LEESBURG, FLORIDA Saturday, April 19, 2014 CRIME: Police release the name of GOOD FRIDAY: Pope Francis Clermont bank robbery suspect, A3 leads Via Crucis procession, A5 LEESBURG Lake, Florida jobless rates on the rise

Staff Report Lake County’s unemployment rate climbed a hair in March, bringing it to levels not seen since last fall. The unchanged jobless rate of 6.6 per- cent in both January and February rose to 6.7 percent last month, while Sumter County stayed the same at 5 percent. Meanwhile, for the first time since the middle of 2010, Florida’s monthly job- less rate went up in March. Jobs officials say the negative movement is in part be- cause more people are in the labor pool. The Florida Department of Econom- ic Opportunity announced Friday that BRETT LE BLANC / DAILY COMMERCIAL while the number of people with jobs Bill Whipp poses at his home in Lady Lake on Thursday. When Whipp was a private first class with the 22nd Infantry Regiment, he has increased statewide, the state’s un- was part of the operation to liberate Dachau, one of the many concentration camps during World War II. employment mark rose from 6.2 percent in February to 6.3 percent in March. LADY LAKE The last time the state’s monthly mark in- creased — based on estimates of the num- ber of people employed and actively seek- ing employment — was in August 2010. At ‘They were like the walking dead’ that time, the figure rose from 11.2 percent to 11.3 percent, and an estimated 1.03 mil- LIVI STANFORD| Staff Writer of gratitude. lion Floridians were out of work. [email protected] IF YOU GO “When we first got there, they Florida’s jobless rate, which remains be- WHO: Public Interfaith Holocaust Re- were staring at us and we were othing could possibly pre- low the national figure of 6.7 percent, had membrance Event: Eyewitnesses to staring at them,” he said. “Then pare Patrick Macri for what held at 6.2 percent the prior three months. history. they relaxed and believed they he would encounter when he N WHAT: Four US Army liberators, who were not dreaming. We did not SEE JOBLESS | A2 helped liberate the concentration were at Buchenwald, Dachau and want to look at them with pity. camp near Landsberg, Germany, nearby Nazi concentration camps We wanted to treat them like they will speak as part of the Public In- in April 1945. were normal people.” Near the camps, the overpower- terfaith Holocaust Remembrance LEESBURG Event. “Some possibly could not speak, ing smell of gas, used to burn the holding onto the wire that kept dead, filled the air. WHEN: 4 p.m. on April 29. Doors Tax collector office open at 3:30 p.m. them enclosed there, and look- When Sgt. 1st Class Macri of the ing out at the strange world,” Mac- 101st Airborne Division entered WHERE: St. Timothy Catholic Church, 1351 Paige Place, Lady Lake. ri said. “I couldn’t believe men relocates to former the camp, the emaciated Jewish could be so inhumane. The brain prisoners dressed in striped paja- DETAILS: For more information on this couldn’t condense into a word or mas were holding onto the barbed free event, contact Phyllis Kalter or Golden Corral building Kathy Schachter at 352-748-1800. statement a feeling such as that. It wire fence, expressionless. Many is not prepared.” LIVI STANFORD | Staff Writer were near death. This month marks the 70th an- Patton, Pfc. Whipp said each [email protected] This image is one that will forev- niversary of the liberation of the er haunt the 87-year-old. squad took a barrack. Nazi concentration camps during The Lake County Tax Collector’s of- “They were like the walking dead,” “We were chasing the Germans,” World War II, when six million fice is turning the former Golden Corral the Crystal River resident said. he said. Jews were murdered at the hands restaurant in Leesburg into a new and To this day, he said he detests Whipp, who lives in The Villages, of the Nazis. expanded service center. stripped pajamas said the prisoners looked like skel- As he approached the prisoners Beginning in September, the office will Similar to Macri, Bill Whipp etons. a mere few weeks before the end of relocate from 1340 Citizens Blvd. to the saw the aftermath of the Holo- “We gave them all the choco- World War II, Macri heard the dis- former restaurant in order to comply caust when he helped to liberate late bars we had in our pockets,” tinct moaning of the dying. with a 2010 Florida law, which requires Dachau on April 28, 1945, which he said. Behind the prisoners, the then- all constitutional tax collectors to pro- was the first Nazi concentration Whipp described how one Jew- 20-year-old Macri saw piles of burnt vide driver license services in their re- camp in Germany. ish prisoner opened the floor bodies. spective counties by June 30, 2015. Serving with the 22nd Infantry board and presented a bottle of “It was another jolt to our young Tax collector Bob McKee said they Regime, 3rd Army in the 4th Infan- vodka, which he gave to Whipp sensibility,” he said. “It took us will lease the 8,300-square-foot building try Division, under Gen. George and the other soldiers as a symbol SEE HOLOCAUST | A2 SEE OFFICE | A2 Lawmakers face flurry of bills in session’s final weeks

BRANDON LARRABEE TOP PRIORITY: BUDGET that would take some of the News Service of Florida NEGOTIATIONS BEGIN big-ticket issues off the table. TALLAHASSEE — The Cap- Outside of once-a-decade But the budget has to be done itol fell largely silent this redistricting sessions, law- by sometime April 29 in order week, as lawmakers, lobby- makers are fond of saying for lawmakers to wait the re- they have one constitutional ists and some reporters took quired 72 hours and approve duty every year: passing a bal- time to relax after the open- the spending plan on May 2, anced budget. This year, with ing month and a half of the the last day of session. the week of Passover and Eas- The plan is likely to settle in legislative session. The snip- ter falling just two weeks be- ing between Gov. Rick Scott around $75 billion and make fore the end of the session, room for Scott’s election-year and his chief Democratic op- hammering out a spending ponent, former Gov. Charlie promise of $500 million in tax plan is going to be a sprint. and fee cuts. The Legislature Crist, continued to generate That’s because House and has already decided to cut emails and tweets. Senate budget writers have But for the most part, it was a nine-day window to ham- nearly $400 million in vehi- time to reflect on where the mer out whatever differenc- cle-registration fees, and the session’s major bills stand es might be left behind after House and Senate are now ar- and where they could be go- leaders agree on “allocations” guing over how to divvy up AP FILE PHOTO ing. Here are some top is- for different areas of the bud- another $100 million or so in Sen. Andy Gardiner, R-Orlando, presides over the chamber temporarily sues to watch as the final two get. There could be a few side tax cuts, with potential breaks during voting and debate on the floor of the Senate in Tallahassee. weeks approach. deals (announced or not) SEE BUDGET | A2 Gardiner will be the Senate president for the 2015-16 session.

INDEX DIVERSIONS C7 OBITUARIES A4 Vol. 138 LEGALS D2 SPORTS B1 TODAY’S WEATHER CLASSIFIED D1 No. 109 50¢ BUSINESS C5 VOICES A7 Detailed forecast 74˚/55˚ COMICS C6 4 sections CROSSWORDS D2 NATION A5 WORLD A5 on page A8. Most cloudy with showers A2 DAILY COMMERCIAL Saturday, April 19, 2014

them,” he said. “It made reported to us is only a HOLOCAUST the rest of the war worth- DID YOU KNOW? fraction of what goes on FLORIDA FROM PAGE A1 while that we were able There may have been as every year,” said Robert to save somebody.” many as 6 million Holo- Tanen, associate region- caust victims. Besides LOTTERY awhile for us to realize Steven Luckert, cura- Jews, the Nazi’s target- al director of the ADL in men could do something tor of the permanent ex- ed Communists, Gyp- Boca Raton. “There is APRIL 18 like that.” hibition at the United sies, homosexuals, Je- significant problem with The prisoners were as- States Holocaust Memo- hovah’s Witnesses, the underreporting.” CASH 3...... 3-0-6 tounded, Macri said. rial Museum in Wash- mentally and physical- There is growing con- Afternoon...... 1-4-9 “They were in a state ington, D.C., and a his- ly disabled, resistance cern about the rise of an- PLAY 4...... 7-3-3-7 torian, said 35 U.S. Army fighters and others. The of shock, believing they top countries in terms of ti-Semitism in Europe, Afternoon...... 8-1-1-5 would never see the free- divisions have been rec- he said. number of victims were APRIL 17 dom on the other side,” ognized for liberating the Poland and the Soviet “We are well aware of he said. prisoners from the Nazis. Union (4.5 million), Hun- the rising tide of anti-Se- FANTASY 5...... 12-14-24-25-29 Macri said the incident There were 20,000 con- gary and the Ukraine mitic political parties in left a jarring impression centration camps and (402,000), Czechoslova- major European coun- on Gen. Maxwell Daven- many were liberated by kia (277,000), Romania (220,000) and Germany tries, such as Jobbik in American troops, Luck- THE NEWSPAPER OF CHOICE FOR LAKE AND SUMTER COUNTIES SINCE 1875 port Taylor. (130,000). Hungary and Golden “Some were denying ert said. The Daily Commercial (ISSN 0896-1042) is published daily for Source: www.death- Dawn in Greece, becom- $90.74 per year (plus Florida sales tax) by Halifax Media Group the camp existed,” the “As they were going into ing more accepted into at 212 East Main Street, Leesburg, Florida. Periodicals postage is Germany to defeat the paid at the USPO, Leesburg, FL. POSTMASTER: Send all address Normandy and Battle of the mainstream,” he said. changes to The Daily Commercial, P.O. Box 490007, Leesburg, FL the Bulge veteran said. (Nazis) they would over- “This trend is troubling.” 34749-0007. All material contained in this edition is property of run areas and discover she said. The Daily Commercial and is protected under the copyright laws of “(Gen. Taylor) demanded There is an emerging the of America. Reproduction is forbidden without these camps,” he said. With the recent killings written consent from the publisher. the leaders of the com- climate where Jews in munity come and go The U.S. Army divi- of three people at the Jewish Community Cen- certain parts of Europe MISSED YOUR NEWSPAPER? HOW TO REACH US through the camp.” sions provided the pris- REDELIVERY NOT AVAILABLE IN ter and Jewish assisted are feeling uncomfort- Macri is one of several oners with medical care ALTOONA OR SUMTER living facility in Overland able, with several fami- 365-8200 liberators who will speak and food, Luckert said. Call 352-787-0600 in Lake In Sumter County: Park, Kan., the Anti-Def- lies leaving, Tanen said. County or 877-702-0600 in at the Public Interfaith “They saved these pris- 877-702-0600 amation League has re- An ADL survey of 10 Eu- Sumter County 6 a.m. to 10 Holocaust Remembrance oners,” he said. “They a.m. Monday through Friday. Call ADVERTISING cently reported such ex- ropean countries found 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Saturday rescued them from cer- Retail...... 365-8200 Event at 4 p.m. on April treme incidents are on and 7 to 10 a.m. on Sunday. tain death. If they hadn’t that anti-Semitic beliefs Classified...... 314-3278 29 at St. Timothy Catholic the increase. GOING ON VACATION Church in Lady Lake. arrived, in some cases, continue to be held by one CIRCULATION “The audit recorded a Lake Co...... 352-787-0600 third of those surveyed. Call the Circulation Depart- Macri said he looks you had last-ditch efforts Sumter Co. .... 877-702-0600 total of 31 anti-Semitic as- Macri said the recent ment 48 hours ahead to stop forward to speaking at by the Nazis to kill them saults on Jewish individ- service. Circulation Billing .. 787-0600 the event for one reason off so they wouldn’t be incidents in the world, ACCOUNTING ...... 365-8216 uals or those perceived as including the shootings above all others. witnesses.” Jewish in 2013, up from at the Jewish Community SUBSCRIPTION RATES “Some people living Phyllis Kalter, co-chair 17 in 2012,” according to a Center in Overland Park, SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: Call 352-787-0600 (Lake Co.) or today believe the Holo- of the Interfaith Holocaust ADL press release. 877-702-0600 (Sumter Co.) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday caust was all made up,” Remembrance event, said Meanwhile, the total keep him awake at night. through Friday. Prepayments for 3 months or more, mail to: Circulation “It like an early replay,” Dept., The Daily Commercial, P.O. Box 490007, Leesburg, FL 34749- he said. “I am here as a the annual service is im- number of anti-Semit- 0007. Billed monthly at the rates shown. witness to say it was not. portant as a response to ic incidents in the U.S. fell he said. “Are we there Home It was real.” hatred in the world. by 19 percent in 2013, the again? It won’t be in the Delivery 3 Mos. Tax Total 6 Mos. Tax Total 1 Yr. Tax Total Daily/Sunday 28.43 1.99 30.42 50.05 3.50 53.56 90.74 6.35 97.09 Whipp said saving the “We recognize the im- press release also reported. form of concentration prisoners made everything portance of preserving The audit found there camps but in the form of OUR COMMITMENT TO ACCURACY in the war worthwhile. freedom, promoting hu- was a 23 percent de- one human being killing The Daily Commercial promptly corrects errors of fact appearing in its and mistreating anoth- pages. If you believe we have made an error, call the news department “We were happy we man dignity and con- crease in such incidents at 352-365-8250. could get them before fronting hate wherever in Florida. er human being because the Germans killed and whenever it occurs,” “We know the number they are different.” STAFF INFORMATION STEVE SKAGGS, publisher 352-365-8213...... [email protected] on the committee’s agenda. The conduct examinations before per- MARY MANNING-JACOBS, advertising director BUDGET bill was scheduled to make a final forming abortions to determine if fe- 352-365-8287...... [email protected] FROM PAGE A1 stop before that panel and then tuses are viable. If viability is reached, NEWSROOM CONTACTS head to the floor. abortions would generally not be al- TOM MCNIFF, executive editor on everything from back-to-school Meanwhile, House Speaker Will lowed — a change that the bills’ sup- 352-365-8250...... [email protected] supplies to cement mixers. Weatherford, R-Wesley Chapel, is porters say could prevent abortions WHITNEY WILLARD, copy desk chief Leaders on both sides say the dif- still trying to push through a bill around the 20th week of pregnancy. 352-365-8258...... [email protected] ferences are small, with the Sen- that would expand eligibility for The culture wars could also PAUL RYAN, digital editor ate being more generous to higher the state’s de facto school-voucher emerge over legislation that would 352-365-8270...... [email protected] education, while the House gives system. But Gaetz sounded skepti- allow Floridians to carry concealed TO REPORT LOCAL NEWS more to K-12 schools and con- cal about the measure (HB 7167). weapons without licenses during SCOTT CALLAHAN, news editor struction projects. “There is no accountability pro- evacuations ordered by the gover- 352-365-8203...... [email protected] One thing that’s unlikely to hap- vision in the House bill, and I think nor. The House version (HB 209) REPORTERS pen: the House and Senate confer- I still want to be faithful to the un- has passed that chamber, and a LIVI STANFORD, county government, schools ence committees agreeing to find derstanding that Speaker Weather- counterpart (SB 296) could soon 352-365-8257...... [email protected] a way to draw down federal funds ford and I had, when we articulat- go to the floor. ROXANNE BROWN, South Lake County 352-394-2183...... [email protected] intended to expand Medicaid, as ed our work plan, that we would try A PLETHORA OF OTHER ISSUES House Minority Leader Perry Thur- to expand school choice with ac- MILLARD IVES, police and courts Lawmakers will grapple with doz- 352-365-8262...... [email protected] ston, D-Fort Lauderdale, asked countability,” Gaetz said. ens of other bills as they look to get THERESA CAMPBELL, Leesburg and The Villages them to do in a letter Thursday. SHOTS FIRED IN CULTURE WAR: out of Tallahassee in early May and 352-365-8209...... [email protected] GOP leaders say the federal gov- GUNS AND ABORTION start campaigning for the November AUSTIN FULLER, business news, Mount Dora, Eustis, Tavares ernment has proven to be an un- With the November elections only elections. The issues range from in- 352-365-8263...... [email protected] reliable partner in funding for joint a few months away, Republicans are dustry fights, such as hospitals bat- SPORTS RESULTS programs like Medicaid, and they’ve also looking for measures that will tling about new trauma centers, to Schools or coaches can report game results after 6 p.m. by calling ruled out any Medicaid expansion. fire up socially conservative voters quirky bills, such as creating the po- 352-365-8268,. Submissions also can be emailed to sports@daily- EDUCATION DEBATES: IMMIGRATION — such as restrictions on abortion sition of state poet laureate. AND CHOICE FRANK JOLLEY, sports editor and bills advancing Florida’s reputa- But while the Capitol gets filled 352-365-8268...... [email protected] One of the most closely watched tion as a gun-friendly state. with political intrigue and lobby- CALENDAR non-budget bills of the session has The main flashpoint on abortion ing battles at the end of each ses- been a measure that would grant is a measure (HB 1047) that would sion, it’s important to remem- Email upcoming events to [email protected]. in-state tuition rates to some ille- largely bar the procedures if doc- ber that some legislation can have gal immigrants (SB 1400) and po- tors determine that fetuses have far-reaching effects. tentially help the Republican Party reached viability. The bill passed As an example, the House and JOBLESS get a toehold in the rapidly growing the House and is scheduled to be Senate are still working on bills FROM PAGE A1 bloc of Hispanic voters. heard Monday by the Senate Rules that would address gaps in Flor- The prospects for the bill took Committee. ida’s child-protection system af- Lake’s January rate put an end to six a nose-dive later Thursday, when Under current law, abortions in ter revelations about the deaths of straight months of declining jobless Senate Appropriations Chairman most cases are barred during the children who had previously come numbers. The unemployment rate last Joe Negron, R-Stuart, announced third trimester of pregnancy. But the to the attention of the state De- July was 7.6 percent, followed by 7.3 per- that he would not put the measure bills would require that physicians partment of Children and Families. cent in August, 6.9 percent in September, 6.4 percent in October, 6.3 percent in No- business to minimize any authorities that paid them. in Lake County for driv- vember and 6 percent in December. OFFICE inconvenience to them.” The tax collector’s of- er licenses located in As- Last year at this time, the unemploy- FROM PAGE A1 David Jordan, chief fice returned more than tatula, where tax collector ment rate in Lake was 7.7 percent and deputy for the tax collec- $3 million during the fis- officials have heard from the rate in Sumter was 5.8 percent. located at 1720 Citrus tor, said there are also in- cal year 2012 budget to customers that the wait In Lake, from a labor force of 131,729 Blvd., for $13,500 a month. surance costs for security the county commission. has been as long as four people, 122,965 had jobs in March and “There are substantial purposes. “We will be utilizing un- hours. That office will 8,764 did not. In Sumter, the labor force capital costs that are tied “It is the electronic spent fees and commis- close in June 2015. was 43,034, with 39,916 employed and into the amount in the in- queuing system and other sion to meet these future “The general public will 2,118 unemployed. terior build-out of the fa- internal controls that are expenses,” McKee said. not tolerate a four-hour In March 2014, Monroe and Walton cility,” he said. an enormous expense,” In addition to the current wait,” said Jordan. counties had the state’s lowest unemploy- In addition, it is esti- he said. “The legislature services it offers such as ve- Randy Van Alstine, di- ment rate (3.8 percent each), followed by mated to cost $225,000 has handed the responsi- hicle tags, the new office rector of motorist ser- Okaloosa County (4.8 percent); and Ala- to purchase furniture and bility to the tax collector will offer driver licenses, ID vices for the tax collec- chua and Sumter counties (5.0 percent tor’s office, said the office electronic equipment that is enormous.” cards, road tests, medical each). Many of the counties with the low- conducted an analysis to that complies with the McKee said the tax col- road tests, vision tests and est unemployment rates were those with make sure it has the right lector has enough revenue non-U.S. citizen driver li- relatively high proportions of govern- Department of Home- size building with the ap- land Security. to cover the costs of the cense services, Mckee said. ment employment, the Florida Depart- propriate number of staff. ment of Economic Opportunity reported. McKee added of the relo- lease and operations, but In February, the tax col- For the month of cation: “Our needs, space the county commission lector opened a driver’s li- Flagler County had the highest unem- March, the average pro- ployment rate (9.3 percent) in Florida in wise, have more than dou- could receive less funding, cense office in Clermont, cessing time for each cus- March 2014, followed by Hendry County bled for the additional because less money would but that office does not of- tomer was approximately (9.1 percent); Hamilton County (8.7 per- (eight) employees, and ad- be returned to them at the fer non-U.S. citizen driver 10 minutes. cent); and Hernando, Madison, and Put- ditional transactions to ac- end of the budget year. license services or med- “The customer expec- nam counties (8.5 percent each). There commodate a much higher “Every year we spend ical road tests, said Mark tation is when they come were no counties with double-digit un- volume of public business. far less then what we O’Keefe, manager of the into the Lake County Tax employment rates for March or February. “We want to conduct could,” he said. At the end tax collector’s office. Collector office they are go- the public business where of the fiscal year, unspent There is currently only ing to be there for minutes, The News Service of Florida contributed the public conducts their fees are sent back to the one state office remaining not for hours,” he said. material to this report. Saturday, April 19, 2014 DAILY COMMERCIAL A3

StateNEWS EDITOR SCOTT CALLAHAN n [email protected]&Region n 352-365-8203 Area Briefs CLERMONT ORLANDO Conference to be held Locals fight proposed sand mine for business women ROXANNE BROWN | Staff Writer Organizers said the potentially impact resi- for the sand and gravel op- [email protected] Women on a Mission to Earn meeting’s intent was to dents and their communi- eration, it could doom the Commission, a networking or- More than 100 people kick off the formation of ties. In this case, organiz- 16,000-acre Wellness Way ganization geared toward busi- showed up for a meeting in what they’ve dubbed “The ers are asking citizens to Sector Plan, an area where ness women, is hosting a confer- Clermont this week to talk South Lake Citizen’s Co- stand up publicly against county officials envision ence at the Rosen Plaza Hotel on about stopping a 1,196- alition,” a group of locals the sand mine’s approval. companies with high-pay- International Drive. acre sand mine from op- they hope will band to- According to Clermont ing, medical-related jobs. Seminars, a trade show, luncheon erating in the middle of a gether to represent com- City Councilman Ray “If we let a sand mine and silent auction will take place. proposed high-tech devel- mon views when it comes Goodgame, if Cemex is come in and destroy the The event includes special guest opment in south Lake. to causes that could granted a zoning change SEE MINE | A4 speakers Thursday and Friday. Registration is available at www. or via email to [email protected] or by calling 407-767-5417. Clermont EUSTIS Lake Tech to host car bank show fundraiser The first car show raising funds to robber send SkillsUSA members to compe- titions at Lake Tech will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., today at identified the Eustis campus, 2001 Kurt St., and will include food, contests, prizes MILLARD IVES | Staff Writer and more. [email protected] Show car owners are asked to do- nate $10, which includes a parking Authorities have re- spot, a prize ticket and contest entry. leased the identity of Spectators are asked to bring canned a man who reported- food items for the Lake Cares Food ly robbed a Clermont Pantry and $5 to cover parking and a bank and led law en- ticket to win a prize. forcement on a high- Trophies will be awarded for best speed chase that ended in show, best truck, best classic, do- when his car crashed. mestic and foreign cars, as well as ROXANNE BROWN / DAILY COMMERCIAL Brian Carl Richards, best bike. Betty Anne Hutchens, a children’s author and illustrator, paints a mural at Kiddie Land Academy, a 41, was charged with No alcohol, drugs or tobacco are Groveland daycare center. armed rob- allowed on the campus. bery, grand Call James Brucker, 352-589-2250, GROVELAND theft, ag- ext. 1874 for information. gravat- ed fleeing TAVARES and elud- Hope grows in Groveland ing, resist- Extension offers classes on ing arrest RICHARDS ROXANNE BROWN | Staff Writer el the building,” Campassa- playground says it was built and reck- arthritis pain management [email protected] no said. “I said, ‘Are you cra- in memory of Lily Quintus, less driving, according The University of Florida’s zy? Do you have any idea Hope for the Children. the four-year-old daugh- to an arrest affidavit re- Institute of Food and Agricultural about what that building That’s what Good Neigh- ter of Groveland paramed- leased Friday morning. Sciences Extension in Lake County needs done?’” bor Program founders Di- ic Brian Quintus, who was Richards, who has is hosting classes in Tavares And so started the Hope anne and John Garvis have killed earlier this month prior burglary, theft and Groveland on arthritis pain for the Children renovation dubbed a makeover project when a car crashed into a and other charges, re- management. project. KinderCare daycare in Or- mained in the Lake The free program “Put Pain in its they have embarked on for Help poured in from the Kiddie Land Academy lando. County jail early Friday Place: How to Get Osteoarthritis Pain many businesses and or- “The children of Grove- in lieu of $18,000 bail. Under Control” will provide infor- daycare in Groveland. ganizations. South Lake Leslie Campassano, land will no longer be in- According to the affi- mation about osteoarthritis pain Hospital’s LiveWell facil- visible. An army of caring davit, Richards walked and offer strategies to relieve it. The who with husband Lou- ity sponsored the build- neighbors have teamed to- into the Trustco Bank Tavares class is from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on ie owns and runs the day- ing of an indoor play area gether to shower them with on High Grove Boule- April 30 at the Tavares Public Library, care, said if it weren’t for the and exercise room. Home love,” Dianne Garvis said. vard in Clermont about 314 N. New Hampshire Ave. Register program, the center likely Depot donated build- A ribbon cutting and of- 1:15 p.m. on Thursday at would have closed in June ing and flooring supplies, ficial reveal of the new Kid- in a tan short sleeve Groveland’s class will take place when the lease at the build- BurgerFI, a new restau- die Land building will be dress shirt, khaki pants from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on May 1 at the ing they are renting for Kid- rant chain headed for Cl- 1 p.m. today at the day- and camouflage hat and Marion Baysinger Memorial Library, die Land expires. ermont, sponsored the care, 668 W. Broad Street, handed a teller a black 756 W. Broad St. Register at grove- They did own the run- kitchen and built an eat- Groveland. bag and typed note de- down building across from ing area. And more than Campassano said she manding money. For information or to register, call it, they did not have the 20 other contractors and and her husband are The affidavit indicates 352-343-4101, ext. 2719 or 2721. money to renovate it. companies helped with “We hadn’t told anyone the renovations. floored by the generosi- that Richards told the MOUNT DORA about closing yet but knew Groveland officialsty of the the Good Neigh- teller “I’m not kidding” it was coming. Then Di- waived all permitting fees. bor Program, all the donors SEE ROBBERY | A4 Share your historic anne came in one day just Betty Anne Hutchens, a and volunteers who had a photos at the library out of the blue. She’d nev- children’s author and artist hand in renovating the new er stopped in here before who lives in Delaware, was daycare for them and the LEESBURG The Mount Dora Historical Society but said she was passing flown in last week to paint a children who attend there. and the W.T. Bland Public Library, by when she noticed our mural inside the new build- Danielle Damarest, a 1995 N. Donnelly St., are co-spon- sign,” Campassano said. ing. On Friday, locally re- teacher at Kiddie Land, Graduation soring a preservation event, “Share “I mentioned to her about nowned artist Harry Gray said she thinks the kids are Your Historic Mount Dora Photos” closing and after hearing painted a mural on an out- going to love their new day- from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., on April 25- our story and about how side wall. care center. ceremonies 26, at the library. we cater to many low-in- A fence and playground “They (kids) will definite- People are asked to bring histor- come families’ needs, were constructed Friday. ly know the difference,” ic photos or documents of Mount asked if they could remod- A sign near the Damarest said. to air live Dora to the library for documenta- Staff Report tion. Those items will be scanned and the library will give participants Family members and a CD of their images to keep. CLERMONT friends of Lake-Sum- ter State College gradu- IF YOU SEE NEWS Man arrested after hospital disturbance ates will be able to watch HAPPENING, RECORD IT the upcoming May com- MILLARD IVES | Staff Writer rity guards struggling with mencement ceremonies ... and we’ll share it with our readers. [email protected] a man who had injection live on Lake Sumter Tele- Some of our best story ideas and photos marks on his arm. vision. A Mascotte man, believed to be high come from our readers. So don’t hesitate The guards told police The 2014 LSSC Spring on methamphetamine, was arrested af- to share your youth activities, awards, that Ebinger had been run- Commencement cere- ter barging into a local hospital and de- ning around the emergen- monies will be aired live accomplishments, festivals, charity EBINGER manding to see his son — who had been cy room lobby screaming and in encore presenta- events and other things that make our discharged more than a month ago. that he wanted to see his son. A records tions, thanks to LSTV’s communities special. And don’t overlook Michael Jacob Ebinger, 26, was arrest- check revealed the son was in the hospi- partnership with the col- those family milestones — birthdays, ed and treated at South Lake Hospital on tal more than a month ago and released lege and through pro- engagements, marriages, business Thursday after police said he tried to force to his mother, but Ebinger continued try- duction underwriting promotions and military news. his way through security guards into the ing to force his way into the patient area from PSL Construction, facility’s emergency room to see his son. of the emergency room to see the child. ERA Tom Grizzard Real- Just email your photos and news to ... According to an arrest affidavit, police Security guards were able to con- ty and Direct Connect to [email protected] showed up at the emergency room just vince Ebinger to leave the lobby, but he UCF, according to a press after 1 p.m. Thursday and found secu- SEE ARREST | A4 SEE LSTV | A4 A4 DAILY COMMERCIAL Saturday, April 19, 2014 IN MEMORY ROBBERY DEATH NOTICES FROM PAGE A3

