THE PAIUTE INDIAN TRIBE OF 440 North Paiute Drive • Cedar City, Utah 84721 • (435) 586-1112 • Fax (435) 867-2659


Issue Date: June 30, 2021

Due Date: 12:00 P.M., July 30, 2021

1. Introduction

The Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah (Tribe) is seeking proposals from qualified firms or consultants to conduct an economic Feasibility Study – Market Analysis to determine the opportunities and benefits of developing a Travel Plaza on the Koosharem Band reservation in Joseph, Utah. The Feasibility Study – Market Analysis will document the economic viability of a 4,000 square foot Travel Plaza (C-Store with Fuel Pumps), for-profit business venture, for the Koosharem Band of Paiutes (Band). A Feasibility Study – Market Analysis will be necessary to determine whether such a for-profit business venture will have reasonable success with long-term sustainability.

2. Background Information

The Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah was awarded Rural Business Development Grant (RBDG) funding by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to conduct a Feasibility Study – Market Analysis for an economic development project for the Koosharem Band of Paiutes of the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah.

The Koosharem Band recognizes that sound economic development is the foundation to self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Travel Plaza’s and C-Stores have been successful business ventures for other Paiute Bands and Tribes located near in Utah and . It is the goal of the Koosharem Band to successfully establish itself along . The Koosharem Band envisions that the project would stimulate its local economy, reduce unemployment, enhance local services the Band offers to its members, and increase the funding the Band can use for future economic development initiatives.

The Koosharem Band has identified approximately two (2) acres of reservation land for the future project. The proposed project will be located in Joseph, Utah in Sevier County, adjacent to Interstate 70, exit 25. Joseph, Utah is approximately 17 miles South of Richfield, Utah. The Travel Plaza will be a positive step forward in addressing the needs of the Band. The goals and objectives of the new business venture include:

1. Establish a new for-profit economic development revenue stream for the Koosharem Band. 2. Create new employment opportunities for Koosharem Band Members. 3. Create opportunities to increase household income and reduce poverty.

4. Increase employability of Koosharem Band Members through employment and job training opportunities. 5. Establish a scalable business development site to increase visibility, accessibility, and to support future business growth and opportunities. The Tribe is committed to implementing the work funded through this grant as this is a high-priority project for the Tribe and the economic development of the Koosharem Band of Paiutes. The final Feasibility Study – Market Analysis will support the Band and its application for the upcoming U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) which supports economic development opportunities, primarily for low- and moderate-income persons.

3. Scope of Work (deliverables)

The Feasibility Study – Market Analysis will focus on the financial feasibility of constructing the Travel Plaza (C-Store with Fuel Pumps), which could consist of a convenience store, smoke shop, gift shop, and fuel pumps. In addition, the Feasibility Study – Market Analysis will determine the number of potential jobs that will be created because of the project and the vocational and managerial training opportunities for employees and community members.

The major elements of the project include the evaluation of the viability and risks associated with the new business enterprises through conducting a market analysis and feasibility study which will focus on capturing commuter traffic focusing on southbound travelers that pass through the reservation, analyzing and recommending products, pricing, and marketing strategies to support long-term success. The analysis will also project the total number of jobs that will be created through the Travel Plaza.

The key deliverables and activities to be accomplished in the project include:

1. Location and site analysis (advantages and disadvantages of a proposed location). 2. Market share and supply and demand analysis (competitive analysis). 3. Economic Conditions analysis. 4. Market Industry performance and growth analysis. 5. Risk analysis. 6. Economic feasibility and financial analysis. 7. Financial performance projections. 8. The number of jobs created. 9. Brand evaluation. 10. Proposed facility and development plan. 11. Recommended amenities for the project. 12. Estimated project costs. In addition, the Feasibility Study – Market Analysis should analyze and summarize:

1. The benefits and challenges of the location, visibility and access to the facility. 2. Highway traffic and customer profiles will be considered. 3. The configuration of the interior of the travel plaza will be reviewed. 4. A comprehensive SWOT analysis to determine the viability of a travel plaza. 5. Determine optimal actions and activities necessary to fulfill these goals and objectives. 6. Good understanding of our potential customers and why they will be compelled to stop at the travel plaza and not somewhere else. 7. Nature of the market and industry. 8. Customers. 9. Competition. 10. Financial and marketing history. 11. Any external influences, such as events, festivals, and area attractions. 12. Competitive advantages. 13. Relationship between the surrounding communities 14. Strategic public and private sector partnerships. 15. Industry standards for travel plazas similar in size, location and services. 16. National, Regional, and local data and profitability measures produced by the Risk Management Association (RMA) and National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) to be used as comparable performance measures and financial benchmarks. 17. How to maximize performance metrics to ensure the travel plaza will become profitable, create jobs and generate income to the Tribal Government. The timeline to complete the project, which includes completing the above key project activities, will be six months from the time a contract is awarded to a qualified and experienced consultant.

