EC Meeting Minutes - September 24, 2018 8:30 PM EDT

Attendees: Gunvant Shah, Haresh Shah, Ashok Domadia, Mahesh Wadher, Dr. Pradeep Shah, Purvin Vakharwala, Hita Shah, Rahul Dhedia, Sagar Khona, Dhimen Vora

Regrets: Jayshree Shah, Atul Shah, Kamal Jain, Dharmi Shah, Siddharth Shah, Dr. Kokila Doshi, Priyanka Mehta President’ Message:

 This is first meeting after Paryusan and Das Lakshan Parv. We wished all families sukh- sata during Paryushan and Das Lakshan Parv by eNewsletter and during Paryushan and Das Lakshana kindly consider JAINA to donate.  Links for English Pratikaman has provided in eNewsletter. JAINA recognized Tapasvis during Paryushan and Das Lakshan Parva in eNewsletter and at  JAINA Convention 2019 registration is live now. With an overwhelming response in registrations, we have above 1000 Early bird registrants within just 24 hours of the Convention registrations.  We are deeply saddened to know that Jain Community lost a divine soul - Tarun Sagarji Maharaj on Saturday, September 1, 2018. On behalf of JAINA, we express my sincere condolences to his devotees and pray for his soul to rest in peace.  Prime Minister of , Shri tweeted on the sad Kal of Muni Shri Tarun Sagarji Maharaj, his rich ideas and noble teachings. "Deeply pained by the untimely demise of Muni Tarun Sagar Ji Maharaj. We will always remember him for his rich ideas, compassion, and contribution to society. His noble teachings will continue inspiring people. My thoughts are with the Jain community and his countless disciples.”  International School for Jain Studies has announced ten days winter program in from December 28, 2018, to January 7, 2019. The program is on " and way of life and its relevance."  On August 19, 2018, JAINA, YJP and YJA members participated in India Day Parade in New York which was organized by the Federation of Indian Associations.  Jain Society of North Texas (JSNT) hosted a regional quarterly Visa camp and assisted the India consulate mission.  Parshavdham Jain Center cordially invites you to Pratishtha Mahotsav of a new Jinalaya in Redmond, Washington.  Last month, YJP of Bay Area organized a captivating tour of Green Gulch Farm Zen Center. This communal experience included an enjoyable picnic, group meditation, and spiritual activities.  Recently, YJA West Coast Regional Coordinator hosted a competitive night. This night was the fun-filled with everyone’s favorite board games.

EC Meeting Approval Aug 20 EC Meeting minutes proposed by Prakash Mehta, seconded by Purin Vakharwala and approved by all.

YJP update by Sagar Khona We reached the numbers we planned. Right now it’s 47 participants and expecting it to reach 50. We are reaching out to Presidents in the area. Offering one day pass. We also have two others events in the New York area.

Jain Digest, JAINA Calendar update  Jain Digest October issue is almost to go into printing. We will be mailing it out in a couple of weeks.  JAINA Calendar is beautiful. It is almost ready with few changes to be done. We will get printed in India to save the cost.

JAINA Convention 2019 Update JAINA Convention 2019, 1386 registrations are confirmed. All the committees are actively working and having regular meetings. All the volunteers are excited and enthusiastic. Also, we are working on keynote speakers. The team is also working on a mobile application.

Constitution Update Ashok Domadia suggested having a separate meeting which is focused on bylaws. We can think to add below points in bylaws and discuss it in the meeting. 1. Increase the membership fee, and EC can change it. 2. Same status of YJP as YJA. YJP representation in JAINA EC. YJP should hold at least one convention every year. 3. Convention budget of YJA, YJP, and Jain Milan should come to JAINA EC for approval. 4. We involve youth in JAINA Convention Board and same way at least one JAINA EC should be on YJA and YJP Convention Board. 5. Some JAINA committees are active, and others are not. Regional VP can supervise the committee and make inactive committees active or deactivate them. 6. The treasurer should have a financial background. 7. How to keep JAINA Directors more involved? 8. Get input from the Jain Centers on How JAINA can be more effective?

JAIN Milan We have built a whole new website for registration. We will share the flyers with you so you can forward it. Hotels will be finalized. Orlando is a great location. At least someone from JAINA can attend and represent. Early bird registration is $129.