16 Annual Report 17 年報

停止浪費 解決飢餓 以愛相連 Waste Not Hunger Not With Love 願景—— 讓施與受同享豐盛生命

惜食堂於2011年成立,初期主力推行食物回收及援助計劃,旨在回收飲食界仍可安全 食用的食物,經過嚴格的處理程序,烹煮成熱飯餐及製作成食物包,免費送予有需要人士 果腹。惜食堂發展至今,已推行各項有關惜食及關愛的項目,以實踐我們「停止浪費,解 決飢餓,以愛相連」的使命。我們期望所有持份者,不論是付出的或受惠的,都能享有豐 盛生命。

Our Vision —— Living an Enriched Life

Since its establishment in 2011, Food Angel has operated a food rescue and assistance programme to recover edible surplus food from the food industry. After strict processing procedures, the collected food is prepared into hot meals and food packs, then offered free of charge to those in need. To this day, Food Angel continues to implement various projects concerning food waste and community care to realise our mission of “Waste Not, Hunger Not, With Love”. We hope that everyone involved in our programme can experience enriched life. 關於我們

About Us

董事局成員 Board of Directors 工作團隊 Staff Team

人數 梁錦松先生 No. of Staff Mr. Antony Leung (截至2017年3月) (As of March 2017) 主席 Chairman

食物回收團隊 Food Rescue Team 董愛麗女士 Ms. Gigi Tung 創辦人 Founder 31 歐陽伯權 Mr. Rex Au Yeung 董事 Director 食物援助團隊 Food Assistance Team 鄭明哲先生 Mr. Michael Cheng 53 董事兼義務法律顧問 Director and Honorary Legal Advisor

葉潔馨女士 Ms. Kitty Ip 服務團隊 Service Team 董事兼義務公共關係顧問 Director and Honorary Public Relations Advisor 27 梁偉文先生 Mr. Kaven Leung 董事 Director

教育團隊 Education Team 倪以理先生 Mr. Joseph Ngai 董事 Director 5 蘇彰德先生 Mr. Douglas So 董事 Director 行政及項目支援 Executive and Programme Support 姚凱勤先生 Mr. Kenny Yiu 董事 Director 12

畢馬威會計師事務所 KPMG 李凌君女士 Ms. Zoe Lee 義務核數師 Honorary Auditor 策略及發展總監 Director, Organisation Strategy and Development

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report01 2016-2017 主席的話

惜食堂已經六歲了,由嬰孩階段逐步踏入孩童時期,初期不斷摸索新事物,同時亦獲得不同 界別的朋友扶持協助成長,故發展迅速。在現階段,我們要認清日後發展的方向,牢牢鞏固基 礎,才讓惜食堂有更健康的成長。

在過去一年,我們堅守「停止浪費,解決飢餓,以愛相連」的使命,物流團隊每天穿梭全港 超過二百個收集點回收剩食,各部門同事群策群力將剩食處理好並煮成營養均衡的熱飯餐,免 費派予社會有需要人士。每個飯餐都注入了愛心,我們期望受惠者接收飯盒的同時,亦接收到 愛!

為感謝所有食物捐贈機構、捐款機構及支持機構,我們在去年舉辦了第二屆「惜食飯餐感謝 宴」。有著他們的支持,惜食堂才能每天製作出6,500份熱飯餐及1,000份食物包,讓過百萬的 人次得到溫飽。

義工們無私的付出亦令我們感動不已,他們不問報酬默默為惜食堂工作,有的更風雨不改, 每天跟我們並肩而行,目的只有一個,那就是為有需要的人服務。


展望未來,我們會加強教育方面的發展,在2017年第三季開設一間融合惜食及關愛主題的 實體展館――「粒粒皆辛館」,歡迎市民、學校及企業團體報名參加。參加者可透過整個體驗 旅程,領略珍惜食物的重要性,並喚醒一份對社會上有需要人士的關愛。

另外,我們首間中央食物處理中心「惜食分餉站」已正式啟用,經過數月的磨合期後,已逐 漸發揮其效能,大大改善了兩所中央廚房在食物庫存及處理食物上所面對的困難,大大提昇了 工作效率,故期望來年會逐步增加熱飯餐及食物包的產量,務求讓更多有需要人士受惠。

最後,我要衷心感謝惜食堂整個團隊,上下一心,同舟共濟,在工作崗位上竭盡所能,忠誠 地為有需要市民提供服務,感恩沿途有您們!


惜食堂年報 02Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 Message from the Chairman

Food Angel celebrates its 6th birthday this year. The time between infancy and childhood is when a child learns and grows through constant exploration of new things. During this time, the child receives tremendous support and mentorship from various sectors, paving the way for rapid growth. At our current state, we must clarify our direction for future development and consolidate our foundations in order to allow for healthy and sustainable growth.

In the past year, we have adhered to our mission [Waste Not, Hunger Not, With Love]. Our logistics team traveled daily to over 200 locations in to collect surplus food. Colleagues from various departments worked together to process the surplus food and produce nutritionally balanced hot meals, which are then delivered free of charge to the needy. Every hot meal is filled with love. We hope all beneficiaries will experience the love behind our service.

To thank all food donation partners, funders, and partners, we hosted the second annual “Thanksgiving Luncheon”. Their support is what enabled Food Angel to produce 6,500 hot meals and 1,000 food packs daily and bring warmth to over a million people in Hong Kong.

Furthermore, we are deeply moved by our volunteers who work tirelessly without compensation. Every day, we walk side by side with undivided purpose: to serve the needy.

Here, I would like to thank all stakeholders who have supported, helped, and encouraged Food Angel in the past.

Looking ahead to the third quarter of 2017, Food Angel will open “Foodstep Journey”, an experience center built on the theme of cherishing food and caring for the community. We welcome all citizens, schools, and corporates to sign up. Participants will learn the importance of cherishing food, and we hope that this will awaken a concern for those in need.

Additionally, Food Angel’s first food processing center “Food Station” is officially in operation. After months of experimentation, we have overcome difficulties of food storage/inventory and food processing from our two kitchens and greatly improved the Station’s efficiency. We hope these changes will allow us to increase the production of hot meals and food packs in the coming years.

Finally, I would like to thank all Food Angel staff for their hard work. They show togetherness and purpose in providing services to the needy. I am grateful to work with such an amazing team.

Chairman Food Angel by Bo Charity Foundation

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report03 2016-2017 使命 停止浪費 解決飢餓 以愛相連 Mission Waste Not Hunger Not With Love

惜食堂年報 04Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 停止浪費 Waste Not Every day, Food Angel recovers around 4,000 kilograms of edible surplus 食堂現時每日向飲食界回收約4,000公斤仍可安全 food. The number of food 惜食用的剩餘食物,食物捐贈機構按年遞增,現時 donor have also been 已超過200間超級市場、街市、食物批發商、學生餐供 increasing year by year. 應商、企業、酒店及酒樓,甚至是市民參與計劃,於 At present, there are over 200 supermarkets, wet 今年度集合大家的力量,共同拯救了2,714,317公斤食 markets, wholesalers, 物。 school canteens, corporates, hotels, and restaurants. 「我們每天都會賣剩一些菜蔬,如惜食堂不來回 Together with support from 收,就會將這些剩菜丟棄⋯⋯」街市菜檔檔主陳太 the public, this year we 說。 have saved 2,714,317 kg of edible surplus food! 「這批急凍魚還有三個月就到食用日期,對我們餐廳來說已不合用,因此捐給惜食 堂,既不浪費,又可幫助人!」一間本港餐廳老闆王先生說。 “Every day we have unsold produce. If Food 「我跟丈夫覺得能將我們結婚飲宴的剩食捐予惜食堂來製作熱飯餐,這是我們的福 Angel is not able to collect this food, it will be thrown 份,表達出珍惜彼此感情外,還要珍惜食物⋯⋯」新婚的周小姐說。 away and wasted,” says Ms. Chan, a tenant of a 上述三人雖然背景不同、互不認識,但他們都擁有同一信念 – 停止浪費! wet market.

“This batch of frozen fish has three months until its expiry date. However, it is unsuitable for the needs of our restaurant. Donating it to Food Angel can reduce food waste and help underprivileged people!” says Mr. Wong, a restaurant owner.

“My husband and I were eager to donate the leftover food from our wedding banquet to Food Angel to prepare hot meals for the underprivileged. This is a blessing for us and our way of blessing others through cherishing food,” says Mrs. Chow, a newlywed.

Although the three individuals highlighted above are from different backgrounds, they all share the same conviction in ending – “Waste Not”.

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report05 2016-2017 Hunger Not

Food Angel uses edible surplus food to produce 6,500 hot meals and 1,000 food packs everyday. These hot meals and food packs are offered free of charge to 140 charity partners, where they are then distributed accordingly to the underprivileged.

