— ^— THl CAHOLIHA TIMES ------lA -D U R H A M , N. C. tATUKDAY, APRIL 1). !N 9 NCC Track Team Captures South Carolina Open SPORTSCOOP Florida Finishes NCC Sprinters Carry Track Team to Easy Victory Durham Softball Leagues Prep Robinson and McLendon Second Withoul North Carolina Collejse’s track: The highlights of the afternoon relay. Dickie Hearn, Ardraore, Pr., team, rclyins on api'ints and re-1 was the Eagles’ 3:17.5 clocking in iunior, won both of the hurdles For Season; Slow Pitch Starts Wed. !ay teams, piled 86 1/3 points to | the mile relay. Edwin Roberts, n'ents, covering the route in 14.0 Robert Hayes vin a triangular track meet over brilliant quarter-miler from Jama- in the 120 and 41.4 seconds In thi Play in one of the Durham era. The Bombers are the let. Blaze Sports Trail St. Augustine’s College and Shaw | ica, covered his quarter in u intermediate hurdles. loftball Recreation leagues waa | gue’s defending champion*. North Carolina College’s University Saturday, March 23 at smooth 47.S clocking. Coach Walker was well pleased icheduled to start next Wednes­ On next Wednesday, this lea­ By JOHN B. HCNDERSON spring sports team warmed up Durham’s O’Kelly Field. It was 1 The Eagles captured firat in with his charges’ performances anc day while action in two others gue sv'lngs into action with for the coming championships East End going against the The only Negroes to ever tion and health, he first outdoor meet of the 1963 the 120-yard high hurdles, (print said that he expects them to im­ will begin soon* by racking up two victories Eklward 9oyd, commissioner Turks in a first gam e at 7:30 coach a major league cage Robinson has been sought by reason for the Eagles. | medley relay, 440>yard relay, one prove as the season progresses. during the week. of the league, reported this and the Agents meeting the team are Ermer Robinson and the Minneapolis Lakers as a Coach Leroy T. Walker's thin- mile run, 880 yard relay, broad “We’re working t&’*'ards a possi­ week that the eight Jteam “Bill Kings a* 9 p. m. All slow pitch former North Carolina College coach since the Oakland Oaks The tennis team, under the dads captured 10 first placps In jump, intermediate hurdles, half' ble 3:10 timing for our mile re- Jones’ slQw pitch league will games will be played at Hlllsiue cage mentor Johnny McLcn- collapsed leaving him withoC., tutelage of coach James W. brecring to their easy victory, mile, 110-yard dash, and the mile lay team,’’ Walker said. swing int6 action next Wednes-, park this year, don. McLendon directed the a major league job. Eventual­ Younge, easily took the measure dav with all eight teams In play i On Friday night, April 19, ill-fated Pipers and ly he hopes to wind up in the of Livingstone (6-0) and Fay- i during the week. 1 the Bombers will meet the Robinson who piloted the now front office of some basket- j ®^teville (7-0) last weejt. Six teams have l>een entered Tigers at 7:30 and the Rangers extinct Oakland Oaks of the ball club. Good luck, Robbie. i NCC’s track team, a pereh -1 ill-fated American And Sportscoop tips its hat to *>ially strong outfit, received i in the Woman’s League and ac- plav the Socialites at 9 p. m. League. two firi' contributors to the af>°ther set of spearkling per-j tlon' will begin among the girls ^ The six teams in the girls leo* shortly, Boyd announced. . gue are as follows: North Caro- Although the areas in which world of sports. I formances from their baton i A meeting was scheduled for lina Mutual, Blue Bells, Creed- the gentlemen were once » • • passers to capture the South I mid-week to organize a schedule moor Warriers, Crest, St., North engaged is now defunct both Speaking of feats as well as Carolina State Open Invitation -1 for play in the Harris Commu- Durham Knicks and West Dur- are still active otherwise in character, this guy Willie Mays track meet at Orangeburg | sports activities. has both. At the Giants train-1 Saturday. | nity league. The meeting will ham. The 38-year-old Robinson ing site in Arizona, the $100,- Eagle thinclads won four | be held at White Rock Baptist North Durham is defending has the distinction of having 000 salaried centered fielder relay events, picked up victor- ■ Church Comfnunity Center. champion. been the first Negro to coach who is the highest paid player three hurdles, the high The eight teams in the slow Boyd said the Midget an"*! pitch league are the Bombers. Pony League will t>e organized a major league basketball in the National League iter- broad jumps and the 440- East End, 'Turks, Agents, Kings later and begin play after school team. Robinson coached the ated, “To be No. 1, t h a t ’s run to rack up 