THE GAZETTE Pnbhshed nuder the Anthonty of HIS Excellency the Governor of the and d Keaya (Rwstered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 ) - Vol. LX-No 27 , 10th June, 1958 Price Sh 1

CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZETTEho~lc~~-(Contd ) PAGE PAGE Appointments, etc 598 The Compan~esOrd~nance The Legldative Council Ordinance- - Lo.\ of Share Cert~ficate Appointment ot Deputy Presid~ngOfficers 598 Alterition of Pollln- Notlce-R~ft Valley Electord Probate and Administration Area 599 1 The Batlhruptcy Ordinance Appomtment of Temporary Member 599 Deed of Composition Registered Durlng May 1958 615 kacancj in the Legislat~ve Councll 618 D~ssolution of Partnership 616 Nomination Da> for By-electlon 619 Not ce of Revocztion of Po~erof Attorney 616 Language Examinat~on-Substitution of G N 1976158 Notlce of Chanse of Name 616,620 The Courts Ord~nince-4ppo1ntments 599 1 The Reg stratlon of Title5 Ord~nance-Ishue of Pro- The Kenyz (Const~tution)Order in Council, 1958- vl,ion?l Cert~hcqte 61 8 Ap7ointmenr 5 600-602 The Royal N?tion11 P?rhs of Kenya Ordmance- Declar ltlon of Ke\umed - Clp?clty of hom~nzted Appomtments, etc 618 Member 602 Cloa~ieot Road5 618 M 0 W Cent1 11 Division-Supplv of Materials 602 The Trailsport Licens~ng Ordinance-Dates of Meet renders 602, 603, 609, 613 , ings of Board 618 Eist Afr~c~nR?llw?vs and Harbour\-Amendment to Land\ Ordinance-Plots at Watamu 619 Tartff Book No 2 602 I! The Fraudulent Tr-lsfer of Businesse> Ordinance 620 The Resident Lzbourers Ordinance-Appointment 603 / The Anundl D sezse\ Rules --Term~n?t~onof Appo~nt I1 ment The Trading in Unwioughr Precious Metdl3 Ordinance- Forfeiture of Unwrought Preclous Metal 603 1 The Kenya Society for the Blind Ordinznce-Appoint- SUPPLEMENT No 42 ment 603 I rile Air Ser\lce\ (Llce lsiclg) Rtgulatlons, 1957-AppIlci- I t~onfol a L~cence 603 1 - LECAL NO^ ICE NO PAGE Colony and Protectorate of Kenya-Excheque- Return 604 ' The Elst Afrlcan Industr~alLicensing Ordinance 1953- 1 26@-The K~tale Munlciptllty (Geieril) (Amend- AppI~carlon for lndustr~al Lrcence 6C5 1 ment) 8)-laucs, 1958 419 Welshts and Measures Ordinmce-Notlce to Traders 605 1 261-The K~taleCounty Counc~lRatlng (Graduated E A H C -1rsu1nnce Agaltlst Damage by Locust5 605 1 Rate) Rules, 1953 42 1 I 262-Tbe An~rn~lDiseases Ordinance-Anunal The Liouor Licensing Ordmance-Ap~o~ntment of Licens- ing Courts 605 ,i Dtseases (Fees and ChargesFAmendment 430 263-The Tea Orhnance 1950-Not~ce of Imposl- E A I3 C (R~ilwljsand harbour^) Stock 605 1 tion of Cess 430 Trade Mark\ 606-607 264--7he Pr~sonsOrd~nance-Declaratloi~ of Prisons 431 The P? ents Reg~strat~onOrdinance 608 1 265-The Leglslat~ve Councll (Postal Vot~ng) The Afilcan D~str~ctCouncils Ordinince-Appo~ntment 638 (Amendment) Rulec 1958 411 - Uasin Gishu County Counc~l 608 1 266- The Per\o?il Tdx Ordlnance 1957-Date of The Munlc~pal Council of Nakuru 608 1 Applicatlo~: 432 Munic~palBoard of 608 609 1 267-[he School Comm~ttees for Government Clty Council of Narrobl-Election of Indlan Coun- Schools (Amendment) (No 2) Order 1958 432 cillors 609 268-The Su-\ley Regulitions (Amendment) Rules, C~tyCounc~l of Nairob~ 610,612 1958 433 Mun~cipal Board of Eldhrel 610 I lquor Licensing 61 0 27QThe Emergencj Powers Order in Council, Vacancies 611 617,618 1 1958-Order 436 H M Court of Appeal for Eastern Afrlcan-Cdu\e Lizt 612 1 271-The Prohibited Areas (Amendment) Order, Loss of Pohcy 612 1 1958 43 7 598 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 10th June, 1958 G AZETTE N OTICE N O 2027 G AZETTE N OTICE N O 2029 APPOINTM ENTS (L C 3 / 8/ GEORGE ANNESLEY to be Labour Oë cer wlth effect frôm 1st M ay, 1958 I'us t -scilst-x-flvE COU NCIL ORD IN ANCE HAROLD W ILLIAM STOKES M A resumed duty On lcturn 'flom (C yg) leave as Asststatlt Dlrectol of Educatlon wlttt elect fronl 23rd ap Aprll, 1958 A ppolx.rxfsx.r oc Dseu'rv fhltsslolxci Ossjcsus R EVER SIO N ELECTORAL AREA N o 19- AsIAN M USLIM W EST ARCIIIE FREDERICK BIJLL B A. ceased to act as A sststant D lrector of Educatlons wlth e/ect from 23rd Aprll 1958 IN EXERCISE of the powel s confell ed by rule 14 of the' Rules fol the Electlon of m em bel s contalned 'n Schedule lIl to By com mand of the G overnor the Leglslatlve Councll O rdlnance the Governol has appolnted W F COU H S, the pelsons named ln Sclledule l heleto to be D eputy P, esldlng O flicels fo1 the polllng statlons Iespectlvely theleln speclfied Chlej Secl etal J ln yaddltlon to those notllied ln G azette N otlce N o 1962 datcd 26th M ay, 1958 G AZCTTE N oTlcs N o 2028 3/ 8) The appolntm ents of the pc1 sons nam ed in Schedule .11 as D eputy Presldlng Oflicel s In rcspect of thc polllng statlons TH E LEG ISLATIVE COUN CIL ORDIN AN CE thereln spemfied whlch appolntments were notlfied ln the qcap 38J sald G azette N otlce N o 1962, a! e heleby cancelled A IY OINTMEN'I- otz D sl>t;'rv PRESIDING O FFICERS ELECTORAL AREA N o 15- A stAN N ON-M USLIM CENTRAL SCHSDULE I IN EXERCISE of the powels confelled by rule 14 of 1he R ules for the Electlon of m em bels contam ed ln Schedule IIl to Eleclol al al e(? N o 19 the Leglslatlve Councll Ordlnance the G overnor has appolnted Polltllg xv/fz/ltppl N alrobl the persons named ln Schedule I hereto to be Deputy Presldlng Otlicel s fo1 the pollm g statlons respecttvely therem sptcltied ' in addttlon to those notlhed m Gazetto N otlce N o 1961 dated D epttt.b Pl e-wff/g/r Omce: s 26th M ay 1958 J R N lm m o A W ahld The appolntm ents of the pelsons nanled ln Schedule 11 as G P H tltson C halles N gotho Deputy Presltbng Om cels ln respect of the polllng statlons thereln speclfied w hlch appofntm ents w ere notltied ln the F A D Souza M ukosl G ltu sald G azet-te N otlce N o 1961 are hereby cancelled 1 S M angat M uongl K lluthl A Khalil Bhattt K11 ogoh G aehanga SCHEDULE 1 M rs A P H ulmes K aranla N gondl Electol :-/4 al é't:I - N o 15 M rs lnayat Rlaz H usseln K lsunza M akundl Polllllg â'/c/r/tpll - N aIl obl N lsal A M 1l Ltlbya M akusa 'b D epttt. Y esldlllg tl/Jce/.î M lss Sulendra Pancs 11 K halr D1n Chaudh! 1 J R Nlmm o M lss U sha N agpal G P H utson M lss Vlm la Chabbla M lss D Sharm a F A D Sonza H ardyal Slngh Bachoo Electol al f/pet'f N o 19 1 S M angat Fazal D 1n A K hahl Bhattl C Coelho Polllllg ,5'/J/Itp?7 .- Thtka M ls A P H ulm es Charles N gotho Dzptltb .& c,5?J/??p Officel J M ls B C Gouldlng Yusuf Sumar- M rs lnayat m az H usseln M uchokl G ltu A W ahld M uongl Klruthl E lectol al f?? ea N o 19 Khalr D 1n Chaudhll K lrogol G achanga M lss Surrlnder Panesa) K alanla N gondl Polllng x/t?/ltp/i --Em bu M lss D Sharm a K lsunza M akundl Depltt: Pl exst'/l/7p Om cel s - J R M Tennant J A Plpto. R J S M eadows Lubya M akusa M rs M al lan Tlgw ell E Jec/tpzt'/f al ea - N o 19 Electo! t'ff al ea - N o 15 Polllllg sîattott '- -fhlka Pollllkg src/lo?d --N yerl Deplltv Y esldlng OFcc/,ç --M rs B C Gouldlng Keshavlal D eput.b Plesldlng O#@cE'?x .- M rs M algalet Kathleen W lllson. Ladha Shah Shobhaq K achra Shah M rs Barbara Jeanne Shortt M rs Joan M argaret Bell, Dallp Slngh, Fazal llahl, M ulakral M ahan Electolal al ea - N o 15 Polllng statlon '- Em bu Elec tol al t'?? ea - N o 19 Deplltv f'ze-çlfflrlg Olhcel s - J' R M Tennant yk Plnto, Polllng x/tp/ltpl? --lVolt H all M 1 s M anan Tlgwell Depttty F?c.wll/ig Olcel $ - T A S Galland V A Felnande/ M 1s L J Fernandes Electol al t?l ea - N o 15 Polllltg statton - N ye1l Electol al area - N o 19 Deputy f'reâld/ag Omcels - M rs M argaret Kathleen W lllson Polllllg statlon - K akam ega M ls Barbara Jeane Shortt, M rs Joan M argaret Bell, Dallp Slngh, Fazal llahl M ulakhral M ahan Deputî Pl cuwtflz?g Om cer - R T Peacock Electotal al ea - N o 19 Electol al al ea - N o 15 Polllng ,:/tp//t)/; .- Fort Hall Polllllg x/tzfltp/? .- K ltale Deptlty Pl (Jlltfl/p.g' Omcel s - T A Garland V A Felnandes Deputk Pl e'.S'JJJ/I,g Om ce .-G N Hampson M rs L J Fernandes SCHEDIJI-E 11 SCHBDIJLB 11 Electoral al ea - N o 19 Electoî al al ea - N o 15 Pollltlg .5/J/It??l .- N alrobl Polllng .ç/J/Itpz! .- N alrobl D eputy Ptestdlltg O/lce?.: Deputy P?E'1,#Jag Om cers N A H am ld John Ferrena Depl//y Ptestdlng Omcers - N A Hamld, D Nath, C F Da D N ath Franco D e Souza Costa, A Fellaz, I X C Ferlelra. John Ferlelra, Franco C F D a C osta John D e Souza D Souza John D 'Souza A Fel raz R oshan A D atoo l X C Fefrellq M rs K ulsum A khtal D ated thls 7th day of June 1958 D ated thls 7t1) day of June, 1958 By Com m and of the G overnol By Com mand of thc Governol W F CO UTTS, W F COUTI'S, Cluej Secretalj Chtel Secreta'y 10th June, 1952 '1q'1B K EN Y A G A ZEH E 599

O àzs'r'rs N o'rlcs N o 2030 G AZE'I'I'B N cm ce N o 2033 (J tt L 13/ 1 / 1 Vol Il) TH E LEG ISLA TIV E CO U N C IL O R D IN A N C E W ap 38) THE COU RTS ORD INAN CB ALTERATION OF POLLING NOTïCE (Cap 3) - R IFT V ALLEY ELECTORAL AREA AepolxTMEx'r os Ex OFelclo M AGISTRATE To A HIGHER IN EXERCISE of the powers conferted by rule 1 1 of the XUBORDINATE COURT Rules for the Electlon of M em bers contalned ln Schedule 1lI IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectton 3 of to the Leglslatlve Councll Ordlnance I hereby gwe notlce that the Courts Ordtnance, the Governor, after consultlng the Chlef the followlng alteratlons are m ade to the Schedule to G azette Justlce, has appm nted- N otfce N o 1882 dated 23rd M ay 1958 D AVID FREDERICK LOw THER EsQ The detall concernlng the portfons of the Rlft Valley Elcctoral who ls a m aglstrate by vlrtue of h1s oflice of D lstrlct Oë cer, Alea allotted to the respectlve polllng statlons ls he1 eby can- M eru D lstnct to hold a subordm ate court of the frst class ln tcelled and the followlng substltuted therefor the said dlstrlct for so long as he contlnueb to hold the oë ce Portlons of E lectoral A rea allotted to- of Dlstrlct Om cer aforesald Polllng Statlon l- N akulu M unlclpallty, Lanet Plannlng Area and Elm entelta W a1 d D Ated thls 2nd day of June, 1958 Polllng Statlon ll- D undorl W ard, excludlng that po1 tlon of the Lanet Plannjng Arua lylng thereln By Com m and of the Goxernor Pollm g Statjon Ill- subukia W ard N G RIFFITH -JON ES Polllng Statlon fV- SoIa1 W qrd excludjng that pol tlon of M lntsto for Legal .zf/.àtzlr: the Lanet Plannlng A rea lylng theleln Polllng Statlon V - Elburgon N 3(71 o W ard excludgng M au N arok Polllng Statlon V l- Rorgar plkampl ya M oto W ard Polllng Statlon V ll- M au N al ok G AZETTB N o'rlce N o (./ tt L 13/ 1 / 1 , Vo1 ll)

D ated thls 7th day of Junu 1 958 THE CO URTS ORD IN AN CE fc ap W F C O U TT S, f7/?;e/ Seo e'/t7?> APPOINTNIENr OF Ex OFFICIO M AGISTRATE TO A HIGHER SIDORDINATB COIJRT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 3 of the GAZETTIS N orlcs N () Courts Ordlnante, the G overnor, after consultlng the Chlef (f, C 4/4A) Justlce, has appotnted- PETER ToM W ILLIAM Pow Bl-t., E sQ M M TH E LEG ISLATIXE COUN CIL ORD IN ANCE who ls a m 'tglstrate by vlrtue of hls oë ce of Dlstrict Oflicer: (Cap 38) South N yanza D istnct, to hold a subordlnate court of the A PPOINTMENT OF 7 EM PORARY M ENO ER first class ln the sald dlstnct for so long as he contlnues to hold the oë ce of D lstrlct Oë cer aforesald By Hls Excellency the H onourable Slr Evelyn Banng K nlgbt Grand Cross of the M ost D lstlngulshed Order of Saint M lchael G zzette Notlce No 2797/56 ls hereby crtncelled tnd Salnt George, K nlght Com m ander of tbe Royal Vlctorjan Order, G overnor and Com m ander ln-chlef of the Colony and D Tted thls 2nd day of June 1958 Protectorate of K enva W H ER EA S there ls a vac4ncy ln the num ber of persons By Com m and of the G overnor slttlng ln the Leglslatlve C ouncll ts Constltuency Elected M em - bers by reason of the fact that the H onourable M rs A gnes R Shaw, a M em ber for the Nyanza electoral area, ls absent flom E Nj iGRIFFITH-JONES the C olony lnïster /o, Legal xd./.p l,x N ow , THBREFORE ln exerclse of the powers conferred by sec- tlon 21 of the Leglslatlve Councll O rdlnance l hereby appolnt- A uRIOL C HRISTINE FAw sox-sHww to be a Tem porary M em ber of the Leglslatave C ounc,l for the CIAZETTE IfOTICE nlo 2935 sald electoral area (J tt L 13 / 1 /2, Vol f/)

G lNen under m y hand and the Publyc Seal of the Colony thls TH E COU RTS OR DINAN CE 31st d4y of M a: , 1958 W ap 3) E BA R IN G , APPOINTMENT OF Ex Orrlclo M AGISTRATS To A H IGHER G ob t?,?7(?l SUBORDINATE COURT IN EXERCISE ot the powers confelred by sectlon 3 of the Courts Ordm ancc, the G ovcrnol , after consultm g the Chlef GAzsrz's N oTlcE N o Justlce, has appolnted- (LAN 10/6/ 10) RICHARD M AI IM H ICKM&N EsQ LANG U AG E EXA M IN ATION who ps a m apstrate by vlrtue of h1s oflice of Dlstrlct Oë cer, TH E followlng results are notlsed for general m form atlon - M achakos Dlstnct, to hold a subordlnate court of the second class m the sald dlstrlct for so long as he contlnues to hold K IPsIGIs V ERNACULAR ENAMINATION the oflice of D lstnct Om cer aforesald N Poltce- The appolntment contamed ln Gazette Notlce No 3026/56 J W Roberts (Pass whole wlth Dlstmctlon ln Oral Part only) ls hereby termlnated

A dnttnlstîatton.- D ated thls 2nd day of June 1958 R A Jeary (Pasw W hole) E D IG BY By com mand of the G overnor Natrdbl Secretat p 31st M ay, 1958 Languages Board B N G RIFFITH JON ES, r/llx noltce cancels and replaces Gazette Nouce Nzz 1976/58 M mlster jor Legal ##c;rx 600 TH E K EN YA G AZETTE 10th June, 1958

G AZETTE N on cE N o 2036 G &zerrs N oTlcs N o 2039 W ONST 1/8/9/5A) W ONST 1/8/9/5A) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 (r J/ Ilo 158 ol 1958) (r J/ Ilo 158 oj 1958) APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN OF Tc CotmclL or STATE APPOINTMENT OF M BMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF STATE By H ls Excellency the Honourable S1r Evelyn Barlng, K nlght By H1s Excellency the H onourable Slr Evelyn Barm g, K m ght Grand Cross of tlle M ost Dlstlngtuslzed Order of Salnt M lchael G rand Cross of the M ost Dlstm gtushed Order of Samt M lcluel and Salnt Georgc, Knlght Com mander of the Royal Vlctonan and Salnt George. K nlght Comm ander of the Royal Vzctormn Order, G evernor and Com m ander-ln-cluef of the Colony and Order, G overnor and Comm ander-ln Chlef of the Colony and Protectorate of K enya Protectorate of K enya IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 47 of IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 47 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll, 1953 and ln the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll, 1958, and m pursuance ot m structlons glven to m e by H er M alesty through pursuance of lnstructlons glven to m o by H er M alesty through a Secretaly of State, l do horeby appolnt- a Secretary of State, l do hereby appolnt- Sm DONALO CM lttœs M ACG ILLIVRAY G (r M G z M B E C HIEF M ATIK w M w Epjssl to be Chalrman of the Councll of State to be, as flom the date hereof, a M ember of the Councll ot State, and sublect to the provlsm ns of the sald Order m Counml. G lven under m y hand and the Publsc Seal of the Colony to serve qs such M em ber for the pellod of seven years beglnnlng thls 2nd day of Jtm e, 1958 wlth the sald date G 'ven under m y hand and tbe Pubilc Seal of the Colony E BARIN G , thls 2nd day of June, 1958 G ove nor E BARIN G , G overnor

GAZET'I'B N on cs N o 2037 W ONST 1/8/9/5A) G xzB'r're N oTlcE N o 2040 THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 (CONST 1/8/9/5A) (L N No 158 oj 1958) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 APPOINTMENT og M EMSF,R OF THE Couxcll- oiz STATE (L N No 158 oj 1958) By Hls Excelltncy the H onourable Sir Evelyn Barm g, K m ght APPOINTMENT OB A4EMBER OF THB COUNCIL OF STATE G rand Cross of the M ost Dlstlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and Salnt George K nlght Comm ander of the Royal W ctonan By H1s Excellency the H onourable Slr Evelyn Barlng, K mght Order, G ovelnot and Com mander m Chlef of tlw Colony and G rand Cross of the M ost Dlstlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchael Protectorate of K enya and Salnt Geolge, K nlght Com mander of the Royal Vlctonan O rder, Governor and Com m ander in-chlef of the Colony and IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 47 of Protectorate of Kenya the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln C ouncll 1958 and m pursuance of lnstructlons glven to m o by H er M alesty thlough IN EX ERCISE of the powcrs conferred by secbon 47 of a Secl etal y Of Statey l do hereby appolnt- the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order m Councll, 1958, and ln pursuance of mstructlons gwen lo m o by H er M alesty thrmzgh JAMES FRBDRICK H UME HAMILTON EsQ a Secretary of State, I do hereby appolnt- to be, as from the date hereof, a M ember of the Councll of W ILLIA.M G lrHu K IMBMIA M B E State, and, sublect to tho provlslons of the sald Order ln Councll, to s'elve as such M em ber for the perlod of ten years to be, as from the date hereof, a M ember of the Councll of beglnnlng wlth the sald date State, and, sublect to the provlslons of the sald Order ln Councll to servc as such M em bcr for the perlod of four years beglnmng G lven under m y hand and the Publlc Seal of the Colony wlth the sald date thls 2nd day of June, 1958 G lven under m y hartd and the Publlc Seal of the C olony thls 2nd day of June, 1958 E BARIN G , G overnot E BARIN G , G ovetnor t4&ZSTTL lloTlcL è:o 2038 W ONST 1 /8/9/5A) çlàzhTi: 'qoTlcp i;o 2041 LCONST 1/8/9/5A) THE K ENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 (f, N No 158 of 1958) TI4B KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 (f N No 158 ol 1958) APPOINTMENT OF M EMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF STATE APPCUNTMENT otv M SMBER ot7 TuF Couxctta otv STXTZ By H 1s Excellency the Honourable S1t Evelyn Barjng, K nlght By H 2s Excellency the H onourable S1r Evelyn Barlng G rand Cross of the M ost Dlstlngulshed O rder of Salnt M lchael G , K nlght and Salnt George, K nlght Com m ander of the Royal Vlctol 1an rand Cross of the M ost D lstlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchacl Order, G ovelnol and Comm ander In Chlcf of the Cololzy lnd and Salnt G eorge, K n3ght Com m ander of the Royal Vlctorlan Protectolate of K enya Oldel Govelnor and Comm andel ln-chlcf of the Colony and Protcctorate of K enya IN EXERCiSE of the powers confelred by sectlon 47 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll, 1958 'znd jn IN EXERCISE of the powers conferled by sectlon 47 of pursuance of lnstructlons glven to m e by H er M alesty through the Kenya (Constltutlon) Ordcr m Coutzcll, 1958, and m puI suance of lnstructlons glven to m e by H el M alt a Secretary of State I do heleby appolnt- -sty thrqugh a Seclctary of Statc, 1 do hereby appolnt- SHEIKH SALIM M OHAM F.D M UHXSHAMY M B E JOHN Louls RIDDX H c B E to be, as from /the date heleof, a M ember of the Councll of State and, sublect to the provlmons of the sald O rdel ln Councll to be, as from tile date hereof, a M cmber of the Councll of to scrve as such M ember tor the perlod of ten years beglnnlng State and, sublect to the provlmons of the sald Ordel zn Councll wlth the sald date to serve as such M em ber for the penod of four ycals beglnnlng, wlth the sald date G lven unde! m y hand and the Publlc Seal of the Colony G lven under m y hand and the Publlc Scal of the Colony tbls 2nd day of June, 1958 tbls 2nd dqy of June, 1958

