1162 ••• Approved and ordered this 11 th day ofSeptemberA.D. 1931 elt.,ov 4r1t'

At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, Lkutenant-Governor.


The Honourable in the Chair. Mr. Tolmic Mr. Mr. Howe Mr. Atkinson Mr. Jones Mr. Mr. Mr.

To His Honour The Lieutenant-Governor In Coundl : The undersigned has the honour to RECOAREND:-

THAT urder-in-Counoil No. 1121 apsroved August 31st, 1931, be amended by adding thereto the following:- "And further to recommend that approval be granted to the issuance accordingly by the Commissioner of Fisheries of licences to the respective plants named in the list annexed hereto."

DATED this nth day of September, A.D. 1931.

Provincial Secretary.

APPROVED this loth day of September, A.D. 1931. I/

Presidamber of the Executive Council. SALMON CANNERIES

Plant name Location Massatt ) Langara ) Watun River ) North Queen Charlotte Islands Ferguson Bay ) Shannon Bay

Aliford Bay ) South Bay ) Lagoon Bay ) South Queen Charlotte Islands Lookeport )

Wales Island ) Mill Bay Naas River Naas Harbour Arrandale )

Tucks Inlet ) Smanyside ) Balmoral ) Cunningham ) Claxton ) Dominion ) Oceanic ) Pt. Edward ) Inverness ) North Pacific ) Skeena Commercial ) British American ) Haysport ) Carlisle ) Cassiqr ) Humpback Bay )

Captain's Cove Pitt Island Lowe Inlet Barnard Cove lortnoess Royal Island Butedale Klemtu Pinlayson Channel Walker Lake Johnson Channel Bella Bella Denny Island Nauru Fitzhugh Sound Manitou Dean Channel Tallheo Bella Coola Kimaquit Dean Channel Bella Cools Bella Coola

Beaver Provinoial Brunswick McTavish Strathoona Wadhama Rivers Inlet. Kiltala Goose Bay Good Hope Beatrice -2-

Plant Name Location

Boswell Bay ) Margaret Bay ) Smiths Inlet ) Smiths Inlet LeRoy

Seymour Inlet Kingoome Inlet Kingoome Inlet Malcolm Island Bones Bay " n Glendale Cove Quathiaski Cove Seymour Narrows Deep By Nanaimo Redonda Georgia Strait

Sidney Saanich Great Northern ) Brunswiok ) Imperial ) Terra Nova ) Vancouver ) Ewens ) Bidwell ) Venus ) Glenrose ) Great West ) Phoenix ) Gulf of Georgia ) Home ) St. Xing() )

Empire Harbor Port Renfrew Nitinat Nitinat

Port Alberni ) Kildonan ) Barclay Sound Ban Mateo )

Clayoquot Heoate Hecate Channel Nootka Caledonia Sound

Koprino ) Sound Quatsino ) SALMON DRY SALTERIES

Plant Name Location

Skidegate ) Queen Charlotte ) Paoofi ) South Queen Charlotte Islands Huston Inlet ) Jedway ) Rose Harbour )

Jackson Pass Jackson Pass Margaret Bay (Wastell) Smiths Inlet Telegraph Cove Cooks Alert Bay Moresby Isl. Fisheries Moresby Island

Egmont ) Deserted Bay ) Malaspina Straits

Fraser River Salmon Saltery) St. Mungo Phoenix Burrard Colonial Gore Ave. Fraser River Bidwell St. Bowditoh Wharf

Victoria Victoria

Croll Cove McCallum Bay ) Ritherdon Bay ) Green Cove Sarita Barclay Sound Davis Island ) E000le

Esperanza Esperanza Inlet

Tolmie Chandss Bay Markale

LeRoy Bay - A.M.Wastell Smith Inlet -4-


Plant name Location

Uoluelet ) Toquart ) Ecoole ) Beohart ) San Mateo ) Kildonan ) Albion ) Riley's Cove ) East Bay ) Shelter Arm$ ) Watson I Matilda Creek ) Clayoquot cannery ) Bombs ) Ceepeecee ) West Coast McBride Bay ) Bootka ) Espinosa ) Queens Cove ) Markale ) Caohalot ) Iorwin ) Easy Creek ) Caledonia ) Koprino ) quatsino ) HERRING DRY SALTERIES

Plant Name Location Ritherdon Bay MoCallum Bay Sarita Bay Croll cove Davis Island To quart Barclay Sound Scoole Seohart San Mateo Kildonan Green Cove

Queen's Cove Nootka Sound

Caledonia ) Markale ) Caohalot ) Kyuquot Sound Chamiss Bay Tolmie i

Moresby Isl. Fisheries, Ltd., Newcastle Isl. n n n n Galiano Pacific Salteries,Ltd., Newcastle Isl. R. Tabata & Co., Jessie Isl. n Galiano S. Tanaka & Co., Reid Isl. Fishing & Packing Co., It I? Cowichan Saltery Co., Gallen° Yip Sang & Co., n Wm. Book n Capt. A. Bradford Retreat Cove Otter Bay Fishing Co., Ltd., Otter Bay Canadian Fishing 09., Ltd., Nanaimo Colonial ) Coast Saltery ) Phoenix ) Fraser River Nelson Bros. Kyuquot Sound Wm. Betait Mayne Island. PILCHARD CANNERIES Nootka Nootka Sound Kildonan Barclay Sound Koprino HERRING CANNERIES Kildonan Barclay Sound WHALE REDUCTION PLANTS Rose Harbor South Queen Charlotte Islands !laden Harbor North "