One day, a Food Angel social worker visited a charity partner to better understand the distribution of hot meals. During the visit, a lean elderly woman in her 70s came to our social worker and said, “I would like to thank you for your meal service. The meals are very delicious. I shall never have to split one dish into three meals again.” 解決飢餓 Nine-year-old Wai Ming finishes school and walks fifteen minutes to Food Angel everyday to collect a 食堂現時每日運用回收食物製作6,500份熱飯餐及1,000份食物包,送予140間慈善 food pack, which he brings 惜機構伙伴,並由他們免費轉贈予社會上有需要人士。 home to his family. On one occasion, he smiled 有一天,惜食堂社工姑娘前往探訪一間慈善機構伙伴,了解其派飯情況。探訪期 with innocent delight and 間,有位體型瘦削,年約七十多歲的婆婆,步履蹣跚走向姑娘面前,說:「多謝你們 exclaimed to a Food Angel 的飯餐,飯餸很豐富,我以後不用將一碟餸分三餐來吃了⋯⋯」 staff member, “Thank you, I get to eat fruit today! 九歲的偉明,每天放學都會從學校步行十五分鐘來到惜食堂,拿取食物包及餸菜回 What a treat!” 家給家人享用,他有次帶著天真爛漫的笑容,興奮地向惜食堂職員說:「謝謝叔叔, 今日有生果吃,真的太好了!」 On the surface, Hong Kong may seem to be a very wealthy city. In reality, 香港看似十分富庶,但其實仍有97萬人活在貧窮線以下。一個熱飯盒,一份食物 there are still 970,000 包,為他們帶來溫飽,改善生活。 people living below the poverty line. A free hot meal and a food pack goes a long way in blessing the lives of the underprivileged. Combined with love, our meal assistance service is an opportunity for us to enhance the quality of life of our beneficiaries.

惜食堂年報 06Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 以愛相連 With Love Food Angel not only produces hot meals to satisfy the physical hunger of the 食堂所製作的飯餐不僅讓有需要人士果腹,還可以為他們帶來愛和溫暖。我 underprivileged, but also 惜們透過社區中心及外展天使服務,向有需要獨居長者送上熱飯餐及食物包之 provides them love and care. 餘,同時送上關心及愛心。 Through our Community Center and Outreach services, we give hot meals to the needy with love 惜食堂社區中心受惠長者潤蓮說:「從前沒什麼地方可以去,整天在家中對著 and care. 四道牆;現在,每天都期待來到中心這裡,感覺很溫暖,很喜歡跟惜食堂工作人 員及義工聊天,他們就像自己的子女,我在這裡亦認識了不少新朋友,生活變得 Food Angel Community 愉快多了⋯⋯」 Center beneficiary, Yun Lin, is grateful for her Food Angel 76歲的潤蓮,自從來了社區中心吃飯,現時便成為惜食堂開心果。 family. She says, “I have no place to go. Being stuck at home can become suffocating. Now, I look forward to going to the Community Center everyday. I love chatting with all the staff and volunteers; they have become like family to us.”I have also made many new friends here. ”

Yun Lin, 76-year-old elderly, since joining our programmes at the Community Center, Yun Lin is now one of our happiest 外展天使服務受惠者英婆婆說:「熱飯是其次,我喜歡你們來陪我聊天,我喜 members. 歡有人按按門鈴⋯⋯」對於一個長期病患的獨居長者來說,沒有什麼比一份真切 An Outreach Angel 的愛心和關懷來得珍貴。 beneficiary, Ms. Ying, says of our volunteers, “The hot meal 一份熱飯餐可填飽肚 is of secondary importance. I 子,一份愛可填補心靈, love it when your team visits and 兩者都是人最基本需要。 we get to chat. I’m so happy when I hear the doorbell.” For an elderly person who is isolated at home due to chronic health issues, there is nothing more precious than receiving love and care through a home visit from the Outreach Angel team.

A hot meal can satisfy the stomach; love satisfies the soul. Indeed, both are essential for our well-being.

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report07 2016-2017 履行 惜食堂推行不同的項目及 伙伴計劃以履行使命。 Implementation Food Angel implements different programmes and partnership projects to further its mission.

惜食堂年報 08Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 項目 Programmes (按項目名稱英文字母順序排列 Listed in alphabetical order by programme name)

愛包行動於2013年推出, 連結義工及本地麵包店攜手 合作,將未出售的新鮮麵包

Launched in 2013, Bread Angel connects volunteers and local bakeries to deliver unsold fresh bread to nearby charity partners. The bread is then distributed the following day to beneficiaries.

友福同饗於2014年推行,在全港最高貧窮率的地區—— 深水埗,設立社區中心,每日向區內有需要長者提供兩餐 堂食熱餐服務,並定期舉辦生日會、節慶活動及不同類型 興趣班,為受惠長者增添生活姿彩。 項目推行至今,已有309名有需要長者登記服務。 贊助:張培薇女士

Our Community Center was established in 2014 in Sham Shui Po, the poorest district of Hong Kong. The center provides daily hot meal services to the needy in the district. Birthday parties and festive events are held regularly along with various interest-based classes to bless the lives of our beneficiaries. Since the establishment of Community Angel, 309 people have registered and benefited from its services. Sponsor: Ms. Debbie Chang

企業天使於2013年推出,為商業機構及企業提供不同 Launched in 2013, Corporate Angel provides different 類型的企業社會責任活動,包括準備食材、食物再生環保 Corporate Social Responsibility activities to commercial 工作坊、講座、社區活動及自組籌款活動,不但讓企業員 organisations and companies. These activities include food 工在減少食物及關顧有需要人士時發揮團隊精神,同時捐 preparation, food recycling, environmental workshops, 款予惜食堂製作更多飯餐,幫助更多有需要的人。 lectures, community service, and fundraising projects. Corporate Angel not only allows our clients to reduce food waste through team-building, it is also an important source of revenue for Food Angel to continue our other services.

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report09 2016-2017 項目 Programmes

綠惜學堂於2013年推行,是一個學年制的環保教育計 Launched in 2013, Green Angel is an environmental 劃,透過多元化活動,如惜食講座、考察活動、獎勵計劃 education programme tailored for schools. It helps students 及食物再生工作坊等,讓學童認識食物浪費、飢餓與貧窮 understand food waste, hunger, and poverty through a variety of 的問題,啟發同學實踐珍惜食物、愛護地球資源及關愛社 activities such as food talks, field trips, incentive programmes, 會上有需要人士。 and food upcycling workshops. We hope to inspire students 於本年度,已有95間學校參與計劃,啟發了超過25,268 to cherish food, use resources responsibly, and care for the 位學童明瞭珍惜食物的重要。 needy. In 2017, 95 schools have participated in our programmes. 贊助:香港公益金 Green Angel has impacted a total of 25,268 students who now understand the importance of cherishing food. Sponsor: The Community Chest

外展天使於2013年推行,分別於筲箕灣及深水埗成立 外展隊伍,為行動不便的獨居長者送上熱飯餐及食物包。 於本年度,有超過160位有需要長者受惠於此項目。 贊助: 永利佳企業有限公司 葉志成慈善基金有限公司 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 (按英文字母順序排列)

Since 2013, we have set up outreach teams at Shau Kei Wan and Sham Shui Po to deliver hot meals and food packs to elderly individuals who live alone and have limited mobility. Currently, there are over 160 elderly people using our services. Sponsors: Ever Wealthy Enterprises Limited Ip Chi Shing Charitable Foundation Limited The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (Listed in alphabetical order)

惜食堂年報 10Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 伙伴計劃 Partnership Projects (按伙伴計劃名稱英文字母順序排列 Listed in alphabetical order by partnership project name) 全城傳愛齊捐食 This is the fourth successive year Food Angel and City Food Drive PARKnSHOP have organized “City Food Drive”, a programme encouraging the public to cherish food and give 惜食堂於本年度已第四次與百佳超級市場攜手舉辦「全 generously to our cause at Food Angel. Food and monetary 城傳愛齊捐食」,鼓勵市民珍惜食物,發揮慷慨分享的精 donations were collected at 280 PARKnSHOP supermarkets. 神。於全線280間百佳分店收集市民捐贈的糧油食物及款 PARKnSHOP will match certain food items donated by the 項,百佳同時配對捐贈指定類別的食物。 public with donations of its own to Food Angel. 贊助:百佳超級市場 Sponsor: PARKnSHOP

無綠不歡飲宴 Green LUCK Banquet

惜食堂聯同Green Monday推出「無綠不歡飲宴」計劃, 為舉辦宴會的市民及企業團體回收其宴會期間的剩食,進 一步推廣可持續的飲宴文化。 Food Angel has joined hands with Green Monday to 贊助:Green Monday launch the "Green LUCK Banquet" initiative. We provide support in redistributing excessive food items at banquet and promote sustainable banqueting culture. Sponsor: Green Monday

香港國際機場 X 惜食堂–– 香港惜食共饗計劃 HKIA X Food Angel – Hong Kong Food Recovery Programme

這項計劃旨在向香港國際機場內和附近及大嶼山的食肆 This project aims to recover edible surplus food from 回收可食用的剩餘食物,然後製成飯餐,再派發予需要食 restaurant establishments in and around Hong Kong 物援助的人士。惜食堂將提升東涌社區廚房設施,向東涌 International Airport and Lantau Island. The surplus food is 區內有需要人士提供包裝食物及熱飯餐。 made into hot meals and distributed to those in need of food 贊助:香港國際機場環保基金 assistance. Additionally, Food Angel will improve the Tung Chung Community Kitchen facilities to better provide hot meals and food packs for the underprivileged in Tung Chung. Sponsor: The Hong Kong International Airport Environmental Fund