E BARIN G , E BARIN G , G ovelnot G ovetnor 10th June, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G A ZE'IV E 601

GANZETTS N ovlcs N o 2042 GAZETTE N OTICE N O 2045 W ONST 1 /8/9/5A) W ONST 1/8/9/5A) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL 1958 THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 (f ?/ ?lo 158 oj 1958) (f >/ nlo 158 of 1958) APPOINTMENT OF ATBMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF STATE APPOINTMENT OF ACEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF STATB By H 1s Excellency the H onourable SII Evelyn Ballng, K nlght By H 1s Excellency the H onoulable Slr Evelyn Barlng, K nlght Gland Cross ot the M ost Dlstlngulshed 0 1 de1 of Salnt M lchael Grand Closs of the M ost Dlstlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and Salnt George, Km ght Comm andel of the Royal Vlctollan and Saint G eolge, K nlght C om m ander of the R oyal V lctorlan Order, G overnol and Comm andel ln Chlef of the Colony and Order, G ovelnol and Com m ander-ln-chlef of the Colony and Protectorate of K enya Protectorate of K enya IN EX ERCISE of the powels confelled by sectlon 47 of IN EX ER C ISE of the powfrs conferred by sectlon 47 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Grdel ln Counml 1958 and m the Kenya (Constltutlon) Oldel m Councll, 1958, and m pursuance of lnstructlons glven to m e by H er M alesty thl ough pursuance of lnstructlons glven to m e by H er M alesty through a Secretary of State, I do hereby appolnt- a Secretary of State, I do heleby appolnt- D R M OHAM EDAI I R ANA o B E LIEUTENANr COLONBL STANLEY G BORGE GHBRSIB () B E to be, as flom the date hereof, a M ember of the Counml of to be as from tlae date hereof, a M em ber of tht C ouncll of State, and, subject to the provlslons of the sald Older ln Councll State, and sublect to the plovlslons of the sald O rder In Councll to selve as such M em ber for the perlod of seven years beglnnlng to serve as such M em ber for the pellod of seven yeal s beglnnlng wsth the saltl date wlth the sald date Glven under m y hand and the Publlc Seal of the Colony G lven under m y hand and the Publlc Seal of the Colony thls 2nd day of June, 1958 thls 2nd day of June, 1958 E BARIN G , E BARGINovGo,nor G o%e noï

G Azsrrs N oTIcE N o 2046 ûlkzeTTe lloTicE 74o 2043 W ONST 1/8/9/5A) W ONST 1/8/9/5A) THE KENYA (CON STITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL 1958 THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 (L N No 158 oj 1958) (I, N N o 158 oj 1958) APPOINTMENT ()F M BMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF STATE APPOINTMENT OF M EMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF STATE By H 1s Excellency the H onourable S1r Evelyn Barlng K nlght G rand Cross of the M ost D lstm gkushed O rder of Samt , M tclmel By H1s Excellency the Honoulable Slr Evelyn Ballng, K nlght and Salnt Geolge, K nlght Comm ander of the Royal Vlctorlan G rand C ross of the M ost D lstlngulshed O rdel of Salnt M lchael Ordel , G overnor and Com m ander ln Chlef of the Colony and and Saynt George, K nlght Com m ander of the R oyal V ctollan Plotectolate of K enya Order, Governol and Com mander-ln Chlef of the Colony and Protectorate of K enya IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 47 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll, 1958, and ln IN EXERCISE of the powels conferred by sectlon 47 of pursuanco of lnstructlons glven to m e by H er M alesty through the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order zn Councll 1958 and ln a Secretary of State, I do hereby appolnt- pursuancc of lnstructlons glven to m e by H e1 M alesty through a Secretary of State, l do heleby appolnt- D R SHANKER D OND K ARVE O B E M B B S

CHIEF W lt-sox N zw ll Tlttlvll to be, as from the date hereof, a M em ber of tlze Councll of . State, and, sublect to the provlslons of the sald Order ln Councll to be, a'.A from the date heveof , a M em be: of tiïe Councll of to serve as such M ember for the perlod of four years beglnm ng, State, and, sublect to the plovlslons of the sald Order ln Councll, wlth the sald date to serve as such M em bel fol tlw perlod of ten years begm nlng wlth the sald date Glven under m y hand and the Publlc Seal of the Colony thls 2nd day of June, 1958 Glven under my hand and the Publlc Seal of tlze Colony thls 2nd day of June, 1958 E BARIN G, G ovelnoî E BARIN G , G ob elnor G AZE'I'TE N oipczl N o 2047 (CONSF 1/8/9/8A) G Azerre N oTlcs N o 2044 THI! KLNYA (CON STITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 W ONST 1/8/9/5A) (L N No 158 of 1958) THE KENYA (CON STITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL 1958 APPOINTMENT OF W MPORARY M EMBER OF THE LEGISLATIVB (L N No 158 of 1958) C OUNCIL ByG I'lIs Excellency the H onourctble Slr Evelyn Banng Knlght APPOINTMENT OF M EMBER OF THE COUNC IL OF STATE rand Cross of the M ost D lstlngulshed Order of Salnt, M lchael By H Is Excellency the H onourable S1r Evelyn Barlng K nlght and Salnt Geolge K nlght Comm andel of the Royal Vlctorlan G rand Cross of the M ost D zstlngulshed O rdel of Salnt M lchael Ordel Govelnol and Comm ander ln Cblef of the Colony and and Salnt G eorge, K nlght C om m andel of the R oyal V lctorlan Protectorate of K enya Order G ovelnol and Com m ander ln Chlef of the Colony and W HEREA S thele Is a vacancy 3n t13e number of persons slttlng PI otectorate of Kenya as M em bers of the Leglslatlve Councll by reason of the fact IN EXERCISE of the. powers conferred by sectlon 47 of that Shelkh Sabm M oham ed M uhashmy who was appolnted a the Kenya (Constltutlon) Ordel ln Counclls 1958 5 and ln Tem polaly M cm ber of the Councll * has reslgned hls seat pursuance of Tnstructlons glven to m e by H el M alesty thlough N ow thelefole, ln exelclse of the powers conferred by sub a Secletary of State, 1 do hereby appolnt- sectlon (1) of sedlon 27 of the Kenya (Constltuhon) Order ln Councll, 1958 and of a11 otlner powers hereunto me enabllng A I-AN FRANKLAND BBAKBANB Esq 1 do hereby appolnt- , to be, as from the date heleof , a M em ber of the Councal of SHEIK.H A t,I A BDIJLI-A SHIKELV State, and, subject to the plovlslons of the sald O ldel ln Councll to serve as such M em bel for tht, perlod of ten years beglnnlng to be a Tem poraly M em ber of the sald Councll wlth the sald date Glven undel my hand and the Publlc Seal of the Colony at Glven under m y hand and the Publlc Seal of the Colony N 411 obi tlnls 5th day of June 1958 lxls 2nd day of June 195% , E BARIN G , E BARIN G , G overnoî Governor *G N 1277/58 602 TlIE K EN Y A G A ZET FE 10th June, 1958

GAZET'J'S N oTlczs No 2048 GAJBTTS NcncB No 2052 (LC 4/4A) M IN ISTRY OF W ORKS CENTRAL DIVISION (SOUTH) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 Supm Y oF M ATBRIALS (L N No l$8 of 1958) TEN D ER S are belng lnvtted for the supply ln N alrobl, Thlka, AIVOINTMENT oF N OMINATED M BMBBR oyp THc LBGISLATIVB Rulru, G arlssa and a11 townshlps ln the Southern Provlnce of Cotnvca the followlng - By H1s Excellency the H onourable S1r Evelyn Barm g, Km ght G rand Cross of the M ost Dlstm gulshed Order of Salnt M lchael Item N o and Salnt George, K nlght Com m ander of the Royal Vlctonan 1 Bulldlng sand Order, Governo) and Com mander-m -chlef of the Colony and 2 Ballast (crushed stone for concrete) Protcctorate of K enya 3 Crushed blacktrap for road constructlon 4 Quarry chlps IN EXERCiSE of the powers conferred by paragraph (e) of 5 Quarry dressed bulldlng stone sub-sectlon (2) of sectlon 23 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order 6 H ollow brlcks ln Councll, 1958, l do hereby appolnt- 7 M urram JBM IMAH T HOIYA G ECAGA 8 Ratlons (posho beans, sugar and salt (for supply ln to be a Nom lnated M em ber of the Leglslatlve Councll Nalrobg) Glven under m y hand and the Publlc Seal of the Colony at 9 Tlmber (podo, cedar and cypress) Nalrobl thls 29th day of Aprll, 1958 10 C olr E BAIRIN G, 11 Beesw ax G overnor 12 K apok 13 Shellac GâzE'rrs N cnqcs N o 2049 Perlod 1st July, 1958, to 30th June, 1959 (LC 4/4A) Tender docum ents and condltlons of tendenng can be obtalned THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 from the D lvlslonal H eadquarters, C om m erclal Street N alrobl P O Box 2267, N alrobl, agalnst a deposlt of Sh 100, whlch (Z, N No 158 H 1958) wlll be refunded on recelpt of a bone lide tender not subse- APPOINTMENT oF N OMINATED M BMBER OF THE LEGISLATIVE quently wlthdrawn wlthln 31 days of openlng date of tenders CouxclL By His Excellency the H onourable SI1 Evelyn Barm g, K nlght Tenders must reach the underslgned not later than 10 a m Grand Cross of the M obt Dlstlngulshed O rder of Salnt M lchael on M onday 23rd June, 1958 and Salnt George, K nlght Comm ander of tho Royal Vlctonan F SH A R R ATT, Order, G overnor and Com m ander-m-chlef of the Colony and Chalrm all Protectorate of K enya D fw lftprlfz/ Tender Wtptzpff IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph (c) of sub-sectlon (2) of sectlon 23 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order In Counml, 1958, 1 do hereby appolnt- QIAZETTE èfoTlcs pfo 2053 ABDIJL H ussElx N IJRMOHAMBD to be a N om lnated M em ber of the Leglslatlve Councll CEN TRAL TEN DER BOARD G lven under m y hand and the Publlc Seal of the Colony at TENDER FOR A BSORBENT COTTON XçOOL N alrobl thls 29th day of Aprll, 1958 E BA RIN G , TEN DERS are lnvlted for the supply of ten tons of cotton G ove'nok wool B P C Quallty, ln l-lb rolls, lnterleaved, ln bales of 100 rolls, requlred by the M edlcal D epartm ent of the G overnm ent GAZETTE NOTICE N () 2050 of the Colony and Protectorate of K enya durlng the perlod (LC 4/4A) 1st July, 1958, to 30th June, 1959 THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 Tender form s, glvlng full detalls, w lll be lssued on appllcatlon (L N No 158 of 1958) to the underslgned AIYOINTMSNT oF 'NOMINATED M BMBER op THs LEGISLATIVB Tenders, on the form s provlded, m ust be enclosed ln a pla n CouNcls sealed envelope m arked : Tender for Cotton W ool'' and sub- By H 1s Excellency the H onourable S1l Evelyn Barm g, K nlght m ltted by rep stered post so as to reach the underslgned or be G rand Cross of the M ost Dlstlngtushed Orde: of Salnt M tchael placed m the Tender Box sltuated m Room N o 8, Lakhamslu and Salnt George, Knlght Com m ander of the Royal Vlctorlan H ouse, Bazaal Street, N allobl, not later than noon on 23rd Order, G overnor and Com m ander-m -chlef of the Colony and June, 1958 Protectorate of K enya IN EXERCISE of the powers conferled by paragraph (c) of Tenders not so addressed and endorsed are llable to be sub-sectlon (2J of sectlon 23 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order lelected and any tendel recelved after the stated tlme and date ln Councll, 1958, l do hereby appolnt- w ll1 not be consldeled H ENRY G IBsoN SHADRACK H ARRISON The Boald does not blnd Itself to accept the lowest ol any to be a N om lnated M em ber of the Leglslatlvc C ouncll tender and reserves the rlght to accept any tender ln part, unless Glven under m y hand and the Publlc Seal of the Colony at a tenderer explessly stlpulates to the contraly N alrobl thls 29th day of Aprll, 1958 E BARIN G , P R CARDOSO, G ovelnot Secretary Centl al Tender Board P 0 Box 30071, N atrobt GAZBTTE N crrlcE N o 2051 (f C 414, II) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 GAZETTB N oTlcs No 2054 (L N No 158 of 1958) EAST AFRICAN RAILW AYS AN D H ARBOU RS DECI-ARATION oF RBSIJMF,D CAPACITY oF N OMINATED M EMBBR oF THs LBGISLATIVB Cotm clt, A M ENDMENT To TARIFF Book N o 2 By H1s Excellency the H onoulable S1l Evelyn Barlng, K m ght Grand Cross of the M ogt D lstlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchael TH E East A frlcan R allw ays and H arbours A dm lnlstratlon and Salnt G eorge, K nlght Comm ander of the Royal Vlctorlan gw es notlce that wlth effect from 23rd M ay, 1958, the follow Order, Govelnor and Com mander-ln-chlef of the Colony and 1ng am endm ent has been m ade to Tarllf Book N o 2 - Protectorat.e of K enya PAGE 127 .--SEC-TION 156 W H EREAS by lnstrument under the Publlc Seal dated 3rd M ay, 1958,* S1r Alfred Vlncent was declared, by reason of D elete the exlstlng entry for

GAZBTTB Nc/ncll N o 2055 GAZETTE N OTICE N0 2059 (ED 62/4/ 12/111) THE RESIDENT LA BOU RERS ORD IN AN CE (Cap 113) THE KENYA SOCIETY FOR THE BLIND ORD IN AN CE,19,j6 APPOINTMENT (NO 51 oj 1956) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 32 of APPOINTMENT the Resldent Labourels Ordlnance, l hereby appolnt- Iw ExERclsba of the powers conferikd by paragraph (/) of STBBHEN JONATHAN OKELO Sub-sectlon (3) of sectlon 7 of the K enya Soclety for the Blm d O rdlnance, 1956, the Tem porary M lnlster for Educatlon, Labour Senlor Labour Inspector, M achakos, to be an Attestlng OK cer and Lands hereby appolnts- for the purposes of the sald Ordlnance CHIEF HERMAN M URAYA

N alrobl W R C K EELER, to be a m em ber of the Councll of the K enya Soclety for the 1st J'une, 1958 Labout C'gvlpuxàloner Bllnd ln place of C N W Slganga, Esq , who has reslgned G azette N otlce N o 1238 of 30th M arch, 1957, ls varled accordlngly CIAZSTTS pfoTlcs pko 2056 Dated thls 3rd day of June, 1958 LPERM ! 1) R E LU YT , THE AN IM AL DISEA SES RU LES Tenworary M I?7Jx/er /t?? Educatlon Labour and Lands (Cap 213 Subsldlo y Legulattonj TERM INATION OF A PPOINTM ENTS OF YIONORARY PERMIT ISSUERS GAZE'I'TB NcrflcB N 0 2060 IN EX F RC ISE of the powers conferred by rule 20 of the THR EA ST AFRICA H IG H COM M ISSION A nlm al D lseasts R ules I hereby declare that tite underm enttoned gentlem en cease to be H onorary Perm lt Issuers for the purposes THE AlR SERVICES (LICENSING) REGULATIONS, 1957 of the sald R ules N olqcE oF A PPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO O PERATE A IR SERVICES A Boy, Esq , P O Endebess PU RSUAN T to the provlslons of Regulatlons 6 and 7 of the H Crom pton Esq P O Box 470, K ltale All Selvlces (Llcenslng) Regulatlonsp 1957, notlce ls hereby B S M llls, Esq , P O Box 122, K ltale glven that East Afncan Alrways Corporatlon, P O Box 30030 A E N ewm an, Esq , P O Box 40 K ltale N alrobl, K enya Colony, has appllcd to the East Afllca Hlgh H W Paterson, Esq P O Box 498, K ltale Com m lsslon for a llcence to operate the followlng a1r servlce - H t N Sarre, Esq , P O Box 3, H oey's Brldge The scheduled a1r route N auobt/ Dar es Salaam (opt ) / Blantyre (opt l/sallsbury/lohannesburg K abete, K D S M ACO W AN , For a perlod of seven years from 1st October, 1958 2nd June, 1 958 D ll ecft?? o.i 'lzzé tel i?/lr.y' Sel t lces lt ls further notlsed that any representatlons or oblectlons wlth regard to thls appllcatlon m ust be made to the East Afrlca Hlgh Comm lsslon at the oë ce of the Dlrector of Clvll Avlatlon, G AZETTE N OTICE N o 2057 P O Box 30163 N alrobl, not later than 4th July, 1958 Every such representatlon or oblectlon shall be m ade ln wrltlng, shall TH E TRAD IN G IN UN W ROUG HT PRECIOUS M ETALS state the speclfic grounds on whlch It ls based, and shall speclfy ORD INAN CE any condltlons w hlch lt m ay be dt-slred should be attached to (Cap 172) the llcence lf granted A copy of every such representatlon or oblectlon sball be sent by the person m aklng the sam e to the IN TH B SU BO RD IN ATE COURT OF TH E FIRST CLA SS appllcant of the llcence at the sam e tlm e as lt Is sent to the M AG ISTRATE, N AIROBI D ISTRIC I- CO URT Hlgh Com mlsslon FORFEIR URB OF U NW ROUGHT DRECIOUS M ETAL D ated at N alrobz thls 29th day of M ay, 1958 N O TIC E ls hereby glven that approxlm ately 2 4 gram m es of STACEY W D COLLS gold partlcles w as on 14th February, 1958 selzed at N alrobl Lhlectok 5/ Ctvll az.lvltzfltp/; m the N alrobl Extra-provlnclal D lstrlct and has since been declared to be forfeited by reason of unlawful possesslon Any person clalm lng any tltle to the sald unwrought preclous m etal m ust prove hls tltle to the satlsfactlon of the Court wlthln three G AZETTE N on cE N o 2061 months from the date of thls notlce lf no such clalm ls proved the sald unwrought preclous m etal w1ll becom e the absolute AFRICAN LIVESTOCK M ARKETING ORGAX IZATION property of the Government and be dlsposed of accordlngly D EPA RTM EN T OF VETERINARY SERVICES TBNDER FOR SALE OF PREPARED H IDES AND SKINS D ated thls 3rd day of Tune, 1958 LICEN SED buyers can obtaln full detalls of grades, weyghts and quantltles flom the Accountant, Afrlcan Llvestock M arketlng E D EM LEY , O rgam zatlon Flrst Class M aglstlate N tzlztph; D lsttlct C oul t 'I'he hldes may be vlewed at the A L M O H ldes Store, Veterlnary R esearch Laboratory, K abete, on Frlday, 6th June, 1958 Tenders ln wntlng m arked x'rendery A L M O Hldes and G AzsTTs N OTICE N o 2058 Skm s m ust reach the underslgned by 12 noon on Tuesday, 10th June 1958 TH E TRAD IN G IN UN W ROU G HT PRECIO US M ETALS ORD INAN CE D B CHATM AN (Cap 172) K abete, A ccountant 2nd June, 1958 Ah tcan D vestock M tp/vepag Olgantzatlon IN TH E SU BO R D IN AT E CO U RT O F TH E FIR ST CLA SS M AG ISTRATE NA IROBI D ISTRICT COU RT FORFEITURE OF U NW ROUGHT PRECIOUS M ETAL CIAZETTB p4oTlcs è:o 2062 NOTICE ls hereby glven that approxlmately !. oz of gold TH B TRAFFiC ORD IN AN CE, 1953 partlcles was on 9th M ay, 1958, selzed at N alrobl ln the Nalrobl (No 39 ()/ 1953) Extra-provlnclal D lstrlct and has sm ce been declared to be forfelted by reason of unlawful possesslon A ny person clalm lng R oAo C l-ostmE O RDER any tltle to the sald unw rought preclous m etal m ust prove h1s IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 68 of tltle to the satlsfactlon of the Court wlthln three m onths from the Tram c Ordlnance, 1953, delegated to the A frlcan Dlstrlct the date of thls notlce If no such clalm ls proved, the sald Councll of N vwrl, the sald Afncan Dlstrlct Councll hereby unwrouffht preclous m etal w1ll becom e the absolute property orders that all roads m alntalned by lt be closed to a1l of the G overnm ent and be dlsposed of qccordlngly vehlcles of above one ton unladen welght durlng such tlm es as the sald roads are wet Dated thls 3rd day of June, 1958 M ade thls 23rd day of M ay, 1958 E D EM LEY , P M HU GH ES, Flîst Class M qglstlate #? esldent N attobl D tstrlct Court Nye?l Afncan Dllfllc/ Councll 604 TH E K EN Y A G AZEW E 10th June, 1958

