Stapleton Therapeutic Learning Center (TLC) Action Steps (as of 10/29/20)

Below is a summary of action steps taken to improve the programmatic structures and supports offered to students accessing the Stapleton Therapeutic Learning Center (formally known as Emotional Disabilities Program) to assure that all students get what they need.

January-March (pre-COVID) ○ Biweekly TLC program staff meetings to refine the ED program goals, structures, students and staff to assure an effective Therapeutic Learning Center approach ○ Draft student/staff placement plan created ○ Collaboratively planned/facilitated March Staff meeting with FTA leaders to unpack the Stapleton Triangle (left and right side supports) March-June ○ TLC program staff met weekly to create the following program documents: program description, entrance/exit criteria, 5 domains of TLC, staff roles, physical classroom set-up, individual student profiles (triggers, coping strategies, etc.), sample student day ○ Weekly SEMH Team meetings with building admin and TLC program coordinator to review program action items completed and determine next steps with planning ○ IEP meetings were held for students receiving TLC supports to explain program components to families and update IEPs to reflect the improvements of the program ○ Follow-up parent meetings were offered to clarify and answer questions ○ Student Placement 2020-2021 reflected the new TLC model (June) ○ TLC program staffing was determined and small group meetings were held with K-2, ¾ and Grade 5 teams in early June to establish a shared understanding of the program and how it will run July-August ○ TLC Professional Learning Community formed to strengthen educator practices and instructional content knowledge for educators serving TLC students ○ Brainstorm session held to begin designing professional development experiences for TLC staff created for the 2020-2021 school year to include weekly meetings to review program implementation and student needs ○ Initial program progress monitoring measures identified with district and building ​ leaders (engagement, academic performance, behavior referrals, classroom point system) and timeline discussed (aligned with district decision making timeline) ○ Define remote learning for TLC students September ○ Program coordinator identified ○ Program meeting schedule created to include weekly homebase meetings, monthly program-wide meetings, and ongoing professional development ○ Homebase parent-outreach google meets held to introduce students and families to remote programming ○ Academic and behavioral data points identified and reviewed weekly ■ TLC Program Point Sheets ■ iReady instructional usage and pass percentage ■ Engagement ○ October ○ TLC Program Family Newsletters sent to provide updates on staffing and elicit feedback on program pillars and provide insight into in-person programming ■ October 8, 2020 ■ October 19, 2020 ○ TLC Professional Development provided on the mathematics intervention, Number Worlds ○ Weekly leadership meetings held with administration and TLC Program Coordinator to monitor program data points, plan homebase meetings and discuss successes/challenges ○ TLC Inclusion teacher meetings held for glows and grows ○ Hired TLC adjustment counselor (Oct. 27th start date) ○ Began recertification/training of Safety Care procedures ○ Prepare for return of students: ■ Review of reopening procedures drafted by Reopening Advisory Committee ■ Building walkthroughs with district officials ■ Professional Development planning for November 3rd for all staff returning