OUR MISSION Aloha and welcome to St. Mark’s Parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai‘i. We are a caring and inclusive church in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. St. Mark's is dedicated to sharing the good news of God in Christ through our celebration of the Sacraments, Liturgy, and Music, and by attending, in Jesus' Name, to the needs of our members and the wider community. We are a welcoming ohana, cherishing our catholic and Hawaiian mission roots, and we rejoice in our diversity.


Celebrating Christ Transforming Lives


THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST: EVE & DAY Tuesday, December 24 Sung Vigil Mass 5:00 pm Prelude 10:30 pm Solemn 11:00 pm

Wednesday, December 25 Procession & Solemn High Mass 10:30 am

ST. STEPHEN’S DAY & ST. JOHN’S DAY December 26 & 27 Noonday Prayer 11:45 am Mass 12:00 noon The Daily Office will be read privately on these days.

THE HOLY INNOCENTS Saturday, December 28 Morning Prayer 8:40 am Mass 9:00 am

THE 1ST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY Sunday, December 29 Low Mass 7:30 am & Solemn High Mass 9:15 am

THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS Wednesday, January 1 – New Year’s Day Sung Mass 10:30 am

THE 2ND SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY: THE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST OBSERVED Sunday, January 5 Low Mass 7:30 am Epiphany Procession & Solemn High Mass 9:15 am An Epiphany Three Kings Party and Potluck follows High Mass.

Evensong and Benediction will not be celebrated on Sundays, December 29 and January 5.

2 CHRISTMAS FLOWERS The Christmas flowers are given for the greater glory of God, and in loving memory and thanksgiving for the following intentions:

Marguerite Aono Charlie Dickson Angeline Dickson Glenn & Gwenn Goo George Nagahara & Jeannette Goo Nagahara, John & Grace Goo Winona Lee & Michael Ida Mary Lee, Barbara Ida Suzanne Kagawa & LaVerne Daimaru Robert Kagawa Garry & Renee Kashiwamura Sandra Leialoha The Rev. Paul Lillie & Jayson O’Donnell Barbara Maeshiro Theo Matsumoto & Mike Matsumoto Taylor, Nick, & Ross McClafferty Ross McClafferty Nancy Minuth Fritz Minuth, Bill Hokama, Ken Asato, Henie Lui, Clarence Holokai Gene & Teresa Nitta Anniversary Thanksgivings Suzanne Ogawa Dora & Thomas Kakugawa, Mary Day Wilson & Bob Wilson, Jeanne Davis Judy Sakuma Wilbur Sakuma Glenn & Susan Shea Derrick Shimabukuro Juliet Shimabukuro Les & Sherry Uyehara Louis Xigogianis The Xigogianis Family

CHRISTMAS MUSIC Christmas music is given for the greater glory of God, and in loving memory and thanksgiving for the following intentions:

Marguerite Aono Jeanne DeCosta Midge & Frank Colbert Sandra Leialoha The Rev. Paul Lillie & Jayson O’Donnell Barbara Maeshiro Pamela & James McCoy Dean Schamber Gene & Teresa Nitta For many blessings received Karl Schiller William Schiller & Eugene Schiller Derrick Shimabukuro Louis Xigogianis

3 PRAYER INTENTIONS Prayer requests may be added to the Prayer Intercession Book located at the Cross of the Holy Sovereigns. Each day the intercessions are prayed for at the Daily Office. • The Standing Committee, the Diocesan Council, and the Commission on Ministry (Diocesan Cycle of Prayer) • For the Church in , Shepherd’s Field, and the Church of the Nativity • For a blessed • For those suffering due to natural disasters, forest fires, and climate change • For immigrants, refugees, and for those seeking safety • For the victims of gun violence • The healing and comfort of those in need: Nani, Ernie, Justin, Ken, Teresa, Louie. • The repose of the souls of the monthly departed: Dean Schamber (12/5/2019); Grace Goo (12/22/1997); William Lin (12/28/1996) † Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. †

ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 539 Kapahulu Avenue Honolulu, HI 96815 (808) 732-2333 [email protected]

CLERGY & STAFF THE VESTRY The Rev’d Paul Lillie, Rector The Rev’d Paul Lillie, Rector The Rev’d Andrew Arakawa, Deacon Sandra Leialoha, Senior Warden The Rev’d Ben Newland, Priest Associate Tim Valadez, Junior Warden Michel Ai Reavis, Secretary Mike Dupre, Choirmaster Michael Ida, Treasurer Steven Severin, Organist Jeanne DeCosta, Assistant Treasurer Nanette Judd Kaye Kawahara Derrick Shimabukuro Linnea Tokushige Jesse Wilson