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report11 2016-2017 伙伴計劃 Partnership Projects 賽馬會跨代惜食共融計劃 Jockey Club Intergenerational Experience and Food Assistance Programme

「賽馬會跨代惜食共融計劃」為期兩年,目標是向飲 "Jockey Club Intergenerational Experience and Food 食界回收仍可安全食用的剩餘食物,並透過惜食堂深水埗 Assistance Programme" is a two-year project, our goal 廚房製作熱飯餐及食物包免費送予社區上有需要食物援助 has been to recover edible surplus food that is still safe for 人士。而新增的外展服務,由惜食堂外展人員將熱飯餐及 consumption, produce hot meals and food packs through 食物包直接送上深水埗區內行動不便的貧困長者家中,藉 our Sham Shui Po central kitchen, and deliver these meals 此亦向他們送上關愛;同時將在2017年第三季成立的體驗 free-of-charge to the needy. Along with our Outreach Angel 館,以惜食及關愛為主題,名為『粒粒皆辛館』,目的為 service, hot meals and food packs are sent directly to the 教育下一代珍惜食物之餘,亦要關顧社會有需要人士,並 doorstep of poverty-stricken elderly individuals in Sham Shui 注入跨代共融的元素,特別邀請長者義工隨體驗團向參加 Po. The Foodstep Journey Experience Center, established 學生講解惜食的重要,及教導他們如何拯救食物,在過程 in the third quarter of 2017, aims to educate the next 中大大發揮了長幼共融的效果。 generation to cherish food, care for the needy, and promote intergenerational relations between the young and the elderly. 贊助:香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 In this center, we invite elderly volunteers to explain the importance of food recycling to participating youth. Sponsor: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

「惜食全方位」食物回收計劃 Love and Food Sharing Programme

惜食堂與領展旗下13間街市、15個商場及顧客多方攜 手,全面回收仍可食用的剩餘食物及食材,烹煮成熱飯盒 給有需要人士。計劃內主要回收區域為沙田及大埔區的街 市。 贊助 : 領展資產管理有限公司

Food Angel, alongside Link's 13 markets and 15 shopping malls, have joined hands to recover surplus food and ingredients. These are then used by Food Angel and prepared into hot meals and given to the needy. The main collection points for the surplus food ingredients are at markets located in the Sha Tin and Tai Po districts. Sponsor: Link Asset Management Limited

惜食堂年報 12Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 伙伴計劃 Partnership Projects 愛食物惜地球 Love Food, Hate Waste

惜食堂獲環境及自然保育基金贊助推行一個為期18個 月的環保活動劃,名為「愛食物惜地球」,透過惜食貼 紙、環保講座及惜食米仔落區宣傳,鼓勵市民及學生珍惜 食物,並製作環保餐盒,用作呼籲公眾出外用餐時自攜飯 盒。 贊助:環境及自然保育基金

Sponsored by the Environment and Conservation Fund, Food Angel is implementing an 18-month long environmental conservation programme “Love Food Hate Waste”. Through stickers, lectures, and Rice Boy Mascot expeditions, this programme encourages students to cherish food. We teach students how to make environmentally friendly lunch boxes that can be used to carry leftovers when dining out. Sponsor: Environment Conservation Fund

惜食堂獲渣打香港150週年慈善基金支持,在旗下的社 惜食堂渣打香港 區中心每日增加多一個用餐時段,擴闊惜食堂直接受眾範 圍至低收入家庭的兒童及其家長。除提供熱飯餐服務外, 還會定期舉辦生日派對、外出親子活動,更於暑假期間增 150週年慈善基金 設興趣班予兒童參與,並邀請義工擔任導師及助教,共建 和諧社區。 熱餐服務 贊助:渣打香港150週年慈善基金

Standard Chartered Supported by Standard Chartered 150th Anniversary 150th Anniversary Charitable Foundation, Food Angel now adds one extra meal slot per day to our Community Center. This extends the scope Community Foundation – of our beneficiaries to low-income parents and their children. Hot Meal Service In addition to our hot meal service, this programme organizes regular birthday parties, parent-child field trips, and interest- based classes during the summer holidays. Volunteers are invited to serve as mentors and teaching assistants, creating a familial atmosphere for everyone involved. Sponsor: Standard Chartered 150th Anniversary Charitable Foundation

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report13 2016-2017 群策群力

惜食堂之所以能不斷向前走, 進一步實踐機構使命, 全賴各部門同事努力不懈, 以及一班無私的義工默默為惜食堂 作出貢獻。 Team Effort Thanks to the unceasing efforts of our staff across all departments, along with volunteers who selflessly give their time, Food Angel can continue moving forward and further our mission.

惜食堂年報 14Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 柴灣廚房 Chai Wan Kitchen

每天所製作的熱飯餐,分別送往東區、南區及觀塘等各 The Chai Wan Kitchen produces hot meals that are sent 區合作機構。 to charity partners across the Eastern District, Southern

贊助:利希慎基金、香港公益金、上海總會 District, and Kwun Tong. Sponsors: Lee Hysan Foundation , The Community Chest, Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited

每天所製作的熱飯餐,分別送往深水埗、葵青、屯門、 The Sham Shui Po Kitchen produces hot meals that are 旺角、黃大仙、荃灣等各區合作機構。 sent to charity partners in Sham Shui Po, Kwai Tsing, Tuen

贊助:香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 Mun Mong Kok, Wong Tai Sin, and Tsuen Wan. Sponsor: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust 深水埗廚房 Sham Shui Po Kitchen

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report15 2016-2017 惜食分餉站 Food Station

為配合發展,惜食堂於今年度在荔枝角區成立了一所名 This year, Food Angel has opened a central food 為「惜食分餉站」中央食物處理中心。旨在集中資源,提 processing center, Food Station, in Lai Chi Kok. The center 升處理食物的效率及生產量,惠及更多有需要人士。現時 has improved the efficiency at which foods are processed to 惜食分餉站每天處理1.5噸食材,並分別送往兩所廚房作製 enable us to reach even more beneficiaries. At present, 1.5 作熱餐之用。 tonnes of ingredients are processed daily at Food Station, then sent to our two kitchens for meal preparation. 贊助:中國銀行(香港) Sponsor: Bank of China (Hong Kong) 食物安全 Food Safety

食物安全及品質監控是惜食堂最重視的,故由食物回收、儲存、烹調、分發等每個步驟都一絲不苟。惜食堂制訂了 一套嚴格的食物安全守則,更向合作機構發出指引,以確保熱飯餐的衛生狀況及品質符合要求,讓受惠者可安心食用。 同時,惜食堂每天抽驗食物樣本,更每兩個月由國際認可的專業認證機構進行全面審核,確保設備及流程符合 衛生標準。

Food safety and quality control are of utmost importance at Food Angel. Every step of the food recovery, storage, cooking, and distribution process is performed with care and caution. Food Angel has formulated strict food safety guidelines and has issued these guidelines to our charity partners. This is to ensure that our beneficiaries can enjoy their meals with confidence. In addition, we submit food samples everyday for testing. Once every two months, an internationally recognized certification body conducts a comprehensive review to ensure that all of Food Angel's equipment and processes meet food safety standards.

惜食堂年報 16Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 物流車隊 Logistics Team

惜食堂現時有4輛冷凍車及25輛輕型貨車於每個工 At present, Food Angel has 4 cooling trucks and 25 作天穿梭全港九新界各地的食物捐贈機構及慈善機構伙 light trucks. Everyday, food is shuttled by our trucks 伴,回收剩食及運送熱飯餐。 across all districts of Hong Kong. From collecting surplus food from food donors to delivering hot meals to our charity partners and beneficiaries, our trucks are an indispensable part of Food Angel's daily operations.

