Volume 58 Number 11 rush Crew Wednesday, November 5,1986 aptures Cro~_'!"m They did it!! GSC tallied a low BCore of After a fruatrating aealOn a 33 points to wear the team year ago, the members of for the fourth time in GSC crolS country team ded­ 8ix years. We8t Liberty was icated themaelvea to the goal runner-up with 58 points, of winning that elulive West followed by Davi8 and Elkin8 Virginia Conference team (75), Fairmont (79), We8t title thia aealOn. Virginia State (118), and We8t Win they did, and in Virginia We8leyan (150). convincing fashion. The We8t Liberty won the Pioneers trampled all com­ women'8 divi8ion with 20 petition Saturday at the points, We8t Virginia State, Glenville Golf Oub to o;om­ the only other team entrant, plete a dream sealOn in which BCored 52 points. they were 31-4 againlt all Individual winners on the BChooll and 20-0 against con­ warm, cloudy day were Davi8 ference squads. cont. to pg. 3 Fair Successful Trip Funds A vailabI«;"Ki"h~ by Lesa Hendershot An eatimated 300 people documented the progre88 of Dr. Duke Talbott, Director have a minimum 2.2 average applicant with the highest participated in the Solar the eclipae. The reault8 of the of Community Service8 and at the end of the Spring 1985- GPA. EcUpae Fair on the GSC projects were analyzed and Continuing Education has 86 semester, 8ubmit an To receive the award one campus on October 3. The used by the 8tudent8 to write released the requirements application to the Office of mU8t register in the Inter­ fair was a project of Mr. scientific report8 a8 for scholarship8 for the Inter­ Community Service8 and national BU8ine8s course Ralph Bame'8 physical conclu8ion8 to their national bU8ine88 course. Continuing Education by (Bu8iness 350, Economic8 350 science and astronomy experiences of the day. Two need-ba8ed 8cholar- December I, 1986, and or Geography 399) in the clasae8. Mr. Hame would like to 8hip8 of $300 will be awarded 8ubmit a completed Federal Spring 8emester. The full fee The IOlar eclipse was first thank th08e who participated to participants of the Inter­ Student Aid Form with for the course i8 $1,099 for ob8erved at 1:58 p.m. in the fair and th08e who national BU8ine88 Field application. students under age 26 and Studenta made astronomical 8topped by to observe the Experience course to be The award will be based on $1,285 for studentsage 26and obaervationl and collected eclip8e. taught in Europe March 12- need a8 determined from the over. meteorological data that 25, 1987. Family Contribution8 Application8 can be picked I)' , To be eligible to apply one amount in the Federal .. - ( up in the Office of Commun­ mU8t: Be a full-time 8tudent Student Aid application. In ity Service8 and Continuing Of' '. at Glenville State College, at the event of a tie the award Education (Room 106, lea8t a sophomore or higher, will be granted to the Wagner Wing, Picken8 Hall). Arts Complex On SchedulebYJackHill Plan8 for Glenville State February and March 1. Con- revi8ion8 have affected the College's new Fine Art8 com- struction i8 planned to begin 8pace for certain program8, plex are proceeding a8 sched- around March or April of specifically the art depart­ uled, according to Dr. 1987. However,thehome80n ment, Dr. Simmon8 8aid that William K. Simmon8. the site will be torn down this there was a limited amount In an interview with the fall. of 8pace, and that certain Mercury, Dr. Simmons 8tated Several revi~ion8 have been amounts of compromi~8 that the final drawing8 and made in the building 8ince were made by all the group8. 8p ec Hi ca t ion 8 for th e the idea was born. It 8tarted "However," he said, "it'8 still building have been com- out a8 a $6.5 million building going to be a very fine pleted. Th08e plans will be which would house the art, facility." 8ubmitted to the Board of mU8ic and business depart- Dr. Simmon8 ha8called the Regents in January. H the menta. However, due to a new building the m08t specifications are approved, lack of money and 8pace, exciting development in hi8 they will be sent to various revision8 were made and now pre8idency, and his enthusi­ contractors for the bids. The the building will be 8imply a8m show8. "I think it'8 really lowest bidder will be hired an arts complex. going to do a lot to bring between the middle of When asked how the cultural events to central West Virginia," he said. ',..e The Glenville Mercury Wednesday. November S. P I NI 0 N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I o GIU!.t Editorial:

