Post Office Box 574 Jackson, WY 83001 7,000.00 Community Pre-School at St. John's 587 Springfield Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 1,600.00 Community Soup Kitchen 36 South Street Morristown, NJ 07960 10,500.00 Community Technical Assistance, Inc. Post Office Box 1276 Morristown, NJ 07962 10,000.00 The Community Theatre of Morristown 100 South Street Morristown, NJ 07960 88,800.00 The Community YMCA 144 Drs. James Parker Blvd. Red Bank, NJ 07701-1330 4,675.00 The Community YMCA of Red Bank Red Bank Branch 144 Drs James Parker Blvd. Red Bank, NJ 07701 5,486.67 Company of Dance Arts of Red Bank 59 Chestnut Street Red Bank, NJ 07701 250.00 Concord Art Association 37 Lexington Avenue Concord, MA 01742 250.00 Conduit Dance Inc. 918 Sw Yamhill Suite 401 Portland, OR 97205-2569 501.09 Congregation Agudath Israel of West Essex 20 Academy Road West Caldwell, NJ 07006 100.00 Congregation Ahawas Achim B'nai Jacob & David 700 Pleasant Valley Way West Orange, NJ 07052 3,000.00 Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Road Rumson, NJ 07760 11,745.00 Congregation B'Nai Jeshurun 1025 South Orange Avenue Short Hills, NJ 07078 1,800.00 Congregation Beth El 2901 Chapel Avenue Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 5,250.00 Congregation Beth Pinchas 1710 Beacon Street Brookline, MA 02445 560.00 Congregation Beth Sholom 11805 Seven Locks Road Potomac, MD 20854 750.00 Congregation Brothers of Israel 250 Park Avenue Elberon, NJ 07740 12,592.00 Congregation Chai Odom 77 Englewood Avenue Brighton, MA 02135 300.00 Congregation Mt. Sinai 128 Sherman Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307 100.00 Congregation Zichron Schneur 1421 Oakwood Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701 100.00 The Connection for Women and Families 79 Maple Street Summit, NJ 07901 5,000.00 Conor Reilly MHS Debate Fund Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Post Office Box 55158 Boston, MA 02205-8547 5,000.00 Conservation International Foundation 1919 M Street NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 500.00 Conservation Northwest 1208 Bay Street Suite 201 Bellingham, WA 98225 24,743.50 Conservation Resources Inc. 100 North Road Suite Two Post Office Box 594 Chester, NJ 07930 7,000.00 Cooper Hospital University Medical Center One Cooper Plaza Camden, NJ 08103-1489 328.50 COPE Center, Inc. 104 Bloomfield Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 16,500.00 Corey Tucker / Wilkes University 1369 East Front Street Plainfield, NJ 07062 2,000.00 Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Foundation, Inc. 302 West Main Street #100 Avon, CT 06001 5,000.00 Cornell University 55 Brown Road Ithaca, NY 14850 750.00 Cornell University Payroll Office 377 Pine Tree Road Ithaca, NY 14850 2,125.01 Corpus Christi R.C. Church 234 Southern Boulevard Chatham, NJ 07928-1443 25,000.00 COSAC 1450 Parkside Avenue, Suite 22 Ewing, NJ 08638 600.00 Council of New Jersey Grantmakers 101 West State Street Trenton, NJ 08608 8,775.00 Council on American-Islamic Relations CAIR Seattle Chapter 12351 Lake City Way NE 103 Seattle, WA 98125 498.49 Count Basie Theatre 99 Monmouth Street Red Bank, NJ 07701 12,150.00 Country Doctor Community Clinic 500 - 19th Avenue East Seattle, WA 98112 302.28 County Theater Inc. 91 East Court Street Post Office Box 779 Doylestown, PA 18901 1,485.00 Court Appointed Special Advocates Post Office Box 206 Somerville, NJ 08876 3,000.00 Covenant House Times Square Station Post Office Box 731 New York, NY 10108-0731 7,000.00 Covenant House 346 West 17th Street New York, NY 10011-5002 11,500.00 Covenant House 1222 Third Avenue Spring Lake, NJ 07762 300.00 Covenant House JAF Box 2973 New York, NY 10117-0743 150.00 Covenant House NJ 330 Washington Street Newark, NJ 07102 112,000.00 Covenant House of New Jersey 330 Washington Street Newark, NJ 07102 9,400.00 CPC Behavioral Healthcare Ten Industrial Way East Eatontown, NJ 07724 300.00 The Craftsman Farms Foundation, Inc. 2352 Route 10 West Box 5 Morris Plains, NJ 07950 100.00 Cranford First Aid Squad P 0 Box 1711 Cranford, NJ 07016 2,500.00 Crawford House, Inc Post Office Box 255 Skillman, NJ 08558 500.00 Crisis Assistance Ministry 500A Spratt Street Charlotte, NC 28206 101.62 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 11 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Crista Ministries 19303 Fremont Ave North Seattle, WA 98133 387.33 Crooked Tree Arts Council, Inc. 461 East Mitchell Street Petoskey, MI 49770 500.00 Crossroads Community Church 6A Oakview Court Shamong, NJ 08088 5,000.00 Crossroads Theater 7 Livingston Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901 1,250.00 Crudem Foundation P 0 Box 11221 St. Louis, MO 63105 1,250.00 Crusade Deliverance Holiness Church 475 Springfield Avenue Newark, NJ 07103 5,000.00 Crystal Callahan / Loyola College 55 Pine Valley Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 1,000.00 Cultural Survival, Inc. 215 Prospect Street Cambridge, MA 02139 150.00 Cumberland County College Post Office Box 1500 3322 College Drive Vineland, NJ 08362-1500 2,500.00 Cumberland County Historical Society Post Office Box 16 Greenwich, NJ 08323 10,055.28 Cure of ARS Church 2323 Merrick Avenue Merrick, NY 11566 10,000.00 Curtis Institute of Music 1726 Locust Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 100.00 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Post Office Box 96305 Washington, DC 20090-6305 500.00 Dahesh Museum of Art 580 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 200.00 Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity 2800 North Hampton Road Dallas, TX 75212 500.00 Dana Farber Cancer Institute 44 Binney Street Boston, MA 02115 150.00 Daneaya Wallace / MIT 1048 Arlington Avenue North Plainfield, NJ 07060 1,500.00 Daniel Jacobi / Rowan University 813 New Brooklyn Road Williamstown, NJ 08094 500.00 Daniel Van Blarcom / Rensselaer Polytechnic I 153 Snyder Avenue Ramsey, NJ 07446 1,500.00 DARE New Jersey Inc. 292 Prospect Plains Road Cranbury, NJ 08512 5,000.00 Darius Taylor/North Carolina A&T State Univer Student Financial Aid Office 1601 East Market Street Greensboro, NC 27411 1,000.00 Dartmouth College Office of Gift Recording 6066 Development Office Hanover, NH 03755-3590 920.00 Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust Post Office Box P 17 Dartmouth, MA 02747 1,000.00 Daughters of Israel 1155 Pleasant Valley Way West Orange, NJ 07052-1498 1,000.00 Daughters Sisters Project 15355 Sunrise Drive NE Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 1,087.75 David N. Hoke/Villanova University 11 Somers Avenue Seaville, NJ 08230 500.00 The David S. Corea Foundation c/o Corea Inc. 904 Castle Point Terrace Hoboken, NJ 07030 1,000.00 Daytop Preparatory School 80 West Main Street Mendham, NJ 07945 500.00 Daytop Village, Inc. 80 West Main Street Post Office Box 556 Mendham, NJ 07945 35,000.00 Deal Endowment Fund Municipal Building Durant Square Deal, NJ 07723 2,500.00 Deborah Hospital Foundation Corporate Foundation Relation s 212 Trenton Road Browns Mills, NJ 08015 1,000.00 Deborah Kotei / Cornell University 10151 U7amaa Residential Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 500.00 Deidre Roberson/Xavier University of Louisian Office of Financial Aid 1 Drexel Drive New Orleans, LA 70125 1,000.00 Deirdre O'Brien Child Advocacy Center, Inc. 8 Court Street Morristown, NJ 07960-5112 100.00 Delaware and Raritan Greenway, Inc. 1327 Canal Road Princeton, NJ 08540 1,500.00 Delaware River Mill Society at Stockton Post Office Box 298 Stockton, NJ 08559 250.00 Delaware Valley College 700 East Butler Avenue Doylestown, PA 18901 1,750.00 230 Mendham Road Morristown, NJ 07960 58,100.00 The Delta School 343 Soquel Avenue #44 Santa Cruz, CA 95062 1,000.00 Demarest Public Library Association 90 Hardenburgh Avenue Demarest, NJ 07627 500.00 Demarest Volunteer Ambulance Association Post Office Box 131 Demarest, NJ 07627 200.00 Demarest Volunteer Fire Department 25 Park Street Demarest, NJ 07627 250.00 Dennis Historical Society P 0 Box 607 South Dennis, MA 02260 500.00 Denver Rescue Mission 3501 East 46th Avenue Post Office Box 5206 Denver, CO 80217-5206 500.00 DePauw University Charter House 300 East Seminary Street Greencastle, IN 46135-1778 300.00 The Depot Theatre, Inc. Post Office Box 414 Westport, NY 12993 250.00 Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance 730 North Franklin Street Suite 501 Chicago, IL 60610 1,500.00 Depression After Delivery, Inc. 91 East Somerset Street Suite C Raritan, NJ 08869 100.00 Desert AIDS Project P 0 Box 2890 Palm Springs, CA 92262 2,500.00 Desiree A. Tubb/University of Maryland-Baltim 116 Oriole Drive Sweedsboro, NJ 08085 1,250.00 Devin C. Smith / University of Kansas 20 Bunnvale Road Califon, NJ 07830 500.00 Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, Inc. 3440 Hollywood Boulevard Suite 100 Hollywood, FL 33021 5,000.00 Diablo Valley College Foundation 321 Golf Club Road Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 2,670.00 The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund 800 Cherokee Avenue SE Atlanta, GA 30315-9884 650.00 Dickinson College Post Office Box 1773 Carlisle, PA 17013-2896 1,000.00 The Dickinson School of Law 150 South College Street Carlisle, PA 17013 500.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 12 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Diney Goldsmith Breast Cancer Research and Ed 63 West Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 1,000.00 Diocese of Camden House of Charity 631 Market Street Camden, NJ 08102 1,200.00 Diocese of Metuchen Post Office Box 4000 Metuchen, NJ 08840 500.00 Diocese of Newark 31 Mulberry Street Newark, NJ 07102 3,289.82 Diocese of Paterson 777 Valley Road Clifton, NJ 07013 206,000.00 Diocese of Trenton Post Office Box 5147 701 Lawrenceville Road Trenton, NJ 08638 16,000.00 Disabled American Veterans Post Office Box 14301 Cincinnati, OH 45250-0301 1,050.00 Divine Word Missionaries 101 Park Street Post Office Box 357 Bordentown, NJ 08505 750.00 Doctors Without Borders 333 Seventh Avenue 2nd Floor New York, NY 10001-5004 17,086.57 Doctors Without Borders USA Post Office Box 110 333 7th Avenue, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10001-5004 1,601.32 Doctors Without Borders Post Office Box 94 Toms River, NJ 08754-9900 100.00 The Doe Fund Inc. 232 East 84th Street New York, NY 10028 1,500.00 Don Bosco Prep High School 492 North Franklin Turnpike Ramsey, NJ 07446 5,000.00 Don Carmody Scholarship Fund 1821 West Point Drive Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 1,445.00 Donna Fortunato/University of Scranton 459 Pine Hill Road Leonia, NJ 07604-1421 2,000.00 Douglas Michell / Lafayette College 1303 Linda Drive Toms River, NJ 08753 1,000.00 Dover Brick Beach First Aid Squad Inc. Post Office Box 172 Normandy Beach, NJ 08739 100.00 Dover High School 100 Grace Street Dover, NJ 07801 1,000.00 Drew Ash / Ithaca College 347 Franklin Road Denville, NJ 07834 16,300.00 Drew University 36 Madison Avenue Madison, NJ 07940 24,800.00 Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 1,000.00 Drug Policy Alliance 70 West 36th Street 16th Floor New York, NY 10018 150.00 The Drumthwacket Foundation, Inc. 354 Stockton Street Princeton, NJ 08540 250.00 Ducks Unlimited One Waterfowl Way Memphis, TN 38120 4,291.65 Duke University 2127 Campus Drive Durham, NC 27708-0600 2,500.00 Dwight Hall at Yale Old Campus Post Office Box 209008 New Haven, CT 06520 1,000.00 Dwight-Englewood School 315 East Palisades Avenue Post Office Box 489 Englewood, NJ 07631 1,000.00 Dylan O'Shea/Loyola College in Maryland Ten Gunther Street Mendham, NJ 07945 1,000.00 Dystonia Medical Research Foundation One East Wacker Drive Suite 2430 Chicago, IL 60601 250.00 Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Rsch Associa 5 West 36th Street New York, NY 10018 1,000.00 E. Burke Ross Jr. Family Fund for the Ross Sc Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963 459,262.66 Eagleton Institute of Politics Rutgers Universtity 191 Ryders Lane New Brunswick, NJ 08901 5,000.00 Earth Justice Legal Defense Fund 426 17th Street, 6th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 2,300.00 Earth3ustice Legal Defense Fund 426 17th Street Sixth Floor Oakland, CA 94612 2,000.00 East Bay Habitat for Humanity 2619 Broadway #205 Oakland, CA 94612 512.13 East Bay Zoological Society Post Office Box 5238 Oakland, CA 94605 5,000.00 East Harlem Tutorial Program 2050 Second Avenue New York, NY 10029 250.00 East Oakland Youth Development Center 8200 International Boulevard Oakland, CA 94621 250.00 East Side Civic Association 300 North 28th Street Suite A Camden, NJ 08105 2,500.00 Easter Seals Post Office Box 768 Albany, NY 12201-0768 500.00 Eastern Christian School Association 50 Oakwood Avenue Pine Brook, NJ 07508-2449 1,000.00 Ebbetts Pass Firefighters Association P 0 Box 66 Arnold, CA 95223-0066 839.86 The Economic Club of New York Empire State Building Suite 4910 New York, NY 10118-4099 400.00 Eden Institute One Eden Way Princeton, NJ 06540 11,434.00 Education Technology Fdn. of RBRHS 101 Ridge Road Little Silver, NJ 07739 500.00 Educational Foundation of Orinda Post Office Box 9 Orinda, CA 94563-0009 413.94 Edwin Pimentel / NJIT 141 Union Avenue Linden, NJ 07036 666.67 Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships Inc. 256 South 16th Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 5,000.00 Elberon Memorial Church 70 Park Avenue Elberon, NJ 07740 1,000.00 Eldertrust of Florida, Inc. Buckley-Greenfield Healthcare 95 Laurel Street Greenfield, MA 01302 1,341.12 Electronic Frontier Foundation 454 Shotwell Street San Francisco, CA 94110 209.66 Electronic Information and Educational Servic 59 Scotland Road Post Office Box 411 South Orange, NJ 07079 5,000.00 Elefterios Karsos/Rowan University 25 North Vivyen Street Bergenfield, NJ 07621 1,500.00 Elizabethport Presbyterian Center Inc. 184 First Street Post Office Box 248 Elizabeth, NJ 07206 1,000.00 Elwyn, Inc. 111 Elwyn Road Elwyn, PA 19063 2,799.70 Embankment Preservation 263 Fifth Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 1,000.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 13 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Emergency Food Coalition of Passaic County 435 Main Street Paterson, NJ 07501 1,000.00 Emma Willard School 285 Pawling Avenue Troy, NY 12180 250.00 Emmanuel Cancer Foundation 1815 Front Street Scotch Plains, NJ 07076-9876 2,000.00 Emmanuela Athias/Seton Hall University Eight Crescent Lane, Apt. 1E Irvington, NJ 07111 1,000.00 Emory University Annual Fund Miller-Ward Alumni House 815 Houston Mill Road Atlanta, GA 30322 100.00 Empire State AIDS Ride Day2 Inc. 600 Columbus Ave. Apt. 6H New York, NY 10024 560.00 Employment Horizons Ten Ridgedale Avenue Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927 5,150.00 EngenderHealth 440 Ninth Avenue Third Floor New York, NY 10001 18,345.84 Englewood Community Foundation One Grand Avenue, Suite 3 Post Office Box 81 Englewood, NJ 07631 30,000.00 Englewood Hospital a Medical Center Post Polio Institute 350 Engle Street Englewood, NJ 07631 19,500.00 Englewood Public Library 31 Engle Street Englewood, NJ 07631 1,989.37 Englewood Synagogue 240 Broad Avenue Englewood, NJ 07631 1,000.00 Environmental Defense Fund 257 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010 1,200.00 Environmental Defense Fund 1875 Connecticut Avenue NW Post Office Box 96969 Washington, DC 20077-6969 1,500.00 Environmental Working Group 1436 U Street NW Suite 100 Washington, DC 20009 100.00 Epilepsy Foundation of New Jersey 206 W. State Street Trenton, NJ 08608 1,000.00 Epilepsy Foundation 4351 Garden City Drive Suite 500 Landover, MD 20785 1,577.06 Epilepsy Foundation of New York City 305 Seventh Avenue Suite 1202 New York, NY 10001-6157 150.00 Epilepsy Foundation 4351 Garden City Drive Suite 500 Landover, MD 20785-2287 503.14 Epiphany School 3710 East Howell Street Seattle, WA 98122 1,956.76 Epiphany School 154 Centre Street Dorchester, MA 02124 1,000.00 Episcopal Academy 376 North Latches Lane Merion, PA 19066-9989 2,500.00 Episcopal Church of St. Andrew & Holy Communi 160 West South Orange Avenue South Orange, NJ 07079 1,000.00 Episcopal Preaching Foundation, Inc. 500 Morris Avenue Springfield, NJ 07081-1020 100.00 Episcopal Relief and Development Post Office Box 12043 Newark, NJ 07101-5043 2,000.00 Episcopal Social Services 305 Seventh Avenue 4th Floor New York, NY 10001 350.00 Eric Johnson House 44 South Street Morristown, NJ 07960 100.00 Erica Laneville/Boston University 36 Academy Street Califon, NJ 07830 1,000.00 Erin Cluney / Boston University 119 Mountain View Drive Clifton, NJ 07013 1,500.00 Erin Evans / Ramapo College 325 Washington Avenue Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 1,000.00 Essex County College-Training Inc. 303 University Avenue 4th Floor Newark, NJ 07102 12,076.74 Essex County Department of Parks Treasurer Hall Records Room 5 465 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Newark, NJ 07104 7,420.00 Essex County Fund Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 382.91 Essex New Directions, Inc. Essex County Links P 0 Box 389 West Orange, NJ 07052 100.00 Esther Rodriguez/Stevens Institute of Technol 278 Lenox Avenue Paterson, NJ 07502 1,000.00 Ethical Culture Fieldston School Development Office 33 Central Park West New York, NY 10133-0112 1,000.00 Eurphrates Project, Inc. 24 Princeton Avenue Neptune, NJ 07753 5,000.00 Eva's Village 393 Main Street Paterson, NJ 07501-2815 36,500.00 Evergreen Healthcare Foundation 12910 NE Totem Lake Boulevard Suite 200 Kirkland, WA 98034 938.77 Excellent Education for Everyone Inc. 45 Academy Street, Suite 501 Newark, NJ 07102-2900 250.00 Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound Inc, 100 Mystery Point Road Garrison, NY 10524 10,000.00 Explorer Parent Association 7040 - 208th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98053 810.04 Explorer West Middle School 10015 28th Avenue SW Seattle, WA 98146 200.00 Fair Haven Community Appeal Post Office Box 63 Fair Haven, NJ 07704 100.00 Fairleigh Dickenson University 285 Madison Avenue Madison, NJ 07940 250.00 Fairleigh Dickinson University 1000 River Road H-DH3-12 Teaneck, NJ 07666 1,500.00 Fairview Community Baptist Church Post Office Box 236 Oaklyn, NJ 08107 2,500.00 Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Post Office Box 196 Libertyville, IL 60048-0196 226.12 Family & Children's Services 40 North Avenue Elizabeth, NJ 07208 1,000.00 Family & Children's Service 191 Bath Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740 9,000.00 Family & Community Services of Somerset Count 339 West 2nd Street Bound Brook, NJ 08805 1,000.00 Family Connections, Inc. 395 South Center Street Orange, NJ 07050 2,080.00 Family Outreach Foundation Five Wilson Street Mendham, NJ 07945 1,100.00 Family Promise 71 Summit Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 26,500.00 Family Resource Association Foundation Inc. 35 Haddon Avenue Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 1,100.00 Family Safety Network Post Office Box 302 Driggs, ID 83422 500.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 14 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Family Service League Inc. 204 Claremont Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 2,000.00 Family Service of Morris County 62 Elm Street Morristown, NJ 07960 51,900.00 Family Stations, Inc. 290 Hegenberger Road Post Office Box 2140 Oakland, CA 94621 100.00 Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA 1340 Martine Avenue Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 1,000.00 Far Brook School Development Office 52 Great Hills Road Short Hills, NJ 07078 2,000.00 Far Hills Country Day School Box 8, Route 202 South Far Hills, NJ 07931 2,450.00 Far Hills-Bedminster First Aid Squad, Inc. Post Office Box 834 Far Hills, NJ 07931 200.00 FareStart 1902 Second Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 752.40 Father Flanagan's Boys' Home Estate Administration Post Office Box 145 Boystown, NE 68010 25,140.38 Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies 281 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010-6102 200.00 Feed the Children Post Office Box 36 Oklahoma City, OK 73101-9989 500.00 Feed the Hungry San Miguel, Inc. 412 Interamerica Suite 1 BC 2323 Laredo, TX 78045-8285 100.00 Felician College 262 South Main Street Lodi, NJ 07644-9988 3,000.00 Feminists for Life of America 733 15th Street, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 1,000.00 Fertile Hope 42 West 24th Street Post Office Box 624 New York, NY 10014 100.00 FINCA International, Inc. 1101 14th Street, NW 11th Floor Washington, DC 20005 508.42 Fine Arts Museums Foundation 233 Post Street, Fifth Floor San Francisco, CA 94108 577.06 First Baptist Church of Mount Holly RR 30, 1341 Woodlane Road Easthampton, NJ 08060 399.60 First Baptist Church Attn: Board of Trustees 39 Main Street Vincentown, NJ 08088 3,729.00 First Baptist Church of Paterson 95 Washington Street Paterson, NJ 07510 1,450.01 First Baptist Church 101 South Main Street Cape May Court House, NJ 082 75.00 First Night Morris County Post Office Box 9009 Morristown, NJ 07963-9009 5,100.00 First Place Post Office Box 22536 Seattle, WA 98122 686.05 First Presbyterian Church Lee's Hill Road Box 218 New Vernon, NJ 07976 7,500.00 First Presbyterian Church of Matawan 883 State Highway 34 Aberdeen, NJ 07747 5,000.00 First Presbyterian Church of Moorestown 101 Bridgeboro Road Moorestown, NJ 08057 8,500.00 First Presbyterian Church of Merchantville Ten West Maple Avenue Merchantville, NJ 08109 1,348.59 First Unitarian Society of Plainfield 724 Park Avenue Plainfield, NJ 07060 2,890.00 First United Methodist Church of Orlando 142 East Jackson Street Orlando, FL 32801 250.00 First United Methodist Church 201 North Second Street Post Office Box 116 Millville, NJ 08332 1,885.05 First United Methodist Church One Church Street Cape May Court House, NJ 082 75.00 Fisherman's Mark 89 North Main Street Lambertville, NJ 08530 1,000.00 Flemington Area Food Pantry 110 Broad Street Flemington, NJ 08822 500.00 Florida Institute of Saltwater Heritage FL Gulf Coast Maritime Museum Post Office Box 100 Cortez, FL 34215 1,000.00 Focus Hope 1355 Oakman Boulevard Detroit, MI 48238 250.00 Food Bank for NYC, Food for Survival, Inc. 355 Food Center Drive Hunts Point Co-op Market Bronx, NY 10474 11,000.00 The Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties 3300 Route 66 Neptune, NJ 07753 9,750.00 Foods Resource Bank 2141 Parkview Kalamazoo, MI 49008 400.00 Foothill-De Anza Community Colleges Foundatio 12345 El Monte Road Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 577.06 Fordham University Development Office 113 West 60th Street New York, NY 10133-0003 2,000.00 Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart 4800 - 139th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98006 904.44 Forked River Methodist Church Post Office Box 151 Forked River, NJ 08731 3,109.60 Forked River Presbyterian Church Attn: Treasurer 131 North Main Street Forked River, NJ 08731 3,109.60 Fortune Society, Inc. 53 West 23rd Street New York, NY 10010 1,000.00 Foster and Adoptive Family Services Post Office Box 518 4301 Route 1 South Monmouth Jct., NJ 08852 100.00 The Foundation Fighting Blindness 122 East 42nd Street Suite 1700 New York, NY 10168 250.00 Foundation for Diabetes Research 513 West Mt. Pleasant Avenue Suite 220 Livingston, NJ 07039 3,000.00 Foundation for Excellent Schools, Inc. 1634 Route 30 Cornwall, VT 05753 22,500.00 Foundation for Financial Planning 2175 Northlake Parkway Suite 128 Tucker, GA 30084 500.00 Foundation for Inner Peace Post Office Box 615 Tiburon, CA 94920 500.00 Foundation for Integral Research c/o Dialogue House Associates 80 East 11th Street Ste. 519 New York, NY 10003-6008 890.00 Foundation for Integral Research Inc. 799 Broadway Suite 410 New York, NY 10003-6811 850.00 Foundation for Mott Community College 1401 East Court Street Flint, MI 48503 2,200.00 Foundation for Shrewsbury Education Shrewsbury Boro School 20 Obre Place Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 2,000.00 Foundation for St. Martin-In-The-Fields, Lond C/o Chapel & York, PMB 293 601 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, #900 Washington, DC 20004 1,000.00 Foundation for the Handicapped 30 Woodbridge Terrace Wayne, NJ 07470 250.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 15 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Fountain House 425 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036-2304 1,000.00 Fox Chase Cancer Center 7701 Burlholme Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 500.00 Franciscan Friars of the Atonement Post Office Box 309 Garrison, NY 10524-0309 500.00 Frank Golz / College of New Jersey 55 Oakwood Drive Ringwood, NJ 07456 2,000.00 Frank Izzo / Boston Conservatory 135 Home Avenue Rutherford, NJ 07070 600.00 Fraxa Research Foundation , Inc. 45 Pleasant Street Newburyport, MA 01950 1,000.00 Free Public Library of the Borough of Madison 39 Keep Street Madison, NJ 07940 11,344.55 Freedom House Foundation Post Office Box 367 Three Pavilion Road Glen Gardner, NJ 08826-0367 1,000.00 Freehold Habitat for Humanity Post Office Box 62 Freehold, NJ 07728 200.00 Fremont Public Association 1501 North 45th Street Seattle, WA 98103-6708 237.98 The Fresh Air Fund 633 Third Avenue 14th Floor New York, NY 10017 2,900.00 Frick Collection One East 70th Street New York, NY 10021 500.00 Friends for Preservation of Middlesex County Post Office Box 1759 Perth Amboy, NJ 08862 250.00 Friends of Acadia 43 Cottage Street Post Office Box 45 Bar Harbor, ME 04609 2,500.00 Friends of Animals Post Office Box 30042 Hartford, CT 06150-0042 100.00 Friends of Holmdel Open Space 12 Indian Creek Road Holmdel, NJ 07733 2,000.00 Friends of Island Academy 330 West 38th Street Third Floor New York, NY 10018 500.00 Friends of Maurice M. Pine Free Public Librar 10-01 Fair Lawn Avenue Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 1,000.00 Friends of P-Patch Post Office Box 19748 Seattle, WA 98109 100.00 Friends of Sulgrave Manor 1200 Mutual Building Richmond, VA 23219 100.00 Friends of Team Academy Charter School 85 Custer Avenue Newark, NJ 07112 52,000.00 Friends of Tenafly Public Library 100 Riveredge Road Tenafly, NJ 07670 100.00 Friends of the Clarence Dillon Public Library Post Office Box 82 2336 Lamington Road Bedminster, NJ 07921-2609 200.00 Friends of the Delaware Canal, Inc . 145 South Main Street New Hope, PA 18938 100.00 Friends of the Earth 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036-2002 1,500.00 Friends of the Free Public Library of Mountai Constitution Plaza Mountainside, NJ 07092 100.00 Friends of the Madison Public Library 39 Keep Street Madison, NJ 07940 1,100.00 Friends of the Millburn Library 200 Glen Avenue Millburn, NJ 07041 150.00 Friends of the National Parks at Gettysburg , 451 Baltimore Street Post Office Box 4622 Gettysburg, PA 17325 200.00 Friends of the New Jersey State Museum Post Office Box 530 Trenton, NJ 08625-0530 250.00 Friends of the Parks Post Office Box 686 Lincroft, NJ 07738-0686 1,250.00 Friends of the Silver Bay Public Library Nine Davis Drive Silver Bay, MN 55614 500.00 Friends of the Teton River Inc . Post Office Box 768 Driggs, ID 83422 1,200.00 Friends of Youth 16225 NE 87th Street Suite A-6 Redmond, WA 98052 5,265.15 Friendship Connection Foundation , Inc. 17 Maple Drive Great Neck, NY 11021 1,000.00 Frisch School 243 Frisch Court Paramus, NJ 07652 1,250.00 From Houses to Homes-Guatemala Inc. X12 Farmhouse Lane Morristown, NJ 07960 100.00 Frost Place Post Office Box 74 Ridge Road Franconia, NH 03580 6,500.00 Frost Valley Ken Estabrook Fund Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 5,000.00 Frost Valley YMCA 40 South Fullerton Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 40,000.00 Frost Valley YMCA 40 South Fullerton Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 12,500.00 Frost Valley YMCA 2000 Frost Valley Road Claryville, NY 12725 12,400.00 FROST ' D 224 West 30th Street Suite 901 New York, NY 10001 1,000.00 Fund for a Better Waterfront , Inc. Post Office Box 1965 Hoboken, NJ 07030 1,000.00 Fund for Alex Bloom C/o W. E. Simon Foundation 310 South Street, Box 1913 Morristown, NJ 07960-1913 100.00 Future City Inc. 1045 East Jersey Street Suite 204 Elizabeth, NJ 07201 12,500.00 Futurewise 1617 Boylston Avenue Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98122 22,084.51 Garden Club of America 14 East 60th Street 3rd Floor New York, NY 10022 450.00 Garden Club of Madison Post Office Box 451 Madison, NJ 07940 100.00 Garden School 33-16 79th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 200.00 General Fund of the CFNJ Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 15,000.00 George and Raymond Frank Foundation Box 12 Weld, ME 04285 500.00 George School Post Office Box 4000 Newtown, PA 18940 20,000.00 The George Washington University 2129 I Street Northwest Washington, DC 20052 200.00 Georgetown University The Lauinger Library 37th and 0 Streets, NW Washington, DC 20057-1006 15,000.00 Georgetown University 2115 Wisconsin Avenue NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20007 27,500.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 16 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Georgetown University Medical Center Research Bldg Ste E502 3970 Reservoir Road N.W. Washington, DC 20057 1,000.00 Georgia River Network, Inc. 126 South Milledge Avenue Suite E3 Athens, GA 30605 100.00 Georgia Foundation 1201 Peachtree Street, NE Building 400 Atlanta, GA 30361 1,500.00 Gesher Foundation 25 West 45th Street Suite 1405 New York, NY 10036 150.00 Gianina Jean-Baptiste / Harvard College 19 Derwent Avenue Verona, NJ 07044 2,500.00 Gift of Life Inc. of NJ District 7490 245 Prospect Avenue Hackensack, NJ 07601 500.00 Girl Scout Council - Morris Area 1579 Sussex Turnpike Randolph, NJ 07869-1811 294.75 Girl Scout Council of Greater Essex County an 120 Valley Road Montclair, NJ 07042 2,000.00 Girl Scouts - Totem Council Post Office Box 900961 Seattle, WA 98109 108.03 Girl Scouts of Ocean County 1405 Old Freehold Road Toms River, NJ 08753-2729 1,185.00 Girls Incorporated of Sarasota County 201 South Tuttle Avenue Sarasota, FL 34237 1,000.00 Girls Preparatory Charter School of New York 333 East Fourth Street Floor 5 New York, NY 10009 150.00 Gisell Grullon/Rutgers University 6008 Fillmore Place Apt 4 West New York, NJ 07093 2,500.00 Gladstone Equestrian Association Post Ofiice Box 119 Gladstone, NJ 07934 175.00 Glass Roots Incorporated 111 Washington Street Newark, NJ 07102-3027 100.00 Glen Alpin Conservancy 618 Van Buren Road Morristown, NJ 07960 100.00 Glen Ridge Volunteer Ambulance Squad Three Herman Street Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 600.00 Global Fund for Children 1101 14th Street NW Suite 420 Washington, DC 20005 500.00 Global Justice Ecology Project, Inc. Post Office Box 412 Hinesburg, VT 05461 500.00 Global Kids Inc. 561 Broadway, 6th Floor New York, NY 10012 500.00 Global Partnerships 801 Second Avenue Suite 1300 Seattle, WA 98104 250.59 Gloucester County College 1400 Tanyard Road Sewell, NJ 08080 1,000.00 Gloucester County Historical Society 17 Hunter Street Woodbury, NJ 08096 1,290.00 Glynwood Center Post Office Box 157 Cold Spring, NY 10516 100.00 GMHC 119 West 24th Street New York, NY 10011 100.00 Good Luck Improvement Association Post Office Box 76 Forked River, NJ 08731 3,109.60 Good News Home for Women 33 Bartles Corner Road Flemington, NJ 08822 500.00 Goodwill Industries of Greater New York and N 4-21 27th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 4,300.00 Goodwill Rescue Mission Post Office Box 7026 Roseville Station Newark, NJ 07107-0026 5,350.00 Goucher College 1021 Dulaney Valley Road Baltimore, MD 21204-2794 200.00 Grace Cottage Foundation Post Office Box 216 Townsend, VT 05353 1,000.00 Grace Counseling Center 16 Madison Avenue Madison, NJ 07940 600.00 Grace Episcopal Church Nine Harrington Avenue Westwood, NJ 07675 250.00 Grace Presbyterian Church 153 Grove Street & Tuxedo Road Montclair, NJ 07042 9,000.00 The Grant Foundation P.O. Box 81046 Pittsburgh, PA 15217 1,000.00 Great Swamp Watershed Association Post Ofiice Box 300 New Vernon, NJ 07976 200.00 Great Swamp Watershed Association Post Ofiice Box 300 New Vernon, NJ 07976 200.00 Greater Boston Eruv Corp. 653 Chestnut Hill Avenue Brookline, MA 02445 100.00 Greater Hartford Assoc. of Retarded Citizens 900 Asylum Street Hartford, CT 06105-1985 100.00 Greater Is He Ministries 21 South Walker Avenue Trenton, NJ 08609 2,500.00 Greater Lansing Housing Coalition 1017 West Lapeer Street Lansing, MI 48915 100.00 Greater Mercer Transportation Mgmt Assoc 15 Roszel Road Princeton, NJ 08540 3,500.00 Greater Miami Jewish Federation 4200 Biscayne Boulevard Miamia, FL 33137 2,000.00 The Greater New Orleans Foundation 1055 Saint Charles Avenue #100 New Orleans, LA 70130 5,700.00 Greater Newark Conservancy 303-9 Washington Street 5th Floor, Room 3 Newark, NJ 07102 119,450.00 Greater Newark Holiday Fund Post Office Box 59 Newark, NJ 07101 2,450.00 Greater Yellowstone Coalition Post Office Box 1874 Bozeman, MT 59771 26,700.00 Green Lawn Cemetery Foundation, Inc. 1000 Greenlawn Avenue Columbus, OH 43223 100,100.00 Green Mountain College One College Circle Poultney, VT 05764-1199 1,500.00 Green Village Volunteer Fire Department P 0 Box 27 518 Green Village Road Green Village, NJ 07935 350.00 Greenfield Hill Congregational Church 1045 Old Academy Road Fairfield, CT 06430 300.00 Greenpeace Post Ofiice Box 90136 Fredericksburg, VA 22404-995 100.00 Greenpeace Inc. 702 H Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20001 1,300.00 Greenwood Gardens 274 Old Short Hills Road Short Hills, NJ 07078 1,000.00 Greenwood House Foundation 53 Walter Street Ewing, NJ 08628 1,000.00 Gregory J. Tavoularis/William Paterson Univer 2033 Edwin Avenue Fort Lee, NJ 07024 2,000.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 17 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Gregory Kranz / The College of New Jersey 131 River Drive #LL Millville, NJ 08332 500.00 Groton School Post Office Box 991 Groton, MA 01450-0991 2,000.00 The Growing Stage Theatre for Young Audiences NJ Post Office Box 36 Netcong, NJ 07857 2,500.00 Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc. 371 East Jericho Turnpike Smithtown, NY 11787 500.00 Guthrie Foundation Inc. 10741 US Highway 1 Sebastian, FL 32958 1,000.00 HABcore, Inc. Post Office Box 2361 Red Bank, NJ 07701 200.00 Habitat for Humanity Post Office Box 1729 121 Habitat Street Americus, GA 31709 700.00 Habitat for Humanity Post Office Box 6439 322 W. Lamar Street Americus, GA 31709 2,263.25 Habitat for Humanity Newark Post Office Box 3246 Newark, NJ 07103 1,500.00 Habitat for Humanity - Trenton 601 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, NJ 08638 1,000.00 Habitat for Humanity 8735 Lakeside Boulevard #205 Vero Beach, FL 32963 700.00 Habitat for Humanity of Long Branch Post Office Box 3306 Long Branch, NJ 07740 1,000.00 Habitat For Humanity 13925 Interurban Avenue South Suite A Tukwila, WA 98168 294.54 Habitat For Humanity International Inc. Post Office Box 817 Redmond, WA 98073 1,097.61 Habitat for Humanity Detroit 14325 Jane Street Detroit, MI 48325 1,000.00 Habitat for Humanity Greater Elizabeth Area 565 Jefferson Avenue Elizabeth, NJ 07201 5,000.00 Habitat for Humanity International Inc. Post Office Box 817 Redmond, WA 98073 12,341.64 Habitat for Humanity International, Inc. 121 Habitat Street Americus, GA 31709-3498 9,000.00 Hackensack Riverkeeper, Inc. 231 Main Street Hackensack, NJ 07601-7301 300.00 Hadassah, Red Bank Chapter Post Office Box 445 Red Bank, NJ 07701 200.00 Haddonfield United Methodist Church 29 Warwick Road Post Office Box 366 Haddonfield, NJ 08033 4,502.18 Halston Crites / Lehigh University 128 Fern Avenue Collingswood, NJ 08108 2,000.00 Hamilton College 198 College Hill Road Clinton, NY 13323-9989 100.00 Hamilton YMCA 1315 Whitehorse Merverville Rd Hamilton, NJ 08619 2,500.00 Hampton Roads Academy 739 Academy Lane NewPort News, VA 23602 250.00 Hands On Worldwide Post Office Box 546 Carlisle, MA 01741 100.00 Hands Together Inc. Post Office Box 80985 Springfield, MA 01138 5,250.00 Happiness is Camping 2169 Grand Concourse Bronx, NY 10453-2201 3,000.00 Harding Land Trust Post Office Box 576 New Vernon, NJ 07976 100.00 Harding Township Library Post Office Box 283 New Vernon, NJ 07976 1,100.00 Harley School 1981 Clover Street Rochester, NY 14618 15,000.00 Harlingen Reformed Church 34 Dutchtown Road Belle Mead, NJ 08502 200.00 Hartwick College One Hartwick Drive Oneonta, NY 13820 200.00 Harvard Business School Fund Sherman Hall Soldiers Field Boston, MA 02163-9922 1,100.00 Harvard College 124 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge, MA 02138 1,000.00 Harvard Divinity School 45 Francis Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 100.00 Harvard University 124 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge, MA 02138-5795 500.00 Harvey Mudd College 301 Platt Boulevard Claremont, CA 91711 522.90 The Haverford School 450 W. Lancaster Avenue Haverford, PA 19041-1397 2,500.00 Haworth Fire Company 71 Hardenburgh Avenue Haworth, NJ 07641 100.00 Haworth Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Post Office Box 263 Haworth, NJ 07641 100.00 Hebrew Academy for Special Children 5902 Fourteenth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 25,000.00 Heifer International Post Office Box 8058 Little Rock, AR 72203 1,500.00 Heifer International Post Office Box 1692 Merrifield, VA 22116-1692 1,000.00 Helen L. Diller Vacation Home for Blind Child 127 26th Street Post Office Box 338 Avalon, NJ 08202-0338 6,279.00 HELP USA INC 5 Hanover Square 17th Floor New York, NY 10004 1,000.00 Hemophilia Association of New Jersey 197 Route 18 South Suite 206 North East Brunswick, NJ 08816 4,000.00 Henry Street Settlement 265 Henry Street New York, NY 10002 1,000.00 Hetrick-Martin Institute, Inc. Two Astor Place New York, NY 10003-6998 1,000.00 Hidaya Foundation 1765 Scott Boulevard 115 Santa Clara, CA 95050 250.00 Hideshiro E. Tanaka / Penn State University 426 Elizabeth Avenue Ramsey, NJ 07446 1,500.00 Hilary M. Delp / Castleton College 108 Harvard Avenue Bridgeton, NJ 08302 500.00 Hillel The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life 4745 17th Avenue NE Seattle, WA 98105 153.56 Hillel: The Foundation For Jewish Campus Life Post Office Box 92994 Washington, DC 20090-2994 500.00 Historic Association of Fair Haven 75 Fair Haven Road Fair Haven, NJ 07704 200.00 Historic Morven 55 Stockton Street Princeton, NJ 08540 250.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 18 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Address1 Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Historic Speedwell 333 Speedwell Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960 500.00 HiTops, Inc. 21 Wiggins Street Princeton, NJ 08540 2,000.00 Hobart / William Smith Colleges 300 Pulteney Street Geneva, NY 14456 10,000.00 Hobe Sound Community Chest, Inc. Post Office Box 1384 Hobe Sound, FL 33475 500.00 Hofstra University Office for Development 101 Hofstra Univ Rm 102 Hempstead, NY 11549 1,000.00 Holiday Express, Inc. 968 Shrewsbury Avenue Tinton Falls, NJ 07724 1,500.00 Hollins University Post Office Box 9629 Roanoke, VA 24020 5,250.00 Holmdel Township Crawfords Corner Road Holmdel, NJ 07733 250.00 Holy Cross Church 2605 Highway AlA Vero Beach, FL 32963 500.00 Holy Cross Monastery Post Office Box 99 1615 Route 9W West Park, NY 12493-0099 1,500.00 Holy Family Hospital Foundation 1730 M Street, NW Suite 403 Washington, DC 20036 200.00 Holy Family Parish School 7300 - 120th Avenue NE Kirkland, WA 98033 1,130.56 Holy Family University Grant 6 Frankford Avenues Philadelphia, PA 19114 1,000.00 Holy Innocents Episcopal Church Marine Street Beach Haven, NJ 08008 1,000.00 Holy Name of Camden Jesuit Urban Service Team 700 5th Street Camden, NJ 08102 500.00 Holy Redeemer Home Care 354 Union Avenue Elizabeth, NJ 07208 2,500.00 Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church Six Wall Street Passaic, NJ 07055 70,000.00 Holy Trinity Church 226 Harrison Street Passaic, NJ 07055 500.00 Homes of Montclair Ecumenical Corporation One Woodland Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 2,000.00 Home Front 1880 Princeton Avenue Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 5,500.00 Home Works of South Carolina, Inc. Post Office Box 102 Irmo, SC 29063 100.00 HomeBase-Center for Common Concerns, Inc. 870 Market Street, Suite 1228 San Francisco, CA 94102 200.00 Homeless Family Center, Inc. 715 Fourth Place Vero Beach, FL 32962 350.00 Homeless Solutions, Inc. 540 West Hanover Avenue Suite 100 Morristown, NJ 07960 272,300.00 Homereach Hospice Kobacker House 3595 Olentangy River Road Columbus, OH 43214 1,000.00 HomeSharing 120 Finderne Avenue Bridgewater, NJ 08807 250.00 Homestead High School Music Boosters 21370 Homestead Road Cupertino, CA 95014 503.14 Homestead High School 21370 Homestead Road Cupertino, CA 95014 503.14 Hopatcong Fire Department Northwood Engine Co. #2 Post Office Box 25 Glasser, NJ 07837 1,000.00 HOPE One Smith Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 1,000.00 Hope College 141 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423 25,318.00 Hope Rural School 1529 South West 150th Street Indiantown, FL 34956 500.00 Hope With Heart Post Office Box 618 Hewitt, NJ 07421 250.00 Hopelink Post Office Box 3577 Redmond, WA 98073-3577 1,830.28 Horizons Student Enrichment Program, Inc. Post Office Box 997 545 Ponus Ridge New Canaan, CT 06840 500.00 Horticultural Society of New York, Inc. 128 West 58th Street New York, NY 10019 6,500.00 Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte Region 1420 East Seventh Street Charlotte, NC 28204 101.62 Hospice Care of Nantucket Foundation 57 Prospect Street Nantucket, MA 02554 100.00 Hospice Foundation of the Florida Suncoast, I 300 East Bay Drive Largo, FL 33770 250.00 Hospice of North Virginia 6565 Arlington Boulevard Suite 500 Falls Church, VA 22042 1,000.00 Hospice of the Treasure Coast 805 Virginia Avenue Suite 1 Fort Pierce, FL 34982 200.00 Hospital for Special Surgery 535 East 70th Street New York, NY 10021 4,700.00 The Hotchkiss School Post Office Box 800 Lakeville, CT 06039-0800 2,450.00 Hour Children, Inc. 36-11A 12th Street Long Island City, NY 11106 2,000.00 Housing Works, Inc. 330 West 38h Street New York, NY 10018 1,000.00 Hudson Farm Foundation Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 10,000.00 Hudson Guild 441 West 26th Street New York, NY 10001 150.00 Hudson School 601 Park Avenue Hoboken, NJ 07030 2,100.00 Human Needs Food Pantry, Inc. 92 Greenwood Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042-4010 5,250.00 Human Rights Campaign Foundation 1640 Rhode Island Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036-3278 1,000.00 Human Rights Watch c/o Bruce Rosen Esq. 127 Main Street Chatham, NJ 07928 100.00 Humane Society for Seattle-King County 13212 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue, WA 98005 954.45 The Humane Society of the United States 2100 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 3,600.00 The 176 Edgerstoune Road Princeton, NJ 08540 1,500.00 The Hunger Project 15 East 26th Street New York, NY 10010 5,000.00 Hunter College High School Alumnae Associatio Post Office Box 373 New York, NY 10021 500.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 19 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Address1 Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Hunterdon Alliance for the Mentally Ill 138 Oldwick Road Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 300.00 Hunterdon Conservation, Ed & Recreat'n Counci 19 Sand Hill Road Annandale, NJ 08801 1,000.00 Hunterdon County 4H & Agric. Fair Assoc. 41 Shields Avenue Flemington, NJ 08822 500.00 Hunterdon County Education Foundation 215 Route 31 Flemington, NJ 08822 10,000.00 Hunterdon Land Trust Alliance 3037 State Route 29 Frenchtown, NJ 08825 1,000.00 Hunterdon Medical Center Foundation 2100 Wescott Drive Flemington, NJ 08822 42,500.00 Hurricane Island Outward Bound School Post Office Box 429 75 Mechanic Street Rockland, ME 04841-0429 15,700.00 Hyang S. Lee/Haverford College 155B Fort Lee Road Leonia, NJ 07605 2,500.00 Hydrocephalus Association 870 Market Street Suite 705 San Francisco, CA 94102 7,561.40 Idaho Conservation League Post Office Box 844 Boise, ID 83701 550.00 Idaho Rivers United Post Office Box 633 Boise, ID 83701-0633 250.00 Immaculate Conception Seminary 400 South Orange Avenue South Orange, NJ 07079 12,000.00 Immaculate Conception High School of Montclai 33 Cottage Place Montclair, NJ 07042 2,100.00 In Defense of Animals 131 Camina Alto Suite E Mill Valley, CA 94941 500.00 Independence Pass Foundation Post Office Box 1700 Aspen, CO 81612-1700 700.00 Independent College Fund of New Jersey 797 Springfield Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 16,500.00 Indian Mills Volunteer Fire Company 48 Willow Grove Road Shamong, NJ 08088-8214 300.00 Indian River Hospital Foundation 1000 36th Street Vero Beach, FL 32960-9987 1,150.00 Indiana University Foundation Post Office Box 500 Bloomington, IN 47402 281.64 Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund 825 College Blvd., Suite. 102 PMB 609 Oceanside, CA 92057 10,000.00 Integrity, Inc. 103 Lincoln Park Post Office Box 510 Newark, NJ 07103 10,100.00 The Interfaith Council for The Homeless of Un Post Office Box 569 Plainfield, NJ 07061-0569 7,000.00 Interfaith Hospitality Network for the Homele 117 Irvington Avenue South Orange, NJ 07079 1,000.00 Intermountain Donor Services 230 South 500 East, Suite 290 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 300.00 International Campaign For Tibet Post Office Box 97241 1825 K Street, NW, Suite 520 Washington, DC 20090-7241 350.00 The International Council for Caring Communit 24 Central Park South New York, NY 10019 500.00 International Council of Community Churches 21116 Washington Parkway Frankfort, IL 60423-3112 2,000.00 International Education Foundation Post Office Box 506 Lumberton, NJ 08048 12,500.00 International Humanities Center Post Office Box 923 Malibu, CA 90265 500.00 International Institute of New Jersey 880 Bergen Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 250.00 International Myeloma Foundation 12650 Riverside Drive Suite 206 North Hollywood, CA 91607-34 100.00 International Planned Parenthood Federation 120 Wall Street 9th Floor New York, NY 10005-3902 64,289.77 International Rescue Committee Post Office Box 98152 Washington, DC 20090 5,300.00 International Rescue Committee, Inc. 162 Boylston Street Suite 50 Boston, MA 02116 508.42 International Research Foundation for RSD-CRP 27204 Big Sur Drive Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 300.00 International Snow Leopard Trust 4649 Sunnyside Avenue North Suite 325 Seattle, WA 98103 100.00 International Women's Health Coalition 24 East 21st Street New York, NY 10010 1,000.00 International Yacht Restoration School 449 Thames Street Newport, RI 02840 1,000.00 Interns for Peace, Inc. 475 Riverside Drive 2nd Floor New York, NY 10115-0109 15,000.00 Interreligous Fellowship for the Homeless of 479 Maitland Avenue Teaneck, NJ 07666 2,500.00 Intervarsity Christian Fellowship 6400 Schroeder Road Post Office Box 7895 Madison, WI 53791-9703 6,000.00 Interweave Post Office Box 1516 Summit, NJ 07901 20,950.00 Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund One Intrepid Square West 46th Street & 12th Avenu e New York, NY 10036 12,000.00 Ireland-U.S. Council for Commerce & Industry, 1156 Avenue of Americas Suite 640 New York, NY 10036 1,800.00 Irish American Cultural Institute One Lackawanna Place Morristown, NJ 07960 300.00 Irish Educational Development Fndn, Inc. 44 Woodlands Road Harrison, NY 10528 1,000.00 Irish Repertory Theatre Company, Inc. 132 West 22nd Street New York, NY 10011 500.00 Island Heights Sailing Foundation Post Office Box 426 19 Jaynes Avenue Island Heights, NJ 08732 250.00 Islandwood 4450 Blakely Avenue NE Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 2,571.05 Isles, Inc. Ten Wood Street Trenton, NJ 08618 15,575.00 Isothermal Community College Foundation Post Office Box 804 Spindale, NC 28160 101.62 Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance Post Office Box 2728 Jackson, WY 83001 600.00 Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival, Inc. Post Office Box 287 Lee, MA 01238 250.00 Jacqueline Montano / Rutgers University 1133 West Fifth Street Plainfield, NJ 07063 1,000.00 James A. Michener Art Museum 138 South Pine Street Doylestown, PA 18901 5,000.00 James Beard Foundation, Inc. 167 West 12th Street New York, NY 10011 250.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 20 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------James H. Lynch Jr. Scholarship Fund Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 10,000.00 James O'Hara/The College of New Jersey 139 Lakeview Avenue Leonia, NJ 07605 2,000.00 Jamestown Yorktown Foundation Post Office Box 3605 Williamsburg, VA 23187-3605 100.00 Jamie Polkabala/The College of New Jersey 411 Glen Avenue Laurel Springs, NJ 08021 1,000.00 Janaye Davis / St. Elizabeth College 6112 Highland Avenue Pennsauken, NJ 08110 500.00 The Jane Goodall Institute Post Office Box 5216 Toms River, NJ 08754-5216 150.00 Jason S. Lieb / Virginia Tech 236 Warbasse Junction Road Lafayette, NJ 07848 1,500.00 Jay Vedder/Delaware Valley College Bursar's Office 700 East Butler Avenue Doylestown, PA 18901-2697 750.00 Jeffrey Frank Wacks Memorial Fund, Inc. Post Office Box 6 Convent Station, NJ 07961 200.00 Jeffrey Holdswoth / Drexel University 938 Chestnut Street Columbia, PA 17512 1,500.00 Jeffrey Modell Foundation Inc. 747 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 5,000.00 Jenkins Outreach for Youth a NJ Nonprofit Cor 234 Williamson Avenue Hillside, NJ 07205 5,000.00 Jennifer Dearborn / Univ. of Connecticut C/o UCONN 369 Fairfield Road Storrs, CT 06269 3,000.00 Jennifer Gonzalez / Fashion Institute of Tech Six Bennington Drive Edison, NJ 08820 1,000.00 Jennifer N. Alves/Rutgers University 48 Garrison Street Newark, NJ 07102 3,500.00 Jeremy Rumpf/The College of New Jersey 87 West Johnston Street Washington, NJ 07882 2,000.00 Jersey Animal Coalition Inc. Post Office Box 225 Maplewood, NJ 07040 1,000.00 Jersey Battered Women's Service, Inc. Post Office Box 1437 Morristown, NJ 07962-1437 10,989.95 Jersey Cares Ten Bleeker Street Second Floor Newark, NJ 07102 54,000.00 Jersey Shore Medical Center Foundation 1945 Route 33 P 0 Box 1064 Neptune, NJ 07754-1064 2,500.00 Jersey Shore University Medical Center Founda 1350 Campus Parkway Neptune, NJ 07753 500.00 Jessica Bernstein/Rowan University 391 Main Street Emerson, NJ 07630 3,500.00 Jessica Guide / Ramapo College 76 Memorial Parkway Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716 2,500.00 Jessica Mazza/William Paterson University 126 Harrison Avenue Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 3,000.00 Jessica Miller/University of Delaware 342 Lake Side Drive Logan Township, NJ 08085 1,000.00 Jesuit Volunteer Corps East 801 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21202 250.00 Jewish Community Center of Monmouth County 100 Grant Avenue Deal, NJ 07723 5,000.00 Jewish Family & Chil's Serv of Southern NJ 1301 Springfield Road Suite 150 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 100.00 Jewish Family & Childrens' Services 2150 Post Road San Francisco, CA 94115 200.00 Jewish Family Service 707 Alexander Road Princeton, NJ 08540 1,000.00 Jewish Family Service 1601 Sixteenth Avenue Seattle, WA 98122 511.86 Jewish Federation of Greater Monmouth County 100 Grant Avenue Post Office Box 210 Deal, NJ 07723 7,000.00 Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle 2031 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98121 153.56 Jewish Historical Society of Central New Jers 228 Livingston Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901 16,407.54 Jewish National Fund Post Office Box 800 78 Randall Avenue Rockville Center, NY 11571-0 1,300.00 Jewish National Fund 42 East 69th Street New York, NY 10021-5093 250.00 Jewish Publication Society of America 2100 Arch Street 2nd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 1,500.00 JFK Medical Center Foundation 80 James Street Edison, NJ 08818-3059 40,300.00 Joanna Espinal / Rutgers University 31 Taylor Street, 2nd Floor Newark, NJ 07104 1,666.67 Joe Dimaggio Children's Hospital Foundation, 3435 Johnson Street Hollywood, FL 33021 500.00 Joel E. Cohen / Drexel University 15 Lynne Place Hillsdale, NJ 07642 1,500.00 Joel Mikulyak/William Paterson University 84 West Warren Street Washington, NJ 07882 1,000.00 Joey A7ia / Seton Hall University 219 West Third Street Clifton, NJ 07011-2415 1,000.00 John F. Kennedy Medical Center Finance Department 98 James Street Edison, NJ 08820 100.00 John F. Kennedy Medical Center Foundation, In 80 James Street Edison, NJ 08820 200.00 John Gomez - William Paterson College Nine Philip Drive Fairfield, NJ 07004 1,000.00 John Mathis / Rutgers University 456 Park Avenue Paterson, NJ 07504 1,000.00 John R. Rans/Drexel University 1701 South 13th Street Philadelphia, PA 19148 1,250.00 Johns Hopkins University Ivy Hall Ten East 33rd Street Baltimore, MD 21218-3218 200.00 Johns Hopkins University 3400 North Charles Street 700 South Wyman Park Building Baltimore, MD 21218 100.00 Johns Island Foundation Post Office Box 8323 Indian River Shores, FL 3296 300.00 Jordan van de Sande / Rider University 309 Valley Road Neptune, NJ 07753 500.00 Joseph Coveney / Washington College 29 Rosemont Avenue Madison, NJ 07940 500.00 Joseph DiFonzo / University of the Arts 20 Martha Road Roseland, NJ 07068 1,000.00 Joseph P. Hayes Theatre, Inc. Engleside & Beach Avenue Post Office Box 1155 Beach Haven, NJ 08008 1,000.00 Joseph Schwind Jr. / Lockhaven University 102 1/2 Youmans Avenue Washington, NJ 07882 2,000.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 21 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Josianne Cadieux / Bucknell University 17 White Oak Ridge Court Mendham, NJ 07945 500.00 Junior League of Montclair-Newark, Inc. 40 South Fullerton Ave. Montclair, NJ 07042 282,635.21 Junior League of Monmouth County, Inc. Post Office Box 109 Rumson, NJ 07760 1,000.00 Junior League of Oranges and Short Hills 105 Main Street Millburn, NJ 07041 500.00 The Junior Womans Club of River Edge, NJ, Inc Post Office Box 235 River Edge, NJ 07661-0235 100.00 Justine Gardner / Berklee College of Music 13 Ridge Road Frenchtown, NJ 08825-1014 2,500.00 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Interna 120 Wall Street 19TH Floor New York, NY 10005-4001 200.00 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 1415 Route 70 East, Suite 502 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 250.00 KaBoom Fireworks on the Navesink, Inc. Post Office Box 155 Red Bank, NJ 07701 1,000.00 KAHEA Hawaiian Environmental Alliance Post Office Box 27112 Honolulu, HI 96827 100.00 Kalamazoo College Development Office 1200 Academy Street Kalamazoo, MI 49006-3295 4,000.00 Kalpana Shenoy / Rutgers University 106 - 59th Street West New York, NJ 07093 2,500.00 Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation 530 East Town Street Post Office Box 38 Columbus, OH 43216-0038 250.00 Karen Ann Quinlan Center of Hope Hospice 99 Sparta Avenue Newton, NJ 07860 7,000.00 Katherine O'Neill / Cornell University 19 Dartmouth Road Cranford, NJ 07016 3,000.00 Kathleen T. Appel / Elmira College C/o Elmira College One Park Place Elmira, NY 14901 3,000.00 Kathryn Ann Kuplin/Messiah College 39 Glenbrook Road Ogdensburg, NJ 07439 100.00 Katie M. Caljean/Drew University 57 Turner Street Dover, NJ 07801 750.00 Kayla Hausler / Kean University 465 Palisades Boulevard Fort Lee, NJ 07024 2,000.00 KCTS Television 401 Mercer Street Seattle, WA 98109-4699 438.50 Keene Valley Congregational Church Post Office Box 27 Main Street Keene Valley, NY 12943 1,000.00 Keene Valley Library Association Post Office Box 86 1796 NYS Route 73 Keene Valley, NY 12943 500.00 Keene Valley Neighborhood Services, Inc. Post Office Box 46 Keene Valley, NY 12943 1,000.00 Kelly Patterson/William Paterson University 19 Colgate Road Oakland, NJ 07436 2,000.00 Kemble Memorial United Methodist Church 19 South Broad Street Woodbury, NJ 08096 5,226.00 Ken Estabrook Fund For Frost Valley Campershi Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 35,000.00 Kendall Black / Penn State University 47 Carlton Road Metuchen, NJ 08840 200.00 42 Norwood Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 3,400.00 Kent School Corp. Alumni & Development Office One Macedonia Road Kent, CT 06757-9980 250.00 Kenyatta Beasley / The College of New Jersey 83 Laramie Road North Plainfield, NJ 07060 1,000.00 Kevin Fleming / East Stroudsberg University 14 Lambert Street Washington, NJ 07882 2,000.00 Kiddie Keep Well Camp 11 Roosevelt Drive Edison, NJ 08837-2399 100.00 Kidney & Urology Foundation of America, Inc. 1250 Broadway Suite 2001 New York, NY 10001. 1,800.00 Kids Corporation II Six Atlantic Street 2nd Floor Newark, NJ 07102 25,750.00 Kids in Focus Network, Inc. 262 Randolph AVenue East Rutherford, NJ 07073 2,500.00 Kids with a Promise Murray Hill Station Post Office Box 2000 New York, NY 10156 1,003.53 Kimberly Christiansen / Montclair State Unive K-11 Sutton Drive Matawan, NJ 07747 1,000.00 Kimberly Kurdyla/Fairleigh Dickinson Universi 3 Marian Lane Towaco, NJ 07082 3,500.00 Kimberly Sayers / Rutgers University 301 Champion Avenue Apartment D4 Collingswood, NJ 08107 1,000.00 Kindering Center 16120 NE 8th Street Bellevue, WA 98008 1,003.73 Kings Knight Chess Club 497 West Side Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304 2,450.00 Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club, Inc. 1930 Randall Avenue Bronx, NY 10473 600.00 Kirkland Center of the Performing Arts 350 Kirkland Avenue Kirkland, WA 98033 452.23 Kitchen at St. Marks Carr Avenue & Kennedy Way P 0 Box 193 Keansburg, NJ 07734 500.00 Kivel Campus of Care 3020 North 36th Street Phoenix, AZ 85018 200.00 Knights of Columbus Six Main Street Little Falls, NJ 07424 1,251.69 Korey Carter / College of New Jersey 190 - 4th Avenue East Orange, NJ 07017 2,500.00 KQED, Inc. 2601 Mariposa Street San Francisco, CA 94110-1400 1,080.20 Kristen Joy Santoro Scholarship Fund C/O Joseph P. Santoro 30 Sugar Pine Lane Metheun, MA 01844 500.00 Kristin Berg / College of St. Elizabeth 40B West Fairview Avenue Dover, NJ 07801 500.00 Krystle Jackson/Wilson College 24 Cedar Place Logan Township, NJ 08085 1,000.00 KUOW-Puget Sound Public Radio 4518 University Way, NE Suite 310 Seattle, WA 98105 2,776.27 Kyle Jespersen / Rutgers University 50 Rosenfeldt Avenue Pittsgrove, NJ 08318-4255 1,000.00 Kyle Landreth / University of New Haven 265 West Carlton Avenue Washington, NJ 07882 2,000.00 Kylie Ann Rosset Memorial Foundation, Inc. Post Office Box 31 Rumson, NJ 07760 2,000.00 La Jolla Parks & Recreation Inc. 615 Prospect Street La Jolla, CA 92037 1,000.00 08/03 /2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 22 12:48 PM