Evelyn Elmira Dickinson and the teller believed he was Evelyn Elmira Dick- armed. inson, 88, of Leesburg, After being given an undeter- died Thursday, April 17, mined amount of cash, Rich- 2014. Steverson, Ham- ards allegedly fled in a red, lin & Hilbish Funerals four-door Toyota, which had its and Cremations, Tava- license plate covered with blue res. tape. However, a teller was able Kent A. Lines to take a photo of the car, which helped law enforcement find Kent A. Lines, 73, of the vehicle. Leesburg, died Thurs- Sgt. James Vachon, sheriff’s day, April 17, 2014. spokesman, said deputies found Page-Theus Funerals & the suspect’s vehicle in the area Cremations. Leesburg. of a nearby shopping center. Eleanor M. McMahon Richards allegedly led law en- Eleanor M. McMa- forcement, including the Flor- hon, 83, of St. Peters- ida Highway Patrol, on a pur- burg, died Wednesday, suit that reached speeds up to April 16, 2014. Page- 100 mph. He reportedly crossed Theus Funerals & Cre- JOHN RAOUX / AP over a median at one point and mations, Leesburg. A rocket carrying the SpaceX Dragon ship lifts off from launch complex 40 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force drove the wrong way into on- Station in Cape Canaveral. coming traffic on Highway 27. Deputies were eventually able to stop him by laying spike sticks LSTV across the road in front of the SpaceX making Easter vehicle. The sticks are designed FROM PAGE A3 to shred the tires of fleeing vehi- cles. release from the college. The suspect lost control of the The Leesburg Campus delivery of station supplies vehicle and struck a 2007 Jeep in graduation will be aired the area of Hancock and Hart- live at 10 a.m. on May 3. MARCIA DUNN wood Marsh roads and K-9s The Sumter and South AP Aerospace Writer helped apprehend him. The sus- Lake Campus graduation pect as well as the dog and the will be shown at 2 p.m. CAPE CANAVERAL — A K-9 deputy were treated on the The ceremonies will SpaceX supply ship rocket- scene for minor injuries. re-air back-to-back on ed toward the International The driver of the Jeep was not the following dates: Space Station on Friday, set- hurt. 7 p.m. on May 10; 10 a.m. ting the stage for an Easter Tellers were able to identi- on May 11; and 2 p.m. on morning delivery and urgent fy him as the robber. Richards May 14. spacewalking repairs later in allegedly told detectives that a LSTV can be watched the week. friend in the car told him to rob on Comcast Channel 13 Following its midday the bank, but the affidavit points and Brighthouse Chan- launch through cloudy skies, out that deputies never saw any- nel 199, Florida Cable the Dragon cargo carrier was one else in the car. 4, as well as online and shown drifting away in the According to the jail website, through various com- blackness of space, against Richards was arrested in Janu- the blue backdrop of Earth. munity partnerships. AP PHOTO ary on charges of burglary and It’s transporting 2½ tons grand theft. He also was arrest- of goods, including a new This image made from video shows the engine of the second stage of the rocket carrying the SpaceX Dragon capsule. ed in December on charges of spacesuit, spacesuit replace- grand theft, possession of bur- ment parts, much-needed was replaced, and the com- or MDMs, said flight director glary tools and criminal mis- food, legs for NASA’s human- pany aimed for a Friday lift- Brian Smith said Friday. “Right chief and for violating his pro- ♥♥ IN LOVING MEMORY ♥♥ oid, Robonaut, a bevy of mat- off despite a dismal forecast. now, we don’t have that.” bation for assaulting a law ing flies, and germs gathered Storms cleared out of Cape NASA decided late this enforcement officer in 2002 in from sports arenas and his- Canaveral just in time. week to use the gasket-like Seminole County. toric sites across the U.S. SpaceX’s billionaire chief material already on board Neither NASA nor SpaceX executive officer, Elon Musk, the space station for the re- packed any Easter goodies, was delighted with the suc- pair, instead of waiting for the but the families of the six as- cessful launch for NASA, the Dragon and the new, preci- tronauts sent private care customer. “This was a happy sion-cut material that NASA ARREST Lenora M. Brockington packages. day,” he told reporters from rushed on board for the FROM PAGE A3 Sept. 17, 1928 – April 19, 2002 “It will be a surprise for all company headquarters in computer swap. Astronauts Sweet Jesus, Please take this message of us when they open the Hawthorne, Calif. trimmed their own thermal returned, reportedly pushed a to Lenora Brockington in Heaven up hatch,” said NASA’s human Last Friday, a critical back- material Friday to fit the bot- security guard out the way and above; Tell her how much we miss her, exploration chief, Bill Gerst- up computer failed outside tom of the replacement com- ran back into the lobby. Police and give her all our love. enmaier. the space station, and NASA puter, and inserted a fresh were called and Ebinger was ar- As we look Back, we find ourselves The Dragon will reach the considered postponing the circuit card. rested. wondering…Did we remember to thank you enough for all you did for us? orbiting lab on Sunday morn- SpaceX flight. The primary The shipment is close to Hospital staff examined Ebin- ing. That pushes urgent space- computer is working fine, but five weeks late. Initially set for ger and determined he was in- For all the times you were by our sides to help and support us. . . walking repairs to Wednesday; numerous systems would be mid-March, the launch was toxicated by methamphet- To celebrate our successes, to NASA wants a bad backup seriously compromised if it delayed by extra prepping, amine. He told officers he had understand our problems, and accept computer replaced before broke, too. A double failure then damage to an Air Force been using the drug every day our defeats? something else breaks. also would hinder visits by radar and, finally on Monday, since he dropped his son off at Or for teaching us by your Example, This was the second launch the Dragon and other vessels. the rocket leak. the hospital. the value of Hard Work, Good Judgment, Courage and Integrity? attempt this week for SpaceX “It’s imperative that we NASA is paying SpaceX — Ebinger was charged with dis- If we ever thanked you for the after a month’s delay. maintain” backups for these Space Exploration Technol- orderly intoxication and battery sacrifices you made, to let us have On Monday, NASA’s com- external command-routing ogies Corp. — and Virginia’s on uniformed security guards. the very best? mercial supplier was foiled by computer boxes, also called Orbital Sciences Corp. to keep He remained in the Lake County And for the simple things like laugh- a leaky rocket valve. The valve multiplexer-demultiplexers, the orbiting lab well stocked. jail Friday in lieu of $2,150 bail. ter, smiles and great times we shared? Mom, If we forgot to show our Gratitude enough for all the things you did, the sand mine project. mining operation near rolling hills and lakes. mined areas will be re- We're thanking you now. And we are MINE This week’s meeting at Brooksville to keep up Wellness Way cov- claimed, the applica- hoping you knew all along, FROM PAGE A3 the Clermont Commu- with business demands. ers a huge tract east of tion states. How very special you are and much nity Center was chaired Martin said residents U.S. Highway 27 along Sara Engdahl, direc- you meant to us. by Jack Martin, a former are not opposed to Ce- the Orange County bor- tor of communications Dear Lord, If roses grow in Heaven, sector plan, we’d past president of the mex as a company. der, running from south for Cemex, previous- please pick a bunch for us be ashamed of our- King’s Ridge Homeown- “But three hundred from State Road 50 to ly said the mine would Place them in Lenora’s arms and tell her selves,” Goodgame they're from us. ers Association, where trucks making round U.S. Highway 192. It has have no effect on water Tell her that we love her and miss her, said during the meet- residents expressed trips per day (600 trips been called the largest and would aid in eco- and when she smiles ing. concerns about traffic, total) is a lot,” he said. tract of undeveloped nomic development, Place a kiss upon her cheek, hug her for The Clermont City noise and dust from the “We don’t think it’s good land left in Lake County. bringing in at least $4.7 us and hold her for awhile. . . Council and City sand mine. for the surrounding Besides, traffic, noise million a year. Love, Fredricka, Frank, Manager Darren Gray, “They (Cemex) will area.” and dust, sand-mine Linda and David Michael & Justin a former Lake Coun- tell their side of the sto- Wellness Way received opponents have con- Hill, who own a blue- ty manager, oppose ry and this is a meeting its name from the desire cerns about the project berry farm adjacent to organize a way for to attract health, fitness, deterring other busi- to the proposed min- us to tell our side of the biomedical research nesses from relocating ing site, said the opera- story,” Martin said. and related industries to the area, and harm- tion will hurt their crop, Residents believe as to the area, capitalizing ing the environment while Goodgame said many as 300 trucks a on the existing triathlon and water table. 30 years of proposed day will haul sand and and health/fitness in- CEMEX’s application mining, even after rec- gravel from the mine to dustries in South Lake. says the mine will be lamation, would leave the many road-building County officials and key situated on abandoned the land in sub-par projects Cemex is in- stakeholders in the area agricultural land and condition. volved with in Central envision the area to be that excavation only County commission- Florida. The compa- a major employment would occur on 623 ers will address the ny recently asked Her- center for Central Flor- acres of the site. Min- sand mine at 1:30 p.m. nando County officials ida, anchored by com- ing over 30 years will on May 20 at the old for permission to ex- pact urban-growth cen- take place in phases of courthouse building in pand Cemex’s 730-acre ters, and surrounded by 100 acres or less and all Tavares. Saturday, April 19, 2014 DAILY COMMERCIAL A5 Pensive pope at Good Friday Colosseum procession FRANCES D’EMILIO “abandoned under Associated Press the weight of the cross ROME — Desperate would find the strength migrants, suicidal failed of hope.” Then he bless- business owners, bat- ed the faithful and tered women, torture headed back to the Vati- victims and all people can by car. suffering in the world Another of the med- were remembered at a itations spoke of chil- torch-lit Good Friday dren whose health Way of the Cross pro- might be endan- cession presided over gered by Italian mob- by Pope Francis at the sters’ dumping of toxic Colosseum. wastes in their neigh- With his head bowed borhoods and farmland and eyes often closed, near Naples. Mothers of Francis joined tens of the children had writ- thousands of faithful ten to the pope in hopes in listening to medita- of drawing attention to tions read aloud in the the problem. ancient arena in down- Outside the Colosse- town Rome. One med- um and along the broad itation, read by Ital- boulevard approach- ian actress Virna Lisi, ing it, tens of thou- singled out the plight sands of pilgrims, tour- of child soldiers. Oth- ANDREW MEDICHINI / AP ists and Romans stood er readings recalled mi- Pope Francis leads the Via Crucis torchlight procession celebrated in front of the Colosseum on Good Friday in Rome on elbow-to-elbow. They grants who risk death Friday. clutched prayer books in trying to reach the and candles, in holders the Catholic church’s outside of Rome as the chill of the night. shores of affluent na- lets himself be guided fashioned from brightly tions, women and chil- attention on those who pope took him to a tiny Near the end of the by evil.” colored paper. dren enslaved by hu- suffer, often on the mar- island near Sicily where 90-minute service, But he sounded a note Many of them and man traffickers andgins of society. The mo- thousands of migrants Francis told the crowd of optimism. “Evil won’t tens of thousands more inmates in overcrowded tif of the marginalized arrive on smugglers’ in brief remarks that the have the last word, but are expected to crowd prisons. also mirrored much of rickety boats. cross represented the love, mercy and par- into St. Peter’s Square The selection of sub- Francis’ outreach in his Francis wore a white “weight of all our sins.” don” will, Francis said. on Sunday for Eas- jects reflected thefirst year of his papa- overcoat over a plain He decried the “mon- He ended with a ter Mass celebrated by pope’s resolve to focus cy. His first pilgrimage white cassock against strosity of man when he prayer that all those Francis at the Vatican. Captain of sunken S. Korean ferry arrested From Clinton to FOSTER KLUG and YOUKYUNG LEE Obama, many parallels Associated Press

MOKPO, South Korea KEN THOMAS for the fate of Obama’s Associated Press — The captain of a sunk- fellow Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections. en South Korean ferry WASHINGTON — About 7,500 pages of was arrested Saturday on Thousands of pages of records released Friday suspicion of negligence documents from Presi- through the National and abandoning people dent Bill Clinton’s White Archives and the Clin- in need, as investigators House affirm a longtime ton Presidential Library looked into whether his adage: The more things in Little Rock, Ark., show evacuation order came change, the more they the parallels between too late to save lives. Two stay the same. crew members were also the Clinton era and the As Clinton prepared White House under arrested. for an August 1994 news Obama. The documents The disaster three conference in which he may also offer a glimpse days ago left more than hoped to build public into a future as former 270 people missing and support for his strug- Secretary of State Hil- at least 29 people dead. gling — and ultimately lary Rodham Clinton, As the last bit of the unsuccessful — health who led her husband’s sunken ferry’s hull care overhaul, he told health care task force, slipped Friday beneath AHN YOUNG-JOON / AP his advisers: “A lot of considers another pres- the murky water off them want to know they Relatives of missing children in Ship Sewol weep at a gymnasium in Jindo, South Korea idential campaign in southern South Korea, can keep their own plan 2016. Navy divers attached mate ordered a turn Lee was not on the there was a new victim: a if they like it.” Later that One undated memo underwater air bags to that was so sharp that it bridge when the fer- vice principal of the high fall, Clinton’s Democrats written after the 1994 the 6,852-ton ferry to caused the vessel to list. ry was passing through school whose students were routed in midterm elections offers advice were among the passen- prevent it from sink- The sharp turn came an area with many is- elections and lost con- on how Mrs. Clinton gers was found hanged, ing deeper, the Defense between 8:48 a.m. and lands clustered closely trol of Congress. could soften her image. an apparent suicide. Ministry said. 8:49 a.m., but it’s not together, something he Nearly two decades An unnamed aide told The Sewol had left the The coast guard said known whether it was said is required by law later, President Barack the first lady, “It’s no sur- northwestern port of divers began pumping done voluntarily or be- so the captain can help Obama sought to reas- prise that some Ameri- Incheon on Tuesday on air into the ship to try to cause of some external a mate make a turn. sure Americans about cans can’t handle smart, an overnight journey to sustain any survivors. factor, said Nam Jae- The captain also aban- his own plan, which won tough, independent the holiday island of Jeju Strong currents and heon, a spokesman for doned people in need approval in Congress in women,” and encour- in the south with 476 rain made it difficult to the Maritime Ministry. of help and rescue, he 2010, by telling them, “If aged Clinton to pick is- people aboard, includ- get inside the ferry. Div- Another angle be- said. you like your plan you sues and events accen- ing 323 students from ers worked in shifts to ing probed is the role of “The captain escaped can keep it.” A spate of tuating her personal Danwon High School in try to get into the vessel, the captain, 68-year-old before the passengers,” private policy cancella- side, not wonky inter- Ansan. It capsized with- where most of the pas- Lee Joon-seok. Yang said. tions forced Obama to ests, and recommended in hours of the crew sengers were believed to Senior prosecutor Two crewmembers on recant his pledge that she do more listening. making a distress call to have been trapped when Yang Jung-jin said Lee the bridge of the ferry all Americans who liked the shore a little before it sank, guard spokes- was detained early Sat- — a 25-year-old wom- their plans could simply 9 a.m. Wednesday. man Kim Jae-in said. urday, along with the two an and a 55-year-old keep them. WILDWOOD Only its dark blue Investigators said the crew members. Lee fac- helmsman — also failed More than 8 million keel jutted out over the accident came at a point es five charges includ- to reduce speed near the people have signed up CYCLERY surface. But by Friday where the ship had to ing negligence of duty islands and conducted for health insurance un- Bikes for Every Terain & Budget night, even that had make a turn, and pros- and violation of mari- a sharp turn, Yang said. der the “Obamacare” Sales • Service disappeared, and rescu- ecutor Park Jae-eok said time law, according to They also did not carry law; how the overhaul ers set two giant beige investigators were look- the Yonhap news agency. out necessary measures is perceived could be- WD Plaza • 352-399-2983 buoys to mark the area. ing at whether the third Yang said earlier that to save lives, he said. come a deciding point

Electric Razor Repair Clinic Wed, April 23rd A6 DAILY COMMERCIAL Saturday, April 19, 2014 Saturday, April 19, 2014 DAILY COMMERCIAL A7 YOUR EDITORIAL BOARD STEVE SKAGGS...... PUBLISHER TOM MCNIFF...... EXECUTIVE EDITOR SCOTT CALLAHAN...... NEWS EDITOR WHITNEY WILLARD...... COPY DESK CHIEF GENE PACKWOOD...... EDITORIAL CARTOONIST Voices AVOICE Time running out on springs protection bill s home to a first-magnitude spring in Al- exander Springs, it is understandable A that the springs legislation making its way through the Florida Senate has the sup- port of many here in Lake County. With only about two weeks to go in the legis- lative session, however, what is not understand- able, indeed inexplicable, is the obstinacy of the Florida House leadership, specifically Speaker Will Weatherford, in moving that chamber’s ver- sion of the bill forward. The House bill, a com- panion to SB 1576, sponsored by Sen. Charlie Dean, R-Inverness, has yet to be heard by a sin- gle House committee, and as a result Weather- ford recently told reporters that it is “very un- likely” to pass this session. It is hard to comprehend that anyone with the power to make substantive strides toward helping Florida’s springs, its 33 first-magnitude springs in particular, recover from years of over- OTHERVOICES pumping and overpollution would not do so. There is a growing consensus in the Legis- lature that time is running out to reverse the long-running degradation of Florida’s springs. Sometimes a wave and smile Dean’s bill, which was written with the input of four other Senate committee chairmen, would establish new regulations and protection zones for our springs, including mandated conversion are all it takes to make a day to public wastewater systems where possible. ou know how you get into And without thinking about It importantly also would set up a long-term those moods where you con- it, I smiled and waved back. It funding source without raising taxes one cent. vince yourself that the only wasn’t a fake. I meant it. I think I Weatherford has tried using funding as a rea- Y Gina thing to do when you’re absolute- even said “Ooh, thanks, mister!” son why springs legislation will not be possi- ly miserable is to make yourself Barreca out loud in my car. ble this year, but it is merely a smokescreen be- even more miserable, as if misery It turns out that, when it comes cause Dean’s bill addresses it easily and smartly. were some kind of contest? MCCLATCHY-TRIBUNE to changing moods, I’m a cheap That some of the state’s biggest business And when you’re in that kind NEWS SERVICE date. groups suddenly got concerned about our of mood, there’s some part of When I realized that my fun- springs and water policy once Dean’s bill you determined to make your- When I realized that my damental perception of the day emerged is probably a better explanation for self so thoroughly unhappy you fundamental perception of could pivot both immediate- Weatherford’s hesitance to push the measure are guaranteed to take home the ly and entirely on the smallest of forward. Associated Industries of Florida, the the day could pivot both poor-me crown? incidents, I admit to being star- Florida Chamber and the Florida Homebuild- Picture me, then, having a per- immediately and entirely on tled. I was happily surprised, of ers Association, all of which have never shown fectly rotten day. the smallest of incidents, an interest in springs protection, suddenly course, but still … was it real- Waking up to a washed-out jumped into the discussion when they saw SB I admit to being startled. ly just so easy to feel better after gray morning, I’d started to feel 1576 had some substance and support. I was happily surprised, of feeling bad? as if every decision carried with Meanwhile, Gov. Rick Scott, who has been Not always, of course. Not it the potential for a cataclysmic course, but still … was it blasting press releases across the state touting when there’s real cause for sad- his support for the springs, has remained no- spiritual crisis. really just so easy to feel ness or when I’m caught by sense ticeably silent on the springs legislation and And I mean everything. better after feeling bad? of loss or longing emerging from Weatherford’s inaction. If the governor is tru- Choosing the wrong font for cer- somewhere deep or damaged. tain emails, for example, might act ly interested in long-term springs protection off by driving in the rain to pick That’s when I check in with the as the harbinger of ruin; parking and restoration, now would be a good time to up a cheap pre-cooked chicken professionals — the therapist, the too close to the building where I raise his voice. for dinner. doctor and the old friends who work would mean somebody else Time is running out in this legislative ses- You’ve had those chickens, know me best — to see if I need would attempt to squeeze a vehi- sion to bring meaningful springs restoration right? They sort of look like very some kind of real tune-up. cle so close to mine that it would There was a small, flinty part to fruition. We urge our state Reps. Larry short extras from a zombie mov- simply be easier just park their car of me that wanted to clutch the Metz and Marlene O’Toole to urge Weather- ie: Basically, they’re dried skin inside my car. misery and hold it close. But you ford to open the way for the House version of pulled tight over brittle bones Parking far away would prove can’t wave with a clenched fist the springs protection bill to move ahead. It’s with a little bit of ooze emerg- I was the abject failure I always and you can’t really smile with sensible and overdue. ing from somewhere. Frankly, imagined myself to be. gritted teeth. you don’t want to make inquiries From the Halifax Media Group. (Who but a schmuck pays $300 Maintaining unhappiness was concerning the ooze’s origins. a year for parking and then walks too much work. three-quarters of a mile in the I don’t even really like the cheap Trust me when I say that I rain to get to the office? Sure, pre-cooked chicken, but it seemed didn’t mean to forget being frus- people do that all the time when like the kind of half-baked idea, trated, angry and sour-pussed. It they work in a city. But who does literally and metaphorically, to sig- just happened. One kind gesture The newspaper of choice for Lake nal the day’s finale. and Sumter counties since 1875 that when her building is located and SHAZAM, there I was with on acres and acres of open farm- Then a stranger wrecked the my heart opening like a para- EDITORIALS land and rolling hills? For sever- whole thing. chute and my hand waving like Editorials are the consensus opinion of the editorial board, not al hundred bucks a year, I want I was coming off a ramp and a 5-year-old’s at a Fourth of July any individual. They are written by the editorial staff but are not access to what by implication onto the highway, eyes nar- signed. Local editorials are published Wednesday, Friday, Saturday parade. and Sunday. is promised when the money is rowed against the blur of rain, I still picked up dinner on the routinely deducted directly from fists clamped around the steer- COLUMNS way home, but decided to get my paycheck under the heading ing wheel, radio news station Columns are the opinion of the writer whose byline and fresh pizza. It went better with picture appears with them. They do not necessarily reflect the “parking.” Not that I’m bitter.) in the background announcing the parade. opinion of the newspaper, and are chosen to represent a diver- the end of the civilized world as sity of views. I was facing a day filled with If you would like to submit a guest column on a local, state or budget cuts at work, computer we know it (plus additional rain) Gina Barreca is an English professor at the national issue, email your submission to letters@dailycommercial. problems and calls from home and some guy actually permitted University of Connecticut, a feminist scholar com, or mail it to Voices, P.O. Box 490007, Leesburg, FL 34749- who has written eight books, and a 0007. about a repeatedly (not direly, me to merge. columnist for the Hartford Courant. Guest columns should be limited to 550 words in length. The writer also must submit a recent photo to be published with the only annoyingly) sick cat — and Then he had the nerve to smile She can be reached through her web- column, as well as a brief biographical sketch. I was fully intending to cap it all and wave. site at HAVE YOUR SAY The Daily Commercial invites you to write letters to the editor. Letters should be no longer than 350 words. Classic DOONESBURY 1973 They must be original, signed with the full name of the writer, and include the writer’s address and telephone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit for length. Letters also will be edited for grammar, clarity, taste and libel. We accept no more than two letters per month from the same writer. No open letters, form letters or copies of letters to third parties will be published. We do not publish unsigned letters. Submissions are not returned. We retain the right to archive and republish any material submitted for publication. You can submit your letters by: Email (preferred) to: [email protected] By regular mail to: Voices P.O. Box 490007 Leesburg, FL 34749-0007 By fax to: 325-365-1951 A8 DAILY COMMERCIAL Saturday, April 19, 2014 B1 DAILY COMMERCIAL Saturday, April 19, 2014 SPORTS EDITOR FRANK JOLLEY 352-365-8268 [email protected] BOXING: Bernard Hopkins to step in ring at 49 / B5 MONTVERDE Montverde Academy opens swimming pool

FRANK JOLLEY | Staff Writer members of the school’s used as a training facili- [email protected] Board of Trustees and ty for Montverde Acade- officials from the South my Boys and Girls swim Montverde Academy Lake Chamber of Com- teams. As part of the cer- added the latest jewel to merce. emony, members of the its growing sports com- The facility, which is school’s swim teams plex on Thursday when located on the east side swam a lap in the pool. the school held an open- of “The Nest,” the Mont- In the past sever- ing ceremony and rib- verde Academy Cen- al years, Montverde bon cutting for its new ter for Sportsmanship Academy has upgrad- aquatic center. and Wellness, is 84-feet ed its sports complex School Headmas- long, 62-feet wide. It is with a new football-soc- ter Dr. Kasey Kesselring six-feet deep at each end cer-track facility, as well spoke at the ceremo- and four-feet deep in the as new baseball and soft- ny, which was attend- middle. ball fields. “The Nest,” BRETT LE BLANC / DAILY COMMERCIAL ed by former Headmas- Kesselring indicat- home to Montverde Members of the Montverde Academy swim team dive into the school’s new pool during ter Walter L. Stephens, ed the facility will be SEE SWIM | B2 opening ceremonies on Thursday at the school.

MINNEOLA LMHS hoops coach schedules 2 camps

FRANK JOLLEY | Staff Writer 14 and the Florida High [email protected] School Athletic Asso- ciation Class 6A state Lake Minneola boys championship game. basketball coach Fred- After a college career die Cole is conducting at Bethune-Cookman two youth basketball in Daytona Beach, Cole camps in May for play- played professionally ers looking to improve overseas before becom- their fundamentals and ing a high-school coach. ability to perform in Lake Minneola is 60-22 game situations. during Cole’s three sea- The two-day camps LYNNE SLADKY / AP sons at the helm. are May 2-3 and May 23- Registration forms for San Antonio’s Tony Parker, right, and Miami’s LeBron James collide during Game 6 of the 2013 NBA Finals in Miami. A 24 at the Lake Minneo- the camp are available rematch of last year’s thrilling NBA Finals finish is possible, but the Spurs and Heat would have to get through tough paths la High School gymna- on request. Email coal to get there. sium for boys and girls are [email protected] between the ages of 5 to obtain a registration and 17. form or for any ques- Cost of the camps is tions. NBA playoffs look wide open $50. The first day for Cole said spots in both camps will run both camps are filling TIM REYNOLDS lecting a whopping 76 Things seem quite Los Angeles Clippers, from 5 to 8 p.m. and the fast. Associated Press percent of ballots cast. a bit different now. Oklahoma City, Gold- second day, which is a “I’ve had 15 people Satuday, will begin at sign up the first day I MIAMI — Before the The voters weren’t The Heat don’t seem en State, Houston, Port- land and the Heat all 9 a.m. and end at noon. put out a sign-up sheet,” season started, a poll some know-nothings, like locks for a third Cole is the only boys figure to have a legit- Cole said. “I planned suggested that the Mi- either. straight title anymore. basketball coach in to stop at 50, but I will imate chance at be- ami Heat were the over- No, this was a polling San Antonio and In- Lake Minneola’s histo- gauge any additional in- whelming favorite to of NBA general manag- diana are top seeds. ing the club to hoist the ry. He led the Hawks to terest in the camp if we win the NBA title, col- ers. Brooklyn, Chicago, the SEE NBA | B2 a 28-4 record in 2013- get to 50 registrations.”