57 points in wln- Tigers, Socialites and the Rang- closes fgr the sumnfier. world famous Harlem Golbe- som ething. I feel U is a great ” ing. tro tters from 1946 through honor, b u t it is also a re-1 Florida A. and M., which had 1953. sponsibility ... j to run without the services of, Robinson did most of his “I feel it’s up to me to show world record sprinter Bob Hayes, | playing for the world famous leadership. I know other play- finished second with 54 pomts. j Florida A&M Playmakers Score basketball magicians and has ers watch me to see what I do, Others finishing in order v/ere | been closely associated with and I’ve got to set an example.: follows: , founder-owner Sometimes when I have a per-' Johnson C. Smith, 27; Allen On Tour of European Theaters of the club. sonal problem I feel I can’t let University, 21 and Fayetteville, TALLAHASSEE — The Florida I others know and I keep it in- 14. O ther teams entered in th e | Johnny B. McLendon, the A. and M. University Playmak side me. When I feel bad meet were Morris Brown. A. second distinguished Negro to ers Guild has scored a hit with I N. C. High School sometimes I try to joke and and T. College and South Caro-^ coach basketball professionally, members of the U. S. Armed For­ keep others in good spirits, j State. ! has returned to Tennessee A. ces and their families serving In Press Confab No matter how I feel, I always Summaries from NCC w n*i and I. State University as co­ Europe. Because of its enormous ordinator of athletics, recrea­ hustle ' ning events are as follows: At NCC Friday 440—Amos (NCC), Conway | success, the U. S. Department of Defense has announced the tour (FSTC,) Kelly (Fla.) 51.4 i ^ Airfnvimatelv 300 hif!h school United Golfers Set Tournament Dates 120 High H urdles — Richard has been extended an additional iournallsts from various parts of Hearn (NCC,) and Blackshearj week. North Carolina will meet in a one- WASHINGTON, D. C. — The Philadelphia, Pa.; June 9, Par The group was scheduled to give (Morris Brown) 15.0 Hnv confpri’ncp snnneAred ^v the United Golfers Association Tee Golf Club; June 15-16, Del- seven weeks of performances and 330 Intermediate Hurdle* — | 54 to claim the club hop Ward, Hollis Vinos, Jasper Hill, Bobby McNair and Malvin matic Mat^ials op April 16 or 17. | which includes various phases .if NCAA College Divis'cn Regional championship. Members of the McCormick and (coach) David Par Barbee. \ performance is tentatively production: and basic instructlcr. Rumor He'll Quit: Meet on Gridiron Championships a n d the CIAA scheduled for Philadelphia on in taking and processing photo- PETERSBURG, Va. — The Championships will tske place at Watkins To Captain April 18, Dr. Edmonds said the graphs. JACKSON. Miss — “Bi3 ■Khn” I first'meeting between Virginia Virginia State College s Rogers nerformers Will return to Talla j Consultants v'ill be publication!; Merritt, Head Football Coach «t State and its r’ster institution, Staaium as part of the current Virginia Footballers Southern Cops Top Entertainers hassee on April 19. '■ advisers and professional journal Jackson State College, went about rJorfolk State in football his­ spring program, William M. Ben­ The group left here February ists. PETERSBURG, Va. — Joseph the task of trying to find replace­ tory, will highlight the eight- nett, Virginia State College track 19 for Paris. Dr. Edmonds joined! Conducting the yearbook clinic Watkins, 220 lb. end, has been ments for men lost from his 1962 game Virginia State College coach, announced this week. The the Playtnakers a ’ week la ter., will be A. M. Rivera and' C. R. elected to Captain the 1963 Florida Relays Plug for UNCF squad with quit calm. grid schedule. NCAA Atlantic Coast Regional Since arriving In Paris, they have Stanback. American Yearbook Co Virginia State College football NEW YORK — Eight well- The Trojans,, winners of only Meet, set for May 25, returns to TALLAHASSEE F !i. — South­ been giving six performances a representatives, known personalities, represent­ On the I WJfht games last season, State for its second straight year. team . ern University walker! away with week in. military Installations in i Newspaper consultants will be Watkins, a nineteen year old ing the fields of entertainment, ^e le*^|^^ae«^^uV ranked first among the na- The Central Intercollegiate Ath the Florida A. and u'i. University Europe. 