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LADACIN Network 1701 Kneeley Boulevard Wanamassa , NJ 07712 5,500.00 Lafayette College 202 Markle Hall Easton, PA 18042-1774 1,000.00 Lake Drive Educational Foundation Ten Lake Drive Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 750.00 Lake George Basin Land Conservancy Post Office Box 1250 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814 1,000.00 Lake Sunapee Protective Association Post Office Box 683 Sunapee, NH 03782 200.00 Lakeland Emergency Squad Post Office Box 311 Andover, NJ 07821 500.00 Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, Inc. 120 Wall Street Suite 1500 New York, NY 10005-3904 400.00 Lambe Fund of Haiti for Women's Ventures Post Office Box 18955 Washington, DC 20036 500.00 Lark Theater Company, Inc. 939 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10019 500.00 Latin American Workshop Post Office Box 1261 Cathedral Station New York, NY 10025-1261 2,000.00 Latoya Hedgespeth-Gallman/Univ. of North Caro Post Office Box 2285 Pocono Summit, PA 18346 2,500.00 Laura Schreder /Millersville University 400 Kinderhook Road Columbia, PA 17512 1,500.00 Laurel Hill Nursery School 401 Euclid Avenue San Francisco, CA 94118 600.00 The Laurel School 350 Ninth Avenue San Francisco, CA 94118 2,500.00 Lauren Brunault / Assumption College 20 Old Farm Road Palmer, MA 01069 350.00 Lawrence Township Community Foundation 3625 Quakerbridge Road, Bld. 2 Hamilton, NJ 08619 2,500.00 Post Office Box 6125 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-9987 3,750.00 League of American Wheelman, Inc. 1612 K Street NW Suite 401 Washington, DC 20006 248.04 League of Women Voters NJ Education Fund 204 West State Street Trenton, NJ 08608 200.00 Leah Rodriguez / Kean University 1545 Breman Avenue Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 1,000.00 Learning Center for Exceptional Children, Inc 223 Montross Avenue Rutherford, NJ 07070 500.00 Lee Memorial Health System Foundation, Inc. Post Office Box 2218 Fort Myers, FL 33902 200.00 Legal Aid Society Church Street Station Post Office Box 6118 New York, NY 10277-5603 100.00 Legal Information for Families Today 350 Broadway, Suite 1211 New York, NY 10013-3911 100.00 Legal Momentum 395 Hudson Street Fifth Floor New York, NY 10014 1,024.24 Legal Services of New Jersey 100 Metroplex Drive Suite 402 Post Office Box 1357 Edison, NJ 08818-1357 500.00 Lehigh University Development Office 27 Memorial Drive West Bethlehem, PA 18015-3086 26,250.00 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 116 South Euclid Avenue Westfield, NJ 07090 300.00 The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Southern New Jersey Chapter 215 Haddon Avenue, Suite 328 Westmont, NJ 08108 250.00 The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - MA Chapter 495 Old Connecticut Path Suite 220 Framingham, MA 01701 500.00 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc. 1311 Mamaroneck Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 644.54 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 1116-C North Taylor Street Arlington, VA 22201 1,000.00 The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Morganville Satellite Office 281 Highway 79 Morganville, NJ 07751 175.00 Leukemia Clinical Research Foundation 926 Valley Oaks Road St. Paul, MN 55127-3641 200.00 Legal Services of New Jersey Post Office Box 10390 New Brunswick, NJ 08906-9985 600.00 Liberation in Truth Unity Fellowship Church Post Office Box 200434 Newark, NJ 07102 2,500.00 Liberty Corner Fire Company Post Office Box 98 Liberty Corner, NJ 07938-009 250.00 Liberty Corner First Aid Squad Post Office Box 57 Liberty Corner, NJ 07938 325.00 Liberty Science Center 251 Phillip Street Jersey City, NJ 07305-4699 1,250.00 Liberty University 1971 University Boulevard Attn: Financial Aid Office Lynchburg, VA 24502 1,000.00 Lifeline Emergency Shelter, Inc. Post Office Box 2094 Trenton, NJ 08607 3,500.00 Lifeline Family Center 4518 Orchid Boulevard Cape Coral, FL 33904 500.00 Lifelong AIDS Alliance 1002 East Seneca Street Seattle, WA 98122 232.40 Lighthawk Post Office Box 653 Lander, WY 82520 400.00 Limen House, Inc. Post Office Box 1306 600 West 10th Street Wilmington, DE 19801 5,000.00 Lincoln School 301 Butler Avenue Providence, RI 02906 100.00 Lindsay T. Cavaliere/Ramapo College 56 Dora Avenue Waldwick, NJ 07463 2,500.00 Link Community School 120 Livingston Street Newark, NJ 07103 2,684.72 Lion's Pride High School Alumni Association c/o Cherry Hill H.S. West 2101 Chaple Avenue Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 100.00 Lisa R. Vermillion/Stanford University 29 Creamer Drive Pittsgrove, NJ 08318 1,000.00 Literacy Volunteers of America 36 South Street Morristown, NJ 07960 200.00 Little Hill Foundation, Inc. Alina Lodge Box G Blairstown, NJ 07825 500.00 Little Sister of the Poor Auxiliary St. Joseph's Home 140 Shepherd Lane Totowa, NJ 07512-2198 27,000.00 Living Stone Christian Church 271 West Northfield Road Livingston, NJ 07039 2,000.00 LLoyd Center for the Environment 430 Potomska Road Dartmouth, MA 02748 100.00 Loaves & Fishes Inc. Post Office Box 11234 Charlotte, NJ 28220 496.91 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 23 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Loblollypop Foundation, Inc. 7407 SE Hill Terrace Hobe Sound, FL 33455 2,000.00 Long Hill Chapel 525 Shunpike Road Chatham, NJ 07928 10,000.00 Long Trail School 1045 Kirby Hollow Road Dorset, VT 05251 500.00 Loquin P 0 Box 421 Mercer Island, WA 98040 93.88 Lori Ann Magda / Loyola College One Estes Court Midland Park, NJ 07432 5,000.00 Louis G. Avila/Stevens Institute of Technolog 83 Lewis Street Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 750.00 Love in the Name of Christ 15 Meridian Road Eatontown, NJ 07724 500.00 Love, Inc. of Mecklenburg County 1451 Briar Creek Road Post Office Box 18517 Charlotte, NC 28218 496.91 Lower East Side Tenement Museum 91 Orchard Street New York, NY 10002 1,300.00 Lunch Break 121 West Bergen Post Office Box 2215 Red Bank, NJ 07701 500.00 Lutheran Child and Family Service 438 East Lake Street Petoskey, MI 49770 300.00 Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey Six Terri Lane Suite 300 Burlington, NJ 08016 100.00 Lyme Disease Network of New Jersey Inc. Post Office Box 357 43 Winton Road East Brunswick, NJ 08816 500.00 Lynn University 3601 North Military Trail Boca Raton, FL 33431-5598 2,500.00 Mabel Mercer Foundation 160 East 48thStreet, 14U New York, NY 10017 250.00 Macculloch Hall Historical Museum 45 Macculloch Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960 100.00 Madison Area YMCA 111 Kings Road Madison, NJ 07940 100.00 MADRE 121 West 27th Street Room 301 New York, NY 10117-0305 150.00 Magdalena Noga/Seton Hall University 20 Spruce Street Kearny, NJ 07032 3,500.00 Mahmuda Koli/Montclair State University 336 Totowa Avenue Paterson, NJ 07502 500.00 Major Group Foundation 411 LeBed Drive Somerset, NJ 08873 5,000.00 Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Jersey 1034 Salem Road Union, NJ 07083 22,800.00 Make-A-Wish Foundation Post Office Box 97104 Washington, DC 20090-7104 500.00 Manhattan College 4513 Manhattan College Parkway Riverdale, NY 10471 500.00 Manna House, Inc. 640 Cliffwood Avenue Cliffwood Beach, NJ 07735 100.00 Mantoloking Fire Company 958 Lagoon Lake Mantoloking, NJ 08738 250.00 March of Dimes Donor Service Center Post Office Box 1571 Boston, MA 02104-1571 500.00 March of Dimes 55 Route 46 PO Box 642 Pine Brook, NJ 07058 2,200.00 Margaret B. Thompson Fund Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 5,000.00 Margaret Bartlett Scholarship Foundation 99 West Hawthorne Avenue 418 Valley Stream, NY 11580 500.00 Margaret Bartlett Scholarship Foundation 89 Woodmont Drive Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677 1,000.00 Maria Pineda/Middlesex County College 607 Central Avenue Plainfield, NJ 07060 2,017.95 Marin Shakespeare Company Post Office Box 4053 San Rafael, CA 94913 1,000.00 Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation, In 6821 Black Horse Pike Egg Harbor Township, NJ 0823 1,200.00 Marine Toys for Tots Foundation Marine Corps Base Post Office Box 227 Quantico, VA 22134-0227 500.00 Marion Foundation Three Barnabas Road Marion, MA 02738 1,000.00 Market Foundation 85 Pike Street Room 500 Seattle, WA 98101 2,382.46 Market Street Mission Nine Market Street Morristown, NJ 07960-5122 14,550.00 Marlboro College-Music Department Box K Marlboro, VT 05344 500.00 Marta Leja / College of New Jersey Six East 9th Street Clifton, NJ 07011-1108 1,000.00 Martha's Vineyard Community Services, Inc. 111 Edgartown Road Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 500.00 Martha's Vineyard Hospital Post Office Box 1477 Linton Avenue Oak Bluffs, MA 02557 21,000.00 The Marty Lyons Foundation 326 West 48th Street New York, NY 10036 1,000.00 Mary Kathryn Mannix / University of Notre Dam Two Rockwell Green Drive Pennington, NJ 08534 1,500.00 Mary Knoll Fathers & Brothers P 0 Box 304 Maryknoll, NY 10545-0304 5,000.00 Marylawn of the Oranges 445 Scotland Road South Orange, NJ 07079 20,000.00 Marymount College 100 Marymount Avenue Tarrytown, NY 10591-3796 100.00 Marymount Manhattan College 221 East 71st Street New York, NY 10021-4597 10,000.00 Maryville City of Youth 1150 North River Road Des Plaines, IL 60016-1290 500.00 Masonic Home Foundation of NJ 902 Jacksonville Road Burlington, NJ 08016-3896 2,967.00 Massachusetts Audubon Society, Inc. 208 South Great Road Lincoln, MA 01773 1,000.00 Massachusetts Correctional Legal Services Eight Winter Street 11th Floor Boston, MA 02108 100.00 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue Room 10-110 Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 2,492.08 Master's Touch International Church 5235 Hoffner Avenue Orlando, FL 32812 200.00 The Masters School 49 Clinton Avenue Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522-9979 250.00 Matheny School and Hospital Development Office Post Office Box 339 Peapack, NJ 07977 3,000.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 24 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Matthew Aderholdt / Cumberland County College 709 North Fourth Street Millville, NJ 08332 1,200.00 Matthew C. Sellitto Memorial Scholarship Fund P 0 Box 36 C/o Thomas Giarratana New Vernon, NJ 07976 1,000.00 Matthew Stull/Bucknell University 38 Sand Bridge Road Pittsgrove, NJ 08318 1,000.00 Maurice Smith, Jr./Virginia State University Cashier's Office Post Office Box 9125 Petersburg, VA 23806 1,000.00 McCarter Theater Center for the Performing Arts 91 University Place Princeton, NJ 08540 1,000.00 McQuaid Jesuit High School 1800 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, NY 14618 250.00 Meaningful Life Center Vaad Hanochos Hatmimim, Inc. 788 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11213 100.00 Medical Alumni Assoc. of Univ. of MD, Inc. 522 West Lombard Street Baltimore, MD 21201 100.00 Medical Center of Ocean County Foundation 4900 Route 33 Suite 200 Neptune, NJ 07753 3,500.00 Meera Chandramouli / New York University Two Symor Drive Morristown, NJ 07960 500.00 Melanoma Research Foundation 24 Old Georgetown Road Princeton, NJ 08540-1290 100.00 Melissa Folkes/Philadelphia University 31 West Allen Lane Apartment A3 Philadelphia, PA 19119 300.00 Members Handicapped Children's Fund Spear, Leeds & Kellogg 120 Broadway 21st Floor New York, NY 10271 200.00 The Memoria Project Inc. P 0 Box 787 Red Bank, NJ 07701 500.00 Memorial Baptist Church 212 East Broadway Salem, NJ 08079 117.45 Memorial High School 5501 Park Avenue West New York, NJ 07093 2,500.00 Memorial Hospital 1275 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 2,000.00 Memorial Hospital of Burlington County 175 Madison Avenue Mount Holly, NJ 08060 133.20 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 633 Third Avenue 12th Floor New York, NY 10017 14,991.94 Memorial Society of North Central New Jersey Post Office Box 509 Madison, NJ 07940 200.00 Mendham Township Library Post Office Box 500 Cherry Lane Brookside, NJ 07926 100.00 Mental Health Association of Monmouth County 59 Broad Street Eatontown, NJ 07724 2,600.00 Mercer County Community College Foundation 1200 Old Trenton Road Post Ofice Box B Trenton, NJ 08690 100.00 Mercer Foundation Fund Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 52,113.00 Mercer Street Friends Center 151 Mercer Street Trenton, NJ 08611 1,000.00 Mercy Center Corporation 1106 Main Street Asbury Park, NJ 07712 100.00 Mercy Corps 3015 SW First Avenue Portland, OR 97201 1,501.86 Meridian Health Affiliated Foundations 4900 Route 33 Suite 100 Neptune, NJ 07753 10,000.00 Meridian Hospital Foundation 4900 Route 33, Suite 200 Neptune, NJ 07753 600.00 Meridian School 4649 Sunnyside Avenue N Seattle, WA 98103 446.21 Meritcare Foundation 720 Fourth Street North Fargo, ND 58102 297.70 Mesivta of Greater Boston Inc. 34 Sparhawk Street Brighton, MA 02135 200.00 Methodist Conference Home, Inc. Knox County Meals on Wheels 46 Summer Street Rockland, ME 04841 100.00 Metropolitan Career Center 162 West Chelten Avenue 2nd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19144 12,000.00 Metropolitan Museum of Art Development Office 1000 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10028-0198 11,990.00 Metropolitan Opera Association Patrons Office Lincoln Center New York, NY 10023 31,475.00 Metropolitan Opera Guild Patrons Office Lincoln Center New York, NY 10023 500.00 Metuchen Education Foundation Post Office Box 328 Metuchen, NJ 08840 100.00 Metuchen First Aid Squad Post Office Box 8 Metuchen, NJ 08840 100.00 Metuchen Police Benevolent Association Bureau of Metuchen Post Office Box 592 Metuchen, NJ 08840 100.00 Metuchen Volunteer Fire Department Post Office Box 106 Metuchen, NJ 08840-0106 200.00 Michael Eagan / Centenary College 121 Summit Avenue Chatham, NJ 07928 10,000.00 Michael John Morrow/Renesselaer Polytechnic I 30 Mackay Avenue Waldwick, NJ 07463 1,500.00 Michael LeFante / Villanova University Four Bridle Way Marlboro, NJ 07746 3,000.00 Michael Stahl / Felician College 737 Hamilton Street Harrison, NJ 07029 5,000.00 Michal Wronski / Rutgers University 204 Hayes Street Linden, NJ 07036 1,000.00 Michele Sheppard / University of Delaware 562 Sayres Neck Road Pennsauken, NJ 08311 1,000.00 Middle East Media & Research Institute, Inc. P 0 Box 27837 Washington, DC 20038-7837 100.00 Middlesex School Post Office Box 9122 1400 Lowell Road Concord, MA 01742-9122 1,397.21 Midland Foundation P 0 Box 5026 North Branch, NJ 08876 5,000.00 Millburn Scholastic Boosters, Inc. Post Office Box 42 Millburn, NJ 07041 150.00 Millburn-Short Hills Volun. First Aid Squad Post Office Box 226 Millburn, NJ 07041-0226 150.00 Miller Memorial Presbyterian Church Post Office Box 460 Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852- 496.32 Millhill Child & Family Development Corporati 101 Oakland Street Trenton, NJ 08618 9,176.00 Milton Academy 170 Centre Street Milton, MA 02186-9932 15,000.00 Ministry of Money, Inc. 11315 Neelsville Church Road Germantown, MD 20876 100.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 25 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Minnesotans for Responsible Recreation 205 West Second Street Post Office Box 111 Duluth, MN 55802 300.00 Miramonte High School Parents Club 750 Morgana Way Orinda, CA 94563-4330 827.88 Miss Porter's School 60 Main Street Farmington, CT 06032-2288 5,500.00 Missionaries of Charity 168 Sussex Avenue Newark, NJ 07103 4,000.00 Missionary Society of Salesian Sisters Inc. 669 Belmont Avenue North Haledon, NJ 07508 1,000.00 MIT 77 Massachusetts Avenue W-92-280 Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 650.00 Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary 543 Springfield Avenue Summit, NJ 07901-4498 2,000.00 Monica Williams/Dominican Univ of California 225 Nova Albion Way #37 San Rafael, CA 94903 300.00 Monmouth Conservation Foundation Post Office Box 4150 Middletown, NJ 07748-4150 34,250.00 Monmouth Council of Girl Scouts 242 Adelphia Road Farmingdale, NJ 07727 2,100.00 Monmouth County Arts Council 107 Monmouth Street Suite 3 Red Bank, NJ 07701 500.00 Monmouth County Fund Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 81,500.00 Monmouth County Historical Association 70 Court Street Freehold, NJ 07728 10,900.00 Monmouth County SPCA Post Office Box 93 Eatontown, NJ 07724 1,500.00 Monmouth Day Care Center Nine Drs. James Parker Blvd. Red Bank, NJ 07701 2,200.00 Monmouth Family Health Center, Inc. 270 Broadway Long Branch, NJ 07740 5,000.00 Monmouth Health Care Foundation Attn: Eleanora Iris Shapiro Fd 300 Second Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740 6,146.00 Monmouth Medical Center 300 Second Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740 325.00 Monmouth Medical Center Foundation 300 Second Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740-9980 12,850.00 Monmouth Medical Center Inc. 300 Second Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740 100.00 Monmouth Museum Post Office Box 359 Lincroft, NJ 07738-9963 100.00 Monmouth Ocean Dev. Council Education Foundat 2520 Highway 35 Suite 205 Manasquan, NJ 08736-1908 250.00 Monmouth University 400 Cedar Avenue Wilson Hall, 3rd Floor West Long Branch, NJ 07764-1 42,000.00 Monmouth University Library Association Cedar Avenue West Long Branch, NJ 07764 675.00 Montclair Ambulance Unit 86 Valley Road Montclair, NJ 07042 500.00 Montclair Art Museum 3 South Mountain Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042-1747 4,742.99 Montclair Community Pre-K 49 Orange Road Montclair, NJ 07042 2,500.00 Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence 22 Valley Road Montclair, NJ 07042 8,000.00 Montclair Heights Reformed Church 71 Mt. Hebron Road Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 16,025.00 Montclair High School 100 Chestnut Street Montclair, NJ 07042 180.00 Montclair Kimberly Academy 201 Valley Road Montclair, NJ 07042 750.00 Montclair Public Library 50 South Fullerton Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 4,500.00 Montclair Shared Housing, Inc. 27 Hillside Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 5,000.00 Montclair State University Foundation Montclair State University 1 Normal Avenue Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 5,000.00 Montclair Volunteer Ambulance Unit 86 Valley Road Montclair, NJ 07042 19,332.44 Moore Free Library Post Office Box 208 Newfane, VT 05345 35,000.00 Moorestown Board of Education North Stanwick Road Moorestown, NJ 08057 290.50 Moorestown Free Library 111 West Second Street Moorestown, NJ 08057 593.00 Moorestown Friends School 110 East Main Street Moorestown, NJ 08057 5,000.00 Moorestown High School Alumni Association 803 North Stanwick Road Moorestown, NJ 08057 100.00 Moraga Educational Foundation Post Office Box 34 Moraga, CA 94556 10,930.91 Morgan State University Financial Aid Office 1700 East Cold Spring Lane Baltimore, MD 21251-0001 1,000.00 Morningside House Inc. Morningside Drive Post Office Box 367 Brattleboro, VT 05302 500.00 Morris Area Girl Scout Council Troop 1088 23 Gates Avenue Chatham, NJ 07928 2,500.00 Morris Center YMCA 79 Horsehill Road Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927 2,100.00 Morris County Park Commission Post Office Box 1295 53 East Hanover Avenue Morristown, NJ 07962-1295 2,500.00 Morris Educational Foundation Post Office Box 1224 Morristown, NJ 07962-1224 2,050.00 Morris Land Conservancy 19 Boonton Avenue Boonton, NJ 07005 20,704.00 Morris Land Conservancy 19 Boonton Avenue Boonton, NJ 07005 625.00 Morris Minute Men 97 Mill Road Morris Plains, NJ 07950 200.00 The Morris Museum Six Normandy Heights Road Morristown, NJ 07960 7,580.00 Morristown & Morris Township Library Foundati One Miller Road Morristown, NJ 07960 100.00 Morristown Beard School 70 Whippany Road Morristown, NJ 07960 14,185.00 Morristown Memorial Health Foundation Post Office Box 35558 Newark, NJ 07193-5558 11,800.00 Morristown Memorial Hospital 100 Madison Avenue Morristown, NJ 07962-1915 47,000.00 Morristown Memorial Health Foundation 100 Madison Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960 39,000.00 08/03 /2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 26 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Morristown Memorial Health Foundation Post Office Box 1956 Morristown, NJ 07960 2,000.00 Morristown Neighborhood House Assoc., Inc. 12 Flagler Street Morristown, NJ 07960 8,725.00 Morristown Unitarian Fellowship 21 Normandy Heights Road Morristown, NJ 07960 300.00 Morristown Neighborhood House 12 Flagler Street Morristown, NJ 07960 100.00 Mostly Music 16 South Crescent Maplewood, NJ 07040 100.00 Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School 3737 West 99th Street Chicago, IL 60655 100.00 Mother Seton Regional High School Valley Road Clark, NJ 07066 2,575.30 Mothers Against Drunk Driving Post Office Box 10165 Des Moines, IA 50340-0165 500.00 Mount Carmel Guild 73 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, NJ 08609-1097 10,000.00 Mount Holyoke College 50 College Street South Hadley, MA 01075 3,300.00 Mount Vernon Ladies Association of the Union Post Office Box 110 Mount Vernon, VA 22121 25,100.00 Mountainside Hospital Foundation Bay & Highland Avenues Montclair, NJ 07042 20,600.00 Moving Traditions 580 Virginia Drive Suite 141 Fort Washington, 19034 7,500.00 Alfre 56 Mt. Kemble Avenue Post Office Box 9175 Morristown, NJ 07960-5152 100.00 MS Cure Fund 142 Berkeley Street Boston, MA 02116 250.00 Mt. Diablo Habitat for Humanity 2350 Stanwell Drive Concord, CA 94520 300.00 Mt. Horeb United Methodist Church 42 Liberty Corner Road Warren, NJ 07059 1,000.00 Mt. Horeb Volunteer Fire Company 19 Elm Avenue Post Office Box 4306 Warren, NJ 07059 250.00 Mt. Sinai School of Medicine of NY University One Gustave L Levy Place Box 1049 New York, NY 10029-6574 2,500.00 Muhlenberg Foundation, Inc. Park Avenue & Randolph Road Plainfield, NJ 07061-9802 40,000.00 Multiple Sclerosis Association of America Kirkland WA Chapter 600 Central Plaza, Suite 13 Great Falls, MT 59401 406.74 Murray Family Fund P 0 Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 169,079.73 Murray Grove Association Attn: Ms. Ellen Chulak Post Office Box 246 Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734 1,752.00 Muscular Dystrophy Association Post Office Box 78342 Phoenix, AZ 85062-8342 500.00 Muscular Dystrophy Association 25 East Spring Valley Avenue #240 Maywood, NJ 07607 400.00 Muscular Dystrophy Association 1161 Broad Street South Building #114 Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 3,726.00 Museum of Early Trades and Crafts Nine Main Street at Green Village Road Madison, NJ 07940 250.00 Museum of Modern Art 11 West 53rd Street New York, NY 10019 500.00 Music Before 1800 529 West 121st Street New York, NY 10027 300.00 Music in Schools Today 582 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94104 500.00 Music Theatre Group 30 West 26th Street Suite 1001 New York, NY 10010 250.00 Music Works Northwest 14360 SE Eastgate Way Suite 102 Bellevue, WA 98007 938.77 NAACP 1055 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1480 Los Angeles, CA 90017-2454 1,024.24 Nadiyah Duhart/Bloomfield College 87 Lyons Avenue Second Floor Newark, NJ 07112 1,000.00 Najah McCoy / Rutgers University 433 West Fourth Street North Plainfield, NJ 07060 1,000.00 Nantucket Atheneum Post Office Box 808 Nantucket, MA 02554 10,100.00 Nantucket Boys & Girls Club, Inc. Post Office Box 269 Nantucket, MA 02554 500.00 Nantucket Community Sailing, Inc. P 0 Box 2424 Nantucket, MA 02584 400.00 Nantucket Community Association 200 Polpis Road Nantucket, MA 02554 750.00 Nantucket Community Music Center P 0 Box 1352 Nantucket, MA 02554 250.00 Nantucket Conservation Foundation 118 Cliff Road Post Office Box 13 Nantucket, MA 02554-9977 54,300.00 Nantucket Historic Association Post Office Box 1016 Nantucket, MA 02554 600.00 Nantucket Historical Association P 0 Box 1016 Nantucket, MA 02554 1,000.00 Nantucket Land Council, Inc. PO Box 502 Six Ash Lane Nantucket, MA 02554 500.00 Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association Four Vestal Street Nantucket, MA 02554 2,000.00 Nantucket New School P 0 Box 2021 15 Nobadeer Farm Road Nantucket, MA 02584 500.00 Nantucket Sustainable Development Corp. 147 Lower Orange Street Nantucket, MA 02554 1,000.00 Nassau Community College Foundation, Inc. One Education Drive Garden City, NY 11530 100.00 Nassau County AHRC Foundation 189 Wheatley Road Brookville, NY 11545-2699 500.00 Nassau County P.A.L. Post Office Box 175 Mineola, NY 11501-0175 500.00 Natalie Joseph / St. Johns University 515 Lincoln Street Linden, NJ 07036 1,000.00 The Nation Institute 33 Irving Place 8th Floor New York, NY 10003 200.00 National Alliance for Autism Research, Inc. 99 Wall Street Research Park Princeton, NJ 08540 100.00 National Aphasia Association 7 Dey Street Suite 600 New York, NY 10007 300.00 National Assoc. of Bunco Investigators, Inc. P 0 Box 287 Maryland Line, MD 21105 650.00 National Association for the Advancement of C Cold Spring Hillen Roads Baltimore, MD 21239 200.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 27 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------National Audubon Society 700 Broadway New York, NY 10003 1,000.00 National Bonsai Foundation 3501 New York Avenue N.E. Washington, DC 20002 500.00 National Caregiving Foundation 801 North Pitt Street Suite 116 Alexandria, VA 22314 100.00 National Coalition for the Homeless Inc 1012 14th Street NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005-3406 870.61 National Conference for Community and Justice 109 Church Street 2nd Floor New Brunswick, NJ 08901 5,000.00 National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Depende 2333 Whitehorse Mercerville Rd Suite J Hamilton, NJ 08619 565.00 National Down Syndrome Society 666 Broadway Teaching Partnership New York, NY 10012-2317 100.00 National Guard State Family Readiness Council P 0 Box 5692 Trenton, NJ 08638 100.00 National Jewish Outreach Program 989 6th Avenue 10th Floor New York, NY 10018 100.00 National Kidney Foundation 30 East 33rd Street, Suite 110 New York, NY 10016 500.00 National Kidney Foundation Inc. Post Office Box 15149 Portland, OR 97293 204.85 National Mentoring Partnership, Inc. 111 West 57th Street Ste 420 New York, NY 10019 10,000.00 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Post Office Box 4594 New York, NY 10163-4594 400.00 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Greater New Jersey Chapter 1 Kalisa Way, Suite 205 Paramus, NJ 07652 550.00 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 192 Nickerson Street Suite U100 Seattle, WA 98109 1,114.19 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 21311 Civic Center Drive Southfield, MI 48076-3911 250.00 National Multiple Sclerosis Society One Reed Street Suite 200 Philadelphia, PA 19147 300.00 National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clu Twins' Mothers Club of Bergen P 0 Box 96 Ridgewood, NJ 07451 800.00 National Organization of Italian American Wom 445 West 59th Street New York, NY 10019 600.00 National Outdoor Leadership School 284 Lincoln Street Lander, WY 82520-3140 1,200.00 National Parks & Conservation Association 1300 19th St NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036 250.00 National Public Radio 635 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001-3753 1,000.00 National Recreation & Park Association 22377 Belmont Ridge Road Ashburn, VA 20148 1,000.00 National Resources Defense Council 40 West 20th Street New York, NY 10011 1,000.00 National Transplant Assistance Fund, Inc. 150 North Radnor Chester Road Suite F120 Radnor, PA 19087 1,000.00 National Trust for Historic Preservation 1785 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Washington, DC 20036 2,000.00 National Wildlife Federation 11100 Wildlife Center Drive Reston, VA 20190-5362 950.00 Native American Community Development Corp. Post Office Box 3029 Browning, MT 59417 1,000.00 Native American Rights Fund 1506 Broadway Post Office Box 992 Boulder, CO 80302 2,700.00 Natural Heritage Trust Empire State Place Building One 14th Floor Albany, NY 12238 7,000.00 Natural Resources Defense Council Post Office Box 1830 Merrifield, VA 22116-8030 1,150.00 Natural Resources Defense Council 40 West 20th Street New York, NY 10011 16,395.23 Natural Resources Defense Council Post Office Box 1830 Merrifield, VA 22116-8030 500.00 The Nature Conservancy Kay Environmental Center 200 Pottersville Road Chester, NJ 07930 1,850.00 Nature Conservancy Katharine Ordway Associates 4245 N. Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA 22203 16,170.09 Nature Conservancy 217 Pine Street, Suite 1100 Seattle, WA 98101 108.00 Nature Conservancy California Chapter 201 Mission Street, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 1,080.20 Nature Conservancy Islands Office R1, Box 319X Helen Avenue Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 1,000.00 The Nature Conservancy - Pocono Mts. Office Post Office Box 55 Long Pond, PA 18334 100.00 Navesink Hook & Ladder Company #1 Box 341 Navesink, NJ 07752 200.00 Nazareth Housing, Inc. 519 East 11th Street New York, NY 10009 1,300.00 Nazareth Nursery 214 West 15th Street New York, NY 10011 500.00 Neighborhood Child Care Center Inc. Post Office Box 1216 Montclair, NJ 07042 1,000.00 Neighborhood House 14 Flager Street Morristown, NJ 07960 1,000.00 Neighborhood Leadership Initiative Community Foundation of NJ P 0 Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 16,313.33 Neighbors in Need, Inc. P 0 Box 1250 Beach Haven, NJ 08008 1,000.00 New Amsterdam Boys Choir, Inc. 14 East 109th Street Second Floor New York, NY 10029 1,450.00 New Brunswick Community Organization, Inc. 296 Howard Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 5,000.00 New Brunswick Theological Seminary 17 Seminary Place New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1196 8,023.00 New Community Corporation 233 West Market Street Newark, NJ 07103 26,150.00 New Covenant Sounds of Praise Church P 0 Box 1487 Asbury Park, NJ 07712 7,500.00 New England Classical Singers, Inc. Post Office Box 264 Andover, MA 01810 2,000.00 New Eyes for the Needy 549 Millburn Avenue Post Office Box 332 Short Hills, NJ 07078 650.00 New Globe Theatre 7 1/2 West 75th Street New York, NY 10023 2,000.00 New Heights Youth Inc. 21 Jumel Place Suite A124 New York, NY 10032 7,500.00 New Hope Eagle Fire Company Box 314 New Hope, PA 18938 100.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 28 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------New Israel Fund P 0 Box 91588 Washington, DC 20090-1588 1,000.00 New Jersey Audubon Society Nine Hardscrabble Road Post Office Box 126 Bernardsville, NJ 07924 15,096.16 New Jersey Center for Visual Arts 68 Elm Street Summit, NJ 07901 1,960.00 New Jersey Chamber Music Society 50 Bentley Place Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 500.00 New Jersey Chapter of Fight SMA Inc. Post Office Box 2995 Westfield, NJ 07090 300.00 New Jersey Conservation Foundation Bamboo Brook 170 Longview Road Far Hills, NJ 07931-2623 13,100.00 New Jersey Council of Churches 176 West State Street Trenton, NJ 08608-1190 2,606.00 New Jersey Foundation for the Blind 230 Diamond Spring Road Post Office Box 929 Denville, NJ 07834 17,162.00 New Jersey Future 137 West Hanover Street Trenton, NJ 08618 1,200.00 New Jersey Historical Society 52 Park Place Newark, NJ 07102-4302 52,300.00 New Jersey Institute of Technology University Heights Newark, NJ 07102 9,177.00 New Jersey Nature Conservancy 200 Pottersville Road Chester, NJ 07930 500.00 New Jersey Performing Arts Center One Center Street Newark, NJ 07102 31,825.00 New Jersey Policy Perspective, Inc. 145 West Hanover Street Trenton, NJ 08618 1,000.00 New Jersey Repertory Company 179 Broadway Long Branch, NJ 07740 1,000.00 New Jersey SEEDS 303-309 Washington Street Newark, NJ 07102 185,828.01 New Jersey Shakespeare Festival 36 Madison Avenue Madison, NJ 07940 150.00 New Jersey SPCA 1119 Livingston Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901 5,008.00 New Jersey State Opera Robert Treet Center 50 Park Place, Tenth Floor Newark, NJ 07102 6,046.32 New Jersey State Policemen's Benevolent Assoc Post Office Box 552 Summit, NJ 07902 100.00 New Jersey State Policemens Benevolent Associ 840 Somerset Street Watchung, NJ 07069-4950 100.00 New Jersey State Policemen's Benevolent Assoc Post Office Box 263 Fair Haven, NJ 07704 100.00 New Jersey Symphony Orchestra Two Central Avenue-3rd Floor Newark, NJ 07102-3137 59,983.39 New Jersey Symphony Orchestra Amadeus Circle 2 Central Avenue Newark, NJ 07102-9238 11,000.00 New Jersey Tap Ensemble, Inc. 340 Franklin Street 1st Floor Bloomfield, NJ 07003 100.00 New Jersey Tap Ensemble Inc. 340 Franklin Street Room First Floor Bloomfield, NJ 07003 2,500.00 New Jersey Theatre Alliance 163 Madison Avenue Suite 500 Morristown, NJ 07960 4,500.00 New Jersey Youth Symphony 570 Central Avenue Murray Hill, NJ 07974 500.00 New Orleans Children's Chorus 2472 Howell Mill Road Atlanta, GA 30318 250.00 New Vernon Volunteer Fire Department Post Office Box 143 New Vernon, NJ 07976 700.00 New Violin Family Association Inc. 42 Taylor Drive Wolfeboro, NH 03894 2,500.00 New York Boys Club 287 East 10th Street New York, NY 10009 2,000.00 New York City Ballet 20 Lincoln Center New York, NY 10023 350.00 New York City Opera New York State Theatre 20 Lincoln Center New York, NY 10023 3,000.00 New York City Outward Bound Center 29-46 Northern Boulevard Long Island City, Ny 11101-9 1,675.00 NY Community Trust/Community Funds Inc. 909 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022 169,079.74 New York Historical Society Two West 77th Street New York, NY 10024 500.00 New York Presbyterian Hospital 525 East 68th Street Box123 New York, NY 10021 6,250.00 New York Presbyterian Univ. Hosp -Columbia & Cornell 654 West 170th Street New York, NY 10032 1,000.00 New York Public Library 476 Fifth Avenue Room M6 New York, NY 10018-2788 452.00 New York Times Neediest Cases Fund 229 West 43rd Street New York, NY 10036 5,000.00 New York University Leonard N. Stern School 40 West Fourth Street 529 New York, NY 10012-1118 2,500.00 New York University Office for Univ. Development 25 West 4th Street New York, NY 10012-9873 2,000.00 New York University Post Office Box 837 Peter Stuyvesant Station New York, NY 10009-0837 100.00 New York University 726 Broadway 2nd Floor New York, NY 10003-9580 13,541.22 New York University School of Law 161 Avenue of the Americas Fifth Floor New York, NY 10013 500.00 New York Weill Cornell Medical Center 525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10021 2,000.00 New York Women's Foundation 34 West 22nd Street New York, NY 10010 200.00 91 South Orange Avenue Livingston, NJ 07039 8,000.00 Newark Beth Israel Medical Center 201 Lyons Avenue Newark, NJ 07112 150.00 Newark Boys Chorus School 1016 Broad Street Newark, NJ 07102 6,000.00 Newark Day Center 43 Hill Street Newark, NJ 07102 1,000.00 Newark Emergency Services for Families, Inc. 982 Broad Street Newark, NJ 07102 3,000.00 Newark Fresh Air Fund 43 Hill Street Newark, NJ 07102 2,000.00 Newark Museum Association 49 Washington Street Newark, NJ 07102-3176 600.00 Newark Now, Inc. 60 Park Place, 21st Floor Newark, NJ 07102 10,000.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 29 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Newfane Elementary School 14 School Road Newfane, VT 05346 500.00 Newton Memorial Hospital Foundation 175 High Street Newton, NJ 07860 11,000.00 Next Stage Dance Theatre 4012 Stoneway North Seattle, WA 98103 9,681.76 Nicholas Albanese/Warren County Community Col 75 East Church Street Washington, NJ 07882 1,000.00 Nicholas J. Demas Memorial Scholarship Founds 1108 Bellaire Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15226 350.00 Nicole Kogut/Montclair State University 254 Sussex Road Logan Township, NJ 08085 1,000.00 Nicole Lynn Hair/University of Pennsylvania 4029 Walnut Street, Apt. 19 Philadelphia, PA 19104 500.00 Nicole Rispress/Villanova University 640 Chestnut Street Columbia, PA 17512 1,500.00 Nikeya Massenburg/Liberty University Attn: Financial Aid Office 1971 University Boulevard Lynchburg, VA 24502 1,000.00 Nipa Begum/Wayne State University Attn: Scholarships Unit Post Office Box 02759 Detroit, MI 48202-2058 1,000.00 NJ Association for the Blind NJ Foundation fo 230 Diamond Spring Road Denville, NJ 07834 6,000.00 NJ Peace Action Education Fund 89 Walnut Street Montclair, NJ 07042 2,000.00 NJ State Association of Chiefs of Police 830 Bear Tavern Road Suite 105 Ewing, NJ 08628 700.00 NJ Vietnam Veterans Memorial Foundation Post Office Box 648 Holmdel, NJ 07733 2,500.00 New Jersey Institute of Technology Foundation 323 Martin Luther King Jr. Blv Newark, NJ 07102 2,700.00 NJN Foundation Post Office Box 777 Trenton, NJ 08625-0777 7,500.00 Nomora S. Pearyer / Rutgers University 11 Pennington Road New Brunswick, NJ 08901 1,000.00 North Carolina A & T State University Student Financial Aid Office 1601 Market Street Greensboro, NC 27411 1,000.00 North Carolina Public Television Foundation Post Office Box 12231 Research Triangle Pk, NC 277 300.00 North Shore Animal League America 16 Lewyt Street Post Office Box 1334 Port Washington, NY 11050-97 900.00 North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System 972 Brush Hollow Road Westbury, NY 11590 5,000.00 Northern Lake County Arts Board Post Office Box 67 Silver Bay, MN 55614 500.00 Northfield Mt. Hermon School Revell Hall 206 Main Street Northfield, MA 01360-9989 8,000.00 Northwest Environment Watch 1402 Third Avenue Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98101-2130 2,124.22 Northwest Foundation for a Course in Miracles Post Office Box 1490 Kingston, WA 98346 1,250.00 Northwest Harvest E M M P 0 Box 12272 Seattle, WA 98102 2,614.38 Northwest Missouri State University Foundatio Office of Advancement 800 University Drive Maryville, MO 64468-9988 4,000.00 Northwestern University 2020 Ridge Avenue 4th Floor Suite 230 Evanston, IL 60208-4312 5,000.00 NRA Foundation, Inc. 