GAzs'rrs N on cE N o 2063 C OLON Y AN D PR O TEC TO R AT E O F K EN Y A ExcHEquER R ETURN

c urrent Y ear Pm vlous Y ear 1st Jul y .1957 to 1st July. 1956 to 31st M ày, 1958 31st M ày, 1957 R ECEIPTS f f Ordlnary Revenue- Custom s and Exclse 10,197,100 10,277,850 Incom e Tax 10,633,050 9,437,720 G raduated Personal T ax 1,786,700 1,860,025 Stam p D utles, V anous R evenue Purposes 523,698 519,200 O ther Llcenues, D utles and Taxes 1,738,434 1,682,015 M lscellaneous 226,500 86,360 L and Revenue 413,531 372,750 Forest and G am e R evenue 231,590 256 >700 W ater Supphes 134,750 95,275 Rents of Bm ldlngs 257,000 2 17,194 Interest 378,890 418,614 Redem ptlon 65,950 73,870 Fm es and Forfeltures 215,909 177 495 TOTAL O RDINARY R EVBNUE 26,803,102 25,475,068 Other Recelpts- Extra Exchequer Recelpts 779,218 221,488 U nspent Balance of W orks D eposlts 1,057 - Unspent Balances (1956/57) Surrendered 3,552 50 7 ,739 Grant by H M Governm ent towards Em ergency Expendlture 1,500,000 4,000,000 Loan by H M Governm ent towards Em ergency Expendlture 1,500,000 - TOTAL R BCBIPTS 30,586,929 30,204,295 Issuss Supply Servlces 28,231,890 30,734,610 Loan Issue Expenses 9,083 7 600 TOTAL lssuss 28,240,973 30,742,210 SURPLUS (+) OR DEFICIT (-) j (+)2,345,956 (-)537,915


Cttrrent Y ear Prow ous Y ear 1st July, 1957 to 1st July, 1956 to 31st M ay, 1958 31st M ày, 1957 R ECEIPTS f f From Recelvers of R evenue 2,378,817 847 305 Extra Exchequer R ecm pts 7,083 1,700 U nspent Balance of W orks D eposlts 214,934 - Unspent Balapces (1956/57) Surrendered 139,580 1,422,484 Grant by H M Government for 1956/57 towards Development of Afncan Agrlculture (Swynnerton) 153,800 1,343,194 5.1. per cent Kenya Stocks 1976/80 - 2,462,500 61 per cent Kenya Stock, 1972/74 1,212,500 - 6 per cent Kenya Stock, 1963/65 1,000,000 - TOTAL RBCEIPTS . 5 106,714 6,077,183 IssuEs Developm ent Servlces 5,965,610 7,678,669 SURPLIJS ( +) OR DEFICIT (-) (-)858,896 (-)1,601,486


current Y ear Prew ous Y ear 1st July, 1957 to 1st July, 1956 to 31st M ay, 1958 31st M ày, 1957 f f R ECEIPTS 750,520 1,057,705 SURRENDERS 921,595 547 550 StmpLus (+) oR DBFICIT (-) (-)171,075 (+)510,155


Surplus (+) or Surplus (+) or Defmt (-) for Surplus ( +) or Defklt (-) as at the perzod Deficlt (-) as at 30-6-57 1-7-57 to 31-5-58 31-5-58 f f E Exchequer (-)525,362 ( +) 2 ,345,956 (+)1,820,594 Development (-)2,338,832 (-)858,896 (-)3, 197,728 TM Reserve Certlfcates (+)1,406,495 (-)171,075 (+)1,235,420 TOTAL (-)1,457,699 (+)1,315.985 (-) 141,714 1 '

The Treaslzry, N alrobj, 2nd June 1958 'kI 10th June, 1958 T14E k ENY A GAZEW E 605

G&ZETTE èkoTlcE è:o 2064 CIAZBTTB 'fOTICE 'fo 2066

TH E EAST AFRICAN IN DU STRIAL LiCEN SIN G EAST AFRICA HIGH COM M ISK ON ORDIN AN CE, 1953 INSURANCE AGAINST DAMAGE BY LX USTS IN EAST AFRICA (Sectton 8) TH B H lgh Com m lsslon ls lnvestlgatm g the posslbhty of FORM oli PUBLICATIGN OF AN APPLICATION P0R THE GRANT lntroduclng a schem e of lnsulance agam st dam age by locusts RLNBwAL TRANSFER OR VARIATION OF AN INDUSTRIAL LICENCE ln East A frlca Representatlves of lnsurance compames and lnsurance brokers who m e lnterested are accordm gly lnvttcd to IN ACCORDAN CE wlth the provlssons of sectlon 8 of the com m unlcate wlth the Chalrm a.n of the D esert Locust Com - East Afncan lndustnal lucensibg Ordlnance, 1953, lt ls hezeby m lttee, whose nam e address and telephone number are pven notltied fol general lnformatlon that an applleatlon dated 31st below, who w1l1 supply lnformatlon regardlng the problem and M ay, 1958, has been recelved from M essrs Devchand K lmchand dlscuss lt lf so deslred and Co of P O Box 1169, Nalrobl, K enya, on behalf of a new The Hon D L Blunt, C M G , M L C , P O Pox 30027, com pany, ln form atlon, D evco D yelng and Flnlshlng W orks Nalrobl (Te1 Nalrobl 20484 ) Llm lted, P O Box 227, M om basa, K enya, for the grant of an lndustrlal tacence to m anufacture for sale and to erect, establlsh, and operate a factory fo1 the m anufacture for sale CIAZETTE l4oTlcs llo 2067 of textlles flom cotton or m an-m ade Ebres by the process of (225814) bleachmg, dyelng, prlntlng, mercerlzmk and fimshlng Any pelson havm g a financlal m terest ln the East Afncan THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE,1957 Terntorles who clalm s that, ln respect of any lndustry, com (No 20 oj 1957) m erce, or trade, m whlch he lg concerned, he ls llable to be AIYOINI-MENT cm LlouoR LICBNSING COURT lnlurlously afected by the grantlng of tlus apphcatlon m ay, not latel than 30 days trom the date of the Iast publlcatlon IN EXERCISE of the powels conferred by sub-sectlon (2) of of thls notlce, lodge wlth the Reglstrar an oblectlon and shall sectlon 4 of the Llquor Llcenslng O rdlnance 1957, and by serve a copy thereof on the apphcant Any oblectlon so made vlrtut of the delegatlon* to h1m of the powers under that sub must be ln wrltlng and must set out the grounds upon whlch sectlon, the Permanent Secretary for Local Gövernm ent, H ealth the oblector clalm s that he ls hable to be lnp rlously afected and Town Plannm g heleby appolnts, wlth effect from 1st day by the grantlng of such appllcatm n An oblectlon must be of June, 1958- cel tlfied to the eflkct that a copy thertof has been served on The Dlstllct Commlssloner) Thlka (Presldent), the appllcant A L Chrlstle, Esq , J P , (Alternate member M Claudd, Esq )# J M Focks, Esq , P R BROW N IN G , M E de L H ayes, E sq , jot Dtrector o! Economtc Co-ordlnatlon, W F M artln, Esq . N alrobl, R egfstrar, A R G regory, Esq , 4th June, 1958 East A//lctz?z Illdustnal Councll R Coverdale, Esq , D r M C Patel, to be members of the Llcenglng Court for Thlka Llcenslng area.t D ated thls 5th day of June, 1958 A G DALGLEISH, GAZETTE N OTICB N o 2065 Permanent Secretary for Local Government H ealth and Vown Plcnrllpg W EIGHTS AND M EASURES ORDINAN CE *L N 539/57 yG N 1166/!8 (No 49 of 1951) N OTICE TO TRADBRS CJAZETTB LfOTICE èêO 2068 (225810) AN lnspectol of W elghts and M easures w1l1 open a stamplng station at the places mentloned hereunder, for the purpose of THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE, 1957 asslzlng and stamplng traders welghlng and m easurlng apparatus, (No 20 oj 1957) on the dates stated AIAFOJNTMSNT oF Llquolt LzcEwslxö COIJRT 2 A ll tladels, w lthln a ladlus of 4 12 m lles of the places IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sub-sectlon (2) mentloned are requlred, under the provlslons of the F elghts , of sectlon 4 of the Llquol Llcensmg Ordm ance, 1957, and by and M easures Ordlnance, 1951, to subm lt to the lnspector of vlrtue of the delegatlon* to htm of tht powers under that W elghts and M easures, a1l welghts, m easures of length and sub-sectlon, the Perm anent Secretary for tocal G overnm ent, capaclty, and welghlng lnstrum ents whlch thev have xn use fo1 H ea1th and Town Plannlng hereby appolnts- trade, ior vellticatlon and stam plng J B N ixoN, EsQ 3 Onlv weygblng lnstruments the welghlng capaclty of whlch to be a m ember of the llcenslng court for the N akuru llcensm g exceeds 1 000 lb ol whlch are of a permanently fixed nature area ol dellcate constluctlon, will be asstzed ln ntu Traders ln possesslon of such lnstrum ents m ay com ply with tlus notlce by The appolntment of M alor H E Btlxtont to be a member notlfylng the lnspector of W elghts and M easures Jn wlltm g as of the sald llcenslng court ls hereby term lnated to type, m axlmum welghlng capaclty and locatlon of the sald Instruments, not later than cne week preceedmg the date notlfied D ated thls 29th day of M ay, 1958 ln tbe second colum n hereunder - %

COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 A G DALG LEISH Address oj Petnlanellt Secretaly j(pr Local Government D Inspector to H ealth and Tow/z Plannlng ate on whlch wyzic/j nottyca. Place Yp#tlrNfll'v 'S tO fltprl under L N 539/57 j- q N 1552/58 be submttted / Il ptlragrtm , (9) should be sent GAZBTTE N on ce N o 2069 TVakaungu j 24th June EAST AFRICA HIGH COM M ISSION (RAILW AYS AND mlngo (forenoon) 1 25th June HARBOURS) 51 PER CENT STOCK, 1977/83 Kurwltu (afternoon) 1 25th June IT IS announced for general m form atlon that the total M twapa 26th June am ounts of the above-mentloned stock held on the London Klllfi 2nd J'uly and Local Reglsters at the close of buslness on 15th M ay, 1958, Vltengenl 3rd July P O Box 1833, were as follows - K akonenl 4th July M ombasa f s d R abal 8th July On the London Reglster 8,300,449 19 0 K alolenl 9th July On the Local Register 199,550 1 0 Bamba 10th July Ganzt (forenoon) 11th July :8,500,000 0 0 Sokoke (afternoon) 11th July 1 J T FBRGU SON , I Actkng C/lle/ Accountattt, # J PRYAN T, Nmrobl, Eqst zd/rlcw z Rallwa),.v and Ilarbours, 4th. June, 1958 k()r East A/rlcc Ibgh C'tpzzlznl4œloa. ? Supermtendent oj W etghts and M easw es I 606 TH E K EN YA G A ZET FE 10th June, 1958

GAZBTTS N o'rlcB N o 2070 Alœu cwrnow N o 8423 PART A Ct,Ass 34 (Schedulw 111) THE TRAD E M ARKS ORD INAN CE, 1955 ' (No 51 oj 1955) .r -3 CA - . * - sA 1.; -jx: - j ny j 'L > N O TICE ts hereby gtven that any person who has grounds .t*+ of opposltlon to tht, reglstlatlon of any of the m alkq advertlsed o y ,- .% ' e'!'- 'r# N hereln aowordlng ta tbe classes m ay, wlthln 60 dayx trom the date of thls G azette, lodge notlce of oppoqltlon on Folm 4é:.: r j f -- - '- i;'l p - TM N e 6 m dupllcate togethel wlth a fee of Sh 50 . %* z l l . k$:j The pcrlod for lodglng notlce of opposltlon m ay be extended f by the Rcglstrar as he thtnks fzt and upon such term s as he - - - % m ay dlrect Form al opposktlon should not be lodged unttl after reasonable (To be assoclated wlth No 7668 and othels ) netzce has been glven by lettur to the apphcant for legistratton The bulldtng depteted m the m alk ls that ot N ottm ghqm sa as to aflbrd hlm an eppoltunlty of wlthdrawlng h1s appllca- castle tlon before thk, expense of pl eparlng the notlcc of opposltton ls It ls a condltloll of reglstratlon that the blank spaces shown lncurred Fallure to glve such notlcu w111 be taken lnto account tq tlte tepresetttatton on tl'te form of appltcatlon shall when the m conslderlng any appllcatlon by an opponent for an older for malk ls ln use be oocupted by purely descllptave mattel ot l costs tf the opposltten ls unconttsted by the applltant non-trade m alk character and so as to lndlcate the contents of Representatlons of the m arks hefem advortlsed can be seen the packets or the strength of the tobacco used at tho om ce of the reglstlar of tlade m arkss centrql Govern Natule (# goods - M anufacturcd tobacco and clgarettes m ent Bm ldlng N alrobl Nalne tp/ appltcallt --East Atncan Tobacco Comany Llmlted AIYLICATION NO 8410 PART A CLAS,S 15 (Schedule 111) A ddtess --ltlzakataan H ouse, 'ï ork Street, P O Box 30000 O R W O Nalrobl (To be assoclated wltlt No 8408 a'n.d others ) APPLICATION No 842% P KRT A Cj-Ass 5 (Schedule 111) Natule 0/ goods .-M uslcal lnstruments and strlngs for muslcal m strum ents, none of the aforesald goods belng predomlnantly M A CLE A N of m etal U ser m the C olony clatm ed from 1947 Name of appllcant - Veb Fllmfabrlk Agfa W olfen (To be assoclated wlth No 2727 and another ) Addl ess - W olfen, D lstl 1ct Bltterfdd, German D em ocratlc Natute oj goods - ytntacld prepal atlens tol hum an use Republlt,, Germany, and c/ o M essrs Daly and Flggls, Nanïe t)/ applïcant .-M aoleans Llm lted advocatcs, P O Bex 34, Nallobl A ddness - Great W est Road, Brentford, M lddlesex, , and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Company, advocates APPLICATIO'N No 8411 PART A ClaAss 16 (Sehedule 111) 'P O Box 29, M om basa O R W O Alyl+lcw'nox No 8445 PART A CtAss 3 (Schedule 111) (To be assoclated wlth No 8408 and others ) Nature 0/ goods - papel and paper artlcles, photographs, G O Y A K ISS adheslve materlals, palrnt bnzshes and photographlc products (To be asscclated wtth No 8444 and otbers ) m so fal as these goods com e wlth:n thls class Rem stlatlon of thls tl ade m alk shall glve no rtght to thc Nalne oj apphcant .-veb Fllmfabrlk Agfa W olfen exclusw e use of the wold Kflklss'' Addtesz - W olfen, Dystrlct Bltterfeld, G erm an D em oclatlc Natul e 0/ goods o perfumes, tollet prepalatlons (not medlcated) Republtc, Germany, and c /e M essl s Daly and Flggts, cosm etlc plepalatlons, denttfllces, depllatory prepalatlons advocates, P O Box 34 Nasrobl totlet al tlcles (not lncluded ln other classes), sachets for usc ln wavlng the halr, seaps and essentlal ollq APPLICATION No 8412 PART A Cl-Ass 21 (Schedule 111) Name t# apphcant .-Goya Ltmlted O R W O Address - 161, New Bond Street, London, W , Bngland, and c / o M essrs A tkm son, Cleasby and Company, advocates, P O Box tTo be assoclated wlth No 8408 and othels ) 29, M om basa Nature 5/ gaods --spun librcs, thlcads and brlstles, al1 bemg m ade ef plastlc m aterlal m so far as these goods com e wtthm thls class Alyrl-lcA'rzox No 8449 PART A Cl-Ass 3 (Schedule 111) Name t# appllcant - Veb Fllmfabrlk Agfa W olfen Address - W olfen, Dlstrlct Blttelfeld, G erm an D em ocratlc Republlc, Germany, and c/o M essrs Daly and Flggls, advooates, P O Box 34, N alrobl 0

APPLICATION No 8413 PART A CLAss 28 (Schedule 111) * O R W O tTo be assoclated wlth N o 8408 and others ) Nature oj goods --Games and playthlngs mdudmg fishmg llnes (To be assoclated wtth No 8450 and otllefs ) and strlngs to1 tennls rackets ln so tar cts these goods com e Natule oj goods - soaps, pclfumery, cosmetlcs, essentlal olls w lthln tnls class and thtske goods not belng predom lnantly halr lotlons, dentlfrlces, Eau de Cologne of m etal Name t# appllcant .-Ferdm 4nd M ulhens tl admg as Eau dt- Nanle JJ appltcant .- veb Fllmfabrlk Agfa W olfen Cologne- and Palfum urle- Frabllk G lockengasse N o 471 1 Addless w- W olfen, Dlstrlct Bltterfeld, German Dem oclatlc gegenuber del Pferdepost von Fe1 d M ulhens Republlc, Gelmary, and o/o M essls Daly and Flggtsp Add; ess - 471 1, Cologne, Germany, and c/o M essrs Daly and advoc ttes., P O Box 34, N all obl Flggls, advocateq, P O Box 34, N alrobl

APPLICATION Nc) 8414 PART A CLASS 1 (Schedule 111) Aplhl-lcAhrlox No 8477 PART A Cu ss 3 tschoduie 111) O R W O C O L OR JIV E (To 13t. assoclated wlth No 8408 and others ) Nature tp/ goods --cosmetlcs, perfumery and othel tollet artlcles N atutc tpj goodb - chemlk-'xl products fel photoglaphlc purposes a1l belng goods lncluded ln thls class anv' cxposetl t ad uncxposed pttotoglaphlc aad cm em ato g! aphlc platt,s and a11 chem lcals tol photographlc pulposes Nalne oj appllcallt .-r lcerld Laboratorles (Pty ) lamlted A ddress - 1û6, End Stleet, Johannesbulg, Um on of South Nall e oj k'?pp/Jc:???/ .- veb Fllmfabrlk Agfa W olfen Afrlca, and c/o M essl s Kaplan and Stratton, advocates, P O .4 ddress - W olten, D lstllet Bttterfeld > G erm an D em oclatlc Box 111, N alrobl Republlc, Gel m any and c /o M essl s D aly and Fjgglo, advocatcs, P O Box 34 N alrobl Alvz-lcA'nox No 8487 PART A Ct.Ass 19 (Schedule 111) Apol-lcA-rlo,k No 8416 PART A CI ASS 16 (Schedule 111) EV E R IT E O R W O CO L OR Natu; e oj goods - Non-metalllc bulldlng matmlals asbestos (To be assocl tted wlth No 8408 and othel s ) / cem ent products f ol use m bulldm g , mon-m etalllc pmes fo: Nature of gtpot'/s .- paper and petpet altTcles, photogletphs, conveyance of llqtttds and gctses and ncm -m etalhc plpe Jom ts adhesl'ke m atellal , palnt bl uhhes and photogl aphlc products and pzpe littlngs ln so ta1 as these jooods com e v lthtn thls clasa Nalïle c# appllcant - 'l ulnk,l a Asbestob Cement Company Name of tzpp/lctzrl/ .- veb Fllmfabrlk Agfa W olfen Llm lted A ddtes.b -- W olfen, D lsti lct Bittel leld, G el npan D em oc! atlc Adclless v-Asbestos H ouse, 77/ 79 Fountaln Street, M anchestel Republlc, Gt-lmany, qnd c/ o M essl s D 11y and Flggls 2, England, and c/ o M essls Atklnsen Clensby and Company, advooates, P 0 Box 34 N allobl advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa #

10th June, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 607

APPI-ICATION No 8450 PART A CtAss 3 (Schodule 111) AI>PLICATIOX No 8500 PART A Cl-Ass 30 (Schedule 111) A M A M A * D EAt; f)e POLOGNE . (To be assoclated wlth N o 8358 and another ) ZXTRAI N4 DOPBLE -(. ,' $ caz o Natu'e t# goods - All good.s lncluded m Class 30 (Sehedule 111) e* '- y ... ( 4 œ. A x . Name 0/ appltcant .- Glaxo Laboratones Llmltod ooiyyy s - & Addren - 891-995, G reenford Road, Greenford, M lddlesex, * - England, and c/o M essls Atklnson, Cleasby and Company, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa ' 3.t. ) i. w' c -sre'k'i'kg -' 8 wl: .'. Gtirxcxf,AssE 'i 4.711 Kvt #. f ) AprclcATlou Nc/ 8501 PART A Ctxss 29 (Schedule 111) 1- Gez Nature 5/ good.b - All goods mcluded ln Class 29 (Schedule 111) N - Nalne 5/ appllcant .--Glaxo Laboratolles Llmlted % 1 .# - b.% 1. * ** * W b1%. , : ï+. Address -.-891 995, Greenford Road, G reenford, M lddlesex, , te pv t m l t f > ' Fmgland, and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Company, (To be assomated wlth No 8449 amd others ) advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa Nature ()/ gaods - soapss pedumery, cosmettcs, essentlal otls, halr lotlons, dentlfrlces, Eau de Cologne ApzœlcArox No 8503 PART A Cl-àss 1 (Schedule 111) Name o! appllcant .-Ferdmand M ulhtns tradlng as Eau de Cologne- and Parfum ene- babnk Glockengasse N o 4711 LEV A F OR M gegenuber der Pferdepost von Ferd M ulhens Nature (# goods --chemlcal products for mdustrsal purposes a: Address -.4711, Colcgne, Germany, and c/o M essrs Daly and auxtharles m rubber m dustry Flggis, advooates, P O Box 34, N allotn Name oj crpàctwl- Farbenfabrlken Bayer Aktlengesellschaft Addless - teverkusen-Bayerwelk, Germany, and c/o M essrs AIOI.ICATION No B 8496 PART B CtAss 21 (Schedule 111) Atkm son, Cleasby and Company, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa L %. * 9 t O 4 x4x Natrobt, R H M U NRO, /* 5th June, 1958 Actlng Rcpxf/cr of Trade M arks