1 Miss Flora Snipes, adviser, Hill junior who stands 6-6, is a literature, business and govern­ of ht«*1eS%'ing Jackson State •*'here I small colleges in total letic Association Championships' Relays here last week in the They are presenting Langston side Hieh School. Durham; Mrs during the past two seasons he graduate of Hamilton High ment, have recorded appeals on team defense, will open Octo- will be run May 10 and 11 with Spring Sports Carnival. The Ja­ Hughes’ “Simply Heavenly." a sat-, Vera Mann, adviser, Nash Central won nine and lost three as he won . School in Memphis, Tenn. behalf of the United Negro Col­ ber 5 at Howard in Washington, State serving as host. guar Cats from Baton Rouge, La. ire on Negro life in Harlem, and | High School. Nashville; Miss Jiun back-to-back S W A C champion-; The rangy flanker vvas in and lege F und’s 1963 campaign. They b. C. Other meets set for the Trojans amassed 108 points to win the an “ShffAtlme,” a variety show. B oth' K. Norris, adviser NCC Cam^ut ships. His 1961 squad lost to out of the Trojan lineup last will be broadcast by radio sta­ T he Schedule — Oct. 5, at include: nual event. Host FAMU Was sec­ productions were staged and i Echo; Charles Barbour, city editor, year because of several injuries, tions across the country. Soutnern University in regular | Oct. 12. Shaw; Oct. 19, April 12—Virginia State Invita­ ond with 49 points. adapted tor the tour by director Durham Morning Harald; Clathan season play and to Florida A. and but has reported to the current Mitch Miller, Dizzy Gillespie. at North Carolina; Oct. 26, at tional. Seven meet records were broken Edmonds. Ross •diter. The Carolina ’Times; M. in the Orange Blossom Classic spring practice drills in top Jack Benny and Odetta are the ^ Hampton; Nov. 2, Virginia April 20—Hampton Institute In with the Cats smashing five. Thia is the second overseas tour Elton Casey, staff ‘writer, Durham show-business celebrities speak­ His 1962 squad was al.so defeated i ^nion (Homecoming): Nov. 9. vitational, at Hampton Institute. physical shape. Southern took first place in 14 of for the Florida A- and M. Pla/ Sun; Stanley; and Harold W. Alex­ ing for the Fund’s 20th annual by Southern, but reversed the out | jjov. 16, A. and April 26-27—Penn Relays, a* ‘he 20 events; the' second place makers Guild. ander, NCC News Bureau director „ 1 , . t- 1 , JI appeal, now under way. Both come of the Orange Blossom Clas | ^ ^3, at Morgan. Philadelphia, Pa. who is acting as exacutive secre­ SIC by defeating the Rattlers 22-6.^ ______I!!!! ..P.®"®® and Odetta recorded May 4—At Howard University Fort Valley State had two. tary for the publications grOup. On the strength of this victory,] their appeals against back­ Washington, D. C. Powell Cited at Abraham Hardy of Southern Jackson Students To James E. Parker, director of the Tigers were acclaimed Nation­ grounds of musical excerpts broke the one-mile run mark with the NCC Audio-Visual Center, will from their famous record al­ Serve As Counselors al Negro football Champions. a run of 4:24.3. The Louisiana bums. At Summer Camps be the consultant in photography Spring drills have put the spot­ Gibson Bowling A&T Sports Fete sprint medley team set another (or both yearbook and newspaper Commenting on how many light on Bennie Crenshaw, 6’ 2," mark of 10:37.5. Other records set groups. GREENSBOKO Skill in play graduates of UNCF colleges he JACKSON, Miss. — Three 196-pound quarterback from Mo­ Golf Tourney at by Southern 'iVere. Wendell. Price’s took a back seat last week as the meets during his travels, Miller students from Jackson State! bile who throws a football like he Lanes Agent 1:55.2 in the 880-yard run; Richard A. and T. College basketball team, notes they are serving the na­ College, all members of the does a baseball (a few days before Ross' 6’9'8 '’ in the high jump; NEW YORK—American Bowl­ which this season placed second tion as scientists, teachers, Henderson McKinney Sunday | this was written Crenshaw let Norfolk Apr. 13 ind Dic:< Jackson's 52'2” in the ing Enterprises, Rochester, New in final conference standings and lawyers and diplomats. Benny School, have been accepted ^or Jackson Wins Southern Jaguar Cats do^n with shot put. York, has retained D. Parke Gib- The Second Annual Old Domin­ took consolation honors in th? emphasizes that a contribution work thia summer as junior •ne hit, beating them 1-0 as he Frank Murray of Florida A. and .son Associates, marketing special ion Golf Tournament will be held CIAA Tournanfient, was honored to the College Fund is a sound camp counselors and staff mem­ scored Jackson's lone run); T. B M. set a record in the two-mile Ists of New York City, to provide at Stumpy Lake Golf Course. Nor­ at a dinner, meeting. investment in a strong America. bers. The students are Misses Doubleheader Ellis. Jr., who did most of Jack­ run by going the dl.stance in 9:28. services for the company’s eight folk, Va., April 