o Coach Comes U~der Firb~eve o o 0 College coachel are like 10ling. Last weekend I 20·17 many witnellel to the indo public officials. They're paid 1011 to Welt Virginia Tech dent say there i. no merit to o (or elected, as the case may putthe Pioneen at 2· 7for the the charges. be) to perform a service. sealOn and 21·41·3 during That incident, along with In April of 1980, Frank Vincent's ltay. one Saturday which involved Vincent was hired to reacue Of those 21 wins, 12 came in Mr.. Vincent taking photo the Glenville State College a two·year span behind the graphs of Coach Vincent'. football program. Ilia back· exploits of AlI.Americans detracton (The Yank Frank ground .. a coach at Byron Brooke (1983) and u-ew), smacka of de.pera. Charielton High School Mike Payne (1984). Talent tion. Instead of helping included three consecutive has abounded over the yean matten, it'. only makinl state Oa. AAA champion. here, but haa much been them worse . • hips from 1968-70, and he done with it? lust like a politician a. had an overall record of 101· Many football gamel election time roll. around, I 7~ in 17 sealOns. It looked involving GSCteams fall into feel that it'. time for a a. if he was the man for the the same pattern. The change. Mr. Vincent may job. Pioneen come out of the have been right for Cbarle.. Vincent's seven·year locker room fired up, play ton High, but he's ju.t not tenure at GSC has been well and even grab a lead kosher for college coaching at marked bycontroveny,nega. here and there, only to find GSc. tive feelings among player. themselve. sitting on the lead And seven. yean has been and fans alike, ma.ive player in the lecond half and more than enough time to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d~e~fec~t~io~n~s~,~a~n~d~m~o~s~t~o~f~a~I~I~. watching in despair u the prove himself. :: opponent catches up and .------. Le tters notchel yet another victory. Letters to the Ed You could call it "Inatching Dear Editor, apace, if the "barricaden" probably thinking that defeat from the jaw. of vic. uld be 8igned and d Thi. letter i. addr'!lled to wish to leave, then why don't "Here I go again, getting on tory!" livered to the all the people who SJ ported they take the chance of the Itudent body for their The entire lituation hal Office a the u-o.. Country t ~ am this loosing their parking Ipace lack of attendance at been made me.ier recently year. Without your help and like everyone else? ballsamel here at GSc. " Well by IoAnn Vincent'l alleg. encourasement we could not If they feel the need to you're wrong. Thil time I'm ationl of aBlAult and battery have won the WVIAC Cross have a reserved parking pointing my comments to the againlt Randy Hunt, Country Otampionship this Ipace, let me remind them portion of the student body chairman of the GSC health pa.t Saturday at the that there il reserved faculty that complainl that there is and physical education Glenville Golf Course. Com· parking behind the Admin. nothing to do as to other department, following the millioner Reed commented iltration Building. entertainment and amuse· Oct. 18 game with Fairmont. that he had attended CrOSI ment here in Glenville. A hearing wu scheduled Country Championships Becky Langford AI a returning sraduate of earlier today in Gilmer I before but he wa. extremely GSC who Ipent four and a County magistrate court con· Confratulationl to the pleased to .ee the good half yean here in the early to cerning the Chargel,·It .. n ...... footba I team for an exciting mid seventiel, I can honeltly turnout of apectatora, well· same Saturday. There wu ..y from my put and present THE GLENVILLE MERCURY wi.hera and workera, who only one thinS that bothered helped orsaniu and conduct experience that there is Editor·in-Chief ...... Mahala Strauss me about Saturdays same ample amulement and Feature Editor ...... Lisa McHenry an outatandins meet. The and that wu the Pioneer. U-O. Country team will be entertainment pOllibilitiel Sports Editor ...... Jesse Skiles Since when is GSC'. maleot a in Glenville if you look for Copy Editor...... Lesa Hendershot headed to the national. in "hig sreen gumby"? And them. That i. the key. You Photographic Editor ...... SCOtt Kitchen Wileonain in two weeka. I when did "Stick it to 'em'" Photographer ...... Kris RogIrI have to look for it, put out would again like to thank and "have the big 'O"'become Cartoonist ...... Craig Drennen everyone who waa invol'red lOme effort, get off your dead acceptable cheen to yell at Advertising Manager ...... Bill Church rear end. in order to find with u. thi. sealOn. I allO the crowd? I thought the Headline Technician ...... G .... S...... hope that thi. enthuaiaam amU8elDent in whateyer free Pioneer wu .uppoaed to R8JX)rt:ar"s •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .III:Il 1M will carry over into track and time you ba're here, either repreaent the achool in an ..... aug. the new year. the week or if you TypiS'b ...... acceptable and poati're way, thro..... ltay here in G1enrille on c.n.I.. T.. _. not yell .bady and irrele'rant Loa Geary weekend •. cheera at the crowd. Mr. Circulation MMager...... :: .. I come from a amaIl town, Editor Enwitus ...... ::::::::=::::::::==~=:J1 Panona, our colon are blue Advisor ...... ,...... ,...... _ .._'- ... Dear Editor, Sutton W.Va., whieh i. Reserved Parking by the and white, not green and our .imilar, though .lightly ma_t it the PiODee!', not a Physical Education Building! amaller than G1enrille. I Supposedly there i. no luch gumby. U you can't keep it know that many of you allO thins on Cllnpu., but .trailht, turn in your come from .mall tOW118 and I muakeL recently .. you driore through nali. that lOme of you are campua you see yellow barrio cont. on p •• cadea which are left by Dear Editor, faculty to reserve parking n.i. i. the fiDal letter in Deadline fot all material i. place. while they run an the _ria I .tarted a f_ nday at -. Material errand or go home for IUDCh. week. lIfO to the atudent urned in after thy deadli_ Both atuclenll and faculty body of GSC concerning the '11 be pubWhed at the equally pay IS.OO to park on apparant apathy here on iEretion of the editorial campua, not a reeerored place. call1l'''', Now I'm wiI1ing to f. With the limited parking bet that a few of you are

t.!\e Glenville Mercury Wednesday, November 5,1986 Pioneer 2nd Half Rally Falls Short, 20-17 by Jesse Skiles up another Wharton·to·West Glenville's football squad turned in a valiant effort touchdown connection, this againet Weet Virginia Tech time from seven yards out. Saturday, but came up ehort Szklennik's conversion made 20-17, The Pioneers very it 20·17. Unfortunately, the nearly pulled off their Pioneers were unable to eecond consecutive upset but mount another threat. the 6-3 Golden Bears pre. Stati.tically, the Pioneers vailed, received some fine indivi· Tech puehed to a 14-0 dual performancee. Gordon halftime lead, but the Stevene was once again the Pioneers mounted a seriOUB leading ballcarrier collecting second half charge. It all 49 yarde on 12 carries. Chuck began at 12:37 of the third Wharton was six out of quarter when Chuck twenty through the air for 71 Wharton found William yards and two touchdowns. Weet for a 10.yard touch. William West had three down pan. This cut the Tech receptions for 28 yards and lead to 1~7. was on the receiving end of Mter a Tech field goal both Wharton TD tosses. made it 17·7, nationally lUiidy Rhoade. had an excel· ranked kick returner Eric lent day punting, putting the photo by Scott Kitchen Mitchell entered center ball into the Glenville sky to Pioneer Eric MitcheU electrified the crowd with this 76 . yard kickoff return. etage. Mit~hell took the Tech the tune of 40.6 yards a boot. kickoff and returned it 46 Defensively, it was the yards to put the Pioneers into Layhew brothers who led the Golden Bear territory. Six way in tackles. Todd and Toney Enjoying Solid Year plays later, Mark Szklennik Donn both had 15. Bill Dunn, Bubba Hill, Luther drilled home a 37.yard field by Jesse Skiles Glenville defensive success." Toney, and Eric Mitchell all goal to make the margin 17. Their (defensive line) pene· reached double figures. Bill For Pioneer linebacker 10. Luther Toney, 1985 was a Boyles intercepted two tration frees Todd and I up Another Tech field goal rude awakening into college paese., and the amazing Eric for a lot of tackle.. It allO made it 20·10 at 9:18 of the football. At Midland Trail Mitchell had three kickoff doel a lot to help our pall fourth quarter. Again, Eric High School, Luther was a returns for 122 yard •. coverage," Toney eaid. Hie Mitchell came through in the clall AA A11·State Defensive 4.9 epeed il allO a plue when it Glenville will be idle this clutch for the Pioneers. He End. When he entered GSC comel to paee coverage. week, and will finish the grabbed the eneuing kick on though, he was moved to line· sealOn on November 15 at Toney foreeee. another hie own lix and rambled 76 backer and he admite that it Itrong unit next eeason. yard. to the Tech 22. Thie set Waynesburg (PA). was a tough adjustment. Luther stated, "Donn "When I began at line· Layhew and John Lipecomb backer it wae like etarting will be lOme tough ehoee to from Icratch ... the read. are fill, but we will have all of our Nine-Game Grid Stats totally different," Toney other Itarters back. Ae far al RUSHING LEADERS ATT. YDS. AVG. eaid. the Iinebacking corpe goee, it Gordon Stevens 129 352 2.7 A. a result, he eaye that he seems that Todd and I keep Andy Pfefferkorn 69 219 3.2 "really took a beating" in a working better together. Gary Holmes 56 168 3.0 few games. Toney eay. that Scott Demaline hae allo Coach Paul Harnee really Luther Toney PASSING LEADERS COMP·ATT % YDS. TO INT developed very well. He ie Chuck Wharton 47·124 38% 510 2 16 made a difference in his now accustomed to the definitely a lot better now Mitch Pantak 24-66 36% 278 1 7 sealOn. "Coach Harnee really position and is playing with than I wae laet year." kept on my case last year. He confidence. Toney ie