6 januari 2021 – burgerschapsagenda beroepsonderwijs

De bestorming van het Capitol – dieptepunt na 5 jaar Donald Trump (update 16 januari)

Op 6 januari 2021 bestormden honderden Trump-aanhangers het Capitool in de VS, het dieptepunt en resultaat van vijf jaar van ondermijning van de democratie door president Trump en zijn aanhangers. Dit kan er gebeuren wanneer een politieke partij vijf jaar lang in situaties waarin telkens opnieuw normen en wetten worden overschreden, blijft zwijgen. Hier vindt u een update van berichten en eigen columns, in het kader van het burgerschapsagenda van het beroepsonderwijs. Motto: Democratie is kwetsbaar en niet vanzelfsprekend!

• Democracy under siege CBS News 10 jan 2021 | "We can now add January 6, 2021 to that very short list of dates in American history that will live forever in infamy," said Democratic Senator Charles Schumer. Just how will history record this day? Was it a riot? Domestic terrorism? An insurrection? Our best hope is that it's at least a turning point. The symbol of our democracy shuddered under the pounding. Those watching at home shuddered, too. The extremists brought Confederate flags, nooses, body armor, and zip-ties for handcuffs.


• The Bitter Fruits of Trump’s White-Power Presidency The New Yorker 12 jan 2021 | By Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor The events of January 6th make clear a growing unity between the Republican Party and white supremacists. The spectacular violence in the Capitol on January 6th was the outcome of Donald Trump’s yearslong dalliance with the white-supremacist right. Trump all but promised an attack of some kind as he called for his followers to descend on Washington, D.C., for a “wild” protest to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory. In a speech inciting his supporters to lay siege to the Capitol, he told them, “We will never give up. We will never concede.” He encouraged them to “fight like hell,” saying that otherwise they would lose their country, and dispatched them to the Capitol. He promised that he would be with them. But, like a lazy coward, Trump went home to watch the show on TV.


• Chris Hayes on Republicans’ last chance to make things right MSNBC 15 jan 2021 | Chris Hayes to Republicans ahead of Trump's impeachment trial: “After all of this denial, and havoc, and heartbreak, and death, and disaster you have brought, you have been given one last chance to do the right thing. Please do it.” • Trump supporters storm Capitol in Washington, D.C. CBS News 13 jan 2021 | 50 pictures • Impeachment Resolution Cites Trump's 'Incitement' Of Capitol Insurrection NPR January 11, 202112:28 PM ET

CNN 13 jan 2021 |

• Trump wordt een paria in de zakenwereld De Volkskrant 14 jan 2021 | • Trump's been impeached again. What's next? CNN 14 jan 2021 | By Zachary B. Wolf • Maddow to Trump: "What did you think was going to happen?" MSNBC 13 jan 2021 | • 'Sedition and insurrection': military chiefs use key term to characterize Trump mob attack


• MSNBC 12 jan 2021 | by Rachel Maddows points out that a letter signed by the U.S. military service chiefs condemning the Trump mob's riotous attack on the U.S. Capitol, they characterize the attack as 'violence, sedition and insurrection,'.

Ipsos-Axios peiling 11-13 jan onder 1091 volwassenen

• Democrats cite rarely used part of 14th Amendment in new impeachment article ABC News 12 jan 2021 | Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, in theory, gives Congress the authority to bar public officials, who specifically took an oath of allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, from holding office if they "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the Constitution and therefore broke their oath. • Arnold Schwarzenegger reageert op de bestorming van het Capitool op 6 jan 2021 10 jan 2021 | De VS bevinden zich in een totale regeringscrisis. Acteur en voormalig gouverneur Arnold Schwarzenegger vergelijkt in een video (op 11-1 al ca 30 miljoen keer bekeken) de bestorming van het Capitool in Washington op 6 jan jl door nationalistische Trump-aanhangers met de Kristallnacht op 9 op 10 november 1938 waarbij in heel Duitsland Joden en hun bezittingen het doelwit waren.


