The Parish Council meeting was held on the24 January 2019. Councillors: Cllr Reynoldson, Cllr Calvert, Cllr Blows, Cllr Whitehead presiding. The Clerk was Miss A Stringer.

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Metcalfe 2. Declaration of Interests: None 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13 December 2018 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Reynoldson and Seconded by Cllr Whitehead.

4. Matters Arising: a. Cattle grids and Buttertubs – Some of the work was still outstanding. Clerk to contact Highways. b. Road Sign Nateby – Clerk had been waiting for information regarding a specific contact in Cumbria Highways. Clerk to contact Cumbria Highways. c. Water on Road – Crowtrees – Highways had investigated and placed the cleaning of the gutters on a programme of works. 5. Finance: NTR 6. Highways – a. Cllr Reynoldson raised the issue of water and ice on the road caused by a blocked drain at near to the junction of the moor road. Clerk to contact Highways.

7. D.C a. The Electroral register had been received.

8. NYCC:- a. Commons Act – Muker Edge – For information only, Clerk has placed on notice board. b. Upper Dales Locality Fund – Information had been received from Cllr Blackie regarding the fund and its availability. Deadline is the Friday 1st February. c. Mobile Skip Service – The service had been in Hawes on the 19 January and will be in Reeth on Saturday 16 March - 9.00am-1.00pm – Clerk to display posters on notice board.

9. YDNPA – a. Adoption of Eden Local Plan 2014-2032 – Information had been received regarding the Plan for the areas which are now included in the YDNP. b. Planning Consultation – Amendments had been received to the planning consultation for High Frith - the Parish Council had no Objections. c. Planning Applications for Oxnop Ghyll and Ravenseat Farm had both been approved conditionally.

10. YLCA: - NTR

11. Correspondence/AOB: a. Northern Dales Tourist Bus Service – The Chairman read out an e-mail which had been received from the Friends of the Dales requesting sponsors for a new circular bus service called the Herriot Bus, travelling through and . Cllr Whitehead felt that it was up to individuals and local businesses to donate and support the service. Cllr Reynoldson suggested placing information on the notice board. b. NYP – Dales Crime Report – The Chairman read out a new monthly crime bulletin issued by North Police. Clerk to place on notice board. c. Grouse Petition – An e-mail had been received asking the Parish Council to consider a petition regarding ‘grouse shooting driving away jobs as well as wildlife’. Cllr Whitehead stated that in his opinion Grouse Estates created jobs. Cllr Calvert said that he totally disagreed with the petition; he said that Grouse Estates were very closely linked to Farming and that it is a fragile economy.

Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 21 March 2019. 7.30pm

The meeting closed at 8.15pm