May 23, 1974 Daughters of Flint Were Parents

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May 23, 1974 Daughters of Flint Were Parents 1 Clinton County News / , Vol.52 May 23,1974 ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN 48879 20 Pages Reappraisal gets green light from county They asked for-and received-input from day's conference, however. By Linda Heybocr the supervisors present. "They are reasonable people (at the tax ' County News Writer , Henning' said the question was whether commission)," he said. other counties in the area were equalized as Clinton County commissioners gave the well. He pointed to figures showing that real REFER FUNDING REQUEST green light Tuesday for county-wide property valuation in the county, according The board referred to its health com­ reappraisal of real property-but they left to the state, increased by 61 percent between mittee a funding request from the Capitol themselves an escape clause. 1971 and 1974. Area Comprehensive Health Planning The controversial proposal could even­ t By comparison, he noted, of 5 surrounding Association (CACHPA), a non-profit cor­ tually be dropped if assessment bids turn counties during the same time period, 4 poration aiming at developing a regional out lo be much higher than the $250,000 valuations stayed the same and 1 increased health plan for Clinton, Eaton and Ingham tertatively budgeted for the 1975-76 project. by 33 percent. •'counties. , It was a 6-5 vote, with commissioners Olive township suerpvisor Earl Barks said Bud Burgess, a Clinton County Chamberlain, Hawks, Henning, Martin, he was afraid the county's protest would not representative on the association's 4B- Overway and Shinaberry supporting the do much good for residents but would hurt member board of directors, said citizen motion and commissioners Gilson, Gove, surrounding counties by raising their participation in the group had been hurt Hugnargel, Reed and Zeeb opposing it. valuations. because of lack of offical support from the Supporter Duane Chamberlain said he Bath township supervisor Roy Van Sickle county board. regretted the* expense involved in the agreed, but added protest was "the only project but pointed out most of the township game in town." However, association director Irving -.-4 >V %&**'% supervisors said at a recent board meeting Most of the township officials seemed to Taylor affirmed that moral support was not that it is overdue. favor Van Sickle's reasoning, many of them all the group had in mind. Stressing the "We want to equalize all the townships," •4 * _ declaring the factor was unnecessary and increasing importance of community •*'*»-* he explained. "With 18 different assessors unfair. participation in regional health care plans, you get 18 different appraisals." The rains came last week, but these boys didn't mind as they put the high water to Dale Emerson, DeWitt township super­ he said the group was requesting an ap­ Other supporters said the county-wide visor, predicted the orotest would be inef­ propriation based on 10 cents per capita, or in the back yard of their Gifes St home. High water made it possible to navigate the plan would take some of the pressure off $5,200 for a fiscal year. foot fishing boat with plenty of neighborhood passengers. fective and said the county should start individual assessors and probably was the appeal proceedings instead. But Thelen The association, which includes con­ most equitable solution. pointed out state courts have consistently sumers, business people and government But Commr Don Gilson wasn't so sure. upheld the tax commission's equalization officials as well as professionals, receives 40 "I'm not convinced this is the real answer to power, leaving counties with no real legal percent of its budget from local Skies clear and Joe Weber the problem," he said. recourse. organizations and 60 percent from the Gilson said a better solution might be to Shinabery Was optimistic about Thurs­ federal government. expand the county equalization staff so it could do a more thorough job. He also noted that the state could still apply a factor after rolls to Derby win Ihe county spent "all that money" on reassessment. ST JOHNS - After a month of rain, the Bruin, Jeff Brown, Alan Nelson, Dennis Best designed .car was built by Glen A state-applied equalization factor hap­ skies cleared and 44 racers participated in Peterson, Tom Wassa, Keith Parsons and Gilbert and best constructed car by Mike pened lo be another major topic at m* tie toctftto-x fttnty the 1974 Clinton County Soapbox Derby won Leo Wierman. Moore. Tuesday's meeting, where board members by Westphalia's Joe Weber. were joined by supervisors from most of the He receives a $150 Savings Bond and the Services held for county's 10 townships. The county has been right }o compete in the National Derby in slapped with a tentative 10 percent factor > *?