allO Luther hal made it a long RECEIVING LEADERS NO. YDS AVG. TO eaw to it that I kept my head very pleased with the way way though, and perhape he William West 11 124 Jason Campbell 11.3 2 up and kept working," the that the Pioneer defeneive ie just beginning to unleaeh 10 152 15.2 0 IOphomore added. Jeff Evans 10 101 10.1 1 unit has developed thie hi. potential. With another Lonnie HOSbt 8 123 15.4 0 Thie sealOn hae been a lealOn. He cites "good pene· year of experience almolt Andy Pfeffer orn 8 58 7.2 0 totally different experience tration from the defensive behind him, next year could for Toney. He eay. that he ie line al the key to the be awelome for the young INTERCEPTION LEADERS NO. YDS. AVG. Bill Dunn 4 55 13.7 man from Aneted. Luther Bill Boyles 4 40 10.0 SCORING and Todd Layhew may very Eric Mitchell 2 8 4.0 Andy Pfefferkorn 18 well be forming a "Captain Mark Szklennik 15 Death" line backing duo, PUNTING NO. YDS. AVG. William West 12 Randy Rhoades 22 786 35.7 killing any .coring threat that comee their way. Bill Dunn 40 1305 32.6 TACKLE LEADERS T A TOT Todd Layhew 53 63 116 KICKOFF RETURN LEADERS NO. YDS. AVG. Bill Dunn 50 48 98 THE TONEY TAB Eric Mitchell 17 509 29.9 Donn Layhew 39 49 88 Luther Toney Tracy Haught 5 83 16.6 John Lifccomb 43 39 82 Sophomore, AnstedJ. WV Gary Holmes 7 86 12.3 Midland Trail H.~. Luther oney 39 40 79 HT . 6'0 WT· 215 Eric Mitchell 44 20 64 PUNT RETURNS NO. YDS. AVG. Laurence Colley 42 21 63 TACKLES Eric Mitchell 13 136 T A TOT 10.4 Bill Boyles 34 26 60 26 32 58 Tracy Haught 4 39 9.7 Bubba HilJ 36 21 57 1985 Todd Sabin 8 66 Aaron Woodholt';e 1986 39 40 79 8.3 32 14 46 TOT 65 72 137 Wed.needay. November S. 1986 The Glenville Mercury Pag!! S Jesse's Place Conley Closes Career Thil h the toughest la,t year here. I have done a and i, alwaYI upset that my by Jesse Skiles column I have ever had to feature on a different entire Sunday, and Mondays That fall Ihe went out for Thil weekend the Glen· write. Yel I "have" to write Pioneer each week, and I (which ulually includes a ville volleyball team will be volleyball even though she it, beeauae I limply can't let always include photos and Sunday all.nighter) are participating in the West had never played in high myaelf go through life as a statilticl. Weekly stats and devoted to publicizing Virginia Conference Tourna· .chool (Chapmanville did not puppet. to be Itepped on by weekly features have not football and not spent with ment. It will mark the end of have a program). Myrtle saYI thoae who chooae to do 10. been done before in the her. Coach Vincent's words that she went out becauee Ihe a fine athletic career for I'm lick of getting crapped Mercury in the Frank hurt her .. well. limply wanted to try the Pioneer senior Myrtle on. 10 jUit like the Ancient Vincent era. The Lord says we should aport and had enjoyed intra. Conley. Mariner. I mult tell my tale. Even though the Pioneer forgive, and I am trying. I mural volleyball in high Myrtle has been one of the To bepn with, I feel very gridden are 4-14 lince I can still say that I feel sorry .chool. Coach Chico hal top performers for Kay lOrry for the Vincent family. aSlumed duties al Sporta for the Vince'nt family and I Otico', squad ever since benefitted greatly from her right now. It is sad when you Editor, I have continued to wish them the best. When. decilion to playas Myrtle hal coming to Glenville. That tOnuder that Coach Vincent give them five column head· ever I have dropped been a conliltent performer was back in 1983 when she ar. il ltill a hUiband al well as a linel and most always a near materials off at the Vincent over the yearl. rived as a Lady Pioneer father. and hilloved onelare of coverage. Why? house or just called, Mn. A. her career windl down. basketball recruit. She says allO made to luffer from the Becauee Frank Vincent is my Vincent has been very warm Myrtle is hoping to go out that she chose Glenville many llinp and arrows that friend and I want to help the and cordial. Whenever I see with a strong performance. becaule of "the excellent are being thrown. program. I also love GSc. his daughter Jenny Vincent, She lays that her goal lor Physical Education and Thil il not a Itory about and care about the devoted she alwaYI Ipeaks and is this weekend is for the team Teachers Education programs football, but a Itory about football players who work so warm and friendly. She il to hustle and make a good offered." She is studying to friendlhip. For four yean I hard. truly a fine young lady. appear«nce at the tourna. be a PE teacher. can honeltly say that I have A. the community hal A. for Frank Vincent ... he ment. been a loyal friend to Mr. voiced negative feelings with is still my friend. Unfortun. Even though she will not Vincent. A. Sports Informa· the program, I have never ately though, he is a friend be a part of the