Orlando coach Jacque Vaughn Magic enter offseason with confidence calls out a play to his team KYLE HIGHTOWER The two seasons since season to date of the cur- during the first Associated Press have produced just 20 and rent rebuilding project. half of Monday’s 23 victories, respective- “I think if you look game against ORLANDO — It’s been Chicago at the ly, following Wednesday back on the year, I think two seasons since the Or- night’s season finale. United Center in we made some positive Chicago. Vaughn lando Magic went through While fans haven’t seen a near-wholesale changes strides. Strides in the right led the Magic to lot of positive on-court re- direction,” Magic gener- a 23-59 record that included a franchise sults yet, the new regime is al manager Rob Hennigan in his second player’s exit and bringing hoping that it can remain said Thursday. season with the in a new general manager patient entering what Magic and coaching staff. could the most pivotal off- SEE MAGIC | B2 JEFF HAYNES / AP

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Nicholas Thompson -2 F BOXING Indiana vs. Atlanta Sunday, April 20: Tampa Bay at Montreal, 7 p.m. Camilo Villegas 72-71 — 143 8. Brian Harman -2 5 Saturday, April 19: Atlanta at Indiana, 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 22: Tampa Bay at Montreal, 7 p.m. John Mallinger 69-74 — 143 8. Matt Every -2 7 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 22: Atlanta at Indiana, 7 p.m. Pittsburgh 1, Columbus 0 J.B. Holmes 72-71 — 143 SHO — Champion Peter Quillin (30-0-0) vs. Lukas Konecny (50-4-0), for WBO mid- Thursday, April 24: Indiana at Atlanta, 7 p.m. Ken Duke 72-71 — 143 ‌Champions Tour Wednesday, April 16: Pittsburgh 4, Columbus 3 dleweight title; champion Shawn Porter (23-0-1) vs. Paulie Malignaggi (33-5-0), for IBF Saturday, April 26: Indiana at Atlanta, 2 p.m. Saturday, April 19: Columbus at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m. Jordan Spieth 69-74 — 143 Greater Gwinnett Miami vs. Charlotte Monday, April 21: Pittsburgh at Columbus, 7 p.m. Patrick Reed 71-72 — 143 Friday welterweight title; IBF champion Bernard Hopkins (54-6-2) vs. WBA champion Beibut Sunday, April 20: Charlotte at Miami, 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 23: Pittsburgh at Columbus, 7 p.m. Tim Clark 72-71 — 143 At TPC Sugarloaf Shumenov (14-1-0) for IBF/WBA light heavyweight titles, at Washington Wednesday, April 23: Charlotte at Miami, 7 p.m. N.Y. Rangers 1, Philadelphia 0 Pat Perez 74-69 — 143 Duluth, Ga. Saturday, April 26: Miami at Charlotte, 7 p.m. Thursday, April 17: N.Y. Rangers 4, Philadelphia 1 Andrew Loupe 70-73 — 143 COLLEGE BASEBALL Monday, April 28: Miami at Charlotte, 7 p.m. Briny Baird 72-72 — 144 Purse: $1.8 million Sunday, April 20: Philadelphia at N.Y. Rangers, Noon Yardage: 7,131; Par 72 1 p.m. Toronto vs. Brooklyn Tuesday, April 22: N.Y. Rangers at Philadelphia, Jonathan Byrd 71-73 — 144 Saturday, April 19: Brooklyn at Toronto, 12:30 p.m. Zach Johnson 71-73 — 144 First Round SUN — LSU at Mississippi 8 p.m. Miguel A. Jimenez 35-30 — 65 Tuesday, April 22: Brooklyn at Toronto, 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 25: N.Y. Rangers at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. Jason Kokrak 71-73 — 144 2 p.m. Friday, April 25: Toronto at Brooklyn, 7 p.m. Robert Garrigus 71-74 — 145 Steve Pate 33-35 — 68 Sunday, April 27: Toronto at Brooklyn, 7 p.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE Ryo Ishikawa 77-68 — 145 36-32 — 68 BHSN — South Carolina at Auburn Chicago vs. Washington Colorado 1, Minnesota 0 Gonzalo Fdez-Castano 74-71 — 145 Kenny Perry 35-33 — 68 Note: BHSN is available to Bright House cable subscribers Sunday, April 20: Washington at Chicago, 7 p.m. Thursday, April 17: Colorado 5, Minnesota 4, OT Ricky Barnes 72-73 — 145 35-34 — 69 Tuesday, April 22: Washington at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. Saturday, April 19: Minnesota at Colorado, 9:30 p.m. Erik Compton 70-75 — 145 Jeff Sluman 36-33 — 69 8 p.m. Friday, April 25: Chicago at Washington, 8 p.m. Monday, April 21: Colorado at Minnesota, 7 p.m. Kevin Kisner 73-72 — 145 Rod Spittle 35-35 — 70 ESPNU — Baylor at St. Sunday, April 27: Chicago at Washington, 1 p.m. Thursday, April 24: Colorado at Minnesota, 9:30 p.m. David Toms 73-73 — 146 Colin Montgomerie 35-35 — 70 WESTERN CONFERENCE St. Louis 1, Chicago 0 Brendon Todd 75-71 — 146 P.H. Horgan III 35-35 — 70 COLLEGE SOFTBALL Thursday, April 17: St. Louis 4, Chicago 3, 3OT James Hahn 72-74 — 146 Jeff LeMaster 35-35 — 70 San Antonio vs. Dallas Saturday, April 19: Chicago at St. Louis, 3 p.m. Chien Soon Lu 34-37 — 71 7:30 p.m. Sunday, April 20: Dallas at San Antonio, 1 p.m. Mark Anderson 71-75 — 146 Monday, April 21: St. Louis at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. Charlie Beljan 73-74 — 147 Duffy Waldorf 36-35 — 71 SUN — Texas at Oklahoma Wednesday, April 23: Dallas at San Antonio, 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 23: St. Louis at Chicago, 9:30 p.m. Saturday, April 26: San Antonio at Dallas, 4:30 p.m. Josh Teater 74-73 — 147 Gary Hallberg 34-37 — 71 Monday, April 28: San Antonio at Dallas, 9:30 p.m. Anaheim 1, Dallas 0 Mike Weir 73-74 — 147 Peter Jacobsen 35-36 — 71 Wednesday, April 16: Anaheim 4, Dallas 3 Brendon de Jonge 72-75 — 147 Bob Gilder 36-35 — 71 Oklahoma City vs. Memphis 6:30 a.m. Friday, April 18: Dallas at Anaheim, late Aaron Baddeley 71-76 — 147 Roger Chapman 38-33 — 71 TGC — European PGA Tour, Malaysian Open, third round, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Saturday, April 19: Memphis at Oklahoma City, Monday, April 21: Anaheim at Dallas, 9:30 p.m. Jay Haas 35-36 — 71 9:30 p.m. Kevin Chappell 75-72 — 147 Wednesday, April 23: Anaheim at Dallas, 8 p.m. a-Hunter Stewart 74-73 — 147 Marco Dawson 33-38 — 71 1 p.m. Monday, April 21: Memphis at Oklahoma City, 8 p.m. Joey Sindelar 38-34 — 72 Thursday, April 24: Oklahoma City at Memphis, San Jose 1, Los Angeles 0 Danny Lee 72-76 — 148 TGC — PGA Tour, The Heritage, third round, at Hilton Head Island, S.C. Thursday, April 17: San Jose 6, Los Angeles 3 Jim Renner 75-73 — 148 Bill Glasson 38-34 — 72 8 p.m. Mike Goodes 35-37 — 72 Saturday, April 26: Oklahoma City at Memphis, Sunday, April 20: Los Angeles at San Jose, 10 p.m. Charlie Wi 73-75 — 148 3 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 22: San Jose at Los Angeles, 10 p.m. Lucas Glover 69-79 — 148 38-34 — 72 CBS — PGA Tour, The Heritage, third round, at Hilton Head Island, S.C. Marc Leishman 72-76 — 148 Billy Andrade 37-35 — 72 L.A. Clippers vs. Golden State Thursday, April 24: San Jose at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m. Kevin Na 72-76 — 148 Brian Henninger 37-35 — 72 TGC — Champions Tour, Greater Gwinnett Championship, second round, at Duluth, Ga. Saturday, April 19: Golden State at L.A. Clippers, 75-73 — 148 Joel Edwards 37-35 — 72 6:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. ‌GOLF Chad Collins 73-75 — 148 Kirk Triplett 37-35 — 72 Monday, April 21: Golden State at L.A. Clippers, PGA Tour Mark Wilson 74-75 — 149 Michael Allen 37-35 — 72 TGC — LPGA, LOTTE Championship, final round, at Kapolei, 10:30 p.m. RBC Heritage Hideki Matsuyama 71-79 — 150 David Frost 34-38 — 72 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Thursday, April 24: L.A. Clippers at Golden State, Davis Love III 70-80 — 150 Fred Funk 35-37 — 72 10:30 p.m. Friday At Harbour Town Golf Links Kyle Stanley 77-73 — 150 Mike Reid 37-35 — 72 1 p.m. Sunday, April 27: L.A. Clippers at Golden State, Jason Bohn 74-76 — 150 3:30 p.m. Nick Price 37-35 — 72 FS1 — L.A. Angels at Detroit Hilton Head, S.C. Kevin Tway 70-80 — 150 Esteban Toledo 36-36 — 72 Houston vs. Portland Purse: $5.8 million Bryce Molder 74-78 — 152 Mark McNulty 34-38 — 72 4 p.m. Sunday, April 20: Portland at Houston, 9:30 p.m. Yardage: 7,101; Par 71 (36-35) Martin Laird 72-81 — 153 Anders Forsbrand 38-35 — 73 MLB — Houston at Oakland Wednesday, April 23: Portland at Houston, 9:30 p.m. Partial Second Round James Driscoll 77-76 — 153 Larry Mize 35-38 — 73 Friday, April 25: Houston at Portland, 10:30 p.m. Russell Henley 76-78 — 154 Wes Short, Jr. 36-37 — 73 7 p.m. Sunday, April 27: Houston at Portland, 9:30 p.m. a-denotes amateur K.J. Choi 70-67 — 137 Ben Curtis 79-76 — 155 Rocco Mediate 37-36 — 73 SUN — N.Y. Yankees at Tampa Bay ‌HOCKEY Scott Langley 66-73 — 139 Leaderboard at time of suspended play Mark Calcavecchia 37-36 — 73 FS-Florida — Seattle at Miami NHL Playoffs Luke Donald 70-69 — 139 SCORE THRU Bart Bryant 38-35 — 73 FIRST ROUND Billy Hurley III 70-69 — 139 1. K.J. Choi -5 F Hale Irwin 35-38 — 73 8 p.m. Nicholas Thompson 70-70 — 140 2. Robert Allenby -4 5 Russ Cochran 35-38 — 73 FS1 — Arizona at L.A. Dodgers (Best-of-7) Geoff Ogilvy 72-68 — 140 3. Luke Donald -3 F Olin Browne 35-38 — 73 (x-if necessary) Charl Schwartzel 70-70 — 140 3. Billy Hurley III -3 F Bob Tway 37-36 — 73 WGN — Chicago White Sox at Texas EASTERN CONFERENCE Tim Herron 69-72 — 141 3. Bo Van Pelt -3 5 Scott Dunlap 38-35 — 73 9 p.m. Detroit vs. Boston Brian Stuard 69-72 — 141 3. Ben Martin -3 4 Morris Hatalsky 36-38 — 74 Friday, April 18: Detroit at Boston, late Kevin Streelman 69-72 — 141 3. Scott Langley -3 F Wayne Levi 36-38 — 74 FS1 — Arizona at L.A. Dodgers MIXED MARTIAL ARTS 8 p.m. coming months. But he as well. ups and downs of a FOX — UFC, middleweights, Brad Tavares (12-2-0) vs. (7-1-0); lightweights, Donald Cerrone (22-6-0) vs. Edson Barboza (13-1-0); bantamweights, (13- MAGIC reiterated that what- “I think there are rookie season. 5-0) vs. Liz Carmouche (8-4-0); heavyweights, Fabricio Werdum (17-5-1) vs. Travis Browne FROM PAGE B1 ever happened, that it more steps than just Still, there is uncer- (16-1-1), at Orlando wouldn’t be a devia- the win and loss col- tainty about wheth- NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION tion from the process umn. You can prepare er Nelson will be a part 12:30 p.m. “I think clearly the he had in mind when to win. There’s also cul- of the rebuild next sea- ESPN — Playoffs, first round, Game 1, Brooklyn at Toronto win-loss record was he took the job. tivating,” Magic coach 3:30 p.m. son. He is due $8 mil- ABC — Playoffs, first round, Game 1, Golden State at L.A. Clippers not very good. We’re “I think we’ll contin- Jacque Vaughn said. lion in the final year of all aware of that. We all 7 p.m. ue to try to do our work “It’s similar to a garden. his contract in 2014-15, ESPN — Playoffs, first round, Game 1, Atlanta at Indiana know that has to im- to identify the best You have to cultivate, but the Magic would 9:30 p.m. prove. But I think there ways to improve the you have to feed it. You owe him only $2 mil- ESPN — Playoffs, first round, Game 1, Memphis at Oklahoma City are some deeper layers team,” Hennigan said. got to weed out some lion if he is waived by NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE to it, and I think that if 3 p.m. “And what we don’t things. You got to fer- July 15. you look at the way our NBC — Playoffs, conference quarterfinals, Game 2, Chicago at St. Louis want to do is skip any tilize it. So there’s steps Nelson acknowl- guys competed con- steps. So I think we’ll be to making that garden 7 p.m. edged there have been NBCSN — Playoffs, conference quarterfinals, Game 2, Columbus at Pittsburgh sistently, I thought the methodical, we’ll con- grow.” internal conversations 9:30 p.m. spirit of the team was tinue to be very stra- “And I think it’s the with team officials NBCSN — Playoffs, conference quarterfinals, Game 2, Minnesota at Colorado pretty good,” he said. tegic in how we add to same way in cultivat- about his future with SOCCER That spirit, combined the team, how we im- ing a winning culture,” the team, but he de- 7:40 a.m. with solid seasons from prove the team.” he said. NBCSN — Premier League, Fulham at Tottenham No. 2 overall draft pick “The draft is certain- Orlando’s current clined to elaborate. 9:55 a.m. Victor Oladipo and ly one area to do that. roster features just four “I would be lying NBCSN — Premier League, Stoke City at Cardiff City third-year center Nik I also think that we’ll players over the age of to you if I said I didn’t 12:30 p.m. NBC — Premier League, Sunderland at Chelsea Vucevic, gives team of- continue to be oppor- 25. (have talks),” Nelson said. “I did, but I’m not 4 p.m. ficials even more confi- tunistic in actively ex- Point guard Jameer NBCSN — MLS, New England at Chicago dence as they head into ploring what options Nelson, who has spent going to disclose that a summer highlighted exist in free agency and his entire 10-year ca- with you guys. I’ll keep by two lottery picks in trades. So we’re not reer in Orlando, is the that internal. As I’ve al- June’s draft, and lots of bound to just one bas- Magic’s longest-ten- ways done in the past. SWIM roster flexibility to po- ket. We’re looking for ured player at age 32. Like I said before, it’s FROM PAGE B1 tentially bring in veter- ways to improve all the He embraced a men- the team’s option. I an pieces as well. way around,” he said. torship role with Olad- would love to continue As has been his style, It’s a mantra that has ipo this year, which to play here and be here Academy’s two-time national championship boys Hennigan was short on clearly trickled down to Oladipo said was ben- and see this thing turn basketball team, opened in 2012. specifics about whatand is being fully em- eficial in helping him around. I’ll just keep In his speech, Kesselring praised the efforts of could happen in the braced his head coach navigate through the my fingers crossed.” everyone involved in the construction of the pool, including Brad Long, the school’s business man- ager, for his “budgetary help and dedication in time that there wasn’t ing on a daily basis in ago and those clubs making the project a reality.” NBA either a No. 1 or a No. the Western Conference meet in the first round. FROM PAGE B1 2 in the title series was and the Eastern Confer- And San Antonio’s quest 1978. So while upsets ence feel like they’ve got to avenge last year’s loss can happen, it’s not all a chance.” in the NBA Finals starts Larry O’Brien Trophy in that common to see This year, that doesn’t against Dallas — the last a couple of months. bracket craziness — just seem like coach team to beat Miami in a Usually, the NBA play- akin to a No. 7 and No. speak. seven-game series, win- offs aren’t so wide open. 8 seeds Connecticut Take the East. On pa- ning the title in 2011. Things might change and playing per, the biggest mis- So there are some over the next couple of for the NCAA title ear- match is No. 1 Indiana good stories, and there’s months. lier this month — hap- against No. 8 Atlanta, intrigue with every first- “There are 16 teams pening in the same NBA especially because the round series. that have a chance to playoff season. Hawks are the only sub- That doesn’t mean win it,” said Oklahoma “It is going to be tre- .500 team in the play- everyone in the league City coach Scott Brooks, mendous from a fans’ offs. And just a couple thinks it’ll be a year whose team is seed- standpoint, watching,” weeks ago, the Hawks laden with surpris- ed No. 2 in the West. Golden State coach went to Indianapolis es. Philadelphia coach “If you’re in the play- Mark Jackson said. “It and absolutely embar- Brett Brown put it sim- offs, you have a chance. going to be a lot of fun.” rassed the Pacers, run- ply — to him, the game There are some good Brooklyn’s Jason Kidd ning out to a 32-point changes in the playoffs, IF YOU’RE PLAYING, WE’RE INTERESTED teams. Any team can has plenty of postsea- halftime lead in one period. beat each other. The son experience as a of the more stunning “The regular season When sports are being played in Lake County, we want to West is deep. There are player. He believes the games of the entire NBA and the playoffs are like report it and we need your help. Directors and coaches two teams that are really NBA championship is season. two different sports,” of recreational and youth leagues can send game results, good that didn’t make it up for grabs, but also “There’s some good Brown said. “If you put statistics, team and action photos, and we’ll publish them and had great years. It’s probably knows his- teams out there,” Pac- me in a bubble and you definitely open. There’s tory doesn’t favor his ers coach Frank Vogel drag me out in May, I in the newspaper and on our website. Proud parents can a lot of good basketball sixth-seeded club. said. “Every team in the can say this is different send us individual photos and accomplishments. teams that are fighting Since 1979, only five playoffs have given us than the game I’m see- Just email them to [email protected] for the championship.” teams seeded No. 4 or some problems. We’ve ing in November. It’s For as good as San An- lower in their confer- been able to win against just entirely different.” tonio and Indiana were ence have reached the them as well. But it’s That’s why Brown, a all year — well, for most finals. But Kidd sees certainly shaped out to former Spurs assistant, CONTACTUS of the year in Indiana’s reason for hope. be a good conference.” thinks there’s a very case, before the Pac- “It’s always wide No. 5 Washington small number of teams SPORTS EDITOR or 352-365-8279. ers faltered down the FRANK JOLLEY 352-365-8268 open,” said Kidd, the won the season se- capable of winning it n Amateur Listings (col- stretch — it’s never a first-year coach of the ries over No. 4 Chi- all. FAX 352-365-1951 lege scholarships, meeting certainty that the No. 1 Nets — a veteran-lad- cago. Out West, the “To be the last man seeds reach the NBA Fi- en team put together to third-seeded Clippers standing is so ridicu- EMAIL announcements, schedule nals. It’s happened that win a title this season. and sixth-seeded Gold- lously hard,” Brown [email protected] changes, outdoors notices) can way only 11 times in the “You guys sometimes en State split four meet- said. “People have no n Schools or coaches can be faxed to 352-365-1951, or last 35 years. limit it to just two teams ings. Memphis ousted idea what it’s like to play report game results after 6 emailed to sports@dailycom- Then again, the last but guys that are play- Oklahoma City a year in June.” p.m. by calling 352-365-8268, Saturday, April 19, 2014 DAILY COMMERCIAL B3

Box scores and results for games ending after 10 p.m. will appear in our next edition. ‌AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE EAST EAST W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY 10 6 .625 — — 7-3 W-5 6-3 4-3 Atlanta 10 5 .667 — — 6-4 L-1 4-2 6-3 Toronto 8 8 .500 2 ½ 5-5 L-2 3-3 5-5 Washington 9 7 .563 1½ 1 5-5 L-1 4-3 5-4 Baltimore 7 7 .500 2 ½ 6-4 W-2 4-4 3-3 New York 8 7 .533 2 1½ 6-4 W-3 2-4 6-3 Boston 7 9 .438 3 1½ 5-5 W-2 2-4 5-5 Philadelphia 7 8 .467 3 2½ 4-6 W-1 4-5 3-3 Tampa Bay 7 9 .438 3 1½ 3-7 L-4 4-4 3-5 Miami 6 10 .375 4½ 4 1-9 L-1 6-4 0-6 CENTRAL CENTRAL W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Detroit 7 5 .583 — — 5-5 W-1 5-2 2-3 Milwaukee 11 5 .688 — — 7-3 L-1 5-4 6-1 Minnesota 8 7 .533 ½ — 6-4 W-2 5-4 3-3 St. Louis 10 6 .625 1 — 7-3 W-1 4-2 6-4 Chicago 8 8 .500 1 ½ 5-5 L-2 6-4 2-4 Pittsburgh 8 8 .500 3 2 4-6 W-1 5-2 3-6 Kansas City 7 7 .500 1 ½ 5-5 W-3 4-2 3-5 Cincinnati 7 9 .438 4 3 5-5 W-3 4-5 3-4 Cleveland 7 8 .467 1½ 1 4-6 L-1 3-3 4-5 Chicago 4 11 .267 6½ 5½ 3-7 L-5 2-5 2-6 WEST WEST W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Oakland 10 5 .667 — — 8-2 L-1 3-3 7-2 Los Angeles 10 6 .625 — — 6-4 W-1 2-3 8-3 Texas 9 7 .563 1½ — 6-4 W-3 7-3 2-4 San Francisco 10 6 .625 — — 5-5 L-1 5-4 5-2 Los Angeles 7 8 .467 3 1 5-5 W-1 3-6 4-2 Colorado 8 9 .471 2½ 2½ 5-5 W-1 4-2 4-7 Seattle 7 8 .467 3 1 3-7 L-3 2-3 5-5 7 9 .438 3 3 5-5 L-1 5-5 2-4 Houston 5 11 .313 5½ 3½ 2-8 L-4 3-7 2-4 Arizona 4 14 .222 7 7 3-7 L-6 1-11 3-3 THURSDAY’S GAMES FRIDAY’S GAMES THURSDAY’S GAMES FRIDAY’S GAMES Detroit 7, Cleveland 5 Toronto at Cleveland, late Philadelphia 1, Atlanta 0 Cincinnati 4, Chicago Cubs 1 Minnesota 7, Toronto 0, 1st game L.A. Angels at Detroit, late L.A. Dodgers 2, San Francisco 1 Milwaukee at Pittsburgh, late Texas 8, Seattle 6 Baltimore at Boston, late Colorado 3, San Diego 1 St. Louis at Washington, late N.Y. Yankees 10, Tampa Bay 2 N.Y. Yankees at Tampa Bay, late Pittsburgh 11, Milwaukee 2 Atlanta at N.Y. Mets, late Minnesota 9, Toronto 5, 2nd game Seattle at Miami, late St. Louis 8, Washington 0 Seattle at Miami, late Boston 3, Chicago White Sox 1 Chicago White Sox at Texas, late Philadelphia at Colorado, late Kansas City 5, Houston 1 Minnesota at Kansas City, late Arizona at L.A. Dodgers, late Houston at Oakland, late San Francisco at San Diego, late

TODAY’S GAMES TODAY’S GAMES Toronto (Buehrle 3-0) at Cleveland (Kluber 1-1), 1:05 p.m. St. Louis (Lynn 3-0) at Washington (Zimmermann 1-0), 1:05 p.m. L.A. Angels (C.Wilson 2-1) at Detroit (Scherzer 0-1), 1:08 p.m. Cincinnati (Cingrani 1-1) at Chicago Cubs (E.Jackson 0-1), 2:20 p.m. Baltimore (B.Norris 0-1) at Boston (Doubront 1-2), 1:35 p.m. Milwaukee (Garza 0-2) at Pittsburgh (W.Rodriguez 0-2), 7:05 p.m. Minnesota (Correia 0-1) at Kansas City (B.Chen 0-1), 2:10 p.m. Atlanta (E.Santana 1-0) at N.Y. Mets (Colon 1-2), 7:10 p.m. Houston (Oberholtzer 0-3) at Oakland (Kazmir 2-0), 4:05 p.m. Seattle (Elias 1-1) at Miami (H.Alvarez 0-2), 7:10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Nova 2-1) at Tampa Bay (Archer 1-1), 7:10 p.m. Arizona (Bolsinger 0-0) at L.A. Dodgers (Haren 2-0), 8:10 p.m. Seattle (Elias 1-1) at Miami (H.Alvarez 0-2), 7:10 p.m. Philadelphia (K.Kendrick 0-1) at Colorado (Lyles 2-0), 8:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Quintana 1-0) at Texas (Lewis 0-1), 8:05 p.m. San Francisco (Hudson 2-0) at San Diego (Stults 0-2), 8:40 p.m.

AMERICAN LEAGUE LEADERS NATIONAL LEAGUE LEADERS BATTING: AlRamirez, Chicago, .381; Solarte, New York, BATTING: Utley, Philadelphia, .462; Blackmon, Colorado, .373; Ellsbury, New York, .364; Colabello, Minnesota, .411; Freeman, Atlanta, .389; Pagan, San Francisco, .357; Callaspo, Oakland, .357. .377; Uribe, Los Angeles, .375; DGordon, Los Angeles, RUNS: Dozier, Minnesota, 18; Eaton, Chicago, 15; Bau- .373; ArRamirez, Milwaukee, .369. tista, Toronto, 14; AlRamirez, Chicago, 13; Calhoun, Los RUNS: MCarpenter, St. Louis, 13; Freeman, Atlanta, Angeles, 12; Mauer, Minnesota, 12; Trout, Los Angeles, 12; Goldschmidt, Arizona, 12; CGomez, Milwaukee, 12; 12. Marte, Pittsburgh, 12; Stanton, Miami, 12; EYoung, New RBI: Colabello, Minnesota, 19; Moss, Oakland, 15; York, 12. Abreu, Chicago, 14; Brantley, Cleveland, 14; AlRamirez, RBI: Stanton, Miami, 21; Trumbo, Arizona, 18; AdGonza- Chicago, 14. lez, Los Angeles, 15; ArRamirez, Milwaukee, 14; PAlva- HITS: AlRamirez, Chicago, 24; MeCabrera, Toronto, 22; rez, Pittsburgh, 13; CGonzalez, Colorado, 13; McGehee, Trout, Los Angeles, 21; Colabello, Minnesota, 20; Ells- Miami, 13. bury, New York, 20. HITS: Goldschmidt, Arizona, 24; ArRamirez, Milwaukee, DOUBLES: Colabello, Minnesota, 9; SPerez, Kansas 24; Uribe, Los Angeles, 24; Utley, Philadelphia, 24; City, 7; Solarte, New York, 7; Beltran, New York, 6; De- Blackmon, Colorado, 23; Pagan, San Francisco, 23. Jennings, Tampa Bay, 6; ACabrera, Cleveland, 5; Ells- DOUBLES: Goldschmidt, Arizona, 8; Uribe, Los Angeles, bury, New York, 5; Kouzmanoff, Texas, 5; Lowrie, Oak- 8; ECabrera, San Diego, 7; HRamirez, Los Angeles, 7; land, 5. Utley, Philadelphia, 7; Adams, St. Louis, 6; AdGonzalez, TRIPLES: Aoki, Kansas City, 2; Aybar, Los Angeles, 2; Los Angeles, 6; Hill, Arizona, 6; Lucroy, Milwaukee, 6. Fuld, Oakland, 2; 36 tied at 1. TRIPLES: Hechavarria, Miami, 2; Rendon, Washington, HOME RUNS: Bautista, Toronto, 6; Dozier, Minnesota, 5; 2; Simmons, Atlanta, 2; 41 tied at 1. Trout, Los Angeles, 5; Abreu, Chicago, 4; Beltran, New HOME RUNS: PAlvarez, Pittsburgh, 6; Trumbo, Arizona, York, 4; MeCabrera, Toronto, 4; Hart, Seattle, 4; Pujols, 6; Belt, San Francisco, 5; AdGonzalez, Los Angeles, 5; Los Angeles, 4; AlRamirez, Chicago, 4; ASoriano, New Stanton, Miami, 5; Walker, Pittsburgh, 5; 8 tied at 4. York, 4. STOLEN BASES: DGordon, Los Angeles, 10; EYoung, STOLEN BASES: Ellsbury, New York, 7; Andrus, Texas, New York, 9; Bonifacio, Chicago, 7; BHamilton, Cincin- 6; Altuve, Houston, 5; RDavis, Detroit, 5; Dozier, Minne- nati, 5; Marte, Pittsburgh, 5; Revere, Philadelphia, 5. sota, 5; Crisp, Oakland, 4; Rios, Texas, 4. PITCHING: Machi, San Francisco, 3-0; Lynn, St. Louis, PITCHING: Gibson, Minnesota, 3-0; FHernandez, Seat- 3-0; Greinke, Los Angeles, 3-0; Ryu, Los Angeles, 3-1; tle, 3-0; Sale, Chicago, 3-0; Buehrle, Toronto, 3-0. Avilan, Atlanta, 3-1; Wainwright, St. Louis, 3-1. ERA: Darvish, Texas, 0.82; Tillman, Baltimore, 0.84; ERA: Simon, Cincinnati, 0.86; Harang, Atlanta, 0.96; Buehrle, Toronto, 0.86; Gibson, Minnesota, 0.93; Gray, Cashner, San Diego, 1.27; Samardzija, Chicago, 1.29; Oakland, 0.95; Pineda, New York, 1.00; Ross Jr, Texas, Gallardo, Milwaukee, 1.46; Cueto, Cincinnati, 1.50. 1.00. STRIKEOUTS: Cueto, Cincinnati, 35; Strasburg, Wash- STRIKEOUTS: FHernandez, Seattle, 39; Lester, Boston, ington, 33; Fernandez, Miami, 33; Wainwright, St. Louis, 29; Sale, Chicago, 29; Price, Tampa Bay, 28; Tanaka, 32; Liriano, Pittsburgh, 28; ClLee, Philadelphia, 28; New York, 28; Sabathia, New York, 27. Cashner, San Diego, 27. SAVES: Axford, Cleveland, 5; Holland, Kansas City, 5; STEVE NESIUS / AP SAVES: Street, San Diego, 5; Jansen, Los Angeles, 5; Kelley, New York, 4; TomHunter, Baltimore, 4; Balfour, Kimbrel, Atlanta, 5; Grilli, Pittsburgh, 4; Hawkins, Colo- Tampa Bay, 4; Santos, Toronto, 4; Perkins, Minnesota, New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter throws to first after fielding a ground ball hit by rado, 4; Rosenthal, St. Louis, 4; Romo, San Francisco, 3; Rodney, Seattle, 3; Uehara, Boston, 3. Tampa Bay’s Matt Joyce during the first inning of Friday’s game in St. Petersburg. 4; FRodriguez, Milwaukee, 4; Papelbon, Philadelphia, 4.