惜食堂每天有接近200名義工分別在惜食分餉站、兩所廚房、社區中心、外展天使及愛包行動協助工作,他們 有著不同的背景、不同的性格、互不認識,但他們都願意與惜食堂並肩而行,實踐「停止浪費,解決飢餓,以愛相 連」的使命。

Everyday, there are over 200 volunteers working at Food Angel. This includes volunteers in the Food Station, the two kitchens, Community Center, Outreach Angel, and Bread Angel. Although our volunteers come from different backgrounds, they are all willing to work together to achieve our motto of “Waste Not, Hunger Not, With Love”. 愛心義工 Volunteers

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report17 2016-2017 年度籌款活動 全「誠」罐膳心 Annual Fundraising Events Canstruction Hong Kong

本年度,惜食堂獲得保誠保險有限公司全力支持,首次 This year, with the support of Prudential Hong Kong 移師人流如鯽的銅鑼灣希慎廣場,舉辦第四屆全「誠」罐 Limited, Canstruction Hong Kong was hosted at Hysan Place 膳心。今屆比賽以「童年回憶」的主題,六組分別來自不 in Causeway Bay. With "Childhood Memories" as the theme, 同界別的隊伍發揮其創意,利用罐頭食物將大家的童年回 six teams competed for the winning design using thousands 憶呈現於銅鑼灣鬧市。是屆得獎隊伍為香港機場管理局, of cans of food to bring to life childhood memories. The 其作品「洗澡樂伴」更贏得canstruction® 國際賽中「全民 winning team came from the Hong Kong Airport Authority. It's 最喜愛大獎」,為香港爭光!惜食堂於今屆比賽活動中, "Bathtime Fun" structure won the Canstruction International 合共籌得超過六萬罐罐頭食物。 "People's Choice Award". What an honor for Hong Kong to be 全力支持:保誠保險有限公司 recognized internationally in this competition! In total, 60,000 cans of food were raised through this event for Food Angel. Supported by: Prudential Hong Kong Limited 參賽隊伍 Teams ng ited ng Ko im Ho L ity ng or o th K u g A n rt o o H p l ir a A i t n 局 e d 雄 理 u 諾 X 雞標 r 貝 B 管 P e

n oy 場

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誠 保

仕蘭(香港 菲 )有限 公 司 F e Robin r enc son ie Sp L s n And Cha 司 im l atio rity i a uc Fu 公 te n Ed nd 限 d d g L C in im 有 H ) a i n te m u d 問 h

p S 顧 i

n 築

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建 H 基


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n 海

g 慈

馬 K

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o 教







K o m i n L g

) 興 信

惜食堂年報 18Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 重要數據 01/04/2016 - 31/3/2017 Important Figures 熱飯餐數量 回收食物 Food Rescued Hot Meals Served 2,778,572 2,714,317 盒 Boxes 公斤 KG

回收麵包 Bread Rescued 食物包數量 Food Packs 24,437 Redistributed 個 pcs 慈善機構伙伴 678,579 Charity Partners 份 Packs 食物捐贈伙伴 177 Food Donation Partners 年度受惠人次 Our Annual Beneficiaries 254 3,481,588 69 % 貧困長者 Deprived Elderly 綠惜教育 低收入家庭及兒童 % Children & Family Members from Low Green Angel Education 25 Income Group

有需要人士(包括失業人士、殘疾及復康 參與學校 6% 人士、籠屋戶、露宿者) Needy People (Including unemployed, disabled & people Participating Schools 95 in rehabilitation, caged home dwellers, homeless) 25,268 參與學生 Participating Students 愛心義工人次 Volunteers 46,843

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report19 2016-2017 2016-2017年度 難忘回憶 Memorable Moments 2016-2017

17.6.2016 愛食物惜地球啟動禮 Love Food, Hate Waste Kick off

26.7.2016 全城傳愛齊捐食啟動禮 City Food Drive Kick Off Ceremony

3&5.10.2016 惜食飯餐感謝宴 Food Angel Thanksgiving Luncheon

12.10.2016 世界級網球選手到訪 Top Tennis Players Visit

惜食堂年報 20Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 18.10.2016 惜食分餉站開幕禮 Food Station Opening Ceremony

5.12.2016 惜食全方位啟動禮 Love and Food Sharing Programme Kick Off Ceremony

21.1.2017 聚慶團圓 惜食展愛心飯宴 Chinese New Year Charity Reunion Lunch

Caring Company Nomination- 10.3.2017 商界展關懷計劃―傑出伙伴合作計劃獎 Outstanding Partnership Project Award

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report21 2016-2017 財務報告 Financial Report 截至2017年3月31日 For the year ended 31 Mar 2017

本財務報告摘自小寶慈善基金2017年3月31日的年度財務報告,該報告由畢馬威會計師事務所審核,完整的年度財務 報告已上載至惜食堂網頁www.foodangel.org.hk。

These figures are based on Bo Charity Foundation's financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2017. The full audited financial statements by KPMG are available on our website www.foodangel.org.hk.

2016-17 財政年度收入來源 2016-17 Fiscal Year Income Sources

一般捐款 HK$24,758,103 General Donation

指定捐款――行政費用贊助 HK$2,000,000 Designated Donation - Administrative Expense Sponsorship (註1及3 Remark 1&3)

指定捐款――其他 HK$14,870,899 Designated Donation - Others (註1 Remark 1)

其他收入 HK$94,838 Other Income

總收入 HK$41,723,840 Total Income

收入來源 Income Sources


■ 一般捐款 General Donation 35.7% ■ 指定捐款─ 行政費用贊助 Designated Donation - Administrative Expense Sponsorship(註1 Remark 1)

59.3% ■ 指定捐款─ 其他 Designated Donation - Others

■ 其他收入 Other Income 4.8%

惜食堂年報 22Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 2016-17 財政年度支出 2016-17 Fiscal Year Expenses

服務 HK$23,110,731 Services (註2 Remark 2)

社區項目 HK$2,307,798 Community Programmes

教育及其他項目 HK$4,434,625 Education and Other Programmes

行政費用 HK$2,014,456 Administrative Expense (註3 Remark 3)

總支出 HK$31,867,610 Total Expenses

支出 Expenses


13.9% ■ 服務 Services(註2 Remark 2)

■ 社區項目 Community Programmes 7.3% ■ 教育及其他項目 Education and Other Programmes

■ 行政費用 Administrative Expense(註3 Remark 3) 72.5%

註1: 指定捐款包含由贊助者為指定服務項目所資助的捐款。 Remark 1: Designated Donation includes funders' donations with specific services and programmes objectives / deliverables.

註2: 服務支出其中包括資產折舊及新設立的惜食分餉站 (中央食物處理中心)相關支出。 Remark 2: Services costs include assets depreciation and additional costs associated with Food Station, our newly added central food processing centre.

註3: 港幣二百萬元行政費用由本機構董事會贊助指定捐款支持。 Remark 3: Administrative Expense of HKD2,000,000 was supported by sponsorship from our Board of Directors.

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report23 2016-2017 感謝有您

惜食堂於2011年成立至今, 一直獲得各界朋友包括贊助機構、支持 伙伴、食物捐贈伙伴、企業天使以及慈善 機構伙伴的支持及參與,沒有您們,沒有 現在的惜食堂。沿途有您,衷心感謝! Grateful for you Since its humble beginnings in 2011, Food Angel has received tremendous support from sponsors, supporting partners, food donation partners, corporate angels and charity partners. Without your support, our work at Food Angel would not be possible. We thank you for partnering with us on this journey!

惜食堂年報 24Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 贊助機構及支持伙伴 Sponsors & Supporting Partners (按英文字母順序排列 Listed in alphabetical order)

毅群市場研究諮詢(國際)有限公司 香港國際七人欖球賽 香港通用檢測認證有限公司 Acorn Marketing and Research Consultants Hong Kong Sevens SGS Hong Kong Limited (international) Limited 香港網球公開賽 上海總會 香港機場管理局 Hong Kong Tennis Open Shanghai Fraternity Association (H.K.) Ltd. Airport Authority Hong Kong 沙田凱悅酒店 環速集團有限公司 Alfar Charitable Trust Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin Speedy Group Corporation Ltd.

近利(香港)有限公司 希慎興業有限公司 渣打香港150周年慈善基金 Antalis (Hong Kong) Ltd. Hysan Development Company Limited Standard Chartered Hong Kong 150th Anniversary Community Foundation 中國銀行(香港) 宜家家居 Bank of China (Hong Kong) IKEA 渣打香港馬拉松 Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 德信顧問公司 葉志成慈善基金有限公司 Best Key Consultant Ltd. Ip Chi Shing Charitable Foundation Limited 孫志新慈善基金 Suen Chi Sun Charitable Foundation bigboXX.com Limited 協德網絡 JM Network 新興鴻基貨倉有限公司 金寶湯亞洲有限公司 Sun Logistics Company Limited Campbell Soup Asia Ltd. 畢馬威會計師事務所 KPMG 太古地產有限公司 資本集團 Swire Properties Limited Capital Group 利希慎基金 Lee Hysan Foundation 香港公益金 安德會計師行 The Community Chest CCS & C, CPA 百合貨運有限公司 Lily Transport 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 CHEMLAB The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust 領展資產管理有限公司 法性講堂 Link Asset Management Limited The North Face 100 Dharma Nature Preaching Hall 靈活聯繫(香港)有限公司 Twopresents DHL Express Hong Kong Link-Work Communications (HK) Ltd. UBM Asia Dine with Hearts 香港半山獅子會 Lions Club of Mid-levels United Way Worldwide Discovery Ad Loving Care Association Ltd. 白石自助貨櫃倉 藝康化工有限公司 美華物流有限公司 Whitehead Barbecue Ecolab Limited Maxworld Logistics Company Limited 利興慈善基金 蘇國榮會計師事務所 My Gym Children's Fitness Center Edward So & Co Oasis of Hope 永利佳企業有限公司 Ever Wealthy Enterprises Ltd. 開飯喇 OpenRice 食品檢測有限公司 Foodscan Analytics Ltd. 飛達凍倉物流有限公司 Outshine Cold Storage Logistic Limited Good4Kids.expert Overseas Resources Foundation Ltd. Google Grant 百佳超級市場(香港)有限公司 綠色星期一基金會有限公司 PARKnSHOP (HK) Ltd. Green Monday Foundation Limited 保樂力加香港有限公司 香港貿易發展局美食博覽 Pernod Ricard Hong Kong Limited HKTDC Food Expo 保誠保險有限公司 香港100 Prudential Hong Kong Limited Hong Kong 100 泓福慈善基金 香港會議展覽中心 Redford Charitable Foundation Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre RR DONNELLY