• Trump, Cruz, more Republicans called out in wake of Capitol insurrection MSNBC 11 jan 2021 | by • Anti-fascism protest in Amsterdam following insurrection at US Capitol NL Times 10 jan 2021 | • "6MWE" Meaning: The Anti-Semitic Slogan Is Popular Among the Proud Boys Distractify 9 jan 2021 | by DISTRACTIFY Staff • Capitol attack another reminder of 'two Americas' that exist OPINION - ABC News 9 jan 2021 | Currently there's a lot of finger-pointing going on in our country • Donald Trump: The day America realized how the President is CNN Politics 9 jan 2021 | • Wake Up, America. This Is Who We Are. POLITICO 9 jan 2021 | • 45% of Republicans approve of the Capitol riots, poll claims MSN.com Among Republicans who responded to the survey carried out by YouGov, some 45 per cent said they supported the rioters who scaled walls, overcame Capitol police, stormed Congress, smashed windows, and planted explosives. As many as one-fifth (21 per cent) of all respondents to the survey were supportive of the Capitol rioters, according to YouGov, although only 2 per cent of Democrats agreed with their actions • Twitter's Ban on Trump Shows Where Power Now Lies 9 jan 2021 | • Trump's tolerance for violence 'part of who has been since the very start' MSNBC 7 jan 2021| MTP DAILY by Katy Tur discusses Trump's tolerance for violence and says "this wasn’t two days building. This wasn’t two weeks building or two months building. This has been building for years, going back to his campaign.” • Filmbeelden van de bestorming van het Capitool op 6 januari 2021 The Washington Post 7 jan 2021 | • TIMELINE - How a pro-Trump mob besieged the Capitol CNN.com 7 jan 2021 | • Chris Hayes: Trump must be removed from office and tried for sedition MSNBC 7 jan 2021 | • Rep. Omar says Republicans who enabled Trump ‘have blood on their hands’ MSNBC 7 jan 2021 | • EU-president Michel noemt Trump al verleden tijd Nederlands Dagblad 7 jan 2021 |


• World reaction to the storming of the US Capitol ABC News AP 7 jan 2021 | • Shopify has taken down Trump’s online stores Vox 7 jan 2021 | • Beschloss: This was a terrorist attack initiated by Trump NBC News 7 jan 2021 | Presidential Historian Michael Beschloss says Trump is to blame for "a terrorist attack on the Congress and the Capitol." • Vice President Pence, remove Trump now CNN 7 jan 2021 | Opinion by Frida Ghitis • This Violent Insurrection Is What Trump Wanted The New Yorker 7 jan 2021 | By John Cassidy It’s clear that Trump’s supporters took his claims of voter fraud seriously. On Wednesday, they were even willing to storm the Capitol and terrorize Congress on his behalf. • Video-beelden waarop te zien is hoe, na Trumps opruiende toespraak, de familie Trump de mars van aanhangers in Washington bekijkt Twitter 6 jan 2021 | Stuart Stevens op Twitter: "This is a collection of small time thugs, gangsters and their girlfriends who have been running the country. Each should be held accountable and forced to confront their crimes for the rest of their lives. They tried to steal our election.’


• Rioters breach Capitol as Congress certifies Biden's win CNN 6 jan 2021 | • Trump tegen aanhangers: ga nu naar huis • Rutte roept Trump op Biden als president te erkennen NOS 6 jan 2021 | • Trump Is to Blame for Capitol Attack The New York Times 6 jan 2021 |

Zie ook reportages

• CBSN Originals presents "Reverb | The QAnon Effect" CBS News 24 nov 2020 | What started out as a fringe conspiracy theory in 2017 has recently spread into the mainstream. Dozens of people linked to the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory ran for federal office in 2020, and two were elected to Congress. This CBSN Originals documentary explores how QAnon has taken root amid challenging times and a growing distrust in American institutions, and what it means for the future of the country.

Enkele columns sinds 2015 over de impact en gevaren van´Trumpisme voor de democratie

• Burgerschap – In de VS zette ‘Nero’ Trump van 2015-2021 de democratie in brand Profielactueel 6 jan 2020 | COLUMN • De VS hebben een president die sinds 1-1-2016 ruim 10.000 keer loog Profielactueel 30 APR 2019 | COLUMN | • Trump won dankzij het ‘vergeten Amerika’. Politiek en media, leer daarvan! Profielactueel 9 NOV 2016 | COLUMN | • 'Angry' NBA coach Popovich over het ´rolmodel Trump’ voor de jonge generatieProfielactueel 11 NOV 2016 | COLUMN | • De opkomst van Trump en mogelijke lessen daaruit voor het onderwijs Profielactueel 19 MRT 2016 | COLUMN |