program next tion Director we had a fine touched upon this. You see, who is stabbing me in the sealon, Myrtle says that relationlhip; in my two years Coach Vincent is my friend back ... with a sharpened things are looking up for the al SID, the football team gave and I care about him. I really dagger and twisting it with team. "This team has much me a lot to publicize. They have leen no need to mention each deadly thrust. As I look more talent than our record were 12·5·1, and Coach his record or succumb to the over my back, I have one shows, we are just 10 young Vincent thanked me for requests (IOmetimes begl) of request for my ltabbing and inexperienced" Conley helping him out. I even went people wanting me to trash friend. That is for him to toss said. She noted that this on a eeouting trip for him him in my column. He hal aside the dagger, from which lealOn of experience will be once. In thoee two yean we been fair to me, so I have the muscle tiuue from my valuable for the 1987 team. had one run in... he showed been fair to him. back hangs and my blood Next year's squad prob. me up pretty bad yelling at Then came Saturday. It dripi for jUlt one moment... ably will be an improved me in front of a few people at was one of the biggest days in and look me in the eye and bunch. Still, Coach Chico i, a GSC balketball game. It my life as my team captured say that I haven't been a loyal faced .with the tough task of was over getting lOme infoI" the title and thoughts of friend. replacing Myrtle Conley, a mation for lOme recruits, but Wisconsin danced in my I still key performer and a hard he apologi&ed to me the next head. After the game a care about you Coach. Myrtle Conley worker. day when he learned that it potent bomb was dropped on Drop the knife ... Pleaee. was not . my fault. Even my happinell. As I droped Your Friend Volleyball though I w.. hurt at getting the game stats off to Coach Team Prepare. ahown up, I accepted his Vincent, I told him that I w.. Je~ee F. Skiles Sports Editor For Conference Tournament apology because after all, he proud of the team's effort by Jesse Skiles il my friend. and expreleed to him disap. Coach Kay Chico's was followed by a two·game Before the 1984 eealOn, pointment over the fact that Glenville State Volleyball defeat at the hands of Coach Vincent sufkred a the Gaz;ette gave hil victory Cage 'Scrimmage team will wind up their 1986 Alderson.Broaddus, 15·1, 15- heart attack. I have been over Concord 10 little cover. by Steve Keenan lealOn this weekend at the 8. sympathetic to Coach and his age. Hil reply to this w.. "It This Saturday, Nov. 8, the WVIAC volleyball tourna· This week the team will condition ever since. This w.. a helluva lot more than GSC men's balketball team ment. Thi, lealon h .. engage in a tri·match on one really hite home lince my the Glenville Mercury gives will participate in itl eecond marked the return of Wednesday and it Ihould future father·in·law luffered UI'" full·acale scrimmage in prep· volleyball to the GSC ieI've as a warm·up lor the three heart attackl to go I gave Coach Whittaker a aration for the upcoming campus. conference tournament. along with hil four AAA,tate quick glance of dimelief. I cage campaign. Gary Last week, the team Thi, will be against West wreltling championshipl. didn't want him to aee how Nottingham'. Pioneers will dropped two in a tri·match at Virginia Weeleyan and Thil condition, plul the much Coach Vincent had hOlt St. Vincent College (PA) Salem. They opened play AJderlOn·Broaddul. Confer· preNure of coaching forced hurt me. Coach Vincent then at 2:30 p.m. in the gymna. again.t the host Salem team ence tournament action will him to retire in 1985. I am I lium. proceeded to ecture me by bowing 15-7, 15-5. This open Friday for Glenville. aware that Coach Vincent is about members of the Track Last Friday, the Pioneers putting in long hard houri, team traahing him from the hosted Point Park (PA) in a and all of thil extra-curric· ltandl. I wal in the prell box .crimmage with four 20- Hoffman Sets Records ular Itre.. bal cauaed me to d . th The ,.-te minute halve I. Coach urlDg e game. .. . aerioUily worry about bim. ment about the Mercury Nottingham wal particularly by J esse Skiles AI SpOrtl Editor, I have though, was one of the pleaeed that hil gUYI played La.t weekend, GSC execute the lift. two week~ worked hard to get more harden hitl below the belt I together well .. a unit. frelhman Amy Hoffman ago. She used bel' strong 134 football coverage. Before have ever taken. Senior co-captains Matt entered her fint powerlift. pound frame to squat 303 thil sealOn my Editor Mahala I left the Coach visibly Bullett and Rudy Watts are ing meet and came away with poundl and dead lift 347. StraulI said, "Jelse you are shaken. I related the inci. the top returners for two state record •. The meet Hoffman who il a member the sports man. Any time you dent to my waiting fiancee Nottingham's 8quad, which was the Mountaineer Open of the Pioneer volleyball and want three pages ... take who was cru8hed by the news. went 17-141a8t 8ea80n. Look held in Mineral Wells. track teams will compete in them." With thi8 vote of She help8 me a great deal for a full previe.w of the 1986- Amy set records in the tbe national powerlifting confidence, I decided to give 87 8 uad in next week'8 8quat and dead lift even champio~shiys in San paae 6 The Glenville Mercury Wednesday, November 5,1986 Creasey at PCC