Reds 4, Cubs 1 BrdlyJr cf 3 0 0 0 Cardinals 8, Nationals 0 IP H R ER BB SO Rasms dh 5 0 0 0 Mauer dh 3 2 0 0 SB–Aoki (2). SF–Presley. Cincinnati Chicago ‌Totals 30 3 5 3 Totals 33 1 8 1 St. Louis Washington Milwaukee Bautist rf 4 2 1 1 Colaell 1b 4 0 3 3 IP H R ER BB SO Encrnc 1b 3 1 2 1 Kubel lf 4 0 1 2 ab r h bi ab r h bi Boston 000 001 002 — 3 ab r h bi ab r h bi Gallardo 6 3 2 2 4 6 Kansas City 1 Navarr c 4 1 2 1 Pinto c 2 1 0 0 BHmltn cf 4 0 1 1 Bonifac 2b 3 0 1 0 Chicago 000 001 000 — 1 MCrpnt 3b 5 2 2 0 Rendon 3b 4 0 0 0 Wooten L,0-1 /3 3 3 3 1 0 Shields W,1-2 8 4 1 1 2 12 2 Lawrie 3b 5 0 1 1 Hrmnn rf 4 1 0 0 DP–Chicago 2. LOB–Boston 6, Chicago 6. 2B–D. Duke /3 0 0 0 1 1 W.Davis 1 1 0 0 0 1 Votto 1b 3 0 0 0 Lake lf 4 0 0 0 Wong 2b 6 1 2 1 Harper lf 4 0 0 0 Gose cf 2 0 0 0 Nunez 3b 3 0 1 0 Phillips 2b 2 0 1 0 Rizzo 1b 4 0 2 0 Ross (2), De Aza (1), Le.Garcia (1). HR–Bogaerts Hollidy lf 3 1 2 2 Werth rf 4 0 0 0 Wang 1 6 6 6 0 0 Houston (1). S–Le.Garcia. Pittsburgh Goins 2b 3 0 0 0 A.Hicks cf 3 0 1 0 RSantg 2b 3 0 0 0 Schrhlt rf 4 0 0 0 Roinsn rf 1 0 0 0 LaRoch 1b 3 0 1 0 Diaz ss 3 0 1 0 Plouffe ph 0 0 0 0 Feldman L,2-1 6 9 5 4 1 2 Bruce rf 5 1 1 0 SCastro ss 4 1 1 0 IP H R ER BB SO MAdms 1b 4 0 1 3 Dsmnd ss 4 0 1 0 Volquez W,1-0 7 8 2 2 1 3 Bass 3 0 0 0 0 1 Melancon H,6 1 0 0 0 0 1 Flormn pr-ss 0 1 0 0 Frazier 3b 3 1 0 0 Sweeny cf 4 0 0 0 Boston T.Cruz ph-1b 1 0 0 0 Espinos 2b 3 0 0 0 EEscor ss 3 0 0 0 PB–S.Perez. Ludwck lf 3 1 2 0 Castillo c 4 0 1 0 Lester W,2-2 8 7 1 1 0 9 YMolin c 6 0 1 1 McLoth cf 3 0 0 0 Morris 1 0 0 0 0 0 Umpires–Home, CB Bucknor; First, Tripp Gibson; Sec- WP–Gallardo, Volquez. KSuzuk ph 0 0 0 0 Berndn lf 0 0 0 0 Valuen 3b 2 0 1 1 Uehara S,3-3 1 1 0 0 0 1 Craig rf-lf 5 0 1 0 Loaton c 2 0 0 0 Mstrnn pr-cf 0 1 0 0 ond, Dale Scott; Third, Ron Kulpa. JhPerlt ss 5 1 2 0 Jordan p 2 0 0 0 Umpires–Home, Manny Gonzalez; First, Sean Barber; Mesorc c 3 1 1 0 Smrdzj p 2 0 0 0 Chicago Totals 33 5 8 4 Totals 30 9 8 6 T–2:37. A–26,333 (42,060). Cozart ss 4 0 1 1 Kalish ph 1 0 0 0 Jay cf 4 2 1 0 Treinen p 0 0 0 0 Second, Jim Reynolds; Third, Fieldin Culbreth. Sale 7 1 1 1 3 10 Toronto 200 030 000 — 5 Marty Foster; Third, Clint Fagan. 1 Wnwrg p 3 1 2 1 Souza ph 0 0 0 0 T–3:06. A–17,584 (38,362). Simon p 3 0 0 0 Grimm p 0 0 0 0 Belisario L,1-2 1 /3 3 2 2 2 1 T–3:13. A–28,085 (31,042). 2 Blevins p 0 0 0 0 Minnesota 100 020 06x — 9 LeCure p 0 0 0 0 Russell p 0 0 0 0 Downs /3 1 0 0 0 0 MParr p 0 0 0 0 Ruggin ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 43 8 14 8 Totals 29 0 2 0 Rockies 3, Padres 1 E–Deduno (1), Dozier (1). DP–Minnesota 2. LOB–To- ‌This Date In Baseball HBP–by Sale (Bogaerts). Colorado San Diego ronto 11, Minnesota 10. 2B–Colabello 2 (9). HR– N.Soto ph 1 0 1 0 Umpires–Home, Jim Joyce; First, Doug Eddings; Sec- St. Louis 300 103 100 — 8 April 19 ab r h bi ab r h bi Bautista (6), Dozier (5). SB–Gose (1), Dozier 2 (5), Broxtn p 0 0 0 0 ond, Marvin Hudson; Third, Cory Blaser. Washington 000 000 000 — 0 1900 — The Philadelphia Phillies beat the Boston Blckmn cf-lf 4 0 0 0 ECarer ss 4 0 1 0 Mastroianni (1). CS–Colabello (1). S–Goins, Nunez. Braves 19-17 in 10 innings to set a major league Totals 34 4 8 2 Totals 33 1 6 1 T–2:54. A–17,454 (40,615). E–Werth (2), Desmond 2 (7), Espinosa (2). DP–Wash- SF–Navarro. Cuddyr rf 3 0 0 0 Denorfirf 4 0 2 0 record for most runs scored by two clubs on opening Cincinnati 000 012 010 — 4 ington 1. LOB–St. Louis 15, Washington 5. 2B–Holli- Barnes rf 1 0 0 0 Gyorko 2b 3 0 0 0 IP H R ER BB SO Yankees 10, Rays 2 day (5), Jh.Peralta (3), Wainwright (1). S–Wainwright. day. The Braves scored nine runs in the ninth inning Chicago 000 000 100 — 1 Dickrsn lf 3 1 1 0 Nady lf 4 1 1 1 Toronto E–Frazier (3), Bonifacio (2), Castillo (1). LOB–Cin- New York Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO Logan p 0 0 0 0 Grandl c 3 0 1 0 to put the game into extra innings. ab r h bi ab r h bi McGowan 4 6 3 3 4 3 1920 — Al Schacht, who later became the “Clown cinnati 9, Chicago 8. 2B–B.Hamilton (2), Bruce (2), St. Louis Rutledg ph 1 0 0 0 Medica 1b 3 0 0 0 Loup 2 0 0 0 0 2 Ellsury cf 4 2 2 2 Zobrist 2b 3 0 0 0 2 Prince of Baseball,” was all business in pitching Castillo (2). SB–B.Hamilton (5), Votto (1), Frazier (2), Wainwright W,3-1 9 2 0 0 3 8 Hwkns p 0 0 0 0 Venale cf 3 0 0 0 Wagner H,3 /3 1 0 0 0 0 Jeter ss 4 0 2 1 DJnngs dh 3 0 0 0 1 the Senators to a 7-0 victory over the Philadelphia Mesoraco (1), N.Soto (1). S–B.Hamilton. Washington Tlwtzk ss 1 1 0 0 Amarst 3b 2 0 0 0 Cecil H,5 /3 0 0 0 0 0 Anna ss 0 0 0 0 Forsyth lf-1b 4 1 1 0 1 1 Athletics. IP H R ER BB SO Jordan L,0-2 5 /3 7 7 5 2 4 Mornea 1b 4 1 1 1 Hundly ph 1 0 0 0 Delabar H,3 /3 0 2 2 2 0 Beltran rf 5 0 0 0 Longori 3b 4 0 2 0 2 1938 — Emmett Mueller of the Phillies and Ernie Cincinnati Treinen 2 /3 6 1 1 1 3 Rosario c 4 0 0 1 Alonso 3b 0 0 0 0 Santos L,0-1 BS,1-5 0 0 3 3 3 0 Gardnr lf 0 0 0 0 Myers rf 2 0 0 0 2 Koy of the visiting Dodgers homered in their first Simon W,2-1 6 4 1 0 2 3 Blevins 1 1 0 0 2 0 Arenad 3b 3 0 2 1 Kenndy p 2 0 0 0 Happ /3 1 1 1 3 1 1 ASorin dh 5 2 3 1 SRdrgz 1b 3 1 1 1 LeMahi 2b 3 0 0 0 Vincent p 0 0 0 0 major league at-bats as Brooklyn defeated Phila- LeCure H,2 1 /3 1 0 0 0 3 HBP–by Jordan (Jay). WP–Treinen. Minnesota 2 McCnn c 5 2 2 2 Joyce ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Morals p 2 0 0 0 Headly ph 1 0 1 0 1 delphia 12-5. M.Parra H,2 /3 1 0 0 0 0 Umpires–Home, Bill Miller; First, Vic Carapazza; Sec- Pelfrey 4 /3 4 5 4 5 1 Solarte 3b 5 1 3 2 Guyer cf 4 0 0 0 Brothrs p 0 0 0 0 Thayer p 0 0 0 0 2 1956 — The Brooklyn Dodgers beat the Philadelphia Broxton S,2-2 1 0 0 0 1 2 ond, Adam Hamari; Third, Greg Gibson. Deduno 2 /3 3 0 0 2 3 SSizmr 1b 3 1 1 0 YEscor ss 4 0 2 0 Stubbs ph-cf 1 0 0 0 Phillies 5-4 in 10 innings at Jersey City’s Roosevelt Chicago T–3:10. A–28,987 (41,408). Fien W,2-0 1 1 0 0 0 0 KJhnsn ph-1b 2 0 0 0 JMolin c 4 0 1 0 Totals 30 3 4 3 Totals 30 1 6 1 Stadium, the first major league game in New Jersey. Samardzija L,0-2 7 6 3 1 2 7 BRorts 2b 5 2 3 2 Perkins 1 0 0 0 0 1 Pirates 11, Brewers 2 Colorado 000 000 300 — 3 McGowan pitched to 3 batters in the 5th. 1981 — In an International League night game, the Grimm 1 1 1 1 1 1 ISuzuki lf-rf 4 0 0 0 Rochester Red Wings and Pawtucket Red Sox played Russell 1 1 0 0 1 2 Milwaukee Pittsburgh San Diego 000 100 000 — 1 Santos pitched to 3 batters in the 8th. Totals 42 10 16 10 Totals 32 2 7 1 ab r h bi ab r h bi DP–Colorado 3, San Diego 1. LOB–Colorado 3, San HBP–by Pelfrey (Diaz). WP–Santos 3. to a 2-2 tie through 32 innings before play was sus- Simon pitched to 2 batters in the 7th. New York 130 021 102 — 10 pended at 4:07 a.m. The game was completed later WP–Samardzija, Grimm. CGomz cf 4 1 1 0 Marte lf 4 3 2 0 Diego 3. 2B–Dickerson (1), Morneau (4), Arenado Umpires–Home, Pat Hoberg; First, Tom Hallion; Sec- Tampa Bay 000 100 100 — 2 Segura ss 3 0 0 0 RMartn c 3 1 2 1 (5), E.Cabrera (7). HR–Nady (3). SB–Arenado (1). ond, Ben May; Third, Eric Cooper. in the season with Pawtucket scoring the winning Umpires–Home, Doug Eddings; First, Marvin Hudson; run in the 33rd inning of the longest game in profes- Second, Cory Blaser; Third, Jim Joyce. E–B.Roberts (1), Y.Escobar (1). DP–New York 1, Braun rf 4 1 1 0 AMcCt cf 5 1 1 3 IP H R ER BB SO T–3:37. A–20,698 (39,021). Tampa Bay 1. TP–New York 1. LOB–New York 7, ArRmr 3b 4 0 1 1 PAlvrz 3b 3 1 2 3 sional baseball history. T–3:09. A–28,699 (41,072). Colorado Tampa Bay 7. 2B–Jeter (3), Solarte (7), S.Sizemore Lucroy c 3 0 2 1 NWalkr 2b 5 0 0 0 Morales W,1-1 6 4 1 1 1 5 Royals 5, Astros 1 1987 — Rob Deer hit a three-run homer to tie the Late Thursday (1), B.Roberts (1), Longoria (4), Y.Escobar (3). 3B–Ell- KDavis lf 4 0 1 0 GSnchz 1b 4 1 1 1 Brothers H,4 1 0 0 0 0 2 Kansas City Houston score and Dale Sveum won the game with a two-run sbury (1), B.Roberts (1). HR–A.Soriano (4), McCann MrRynl 1b 4 0 0 0 Snider rf 3 0 0 0 Logan H,2 1 1 0 0 0 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi shot as the Milwaukee Brewers rallied for five runs Red Sox 3, White Sox 1 (3), Solarte (1), S.Rodriguez (2). SF–Ellsbury. Gennett 2b 3 0 2 0 Mercer ss 4 2 2 0 Hawkins S,4-4 1 1 0 0 0 0 Aoki rf 4 2 2 0 Fowler cf 4 0 0 0 in the ninth inning to beat the Texas Rangers 6-4 Boston Chicago ‌ IP H R ER BB SO Gallard p 1 0 0 0 Volquez p 2 0 0 0 San Diego Infante 2b 4 0 0 0 Springr rf 4 0 1 0 and set an American League record with their 12th ab r h bi ab r h bi New York LSchfr ph 1 0 0 0 JHrrsn ph 1 1 1 2 Kennedy L,1-3 7 4 3 3 2 7 Hosmer 1b 4 0 1 1 JCastro c 4 0 1 0 straight victory to start the season. Pedroia 2b 4 0 0 0 Eaton cf 4 0 1 1 Sabathia W,2-2 7 7 2 1 2 6 Wooten p 0 0 0 0 Melncn p 0 0 0 0 Vincent 1 0 0 0 0 0 S.Perez c 4 0 1 1 Altuve 2b 4 0 1 0 1996 — Juan Gonzalez homered and drove in six Bogarts ss 3 1 1 1 Semien 3b 4 0 1 0 Betances 2 0 0 0 2 3 Duke p 0 0 0 0 Tabata ph 1 1 1 1 Thayer 1 0 0 0 1 1 AGordn lf 4 2 2 0 Krauss 1b 4 0 0 0 runs as Texas beat Baltimore 26-7. The Rangers D.Ortiz dh 4 0 0 0 Viciedo rf 4 0 0 0 Tampa Bay Wang p 0 0 0 0 Morris p 0 0 0 0 Umpires–Home, Laz Diaz; First, Scott Barry; Second, BButler dh 3 1 1 0 Carter dh 3 1 0 0 scored 16 runs in the eighth inning — one short of Napoli 1b 3 1 1 0 A.Dunn dh 4 0 1 0 Price L,2-1 5 10 6 6 1 6 Totals 31 2 8 2 Totals 35 11 12 11 Jeff Nelson; Third, Marcus Pattillo. Mostks 3b 4 0 1 1 MDmn 3b 3 0 1 0 the modern major league mark — and scored the 2 JGoms lf 3 0 0 0 Konerk 1b 4 0 0 0 H.Bell 1 /3 3 2 1 0 1 Milwaukee 101 000 000 — 2 T–2:38. A–17,557 (42,302). AEscor ss 4 0 1 2 Presley lf 2 0 1 1 most runs by an AL team in 41 years. 1 Carp ph 1 0 1 0 AlRmrz ss 4 0 1 0 Lueke 1 /3 1 0 0 0 1 Pittsburgh 200 000 36x — 11 Dyson cf 3 0 0 0 Villar ss 2 0 0 0 2004 — Seattle became the third team since 1974 GSizmr pr-lf 0 1 0 0 De Aza lf 3 0 1 0 Balfour 1 2 2 2 0 0 E–Lucroy (1). LOB–Milwaukee 5, Pittsburgh 6. 2B– Twins 9, Blue Jays 5 Totals 34 5 9 5 Totals 30 1 5 1 to win a game on a balk in extra innings, edging the D.Ross c 2 0 1 1 Abreu ph 1 0 0 0 PB–McCann, J.Molina. Braun (2), Tabata (2). HR–A.McCutchen (1), P.Alvarez Second Game Kansas City 110 210 000 — 5 Oakland 2-1. With runners on first and third and two Nava rf 3 0 0 0 Flowrs c 3 1 2 0 Umpires–Home, Rob Drake; First, Joe West; Second, (6), G.Sanchez (3), J.Harrison (1). SB–Marte 2 (5). Toronto Minnesota ‌Houston 000 010 000 — 1 out in the bottom of the 14th inning A’s reliever Jus- RRorts 3b 3 0 0 0 LeGarc 2b 2 0 1 0 Marty Foster; Third, Clint Fagan. CS–Lucroy (2), Gennett (1), P.Alvarez (1). S–Segura, ab r h bi ab r h bi E–Springer (1). DP–Houston 1. LOB–Kansas City 3, tin Duchscherer was called for a balk to score Quen- JHerrr ph-3b 1 0 1 1 T–3:13. A–28,085 (31,042). Gallardo. MeCarr lf 4 1 1 0 Dozier 2b 4 3 2 1 Houston 5. 2B–Aoki (3), S.Perez (7), A.Escobar (3). tin McCracken from third. B4 DAILY COMMERCIAL Saturday, April 19, 2014 COLLEGE BASKETBALL Hoops free agency? Transfer numbers are up

LUKE MEREDITH graduated with a year points a game for Duke Associated Press of eligibility left, had last season. yet to use a transfer DES MOINES, Iowa Dayton’s run to the and had their scholar- Elite Eight was sparked — One of the more re- ship or aid run out at by Ohio State trans- markable aspects of their original school. fer Jordan Sibert. The Connecticut’s national Those who don’t meet Buckeyes landed for- title run was that poten- all the criteria can ap- mer Temple forward tial star Rodney Purvis ply for a waiver. and graduate trans- could only watch his Though grad trans- fer Anthony Lee just Huskies’ teammates fers still represent a weeks after losing to because of NCAA rules small portion of the the Flyers in the NCAA forcing transfers to sit transfer market, Iowa tournament. out a year. State’s DeAndre Kane The NCAA said Fri- “He’s like a Ferra- highlighted the trend day that its Division I ri sitting in the ga- this season in basket- rage that I can’t drive,” Board of Directors next ball by leading the Cy- week will look at so- UConn coach Kevin clones to their first Ollie said. called hardship trans- Sweet 16 in 14 years. fers involving players Ollie isn’t the only “I just wanted to go coach watching their who change schools somewhere where I citing “difficult life cir- rosters fill up with can start over fresh,” players who have al- cumstances.” Typical- said Kane, a transfer ly, some of those play- ready made at least from Marshall. “I (had) one stop at another ers have been allowed one year of basketball to play immediately college. AL BEHRMAN / AP left. Marshall and I, we A recent surge in but the board will re- Temple forward Anthony Lee, left, pulls a rebound away from Xavier forward Jeff Robinson in did great things there. view a recommenda- transfers has turned But we didn’t win a lot. a game in 2013 in Cincinnati. Division I coaches are realizing that they can win both now tion that such trans- the once-sleepy late I had a lot of individu- and later with transfers, who are suddenly viewed more like shiny new toys than damaged fers sit out a season signing period, which al awards. But I want- goods. A recent surge in player movement has turned the once-sleepy late signing period, to focus on their new this year started ed to make the tourna- which started on Wednesday and runs through May 21, into a month-long free agent frenzy school and life situa- Wednesday and runs that’s transformed the game. ment.” through May 21, into a Iowa State has al- tion while getting an monthlong frenzy that the blue bloods recruit nior college schools environment they’re ready lined up Kane’s extra year added to has changed college transfers, They take into Division I has re- in,” Florida coach Billy replacement in for- their eligibility. basketball. According one-and-dones. They mained steady over the Donovan said. “It gen- mer UNLV star Bryce The NCAA said the to STATS, the number take guys who have last 10 years or so, hov- erally comes down to Dejean-Jones, and big change would provide of players who have graduated and have ering between roughly one thing, and a lot of man Jameel McKay consistency and re- appeared in a game for one year left.” 15 percent and 17 per- times it’s playing time. — who left Marquette duce concerns about more than one Divi- The result is that the cent of all Division I Kids now want that in- without ever a game — abuse of the waiver sion I school has near- college hoops transfer players. stantaneous success.” should bolster its front process — something ly tripled over the past market has exploded. The real movement, Negative connota- court. that’s on the mind of decade, from 122 in For recent grads look- though, is within Divi- tions once associat- More high-profile Michigan State coach 2004-05 to 325 — or ing for one last shot sion I. ed with transfers have schools are also get- Tom Izzo. one for nearly every at the Final Four, dis- According to STATS, faded, and the use of ting in on the transfer “It’s sad that we’re school in the country gruntled players look- the number of trans- the graduate transfer craze. in that position,” Izzo — in 2013-14. ing for more minutes fers from one Divi- rule made popular by Donovan, who went said. “I understand it “It used to be that and junior college sion I school to an- Super-Bowl winning 13 years without a and everyone wants there was a stigma of stars hoping to land a other jumped from quarterback Russell transfer, has had one one. If it’s a fifth-year some type attached to high-major scholar- 259 to 325 from 2012- Wilson is growing. Wil- in each of the past guy, I swallow it. But schools that recruit- ship, the late signing 13 to 2013-14 alone. son left North Carolina five seasons. Arizo- the underclassmen ed outside of the high period offers hope — That number could go State and led Wiscon- na transfer guard T.J. who are transferring school ranks,” San Di- for players and their much higher once this sin to the Rose Bowl as McConnell helped the and trying to be eli- ego State coach Steve new schools. year’s transfers are tal- a “one-and-done” se- Wildcats spend much gible immediately, I Fisher said. “You were Research by the lied. nior. of last season ranked think it’s free agency not considered able NCAA shows that the “A lot of times kids The rule allows im- No. 1, and Mississippi and I think it’s going to to compete with the number of transfers aren’t transferring or mediate participation State transfer Rodney hurt our game eventu- blue bloods. Well, now from two-year/ju- leaving because of the to players who have Hood averaged 16.1 ally.” Saturday, April 19, 2014 DAILY COMMERCIAL B5 BOXING ‘40-and-up club’: Hopkins after more belts

KEVIN DUNLEAVY in the projects in Phil- at the Washington Con- Associated Press adelphia, and Shumen- vention Center and the WASHINGTON — ov, who lives in opu- Showplace Arena in Up- As Bernard Hopkins lence in Las Vegas and per Marlboro, Md. says he has a law degree snatched two champi- At the end of Thurs- and speaks five lan- onship belts displayed day’s press conference guages. in front of Beibut Shu- the soft-spoken Shu- “This has something menov and moved menov stepped out of to do with your inner them to his own spot character and went off- spirit. What do you have on the dais, the light script, interrupting the to lose? He has a lot to heavyweight from Ka- event’s host with a gen- lose. He’s a lawyer by zakhstan sat expres- tle nudge to his chest, profession,” Hopkins sionless, seemingly un- and taking over the po- said. “You’re not fight- dium. moved by the brashness ing to feed your fam- of the ageless American. “You’re mistaken if ily. It’s a hobby. When you’re thinking I’m Confrontational show- a guy fights for a hob- manship is not unusual thinking I am fight- by, they don’t last long ing with (a fighter) 50 in boxing press confer- in the business of hard ences. But Thursday’s years old,” Shumenov knocks.” said moments before event, promoting a title With a decline in the unification bout, was a taking back his WBA profile of the sport in and IBF belts. “On Sat- fascinating look at how recent decades, many the 49-year-old Hop- urday night, we’re see- in boxing believe that ing who’s taking whose kins tried to gain a psy- Hopkins’ age-defying belt.” chological edge on the MANUEL BALCE CENETA / AP feats are underappreci- But to the surprise of 30-year-old Shumenov. IBF light heavyweight champion Bernard Hopkins, left, speaks during a news conference in ated. few, Hopkins had the It’s an edge Hopkins Washington on Thursday about his 175-pound unification fight against WBA and IBA light “If Bernard Hopkins last laugh, mocking hopes to exploit at the heavyweight boxing champion Beibut Shumenov, front right. Hopkins and Shumenov will was an athlete in any D.C. Armory on Satur- fight today at the DC Armory in Washington. other sport, you’d be Shumenov as he spoke. day night, when he at- sick of seeing him on “He’s got a pulse,” legendary, 20-plus-year onship when Shumen- distance. The only one tempts to become the the front of magazines,” Hopkins said. “He’s got legacy. That’s more im- ov was 11 years old. that didn’t was stopped oldest fighter to unify said Hopkins’ train- a pulse.” portant than anything “I know a little bit on a foul in the final world titles. While Hop- er, Naazim Richardson. NOTES: A black and kins is the IBF cham- around my waist.” about him, but he round. “People don’t know our white photograph of pion, Shumenov holds Shumenov (14-1) knows a lot about me,” “When this is over sport. They don’t recog- Hopkins, taken by Ger- the WBA and IBA belts. came to the U.S. sev- Hopkins said. “So get with, let’s pray he has nize 30 years old is old man photographer Hol- With a victory, Hopkins en years ago. When he ready for school, stu- a career going forward, in boxing.” ger Keifel, will become would be in line for a captured the WBA title dent. This is no disre- because I have a track Promoters have part of the Smithsonian fight with WBC champi- in his 10th profession- spect. This is logic. I am record,” Hopkins said. dubbed Saturday’s fight National Portrait Gal- on Adonis Stephenson. al fight, he was the least the professor, with a “There’s a whole list of “History at the Capi- lery’s permanent collec- “This is an opportu- experienced boxer to PhD-slash-IQ.” names that didn’t sur- tal.” His first world title tion. . Hopkins also was nity for me to represent win a world light heavy- Hopkins remains true vive the mental beat- bout came at RFK Sta- presented a plaque of the 40-and-up club, weight crown. to his words in the ring, down. Physical is one dium in 1993 against appreciation from the which is very much Shumenov’s star is where he frustrates foes thing. It’s the mental. Roy Jones Jr. Two years family of former boxing alive in the world,” rising, but leading up with experience, guile ‘How can a 50-year-old later at USAir Arena in great Joe Frazier. Hop- Hopkins said. “Enjoy to this fight, it has been and, most of all, de- man beat me like that?’” Landover, Md., Hopkins kins was instrumen- and understand that eclipsed by the charis- fense. Since knocking After the press con- won his first world title tal in funding a statue this is history. I’m de- ma and resume of Hop- out Oscar De La Hoya in ference, Hopkins ex- when he knocked out in Philadelphia of the fending something big- kins (54-6-2), who won 2004, 14 of Hopkins’ last plained the difference Segundo Mercado. He former heavyweight ger than my title — my his first world champi- 15 fights have gone the between himself, raised also has had title fights champion.