13 ana 14, 1933. instead, other qualities, also im Harry Golden, columnist, Beverly Bowser, Evelyn Hall. | JACKSON, Miss. — Jackson son’s kicking last season, was a ?. The previous best time was 9:- bowling centers in the Southeast The tournam ert will have a pro portant in athletics, scholarship, editor, and author of best-seller and Pauline Pearson. They will state College won a double* good enough signal caller in high )4.0. Chuck Moseley set the other American Bowling Enterprises division with a $500.00 pro purse, conduct, dccorum, fai;- play and “Only in America”, and Bennett be working under the Steward- • header from Texas Southern school to be selected to the All- •elay mark in the javelin at 205'- operates the following bawling men's amateur division with a ready smile, were rewarded. Cerf, “What’s My Line?” TV ship Council of the United Ulniversity here Saturday. Tht Star squad. Ellis’ Jim Hill High 4”. lanes in the South: Fun Bowl, At­ flights, a women’s division with Leading the list of honorees was panelist, and president of the Church of Chriat with head- Tigers won the first game of School squad won 11 games, in­ Points scored in the relays lanta; Hi Hate Lanes, Savannah; 2 flights and a senior men's divi senior co captain Jerry Powell, publishing firm. Random House, quarters at Philadelphia, Penn- two 6-0 as Bennie Crenshaw and cluding the Big Eight Champion- were: Southern 108; FAMU, 49; Star Bcrjirl, Birmingham; Pinnacle sion with a flight for men ovei benched in mid-season with a fool make up the literary contingent. aylvania. In a series of camps Arthur Turnfer combined twd •hip foray. Morehouse, 20; Fort Valley State, Lanes. Nashville; King Bowl, Chat­ 50. The tournament will be 36 fracture. PofArell was cited as be­ and conferences in Ohio, Penn­ terrific pitching efforts tO 12; Allen, 9; Bethune-Cuokman. tanooga; Spring Lanes, Charlotte; holes play for all divisions. ing the “top gentleman” on the sylvania, Michigan, and Illinois strike out 16 batters. Crenshaw Edward Waters 4 1/2; Alabama Liston Eats Twice RoilaWay Lanes, Memphis; and Two of the defending champions squad for his conduct and general attended largely by young peo­ had 10 in five inniAu and Turn Spring Drills State, 4; Tuskegee Institute. 3; Cool Lanes, Richmond. in the 1962 tournament, Louis 1 ‘ decorum, "beyond reproach, on A Day—But Heavily ple of northern churches. Miss er struck out the men to Benedict, 2 1/2, and South Caro­ TALLAKASSEE — With a Each n t the bowling centers scombe, of Washington, D. C., in and off the court.” CHICAGO — What Sonn^ Bowser, a junior, i is a language face him in the sixth ^nd seven­ lina State, 2. dozen or so of their key stara represents an investment of over the pro division and Ethel Pun­ Speaker for the occasion was Liston eats is revealed in the arts major from Pass Christian. th Innings. j' abaeot, the Florida A. and M. $500,000. AU are modern, well- ches, also of Washington, D. C., Henry E. Frye, assistant U. S. Dis­ April issue of Ebony magazine, A sophomore. Miss Hall is Bob Brady recelv^ credit Ufiiveraity Rattlers concluded equipped centers, managed by in the women’s division are ex­ trict Attorney, a graduate of A. the A. and T. Basketball Team; now on the news.'^tands. majoring in literature. She is for his second win in the three* 20 day* of apring training with trained Negro managers and staffs. pected to return to defend their and T. and star player on his Dr. Robert Beale, master of cere- The heavyweight champ - pos­ from GrMnville. Miss Pearson game set as the Tigers broke * a gime-Uke scrimraagc here laat championships, but the men’s hometown Ellerbe High School monl!>s, and Cal Irvln, head bss- sibly the world’s strongest man li a sophomore foreign language 4-4' tie with an unearned run VMHfc- in a game which head coach amateur division will have • new basketball team. ketball coach, responded. - stays that way on nutrition- major from Orefiwood. in the top of the seventh. Brady by two reserve backi Jake Gaither called “a great champion since the 1063 champion, Other persons appearing on the Mrs. Eula K. Vereen, college packed steak-and-salad fare that relieved Shirley Harris who M d * quick charging line, the match between two iqiiads of Jimmie Walker of New York City program were: Lula Harris,' “Miss dietician, who conceived the uni­ could win honors in the gour­ He eats only two meals a day loaded the baies with OM mU dritnlit took tba WhitM 124 equal itrength.” lias turned profeaaional. Homecoming”, who gave an ode to que idea, presented the citations. met class, too, Ebony points ouT. • biit they art hug*. out in the top of tb« Mvaath.