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report25 2016-2017 食物捐贈機構 Food Donation Partners (按英文字母順序排列 Listed in alphabetical order)

Agnes B. HK Limited Century Food Company Limited 大昌華嘉香港有限公司 DKSH Hong Kong Limited 漁農自然護理署 神農氏資源有限公司 Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Ceres Resources Limited Dragonfly Greens Limited department 陳記食品有限公司 東海海鮮酒家 香港機場管理局 Chan Kee Foods Limited East Ocean Restaurant Airport Authority Hong Kong 華潤萬家香港有限公司 億中洋行有限公司 赤丸有限公司 China Resources Vanguard Eastern Zone Company Limited Akamaru Corporation Limited (Hong Kong) Co., Limited 香港逸東酒店 Eaton, Hong Kong 安得利香港餐飲有限公司 超力國際食品有限公司 Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Chewy International Foods Limited Edible Arrangements® Hong Kong

勁寶食品有限公司 Chocolat-ier Limited 安翠食品有限公司 Entrée Ingredients A & W Food Service Limited 彩福婚宴集團 ESS-FOOD Hong Kong Limited 友邦保險控股有限公司 Choi Fook Wedding Banquet Group AIA Group Limited 意得國際有限公司 莊士機構國際有限公司 ETAK International Limited 味自慢 Ajijiman Japanese Restaurant Chuang's Consortium Limited 宏瀚國際(香港)有限公司 淘化大同食品有限公司 城市花園酒店 City Garden Hotel Fascinating Hong Kong Amoy Food Limited 會所一號 ClubONE 寬泰貿易有限公司 瑞典行有限公司 Asiaboxx Limited Foon Tai Trading Co., Limited 金巴斯集團 亞洲國際博覽館 Compass Group Hong Kong Limited 農圃有機有限公司 AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited Farmers Choice Limited 漢國貿易﹙國際﹚有限公司 香港澳登有限公司 Concord Trading ( Int'l) Limited Farmworks Auden Green Products Limited 香港港麗酒店 Conrad Hong Kong 樂餉社 Feeding Hong Kong Limited Baan Thai Limited 曲奇四重奏 Cookies Quartet Fiji Fish Limited Bakkavor HK 香港康得思酒店 Cordis, Hong Kong Fresh To Go Limited 同心同樂同仁堂中醫養生中心 Beijing Tong Ren Tang Tong Xin Tong Le 科士威(香港)有限公司 果臨門有限公司 Frutodor Limited Company Limited Cosway (HK) Limited 勝品有限公司 百利食品國際有限公司 創興策劃有限公司 Fully Win Corporation Limited Best Way Food International Limited Creative Promotion Limited 富臨集團 Fulum Group 美暉集團有限公司 紅磡灣天澄閣中菜廳 Bright Mate Holdings Limited Crystal Harbour Restaurant 加寶食品製造有限公司 Gastro Primo

Birdland (Hong Kong) Limited - KFC 翡翠餐集團 佳美航空膳食有限公司 Crystal Jade Culinary Concepts Holding Gate Gourmet Hong Kong Limited British Trading Co. Limited Limited 灣仔碼頭 龍堡國際 B P International 歐陸食品有限公司 General Mills Hong Kong Limited Culina Hong Kong ( Wan Chai- Ferry ) Bonjour ( HK ) Limited 日新食品貿易(香港)有限公司 銀杏館 Gingko House 豚王 Butao Ramen C.Y. Food Trading ( HK)Co. Limited 高寶食品 Global Fine Foods Limited 峰景餐廳集團 Café Deco Group 大昌行集團有限公司 Dah Chong Hong Holding Limited 天匯食品貿易有限公司- 香港 甘霖米 Cana Rice GlobalMart Food Trading Limited, Daily Organic Hong Kong 京都飲食集團 Capital Restaurant Holding Group 丹尼食品有限公司 金匯食品有限公司 Danny Catering Service Limited Golden Richness Foods Limited 金寶湯亞洲有限公司 Campbell Soup Asia Limited 德青源(香港)有限公司 金源米業 Golden Resources Deqingyuan (HK) Limited 國泰航空有限公司 金御海鮮酒家 Cathay Pacific Airways Limited 美味王餐飲管理有限公司 Golden Dynasty Seafood restaurant Delicious Chef King Catering Limited 國泰航空飲食服務(香港)有限公司 金洋綜合食品有限公司 Cathay Pacific Catering Services (HK) Delifrance (HK) Limited Golden Ocean Food Co. Limited Limited

惜食堂年報 26Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 利揚投資有限公司 雋品烘焙生活館 JB Bakery Kitchen 美心食品有限公司 Maxim's Caterers Limited Goldrise Investment Limited Company 家家寶(國際)有限公司 萬利食品有限公司 Maxly Food Company 三昌好好辦館有限公司 Jia Jia Bao( Int'l ) Company Limited Goodwell Sam Cheong Grocery Co Limited 一口曲奇 May's Cookie 志生食品(香港)有限公司 康恩(香港)有限公司 Jianzeng Food Trading (HK) Limited MG Goodness Limited Grace Cup (HK) Co.,Limited (Bo-Lo'Gne Cafe And Bar) 香港JW萬豪酒店 Green Life JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong Miapao Investment Limited (Eric Kayser)

Green Monday 紀發國際有限公司 美麗華集團 Miramar Group Kateford International Limited 綠橄欖有限公司 The Green Olive Limited Naturalis Hong Kong Limited 奇華餅家有限公司 Kee Wah Bakery Limited 傲邦行 Gusto Del Mondo Limited 力生環球有限公司 Nic Sang International 皇上皇集團 King of the King Group Limited 創健企業有限公司 Healthy Plus Limited 九龍灣國際展貿中心 KITEC 九至五飲食有限公司 Nine to Five Limited 王子飯店 HK Prince Restaurant Co. Limited K ELEMENT 挪亞方舟度假酒店 Noah's Ark Hotel and Resort 金域假日酒店 (香港) 景逸軒 Kingscuisine Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong 海盛食品有限公司 瑞士高比﹙香港﹚有限公司 Ocean Harvest Frozen Food Limited 香港空運貨站有限公司 KOLB (HK) Limited Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited 台揚食品有限公司 KMJ Trading Limited Ocean Tai Foods Co., Limited Hong Chi Food Products Krishna Koemar Trading Limited 奧利信有限公司 Orison Company Limited 香港會議展覽中心 Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 廣新食品有限公司 原味食品有限公司 KSHG Limited Original Gourmet Company Limited 香港足球會 Hong Kong Football Club 海逸皇宮大酒樓 Laguna Palance Restaurant 天島(香港)有限公司 Otento (H.K.) Limited 香港房屋委員會 HK Housing Authority Le Fournil Boulangerie ET Patisserie Limited 樂施會 Oxfam Hong Kong Hong Kong Personal Chef 數碼港艾美酒店 Le Meridien Cyberport Pacific Coffee Company Limited 香港國際七人欖球賽 Hong Kong Sevens 李錦記 Lee Kum Kee Pacific Rich Resources (Hong Kong) Limited 合利凍肉有限公司 Hop Lee Frozen Meat Co.Limited 良記食品公司 Pantry HK Leung Kee Food Wholesale Co. 唯港薈 Hotel ICON 百樂門飲食集團 Paramount Catering Group 利豐亞洲(香港)有限公司 房屋委員會職員同樂會餐廳 LF Asia (Hong Kong) Limited 百佳超級市場(香港)有限公司 Housing Authority Staff Club Restaurant PARKnSHOP(HK)Limited 如心海景酒店暨會議中心 陳漢深有限公司 H.S. Chan Company Limited L'hotel Nina et Convention Centre, Pizza Express Hong Kong Hong Kong 鴻福堂集團有限公司 香港必勝客 Pizza Hut Hong Kong Hung Fook Tong Holdings Limited 領展資產管理有限公司 Link Asset Management Limited PMI (HK) Food Services Limited 沙田凱悅酒店 Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin 隆順貿易有限公司 Linson Trading Limited 廣昌隆食品有限公司 Princess Margaret China Limited 尖沙咀凱悅酒店 小赤足 Littlebarefeet Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, 西龍傳香飯糰 QQ Rice (HK) Limited 德國漢莎航空膳食服務(香港)有限公司 牛奶有限公司 -宜家家居 LSG Lufthansa Service Hong Kong Limited QunQunPan The Dairy Farm Company, Limited-IKEA 龍鳳冰室 Lung Fung Café Ramas Oyster Bar & Grill 稻庭烏冬·鍋物日本餐廳 Inaniwa Udon·Nabe Japanese Restaurant Magic Season Organics 富豪香港酒店 Regal HK Hotel