<vt tie 4fowp CK Akron. which it plans to protest Thursday in a meeting with the state tax commission. r t • Following are the 2d through 15th place Rev Fr Aloysius Miller • *' 'winners and their prizes: County equalization director Leon Thelen, 2d-Joe Hanses- $100 Savings Bond. WESTPHALIA - Funeral services for the board chairman Derrill Shinabery and 3d-Jim Klein- 10-speed Huffy bike. Rev Fr Aloysius H. Miller, 64, a longtime trustees Gilson and Dyle Henning Will take up the matter'with the tax commission. •( f 4th-T6"nt Wassa- Wrist watch Westphalia area priest, were held Wed; Hh-Bob Smith,- Kodak Pocket Instarnatic nesday in St Mary Catholic Church* 6lh--Alan Droste- Sony 3-band radio The Kev Fr Miller died Saturday in a 7uVHarry Todoscuik-- GE tape recorder Lansing nursing home following a long Second part of series qefihes millage necessity !fth--Bruce Hanses-Kodak Smile Saver illness. camera. He was born in Pewamo and ordained in results in unusually high enrollments in 9th-Craig Boling- Headphone radio. 1937 in Detroit. He served at St Mary Church Editors note: The following is the 2d of 4 the age of 25. And, although the St Johns articles explaining the millage situation in these grades, particularly in the Junior Schools made adjustments to conform, it Is 10th--Robby Gregory- Back pack here since 1948. He was active until his High. An additional two teachers will be llth-Peter Witteveen- Wilson baseball illness about 3 years ago. the St Johns School District. now apparent that three more teachers of necessary there next year to take care of the ' Special Education will be'needed for the glove. He also served parishes in Hudson, St increase in enrollment. For the same reason I2th--Brad Delo- fishing rod. Joseph, Mend on and Vicksburg. By Earl Lancaster coming year in order to satisfy the an additional teacher will be needed in the - requirements of the law. 13th--Terry Churches- Sleeping back. Surviving are a brother, the Rev Fr ^ St.iolins Superintendent High School program. or Schools In spite of these increases and additions, 14th-Barry Flowers- football. Martin P. Miller, assistant pastor at St Paul At the same time that the enrollments in 15th-Mary Kay Hanses- Basketball. Church, Owosso; six sisters, Sister the members of the Board of Education grades 5-9 are increasing, projections show believe that the present program can be The following were drawing winners of a Marianne of Kalamazoo, Sister Jeanette of After careful deliberation on all aspects of that there will be approximately 58 less Battle Creek, Mrs Edna Griffith of Pellston, financial and operational'problems for the maintained by the addition of 1 mill for (rip to Akron: children in grades Kindergarten through 4. 1 Miss Lillian Miller and Mrs Martha Boog of 1974-75 school year, the St Johns Board has operation. The increase.of the one mill will Since these children are spread throughout be off-set by the reduction of 1.2 .mill from- 11)74 AKItOX TRIP WINNERS Lansing and Mrs Rita Simon of Fowler. concluded that an additional mill in the district in 70 different classrooms, it will Petter Witteveen, Bruce Hanses, Bob Rosary services were held Monday and operational property tax is necessary to the 1973 Debt levy of 5 mills to 3.8 mills in be impossible to reduce the number of 1974. Smith, Robby Gregory, Craig Boling. Tuesday in the St Mary Church here. support the program for the coming year. rooms. Larry Brown, Eugene Price, Terri Arrangements were made by the Neller Accordingly, the board has resolved to ask TOTAL LEVY LOWER Barker, Wayne Kidd, Steve Van Note, Terry Funeral Home, Portland. the voters to approve 16.5 mills for one year MEETING STATE on the ballot in the annual election June lu. ' If the June 10 election for 16.5 mills is „, Churches., REQUIREMENTS Glenn Gilbert, Anna Stebbins, Mark Rev Fr Miller The 16.5mills in effect will be a renewal of successful, the total levy for schools in the St In 1971 the Michigan Legislature passed Johns district would be 28.3 mills. This the 15.5 mills in existence the past 2 years the "Mandatory Special Education Act" plus an additional mill. would be the lowest millage rate since 1969- .which went into effect the 1973-74 school 1970. The total rate for three years 1970 The additional mill is required mainly year. Generally, the Act requires each Ovid-Elsie High School because of the effects of inflation. The extra through 1972 was 29.5 mills. In 1973 it was school district to serve the needs of all reduced to 28.5 mills because of a reduction mill plus a State Aid increase of $1 per mill handicapped children from birth through per child will yield an additional $400,000 to in the debt levy from 6 mills to 5mills. the School District. names top 10 for 1974 Since the expenditures for the 1973-74 year They're tops at will total approximately $4,270,000, the $400,000 increase will be less than 10 percent Steno Office Education Charles Duane Green, age 18, over this year's expenditures.
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