N N Fllo e p%o e* w 4 c2 * çhe GAD 'I'TB Non cE N o 2071

Reglstratlon of tlus trade m ark shall m ve no nght to the TH E TRAD E M A RK S O RDINAN CE, 1954 excluslve usc of the word G:FILAK OVO'' (N o 51 oj 1955) Nature // gaods .-xsmall domestlc utenslls and oontamers (not IT IS hereby notllied fo1 general lnform atlon that the follow- of preclous metals or coated therewlth) m g has been reglsteled as the reglstered user of the trade m arks detalled below and entered ln the Regtster m respect of the Name oj appllcant - ltovosmalt n lakovo, Narodnl Podnlk goods stated A ddtess - N orakolonla, c 1125, Fllakovo, Czechslovakla, and 'k Regtstered proprtetor .-r ooper's lncorporated, m anufacturers, c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Company, advocates, P O of 2318 60th Street Ctty of Kenosha State of W lsconsln, Box 29, M om basa Um ted States of Amerlca Reguleled I/â'e/e - Ly1e and Scott Llmzted, m anufacturers, of APPLICATION No 8498 PART A CtAss 19 (Schtdule 111) Lothmn street, Haqlck, Scotiand Address ytpr servtce --C/0 M essls Atkmson, Cleasby and Com- FILO N pany, advocates, P O Box 29, M om bama Nature t# goods - sheetmg made of synthettc resms and glass- Condttlons or rcxtf?lcfltpn.ç -w(1) The propesed permltted use ls libre used ln bm ldm g and constructlonal purposes and for for a pertod wttbout ltmlt use as a rooling m aterlal (2) The tradc znarks al e to be used by the Rcmstered User ln relatlen to the goods only lf they are m anufactured by 111.m Nante oj appllcant .-Ftlon Internatlcnal EstabJlshment m aocordance w lth speclficatlons lald dow n, dlrectlons glven Address - 19 lm Staedtle, V aduz Llechtenstem , and c /o M essrs an: lnformatlort supplled bv the Regtstered Proprtetor from Atklnson, Cleasby and Company, advocates P O Box 29, tlm e to tlm o and only so long as the R eglstered Proprletor M om basa or hts duly autborlzed representatlve has the rlght and ls per- mltted to lnspect tho goods and the methods of m anufactur- m g them on the prvmlses of tlw Reglstered U ser an4 to be A1*LlcArloN No 8499 PART A CtAss 20 (Sehedule 111) stmplted wlth samples of the goods on request Trade M ark No 7551 ln Class 38 (Schedule 11), JOCKEY - A rtlcles of clothm g Trade M ark No 1) 7549 ln Class 38 (Schedule 11), COOPERS - Underclothlng, but not m cludzng blassleres and colsets , socks (for Beal) Trade M ark No 7552 m ûlass 38 (Schtdule 11), JOCKETTE - Artlcles of olothlfng Trade M ark No 7550 ln Class 38 (Sehedule ll) JOCKEY BOY devlce - Arttcles of clothjng (To be assoclated wlth No 5329 and others ) Trade M ark No B 8139 ln Class 25 (Schedule 111), Y-FRONT - Nature t# goods - cupboard storage racks, skelvlng, countel Pants and vests, a1l for m en tops, sllclng boards, bread boxes and cake boxes, all made Trade M ark No 'B 8140 ln Class 25 (Schedule 111), BIPOD of wood , cabtnets ffurnitule), tables, stcols and murors 1n- devlce .- M en's pants cluded ln Class 20 (Schedule 111) A representatlon of the above-m entloned trade m arks can be Name oj cpp/lccnl - Am encan Radlator and Standard Sanltary seen at the oë ce of the Reglstrar of Trade M arks, Central Corporauon G overnm ent Bmldlng, N alrobl Address --40, W est 40th Street, Clty and Statc of N e&& York, Unlted States of Aznerzca, and c/o M essrs Brlson and Todd, Natrobl, R H M U NR O, advocates, P O Box 154, M om basa 5th June, 1958 4cnng Repl/zc? oj Tlade M alks 1 608 TH E K EN Y A G AZET T'E 10th June , 1958 GAD TTE N OTICE N o 2072 GAZBTTE NOTICE XO 2075

THE PATENTS (REGISTRATION) ORDINANCE U ASIN GISH U CO UNTY CO UNCIL qcap 294) ELVLRION RESULT--CA%UAL Y ACANCY IT IS heleby notltied for general Inform atlon that a letters 1 H LR EBY D ECLA R E that at an elecbon heid on 30th M ay patent partlculars of whlch appear ln the Schedule hereto, was 1958 the followlng candldate w 4s duly electcd aq a m embel of reglstered as No 837 ln the Kenya Reglster of Patents on the tbe County Councll for the Eldoret M unlclpallty W ard, to hold 29th day of M ay, 1958 oflice untll 1st Apë)l, (960 ROBBRR W ARDROPER BALL SCHEDULB H M CC ULLACH , No 0/ applkcattoll - 837 Re/uànlng Oftlcl.t Date oj appllcatlon - 29th M ay, 1958 Name tp/ apphcant --Glaxo Laboratorles Llmlted G AZSTTE N m lcs N o 2076 Regksteî ed tzdtïrcns - 891-995 G reenford Ro td G reenford, THE M UN ICIPAL CO UN CIL O F N AK U RU M kddlesex, England A 'NNIJAI- Eu crlox 1958- 1.D1:N C ouxcll-tolt Partlculal 1 oj the grca/ ln the Unlted Xk?iérltp/zz - 784,536 sealed PURSUANT to 1 u1e 24 (2) of the lndlan Counclllors Elec on 29th January, 1958, and dated 8th February, 1956 tlon R ules, l hereby dcclarte thc electlon of one lndlan coun Nature tp/ tttventton - lmprovements ln or relatlng to the clllol nom ln 'ttlons ln respect of w hlch 'vere recelved on 2nd extrautlon and punlicatlon of hecogenln June 1958, to be adlourned for the purpose of taklng a poll The poll wl11 be taken between the hours of 8 o clock ln D ocum ents, etc A'Xed IlT the Regkstry the lorenoon and (n o clock ln the aftel noon on Frlday, 27th (1) One certzfied copy of the specécatlon (zncludlng ollke June 1958, ln the Town H ali at the M ulllclpal Om ces N akuru copy of letters patent) of the Unlted Kmgdom patent C andldates for electlon in respect of these vacancles qre (2) Certtficate of the Comptroller-General of the Unlted SAOHU SINGH REàA'!T (Contractor) K lngdom Patent Oë ce glv-lng full partlculars of the grant of P'oposcê - lkam bhal Shlxabhal Patel the patent Se( J/JJEV - sardar K lshen Slngh (3) Authorlzatlon m favour Mf M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Synlbol oj Itïw7/,Jct?/Jr?n - Aeroplane Com pany, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa W AstloEo DAMODAR SHEVDE (AdNocate) N alrob,, Ptoposz ? - lethwa Vayeslneh s /0 H tllslngh R H M UNRO , 5e: ondel - Natverlal M aneklal Shah 5th June, 1958 Actill. Reglntrar oj Patellt.b Synlbol t7/ ldenttficatêolt --taon K M LO UIS GAZBTTS N OTICE N o 2073 ''N akul u .Rtr/lf? lllng O@cet 2nd Junt', 1958 Arf////lc?/?t-// Omces Nt-/kl/zff THE PATENTS (REGISTRATION) ORDINANCE W ap 294) G AZETTE N oTlcls N o 2077 IT IS hereby notlfied for general lnform atlon that a letters UASIN G IAH U COU NTY COU NCIL patent, partlculars of whlch appear ln the Schedule hereto was N on cE ol R ATS FoR 1958 reglstervd aq N o 838 ln the K enya R eglster of Patunts on the 3rd day of June, 1958 NOTICE ls heleby glven m accoh dance with the County Counmls 01 dlnanc.e that a county late levled on al1 land ln the area of tbe county outslde tht, Eldoret M unltapahty, am ount SCHLDUI-E lng to Sh 50 for the lirst 200 acres of land and 10 cents per No (# applkcatton - 838 acre for each addlttonal acre, w11l becom e due and payable on Date oj tzpp/lctzfltp/! - 3rd June, 1958 the 30th day from the date of the pubhcatlort of thls notlce Name (?J appllcant - lmperlal Chemlcal lndustrtes Llmlted Eldoret, H M CCULLAG H Regkstered tïdd, ess - lm pemal Chem lcal Houst, M lllbank, 5th June, 1958 Cletk to Ctp/facl/ kondon S W 1, England Partlculars t# the grant ip the &nffEl Klngdom - 787,411 sealed GAZETTS N o'rlcc N o 2078 on 31st M arch, 1958, and dated 22nd February, 1956 M U N ICIPAL BOARD OF M OM BASA Nature t7/ lnvcntlolt - lm provem ents ln or relatlng to the m anu facture of plastlc m cendm ry m aterlals A ssssslviex'r RATF 1958 PU RSU AN T to thc plovlszons of sectlon 34 of the Local Documents etc hled In f/le Regkstty Govelnment (Valuatlon and Ratlng) Ordlnance, 1956, l helt'by (1) One certlhed copy of the specllicatlon of the Unlted glve noflce to a1l persons lntelested that the M unlclpal Board K lngdom patent of M om basa has levled a late fo1 thc M unlclpallty tor the yeal (2) Certjficate of the Comptroller-General of the Unlted 1958 on unlm proved sltt- values only of thlee pe1 centum K lngdom Patent Ollico glvlng full partlculars of the grant of The above rate shall becom e due and p'lyable at the Town the patent H all, M om basa, on 15th July 1958 (3) Authomzation ln favour of M essrs Kaplqn & Stlatton, Under sectlon 35 (3) of the Osdlnance lntereht shall be payablu advocates, P O Box 111, N alrobl on arleat assessm ent rates at the late of one per centum pet m ensem oi part theleof Such lnterest w i1l be payable fëom 16tb N alrobl, R H M IJNRO July, 1958 5tb. June, 1958 Xc/lllg Regtsttat // Patellts Assessm ent lates are a dfzbt to tht M unlcm al Boaid and whllst every etlolt wlll be nlade to dellvel to every person hable an adNkc,v note statlng the am ount due fallure so to QJAZETTF YCOTICE i:o 2074 dellvet wlll not be held to absolve the debtol from any llablllty or penalty attachlng to non-paymeat THE AIRRICAN DISTRICT COUN CILS ORD INAN CE, 1950 A V RATCLIFF, (No 12 0/ 1950) M om basa Ttpwa Clelk 4th June, 1958 Town H all M onlbtua A IY OIwTMBNT IN EXERCISE of the powers theleunto enabllng m e, 1 hereby appolnt the person nam ed ln the Schedule annexed hereto G NZETTE N oncr N o 2079 to be a m em ber of the Afrlcan D lstrlct Councll n àm ed thereln M UN ICIPAL CO UNCIL O F N AK URU Gazette N otlce N o 328 of 22nd January, 1957 ls vaned RE/ULT OF ELECTION--CUROPEAN COUNCILLORS ANNUAL accordlngly ELECTION, 1958 PURSUANT to rule 24 (1) ot the Eulopean Counclllors SCHEDUI-E Electlon Rules notlce ls hereby glven that at an electlon held Ah 1: an Dtstrlct Councll tp/ Ba; I/lgtp on 2nd June 1958- John Loujs Bornhardl and Nom tnated ???é'&l:cr - chlef W llllam Rotlch ln place of M r Reglnald W allace Falkner Joel Klpsalna arap Klbultut (resygned) were elected to hold oë ce untll 30th June, 1961 R E W AIN W RIG HT, K M LOUIS N akuru Provïnclal f'tp?nzplus-vtm eà N akuru Retulnlng OMce, , 4th June, 1958 Rtft Valley rrtwlz?cc 2nd June, 1958 Munlclpal O'cE'l Nakuru 10th June, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 609

G AZETTE NOTILE N O 2080 CENTRAL SVARD M UN IC IPAL BOARD OF M O M BASA Callillçlalz.- ( 1 ) Dave Ravi hnnktl b LOCAL GOVERNMENT (VALUATION AND RATING) ORDINANLE (956 Chhagctnl-ti (t' N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Dlaft Supplementary Pl opose .- Valuatlon R oll fo1 the yeals 1957 and 1958 ln respeut of Shah A m ritlal B L Rdha ul'le M unlclpallty of M om basa has bcen com pleted and lald .%cu (JP? lQ before a M eetlng ot tlae M unlclp tl Boald of M om basa on K h'm asla M Som chand 31 d June 1955 The sald Roll ls avallable at the Town H all, M om basa, fol publlc lnspcctlon dullng nolm al buslness houls (7'c(,?J?t/t'Irc...-. Any person who ls agglleved (a) by the lncluslon of any (J.), M anubhal rateable pioperty ln or by the om lsslon of any rateable ploperty R aollbhal (k% from the draft Supplementary Valuatlon Roll or (b) by any 'X value ascilbed ln the dlaft Supplem entary V aluatlon R oll to P: aércp-îe? 7 x 1 S ltyendr à l r am baklal any ratuable ploperty ol by any other statem ent m ade ol om ltted ,r- to be m ade ln the sam e wlth ruspect to any rateable propelty Thaluol e ? m ay lodge an oblectlon wlth the Town Clelk O blectlons m ust Seconde; .- be made in wlltlng ln the plescrlbed folm (coples of whlch may K hushqlbhal C Patel be obtalncd on appllcatlon) to be recelved at the T own H all, M om basa on ol befole 12 noon on 9th July 1958 N o person shall be entltled to urge any oblectlon befol e the V aluatlon C oul t unless he shall have first lodged notlce of PARKLANDS AND H ILL SVARD oblectlon as aforesald Caltdldate- D ated th:s 4th day of June, 1958 ( 1) Janl P1 ahlad K alyanll jk A V R A TC LIFF, Pl tpwtpâ'tu - ?'-x '? Ttpwzl Cletk Purshoktam M athurbhal Patel ./ N ) Ftlwa H all M olnbasa 'r' $ Seconde' - Klrpal Slngh Sagoo GAZETTS N o'rfcl N o 2081 Calldldate- M UN tCIPAL BO ARD OF M OM BASA (2) Thakole Satyendra EUROPEAN COIJNCILLORS ELECrION R ULES Trlam baklal 5 ANo Pt oposel- M ohan Slngh INDIAN COUNCILLORS ELECTION R ULES Secolldel - PURSU ANT to the provlslons of Rule 24 (1) ol the above K l Ishnal tl Vlthaldas A dalla R ules, notlce ls hereby glven that the followlng candldates have been declared duly elected m em berq of the M unlclpal Board of M om basa to hold oflice untll 30th June, 1961 - M l Guy lngram Sutton (Eulopean) EASTLEIGH W XRD M 1s Vldya Vatl Sondhl (lndlan W ald No 1l) M l Huseln Abdulla Jaflkr (lndlan W ard No V1) Cailll Jtz/. - M r Raslklal Navalchand Sanghvl (Indlan W ald N o V1l) ( 1) Dhll Sullndel ? x A V R A TCL IFF Y oposeé - M ombasa, Retutnïng O//ïcc? Bhogal D ldat Slngh # N 3rd June, 1958 Ttpwzg; H all M olnbasa Sccoltdo - L 'tbhshanker Balashanker Janl GAZIITTS N oTlcE No 2082

' N A IROBI U RBAN D ISTRICT CO UN CIL C c lldldate- TENDLR- EMBAKNSI VILLAGE- CEII ING BOARDS (2) Gahlr, Gulcharan Slngh z /'(4 #? opo&o / /) TEN D ERS are lnvlted for the supply of up to 20,000 stluare N - y feet of celllng boards and Slngh s /o Santà ..z ? Telldel docum ents m ay be obtalned at the olllce of the Slngh 'r' C ounty Englnter, C ounty H all >z'N alrobl Secoildo -- - D esl al M adan Tenders ln sealed ellvelopes endorsed Tender- Em bakasl- Cm lm g Boards but bearlng no zndlcAtlon of the ldentlty of the sender m ust be dell: el ed to the C lerk ot the Councll C ounty C at'dldate- H z11, P 0 Box 1362 N alrobl, not later than noon, 30th June, (3) M anku K ewal Slngh 1938 3 P, c'yp/âe/ - The C ouncll ls not bound to lccept the lowest ol any tendel Chanan Slngh s/o M ela 6( Stngh R T W R IG H T N tlrobl, Clet & oj the CWJ/?lc// Secolldet- 3rd Julze, 1958 Cout'ty H all N tzfroé?z S' ewa Slngh s/o Dollp blngh M ander

GAzEr'rs N oncs N o 2083 CITY COU NCIL OF N A IRO BI Calldldate- (4) M ota Singh ELECTION oF INDIAN C ouNclLtoRs Pl tzptpâc?..- 17a t..p NOTICE ls hereby glven that polls w lll be takcn fo1 tlw DhWalam Slngh Ryatt s/O j electlon of lndlan Counclllols on Lhe undelm entlont,d davs - azll Slngb N Secolldel- C ENTRAL W ARO M ahala) K1 tshen Bhandarl Polltllg statlon --patel Club, Folest Road, W ednesday 25th June, 1958 Thc polls w1l1 com m ence at 8 a m and close at 8 p m PARKLANDS AND H ILL W NRD Tho pelsons entltled to votc are those w hose nam es appear ln the voters lolls of the lespeettve walds Polltng â/é?/?f)?z - H H The Aga Khan Club, Llm ulu Road Frlday 27th June, 1958