Influence Development Limited 民生貨倉有限公司 Man Sun Godown Limited 富豪九龍酒店 Regal Hotel

毓泰貿易(遠東)有限公司 馬莎百貨 Marks & Spencer 麗豪酒店 Regal Riverside Impex Quality Products Limited MARS Food Inc. 香港萬麗海景酒店 美家餐飲服務有限公司 Renaissance Harbour View Hotel IT Catering & Services Limited 豬師傅食品有限公司 Hong Kong Master Pig (Hong Kong) Limited

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report27 2016-2017 食物捐贈機構 Food Donation Partners (按英文字母順序排列 Listed in alphabetical order)

煌苑 Royal Courtyard 深灣遊艇會 維他天地服務有限公司 The Aberdeen Marina Club Vitaland Services Limited 香港遊艇會 Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club 御苑皇宴(敘福樓集團) 宏安集團有限公司 帝廷酒家 The Banqueting House ( LH Group) Wang On Group Limited Royal Palace Chinese Restaurant 牛奶有限公司 名門讌客 Wealth Banquet 帝都酒店 The DAIRY FARM Company, Limited 嘉霖海產有限公司 Sadia 香港怡東酒店 , Hong Kong Wealth Seafood Company

帆船飲食管理有限公司 綠橄欖有限公司 The Green Olive Limited 匯興旺有限公司 Wealth Wheel Limited Sailing Boat Catering Services 玉桃軒 The Graces Restaurant 領盛國際有限公司 始信食品有限公司 Well Synergy International Limited Saison Food Service Limited 香港灣景國際 The Harbour view, Hong Kong 威信國際冷凍食品(香港)有限公司 鮮丼家 Sendonya Wilson International Frozen Foods (HK) 梅夫人婦女會 The Helena May Limited 成興仔 Shing Hing Chai Co. Limited 香港賽馬會 The Hong Kong Jockey Club 永記食品有限公司 信德中旅船務管理有限公司 Wing Kee Produce Limited Shun Tak – China Travel Ship 香港朗廷酒店 Management Limited The Langham Hotel, Hong Kong 運興泰有限公司 Winning Tower Limited

慎昌有限公司 The Luxe Seafood Bar & Resto 王氏同德有限公司 Wong's F&B Limited Sims Trading Company Limited 香港柏寧鉑爾曼酒店 香港五邑總會 信和集團旗下酒店 Sino Group of Hotels The Park Lane Hong Kong a Pullman Hotel Wuyi AssociationOf Hong Kong

港基糧油食品有限公司 香港半島酒店 新斗記 Xin Dau Ji Sinogain Food & Oil Limited 帝苑酒店 The Royal Garden 溢興貿易(香港)有限公司 新亞薑糖(香港)有限公司 Yat Hing Trading (Hong Kong) Limited Sixfifteen Imports-Exports Limited 皇家太平洋酒店 The Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers 逸東軒 Yat Tung Heen 星光(金味)有限公司 SK (Gold Taste)Limited The Story Café and Bakery 英記茶莊 Ying Kee Tea House 天一物流有限公司 Sky One Logistic (HK) Limited 添褔餐飲食品發展有限公司 一品點心有限公司 Timfold Catering And Food Service Limited Yummy Dim Sum Limited 索迪斯 Sodexo (胖)達人手感烘焙 Top Pot Bakery パン 沙田街市鑑記 SSP Hong Kong 捷貿盈商有限公司 翠亨村 Sutherland Gastronomy Trade Mart Hong Kong Limited 茶湯會 耀陽行動 Sunshine Action Traiteur De Paris

陽光一代有限公司 Triple O's HK Sun Generation Limited 大億糖業有限公司 Utility Sugar Limited Sun Kee Gourmet 建華(街市)管理有限公司 鴻星集團 Super Star Group Uni-China (Market) Management Limited

Synergy Distribution Limited 香港聯合利華有限公司 Unilever Hong Kong Limited 力翹海產有限公司 Synergy Seafood Limited 合興香港有限公司 Unijoy Hong Kong Limited 太興飲食集團 Tai Hing Catering Group Valrhona HK

大埔振興有限公司 素之樂國際有限公司 Tai Po Chun Hing Limited Vegelink International Limited

大富有限公司 Talful Limited Vibram®香港100 Vibram®HongKong 100

稻香集團 Tao Heung Group 海港飲食集團(香港) Victoria Harbour Restaurant Group 亞洲國際餐飲集團 ( Hong Kong ) Taste of Asia Group Limited

惜食堂年報 28Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 企業天使 Corporate Angels (按英文字母順序排列 Listed in alphabetical order)

友邦保險控股有限公司 大昌華嘉香港有限公司 AIA Group Limited DKSH Hong Kong Limited

聯博香港有限公司 毅高皮鞋香港有限公司 AllianceBernstein Hong Kong Limited ECCO Shoes Hong Kong Limited

世聯保險有限公司 愛丁頓香港慈善有限公司 Allied World Assurance Company, Limited Edrington Hong Kong Charity Limited

澳新銀行集團有限公司 EMC Information Systems Management Limited ANZ 譯資今時財經服務有限公司 Arcadia Group (Hong Kong) Limited EQS TodayIR Limited

艾睿電子亞太有限公司 Equinix Hong Kong Limited Arrow Asia Pac Limited 雅詩蘭黛有限公司 亞洲衛星有限公司 Estee Lauder Asia Pacific Limited Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited 肇豐針織有限公司 中銀集團投資有限公司 Fang Brothers Knitting Limited Bank of China Group Investment Limited 第一亞洲商人金銀業有限公司 巴克萊亞洲有限公司 First Asia Merchants Bullion Limited Barclays Capital Asia Limited 傲域集團有限公司 霸菱亞洲投資有限公司 Flagro Group Limited Baring Private Equity Asia Limited 幸福醫藥黎用冠慈善基金有限公司 英美煙草公司 Fortune Pharmacal Lai Yung Kwoon Foundation Limited British American Tobacco Co. (HK) Limited Fossil East Limited 家樂福全球採購亞洲有限公司 Carrefour Global Sourcing Asia Limited 豐展設計及營造有限公司 Fruit Design & Build Limited 天弘(香港)有限公司 Celestica Hong Kong Limited 富衛人壽保險(百慕達)有限公司 FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited 晉富環球顧問有限公司 Centillion Consultant Limited 廣域理念有限公司 GR8 Leisure Concept Limited 樂悠遊有限公司 Charlotte Travel Limited Green Monday

雪佛龍香港有限公司 顯赫顧問有限公司 Chevron Hong Kong Limited Haac Limited

超力國際食品有限公司 HarbourVest Partners (Asia) Limited Chewy International Foods Limited 愛馬仕亞太區有限公司 中國光大控股有限公司 Hermes Asia Pacific Limited China Everbright Limited Hermes-OTTO International (HK) Limited 普匯中金國際控股有限公司 Chinlink International Holdings Limited 惠普香港有限公司 Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited 創興銀行有限公司 Chong Hing Bank Limited 迅興信貸有限公司 HY Credit Company Limited 信諾環球人壽保險有限公司 Cigna Worldwide Life Insurance Company Limited Informatica Software Limited

Credit Suisse (Hong Kong) Limited 軒尼詩(遠東)有限公司 Jas Hennessy (Far East) Limited 德基科技控股有限公司 D&G Technology Holding 摩根大通集團 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 戴德泰銀國際投資有限公司 DDT Investments Limited Katalyst Group

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report29 2016-2017 企業天使 Corporate Angels (按英文字母順序排列 Listed in alphabetical order)

Kroll Associates (Asia) Limited 信德集團有限公司 Shun Tak Holdings Limited Lindex H.K. Limited 信和薈 Lululemon HK limited Sino Club Limited

宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司 索尼影業電視 Manulife (International) Limited Sony Pictures Television

馬莎有限公司 Specsavers Procurement Asia Limited Marks and Spencer (Asia Pacific) Limited 標準人壽保險(亞洲)有限公司 Merit Medical Asia Co. Limited Standard Life (Asia) Limited

宏海船務有限公司 Stratasys AP Limited Mighty Ocean Company Limited TA Associates 摩根士丹利亞洲有限公司 Morgan Stanley Asia Limited Tesco International Sourcing Limited

經絡集團(香港)有限公司 The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation mReferral Corporation (HK) Limited 凱雷投資集團 Nakama Hong Kong Limited The Carlyle Group 日本電氣香港有限公司 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 NEC Hong Kong Limited The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

Nike Hong Kong Limited 香港總商會 The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 香港日本通運有限公司 Nippon Express (Hong Kong) Co., Limited 香港賽馬會 The Hong Kong Jockey Club PepsiCo Hong Kong, LLC 湯森路透香港有限公司 保樂力加香港有限公司 Thomson Reuters Hong Kong Limited Pernod Ricard Hong Kong Limited Total Loyalty Company Limited 美國信安金融集團 Principal Financial Group 全美人壽(百慕達)有限公司 Transamerica Life (Bermuda) Limited 彪馬亞太區有限公司 PUMA Asia Pacific Limited 利邦(管理)有限公司 Trinity (Management Services) Limited Rackspace Asia Limited 瑞銀集團 Red Fuse Communications UBS AG Hong Kong