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030 100.00 Oak Hall Private School 8009 SW 14th Avenue Gainsville, FL 32607 1,475.00 Oak Hill Academy Development Fund 347 Middletown-Lincroft Road Lincroft, NJ 07738 500.00 Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child Jesus 44 Blackburn Road Summit, NJ 07901 2,500.00 Oakland Ballet Association, Inc. 130 Linden Street Oakland, CA 94607 200.00 Oakland SPCA - Alameda County 8323 Baldwin Street Oakland, CA 94621 350.00 Oasis Haven for Women & Children, Inc. 320 Main Street Paterson, NJ 07505 5,000.00 Oberlin College Development Office 50 West Lorain Street Oberlin, OH 44074-1089 2,000.00 Oberlin Shansi Memorial Association Oberlin College 103 Peters Hall Oberlin, OH 44074-9988 500.00 Occupational Center of Union County 301 Cox Street Roselle, NJ 07203 3,000.00 Ocean County College Post Office Box 2001 Toms River, NJ 08754 3,505.00 The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Assoc of The Uni Post Office Box 248 54 Pitman Avenue Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 100.00 Ocean Grove Citizens Patrol P 0 Box 244 Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 100.00 Ocean Grove Fire Department/First Aid Squad, Post Office Box 57 Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 100.00 Ocean Medical Center Foundation 425 Jack Martin Boulevard Brick, NJ 08723 6,000.00 Ocean of Love, Inc. 1709 Highway 37 East Toms River, NJ 08753 250.00 Oceanic Free Library Association 109 Avenue of Two Rivers Rumson, NJ 07760 500.00 Octoberwoman Foundation 39 Spring Valley Road P 0 Box 546 Park Ridge, NJ 07656 250.00 Offender Aid & Restoration of Essex County P 0 Box 1629 Newark, NJ 07102 942.00 Oglala Lakota College 537 Piya Wiconi Road Kyle, SD 57752-9900 200.00 Ohio University Foundation Post Office Box 869 Athens, OH 45701 1,000.00 Okizu Foundation 16 Digital Drive Novato, CA 94949 300.00 Old Barracks Museum Barracks Street Trenton, NJ 08608 883.00 Old Dominion University Financial Aid Office 121 Rollins Hall Norfolk, VA 23529 1,000.00 Old First Church 69 Kings Highway Middletown, NJ 07748 405.00 Oldwick Fire Company, Inc. P 0 Box 83 Oldwick, NJ 08858 250.00 Olivia Nnadi/Cornell University 163 Sixth Avenue Carneys Point, NJ 08069 2,500.00 On the Boards Post Office Box 19515 Seattle, WA 98109-1515 501.09 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 30 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------One - Northwest 1080 West Ewing Place Suite 301 Seattle, WA 98119 226.12 One Family Fund 25 Rockwood Place Englewood, NJ 07631 100.00 Open Space Institute 1350 Broadway Suite 201 New York, NY 10018 100.00 Operation Give Inc. 15915 Yukon Lane Rockville, MD 20855 100.00 Operation Holiday c/o The Women's Club 51 South Street Morristown, NJ 07960 5,100.00 Operation Smile, Inc. 6435 Tidewater Drive Norfolk, VA 23509 1,000.00 Operation USA 8320 Melrose Avenue Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90069 489.99 Opportunity Project, Inc. 60 East Willow Street Millburn, NJ 07041 250.00 Optical Illusions the Michigan Blind Skier 32340 Edward Madison Heights, MI 48071 4,000.00 Orangutan Conservancy Post Office Box 2113 Aptos, CA 95003 100.00 ORBIS International, Inc. 520 8th Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10018-6507 10,000.00 Oscar S. Escobar /Rutgers University 426 - 64th Street Apartment Two West New York, NJ 07093 2,500.00 Our House Foundation Inc. 76 Floral Avenue Murry Hill, NJ 07974 1,500.00 Our Lady Mother of the Church PDA 130 Apple Ridge Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677 12,000.00 Our Lady of Fatima Church 724 Main Street New London, NH 03257 200.00 Our Lady of Grace Church 400 Willow Avenue Hoboken, NJ 07030 500.00 Our Lady of Loretto School 17116 Olympia Redford, MI 48240 1,000.00 Our Lady of Lourdes Church 300 Central Avenue Mountainside, NJ 07092 300.00 Our Lady of Lourdes Health Foundation 1600 Haddon Avenue Camden, NJ 08103-9917 5,000.00 Our Lady of Lourdes One Eagle Rock Avenue West Orange, NJ 07052-5039 1,000.00 Our Lady of Mount Carmel School 205 Oak Street Boonton, NJ 07005 60,000.00 Our Lady of Pompei 25 Carmine Street New York, NY 10014 500.00 Our Lady of the Holy Angels RC Church 473 Main Street Little Falls, NJ 07424 1,251.69 Outward Bound USA 100 Mystery Point Road Garrison, NY 10524-9757 4,400.00 Overlook Hospital Foundation 36 Overlook Road Post Office Box 220 Summit, NJ 07902-0220 60,960.00 Overseas Ministry Study Center 490 Prospect Street New Haven, CT 06511-9873 1,000.00 Oxfam America 26 West Street Boston, MA 02111 12,865.19 P'Eylim Lev L'Achim 1034 East 12th Street Brooklyn, NY 11230 100.00 P. G. Chambers School 15 Halko Drive Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927 5,500.00 Pacific Lutheran University Office of Development 1010 South 122nd Street Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 445.65 Pacific Northwest Ballet Association 301 Mercer Street Seattle, WA 98109 3,184.17 Pacific Northwest Friends of FSH Research 217 - 19th Place Kirkland, WA 98033 452.23 Pacifica Foundation 1925 Martin Luther King Jr Way Berkeley, CA 94704 1,400.00 PACT Bridgeway Millenium Office Plex 19-1 South Main Street Manville, NJ 08835 1,000.00 Page Ahead Childrens Literacy Program 88 Spring Street, Suite 123 Seattle, WA 98104 250.94 Paige Whitney Babies Center One East Oak Street Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 2,500.00 Pajama Program, Inc. 116 East 27th Street Second Floor New York, NY 10016 1,000.00 Pancreatic Cancer Action Network 2221 Rosecrans Avenue Suite 131 El Segundo, CA 90245 1,000.00 Paper Mill Playhouse 22-24 Brookside Drive Millburn, NJ 07041-9964 3,000.00 Parent to Parent of Vermont 600 Blair Park Road Suite #240 Williston, VT 05495-7549 500.00 Park Avenue Foundation 31 Evans Terminal Road Hillside, NJ 07205 1,000.00 Park Performing Arts Center 560 32nd Street Union City, NJ 07087 5,100.00 Park Ridge Police Department 55 Park Avenue Park Ridge, NJ 07656 1,798.60 Parker Family Health Clinic 211 Shrewsbury Avenue Red Bank, NJ 07701 5,250.00 Parkinson Council Post Office Box 1948 Media, PA 19063 1,000.00 Parkinsons Unity Walk Post Office Box 308 Kingston, NJ 08528-0308 250.00 Partnership for the Homeless 305 Seventh Avenue, 13th Floor New York, NY 10001-6008 1,000.00 Partnership in Philanthropy 205 Main Street Suite 205 Chatham, NJ 07928 10,010.00 Pasados Safe Haven Post Office Box 171 Sultan, WA 98294 204.74 Passaic Cty Nutrition Project for the Elderly 1312 Route 23 North Wayne, NJ 07470 3,000.00 Passionist Volunteers International 526 Monastery Place Union City, NJ 07087 100.00 Pat Lorntson Children's Endowment Stone Hearth Inn 6598 Lakside Estate Road Little Marais, MN 55614 500.00 Paterson Education Fund 152 Market Street, Suite 208 Paterson, NJ 07505 8,400.00 PATH 1455 NW Leary Way Seattle, WA 98107 18,104.12 Patricia M. Sitar Center for the Arts 1700 Kalorama Road NW Suite 101 Washington, DC 20009 200.00 Patrick Nelson / University of Delaware Ten Valley Run Drive Sewell, NJ 08080 1,000.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 31 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Patriots Path Council, Boy Scouts of America 222 Columbia Turnpike Florham Park, NJ 07932 1,900.00 Paul Ng/Rutgers University 63 Washington Avenue Highlands, NJ 07732 2,500.00 Paul Smith / Rutgers University 34 Urma Avenue Clifton, NJ 07013 1,000.00 Paws Inc. Animal Shelter 77 North Willow Street Montclair, NJ 07042 250.00 Pearl Theatre Co., Inc. 80 St. Marks Place New York, NY 10003 250.00 Peck School 247 South Street Morristown, NJ 07960 133,500.00 Peconic Community Council 39 Mill Road West Hampton Beach, NY 11978 3,000.00 Peniel Bible Conference Inc. Post Office Box 369 Lake Luzerne, NY 12846 1,000.00 Peninsula Center for the Blind and Visually I 2470 El Camino Real #107 Palo Alto, CA 94305 2,160.39 Pennsylvania Hospital Development Office 800 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 5,500.00 The Pennsylvania State University One Old Main University Park, PA 16802-15 1,000.00 Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg 777 West Harrisburg Pike Middletown, PA 17057-4898 10,000.00 People for Puget Sound 911 Western Avenue Suite 580 Seattle, WA 98104 98.04 People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals 501 Front Street Norfolk, VA 23510 100.00 People to People International 501 East Armour Boulevard Kansas City, MO 64109 100.00 People's Health Clinic, Inc. Post Office Box 982342 Park City, UT 84098 100.00 Performing Arts Society of RFHRHS 74 Ridge Road Rumson, NJ 07760 135.00 Petoskey Rotary Club Charities c/o Mainland Insurance Agency Post Office Box 488 Petoskey, MI 49770 2,000.00 Pheobe Askie/University of Pennsylvania 107 Nocentino Drive Woolwich, NJ 08085 1,000.00 Philabundance Post Office Box 37555 Philadelphia, PA 19148 100.00 Philadelphia Folk Song Society 7113 Emlen Street Philadelphia, PA 19119 520.00 Philadelphia Foundation 1234 Market Street Suite 1800 Philadelphia, PA 19107 2,500.00 Philadelphia Outward Bound 3250 West Sedgeley Drive East Fairmount Park Philadelphia, PA 19130-1001 12,500.00 Philharmonic Orchestra of New Jersey Post Office Box 4064 Warren, NJ 07059 13,100.00 Phillips Andover Academy Development Department 180 Main Street Andover, MA 01810-4161 27,500.00 Phillips Exeter Academy 20 Main Street Exeter, NH 03833-9980 5,300.00 Phoenix Productions Inc. Post Office Box 701 Lincroft, NJ 07738 500.00 Pineland Preservation Alliance 17 Pemberton Road South Hampton, NJ 08088 1,200.00 The Post Office Box 366 Martinsville Road Martinsville, NJ 08836-9974 3,861.00 Pioneer Clubs Post Office Box 788 Wheaton, IL 60189-9951 500.00 Plaid House Inc. 54 Western Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960 180,100.00 Plainfield Friends Meeting 225 Watchung Avenue Plainfield, NJ 07060 600.00 Plan New Jersey Post Office Box 547 Somerville, NJ 08876-0547 2,153.00 Planet-Drum Foundation Post Office Box 31251 San Francisco, CA 94131 500.00 Planned Parenthood Association of Mercer Area 437 East State Street Trenton, NJ 08608 1,000.00 Planned Parenthood Federation of America 434 West 33rd Street New York, NY 10001 8,688.03 Planned Parenthood Federation of America Post Office Box 97166 Washington, DC 20077-7543 200.00 Planned Parenthood Mercer Area 437 East State Street Trenton, NJ 08608 1,000.00 Planned Parenthood of Central New Jersey 69 E. Newman Springs Road Shrewsbury, NJ 07702-0095 7,600.00 Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Je 196 Speedwell Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960 70,676.64 Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan New Jersey Development Office 29 North Fullerton Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042-3412 6,050.00 Planned Parenthood of Western Washington 2001 East Madison Street Seattle, WA 98122-5397 80,928.64 Planned Parenthood of New York City, Inc. 26 Bleeker Street New York, NY 10012 500.00 Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc 434 West 33rd Street 12th Floor New York, NY 10001 3,072.73 Play for P.I.N.K. Inc. Breast Cancer Research Fdn. 60 E. 56th Street, 8th Floor New York, NY 10022 300.00 Playwrights Horizons 416 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 2,000.00 Please Touch Museum 210 North 21st Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 100.00 Ploughshares Fund Fort Mason Center Building B330 San Francisco, CA 94123 250.00 Point Pleasant First Aid & Emergency Squad Post Office Box 1744 Point Pleasant, NJ 08742 200.00 Policemans Benevolent Assoc Local 345 Post Office Box 231 Rumson, NJ 07760-9983 100.00 Policemen's Benevolent Association Local #74 Neptune Township Police Dept. Post Office Box 402 Neptune, NJ 07754 100.00 Polytechnic University Post Office Box 48 Brooklyn, NY 11201-3310 250.00 Pomona College 550 North College Avenue Claremont, CA 91711-6325 452.23 Pompton Falls Volunteer Fire Dept. #3 Wayne Fire Department P 0 Box 2011 Wayne, NJ 07474-2011 250.00 Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. 6 Allan Street Rumson, NJ 07760 100.00 Pope John XXIII High School Academic Advancem 28 Andover Road Sparta, NJ 07871 31,750.00 08/03 /2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 32 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Population Connection PO Box 97129 Washington, DC 20077-7768 100.00 Population Connection 1400 16th Street N.W. Suite 320 Washington, DC 20036 700.00 Potsdam College Foundation, Inc. State University College Potsdam, NY 13676 100.00 Prader-Willi Syndrome Association 5700 Midnight Pass Road Suite 6 Sarasota, FL 34242 100.00 PRC Rotary Charity 5824 Westfield Avenue Pennsauken, NJ 08110 200.00 Predator Conservation Alliance Post Office Box 6733 Bozeman, MO 59771 200.00 Prep for Prep 328 West 71st Street New York, NY 10023 100.00 The Presby Memorial Iris Gardens of Montclair 474 Upper Mountain Avenue Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 1,100.00 Presbyterian Church at Woodbury South Broad & West Centre Sts. Woodbury, NJ 08096 11,975.00 Presbyterian Church of Morristown 65 South Street Morristown, NJ 07960 250.00 Presbyterian Church USA 475 Riverside Drive Room 1201 New York, NY 10115 2,500.00 Presbyterian Church of Pleasantville, NY 400 Bedford Road Pleasantville, NY 10570 100.00 Presbyterian Church of Westfield 140 Mountain Avenue Westfield, NJ 07090 3,000.00 Presbyterian Homes & Services Inc. 300 Meadow Lakes Hightstown, NJ 08520 2,000.00 Presbyterian Homes of NJ Foundation Post Office Box 2184 Princeton, NJ 08543-2184 550.00 Preservation New Jersey 30 South Warren Street Trenton, NJ 08608 3,250.00 President & Fellows of Harvard College 124 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge, MA 02138-5762 489.18 Prevention First, Inc. 1405 Highway 35 Ocean, NJ 07712 5,175.00 Princeton Area Community Foundation 15 Princess Road Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 5,000.00 Princeton Ballet Society/American Reparatory 80 Albany Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 250.00 Annual Fund The Great Road Princeton, NJ 08540 10,000.00 Princeton Girl Choir P 0 Box 145 Princeton, NJ 08542 250.00 Princeton HealthCare System Foundation 253 Witherspoon Street Princeton, NJ 08540 48,000.00 Foundation Princeton Shopping Center 301 North Harrison Street Princeton, NJ 08540 5,000.00 330 Alexander Street Post Office Box 46 Princeton, NJ 08544-0046 20,600.00 Princeton University Post Office Box 5357 Princeton, NJ 08543-5357 20,000.00 Princeton-Blairstown Center 158 Millbrook Rd Blairstown, NJ 07825 1,000.00 Princeton-Blairstown Center Princeton University 350 Alexander Street Princeton, NJ 08544 13,000.00 Prison Fellowship Ministries P 0 Box 17500 Washington, DC 20041 2,500.00 Pro Mujer 120 Wall Street, 20th Floor New York, NY 10005 250.00 Proctor Academy Post Office Box 389 Andover, NH 03216-0389 5,000.00 Program for Early Parent Support 4649 Sunnyside Avenue North Suite 324 Seattle, WA 98103 158.58 Project Acorn Post Office Box 86 Morris Plains, NJ 07950 9,902.13 Project Hospitality 100 Park Avenue Staten Island, NY 10302 1,000.00 Project Open Hand 730 Polk Street San Francisco, CA 94109 204.85 Project Renewal Fund Inc. 200 Varick Street 9th Floor New York, NY 10014 1,000.00 Project Self Sufficiency of Sussex County Post Office Box 322 Sparta, NJ 07871 28,250.00 Project USE Post Office Box 837 Red Bank, NJ 07701-0837 32,000.00 Projects, Inc. P 0 Box 261 Camden, ME 04843 5,000.00 Proliteracy Worldwide Literacy Volunteers-Monmouth 213 Broadway Long Branch, NJ 07740 3,000.00 Prostate Cancer Foundation 1250 Fourth Street Santa Monica, CA 90401 1,000.00 Protestant Community Centers, Inc. 25 James Street Newark, NJ 07102 1,700.00 Providence College 549 River Ave Providence, RI 02918-0001 400.00 PTA New Jersey Congress of Fair Haven Fair Haven School 16 Buena Vista Avenue Fair Haven, NJ 07704 250.00 PTA New Jersey Congress of Parents & Teachers 74 Ridge Road Rumson, NJ 07760 150.00 Public Assistance Trust Fund 01 Department of Social Services 176 Park Avenue Rutherford, NJ 07070 500.00 Public Citizen 1600 20th Street Washington, DC 20009 500.00 Puget Sound Symphony Orchestra 10741 17th Avenue NE Seattle, WA 98125 118.94 51 Pottersville Road Pottersville, NJ 07979 1,200.00 Pushcart Players 197 Bloomfield Avenue Verona, NJ 07044 250.00 Quebec-Labrador Foundation 55 South Main Street Ipswich, MA 01938-2396 3,000.00 Queen of Angels School 44 Irvine Turner Boulevard Newark, NJ 07103 10,000.00 R-FH Educational Foundation Post Office Box 6213 Fair Haven, NJ 07704 1,000.00 R-FH High School Foundation 74 Ridge Road Rumson, NJ 07760 836.00 Rabbinical Seminary of America 92-15 69th Avenue Forest Hills, NY 11375-9960 100.00 Rachel B. Isacoff / Univ. of Michigan 150 Knickerbocker Road Demarest, NJ 07627 1,500.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 33 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Rahway Teen Employment Services 673 East Grand Avenue Rahway, NJ 07065 2,500.00 Rails to Trails Conservancy 1100 Seventeenth Street NW 10th Floor Washington, DC 20036 350.00 Rainbows Inc. of New Jersey 55 Woodland Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 1,500.00 Rainforest Action Network 221 Pine Street Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94104 526.12 Rainforest Relief 122 West 27th Street Tenth Floor New York, NY 10001 800.00 Ralston Cider Mill 95 Washington Street Morristown, NJ 07960 1,000.00 Ramapo College Foundation 505 Ramapo Valley Road Mahwah, NJ 07430 1,000.00 Rams Wrestling Booster Club Inc. Post Office Box 662 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 1,000.00 Randolph Macon Womens' College 2500 Rivermont Avenue Lynchburg, VA 24503-1576 232.00 The 235 Hope Road Tinton Falls, NJ 07724 3,100.00 Raritan Bay Healthcare Foundation 471 Lawrie Street Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 35,000.00 Raritan Baykeeper Inc. 52 West Front Street Keyport, NJ 07735 10,000.00 Raritan Valley Community College Office of the Foundation Post Office Box 3300 Somerville, NJ 08876-1265 1,200.00 Readington Reformed Church Post Office Box 1 Readington, NJ 08870 32,000.00 Rebecca Kuplin/Messiah College 39 Glenbrook Road Ogdensburg, NJ 07439 100.00 Recording for the Blind 20 Roszel Road Princeton, NJ 08540 5,000.00 Rectors, Wardens, & Vestrymen 31 Mulberry Street Newark, NJ 07102 4,810.00 Red Bank Chamber Music Society 34 Red Coach Lane Locust, NJ 07760 500.00 Red Bank Rotary Foundation Post Office Box 8444 Red Bank, NJ 07701 300.00 Reformation Lutheran Church 102 West Rose Tree Road Media, PA 19063 100.00 Reformed Church of Bronxville Post Office Box 397 Bronxville, NY 10708 100.00 Reformed Church of Linden 600 North Wood Avenue Linden, NJ 07036 3,000.00 Refugees International 1705 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 1,000.00 Regent University 1000 Regent University Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23464 2,000.00 The Regional Planning Partnership 118 West State Street Trenton, NJ 08608 500.00 REMEDY, Inc. Post Office Box 3298 New Haven, CT 06515 100.00 Renew International 1232 George Street Plainfield, NJ 07062 13,500.00 Rescue Mission of Trenton 98 Carroll Street PO Box 617 Trenton, NJ 08604 5,877.00 Resist, Inc. 259 Elm Street Suite 201 Somerville, MA 02144-9816 200.00 Resource Center For Women and Their Families 427 Homestead Road Hillsborough, NJ 08844-1400 7,000.00 Restore Ministries Post Office Box 29 Elizabeth, NJ 07207 27,555.00 Rhodell Plaza/Union County College 633 East Third Street Plainfield, NJ 07060 1,000.00 Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Cashier's Office Jim Leeds Road Pomona, NJ 08240 1,000.00 Richmond Art Center 2540 Barrett Avenue Richmond, CA 94804 1,700.00 Rider University 2083 Lawrenceville Road Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 5,500.00 Ridgewood High School 627 East Ridgewood Avenue Ridgewood, NJ 07450 1,000.00 The Ridgewood YMCA 112 Oak Street Ridgewood, NJ 07450 12,316.00 River Network 520 SW 6TH Avenue Suite 1130 Portland, OR 97207-8787 500.00 Riverside Church Riverside Drive & 120th Street New York, NY 10027 500.00 Riverside Orchestra c/o Dr. Ephraim Rubin, Manager 24 West 96th Street New York, NY 10026 250.00 Riverside Park Fund 475 Riverside Drive Suite 249 New York, NY 10115 300.00 Riverview Hospital Foundation One Riverview Plaza Red Bank, NJ 07701 21,650.00 Roanoke College 221 College Lane Salem, VA 24153 500.00 Robert Chromonski/Clemson University 92 Brooks Flat Road Ogdensburg, NJ 07439 2,300.00 Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital University Center Eight Easton Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901 17,155.00 Rochelle Furman / New York University 11 Combee Lane Clifton, NJ 07012 1,500.00 Rocky Mountain Legal Foundation 1280 Ute Avenue, Suite 4 Aspen, CO 81611 200.00 Roman Catholic Diocese of Rockville Centre Post Office Box 9023 Rockville Centre, NY 11571-9 500.00 Ronald Maynard / Montclair State University 935 Myrtle Avenue Plainfield, NJ 07063 2,000.00 Ronald McDonald House 331 Bath Ave Long Branch, NJ 07740 1,450.00 Ronald McDonald House-Philadelphia 3921-3925 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 2,000.00 Ronald McDonald House Charities of Western WA 5130 40th Avenue, NE Seattle, WA 98105 250.94 Ronald McDonald House of New York, Inc. 405 East 73rd Street New York, NY 10021 1,000.00 Room for One More 243 Sparta Avenue Sparta, NJ 07871 500.00 Roselle Catholic High School One Raritan Road Roselle, NJ 07203 550.00 Roselle Volunteer Ambulance Corps 210 Chestnut Street Roselle, NJ 07203 1,500.00 08/03 /2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 34 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Rosemont College 1400 Montgomery Avenue Rosemont, PA 19010-1699 150.00 Rotary Club of Asbury Park Post Office Box 512 Asbury Park, NJ 07712-0512 200.00 Rotary Foundation of Rotary International 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201 1,550.00 Roundabout Theatre Company 231 West 39th Street Suite 1200 New York, NY 10018 200.00 Rowan University 201 Mullica Hill Road Glassboro, NJ 08028 750.00 Rowan University Foundation 201 Mullica Hill Road Glassboro, NJ 08028 100.00 Rumson-Fair Haven Bank Charitable Trust Fund P 0 Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 5,500.00 Rumson Community Appeal Post Office Box 11 Rumson, NJ 07760 700.00 Rumson Country Day School 35 Bellevue Avenue Rumson, NJ 07760 12,000.00 Rumson Endowment Fund Borough Hall 80 East River Road Rumson, NJ 07760 750.00 Rumson First Aid Squad P 0 Box 89 Rumson, NJ 07760 100.00 Rumson Volunteer Fire Department P 0 Box 516 Rumson, NJ 07760-9984 300.00 Rumson-Fair Haven High School 74 Ridge Road Rumson, NJ 07760 100.00 Russell Prokop / Ramapo College 186 Boston Avenue North Arlington, NJ 07031 1,000.00 Rutgers University 93 College Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901 9,000.00 Rutgers University 65 Davidson Road Piscataway, NJ 08854 400.00 Rutgers University Foundation Winants Hall Seven College Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1261 22,550.00 Rutgers University, The State of New Jersey Treasure Operations Room, 304 Davidson Road, Busch Campus Piscataway, NJ 08854 8,808.00 Rutherford Community Pantry, Inc. 176 Park Avenue Rutherford, NJ 07070 250.00 Rutherford High School 56 Elliott Place Rutherford, NJ 07070 1,000.00 Ryan T. Westra/Pennsylvania College of Techno 109 Frank Chandler Road Newton, NJ 07860 1,500.00 S.H.A.R.E 591 South Mountain Road New City, NY 10956 400.00 Sacred Heart Church 102 Park Street Haworth, NJ 07641 18,000.00 Sacred Heart Church 751 Main Avenue Bay Head, NJ 08742 1,500.00 Sacred Heart School 620 Valley Brook Avenue Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 5,000.00 Safe Blood for Africa Corporation 3828 Kennett Pike Suite 206 Greenville, DE 19807 100.00 Safe Crossings Foundation 1121 - 39th Avenue East Seattle, WA 98112 90.44 SAGE Eldercare, Inc. 290 Broad Street Summit, NJ 07901 31,200.00 Saint Andrews School 3900 Jog Road Boca Raton, FL 33434 5,000.00 Saint Ann Church 704 Jefferson Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 2,500.00 Saint Barnabas Development Foundation 94 Old Short Hills Road Livingston, NJ 07039 25,000.00 Saint Benedict Monastery 2711 Drahner Road Oxford, MI 48370 19,565.00 Saint Catharine's 215 Essex Avenue Spring Lake, NJ 07762 1,000.00 Saint Clare's Foundation 75 Bloomfield Avenue Denville, NJ 07834-2734 25,000.00 Saint John's Episcopal Church Post Office Box 1766 Laurel, MS 39440 1,326.33 Saint Joseph High School 145 Plainfield Avenue Metuchen, NJ 08840 1,000.00 Saint Luke Institute 8901 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20903 500.00 Saint Marks Episcopal Cathedral 1245 Tenth Avenue East Seattle, WA 98102-4398 931.49 Saint Martin of Tours Church P 0 Box 88 New Hope, PA 18938-0088 1,000.00 Saint Mary's Church 747 West Bay Avenue Barnegat, NJ 08005-2130 25,000.00 Saint Mary's Roman Catholic Church 516 West Sixth Street Plainfield, NJ 07060 10,000.00 Saint Paul's Ministry 193 Wyckoff Avenue Ramsey, NJ 07446 1,000.00 Salem Health & Wellness Foundation Post Office Box 95 Salem, NJ 08079-0095 1,346.13 Salesian Missions Two Lefevre Lane Post Office Box 30 New Rochelle, NY 10802-0030 500.00 Salvation Army PO Box 1179 Bradenton, Fl 34206-1179 1,000.00 Salvation Army 95 Spring Street Post Office Box 1408 Morristown, NJ 07962-1408 1,150.00 Salvation Army Post Office Box 2622 Paterson, NJ 07509 5,000.00 Salvation Army Post Office Box 956 Somerville, NJ 08876-0956 200.00 Salvation Army Post Office Box 1016 Springfield, NJ 07081-5016 1,250.00 Salvation Army Post Office Box 6329 New York, NY 10277-2718 500.00 Salvation Army P 0 Box C-635 West Nyack, NY 10994-1739 1,000.00 Salvation Army Post Office Box 527 Asbury Park, NJ 07712 100.00 Salvation Army Post Office Box 269 615 Slaters Lane Alexandria, VA 22313 125,244.00 Salvation Army - Red Bank Corps Post Office Box 230 Red Bank, NJ 07701 6,600.00 Salvation Army - Trenton Area 575 East State Street Post Office Box 0060 Trenton, NJ 08601-0060 500.00 Salvation Army, New Jersey State Headquarters Four Gary Road Post Office Box 3170 Union, NJ 07083-1970 28,096.24 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 35 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Address1 Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------The Salvation Army No. Bergen Area Four Gary Road Post Office Box 3170 Union, NJ 07083-1970 10,437.00 Salvation Army of Greater New York 120 West 14th Street New York, NY 10011-7393 2,500.00 Salvation Army, Montclair Corps. 13 Trinity Place Montclair, NJ 07042 3,000.00 Samaritan Homeless Interim Program P 0 Box 452 Raritan, NJ 08869 1,000.00 Samaritan Hospice Five Eves Drive, Suite 300 Marlton, NJ 08053 3,340.00 Samaritans, Inc. 654 Beacon Street Sixth Floor Boston, MA 02215 1,000.00 Samost Jewish Family and Children's Service o 1301 Springdale Road Suite 150 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 10,000.00 Sandler Family Fund Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 25,000.00 The Sandy Hook Foundation, Inc. Post Office Box 525 Highlands, NJ 07732 1,500.00 Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation Post Office Box 839 Sanibel, FL 33957-0839 1,000.00 Sankaty Head Foundation Inc. Post Office Box 875 Siasconset, MA 02564 1,000.00 Sara Young/Old Dominion University Cashier Office Post Office Box 2058 Norfolk, VA 23501-2058 1,000.00 Sarah Kearney/LaSalle University 210 South Clinton Avenue Wenonah, NJ 08090 500.00 Sarah Lawrence College Development Office One Mead Way Bronxville, NY 10708-9902 600.00 Sarah Ross / The College of New Jersey 601 St. Louis Avenue Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 1,000.00 Sarah Ward Foundation, Inc. P 0 Box 641 Summit, NJ 07902-0641 250.00 Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Inc. Post Office Box B Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 2,000.00 Sarvey Wildlife Care Center 13106 148th Street NE Arlington, WA 98223 1,024.24 Save Barnegat Bay 906B Grand Central Avenue Lavallette, NJ 08735 2,700.00 Save Our Heritage, Inc. 57 Main Street Concord, MA 01742 1,000.00 Save Sandy Hook Corporation 578 Navesink River Road Red Bank, NJ 07701 12,500.00 Save the Children 54 Wilton Road Westport, CT 06880 136,748.99 Save Venice, Inc. 15 East 74th Street New York, NY 10021 1,000.00 SCARC Foundation, Inc. 11 U S Route 206, Suite 100 Augusta, NJ 07822 2,000.00 Schiff Natural Lands Trust Inc. 339 Pleasant Valley Road Mendham, NJ 07945 3,000.00 The Scholarship Fund for Inner City Children 171 Clifton Avenue Post Office Box 9500 Newark, NJ 07104-9500 77,566.96 Sconset Trust Development Office 15 McKinley Ave. P 0 Box 821 Siasconset, MA 02564 100.00 SCORE Association Chapter 36 38 Rolling Meadows Blvd. South Ocean, NJ 07712 250.00 Scotch Plains Baptist Church 333 Park Avenue Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 2,000.00 Scott Hazelcorn Memorial Children's Foundatio Amer Express Tax and Bus Svcs 1185 Ave of Americas 16th Flr New York, NY 10036 500.00 Scripps College 1030 Columbia Avenue Claremont, CA 91711-9969 500.00 SDTC Foundation, Inc. P 0 Box 840 Harris, NY 12742 750.00 Sea Shepard Conservation Society 22774 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90265 100.00 Sean Caton Memorial Foundation C/o Henderson 665 Park Avenue Oradell, NJ 07649 270.00 Seattle Art Museum Post Office Box 22000 Seattle, WA 98122 1,536.37 Seattle Biomedical Research Institute 307 Westlake Ave North Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98109 452.23 The Seattle Foundation 1200 Fifth Avenue Suite 1300 Seattle, WA 98101-3151 1,002.17 Seattle Girls School 2706 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98144 10,039.60 Seattle Opera Association P 0 Box 9248 Seattle, WA 98104-2223 581.00 Seattle Parks Foundation 860 Terry Avenue North Room 231 Seattle, WA 98109 99.16 Seattle Repertory Theatre 155 Mercer Street P 0 Box 900923 Seattle, WA 98109 174.30 Second Chance Cat Adoptions, Inc. C/o Westbury Animal Hospital 319 Union Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 12,060.58 Secretariat for Social Justice of Grand Rapid 660 Burton Street SE Grand Rapids, MI 49507 8,161.26 See-Won Seo / Rutgers University 162 Spring Street Leonia, NJ 07605-2309 1,250.00 Seeds of Peace, Inc. 370 Lexington Avenue Suite 401 New York, NY 10017 2,500.00 The Seeing Eye Post Office Box 375 Morristown, NJ 07963-0375 47,700.00 Senior Care & Activities Center 110 Greenwood Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 8,000.00 Senior Citizens Center of Ardmore 117 Ardmore Avenue Ardmore, PA 19003 500.00 Senior Services Center of the Chathams Inc. Chatham Twp Municipal Bldg 58 Meyertsville Road Chatham, NJ 07928 200.00 Services for Children with Hidden Intelligenc 812 East County Line Road Lakewood, NJ 08701 2,000.00 Seton Foundation for Learning 315 Arlene Street Staten Island, NY 10314 500.00 Seton Hall Preparatory School 120 Northfield Avenue West Orange, NJ 07052 700,000.00 Seton Hall University 400 South Orange Avenue South Orange, NJ 07079 160,757.00 Settlement Music School The Cadenza Society Post Office Box 63966 Philadelphia, PA 19147-3966 1,000.00 Several Sources Foundation Post Office Box 157 Ramsey, NJ 07446 5,750.00 Shakespeare & Company, Inc. Post Office Box 865 70 Kemble Street Lenox, MA 01240-2813 1,000.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 36 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey, inc. 36 Madison Avenue Madison, NJ 07940 46,500.00 ARTS, CULTURE The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ Endowment Fund P 0 Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 200.00 Shakita Minzy / Wilberforce University 1258 Carl Miller Boulevard Camden, NJ 08104 1,500.00 Shamong Foundation for Educational Excellence 295 Indian Mills Road Shamong, NJ 08088 250.00 Shanay Kornegay/Montclair State University 297 Peshine Avenue Newark, NJ 07108 2,500.00 Shaw Festival Foundation Post Office Box 628 Lewistown, NY 14092-0628 150.00 The Shearim USA Charitable Trust Post Office Box 2507 New York, NY 10185-2507 200.00 Shelburne Museum, Inc. P 0 Box Ten Shelburne, VT 05482 5,000.00 Shelter Our Sisters 405 State Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 200.00 Shiloh Baptist Church P 0 Box 84 Bordentown, NJ 08505 2,000.00 Sickle Cell Disease Association of America 16 South Calvert Street Suite 600 Baltimore, MD 21202 100.00 Sidwell Friends School 3825 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016 1,000.00 Sierra Club 2260 Baseline Road #105 Boulder, CO 80302 10,000.00 Sierra Club Foundation 85 Second Street Suite 750 San Francisco, CA 94105-3465 7,387.45 Signature Theatre Company 630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 1106 New York, NY 10036-3708 200.00 Simon Wiesenthal Center, Inc. Attn: Direct Mail 1399 So Roxbury Drive 2nd Flr Los Angeles, CA 90035 500.00 Sippican Lands Trust, Inc. 589 Mill Street Marion, MA 02738 2,500.00 Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth Post Office Box 476 Convent Station, NJ 07961-04 5,000.00 Sisters of Mercy 1645 Highway 22 West Watchung, NJ 07069-6587 250.00 Sisters of St. Joseph Mt. St. Joseph Convent Development Office 9701 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118-2694 500.00 Ski For All Foundation 1621 - 114th Avenue, Suite 132 Bellevue, WA 98004 226.06 Skid Row Charity Fund 10766 National Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90064 100.00 Skidmore College 815 North Broadway Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 25,000.00 Skyland Trail 1903 North Druid Hills Road Atlanta, GA 30319 100.00 Small Friends of Nantucket Inc. Post Office Box 2826 Nantucket, MA 02584 100.00 Smile Train, Inc. 245 Fifth Avenue Suite 2201 New York, NY 10016 1,500.00 Smith College 33 Elm Street Northampton, MA 01063-0024 16,700.00 Smith Grove United Methodist Church 8301 Smith's Grove Lane Petersburg, VA 23803 1,000.00 Social Service Association Six Station Plaza Ridgewood, NJ 07450 500.00 Social Venture Partners 1601 Second Avenue Suite 605 Seattle, WA 98101 4,402.70 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith Post Office Box 8 Rockville Centre, NY 11571-9 500.00 Society for the Propagation of Faith 171 Clifton Avenue Newark, NJ 07102 6,634.00 Society of African Missions 269 Common Street Post Office Box 9110 Dedham, MA 02027-9985 500.00 Society of St. John the Evangelist 980 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02138 500.00 Solebury Township Police Benevolent Associati Post Office Box 339 Solebury, PA 28963-0339 100.00 Somerset County 4-H Association 310 Miltown Road Bridgewater, NJ 08807 1,000.00 Somerset Hills Handicapped Riding Center Post Office Box 305 Oldwick, NJ 08858 900.00 Somerset Hills Learning Institute, Inc. Post Office Box 550 Gladstone, NJ 07934 100.00 Somerset Home for Temporary Displaced Childre 49 Brahma Avenue Post Office Box 6871 Bridgewater, NJ 08807-0871 2,500.00 Sonoran Institute Northwest Office 201 South Wallace Bozeman, MT 59715 400.00 Sound Experience 2310 Washington Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 134.78 South Branch Reformed Church 870 South Branch River Road Hillsborough, NJ 08844 200.00 South Branch Watershed Association Echo Hill Environmental Center 41 Lilac Drive Flemington, NJ 08822 250.00 South Carolina Special Olympics 810 Dutch Square Boulevard Suite 204 Columbia, SC 29210 200.00 South Jersey Foundation for the Performing Ar 346 Mermaid Drive Manahawkin, NJ 08050 2,500.00 South Mountain YMCA 13 Jefferson Avenue Maplewood, NJ 07040 1,750.00 South Nassau Communities Hospital One Healthy Way Oceanside, NY 11572 5,000.00 South Orange/Maplewood Community Coalition on Post Office Box 1309 Maplewood, NJ 07040 100.00 Southern Mutual Help Association, Inc. 3602 Old Jeanerette Road New Iberia, LA 70563 2,500.00 Southern Partners Fund, Inc. 1237 Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard SW Atlanta, GA 30310 2,000.00 Southern Poverty Law Center 400 Washington Avenue Box 548 Montgomery, AL 36104 9,923.49 Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance 425 East 100 South Salt Lake City, UT 84111-180 1,400.00 SPARC Resource Committee 89 Summit Avenue - Suite 225 Summit, NJ 07901 100.00 Special Olympics New York Post Office Box 768 504 Ball Town Road Bldg 12C Schenectady, NY 12301-0768 500.00 Special Olympics New Jersey Three Princess Road Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 25,200.00 Special Olympics Texas, Inc. 7715 Chevy Chase Drive Suite 120 Austin, TX 78752 4,952.08 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 37 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Special Operations Warrior Foundation Post Office Box 14385 Tampa, FL 33690 100.00 Special People United to Ride 805 Newman Springs Road Lincroft, NJ 07738 150.00 Spectrum for Living Corporation 210 Rivervale Road River Vale, NJ 07675-6281 7,000.00 Spina Bifida Association of the Tri-State Reg 84 Park Avenue Flemington, NJ 08822 250.00 Spring House 155 South Street Eatontown, NJ 07724 500.00 Spring Lake Fire Co. No. 1 Post Office Box 203 Spring Lake, NJ 07762-0203 350.00 Sri Lanka Medical Association of North Americ 2500-16 Nesconset Highway Suite 61 Stony Brook, NY 11790 5,000.00 St. Agnes Church 103 Center Avenue Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716 10.00 St. Agnes School 103 Centre Avenue Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716 393.00 St. Andrew's Episcopal School 45 Main Street Newport News, VA 23601 200.00 St. Andrew's School of Delaware, Inc. 350 Noxontown Road Middletown, DE 19709-1605 1,000.00 St. Anthony Community Hospital 15 Maple Avenue Warwick, NY 10990 1,966.60 St. Anthony Hall Foundation Post Office Box 876 Ithaca, NY 14851-9980 200.00 St. Anthony High School 175 Eighth Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 60,200.00 St. Benedict's Preparatory 520 Martin L. King Jr. Blvd. Newark, NJ 07102 20,000.00 St. Brigid's Church Post Office Box 33 Main Street Peapack, NJ 07977 2,000.00 St. Cassian Roman Catholic Church 187 Belleview Avenue Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 12,250.00 St. Catharine Church 214 Essex Avenue Spring Lake, NJ 07762 2,500.00 St. Catherine's-St. Margaret's 215 Essex Avenue Spring Lake, NJ 07762 2,000.00 St. Columba Church 25 Thomas Street Newark, NJ 07114 2,529.60 The St. Francis Hospital Foundation Inc. 100 Port Washington Boulevard Roslyn, NY 11576 5,000.00 St. George Episcopal Church 500 Ridgewood Road Maplewood, NJ 07040 100.00 St. Georges By-the River Episcopal Church Waterman Avenue Rumson, NJ 07760 4,600.00 St. Hubert's Giralda 575 Woodland Avenue Post Office Box 159 Madison, NJ 07940-9989 3,850.00 St. Hubert's Animal Welfare Center Post Office Box 159 575 Woodland Avenue Madison, NJ 07940-0159 200.00 St. Ignatius of Antioch 999 Reading Avenue Yardley, PA 19067 500.00 St. James Church Attn: Treasurer 94 Broad Street Red Bank, NJ 07701 10.00 St. John School 3921 St. John Avenue No. Charleston, SC 29405 393.09 St. John the Apostle Church 1805 Penbrook Terrace Linden, NJ 07036 500.00 St. John's Episcopal Church Attn: Financial Secretary 76 Market Street Salem, NJ 08079 86.41 St. John's in thg Village 224 Waverly Place New York, NY 10014 400.00 St. John's University 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens, NY 11439 500.00 St. Joseph Social Service Center 118 Division Street Elizabeth, NJ 07206 100.00 St. Joseph's High School 145 Plainfield Road Metuchen, NJ 08840 300.00 St. Joseph's Hospital & Medical Center Found 703 Main Street Paterson, NJ 07503 17,490.00 St. Joseph's in the Hills\Laymen's Retreat Le Men of Malvern Post Office Box 315 Malvern, PA 19355-0315 1,000.00 St. Joseph's School for the Blind 253 Baldwin Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306-1388 150.00 St. Joseph's School 20 Hackensack Street East Rutherford, NJ 07073 2,850.00 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital 501 St. Jude Place Post Office Box 50 Memphis, TN 38101-9929 4,100.00 St. Lawrence University 23 Romoda Drive Canton, NY 13617-9988 2,000.00 St. Luke Community Multi-Purpose Outreach Cen 196 Clinton Avenue Newark, NJ 07114 5,000.00 St. Luke's Episcopal Church 17 Oak Avenue at Route 27 Metuchen, NJ 08840 250.00 St. Luke's Episcopal Church 182 Main Street Post Office Box 605 Gladstone, NJ 07934 3,000.00 St. Luke's Reformed Episcopal Church 260 South Street New Providence, NJ 07974 11,344.55 St. Mark's High School 2501 Pike Creek Road Wilmington, DE 19808 1,000.00 St. Mary's Church 26 Leonardville Road New Monmouth, NJ 07748 10.00 St. Mary's Church 6502 Jackson Street West New York, NJ 07093 117,000.00 St. Mary's of the Assumption Church 155 Washington Avenue Elizabeth, NJ 07202 350.00 St. Mary's Parish School at Newark Abbey 520 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Newark, NJ 07102-1314 2,684.72 St. Matthew Catholic Church 8015 Ballantyne Commons Prkwy Post Office Box 49349 Charlotte, NC 28277 17,000.00 St. Michael's School 27-29 Crittenden Street Newark, NJ 07104 4,784.72 St. Monica's Catholic Church Post Office Box 128 Moraga, CA 94556 5,000.00 St. Paul's Church Post Office Box 1551 422 Market Street Camden, NJ 08101-1551 2,488.66 St. Paul's Community Development Corporation 451 Van Houten Street Paterson, NJ 07501 1,000.00 St. Paul's School 325 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301-9966 1,597.21 St. Paul's United Methodist Church P 0 Box 105 Bay Head, NJ 08742 5,000.00 Page 38 08/03 /2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey 12:48 PM

