Basildon and District Rambling Club

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Basildon and District Rambling Club Basildon and District Rambling Club Chignals and Mashbury Village Hall via Boyton Hall, Mashbury and Chignall Smealy Distance: 5.94 Miles ​ Ascent: 244 Feet ​ Time: 2:29 Hours ​ Start Point: TL 665 106 ​ Parking in the car park of Chignals and Mashbury Village Hall, Mashbury Road, Chignall Smealy, Chelmsford, Essex. Walking Directions As you leave the car park turn right along the Mashbury Road followed by the first right onto an unnamed road that leads to Chignall Hall. Continue past the electric gate ahead and follow the gravel track until you reach a footpath sign ahead. Turn left here and keep the fence on your left before going through a gate ahead. Continue ahead keeping to the right hand field boundary before exiting the field by a small cluster of trees through another gate on your right. Go down the bank and cross the footbridge ahead. Now turn left at the footpath sign and follow the path as it bends round to the left and continue ahead to emerge onto a track where you turn right. When you reach the next footpath sign turn left to walk up the edge of the scrub (former landfill site). Turn right and when you reach a broad gravel track turn right and after around 150 metres turn left through the fence to cross a footbridge. Turn right and keep to the right hand field boundary before crossing another gravel track and continuing ahead. The path turns left before you pass through a gate ahead. Continue ahead through a fenced enclosure before exiting through a gate on the far side. Continue ahead on the concrete driveway before turning right along another concrete driveway. Follow this round to the right. Just before the barns ahead turn left to stay on the concrete driveway. Shortly after passing a turning on your left, look out for a footpath on the right where a bridge crosses the ditch. Aim for the corner of the trees ahead before continuing along the left hand field boundary. At the bottom of this field continue ahead to the brook ahead and then turn left keeping the brook on your right. Continue ahead to cross a gravel track and keep the brook on your right. When you reach the footpath sign ahead, turn right to cross the footbridge. Turn left along the gravel track and follow this round to the right. Continue ahead at the T-junction of tracks. Turn right immediately after passing the paddocks on your right and then left when you reach the end of the paddocks. Pass to the right of the pair of five bar gates ahead and turn right keeping to the right hand field boundary. Cross the footbridge ahead and keep to the right hand field boundary before crossing a stile before emerging onto Mashbury Road. Turn right here and when the road turns right turn left onto a Bridleway by the Chignall Chapel. Follow this along the right hand field boundary. Turn right at the footpath sign ahead onto a gravel track that you follow to emerge onto Mashbury Road (Church House - Chignall Smealy). Continue ahead and turn right immediately after passing St Nicholas Church on your right. Go through a gate and turn immediately left keeping to the left hand garden boundary. Cross the stile at the end of the garden and go through the gate ahead to walk through a small horse paddock. Exit by the gate on the right and then turn left to keep to the left hand field boundary. Cross the track ahead and follow the enclosed path past the paddocks and then continue ahead keeping a fishing lake on your left. Now keep to the right hand field boundary before exiting the field through the gap in the far right hand corner. Turn right onto a Bridleway and on exiting the woods continue ahead along the left hand field boundary. When you reach the field boundary ahead, turn left and then immediately right to continue ahead in the same direction now keeping to the right hand field boundary. Continue ahead before emerging onto the Mashbury Road where you turn left and follow it back to the village hall. GPX File .
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