TENNIS Nadal loses in quarterfinals in Monte Carlo

JEROME PUGMIRE before losing to Novak (this) remains some- The Serb was close to Associated Press Djokovic in last year’s fi- thing in my mind and in losing against Garcia-Lo- PARIS — Rafael Nad- nal. my game.” pez, saving a break point al’s mastery of the Monte This was Nadal’s first Djokovic looked like in the fifth game of the Carlo clay courts seems loss on clay to Ferrer he might follow him out, second set and two more to be over. since 2004, and the 13- but the Serb finally got when trailing 15-40 in his The top-ranked Span- time Grand Slam cham- the better of the unseed- next service game. iard hopes his confi- pion said he is still try- ed Guillermo Garcia-Lo- Djokovic then made dence isn’t gone, too. ing to find his best form pez of Spain 4-6, 6-3, 6-1 a crucial break to take a Nadal lost to fellow after a disappointing loss to set up a 34th career 5-3 lead, served out the Spaniard David Ferrer to Stanislas Wawrinka in meeting against 17-time set, and then broke Gar- 7-6 (1), 6-4 in the quar- the Australian Open fi- Grand Slam champion cia-Lopez twice at the terfinals of the Mon- nal. Roger Federer. start of the third. te Carlo Masters on Fri- “After what happened Federer leads Djokovic Ferrer hardly need- SEIZE THE DAY’S day, his earliest exit since in Australia, (it) was lit- 17-16 in head-to-heads ed to dig deep as Nadal 2003 at a tournament tle bit harder for me to and they are 1-1 this committed 44 unforced SPORTS NEWS. that helped build his find again the intensity, year, with Federer beat- errors and gave away 10 the confidence, the in- ing him in the Dubai break-point chances on reputation as perhaps the greatest clay-court side power that always I Championship semifi- his serve. player of all time. Nad- have,” Nadal said. “Even nals and Djokovic win- al won eight consecutive if I won Rio, I played the ning their final at Indian titles here from 2005-12, final in Miami, you know, Wells. B6 DAILY COMMERCIAL Saturday, April 19, 2014 C1 DAILY COMMERCIAL Saturday, April 19, 2014

Faith352-365-8203 n [email protected]


EASTER AT FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: From 8 to 10:30 a.m., pan- cake breakfast. Easter carnival from 9 to 10:30 a.m. on the front lawn with egg hunt at 10 a.m. Kids should bring their own basket. The church is located at 439 E. Fifth Ave., in Mount Dora. Call 352-383-2005 or go to www.mtdora- TRADITIONAL EASTER VIGIL AT ST. ED- WARDS EPISCOPAL CHURCH: At 7:30 p.m., at the church, 460 N. Grandview St. in Mount Dora. On Easter Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist Service, or 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist Service with flowering of the cross followed by an Easter egg hunt. Call the church at 352-383-2832 for information. PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE BREAKFAST COOKED BY BOY SCOUT TROOP 19: From 8 to 10:30 a.m. Tickets are $5 and avail- able at the door, at Friendship Hall on the corner of Grandview and Fifth Streets, in Mount Dora. Hosted by First United Methodist Church, 439 E. Fifth COURTESY PHOTO Ave. Call 352-383-2005. Big Daddy Weave’s “Redeemed” won Song of the Year at the K-LOVE Fan Awards in June. “The Only Name—Yours Will Be” is their third EASTER EVE WORSHIP, KIDSTYLE AND straight hit to top the Christian music charts. EGG HUNT AT FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: At 5 p.m., at the church, 600 S. UMATILLA Grove St., in Eustis. Engaging worhsip for the whole family, interactive Eas- ter story presentation and more. For First Baptist Church of Umatilla information, call the church at 352- 357-5830 or go to SUNDAY is ministering through concerts EASTER AT FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF MOUNT DORA: Services at RICK REED For more than a decade, Big in a way that relates to them.” 8:15, 9:30 and 11 a.m., 439 E. Fifth Ave. Special to the Daily Commercial Tickets have been selling well for Guests are invited to bring fresh flow- Daddy Weave has produced hits ers to place on the resurrection cross ig Daddy Weave is coming to The Only Name Tour. like “In Christ,” “Audience of One,” before the service, and butterflies will First Baptist Church of Uma- For more than a decade, Big Dad- be released after each service. For in- tilla as part of The Only Name “You’re Worthy of My Praise,” dy Weave has produced hits like “In B Christ,” “Audience of One,” “You’re formation, call 352-383-2005 or go to Tour. “Every Time I Breathe,” “What Their “Redeemed” won Song of Worthy of My Praise,” “Every Time Life Would Be Like” and “You I Breathe,” “What Life Would Be The Year at the K-LOVE Fan Awards Found Me.” Along the way they FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH WORSHIP in June. “The Only Name—Yours Like” and “You Found Me.” CELEBRATION: At 10 a.m., with Empty, Will Be” is their third straight hit to have won the ongoing respect of Along the way they have won the an inspirational service featuring se- top the Christian music charts. fans, press and the industry alike. ongoing respect of fans, press and lected Scripture readings and musi- Group 1 Crew will join the night Their musical journey began with the industry alike. Their musical cal selections. Breakfast from 9 to 9:40 of music, performing popular hit journey began with a Dove Awards a.m., at the church, 1701 Vine St., in songs like “He Said” and current a Dove Awards nomination for nomination for New Artist of the Leesburg. Guests eat free. For informa- single “Dangerous.” New Artist of the Year in 2002 Year in 2002 and includes a 2010 tion, call the church at 352-250-9502 or This is also the opening tour for and includes a 2010 Dove Award Dove Award for the album Christ go to Has Come. rising artist Tim Timmons, who has LIFELINE QUARTET IN CONCERT AT for the album Christ Has Come. They have been honored at AS- fought battles against cancer and FIRST CHURCH OF GOD: At 6 p.m., 1550 presents a powerful testimony with Idol’ and went into Christian mu- CAP’s Christian Music Awards, N. Highway 19, in Eustis. For informa- songs like “Starts With Me.” sic. were chosen for the WOW Hits tion, call the church at 352-357-0048. The concert will be at 6:30 p.m. “We sold out in four or five days compilations in five of the last six MONDAY on April 27 in the 650-seat sanctu- and thought, ‘This is easy. Let’s do years and are one of the 10 most played artists on Christian radio ary as part of the church’s ongoing this some more.’ But it’s not that FAIRWAY SINGLES MEET FOR PRAYERS over the past decade. mission to provide local Christian easy.” & PRAISES AT FAIRWAY CHRISTIAN To purchase tickets, go to the music fans with quality entertain- They continued offering quali- CHURCH: At 6 p.m., at the church 251 ment in their own backyard. ty artists. church website, www.fbcumatilla. Avenida Los Angelos, in The Villages. “Being a person from Lake Coun- “We’ve had a lot of great events org, or call 352-669-3214. Call 352-259-9305 or go to www.fair- ty, you pretty much had to drive to with top names in American Chris- First Baptist Church of Umatil- Orlando if you wanted to hear the tian music,” Wambles said. “It’s la is located at 550 Hatfield Dr. If WEDNESDAY big names,” said Brookes Braswell, been great for our church commu- you are coming from U.S. Highway pastor of the Umatilla church, one nity.” 441, turn right onto State Road 19, MEN’S WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE of Lake County’s largest. But it’s also been a ministry to heading north. Go about 8 miles, STUDY AT FAIRWAY: At 8 a.m., at the “We consider the concerts a min- the unchurched. then turn right onto East Collins church, 251 Avenida Los Angelos, The istry to our church and the sur- “For a lot people, the first time Street. Make an immediate right Villages. Call 352-259-9305. rounding community.” they come to church is to see an onto Hatfield Drive. The entrance Tickets for the event are $15 for event like this,” he added. is on the left. THURSDAY If you are coming from Ocala, general admission and $25 for VIP. First Baptist has held a variety of RABBI KAREN ALLEN OF CONGREGA- Doors open at 5 p.m. for VIP and concerts, including Southern Gos- take SR 19 south toward Umatilla. TION BETH SHOLOM IN LEESBURG LEADS 5:30 p.m. for general admission. pel. Turn left onto East Collins Street. TORAH DISCUSSION: At 11 a.m., at the Russell Wambles, a church mem- “It’s not just hymns or Southern Make an immediate right onto Sumter County Administrative Build- ber and volunteer event manag- Gospel anymore,” Wambles said. Hatfield Drive. The entrance is on ing, 7375 Powell Rd., in Wildwood. The er, remembers the first concert the “It’s contemporary, hip-hop, rock, the left. informal, interactive discussion will fo- church held several years ago. some really hardcore rock. But at “We can have a large crowd but cus on topics of contemporary Jewish “We got a good break and had the end of the day the message is it’s still very intimate,” said Bras- interest suggested by the Torah por- Mandisa. She’s a huge name in the same. well. “You’re going to be close tion of the week. For information, call Christian music,” said Wambles. “It’s attractive, a great opportuni- enough to hug a neck or shake a 352-326-3692. “She was a finalist on ‘American ty to bring that message to people hand.” For Jesus, one tree brought life, another tree brought death wo trees. and the words of Simeon, a rael, and to be a sign that And she could hear the Used for very different devout man who received a will be spoken against, so angels sing, “Glory to God T purposes. RICK revelation by the Holy Spirit that the thoughts of many in the highest heaven, and One helped usher in life, that he would not die before hearts will be revealed. And on earth peace to those on the other death. REED seeing the Lord’s Messiah? a sword will pierce your own whom his favor rests.” As Mary stood at the foot REFLECTIONS When Simeon saw Jesus, soul too.” Two trees. of the cross, her heart felt then only 8 days old, he said, It was as Simeon said. Used for very different ripped apart as she looked “Sovereign Lord, as you have As she struggled with her purposes. up at her son. He’d been on in Jesus’ side, it was as if it promised, you may now dis- feelings, Mary recalled all One helped usher in life. that cross almost six hours had pierced her very soul. miss your servant in peace. those things she treasured And so did the other. and had suffered unspeak- The pain was worse than any For my eyes have seen your and pondered in her heart. As Oswald Chambers able pain. That cross, that she’d ever felt as Jesus took salvation, which you have At that moment Mary final- wrote, “A man cannot re- horrible cross. His last breath saying, “It is prepared in the sight of all ly understood why Jesus had deem himself — redemption But it was as if every blow, finished.” nations: a light for revelation come — and died. It wasn’t is the work of God, and is ab- every wound had been deliv- Did her mind race back to to the Gentiles, and the glory His birth that was important, solutely finished and com- ered to her. His beginning, lying in the of your people Israel.” it was His death. plete.” Tears streamed down her manger, the rough-hewn After Simeon blessed them It wasn’t the manger that Rick Reed is a columnist who face, so sad, so weak that all wood His first bed? Did she he said to Mary: “This child was important, it was the lives in Mount Dora. To reach she could do was fall pros- remember when they pre- is destined to cause the fall- cross. him call 352-383-1458, or email trate. As the spear was thrust sented Jesus in the temple ing and rising of many in Is- It is finished. him at [email protected]. C2 DAILY COMMERCIAL Saturday, April 19, 2014

Clermont Leesburg Leesburg Liberty Baptist Church Bethany Lutheran Church The Healing Place 11043 True Life Way, Clermont 1334 Griffin Road, Leesburg 1012 W Main Street, Leesburg 352-394-0708 352-787-7275 352-617-0569 Senior Pastor Chris Johnson Sunday Service 8:00am & 10:30am Facilitator: Phyllis Gilbert Sun. Svc. 10:40am, Family Prayer Svc. 6:00pm Wednesday Bible Study 10:00am Sunday Service and Kids Club 11:00am Unashamed Students Service 6:00pm Sunday Bible Study 9:15am Wednesday Bible Study and Sun. Bible Fellowship 9:30am Kids Club 6:00pm Wed. Bible Study 6:30pm, Emmanuel Baptist Church of (Nursey open for all services) Kids 4 Truth Clubs 6:30pm Leesburg “Come as you are and leave different!” Groups for all ages, Nursery provided all services 1710 U.S. Hwy. 441 E., Leesburg 352-323-1588 Minneola Pastor Jeff Carney Sunday Celebration Service 10:30am New Life Presbyterian Church, PCA Eustis Wednesday Men’s Prayer Breakfast 18237 E. Apshawa Road, Minneola 8:00am Music Ministries Wednesday Praise & Prayer 6:30pm First United Methodist Sunday Bible Study 9:15am 352-241-8181 Church of Eustis Wednesday Epic Youth Ministry 6:30pm Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 10:45am “A Place where You Matter” 600 S. Grove Street, Eustis 352-357-5830 First Baptist Leesburg Mount Dora Senior Pastor Beth Farabee 220 N. 13th St., Leesburg Coffee and Fellowship 9:00am 352-787-1005 Congregational Church Contemporary Worship 9:30am Sunday Service 8:15am, 9:30am 650 N. Donnelly St., Mount Dora Traditional Worship 11:00am & 10:45am 352-383-2285 Come visit our new location! Life Without Limits Ministries Sunday Bible Study 8:15am, Reverand Dr. Richard Don 9:30am & 10:45am Sunday 11:00am 150 E. Barnes Avenue, Eustis Wednesday Night Activities 6:00pm (Communion 1st Sunday of the month) KIA of LEESBURG 352-399-2913 Monday Bible Study 9:00am & 6:00pm 9039 US HWY 441 • LEESBURG Bishop Robert Dixon Sunday School 9:00am First Church of Christ, First Presbyterian Church 352-365-1228 Sunday Worship Service 10:00am Scientist, Leesburg of Mount Dora Wednesday Family Bible Study 7:00pm 13th & Line St., Leesburg 222 W. 6th Avenue at Alexander, Mt. Dora 352-787-1921 352-383-4089 St. Thomas Episcopal Church Sunday Service 10:30am “The Well” Informal Worship 9:00am Sunday School 10:30am Children’s Sunday School 9:00am 317 S. Mary St., Eustis (corner S. Mary & Lemon St.) Wednesday School 3:30pm Adult Sunday School 10:00am 352-357-4358 Sanctuary Worship 11:00am9:30am The Charlotte Mayfield Rev. John W. Lipscomb III, Rector First Presbyterian Curch Assisted Living Sunday Holy Eucharist Services Retirement Community 8:00am & 10:30am of Leesburg St. Philip Lutheran Church 460 Newell Hill Rd., Leesburg Adult Sunday School 9:20am, 200 S. Lone Oak Dr., Leesburg 1050 Boyd Drive, Mt. Dora 352-365-6011 Children’s Chapel 352-787-5687 352-383-5402 Assisted Living, Independent Living, Day Stay Residency Thurs. Holy Eucharist & Healing Service Combining Independence with Personal Care for over 40 years Sunday Service 10:00pm Pastor Rev. Dr. Johan Bergh License # AL 7389 10:00am Sunday School 8:45am Sunday Service 9:30am (Childcare Provided) Fellowship 10:45am “Disciples Making Disciples” Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lake County Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Eustis Woman’s Club Building 130 S. Lone Oak Drive, Leesburg 227 North Center Street, Eustis Okahumpka 352-787-3223 352-728-1631 Sunday Worship October-April Corpus Christi Episcopal Sunday Adult Discussion Group 9:45am 8:00am & 10:30am Church Sunday Celebration of Life Service 11:00am Sunday Worship May-September 3430 County Road 470, Okahumpka Facebook: 9:15am 352-787-8430 Christian Education October-April Email: [email protected] Sunday Eucharist Service 9:00am 9:15am Evening Prayer 4:00pm Fellowship following both services Thursday Morning Prayer 9:30am Lakes and Hills Covenant Church Fruitland Park Rev. Ken Folmsbee, PhD, Pastor Worship Service 10:15am Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Bible Study 9:00am Tavares 2201 Spring Lake Road, Fruitland Park @ Women’s Club of Leesburg 352-787-1500 700 S. 9th Street, Leesburg All Saint’s Roman Catholic Father Ted Koelln Church Office Chapel Sunday Service 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:15am 106 S. Palm Ave., Howie-in-the-Hills 11433 U.S. 441, River Plaza #11, Tavares Wednesday Healing Service 11:30am 352-552-0052 407-391-8678 352-385-3880 LIFE Church Assembly of God Sunday Latin Mass 8:00am & 10:00am 04001 Picciola Rd., Fruitland Park Legacy Community Church 352-787-7962 Located at Lake Square Mall, Leesburg First Baptist Church of Tavares Pastor Rick Welborne (suite 331 next to JCPenney) 124 N. Joanna Avenue, Tavares Dunstan & Son Plumbing Co., Inc. Sunday Deaf Impaired 10:00am Pastor Theo Bob-352-250-0156 352-343-7131 PLUMBING REPAIR & REMODELING Sunday Evening 6:00pm Pastor Buddy Walker-352-978-0509 Sunday Contemporary Service 8:30am Est. 1922 CF C057100 Wednesday Prayer and Youth Service Spanish Pastor Luis Fuentes-352-552-1357 Sunday Traditional Service (352) 787-4771 7:00pm Sunday Worship Service 9:30am 11:00am & 6:00pm Sunday School 9:00am Legacy is a multicultural, multiracial, Sunday Bible Study (all ages) 10:00am 1127 W. Main St., Leesburg Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm generational, Christian Church Wednesday Fellowship Meal 5:00pm John W. Snyder, President Wednesday Life University 6:15pm Pilgrims’ United Church of Wednesday Prayer Service 6:15pm Christ (UCC) St. Paul Roman Catholic Church “Providing direction for all generations” (In union with the Roman Catholic Diocese of 509 County Road 468, Fruitland Park Orlando & The Vatican) 1330 Sunshine Avenue, Leesburg Tavares First United Methodist 352-365-2662 or [email protected] Weekday Masses M-F 8:30am Church (UMC) Rev. Ronal K.F. Nicholas, OSL, Pastor Sacrament of Penance Corner of Old 441 & SR 19, Tavares Rev. Camille F. Gianaris, Pastoral Assistant Saturday 2:30-3:30pm (or by appointment) Inclusive • Progressive 352-343-2761 Saturday Masses 4:00, 5:30, Pastor John Barham Sunday Worship 10:00am 7:00pm (Spanish) Contact us or visit our website for more info Traditional Service 8:30AM & 11:00am Sunday Masses 7:00, 9:00, 11:00am, 12:30pm Contemporary Cafe Service 10:00am For information Office Hours M-F 8:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00 Children of Light-Youth & Family Service 1st Sunday of each month 6:00pm Seventh Day Adventist on listing Groveland 508 S. Lone Oak Dr., Leesburg Mt. Olive Missionary 352-326-4109 Webster your church Worship Service 9:30am Baptist Church Sabbath School Service 11:00am Lighthouse Foundation Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00pm 15641 Stucky Loop, Stucky (West of Mascotte) Ministries International INC. on this page 352-429-3888 Rev. Clarence L. Southall-Pastor Solid Rock Evangelical Fellowship 11282 SR 471, Webster call Michelle at Sunday Worship Service 11:00am Evangelical Presbyterian Church 352-793-2631 Sunday School 9:30am Leesburg Community Building Pastor Patricia T. Burnham Bible Study-Wednesday 7:00pm 109 E. Dixie Avenue, Leesburg Sunday Services 9:00am & 6:00pm Youth Bible Study-Wednesday 7:00pm 352-431-3944 Thursday Night 7:00pm 352-365-8233 3rd Saturday Food Basket Give-A-Way Zion Lutheran Church (ELCA) Rev. Dr. John Lodge or e-mail to Sunday Service 9:30am 547 S. Main Ave., Groveland Sunday School 10:45am Linden Church of God [email protected] 352-429-2960 4309 CR 772, Webster Pastor Ken Stoyer Pastor Doyle D. Glass Sunday Worship Service 11:00am Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am Adult Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00pm Sunday School 9:45am Wednesday Night (Family Training Hour) 7:00pm Saturday, April 19, 2014 DAILY COMMERCIAL C3 Popularity of religious tattoos seems enduring Associated Press it’s important not to encour- age the underage young peo- FORT WAYNE, Ind. — Jes ple with whom he works to Farris says it happens two or get tattoos. three times a day. Someone One girl in his group keeps walks into Studio 13, a local asking him to pick out a tat- tattoo shop he owns with his too for her, he says, but he brother, Jake, and inquires has refused. about getting a religious tat- “I don’t want to do that. too. I told her, ‘You don’t really Usually, he says, the po- want a tattoo until you know tential customer is an 18- or what you want to get,’ “ he 19-year-old male dipping says. into ink for the first time. “I always tell them how bad “It’s easier to justify a faith- they hurt, and that they don’t based tattoo to parents than go away, and getting tat- a tattoo of something else,” tooed, it’s like being stung by he says, adding that’s how he a bee for two or three hours and his much-inked brother at a time.” started. Farris says his shop also Of course, that was about a gets requests for tattoos of decade ago, when the Sept. 11 imagery from other religions. terrorist attacks were still fresh “We’ve probably done and tats with Christian images more tattoos of Buddha than and Scripture were frequently HALIFAX MEDIA GROUP FILE PHOTO we have of Jesus in the last requested by enlistees before This faith-based tattoo depicts a symbolic representation of the Holy Trinity. three years,” he says. Some military deployment. people have also asked for Today, that craze has fessions, he says. That tattoo refers to how he’s want to get something so Hindu imagery, though not, calmed somewhat. But reli- Chad Bedwell, 34, is a felt “reborn from the dead” they’ll never forget,” Mueller he says, for religious reasons. gious images — crosses, the youth minister at Sonrise after accepting Christ, while says. “I think it comes from a Lately, he says, he’s also Virgin Mary, Jesus and angels, United Methodist Church the other refers to living his deep spiritual place — ‘This seen an increasing number especially the sword-wield- in Aboite Township. He has life now “in the shadow of the is important to me, and I’m of people who want religious ing St. Michael the Archangel about a half-dozen faith-in- cross,” he says. going to keep it in front of images changed or covered. — remain an enduring part spired tattoos. “I’m probably explaining me.’ “ He and his brother are now of the business, The Journal He says he likes participat- them to people on a week- But, Mueller says, even the undergoing laser removal of Gazette reported. ing in their design. He adds ly basis,” he says, adding: temporary tattoos got push- some of their religious imag- “Right now it’s very popu- that their meaning isn’t al- “When they hear, ‘Oh, he’s a back from people who saw es because they no longer re- lar to get the word ‘faith’ in- ways immediately obvious youth pastor,’ they want to them as blasphemous. flect their beliefs, he notes. corporated into the Jesus — the better to use the mark- look a little closer.” When Christians object to And removal is no picnic. fish,” Farris says, referring to ings as an opportunity to tell Still, tattoos have the po- tattoos, they usually point to “Laser removal is proba- a symbol of early Christians. others about his faith. tential to arouse controver- Leviticus 19:28, which pro- bly one of the most painful “We get that more than prob- On each of his arms he has sy within Christian circles, scribes cutting into one’s processes I’ve ever done,” he ably anything right now.” images of a nail wrapped in says Mike Mueller, 26, who, body in memory of the dead says. Another popular motif is ribbon. On one arm, the in- with his friend Erik Knopf, or placing marks on the body. While many people get tat- the words of Philippians 4:13: scription reads “Tougher.” 31, started Armed with Truth, Many believe the New Tes- toos out of sincere religious “I can do all things through The other arm has the words a Colorado-based Internet tament writings about the conviction, Farris thinks that Christ who strengthens me,” “Than Nails.” company that markets tem- body as the temple of the when he got tattooed as a as the verse is rendered in “I’m kind of a big guy, and porary tattoos featuring col- Holy Spirit reinforce the mes- teen, it was because he was the New King James Version I work out, so people think lections of Scripture verses. sage. struggling to hold on to his of the New Testament. that’s what it refers to. People Mueller says the idea orig- “We thought no one would faith. “That became popular af- call me out about it — ‘Oh, so inally was to have the tat- complain, because they were “It’s a scary thing, to waver ter UFC fighters got it,” he you think you’re tough, huh?’ toos aid people in memoriz- only temporary, but we were with the faith of your grand- says, referring to an orga- “I tell them, ‘No, I’m refer- ing Scripture, and the market wrong. People were very vo- parents and your parents,” nization of top mixed-mar- ring to the nails of Christ on has included not only young cal. One woman said we were he says. “You tried to lock it tial-arts competitors. “It just the cross. It’s not me.’ “ people but teachers, coach- paving the way for the mark in with tattoos.” boomed on the Internet.” Bedwell also has a tattoo es and youth ministers trying of the beast,” Mueller says, But, he adds: “The popular- St. Michael, patron saint of of what he calls “a shadow to influence their charges in referring to a symbol of evil ity of faith tattoos isn’t going seafarers, paratroopers and cross” — one that’s hard to a positive way. in the New Testament’s pro- anywhere. As long as there police, as well as the mem- see — on one wrist. “People get tattoos because phetic book of Revelation. is faith, people will want to bers of the military, is popu- The word “Zombie” is of emotions — there’s always “To me, that’s just silly.” make it a permanent part of lar with people in those pro- etched on his other wrist. a story behind them. They Bedwell says that, for him, themselves.” With push from pope, Catholics Israeli police see confession in a new light disperse riot at HANNAN ADELY The Record Jerusalem holy site HACKENSACK, N.J. — One of loneliest plac- ARON HELLER Associated Press es in church these days is the confession line. JERUSALEM — Israeli police stormed a sensi- The act of confessing tive holy site in Jerusalem on Wednesday, firing one’s sins, a require- tear gas to disperse a protest by Palestinian Mus- ment for Catholics, has lim worshippers, officials said. sharply fallen over sev- Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the eral decades with evolv- crowd hurled stones and firecrackers from atop ing views on sin, pen- the compound known to Jews as the Temple ance and the stature of Mount, the holiest site in Judaism. Rosenfeld said the priesthood. police then entered the site and dispersed the But now Pope Francis group with tear gas and other non-lethal means. and church leaders, in The compound is known to Muslims as the a push to draw people “Noble Sanctuary” and is Islam’s third-holiest back to confession, are site. Israel captured the area along with the rest highlighting what cler- of east Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 war. gy say are the healing, Clashes often erupt at the site. uplifting aspects of the VIOREL FLORESCU / MCT Jews typically pray below, at the Western Wall, sacrament and focusing The Rev. Arcadio Munoz giving absolution to a parishioner at St. Mary’s Church in Dumont. but tensions have grown lately with an increased less on themes like pun- Confession can be heard out in the open, a departure from the standard confessionals of number of Jews arriving to pray at the Temple ishment and condem- the past. Mount as well. Israel permits Jews to ascend to the Temple Mount for visits, but they are barred from nation. look at as something I Communion without The diocese added an praying at the site. These visits often stoke rumors Some churches are us- need to do to be a good first going to confes- extra day of confessions that Israel is preparing to take over the site. ing websites, newspaper Catholic, but I always sion. The point of con- on Mondays at all 110 Sheikh Azzam Tamimi, head of the Waqf, the ads and highway bill- know it’s there if I feel a fession, according to churches during Lent Islamic authority that manages the site, said boards to get the mes- need to go,” said Keith the church, is to bring and advertised the pro- worshippers had barricaded themselves inside sage out. Under dioce- Ahearn, a churchgoer about a “spiritual res- gram on billboards and the Al-Aqsa Mosque “to defend” the site from san guidance, churches who lives in Oakland, urrection” and to have lawn signs and in news- Jewish groups. have also added one ex- N.J. people reconcile with paper ads, bulletins and tra day a week to hear Ahearn said seeing the church community. on a program website confession during Lent, Pope Francis’ example Church leaders are that offers guidance in the period before Easter of confession did cause trying to lure people English and Spanish when penance is con- him to think twice. back by putting out pos- about seeking confes- sidered a Catholic duty. “I have to admit,” he itive messages that con- sion. And the pope, in an im- said, “seeing the pope fession is about peace Last year, the Newark age seen and talked going to confession was and joy and not fear or Archdiocese started a about around the world, a pretty powerful thing.” shame. similar program — The confessed to a priest last Under church doc- Some dioceses are Light Is on for You — month in public view. trine, Catholics should adding an extra day of that added a day each But will these ef- go to confession at least confession during the week, Wednesday, to forts change attitudes once a year, preferably Lenten season. hear confessions during among Catholics, many during the Easter sea- The Paterson, N.J., Di- Lent. The archdiocesan of whom believe confes- son. Those who commit ocese began a Welcome website also devotes an AP FILE PHOTO sion no longer is a nec- mortal, or serious, sins Home to Healing pro- entire section to infor- The Western Wall, right, and the gilded Dome of the Rock, essary part of the faith? like adultery and mur- gram five years ago to mation and resources among the holiest sites for Jews and Muslims, are covered “It’s not something I der should not receive promote confession. about confession. in snow. C4 DAILY COMMERCIAL Saturday, April 19, 2014

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Businessn [email protected] 352-365-8263 US delays review of Keystone XL pipeline

DINA CAPPIELLO feld, senior vice president for and JOSH LEDERMAN the League of Conservation Associated Press Voters. “We are very confident WASHINGTON — The as they continue to examine Obama administration is the issues with the lack of le- extending indefinitely the gal route in Nebraska and the amount of time federal agen- terrible climate impacts, at cies have to review the Key- the end of the day the pipe- stone XL pipeline, the State line will be rejected.” Department said Friday, like- State Department officials ly punting the decision over said other U.S. agencies will be the controversial oil pipeline notified of the new deadline past the midterm elections. to weigh in once the legal sit- The State Department didn’t uation in Nebraska becomes say how much longer agencies clearer. At the core of the de- will have to weigh in but cited lay is a concern that the legal a recent decision by a Nebras- wrangling in Nebraska could ka judge overturning a state lead to a change in the pipe- law that allowed the pipe- line’s route that would affect line’s path through the state, agencies’ assessments, said prompting uncertainty and an the officials, who weren’t au- thorized to comment by name ongoing legal battle. Nebras- AP FILE PHOTO ka’s Supreme Court isn’t ex- and demanded anonymity. A huge crop art image protesting the proposed Keystone XL pipline covers an 80-acre cornfield outside of Officials declined Friday to pected to rule for another sev- Neligh, Neb. eral months, and there could say when a final decision would be more legal maneuvering af- blast the latest delay in a re- ingly passed the test of public minority of opponents can take place but said the process ter that. The delay potentially view process that has dragged opinion, yet it’s been blocked tie up the process forever in should proceed “as expedi- frees President Barack Obama on for more than five years. for more than 2,000 days,” the courts, sacrificing 42,000 tiously as possible.” They add- to avoid making a final call on Senate Minority Leader Mitch Boehner said in a statement. jobs and billions in econom- ed that the State Department the pipeline until after the No- McConnell, R-Ky., accused In an ironic show of bipar- ic activity in the process. is moving forward with other vember election. Obama of kowtowing to “rad- tisanship, prominent Demo- “This decision is irrespon- aspects of its review that must “The agency consultation ical activists” from the envi- crats from energy-dependent sible, unnecessary and unac- take place before determining process is not starting over. ronmental community, while states joined Republicans in ceptable,” Landrieu said. whether approving the pipeline The process is ongoing, and House Speaker John Boehner, blasting the Obama adminis- But environmental groups is in the U.S. national interest. the department and relevant R-Ohio, called the decision tration for delaying the deci- fighting the pipeline hailed The White House has insist- agencies are actively con- “shameful” and said there sion once again. Democratic the delay, arguing that it ed that Secretary of State John tinuing their work in assess- were no credible reasons for Sen. Mary Landrieu, who fac- shows the State Depart- Kerry is in charge of the pro- ing the permit application,” further delay. es a difficult re-election this ment is taking the arguments cess, since the pipeline cross- the State Department said in “This job-creating project year in conservative-lean- against the pipeline seriously. es the U.S.-Canada border a statement. has cleared every environmen- ing , said Obama “This is definitely greatand falls under the State De- Republicans were quick to tal hurdle and overwhelm- was signaling that a small news,” said Tiernan Sitten- partment’s jurisdiction. Company gets help and is Chinese trade group to now dressed for success mediate shoe factory strike Associated Press workers rejected a com- been striking since April JOYCE M. ROSENBERG pany proposal. 5 to demand the Tai- Associated Press BEIJING — Chi- The Guangdong Fed- wanese-owned com- nese police hauled NEW YORK — When eration of Trade Unions pany make social se- away dozens of work- urged the workers to curity contributions Tessemae’s salad dress- ers Friday to break up ing quickly became a act rationally, but said it as required by Chinese a march on a facto- was “taking a clear-cut law and meet other de- hit, the owners of the ry complex targeted family-run condiment stand” that the work- mands. by tens of thousands ers’ rights must be pro- In a public announce- company were faced of laborers striking with the reality that they tected. The federation ment Thursday, the against the world’s said it had instructed its company offered to needed help navigating largest maker of ath- the grocery business. municipal agency in the make social securi- letic shoes, while a southern city of Dong- ty payments only if the The company based government trade in Annapolis, Md., got guan — where the facto- workers would agree to union said it would ry complex is located — retroactively pay their its start in 2009 selling PATRICK SEMANSKY / AP mediate the labor to mediate. own required contribu- dressing to a local Whole dispute. The workers have tions into the fund. Foods and then worked Tessemae’s CEO Greg Vetter, right, does a hand stand as he poses in national event manager Taylor Foley’s office in More than 40,000 its way into five stores. Essex, Md. workers went on strike By last summer it got this week against Yue into the chain’s nearly mae’s sales prospects by mae’s bank refused its tens of millions of dol- request for a $1 million Yuen Industrial (Hold- 375 locations. In Octo- ings) Ltd., bringing ber, it reached Safeway lars. Investors didn’t buy credit line increase. The it and Vetter wanted out company needed the production to a halt stores in Northern Cal- at the manufacturer, ifornia and was on its of the contract.Tesse- money to fund its ex- mae’s also wanted to re- pansion into more Safe- which makes shoes way to a national rollout for companies includ- of 1,100 stores. negotiate contracts with way stores. suppliers. The contracts McDevitt decided to ing Nike and Adidas. Success brought chal- About 1,000 work- lenges. A firm Tesse- were priced for small- invest in Tessemae’s. er quantities of ingre- He and former Medi- ers marched down mae’s hired to help raise a street Friday after money from investors dients like olive oil, and fast colleague, Brendan wasn’t up to the task. didn’t give discounts for Connors gave the bank The company had con- larger purchases. a guarantee so Tes- tracts to buy ingredi- Tandem ended the semae’s could get the NAVAL SEA CADETS ACCEPTING ents that were priced contract with the fund- credit line. NEW RECRUITS too high and it didn’t raiser and renegotiated “We pointed them in have enough cash to supplier deals. the right way,” McDe- fund its growth. Meanwhile, Tesse- vitt says. Fruitland Park, FL – American Legion Post 219, Fruitland Park, FL, is sponsoring the Enter Michael McDe- formation of a new U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps. vitt, CEO of Tandem Le- The Thomas R. Norris Battalion has openings for a limited number of young people ages gal Group, a law firm 13-17 to join the crew of the new Sea Cadet Battalion. An information presentation and that advises companies interviews will be held at the American Legion Post 219 Banquet Hall, located at 194 W. on strategy. Fountain St., Fruitland Park, on April 26, 2014 at 7:00 pm. Appointments are necessary. “They were going to succeed, they had all The U.S. Sea Cadet Corps is comprised of everyday of young people who have an interest in seamanship, the military, or other seagoing careers. Cadet applicants must be the grit, all the tenacity crime-free, drug-free, physically fit and approved by their school. in the world,” says Mc- Devitt, the former CEO The Thomas R. Norris Battalion will represent Lake & Sumter Counties, and trains at the of Medifast, a nutrition American Legion 219 post on the third weekend of each month. The program is managed and weight loss compa- by volunteers dedicated to instilling the core values of Pride, Service, and Patriotism. ny. McDevitt helped Tes- Future summer trainings will include small boat handling, SCUBA Certification, among other training. semae’s work through its problems, and also Cadets wear the various Navy Uniforms and can participate in a multitude of advanced became an investor. training programs, including: training with Navy & Coast Guard while at-sea, submarine One of Tessemae’s orientation. SEAL training, search and rescue, and international exchanges. problems was the firm it Adult volunteers, with or without military experience, are needed to allow the Sea Cadet hired to court investors, Program to grow. Those with seamanship, engineering, administrative, & fund-raising CEO Greg Vetter says. skills are especially needed. Interested adults are encourage to visit on April 26th. The sales presentation To set an appointment, contact 352-504-4219. For further information on the Naval Sea the firm put togeth- Cadet Corps, go to er exaggerated Tesse- C6 DAILY COMMERCIAL Saturday, April 19, 2014