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Area Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program ------St. Peter's Orphanage, Inc. 170 Diamond Spring Road Denville, NJ 07834 6,000.00 St. Peter's Prep School 144 Grand Street Jersey City, NJ 07303 1,000.00 St. Philip Neri School 2110 East 72nd Street Chicago, IL 60645 100.00 65,384.72 St. Philip's Academy 18 Washington Place Newark, NJ 07102 St. Pius X Church 344 Kresson Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 2,600.00 06107-3515 1,000.00 St. Regis Foundation, Inc. 303 Ridgewood Road West Hartford, CT 2,684.72 St. Rose of Lima Parish 11 Gray Street Newark, NJ 07107 1,000.00 St. Sebastian Church 13075 U.S. Highway 1 Post Office Box 78-1212 Sebastian, FL 32958 15,500.00 St. Vincent Academy 228 West Market Street Newark, NJ 07103 1,000.00 St. Vincent College 300 Fraser Purchase Road Latrobe, PA 15650-2690 07720 1,250.00 St. Vincent DePaul Society of Church of the A 501 Brinley Avenue Bradley Beach, NJ 700.00 St. Vincent Parish 26 Green Village Road Madison, NJ 07940 1,000.00 Stafford Township Historical Society Post Office Box 1097 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Stage Harbor Sailing School c/o Merservey Accountants 104 Crowell Road Chatham, MA 02633 2,500.00 Stanford University Frances C Arrillaga Alumni Ctr 326 Galvez Street Stanford, CA 94305-6105 1,321.88 6,200.00 Stanley Congregational Church, U.C.C. 94 Fairmount Avenue Chatham, NJ 07928 Star of the Sea Golden Hill Foundation, Inc. Post Office Box 187 Fishing Creek, MD 21634 200.00 Starlight Children's Foundation 4536 150th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 667.33 Statewide Parent Advocacy Network, Inc. 35 Halsey Street Suite 400 Newark, NJ 07102 10,000.00 Stella Mimidas / College of New Jersey 99-101 Barbara Street Newark, NJ 07105 1,000.00 500.00 Step Ahead 54 Main Street Suite 201 Succasunna, NJ 07876 Stephanie Sypek / Syracuse University P 0 Box 934 Bondsville, MA 01009 350.00 Steppingstone Foundation 77 Summer Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02110 100.00 Steven P. Bieganousky Foundation for Children Suite 2 IA Main Street Sparta, NJ 07871 1,000.00 1,500.00 Steven V. Handy/University of Kansas 319 Division Avenue Hasbrouk Heights, NJ 07604 Stevens Institute of Technology Castle Point on Hudson Hoboken, NJ 07030 7,750.00 Stillwater Elementary School 11530 320th Avenue NE Carnation, WA 98014 992.69 Stillwater Emergency Rescue Squad P 0 Box 262 Stillwater, NJ 07875 100.00 Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed 31 Titus Mill Road Pennington, NJ 08534 969.00 198.22 Street Youth Ministries 4540 15th Avenue, NE Seattle, WA 98105 3,500.00 Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart 1200 Stuart Road Princeton, NJ 08540-1297 Student Conservation Association P 0 Box 550 Charleston, NH 03603-0550 590.02 Student/Sponsor Partnership 21 East 40th Street #1601 New York, NY 10016 4,500.00 250.00 Suburban Community Music Center 570 Central Avenue Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Sujelis Perez/County College of Morris 183 Pequannock Street Dover, NJ 07801 2,000.00 12,300.00 Summit Area Public Foundation Post Office Box 867 Summit, NJ 07901 Summit Area YMCA 67 Maple Street Summit, NJ 07901 2,000.00 Summit Educational Foundation Post Office Box 268 Summit, NJ 07902 2,000.00 Summit Helping its People c/o June Wessel 44 Dale Drive Summit, NJ 07901 1,000.00 200.00 Summit Homeless Intervention Program 89 Summit Avenue Post Office Box 209 Summit, NJ 07901 750.00 Summit Club Post Office Box 93 Summit, NJ 07902 7,200.00 Summit Speech School at the F.M. Kirby Center 705 Central Avenue New Providence, NJ 07974 Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad Post Office Box 234 Summit, NJ 07902 1,700.00 6,900.00 Summit YMCA 67 Maple Street Summit, NJ 07901 500.00 Sun-Up of Indian River, Inc. Post Office Box 6819 Vero Beach, FL 32961 300.00 Sunaina Kavita Kaushal / Monmouth University Seven Navesink Drive Pennington, NJ 08534 07848 23,500.00 Sunrise House Foundation Inc. Post Office Box 600 37 Sunset Inn Road Lafayette, NJ SUNY College of Environmental Science & Fores 204 Bray Hall One Forestry Drive Syracuse, NY 13210 150.00 406.74 Survivors of Torture International P 0 Box 151240 San Diego, CA 92175 2,000.00 Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer Foundation Inc. Post Office Box 650309 Dallas, TX 75265-0309 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 785 Springfield Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 1,100.00 5,000.00 Sussex County Community College Foundation One College Hill Newton, NJ 07860 47,000.00 Sussex County Conservation Foundation Inc. 4 Fall Drive Stockholm, NJ 07460 500.00 Sussex County Friends of Animals P 0 Box 172 Branchville, NJ 07826 Sussex County Interfaith Hospitality Network Post Office Box 154 54 High Street Newton, NJ 07860 23,000.00 Swarthmore College Development Office 500 College Avenue Swarthmore, PA 19081-1397 200.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 39 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Syracuse University 820 Comstock Avenue Syracuse, NY 13244-5040 1,200.00 T-Bird Foundation Inc. 89 Clyde Avenue Hopelawn, NJ 08861 1,000.00 Table to Table Post Office Box 1051 Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 1,300.00 Tamara Cerbo / The College of New Jersey 392 Grand Avenue Leonia, NJ 07605 2,000.00 Taproot Theatre Company P 0 Box 30946 Seattle, WA 98103 118.94 Task Force Against Substance Abuse, Inc. P 0 Box 171 Fair Haven, NJ 07704 1,000.00 Teach for America New Jersey 60 Park Place 3rd Floor Newark, NJ 07102 7,500.00 Team Walker Inc. 316 Communipaw Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304 15,000.00 Techno Serve 49 Day Street Norwalk, CT 06845-9921 490.02 Teddy Bear Fund for Achondroplasia, Inc. P 0 Box 1220 Summit, NJ 07902 200.00 Temple B'nai Or 60 Overlook Road Morristown, NJ 07960-5800 2,811.00 Temple Beth El 71 Bentley Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304 163.89 Temple Sholom of West Essex 760 Pompton Avenue Cedar Grove, NJ 07609 6,000.00 Temple Sinai 208 Summit Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 20,275.00 Tenafly Lions Club Post Office Box 102 Tenafly, NJ 07670 100.00 Tenafly Nature Center Association 313 Hudson Avenue Tenafly, NJ 07670 100.00 Tenafly Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Post Office Box 355 Tenafly, NJ 07670 100.00 Teton Arts Council Post Office Box 627 Driggs, ID 83422 1,000.00 Teton Regional Land Trust Post Office Box 247 Driggs, ID 83422 2,500.00 Theatreworks USA 151 West 26th Street New York, NY 10001 1,000.00 Theresa Scalera/Boston University 81 Gibbs Street, Apartment 1 Brookline, MA 02446 1,000.00 Thiel College 75 College Avenue Greenvillle, PA 16125 100.00 Thirteen-WNET 450 West 33rd Street New York, NY 10001-2605 7,700.00 Thirteen/WNET New York Post Office Box 1313 New York, NY 10101-1313 5,900.00 Thomas Jambor/Drew University 8 Estes Court Midland Park, NJ 07432 9,000.00 Thoreau Farm Trust 129 Westford Road Concord, MA 01742 1,000.00 The Thresholds 4101 North Ravenswood Avenue Chicago, IL 60613 23,532.87 The Thursday Morning Club Post Office Box 345 Madison, NJ 07940 400.00 Tiffany Johnston/Univ. of Maryland 42 Brookwood Drive Maplewood, NJ 07040 200.00 Tikkun 2342 Shattuck Avenue Suite 1200 Berkeley, CA 94704 100.00 Time Out Youth 1900 The Plaza Charlotte, NC 28205 101.62 Tiro A Segno Foundation 77 MacDougal Street New York, NY 10012 350.00 Torah Academy, Inc. 11 Williston Road Brookline, MA 02445 500.00 Town of Nantucket / Our Island Home Nine East Creek Road Nantucket, MA 02554 450.00 Township Beautification League, Inc. Post Office Box 46 Millburn, NJ 07041 500.00 Township of Byram Ten Mansfield Drive Stanhope, NJ 07874 8,500.00 Township of Hamilton 1801 East State Street Hamilton, NJ 08609 2,500.00 Township of Harding Blue Mill Road Post Office Box 666 New Vernon, NJ 07976 4,070.38 Trenton Area Soup Kitchen 71 1/2 Escher Street Post Office Box 872 Trenton, NJ 08605 1,000.00 Trenton Community Music School P 0 Box 5206 Trenton, NJ 08638 1,500.00 Tri-County Scholarship Fund Four Century Drive First Floor Parsippany, NJ 07054 28,500.00 Trickle Up Program 104 West 27th Street Tweith Floor New York, NY 10001 150.00 Trinitas Hospital 225 Williamson Street Elizabeth, NJ 07201-2789 29,414.00 Trinity College 300 Summit Street Hartford, CT 06106-3100 500.00 Trinity School 139 West 91st Street New York, NY 10025 8,083.02 Trinity School, Inc. 4301 Northside Parkway Atlanta, GA 30327 6,500.00 Trust for Public Land 20 Community Place Suite 2 Morristown, NJ 07960-7501 28,600.00 Trust for Public Land 116 New Montgomery Street Fourth Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 100.00 Trustees of Columbia University of New York C 475 Riverside Drive Mail Code 7724 New York, NY 10115 10,250.00 Trustees of the First Presbyterian Society of First Presbyterian Church 15 Grove Street Passaic, NJ 07055 1,062.92 Trustees of the Morristown Green, Inc. 205 Mount Kemble Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960 7,000.00 Tulane University School of Arts & Sciences 3439 Prytania Street Suite 400 New Orleans, LA 70115 1,000.00 Tuxedo Park School Camp Comfort Road Tuxedo Park, NY 10987 30,000.00 Two River Theatre Company 21 Bridge Avenue Red Bank, NJ 07701 46,850.00 U C San Diego Foundation 9500 Gilman Drive MC 0505 La Jolla, CA 92093 503.14 U.S. Fund for UNICEF 333 East 38th Street New York, NY 10016 21,368.09 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 40 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------UCSB Foundation University of CA Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106 1,080.20 Ufuoma C. Abiola/Boston College 316 Fairmount Avenue Newark, NJ 07103 300.00 Uncommon Schools, Inc. Ten Washington Place Newark, NJ 07102 2,500.00 Underwood Memorial Hospital 509 North Broad Street Woodbury, NJ 08096 7,560.00 UNICEF U.S. Committee for UNICEF Post Office Box 97294 Washington, DC 20090-7294 800.00 UNICEF Post Office Box 3670 Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163-3670 350.00 Unified Vailsburg Services Organization 40-42 Richelieu Terrace Post Office Box 6039 Newark, NJ 07106 1,000.00 Union County College 1033 Springfield Avenue Cranford, NJ 07016 200.00 Union for Reform Judaism 633 Third Avenue, 7th Floor New York, NY 10017 4,000.00 Union Gospel Mission Association of Seattle Post Office Box 202 Seattle, WA 98111-0202 979.49 Union Industrial Home for Children 864 Bellevue Avenue Trenton, NJ 08618 500.00 Union of Concerned Scientists 2 Brattle Square Cambridge, MA 02238-9105 300.00 Union Theological Seminary 3041 Broadway & Reinhold Niebuhr Place New York, NY 10027 1,477.50 Unitarian Church of Summit Four Waldron Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 8,450.00 Unitarian Church of All Souls 1157 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10021 3,250.00 Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Prince 50 Cherry Hill Road Princeton, NJ 08540 3,500.00 United Cerebral Palsy Association of Philadel 102 East Mermaid Lane Philadelphia, PA 19118 250.00 The United Fund of Westfield 301 North Avenue West Westfield, NJ 07090-1421 100.00 United Jewish Appeal of Metrowest 901 Route 10 Whippany, NJ 07981 28,750.00 United Jewish Appeal of MetroWest Post Office Box 15325 Newark, NJ 07192-5325 1,600.00 United Jewish Appeal 71 Bentley Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304 1,000.00 United Jewish Appeal Federation of Bergen 111 Kinderkamack Road 3rd Flr P 0 Box 4176 River Edge, NJ 07661 600.00 United Jewish Appeal Federation of Northern N Post Office Box 4176 111 Kinderkamack Road River Edge, NJ 07761 3,600.00 United Jewish Communities of Metro West 901 Route 10 Whippany, NJ 07981-1156 8,000.00 United Jewish Fed. of Princeton Mercer Bucks 4 Princess Road Suite 206 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 20,700.00 United Methodist Church Post Office Box 583 Petoskey, MI 49770 1,300.00 United Methodist Church at Newfoundland 65 LaRue Road Newfoundland, NJ 07435 1,475.00 United Methodist Church Church & South Streets Manasquan, NJ 08736 1,178.50 United Methodist Church of Washington 116 East Washington Avenue Washington, NJ 07882 19,120.00 United Methodist Church of Linden 321 North Wood Avenue Linden, NJ 07036 3,000.00 United Methodist Church of Rancocas Post Office Box 234 123 West Second Street Rancocas, NJ 08073 544.13 The United Negro College Fund 9-25 Ailing Street 2nd Floor Newark, NJ 07102 100.00 The United Negro College Fund 8260 Willow Oaks Corp. Drive Post Office Box 10444 Fairfax, VA 22031-4511 1,250.00 United Negro College Fund Post Office Box 1021 Merrifield, VA 22116-9939 900.00 United Service Organization Post Office Box 96898 Washington, DC 20077-7677 100.00 United Spinal Association Seven Mill Brook Road Wilton, NH 03086-0928 700.00 United States Army Teaneck Family Assistance Ctr. Nat'l Guard Bld.1799Teaneck Rd Teaneck, NJ 07666 2,500.00 United States Field Hockey Association Inc. One Olympic Plaza Colorado Springs, CO 80909 100.00 United States Fund for UNICEF 333 East 38th Street New York, NY 10016 2,597.13 United States Fund for UNICEF 333 East 38th Street New York, NY 10016 1,000.00 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum P 0 Box 96818 Washington, DC 20077-7675 250.00 United States Naval Academy Foundation Post Office Box 64013 Baltimore, MD 21264-4013 1,200.00 United States Sportsmen's Alliance Foundation 801 Kingsmill Parkway Columbus, OH 43229-1137 300.00 United Way of Cass-Clay 219 7th Street South Fargo, ND 58103-1819 893.09 United Way of Essex and West Hudson 303-309 Washington Street Newark, NJ 07102 7,697.20 United Way of Greater Mercer County Post Office Box 6193 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-0193 10,500.00 United Way of Hudson County 857 Bergen Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 100.00 United Way of King County 720 Second Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 346,707.44 United Way of Lee County 7275 Concourse Drive Fort Myers, FL 33908 1,000.00 United Way of Millburn-Short Hills Post Office Box 546 Millburn, NJ 07041 2,149.80 United Way of Monmouth County 1415 Wyckoff Road Farmingdale, NJ 07727 2,830.00 United Way of Morris County Post Office Box 1948 Morristown, NJ 07962-1948 49,650.00 United Way of North Essex 60 South Fullerton Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 3,650.00 United Way of San Juan County Post Office Box 3181 Friday Harbor, WA 98250-3181 2,844.92 United Way of Silicon Valley 1922 The Alameda 4th Floor San Jose, CA 95126-1430 1,080.20 United Way of Somerset County Post Office Box 6835 Bridgewater, NJ 08807 3,300.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 41 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------United Way of South Hampton Roads P 0 Box 41069 Norfolk, VA 23451 1,000.00 United Way of Spokane County Post Office Box 326 Spokane, WA 99210-0326 2,513.99 United Way of Summit, New Providence, & Berke 1282 Springfield Avenue New Providence, NJ 07974 4,000.00 United Way of Westfield 301 North Avenue West Westfield, NJ 07090 100.00 Unitus, Inc. Post Office Box 626 Redmond, WA 98052 24,460.61 University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, 500 West Baltimore Street Suite 270 Baltimore, MD 21202-1786 30,000.00 University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0631 577.06 University of Chicago 5801 South Ellis Avenue Suite 302 Chicago, IL 60637-5418 1,657.43 University of Delaware Office of Development Academy Building Newark, DE 19716-6390 1,400.00 University of Florida Randell Res. Ctr. of Pineland Post Office Box 608 Pineland, FL 33945 1,000.00 University of Illinois Foundation 1305 West Green Street Urbana, IL 61801 1,080.16 University of Maryland in College Park Office of the Bursar Lee Building College Park, MD 20742 1,000.00 University of Miami Miami Project toCure Paralysis 1600 NW 10th Avenue Miami, FL 33136 1,953.64 University of Michigan Law School Development Office Post Office Box 966 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-0966 3,000.00 University of Michigan Office of Financial Aid 2011 Student Activities Bldg. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1316 10,600.00 University of New Hampshire Foundation, Inc. Nine Edgewood Drive Durham, NH 03824-1987 2,033.66 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill P 0 Box 309 Chapel Hill, NC 27514-0309 21,101.62 University of Notre Dame Post Office Box 519 South Bend, IN 46556 6,500.00 University of Notre Dame 1100 Grace Hall Notre Dame, IN 46556-5602 2,321.88 University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc. 100 Timberdell Road Norman, OK 73019 100.00 University of PA - School of Dental Medicine 4001 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 1,000.00 University of Pennsylvania Medical School Univ. of PA Medical Ed. Bldg. Suite 100 Philadelphia, PA 19104 5,737.14 University of Pittsburgh Fifth Floor Craig Hall 200 South Craig Street Pittsburgh, PA 15260 1,200.00 University of Sciences and Technology of Chin 307 Blue Jay Drive Hockessin, DE 19707 113.10 University of the Sciences in Philadelphia 600 South 43 St & Kingsessing Philadelphia, PA 19104-4495 150,000.00 University of Virginia Alumni Fund P 0 Box 3446 Charlottsville, VA 22907-301 500.00 University of Virginia Office of Univ. Development P 0 Box 400807 Charlottesville, VA 22904-48 700.00 University of Washington Foundation Gift Policy Administration 1200 5th Ave., Ste. 500 Seattle, WA 98101-1116 16,530.18 University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue West South Campus Hall Warterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 42,121.73 University Presbyterian Church 4540 Fifteenth Avenue Seattle, WA 98105 317.16 University Radio Foundation, Inc. 8801 J. M. Keynes Drive Suite 91 Charlotte, NC 28262 101.63 Upper Raritan Watershed Association Post Office Box 273 Gladstone, NJ 07934 12,500.00 Urban Alternative Education Endowment Fund PO Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 6,019.07 Urban Discoveries Ministries, Inc. P 0 Box 6381 Norfolk, VA 23508 1,000.00 Urban Justice Center 666 Broadway-10th Floor New York, NY 10012 1,000.00 Urban League of Morris County, Inc. 13 1/2 James Street Morristown, NJ 07960 100.00 Urban Pathways 575 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018-3011 1,000.00 Urban Promise Ministries Post Office Box 1479 Camden, NJ 08105-9998 23,100.00 US Association for UNHCR 1775 K Street NW Suite 290 Washington, DC 20006 96.66 US Catholic Conference-Sacred Heart School 9460 NE 14th Street Bellevue, WA 98004 938.77 US Catholic Conference-Sacred Heart Academy 265 Benham Street Hamden, CT 06514 187.76 US Committee for UNICEF 333 East 38th Street, 6th Fl. New York, NY 10016 1,000.00 USO Washington Navy Yard 1008 Eberle Place SE Suite 301 Washington, DC 20374-5096 3,500.00 Valley Advocates for Responsible Development Post Office Box 1164 60 East Little Avenue Driggs, ID 83422 14,000.00 Valley Health Council P 0 Box 216 Townsend, VT 05353 2,000.00 Valley Hospital Auxiliary 223 North Van Dien Avenue Ridgewood, NJ 07450 1,250.00 Vanderhoop Homestead Restoration Fund Town of Aquinnah 65 State Road Aquinnah, MA 02535 100.00 Vantage Health System Two Park Avenue Dumont, NJ 07628 200.00 Vassar College Vassar College Box 725 124 Raymond Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0725 1,352.23 Velocity Dance Center 915 East Pine Street Seattle, WA 98122 1,002.17 Vermont Land Trust 8 Bailey Avenue Montpelier, VT 05602 5,000.00 Vermont Youth Conservation Corps 92 South Main Street Waterbury, VT 05076 5,000.00 Veterans of Foreign Wars Processing Center Post Office Box 8974 Topeka, KS 66608-8974 500.00 Vicar's Landing 1000 Vicars Landing Way Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 2,000.00 Victorian Society in America Alumni Association 2122 Sarah Street Pittsburgh, PA 15203 300.00 Victorian Society in America 205 South Camac Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 100.00 08/03 /2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 42 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Victorian Society in America, Northern NJ Cha 16 Fairbanks Lane Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 100.00 Vikki Kieffer / Messiah College 938 Courses Landing Road Carneys Point, NJ 08069 1,000.00 Villanova University Bursar's Office - Kennedy Hall 800 Lancaster Avenue Villanova, PA 19085 105,000.00 Vincent Gengaro III / Quinnipiac University 47 Glenbrook Road Ogdensburg, NJ 07439 100.00 Vincentown United Methodist Church 97 Main Street Vincentown, NJ 08088 3,729.00 The Vine Church 14 Glascott Close Hatherleigh North Devon, England, EX20 4,092.50 Virginia Engineering Foundation Inc. Post Office Box 400256 Charlottesville, VA 22904-42 200.00 Virginia Tech Office of University Bursar 233 Burruss Hall (0139) Blacksburg, VA 24061 3,500.00 Virginia Wesleyan College 1584 Wesleyan Drive Norfolk, VA 23502-5599 1,000.00 Virtua Health Foundation 895 Rancocas Road Mount Holly, NJ 08060 238.50 Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey 141 Bodman Place Red Bank, NJ 07701 147,325.00 Visiting Nurse Association of Somerset Hills 12 Olcott Avenue Bernardsville, NJ 07924 22,000.00 Visiting Nurse Service of New York 107 East 70th Street New York, NY 10021-5087 500.00 Vladimir Gorbatyy/Columbia University 100 Prospect Avenue Unit 4K Hackensack, NJ 07601 1,500.00 VNA & Hospice Foundation, Inc. Post Office Box 6752 1111 36th Street Vero Beach, FL 32961 50.00 Volunteer Center of Bergen County 64 Passaic Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 1,000.00 Volunteer Center of Alachua County 703 NE First Street Gainesville, FL 32601 2,000.00 Walden Woods Project 44 Baker Farm Lincoln, MA 01773 1,000.00 Wallace Chapel Ame Zion Church 138-142 Broad Street Summit, NJ 07901 100.00 Waltenstroms Macroglobulinemia Support Group 3932 Swift Road Sarasota, FL 34231 200.00 Warren County United Way 645 Oak Street Lebanon, OH 45036 1,974.04 Washington Association of New Jersey Post Office Box 1473 Morristown, NJ 07962 200.00 Washington Ballet 3515 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016 232.40 Washington Cathedral 12300 Woodinville Redmond Road Redmond, WA 98052 977.26 Washington Institute for Near East Policy 1828 L Street, NW Suite 1050 Washington, DC 20036 10,000.00 Washington State Naral Foundation 811 First Avenue Suite 456 Seattle, WA 98104 489.21 Washington Township 43 Schooley's Mountain Road Long Valley, NJ 07853 1,250.00 Washington Trails Association 2019 Third Avenue, Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98121 201.51 Washington Trout Post Office Box 402 15629 Main Street NE Duvall, WA 98019 465.74 Washington University Campus Box 1082 One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130-9989 100.00 Washington Valley Volunteer Fire Co. 146 Washington Valley Road P 0 Box 4201 Warren, NJ 07059 100.00 Watchung Volunteer Fire Department 57 Mountain Boulevard Watchung, NJ 07069 100.00 Water Missions International Post Office Box 31258 Charleston, SC 29417 1,000.00 Waterman's Community Center Post Office Box 407 North Haven, ME 04853 5,000.00 Wayne General Hospital Foundation 224 Hamburg Turnpike Wayne, NJ 07470 1,393.00 Wayne State University 42 West Warran Welcome Center 3rd Floor Detroit, MI 48202 1,000.00 Wayne Township Memorial First Aid Squad Post Office Box 291 Wayne, NJ 07470-0291 500.00 Wayne Township Police Athletic League Pal Drive Wayne, NJ 07470 250.00 WBAI-FM Post Office Box 11445 Church Street Station New York, NY 10277 1,300.00 WBGO/Newark Public Radio 54 Park Place Newark, NJ 07102-4302 850.00 We Are An Afrikan People 27 East Paul Avenue Trenton, NJ 08638 5,000.00 Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell Univ 1300 York Avenue Box 123 New York, NY 10021 500.00 Wellesley College 106 Central Street Wellesley, MA 02481-8203 7,100.00 The Wellness Community - Philadelphia Chamounix Drive West Fairmont Park Philadelphia, PA 19131 2,000.00 Wellness Community - Northern Jersey Shore 580 Patten Avenue #52 Long Branch, NJ 07740 1,000.00 Wellness Community of Central New Jersey 3 Crossroads Drive Bedminster, NJ 07921 800.00 Wendy Johnson/The College of NJ 321 Greenleigh Court Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 500.00 West Bergen Mental Healthcare 120 Chestnut Street Ridgewood, NJ 07450 5,000.00 West Essex Rehabilitation Center 83 Walnut Street Montclair, NJ 07042 2,500.00 West Orange Public Library Foundation Fund In 46 Mt. Pleasant Avenue West Orange, NJ 07052 1,000.00 West Orange Public Library Foundation Fund Post Office Box 338 Morristown, NJ 07963-0338 250.00 West Side Park Conservancy 744 Broad Street Newark, NJ 07102 2,500.00 Western Illinois University WIU Foundation One University Circle SH 303 Macomb, IL 61455-1390 100.00 Western Reserve Academy 115 College Street Hudson, OH 44236-2999 32,000.00 Westfield Rescue Squad 335 Waterson Street P 0 Box 356 Westfield, NJ 07090 1,500.00 Westminster Choir College of Rider University 101 Walnut Lane Princeton, NJ 08540 300.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 43 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Addressl Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------The Westminster School 995 Hopmeadow Street Simsbury, CT 06070-0337 100.00 Westmont Fire Company 120 Haddon Avenue Westmont, NJ 08108 50.00 Westside Presbyterian Church Six South Monroe Street Ridgewood, NJ 07450 28,200.00 WFUV Fordham University Bronx, NY 10458 100.00 WGCU Public Media C/o FL Gulf Coast Univ. Fnd. 10501 FGCU Boulevard South Ft. Myers, FL 33965 200.00 Wharton Annual Fund 344 Vance Hall 3733 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6360 1,034.84 Wheaton Academy 900 Prince Crossing West Chicago, IL 60185 1,000.00 Wheaton College 25 East Main Street Box I Norton, MA 02766-0930 2,000.00 Wheaton College Advancement Office 501 College Avenue Wheaton, IL 60187 5,500.00 Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research Nine Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02142-1279 1,500.00 WHRO 5200 Hampton Boulevard Norfolk, VA 23508-1598 2,500.00 WHYY, Inc. P 0 Box 8793 Philadelphia, PA 19101 300.00 Wilbraham & Monson Academy 423 Main Street Wilbraham, MA 01095 500.00 The Wild Fund, Inc. Post Office Box 3064 Sun Valley, ID 83353 10,200.00 Wilderness Society 1615 M Street, NW Post Office Box 97231 Washington, DC 20036 3,350.00 Wilderness Workshop Post Office Box 9025 Aspen, CO 81612 700.00 Wildlands Conservancy, Inc. 3701 Orchid Place Emmaus, PA 18049 500.00 Wildlife Conservation Society 2300 Southern Boulevard Bronx, NY 10460-1099 2,000.00 William A. Cunningham/Brown University 1047 East Park Avenue Apt. C-3 Vineland, NJ 08360 750.00 William Paterson University of NJ 300 Pompton Road Wayne, NJ 07470 100.00 William Woods University One University Avenue Fulton, MO 65251 100.00 Williams College 75 Park Street Williamstown, MA 01267-2114 7,200.00 Williamsburg Area Meals On Wheels, Inc. Post Office Box 709 Williamsburg, VA 23187 200.00 The Willow School Inc. 1150 Pottersville Road Gladstone, NJ 07934 500.00 Willowwood Foundation Post Office Box 218 Gladstone, NJ 07934 500.00 The Winston School 100 East Lane Short Hills, NJ 07078 150.00 Winter Wildlands Alliance, Inc. 910 Main Street Suite 235 Boise, ID 83702 500.00 WLIW Channel 21 Post Office Box 2100 New York, NY 10116-2100 1,100.00 WNAN/Cape & Island's Community Public Radio Post Office Box 82 Woods Hole, MA 02543 1,000.00 WHET-Channel 13 Post Office Box 1313 New York, NY 10101-1313 400.00 WNYC Radio One Center Street New York, NY 10007 7,500.00 Womanspace, Inc. 1212 Stuyvesant Avenue Trenton, NJ 08618 5,000.00 Women Aware, Inc. 250 Livingston Avenue Post Office Box 312 New Brunswick, NJ 08901 5,500.00 Women in Need 115 West 31st Street New York, NY 10001 1,000.00 Women Rising 270 Fairmont Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 3,810.00 Women's Center of Danbury, Inc. 2 West Street Danbury, CT 06810 500.00 Women's Fund of New Jersey 355 Chestnut Street Union, NJ 07083-9405 750.00 Womens Funding Alliance 603 Stewart Street Suite 207 Seattle, WA 98101 6,318.26 Woodbury Monthly Meeting of Friends 307 Cooper Street Woodbury, NJ 08096 4,841.00 Wooden Boat Foundation 380 Jefferson Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 79.29 World Concern Development Organization 19303 Fremont Avenue North Seattle, WA 98133 500.00 World Jewish Congress Post Office Box 90400 Washington, DC 20090-0400 300.00 World Learning, Inc. Kipling Road P 0 Box 676 Brattleboro, VT 05302 100.00 World Society for the Protection of Animals 34 Deloss Street Framingham, MA 01702 2,500.00 World Trade Center Memorial Foundation Post Office Box 5024 New York, NY 10274-5024 1,000.00 World Trade Center United Family Group Inc. 2640 Highway 70 Building 1A Manasquan, NJ 08736 1,000.00 World Vision Post Office Box 70326 Tacoma, WA 98481-0326 100.00 World Vision International Post Office Box 9716 Mail Stop #120 Federal Way, WA 98063 156.05 World Wildlife Fund 1250 Twenty-Fourth Street, NW Fifth Floor Washington, DC 20077-7760 950.00 Wright Memorial Presbyterian Church Attn: Controller Post Office Box 101 Barnegat, NJ 08005 216.00 Wyoming Outdoor Council 262 Lincoln Street Lander, WY 82520 3,000.00 Wyoming Public Radio Post Office Box 3984 1000 East University Ave. Laramie, WY 82071-3984 300.00 Xavier High School 30 West 16th Street New York, NY 10011-6302 1,000.00 Xavier University of Louisiana One Drexel Drive Office of Financial Aid New Orleans, LA 70125 1,000.00 Yad Chessed Charity Fund 46 Columbia Street Brookline, MA 02446 100.00 Yakeema Cobb/Syracuse University 671 East 23rd Street Paterson, NJ 07504 500.00 08/03/2006 Community Foundation of New Jersey Page 44 12:48 PM

