"WSf ' re WtliiTBSSSSlBfrf s- -. - V? ' j. r u THE WASflPfeipy TIMES, TUESDAY, APftIL 25, 1911. - , 1 K McAleer Decides to Retain Pitcher Sherry as Member of the Nationals

' .All QUAKER CITY FAB "Mac" Shows Capital Fans That Half a Loaf Is Better Than None At BOB THAYER'S Sporting Gossip GREET NATIONALS

I BUZZ 14 v "Every Knock Is a Boost," ONE, "YOU. FA5T I FIND HfRE vSy PENNANT AY TAKE A - GO -- A SIGN OF'. Ball players recister! LEAP OVER. MILLARS "WHATS THE GOOD CHEER . Failure of the amateur teams of the n V HEAD-- ". "Y'VT ." DIFF FANS District to file their complete roster of Will players means a lot of rush work for Connie Mack's Parade i GOT AWAY Secretary Harry Shurtleff during the Not Bother McAleer, EVEN remaining days of the week. WITH AN rf&s&v&cw . ' n sr As most of the clubs have been com- BREAK .o? i , j9 pleted It seems unreasonable to delay He Says. VU ui'tll the whole files will be placed In . The commission has ruled that man- I V III re m G6ING 1 agers falling to comply with the con- after the POT: stitution In the matter of registering CHAMPIONS HARD will be fined, so it Is up to those In charge of the teams to get busy with- out further delay. Sherry Is Making a Good Im- Lynch with Aloyelus. Fred ) ) pression and Will w 1 Mr Manager O'Connor hag vaada a valu- I able addition to his Aloyslus team In Stay. GB39mfh(iHi the District League, through the signing fS''V2& of Talbott Lynch. By his work with 'scHACfEToonfiwr, Georgetown this spring' Lynch has By "SENATOR." shown himself to be quite a, pitcher, and .he should star with Aloyslus. PHILADELPHIA. Pa., April 25. It Is pennant day In Philly, and the fans Taft to help. are all going to bo there and see Connie Mack, the wise old owl of basp-foal- l. E'erythlng promises to combine this do his parade stunt. Tho Nation- afternoon to make the inauguration of j als say, however, that tho mere fact the amateur baseball season here a suc- point-The- that it is pennant day means nothing cess from every view re to them, and they will go after the Is no organization In the world champions from the drop of the bat. that would not feel honored at liaving The triho of McAleer is becoming rap-Idl- y thr Resident of the United States place a fighting, scrapping, clawing crowd his approval on its work by his presence; of neyer-say-d- le ball players, and they so It would not be surprising to see a mean business all the time. great throng at the White House EIHp&a So well does Jimmy McAleer think of this afternoon to witness the opening of Fred Sherry, the Youngstown twlrlcr, the campaign of the Bankers League. that he has paid the final installment on It has been largely through tlw ef- the lad to the bush league club. forts of Howard Reeslde that the Chief Under the rules this payment was rot LANDED: Executive has agreed to set aside the due until May 3, but McAleer made up THE HIGHLANDERS cares of state, at this busy season, to his mind that he could make a real Uilf --. help the amateurs get under way prop- pitcher out of the big lad from the coal erly, and to sav that the amateur base- now ball followers appreciate the whole af- regions of Scranton, and the deal fair is putting it mildly. Is done. Sherry will stay with tho club, The President is thoroughly welcome working out every day against the bat- and amateur baseball In the Capital is ters, and perhaps some afternoon when 0 signally honored. tho other fellows whale the eternal day- PITCHER QOINN. t lights out of , or Bob Georgetown's success. Groom, the boy will be sent to the slab baptism. lor his It has been many a moon since Chance to Develop. a Georgetown baseball team has been "I'm poing to keep Sherry," says Man- Baseball Standings able to boast of such a record as has ager McAleer. "I think he'll develop HAL CHASE FINDS NOTES OF THE NATIONALS been made by Captain SItterdlng's squad Into a good pitcher, and I'm going to u pto the present. do the developing myself. I'd rather . ON With the greater part of the hard do that than let some other fellow do SPEARED THE FLY games behind the Blue and Gray nine It." it Charlie Conway, the hercullan out- STRATEGY NEEDED Games Today. has lost but a college contest, fielder released to Youngstown, stayed Washington at Philadelphia. By "SENATOR." and that to Fordham on a day when It e was Georgetown was con- game Shibo New York Boston. new-leas- O'Loughlin admitted that over today to see the at at is enjoying a going to prove that Silk Is siderably below form. Park .He leaves tonight for the bush St. Louis at Detroit. glad. crazier than any southpaw twirler by at . of life and everybody is winning games With but a few remnants of the un- and grass land. a majority of his this year ago uni- Herman Schaefer did not accompany of Wobbling the Highlanders Have to reason. successful team of a the waiting over In Spite Johnson's Yesterday's Results. has set all New York by versity outfit this spring has been the team from New York, fielding. along steady clip, despite in New York until Jhls morning, and New York. 5; Washington. 