富豪酒店國際有限公司 Verizon Hong Kong Limited Regal Hotels International 威世香港有限公司 博世電動工具有限公司 Vishay Hong Kong Limited Robert Bosch Co. Limited 華光海運有限公司 香港金紫荊扶輪社 Wah Kwong Maritime Transport Limited Rotary Club of Golden Bauhinia Hong Kong 永豐金融集團 當納利集團 Wing Fung Financial Group RR Donnelley Financial Services Group 蘇黎世保險(香港) 香港生力啤酒廠有限公司 Zurich Services (Hong Kong) Limited San Miguel Brewery Hong Kong Limited 顥森投資同學會

施羅德投資管理(香港)有限公司 Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited

世通系統有限公司 Seito Systems Limited

惜食堂年報 30Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 慈善機構伙伴 Charity Partners (按英文字母順序排列 Listed in alphabetical order)

惜食堂熱飯餐或食物包慈善機構伙伴 基督教宣道會海怡堂 伸手助人協會竹園北村賽馬會老人之家 Christian & Missionary Alliance South Helping Hand Chuk Yuen (North) Jockey Food Angel Hot Meals Or Horizons Church Club Housing for the Elderly Food Packs Charity Partners 基督教勵行會 Christian Action 伸手助人協會匯豐銀行基金樂富護老院 關愛動員(國際)有限公司 Helping Hand Hong Kong Bank Foundation Action Care International Ltd. 基督教迦南堂 Christian Canaan Church Lok Fu Care Home

健康行動 Action Health 基督教仁愛教會 伸手助人協會寶林賽馬會老人之家 Christian Church of Love (Kwun Tong) Helping Hand Po Lam Jockey Club Housing 基督大使教會 Ambassador Assembly for the Elderly 基督教關懷無家者協會 香港基督教使徒信心會(恩澤中心) Christian Concern for the Homeless 伸手助人協會小西灣賽馬會老人之家 Apostolic Faith Church of Hong Kong Ltd. - Association Helping Hand Siu Sai Wan Jockey Club Favour Centre Housing for the Elderly 基督教磐石教會 神召會西環堂 Christian Pun Chek Church 香港宣教會大興長者鄰舍中心 Assemblies of God West Point Church HKEC Tai Hing Neighbourhood Elderly 教會聚會所(基督徒管家)生命樹教育中心有限 Center 基督教神召會欣榮堂 公司 Assembly of God Harland Park Memorial Church Assembly Hall (Christian Stewards) 香港路德會社會服務處路德會富欣花園長者 Church Tree of Life Education Centre 中心 HKLSS Harmony Garden Lutheran Centre 榕光社老人服務團 基督教永愛教會 for the Elderly Banyan Elderly Service Association Church of Everlasting Love 東涌聖公會 浸信會愛群社會服務處 中華傳道會基石社會服務中心 HKSKH Tung Chung Integrated Services Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service CNEC Kei Shek Social Service Centre Limited 港九街坊婦女會曾許玉環樂齡中心 浸信會天虹小學 Hong Kong and Kowloon Kaifong Women's Baptist Rainbow Primary School 浸信宣道會白普理社會服務中心 Association Tsang Hui Yuk Wan Social Conservative Baptist Bradbury Social Centre for the Elderly 基督教宣道會以琳堂 Service Centre C & MA Elim Church 香港浸信教會好鄰舍福音堂 中華便以利會恩慈長者鄰舍中心 Hong Kong Baptist Church Good Neighbour 香港視障視全人仕協會 CPMS Neighbourhood Elderly Centre of Chapel Care the Visually Impaired Grace 香港基督教培道聯愛會莊重文敬老中心 明愛頤匡雅敘 Caritas 3H Hub 阡陌社區浸信會 - 阡陌中心 Hong Kong Christian Mutual Improvement Crossroad Community Baptist Church - Society Chuang Chung Wen Social Centre 明愛職工發展計劃 Crossroad Centre for the Elderly Caritas Labour Development Project 基督教中國佈道會九龍迦南堂 香港基督教培道聯愛會高超道仁愛敬老中心 明愛單親家庭互助中心 ECF Kowloon Canaan Church Hong Kong Christian Mutual Improvement Caritas Mutual Aid Centre for Single Parent Society Ko Chiu Road Centre of Christ Love Families 藝恆愛心行動有限公司 for the Aged Eternity Love Foundation Company Ltd. 明愛居民互助中心(深水埗) 香港基督教服務處家情綜合家庭服務中心 Caritas Residents Mutual Help Centre - 中國基督教播道會同福堂有限公司 Hong Kong Christian Service Family Ties Sham Shui Po Evangelical Free Church of China Tung Integrated Family Service Centre Fook Chai Wan Church Ltd. 明愛婦女發展計劃 香港基督教會宣道堂 Caritas Women Development Project 耶穌恩典福音教會 Hong Kong Christian Shuen Tao Church Evangelical Grace Church of Jesus 柴灣區街坊福利會 教會關懷貧窮網絡有限公司 Chai Wan Area Kai-Fong Welfare 信望愛浸信會 Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor Association Faith Hope Love Baptist Church Company Ltd.

柴灣浸信會社會服務處 基督教會立基堂有限公司 香港懷恩浸信教會 Chai Wan Bapist Church Social Service Foundation Christian Church Ltd. Hong Kong Grace Baptist Church

基督教超窮教會 獻愛長者慈善社有限公司 香港互勵會曹舒菊英老人中心 Christ Transcending poverty Church Giving Love Elderly Charitable Ltd. Hong Kong Mutual Encouragement Association Jane Shu Tsao Social Centre 基督教宣道會香港仔堂 基督教主恩會 Grace Community Church for the Elderly Christian & Missionary Alliance Aberdeen Church 香港宣教會恩霖社區服務中心 香港互勵會鄭裕彤敬老人中心 H.K.E.C.Yan Lam Community Service Hong Kong Mutual Encouragement 基督教宣道會宣恩堂-牧的地家庭服務中心 Centre Association Ltd. Cheng Yu Tung Social Christian & Missionary Alliance Church Centre for the Elderly Union of Hong Kong Grace Chapel- Pasture 安徒生會包威信中心 Family Service Center Hans Andersen Club Diana Boyd Wilson Centre

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report31 2016-2017 慈善機構伙伴 Charity Partners (按英文字母順序排列 Listed in alphabetical order)

香港傷健協會輔助就業服務中心 循道愛華村服務中心社會福利部 博愛醫院賽馬會單身人士宿舍 Hong Kong PHAB Association Support 愛華耆樂中心 Pok Oi Hospital Jockey Club Hostel for Employment Service Centre Methodist Epworth Village Community Single Persons Centre Epworth Neighbourhood Elderly 聖公會牧愛堂 Centre 卓越盈峯行道會 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Church of the Rainful Top Church Good Shepherd 循道愛華村服務中心社會福利部 興華耆樂中心 救世軍怡安宿舍 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心 Methodist Epworth Village Community Salvation Army Yee On Hostel Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lady Centre Hing Wah Neighbourhood Elderly MacLehose Centre Centre 基督教新蒲崗潮人生命堂 San Po Kong Swatow Christian Church 香港聖公會東涌綜合服務 新福事工協會有限公司 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tung Chung Mission to New Arrivals Ltd. 深青社有限公司 Integrated Services Sham Ching Youth Association Limited 仁愛傳教修女會 香港聖公會福利協會主誕堂明華活動中心 Missionaries of Charity 深水埔街坊福利會小學 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Shamshuipo KaiFong Welfare Association Holy Nativity Church Ming Wah Centre 睦鄰關愛基金有限公司 Primary School Neighbourhood Care Foundation 香港伯特利教會慈光堂 沙田浸信會 Hong Kong Tsz Kwong Bethel Church 新動力教會 Shatin Baptist Church New Dynamic Church 啟愛共融基金有限公司 沙田婦女會有限公司 J Life Foundation 新家園協會 (香港島服務處) Shatin Women's Association Ltd. New Home Association ( 禧福協會有限公司 Service Centre) 石硤尾街坊福利會有限公司 Jubilee Ministries Ltd. Shek Kip Mei Kai-fong Welfare Association 新家園協會 (深水埗服務處) Ltd, 啟德平安福音堂親子及青少年活動中心 New Home Association Limited Kai Tak Peace Evangelical Centre 石硤尾邨美映樓互助委員會 新生命浸信會 Shek Kip Mei Mei Yu Estate Residence 宣道會基蔭堂- 基蔭家庭服務中心 New Life Baptist Church Association Kei Yam Alliance Chruch 新生精神康復會 聖公會聖匠堂社區中心 九龍城浸信會長者鄰舍中心(黃大仙分部) New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Sheng Kung Hui Holy Carpenter Church Kowloon City Baptist Church Neighbourhood Association Community Centre Elderly Centre 香港晨曦會 (福音戒毒) 聖公會聖三一堂 循道衛理觀塘社會服務處關懷長者中心 Operation Dawn (Trinitarian Therapy Drug Sheng Kung Hui Holy Trinity Church Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service Elderly Abuse Treatment & Rehab) Concert Centre 香港社區組織協會 恬樂亭 Society for Community Organization 循道衛理觀塘社會服務處藍田樂齡鄰舍中心 Pavilion Community Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service Lam 基督教協基會路加堂 Tin Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 民社服務中心糧友行動 St. Luke's Church of United Brethren in People Service Centre-Food Sharing Project Christ 觀潮浸信會 Kwun Tong Swatow Baptist Church 全備團契 聖士提反會 Perfect Fellowship St. Stephen's Society 天梯使團有限公司(愛家人網絡) Ladder Mission Ltd. 健障互匡會有限公司 露宿者行動委員會有限公司 PHAB Community Limited Street Sleepers Action Committee Ltd. 利駿行慈善基金有限公司 LCH Charitable Foundation Ltd. 保良局張麥珍耆樂中心 香港小童群益會筲箕灣兒童中心及圖書館 Po Leung Kuk Mrs. Maria Cheung Lifelong The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of 基督教靈糧世界傳道會九龍靈糧堂 Learning Institute for the Senior Hong Kong Shaukeiwan Children Centre Ling Liang Worldwide Evangelistc Mission Kowloon Ling Liang Church 保良局石硤尾幼稚園暨幼兒園 基督福音堂(主愛堂)有限公司 Po Leung Kuk Shek Kip Mei Kindergarten- The Christ's Evangelical Centre (Church of 樂善堂陳黎掌嬌敬老康樂中心 Cum-Nursery Love) Ltd. Lok Sin Tong Chan Lai Jeong Kiu Social Centre for the Elderly 保良局石硤尾職業服務中心 中華基督教會灣仔堂 Po Leung Kuk Shek Kip Mei Vocational The Church of Christ in China Wanchai 愛苗行動社區服務中心 Services Centre Church Loving Kids Community Service Co. Ltd. 保良局田家炳長幼天地 基督教會活石堂 循道愛華村服務中心耀東綜合服務隊 Po Leung Kuk Tin Ka Ping Family Joy Centre The Church of Livingstones (Kowloon) Methodist Epworth Village Community Centre Yiu Tung Integrated Team 保良局溫林美賢耆暉中心 基督教香港信義會蒙恩堂 Po Leung Kuk Wan Lam May Yin Shirley The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Neighbourhood Elderly Centre Kong - Amazing Grace Lutheran Church