EASTLEIGH W ARD H A ROLD AYREY Polltnq -ç/t:?/Ic)7? e- A slan Clvll Servlce Club, Jula Road, Saturday, N all obl, Town f72t?/ k and Retul r?I/;g Omcel , 28th June, 1958 3rd June, 1958 Clty H all N f/lrtpbl 610 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEU E 10th June, 1958 tIAZBTTE lloTlcE 'ko 2084 û;&zsTTB l4oTlcs p4o 2087 M uxlcllaAl- BOARD op sl-oolœ 'r THB LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE, 1957 LocAl- GOVERNM ENT (vAl-uv lox Ax o RATlxol (No 20 oi 1957) ORDINAN CE, 1956 THIKA LlouoR LlclsNslxG COIJRT (No 18 of 1956) out.v authonzed by the Provlnclal Commlssloner, Central PURSUAN T to the provlslons of sectlon 34 of the Local W OV1nCe, the followzng appllcatlons wzll be consldered at a Government (valuatlon and Ratlng) Ordlnance, 1956, notlce Speclal M eetlng of the Thlka Llquor Llcenslng Court to be held ls hereby glven that the M unlclpal Board of Eldoret has fixed On Thursday, 26th June, 1958, at 10 a m ln the D lstnct a rate of 41 per cent on ummproved slte values for the year Commlssloner's Oflice, Thlka 1958 R BNEw AI-S Thls rate becom es due and payable on 10th J uly, 1958 lnterest G enelal R etall I/ltguc'? L lcence at tlm rate of 1 per cent per m ensem or part tllereof w11l be charged on any rate remalnlng unpald after such date M essrs M umo Stoles, Plot N o 6, R uaka M arket, Klam bu M essls Farm Hotel, L R N o 158/8, Llmuru, Klambu S V W H EATCROFT, M essrs Lolesho H otels Ltd , L R N o 4958, K abete, K lam bu Eldoret. Tow ll Clerk M 1 W anlema K aranla, Plot N o 12, K aratu M arket, G atundu 5th June, 1958 T/w,ll H all Eldoret Dm slon, K lam bu M essrs Chanla Restaul ant and Bar, Plot N o 11, Sectlon V, Thtka Townshlp GAZB'I'TB N t)rlcE N o 2085 N Bw A PPLICATIONS CITY COU N CIL OF NA IRO BI General Retœl D quor Llcence M ulqICIlu t, Et.scTlolqs M essrs K lam bu Tlansport Co , Plot N o 26, Sectlon 7, K lam bu N O TICE Is hereby glven that the followlng persons have Townshlp been duly elected m em bers of the Clty Councll of N alrobl fol M r K am anu N gewa, Plot N o N I T D Tradlng Centre, a perlod of three years com m enclng 1st July, 1958 K abete European W ards CONVERSION Ellc S1m W llson- representlng C entral W ard M alt and Ntl?z-â-p//iflftpu.v D quo' 0#- to On-llcence M rs D orls Enld C lalke- replesentlng C entral W ard M essrs Peter G lcheru and W M ulndo, Plot N o 9, T lnganga Edw ard R euben Block- representlng M uthalga W ard Tradlng Centre, K lambu M rs Elleen M ervyn Rayner- representlng Parklands W ard Ernest Camm n eld- representlng W estlands W ard N Ew A PPLICATION M alt and N on sptrltuous Ltquor On-ltcence l'ndlall W ard / K lshnalal Vlthaldas A dalla- representlng East Com m elclal M r M uchohl Glkonyo, tradlng as çiFarmels' Bar' , Plot N o 5, W ard Glthlga V lllage, Locatlon N o 9, Fort H a11 H A R O LD A Y R EY , R ENBw AI-S N alrobl, Town Clerk and Returntng O'cer Canteen D quor flccace 2nd June, 1958 Clty H all N tzlgtplll The Prestdent, Folt H all Afrlcan Dlstrlct Councll, Plot No M 5, Fort H all Townshlp # CJAZBTTE ifoTlcs ':o 2086 H otel M quor D cences M essrs Loresho H otels Ltd , L R N o 4928, K abete, K lam bu THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE M essrs Farm Hotel, L R No 158 /8, Llmuru, Klambu (No 20 oj 1957) Club D quol D cence DU LY authorlzed by the Provlnmal Com m lsstoner, Coast Provlnce, the followm g apphcatlons w11l be consldered at a Folt H all Club, Fort H all Townshlp, Resldentlal Area Speclal M eetm g of the South Coast Llquor Llcenslng Court to Afncan Staf W elfare Assoclatlon (ASW A), c/o E A A Forestry Research Orgam zatlon, M uguga be held at 2 15 p m on 30th June, 1958, ln the oflice of the !M essrs Slgona G olf Club Ltd D lstrlct C om m lssloner, M om basa , K lkuyu Llmuru Country Club, L R N o 160, Llm uru, Klambu N Ew A PPLICATION M cssrs Socfinaf M anagm g Staq Club, Rm ru M alt and N tprl-xlu?lfrftpl/.Q Lkquor On-hcence M alt tzrld N on-spïntuous Tuquor O#-flcencc M r Edw ard M sam ull, P O Box 23, V ol, A frlcan D lstrlct M l Sam son K ablru, Plot N o 12, K aharatl Locatlon N o 17, Councll of Talta K lgum o D lvlslon, Fort H all D lstrlct M r James Kam au s/o M unlu, Plot No 3, Kangare Vlllage, RENEw AI-S Locatlon N o 2, Klgum o Dlvlslon, Folt H all Dlstnct M r Shadrack N luguna Karucha, Plot N o 4, Glthungurl, Loca- W tne M erchants and Glocers' Zlgut?r Llcences tlon N o 5, Fort H all Dlstrlct M essrs U B Patel and P M Patel, tradm g as M om basa M r John N loroge M lchukl, Plot N o 3, K angem a Tradlng Florlsts, M om basa, Orlental Bulldlng, Road, C entre, L ocatlon N o 12, Fort H all D lstrlct M om basa M r Reuel Esley M wangl M ugwe Plot N o 14, N dunyu-chege A l1 R K han, P O Ukunda, K wale, U kunda, K wale M arket, Locatlon N o 16, Fort H, all D lstrlct

M essrs W llsott M acharta attd Hezektalz M wattgt: Plcjt N o 1.3 , M alt tznd Nbn spïrltttokks Llqtfor OP hcences M ukangu M arket, Locatlon N o 10, Fort Hall Dlstllct M r Jethabhal J Patel, Plot N o 67 Sudl Sulem an, P O K wale, Bom anl, M sam bwenl, K wale , R ulru, Thlka D lstrlct M essls M um o Bus Servlces and Tradlng Co , Plot No Habert Ezeklel s Jo Omore, P O Box 2219, M ombasa, Plot Ruaka M arket, K tam bu No 143/65 Sectlon 1, Kongoweya, Klsaunl, M ombasa M essrs Socfnaf Co Ltd , M chana Estate R ulru M ulwa s/o M utlo, Spaakl, M ombasa, Plot No 29, Spaakl, M r N dungu K agorl, K lglo Plot , M ombasa , Locatlon N o 1, Fort Hall M r N dungu K agorl, Plot N o 24, K lrwara M arket, Locatlon M shlrl N angela M alengo, M ombasa Plot N o 426, Sectlon X V, N o 1, Fort H all D lstrlct K lnoysl Road, M alengo, M ombasa M ohanlal Jessa Patel, P O Box 411, M om basa, H ouse N o N Bw Al>lxLlcA'rloxs W 1042, Rallway Landy Road, M om basa M rs Ao1 W aloga and M rs Lucas Awora, P O Box 2434 M alt and Nbnuplrlflftpl/.ç D quor Of/-hceace , M r N yum u W ararlo Plot N o 17, lklnu Tradfng Centre M ombasa, Plot N o 29, Sectlon l M S , Llkonl, M om basa , K lam bu M essrs M waza K and M uoki M ukoba, P O Box 1844 M r K am au M bana, Plot N o 1, G lkum Tradmg Centre, Klam bu , M essrs Jelald Glkonyo and Sam uel K llurl M ombasa, Plot No 25/27, Sectlon 1, Klsaunl, M ombasa , Plot No A2, Ruathla Tradlng Centre, Locatlon N o 19 M barak Saleh, P O M ackm non Road, Plot N o 3, M acklnnon , Fort H all D lstllct Road TRANSFER Canteelt Llquor LlceIlce M alt and Non-splrttuous falfgut)? 0/./ hcence

R A Ahmed, K enya Pollce Llnes, K wale,Pollce tanes, K wale M Mr M wangl s fo Kanyln, from M uthlthl Pollce Canteen, to atharem l Plot N o B7, P O M alagua M alt and N tprl-xp/rl/lftp/z.% Ltquoî 0/ ./ lzcence D BFBRREO A elxLlcArloNs W aghll M u1Jl Shah P O Box 2607, M om basa, Ram lsl Sugar A1l the appllcatlons deferled at the m eetlng of the Thlka Factory, K w ale Llquor Llcenslng Court held on 13th M ay, 1958 J A H W OLFF', R A M BIRKETT, Presldeltt Thlka, Prestdent s'tplff/z Coast Zlt/utp, Llcenang Coult 5th June, 1958 Thïka D tzut?r Llcenskng Court, 10th June, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G AZETTE 611

G AZETTB l4oTlcs N o 2088 G àzeTu N on cE N o 2089 qEB 29/81/01) VACAN CIES IN U GA ND A PRO TECTO RATE V A C A N C IHS IN TA N G A N N lK A TE RR ITO RY PUBLIC SERA IiE CoMMIssION PUBLIC SBRVICE C oM Mlsslox Technical f/gs'f? uctoî (7tw/(??I?!g) Prlsoll.b Depat tnletlt APPLICATIONS al e lnvlted for the followlng posts and m ust A PPLICA T IO N S a1e lnvlted from sujtably quahfied candl be subm ltted to the Secretary to the Publlc Servlce Com m ls- dates fo1 the post of Technlcrtl lnstructor (Tallorlng) m the slon, P O Box 107, E ntebbe, to reaclz h1m not later than 7th Prlsons D ezaartm ent 7 he post calrles the baslc salary scale luly 1958 All appllcatlons, ln trlpllcate on Form PSC 3 (Re C f - 3 l e f624 by f27 f o f 732 f 825 by E33 to f 924 f960 vlsed) obtrilnablc from the Secletary, should bear the reference by f 36 to f 1,068 per Annum The successful candldate w1l1 be num ber of the vacancy for w hlch appllcatlon ls m ade as w ell appolnted on contract/gratulty terms (unless already servlng on as the tltle of thc post Sers 1ng om cers should submlt appllcatlons peaslonable terms In Government servlce) provldmg for the through thelr em ploylng departm ents paym ent of a glatulty at the rate of 17.1. per cent of salary Lcave and pash tge pllvlleges wl11 be ln accordance wlth regula Cl (29:/7 Cotlllsel X fltpp/ley G eneîal s D cpcl//ncz?/ tlons (Ref No C V 339/ 1 /96) A ppllc 'ttlons il om servlng oë cers on salarles contalnjng the Salaly G ovel nnlent d A ' scale wlthln the range :984 to lllducenzent elem ent wlll be consldered and, lf sut-cessful, w1ll f.1 ,518 per annutn (PENSIONABLE ) lead to appomtm ent on lpducem ent term s To be ellglble for conslderatlon for appolntm ent to thls post Qtkalthsatlons - candlclates are lequlred to have qualllied as candldates m ust be barrlsters-at law or sollcltors, wlth a mlnl- m aster tallors m um ef three years experlence after call or adm lsslon Duttes - (t8 Supervlslort of large tallorlng mduwtry whlch em The dutles of the post m dude appearance for the Crown tn ploys over 200 prlsoners crlm lnal and clvll cases and cnmlnal appeals oplnlon work (bj Thc completlon of large Government orders for tallorlng and draftlng of leglslatlon requtrenaents EnglïïeerlM anager Kampala flnd Dlstrtct W ater Stpczff (c) Supervlslon of Junlor tallorlng lnstructors (d$ The tralnlng of prlsoners ln a1l aspects of the tallollng (Ref No C V 311/1 /97) lndustry Salary f 2,000 per annum rlsm g to f2,140 per annum by annual lncremeats of f 70 (PENSIONAELE ) (E') The control of stores and matenals connected wlth the tallorlng lndustry Candldates nlust be coroorate m em bers of the lnstltutlon of A ppllcatlons should be forwarded to the Secretary, Publlc Clvll Englneers and preferably ln addltlon, of the Instltutlon Servlce Com m tsston Prtvate Bag, D ar es Salaam to arrlve of W ater Englneers They should have had conslderable experl- not later than 6th July 1958 Servlng oflicers should apply ence ln the deslgn constructlon and operatlon of water supply th1 ough thelr heads of departm ent forwardm g an up to-date undertaklngs Experlence of the operatlon of a water board w1l1 Personal Record Form (P /2) whlwh should be accompanled by be a dcmded advantage a detalled confidenttal report on thetr work and conduct and The successful candldate wl11 be the Chlef Executlve Oëcer com ments as to thelr sultablllty for the post A pphcatlons from of the K ampala and D lstnct W ater Board H e w1ll be respon- servm g oë cers of other G overnm ents should, m addltlon be slble for the techm cal plannm g of the future developm ent of accom panled by detalls ot the appllcant s present term s of ser- the water undertaklng wlthln the defined area and for m anaglng vlce 1 e leave and passage term s and whether present salary and operatlng the supply throughout tius area ls ln the m duced or basic scale A1l other apphcants should aubm it thelr apphcatlon ln wrltlng together wlth a com pleted The successful candldate w1ll be rcqulred to serve a perlod appllcatlon form (T/ 1) ln dupllcate, whlch may be obtalned of probatlon unless he should be a servlng omcer already con from the om ce of the Chlef Secretary, Prlvate Bag D rir es firm ed ln a penslonable post Salaam , or elsewhere from the Secretarlat of the terrltory ln whlch they are resldlng A l c/zlfecflfpcz A sslstaltts Publlc W orks D epal tm ent (Ref No C V 246/1 /98) Salary Governm ent B ' scale wlthln the range :678 to (EB 29/59/010) f 1,137 per annum (CONTRACT ) Fleld (7#7ce/o (AgI Icrf/flk/tp) Candldates should possess lnterm edlate R I B A or cqm valent Appllcatlons are lnvlted from sultably quallfied candldates approved expenence Experlence ln troplcal bulldlng problem s for the post of Fleld Omcer (Agrlculture) ln the Agrlculture would be an advantage D epartment The post carrles the baslc salary scale C5- 3, 1 e The dutles lnvolved are general asslstance to the archltects of E624 by f27 to f 732 f 825 by f 33 f924 :960 by :36 to f 1,068 the D epartm ent under the supervlwlon of the ciuef arclutect, per annum The successful candldate wl1l be appolnted on and also m clude the tralnlng and supervtston of stad contl act/gratulty terms (unless already servlng on penslonable terms ln GoNernment servlce) provldlng for the payment of a The term s of appomtm ent for the above posts w11l bo ln gratulty at the late of 13.t per cent of salary Leave and passage accordance wlth the condltlons of servlce apphcable to locally prlvlleges wll1 be ln accordance wlth regulatlons engaged oë cers of the Uganda Clvll Servlce Officçrs servm g A ppllcatlons from servjng oflicers on s Tlarles contalnlng the under the G overnments of Uganda, K enya, Tanganylka or tlte lnducem ent elem ent p111 be consldered and, lf successful wl1l H lgh Com m lsslon w hose salarles uontaln an lnducem ent elem ent lead to appom tm ent on lnducement term s wlll lf selected, be anpolnted on lnducem ent terms m th the appropryate leave and passage prlvlleges, provlded that they Quahhcattolls - Apphcants who shoulcl preferably be between are not norm ally dom lclled ln East Afrlca 22 and 15 yeals of age should have at least G enelal Certlficate of Educatlon They are requlred to have practlc 11 experlence of constructlon and operatlon of vanous types of fishlng gear and the plepa, aflon and m arketlng of fish catches Experlence QIAZETTE lforlcE è4o 2090 wlth A fllcan freshw ater fisherles an advantage A blllty and wllllngness to undeltake m uch lield work VA CAN CY IN THE EAST AFRICA H IGH COM M ISSION D utieo - WO work ln the Flsherles Dlvlslon of the D epartm ent PuBLlc SBRvlce CoMMlsslox of Agrlculture on lnstructlng Afrlcan fisherm en ln lm proved m ethods of fishlng and of pleservatlon and m arketlng of fsh APPLICATION S are Invlted for the followlng post and m ust catches O ne oftk ev to work excluslvely on the Lake Tanganytka be subm ttted to the Secrotary, Publlc Servlce C om m lsslon, P O dagaa fisherles of W estern Plovlnce the other on the develop Box 6008 N alrobl, K enya, to reach hlm not later than 1st July, m ent of m lnoi lake swam p rlvel and dam tishurles m East 1958 A11 appllcatlons to be subm ltted ln tnphcate on Form and C entral Plovlnccx PSC 3, whlch ls obtalnable from the Secretarv Clvll servants A ppllcatlons should be torw qrded to the Secretqry, Publlc m ust subm lt thell appltcattons through thelr departm ental heads Servlce Com m lsslon, P1 Ivctte Bag D ar es Salaam , to arrlve not later than 6th Iuly 1958 Servlng oë cers should apply through kbenkoî flxecufiyc Olco- Departnlent :)/ Economkc thelr heads of departm ent forwardlng an up-to-date Personal Co ordlnatlon Record Form (T / l ), whlch should be accompanled by a detalled Salary scale C 3- 2 confidentlal leport on thelr M ork and conduct and com m ents f960 by f 36 to f 1 068 f 1,104 by f 36 to f la 140 by f39 to as to thelr sultablltty fo1 the post A ppltcatlons from servlng f 1,1 79 by f 42 to f 1,263 (M en ) (AGREEM ENT ln the lirst oflicers of other Governmt-nts should, ln addltlon be accom place ) p tnled by detalls of tlae appllcant s present term s of servlce, 1 e leave and p Etuasaqe term s tnd w hethel present salary ls ln C andldates should have adm lnlstratlve experlence, som e know the lnduced or b-t lc ocale Al1 other appllcants should subm lt ledge of accounts personnel dutles com mlttee work and m lnutes thell appllcatlon ln w rltlr'g tegether wlth a com pleted appllca A lxnowledge of the hldes and sklns% trade would be of asslstance tlon forln (T/ 1) ln dupllcate, whlch may be obtalned from the Com m encm g salaly m the scale would be assessed accordm g to om ce of the C hlef Secletary, P1 lvate Bag, D a1 es Salaam or experlence and clualllicatlons elsewhele from the Secretallat of the terrltory ln whlch they Telm s and colldltlons of servlce m ay be obtalned on apphca- are rekadlng tlon to the Secretary 6l2 TH E K EN YA G A ZE'IV E 10th June, 1958

G AZBTTE N OTICE NO 2091 CITY COU N CIL 0F N AIROBI N O TICE ls hereby given that the Cyty C ouncll at a m eetlng held on 3rd J'une 1958, m ade the followlnfa final apportlonm unts ol tht, cost ot constructlng Tamworth Road (Pt ) and Grantham Crescent (Pt ) under the provlslons of the M unltapalltles and 'Yownshlps (Prlvato Streets) Ordlnance, namely - F k k Cost 1 Plot N o O wncr s N am e and A ddless ljoonetat ge Tcootsat l DG A ppoltlollrnent Foot sh cts 2565 M ohd sharrll Alla Rakha, Box 939 N alrobl 65 68 2 148 75

2576647 zMNalotkohaod sn l snBhgeahgr ursml/tor dWA/ola ldAa hzRalzwa kaMh S'ao lhnBdg ho xB B9oo3x9x 2, 19N508a72l r, oNbala lnloobbt l 1 75478 958327 , ::7 r; 21 94s5414l7 08543 257651 ARetah mMaothKdh asn/o, BAol1x B9u4x, Nc/aol rBoobxl 1785 Natrobl 5834 3023 I j la t &Xc.-) 21 ,7494 0378 2563 Ilam D ln s/ Soh sjuelMsjohsdjjel lmjjiajy, BOX 1 530, Nalrobl 9 1 68 j j 2 999 35 2752/1 u j knl sl n'-gh s'/ o prem sl n'-gh 3 4 43 I ?@ 4 chrapran smgh ohanjal Box 5471 Naîrobl 1 2752/2 Ratllal c shab, Box 5913 N alrobl 65 59 2,145, 80 606 05 L 1/.*27 15

Councll s Contnbutlon (a) Road Flontages .! 2170 500 >67524 5321 . 6:3 71 -. ,,084. 3: 51 35 1,679 93 17 50 I 572 52 (b) Con ectlon to Frontages ! 0 04 l (j ,,, j cL 3661 1 o0 063 5l i O1 968 0 02 0 66 TOTAL Couwcm 's CONTRIBUTION 5,569 .!.j

H AROLD AY REY , N alrobl Towll Clerk 4th June, 1958 Cklz Hall, P O Box 30075, Natt t/ipi

G AZBTTE N OTICE N o 2092 G AZETTE N on cs N o 2093 IN H E R M A JESTY S CO U R T O F A PPEA L FO R SO UTH AFRICAN M U TU AL LIFE ASSU RAN CE EA STER N A IRR IC A SO C IETY C xuss L lsT (INCORPORAIED BY M T C/F PARLIAM ENT IN THE U NION OF T uesday 24th June 1958 àt 10 30 rt m ) Fot /.fct'//???Jl C lî J/ A ppeal% M UTU ALPARX , PIN ELAN D S C P No 9/57 Dlwan Singh Kalsl tradlng 4s Dtwan Slngh Kalsl and Sons vâ The Specaal Com mlssloner and Loss oF PoLlc: A ctlng Com m lssloner of Lands Pollcj Nf.? 71 1441 joî :,2 500 dated 18//1 Nob cr/llle'? 1949 oll W ednesday and Thursday, 25th and 26th June, 1958, at //7c. Itje (?J F? etietlck Joltn W arden 1he p/ operty oj tpwll 10 30 a ln llje No 36/58 N emchand Kachra Shah and another Kalldas N OTICE ls herebv glven that evldence of the loss or destruc Pethral Shah tlotl ot the pohcy has been submltted to the Soclety and afïy Frlday, 27th June, 1958 at 10 30 a m pelson ln possesslon of the pollcy ol clalm lng to have any lnterest thermn, should com m unlcate lm m edlately by reglstered No 15 /58 Corbett Llmited 3 N W Floyd post :41th the Soclety Falllng any such comm unlcatlon a certl M onday 30th June 1958 at 10 30 a m 'lied cooy of the pollcy (whlch shall be the sole evldence ot No 20/58 Rufus ltlddlesbarqel and anothel Bllan John contl act) w1l1 be Jssued to the ownel R obson and two others N alrobt T A. M U RRAY T uesd ty lst July 1958 'tt 10 30 a m 31d June, 1958 G enolal M cncgt? No 42/58 Davld Geotlrey Edw zrdes and another ï s Reglnald Ernest V ere D ennlng W ednesday 2nd July 1958 at 10 30 a m G AZETTE N OTICB N o 2094 No 77/57 Rhythm House Ltd (ln ljquldcttlon) znd Gulcharan D-ts M eht t (as llquldator) y.s Vldya Sag àr IN TH E M ATTER OF THE COM PAN IES ORDIN AN CE D ukhlya W ap 288) Thursd zy, 3rd 1ul) 1 958, at 10 30 a m AND No 22 /58 Udham K aur 'tdmlnlstratnx of the est 1te of Gu1 baksh Sm gh s /o Blshen Slngh tladlng as E lst COLON IAL STORES LIM ITED A frlcan Jolnery W orks $ â K hlm ll Prem ll P ltel (//1 'i oluntk'; y fzltzlf/lt'?/dtp//l Frlday 4th luly, 1958 at 10 30 a m NOTICE ls heleby glven that, ln accol dance wlth tht, sectlon No 3 1 / 58 Nfal IN aha M otors Llmlted Eeghen 'tnd 232 of the Companles Ordlnance (Cap 288) a genelal meetlng M aclalne (F A ) Lymlted of the m em bels ot the above com pany wlll be held at the M onday to W ednesday 7th to 9th July, 195% tt 10 30 a m Ieglstered oflice of the company at Plot N o 528, Vlctolln Stleet, N alrobl on M onday 14th July 1958 at 10 a m for No 10/18 Gokuld As Ratqnll M andavla The Commlssloner the pulpose ot laylng befol e the m eetlng an account of the of lncom e Tax wlnding up, showlng how the m ndlng up has besn conducted No 26/58 Gol. uldaa Ratanll M and 4v14. The Commlsoloner and of hearlng any explanatlon that nnay be glven by the of Incom e Tax llquldatol , ard also ot determm m g, by exttaoçdm ary lesolutloiA Thursdal 10th July 1958 rtt 10 30 a m the m anncl ln whlch the books accounts and docum ents of No 47 /j8 Her M alesty s Attollley Gentral fol the Colony lnd the com p tny and of the llquldatol shall be dlsposed of Protectorate of K enyq J s H ervert Cecll D ougl ts H ayter Datt,d this s'th day of Junc, 1958 Frlday l 1th July 1958, at 10 30 a m M AHEN D RA BH AI C PATEL, No 11 / 5 7 A R Peters v,ç The Sunday Post Llmited Ltquldatol jtz? and on bellalj c'f Colontal Stores Ltmlted N airobl, F H ARLAN D , (In Voluntaly Iat?/zr/fiflt/ipl, 7th July, 1958 Regtstkaî P O Box 1236, N tzlzol?l TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 613