3. the car3 by his wonderful George Is well thought of brought at a to Overcome Wonderful Field- w McBride unfavorable weather, and unless there appearing In time to go to the park. Work Hard Detroit. 7; St. Louis. 6. all over the circuit and the fans can be r Schaefer's surprisingly good showing Philadelphia. 5; Boston. 1. John Henry's smooth work round that is a total collapse, promises to finish impossible for 5: Chicago 2. firbt corner, while not as flashy as that heard everywhere commenting on his the season with one of the best records In the garden made It ing of the Nationals. Cleveland. brought cheers of general excel- Intercollegiate C onway to land on tho team. of Childe Harold, the wonderful fielding and of any team In the whole "Schaefer is experienced and is hitting Standing of the Clubs. the New York fans. lent playing. world. well. ' explains McAleer. "What's the But a lone reverse with victories over Conway around W. L. Pet W. L. Pet. Bill Cunningham's new "benny" Is the Kid Elberfeld is the in Yale. Penn. Cornell, Holy Cross, and sense of m keeping By "SENATOR." S 1 .SS3 4 4 .500 earliest riser playing the kind of ball Detroit.... Boston.... central attraction In the hotel lobby squad. The pepperbox In the rest. Is no small achievement, and with Schaefer 5 2 .714 Chicago.. .400 of-al- tho turns April 25.-E- ven In the sixth and scored on Hartzell's New York. and the attention l is called to it the team at Charlottesville today, car- lie's playing now? I think he'll become PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Washlng'n 4 3 .571 St. Louis. .273 around 10 o'clock, but Is always out; for good before he gets through. wobbling slnj?lc about every ten minutes. i ries with it the confidence of George- a with Walter Johnson like Cleveland.. 5 5 .E00 Phtla 6 ,2M a walk at 6 o'clock the next morning. town men. Conway is likely to come back for a quietus In tho The eighth was painful. The Nation- says says every man next fall if he has a good yeai a man getting his als' great pitcher had balloons on his "Long Tom" Hughes that when He should do it. 4 trial use all his . warm weather &ets in he will take - out there in Youngstown." ring, "Hal" Chase had to feet, and three fine, promising young the Beauty. Is Beckendorf to minora. cop game runs came in, and Johnson poled a Ms turn on the hill and he won't be a Dixie Walker, the Alabama Exhibition Called Off. strategy to yesterday's from Cree Tom Is very confident. frightened to death on this trip lest nervy Nationals, even then brace of triples, and Walter lilt Swee- Games Today. lcser, either. up The announcement from Detroit that due those and ney. Then Quinn singled, scoring John- Jimmy McAleer thinks he is cutting Owing to the two doubleheaders la'ds scored two runs Chicago at . the happiest lad hlch Jinks and he won't move away Henry Beckendorf has been sent to on next trip Jimmy McAleer's son. Ainsmlth'8 awful heave let Quinn Boston New York. Warren Miller whs the minors by Hughey Jennings does In New York the there In the final stanza. across. at on the team to leave New York. Be be- from the hotel without some member surprise Nationals will be unable to plaj" Philadelphia at Brooklyn. no time In get- of tho team being with him. not come as a great here. the Bingles for the Enemy. Hopes were high of a Washington vic- Pittsburg at St. Louis. longs" In Philly and lost When Beckendorf was with the Na- Andy Coakley s I'aterson team on alin- tory when the battle opened, but some ting home to his wife and baby. season was of use, , 24. and the exhibition has George McBride is a boxing enthu tionals last he little ed June As it was, he lost a 5 to 3 game, one kicked the bucket In the eighth, and Yesterday's Results. hut with Buffalo. In the Eastern been called off. The Nationals will have good it was good-nigh- t. Sweet Adallne. "Wld" Conroy, long a hero of heroes