by Steve Keenan Steve Crea8ey was hired a8 a visiting ani8tant professor at the Parkersburg Center of Glenville State College in Augu8t. Thi8 fall the 38-year-old Creasey i8 teaching education 311 and 312, while in the 8pring term he will teach math methods. The bulk of Crea8ey'8 job entail8 supervi8ing 8tudent teachers, though. He works with the countie8 in the PCC area, particularly Wood County, in term8 of placement for the 8tudent teacherl. Crea8ey, who live8 in Parkersburg with hi8 wife, Al80, he has taught in Stephanie, and two children, Nicholal and Monongalia Jason, 10, and Leah, 6, County Ichool8. received hi8 bachelor'l "I like thil job 80 far," said A portion of the "Thieves' Carnival" cast is shown in full character. Pictured are: (standing L to R) John degree in elementary Crea8ey. "The 8tudent Curran, Kelly Haynes, Lisa McHenry, Kevin Evans, (sitting L to R) Linda Schick, and Tinya Harl. education from GSC in 1976. teachers are high quality photo by Scott Kitchen He did m08t of hi8 people, and the 8chool Theatre Production in Progress undergraduate work at 8Y8tem8 have been real Indiana University. From cooperative... GSc, he attended WVU, by Lisa McHenry "There is a projected where he obtained hi8 who would like to offer their After a certain amount of teacher Ihortage in the ma8ter' 8 in ed uca tional All aspecte of production services is welcome to come man-hours, one can receive 1990'1, but we're seeing an psychology in 1984. Crealey's are well underway for GSC's to the auditorium or see an hour of credit. increase in the number of currently doing re8earch in Thie~.' Carnival. Rehears­ Dennis Wemm in the The 8how will open students," he added. "Plus, educational problem8 and als are echeduled through Language Divi8ion. Wednesday, November 12 at salarie8 are improving, al i8 Ihould obtain hi8 doctorate until opening night, and Anyone who can paint, 8:00 p.m. and run each night the education system in thi8 8pring. technicians are working six hammer, saw, 8taple, etc. i8 thru Friday, November 14. general." houn a day on set. Anyone urged to come and work. While at graduate school, "It'8 a good time for Creasey taught 80me and students to come into 8upervised 8tudent teacher8. education." • Next summer may seem must be filed by January. $500 In Fire Damage dietant at this time of the Additional information will year, but etudente who will by Jack Hill be arriving throughout the be seeking .ummer employ­ semester and Itudents are A fire occured late ment need to begin planning encouraged to stop by the Thunday night in the girl8' now. The 8ummer job8 Placement Office in the section of Pickens Hall, notebook in the Office of Pioneer Center and take resulting in the evacuation of Career Planning and advantage of thele opportu­ all resident I. Placement il beginning to nities. The fire broke out about fill, and some a lication8 10:45 p.m. in 405 Scott when a candle placed in a jack-o'­ OFF-CENTER lantern burned through the 8tem, catching the room8' curtainl on fire. Since the re8ident had left her room and locked the door, the male Itaff of Picken8 Hall had to break into the room through the window to put out the flames. According to Jim Shaver and Laura Nauman, House Directors, approximately three-fourthl of the Pickens staff and Glenn Johnson from Louie Bennett showed up to fight the fire, which reeulted in $500 worth of damage to the room and a relocation for the young lady living in it.

photo by Scott Kitchen CO ...... ode Bo.' i, on ba,,1e wlaicla _ ..ded GSC Parlei... SiIaCe we (,.. r ..ulr 01 Iuwi.. laO nureeley., 71' ..... For ,lao.. GJIO,"r FYl.4C e ...... pion. coUep) atlen', '"I''''''' 10 lro. ,.. ,rar, 01 eeIaooI 0/ you tMo don', IellOtlJ. die ",,,,,rop"y. W.ylOpCruM build • p.rlein. ..r•• e nanlceJiw..... day 0// Conunode Bowl pi,. l.G ...btJ. Crewl 04110. COIIf"I,.,.,iou Co..,.,. .... co ... up iii,.. rer tI10uld a.. A"".. epiIu' ,"e TKEin 10 ,.. GIenWlle loo,bel' ...... 'lIfPI,iou ,Iae,,,.;p, ,.. Jo...... U"Ie • /00""" co.,.". Every. res...... pu, up • .,.., Ie .... , .. pain 01 parleu.. in bearsble. 'lJae idea U body U iIIwted 10 _ada ,.. e/lorl Sa,urday. llerrer 'ucle ,.. im.... diare lu,ure. n... bei.. dilcuued...... ill , ...... Ice ., Feynabu...... 