GA% TTB N on cp N o 2095 G AZETTB N oTIcB N o 2099 THE JUBILEE INSUR AN CE CO M PAN Y LIM ITED IN H ER M AJESTY'S SU PREM E COU RT OF K ENY A AT M OM BASA (INCORPORATED IN KENYA) PROBATE AN D ADM INISTRATION Loss olv SHARE C ERTIFICATE TAK E N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been m adc ln thls %llrq t Ceî ?l#ctz/c No 319 jol /e?? shateç (cW.?/,??c/71 e z?????7J7t>pJ Coult ln 16777 / l 6786) f?I the Nt/r/ltp ojï M i î Kesal bat Abdttlla W alll (1) CxusB No 71 oF 1958 f-fll/l (le t eased C'J M olnbasa By Da>ld Dnm mle and Hany Bentley both of Nalrobl K enya N O R-IC E ls hereby glven that evldence oî the loss of the Colony, duly appolnted attorneys of Barclays Bank D C O the etbove-num bered share certlhcate has been furnlshed to the com - executor named ln the wlll of the deceased for a grant of panv AnN person lq posseoslon of the share certlfcate or clalm plobatu of the w11l of the late K athleen Gpelzdôllne G lven of lng to have any lnterest thereln should com m unlcate lm m e dlately wjth the com pany Falllng such com m unlcatlon wlthln M om basa K enya Protectorate who dled at M ombasa on the 30 days from the date hereof a certlied copv of the share 1 3th day of M alch, 1958 certlicate wlil be lssued (2) CAUSF No 32 ()tR 1958 D ated lt M om basa thls 2nd day of Junc 1958 By (1) M ukundral K antllal Pandya and (2) M adhukant Kan tllal Pandya both of M ombasa K enya Protectorate the sons M R H OSAN G AD Y of the deceased, for a glant of lettels of adm3nlstratlon lntestate Gelleral M c?pt?ge; of the estate of K antllal Jadulam Pandya of M om basa, who died at M om basa on the 9th day of D ecem ber, 1957 The C ourt wlll ploceed to lssue the grant unless cause be G &ZETTE N oTlcE N o 2096 shown to the ccntrary and appcarance yn thls respect entered on of befole the 1st day of July, 1958 TEN D ER N OTICE S F N UN ES, D ERBY BooTs, BLACIV M om basa, A ctïng D eputy R eglstral IT IS herebv notllied that the closlng date of the above 2nd June, 1958 H M Supreme Court t# Kenya tender ls extended from 1 3th June to 27th June, 1958 N ote - rfhe wl11 above-nam ed ls now deposlted and open to luspectlon at the Court durlng oë ce hours P R C A RD O SO , Secretal y C entîal l'ender B oard P O Sox 30071 N altobt G AZBTTB N oTlcE N o 2100 IN HER M AJESTY S SUPREM E COU RT OF K ENYA GAZEITTE N orlcB N o 2097 AT N AKU RU D ISTRICT REG ISTRY PROBATE AN D A DM IN ISTRATION PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION f-AusE No 14 oF 1958 TAK E N OTICE that after fourteen days from the date of fz? the nlatt oj /J7e estate oj //7e Iate Arfbtp/rc/ Afedlratta oj thls G azette, 1 lntend to apply to H M Suprem e Court at .E'/??7c77/cJ/tz llt the Colony oj ffcayc N alrobt for representatlon of the estates of the persons nam ed T AK E N OTIC E that appllcatlon has been m ade ln thls Court ln the second colum n of the Schedule hereto who dled on the by Bal Dev M oolral of Elm entelta ln the Colony ot K enya 'for dates respectlvely set forth agnlnst thelr nam es a grant of probate of the w l11 oi the late M oolraj M edlratta A nd further take notlce that al1 persons havlng any clalm s of Elmentelta ln the said Colony, who dled at N alrobl ln the agam st or lnterests ln the estates of the sald deceased persons sald C olony on the 21st day of D ecem bel 1957 are requlred to prove such clalm s or lnterests before m e wlthm Thls C ourt wlll proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be two m ontbs flom the flate of thls G azette, after whlch date the shoen to the contrary and appearance in thls respect entered clalm s and m terests so proved w1ll be pald and satlsfied and on or btfore the 26th dqy of June 1958 thc several estates dlstnbuted accordlng to Jaw A N BU C K M A STER , SCHEDIJI-E N akul u D lstnct D elegate 2nd June, 1958 H M s'dfp/er?le Coutt tp/ Kenya Nakuru Pubhc Testate Trustee , s N ame of D eceased Address Dnawtxoe +loa f Or N ote - The w111 above named ls deposlted lnto Court and ls C ause N o r'u v'i lntestate open to lnspectlon at the Coult durlng oflice hours

48/58 A p r 11 l o M a c a r l o Klsll 8-3-58 lntestate Ch zsrrs N oTIcB N o 2101 A s s u n c a o J o a o l 49/58 TeFrelnguce lrJa m es Cos 1 N akuru )1-12-57 lntestate HERBERT JOHN CRISP, D ECEASED tello D oyle N OTICE ls hereby gl&en pursuant to sectlon 28 of the Trustee 50/58 W llllam John W arren M ombasa 24-2-58 lntestate Ordlnance (Cap 36) that any person havlng a clalm agalnst or 'm lnterest ln the estate of the late H erbert John Crlsp of Nalrobl In the K enya Colony, who dlcd on 4th M ayj 1958 N alrobi, L N LEA CH , ls hereby reqm red to send partlculars ln w rltlng of lkls or her 6th June 1958 jb' z4c/l/pp Publlc T? ustee cleum to the Trustee D epartm ent, N atlonal O verseas and G rlnd- Iays Bank Llm lted P O Box 30402 N alrobl, on or before 8th A ugust 1958, after whlch date the adm lm strators w 11l dlstrlbute GAZBTTE N orlcE N o 2098 the estate am ong the persons entltled thereto, havlng regard only to the clalm s and lnterests of w hlch they havt notlce and w1ll IN H ER M A JESTY 'S SD PRE M E CO U RT O F K EN Y A not as respects the property so dlstrlbuted be llable to any A T ELD O R ET person of whose clalm they shall not then have had notlce IN TH E COU RT OF TH E D ISTRICT DELEG A I'E TR U STEE D EPA RT M EN T AT ELD ORET N 'urobl, N attollal O vtvuçccuî and Gnndlays #c??l. Ltd 3fst M ay 1918 P O Box 30402, Natrobl PROBATE AND ADM INISXRATION CAIJSE N o 13 oF 1958 Notlce oj t-fppnct///tp/? joï ,g/J?7/ of p; obate 0/ the J$'l/? of //?e G AZETTE N OTICB N 0 2102 estate 0/ the Iate f-/?, lshan Rable Dreyeî (7/ Tuïbo t/tz,s'ln

G ?J/?r.I lhstrlct A%??.?,J Colonn ESTATE OF TH E LATE LUCY ELIZA W IM HU RST TAK E N OTICE that apphcatlon havlng been m ade m thls TA K E N O T ICE that all persons havlng any clalm s agalnst C ourt by Frances Y olande D reyer wldow of Turbo U asln or owlng m oneys to the above-nam ed Lucy Ellza W lm hurst of Glshu Dlstrlct K enya f-olony for grànt of probate of the w11l N alrobl ln the Colony of Kenya, who dled at N alrolx afore- of the estate of the late C hristlan R able D reyer of Turbo U asln sa'd on the 26th day of M ay 1958 are reqm red to prove Glshu D lstrlct K enva Colony who dled at Turbo on the 7th such clalm s before m e the underslgned or to pay to m e the day of February 1958 thls Gourt wlll proceed to lssue the sam e am ount dtse as the case m ay be, on or before the 5th day unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearalgce ln thls of A uguot 1958 atter ohlch date the clalm s so proved w 1ll be respect be enteled on or before the 23rd day of June 1958 pqld And the estate dlstl lbuted accordlng to 1aw K S FEW , R O BLR T G EO R G E R ID LEY , D lvfllc/ L elegate Attolnev oj //7e executol named ln //7e wlll Dl-çplcf,N oj I-/W-îJ:I Glshu Trans N-zola c /t? The 5'/t7,?#f?7 d Bank of South W/?lcf? Ltd N J?IJ; Elgeyo f/nt'/ M c, akwet P O Bor 3000/ Nalrobt 614 TH F. K EN Y A G A ZET TE 10th June, 1958

GAZBTTE N OTIC,E N o 2103 G AZE'I-I'E N OTICE N o 2107 LEON ZU CK ERM AN , D ECEA SED TH B BAN KRU PTCY ORDIN AN CE N OTICE ls hereby glven pursuant to sectlon 28 of the W ap 30) Trustees Ordmanee (Cap 36), that any person havlng a clalm N orfcB oB INTBNOBD D IVIDBND agalnst, or an lnterest 1n, the estate of the late Leon Zuckerm an, D ebtor s nam e - sayed O m er and Bros late of N atrobl m the Colony of Kenya who dlod on the 30th Address - P O K allado day of M ay, 1958, ls hereby reqm red to send partlculars m D escrlptlon - M erchants and tranqporters wrltlng of h1A clalm or lntercst to the undermgned bcfore the No t# matter - 3 of 1955 15th day of Septem ber, 1958, after whlch date the executors Last dav ()/ I ecmvtng p? oob - 20th Juno, 1958 wlll dlstrlbute the estate am ong the persons entltled thereto, Name oj tl ustee - M K M alde havlng regard only to the clalms and m terests of whlch they Address - P O Box 3914, N alrob! shall have had notlce and w111 not as respects the property so dlstnbuted be llable to any person of whose clmm they shall N alrobz, M K M ALDE, not have had notlce 6th June, 1958 Trustee K APLAN AN D STRATTON , Advocates to the Executors GAZB'I-I'S Non cs N o 2108 N alrobly Pueenm cy House, 6th June, 1958 P O Box 111 Natrobl TH E BAN K RUPTCY ORD IN AN CE W ap 30) PUBLIC EXAM INATION GAZE'I'TB NOTICE No 2104 Debto' s nalne - M anohar Lal s/o Gopl Chand, tradlng as M anobal La1 M ARIA SEBASTIAN A M ERCIAN A FARIA , D ECEASED A ddl ess - P O Box 5221, N alrobl D eso lptlon .-r ycle dealer N OTICE ts heroby gtven pursuant to sectlon 28 of the Trustees Ctplf? / - H M Suprem e Coult of K enya N a, ob1 Ordlnance (Cap 36) that any person havlng a clalm or an No oj /??f?//cr - B C 30 of 1954 jnterest ln the estate of the late M ana Sebastlana M erclana Date 0/ pllbllc é'Awzni?ic/ytpr! - 13th June 1958 Farla of P O Box 44, Eldoret, who dled on the 26th day of H oul - 10 30 a m M ay 1958, ls hereby requlred to send partlculars ln wrltlng of Pltw e - -t-aw Coul ts Bulldlng, N alrobl h1s clalm or lntercst to M essrs Shaw and Carruthers, advocates, of P O Box 112, Eldoret, on or before 11th August, 1958, N alrobl R H M U N R O after w hlch date the adm lnlstrator w11l dlstrlbute the estate 5th June 1958 A ctlng (?/.V, c/l/ Recelj e? am ong the persons entltled thereto havlng regard only to the clalm s and m terests of whlch lt has had notlce and w1ll not aq respccts the property so dlstnbuted be llable to any person of GAZETTB N OTICE N O 2109 whose clalm lt shall not thelt have had notlce TH E BAN K RUPTCY ORDINAN CE SH AW AN D CARRUTH ERS, (Cap 30) Eldoret, Advocates ftar the zzttïrlllrtlffrtlfor Sileo'xo M FBTING ob' CREDITORS TO CONSIDER PROPOSàL 12th Junc, 1958 P & Wtp.x 112, Eldoret FoR CoMposl-nox D t btol s nalne .- l-aljl Sunderjl Lakhanl, tradm g as S Lakhanl GAZBTTB N oTlcB N o 2105 Addl ess - P O Box 82, Eldoret D q J'c?sp/lpz? - -rrader G ERTRUIDA JOHAN NA H ELENA JOU BERT, DECEM ED Court - H M Sum eme Court of K enya, Nalrobl No // lnatter - B C 66 of 1957 AND Date oj second mce/lng oj cleï/tp/x to ctpnâ'pt/c/ ploposal jtp, A BRAH AM BEN JAM IN JOU BERT D ECEASED conlpostttolt - 30th June, 1958 H ou; - 2 30 p m N OTICE ls hereby glven pursuant to sectlon 28 of the Place .--ofiiclai Recelvel's Oflice Conference Room N o 57 Trustees Ordmance (Cap 36) that any pe1 son havlng a clalm Ground Flool , W est W lng, Central Govelnm ent Bulldlng or an lnterest m the estates of the late G ertrutda Johanna N allobl H elena Joubert, wlfe of and resldm g wlth Abraham Benlanun Joubert of Alnabkol, who dled on the 5th day of June, 1956, N all obl, R H M UN RO 6th June, 1958 and Abraham Benlamm Joubert of Alnabkol, who dted on the Actlng O/.:clt-// Recelî el 26th day of M ay, 1958, ls hereby requlred to send partlculars ln wrltlng of hls clalm or lnterest to M essrs Shaw and Car- ruthers, advocates, of P O Box 112, Eldoret, on or before 4th CIAZETTE p4oTlcs lfo 2110 August, 1958, after whlch date the adm lnlstrators w111 dlstn- bute the estates am ong the persons entltled thereto, havlng regard THE BA NK RUPTCY ORDINA NCE only to the clatm s and lnterests of whlch lt has had nottce (Cap 30) and w1ll not as respects the property so dlstnbuted be llable ADJOURNED PUBLIC EXAMINATION to any person of whose clalm lt shall not then have had notlce Debtol J nalne - Harnam Slngh s/o Jawala Slngh Address - P O Box 11262 N alrobl SH AW & CARRUTH ERS, D escl Jp/it/7z .-f ontractor Eldoret Advocates jor the admlnlstrators Cou; t - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N auob! 5th Jkne 19ss P O Box 112, Eldoret No oj matter - B C 3 of 1956 D ate oj tytfytp/fr/lctf pubhc cxtz/nlal//t?a - 18th July, 1958 H ow - 10 30 a m GAZE'I'TE N oT1cB N o 2106 Place - H M Suprem e Com t, N alrobl Date of ol deI /tp? xl/n7?/kcr)z adlnlnlstratlon - 23rd M arch, 1956 THE BAN KRUPTCY ORDIN AN CE N alrobl, R H M U NRO, (Cap 30) 31 d June, 1958 Acttng OA cltz/ Recetj tv N olqcB oF INTBNDBD DIVIDBND D ebtot s rltzrn, .-r haturbhal G alabhal Patel, formerly tradlng as G AZETTE N o'rzcs N o (1) Chaturbhal G Patel and Bros at M uhotonl, and (2) TH E BANK RUPTCY ORD IN ANCF Settlers Sktores at Soyet Farm , P O K apsabet (Cap 30) Address - l-louse No Q807, M alengo, M ombasa Ptlst-lc EXAMINATION Descnptton - M erchant $ D ebtots zlJ??7d,& - petel H endl:k N e1 and M artlnus Stcphanns Court - H M Suprem e Coult, M ombasa N el Addtess - P O Box 142 Gllgll No t7/ matter - 12 of 1953 D escrw hon - Farm ers Last day fot ?ecelvirlg proofs - 18th June, 1958 Colll t - H M Suprem e C ourt of K enya at N all ob1 Nanle oj trustee .-l'he OKclal Recelvel No oj n?tzr/er - B C 16 and 17 of 1958 Address - P O Box 366, Legal M anslon, Fort Jesus Road Date 4:)/ pllbltc cwrf/??lrtl//(pz? - 11th July 1958 H oïll - 10 30 a m M om basa Place - Lqw C ourts Bulldlng, N allobl M om basa, Deputy CO #Nic,JJO/ NRJeOce,wel N alrobl R H M UNRO, 31:t M ay 1958 31 d June, 1958 Actlllg O#/cltW Recelî el 10th June, 1958 TH E K EN YA G A ZET T'E 615

GAze'r'rs N oTlcs No 2112 GAZE'I'TE N orlce N o 2117

THE BA NK RUPTCY ORDIN AN CE TH E BAN K RU PTCY ORDINA NCE (Cap 30à N OTIeE oF INTENDED D IVIDEND qcap 30) D ebtor s ncnlc - M aganlal Tulsldas Sam anl, tradlng as M FIRST M BF-TING oF C REDITORS Sam anl Address - P O Box 223 Eldoret Debtols rlJp/?e,: - (1) Somchand Kumbba Shah, and (2) Lalll Desct tptlon .- -fradel Kumbha Shah botll tradmg as Shah Lahl Kumbha Couî t - H M Suprem e Coult of Kenya at N atrobl Add; cs1 - P (). Box 733 1, N allobl No oj matler .-B C 26 of 1956 D escîtption - Traders Last dqy J/r ? ecelvtl'g proojs - 24th June, 1958 Nalne oj ttustee --olliclal Rccelvel Coul t - H M Supreme Coul t of K enya at Nallobl Addtess - P O Box 30031, N all ()bl No ol p7tz//E'r - B C 39 of 1958 Nalrobj, R H M U N RO , Date 0/ hrst zzieeap,jr oj credttors - 24th June, 1958 6th June. 1958 Actilzg O/5cltf Recelj et H our - 2 30 p m Place .-f onfelence Room N o 57, Oëclal Recelver s Oflice Central G ovelnm ent Bulldlng, N alrobl GAZBTI'E N o:ucE N o 2113 THE BAN K RU PTCY ORDINAN CE N alrobl, R H M UN RO, (Cap 30) 6th June, 1958 Actlng O/.5cm/ R ecelver SECOND M EETING OF CREDITOR.S TO CONSIDFR PROPOSAL b'olt CoMlaosl'l Iox D ebtors names - shankerbhal Raljlbhal Patel and Jlvabhal D walkadas Patel, tradlng as Em plle Stote ' ,4 ddresï - P O Box 78, N anvukl GAZE'I'I'S N orlcE N o 2118 D escrlptkon - erraders Court - H M Suprem t Court of K tnya, N alrobl TH E BAN K RU PTCY ORDIN AN CE No oj znc/fez - B C 62 of 1957 Date oj second meetlng oj c?efïl/ol.v to ctp?lyft/e, ptopoïal jot (Cap 30) ctpll7ptpylllt/rt - 25th June, 1958 H our - 2 30 p m FIRST M EBTING oF CREDITORS Place - Oë clal Recelver s Olhce, Confelence Room N o 57 D ebtoï s nam e .- D osa Jlwa G hedla G lound Floot , W est W lng, Central G overnm ent Bm ldlng N allobl A ddress - P O Box 92, N akulu D eserlptlo'l - -frader , N alrobl, R H M UN RO, 6th June, 1958 Actlng O#ic/f'! Recel%el Coltrt - H M Supreme Court of Kenya at N all ob1 No t# mattet - B C 25 of 1958 Date of é'râ,f llleetlng of credltors - 17th June, 1958 G xzsrrE NoTlcs èço 2114 H out - 2 p m TH E BA NK RUPTCA ORD INA NCE Place - T()$vn H all, N akuru bcap 3% N OTICE OF .INTIINDI D DIVIDEND N alrobl, R H M UN RO, 6th June, 1958 Debtot s rlcnie - sham sud Dln Zatlkl D 1n Acttng O7clJl Recelver Addres% - P O Box 1902 N alrobl D escrlptlon - plum ber Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enva, N alrobl lqo of matter - B C 5 of 1954 Last tfdty !or rccdlvln.ç p'oob - 24th June 1958 Nanle oj trustee - olTiclal Recelver GAZETTE Ntm cs N o 2119 A ddtesv - b O Box 30031 N alrobl TH F BAN K RU PTC A OR DIN ANCE N alrobl, R H M U N R O , 6th June, 1958 Achng D //ic/tk! Recelk el (Cap 30) PIJBLIC EXAM INATION G AZETTB N o'rlcs N o 2115 D ebtor s pltp/ne .- lohn Robert Rees Address - P O Box 839, N akuru TH E BAN K RUP rCY O RD IN A NCE D escrtptlon - Farm er (Cap 30) Coul t - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N all ob1 PUBLIC EXAM INKTION D ebtor s name .-o avld Johannts D e W et van Dyk No oj nîattet - B C 68 of 1957 Addless - P O 01 K alou Date oj publtc examlnatlon - 27t11 June, 1958 D escrtptlon - Farm er H ow - 10 30 a m Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N alrobl No tp/ matto - B C 75 of 1957 Place --t-aw Courts Bulldlng N alrobl Date ol publtc e'.xc/nllltz/ltpn - 4th July, 1958 S tplfr - 10 30 a m N alrobl, R H M U NRO. Place - Law Cotzrts Bulldlng, N alrobl 5th June, 1958 Actlng O#JcIJl Recewe? Nalrobl, R H M U NRO , 6th June, 1958 Actlng O/Jczf/? Receij et