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Grantee Name Address1 Address2 City, State and Zip Grants Program Area ------Yale Alumni Fund 265 Church Street Post Office Box 1890 New Haven, CT 06508-1890 4,100 00 Yale Law School Yale law School Fund Post Office Box 208341 New Haven, CT 06503-0803 250.00 .. 1.. tIlI, eL:.l Ly Post Office Box 2038 New Haven, CT 06521-2038 44,600 00 Yale University Athletic Association Post Office Box 2038 New Haven, CT 06508-1844 500.00 Youth Consultation Service Foundation 235 Main Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 7,600.00 Yellowstone Association Post Office Box 117 Yellowstone Nat'l Pk, WY 821 2,000.00 Yeshiva Torah Vodaath 425 East Ninth Street Brooklyn, NY 11218 100.00 YM/YWCA of Newark & Vicinity 600 Broad Street Newark, NJ 07102 4,188.00 YMCA / YWCA Capital Campaign 112 Oak Street Ridgewood, NJ 07450 1,000.00 YMCA Camp Ockanickon 1303 Stokes Road Medford, NJ 08055 5,120.00 YMCA Fitch Branch 17 North Champion Street Post Office Box 1287 Youngstown, OH 44503 500.00 YMCA of Montclair 25 Park Street Montclair, NJ 07042 1,000.00 YMCA of Passaic and Clifton 45 River Drive Passaic, NJ 07055 865.97 York College of Pennsylvania Country Club Road York, PA 17405 2,000.00 York Street Project 89 York Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 18,750.00 York Theatre Company, Inc. 619 Lexington Avenue Theatre at Saint Peters New York, NY 10022 2,000.00 Young Audiences of New Jersey 12 Roszel Road, Suite B-102 Princeton, NJ 08540 1,000.00 Young Israel of Brookline, Inc. 62 Green Street Brookline, MA 02446 900.00 Young People's Chorus of NYC Inc. 92nd Street Y 1395 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10128 1,000.00 Young Playwrights, Inc. 306 West 38th Street Suite 300 New York, NY 10018 1,000.00 Young School & Elementary PTO 1041 Maple Avenue Ridgefield, NJ 07657 300.00 Youth Consultation Services Foundation 235 Main Street Third Floor Hackensack, NJ 07601 2,000.00 Youth Development Clinic 20 Columbia Street Newark, NJ 07102 15,000.00 Youth For Understanding 6400 Goldsboro Road Suite 100 Bethesda, MD 20817 1,447.91 Youthcare 2500 NE 54th Street, 0100 Seattle, WA 98105 79.29 Youthnetwork, Inc. 601 East 5th Street Suite 460 Charlotte, NC 28230 101.66 YWCA of Princeton Paul Robeson Place Princeton, NJ 08540 2,000.00 YWCA Trenton, New Jersey Inc. 140 East Hanover Street Trenton, NJ 08608 5,000.00 Zeta Psi Education Foundation 15 South Henry Street Pearl River, NY 10963 9,824.76 Zion Center for Worship and the Arts, Inc. 1938 Dunhill Drive Charlotte, NC 28205 1,590.10 Community Foundation of New Jersey TIN: 22-2281783 Tax Year: 2005; Form 990 Part III, Statement of Program Service Accomplishments