siast and the moment he hit New lorK days in New York which will look in the records. The 3; Brooklyn, 0. recognized by tHe looked up some friends and took in League, he should show to better advan bix games in four was wild as any hawk Walter Johnson continued to grow more Boston. In New York, was he tage. the next time thev hhow there, and crack hurler that and more unsteady as the end drew Cincinnati, 7: Chicago, 4. fans the moment he appeared on tho a fight. The next night he did likewise. flew, and when he groove Philadelphia, 4; New 1. Is doing the same thing, If the catcher could get tiown to will need that Sunday to sleep. eer hit the nigh, and at the finish he was out of the York. field and got a great hand. In Philly he wo'uld delight In send- con- St. Louis, 6; Pittsburg, 5. knows all the angles of the reasonable weight he not be a those pesky Yanks took fray; he and Alnsmlth were at and he man to have around. ing It afar. Yes, kind people, there stant odds, the many wild pitches keep- "Steamboat Bill" Otey says that he is game. bad Western Golf Champion were some mighty bingles, very mighty. ing Ainsmith on the jump. Johnson had Standing of the Clubs, But most of them counted for the one real bad heave, walked four and w. L.Pct- - I w. L.Pct. In Chevy Chase Matches enemy. hit Sweeney with the ball. No, It Phllad'a... S 1 .8S3 Cincinnati 3 4 .423 wasn't exactly a national holiday. Chicago... 6 3 .667 Boston.... 4 6 A0 With the score 5 to 1 against them In say, boys, on tho level, when our K .500 3 5 .375 Chevy course will be the But New York. i St. Louis.. The Chase that final heart-rendin- g session, tho Walter Is bad. he's like that naughty lit- Pittsburg.. 4 4 .500 IBrooklyn.. 2 7 .223 cotnn nf Knmr interestinc irolf this after girl the story he's worse noon and tomorrow, when "Chick" f Nationals set everything on fire. Bill tle in than champion 'West, Cunningham spanked a single to left any ordinary punk twirler, even as he Evans, open of the outshines them all when he's right. Minor League Results. v. plavs members of the club. and then Otis Johnson played marbles Perhaps the next time This afternoon the Chicago man has with Jack Knight's toss of Miller's as his partner Allan Lard, and meets The Score : Eastern League. Ormsbv McCammon and Sam Dalzell. slap. Two were on when McBride bal- - Representative Longworth looned to Hemphill. Again Otis John- WASHINGTON. NEW YORK. At Providence Montreal, 4: Provi Tomorrow AB.II.O.A. E AB.H.O.A. E dence. 3. will be the visitors' partner. They will son bobbled, this time on Henry's 4 0 and Allan Lard. Mllan.cf... 3 10 10 Wolter.rf.. 0 At Jersey City Toronto, 2; Jersey play Walter Tuckerman bouncer, and the cushions were peopled Schacfer.lf 3 0 10 0 Hemill.cf 5 0 2 City, 1. Considerable Interest has been aroused profusely. Eld'feld.Sb 3 14 10 Chaise. lb... 5 3 10 At Newark Rochester. 7: Newark. 2. in golfiing circles by the visit of the Cun'am.Ib 3 1 2 0 Har'elUb. 3 2 2 Baltimore, 6; Buffalo, X Is expected a large Then came the mighty Alnsmlth, and 4 0 2 0 1 3 2 At Baltimore champion, and it Mlller.rf.. Knlcht.2b. 0 9 V, gallery will follow the playing. he drove one back at Jack Quinn. Cun- McBrlde.sa 4 1 0 & 0 Cree.lf 3 2 1 League. ningham was in. Miller perched on third Henry.Jb.. 4 OH 1 1 J'nson.ss. 0 2 3 Virginia State Henry way. Oh, were Ainsmlth.c 4 2 13 1 Sweeney.c 3 0 6 At Roanoke Roanoke, 7; Norfolk, 6. and half there p. 2 0 O 4 0 0 0 1 wi Railroad League to oodles of excitement. Oodles of it! Jack Johnson. Blalr.c At Danville Lynchburg, 3; Danville, 1. Lellvelt strolled up to pan Instead LelUelt.. 10 0 0 0 Quinn, p. .. 4 2 0 the Caldnell.p 0 0 0 League. Make Final Plans of Walter Johnson, and Jack Quinn was Totals.. 31 6 24 21 3 Southern derrlcked to let Caldwell face the Totals.. 33 11 27 17 6 At Memphis Memphis, 5: Atlanta. 1. southpaw. Chase was worried, and the New Orleans Birmingham, 5; New A meeting of the Railroad Y M. Ci A. Batted for W. Johnson In ninthi At Friday night fans going wild. Washlncton 0 0 0 0 0 0 Orleans, 0. LeaRiie has been called for 10 215 a few minor Jack caught the pill, and drove It at New York 0 10 0 0 10 3 x At Chattanooga Nashville, 9; Chatta- at the Union Station, when nooga, S. , to the opening of Otis Johnson again. This time the Runs Milan, Cunningham, Miller, Chase, details pertaining (2), Two-bas- e Mobile Montgomery. 