GAZE'I-I'S Ntm cc Nt7 2116 G AZE'IJ'E N on cs N o 2120 THE BAN KRU PTCY GRD IN AN CE D EED OF COM POSITION REG ISTERED D U RJN G (Cap 30) Ptpsclc EXAMINATION M A Y 1958 D ebtol x name - lsrael M assada D sso or A RRANGEMSNT N o 6 oF 1958 Addren - P O Box 2894 N alrob! D eso Ir/ttpn - property qealer N alne // cltbtor --shelkh Sallm BIn Abubakel Com t .- H M Suprem e Coul t of K enya at N alrobl Add' ess oj debto' - Kltul No oj lnatter - B C 5 of 1958 Name 0/ tl tfylé'e - M ulchand Somchand Khlmasla Date tp/ pubhc c'tJ77l??7ft/Itp?7 - 4th July, 1958 H our - 10 30 a nl Addîeîs t# tl lfyfce .-.P O Box 214, Nalrob Place .- t-aw Cotlrts Bulldlng N allobl N alrool R H M UN RO N all obl R H M UN RO , 6A J'unc, 1958 Actlng O#fcl(/l Recelî er 30th M ay, 1958 Actlng Rcglsrrlr-Gezlcrtzf 6l6 TH E K EN YA G A ZET TE

G AZE I'rE N orlc iï N o 2 121 G AZETTL N o'r/cs N o 2125 D ISSO LU TION OF PARTN ERSH IP N OTICE OF CHA NG E OF N AM E NOTICE ls hereby glven that the partnershlp subslstlng l Jaganath M ayor s I o t-larnam Dass of M ombasa ln tl'ïe between N oordln H usmn M ohqm ed, Ah N oorm oham ed Dam Tl Protectorate of K enya, Brltlsh subject hereby glve publlc notlce and Khatun d /o Gullamall Koorlee w/o A11 Noormobqmed that by rt decd poll dated the 31st day of M ay, 1958, dul) D am ll alI tradlpg under the nam e and style of K amrudln M exeuuted by m e ( 4nd attested by M r S K Sqchdev t advocatt- Punlanl at Plot N o 24 Sectlon X X IX , D e Boer Street, K lsum u of M om basq ) as tbe fatber and n xturql guardlan of nly daughter has beelz dyssolved by the m uttlal consent of a1l the partles U sha Ran: heletotole called and know n by the nam e of Ranw sh bv the retllement therefrom of the sald A1t N oorm oham ed Dam jl K um al , at present reslalng at M om basx m y szld daughter and KhAtun d/o Gullam all Koorlee w/o All Noormohamed U sha R ànl form ally and absolutely abandoned 1he use of D anzljl as from the 15th day of M ay, 1958 her sald n 1m e of R am esh K um arl for a11 purposes and I hercby The sald buslness as and from the 16th d 4y of M ay 1958 authorlze and 1 equcst alt persons to destgnate, dtscrlbe and ls belng carrled on by the contlnulng pa1 tner N oordln H useln addresa m y snld dlughtel by the assumed n'tme of Usha Ranl M oham ed under tbe sam e name and stvle as the sole pro only prletor thereof D ated at M omb Asn. thts 3 1st day ()f h'fay, 1958 All debts due and owlng by tlze sald buslness up to and lncludlng the 15th day of M ay 1958 and dlsclosed ln the JA G AN ATH M A Y O R books of accounts of the sald buslness of K am rudln M Punlanl wll1 be pald and satlssed by the contlnm ng partner GAZER'I'E N oTlcc N o 2126 Llkew ,se a11 tbe debts ankl outstandlngs due tnd ow m g to the sald bubiness up to a 4d m cludmg the l 5th day of M ay N OTICE OF CH AN G F OF N A M E 1958, wl11 be recelved and recovered by the contlnulng paltner I Ratllal Purushotuam Patel, of P O Box 5831 N alrobl ln the Colony of K enyq, clerk thç father and natural guardlan D attd at K lsum u thjs 16tb day of M ay, 1958 ot m y daughter N allnlben who was born at N alrobl afere R K SOOD , sald on the 2nd dav of June 1951 and whose blrth was Advocaiç jor the pa'/nc/s regtstered at N alrobt aforesald on 28th July, 1951 uader the nam e of Stlnandaben and a Blrth Certllicate N o 60460 dated the 1st day of Septem ber 1951, w as lssued by the Rem strar GAZETTE N oTfcs N o 2122 G eneral of Blrti)s and Deatbs at N alrobl aforesald do hereby glNe publtc potlc.e that by a deed poll dated the 4th day ot D ISSOLU TION 0F PARTN ERSHIP June 1958 dttly executed, attested and reglstered wlth the N OTICE ls hereby glven that the partnershlp subslstlng be Reglstrar of Docum ents the use of the nqme of Sunandaben tween Leonard Auzna slo Olwang tavlngstone M wangl s/o belng the ruglstered nam e of m y sald daughter, has been aban Nlologe, Parmenas GTthenll s/o Kamau and W llfred M waula do zed and ln lleu thereof has been assumed and/ ol adopted s/o Nuwl carlylng on buslness on Plot No 28, Sectlon lV, the nam e ot N allnlben Th/ka, m the Colony ot Kenya under the :1 m nam e or styk ln pul suance of the change and adoptton of the nam e as of Kxlzarm ers Bar' has been dlssolved as fl om the 21st day afolewald 1 as her father and natural guardlan declare that of M ay, 1958, by m utual consent by retlrlng therefrom of the >he shall at all tlm es hereatter, upon a11 occaslons w hatsoever sald W llfred M waura s/o Nuwl as from the afolesald date of and wheresoever use and slgn and/or subscrlbe her name as 21st M ay, 1958 N allnlben The contmulng partners Leonard Auma s/o Olwang, Lwmg l therefore, on her behalf hereby authorlze and request a1l stone M wangl s Jo Nloroge and Parmenas Glthctul s /0 Kamau persons to deslgn tte call and addless her by the sqld nam e of are slnce then carrylng on the sald partnershlp buslness at the N allnlben sam e place under the sam e firm nam e or style of tFalm ers Bar ' A1l debts and llabllltles of the sald buslncss of $ Farm ers D atetl at N all olll thls 4th dav of June 1958 Bar up to and m cludm g the 2tst day of M ay, 1958, w1ll be RATILAL PU RU SH OT FA M PATEL tecelved, collccted and pald by the sald contlnulng paltners Leonard Aum'z s/o Olwang Llvlngstone M wangl s/o Nloroge and Parmenas Glthenll s/o K amau QIAZETTE lqoTlcc lqo 2127 D atetl at Thlka th/s 21st day of M ay, 1958 NOTICE OF CHAN G E OF NA M E LEGN ARD AU M A s/o OJW AN G 1 R at1l4l Purushottam Patt,l of P O Bclx 5831 N atrobt m the LIVINGSTONE M ANGI s/o OJW ANG, Colony of Kenya clerk the tather and natural guardlan of my PARM ENAS GITHINJI s/o KAM AU soll M ukesh who was b/rn at N alroby aforesald on the 15th Conttllulllg Partno s day of Septem ber 1955, and whose blrth was reglstered at Nalrobt atorelald on 24th Septem ber t955 under the name W ILFRED M W AURA s/o N UW I, of M aheslz and 1* Blrth Certllicate N o 108678 dated the 3rd R etlling Partner day of O t-tober 1955 w as lssued by the A ctlng A sslstant Reglstrar General of Bllths qnd D eaths at N alrobl aforesm d do hereb/ glve publlc notlce th-tt by a deed poll daked the 4th day G AZCTTS N oTIcE N o 2123 of June, 1958, duly excclzted, attested and reglstered wlth the Reglstrar of Documents,' the use of the nam e of M ahesh btang N OTICE OF REVOCATION OF POW ER OF ATTORNEY the reglstered name of rny sald oon, has been abandoned and N OTICE ls heleby glven that the Power of Attorney dated jn lleu theleof h'ts been assum ed and/ or rtdopted tlne nam e 12th Octobel 1957 executed and gkven by m e, the undelslgned, of M ukesh G eorge M aullce Churchel of P O Box 3800, N alrobl, ln the ln pursuance of the change and adoptton of the nam e as Colony of Kenya to any two Jolntly of Charles Sam uel Hawklns qforeqald 1 as h!s father and natural guardlan, declare that he of P O Box 3800, N alrobl aforesald and V lctor R obelt Love shall at a11 tlm es hereafter upon al1 occaslons whatsoever and m ore of 'P O Box 3800 afolesald and A lec G erald Llndsay wheresoevel uqe tnd slgn and / o) subscnbe hls nam e as M ukesh of P O Box 29 Endebess K enva afol esald appom ttng them as I tberefore, on h1s bebalf, hereby authorlze and request a11 m y Attorneys ls he1 eby revoked and cancelled and that the sald persons to de lgmate t.RI1 a d address lum by tht sald name of Charles Samuel Hawklns and tlîe qald Vlctor sobelt Lovemore M ukesh and the sqld A lec Gel a1d Llnds'ay ol any ot them have no authol 1ty now to ! epresùnt m e o! to act for 143e o! ln m y nam e Dated nt N àlrobl thls ïth day of Tune 1958 ln any m anntr whatsovcl under the Sald Power of Attol ncy RM IL A L PU RUSH OTTAM PATEI- Dqted at N alrobl thls 4th day of June 1958 G EORGE M AU RICE CH URCH ER G AZFTTE N o'rlcil N o 2128 N OTICE OF CH ANG E O F N AM E GAzsz'rls N oTlcE N o 2124 I Tara Chand U ppal s/ o G anpatrttm Varm a of Nakuru jn N OTICE OF REV OCATION OF POW FR OF ATTORN EY the Colony of Kenya heretofore known and c xllud by the name of Tara Slngh s/o G ànpatram Varma hereby glve publlc N O 1 ICE ls nereby glven that the power of attolney legls notlce that l have absolutely renounced and abandoned the tm ed tlz N alroiu durîng N ovember, 1957 executed and qwen use of my sald pqme of Tara Slngh s/o Ganpettram Varma and by R xmchand Hiranand Gldoom al to Vqshdeve Hlranand asst'med .n llett theleof the name Tara Chand Uppal s fo Gan- G ldoomal ls rexoked a qd cxncelled and that the qald Vashdeve pafram V nlma )nd further th tt such chqnge Is evldenced by a H lranand Gldoom rtl has no authorlty whatsoever to lep esent deed poll dafed the 30th day of M ay 1958 duly executed b: R 4m chand H 1! Anand G idoom al or to 4ct for h1m ln any m anner m e and attested under such pom el of 'tttorney D ated at N 'tktlru thls 30th day of M ay 1958 l7atcd thls 12th drty of M ay 1958 TARA CHAND UPPAL S/o GANPATRAM VARM A, RAM CH AND H TRAN AN D G IDOO M A L Fol ??ltN Iî Ttw a kS'?/7.v'/z î / o G'crlpfp/zlr?? Val /?;f? 10th June, 1958 TH E K EN YA G A ZET FE 617

Gu s'rx No'ncE No 2129 Storekeeper- Kenya Broadcasttng Serwce, osce oj f/le C% e/ Secretm y VACANCIES IN THE K EN YA GOVERN M ENT S alary scale (74- 3 CIvIL SsltvlcE CoMMlssloN f 825 to f 1 ,068 PEN SIO N ABLE APPLICATION S aro m wted for the followlng posts and m mst be subm ltted to the Secretarys Clvtl Servlce Comm lsslon, Prlvate Candldates should have at ltast ten years' expenence of Bag, N alrobl, to reach hlm by 1st July, 1958 Cwll servants must general storekeem ng, preferably of G overnm ent or m llltary subm lt thelr apphcatlon through heads of departm ents seven accountlng and stores procedure Fam lllarlty wlth electrom c days before the closmg date A ll apphcatlons to be submitted on equlpm ent would be an advanu ge 'f'he succcssful candldate Form CSC 2 m tnphcate whtch ls obtalnable from the Secretary m l1 be requlred to m alntaln all stores ledgers, control lssues and recelpts of stores and deal wlth correspondence H e wlll be stationod ln N alrobl and w111 be reqm red to travel Chlej Techltlcal OFccr (Developmentj- Kenya Broadcastlng Servlce Oycc oj the CWIc/ Secretary Personnel O#jccp- Ntzlltps; Atrpo' t M tnlstty ()/ Commerce and Salary scale C2- 1 f/ifflfs'f? v f 1,104 to f 1,863 PEN SION ABLE Salary scale C4- 3 Candldates m ust have experlence ln electncal and dlesel f 825 to f 1,068 PENSION ABLE mstallatlon problem s and have a thorough knowledge of tlw ele tncal regulatlons as applled zn K enya, m easures reqmred Candldates m ust have had conslderable experlence ln dealm g for the reductlon of lnterference caused by electrlcal m achlnery wlth stas problems, m alntenance of stas records, handlmg of VHF/FM broadcastlng and partlcularly the propagabon prob- A fncan labour dlsputes and a worklng knowledge of stores lem s lnvolved Expenence of G overnm ent procedure and of accountlng Ablllty or experlence ln carrylng out lnspectlon of co-operatlng wlth electrlmty supphers and contraetors for bulld- bullders, a knowledge of alrport w orklng and deeallng w lth 1ng work and LV lnstallattons would be an advantage The mem bels of the publlc and tenants wl11 be an advantage successful candldate w1l1 be partlcularly concerned wlth the electncal m stallatlons at the varlous sltes, and the lnstallataon ot tlte VHF/FM llnk system Follom ng the Tnltjal mstallatlon Teclu'lcal f?iy/r/zc/tw (Two Postsj-xducatlon Department he would assum e responsiblllty for the m alntenance of bulldmo , m asts and sltes throughout K enya, the control of the englneerlng Salary scale C5- 3 sectlon responslble for outslde broadcastlng and recordlng, the f624 to f 1 ,068 PEN SION ABLE plannlng of technlcal tralnmg for Junlor englneers, and the estabhshment and supervlslon of the technlcal workshops Candldates m ust have served a full apprentlceshlp as a m ason, brlcklayer or carpenter and Jolner and have had varltd practical Chlej Technlcal O'ce? (Transmttterj- Kenya Bloadcasttng expenence of not less than seven years The possesslon of a Set > tce O//ce oj //Je' Chtef Secretok fnal Clty and G ullds Certlicate or zts equlvalent ls essentlal The successful candldates w1ll be reqmred to m ve m structton tn Salary scale C2- 1 one of the bulldlng trades at a Techntcal and Trade School and partlclpate m tl'ie supervlslon of students ln out-of-school :1,104 to :1,863 PEN SION ABLE hours H e should be capable of supea lslng buildlngs prolects as he may be requlred to take charge of bulldlng works at any Candldates must have had several years experlence m a semor centre ln the Colony H ouslng accomm odatlon m 1l be provlded engmeenng post wlth a Colom al broadcastlng organtzatlen, a sound theoretlcal and practlcal knowledge of hlg,h power M arconl at the Trade School and Redlfon m edlum and short wave transm lttmg equlpment, a thorough understandmg of the problem s m volved wlth m atch- Llthoglapher x$'1/7 T c'p oj A.t'//; a zng Vertlcal Incldent short wave arrays, expenence m th m edlum wave aenals (mtlltlfeed), expert knowledge of VHF /FM llnk Salary scale C5- 3 systerns, and ablllty to control country-m de technlcal stal E624 to f 1,068 (M en ) PENSIONABLE The lnltlal dutles w111 lnclude plannlng and supervlslon on transmltters, aerlals and array m stallatlons at the vanous sltes Appllcctnts qhould be under 35 vears of age h'zve ser&ed an Experlence of G overnment procedure, partlcularly of the M mls- apprentlceshlp m the llthographlc prlntlng trade as a m achm e try of W orks and co-operatlng wlth the electrlclty suppllers mlnder or prlnter-down-to-m etal and have a sound knowledge and the lnstallatlon staff of the m anufacturers ls essentlal The of hthographlc plate-m aklng by all processes and productlon of successful candjdate m 1l be responslble for a11 thc O rganlzatlon's Astrafoll pnnts A blllty to run a two-colour Crabtree auto- medmm wave, short wave and VH F Transmltter and Recewlng m atlc ofset press ls essentlal and a good knowledge of photo- Statlon famhtles throughout K enya graphlc processes would be consldered an advantage

Establlshment OFce/- M m/-ç/zy oj CDzpm/znl/.r Deyelopment Rlggeî- Kenva Bt tptztfctzs/lng Statton O/lce of the Chld Sectetarv Salary scale 84- 3 Salary scale C5--4 f 879 to f 1,137 PEN SION ABLE f 624 to f 924 PEN SIO N A BLE Candidates m ust be servmr Government oë cers wlth adm l- nlstratwe expellence and a comprehenslve knowledge of a11 Candldates m ust have had conslderable experlcnce of workm g Regulatlons relatm g to estabhshm ent matters Ablhty to handle at helghts and be capable of carrym g out repalrs of m asts and and ol ganlze subordlnate staff ls essentlal The selected candl- aerlals wlthout supervlslon The successful candldate m ll work date w1ll be requlred to take charge of the establlshment stctlon wlth the contractor s rlggers durlng the m ltlal lnstallatlon and of the M mTstry under the Prlnclpal Flnance and Establlshm ent w 1ll be requlred to take charge of the m ast and aerlal m aln- Om cer tenance at N alrobl, K isum u and M om basa

Stores VeI I#e?- AK?zIç/7 3 oj I'#%p ks Z,/T estock O'cc? (TIII ee Pobtab- Depa; ?/zlezlf 0/ Vctel I/2c/.v Servtces Salary scale 85-..4 Salary scale C 5- 3 E678 to E984 PEN SION ABLE f 705 to f 1, 188 A G R EEM EN T Candldates should have attmned Cam brldge School Certl- ficate standard of educatlon, and have a good knowledge of Candldates should have had experlence wlth stoek K now-- a1I types of stores lncludlng bulldlng and hydrauhc m aterlals, ledge of artlliclal lnsem knatlon technlques w ould be an advan- stoles accountlng and stocldaklng preferably ln a G ovelnm ent tage The successful candldates wl1l be requlred to serve pn- Departm ent The successful candldate though based ln N alrobl m ar ly ln the A frlcan areas Preference w1l1 be glven to slngle wl11 be requlred to travel extenslvely m en

D'aughtsmall----lk-enna Bl oadcastlng Sel ' fcc Olce ()/ the C/lld/ Accollnts .,4 sslstant--s4iitlstt > oj Ftp? est D eb c/fp/az?sc?7f Gallle Secretal v c?7J Flshe; Jcx Salary scale C4...-3 Salarv scale (76 5 f 825 to f 1,068 PEN SION ABLE f 576 to :732 PEN SIO N A BLE Candldates should have experlence ln the preparatlon of Candldates m ust be of Cam brldge School Certlscate standard technlcal drawlngs The successful candldate wll1 l)e requlred to of educatlon and possess a thorough knowledge of Flnancjal prepare routlne worklng drawm gs for the new broadcastlng Orders and the Code of Regulatlons Ablhty to supervlse staff schem e and deal w lth correspondence on thm r ow n lm tlatlve ls essentlal 618 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 10th June, 19%

VACAXCIES- KENYA GovERxMeNT-4(N afd ) GAZETTE NoTIcE N0 2131 (23 / l / 1 /3) Asnstallt .Ll//ltpp t-/p/ztv--.î'f/? pdy oj K enya THE ROYAL NATIONAL PARKS OF KENYA O RD IN ANCE salary scale C6- 5 (cap 215) f 576 to f 732 PEN SION ABLE RETIRAL AND RE-APPOINTMENT 0F TRUSTEES W H EREAS m pursuance of the provlstons of secttoa 5 of Appllcants should have passed the K enya Afrlcan Secondary the Royal N atlonal Parks of K enya Ordlnance M r E Baum ann school Examjnatlon or attalned its eqmvalent A sound baslc a nomlnee of the Assoclatlon of Chambers of Commerce and knowledge of photographlc processes as applled to aerlal photo- lndustry of Eastern A fnca, ls requlred to retlre on the 2nd day graphy and photollthography ls essentlal The dutles of the post of June, 1958 wlll be the operatlon of modern photographlc equlpm ent fo; Anjj whereas tlae sald M r E Baumann has been rcnomlnated reproductlon and aerlal survey processes 1) y the sald A ssoclatlon of Cham bers of Comm erce and lndustry of Eastern A frlca for re-appolntm ent Ilzjo; prlc/ltln O#lce/ Giade 1II (O#Fce) (Foktl Pobtsj- Depal /z??e?l/ NOw therefore ln exerclse of the powers conferred by the oj J?7/tp? nlatlolt sald Sectlon the Govelnor has been plcased to re-appolnt the sald- Salary scale C 6- 5 M R E BAIJMANN :576 to f 732 PEN SION ABLE as -n ustee aforesatd with efect from the sald date of retltal C andldates m ust be of C am brldge School Certllicate standard of educatlon, should have experlence of omce organlzatlon and D atod thls 6th day of June, 1958 be conversant wlth G overnm ent accountlng and financlal pro- cedure A blilty to conduct correspondence on thelr ow n lnltla- Y.Y Com m and of the Govelnor tlve ls essentlal The successful candldates m ay be requlred to ser: e anywhere ln Kenya D L BLU NT, M tnlster jot Forest Development G alne and ;'I.:/7e/?e1 Noll-p: o/e5'âl/?lt7/ Appl e?l/lcex (Fot(l Post 5)...-A.fJnI.s/? y o.f W orks