Neighborhood Leadership Initiative: The Neighborhood Leadership Initiative is a statewide training and support network of grassroots leaders building the capacity of individuals and organizations to improve community life. Since 1992, over 500 civic leaders have acquired new skills that equip them to succeed in community development activities in challenged neighborhoods. The goals of NLI are to build stronger neighborhoods in urban and rural areas; help emerging leaders to build on the assets of their communities, to mobilize the active involvement of community residents; and to create a learning community of leaders who share experiences in seeking community-driven solutions to community concerns. NLI leaders spend one Saturday a month in training during the academic year and graduate in early June. They look forward to a grant of up to $5,000 from CFNJ to put to work in their respective community. NLI leaders are involved in a wide variety of initiatives. The following are some of the projects undertaken: after school activities, youth leadership development, community organizing and civic engagement, literacy training, career readiness programs, health and AIDS/HIV trailing, affordable housing, parent leadership, family strengthening, parkland improvement, building sustainable communities, and arts and cultural development.

S\Common\SIS\Yearly\Form99OSupport COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN 22-2281783 December 31, 2005




H&R Dekker* 09/15/03 9/15/1933 79,500 79,500 4.5%

Total $79,500

* The loan is in the form of a second mortgage on their primary residence. The loan is secured by such property and is subordinate in priority to the first mortgage. Monthly payments of interest only are due through October 1, 2033, at which time all outstanding principal and interest will be due. The interest rate, which at the inception of the loan was 4.5%, (the interest rate charged on the second mortgage loan is the same rate as charged on the first mortgage) will change monthly commencing October 2010 based upon an index (the weekly average yield on U.S. Treasury securities adjusted to a constant maturity of one year) plus 2.5%. The rate will never change by more than 2% on any single change date, and the rate will never be higher than 9.5%.