Diversions n 352-365-8208 [email protected] Teenage girl’s boyish figure is often deceiving to others BRIDGE DEAR ABBY: I’m a been dating a wom- her for wanting to do 14-year-old girl with an, and I am con- JEANNE it; I just don’t want a problem. Because sidering proposing PHILLIPS to be part of it. I’m of my buzzed short to her. We have dis- afraid asking her to DEAR hair, slim hips and cussed engagement find another executor flat chest, I frequent- rings and she wants ABBY would damage or end ly get mistaken for a to design her own, boy. It really bothers which I think is great. our friendship. Please would like to select a tell me what to do. — me because, despite However, I am un- stone for her engage- DILEMMA IN TEXAS my haircut and body sure exactly what to ment ring. shape, I have a femi- do regarding the ac- DEAR ABBY: A long- DEAR DILEMMA: Let’s nine face and I wear tual proposal. What time friend asked me face it. You ARE judg- women’s clothes and ring should I give her, to be executor of her ing the woman and makeup. I’m not too knowing that what- estate a few years you DO fault her for much of a tomboy. ever I give her will ago, and I agreed. As wanting to leave a Sometimes when not be her ultimate time has passed, the fortune to four-foot- someone addresses engagement ring? — details of the estate me with a male pro- SOON TO POP THE QUES- ed needy creatures have changed sev- noun or in some oth- TION instead of bipeds. Be- er way mistakes me DEAR SOON TO POP: eral times. After the cause you are un- for a male, I’m too Marriage proposals recent death of her comfortable with her nervous to correct happen in many sit- husband, she again plan, you must tell changed the bene- them. Is there a clev- uations and in many her she needs to find ficiaries and is now er or witty way to cor- ways. There are no another executor who rect the mistake? — rules, and dropping leaving almost half a million dollars to two is as committed to NOT A BOY IN BROOKLYN, to one knee and offer- animal causes as she N.Y. ing a ring is optional. animal shelters. is. You’ll be doing her DEAR NOT A BOY: The The engagement does It’s her money to do person who made the not begin when a with as she chooses, a favor. and I don’t judge her. mistake is the one woman starts wearing Dear Abby is written by Abi- TODAY IN HISTORY I do, however, have who should be em- a ring; it begins when gail Van Buren, also known barrassed, not you. she accepts the pro- a problem executing as Jeanne Phillips, and Today is Saturday, April turret exploded aboard the If it happens again, posal. All you need an estate that gives was founded by her moth- 19, the 109th day of 2014. USS Iowa in the Caribbean. all you need to do is to do is say, “Will you that much money to er, Pauline Phillips. Write There are 256 days left in (The Navy initially suspect- smile and say, “I’m all marry me?” When she animal care when it Dear Abby at www.DearAb- the year. ed that a dead crew member, girl.” says yes, you can then could help so many or P.O. Box 69440, Today’s Highlight in His- Clayton Hartwig, had deliber- DEAR ABBY: I have decide when you both people. I don’t fault Los Angeles, CA 90069. tory: ately sparked the blast, but On April 19, 1989, 47 sail- later said there was no proof ors were killed when a gun of that.) HOROSCOPES HAPPY BIRTHDAY for spend more time with you. tive to a friend or loved one. Saturday, April 19, 2014: Make it your pleasure. A JACQUELINE You might be having a great This year you have an op- discussion about a child or time on your own. This per- portunity to break a pat- younger friend will give you BIGAR son might be unusually dif- tern and become more some insight. Do not push BIGAR’S ficult and somewhat up- dynamic; travel and a for- someone away from you, STARS tight right now. Treat him or eigner could be involved. even if you find him or her her as you would like to be Some of you might go back to be intrusive. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. treated. to school in order to learn GEMINI (May 21-June 22) Tension will stem from CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- more in your chosen field 20) You’ll see life from a having too many obligations Jan. 19) Allow your needs or to develop a new inter- whole different perspective. to fulfill. Ask for help. Make to call the shots right now. est. If you are single, you You might realize that you time to purchase a new Take some time off today will open up to a new group seem to be excluding some- item or two, perhaps for to- to nap. Perhaps you might of friends. It is likely that one interesting from your night. A loved one knows want to schedule a mas- you will meet someone spe- life. Make it a point to take just how to appeal to you sage, too. If you don’t take cial through them. This will a break from being so as- and lighten up the moment. good care of yourself, you happen during the summer sertive once in a while. Ob- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) will be worthless to others. or the second part of your serve more. You might want to stop at AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. birthday year. If you are at- CANCER (June 21-July the gym while you do your 18) Be willing to take a risk tached, plan on taking that 22) Complete a project that normal Saturday errands. and share what you feel. special trip you often dis- has been hanging over your You could run into a special You could find someone’s cuss. The summer would be head for far too long. Ask friend and have a strong re- reaction to be revealing. Get the perfect time for the two for some help if you need it. action at first. Invite this together with friends at a of you to experience this ad- Your determination and en- person to join you for lunch game or go off to the mov- venture. CAPRICORN just durance need to be called and a chat. You will enjoy ies. An invitation will come seems to annoy you. upon. Once you are done catching up on news. forward that you’ll want to ARIES (March 21-April with this task, you will have SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. say “yes” to. 19) Explore a new spot or a big reason to celebrate. 21) Visualize what you PISCES (Feb. 19-March visit an area you don’t know LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) want, and make it so. Many 20) You might have to take well. Try to leave your has- What you consider to be a of you might decide to orga- care of a situation. Wheth- sles behind, at least for the fun happening might intim- nize an informal gathering er it involves work or a rel- moment. Contact a friend idate a dear friend. Though at your place either tonight ative will make little differ- who lives at a distance. you are relaxed, this person or tomorrow. Make calls in ence. Others admire your You’ll enjoy catching up on might not be. A loved one the late afternoon. Reach diligence. Make plans for news, plus you might want will be full of ideas. Initiate out to those at a distance late this afternoon, when to plan a visit. a conversation and explore as well. you will be more than ready “Ask Al” TAURUS (April 20-May the limits of his or her imag- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- to let loose. Let your week- Needles 20) A loved one will want to ination. Dec. 21) Remain sensi- end begin now. I was asked recently by a customer about what needles she should buy for her sewing machine and when should they be changed. Over the last 48 years I have repaired thousands of sewing machines and have seen a lot of people with many different ideas on needles. But I have found that no matter what someone says, it’s the person with experience that I listen to because the saying, “The proof is in the pudding”, has been time tested. I have found that although manufacturers may tell you to change the needle after making three garments, you are the one to be the judge of that. Now don’t get me wrong, I believe in being smart but I also am a penny pincher, if you will. There are a lot of factors that go into choosing the correct needle, from the manufacturer, the size for the job and the price to name a few. Of course, I first look at the fabric and decide which size to use. The finer the fabric the smaller the size and the heavier the fabric the larger the needle, that’s a mute point but let’s talk about the quality of needles. It has been my experience that Schmetz or Organ needles are the best needles to buy. Although Schmetz needles are made in Germany and are excellent quality needles, I mean come on BMW and Mercedes, but I still recommend Organ needles. They are made in Japan and are equal quality and my best part is that I can get twice as many for the same price as others! Remember I pinch pennies. And always remember, if you hit a pin while sewing and hear a klunck sound then that means the tip of the needle is flat and not sharp any more and you should definitely change the needle. I like the opportunity to buy twice as many needles for the same price then I can change them as needed without worrying about wasting money. If you buy a Mercedes or BMW you wouldn’t or shouldn’t worry about spending too much money on it. In so saying, if you spend thousands or hundreds on a good sewing machine you shouldn’t worry about having to change a needle because of YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION How to play: Fill in the the cost. A bent or dull needle can cause it to break and that blank squares with the can lead to having your sewing machine knocked out of timing and you think a needle costs a lot! Well, you get the numbers 1 through 9 so that “POINT”... Anyway that’s my story and I can tell it anyway I want each horizontal row, vertical to. Until next week... Sew What! Happy Sewing! column and nine-square sub-grid contains no repeated Sharkys Vac n Sew numbers. 700 N. Main St. Wildwood, Fl 34785 Puzzles range in difficulty 352-330-2483 from one to six stars. [email protected] The solution to today’s puz- zle will be in tomorrow’s paper. C8 DAILY COMMERCIAL Saturday, April 19, 2014 Saturday, April 19, 2014 DAILY COMMERCIAL D1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE # 2012-CA-001206 DIVISION: 4 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC. Plaintiff, vs. JEFFREY A. COTS a/k/a JEFF A. COTS; IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH KIMBERLY D. COTS; BANK OF AMER- JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LAKE ICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION; UN- COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION KNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION #1, IF LIVING, AND ALL UNKNOWN PAR- CASE NO:35-2011-CA-001494 TIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UN- DER AND AGAINST THE ABOVE BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP NAMED DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH F/K/A COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LAKE SERVICING, INC. WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION PLAINTIFF MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- CASE NO:2013 CA 002025 vs. EES, or OTHER CLAIMANTS ; UN- KNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION #2, NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A FRANCIS J. CURTIN,, IF LIVING, AND ALL UNKNOWN PAR- CHAMPION MORTGAGE DEFENDANTS TIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UN- PLAINTIFF DER AND AGAINST THE ABOVE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH AMENDED NOTICE OF ACTION NAMED DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR vs. NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVI- TO: WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES SION THE UNKNOWN SUCCESSOR TRUS- THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH TEE AND BENEFICIARIES OF THE VISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LAKE CASE NO. 35-2012-CA-002103 CHARITY CROUX REVOCABLE LIVING LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, EES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS, COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION TRUST DATED OCTOBER 28, 2004, AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING Defendant(s), AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH CASE # 2012-CA-000970 CITIMORTGAGE, INC., DEFENDANTS OR AGAINST; NOTICE OF SALE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN Plaintiff, AND FOR LAKE COUNTY GENERAL JU- DIVISION: 6 NOTICE OF ACTION FRANCIS J. CURTIN, DECEASED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to RISDICTION DIVISION vs. 4608 RIVER RIDGE DRIVE an Order dated Jan. 21, 2014 en tered U.S. Bank, National Association as TO: LEESBURG, FL 34748 in Civil Case No. 2012-CA-001206 of CASE NO. 35-2013-CA-000866 Trustee for Credit Suisse First Boston MARIA SAUCEDA; MARIO A. THE UNKNOWN SUCCESSOR TRUS- the Circuit Court of the 5th Judicial Mortgage Securities Corp., Home Eq- SAUCEDA; ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN TEE AND BENEFICIARIES OF THE DONNA RUTH WELCH AKA DONNA Circuit in and for Lake County, Florida JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. uity Asset Trust 2005-3, Home Equity PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, CHARITY CROUX REVOCABLE LIVING RUTH SMITH 31650 STATE ROAD 44 wherein NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE Plaintiff, Pass-Through Certificates Series UNDER, AND AGAINST THE HEREIN TRUST DATED OCTOBER 28, 2004 EUSTIS FL 32736 LLC,Plaintiff and JEFFREY A. COTS 2005-3 NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) 1003 AVALON AVENUE A/K/A JEFF A. COTS are defend ant(s), vs. Plaintiff, WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD LADY LAKE, FL 32159 AND TO: I, Clerk of Court, Neil Kelly, will sell to OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN ALL PERSONS CLAIMING AN INTER- the highest and best bidder for cash SESSLER FRANCIS WALKER III A/K/A vs. PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN IN TEREST DONNA RUTH WELCH AKA DONNA EST BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR ON THE 1ST FLOOR OF LAKE COUNTY SESSLER F. WALKER III, HILLS OF AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, RUTH SMITH 31650 STATE ROAD 44 AGAINST THE AFORESAID DEFEND- COURTHOUSE, 550 W. MAIN STREET, LAKE LOUISA HOMEOWNERS ASSO- Patricia A. Parker a/k/a Patricia Par- GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS; EUSTIS FL 32736 ANT(S). TA VARES, FL, AT THE INFOR MATION CIATION, INC. RIAZ U. RAHEEM, UN- ker and Jose B. Marquez a/k/a Jose UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; AND DESK, AT 11:00 A.M. on MAY 27, KNOWN TENANT IN POSSESSION 1, Marquez, Wife and Husband; Na- TENANT N/K/A DIANA GOMEZ, AND TO: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an 2014, the following described prop- UNKNOWN TENANT IN POSSESSION tionstar Mortgage LLC. f/k/a Cen tex Defendants/ ALL PERSONS CLAIMING AN INTER- action to foreclose a mortgage, on erty as set forth in said Final Judg- 2,UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SESSLER Home Equity Company, LLC.; Sun- EST BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR the following described property ment, to-wit: FRANCIS WALKER III A/K/A SESSLER burst Estates Homeowner's Associa- NOTICE OF SALE AGAINST THE AFORESAID DEFEND- located in Lake County: F. WALKER III tion, Inc. ANT(S). LOT 28, OF LAKE CATHERINE Defendants, Defendant(s) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to LOT 38, THE PLANTATION AT LEES- SHORES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT an Order of Final Summary Judgment YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an BURG, GLEN EAGLE VILLAGE, AS RE- THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE OF SALE of Foreclosure dated April 7, 2014, action to foreclose a mortgage, on CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 35, PAGES BOOK 42, PAGES 92 AND 93, OF THE entered in Civil Case No. the following described property 11, 12, 13 AND 14, PUBLIC REC- PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to 35-2012-CA-002103 of the Circuit located in Lake County: ORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA. FLORIDA a Sum mary Final Judgment of Fore- an Order rescheduling foreclosure Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit in closure entered December 3, 2013 in sale, entered in Civil Case No. and for Lake County, Flor ida wherein LOT 12, ORANGE BLOSSOM GAR- has been filed against you, and you ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTER- Civil Case No. 35-2013-CA-000866 of 2012-CA-00970 of the Circuit Court the Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell DENS COURTYARD VILLAS, ACCORD- are required to serve a copy of your EST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE the Circuit Court of the FIFTH Judicial D4of the 5th Judicial Circuit in and for to the highest bidder for cash on May ING TO THE PLAT DAILY THEREOF AS COMMERCIAL RE- written defenses, if any, to this ac- SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THESaturday,Cir cuit in and April for Lake 19, County, 2014XX Ta- LakeDAY, County,MONTH Florida XX, wherein YEAR U.S. 14, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. on the First CORDED IN PLAT BOOK DAILY32, PAGE(S) COMMERCIALtion, on Greenspoon Marder, P.A. De- PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE vares, Flor ida, wherein JP MORGAN Bank, National Association as Trustee Floor near the Information Desk in 84 THROUGH 87 INCLUSIVE, OF THE fault Department, Attorneys for Plain- OF THE LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A CHASE BANK, N.A. is Plaintiff and for Credit Suisse First Boston Mort- the Lake County Court house, 550 PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, tiff, whose address is Trade Centre CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SESSLER FRANCIS WALKER III A/K/A gage Securities Corp., Home Equity West Main Street, Tavares, Florida FLORIDA. South, Suite 700, 100 West Cypress SALE. SESSLER F. WALKER III, HILLS OF Asset Trust 2005-3, Home Equity 32278, in accordance with Chapter Creek Road, Fort Lauderdale, Fl LAKE LOUISA HOMEOWNERS ASSO- Pass-Through Certificates, Series 45 Florida Statutes, relative to the has been filed against you, and you 33309, and file the original with the If you are a person with a disabil ity CIATION, INC. RIAZ U. RAHEEM , UN- 2005-3, Plaintiff and Patricia A. Par- following described property as set are required to serve a copy of your Clerk within 30 days after the first who needs any accommodation in or- KNOWN SPOUSE OF SESSLER FRAN- ker a/k/a Patricia Parker and Jose B. forth in the Final Judgment, to wit: written defenses, if any, to this ac- publication of this notice immediately der to participate in this proceeding, CIS WALKER III A/K/A SESSLER F. Marquez a/k/a Jose Marquez, Wife tion, on Greenspoon Marder, P.A. De- thereafter; otherwise a default and a you are entitled, at no cost to you, to WALKER, III, are defend ant(s), the and Husband are defendant(s), I, LOT 6, BLOCK A OF HOWEY SUBDIVI- fault Department, Attorneys for Plain- judgment may be entered against the provision of certain assis tance. Clerk of Court will sell to the highest Clerk of Court, Neil Kelly, will sell to SION "A" ACCORDING TO THE PLAT tiff, whose address is Trade Centre you for the relief demanded in the Please contact the ADA Coor dinator and best bidder for cash at Lake the highest and best bidder for cash THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT South, Suite 700, 100 West Cypress complaint. at the Office of the Trial Court Admin- County Court house 550 West Main ON THE 1ST FLOOR OF LAKE COUNTY BOOK 10, PAGE 80, OF THE PUBLIC Creek Road, Fort Lauderdale, Fl istrator, 550 West Main Street, Post Street, First Floor, Tavares, FL. 32778 COURTHOUSE, 550 W. MAIN STREET, RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY TO- 33309, and file the original with the WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF Office Box 7800, Tavares, Flor ida in accordance with Chapter 45, Flor- TAVARES, FL, AT THE INFOR MATION GETHER WITH THE SOUTH 1/2 OF Clerk within 30 days after the first SAID COURT on this 27 day of FEBRU- 32778; Telephone; (352) 253-1604, ida Stat utes on the 7 day of May, DESK, AT 11:00 A.M. on MAY 14, THE NOW LOCATED ROAD RIGHT OF publication of this notice immediately ARY 2014 within two (2) Working days of your 2014 at 11:00 AM on the fol lowing 2014, the following described prop- WAY, LYING NORTH OF AND CONTIN- thereafter; otherwise a default and a receipt of this notice. If you are hear- described property as set forth in said erty as set forth in said Final Judg- UOUS TO THE LOT 6 IN BLOCK "A" judgment may be entered against Neil Kelly ing or voice impaired, call Summary Final Judgment,k to-wit: ment, to-wit: SHOWN ON THE PLAT. you for the relief demanded in the Clerk of the Court 1-800-955-9771. complaint. By:/s/R. SLAGLE LOT 13, LAKE CRESCENT VIEW DE- LOT 33, OF SUNBURST ESTATES Any person claiming an interest in the As Deputy Clerk Neil Kelly VELOPMENT, TOGETHER WITH AN UN- PHASE 1, AC CORDING TO THE PLAT surplus from the sale, if any, other WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DIVIDED INTEREST IN LOT 20, AC- THEREOF, AS RECORDED ON PLAT than the property owned as of the SAID COURT on this 25 day of March, In accordance with the Americans Lake County, Florida CORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT BOOK 41, PAGES 55 AND 56, OF THE date of the Lis Pendens must file a 2014 with Disabilities Act, persons with a /s/S. HOLEWINSKI THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, claim within 60 days after the sale. disability who needs an accommoda- DEPUTY CLERK OF COURT BOOK 14, PAGE(S) 62, PUBLIC REC- FLORIDA. Neil Kelly tion in order to participate in a pro- ORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ATTENTION PERSONS WITH DISABILI- Clerk of the Court ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF: ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTER- TIES- If you are a person with a disa- By:/s/R. SLAGLE to you, the provision of certain assis- SHAPIRO, FISHMAN & GACHE LLP Any person claiming an interest in the EST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE bility who needs any accommodation As Deputy Clerk tance. Please contact the Clerk of the 2424 North Federal Highway, surplus from the sale, if any, other SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE in order to participate in this proceed- Court's disability Coordinator at the Suite 360 than the property owners as of the PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE ing, you are entitled, at no cost to In accordance with the Americans Office of the Trial Court Administra- Boca Raton, Florida 33431 date of Lis Pendens, must file a claim OF THE LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A you, to the provision of certain assis- with Disabilities Act, persons with a tor, Lake County Courthouse; Post Of- (561) 998-6700 within 60 days after the sale. CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE tance. Please contact: disability who needs an accommoda- fice Box 7800/550 W. Main Street, (561)998-6707 SALE. tion in order to participate in a pro- Tavares, Florida 32778, Telephone: I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and ADA Coordinator, Lake County ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost (352) 253-1604, at least seven (7) Ad No: 10012276 correct copy of the foregoing was NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILI- P.O. Box 7800/550 to you, the provision of certain assis- days before your scheduled court ap- April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014 mailed this 2 day of April, 2014 to all TIES If you are a person with a disabil- W. Main Street tance. Please contact the Clerk of the pearance, or immediately upon re- parties on the attached service list. ity who needs any ac commodation in Tavares, FL 32778 Court's disability Coordinator at the ceiving this notification if the time be- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH Dated this 1 day of April, 2014. order to participate in this proceed- Phone (352) 253-1604 Office of the Trial Court Administra- fore the scheduled appearance is less JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LAKE ing, you are entitled, at no cost to tor, Lake County Courthouse; Post Of- than seven (7) days. If you are hear- COUNTY, FLORIDA, CIVIL ACTION NEIL KELLY you, to the provision of certain assis- DATED AT TAVARES, FLORIDA THIS fice Box 7800/550 W. Main Street, ing or voice impaired, call 771. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT tance. Please con tact the ADA Coor- 10 DAY OF APRIL, 2014 Tavares, Florida 32778, Telephone: CASE NO. 2010-CA-005299 As Clerk of the Court dinator at the Office of the Trial Court (352) 253-1604, at least seven (7) Ad No: 10012252 BY: /s/A. Thigpen Admin istrator, 550 West Main Street, /S/D.NEAL days before your scheduled court ap- April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014 HSBC BANK, USA NATIONAL ASSOCI- Deputy Clerk Post Office Box 7800, Tavares, Flor- NEIL KELLY pearance, or immediately upon re- ATION AS TRUSTEE FOR WELLS ida 32778; Telephone; (352) CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ceiving this notification if the time be- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH FARGO ASSET SECURITIES CORPO- MCCALLA RAYMER, LLC, ATTORNEY 253-1604, within two (2) Working LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA fore the scheduled appearance is less JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LAKE RATION , MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH FOR PLAIN TIFF days of your receipt of this notice. If than seven (7) days. If you are hear- COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-7 110 SE 6TH STREET you are hearing or voice impaired, ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF ing or voice impaired, call 771. PLAINTIFF FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301 call 1-800-955-9771. MORRIS HARDWICK SCHNEIDER, LLC CASE NO. 2014 CA 000208 vs. (407) 674-1850 5110 EISENHOWER BLVD STE 120 Ad No: 10012247 ALAN PARROW, et al. Dated: April 2, 2014 TAMPA, FL 33634 April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Defendant(s) If you are a person with a disability Plaintiff, who needs an accommodation in or- Neil Kelly AD NO. 10011937 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH vs. NOTICE OF SALE der to participate in a proceeding, you CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT APRIL 12 & 19, 2014 JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LAKE THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, GRANTEES, Notice is hereby given that, pursuant are entitled, at no cost to you, the Lake County, Florida COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION DEVISEES, LIENORS, TRUSTEES AND to an order dated January 22, 2014, provision of certain assistance. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH CREDITORS OF HELEN TOBIE; PRATT entered in Civil Case Number Please con tact the ADA Coordinator /s/A. THIGPEN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LAKE CASE NO:2013 CA 001543 VAN TOBIE, DECEASED, ET AL., 2010-CA-005299 in the Circuit Court at the Office of the Trial Court Admin- DEPUTY CLERK OF COURT COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION for Lake County, Florida, wherein istrator, Lake County Courthouse; CITIBANK N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR THE NOTICE OF ACTION HSBC BANK, USA NATIONAL ASSOCI- Post Office Box 7800/550 W. Main SUBMITTED BY; ATTORNEY FOR CASE NO:2013 CA 002122 MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVES- TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, GRANT- ATION AS TRUSTEE FOR WELLS Street, Tavares, Florida 32778, Tele- PLAINTIFF: TORS TRUST SERIES 2006-HE5, EES, DEVISEES, LIENORS, TRUSTEES, FARGO ASSET SECURITIES CORPO- phone: (352) 253-1604, at least SHAPIRO, FISHMAN & GACHE LLP NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A PLAINTIFF AND CREDITORS OF HELEN TOBIE, RATION, MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH seven (7) days before your scheduled 2424 North Federal Highway, CHAMPION MORTGAGE DECEASED AND PRATT VAN TO BIE, CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-7, Plain- court appearance, or immediately Suite 360 PLAINTIFF vs. DECEASED AND ALL CLAIM ANTS, tiff, ALAN PAR ROW AND CAROL PAR- upon receiving this notification if the Boca Raton, Florida 33431 PERSONS OR PARTIES, NATURAL OR ROW are defendant(s) I, Clerk of time before the scheduled appear- (561) 998-6700 vs. WILLA D. SPARKS, et. al., CORPORATE, AND WHOSE EXACT LE- Court, will sell at public sale, to the ance is less than seven (7) days. If (561)998-6707 DEFENDANTS GAL STATUS IS UNKNOWN, CLAIMING highest bidder, for cash, in the Lobby you are hearing or voice impaired, DONNA RUTH WELCH AKA DONNA BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST of the Lake County Court house, 550 call 771. AD NO. 10011923 RUTH SMITH,ET. AL., NOTICE OF ACTION HELEN TOBIE, DECEASED AND West Main Street, Tavares, FL 32778 APRIL 12 & 19, 2014 DEFENDANTS PRATT VAN TO BIE, DECEASED OR at 11:00 AM, on the 27 day of May, Ad No: 10012289 TO: ANY OF THE HEREIN NAMED OR DE- 2014 As described property as set April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH NOTICE OF ACTION WILLA D. SPARKS SCRIBED DEFEND ANTS OR PARTIES forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LAKE 44211 W. LAKE DRIVE CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE N THE CIRCUIT CIVIL COURT OF THE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL AC TION TO: DELAND,FL 32720 OR INTEREST IN AND TO THE PROP- LOT 72, LAKES AND SPRINGS AC- FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, CASE NO.: 35-2009-CA-004652 DONNA RUTH WELCH AKA DONNA ERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS IN AND FOR LAKE COUNTY CIVIL DIVI- RUTH SMITH 2400 KURT ST. APT 104 WILLA D. SPARKS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 38, PAGE SION U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, EUSTIS FL 32726-6274 44203 W. LAKE DRIVE Current residence unknown, but 49, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE AS TRUSTEE FOR THE HOLDERS OF DELAND, FL 32720 whose last known address was: COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 35-2012-CA-000229 BEAR STEARNS ALT-A TRUST 2006-3, DONNA RUTH WELCH AKA DONNA 2705 KNOLLWOOD TRL EUSTIS FL DIVISION: 5 MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH CERTIFI- RUTH SMITH 31650 STATE ROAD 44 UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF WILLA D. 32726-7057 Any person claiming an inter est in the CATES, SERIES 2006-3, EUSTIS FL 32736 SPARKS surplus from the sale, if any, other WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, 44211 W. LAKE DRIVE YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to than the property owners as of the Plaintiff, vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF DONNA RUTH DELAND, FL 32720 foreclose a mortgage, on the follow- date of the lis pendens must file a HEADLEY E. W. SAMUELS A/K/A WELCH AKA DONNA RUTH SMITH ing property located in Lake County claim within 60 days after the sale. vs. HEADLEY SAMUELS et al, 2400 KURT ST. APT 104 EUSTIS FL UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF WILLA D. to wit: property situated in Lake County, Defendant(s). 32726-6274 SPARKS Florida, HEATHER ULVANO, BEKNECH T. 44203 W. LAKE DRIVE LOT 14 IN BLOCK "D" IN LAKE JO- MOYA, OLD REPUBLIC INSURANCE NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF DONNA RUTH DELAND, FL 32720 ANNA HEIGHTS, A SUBDIVISION IN AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. CO. LEXINGTON VILLAGE OF GROV- FORECLOSURE SALE WELCH AKA DONNA RUTH SMITH THE CITY OF EUSTIS, FLORIDA AC- I f y o u a r e a p e r s o n w i t h a d i s a b i l i t y ELAND HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to 31650 STATE ROAD 44 EUSTIS FL AND TO: CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RE- w h o n e e d s a n a c c o m m o d a t i o n i n o r - INC., AND UNKNOWN TENANTS/OW- an Order Rescheduling Foreclosure 32736 ALL PERSONS CLAIMING AN INTER- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 20, PAGE 28, der to participate in a proceed ing, you NERS Sale dated April 8, 2014and entered EST BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, are entitled, at no cost to you, the Defendants, in Case No. 35-2009-CA-004652 of AND TO: AGAINST THE AFORESAID DEFEND- FLORIDA p r o v i s i o n o f c e r t a i n a s s i s t a n c e . the Circuit Court of the FIFTH Judicial ALL PERSONS CLAIMING AN INTER- ANT(S). Please contact the ADA Coor dinator NOTICE OF SALE Circuit in and for LAKE County, Flor- EST BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR has been filed against you and you at the Office of the Trial Court Admin- ida wherein U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS- AGAINST THE AFORESAID DEFEND- YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an are required to serve a copy of your istrator, Lake County Courthouse; Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Fi- SOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR ANT(S). action to foreclose a mortgage, on written defenses, if any, to it on Post Of fice Box 7800/550 W. Main nal Judgment of Foreclosure for THEHOLDERS OF BEAR STEARNS AL- the following described property DOUGLAS C. ZAHM, P.A., Plaintiffs at- Street, Tavares, Florida 32778, Tele- Plaintiff entered in this cause on Jan- T-A TRUST 2006-3, MORTGAGE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an located in Lake County: torney, whose address is 12425 28th phone: (352) 253-1604, at least uary 21, 2014 in the Circuit Court of PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES action to foreclose a mortgage, on Street North, Suite 200, St. Peters- seven (7) days before your scheduled Lake County, Florida, I will sell the SERIES 2006-3,is the Plain tiff the following described property LOT 3 AND 4, LAKE MACK PARK, AC- burg, FL 33716 within thirty (30) days court appear ance, or immediately property situated in Lake County, and HEADLEY E.W. SAMUELS A/K/A located in Lake County: CORDING TO THE PLAT, THEREOF AS after the first publication of this No- upon receiving this notification if the FLORIDA described as: HEADLEY SAMUELS; BERYL T. SAMU- RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGE tice of Action, and file the original time before the scheduled appear- ELS A/K/A BERYL SAMUELS; MORT- LOTS EIGHT (8) and NINE (9) BLOCK 90, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE with the Clerk of this Court at 550 ance is less than seven (7) days. If LOT 74, LEXINGTON VILLAGE, PHASE GAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION B, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF PINE COUNTY, FLORIDA. West Main Street, P.O. Box 7800, Ta- you are hearing or voice impaired, 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED, AS NOMI- LAKES, FILED 10 NOVEMBER 1953, vares, FL 32778, either before service call 771. THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT NEE FOR UNITED GUARANTY RESI- AND RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12, has been filed against you, and you on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately BOOK 53, PAGE 40 TO 42, OF THE DENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PAGES 67 AND 68, PUBLIC RECORDS are required to serve a copy of your thereafter; otherwise, a default will be Dated: 27, January 2014 PUBLIC RECORS OF LAKE COUNTY, N.C.; TENANT #1 N/K/A LAVERN OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO- written defenses, if any, to this ac- entered against you for the relief de- Neil Kelly, Lake County Clerk of Court FLORIDA and com monly known as: RENE are the Defendants, The GETHER WITH THE 1979 NOBILITY tion, on Greenspoon Marder, P.A. De- manded in the complaint petition. By: /s/D. NEAL Deputy Clerk 1070 BLUEGRASS DR. GROVELAND Clerk of the Court will sell to the high- MOBILE HOME SITUATE THEREON, fault Department, Attorneys for Plain- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FL 34736; including the building, ap- est and best bidder for cash at ON I.D. NUMBER N10697. tiff, whose address is Trade Centre WITNESS my hand and seal of the purtenances, and fixtures located THE FIRST FLOOR OF THE LAKE South, Suite 700, 100 West Cypress Court on this 16th day of April, 2014 AD NO. 10012279 therein, at public sale to the highest COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 550 WEST has been filed against you, and you Creek Road, Fort Lauderdale, Fl Neil Kelly APRIL 19 & 26, 2014 and best bidder, for cash, Sales are MAIN STREET, TAVARES, FLOR IDA are required to serve a copy of your 33309, and file the original with the Clerk of the Court held in the lobby on the first floor of By:/s/DANA NOLETTE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH the Lake County Courthouse 550 W. 32778 at 11:00AM, on the 14 day of written defenses, if any, to this ac- Clerk within 30 days after the first JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA MAY, 2014, the following described tion, on Greenspoon Marder, P.A. De- publication of this notice immediately As Deputy Clerk Main St. Tavares, FL 32778 May 27, IN AND FOR LAKE COUNTY 2014 at 11 a.m. Any person claim- property as set forth in said Final fault Department, Attorneys for Plain- thereafter; otherwise a default and a GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION Judgment: tiff, whose address is Trade Centre judgment may be entered against If you are a person with a disability ing an interest in the surplus from the who needs an accommodation in or- sale, if any, other than the property South, Suite 700, 100 West Cypress you for the relief demanded in the CASE NO: 2014CA 000530 LOT 33, LEXINGTON ESTATES, A SUB- Creek Road, Fort Lauderdale, Fl complaint. der to participate in a proceeding, you owner as of the date of the lis pend- DIVISION ACCORDING TO PLAT OR 33309, and file the original with the are entitled, at no cost to you, the ens must file a claim within 60days Clerk within 30 days after the first provision of certain assistance. LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC after the sale. MAP THEREOF DESCRIBED IN PLAT WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF Plaintiff, BOOK 51, AT PAGES 82-88, OF THE publication of this notice immediately SAID COURT on this 4 day of March, Please con tact the ADA Coordinator thereafter; otherwise a default and a at the Office of the Trial Court Admin- Dated this 22 day of January, 2014. PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, 2014 vs. FLORIDA. judgment may be entered against istrator, Lake County Court house; Clerk of the Circuit Court you for the relief demanded in the Post Office Box 7800/550 W. Main REBECCA D. TERRY,, Neil Kelly Neil Kelly Defendants. A/K/A 1015 BLUEGRASS DRIVE, complaint. Clerk of the Court Street, Tavares, Florida 32778, Tele- By: /S/D. NEAL phone: (352) 253-1604, at least Deputy Clerk GROVELAND, FL 34736 By:/s/R. SLAGLE NOTICE OF ACTION Any per son claim ing an in ter est in the WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF As Deputy Clerk seven (7) days before your scheduled SAID COURT on this 25 day of March, court appearance, or immediately Ad No: 10012273 surplus from the sale, if any, other To: REBECCA D. TERRY, 800 S. than the property owner as of the 2014 In accordance with the Americans upon receiving this notification if the April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014 time before the scheduled appear- GROVE STREET, EUSTIS, FL 32726 date of the Lis Pendens must file a with Disabilities Act, persons with a UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF REBECCA D. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 5TH claim within sixty (60) days after the Neil Kelly disability who needs an accommoda- ance is less than seven (7) days. If JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR LAKE Clerk of the Court you are hearing or voice impaired, TERRY, 800 S. GROVE STREET, EUS- sale. property owner as of the date of tion in order to participate in a pro- TIS, FL 32726 COUNTY, FLORIDA the Lis Pendens must file a claim By:/s/R. SLAGLE ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost call 771. As Deputy Clerk within sixty (60) days after the sale. to you, the provision of certain assis- LAST KNOWN ADDRESS STATED, CASE NO.2011 CA 000216 WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of tance. Please contact the Clerk of the Ad No: 10012256 In accordance with the Americans April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014 CURRENT RESIDENCE YOU ARE this Court Court's disability Coordinator at the HEREBY NOTI FIED that an action to WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. AS SUC- on April 9, 2014. with Disabilities Act, persons with a Office of the Trial Court Administra- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH CESSOR BY MERGER TO WACHOVIA d i s a b i l i t y w h o n e e d s a n a c c o m m o d a - foreclose Mortgage covering the fol- Neil Kelly tor, Lake County Courthouse; Post Of- JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LAKE lowing real and personal property de- BANK N.A. Clerk of the Circuit Court tion in order to participate in a pro- fice Box 7800/550 W. Main Street, COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION scribed as fol lows, to-wit: Plaintiff, By:/s/A.THIGPEN ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost Tavares, Florida 32778, Telephone: vs. Deputy Clerk to you, the provi sion of cer tain assis- (352) 253-1604, at least seven (7) CASE # 2012-CA-001206 RONALD A. WIEGARD A/K/A tance. Please contact the Clerk of the THE NORTH 66 FEET OF THE EAST days before your scheduled court ap- 132 FEET OF BLOCK 126 IN THE CITY RONALD WIEGARD, ET.AL., Plaintiff’s Attorney Court's disability Coordinator at the pearance, or immediately upon re- DIVISION: 4 Defendants, Office of the Trial Court Administra- OF EUSTIS, FLORIDA, ACCORDING TO Ronald R Wolfe & Associates, P.L. ceiving this notification if the time be- THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF RE- P.O. Box 25018 tor, Lake County Courthouse; Post Of- fore the scheduled appearance is less NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC. CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 79, NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 fice Box 7800/550 W. Main Street, than seven (7) days. If you are hear- Plaintiff, CHAPTER 45 Tavares, Florida 32778, Telephone: ing or voice impaired, call 771. PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, (352) 253-1604, at least seven (7) FLORIDA, ALSO DESCRIBED AS THE See Americans with Disabilities Act vs. NORTH 1/2 OF LOTS 1,2,3, AND 4 IN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to If you are a person with a disability days before your scheduled court ap- Ad No: 10012249 the Summary Final Judgment in Fore- pearance, or immediately upon re- BLOCK 52 IN BADGER'S ADDITION TO who needs any accommodation in or- April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014 JEFFREY A. COTS a/k/a JEFF A. COTS; EUSTIS. closure dated JUNE 14, 2013 and en- der to participate in a proceeding, you ceiving this notification if the time be- KIMBERLY D. COTS; BANK OF AMER- tered in Case No. 2011 CA 000216 fore the scheduled appearance is less IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH are entitled, at no cost to you, to the JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LAKE ICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION; UN- has been filed against you and you of the Cir cuit Court of the 5th Judicial provision of certain assistance. than seven (7) days. If you are hear- KNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION #1, Circuit in and for Lake County, Flor- ing or voice impaired, call 771. COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION are required to file a copy of your Please contact the ADA Coordinator IF LIVING, AND ALL UNKNOWN PAR- written defenses, if any, to it on Sara ida, wherein WELLS FARGO BANK for the Courts at least 7 before your TIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UN- N.A. AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO Ad No: 10012245 CASE NO:35-2011-CA-001494 Collins, McCalla Raymer, LLC 225 E. scheduled court appearance, or im- DER AND AGAINST THE ABOVE Robinson St. Suite 660, Orlando, FL WACHOVIA BANK, N.A. is Plaintiff and mediately upon receiving your notifi- April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014 NAMED DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE 32801 and file the original with the RONALD A. WIEGARD A/K/A cation if the time before the sched- BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH F/K/A COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, Clerk of the above-styled Court on or RONALD WIEGARD; AS THE UN- uled appearance is less than 7 days; WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES before 30 days from the first publica- KNOWN SPOUSE OF RONALD A. if you are hearing or voice im paired, JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LAKE SERVICING, INC. COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION PLAINTIFF MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS tion, otherwise a Judgment may be WIEGARD A/K/A RONALD WIEGARD; call 711. Please contact: Nicole Berg, SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- entered against you for the relief de- IF ANY; FOX RUN HOMEOWNERS AS- Phone CASE NO:2013 CA 002025 vs. EES, or OTHER CLAIMANTS ; UN- manded in the complaint. SOCIATION OF TAVARES, INC., are the # (352)253-1604 KNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION #2, defendant(s), NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A FRANCIS J. CURTIN,, IF LIVING, AND ALL UNKNOWN PAR- WITNESS my hand and seal of said AD NO. 10011924 TIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UN- Court on the 17 day of April, 2014. I will sell to the high est and best bid- APRIL 12 & 19, 2014 CHAMPION MORTGAGE DEFENDANTS PLAINTIFF DER AND AGAINST THE ABOVE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT der for cash at the LAKE COUNTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH AMENDED NOTICE OF ACTION NAMED DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE As Clerk of the Circuit Court COURTHOUSE 550 W. MAIN STREET, JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR vs. NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, As Clerk of the Court TA VARES, FL in Lake County, Florida, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVI- TO: WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES BY:/s/DANA NOLETTE at 11:00 AM on the 21st day of May, SION THE UNKNOWN SUCCESSOR TRUS- THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS Deputy Clerk 2014 the following described prop- TEE AND BENEFICIARIES OF THE VISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- erty as set forth in said Order or Final CASE NO. 35-2012-CA-002103 CHARITY CROUX REVOCABLE LIVING LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, EES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS, Ad No: 10012284 Judgment, to wit: TRUST DATED OCTOBER 28, 2004, AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING Defendant(s) April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014, AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER LOT 88, FOX RUN MOBILE HOME SUB- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH DIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE MAP CITIMORTGAGE, INC., DEFENDANTS OR AGAINST; NOTICE OF SALE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN Plaintiff, OR PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN AND FOR LAKE COUNTY GENERAL JU- PLAT BOOK 26, PAGE 36 THROUGH NOTICE OF ACTION FRANCIS J. CURTIN, DECEASED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to RISDICTION DIVISION vs. 4608 RIVER RIDGE DRIVE an Order dated Jan. 21, 2014 en tered 38, INCLUSIVE OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: LEESBURG, FL 34748 in Civil Case No. 2012-CA-001206 of CASE NO. 35-2013-CA-000866 MARIA SAUCEDA; MARIO A. THE UNKNOWN SUCCESSOR TRUS- the Circuit Court of the 5th Judicial 1986 HOMETTE CORPORATION SAUCEDA; ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN TEE AND BENEFICIARIES OF THE DONNA RUTH WELCH AKA DONNA Circuit in and for Lake County, Florida MOBILE HOME JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. VIN# FLHW078500267AHS PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, CHARITY CROUX REVOCABLE LIVING RUTH SMITH 31650 STATE ROAD 44 wherein NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE Plaintiff, UNDER, AND AGAINST THE HEREIN TRUST DATED OCTOBER 28, 2004 EUSTIS FL 32736 LLC,Plaintiff and JEFFREY A. COTS TITLE # 42687364 STREET ADDRESS; 2909 MYAKKA NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) 1003 AVALON AVENUE A/K/A JEFF A. COTS are defend ant(s), vs. WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD LADY LAKE, FL 32159 AND TO: I, Clerk of Court, Neil Kelly, will sell to RIVER ROAD, TAVARES, FLORIDA 32778 OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN ALL PERSONS CLAIMING AN INTER- the highest and best bidder for cash SESSLER FRANCIS WALKER III A/K/A PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN IN TEREST DONNA RUTH WELCH AKA DONNA EST BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR ON THE 1ST FLOOR OF LAKE COUNTY SESSLER F. WALKER III, HILLS OF Any person claiming an interest in the AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, RUTH SMITH 31650 STATE ROAD 44 AGAINST THE AFORESAID DEFEND- COURTHOUSE, 550 W. MAIN STREET, LAKE LOUISA HOMEOWNERS ASSO- GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS; EUSTIS FL 32736 ANT(S). TAVARES, FL, AT THE INFORMATION surplus from the sale, if any, other CIATION, INC. RIAZ U. RAHEEM, UN- than the property owner as of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; AND DESK, AT 11:00 A.M. on MAY 27, KNOWN TENANT IN POSSESSION 1, TENANT N/K/A DIANA GOMEZ, AND TO: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an 2014, the following described prop- date of lis pendens, must file a claim UNKNOWN TENANT IN POSSESSION within sixty (60) days after the sale. Defendants/ ALL PERSONS CLAIMING AN INTER- action to foreclose a mortgage, on erty as set forth in said Final Judg- 2,UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SESSLER EST BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR the following described property ment, to-wit: FRANCIS WALKER III A/K/A SESSLER NOTICE OF SALE AGAINST THE AFORESAID DEFEND- located in Lake County: WITNESS my hand and the seal of the F. WALKER III Court this 15th day of April, 2014. ANT(S). LOT 28, OF LAKE CATHERINE Defendants, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to LOT 38, THE PLANTATION AT LEES- SHORES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT NEIL KELLY CLERK OF COURT an Order of Final Summary Judgment YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an BURG, GLEN EAGLE VILLAGE, AS RE- THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE of Foreclosure dated April 7, 2014, action to foreclose a mortgage, on CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 35, PAGES BOOK 42, PAGES 92 AND 93, OF THE By: /s/L.MIKELL AS DEPUTY CLERK entered in Civil Case No. the following described property 11, 12, 13 AND 14, PUBLIC REC- PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to 35-2012-CA-002103 of the Circuit located in Lake County: ORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA. FLORIDA a Sum mary Final Judgment of Fore- If you are a person with a disability Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit in closure entered December 3, 2013 in and for Lake County, Flor ida wherein LOT 12, ORANGE BLOSSOM GAR- has been filed against you, and you ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTER- who needs an accommodation in or- Civil Case No. 35-2013-CA-000866 of der to participate in a proceeding, you the Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell DENS COURTYARD VILLAS, ACCORD- are required to serve a copy of your EST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE the Circuit Court of the FIFTH Judicial to the highest bidder for cash on May ING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RE- written defenses, if any, to this ac- SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE are entitled , at no cost to you, the Cir cuit in and for Lake County, Ta- provision of certain assistance. 14, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. on the First CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 32, PAGE(S) tion, on Greenspoon Marder, P.A. De- PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE vares, Flor ida, wherein JP MORGAN Floor near the Information Desk in 84 THROUGH 87 INCLUSIVE, OF THE fault Department, Attorneys for Plain- OF THE LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A Please contact the ADA Coordinator CHASE BANK, N.A. is Plaintiff and for the Courts within two (2) working the Lake County Court house, 550 PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, tiff, whose address is Trade Centre CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SESSLER FRANCIS WALKER III A/K/A West Main Street, Tavares, Florida FLORIDA. South, Suite 700, 100 West Cypress SALE. days of your receipt of your notice to SESSLER F. WALKER III, HILLS OF appear in Court at: (352)253-0900. 32278, in accordance with Chapter Creek Road, Fort Lauderdale, Fl LAKE LOUISA HOMEOWNERS ASSO- 45 Florida Statutes, relative to the has been filed against you, and you 33309, and file the original with the If you are a person with a disabil ity CIATION, INC. RIAZ U. RAHEEM , UN- following described property as set are required to serve a copy of your Clerk within 30 days after the first who needs any accommodation in or- Ad No: 10012275 KNOWN SPOUSE OF SESSLER FRAN- April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014 forth in the Final Judgment, to wit: written defenses, if any, to this ac- publication of this notice immediately der to participate in this proceeding, CIS WALKER III A/K/A SESSLER F. tion, on Greenspoon Marder, P.A. De- thereafter; otherwise a default and a you are entitled, at no cost to you, to WALKER, III, are defend ant(s), the LOT 6, BLOCK A OF HOWEY SUBDIVI- fault Department, Attorneys for Plain- judgment may be entered against the provision of certain assis tance. Clerk of Court will sell to the highest SION "A" ACCORDING TO THE PLAT tiff, whose address is Trade Centre you for the relief demanded in the Please contact the ADA Coor dinator and best bidder for cash at Lake THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT South, Suite 700, 100 West Cypress complaint. at the Office of the Trial Court Admin- County Court house 550 West Main BOOK 10, PAGE 80, OF THE PUBLIC Creek Road, Fort Lauderdale, Fl istrator, 550 West Main Street, Post Street, First Floor, Tavares, FL. 32778 RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY TO- 33309, and file the original with the WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF Office Box 7800, Tavares, Flor ida in accordance with Chapter 45, Flor- GETHER WITH THE SOUTH 1/2 OF Clerk within 30 days after the first SAID COURT on this 27 day of FEBRU- 32778; Telephone; (352) 253-1604, ida Stat utes on the 7 day of May, THE NOW LOCATED ROAD RIGHT OF publication of this notice immediately ARY 2014 within two (2) Working days of your 2014 at 11:00 AM on the fol lowing WAY, LYING NORTH OF AND CONTIN- thereafter; otherwise a default and a receipt of this notice. If you are hear- described property as set forth in said UOUS TO THE LOT 6 IN BLOCK "A" judgment may be entered against Neil Kelly ing or voice impaired, call Summary Final Judgment,k to-wit: SHOWN ON THE PLAT. you for the relief demanded in the Clerk of the Court 1-800-955-9771. complaint. By:/s/R. SLAGLE LOT 13, LAKE CRESCENT VIEW DE- Any person claiming an interest in the As Deputy Clerk Neil Kelly VELOPMENT, TOGETHER WITH AN UN- surplus from the sale, if any, other WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DIVIDED INTEREST IN LOT 20, AC- than the property owned as of the SAID COURT on this 25 day of March, In accordance with the Americans Lake County, Florida CORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT date of the Lis Pendens must file a 2014 with Disabilities Act, persons with a /s/S. HOLEWINSKI THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT claim within 60 days after the sale. disability who needs an accommoda- DEPUTY CLERK OF COURT BOOK 14, PAGE(S) 62, PUBLIC REC- Neil Kelly tion in order to participate in a pro- ORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ATTENTION PERSONS WITH DISABILI- Clerk of the Court ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF: TIES- If you are a person with a disa- By:/s/R. SLAGLE to you, the provision of certain assis- SHAPIRO, FISHMAN & GACHE LLP Any person claiming an interest in the bility who needs any accommodation As Deputy Clerk tance. Please contact the Clerk of the 2424 North Federal Highway, surplus from the sale, if any, other in order to participate in this proceed- Court's disability Coordinator at the Suite 360 than the property owners as of the ing, you are entitled, at no cost to In accordance with the Americans Office of the Trial Court Administra- Boca Raton, Florida 33431 date of Lis Pendens, must file a claim you, to the provision of certain assis- with Disabilities Act, persons with a tor, Lake County Courthouse; Post Of- (561) 998-6700 within 60 days after the sale. tance. Please contact: disability who needs an accommoda- fice Box 7800/550 W. Main Street, (561)998-6707 tion in order to participate in a pro- Tavares, Florida 32778, Telephone: I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and ADA Coordinator, Lake County ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost (352) 253-1604, at least seven (7) Ad No: 10012276 correct copy of the foregoing was P.O. Box 7800/550 to you, the provision of certain assis- days before your scheduled court ap- April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014 mailed this 2 day of April, 2014 to all W. Main Street tance. Please contact the Clerk of the pearance, or immediately upon re- parties on the attached service list. Tavares, FL 32778 Court's disability Coordinator at the ceiving this notification if the time be- Dated this 1 day of April, 2014. Phone (352) 253-1604 Office of the Trial Court Administra- fore the scheduled appearance is less tor, Lake County Courthouse; Post Of- than seven (7) days. If you are hear- NEIL KELLY DATED AT TAVARES, FLORIDA THIS fice Box 7800/550 W. Main Street, ing or voice impaired, call 771. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 10 DAY OF APRIL, 2014 Tavares, Florida 32778, Telephone: As Clerk of the Court (352) 253-1604, at least seven (7) Ad No: 10012252 BY: /s/A. Thigpen /S/D.NEAL days before your scheduled court ap- April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014 Deputy Clerk NEIL KELLY pearance, or immediately upon re- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ceiving this notification if the time be- MCCALLA RAYMER, LLC, ATTORNEY LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA fore the scheduled appearance is less FOR PLAIN TIFF than seven (7) days. If you are hear- 110 SE 6TH STREET ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF ing or voice impaired, call 771. FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301 MORRIS HARDWICK SCHNEIDER, LLC (407) 674-1850 5110 EISENHOWER BLVD STE 120 Ad No: 10012247 TAMPA, FL 33634 April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014 If you are a person with a disability who needs an accommodation in or- AD NO. 10011937 der to participate in a proceeding, you APRIL 12 & 19, 2014 are entitled, at no cost to you, the provision of certain assistance. Please con tact the ADA Coordinator at the Office of the Trial Court Admin- istrator, Lake County Courthouse; Post Office Box 7800/550 W. Main Street, Tavares, Florida 32778, Tele- phone: (352) 253-1604, at least seven (7) days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appear- ance is less than seven (7) days. If you are hearing or voice impaired, call 771. Ad No: 10012289 April 19, 2014 & April 26, 2014 Saturday,DAY, MONTH April XX, YEAR 19, 2014 DAILYDAILY COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL D5XX

NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION DAILY COMMERCIAL I, Ken Detzner, Secretary of State of CAL-MAINE FOODS, INC. MULTI MEDIA ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE LOOKING FOR A REWARDING CLERMONT HWY. 50 LEESBURG 2/2, Molakai Park 55+, the State of Florida, do hereby give has several processing positions CAREER? Before Groveland resident owned. Move in ready w/ca- notice that a GENERAL ELECTION will avail. in the Mascotte Area. Staring The #1 source for local news and Comfort Keep ers has im medi ate Mobile Homes For Sale, w/Owner Finance rport, extra shed & sun rm. Off 473. be held in LAKE County,State of Flor- salary $8.25 w/evalu ation at 90 information by consumers! interviews Call Rick 407-547-9394 54K Call (352) 253-0709 ida, on the FOURTH day of NOVEM- days for potential raise based on for CNAs/HHAs/Caregivers: •Remodeled 2br/1ba BER, 2014, A.D., to fill or retain the performance & skill. No exp. neces- The Daily Commercial , a division of Mon 4/21 & Tues 4/22: 3pm -6pm “LAST ONE” following offices: sary. These positions require pro- Halifax Media Group, is looking for a Wed 4/23 7:30am - 9:30am From $500 down ---$$450/month$$--- Representative in Congress: Districts longed standing & repetitive hand dynamic sales professional with Shifts available 7am -7pm, 5, 10 and 11 motions, & are on a rotated sched- 7pm-7am, 6pm-11pm, 11p-7am, Also Avail. - Handyman Special’s excellent customer service skills and •1 & 2br from ---$325/month$$--- Florida Cabinet - Governor ule of 32-40 hrs. wkly + over time, the drive to succeed. 7am-1pm, 1pm-7pm Florida Cabinet - Lieutenant Governor which may in clude some wknds & 906 Avenida Central, The Villages, For other rentals only Florida Cabinet - Attorney General holidays. Six paid holidays per year, You will be responsible for develop- Each office is independently Call 352-874-7375 Florida Cabinet - Chief Financial Of- excel benefits, paid vacation after 1 ing a customer base, building and owned/operated ficer yr. maintaining relationships with Questions call 352-331-7760 LADY LAKE/FRUITLAND PARK 2/1 Florida Cabinet - Commissioner of Ag- Fax resume to: 352-429-5526 accounts and prospects, as well as w/carport, new flooring,lg. kitchen, riculture or email to:[email protected] new product development. LPN, RN, PARAMEDIC & EMT lg. porch & fenced yard. $550/mo. State Senator: District 8 & X-RAY TECH./MA Just off 441. Owner will finance HANGING TIFFANY LAMP KIT full size. State Representative: Districts 31, 32 $3,500 down. 352-408-8562 ELECTRICIANS To be considered for this position, Needed for Busy Urgent Care. $60. 352-365-9076 and 33 for Commercial work, immediate you must have at least: Fifth District Court of Appeal: Reten- • One year of successful outside / Email to: LEESBURG 3/2, near mall. Nearly hire. Top Pay. New Publix SR 44 & medicalbillingtoday@ new dbl. wide. Upscaled appliances. tion of Seven Judges Powell Rd. Call 800-330-5945 inside sales experience. Circuit Judge, Fifth Judicial Circuit: • Media sales background Small dog considered w/dep. Carport, porches, $800/mo + $800 security. Groups 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, preferred. MA & RECEPTIONIST for med i cal of- 18, 21, 22, 27 and 28 • Excellent verbal and written Back ground & credit check. Non-smo- fice. Exp. Non Smoker preferred. ker. Call (352) 205-1234 County Judge: Group 3 communication skills. Please fax resume to attn. School Board: Districts 1, 3 and 5 REFRIGERATOR GE 18.2cu.ft. w/ice • Proficiency with Microsoft Office Melanie: 352-787-0370 LEESBURG, Sunnyside area 1/1 Cot- County Commissioner: Districts 2 and and the Internet. maker white. $65. 352-223-5711 4 tage on Lake Harris. $550/mo. $300 • The ability to meet sales goals. dep. 352-551-4222 Arlington Ridge Community Develop- • The talent to present multi-media MEDICAL ASST. OR RECEPTIONIST REFRIGERATOR Jenn Air, blk/almond ment District: Seats 2, 4 and 5 packages to fulfill client Fax resume to: 352-315-1141 sides, works great. $95 446-9486 Country Greens Community Develop- First Presbyterian Church, Leesburg, or email [email protected] RENTALS requirements. STOVE elec. Whirlpool cream color ment District: Seats 1 and 2 FL is cur rently hiring part-time wor- We will reward you with a LONG TERM & UNFURN. RENTALS IN SOUTH LAKE COUNTY. self cleaning. $50. 352-233-0464 Lake County Water Authority: Dis- ship staff in several areas: worship competitive salary and benefits RECEPTIONIST leadership, choral directing, praise ROCKER REALTY 352-394-3570 tricts: 2, 4 and At Large, District 2 package: major medical/dental, Needed Immediately FT for busy WASHER Whirlpool, good cond. $99. Lake Soil and Water Conservation team and band leadership, organist, 401(k), a great work envi ronment Ask for Janet or Emily doctor's office. Exp required. Call (229) 364-5089 District: Groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ac companist, solo performance, bell and more. Fax re sume to 352-323-9507. North Lake County Hospital District: choir direc tion, chil dren's music and Northeast Territory Seat 2 worship/music program develop- If you want to be part of the exciting North Lake County Hospital District: ment. Specific, well-defined job de- world of multi-media advertising, RN PPS/MDS CO-ORDINATOR Northwest Territory Seats 4 and 6 scriptions will be drafted according with an award winning company, FULL TIME LAKE EUSTIS to the skills and inter ests of pro- send you resume to: CARE CENTER Ad No.00428871 & 10011211 spective candidates. Persons with world of multi-media advertising, PRIOR EXPERIENCE IS ABSOLUTELY March 29 & April 19, 2014 any combi nation of the skilled listed with an award winning company, RE QUIRED AND VITAL. WE ARE are encour aged to apply. send you resume to: LOOKING FOR A TEAM PLAYER WHO IS LOOKING FOR A LONG Send resume to Tom Douglass at Daily Commercial LEESBURG 2/2, 55+ super nice WE BUY NEWER MODEL [email protected] 212 E. Main St., Leesburg, FL TERM COMMITMENT, ABIDES BY USED APPLIANCES & FURNITURE. OUR CODE OF CONDUCT WHICH IN- cond., Furn., pool, park activities. or 5618 Churchhill Drive, Royal 34748 7-12/mo. Call (352) 455-7747 CALL 352-314-6929 High lands, Lees burg, FL 34748 Attn: Advertising Director CLUDES SMILE, HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE, AND COMES TO WORK EXPECTING TO SERVE AND HELP GARAGE DOOR INSTALL & We are a dedicated EOE employer, committed to a diverse workplace. OTHERS. WAREHOUSE PERSON OUR FACILITY HAS EXCELLENT BEN- THE VILLAGES Successful candidates will require a pre-employment drug screen, EFITS, SO COME BE A PART OF OR Exp. or will train. Mechanical ability AWARD WINNING TEAM. & lifting required. Good driving criminal history, motor vehicle and work back ground check. EMAIL RESUME TO record & background. Loading & un- [email protected] loading trucks. Benefits available. FAX TO 352-357-2874, OR CLERMONT HWY. 50 GENTLEMAN, 70, Looking for Lady, RO-MAC LUMBER & SUPPLY APPLY IN PERSON AT Before Groveland companion to live in Michigan in 700 E. Main St. Leesburg, FL. IF YOU HAVE HAD SUCCESS IN 411 W WOODWARD AVE, Summer & Florida in Winter, have 2 34748 pest con trol sales, TV sales, or Mobile Homes For Sale, w/Owner Finance WINDOW A/C Frigidaire, like new. EUSTIS, FL 32726 Call Rick 407-547-9394 lovely homes to share. 434-8066. [email protected] mag azine sales. $500/wk + fuel & DFWP/EOE $50. Call 352-343-4518 Fax 352-787-9632 bonus. Call Mar vin to day: •Remodeled 2br/1ba EOE/DFWP 352-314-3625. Must have reliable “LAST ONE” transportation to use daily. X-RAY OPERATOR From $500 down ---$$450/month$$--- OR CHIROPRACTIC ASST. Also Avail. Handyman Special’s GOLF CART MECHANIC WITH X-RAY LICENSE F/T reliable long term employee. •1 & 2br from ---$325/month$$--- MVR required pending employment. Industry leader is looking for Needed for Busy Urgent Care. For other rentals only Apply in person ener getic and highly motivated Email to: Call 352-874-7375 Nobles Golf Cart Hwy 441, Leesburg OUTSIDE SALES PROFESSION ALS. medicalbillingtoday@ To ap ply visit LEESBURG For more information TAVARES Fri. & Sat. 8am - 2pm. Beverly Point, HOUSEKEEPER Mt. Dora Call 352.435.6616 $595/mo. Furn. Mosswood Dr. Lots of misc. 5/day, 40/hr. wk. Must like ani mals 352-343-7780 & have re cent ref's. 352-383-9193 LEESBURG, MOTIVATED SALES PERSON MOVING SALE. April 20-26th, 9-3pm. HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISOR Benefits, potential to make 507 Indian Ln. off Lone Oak to Ma- Full time, experience required. $100,000+ honey. Dealers welcome, new items Apply in person daily. Furn., collectibles & antiques. MAINTENANCE PERSON/ Harbor Hills Country Club, GROUNDSKEEPER 6538 Lake Griffin Rd, Lady Lake LEESBURG, Sat. & Sun. 8am - 3pm. 33911 Shady misc. work. Handyman exp. req'd FRUITLAND PARK near Villages. 30-35 hrs per week. Must be able to Acres Rd. Moving Sale. All must go. Female. Huge house. Util., Wi-Fi, Ton's tools & household goods. work wknds. cable, waterfalls incl. $530/mo. No Apply in person Monday 10am-5pm. smoke or pets. 352-326-5121 FRUITLAND PARK MOUNT DORA Quality Inn & Suites Fri. & Sat. 9am - 3pm, 802 N. Grand- 16630 Hwy. 441 West, Mt.Dora, FL PHILLIPS BUICK GMC TWIN PALMS MARINA 1 & 2 br. Mobiles newly renovated view St. Everything goes. Furn., elec- 2160 Hwy. 441 tronics, glassware, lots of household IF $150-$200 WOULD HELP YOU Fruitland Park fully furnished. All utilities included. Handout free newspapers at differ- Weekly & Monthly rates. No Deposit items. SUMTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Small dogs allowed. Old Florida Fish MAINTENANCE/ ent locations in our deliv ery area. MT. DORA 20-25 hrs./wk. Hours + commis- Camp with Convenience Store on GENERAL TECHNICIAN property."Laundromat Now On Fri. & Sat. 9am - 2pm. 1601 Moun- with the following qualifications: sion. Good for col lege students & re- tclair Court. tir ees. Will train & the right person. Premises". Call 352-787-4514 H.S. diploma or equivalent req'd. LEESBURG Valid Florida drivers license. Five (5) Must be clean cut & not afraid to TAVARES, talk. Sales experience a plus. Warehouses w/Offices April 19th. 8am - 3pm. Community yrs exp. in data installation req'd. LEESBURG - SPANISH VILLAGE 2315-25 Griffin Rd. 1,150 up to Demonstrated ability in the installa- Call Joseph 813-484-3766 or 1ST MO. FREE! Yard Sale at Ta vares Ridge Blvd. (off Ed 352-217-9937 12,400sf. Starts at $395/mo. Woodlea Rd.) tion and main te nance of fire alarm Pool, great location! Office/Showroom s y s t e m s , t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , a n d Furn. Efficiency, incl. PT DRIVER 1607 Hwy. 441 $850/mo computer network ing necessary. ROOFERS EXPERIENCED util. & cable. $700/mo. 352-787-0004 Exp. with fiber optic cabling req'd. Established roofer in The Villages, Busy dealership looking for a part 2/1 apt. $600/mo. Knowl edge of wireless sys tems re- Leesburg & Fruitland Park area. time driver. Duties entail delivering Furn. $700/mo. + util. q'd. Electronic Control System Seeking Exp. roofers only to begin golf carts in The Vil lages while pro- 352-728-5555 knowledge req'd. Such additional or work immeidately. viding excel. customer service. Must have a valid driver's license. Pay a l t e r n a t i v e q u a l i f i c a t i o n s a s t h e Call 352-751-1471 TAVARES Board may find appropriate and ac- plan based on exp. MEN'S DRESS PANTS (10) size 36 Apply in person: $595/mo. Furn. from Bealls. $50. 352-748-2415 ceptable. 8 hrs/ day, 250 days/yr, 352-343-7780 $18.12/hr plus exp. increments. SCHOOL BUS 2505 Industrial St. DRIVERS NEEDED Leesburg, FL 34748 TUXEDO SIZE 42/44 complete. $80 Apply online at Call 352-750-2275 Training provided. Lake County Schools, UMATILLA, Furn. Adult Studio $550 & Transportation 1 br $575, incl. util. No pets. 352-728-2561 or 352-250-4711 ULTIMATE CONTRACT Apply online: CLEANING COMPANY We have a part time cleaning posi- tion available in the Tavares area. The hours are 6pm - 11pm on Mon- day - Satur day. 20 hours per week. Must have commer cial cleaning exp. AMERICAN SWEETHEART DISHES great attitude, mature/clean ap- QUALIFIED CDL A DRIVERS Monax 30 pcs assorted, Half price pearance. Drug free workplace and 2 YEARS EXPERIENCE (GOOD MVR) $200. 321-947-4746 back ground check req'd. No touch freight, assigned CLERMONT HWY. 50 equipment, great driver support, CHINA SET of 12, serving pieces, Contact Dan Ger meroth @ Before Groveland w/24 cups. Sanyo Versaille pattern. 352-753-8653 Sunstate Carriers is looking weekly pay, direct dep., health ins, paid holidays & vacation. Mobile Homes For Sale, w/Owner Finance $120 Call (352) 315-4223 to fill 3 positions: Call Rick 407-547-9394 •TRACTOR DIE SEL ME CHANIC •Remodeled 2br/1ba WAREHOUSE/MAINTENANCE EXP'D •TRAILER MECHANIC - EXP'D “LAST ONE” POSITION - FULL TIME From $500 down ---$$450/month$$--- Responsible for warehouse, vehicle •NIGHT FOREMAN Benefits Available. Also Avail. Handyman Special’s and fa cility mainte nance, in ventory •1 & 2br from ---$325/month$$--- manage ment and stocking ware- Email resumes to: CLERMONT HWY. 50 [email protected] Call for more details. For other rentals only house and vehicles, material pro- 800-456-2336 X 114 Before Groveland TELEVISION SONY 57" HDTV, rear pro- curement and deliveries. Must be No Phone Calls Please. Call 352-874-7375 Mobile Homes For Sale, w/Owner Finance jection. $60 Call (352) 771-5654 able to handle minor repairs on fa- Call Rick 407-547-9394 WORD PROCESSOR Brothers cility and vehi cles. Must be have a TECHNICIAN NEEDED for control EUSTIS •Remodeled 2br/1ba team attitude, good driving record, valve repair, Call 352-483-0008 DP-5040C J, Desktop Publisher, All Remodeled Apts! “LAST ONE” never used . $75. 352-383-2644 computer skills, good organizational 3 Bedrooms From $500 down ---$$450/month$$--- skills and self starter. TOLL COLLECTOR - IMMED. HIRING Special starting at $675 Also Avail. Handyman Special’s Apply in per son at Call 407-367-7517 Only $350 Dep. Pet OK •1 & 2br from ---$325/month$$--- Pipeline Mechanical 325-357-5675 For other rentals only 30901 Suneagle Dr. VILLAGE PET SPA OF LADY LAKE Call 352-874-7375 Mount Dora, Fl 32757 is now hiring Certified Vet Tech. for LAKE GRIFFIN LAKE FRONT with dock M-F 9am - 4pm EOE/DFWP BUSY INTERNAL part time Kennel Asst. & Groomer. MEDICINE PRACTICE Nice! Spa cious 1/1. Adult. $650/mo. Call 352-751-5711 or is looking for a full-time + dep. 352-728-3032 Email: [email protected] Medical Billing Personnel. Min. 1 yr. experience in medical GENERAL billing is required. AFFORDABLE BEDDING 2255 Please send all resumes to: at our newest EMPLOYMENT (352) 728-8030 or MATTRESS MARKET Email to: OUTLET SHOWROOM PUBLISHER’S NOTICE [email protected] OWNER WILL FINANCE 9900 Hwy 441 Leesburg FL $3,500 down. Lady Lake/Fruitland 352-460-4816 M-S 10-7 S-12-6 Federal and State laws prohibit LEESBURG 2/1.5. 352-728-1955 GOLF CART TECH - PT Pk. 2/1 w/ carport, new flooring, lg. We buy manufacturers overstock employment advertising kitchen, & porch & fenced yd. $550. and pass the savings on to you Good mechanical skills. CNA FT 7-3 AND 11-7 LEESBURG Clean & quiet 2BR's Call 352-516-2657 Just off 441. 352-408-8562 Stearns & Foster, Sealy, expressing a discriminatory RN LPN CNA PT WEEKENDS $495-$595/mo. Incl. water! Walk to Simmons, Gel Memory Foam APPLY IN PERSON M-F 8AM-3PM preference on the basis of downtown Main St.! 352-326-8815 TAVARES 90 days same as cash LAKE EUSTIS CARE CENTER no credit check - delivery available. race, age, sex, color, national 411 W. WOOD WARD AVENUE $595/mo. Furn. origin, religion, handicap EUSTIS, FL DFWP/EOE LEESBURG SERENITY APARTMENTS 352-343-7780 712 W. Oak Terrace Dr CHAIR Eastlake antique carved. Ask- or marital material status. The Star 2BR - 1BA and 2BR - 1.5BA ing $40. Call 352-326-8490 Banner/Gainesville Sun DENTAL ASSISTANT Newly Renovated. Energy Efficient. Bookkeeper Accounts Payable Experienced only. $15/hr. Income Qualifications. Immed. Occu pancy CHINA CABINET mahogany, large, in- will not knowingly accept FT position at a mid-sized health- laid glass. $30 obo. 352-431-3980 Fax resume to: 352-787-9036 Call Patty 352-360-0041 advertisement for employment care or gani zation. Great Plains and NO PHONE CALLS Excel experience a plus. 2 years ex- VISIT TODAY! CHINA CABINETS (3) lighted glass which is in violation of the law. perience required. shelves & curved glass. $300 Call Employment Advertising Apply online with LifeStr eam at FRONT DESK SUPERVISOR LYN TERRACE ALTOONA big 3/2 triple wide. Eat in (352) 315-4223 DFWP/EOE with billing exp. For busy Urgent kitchen, new laminate floors, deck, Standards of Acceptance Eustis COFFEE TABLE & 2 END TABLES Care. Must have excel. typing skills 352-357-7332 1/3 ac. $6,000 down, $750/mo. Employment Classifi cations & professional demeanor. 352-383-8827 truck style w/storage. Dark wood, ex- cel. cond. $300 Call (352) 321-4106 are intended to announce Email to: Great Move-In [email protected] CLERMONT HWY. 50 bona fi de employment offers Specials & Free Gifts! COUCH brown leather, hide-a-bed. *1 & 2 Bedroom Units Before Groveland only. Employment advertising Mobile Homes For Sale, w/Owner Finance Clean. $75 Call (352) 460-4213 HOUSEKEEPING PT WKNDS *All 1st Floor - No Stairs! must disclose the specifi c Call Rick 407-547-9394 DINING ROOM SET table 52"x38" EXP PREFERRED •Remodeled 2br/1ba nature of the work being APPLY IN PERSON Tavares 1/1 Fully remodeled Down- w/4 chairs. $225 obo. 352-343-5793 “LAST ONE” offered. Some employment 8:30am - 3pm, M - F town $525/mo + 400 deposit. Call LAKE EUSTIS CARE CENTER 352-552-0181 From $500 down ---$$450/month$$--- DINING TABLE w/6 chairs. Broyhill & categories may charge fees. 411 W. WOODWARD AVE. Also Avail. Handyman Special’s china cabinet. $250 352-748-9185 If any advertiser does not EUSTIS, FL DFWP/EOE •1 & 2br from ---$325/month$$--- For other rentals only FUTON, w/inner spring mattress, comply with these standards, wood & metal frame. Like new. $150 Call 352-874-7375 please notify a Classifi ed Sales Call (337) 501-2198 Representative at 732-9565 or      Untitled 372-4222.