4. Key Deliverable Dates:

1. Contract will be awarded by ...... October 2021 2. Project kick-off meeting ...... November 15, 2021 3. Finalize the review of the analysis ...... April 30, 2021 5. Fees for Services

The Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah will seek contractors best qualified as determined by an evaluation process as outlined in the RFP and negotiate a contract with the contractor. Fees for services will be a consideration along with demonstrated qualifications. Fees for services will be used as an indicator of the consultants understanding of the requirements of this RFP.

6. Submittal Requirements

The following information must be included in the quote:

a. Transmittal letter. b. A brief statement of the contractors understanding of the goals of this project and the services requested in this RFP. c. A proposed work plan indicating: i. Tasks to be accomplished; ii. Work schedule; iii. Consultant personnel and/or subcontractors expected to perform each major task; iv. Person/hours and costs required to accomplish each task; v. The anticipated involvement, and the timing that involves PITU staff; d. Firm Fixed Price for total costs to complete the project. e. The names, addresses, and contact persons for individuals who will be working on this project and their recent experience on similar projects. f. Qualifications of key individuals who will be assigned to this project and their availability during relevant time periods. g. Past record of performance of the contractor ‐ The quote should include names and telephone numbers of any clients who can provide references regarding performance. h. Certificate of Good Standing. 7. Evaluation Criteria and Process

A selection committee will conduct an evaluation of qualifications and will rate each submittal based on the following criteria:

• Experience (must include project management, grant management, and planning experience). • Understanding of services to be provided. • Quality of firm and personnel. • Capability and capacity of the firm. • Record of past performance. • Experience working with Tribal governments. • Proposals that are the most advantageous to the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah. • Proposals that best meet the needs of the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah. 8. Deadline for Submissions of Quotes

Each bidder must submit their quote electronically to [email protected] with the subject line “Koosharem Band Travel Plaza Feasibility Study – Market Analysis” no later than 12:00 P.M. (MDT), July 30, 2021.

9. Questions

Any questions regarding this RFP can be emailed directly to [email protected].

10. Contract Award

It is anticipated that the contract will be awarded no later than October 2021.

11. Additional Information

1. Insurance and Bonding

a. Contractors shall maintain and provide evidence of the following insurances: i. Workers Compensation Insurance ii. Comprehensive General Liability i. Coverage shall have limits of no less than $750,000 per claim, $1,500,000 per occurrence, combined single limit for body injury and property damage. ii. The firm shall name the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah as additional insured and provide a certificate of insurance to the Tribe prior to beginning work. iii. Professional Liability i. Firm shall maintain occurrence coverage with combined single limits for each wrongful act of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 aggregate per year to cover such claims as may be caused by any act, omission, negligence of the firm or its officers, agents, representatives, assigns or subcontractors. b. Should the contractor fail to provide evidence of such certificates or make arrangements as required by this agreement, the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah may cancel the Agreement. 12. Miscellaneous

1. The Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah reserves the right to reject any and all proposals for failure to meet the requirements contained herein, to waive any technicalities, and to select the proposals which, in the Tribe’s sole judgment, best meets the requirements of the project.

2. The RFP creates no obligation on the part of the Tribe to award a contract or to compensate the proposer for any costs incurred during proposal presentation, response, submission, presentation, or oral interviews (if held). The Tribe reserves the right to award a contract based upon proposals received without further discussion or negotiation. Proposers should not rely on the opportunity to alter their qualifications during discussions.

3. The Tribe further reserves the right to make such investigation as it deems necessary to determine the ability of proposers to furnish the required services, and proposers shall furnish all such information for this purpose as the Tribe may request.

4. Proposers must specifically identify any portions of their submittals deemed to contain confidential or proprietary information or trade secrets. Those portions must be readily separable from the balance of the proposal. Such designations will not necessarily be conclusive, and proposers may be required to justify why the Tribal Council should not, upon written request, disclose such materials.

5. The vendor awarded the contract will be subject to the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah’s procurement policies and procedures, codes and ordinances.