'io... ., .0 '0 ,.. A ...rde lor diU _Ie; 1'04. Fe eupporl you. B .. ildin. ..d Grou.d, Della I.sf. KCUF·Alu.. Nielaola. AH· We ...MId lilee 10"'" ,.. Co""";"...A..,.eddi,iOIII_ n. Xi a..", B.bby ",e,..",b'... •••, •• aD'. 1_ • "..., ...... r ad odi.r ...... u be rile Del,. Zere Sorority __ ...,.,..,.,.,.. We ...... "preeiPred. 'lJae ...... en iII/o""'" .....,.._ • , p ....-SjrNiIIeI De.. ,. po".·lto"" III."•• ".,NO- Cltcrlie ...... " • .,..., dine. (etJeIa i/ ",...,. .,. "loUowe: - ember W ••, ,.. Debe ...... in Pio.... r JeyDII...... IIerrydid'" .. ell under 1) Cu,," ,lie '10 ad 15 · Ho.... . c..IPr "b' Unio... rile reble/). /'.e, i. ..•• /. po"ib'y 'lJae ...Ie 0/ Oerober ..... If... U .• 1' ..... 011 ...... ,.,.. To our ",.,.... ,...... ber be,.... Iaou,.. 01 10 .... Z...... b_ lie ...Ie. 'I' : ,...... ill Pic...... , U j ..., .round ,.. ".,.....,. 1 or Z p ...._ due 10 . fltJeni"6 ., , ...... ,ryi­ n. ",.,.,.. .w be ...... """"""y • ...... "...... ,. Nov. 5 GOrII8I". ,.. uere.e ruM duru.. iii' ee...... y ,.. /oIJJ.-iij ...... ,.. AI.... ",...... ".... reeeitlfJd a ,..,...... c..,.,. ., 5:lO ill die Underpvund. And I....",.. ,.. ConuIIode .... tIJiII be MU Z) "' and '5/_,. i/ paid D.itlra Burro_.m.rr"ya or ... ".. your ,...reriPI reedy. n..,...,.., ...... 01/-. 1:00 1' ..... PI PiofNer S.... i ...... Z4 Iaou,... be cu' in Sui,o•• A ... See you ' ....Obimp ...... tIIi"" M.a.. ~ - ,..,.,.. LETS GO TKE:SI! ....1. limUora. Am.. ae... J1I ....1OI OWl •• J) Do ...,. .,.. parleu.. Miller. Kina T_ .."". E"..,.,. CIY., PIli ....._~IIiP,.1O permi,. acep' lor Iscully S,.'•• leer. Li...... FfJN: n.lore Omep eIsap'er 0/ n. A'",.. lora Clulprer 0/ Ne. SlId aU 10" be opera. Me'ody Me'ro,e • ~ TKE ..Id • /0""'" .....,u.. a.i Be, Pfd ...., in ,peda' ...... 4)Do • ..,. .'" ...... bu, Mo.u·/en.i/er ... October .2'OIA 10 ilai,iere ....ion on FedrteMJey. Oc,· I..... CIY ..41,.,.. ieeeI' ,lie Ii ...,. Tere,. Kno.',olll':!I.e'rrt ,...... , ...... ber 0/ ,.. ober Z9. 19" 1" •• n.. "-.... CI&i 04.1'''' '0 5) A, lund, beco... e Burlee. Ord.r 0/ Di.... S"elly ....mber ... '" dritle. n. Frse- ...... Qspter ..", purcll.,e Ora Wed ...eday. ,"ir Con,ra,uIa,iOIII emi'y ...... nyo... in .v.U.b'. '0" .....,...... 0 .. Suncl.,-in Sue...... 'a' _jacen, eo , .. 1_ e"e Seere, SUlly be,rer"re ,lien raewr. .r', ZP,". "'1CieIIce relared/ielde tIJIao ples end .... /or parleu.. cerenao.y eopped all ... "-'-7 F..... 'ioII...... 10 bec...... ber co ... I.,.. -dnp will be Fe tIJOuid ."0 lilee '0 ploca. eseirin. weele 01 welcome our ...... , pledp 10 .uend • ",",u.. ., 7:15 ..", .. , 1'.... • nd 6:45 1' ..... Plea.. leeep in ...ind 'a' ,pooley. ICGry. .nd U.IIII_MII Milee Bowen. 1' ..... on OclOber lZ. 1986 in ...... ,. ill ,.. Ad Build- e.... • re on'y ,uge,eiou A ...... We...... 1eI n..1c, 10 _"..... tIJIao room 301 Science H.U. See cr ...... All ....naber' ...." 10 be ...., .re bei.. made .nd laO' etJem,.. MtJera' Dr, pure""'" c, ... , .. you ,..,.// p. ,,.., .... ptlen • ...,. .,'ee'. ou, c.ndy '0 A new co ...... ieree .... been ,...... Sa,urday. wI"c" .., up eo intle,eit's,e , ...... ",. BriIIII Hipp. "..."u;,y oJ ...... rwdio ...... " ere ,...... -.r , .,_ ... camp... . - v Wednesday. November S. 1986 Reverently Speaking Tedford Gives Paper Dr. Barbara Tedford, meet took place at JacklOn'e profeuor of English, Mill at the Lodge. Jack Mu('h of human communi· from the lipe of Pontius Pilate il remembered as the delivered a paper entitled Harris of Weet Liberty State cation i. bued on que.tion •. Pilate, an up.and-coming man who washed hil hands of "Solving Crimee and College eervee ae preeident of Among the dozenl you hear politician who WAI sent by Christ by abandoning him to Teaching Englieh: Kate the organization. are: "What time do we eat?" authoritiee in Rome to be mob fury. That action, in Faneler" at the Fall Confer· Attending from Glenville "Where do you want to go governor of Palestine. He itself, wae a choice. Over the ence of West Virginia AslOci· State were: Mr. Wayne Friday?" "When ie the next wae in his chambers one day centuries, Pilate's question ation of College Englieh De Ronett, Mre. Yvonne King home game?" and "Do you when a crowd of Jewl has also not been forgotten. Teachers on Nov. 1. and Dr. Tedford. need a lift?" .tormed in and demanded It still rings today. You, too, The two-day semi-annual Some of the Bible'e most the execution of JesUi. Pilate must decide what you will do notable pall8gel are ques· had heard about Christ-the with Christ. As Christians, Organizations cont. from p. 7;;;;;; tions. The fint recorded miraclel and the bizarre we face that choice every day Cathy Smith-Birthday Sigma floor. Tracy would que.tion occurred when the claime of being God's only in how we respond to other Chairman. like to thank aU tho.e who serpent in the Garden of son. So he spent a few