The vacancles are Tn any of the followlng trades M echanlcs G AZETTE N oTlcE N o 2132 (Vehlcle and Heavy Plant) Draughtsman (Electrlcal), Surveyor (Roadsls Draughtsman or Surveyor (Englneerlng) Candldates should be between the ages of 1 6 alld 18 years, m ust possess CLOSURE OF ROAD S Cam brldge Scbool Certlhcate and support thelr appllcatlons w lth N O TICE ls hereby glven that all roads passlng through the a letter from the prlnclpal of the last school they attended followlng estates ln the K lam bu D lstrlct w111 be closed on 15th Startlng salary w1ll be f208 10s per annum A fter one year s June 1958 servlce on successf tzlly passjng the departm ental exam lnatlon and sublect to selectlon by tbe Clvll Servlce Com m lsslon, appren- K asarlnl Estate L R N o 7153 uces w111 be appomted to the mmlmum of the D scale (1 e :471 M lsarara Estate, L R No 5972 /2 by f21 to E555 per annum) and may quallfy for annual lncre K alya Estate, L R N o 5973 m ents over a perlod not exceedlng four years O n com pletlon of Northmoor Estate, 1- R No 5974/R hls apprentlceshlp and passlng a final exam lnatlon, the tralnee Glturu Estate, L R N o 7268 w lll quallfy for aa appolntm ent ln the G overnm ent C scale Com plete detalls of each tralnlng schem e lncludlng salary scales D ated thls 30th da) of M ay, 1958 of posts after tralnlng, m ay be obtalned on apphcatlon A ppll crtnts m ust state ln whlch trade they are lnterested S A CHA M BERS jol Kasal ?,?1 E statc f.z//'lpj/et/ Labo; t't/t?? ) Techllologi-bt (T? atlleeb--hhlltbtl # oj Agl I() ttltul e P D M ILLER ,4 ??l??)c/ H usbalïdl y alld 1zP%//& R esotll ces jot A/IJt'?? al a Estate ZI???;/t>J Candldates m ust h'o e obtalned a good pass zn the Cam J M ITCH ELL, brldge School Certlflcate and support thelr appllcatlon wlth jor Kalla D /cf/c a letter from the prlnclpal ot the last school they attended Pre- ference w lll be glven to candldates wlth a H lgher School Certlfi- J STO RY, cate ln the sclences or wlth chem lstry lnd blology ln the Cam - jol N ol //7,?34:- Estate faI???J/c# brldge School Certlficate Tralnlng w1)1 lead to prom otlon to Laboratory Technolog1st (f 624 to f 1 068 (men) , E624 to f996 J CRAW FORD (womenl) on passtng certala exatm nattons Inttlally the candt- fot Gttttl 1/ Estate fs/fulftuï date w1ll serve at a salary of f208 10s for Cam brldge School Certlficate and E290 5s (f276 l5s women) for Hlgher School C ertlûcate for the first year and on hatlsfactorlly passlng an exam lnatlon and sublect to selectlon bv tlne Clvll Servlce Com - GAZSTTS lfoTlcE l:o 2133 m lsslon w 1l1 ln the second year proceed to the scale f471 bv f21 to :555 for a perlod of two to three vears when a further THE TRAN SPORT LICEN SIN G ORD IN AN CE exam lnatlon wlll be set before approval zs glven for appolnt- Lcap 237) m ent to tlle Laboratory fechnolog1st scale Tralnlng wlll be at the Coflke Research S:atlon Rulru and at present only M EETIN GS of the Board . dunng the second half of 1958 slngle accomm odatlon fcr a fem ale ls avallable w11l be beld as under - N aléobl - 21st July 1st Septem ber, 27th O ctober 1st D ecem ber K lsltnltl - 8th July, 29th Septem ber F9r terms and condltlons of servlce for pensjonable and agree- N akttî !4 - 5th A ugust, 15th O ctober J'nent posts please see the K enya G azette dated 3rd D ecem ber M om basa - 18th A ugust, 10th N o&em ber 1957, or the East zl> Ic(??; Stal,da) d dated 6th December, 1957 Eldolet - 15th Septem ber N an) df/t/ - 24th N ovem ber

N ayrobl P A RU SSELL G AZBTA'B N on cB N o 2130 3rd June, 1958 Execlttlve O@cer THE REG ISTRATION OF TITLES ORDIN AN CE Lcap 160 Sectlon 72) G AZETTE N oTic,E N o 2134 W H EREAS Str Geolrey Alexander Stalord N orthcote TH E LEG SLATIVE COU N CIL ORDIN AN CE deceased, ls regtstered as proprletor of the ptece of land wttuate ln N alrobl M unlclpahty known as Land Reference (Cap 38) No 209/ 371 /6 by vlrtue of a CertlEcate of Tltle reglstered V ACANC.Y IN THE LEGISLATINE COUNCIL as N o I R 4184, and whereas suë clent evydence has been IT IS notllied for general m form atlon that the seat of adduced to show that the Certlficate of Tltle has been losts the m em ber of the Leglslatlve Councll for the N alrobl N orth notlce ts hereby glven that after the explratlon of 90 days from electoral area has becom e vacant on the reslgnatlon of the date hereof I shall lssue a provlslonal certjticate provldvd lbat no oblectlons have been recelved wltilln tbat perlod Lleut -colone) S G G hcrsle - Dated thls 5th day of June, 1958 N alrobl R E LOCK YER, W 17 COU W S, 31st M ay, 1958 Reglstlar tp/ Tltles Chtel Secretary 10th June, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE

G AzsrfE N OTICE N 0 5 The term of the grant wlll be 99 years from the tirst (L C 4/5) day of the m ontll followtng tlle notttk atton of the approval of the grant TH E LEG ISLATIVE COU N CIL O RDINA NCE W ap 38) 6 ln the event of the grantee falhng to com ply m th any condltlon hereln contalned, any proceedlngs that m ay be neces- N OM INATION D AY FOR BY-ELEGTION sary w1ll forthwlth be lnstltuted for the recovery of the land By H 1s Excellency the H onourable S1r Evel) n Banng, K nlght M oneys that m ay have been pald ln respect of the plot m l1 G rand Cross of the M ost Dlstlngulshed O rder of Salnt be forfelted to the Crown M lchael and Salnt G eorge, Km ght Com m ander of the Royal Vhctonan Order G overnor and Com mander ln-chlef of thc @) Specml Condttlons Colony and Protectorate of K enya 1 The grantee shall erect com plete for occupatlon w tthm 24 IN EXERCISE of the power conferred by sectlon 22 of the m onths of the date of the comm encem ent of the term of the Leglslatlve Councll Ordlnance l do hereby appolnt the 3rd da& grant a bulldlng of approved deslgn on proper foundatlonw of Jul) 1958, as nomlnatlon day for the nom lnatlon of candl constructed ot stoue, burnt bnck, concrete, or coral blocks wtth dates for the N alrobl N orth Electoral Area, and l further roofing of tlles, or shm gles, or asbestos or corrugated lron appolnt the ofhcc ot the Oïcer-m -charge N alrobl Extra- sheetlng Provlnm al D tstrtct as the place w hereln such nom lnatlons shall be recelxed 2 N o bulldlng shall be erected on any plot unless plans And sublect to the provlslons of sectlon 19 of the sald Uncludmg block plans showlng the posltlon of such bulldlngs Ordlnance l dlrect that a m ember of the Leglslatlve Councll be clearly desned and showlng a system of dralnage for dlsposlng elected ln accordanee wlth la% to fill the vacancy la respect of sewage, surface and sullage water on the sald land), draw- of the sald electoral ale: m gs, clevatlons and speclfcatlons thereof shall have been approved by the Local A uthorlty and the Com m lssloner of Glven under my hand thls 6th day of June, 1958 Lands or such person as he m ay appolnt Such plans shall be + E BARIN G subm ltted ln tnphcate to the Dlstrlct Com m lssloner, Kl115, ln G o%elllol the first lnstance m thln s1x months of the date of the com - m encem ent of the term

3 The land and the bulldlng shall only be used for pnvate GAZETTE NOTICE NO 1952 resldentlal purposes TH E CROW N LAN DS ORD INAN CE 4 N ot more than one pnvate dwelhng-house (wlth the usual (Cap 155) oflices and outbulldtngs) shall be erected on the land XVArAMU SEAFRONT RBSIDENTIAL PLOTS 5 The grantee shall not subdlvlde the land wlthout the con- sent of the Com mlssloner of Lands The Comm lsmoner of Lands glves notlce that flve qeafront residentlal plots at W atam u, as descnbed m the Sohedule hereto, are al allable for aizenatlon and mvltes apphcatlon tor the 6 The grantee shall from tlm e to tlm e pay to the Com m ls- dlreut allenatlon thereof sloner of Lunds, on dem and, such proportlon of the cost of m alntalnlng a1l roads and dratns, servlng or adlolnlng the 2 A plan of tbe plots m ay be seen at tlze om ce of the- land, as the Com m lsstoner m ay assess Provlnclal Com m lssloner, M om basa, 7 Should the Comm lssloner of Lands at any tlm e reqm re D epartm ent of Lands, M om basa., the sald roads to be constructed to a hlgher standard the grantee -1 he Dlstrlct Oë cer, M allndl, shall pay to the Comm lssloner on demand such progortlon of The Dlrector of Surveys, N atrobl, the cost of such constructlon as the Comm lssloner m ay assess or m ay be obtalned from the Dlrector of Surveys, P O Box 8 The grantee shall not sell transfer, sublet or charge the 30046, N alrobl, on paym ent of Sh 6, post free land or any part thereof except wtth the plaor consent m wnt- 3 Appllcants m ust enclose wlth thelr appllcatlon a cheque zng of tlte Governor no appltcatton for such consent (except for Sh 1,000 drawn on the apphcant's t7yk'n banklng ccctplfnf ln respect of a loan reqmred for bulldlng purposes) wlll be (no other cheques w1ll be accepted) as a deposlt, made payable consldered untll Speclal Condltlon N o 1 has been perform ed to the Commlssloner of Landg V lch w1ll be dealt wlth as follows - 9 The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, dutles, assessm ents or outgolngs of whatever descnptlon as m ay be (aj lf the apphcant ls olered and takes up and pays for the lm posed, charged or assessed by any G overnm ent or Local plot wlthln a perlod of 14 days, as requlred by condltlon Authonty upon the land or bulldlngs erected thereon, m cludlng No (c) (1) below) the deposlt m ll be credlted to h1m any contrlbutlon or other sum pald by the Governm ent ln lleu (b) lf the appllcatlon ls unsuccessful, the apphcant's deposlt thcreof n11l be returned to h1m 10 The grantee w11l be responslble for the cost and lnstalla- (c) If the apphcatlon ls successful and the apphcant falls tlon of hls own water supply to take up and pay for the plot olered to h1m m thm a perlod of 14 days as requtred by condltlon No (c) (1) below, the Com m lssloner of Lands m ay declare the deposjt 11 The G overnor or such other person or authonty as m ay forfelted and the appltcant shall have no further clatm be appointed for the purpose shall have the nght to ettter thereto upon thls land and lay and have access to water m alns, servzce plpes and dram s, telegraph and telephone wlres and electnc 4 Apphcatlons statm g the plot deslred ln order of preference m alns of all descrtpttons, whether overhead or underground, should be subm ltted to the D epartm ent of Lands, P O Box 53, and the grantee shall not erect any bmldm gs m such a way as M om basa, before noon on 23rd July, 1958, wlth detalls of the to cover or m terfere wlth any exfstlng allgnm ents of m am s or appltcant's nattonahty, agey m arttal state, num ber of chtldren servïce ptpes or telegraph or telephone wires or electric m am s and ages, present occupatlon, penod of resldence m K enya, aforem entloned whether occupancy m ll be penodlc or perm anent, funds avall- able for developm ent and any other relevant m form atlon D ated at N mrobl thls 27th day of M ay, 1958 (t8 Condttlons 5/ Sale 1 Each allottee of a plot shall pay to the Com rm ssloner of Lands, m thm 14 days of notlfcatlon by h1m that an appllca- SCHEDULE tlon has beea approved, the sulwey fees, the assessed stand prem lum , the proportlon of annual rent and the roads and dralns charges aw speclied ln the Schedule below, as well as W atamu Seajront Rendentml Plots the fees m resptct of thç preparatton of the grant (Sh 22û) A rea R oad 2 An apphcant or hls or her spouse who js already the Plot N o A cres Stand Annual Charges Survey owner of land wtth sea frontage at the coast ls not ellglble (Approx ) Premlum Rent Flnal Fqes for a plot under thls notlce Sh Sh Sh XS'/I 3 The grant w1ll be lssued ln the nam e of the allottee as L R 8585 5 76 1,960 392 2,774/34 260/50 stated ln the letter of appllcatlon 8602 7 51 2,300 460 3,617/28 260/50 8610 8 35 2,480 496 4,021/88 260/50 4 Grants wll1 be under the Crown Latzds Ordmance (Cap 8615 7 80 2 36O 472 3 756/96 260/50 155) and tltles w111 be lssued under the Repstratlon of Tltles 8616 8 08 2,400 48Q 3,891/83 260/50 Ordlnance (Cap 160) 620 TH E K EN Y A G AZEU E 10th June, 1958

G AzsrrE N on cE N o 2136 G AZBTTE N o'mcs N o 2138 THE FRAU D ULENT TRAN SFER OF BUSIN ESSES NOTICE OF CH AN GE OF N AM E ORD IN AN CE I Bhopmder Slngh s/o Ganga Slngh, of P O Box 3972 W ap 286) N atrobl, ln the Colony of K enya, form erly called Bhlnder Slngh (born at Nalrobl aforesald on the 15th day of December N O '1 IC E ls hereby given that the buslness of lodglng and 1936, and w hose blrth has been reglstered wlth the R eglstrar boardlng carrled on by Popatlal K alldas Bhatt of Nalrobl ln G eneral of Blrths and Deaths at Nalrobl under entry the Colony and Protectorate of K enya under the nam e and style No 5888 / 1943 T tde Blrth Certlfcate No 7814 of the 3rd day of Surat Lodglng and Boardlng on Plot N o 136/ 105, Dlwan of January, 1944), hereby glve publlc notlce that by a deed Road, N alrobl aforesald, has as from 1st Jtme, 1958, been poll dated the 21st day of M ay, 1958, duly executed by m e, sold and transferred to Dhang G angaram Rawal of Nalrobl I absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of m y sald aforesald form er nam e of Bhlnder Slngh and assum ed ln lleu thereof the nam e ot Bhoplnder Sm gh tor all purposes, and I hereby The address of the transferor ls P O Box 12570, N alrobl authorlze and request a11 persons to destgnate descnbe and The address of the traasferee ls P O Box 12570, N curobl tddless m e by the such assum ed nam e of Bhoplnder Singh The sald buslness w1ll be carrled on by the satd D hanll Ganga D ated at N alrobl thls 29th day of M ay, 1958 ram Rawal under the nam e and style of Surat Lodglng and PH OPIN D ER SIN GH Boardlng at the sam e prem lses at N alrobl formerly known tls lhlndc) Stngh The transferee ls not assum lng nor does he lntend to assum e arty habllltles lncurred by the transferor m the sald busm ess CO M M ON W EALTH ECON OM IC COM M ITTEE up to and lncludlng 31st M ay, 1958, and the sam e wlll be PUBLICATION S of the Com m lttee lnclude - pmd and dlscharged by the transferor .?4 .&cs Jew oj Commonwealth RJw M atertals Volmne 1 tlus volum e revlews the Com m onwea1th sltuatlon agamst a world background for a wlde range of raw matenals (lncludlng metals Dated at N alrobt thls 1st day of June, 1958 and ores, non-m etalhc m lnerals, fibres tlm ber, w ood-pulp, rubber and lndustnal vegetable olls) and for sources of energy The course of productlon, consum ptlon, trade and prlces ls con- POPATLAL K ALIDA S BHATT sldered ln detall and attentlon ls drawn to som e recent trends Transjel t?z and developm ents 288 pages Pubhshed Apnl, 1958 Pnce 16.$ per copy, m cludlng postage DH ANJI GAN GA RAM RAW AL TI ansjeree THF, INI-ELLIGENCE SERVICES These publlcatlons, hsted below, provlde regular com prehtn- slve and prom pt lnform atlon on the supply and dlstrlbutlon throughout the world of certam comm odltles of partlcular un portance ln Com monwea1th trade Speclal artlcles lncluded from GAZST'IZ N ovrlcs N o 2137 tlm e to tlm e deal m th the outlook and general trends m pro- duclng and consum lng countnes or w lth related com m odltles - IN H ER M AJESTY S SUPREM E COURT OF K EN YA A nnllal zskllucr/x/it?p A T N A IRO BI (post > ee) Jilftf/lçelkce Bulletm (Da1ry Produce f 3 per annum, lncludlng PRO BA TL A N D A D M IN ISTR ATIO N and M eat) Issued monthly, m th the weekly supplements weekly supplem ent entltled :2 per annum wlthout TA K E N O T ICE that apphcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls C ourt m - 4xW eekly D alry Produce Supphes'' the wcekly supplem ents F3 uit Intellqence Issued m onthly, :3 per annum , m dudm g CAuse N o 114 oF 1958 wlth weekly supplem ent entltled the weekly supplem ents ç W eekly Frm t Supplles'' f 2 per annlzm m thout By Bqrclayh Bank D C O , N alrobi through M essrs Shapley the w eekly supplem ents Barret, A lhn and Com pany, advocates, of N alrobl, for reseahng Ivool Intelltgence Issued m onthly f 2 per annum ln the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya the onglnal grant ol (Includes a monthly Fzbres Supple- letters of adm lnlstratlon lntestate granted to Barclays Bank m ent dealm g m th rayon and D C O , London, on the 3rd day of Apnl, 1958, by the Prlnclpal acetate once a quarter and m th Probate Reglstry of H er M alesty s H lgh Court of Justlce m cotton ln mtervenlng months) England of the estate of Raym ond Corm ac Bowers, of 54 Graln Bulletln (lncludlpg m ce f2 per annum (f 1 per W estern Avenue, Acton, London, W 3, who dled at the sald Supplement) lssued monthly annum for the Rlce 54 W estern A venue A cton, London, W 3 on the 26th day of (covers wheat and wheat flour bar- Supplement only ) October, 1957 ley, oats, malze, rye and nce) Tobacco Intelltgence lssued quar- f 1 per annum (2) CAUSF No 119 oF 1958 terly, wlth supplem ent, entltltd By Bertha Ehzabeth 5m 1th and Peter H oward 5m 1th of Thom - Tobacco Affllefl?z m lntervenm g son s Falls ln the Colony of K en) a, the executors nam ed In the m onths w1l1 of the deceased through M essrs H am llton, H arnson and Annual subscrlptlons Include postage by surface m all Coples M athews, advocates, of N alrobl, for a grant of probate of can be sent by a rm all at extra cost - the w1l1 of Gecdrey Lmghton 51111th of Thom son's Falls afore- sald, who dled at Thom son's Falls afores tld on the 8th dav of THE COSfMODITY SERIES O ctober 1956 These publlcatlons w hjch are relssued annually, revlew w orld productlon lnternatlonal trade, consum ptlon and prlces for (1) CAUSB Nr) 122 os 1958 groups of related com m odltles, wlth spemal refcrence to the Com m onw ealth The seven Nolum es are - By Allt Slngh s/o Lachman Slngh of Nalrobl, the father of the deceased, for a grant of letters of adm mlstratlon lntestate M eat frlduyfrltzl Ftbtes of the estate of H arpal Slngh s Fo A llt Slngh of N akuru ln the F ? ult Plantatlon Crops Colony ot K enya, who dled at N aw asha ln the Colony ot Gzcpl C1 ops Vegetable Olls and Ol15eed% K enya on the 11th day of M ay, 1958 D alry Produce Pnce 5.î each, lnd udlng postage (4) CAUSE No 129 oF 1958 OTHER ANNUAL PUBLICATIONS By Jobn W estalt Etherm gton of South K lnangop m the Colonv Conlnïonwealth D ade an annual m em orandum sum marlmng of K enya, the executor nam ed In the w11l of the deceased certam of the m ore lm portant changes ln the trade of Comm on through M essrs Buckley H olhster and C om panv, advocates of wealth countrles wluch occurred durlng the year and relatlng N alrobl, for a grant of probate of the w111 of Eleanor Fey them to concurrent changes ln world trado Pnce ls 5d , Ethenngton of South K m angop aforesald who dled at N alrobl lncludlng postage on thc 3rd day of February 1958 A nnlkal Report deals wlth the Com mlttee s actlvm es and Thls Court w1ll proceed to lssue the lame unless cause be snances dunng the ) ear and pro: Ides m formatlon about the shown to the contrary and appearance ln thls respect entered orlgln and fu Actlons of the Com mlttee Prlce 1 IJ , lncludm g oa or before the 24th day of June, 1958 postage The Intelllgence SerNlces are obtalnable only from the Secrem p ssjsf tary, Commonwealth Economlc Commtttee, 2 Queen Anne s a G ate B m ldlngs D artm oufh Street, London, S W 1 N Irobl , D tputv Rczw sf/lz? 6th June 1958 H M s'uprernc fl/lf? / of Kensa The other publlcatlons are obtalnable from the Secretary N Comm onwealth Econom lc Com mtttee, or from H M Statlonery t ote - -fhe above m entloned wllls are deposlted and open oflice, P O Box 569 'tondon S E 1, or through any book. o lnspectlon at the Court seller