S \Common\SIS\Yearly\Tax Return Support\Tax2005 xis COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN 22-2281783 December 31, 2005


LINE 54: INVESTMENTS 12/31/2004 12/31/2005

AIS Futures Fund II, LP $ - $ 2,101,273 American Express 143,894 143,476 American Mutual Funds 243,761 611,598 Barclays Alpha Tilts Fund - 3,005,679 J Bush & Company 110,759 113,437 CastleRock Fund Ltd 3,436,495 3,915,067 Commerce Wealth Advisors 522,085 - Distressed Recovery Fund - 954,887 Dunham & Associates 155,095 149,152 Fairmount Partners 1,486,339 2,656,151 Feingold O'Keeffe 1,490,290 1,521,244 Insurance Policies 241,466 358,334 J&S Investors Walterboro - 1,645,000 Kuroto Fund 1,823,479 3,512,749 Lucas Capital Management 11,066,061 13,739,431 Lucas Energy Total Return Partners 16,452,077 18,103,415 Lucas Energy Ventures Fund - 2,100,547 Lyster Watson 10,313,431 10,856,415 Merrill Lynch 1,041,708 12,732,782 Merrill Lynch Trust Company 2,030,387 1,969,452 Nippon Partners 1,516,883 1,896,710 Pine Grove Associates 6,054,583 6,119,367 PNC Bank 551,081 4,662,774 Real Estate Holding 427,882 451,988 Regent Atlantic Capital - 1,931,972 Schwab (REIT) 547,279 1,239,933 Saugatuck Partners 690,217 708,037 Secuntes on Hand 518,189 1,671,455 Salomon Smith Barney 814,983 - Tocqueville 2,023,586 2,572,640 Torrey International 1,543,262 15,952 Treasury Bills - 2,968,149 UBS Financial 353,052 1,190,616 US Trust Company 1,631,492 1,633,796 Vanguard Group of Companies 16,270,267 10,705,623 Wachovia National Bank 35,052,845 32,524,948 Wachovia Securities 931,897 Verity Investment Partners 1,047,448 1,936,573

TOTAL $ 120,532,273 $ 152,420,622

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12/31/2004 12/31/2005

Furniture & Fixtures $ 148,504 $ 154,577 Leasehold Improvements 88,964 98,300

Subtotal 237,468 252,877 Less: Accumulated Depreciation 148,700 177,386

Total $ 88,768 $ 75,491

S \Common\SIS\Yearly\Tax Return Support\Tax2005.xis Community Foundation of New Jersey TIN: 22-2281783 Tax Year: 2005; Form 990 Part III, Statement of Program Service Accomplishments

Neighborhood Leadership Initiative: The Neighborhood Leadership Initiative is a statewide training and support network of grassroots leaders building the capacity of individuals and organizations to improve community life. Since 1992, over 500 civic leaders have acquired new skills that equip them to succeed in community development activities in challenged neighborhoods. The goals of NLI are to build stronger neighborhoods in urban and rural areas; help emerging leaders to build on the assets of their communities, to mobilize the active involvement of community residents; and to create a learning community of leaders who share experiences in seeking community-driven solutions to community concerns. NLI leaders spend one Saturday a month in training during the academic year and graduate in early June. They look forward to a grant of up to $5,000 from CFNJ to put to work in their respective community. NLI leaders are involved in a wide variety of initiatives. The following are some of the projects undertaken: after school activities, youth leadership development, community organizing and civic engagement, literacy training, career readiness programs, health and AIDS/HIV training, affordable housing, parent leadership, family strengthening, parkland improvement, building sustainable communities, and arts and cultural development.

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Fund Name 12/31/2004 12/31/2005

Abey-Miller Fund $ 24,151.76 25,464.28 Eleanor B. Acker Fund - 448,740.34 Administrative Endowment 94,089.17 97,681.85 Affleck Family Fund 330,406.67 344,756.39 Scott T. Agnew Memorial Fund 27,762.82 29,807.48 AIDS Training/Neighborhood Leadership 8,433.17 George & Yvonne Alkemade Fund 982,971.16 1,012,432.60 Clara L. Allen Women's Foundation Fund 5,675.04 6,015.22 Aloha Fund 18,134.02 17,532 26 Andelain Charitable Foundation Fund - 400 00 Hightower Family Fund 71,184.11 76,010.18 Anonymous III Fund 2,540.76 2,634.94 Anzel Family Fund 70.78 5,264.62 Lisa Rose Appelbaum Memorial Fund - 11,151.00 Chester L. Appelton Fund - 90,324.24 Vincent P. Arabia Fund 552,159.01 560,435.74 Aramanda Family Fund 47.42 Arbor Glen Education Fund 49,159.85 52,232.16 Cultural Arts Endowment Fund 35,817.44 38,245.74 Elizabeth M. Bacon Fund - 94,409.25 Bailey Family Fund 1,331.33 Elizabeth Evans Baker of Essex Fells 21,618.61 22,128.71 John Low Baldwin Memorial Fund 5,319.63 4,587.21 Bamberger Charitable Fund 18,163.83 19,361.22 Barker Family Fund 1,288.90 16.08 Barker Family Fund 5,488.09 3,648.13 Baron Family Fund 12,528.21 10,998.99 Pauline E. Barry Fund - 176,670.48 Gerraldine Fox Bartner Fund - 10,000.00 The Bartlett Family Fund - 28,903.00 Batten Family Fund 1,905.34 1,949.67 George W Bauer Family Foundation Fund 129,991.59 33,472.13 The Bego Fund - 13,460.51 Bell Family Fund 5,337.87 2,823.30 Bernardsville Kiwams Club-AE Blumenshine 93,443.37 88,631.47 Rita & Bernard Berkowitz Fund 29,280.06 29,927.01 Bernstein Family Fund 33,867.09 28,693.93 Berry Family Fund 398,549.49 329,578.98

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Fund Name 12/31/2004 12/31/2005

Bessin Family Fund 73,423.29 68,047.76 Chuckie Beyer Memorial Scholarship Fund - 5,723.31 Anna C. Biehler Fund 251,731.72 258,373.16 Bigos Family Fund 5,497.82 9,734.36 Francis & Lisa Bitterly Family Fund 2,475.68 1,898.25 Gilbert Blanchard Fund - 24,023.60 Blanchard-Hill Family Fund 181,689.72 193,508.25 Esther D. Blau Scholarship Fund 38,263.38 39,772.97 Jay and Ellen Bloom Fund 21,437.56 20,859.43 Bonamici Family Fund 20,494.97 24,391.62 Harrie & Joseph Boone Memorial Fund - 5,952.27 Michael and Danielle Borelh Family 23,035.81 17,162.60 George L & Margaret Owens Bossman Fund 437.72 - Bottelh Family Fund 3,149.89 2,780.85 Brach Family Fund 235,646.87 243,742.72 Fannie Virginia Bradway Fund 152,154.11 156,155.79 The Deborah A. Branden Charitable Giving - 50,012.72 Bright Eyes Fund 19,721.88 13,508.03 Elisabeth C Brinley Education Fund 163,766.89 170,331.98 Brunton Family Fund 9,935.10 10,608.06 Anna Brisco Memorial Fund 26,729.21 27,484.43 James H Bromley Foundation 1,954,690.34 1,941,240.60 Halbe & Jane Brown Family Fund 30,761.98 29,800.20 Joseph Brown Family Memorial Fund 426,035.80 437,242.65 Brown Family Fund 11,225.12 13,244.86 Brozowski Family Fund 5,064.30 6,884.49 Lida M. Buckley Fund #1 404,064.50 414,721.37 Lida M. Buckley Fund #2 394,734.18 405,082.13 Lida M. and Helen Williams Buckley Fund 392,980.97 403,299.00 Buckman Family Fund 28,101.36 26,205.42 Bugen Family Fund 45,755.32 84,602.11 Bunting Family Fund 355,170.54 267,871.26 Kathleen Burgdorf Foundation Fund - 46,533.66 Roger Burgdorf Foundation Fund - 46,533.65 Erik James Cabal Memorial Fund 11,866.74 12,671.46 John Callahan Memorial Sailing Fund 118,006.54 122,787.10 The Capacity Building Program Fund 20,110.83 4,306.29

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Fund Name 12/31/2004 12/31/2005

Sara Elisabeth Carlesi Memorial Fund 8,098.47 8,628.78 Kathryn and J. Howard Carter Family 30,049.01 32,086.28 Cassese Family Fund 218,583.85 228,400.05 Edward A. Chandler Fund 14,239.15 15,204.57 Charitable Gift Annuities Fund 422,940.06 537,978.65 Bob & Carole Chapman Fund 615,123.57 620,740.15 Sarah R. Chew Memorial Fund 135,930.67 139,917.54 Center for Headaches & Facial Pam Charitable Fdn 10,000.00 7,978.46 Samuel Adams Clark Fund 12,727.58 13,590.49 Clark Family Fund 34,551.06 31,141.43 Close Family Fund 3,631.84 3,811.68 Harlan Coben & Anne Armstrong-Coben - 100,335.14 Coggeshall Family Fund - - Eric & Jason Coker Memorial Fund 67,216.80 74,557.20 Collier Family Fund 13,766.68 9,231.68 Colleton Family Fund 6,224.35 10,531.32 Concern For Others Fund in Jersey City 66,574.75 51,267.90 Lisa and Dwayne Coneeny Fund 11,225.02 11,986.06 Franklin Conklin Jr. Fund #1 61,718.17 63,528.54 Franklin Conklin Jr. Fund #2 57,247.82 58,927.10 Concern For Others Fund 137,595.84 104,750.60 Conrads Police Education Fund 41,210.62 41,616.50 Geoffrey & Holly Connor Fund, 1999 535.91 472.77 Cooling Family Fund/Nils Fund 41,888.58 42,838.50 Cooper Family Fund 50,512.09 34,787.50 Cooper Family Charitable Trust Fund - 51,325.77 Virginia M. & Leslie VW Cooper Family Fund 6,158.52 5,005.25 Corbin Family Fund 244,647.54 247,761.19 Lynn Ahrens and Neil Costa Foundatio 166,891.76 151,252.42 The Spirit of Memorial Joseph N Coviello 16,616.66 28,413.11 Kenneth F. Cowan Jr. Memorial Fund 2,259.62 2,331.77 Cox Family Fund 180,449.46 72,146.56 Crockett Family Fund 25,480.88 27,208.41 Helen and David Crowell Fund 97,778.99 108,511.68 Elizabeth Crowell & Robert Wilson Fund 493,764.06 588,738.32 John and Merrill Crowell Family Fund 41,726.98 47,698.24 Robert L. Crowell Charitable Fund 14,703,093.30 17,856,607.74

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Fund Name 12/31/2004 12/31/2005

Curry Family Fund 512,557.03 540,232 30 Eileen Dachnowicz & Joseph B Maier Scholarship 17,922.93 15,880.55 Robert J. Daeschler Fund 45,590.50 46,135.47 D'Andrade Family Fund 562,663.45 495,335.14 Barry & Sandra Davall Family Fund 5,772.32 6,033.43 David's Fund 768,551.03 846,597.49 Dearhaven Fund - 125,361.73 Dee Fleet Living Library Fund 9,896.91 10,252.52 Densen Family Fund 102,710.29 78,808.44 New Jersey Fund 6,926,315.66 5,367,467.81 Dmilmg Family Fund 31,122.60 33,232.63 Chris Dincuff Memorial Scholarship Fund 117,225.81 14,780.16 0. John DiSalvo Scholarship Fund 20,000.00 32,160.42 Star-Ledger Disaster Relief Fund 97,286.34 99,234.84 Shop-Rite Disaster Relief Fund - 1,013,666.30 Diane Dixon Fund 54,903.12 107,681.28 Norman L. Doctoroff Fund 9,338.59 9,509.79 Doctofsky Family Fund 10,206.77 6,718.25 Dogwood Fund 9,128.14 13,905.24 Donahue Family Fund 9,897.80 7,813.31 Agnes J. Donohue Memorial Fund - 35,618.20 Frances T. Dorigo Family Fund 38,211.32 43,141.20 Dooskin Family Fund 6,365.88 13,287.66 The Frank L. Driver III Fund for Volunteerism 47,450.01 50,667.01 Duch Family Fund - 1,293.04 Joseph C. Dudley Fund 16,235.36 16,662.99 Alfred and Elizabeth Duffy Fund 506,936.04 - The Duffy Family Charitable Fund 40,748.10 92,625.58 Duffy Family Fund 315,543.57 318,784.09 Duncan Family Fund 27.29 - John J & Helen M Durante & Family Fund 1,208,754.58 1,224,694.20 Sarah Rutherford East Memorial Fund 21,723.02 5,901.73 Ehrlich Fund 6,034.35 6,402.71 Employee Assisted Giving Fund Clorox 90,255.85 32,946.17 Employee Assisted Giving Fund Microsoft 193,304.72 164,214.78 Employee Assisted Giving Fund Washington Mutual 2,502.54 3,139.31 Eng Family Fund 42,605.72 40,465.86 Jane Engelhard Fund 98,198.50 100,095.53

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Fund Name 12/31/2004 12/31/2005

Naomi & Alan Epstein Fund 6,369.06 5,377.49 Essex County Fund 55,783.96 56,226.11 Falcon Fund 274,675.11 264,707.47 Farese Family Fund - 81,432.62 Richard L. Farrelly Family Fund 31,599.31 34,141.66 Molly Jean Shuttleworth Ferguson Fund 187,570.73 215,181.64 Gabriel Ferranti Fund #1 506,647.19 520,141.59 Gabriel Ferranti Fund #2 511,489.41 525,203.46 Ferrero Family Fund 9,731.15 7,484.70 Simon & Jeannette Fetter Memorial Scholarship 10,167.94 33,690.19 Erna J. Finley Fund 346,607.50 356,772 82 Harold B. Finley Fund 475,768.29 489,721.99 Finocchiaro Family Fund 1,388.63 - Fischell Biomedical Foundation Fund 10,985.92 11,730.74 Frederick W.H. Fischer Fund 52,335.86 53,716.37 Fischer Family Foundation Fund 4,967.50 6,267.52 Maureen E. Flanagan Memorial Fund 70,757.84 93,307.90 Peter and Cary Fleming Family Fund 41,723.46 44,299.28 Robert Fletcher Foundation Fund 1,816.17 1,853.53 Fund for New Jersey Historiograph 5,086.02 13,316.97 Forsyth Family Fund 103,859.75 102,581.02 Fox Hill Fund 7,045.76 5,356.41 Gwendolyn & Austin Fragomen Fund 771,505.82 1,067,840.39 Frank Family Fund 5,727.17 6,071.37 Betty and Victor Frank Family Fund 110,757.46 115,725.71 Monica H. Frantz Fund 11,939.87 12,239.40 Dorothy Ossre Freeman Memorial Fund - 23,830.18 Frehnghuysen Fund 33,649.74 16,762.78 Friends of the Hoboken Horses Fund - 1,343.67 Samuel Friend Fund 199,409.67 204,656.58 Frost Valley Ken Estabrook Fund 8,514.42 219,040.81 Alma Gainfort Fund 273,639.52 283,446.39 Gallagher Family Legacy Fund 70,000.00 89,967.35 Gale Family Foundation 34.24 - Gallagher - O'Flaherty Family Fund 65,344.13 67,724.86 Victor & Joan Garber Family Fund 8,231.88 8,772.68 Carol and William Gardam Fund 8,807.88 9,391.35

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Fund Name 12/31/2004 12/31/2005

Garden of Eden Fund 3,713.36 14,996.83 Gardner Family Fund 2,383.77 1,026.59 Gardner Family Foundation Fund 77,219.00 75,427.21 Garland Family Fund 51,026.79 63,756.17 Alice P. Gebbie Fund 14,162.29 14,535.27 Gehrie Family Fund 298.66 - James G. Geib Memorial Fund 10,156.43 10,894.96 Gertz Family Fund 61,644.41 26,244.71 General New Jersey Fund 134,929.86 151,890.71 Gerold Family Fund - 46,129.87 Robert P. Gia mo Memorial Fund 25,748.32 71,909.08 Gianni Family Fund 17,551.91 12,707.71 Barbara & Grfant Gille Fund - - Richard P. Gill Memorial Fund 17,397.30 5,212.12 B. Glaesel Scholarship Fund - 391,660.40 Glasser Family Fund 35,070.24 41,981.14 Herbert P. Gleason Fund 78,985.06 81,063.35 Barry H. Glick Charitable Fund 6,000.00 15,581.14 Goodwin Toomey Family Fund - 10,000.00 Gordon Family Fund 2,677.27 1,162.78 Gottscho Family Fund 32,130.99 33,207.60 Governors Inauguration Fund 119,953.11 122,393.98 Alfred H. Grant Fund 393,040.18 410,669.47 Brittney Gregory Scholarship Fund 3,297.60 5,541.68 Ronald L. Griffin Memorial Scholarship Fund 29,764.02 33,076.70 Griggs Family Fund 7,241.27 7,704.32 Greenfield Family Fund 1,467.01 - Gross Family Fund 116,659.94 101,023.66 Gruenberger Family Fund - 72,917.96 Guempel Family Fund 10,882.08 10,022.12 Wilmont & Dorothy Hafner Memorial Scholarship 20,002.30 21,995.41 Ann Haire Charitable Fund 1,130.82 1,114.39 John and Kathleen Haire Charitable Fund 7,800.72 4,241.25 Hall Family Fund 113,088.74 87,580.11 Herbert S and Molly C Hall Memorial Fund 9,248.99 - Hance Family Fund 9,977.37 9,322.19 Hancouski Foundation Fund 1,933.78 1,980.35

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Fund Name 12/31/2004 12/31/2005

Hardin Family Fund 128,574.03 147,167.80 Ethel E. Harper Campership Fund - 6,640.40 The Hauser Fund 65,729.84 70,186.11 Janet E. Haynes Memorial Scholarship Fund - 6,289.88 Carol J. Heaney Scholarship Fund 12,117.14 12,646.48 The Allen and Consuelo Hegarty Fund 116,398.89 116,244.88 Irene S. Hegarty Fund 228,869.94 232,318.36 Helios Foundation Fund 7,616.67 8,109.17 Hellstrom Family Fund 489.83 21,302.25 Lillian Henry Fund - 87,071.83 Heritage Fund 6,694.09 7,114.21 Irene and Ken Hickman Family Fund 42,219.97 36,398.73 Hildebrand Family Fund 15,023.55 16,042.10 Biddle Hiles Fund - 6,471.12 Hiscano Family Fund 27,901.14 25,505.90 Hofmann Family Charitable Fund - 396,926.49 Meryl K. Hof Philanthropic Fund 459.98 630.09 F.W. Holbem Scholarship Fund - 7,129.57 George I. Hollinshead Fund - 39,141.24 Holtz Family Fund - 616.46 Austin O. Hooey Scholarship Fund 1,139,792.46 1,189,425.66 Hoover Family Fund 1,351.68 17,649.78 James P. Hopping Fund 9,799.49 10,026.11 Horn Family Fund 5,854.23 14,632.94 Donald & Cathleen Home Fund 24,230.26 25,872.96 Horton Family Fund 23,481.99 25,073.97 Hostler Family Fund 6,233.66 6,617.68 Houston Family Fund 25,443.18 18,403.46 Rose Anthony Howard Fund 86,612.07 91,463.58 Rose Anthony Howard (Permanently Restricted) (50,000.00) (50,000.00) Carolynn H. Hower Scholarship Fund 125,155.57 122,303.35 Lions Club of Hightstown #2 Fund 6,478.44 6,881.64 Lions Club of Hightstown Fund 21,430.29 22,883.17 Hudson Farm Foundation 353,330.83 573,039.95 Human Services Association Fund 19,395.75 20,710.71 Hunt Family Fund 20,972.65 25,949.64 J. Oscar & Susan Florence Hunt Schol 354,582.39 367,711.78

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James David Hutton Memorial Fund 19,278.87 20,048.87 Eleanor Denmead Ingram Fund 83,664.36 89,336.54 Irvington High School Class of'62 Fund 1,613.93 - Steven Israel Fund 1,332.10 1,331.41 Jackson Family Fund 40,138.65 51,917.48 Jacobson Family Fund 30,694.45 26,447.15 Janet Fund for Cancer Research 23,637.84 27,148.36 Jeffrey Family Fund 103,547.98 115,088.33 Walter and Marilyn Jeffrey Family Fund 523,250.05 456,047.80 JENNJOE Fund 546,728.13 500,660.17 Johnson & Johnson Communit Health C - 9,514.91 Clanseer and Anna Johnson Scholarship 509,236.95 522,049.26 Glenn & Arlene Johnson Family Fund 145,619.16 139,248.38 Johnston Family Fund - 403,926.93 Johnson Family Fund 60,294.89 78,434.30 Stephen A. Johnston Memorial Scholarship 20,216.99 21,041.13 William and Elizabeth Johnston Family Fund 123,107.89 293,423.45 Wham and Elizabeth Johnston Family Fund #2 270,923.00 297,103.58 Edward Burrough Jones Bequest Fund - 1,890.17 Vincent Juha Memorial Scholarship 22,702.98 23,705.06 Juliet Katherine Fund 269,132.38 229,146.62 The Gustave A. Kacsmank Memorial Fund 74,705.52 74,607.10 Sanford and Eva Kaplan Fund 2,920.34 2,099.38 The Kardassis Fund - 24,697.40 Susan & John Karlin Family Fund 673.07 6,323.61 K. C. For Kids Fund 3,354.11 3,512.14 Kean Documentary Fund - 50,000.00 Helen M. Kean Fund 7,003.89 7,448.33 Keegan Memorial Scholarship Fund 717.58 668.71 Ken Estabrook Fund For Frost Valley 50,333.48 221,333.02 Cynthia K & Peter R Kellogg Foundation Fund 3,464,125.79 3,914,311.91 Kellogg Family Fund 665,503.31 1,041,320.53 JC Kellogg Foundation Fund 316,679.64 123,521.88 Kelly Family Fund 8,671.70 6,835.81 Richard I. Kellogg Fund 42,938.08 45,849.17 Frederick W. Kelsey Fund 180,361.99 185,089.63 Keenan Brown Family Fund 4,245.58 4,473.54

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Kennedy Family Fund 41,759.53 65,845.08 Kerbs Family Fund 204,481.51 251,555.04 John F. Kidde Fund 181,092.67 184,358.31 The John F. Kidde Fund #2 327,737.56 312,114.63 Kids Cancer Research Fund - 74,535.07 Michael Kihk Memorial Fund 30,528.49 22,812.55 The Ann Kirby Fund 283,256.79 298,958.62 S. Dillard & Adrienne Kirby Fund 76,716.88 72,618.26 Klemme Family Fund 20,490.91 21,875.41 Charles W. Knight Trust Fund 117,865.69 120,963.70 Knutsen Family Fund 25,919.28 30,785.43 Koppel Family Fund 27,225.92 7,218.03 Kramer Family Fund 3,368.38 4,448.87 Krebs Family Fund 48,581.04 49,246.03 Kret Fund 367.31 - Kroon Foundation Fund - 55,000.00 John & Rose LaBrec Family Fund 51,218.76 52,208.27 Tom Ladas Memorial Scholarship Fund 18,534.40 19,081.62 Lake Shore Fund 2,657.75 1,371.91 Landes Family Fund 23,040.00 19,506.15 Lane Family Fund 63,297.48 17,699 20 Lanier Family Fund 331.69 4,241.32 Albert S. Larrabee Fund 274,874.49 281,972.07 Larry's Legacy Scholarship Fund - 2,040.00 JenmJosh Lateiner Memorial Fund 8,333.02 5,209.92 Leon Farruly Fund 12,416.07 12,752.09 Levoy Theatre Centre Fund - 15,309.14 Robert Lichtenfels Fund 157,988.17 162,144.98 Lieblich Family Fund 65,772.32 67,667.58 Helen M. Lilley Fund 72,641.15 74,358.52 Lipmanowicz Family Fund 106,409.48 312,644.86 Little Beach Fund 634,177.71 691,047.29 Gordon Litwin Family Fund 55,264.73 29,293.86 Alice N.S. Lockhart Fund 225,341.08 231,958.99 Elizabeth Loudenslager Clark Scholarship 43,596.37 44,739.28 Henry H. Loudenslager Scholarship Fund 41,969.10 44,065.17 Mable Sahsbery Loudenslager Fund 12,459.72 12,817.36

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Ann/Erma Loudenslager Kemble Fund 102,311.72 105,311.90 Lowman Family Fund 2,368.46 437.64 Joseph and Dorothea Lucarelh Family Fund 3,651.99 720.88 George & Patricia Lucas Family Fund 42,160.62 141,619.75 Russell & Knsttna Lucas Family Fund 2,296.87 1,283.60 Lucas Capital Charitable Fund 124,807.30 718,136 28 Warren C. Lummis, Jr. Fund 223,950.62 224,690.41 Lynch Family Fund 246,286.15 233,346.38 James H. Lynch, Jr Scholarship Fund 81,870.11 86,800.76 John D. Mack Fund 102.45 15,024.05 Catherine M. Mahady Scholarship Fund 20,219.15 21,071.57 Mahan Family Fund 19,263.06 11,498.48 Alfred S. Marshall Fund #1 4,310.07 4,344.49 Alfred S. Marshall Fund #2 139,506.45 143,175.23 Marshall Family Fund 45,589.03 47,930.46 Florence W. Mason Fund 109,013.89 111,881.85 Matchett Family Trust Fund 3,440.10 3,604 92 August Mattheyses Fund - 80,355.78 George and Ann Mauze' Fund 7,721.50 6,489.89 The McCann Family Fund - 294,839.12 Mary E. Mc Namara Fund 5,514.37 6,044.18 Henrietta McPherson Fund 1,020,449.84 1,033,506.79 Carl F. Meissner, Jr. Music Scholarship 2,890.47 2,961.17 Frederick G. Meissner, Jr. Fund 39,387.36 42,314.38 Edith Parham Melton Fund 45,847.92 31,234.94 Mentor Scholarship Fund 8,867.32 9,457.98 Mentor Fund 49,385.23 50,420.72 Katharine E & Albert W Merck Fund 4,651,443.09 4,783,039.62 Mercer Foundation Fund 158,735.39 190,181.40 Mercer County General Fund 6,200.74 6,292.60 Merrick Family Fund 1,974.94 8,821.66 Mary L. Messler Fund 61,644.57 63,452.94 Metuchen Fund 108,724.84 111,309.44 MFAW Fund 1,053,891.40 1,028,919.61 Mildred Stiles Michael Fund 209,673.79 223,889.00 Elizabeth H. Miller Fund - 4,945.05 Susan P. Miller Fund - 6,222.88

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Genevieve Miller Fund #1 651,194.43 668,384.75 Genevieve Miller Fund #2 689,043.45 707,209.85 George Earle Miller Fund 77,229.62 79,208.27 Eleanor Stinson Mills Fund 186,824.11 186,750.79 Florence C. Mills Memorial Fund 150,508.61 154,644.32 Othello W. Mills Thanksgiving Fund 45,942.50 47,620.01 Millspaugh Family Fund 14,086.74 29,609.16 Frank J. Monash, GHS Scholarship Fund - 11,040.85 Monmouth County Cancer Foundation Fund 1,886.26 - Monmouth County Fund 8,044.27 14,850.29 Monet Family Fund 59,652.26 58,818.87 Elizabeth S. Moore Fund 125,784.10 129,473.35 E.A. Moos Foundation 3,612.22 10,843.55 Morris County Affiliate Fund 27,417.71 29,276.56 Morris County Endowment Fund 11,202.81 11,962.33 Mott\Ford Fund 3,886.50 3,833.05 Motzenbecker Family Fund 3,182.54 3,541.68 Donald and Emily Mulford Fund - 1,284,944.82 Dan & Mary Mullan Fund 41,673.41 34,200.54 Christopher Mark Murphy Memorial Scholarship 26,106.61 31,436.85 Murphy Family Fund - 249,402.82 Olga J. Murphy Scholarship Fund 45,692.07 46,711.41 George H. Murray Fund 5,106.56 5,168.94 Murray Family Fund 10,863.97 153,589.69 Allen and Ellen Myers Family Fund 15,354.72 74,306.45 David Myers Family Fund 9,865.59 25,595.09 Alberta N. Myers Scholarship Fund 64,431.11 66,281.47 Myers Family Fund 5,447.01 17,680.14 Nachbur Family Fund 282,657.28 291,936.82 Neff Family Fund 27,948.62 17,844.76 Charles F. Nesler Trust Fund 46,444.68 46,403.45 The Allan and Barbara Newcomb Fund - 22,260.49 Gloria Nilson Fund 814,319.11 859,047.51 Franklin C. Nixon Fund 181,700.01 186,481.03 New Jersey Community Health Centers 41,235.80 - Neighborhood Leadership Initiative 351,455.71 234,016.55 Roger Luke Noone Fund 10,212.33 10,451.98

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Charles H & Gladys R Nugent Charitable Fund 8,757.51 9,339.50 Oakes Family Fund - 48,056.05 Robert and Sarah O'Brien Fund 25,929.74 26,456.04 Robert & Sarah O'Brien (Permanently Restricted) (7,312.50) (7,312.50) Robert & Sarah O'Brien Fund #2 20,241.33 21,102.44 O'Connell Family Fund 31,674.81 28,838.06 Esma G. Oettel Education Fund - 183,393.15 George A. Ohl, Jr. Fund 279,843.67 278,821.93 Oishi Family Fund 28,577.20 27,710.20 Olcott Family Fund 3,786.77 13,917.40 Oliver Family Fund 12,901.67 13,199.00 Paul L. Olsen Memorial Scholarship 56,057.26 58,772.00 Om Charitable Investment Fund 99,490.53 159,898.62 O'Neill Family Fund 427,881.50 451,987.50 Brendan O'Reilly Memorial Scholarship - 22,198.44 Other Fellow First Foundation Fund 10,221.76 9,237.75 Oths Family Fund 7,804.31 11,490.44 Dale Kathleen Otten Scholarship Fund - 15,710.03 Todd Ouida Children's Foundation Fund 36,892.75 50,136.86 Out of School Time Program 2,975.68 - Gary Pallttto Memorial Fund 5,559.36 2,639.74 James Edward Palmer Fund 3,920.62 3,940.69 Ernest C. Palsho Memorial Fund 9,259.48 8,858.38 Dominique Lisa Pandolfo Memorial Fund 10,250.00 16,656.22 Panzica Family Memorial Fund 34,032.50 32,007.43 Paragano Family Foundation Fund - - Parton/Bove Charitable Fund 335,843.35 412,780.64 C. Parker Family Charitable Trust 353,078.27 1,890,293.93 Partenheimer #1 Fund 73,684.45 78,875.96 Partenheimer Fund #2 53,973.08 55,247.37 The Parum Fund - 11,323.41 The Passaic Fund 76,176.76 80,367.03 Passaic High School Fund - 6,102.30 Isaac N. Patterson Fund 164,303.65 169,126.97 The D. Jeffrey Penney and Cynthia Penney - 68,767.70 Peter Family Fund 55,758.88 35,275.49 Anita Mane Peterman Memorial Fund 21,229.07 21,411.53

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John P. Peyton Scholarship Fund - 10,535.63 Pfaltz Family Fund 67,010.99 75,240.41 Pfaltz & Woller PA Charitable Fund 86,249.38 80,975.78 Pharmacy Initiative Fund 35,835.18 6,960.32 PHS Class of 1964 Scholarship Fund 31,887.38 27,571.48 Pickering Family Fund 98,146.18 88,102.09 Dr. Rene A. Pingeon Fund 2,445.07 2,973.54 Linda C. Pinkus Fund 850,649.41 908,320.84 Pisani Family Fund 9,351.33 1,505.89 Pollara Family Fund 9,875.58 1,141.60 Poppinga Family Fund 499,988.90 430,450.59 Porter Family Fund 70,029.47 93,857.72 Proctor Family Fund - 53,100.76 J. Elliott Potts Fund 717,062.53 735,950.11 Project Use 34,583.02 - Leo Puente Memorial Fund 37,782.63 47,855.37 Putman Family Fund 39,630.46 72,486.15 The Puzio Family Charitable Trust Fund 170,644.67 145,803.67 Bud and Mane Quigley Scholarship Fund - 1,344.95 Helen Rabone Fund - 845,599.11 Church in Radburn Foundation Fund - 1,132,030.37 Rainbow Connection Fund 25,217.15 24,130.68 Don Read Scholarship Fund 14,791.68 18,485.13 Reed Family Fund 12,955.98 20,571.37 Thomas F. Reilly Fund 173,484.26 178,572.60 Reinhart Family Fund - 124,226.11 Charles H. Reynolds Jr. Fund 320.82 1,876.82 Esther I. Reynolds Fund 972.29 476.50 Riskin Family Charitable Fund 25,000.06 25,023.01 Riskin Foundation Fund 32,713.59 27,226.81 Ritacco Family Fund 5,697.48 446.59 Frank A. Robertson Memorial Fund 291,764.65 297,669.15 David H. Roe Memorial Fund 66,198.06 70,686.09 Rogers Family Fund 139,932.87 144,071.84 F. L. Rodgers Family Fund 6,430.29 13,963.50 Rosenthal Family Fund 36,365.20 48,487.12 Gwendolene Williams Ross Memorial Fund 27,147.02 27,908.82