THRIFT STORE MANAGER LEESBURG rent/sale/lease options, in Leesburg 2/2, 55+ Ground floor, pool, ca- Eustis ------ble/wa ter/appl. incl. 352-357-9305 art#: Applicants must have at 1 Bedroom , Private Patio least five (5) successful years of order#: work experience in a supervisory, 1 Story, Walk to Publix retail position. 2 X 2.125 ------Bring This Ad To Receive $37,000 Annually Black A/C POSITIONS Full-Time $100 OFF HVAC-R Service Techs, HVAC Install EXCELLENT BENEFITS      Mechanics & Helpers. LEESBURG rent/sale/lease options, First Full Month Rent Commercial & Residential. APPLY IN PERSON:   2/2, 55+ Ground floor, pool, ca- Apply 8am-4pm, 27900 US Hwy 27, Leesburg FL    ble/wa ter/appl. incl. 352-357-9305 1651 N. County Rd 19A, Pipeline Mechanical 30901 Suneagle Dr., Position open until filled   LEESBURG, 2/1, part. furn, W/D, Eustis Fl 32726 Mt Dora FL 32757 or CHA, WI-FI basic cable. Fax Resume to (352)385-0199 EOE/DFWP    352-326-4049 352-357-7332 D6DAY, MONTH XX, YEAR DAILYDAILY COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL Saturday, April 19, 2014XX

SHIH-TZU PUPPIES ready for Easter. MODEL 94, 32 WINCHESTER Spe cial, ANY JUNK CAR CASH. FREE PICK BILL’S MOVING ~ FL Reg. #2095 Pure breed, parents registered, males 1 box ammo. $325. 352-408 3977 UP! Call 352-771-6191 Owner on Every Job, Lic. & ins. LA-Z-BOY COUCH, pale green. $75 WALKER 4 wheels & seat. new. & females. $600. Call for details. Fair Rates since 1984 Call 352-793-1285 $49.95. 352-383-2093 352-255-4928 MOSSBERG 500C 18.5" barrel & pis- 352-669-4456 LEATHER SOFA/LOVE SEAT/ tol grip. $200. SOLD 1ST DAY! CHAIR/OTTOMAN SET. $650. Excel. WHEELCHAIR excel cond, light cond. 352-602-7990 weight, desk arms. $350. 243-1496 RUGER SUPER Black Hawk, 44 mag. 5.5 bar rel, w/Cowboy type hol ster & LOVE SEATS (2) matching, excel. 250 rounds of ammo. Like new. cond. light color. $400. $775. 352-988-4599 • 98 TOYOTA 4 Runner LTD. 352-321-4106 Loaded, moon roof, Very Good SCOPE 3X9X32 Centerpoint. Excel. Cond. $4,995 MULTI MEDIA CENTER Oak, 4 pcs. cond. $35 SOLD • 01 BUICK Century Custom. 51K Two Brothers Moving1 Room or Full $900. 352-602-7990 Org. mi! Super Cond. $4,950 WINCHESTER 12, 16 guage, Excel House FL. Reg. #IM1539 Russell & • 02 NISSAN Pathfinder SE. Nicely Todd Franks Li c./Ins. 352-793-8960 SECTIONAL SOFA earth tone color. cond. $425 or trade. SOLD loaded SUV! $3,995 $75 Call 352-259-2769 BICYCLE 3 wheel, heavy duty, 500 lb. • 03 LINCOLN Town Car Cartier. SOFA RECLINER on each end. Beige BASE GUITAR & Epiphone Amp. Good capacity $250 Call 343-6608 Very Good Cond. & Loaded. pat tern. $100 Call (352) 343-3577 shape. $150 obo. Call 352-343-6608 Moon roof. $4,200 BICYCLE Sun 7005 alum. 21 speed • PT CRUISER Touring. All power, SOFA, White w/Scotchguard, some new cond. Org. price $280, asking brand new tires! $4,320 wear. $100 obo. 352-267-2732 $140. 352-315-1612 For more info or a test drive, COACHMAN '96, 31' 37,335 mi., please call 326-3031 or visit BICYCLES 3 wheel, rebuilt. Large seat sleeps 6. $10,000. 352-343-4553 & basket. $150 Call 352-343-6608 BUICK Park Avenue Ultra, '01 pearl white. Runs great. $2500. 315-4223 HOT TUB Blue Ridge by Jacuzzi, 5 seater. $500 as is. (352) 530-7522 FORD '00 Focus 2dr, 109K mi. good cond. $2,100. SOLD! WE BUY NEWER MODEL HYUNDAI, ELANTRA, '05, White, HOT TUB, 6 person used 3 times, sur- 110K mi. Auto, A/C, good cond. USED APPLIANCES & FURNITURE. round deck. $2,000. 352-319-9979 CALL 352-314-6929 $3,150. Call 818-357-1945 Lee FORD 1986, 30', 55K miles. $4500 obo, Call (260) 925-5104 KIA SEDONA, good cond. A/C, new ti- WICKER CHEST white, 5 drawers, ex- res. $3,000 Call 352-461-8255 cel cond. $80. 352-246-9948 STEP FOR RV, Stronberg-Carlson. BASS BOAT 16' low line. Many extras. Used twice. $55 Call (352) 638-3060 35hp. Asking $2000. 260-925-5104 CENTURY '98 18', 130hp Yamaha. Alum drive on trailer. MiniKota, rip- SINCE 1987 M-1 CARBINE, 30 caliber. World War tide. 80 lb. thrust. depth finder, GPS. KILEY & SONS, INC. II issue. Call between 10am - Mount Dora. $7,900 obo 636-3283 A Full Service Plumbing Company. 7:30pm. (352) 742-5074 TOYOTA '87 AS IS, Mid-size. New Tires. $950 FIRM SOLD Lake 787-1904 - Sumter 748-9500 GLASS STREAM 14' fiberglass. 60hp Mercury, fully loaded for fishing & VISIT OUR ONSITE SHOWROOM. CANOPY TENT 10'X10', brand new, pleasure. Excel shape, w/trailer. retail $360. & bag chair $145 Call 24 Hr. Emergency Service TOW HITCH car mounted, w/cover. $2700 Call 352-669-3286 (352) 638-3060 Lic#CFC1426882 Excel cond. $150 (352) 638-3060 STORM HULE 1989, w/150hp CHACAS from all over America. $40. Johnson. Asking $2,500 obo. 352-308-9415 352-460-3916 LOOM all accessories & thread. $250 Call (352) 315-4223 WE BUY NEWER MODEL SINGER, Feather Weight, runs great. USED APPLIANCES & FURNITURE. $352. 352-751-0369 CALL 352-314-6929 SUITCASE, Rome roller w/pull han dle, CRAB & SHRIMP TRAPS & 3'x5' #1 IN ROOFING excel. shape. $45. 352-408-5357 shrimp net. $90. 352-455-8339 Villages Roofing & Construction Inc. *Leak Repairs *Shingles/Flat Roof. FISH FINDER Raymarine, Model *Lifetime Metal Roofs. Free Roof Est. PETS DS400X. $100 Call Andy 267-4632 352-314-3625. Lic. #CCC1329936 6865 SOCIAL SECURITY HARLEY DAVIDSON. '07 Road King DISABLITY The Florida Statute 828.29 Classic 2,929 org. mi., org. owner Contact us if your claim has been LAWN MOWER VACUUM ATTACH- $13,500. 630-577-7590 denied or if you need help. MENT, Crafts man Soft Top 80MPH states that no dog, puppy, Over 30 yrs. exp.No fees or costs suction. $600 obo. 352-669-9341 cat or kitten may be offered JACKET biker ladies, petite med. unless your claim is approved. for sale without a health Wrangler. $45. Call 352-315-1612 Cooper Consulting LEAF BLOWER Homelite, good cond. 2228 South St., Leesburg $45. 352-324-2173 certifi cate, nor can any puppy STATIONARY BIKE Proform, excel. TRIKE handsome red Gold Wing, 352-728-5552 or kitten be sold under the cond. $50 Call 352-589-5988 27K mi. Loaded,w/extras, reverse, MOWER Murray, 22", gas, self pro- MCHALE ROOFING INC pelled, good. $95 352-728-2534 age of 8 weeks, nor can you heated seat & grips. etc. Looks new. Asking $26,000 352-787-7279 Re-Roofs and Repairs, Tile, Metal, advertise puppies or kittens Shingles Flat Roofs & Mobile Homes ROTOTILLER Craftsman, dual rotating Excel. Ref’s Lic & Ins. CCC1328197 rear, 850. Ex cel. $450 352-589-5988 with a deposit to hold. Call 352-255-2758 STRING TRIMMER RYOBI, runs great. $45 Call (352) 450-7661

CLUB CAR 2 seats w/long top & cur- tains. Very good cond. $1995 obo Call 352-326-9160 TIRES. (4) Goodyear Eagles P255/45/19, 60-70%. $150. E-Z-GO Marathon, 36V, lights, heavy 352-551-3036 BIRD CAGE lg. for bird or sm. animal. duty charger. $1100 343-6608 $100 obo Call (352) 617-1999 TOOL BOX alum. for pickup. $40 Call BELT SANDER SKIL 3"x21", 50 yrs 352-669-5226 old runs great. SKIL SAW Milwaukee LARRY GOUGH 7 1/4" 50 yrs old. All metal runs like HANDYMAN SERVICE new. $100. 352-253-9359 Reliable, Dependable! One call does it all! Li c/Ins. 352-409-4059 CONTRACTORS TABLE SAW 10" by •Land Clearing •Tree Removal Rockwell. $90. 352-343-3978 GLOCK 40 caliber, 2 magaiznes & •Trimming & Shaping case. Like new. $525. 352-360-3398 PAINTING & HANDYMAN INTERIOR/EXTERIOR. •Hauling & Stump •Grinding PORTABLE CEMENT MIXER 3.5cu.ft. LABRADOR PUPPIES (3) females, blk, UTILITY TRAILER 6'X9', tilt bed. 5" Free Est. **SPECIALS** elec., good cond. $199. 8 wks, shots, ACA registered. Health KIMBER 45 ACP compact pro carry. gal vanized channel, 15" tires. $595. PRESSURE WASHING 352-394-5191 certs. $500 each. (352) 702-1336 $1100 Call 407-814-1513 Call (352) 742-5074 Call Doug 352-350-4546 52-267-5720 Untitled Untitled art#: art#: order#: order#: 3 X 10.6 3 X 10.6 Black Black LARGEST PRE-OWNED INVENTORY IN CENTRAL FLORIDA

* 2004 MerCurY grand MarQuIs stK#s14196a ...... $4,988 * 2003 KIa OptIMa stK#140749a...... $5,882 * 2005 CHrYsler tOWn & COuntrY stK#140184a...... $6,025 * 2002 HOnda OdYsseY ex stK#140734a ...... $6,271 * 2003 MaZda trIBute es stK#s14378a ...... $6,435 * 2004 BuICK CenturY stK#s131006a ...... $6,496 * 2006 fOrd fOCus Zx5 stK#Kp2465a ...... $6,882 * 2005 CHeVrOlet IMpala stK#140944a ...... $6,882 * 2007 HYundaI aCCent gs stK#140874g ...... $6,886 * 2004 BuICK lesaBre CustOM stK#140797a ...... $6,988 * 2004 Jeep lIBertY spOrt stK#140419a ...... $7,284 * 2006 KIa sedOna stK#s14410a ...... $7,882 * 2007 HYundaI entOurage stK#140521a ...... $7,882 * 2005 BMW 3 serIes 325i stK#s14262C ...... $9,292 * 2008 fOrd fusIOn sel stK#sC2436B ...... $9,878 * 2006 Jaguar s-tYpe 3.0 stK#150041a ...... $9,882 * 2008 sCIOn xB stK#141053a ...... $9,952 * 2008 tOYOta prIus stK#140620a ...... $10,388 * 2004 tOYOta taCOMa stK#sC2474a ...... $10,473 * 2006 tOYOta sIenna stK#s14344a ...... $10,984 * 2008 CHrYsler pt CruIser stK#140833a ...... $11,282 FREE WASH & VAC 8730 US HWY 441 • LEESBURG, FL WITH TEST DRIVE OF ANY NEW OR PREOWNED VEHICLE IN STOCK Valid only at Bill Bryan Subaru. 888-904-9858 Expires 5/15/14 *plus tax, tag and $599 dealer fee.