3; Mobile, 2. May 1, will be at- Kilty gobbled It and forced Ainsmith Cree Otis Johnson. Quinn. At the league's ieason, at second. Miller flew over the dish, hits Chase. Elberfeld, and Quinn. tended to. and John Henry made a break. Knight Three-bas- e hit Cree (2). Chase, and Otis Atlantic League. At a meeting there last night, the shop got Johnson Sacrifice hits W. Johnson, Cun- South heat, light and threw to Hartzel, and Blair the ningham, Knight. Stolen Chase, At Augusta Augusta, 4; Savannah, 0. department and the Arnherst lad on the line. Two runs had and bates power departments consolidated, and it game over, Hartzcll. Milan, O. Johnson, and Hemphill At Charleston Charleston, 3; Colum- new team will be come In, but the was the (2). Left on bases Washington, 7; New bia, 2. If you have $1 8 to spend for is expected that the In race. 11. strongest In the ciruclt. The Yanks had nosed ahead the York. First base on errors Washington. At Albany Macon, 8: Albany, 5. one of the 3; New York. 2. plays Cree and 7; will he known as the Shop Boys. First Run In Fourth. Q. At Columbus Columbus, Jackson- team Sweeney; Johnson, Knight. Hartzell, and 3. presentat last night's meeting By Quinn. 4: bv W. ville, Those Secretary The fourth spasm saw the Nationals Blair Struck out were President J. T Bond.. tally. Milan walked and Johnson. 1. Bases on balls On Quinn, 3; off C. McKnlght. Shop; J. P. get their first 4. Dy pucner By w. John- Connecticut League. Winslou. J. funny bone. W. Johnson, tilt Nolan. Union Station; C. H. McClug, Schaefer was hit in the son (Sweeney). Wild pitches W. Johnson. 2. At Holyokc Holyoke. 5; Hartford, 4. Southern. L. H. Taylor. Car; C. H. Then the noble "Kid" Elberfeld Passed ball Ainsmith. Hits Oft Quinn. 6 At New Britain Bridgeport, 3; New U. S. In 81-- 3 Innings; off Caldwell. 0 In 3 Inning. Graham. B. & O.: J. L. Ruffle. doubled down the third base line. Milan Umpires Messrs. Mullen and Connolly. Time Britain, 2. A SERGE SUIT Kxpress. tallied very neatly; there wasn't any- of came 2 hours and 10 minutes. thing doing after that. In the sixth New England League. Keep in Pocket y, Your Washington Teams. Schaefer got on through Qulnn's mis-pla- At Haverhill Brockton, 5; Haverhill, $5.00 on an error to third, Practice on Thursday. 2. i 11, Central High, 3. advanced "At Fall River Lawrence, 4; Fall Riv- Cathedral. and tried to paddle home on Miller's fly All members of the Congressional fiellaudrt. 3; Tech. High, 0. team are requested to bo at the Dis- er, 1. a thirteen ($13.25"), come (Commercial), 4; V. S. Sen- to Cree. His canoe wouldn't work, and At Lowell Lowell. 3: Worcester, 2. Add quarter to the other Andrews by feet, not inches. trict Park on Thursday for practice. ate 1 Sweeney had him players are asked not to come At New Bedford New Bedford. 7; 10; the second, after terpling The 6. Naval Medical School, Columbia Cree scored.in later than 4 o'clock. Lynn, "Down by 'the Navy Yard," and take home the greatest P on Johnson Infield out. Chase tripled Nativity. 6, North Carolina M. P. (Sunday School). 4. . Serge value $18 ever secured. Speedway A. C. 12; Addison. 3. Luzon?. 16; Union Station, 6. Southern R. R-- Y. M. C. A.). ; In- Pountry-CIq- b 'b, terior (Departmental). 4. 5; A. 4. Here is a snappy style' Mohawks. Columbia C the Price Shad Link Favored. g.2ft 's Although Jen Perelll threw Dr. Roller REGENT I $1 when the two met in Baltimore seme time aso. friends of Shart I,lnk sav that A Shoe of style plus the latter will not he such easy V and you ask for lot number 1325. A guaranteed genuine and are expecting the Italian t6 lose. comfort and wear The match take place at the Gayety London-shrun- fade. Theater Wednesday night, and will be $18.00 k Serg&that will not shrink or to a finish gTYLISH-b- ut Cut in the height of fashion, faultlessly tailored through- qui extreme. and elegantly lined. AVe would have to charge SI 8.00 FOR COLDS, GRIP, CHILLS Easy to button. out AXD FEVER High Tie slips readily. $250A PAIR instead of $13.25, too, if we were not "Out of the Storer s Grip and , ; Corliss-Coo- n Rent District" . All the new Spring i Remedy Malaria 813? Collars styles to select rrom. The Home of IS TJSURPASSED.r IforTS All guaranteed to Nobby Shoes BIEBER-KMjFMA- NO QUIXIXE CAPSULES. please For Mm The N CO. CO DOX AT ALL CENTS PER v DRUGGISTS. For Sale Br The Man's Department Store Dow by the Navy Yard THE STORER DRUG CO., The 943Pa.Ave.N.W. HAVEN', CONN. NEW $c REGENT 901-903-905-907-- Stilus (Eompamj 909 Eighth Street S. E A I

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