惜食堂年報 32Food Angel Annual Report 2016-2017 光愛中心葵芳長者服務中心 婦女服務聯會 救世軍環翠宿舍 The Light & Love Home Kwai Fong Social Women Service Association The Salvation Army Wan Tsui Home for Boys Centre for the Elderly 香港西區婦女福利會關啟明紀念松鶴老人中心 救世軍漁灣宿舍 香港心理衛生會 Women's Welfare Club, Western District H.K. The Salvation Army Yue Wan Boy's Hostel The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong Kwan Kai Ming Memorial Chung Hok Elderly Centre 救世軍露宿者綜合服務 五旬節聖潔會香港區會基列社會服務中心 仁愛堂社區中心 The Salvation Army Integrated Service for The Pentecostal Holiness Church Hong Yan Oi Tong Community Centre Street Sleepers Kong Conference Gilead Social Service 天水圍社區發展網絡 Centre 仁愛堂吳金玉紀念長者鄰舍中心 Tin Shui Wai Community Development Yan Oi Tong Ng Kam Yuk Memorial Network 救世軍中原慈善基金學校 The Salvation Army Centaline Charity Fund 仁愛堂彩虹社區綜合發展中心 東華三院方王換娣安老院 School Yan Oi Tong Rainbow Community Intergrated Tung Wah Group of Hospitals - Fong Wong Development Centre Woon Tei Home for the Elderly 救世軍露宿者綜合服務 The Salvation Army Integrated Service for 仁愛堂田家炳屯門綜合家居照顧服務中心 東華三院賽馬會頤養護理安老院 Street Sleepers Yan Oi Tong Ting Ka Ping Tuen Mun Tung Wah Group of Hospitals - Jockey Club Integrated Home Care Services Yee Yeung Care and Attention Home 救世軍市區重建社區服務隊 The Salvation Army Urban Renewal Social 仁愛堂屯門獅子會綜合家居照顧服務中心 東華三院馬鄭淑英安老院 Service Team Yan Oi Tong Tuen Mun Lion Club Integrated Tung Wah Group of Hospitals - Ma Cheng Home Care Services Shuk Ying Home for the Elderly 救世軍環翠宿舍 The Salvation Army Wan Tsui Home for Boys 仁愛堂屯子圍新慶村新慶青磚圍鄉郊社區服 東華三院包兆龍護理安老院 務中心 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals - Pao Siu 救世軍怡安宿舍 Yan Oi Tong Tuen San Tsing Rutal Loong Care & Attention Home The Salvation Army Yee On Hostel Community Service Centre 東華三院寶鍾全英安老院 救世軍漁灣宿舍 仁愛堂胡忠長者地區中心 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals - Po Chung The Salvation Army Yue Wan Boy's Hostel Yan Oi Tong Wu Chung District Elderly Chuen Ying Home for the Elderly Community Centre 香港善導會九龍南社會服務中心-油麻地 東華三院翠柳頤庭 The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime 香港基督教女青年會深水埗綜合社會服務處 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals - Willow Prevention, Hong Kong. Kowloon South YWCA Sham Shui Po Integrated Social Lodge Social Service Centre Service Centre 東華三院黃祖棠護理安老院 香港善導會九龍西社會服務中心-石峽尾 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals - Wong Cho The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime 愛包行動慈善機構伙伴 Tong Care & Attention Home Prevention, Hong Kong. Kowloon West Social Service Centre Bread Angel Charity Partners 東華三院楊成紀念長期護理院 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals - Yeung Sing 基督教華富邨潮人生命堂 基督教宣道會沙角堂 Memorial Long Stay Care Home The Wah Fu Swatow Christian Church Christian & Missionary Alliance Shakok Alliance Church 東華三院余振強紀念護理安老院 士瓜灣浸信會 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals - Yu Chun Tokwawan Baptist Church 基督教以便以謝堂 Keung Memorial Care & Attention Home Christian Ebenezer Hall 生命樹教育中心 (銅鑼灣/筲筲灣) 東華三院余墨緣綜合服務中心 Tree of Life Education Centre (Causeway 基督教永愛教會有限公司 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals - Yu Mak Yuen Bay / Shau Kei Wan) Church of Everlasting Love Ltd. Integrated Services Centre

基督教香港崇真會深恩軒 伸手助人協會畢尚華神父護老頤養院 Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Full Grace Helping Hand Father Sean Burke Care 惜食堂熱飯餐或食物包 + 愛包行動 Service Centre Home for the Elderly 慈善機構伙伴 基督教香港祟真會黃埔堂 伸手助人協會麗瑤白普理護老院 Food Angel Hot Meals Or Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Whampoa Helping Hand Lai Yiu Bradbury Care Home Food Packs + Bread Angel Church 香港浸信教會好鄰舍福音堂 Charity Partners 慈雲山浸信會 Hong Kong Baptist Church Good Neighbour Tsz Wan Shan Baptist Church Limited Chapel 循道衛理亞斯理社會服務處 Asbury Methodist Social Service 葡萄藤社區服務中心 睦鄰關愛基金有限公司 Vine Community Services Neighbourhood Care Foundation Ltd. 雅比斯差傳教會 無國界義工 Jabez Mission Church Volunteer Space 基督教香港信義會太和青少年綜合服務中心 The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong 葵涌新生命堂 宏施慈善基金社會服務處 Kong - Tai Wo Integrated Youth Service Kwai Chung New Life Temple Windshield Charitable Foundation Social Centre Services 循道衛理聯合教會沙田堂 Sha Tin Methodist Church

惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report33 2016-2017 傳真 : +852 3747 1434 Fax : +852 3747 1434 電郵 : [email protected] Email : [email protected] 網址 : www.foodangel.org.hk Website : www.foodangel.org.hk

辦公室 Office 九龍海壇街235號豐盛大廈2樓 2/F, Fung Sing Building, 235 Hai Tan Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon 電話 : +852 2801 5333 Tel : +852 2801 5333

柴灣廚房 Chai Wan Kitchen 香港柴灣安業街12號長益工業大廈11樓A室 11A Cheung Yick Industrial Building, 12 On Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong 電話 : +852 2898 2931 Tel : +852 2898 2931

深水埗廚房 Shum Shui Po Kitchen 九龍海壇街235號豐盛大廈地下 G/F, Fung Sing Building, 235 Hai Tan Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon 電話 : +852 2801 5000 Tel : +852 2801 5000

惜食分餉站 Food Station 九龍荔枝角瓊林街93號龍翔工業大廈4樓F室 Unit F, 4/F, Dragon Industrial Building, 93 King Lam Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon 電話 : +852 3709 9458 Tel : +852 3709 9458

惜食堂社區中心 Community Center 九龍海壇街235號豐盛大廈3樓 3/F, Fung Sing Building, 235 Hai Tan Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon 電話 : +852 3118 2348 Tel : +852 3118 2348

粒粒皆辛館 Foodstep Journey Experience Center 九龍海壇街235號豐盛大廈1樓 1/F, Fung Sing Building, 235 Hai Tan Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon 電話 : +852 3705 2484 Tel : +852 3705 2484

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