min· people, circumstances, and We urge others to join and participated in the trick·or· Eden railed a doubt in utes questioning Jesul about temptation. You know celebrate spreading happi. treat candy .ale. She would Eve'e mind by Alking "Did some of these things and Christ can't be ignored. But ness to lonely .enior citizens. al.o like to give .pecial God really say, you muet not quickly determined that he will you abandon Him? If any question. please thank. to all the .i.ten who eat from any tree in the had committed no capital Follow Him? Recrucify contact Pri,cilla Ro,e­ helped out. Tho.e who have garden?" Other key ques· offenle. He did not know Him? You've got Christ on Pre,ident or Rev. Karen reporu due, pleate get them tion. include: "Will a man what to do, so he asked the your hands. What will yu do Frank. in on time. rob God?" "Who do people mass of people, "What shall I with Him? Our award. thil week are: Sigma Sigma Sigma say the son of man is?" "What do with Jesus who is called BCM welcomes you to our Cultured Pearl· Vickie and good thing muet I do to get Christ?" Their predeter. Bible study Thursday The Delta Alpha chapter of Laura. Sigma Sweetheart· eternal life?" mined response: "Crucify evenings at 8:00. We meet in the Sigma Sigma Sigma Sor. Mike Bohan, Darrell Forren, But one of the Bible's most him!" the Annex of the First ority held their regular Lila Miller, Connie Adam., memorable queetionl came After some 2000 years, Baptist Church of Glenville. meeting Thur,., Oct. 30 on Tammy Maynor. Sit of the Week.Laura, Debbie Tice, Lurene Ellyson, and G.c. letters Happy Birthday, Mary Beth! cont. from pg. 2 We would like to wi.h the Stackman, has offered from larger town. and citiel. walking up and down the walk-a·thon and a twister Football Team and the Cro.. several activities this Thole of you who are from hill. contest is coming up. Country Team good luck semeeter on weekends and at email town. will have an Try these ideas I've just Most of these have not next weekend! We're behind eAlier time of adju.ting to given you. Your years here very affordable prices. We been a success, but we are you all the way, guy.! life in a .mall college town, will be greatly enhanced for have offered several trips to going to keep on trying. Just but those of you who are the better. Remember this, concerts; among these have remember that there are a from larger populated areal and I say this from my past been the Moody Blues, the few things to do around here. may allO find my ideas here: You only get out of Fin, Chicago, Peter Gabriel, jeese Skiles Glenville helpful in making your Itay your college experience what and in the next few weeks Preeiden.. P. C. P. B. Dry Cleaners here at Glenville a. pleasant you put into it. H you put a Journey, and the Monkees. al my original .tay here WAI lot into it, you'll get alot We have also offered a to me. back. Believe me, I know. variety of other activities My ,uggeltion. are: 1) Look such as a fishing tournament, Pressing at the bulletin board. that Wi,hing all of you the beet long-distance mall trips, and For Rent Cleaning & are located throughout the years of your livee, a pep rally. We also Alterations campue. Many eventt that Daniel Williame conducted a cystic fibrosis may interelt you, either Dear Editor, Two·Bedroom Trailer mo\·ie. in the auditorium. Partially Furni.hed, Over the past few weeks In .alley between T&L production. put on by the Walking di.tance of town, there have been letters Homeworkers Hot Dogs and Old Ben Drama Department, concerti, $160.00 month, including referring to the fact there is Wanted Franklin store either here or at ~' VU or not a great deal to do here in water and .ewage. Olarle.ton (though lOme· Glenville, particularly on Phone: 462·8711 time. you may have to weekends. Thi' il somewhat Top Pay provide your own tranlporta. diltrelling when one Work at Home tion), dan('es in the ballroom considers what all has been and other e\'ents are usually offered thil semester by the Call Cottage Indwtrie. pOlted on the board •. Pioneer Center Programming (405) 360·4062 2)Read the Mercury every Board. Sadettres LTD./i~ week. Man} of the same type Our group, with the fine of e\ent. lilted previously leadership of our advisor Bill Will Be Hosting A '~1 and othen are allO listed in our ('ampus new.paper. Commode Bowl 3) Take the time to go downtown and walk around BRIDGETTS Post-Game Party greater downtown Glenyille OPE."'i: Frida,," till 7 p .•. Come Celebrate With Us and mingle with the people of the general populace of New Fall Colors After The Game this town. Otance8 are you Cover Charge & I.D. may make eome new and SWEATS: Jumpsuits, Longshirts & Stirrups luting friendships. If Under 21 Welcome Thur8day nothing el e, you will get 101 W. Main St.· Glenville, WV 26351· (304) 462·7098 much needed exercise from Foodland Plaza