DIRECTORY.] . . 137

with 100 sittings. The charities con!!ist of the sum of APSLEY END, I mile south; UPTON END, half a mile £12 14s. yearly, called "Pilsworth's charity," paid by north ; and HoLWELL BuRY, 3 miles eas.t, are other places the Clothworkers' Company, and the interest of £300, in this parish. left by Samuel Whitbread esq. to four poor widows, occupying almshouses ~ituated in the churchyard. .Mrs. PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel E}Te, who is lady of the manor, Charles W. Wilshere esq. Post, S. B., & Annuity & Insurance Offioe.-Mrs. of the Frythe, Welwyn, and Trinity College, Cambridge, Susanna Arnold, sub-pa.stmistress, Church street. lire the principal landowners. The soil is strong clay; Letters received from at 8.40 a.m.; dispatched subsoil, clay. The crops are cereals of the mmal kind. at 6.15 p.m. week days only. WALL LETTER BOXES, The area is 5,305 acres in Beds and 35 in Herts; rateable Apsley End, cleared 6.25 p.m. week days only, & Lower value £6,615; the population in 1891 was 1,873. ~tondon, cleared at g.o a.m. & 5.40 p.m LOWER , a hamlet of this place, is given with A School Board of 5 members was formed June 10, 1874; . John Wright, Sunny side, Dun stable street, , is a hamlet very picturesquely seated 2 miles clerk to the board!; Libraham William Day, Shillington, ;~~outh among the range of hills which divides ­ attendance officer .shire and , and fine views of the surrounding counties are obtained from the Beacon Hill. Trinity Doard School (mixed), erected in 1856 as a parish school, College, Cambridge, George Charles Gostelow Lockhart but leased to & enlarged by the School Board in 1874; esq. of Holwell Bury, and Mrs. Eyre, who is lady of the it will 'hold 500 children; average attendance, 240; manor, are the principal landowners. Here is a Wesleyan John Williarn Shaw, master; Mrs. Emily Jane Shaw, chapel. mistress ' ' 'Bonser Rev. Jas.Armita~e M.A.Vicarage of births & deaths for the sub-district King John William, builder Farrow J a.mes of Shillington, Ampthill union Mott Thnm~s, farmer, Apsley end Haines Major George, T:1e Manor Devereux Bros. boot & shoe makers Palmer Fr

SILSOE is a parish and a very picturesque village, ou ' by Lance~ot (better known as "Capability") Brown, the road from Bedford to Luton, 4 miles south-east from under the Duke of Kent., and have from time Ampthill station on the main line of the Midland railway, to time been added •to and improved; at Cain Hill, in the Southern division of the county, hundred of Flitt, adjoining the park, there is a column, erected by petty sessional division, union and county court district Amabel, Countess de Grey, in 1831, on the site originally ()f A.mpthill, rural deanery of Ampthill, archdeaconry of occupied by the Hill House; at , fhe mother Bedford and diocese of Ely. The church of St. James is church, about a mile to the north-west, is the mausoleum an edifice of local red sandstone, consisting of chancel, of the de Grey family. Earl Cowper K.G., P.C. is lord of nave, aisles and an embattled t-ower containing 3 bells: the manor and sole landowner. The crops are of the the east window is stained: the church was rebuilt in usual kind. The soil is part clay and part sand; 11ubsoil, 1831, at a cost of £s,ooo, of which £4,000 was given by strong clay and a loamy sand. The area is 2,146 acres the late Earl de Grey, who also endowed the living with of iand and 12 of water; rateable value, £3,530; the £150 yearly: considerable additions and alterations were population in 1891 Was 589. made in 1884 and the church entirely refloored and re- Sext-on, William Fennemore. seated: towards the cost of these repairs £4oo was con- PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., _'1'. M. 0., Expres-s Deliver~, Parcel tributed by Earl Cowper, and £1oo by the :Misses PDst, S: B. & .A.nnmty. & Insurance Office.-M1ss Ma.ry Delme-Radcliffe, the remainder being raised by general Ann R1eh, .suh-postnnstres~. Letters rece1ved !ram subscription. The separate register dates from the year & all parts, per ma~l carts, from Ampth1ll at :r846 only; the earlier entries are included in the regis- 6.40 a.m. & 2.20 p.m.; dispatched at 10.5 a.m. & ters of :F:itton. The living is a vicarage, yearly valuB 6.20 p.m . £rso, with residence, in the gift -of the Earl Cowper Church Schools for 250 chiluren; average attendance, X.G., P.c. and held since 1893 by the 'Rev. Henry Amherst I:lO & supported in partl by Earl Cowper K.G.; Orlebar. A fair is held here on May r3th. Wrest (mixed), William Treacher, master; Miss Phrebe Cuff, Park., the seat of Earl Oowper K.G., P.C., J".P. lord mistress'; (infants) Miss. Charlotte Mann, mistres& Eeutenant of the county, is a finely timbered domain, CouNTY POLICE, Joseph Loovell, -stocked with deer, which range over near:y 500 acres CARRIERS TO:- of good pasturB land: thB stately mansion, erected by HncniN & BEDFORD--Arthur Wheeler, tuBS the late Earl de Grey, is in the Italian Sltyle, and LuTON Henry Gee, man. wed. & sat is surrounded by pleasure grounds with ornamental WILSHAMSTEAD~& BEDFORD-Arthur w:heeler, sat ~·aters, of roo acres, which were original:y laid out AMPTHILL Arthur Mann, every day Cowper Earl K.G., P.c., J.P. (lord Iieut.), Barker Ann ()Irs.), Star & Garter P.H Gray .John Paln1er, George family& ; 4 St. James' square & Bottoms Leonard, farmer, Fielding farm commercial hotel & posting house, White'~ & Brooks' clubs, London s w Brown Alfred, beer retaiier coal merchant & farmer Benthall Jo'rancis, Ruthyn cottage Browning Char!~. farmer Harris Geo. farmer & market gardener

Delme-RadcliffB The Misses, Red house Cook lsaac .Jan1es1 grocer, dr-aper, Harris .John, baker & confectioner, Uoggett .Miss cakes, biscuits & mineral waters good accommodation for cyclists, Field Misses, Jo'ielden house Cook George William, farmer temperance refreshment house & Orlebar Rev. Henry Amherst, Vicarage Cook Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper good stabling Squire Miss Day Abraham, rJgistrar of births & Hines Ed 1vard, florist 'Trethewy Henry J.P deaths; attends second & fourth Lowings Wiiliam, blacksmith thursdays in each month; hours 2 Mackinlay George, head gil.rdener to COMMERCIAL. to 3 Earl Cowpel" K.G A.mbridge John, farmer Dunham James, shoe maker Mann Isaac, blacksmith