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Fund Name 12/31/2004 12/31/2005

E Burke Ross Jr NJ SEEDS Family Fund 312,560.19 319,193.00 E Burke Ross Jr. Family Fund for the - 1,050,636.12 E. Burke Ross, Jr. Family Fund 439,248.74 - Frances Sanders Ross Scholarship 14,398.64 15,374.83 Robin Ross Fund 807,907.65 840,665.98 Robin Ross Fund #2 1,270,729.29 1,146,845.68 Blanche J. Rue Fund 45,824.46 47,168.85 William and Joan Rue Family Fund 2,147.69 2,211.07 Rumson-Fair Haven Bank Charitable Fund 32,675.44 23,027.60 Russo Family Fund 48.60 - The Samantha Fund 564,199.29 544,319.55 Sampson Scholarship Fund 24,473.53 25,000.13 Marvin Samson Foundation 930,992.72 782,764.61 Sandler Family Fund 1,062,765.76 1,050,834.59 Paul and Ann Sauerland Fund 5,978.94 8,010.17 Arthur P. Schahck Scholarship Fund 126,266.11 131,602.38 Ben Scholfield French Club Scholarship 25,507.10 26,150.57 Scholfield Family Fund 15,125.44 16,495.01 Schwarzbaum Family Foundation 9,198.86 10,514.92 Scobey Fund 4,607.13 4,977.20 The Jean Seavey Scholarship Fund 3,213.55 11,656.86 Semple Family Fund 8,503.57 5,700.66 Rosemarie Sena Memorial Fuund 12,066.12 - Sendell Family Fund 245,533.28 272,004.97 Nathan Shaht Scholarship for Science Studies 12,486.03 14,375.79 Eleanora Ins Shapiro Fund 149,703.93 153,641.67 Reuben Shapiro Scholarship Fund 159,500.42 163,260.15 Robert S. & Lois K. Shapiro Family Fund 5,255.82 5,460.30 Ruth Shapiro Scholarship Fund 146,349.93 149,800.30 Barbara Weller Shaw Education Fund 33,122.52 33,186.85 Jerome & Adrian A. Shelby Fund 19,049.32 20,340.84 Clifford Sinnickson Sherron Memorial - 34,476.82 Harriet Ingham Sherron Alms Fund - 1,916.78 Etta Shur Episcopal Ministry Fund - 152,116.33 Etta Shur Medial School Fund - 129,668.06 Katherine Sickles Fund 171,480.11 175,983.07 Thorburn Sickler Fund 77,591.96 79,867.86

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Sierra Family Fund 3,209.40 2,015.04 Simon Grassroots Fund for Jersey City - 46,961.57 William E. Simon Fund 160,796.14 165,193.16 South Jersey Foundation Fund 7,379.05 208.07 Sklower Family Fund 212.17 - John J. Slater Memorial Fund - 26,125.95 The Dale and Karen Smith Family Fund - 78,972.47 Donald V. Smith Fund 147,351.46 157,341.40 Sophronia Smith Fund - 72,564.50 Wendell & Joan Smith Family Fund 14,182.53 15,144.06 Social Services Fund 15,617.86 16,672.86 Somalwar Family Fund 3,322.56 4,985.92 Michael Sorresse Scholarship Fund 10,838.55 10,494.32 John W. Sparks Fund 31,359.33 32,181.48 Alfred J. Speak Scholarship Fund 942,378.40 968,678.15 Sperber Family Fund 3,332.48 - Mary V.G. Sproat Fund 395,810.24 406,279.18 William A. Sproat Fund #1 199,474.04 204,793.24 William A. Sproat Fund #2 196,791.30 202,027.99 JCJ&G Spitznagel Philanthropic Fund - 25,795.04 ShopRite Partners In Caring Fund 1,140,018.56 1,639,924.22 Stanley Coleman Family Fund 11,779.10 169,703.08 Svedana Stalin Fund 344,701.13 368,070.75 Stanley Family Fund 1,933,492.94 2,843,904.16 Stark & Stark Philanthropic Fund 198,132.49 206,421.73 Stephenson Family Foundation 51,530.94 78,032.96 Milton H. Stern Fund 109,602.05 113,334.96 William Carpender Stevens Fund 417,932.45 428,928.65 Frank H. Stewart Fund #4 2,246.70 2,220.68 Wallace A. Stewart Fund 424,906.17 434,757.82 Louise C. Stillman Memorial Fund 393,123.33 409,234.92 Stolz Family Fund 895.12 - St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church - 16,563.47 Adam Strassler Scholarship Fund 136,020.89 149,612.12 John Spedden Streep Family Fund 173,779.16 344,508.29 Strengthen the Good Fund - 14,676.60 Mary Lou Strong Family Fund 5,018.14 979.73

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Stryker Family Fund 371,576.67 360,061.81 Stuart Family Fund 51,187.63 98,547.95 Linden Stuart Fund 18,547.42 18,905.73 Suender Family Fund 109,861.43 106,506.90 Jack & Jeanette Sullivan Fund 1,463.09 1,472.72 Sunshine Family Fund 427.07 11,209.68 Susan Smith Jackson Fund For Cancer 14,748.43 - Jennifer Swift Fieldman Foundation Fund 117,478.46 127,051.95 Ercole Tamburelli Fund 511,587.56 526,590.44 Charlotte and Morris Tanebaum Fund 39,839.76 40,780.77 Tangri Family Fund 18,458.71 19,710.15 Third Family Fund 3,979.58 4,186.69 D. Herbert "Doc" Thompson Scholarship 16,586.25 17,169.16 Margaret B. Thompson Fund 243,366.45 253,184.97 Robert and Margaret Thomas Fund - 10,625,716.91 Charles Grant Titsworth Fund 63,642.82 65,324.17 Tobin Fund - 38,112.49 Tolchm Family Fund 58,022.94 61,956.74 Harriet B. Total Memorial Fund 4,650.33 4,694.18 Trelstad Family Fund 4,832.25 4,103.40 True Family Fund 25,000.02 26,576.87 Dale Truscott Fund - 56,247.47 Turton Family Fund 608,243.32 644,132.34 Arnold Tversky Scholarship Fund 8,679.68 10,121.22 Twenty Springs Fund #2 382,244.43 366,986.24 Tyler Family Fund 108,549.27 105,985.26 Typaldos-Vendome Foundation Fund 47,802.66 48,816.74 Frances Bartlett Tyson Fund - 798,412.67 CFNJ Unrestricted Grantmakmg Fund 47,111.44 70,953.37 Urban Alternate Education Endowment 297,516.46 304,711.46 Urban Improvement Fund 20,861.97 11,729.98 Urner Family Fund 3,554.74 3,011.51 Vincent P. Utz Memorial Fund 14,417.92 16,678.22 Valentino Family Fund 239,476.24 214,066.47 Valley Tsunami Relief Fund - 14,069.92 Van Deusen Family Fund 32,490.52 34,693.31 Van Fossan Family Fund 80,428.38 85,881.15

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Anna G. Van Gilder Fund - 8,733.91 Vautrinot Scholarship Fund 11,893.83 10,504.95 Vecchi Family Fund 11,029.16 11,746.59 Vignolo Family Fund - 25,162.04 Vita Fund 21,062.08 22,490.01 Tommy Vitale Memorial Fund 1,487.22 4,607.18 Vogel/Kitze Family Fund 100,850.18 99,086.13 Raymond R. Wagner Memorial Fund 96,275.37 102,785.68 David Wahl Memorial Fund 4,992.79 4,739.66 Charles F. Wallace Memorial Fund 183,605.77 187,942.45 Demy Wallach Fund 2,788.72 3,393.73 Martin B. Wallerstem Memorial Fund 7,994.79 8,516.99 Walsh Family Fund 73,278.33 78,246.36 P.J. Walsh Family Fund 263,186.58 280,331.52 Wang Family Fund 21,276.49 15,478.46 Joseph N. & Edith C. Ward Fund - 96,105.61 Warters Family Fund 3,816.17 4,594.17 Lynchen and Julius Wassil Fund 0.27 - David O. Watkins Fund 53,025.90 54,419.48 Eliza N. Watkins Church Fund 31,956.08 32,795.48 Watts Family Fund 82,194.74 84,908.29 Weingart Family Fund 133,260.13 102,820.24 Ronald L. Weiner Memorial Fund 15,535.92 16,589.23 David & Karen Weiner Charitable Fund 61,340.88 45,407.57 The Mort & Betti Weisman Fund - 174,293.82 B & C Welsh Family Fund 37,394.34 35,622.62 Loondance Foundation 120,442.39 175,414.14 E. Olga Wesner Fund #1 - 12,294.17 E. Olga Wesner Fund #2 - 311,072.38 Thelka Wesstervelt Fund - 44,962.84 William Westfall Memorial Fund 172,159.80 150,655.84 John C. Whitehead Fund 1,642,933.80 1,619,425.00 Michael & Dana White Family Fund 1,822.96 21.67 Whiteman Family Fund 143,713.86 138,470.19 The Wilber Farruly Fund 199,134.37 212,635.06 Darnel J. Wilcox Memorial Fund 98,473.10 98,114.58 Harry Wild Fund #1 180,180.07 184,903.48

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Harry Wild Fund #2 180,769.79 185,507.85 The Williamson Family Fund 62,116.40 67,228.92 Sheila C. Williamson Memorial Fund 92,523.71 98,796.55 Wilmerding Family Fund 150,366.84 160,561.25 Kathleen Rhode Wilson Memorial Fund 7,626.62 8,119.96 Elizabeth Wilson Fund 66,538.41 67,087.54 Winterbottom Family Fund 8,117.74 7,628.40 Alice K. Wolf Memorial Scholarship - 58,687.21 1. Trumbull Wood Estate Fund 1,228,720.37 1,256,707.86 1. Trumbull Wood Estate (Permanently Restricted) (833,653.37) (833,653.37) David & Elizabeth Woodbury Charitabl 8,562.85 7,590.04 Woodrow Family Fund 6,422.06 6,820.82 Geoffrey F. & Virginia Hill Worden Fund 39,370.15 29,044.28 Thomas and Jane Wrigley Fund 33,940.64 34,833.87 Lorna Young-Earle Scholarship Fund 27,969.16 40,012.09 Youth Restoration Fund 62,976.58 77,278.61 Zager Family Fund 97,371.42 93,083.42 Harry L. and Elizabeth P. Zobel Fund - 80,017.29 Zoffinger Family Fund 185,017.38 176,327.25 Matching Endowment Program 660,303.39 625,947.84

GRAND TOTAL $ 99,928,172.14 $ 129,987,007.21

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Rose Anthony Howard Fund 50,000.00 50,000.00 Robert & Sarah O'Brien Fund 7,312.50 7,312.50 I Trumbull Wood Estate Fund 833,653.37 833,653.37

Fund Balance Total $890,965.87 $890,965.87

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Thomas W Berry Secretary 0 0 0 Community Foundation of NJ P.O. Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown, NJ 07963-0338

James H. Caulfield Trustee 0 0 0 Community Foundation of N.J. P.O. Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown, NJ 07963-0338

Hans Dekker President $158,727 $24,177 0 Community Foundation of NJ P.O Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown, NJ 07963-0338

John P. Duffy Trustee 0 0 0 Community Foundation of NJ P O. Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown, NJ 07963-0338

Nancy G. Farese Trustee 0 0 0 Community Foundation of NJ P.O. Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown, NJ 07963-0338

Scot R. Guempel, CPA Treasurer 0 0 0 Community Foundation of NJ P.O Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown, NJ 07963-0338

Michael M. Horn, Esq. Trustee 0 0 0 Community Foundation of NJ. P O. Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown , NJ 07963-0338

Julane W. Miller-Armbnster Trustee 0 0 0 Community Foundation of NJ P O. Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown, NJ 07963-0338

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Ingrid W. Reed Trustee 0 0 0 Community Foundation of NJ P.O. Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown , NJ 07963-0338

Peter S. Reinhart Trustee 0 0 0 Community Foundation of N.J. P O. Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown, NJ 07963-0338

Stuart D . Sendell Chairman 0 0 0 Community Foundation of N.J. P.O. Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown , NJ 07963-0338

Stephen A Tyler Trustee 0 0 0 Community Foundation of N.J. P.O. Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown , NJ 07963-0338

Richard P. Urfer Trustee 0 0 0 Community Foundation of NJ. P O. Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown , NJ 07963-0338

Robert j Vogel Trustee 0 0 0 Community Foundation of NJ P.O. Box 338 (35 Knox Hill Road) Morristown, NJ 07963-0338

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Form 8868 (Rev 12-2004) Page 2 • If you are filing for an Additional (not automatic) 3-Month Extension , complete only Part II and check this box . . No. Note. Only complete Part II if you have already been granted an automatic 3 -month extension on a previously filed Form 8868. • If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension , complete only Part I (on page 1). Mau Additional (not automatic) 3-Month Extension of Time-Must File Orig inal and One Copy. Type or Name of Exempt Organization Employer identification number print Community Foundation of New Jersey 22 : 2281783 File by the Number, street, and room or suite no If a P 0 box, see instructions For IRS use only extended due date for Post Office Box 338 , 35 Knox Hill Road filing the City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. For a foreign address, see instructions. - return See instructions Morristown , New Jersey 07963-0338 Check type of return to be filed (File a separate application for each return): 3q Form 990 q Form 990-T (sec 401(a) or 408(a) trust) q Form 5227 q Form 990-BL q Form 990-T (trust other than above) q Form 6069 q Form 990-EZ q Form 1041-A q Form 8870 q Form 990-PF q Form 4720 STOP: Do not complete Part II if you were not already granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868. Hans Dekker, President • The books are in the care of ► -. Telephone No. . -_ 973 ) 267-5533 ext 14 (--.973 ) 267-2903 ► - -•--W---•-•--- FAX No. ► • If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check q this box . . . . . ► • If this is for a Group Return , enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) If this is q q for the whole group, check this box ► If it is for part of the group, check this box ► and attach a list with the names and EINs of all members the extension is for. 4 I request an additional 3 -month extension of time until - ----.----- Novemberr'- 15 --___ l,, (t x^; 5 For calendar year 2005 , or other tax year beginning------20---. , and ending ------, 20...-. 6 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason. q Initial return q Final return q Change in accounting period 7 State in detail why you need the extension - additional time is required to gather the information necessary to file a complete and accurate tax return ------•------••-•-•--- ...-----•-•------•---•-•------••------•-•------•------••------•------•--•------•------•--••------••------8a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any 0 nonrefundable credits. See instructions ...... $ b If this application is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit and any amount paid previously with Form 8868 ...... $ 0 c Balance Due. Subtract line 8b from line 8a. Include your payment with this form, or, if required, deposit 0 with FTD coupon or, if required, by using EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System). See instructions. $ Signature and Verification Under penalties of^lury, I declare that I have examined this form. including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, complete, ar)Q that l,4 authorized to prepare this form n CFO / y 0 4 Title ► Date ► 4( .219 I Notice to Applicant-To Be Completed by the IRS V We nave approved this appucation Pleabe attacl, this form to the organization's ret,un q We have not approved this application . However , we have granted a 10-day grace period from the later of the date shown below or the due date of the organization ' s return (including any prior extensions). This grace period is considered to be a valid extension of time for elections otherwise required to be made on a timely return. Please attach this form to the organization ' s return q We have not approved this application After considering the reasons stated in item 7, we cannot grant you requestkral^ct rtls Dime to file We are not granting a 10-day grace periodLi r l v t.. U1 El We cannot consider this application because it was filed after the extended due date of the return for wh h n extension was requested () O q Other ------•-•-••-----••---•------•------•------••------{^ - i- Z006--- -j--S Z 006--- N By cc Director Date Alternate Mailing Address - Enter the address if you want the copy of this application for an returned to an address d ifferent than the one entered above. Name

Type or I Number and street (include suite, room , or apt. no.) or a P.O. box number punt City or town, province or state, and country (including postal or ZIP code)

Form 8868 (Rev 12 -2004) Form 8868 I Application for Extension of Time To File an (Rev December 2004) Exempt Organization Return OMB No 1545-1709 Department of the Treasury I File for each return Internal Revenue Service Do- a separate application • If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, only Part I and check this box 3q complete . . ► • If you are filing for an Additional (not automatic) 3-Month Extension, complete only Part 11 (on page 2 of this form) Do not complete Part ll unless you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868. JjM Automatic 3-Month Extension of Time-Only submit original (no copies needed)

Form 990-T corporations requesting an automatic extension-check this box and complete q 6-month Part I only . . . ► All other corporations (including Form 990-C filers) must use Form 7004 to request an extension of time to file income tax returns. Partnerships, REMICs, and trusts must use Form 8736 to request an extension of time to file Form 1065, 1066, or 1041. Electronic Filing (e -file). Form 8868 can be filed electronically if you want a 3-month automatic extension of time to file one of the returns noted below (6 months for corporate Form 990-T filers). However, you cannot file it electronically if you want the additional (not automatic) 3-month extension, instead you must submit the fully completed signed page 2 (Part II) of Form 8868. For more details on the electronic filing of this form, visit www.irs.govlefile.

Type or Name of Exempt Organization Employer identification number print Community Foundation of New Jersey 22 : 2281783 File by the Number, street, and room or suite no If a P 0 box, see instructions due date for filing your Post Office Box 338 , 35 Knox Hill Road return See instructions City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code For a foreign address, see instructions Morristown , New Jersey 07963-0338 Check type of return to be filed (file a separate application for each return): © Form 990 q Form 990-T (corporation) q Form 4720 q Form 990-BL q Form 990-T (sec. 401(a) or 408(a) trust) q Form 5227 q Form 990-EZ q Form 990-T (trust other than above) q Form 6069 q Form 990-PF q Form 1041-A q Form 8870

Dekker, President • The books are in the care of ------

-- 973 ) 267-5533 ^---973 ) 267-2903 Telephone No. ► FAX No. ► ------q If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box . . . . . ► • If this is for a Group Return , enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) If this q q is for the whole group, check this box ► . If it is for part of the group, check this box ► and attach a list with the names and EINs of all members the extension will cover. 1 I request an automatic 3-month (6-months for a Form 990 -T corporation) extension of time until August 15, . 20 06, to file the exempt organization return for the organization named above. The extension is for the organization's return for: ► © calendar year 20 -05 or q ► tax year beginning ------20 -, and ending ------, 20 -.-.

2 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason: q Initial return q Final return q Change in accounting period

3a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits. See instructions ...... $ 0 b If this application is for Form 990-PF or 990-T, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit ...... $ 0 c Balance Due. Subtract line 3b from line 3a. Include your payment with this form, or, if required, deposit with FTD coupon or, if required, by using EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System). See instructions ...... $ 0 Caution . If you are going to make an electronic fund withdrawal with this Form 8868, see Form 8453-EO and Form 8879-EO for payment instructions. For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see Instructions . Cat No 27916D Form 8868 (Rev 12-2004) Form 8868 (Rev 12-2004) Page 2 • If you are filing for an Additional (not automatic) 3-Month q Extension , complete only Part II and check this box ► Note . Only complete Part II if you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868. • If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part I (on page 1). 1:M-ail Additional (not automatic) 3-Month Extension of Time-Must File Ori g inal and One Co py, Type or Name of Exempt Organization Employer identification number print File by the Number, street, and room or suite no If a P O. box, see instructions For IRS use only extended due date for filing the City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. For a foreign address return See , see instructions. instructions Check type of return to be filed (File a separate application for each return): q Form 990 q Form 990-T (sec. 401(a) or 408(a) trust) q Form 5227 q Form 990-BL q Form 990-T (trust other than above) q Form 6069 q Form 990-EZ q Form 1041-A q Form 8870 q Form 990-PF q Form 4720 STOP: Do not complete Part II if you were not already granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868. • The books are in the care of ► ...... Telephone No. (...... ------FAX ► No. ► (------)------•-••--•------• If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box q ...... ► • If this is for a Group Return , enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) If this is for the whole group, check this box q . q ► If it is for part of the group, check this box ► and attach a list with the names and EINs of all members the extension is for. 4 I request an additional 3-month extension of time until ------20.---. 5 For calendar year ...... , or other tax year beginning ...... 20---- , and ending ------20-----. 6 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason: q Initial return q Final return q Change in accounting period 7 State in detail why you need the extension ------•------8a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits. See instructions ...... $ b If this application is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit and any amount paid previously with Form 8868 ...... $ c Balance Due. Subtract line 8b from line 8a. Include your payment with this form, or, if required, deposit with FTD coupon or, if required, by using EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System). See Instructions $ Signature and Verification Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct, and complete, and that I am authorized to prepare this form

Signature ► Title ► Date ► Notice to Applicant-To Be Completed by the IRS q We have approved this application Please attach this form to the organization's return q We have not approved this application However, we have granted a 10-day grace period from the later of the date shown below or the due date of the organization's return (including any prior extensions) This grace period is considered to be a valid extension of time for elections otherwise required to be made on a timely return Please attach this form to the organization's return q We have not approved this application After considering the reasons stated in item 7, we cannot grant your request for an extension of time to file We are not granting a 10-day grace period q We cannot consider this application because it was filed after the extended due date of the return for which an extension was requested q Other ------•---•------

By Director Date Alternate Mailing Address - Enter the address if you want the copy of this application for an additional 3-month extension returned to an address different than the one entered above. Name

Type or Number and street ( include suite, room, or apt. no.) or a P.O. box number print City or town , province or state, and country (including postal or ZIP code)

Form 8868 (Rev 12-2004) • • OMB No 1545-0172 Form 4562 Depreciation and Amortization (Rev January 2006) (Including Information on Listed Property) 2005 Department of the Treasury Attachment Internal Revenue Service ► See separate instructions . ► Attach to your tax return . Sequence No 67 Name (s) shown on return Identifying number Communit y Foundation of New Jersey 22-2281783 Business or activity to which this form relates Form 990 / Form 990EZ Part I: I Election To Expense Certain Property Under Section 179 Note : If you have any listed pr ert , complete Part V before you complete Part 1 1 Maximum amount See the instructions for a higher limit for certain businesses 1 $105,000. 2 Total cost of section 179 property placed in service (see instructions) 2 3 Threshold cost of section 179 property before reduction in limitation 3 $420,000. 4 Reduction in limitation Subtract line 3 from line 2 If zero or less, enter -0- 4 5 Dollar limitation for tax year Subtract line 4 from line 1 If zero or less, enter -0- If married filing separatel y , see instructions 5

6 (a) Description of property (b) Cost (business use only) (c) Elected cost .x- ,q, 11

7 Listed property Enter the amount from line 29 1 7 1 8 Total elected cost of section 179 property Add amounts in column (c), lines 6 and 7 8 9 Tentative deduction Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 8 9 10 Carryover of disallowed deduction from line 13 of your 2004 Form 4562 10 11 Business income limitation Enter the smaller of business income (not less than zero) or line 5 (see instrs) 11 12 Section 179 expense deduction. Add lines 9 and 10, but do not enter more than line 11 12 13 Carryover of disallowed deduction to 2006. Add lines 9 and 10, less line 12 ► 13 Note : Do not use Part 11 or Part 111 below for listed property. Instead, use Part V. Part II Special Depreciation Allowance and Other Depreciation (Do not include listed propert iee instructions 14 Special allowance for certain aircraft, certain property with a long production period, and qualified New York Liberty or GO Zone property (other than listed property) placed in service during the tax year (see instrs) 14 15 Property subject to section 168(f)(1) election 15 16 Other depreciation (including ACRS) 16 28,686. Part III MACRS Depreciation (Do not include listed property) (See instructions) Section A 17 MACRS deductions for assets placed in service in tax years beginning before 2005 17 18 If you are electing to group any assets placed in service during the tax year into one or more general asset accounts, check here ► ` Sertinn R - Accetc Plararl in Sersire r111rinn 2005 Tay Year UJcina the General nenreriatinn System

(a) (b) Month and (e) Basis for depreciation (d) (e) (f) (g) Deprec i at ion Classification of property year placed (business/investment use Recovery period Convention Method deduction in service only - see instructions) 19a 3-year p ro perty f '7 b 5 -year p ro perty c 7 -year p roperty d 10 ear pro perty e 15 ear pro perty f 20 ear pro perty 25 ear property y rs S/L h Residential rental 27.5 rs MM S/L property 27.5 rs MM S/L i Nonresidential real 39 yrs MM S/L property MM S/L Sertinn C - Accetc Placed in Service During 2005 Tax Year Usina the Alternative Depreciation System 20a Class life S/L b 12 ear 12 y rs S/L c 40 ear 40 rs MM S/L Part IV summa (see instructions) 21 Listed property Enter amount from line 28 21 22 Total Add amounts from line 12, lines 14 through 17, lines 19 and 20 in column (g), and line 21. Enter here and on the appropriate lines of your return Partnerships and S corporations - see instructions 22 2 8 , 686 23 For assets shown above and placed in service during the current year, enter the portion of the basis attributable to section 263A costs 23 BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see separate instructions . FDIZ0812 12/29/05 Form 4562 (2005) (Rev 1-2006) Form 4562 (2005) (Rev 1-2006) Communit y Foundation of New Jersey 22-2281783 Page 2 Part V Listed Property (Include automobiles, certain other vehicles, cellular telephones, certain computers, and property used for entertainment, recreation, or amusement ) Note : For any vehicle for which you are using the standard mileage rate or deducting lease expense, complete only24a, 24b, columns (a) through (c) of Section A, all of Section B, and Section C if applicable Section A - Depreciation and Other Information (Caution : See the Instructions for limits for passenger automobiles) 24.q Dn vnu have evidence to sunnnrt the husiness/investment use claimed Yes No 24b If 'Yes.' is the evidence written7 Yes No (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (I) Business/ or Basis for depreciation Recovery Method/ Depreciation Elected Type of property (list Date placed investment Cost vehicles first) in service other basis (business/investment period Convention deduction section 179 use use only) cost percentage 25 Special allowance for certain aircraft, certain property with a long production period, and qualified New York Liberty or GO Zone property placed in service during the tax year and used more than 50% Ina qualified business use (see instructions) 25 26 Property used more than 50% In a Qualified business use,

27 Property used 50% or less in a qualified business use-

28 Add amounts in column (h), lines 25 through 27 Enter here and on line 21, page 1 28 K °= 29 Add amounts in column (f) , line 26 Enter here and on line 7, page 1 29 Section B - Information on Use of Vehicles Complete this section for vehicles used by a sole proprietor, partner, or other 'more than 5% owner,' or related person If you provided vehicles to your employees, first answer the questions in Section C to see if you meet an exception to completing this section for those vehicles (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 30 Total business/investment miles driven Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2 Vehicle 3 Vehicle during the year (do not include 4 Vehicle 5 Vehicle 6 commuting miles) 31 Total commuting miles driven during the year 32 Total other personal (noncommuting) miles driven 33 Total miles driven during the year Add lines 30 through 32 Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 34 Was the vehicle available for personal use during off-duty hours? 35 Was the vehicle used primarily by a more than 5% owner or related person? 36 Is another vehicle available for personal use? Section C - Questions for Employers Who Provide Vehicles for Use by Their Employees Answer these questions to determine if you meet an exception to completing Section B for vehicles used by employees whoare not more than 5% owners or related persons (see instructions) Yes No 37 Do you maintain a written policy statement that prohibits all personal use of vehicles, including commuting, by your employees?

38 Do you maintain a written policy statement that prohibits personal use of vehicles, except commuting, by your employees? See the instructions for vehicles used by corporate officers, directors, or 1 % or more owners 39 Do you treat all use of vehicles by employees as personal use? 40 Do you provide more than five vehicles to your employees, obtain information from your employees about the use of the vehicles, and retain the information received? 41 Do you meet the requirements concerning qualified automobile demonstration use? (See Instructions) Note : If your answer to 37, 38, 39, 40, or 41 is 'Yes,' do not complete Section B for the covered vehicles. Part VI, I Amortization (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Description of costs Date amortization Amortizable Code Amortization Amortization begins amount section period or for this year percentage 42 Amortization of costs that begins durinq your 2005 tax year (see instructions)

43 Amortization of costs that began before your 2005 tax year 43 44 Total . Add amounts in column (f) See instructions for where to report 44 FDIZ0812 12/29/05 Form 4562 (2005) (Rev 1-2006) Community Foundation of New Jersey 22-2281783

Form 990, Page 4, Part IV, Line 65 Other Liabilities Statement

Beginning End of Line 65 - Other Liabilities: of Year Year

Funds Held on Behalf of Others 19,514,332. 21,078,137. Annuity Payable 365,818. 840,757. Other Payables 325,000. 40,000.

Total 20,205,150. 21, 958,894. Community Foundation of New Jersey TIN: 22-2281783 Tax Year: 2005; Form 990 Schedule A, Part III Statement About Activities

2.b. Lending of money or leasing of Property.

During September 2003, the Community Foundation of New Jersey made a loan to Hans Dekker (president) and his wife Ruth Dekker in the form of a second mortgage on their primary residence. The loan is secured by such property and is subordinate in priority to the first mortgage. Monthly payments of interest only are due through October 1, 2033, at which time all outstanding principal and interest will be due. The interest rate, which at the inception of the loan was 4.5%, (the interest rate charged on the second mortgage loan is the same as charged on the first mortgage) will change monthly commencing October 2010 based upon an index (the weekly average yield on U.S. Treasury securities adjusted to a constant maturity of one year) plus 2.5%. The rate will never change by more than 2% on any single change date, and the rate will never be higher than 9.5%.

S\Common\S I S\Yearly\Form99OSupport COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY TIN: 22-2281783 December 31, 2005



The Community Foundation holds discretionary, donor-advised , field of interest and restricted funds. Within these categories are included both program related investment and scholarship funds. All grants are processed without regard to race, religion, sex or color

Discretionary Funds . Application for discretionary and program related funds must be made to the President of the Foundation. A brief, one page letter describing the program or project must be submitted, including the amount of money requested. If the program falls within guideline proprieties and funding capabilities of the Foundation, a proposal form will be sent to the agency The proposal is then considered by the Program Committee and recommendation is made to the Board of Trustees

Program Related Investment Funds Grants and/or loans may be made by several funds held by the Community Foundation

Scholarship : Several scholarship funds have been established within the Community Foundation. These are for students at the schools or geographical areas specified by the funds Announcements of the availability of the scholarships are made at each of the schools involved and applicants must work through their local guidance counselors

G \Common\SIS\Yearly\Tax Return Support\Tax2005 xls